I made this today! I made 200g of flour using 70ml of milk. I thought the bread was doomed because it was SO sticky. Had zero expectations. But after it was baked, omg it was one of the best breads o have ever made. So soft and fluffy!
I have heard that the sticky the dough, the more moist and tender the rolls will be. And you achieved that. I always have the tendency to add more flour, but boy, I was wrong.
@@cherriosbee475 i used to add too much flour too! Takes a lot of discipline to not do it haha. And her saying in the video that it was gona be sticky gave a bit of assurance that mayyybe i was on the right path 😅
I tried it as well and it was really sticky but I kept on kneading and it turned out really soft and fluffy! It goes very well with strawberry jam 2:-)
I’ve failed on baking bread on so many attempt that I’ve almost given up. This is the first time I’ve made a bread successfully following all the steps in your video very closely. Thank you so much for sharing!
This is among the best channels for cooking, especially baking! Her instructions are very clear and concise, and much thanks for making the effort for writing down the Ingredients list -- I use the Translation function in RUclips to read the Ingredient list in English. THANK YOU so much for your wonderful videos!
I have been enjoying the simplicity, yet fantastic recipes you post, and last night was a testament to how wonderful your recipes truly are (IMO)! Early evening, I decided I had to finally make this bread, and so I did. It was so ridiculously easy/effortless and foolproof that even my husband was impressed with the loaf. The bread pulled beautifully, and when sliced, it looks like a perfect slice of bread. It's reminiscent of a brioche, only not as rich, but just rich enough to have us standing over the countertop eating it slathered in butter! Thank you for all of your wonderful videos/recipes, as they are so well done! Next up, chili oil!
THANK YOU SO MUCH GAO... you tell us so many tips without hiding any thing ....they are wonderful secrets to make successful bread.. it's a pleasure to make your own bred at home but very few people know how to make it right ...thank you GAO.. we love you GOD BLESS YOU
I like her recipe and the video, full of practical advices and key points for success. For this one, I watched many times. Lately I reduced the amount of water and milk by about 1/5 so the dough is not as sticky. Still have great results.
My loaf of bread just came out of the oven and it was delicious!!! Magical recipe, minimal kneading but oh so good :) This will definitely be my go-to bread recipe from now on. Thank you for the lovely recipe :)
小高姐, thanks to your recipe and the guidance of some of the people who had commented here, I was able to bake a successful milk loaf. The dough was wet like you had mentioned but it was so wet that I thought I had done something wrong and was expecting to fail but to my surprise the bread rose and it tasted good. Thank you once again for the recipe.
Hello I would like to thank you for the bread described. I made a lot of mistakes while trying to do it. I forgot to put the first eggs and added it. Although the initial duration of the fermatization is 20 minutes I applied 1 hour and the total time was 3 hours. I made a nice bread though it was incredibly tasty. a later bread will be perfect the measurements are very good The area we are in is at the sea side and it is damp your alert is very useful thank you so much.
Every time I want to cook I follow your recipes, yesterday I made this bread, it is soft and looks beautiful! If I could put the picture here I would! Thank you so so much for the subtitles, that way I am able to follow the recipe!
How can so many people hit dislike on this I’m almost 100% sure its just jealousy because I have been cooking all my life and it’s not from a recipe book it’s from my ancestors and this woman does a great job and she simplifies things ,she does it clean and she does it in her language 🖤👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
I'm baking these buns right now. Can't wait! Added some raisins - not sure if that was a good idea - we'll see I guess. Thank you for a beautiful video with clear instructions and in depth insight on the making process. Love your work!
I tried the recipe yesterday and the loaf was excellent. I was worried that it had lot of moisture and was slightly sticky during the second rest but it worked out fine. Thank you for your clear and practical instructions. 👏👏👏
Thank you so much! This was my first time making bread :3 Didn't turn out as amazing as yours, but still pretty tasty and soft. Your instructions are so easy to understand and measurements in grams really helped. Have an amazing day!
Thank you for the English subtitles and great tips -- this looks like a great recipe that I'm eager to try out! But I was wondering -- how do you make your egg wash? One yolk + 3 tbsp water? Or one whole egg and a tablespoon of water? I've heard a few different ways of making it and would like to know how you make it. (thank you!)
I’m not sure if you need anything special for this recipe, but for the top of bread I just lightly beat an egg and brush generously on the dough before baking
Oh no... hope your mom Rest In Peace ...
