Reacting to the NEW blindfolded SM64 world record speedrun

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 217

  • @dddskipgeeji
    @dddskipgeeji 4 года назад +1048

    Thank you for reacting again ^~^

    • @gabrieldepaula7609
      @gabrieldepaula7609 4 года назад +45

      You re amazing man

    • @V.O.Y.S.
      @V.O.Y.S. 4 года назад +27

      Dude you are insane!!

    • @xann2681
      @xann2681 4 года назад +14

      You are insane

    • @DaBoomDude
      @DaBoomDude 4 года назад +15

      You're nuts... and thats awesome! blew my mind!

    • @Theakuoverlord
      @Theakuoverlord 4 года назад +10

      Keep it up! Your runs are so good!

  • @ghostboy259
    @ghostboy259 4 года назад +908

    At face value this is beyond incredible. Somehow it gets more unbelievable the deeper one analyzes what you've done here. During your run you perform hundreds upon hundreds of orientation movements, spacial placement maneuvers, and intricately exercise fine granular camera control based on whatever your current task requires. This is what I find to be the most impressive part of this achievement! All it would take is a small deviation from your planned route to become disoriented and potentially lose time or force a restart... But even when there was one of your very, very few minor missteps in this run, you immediately had a contingency in place and were able to reorient yourself to your desired spacial placement and direction.
    This is beyond Super Mario 64. This is a vehicle on which you display a skill set that is something entirely difficult to comprehend from an outside perspective. I know I sure don't have the ability to commit to rote memory the kind of detail required to never miss a single step in something so insanely complex. On top of processing your exact coordinates and plane of view at nearly the rate of a computer, you still have to physically control the character and deal with the game mechanics...
    This is amazing, and I congratulate you on your new personal best and of course the world record. Looking forward to more content sometime. You've set the bar really high, but I have no doubt you have the determination to succeed in something even more unbelievable.

    • @kelpygaltaccount9416
      @kelpygaltaccount9416 4 года назад +27

      ghostboy259 great copypasta

    • @Kaitri
      @Kaitri 4 года назад +1

      oh no ghostboy, why lol

    • @jacksonsmith2955
      @jacksonsmith2955 4 года назад +35

      UwUized for your reading pleasure:
      at face varue this is beyond incredibre. somehow it gets more unberievabre thewu deeper owne anaryzes whawt you've done here. during your run youwu perform hundreds upon hundreds of orientation movements, spaciar pracement maneuvers, and intricatery exercise fine granurar camera contror based on whatever your current task requires. this is whawt i find tuwu be thewu most impressive part of this achievement! arr it wourd take is a smarr deviation from your pranned route tuwu become disoriented and potentiarry rose time or force a restart... buwt even when there was owne of your very, very few minor missteps in this run, youwu immediatery had a contingency in prace and were abre tuwu reorient yourserf tuwu your desired spaciar pracement and direction.
      this is beyond super mario 64. this is a vehicre on which youwu dispray a skirr set thawt is something entirery difficurt tuwu comprehend from an outside perspective. i know i sure don't have thewu abirity tuwu commit tuwu rote memory thewu kind of detair required tuwu neveww miss a singre step in something so insanery comprex. on topu of processing your exact coordinates and prane of view at nearry thewu rate of a computer, youwu stirr have tuwu physicarry contror thewu character and dear with thewu game mechanics...
      this is amazing, and i congraturate youwu on your new personar best and of course thewu worrd record. rooking forward tuwu more content sometime. you've set thewu bar rearry high, buwt i have no doubt youwu have thewu determination tuwu succeed in something even more unberievabre. uwu

    • @alexk1682
      @alexk1682 4 года назад +11

      “Intricately exercise fine granular camera control”

    • @TMG9836
      @TMG9836 4 года назад +1

      Easily the best part of the video.

