Just because you love someone that does not have the same skin color as you do does NOT mean that you hate yourself. I'm Asian and I find all kinds of people attractive(black,white,asian,latin,whatever).It's not just looks alone.
it just shows that there is no real unity within the LGBT community. There is not only racism, but biphobia and transphobia, for example. I am not saying that this is the norm, but it exists and I find this discrimation against each other really sad - as if It wasn't bad enough to be discriminated against by straight people. It is abslutely impossible to become an open and accepting society if we treat each other this way.
Gay men intellectually understand they are all in the same boat and sentiments such as "we are family" etc. and yet they tend to physically objectify one another (which is somewhat normal as they are men first and gay second, so they are not that unlike hetero men who objectify women). Unfortunately, they also engage in a lot of catty criticism and judgments regarding one another in order to make themselves feel superior. It should come as no surprise that no matter how much superficial confidence or "alpha-male" or "butch" attitude a gay man projects he is never internally far from that wounded and insecure kid or young man who felt "different",was bullied, rejected, etc. Some gay men particularly enjoy bullying or laughing at other gay men when they are in packs where they can feel safer doing so; as such, they are actually re-creating the painful experiences when they were the gay targets of groups of other boys . It all stems from insecurity, a state that gay men have to come to terms with the best they can. I don't mean to suggest that heterosexuals are not insecure as well, but they grow up being told they are "normal" so they don't always have to deal with that level of insecurity. Most gay men would deny such insecurity out of pride. Asians get a lot of crap directed at them ; so do blacks; so do Latinos; and so do older men and HIV positive men, among others... The LGBTQ community has plenty of ISSUES. ; any gay person knows that... we are only human after all...
Kind of sad about it. I'm an Asian, and I like all types of races, white, black, Latino , Asian, whatever. As long as I feel right. I don't understand why it's so difficult. They said love is the most beautiful thing in the world, what's the different between love in same race and in different races?
The three guys had clearly been through a lot in life. They each had their own way of reacting, one got angry, one got sad and the other got shy but each seem to have been pushed pretty hard and it would have been a difficult subject to address. There has been research done that demonstrates we are attracted to the average face in our lives (if the seated asian guy had grown up surrounded by white faces he would be more likely to be attracted to white faces, this is perfectly reasonable).
its a very complicated topic i have to say, im gay asian , Duh ! but i luv all kind of people no matter u r white , asian , latino , black. i think each people should see pass the color race thing and start treat each person individualy
We as humans tend to generalize our experience so much it becomes almost impossible to treat each individual as they are. It's something we have to push through
Gay guys are far more likely to date other races. Sure, prejudices happen, but gays are much more open to interracial dating. Meanwhile, heterosexuals are often told to date their own race by their parents.
I live in the Seattle area which has a fast growing Asian population, and I noticed many Asian gay men are very insecure about themselves. I am Latino and have dated Asian men, and it was a turnoff that some of them have such self hatred being Asian. The "rice queens" who date them actually get upset when an Asian does not find them attractive. They really get upset when they see a gay Asian couple. Not all of them are like this but a huge percentage of them are. With the growing Asian population here, I have seen a lot more "sticky rice" couples. I know there are some Latinos who have skin color issues, but it is not unheard of to see gay Latino couples. Stop with all this self hatred! I find people from the darkest to lightest attractive.
as a person that is in a gay interracial relationship I can honestly say that no one has said anything to me and my partner like that and when we are in gay clubs we never get them evil stares. this is so over the top, is it staged? ps i have never head of a potato queen or sticky rice before lol
I miss watching Tyra talk show. I like her show because she did deal with real issues that are still relevant today. For example, of this interracial couple issues. I do understand both of gay Asian men were coming from and the issues about gay Asian men being rejected in the gay community. I don't really find any difficult on gay issues and interracial couple that people have problem and find it so complicated. I do understand the problems of it.
As tacky as this was, it does highlight the very complicated conflict between racial preference in dating (which is a legitimate thing) vs. actual self hatred and ingrained racism. How much they are related is an ongoing debate.
Good for you. To EACH is His OWN ! One Man's Meat is Another Man's Poison ! But I Like YELLOW ! I Like SLITTED EYES ! I Like My Own Kind ! YELLOW PEOPLE Basically - Don't Matter if They are MONGOLIAN or KOREAN or JAPANESE or CHINESE or TIBETAN or MANCHURIAN ! Just YELLOW for me ! I Hope that is OKAY ! The Only Thing I Find APPEALING + ALLURING about WHITE PEOPLE is Their INQUISITIVE MIND & CURIOUS MIND ! That is The ONLY THING I Like About them ! The REST - Not So Much ! I Like CIVILIZATIONS - And ASIA has So Many Good Ones - MESOPOTAMIA (IRAQ) + CHINA + INDIA - They are The OLDEST One in The WORLD besides EGYPT in NORTH AFRICA !