@@joannajiao656 微波爐加熱的牛奶吧(比一開始加的開水冷)
加拿大all purpose 跟美國的成份有差
大家好,前看到LL Flame留言说:“面发了一小时之后还是特别粘,没法下手揉,一抓粘一手” 在这里要提醒大家一下:
1. 面粉的吸水程度跟你所在的潮湿度有很大关系。如果是住在海边,或者是比较潮湿的地方,你要减少水或牛奶的用量
2. 各种品牌的面粉筋度不是完全相同。北美的面粉筋度会高一些,也会强一些。这个筋度你是可以看出来的:面团在最开始饧过二十分钟之后,它可以像我视频中一样被扯长,证明这个面筋力量不错。如果你一扯就断,像刚开始那个稀面团一样,证明面筋的力量不够。你需适当增加一些干面粉
小高姐的 Magic Ingredients 小高姐,你太棒了,言之有据,不华而不实。不愧是我们陕西走出来的👍实在!持家!给你点1000个赞
Wisely Chuang 她上面有写了说可以啊!
小高姐的 Magic Ingredients 小高姐我想问你是用什么牌子的发酵粉?
如果后台有记录的话小高姐应该能看到这个视频我前前后后看了不下十次 今天终于有勇气尝试 第一次手揉这么粘手的面团(加上不知道是不是用了大白兔牛奶的缘故....)在整形的时候被逼的崩溃 差点就想要干脆洗洗盆放弃得了 咬着牙想办法坚持下去最终做出了完全超出自己预期的吐司 掰开看结构的时候感动的快要哭出来了 在我最近漫长的抑郁时期里仿佛吞下了近期最有用的一颗定心丸 是不是所有事情都是这样 当时的状态并不完全决定后果 糟糕的面团也可以有蓬松的幸福呢 啊哈哈 一个两年老粉的感恩和交作业
一定要充满希望。我是Bipolar Depression患者,已经服药两年了,非常理解你的心里感受!这种情况下别人的劝告或安慰是很难起到作用的,真的只能靠自己内心的感受去决定事情。有些事等熬过去了可能就守得云开见月明了。加油!
看到你的评论我很想哭,这几年一直在情绪低谷中,“是不是所有事情都是这样 当时的状态并不完全决定后果 糟糕的面团也可以有蓬松的幸福呢”
今天無意間,看到妳RUclips中的好幾個中西美食操作。讓我太開心及太愛你囉! 我曾是個教25年退休的初中數學老師後, 因印度奧修靜心而成為23年的素人藝術家外,更是一個非常愛做烘培的72歲女人。妳的操作法,除相當簡單外,講解、影片示範及食譜也都很詳細和清楚。感恩妳的無私分享! 會繼續看你的教學示範的。愛你喔!
Mudita Jivan 想必老師退休後的生活肯定充實又精彩!
第一次做麵包 居然成功了 過程被過濕的麵粉搞的很狼狽,過程中慢慢加入麵粉跟先冰在冰箱去調整筋度,覺的好像要失敗了,帶著試試的心情烤麵包,沒想到烤出來的麵包很好吃,雖然皮有點硬,但應該隔天會回軟,雖不完美但吃著自己做的麵包覺的很開心,真的謝謝小高姐!!!
林零零林 我也是烤完皮有點硬,可是裡面很柔軟,不知道問題在哪裡
Ginie Chen 我的也是皮好硬 敲一敲像坨大石头 最主要的是一点不甜 配方糖太少了缘故吗
可以请问你是用什么面粉吗? 我用普通的all purpose flour,可是出来效果不是很松软
I made this today! I made 200g of flour using 70ml of milk. I thought the bread was doomed because it was SO sticky. Had zero expectations. But after it was baked, omg it was one of the best breads o have ever made. So soft and fluffy!
I have heard that the sticky the dough, the more moist and tender the rolls will be. And you achieved that. I always have the tendency to add more flour, but boy, I was wrong.
@@cherriosbee475 i used to add too much flour too! Takes a lot of discipline to not do it haha. And her saying in the video that it was gona be sticky gave a bit of assurance that mayyybe i was on the right path 😅
I failed
@@lings170 dont give up, try again! Could it be that you're from somewhere more humid? If u are you need to use less liquid
I tried it as well and it was really sticky but I kept on kneading and it turned out really soft and fluffy! It goes very well with strawberry jam 2:-)
I’ve failed on baking bread on so many attempt that I’ve almost given up. This is the first time I’ve made a bread successfully following all the steps in your video very closely. Thank you so much for sharing!
Her recipes are really good
@@莉嘉-t8g 我也是翻评论才知道 小高姐用的是加拿大中筋面粉,但在美国是高筋面粉…
@@katie9852 是的,试过几次后还是用高筋面粉
This is among the best channels for cooking, especially baking! Her instructions are very clear and concise, and much thanks for making the effort for writing down the Ingredients list -- I use the Translation function in RUclips to read the Ingredient list in English. THANK YOU so much for your wonderful videos!
