My 2022 JLU came with the factory soft top. I was surprised how quiet it was when the top was in place. The only thing I didn't like was that it would flap when passing a truck on the highway. What I liked the most was how easy it was to disconnect the front latches and just flip the top back for the open air experience on the trail and around town. I replaced the top with an Ursa Minor Camper top which greatly reduced road noise as the roof is now composed of two layers and a 2 inch mattress. What I lost in the open air experience I gained in reduced road noise and living space.
You're so great. Thanks for watching. If you have questions or suggestions for me, drop'em here. I love to hear from you guys. #StayAwesome
My 2022 JLU came with the factory soft top. I was surprised how quiet it was when the top was in place. The only thing I didn't like was that it would flap when passing a truck on the highway. What I liked the most was how easy it was to disconnect the front latches and just flip the top back for the open air experience on the trail and around town. I replaced the top with an Ursa Minor Camper top which greatly reduced road noise as the roof is now composed of two layers and a 2 inch mattress. What I lost in the open air experience I gained in reduced road noise and living space.
There's so many times I want a soft top, but then I'm grateful for a hard top too. Glad you found a solution that works for you. Stay awesome.