  • @IkEisawesome7
    @IkEisawesome7 4 года назад +184

    I think the most impressive part was how he intricately exercise fine granular camera control based on whatever his current task requires

    • @samherport7586
      @samherport7586 4 года назад

      Read this right as simply said it

    • @SingMeAMelody
      @SingMeAMelody 3 года назад +1

      @@dylanr4854 6:28 Simply put emphasis on ‘intricately exercise fine granular camera control’ which was funny because idk, things are just funny sometimes

  • @KeeganHughes-mq4un
    @KeeganHughes-mq4un 4 года назад +179

    Guys I haven’t opened my eyes yet is the scary piano gone

    • @username_576
      @username_576 4 года назад +12


    • @KeeganHughes-mq4un
      @KeeganHughes-mq4un 4 года назад +10

      Username_576 thank you so much dude you’re a real life saver ❤️

    • @username_576
      @username_576 4 года назад +3

      Ash no problem

    • @Shrando
      @Shrando 3 года назад +7

      @@username_576 somehow read a comment with his eyes closed to know the piano is gone

    • @stringcheese27
      @stringcheese27 3 года назад +17

      @@Shrando no man he just used the audio queues

  • @Pjiwm
    @Pjiwm 4 года назад +73

    Just imagine being blind folded in the piano room and not finding the door. That's the scariest shit ever to be honest....

  • @krueger92
    @krueger92 4 года назад +30

    So, to get into the spirit of this video I decided to watch it blindfolded. Not sure exactly what’s going on, but Simply sounds pretty impressed! 👍

  • @SikeiOK
    @SikeiOK 4 года назад +89

    A primera vista esto es increible. De alguna forma es más increible cuanto más analizo lo que lograste aqui. Durante tu run haz hecho cientos y cientos de movimientos de orientación, maniobras de colocación espacial, y ejercicios de manejo de cámara intricados basados en lo que tu tarea actual requiera. Esta es la parte que yo encuentro más impresionante de este logro! Todo lo que haria falta seria una pequeña desviación de tu ruta planeada para desorientarte y potencialmente perder tiempo o forzar a reiniciar... Pero incluso cuando tuviste uno de tus pocas, pocas pisadas en falso en esta run, inmediatamente tuviste contingencia y lograste reorientarte hacia tu posición espacial y dirección deseado.
    Esto está más allá de Super Mario 64. Esto es un vehículo en el que demuestras una habilidad que es algo enteramente dificil de comprender desde una perspectiva exterior. Estoy seguro que no tengo la habilidad para cometer a una memorización tan detallada que requiera nunca dar un paso en falso en algo tan insanamente complejo. Además de procesar tus exactas coordenadas y plano de visión a casi el ritmo de una computadora, tienes que controlar físicamente al personaje y lidiar con las mecánicas de juego...
    Es asombroso, y yo te felicito en tu nuevo record personal y por supuesto el record mundial. Espero más contenido algun momento. Dejaste la barra realmente alta, pero no tengo dudas de que tienes la determinación para triunfar en algo incluso más increible.

    • @isuckatrhythmgames.
      @isuckatrhythmgames. 4 года назад +9

      Absolutamente basado

    • @SikeiOK
      @SikeiOK 4 года назад +2

      @@CSharp__ LMAO ye i manually translated the same text.