Rifat Ullah Agreed!
absolutely yes!
Zhen Wang 是不是牛奶的温度太低了?
@@ZW-y6j 把酵母放在暖的液體裏面是喚醒酵母的方法,這不可能出錯。 加了酵母的麵團,即使牛奶和其他液體是冷的,室溫夠暖也會自動發酵,只是較需時。會不會是你的牛奶很冷而你的酵母是很需要喚醒的那一種? 又或者室內冷得不能讓麵團發酵? 又或者已經過度發酵?
隔离期间最幸福的事就是跟着小高姐做各种美食, 竟然还学会了做面包?!
就是这种感觉 就是看完马上想做,而且总觉得很简单自己能成功 因为小高姐总是用寥寥数语让人明白
@@artawei .me
小高姊的食譜真的太厲害了,感謝大神小高姊!!!! 上周因為買了新的麵粉很想試試看,於是就把食譜中的中筋麵粉改成高筋了,做出來也是ok的,分享給大家!!!另外,糖的部分因為喜歡吃甜一點,有加到麵粉的10%,植物油的部分換成融化的無鹽奶油也是可以的,這部分也有加量一些! 總體而言,小高姊又送給大家一個不敗的食譜了~~~~感動!!!
谢谢啦 正想问高筋面粉和无盐黄油行不行。如果用高筋面粉比例跟中筋面粉一样吗
人生第一次做麵包 真的很有成就感
謝謝小高姐 🥺
小高姐 您好:因為家裡沒有揉麵機無法揉出所謂的手套膜,一直不敢做吐司,直到看到您的教學才鼓起勇氣製作,本來是半信半疑,過程中麵團也真的很濕很黏手,但是真的大成功,真的有牽絲,真的很好吃,有拍下手撕的影片,可惜不曉得如何讓您看到,真的很感謝您的付出與分享。
我的竅門:將麵包機用作揉麵機,麵包機前30分鐘近50分鐘設置為揉麵和發酵麵團,(它甚至設置了發酵麵團的溫度,適合寒冷的天氣)。 然後在麵包機切換到“烘烤模式”之前關閉電源。從那以後, 只需將配料和麵粉倒入麵包機, 我再也不必揉麵團了。
實際上,我需要糾正我的評論,大多數麵包機都具有“麵團(dough)”循環(cycle)功能,大約需要一個半小時能完成“麵團”的整個程序,包括“揉,醒發(rise),第二次揉”,但並沒有烘烤效果,因此只需單擊“麵團”程序即可節省廚房工作, 一小時半後,您可簡單將麵團取出,然後繼續進行餃子,麵條或其他任何麵團的製作。
@@twiggie7834 是的 我也是这么弄得 我还用面包机揉面做馒头
Liying Zhao 也可能是想享受制作的乐趣
Jw wang 多加60克糖口感怎么样?我就是觉得这个配方不够味道。
mypluto1234 加糖就行 我试过了
I have been enjoying the simplicity, yet fantastic recipes you post, and last night was a testament to how wonderful your recipes truly are (IMO)! Early evening, I decided I had to finally make this bread, and so I did. It was so ridiculously easy/effortless and foolproof that even my husband was impressed with the loaf. The bread pulled beautifully, and when sliced, it looks like a perfect slice of bread. It's reminiscent of a brioche, only not as rich, but just rich enough to have us standing over the countertop eating it slathered in butter! Thank you for all of your wonderful videos/recipes, as they are so well done! Next up, chili oil!
看了这么久RUclips第一次留言,今天照着小高姐的方法做的简直一摸一样哈哈 小高姐的教程让我觉得自己也有厨艺🤣🤣
感谢小姐姐解决了我一直以来的困惑 我一直以为必须要揉出薄膜才可以做吐司 这个方法真的是大大的缩短了揉面的时间 还有中粉也是可以做面包的 我一直以为不行 看来我还要多多学习
中粉也要选好点的 比如蛋白量比较多的
@@rayli2513 我也觉得中粉的不行。。。今天试着做出来的好难吃,就是像你说的烤的馒头。。
@@rayli2513 我一直都是用中粉做,我在美國,可能真的是出產地問題
@@rayli2513 我也是中筋面粉,在加拿大,买的罗宾汉的
每次 看小高 做蛋糕 或者做面條, 都那么厉害,她也很用心的解说,谢谢。😃😄😁😀
June Leong 我也是只会做菜,一到面粉就不灵😆😂
这个面包是我跟着小高姐做的第一个面包。那个时候的我还是烘培小白,连active yeast 和instant yeast 的区别都不知道。反正就跟着小高姐开始和面,揉面。一开始手忙脚乱,弄的厨房灶台上全是面粉。但是后来成品出来却很成功。自此也树立了我的自信心。这一年来跟着小高姐学做了不少美食,面包,炒拉条,包子,牛排,黄油等等。小高姐的方子总是简单明了,容易上手。我会继续跟着小高姐学下去的。
Successful on my first try! I no longer need to go out to buy the bread during Covid isolation. I can just bake the bread at home. Thank you so much!