+Mile Hsiang Yang Lee Having pride in one self is sexy. Everyone has their own taste. I like both asians and euros, but I find more asians are my type. I am white and I don't hate my self just because I find some asian men good looking. I however did hate myself for liking men.
I think its stupid when people tell someone that they hate themselves or are racist just because they find a certain race attractive. I don't discrimination anyone, but it just so happens that I find native american people more attractive than other ethnicities. Its just a preference. I'm not saying I wouldn't fall in love with an African american or an Asian guy, its just that i think native americans are good looking. Simple. :)
TBH this made me question, am I attracted to Asians because I want to be Asian. But I don’t hate myself and I what’s wrong with finding other people attractive?
I'm product of a mix relationship, and I don't notice very many "weird looks" when I'm out with my parents in my area. And my boyfriend is Jewish and I don't notice many weird looks when I'm out with him, either. But perhaps it's different other places. I remember getting some strange comments when I went to the South and North Carolinas, Virginia, and Alabama with my parents...
To the question: WHy do you hate yourself? How is that related to a relationship? Love or relationships should be based on the soul-ground through which it is played-->transcending race, age and gender barriers. and it is not judged. and just because you are not dating a fellow asian means you hate asians. (no link??)
@tropicorn There is a difference between not knowing people of your own ethnicity and liking yourself. Not knowing is not knowing, not hating yourself.
@djmopa I feel the professor was addressing that kid's specific situation. Since he ONLY dated white guys. I HIGHLY doubt the professor literally meant every person who chooses to date someone outside their own ethnicity. But anyway, that kid was way out of line asking the guy on the couch why he hates himself...
I think that in general you see more mixed race couples among gays, because most people are not in love with themselves and aren't attracted to themselves. We need some variation and since that variation isn't gender it seems to manifest itself in race. I'm in an interracial gay relationship.
They touch on something kinda integral here. I just think they missed the point. It's not about if people can or can't love across ethnicities, it's that when you are a minority it's easy to not think of yourself as attractive and therefore not seek out people who look like you, but rather those that society represents as attractive. The couple here may love each-other very much, that doesn't mean that racism doesn't effect them or their relationship, neither does it negate their relationship
The guy in the audience i think should have asked the question differently, instead of assuming that he hates himself and asking him that i think it would have been more appropriate to ask him if that's how he felt. Just because someone has a preference, still it doesn't necessarily mean that the person hates him/herself. It just could simply mean that's what they find attractive.
@floralin; yeah, i didnt mean it litterally, i love being white ^^ its just another way of saying i think asians are gorgeous. i just love their skin color, their hair and almoust everything. i would never switch, though. i thought people got that :P
@TheNorsePagan oh and also to my widge you have to go on youtube and watch two things 1)Jimmy Chen (a gay Asian) on the Tyra Banks Show and 2) Jimmy Chen is "Out 4 Life" and u have to comment me how was those two videos for real. that is all
I’m a gay asian and I’m dating a black guy, NOT because I think black guys are hot, but because I find him attractive in his own ways. Jimmy’s life is his life, I really don’t care about his choices because they don’t affect me. I think it’s great that there are interracial relationships out there and that he’s proud to display it. But if you’re a person who raises an issue about identity yet are mutually exclusive about it, then it just wouldn’t make sense.
@muan725 what makes you think most Asians are straight? are u Asian? have u ever lived in Asia? do you have any Asian friend? have you made any research for that?
many people assume when someone is in an interracial relationship, that they hate their own race. Not so for me. I would date someone of any race. It's when you say I wont date __ race or my own race, when there is some racism involved. But I was lucky to grow up in a diverse area, and I was never brainwashed to hate or love one race. Though people tell me I have yellow fever due to who I married..Aren't we too old to pick a favorite color? So narrow minded.
I believe that “do you hate yourself” came up, because the underlying question is identity. It wouldn’t make sense to say that you embrace your own identity when you are exclusive about your sense of attractiveness that is based on identity. I believe true interracial relationships are formed based on characteristics, NOT because “I LOVE white boys”.
Asian community in the East Coast of America tend to be "white is right." Most Asian from the East Coast tend to date White or think White is better. I don't know why, Asian in the West Coast tend to date Asian since there is a large Asian population and culturally stronger Asian community. I love all races. I'm Asian and I like Native, African and Asian women... I don't limit myself... but man, I hate the stupid media.