    • @nenissaK
      @nenissaK 4 года назад +1

      :D nice work

  • @cabinfeverff
    @cabinfeverff 4 года назад +320

    simply is quickly becoming one of my favorite content creators

    • @soup8786
      @soup8786 4 года назад +4

      Yeah the shits poppin

    • @hehateme3712
      @hehateme3712 4 года назад +1

      Yeah he’s really good- his channel is growing damn fast, too

    • @Tootdaddy17
      @Tootdaddy17 4 года назад +3


    • @jackfisher249
      @jackfisher249 4 года назад


    • @notpiebooza8541
      @notpiebooza8541 4 года назад +2

      Strangely relatable comments be like

  • @Minecrafttroller-je1uz
    @Minecrafttroller-je1uz 4 года назад +4

    Auf den ersten Blick ist dies mehr als unglaublich. Irgendwie wird es unglaublicher, je tiefer man analysiert, was man hier gemacht hat. Während Ihres Laufs führen Sie Hunderte und Hunderte von Orientierungsbewegungen und räumlichen Platzierungsmanövern aus und üben eine feinkörnige Kamerasteuerung auf der Grundlage Ihrer aktuellen Aufgabe aus. Dies ist meiner Meinung nach der beeindruckendste Teil dieser Leistung! Alles, was Sie brauchen würden, ist eine kleine Abweichung von Ihrer geplanten Route, um desorientiert zu werden und möglicherweise Zeit zu verlieren oder einen Neustart zu erzwingen ... Aber selbst wenn es in diesem Lauf einen Ihrer sehr, sehr kleinen Fehltritte gab, hatten Sie sofort einen Notfall platzieren und konnten sich auf die gewünschte räumliche Platzierung und Richtung neu ausrichten.
    Dies geht über Super Mario 64 hinaus. Dies ist ein Fahrzeug, auf dem Sie Fähigkeiten zeigen, die von außen nur schwer zu verstehen sind. Ich weiß, dass ich sicher nicht in der Lage bin, die Art von Details, die erforderlich sind, um niemals einen einzigen Schritt in etwas so wahnsinnig Komplexem zu verpassen, in die Erinnerung zu rufen. Zusätzlich zur Verarbeitung Ihrer exakten Koordinaten und Sichtfelder mit nahezu der Geschwindigkeit eines Computers müssen Sie den Charakter noch physisch kontrollieren und sich mit der Spielmechanik befassen ...
    Das ist erstaunlich und ich gratuliere Ihnen zu Ihrer neuen persönlichen Bestleistung und natürlich zum Weltrekord. Ich freue mich auf weitere Inhalte. Sie haben die Messlatte wirklich hoch gelegt, aber ich bezweifle nicht, dass Sie die Entschlossenheit haben, in etwas noch Unglaublicherem Erfolg zu haben.

  • @jacksonsmith2955
    @jacksonsmith2955 4 года назад +69

    I guess he's taking a trip to Japan...

  • @MTG_Viking
    @MTG_Viking 4 года назад +5

    Beschaut man sich dies, so kann es nur als noch unglaublicher als unglaublich bezeichnet werden. Irgendwie wird es sogar umso unglaublicher, je genauer man untersucht, was du hier vollbracht hast. Während deines Laufs vollführst du hunderte und aberhunderte Orientierungsbewegungen, Manöver, um dich im Raum zu verorten und du bewerkstelligst verschlungene, ausgezeichnete und detaillierte Kameraadjustierungen - je nachdem, was für deine aktuelle Aufgabe benötigt wird. Ich empfinde das als den beeindruckendsten Teil dieser Errungenschaft! Es bräuchte nur eine winzige Abweichung von deinem vorbereiteten Kurs, um desorientiert zu werden und auf diese Weise möglicherweise Zeit zu verlieren oder einen Neuanlauf einzufordern... Aber wann immer einer deiner äußerst, äußerst wenigen und unbedeutenden Fehltritte in diesem Lauf auftrat, hattest du unverzüglich jeden unvorhergesehenen Fall im Sinn und warst in der Lage, dich neu zu verorten - hin zu dem Ort im Raum und hin zu der Richtung, die du wünschtest.
    Dies geht über Super Mario 64 hinaus. Dies ist ein Instrument, mit welchem du Fertigkeiten zur Schau stellst, die wenn überhaupt nur überaus schwierig aus dem Blickwinkel eines Außenstehenden zu begreifen sind. Ich weiß, dass ich sicherlich nicht die Fähigkeiten habe, eine derart detaillierte und gewandte Erinnerungsleistung zu vollbringen - in einer Weise, sodass kein Schritt in einer so unglaublich verzweigten Gesamtlage missglückt. Noch darüber hinaus, dass du deine exakten Koordinaten und deinen Blickwinkel geradezu mit der Geschwindigkeit eines Rechners verarbeitest, bist du zusätzlich in der Lage, die Spielfigur äußerlich zu steuern und mit den Spielmechaniken fertigzuwerden.
    Das ist erstaunlich und ich beglückwünsche dich zu deiner neuen persönlichen Bestzeit und natürlich auch zu dem Weltrekord. Ich freue mich darauf, bald mehr Inhalte von dir zu sehen. Du hast die Messlatte sehr hoch angelegt, aber ich habe keinen Zweifel daran, dass du die Entschlossenheit besitzt, noch unglaublichere Leistungen zu vollbringen.