THANK YOU SO MUCH GAO... you tell us so many tips without hiding any thing ....they are wonderful secrets to make successful bread.. it's a pleasure to make your own bred at home but very few people know how to make it right ...thank you GAO.. we love you GOD BLESS YOU
I like her recipe and the video, full of practical advices and key points for success. For this one, I watched many times. Lately I reduced the amount of water and milk by about 1/5 so the dough is not as sticky. Still have great results.
小高姐,你的视频永远是通俗易懂的. 作为新手的我,手忙脚乱. 跟着你学做面包,看着好像很容易上手. 最喜欢你了……
My loaf of bread just came out of the oven and it was delicious!!! Magical recipe, minimal kneading but oh so good :) This will definitely be my go-to bread recipe from now on. Thank you for the lovely recipe :)
小高姐的 Magic Ingredients 嗯嗯 我可以多敗幾個吐司模了☺️
请问晚上做好面团,早上烤 可以吗?
小高姐, thanks to your recipe and the guidance of some of the people who had commented here, I was able to bake a successful milk loaf. The dough was wet like you had mentioned but it was so wet that I thought I had done something wrong and was expecting to fail but to my surprise the bread rose and it tasted good. Thank you once again for the recipe.
I just baked it today . It was so delicious , soft and fluffy. Thank you so much for the recipe.
2022/4/30 在臺灣
哇啊,太太乘著時光機~打開了小高姐 三年前的影片。
每一次,小高姐 似乎都在幫太太理清以前不懂的工序~
終於,皇天不負有心人😊 成品出爐時~覺得非常感動💕
I would like to thank you for the bread described.
I made a lot of mistakes while trying to do it.
I forgot to put the first eggs and added it.
Although the initial duration of the fermatization is 20 minutes
I applied 1 hour and the total time was 3 hours.
I made a nice bread though it was incredibly tasty.
a later bread will be perfect
the measurements are very good
The area we are in is at the sea side and it is damp
your alert is very useful
thank you so much.
小高姐: 为什么开水烫面? 这样不会破坏面筋吗? 为什么还可以拉出丝?
Shanshan Li 开水醒面的作用是为了更好的让面团有劲这样的话可以帮助组建面团的内部结构会更有韧性,可以拉出丝,还有其他方法醒面,比如用水和面粉一起煮,把水水熬干后面团变为粘粥状,放到冰箱至少6小时再拿出来和面,这也是一种醒面的方式。
This is the best comment, I hv been witing for...success in it😃
小高姐, you are the best chef in the whole cyber world, also in the real world🥰🥰🥰,
Thank you for sharing this amazing recipe. I did it and it is very good. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. All purpose flour , no knead.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Every time I want to cook I follow your recipes, yesterday I made this bread, it is soft and looks beautiful! If I could put the picture here I would! Thank you so so much for the subtitles, that way I am able to follow the recipe!
Ma'am you're an artist the way you handle that dough..
Marwan H. LoL. The last 3 words You may strike off
小高姐的 Magic Ingredients 舊的壞了大半年,最近才看上滿意的。有小高姐這位料理活字典,不愁無用武之地啦~~
看了小高姐的教学,我也特别想要一个烤箱 🤔
第一次做面包,成功!感谢小高姐~ 我把油换成黄油了,香喷喷,不过感觉甜度不够(难道我糖有问题,感觉没有甜味😂😂
一点不甜 不是很喜欢
按照这个方法做了很多次了。给大家一点建议,1 可以考虑把里面的水也替换为牛奶。2 可以自己放一些奶粉,具体量自己多做几次就知道多少合适了。3 糖要多加,我试过按照小高姐的量的三倍都吃不出什么甜味,面包店做面包好吃就是因为很多很多糖。 4 最后一步,放案板弄平打算做成卷的时候,这个时候可以放一些葡萄干,我直接把葡萄干按到上面铺平,然后依视频卷起来就好。放了葡萄干之后你的面包味道立刻就不一样了,放葡萄干的话可以少放糖。
Yj Su z请问怎么用机器揉面 然后做呢
我的很粘稠 我在想是我没揉好还是什么
@@乔丹-h8n 其实这个配方可以不加糖,可以4/6比加全麦面粉或黑麦粉或各种粉,我还加过椰子粉,400的面粉我只加300的话就更软了,不管是小高姐哪个配方,一定要隔夜发酵,可以参考小高姐全麦土司的视频。相信我。对了,小高姐的揉面和面包视频全部看3遍,太经典了。
@@月丹-i2v 谢谢你!我一定尝试!