@ixcreme I don't know, really. It could be that they unconciously identify with straight women because we share the desire to attract men (in a shallow way, of course. this isn't about gender identity). Or it could be that being a minority, there is some sort of comfort and a sense of belonging in the stereotype. The gay people I know don't really act like that, though.
Are "weird looks" always negative? I'm an Asian male, and my boyfriend is white. We often notice people looking and staring at us, but then many times they eventually come up and say, "You two look so cute together," so every time we get stared at, we just take it as a compliment that they can't help but to see how cute we are together. I don't think all "weird looks" are discrimination. Some might be positive.
not as rare as you would think...where I live(Sacramento) you see every type of interracial relationship...and it is rather common here...well interracial relationships are so common here that people don't even notice it that much so more( in this area)...
Why is there so much hatred ? Being gay and attracted to a certain type is no different than being straight and attract to a particular type (race, look, etc.). It is just a matter of preferences. Can we just let people be themselves and choose their own mates ? We should live in harmony and respect others' choices.
It makes me think sometimes, that if men and women acted and expressed themselves in the same manner, we would get along far better than we do right now.
Not Buddhism. In fact, I read somewhere that the (enter name of America's Buddhist "governing" body here) urged all of its followers to vote against Prop. 8 in Cali.
@kateyaya well said. I am white, my boyfriend is Filipino. It is our choice. Neither of us hates ourself, we just love each other. That's enough for both of us. If anyone finds the idea of inter-racial relationships uncomfortable, whether straight or gay, my answer is: IT'S OUR BUSINESS, NOT YOURS!!
and rice queen means guys who dig rices as rice is the main carb source of asian diet, and potato queen referring guys who dig caucasian guys is becuase potato is the main carbs source of caucasian diet, but i guess gays nowadays doesn't eat carbs anymore, hence he can't explain the etymology of "rice" and "potato"
@BroadwayKing15 i never said bisexuality doesnt exist. Ofc it does, but he didnt mention it. From what i understood he was once gay and turned str8. If he was bisexual my statement is still valid. He is bisexual and whatever help he thinks he got could not and did not change that.
I agree with Jimmy. I think we are attracted to what's around us when we grow up. Also, I think interracial attractions are completely logical in terms of achieving genetic diversity.
the meaning of rice and potato queen, and even sticky rice is way different in Australia.... I found it amusing when he started crying and getting all defensive... like geez count down from 10 or something!
I'm half Thai/American and I am so PROUD to be mixed and while my partner is American we sometimes get looks and everyonce in a while a little comment but they don't bother us because we see past our differences including our religious difference me buddhist him catholic and our 19 year age gap.
Shocking to hear a professor say why do you hate yourself? That wasn't right. They don't hate themselves, they just don't want to be with another asian. Everybody has their likes and dislikes. I am in the same relationship. I am white and my bf is asian. We been together over 3 and a half years now and are engaged. I didn't hear any of those comments but of course, don't go to bars and such. Even at pride never heard that, but have heard the robbing the cradle cause they look younger.
that's is his preference just as I'm Chinese and my preference is asian, but set higher "attractive" Standard with other races. But my question is do you find other asian repulsive, or have your slept with an asian before. If you haven't, you might be dealing with internal racism.
@eurocody26 you completely missed the point. its not about KNOWING whether she's half white or not. that doesn't matter. its is she deemed beautiful or not. the answer is yes. everyone agrees she's beautiful. not cuz we're thinking, "oh she's half white, thats more sexy to me". naw. nobody's thinking that in there head. we're all just attracted to her. and sadly what we're attracted to (without some of us even knowing) is the white features of her. lighter skin, hair, smaller nose etc.
i think you should date someone because you like them for them, not because of their physical features, skin colour & financial status. people emphasise too much on race, as if it matters. if you're a white man who is dating somebody that you really like who happens to be of different ethnicity, who cares? they wouldn't care if their partner was purple, pink or polka dots, they would love them for being them.
@jenna120s Im Black American, I have dated White men (american and one from Australia), Black Men (American), 1 Asian guy as well. I figure it enhances my chances of finding the right one, an attractive man is flat out an attractive man. I am sick of racism too, I also hate how people act like it doesnt exist anymore its frustrating
When Andrew makes you say -- You should have been on the show, NOT Jimmy. Maybe they were just posing as a couple to get on TV. I wouldn't be surprised if that were so. He's such a stereotype it's actually sad. Drama queens usually don't end well.
@tropicorn Perhaps. But it doesn't equate to hating yourself either. I don't know that many Germans or Polish people outside of my own family and those I do are people who really only know my parents and those that I don't see very often at all. So once again, not know people of your ethnicity does not mean you hate yourself.
we are having a hard time people accepting us, as gay men... and yet... we cant accept each other in the same community...? AND whats with all the "gay terms?" its ridiculous!