  • @cooperdunn3808
    @cooperdunn3808 4 года назад +3

    À première vue, c'est au-delà d'incroyable. D'une manière ou d'une autre, cela devient plus incroyable à mesure que l'on analyse en profondeur ce que vous avez fait ici. Pendant votre course, vous effectuez des centaines et des centaines de mouvements d'orientation, de manœuvres de placement spatial et exercez un contrôle de caméra fin et granulaire en fonction de ce que votre tâche actuelle nécessite. C'est ce que je trouve être la partie la plus impressionnante de cette réalisation! Tout ce qu'il faudrait, c'est un petit écart par rapport à votre itinéraire planifié pour devenir désorienté et potentiellement perdre du temps ou forcer un redémarrage ... Mais même lorsqu'il y avait l'un de vos très, très rares faux pas mineurs dans cette course, vous avez immédiatement eu une contingence dans place et ont pu vous réorienter vers le placement spatial et la direction souhaités.
    C'est au-delà de Super Mario 64. C'est un véhicule sur lequel vous affichez un ensemble de compétences qui est quelque chose d'entièrement difficile à comprendre d'un point de vue extérieur. Je sais que je n'ai certainement pas la capacité de m'engager à mémoriser par cœur le genre de détails requis pour ne jamais manquer une seule étape dans quelque chose d'aussi incroyablement complexe. En plus de traiter vos coordonnées exactes et votre plan de vue presque au rythme d'un ordinateur, vous devez toujours contrôler physiquement le personnage et gérer les mécanismes du jeu ...
    C'est incroyable et je vous félicite pour votre nouveau record personnel et bien sûr le record du monde. Dans l'attente de plus de contenu un jour. Vous avez placé la barre très haut, mais je ne doute pas que vous ayez la détermination de réussir quelque chose d'encore plus incroyable.

  • @malikdubois6262
    @malikdubois6262 4 года назад +23

    When someone is better at a game blindfolded than you’ll ever be
    Im speaking for myself ofc

  • @NelsonDellis
    @NelsonDellis 4 года назад +27

    Memory champ here says "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK"

    • @NelsonDellis
      @NelsonDellis 4 года назад

      btw, discord link didn't work, how can I find it?

  • @sotoriya9810
    @sotoriya9810 4 года назад +78


  • @pedroe.escobedo81
    @pedroe.escobedo81 4 года назад +8

    Holy shit. I've never seen Mario's foot get big while on the falling animation after getting the star. Must have been due to the kick buffer.

  • @kerrmwill
    @kerrmwill 4 года назад +16

    Simply taught Armada how to speedrun sm64. Armada taught Simply how to make thumbnails

  • @Hack3r91
    @Hack3r91 4 года назад +8

    Questo è più che incredibile. In qualche modo, diventa sempre più incredibile tanto più si analizza ciò che hai realizzato. Durante la tua run, hai effettuato centinaia e centinaia di movimenti di orientamento, manovre di posizionamento spaziale, ed hai intricatamente esercitato fini, granulari controlli della telecamera per qualunque azione che il tuo compito richiedesse. Questa è quello che considero la parte più impressionante di questa realizzazione! Sarebbe bastata una piccola deviazione dal tuo percorso pianificato per disorientarti, e potenzialmente perdere tempo o forzare un restart....Ma anche quando c'è stato uno dei davvero pochissimi, piccoli passi falsi in questa run, hai sempre avuto un piano di emergenza pronto, e sei stato in grado di riorentarti nella direzione e posizionamento spaziale desiderati.
    Questo è oltre Super Mario 64. Questo è un mezzo, su cui mostri un set di abilità che è qualcosa di interamente difficile da comprendere da una prospettiva esterna. Io so di certo di non avere l'abilità di memorizzare il livello di dettaglio necessario per non commettere mai un singolo passo falso in qualcosa di così follemente complesso. Oltre che processare le tue coordinate esatte e punto di vista ad una velocità paragonabile a quella di un computer, devi anche controllare fisicamente il personaggio ed avere a che fare con le meccaniche del gioco.
    Questo è stupefacente, e mi congratulo con te sul tuo nuovo record personale e, naturalmente, mondiale. Aspetto con ansia nuovi contenuti. Hai veramente alzato il tiro, ma non ho dubbi che tu abbia la determinazione per raggiungere obbiettivi ancora più incredibili.