How can so many people hit dislike on this I’m almost 100% sure its just jealousy because I have been cooking all my life and it’s not from a recipe book it’s from my ancestors and this woman does a great job and she simplifies things ,she does it clean and she does it in her language 🖤👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
Those are probably the people who baked a rock instead.
jealous and ruin these people's cooking instructor careers.
Just got mine out from the oven! Complete success, thank you so much!
Congrats. It fills the air.
这面包好棒 关键还那么简单 不需要一直在那边揉面 谢谢小高姐了
小高姐的 Magic Ingredients 謝謝小高姐,我已經做三次了,好吃到爆!
小高姐的 Magic Ingredients 小高姐一次可以放进烤箱两个烤盘盒吗?我只有小规模的烤盒! 抱抱,谢谢🙏
手 :你俩放屁!
张益达 逗
张益达 真的!
张益达 😂😂😂……笑一笑,病都少了……
How fluffy and charming, your videos are always so interesting and well produced, thank you and hope you'll continue to make more!
I'm baking these buns right now. Can't wait! Added some raisins - not sure if that was a good idea - we'll see I guess. Thank you for a beautiful video with clear instructions and in depth insight on the making process. Love your work!
If u put raisins...u should cover it with dry flour first
I tried the recipe yesterday and the loaf was excellent. I was worried that it had lot of moisture and was slightly sticky during the second rest but it worked out fine. Thank you for your clear and practical instructions. 👏👏👏
In Bulgaria we call the milk bread Kozunak. It's a traditional bread for Easter time and its very delicious! :)
濕度高的地區 牛奶似乎真的要減量
改用50g 糖,加了50-60g 提子🍇,度味不錯。
YUN LIN TSE 謝謝你的回覆!
小高姐藝術超凡,很容易將面團拉出筋有彈力。我們可以用時間改變面團,加了奶鷄蛋搓成團之後,可以每融30分鐘再摺面團,這樣做二次後加油再搓成團,每隔30 分鐘再摺面團,可以做2至3 次後,這樣來來回回己2-3 小時,搓成團才第一次發酵大約1 至 1.5 小時後,再造型發酵第二次.....
小高姐的視頻越看越入迷♥️♥️ 每個細節都到位,片片都引人想動手做的念頭💯
Anna GU 哈哈哈!确实很粘手,不是放料问题。我也是每次都粘手到哭。但是很好吃😋
@@PixelBloxGaming 我怎么觉得一点都不好吃,也没什么味道。。。感觉是干粉放太多没味道了。
Anna GU 我是夹花生酱和果酱三明治。或者烤一下加到沙拉里面。都很好吃 你是怎么吃的呢?
Anna GU 用toaster烤一下会很香!
Thanks for sharing your bread receipi... it’s wonderful.
May God bless you..
Thank you so much! This was my first time making bread :3
Didn't turn out as amazing as yours, but still pretty tasty and soft. Your instructions are so easy to understand and measurements in grams really helped. Have an amazing day!
小高姐这个方子真的是个万能基础 可以在这个基础上做各种面包
家里没有牛奶于是换成了等量的soy 第一次醒完并没有小高姐视频里那样的面筋,第二次醒完面筋依旧没有那么完美…当时还十分担心是不是搞砸了…没想到成品十分棒!!!第一次烤面包能有这样的成果多亏了小高姐的视频 太感谢啦!!
Thank you for the English subtitles and great tips -- this looks like a great recipe that I'm eager to try out! But I was wondering -- how do you make your egg wash? One yolk + 3 tbsp water? Or one whole egg and a tablespoon of water? I've heard a few different ways of making it and would like to know how you make it. (thank you!)
I’m not sure if you need anything special for this recipe, but for the top of bread I just lightly beat an egg and brush generously on the dough before baking
@@cashm5455 Thanks!
@@sumonhan9602 I didn't know either.
nycol duan +1好想哭,从一天四餐变到看一次视频吃一顿
nycol duan 有这么能干的老婆和妈妈家人实在是太幸福了!
乐趣 哈哈
超级面师 ! 比面包机好上10倍 !
闻到了面包的香味了 !谢谢了 !