Being gay should not be used as an insult; it's just setting your country back 20 years. Now having your son or daughter be a murderer, that's shameful. Having a gay son or daughter should not be. Also, good for you Jimmy! You can't help loving who you do :)
So dating outside of your race means that you hate your own race?? I don't get it.. i know that may be the case for some but its not the case for everybody.
been open towards whites as well, people are people.. I really hope one day Jimmy sees how beautiful asian people are and is comfortable with himself where he can date other asians as well, im not saying he should just date asians but he should be open about it since thats what he is..
just because you're mainly attracted attracted to white men does not necessarily mean insecurity to one's identity. As an asian f, i've mainly dated white men because i just never felt deeply connected to asian men. In addition, a lot of asian guys' attitudes have turned me off as well which a lot of asian women can attest to. I can say from first hand experience that asian men have usually been raised to be spoiled by their asian parents since boys/men are given the mentailty that they're
I dont see the harm in finding other ethnicity attractive. To me personally it shows that i am not racist. Everyone is beautiful no matter who or what & i am a gay guy & i will be attractive towards any race who catches my attracting attention so hell to the yea yall LOL LOL
I am chinese and live in england most of my life. Currently dating an english white guy. I always tease him as a joke that his a rice queen. I use to believe asian's not as good looking as white people, but now i think my own race is just as beautiful as any other race. I think asian's has a sense of delicacy and cuteness while other race are more masculine looking. It really depends what u like more...
That is true to a certain extent, but sometimes that is not the case...It does exist that there are certain people that have that sort of racial complexity and will only date a certain race outside their own...but I look at it like this...as long as you love the person your with for them truley and not because of their race or skin color everything is ok and as long as you don't consider every other race inferior...but as I've said...all TRUE LOVE is pure and is beautiful...
some think they would have been hotter and getting more attention if they weren't asians. maybe not.. it's just about how attractive you look. Since lots of guys like handsome asian men and boys
Being gay is not a problem. I don't think anybody should have a problem with it. It's THEIR choice not yours. If YOU choose to be straight or if YOU choose to be gay, it's YOUR choice. Everyone is equal...why can't we see that?
Just because you love someone that does not have the same skin color as you do does NOT mean that you hate yourself.
I'm Asian and I find all kinds of people attractive(black,white,asian,latin,whatever).It's not just looks alone.
it just shows that there is no real unity within the LGBT community. There is not only racism, but biphobia and transphobia, for example. I am not saying that this is the norm, but it exists and I find this discrimation against each other really sad - as if It wasn't bad enough to be discriminated against by straight people.
It is abslutely impossible to become an open and accepting society if we treat each other this way.
Nnot And I think that's just human nature -- any sexual orientation or color...
This shows that just like everyone else, gay people have problems too! No surprise! LGBTQ is not some safe haven from evil, and ignorance......
Gay men intellectually understand they are all in the same boat and sentiments such as "we are family" etc. and yet they tend to physically objectify one another (which is somewhat normal as they are men first and gay second, so they are not that unlike hetero men who objectify women). Unfortunately, they also engage in a lot of catty criticism and judgments regarding one another in order to make themselves feel superior. It should come as no surprise that no matter how much superficial confidence or "alpha-male" or "butch" attitude a gay man projects he is never internally far from that wounded and insecure kid or young man who felt "different",was bullied, rejected, etc. Some gay men particularly enjoy bullying or laughing at other gay men when they are in packs where they can feel safer doing so; as such, they are actually re-creating the painful experiences when they were the gay targets of groups of other boys . It all stems from insecurity, a state that gay men have to come to terms with the best they can. I don't mean to suggest that heterosexuals are not insecure as well, but they grow up being told they are "normal" so they don't always have to deal with that level of insecurity. Most gay men would deny such insecurity out of pride. Asians get a lot of crap directed at them ; so do blacks; so do Latinos; and so do older men and HIV positive men, among others... The LGBTQ community has plenty of ISSUES. ; any gay person knows that... we are only human after all...
I admit I never heard the term Panda Hugger before
Jimmy Chen is a sweetheart. :)
Panda Hugger. I've heard, Panda *bear* in the goofy ass "Bear Community"
Juan Bennett I can promise you from my personal experience, that this is not true. Haha
I got lucky with genetics. ;-)
Very lucky.
E-mail me. =)
Kind of sad about it. I'm an Asian, and I like all types of races, white, black, Latino , Asian, whatever. As long as I feel right. I don't understand why it's so difficult. They said love is the most beautiful thing in the world, what's the different between love in same race and in different races?