  • @alessio6880
    @alessio6880 Год назад +1

    26:59 You were right, but It took 5-6 hours more lol

  • @user-hi5vm4vh8t
    @user-hi5vm4vh8t 3 года назад +1

    The value of faith goes beyond this incredible. Analyzing what you have done here would be unbelievable anyway. As you run, you are now accustomed to precise motion control, special positioning maneuvers and practically weak controls based on what you need. I consider this to be the most popular part of achieving this goal. It is a departure from the path we have planned today to take and despair. And not to waste time, or to start over ... But even if you took the wrong steps today in this race small, you immediately had to deal with an unexpected chaos and you had to find yourself somewhere. Be able to walk in the location and direction of.
    It's beyond the limits of Super Mario 64. In this car you show skill, it is difficult to understand from the outside.
    I can't waste memory, I don't want to miss a single step of such a complex thing. When you have real coordination and behavior in computer rates, you still have to have physical control and deal with the game mechanic ...
    Wonderful, congratulations on your new personal note and of course the world record. Sometimes expect a lot. You will definitely be promoted, but I am not sure you will increase your confidence.

  • @IkEisawesome7
    @IkEisawesome7 4 года назад +95

    when is the blindfold freshman 16

      @ARMTOAST 4 года назад +15

      i was blindfolded once as a freshman, it did not turn out very well

    • @thevideogamemadman5047
      @thevideogamemadman5047 3 года назад

      It’s coning

    • @sebb1241
      @sebb1241 3 года назад

      I told him in chat to do this and he told me it was a bad idea 😢

    • @IkEisawesome7
      @IkEisawesome7 3 года назад

      @@sebb1241 I mostly meant it as a joke lmao, it'd be hard to organize tbh

  • @zwanz0r
    @zwanz0r 4 года назад +2

    Super Cleaning 64. Rubbing all walls and hooks to make sure their clean. Grabbing all ledges.

  • @Kaitri
    @Kaitri 4 года назад +8

    its cool that simply tried it himself at the end (at least the slide level) but sad that he gave up so quickly. obviously you wont get a blindfolded star in like 20minutes.
    still really impressive, i hope this guy will eventually stream because i would love to watch it

  • @1996Pinocchio
    @1996Pinocchio 3 года назад

    12:00 "Every single motor, momentum, the way that he does it, it's beyond incredible."

  • @thrusteavis
    @thrusteavis 4 года назад +2

    this is legit a big as fuck brain exclusive
    my brain does not have the harddrive space to download this much super mario 64 info no matter how much I practiced i dont think

  • @TheBrister
    @TheBrister 3 года назад +3

    These strats are the real "Wall kicks will work"

  • @Shmeve0
    @Shmeve0 4 года назад +2

    This is the pinnacle of human accomplishment

  • @cowien
    @cowien 4 года назад +4

    All i can think about is the fact that he doesn't really know what time he's getting until he removes his blindfold

  • @legacyandrew
    @legacyandrew 4 года назад +4

    这超越了Super Mario64。这是一种您可以在其上显示从外部角度完全难以理解的技能的车辆。我知道我肯定没有能力去死记硬背那种永远都不会错过如此复杂的事情的一步所需要的细节。除了几乎以计算机的速度处理精确的坐标和视平面外,您仍然必须物理地控制角色并应对游戏机制。

  • @sauceman6457
    @sauceman6457 4 года назад

    This video was hilarious! Thank you for this content Simply and ghostboy !