Ricky Hu hello, how are you
how ignorant of her to ask his "nationality", please, "nationality" and "ethnic background" are different things.
He doesn't even know how to explain potato queen and rice queen. Activist my ass.
The three guys had clearly been through a lot in life. They each had their own way of reacting, one got angry, one got sad and the other got shy but each seem to have been pushed pretty hard and it would have been a difficult subject to address. There has been research done that demonstrates we are attracted to the average face in our lives (if the seated asian guy had grown up surrounded by white faces he would be more likely to be attracted to white faces, this is perfectly reasonable).
Tyra you are so enjoying your job....
I am glad you are having a great idea of what people really go through...
when he said he loved him so much i almost cracked a tear...........and im straight wtf.
its a very complicated topic i have to say, im gay asian , Duh ! but i luv all kind of people no matter u r white , asian , latino , black. i think each people should see pass the color race thing and start treat each person individualy
+Dominic Ng Not see past colour, but not make any pre-judgments based on that.
We as humans tend to generalize our experience so much it becomes almost impossible to treat each individual as they are. It's something we have to push through
Thanks guys for living up to every gay stereotype there is. You make the gay community proud!!!
Gay guys are far more likely to date other races. Sure, prejudices happen, but gays are much more open to interracial dating.
Meanwhile, heterosexuals are often told to date their own race by their parents.
I live in the Seattle area which has a fast growing Asian population, and I noticed many Asian gay men are very insecure about themselves. I am Latino and have dated Asian men, and it was a turnoff that some of them have such self hatred being Asian. The "rice queens" who date them actually get upset when an Asian does not find them attractive. They really get upset when they see a gay Asian couple. Not all of them are like this but a huge percentage of them are. With the growing Asian population here, I have seen a lot more "sticky rice" couples. I know there are some Latinos who have skin color issues, but it is not unheard of to see gay Latino couples. Stop with all this self hatred! I find people from the darkest to lightest attractive.
as a person that is in a gay interracial relationship I can honestly say that no one has said anything to me and my partner like that and when we are in gay clubs we never get them evil stares. this is so over the top, is it staged?
ps i have never head of a potato queen or sticky rice before lol
"I love my white men." Doesn't that mean Jimmy is objectifying white men?
I miss watching Tyra talk show. I like her show because she did deal with real issues that are still relevant today. For example, of this interracial couple issues. I do understand both of gay Asian men were coming from and the issues about gay Asian men being rejected in the gay community. I don't really find any difficult on gay issues and interracial couple that people have problem and find it so complicated. I do understand the problems of it.
He has the definitions for potato and rice queens wrong!
I always thought it was pretty contradictary that culture that thrives on being different and clever shuts down when it's presented to them.
they are too sissy!! i prefer the other chinese guy, he is cute 2:54
He was paid.
He is cute
As tacky as this was, it does highlight the very complicated conflict between racial preference in dating (which is a legitimate thing) vs. actual self hatred and ingrained racism. How much they are related is an ongoing debate.
I love Asian guys I just do they are just so adorable
Thanks for That ! I Like Myself too ! Very Much ! Too Much ! Thank God for that . I Don't have The WHITE POTATO COMPLEX ! LOL !
Gee ! Thanks ! I am Sure Asians will LIKE YOU too - May Be Very Much too.
i hope so there are no cute asian guys in florida :(
You are in FLORIDA ?? Okay. I am in Philly. Sometimes in Seattle. Shuttling between The 2. Sometimes in NYC too.
wow thats awesome
Yea...I wish more people would view it like you do...You seem very open minded and well rounded...People just get caught up with stereotypes...
Oh yes I am potato queen, but i don't hate myself being an Asian. I just find white guys more attractive.
Good for you. To EACH is His OWN ! One Man's Meat is Another Man's Poison ! But I Like YELLOW ! I Like SLITTED EYES ! I Like My Own Kind ! YELLOW PEOPLE Basically - Don't Matter if They are MONGOLIAN or KOREAN or JAPANESE or CHINESE or TIBETAN or MANCHURIAN ! Just YELLOW for me ! I Hope that is OKAY ! The Only Thing I Find APPEALING + ALLURING about WHITE PEOPLE is Their INQUISITIVE MIND & CURIOUS MIND ! That is The ONLY THING I Like About them ! The REST - Not So Much ! I Like CIVILIZATIONS - And ASIA has So Many Good Ones - MESOPOTAMIA (IRAQ) + CHINA + INDIA - They are The OLDEST One in The WORLD besides EGYPT in NORTH AFRICA !
+Mile Hsiang Yang Lee Having pride in one self is sexy. Everyone has their own taste. I like both asians and euros, but I find more asians are my type. I am white and I don't hate my self just because I find some asian men good looking. I however did hate myself for liking men.
Pedastling white men is a form of self hatred, sorry
@@arni6687I’m sorry but you should have an explanation for why.
I think its stupid when people tell someone that they hate themselves or are racist just because they find a certain race attractive. I don't discrimination anyone, but it just so happens that I find native american people more attractive than other ethnicities. Its just a preference. I'm not saying I wouldn't fall in love with an African american or an Asian guy, its just that i think native americans are good looking. Simple. :)
Trey ❤️
He scored him a white 👱 .
TBH this made me question, am I attracted to Asians because I want to be Asian. But I don’t hate myself and I what’s wrong with finding other people attractive?
I'm product of a mix relationship, and I don't notice very many "weird looks" when I'm out with my parents in my area. And my boyfriend is Jewish and I don't notice many weird looks when I'm out with him, either. But perhaps it's different other places. I remember getting some strange comments when I went to the South and North Carolinas, Virginia, and Alabama with my parents...
To the question: WHy do you hate yourself? How is that related to a relationship? Love or relationships should be based on the soul-ground through which it is played-->transcending race, age and gender barriers. and it is not judged. and just because you are not dating a fellow asian means you hate asians. (no link??)
I've been dating my asian boyfriend (I'm white) for over a year now and I never encountered such ignorance.
There is a difference between not knowing people of your own ethnicity and liking yourself. Not knowing is not knowing, not hating yourself.
Jimmy...Thanks! Well said and to the point!
@djmopa I feel the professor was addressing that kid's specific situation. Since he ONLY dated white guys. I HIGHLY doubt the professor literally meant every person who chooses to date someone outside their own ethnicity.
But anyway, that kid was way out of line asking the guy on the couch why he hates himself...
sometimes discrimination breeds discrimination, just as violence breeds violence. It's a cycle. Most bullies for example were bullied themselves.
@GaGatheSaint its all good man im a black male and bi and do ur thing im with an asian i mean why does it HAVE to be about race anyways?
I think that in general you see more mixed race couples among gays, because most people are not in love with themselves and aren't attracted to themselves. We need some variation and since that variation isn't gender it seems to manifest itself in race. I'm in an interracial gay relationship.
They touch on something kinda integral here. I just think they missed the point. It's not about if people can or can't love across ethnicities, it's that when you are a minority it's easy to not think of yourself as attractive and therefore not seek out people who look like you, but rather those that society represents as attractive. The couple here may love each-other very much, that doesn't mean that racism doesn't effect them or their relationship, neither does it negate their relationship
The guy in the audience i think should have asked the question differently, instead of assuming that he hates himself and asking him that i think it would have been more appropriate to ask him if that's how he felt. Just because someone has a preference, still it doesn't necessarily mean that the person hates him/herself. It just could simply mean that's what they find attractive.
oops, grammar mistakes. lol. pssh..
this is so problematic. Just cause he loves a white guy doesn’t mean he hates himself, big yikes on this whole segment.
yeah, i didnt mean it litterally, i love being white ^^
its just another way of saying i think asians are gorgeous. i just love their skin color, their hair and almoust everything. i would never switch, though. i thought people got that :P
@TheNorsePagan oh and also to my widge you have to go on youtube and watch two things 1)Jimmy Chen (a gay Asian) on the Tyra Banks Show and 2) Jimmy Chen is "Out 4 Life" and u have to comment me how was those two videos for real. that is all
jimmy, you are great, even you are not with him anymore. really nice to hear your story.
wow, cant believe this is 7 years ago
I’m a gay asian and I’m dating a black guy, NOT because I think black guys are hot, but because I find him attractive in his own ways. Jimmy’s life is his life, I really don’t care about his choices because they don’t affect me. I think it’s great that there are interracial relationships out there and that he’s proud to display it. But if you’re a person who raises an issue about identity yet are mutually exclusive about it, then it just wouldn’t make sense.
@muan725 what makes you think most Asians are straight? are u Asian? have u ever lived in Asia? do you have any Asian friend? have you made any research for that?
many people assume when someone is in an interracial relationship, that they hate their own race. Not so for me. I would date someone of any race. It's when you say I wont date __ race or my own race, when there is some racism involved. But I was lucky to grow up in a diverse area, and I was never brainwashed to hate or love one race. Though people tell me I have yellow fever due to who I married..Aren't we too old to pick a favorite color? So narrow minded.