  • @LIES1988GNR
    @LIES1988GNR 4 года назад +2

    This man doesn't need to play this game anymore. He can play it from memory,

  • @sbeve7134
    @sbeve7134 4 года назад

    yo simply and ghostboy are killing it with this content, keep it up boys!

  • @bitdw-
    @bitdw- 3 года назад +1

    5:19 had me dying

  • @Segastar1
    @Segastar1 4 года назад +2

    One of the most insane things i've ever seen

  • @DaveDFFA
    @DaveDFFA 3 года назад +1

    It's people with savant levels of visual spatial

  • @jakeasterisk
    @jakeasterisk 4 года назад +3


  • @ksrhys-
    @ksrhys- 4 года назад +4

    Oh yeah? well i went from my bed to the toilet and back in the dark in the middle of the night and only got like half a litre of piss on the seat and floor.
    And walls.
    Also ceiling.
    All jokes aside - that was unbelievably granular.

  • @bwtrickster
    @bwtrickster 4 года назад +3

    1:14 "react harder"
    he onlys posts the parts he reacts to here lol

  • @anikmumsen3209
    @anikmumsen3209 4 года назад +1

    Clint is in some serious trouble

  • @Kishoto
    @Kishoto 4 года назад

    @simply the link in the description is to his 16 star vid, not his 50 star one.

  • @bemshire
    @bemshire 2 года назад

    This person is dedicated and posesses skills I could never have. They are an amazing individual and nothing i am going to say is meant to be negatively critial of them.
    I don't understand why they chose to do an seemingly arbitrary number of stars for a blinded speed run.
    Do they hate 70? Were they intentionally trying to make a new subcategory for blinded? Seems odd they would not just train that hard and for so long for a catagory no one has done.

  • @piercewells1810
    @piercewells1810 4 года назад

    That blinded cannonless was sick.

  • @Flickzy-FN
    @Flickzy-FN 4 года назад +1

    bro this guy can do the BOB wing cap lvl better than mw

  • @downpp2255
    @downpp2255 3 года назад

    This is how you played when you where little and your dad wanted to watch the news.

  • @besinio91194
    @besinio91194 3 года назад

    I actually use the blindfolded strat for bowser throws (without buffers), just cause i really suck at the visual timing of those

  • @Edwulf
    @Edwulf 4 года назад

    I just finished rewatched your reaction to the 24 minute one

  • @TheJimnebob
    @TheJimnebob 4 года назад +4

    Link in description is for the 16 star run.

  • @dangerousdru
    @dangerousdru 3 года назад

    I wish I was at this stream. As soon as he asked how can I react better, I would’ve answered, are you ready for this. I am about to create the new thing on twitch. Ok. Here we go. 3...2...1
    Blindfolded reaction!

  • @raputha1148
    @raputha1148 3 года назад

    is there a vod of this on youtube?

  • @Yomaster74
    @Yomaster74 4 года назад +1

    1:40 cheese chips??!?
    you gotta be from the mid west cuz who calls then cheese chips lol

  • @emilycaddey402
    @emilycaddey402 4 года назад

    When he got cannonless blindfolded I GASPED.

  • @Fluffey
    @Fluffey 4 года назад

    simply please exercise fine granular control of the nut button for this slapper of a speedrun

  • @walkingterror7360
    @walkingterror7360 4 года назад +1

    um, you put the 16 star link instead of the 50 star link in the desc.
    just wanna point that out

  • @believethehype1045
    @believethehype1045 2 года назад

    Funny you mentioned in this video that someone would get 120 one day... It is now finally a reality credit to one of your teachers!

  • @fabmoneyy
    @fabmoneyy 4 года назад +2

    are you gonna react to his 70 star blindfolded?

  • @GSTE_
    @GSTE_ 3 года назад

    How could you have speedrun super mario 64 and not know about the secret tunnel in the ice slide.

  • @Jaspev
    @Jaspev 2 года назад

    This commentary was so granular

  • @CobrastyleTV
    @CobrastyleTV 3 года назад

    What's the song name for 06:32 ?

  • @derekw9724
    @derekw9724 4 года назад

    Dedo on Dedo is so fire

  • @Khatrie169
    @Khatrie169 4 года назад

    my boy SuperfastJellyfish on facebook gaming just did a run to compete with 2nd place on Blindfolded 16 star, its awaiting submission atm

  • @thevideogamemadman5047
    @thevideogamemadman5047 3 года назад

    13:38 you sure about that

  • @caseyhobo8477
    @caseyhobo8477 3 года назад +1

    watch his 70 star runs they are even more epic

  • @ayoitscat
    @ayoitscat 3 года назад

    "that was all muscle memory"

  • @mantislife7463
    @mantislife7463 2 года назад

    He's beginning to believe

  • @ArtoPekkanen
    @ArtoPekkanen 4 года назад

    This is unreal.

  • @Blucario90
    @Blucario90 4 года назад +48

    .elbaveilebnu erom neve gnihtemos ni deeccus ot noitanimreted eht evah uoy tbuod on evah I tub ,hgih yllaer rab eht tes ev'uoY .emitemos tnetnoc erom ot drawrof gnikooL .drocer dlrow eht esruoc fo dna tseb lanosrep wen ruoy no uoy etalutargnoc I dna ,gnizama si sihT
    ...scinahcem emag eht htiw laed dna retcarahc eht lortnoc yllacisyhp ot evah llits uoy ,retupmoc a fo etar eht ylraen ta weiv fo enalp dna setanidrooc tcaxe ruoy gnissecorp fo pot nO .xelpmoc ylenasni os gnihtemos ni pets elgnis a ssim reven ot deriuqer liated fo dnik eht yromem etor ot timmoc ot ytiliba eht evah t'nod erus I wonk I .evitcepsrep edistuo na morf dneherpmoc ot tluciffid yleritne gnihtemos si taht tes lliks a yalpsid uoy hcihw no elcihev a si sihT .46 oiraM repuS dnoyeb si sihT
    .noitcerid dna tnemecalp laicaps derised ruoy ot flesruoy tneiroer ot elba erew dna ecalp ni ycnegnitnoc a dah yletaidemmi uoy ,nur siht ni spetssim ronim wef yrev ,yrev ruoy fo eno saw ereht nehw neve tuB ...tratser a ecrof ro emit esol yllaitnetop dna detneirosid emoceb ot etuor dennalp ruoy morf noitaived llams a si ekat dluow ti llA !tnemeveihca siht fo trap evisserpmi tsom eht eb ot dnif I tahw si sihT .seriuqer ksat tnerruc ruoy revetahw no desab lortnoc aremac ralunarg enif esicrexe yletacirtni dna ,srevuenam tnemecalp laicaps ,stnemevom noitatneiro fo sderdnuh nopu sderdnuh mrofrep uoy nur ruoy gniruD .ereh enod ev'uoy tahw sezylana eno repeed eht elbaveilebnu erom steg ti wohemoS .elbidercni dnoyeb si siht eulav ecaf tA

    • @isuckatrhythmgames.
      @isuckatrhythmgames. 4 года назад +1

      Absolute madlad

    • @pinjatn
      @pinjatn 4 года назад +1

      Did anyone read it all

    • @Retrenorium
      @Retrenorium 4 года назад

      @@pinjatn it is the same thing but backwards,

    • @pinjatn
      @pinjatn 4 года назад

      ÆyææāăäÆøœīůįųřėæy ůğøœđ?bŕøgeèæèæææ yeah but i cant be bothered to read all of it backwards lmao