I believe that “do you hate yourself” came up, because the underlying question is identity. It wouldn’t make sense to say that you embrace your own identity when you are exclusive about your sense of attractiveness that is based on identity. I believe true interracial relationships are formed based on characteristics, NOT because “I LOVE white boys”.
Asian community in the East Coast of America tend to be "white is right." Most Asian from the East Coast tend to date White or think White is better. I don't know why, Asian in the West Coast tend to date Asian since there is a large Asian population and culturally stronger Asian community. I love all races. I'm Asian and I like Native, African and Asian women... I don't limit myself... but man, I hate the stupid media.
LMAO at "love the round eyes"
Cancelled? She's starting her own movie company like disney, colombia, MGM, Fox
@ixcreme I don't know, really. It could be that they unconciously identify with straight women because we share the desire to attract men (in a shallow way, of course. this isn't about gender identity). Or it could be that being a minority, there is some sort of comfort and a sense of belonging in the stereotype. The gay people I know don't really act like that, though.
Are "weird looks" always negative? I'm an Asian male, and my boyfriend is white. We often notice people looking and staring at us, but then many times they eventually come up and say, "You two look so cute together," so every time we get stared at, we just take it as a compliment that they can't help but to see how cute we are together. I don't think all "weird looks" are discrimination. Some might be positive.
You can only defend you're self so many times until you're breaking point. I feel for them two. I wish them the best
i feel so sorry for this couple, being attacked for who you love isnt easy
not as rare as you would think...where I live(Sacramento) you see every type of interracial relationship...and it is rather common here...well interracial relationships are so common here that people don't even notice it that much so more( in this area)...
Why is there so much hatred ?
Being gay and attracted to a certain type is no different than being straight and attract to a particular type (race, look, etc.). It is just a matter of preferences.
Can we just let people be themselves and choose their own mates ? We should live in harmony and respect others' choices.
I've been in an interracial relationship for the past 11 years. I'm black and my boyfriend Ricky is Cuban and Puerto Rican
It makes me think sometimes, that if men and women acted and expressed themselves in the same manner, we would get along far better than we do right now.
Not Buddhism. In fact, I read somewhere that the (enter name of America's Buddhist "governing" body here) urged all of its followers to vote against Prop. 8 in Cali.
His beginning statements are inaccurate. Potato queen is someone who likes white guys, a rice queen is someone who likes asian guys etc....
I would have hollered if he would have said "Bitch I ain't you!"
@kateyaya well said. I am white, my boyfriend is Filipino. It is our choice. Neither of us hates ourself, we just love each other. That's enough for both of us. If anyone finds the idea of inter-racial relationships uncomfortable, whether straight or gay, my answer is: IT'S OUR BUSINESS, NOT YOURS!!
lol the guy standing up is so cute
he was so sad at the end
and rice queen means guys who dig rices as rice is the main carb source of asian diet, and potato queen referring guys who dig caucasian guys is becuase potato is the main carbs source of caucasian diet, but i guess gays nowadays doesn't eat carbs anymore, hence he can't explain the etymology of "rice" and "potato"
OMG. I can't believe it... I'm asian gay and I was so popular on those gay apps. why would that Chinese gay guy hate himself?
i've never heard the names they used before...but it sux to b called something that effects ur love life and self esteem.
Y they're no longer together :'( somebody replay plz
@BroadwayKing15 i never said bisexuality doesnt exist. Ofc it does, but he didnt mention it. From what i understood he was once gay and turned str8. If he was bisexual my statement is still valid. He is bisexual and whatever help he thinks he got could not and did not change that.
I agree with Jimmy. I think we are attracted to what's around us when we grow up.
Also, I think interracial attractions are completely logical in terms of achieving genetic diversity.
0: 33 "well i'm gonna tell you tyra" hahahahaha
the meaning of rice and potato queen, and even sticky rice is way different in Australia....
I found it amusing when he started crying and getting all defensive... like geez count down from 10 or something!
I'm half Thai/American and I am so PROUD to be mixed and while my partner is American we sometimes get looks and everyonce in a while a little comment but they don't bother us because we see past our differences including our religious difference me buddhist him catholic and our 19 year age gap.
haha i love the "jimmy and justin r no longer together" part haha plain hilarious!
Shocking to hear a professor say why do you hate yourself? That wasn't right. They don't hate themselves, they just don't want to be with another asian. Everybody has their likes and dislikes. I am in the same relationship. I am white and my bf is asian. We been together over 3 and a half years now and are engaged. I didn't hear any of those comments but of course, don't go to bars and such. Even at pride never heard that, but have heard the robbing the cradle cause they look younger.
that's is his preference just as I'm Chinese and my preference is asian, but set higher "attractive" Standard with other races. But my question is do you find other asian repulsive, or have your slept with an asian before. If you haven't, you might be dealing with internal racism.
@GojyotheFeared but not liking the entire ethnicity of one's own is kinda extreme
you completely missed the point. its not about KNOWING whether she's half white or not. that doesn't matter. its is she deemed beautiful or not. the answer is yes. everyone agrees she's beautiful. not cuz we're thinking, "oh she's half white, thats more sexy to me". naw. nobody's thinking that in there head. we're all just attracted to her. and sadly what we're attracted to (without some of us even knowing) is the white features of her. lighter skin, hair, smaller nose etc.
i think you should date someone because you like them for them, not because of their physical features, skin colour & financial status. people emphasise too much on race, as if it matters. if you're a white man who is dating somebody that you really like who happens to be of different ethnicity, who cares? they wouldn't care if their partner was purple, pink or polka dots, they would love them for being them.
@jenna120s Im Black American, I have dated White men (american and one from Australia), Black Men (American), 1 Asian guy as well. I figure it enhances my chances of finding the right one, an attractive man is flat out an attractive man. I am sick of racism too, I also hate how people act like it doesnt exist anymore its frustrating
right at the end "jimmy and justin are no longer together" made me LOOOOOOL hardcore
@jenna120s I know I was agreeing with you, and also adding that we as gay men arent exempt from being racist or predjiduce
Thank you some people just don't understand that.
When Andrew makes you say -- You should have been on the show, NOT Jimmy. Maybe they were just posing as a couple to get on TV. I wouldn't be surprised if that were so. He's such a stereotype it's actually sad. Drama queens usually don't end well.
LMAOOO!!! jimmy's face at 3:33 lool his eyes are crazily close though!
Perhaps. But it doesn't equate to hating yourself either.
I don't know that many Germans or Polish people outside of my own family and those I do are people who really only know my parents and those that I don't see very often at all.
So once again, not know people of your ethnicity does not mean you hate yourself.
Very sad to hear what Andrew have said. Hate himself Just because he likes white guys and being an Asian??? Need a brain wash.
we are having a hard time people accepting us, as gay men... and yet... we cant accept each other in the same community...? AND whats with all the "gay terms?" its ridiculous!
Being gay should not be used as an insult; it's just setting your country back 20 years. Now having your son or daughter be a murderer, that's shameful. Having a gay son or daughter should not be.
Also, good for you Jimmy! You can't help loving who you do :)
The guy in the audience needed to realize not everyone is the same and has had the same experience.
So dating outside of your race means that you hate your own race?? I don't get it.. i know that may be the case for some but its not the case for everybody.
been open towards whites as well, people are people.. I really hope one day Jimmy sees how beautiful asian people are and is comfortable with himself where he can date other asians as well, im not saying he should just date asians but he should be open about it since thats what he is..
just because you're mainly attracted attracted to white men does not necessarily mean insecurity to one's identity. As an asian f, i've mainly dated white men because i just never felt deeply connected to asian men. In addition, a lot of asian guys' attitudes have turned me off as well which a lot of asian women can attest to. I can say from first hand experience that asian men have usually been raised to be spoiled by their asian parents since boys/men are given the mentailty that they're
She thinks it's hilarious when they are supposedly insults good job Tyra.
I'm blonde and I've always prefered men with dark hair,
Does this mean that hate myself?
I dont see the harm in finding other ethnicity attractive. To me personally it shows that i am not racist. Everyone is beautiful no matter who or what & i am a gay guy & i will be attractive towards any race who catches my attracting attention so hell to the yea yall LOL LOL
I am chinese and live in england most of my life. Currently dating an english white guy. I always tease him as a joke that his a rice queen. I use to believe asian's not as good looking as white people, but now i think my own race is just as beautiful as any other race. I think asian's has a sense of delicacy and cuteness while other race are more masculine looking. It really depends what u like more...
That is true to a certain extent, but sometimes that is not the case...It does exist that there are certain people that have that sort of racial complexity and will only date a certain race outside their own...but I look at it like this...as long as you love the person your with for them truley and not because of their race or skin color everything is ok and as long as you don't consider every other race inferior...but as I've said...all TRUE LOVE is pure and is beautiful...
some think they would have been hotter and getting more attention if they weren't asians. maybe not.. it's just about how attractive you look. Since lots of guys like handsome asian men and boys
Being gay is not a problem. I don't think anybody should have a problem with it. It's THEIR choice not yours. If YOU choose to be straight or if YOU choose to be gay, it's YOUR choice. Everyone is equal...why can't we see that?
anytime you specifically just date one race OR just date outside your race then you are self hating, simply put