    • @pinjatn
      @pinjatn 4 года назад

      ÆyææāăäÆøœīůįųřėæy ůğøœđ?bŕøgeèæèæææ oh wait nvm its the meme i get it now

  • @thevideogamemadman5047
    @thevideogamemadman5047 3 года назад

    Now 70 star blindfolded this guy did that

  • @bungofungus
    @bungofungus 4 года назад

    When you say “this game is so easy, i can play it with my eyes closed” seriously

  • @floatingshoppinglist5193
    @floatingshoppinglist5193 4 года назад +2

    I wonder if he uses a custom GameCube controller with like 16 notches for extreme accuracy 🤔 lol

  • @hydrateyoutube4697
    @hydrateyoutube4697 7 дней назад

    What happened to his channel

  • @obama8401
    @obama8401 4 года назад

    this is extremely poggers holy shit

  • @lali6389
    @lali6389 4 года назад +2

    im granulating

  • @jamesrose4523
    @jamesrose4523 3 года назад

    This has me rolling

  • @saadsiff5762
    @saadsiff5762 3 года назад

    He has a good gaming chair

  • @alistairblaire6001
    @alistairblaire6001 4 года назад

    24 years of practice

  • @thevideogamemadman5047
    @thevideogamemadman5047 3 года назад

    I’m 11, may speedrun this game but with 2:10:12 70 star and 6:04:27 120, and not understand what I’m gonna be doing, but say it with me, GRANULAR! Feels good to say, like im Albert Einstein or something

  • @alexk1682
    @alexk1682 4 года назад

    There are so many hilarious Among Us moments. Especially when he trolled the public servers, would love to see some highlights!

  • @lolrollerlol
    @lolrollerlol 4 года назад

    Another quality post as usual

  • @TheNumber22
    @TheNumber22 4 года назад

    Yo simply, you linked the 16 star blindfolded world record in the description instead of the 50 star

  • @jimmymcjim1491
    @jimmymcjim1491 3 года назад


  • @1996Pinocchio
    @1996Pinocchio 3 года назад +1

    Why does he have a tshirt on?

  • @0O7
    @0O7 4 года назад +1

    Thank you simply, very cool!

  • @improvwithlions4173
    @improvwithlions4173 4 года назад

    This guy at 6:27 is making it sound less impressive actually. It reminds me of someone overdescribing some ordinary activity like going for a stroll, or driving to the grocery store, or catching a ball

    • @Animebryan2
      @Animebryan2 4 года назад +1

      Or taking a potato chip, and eating it!

  • @cancerfish6504
    @cancerfish6504 4 года назад

    Augh, youtube keeps unsubbing me from simply. I swear ive had to resub like 10 times now.

  • @MetalBacon64
    @MetalBacon64 2 года назад

    So granular.

  • @lalatoto23
    @lalatoto23 3 года назад

    uh oh

  • @thelowesisters7693
    @thelowesisters7693 3 года назад

    What if he’s not even holding the controller it’s his room mate off screen

  • @silvaitor9054
    @silvaitor9054 3 года назад

    26:53 i've found big foot

  • @TheRoboticLlama
    @TheRoboticLlama 4 года назад

    imagine beating it with 49 starts on accident

  • @DiskoSpider
    @DiskoSpider 4 года назад

    You aren't subscribed to Simply? Bro that's pretty nongranular ngl.

  • @PaddyRoon7
    @PaddyRoon7 4 года назад

    You're hilarious mate lol

  • @Tablesgg
    @Tablesgg 4 года назад

    dedo on dedo on dedo

  • @royjuan8918
    @royjuan8918 3 года назад

    WHO is he pushing and punching walls and things I cause he is trying to know where he is

  • @maxdoyle3814
    @maxdoyle3814 4 года назад

    granular LULW

  • @Slyith444
    @Slyith444 4 года назад


  • @seal939
    @seal939 4 года назад


  • @redchiprenegade
    @redchiprenegade 4 года назад +1


  • @alviselsey7794
    @alviselsey7794 4 года назад +1

    Imagine this guy getting a blindfolded 120 1:37

  • @cheese_ninentdo_nerds_worl2545
    @cheese_ninentdo_nerds_worl2545 3 года назад

    194 22 -67 Tnt

  • @woodwardaustin539
    @woodwardaustin539 4 года назад

    Can i have your hat without the L and the Y please