*Wondering if you had a relationship with a narcissist?* Download the FREE checklist to see how your experience stacks up to the phases of narcissistic abuse: www.commonego.com/checklist
1) You're too sensitive 0:23 2) That's not how it happened. 2:56 3) You overthink everything. 5:03 4) It's all your fault. 8:33 5) I never said that. You must be confused. 10:24 6) I did that for your own good. 12:40 7) You are making a big deal out of nothing. 14:06
My ex would always tell me that's not how it happened. That I'm confused. I have a rare autoimmune disease that is vasculitis of the brain so I do make mistakes and they would use that against me. I left them but I find myself missing and still worrying about them. I know that I was gas lighted alot throughout the relationship. I don't know if I'm scared now from it. I'm afraid that I'm going to fall into another relationship with a narcissist again and I don't know how I can stop it from happening again 😔 because of the autoimmune disease I question myself alot. But I don't want to live in fear. I don't know what to do.
@@rossanderson1989 my wife always tells me that I "don't listen" but in reality she changes what she claims she said vs what she actually said. Only recently have I started to see this and wonder how often she has been doing this. I have been diagnosed with moderate depression and severe anxiety. Wonder how much is due to this sick relationship.
@@rossanderson1989 Problem solved...she already discarded me. The fact that I will not miss her company speaks volumes. I am deeply sad for my son who will now have a broken home.
@@teachertimm it will just be up to you to make the best of it. I wish I had the answer to alot of problems. Just show your son that you love him and maybe become his best friend.
I’ve been told every one of those things, and let me tell you something about a person that’s too sensitive, that is a person that is empathetic. A person that knows how to treat people with kindness and love. Sensitive people are the best at creative writing, art, and they’re also the best at being fun to be around.
The other day a parent told me I was too sensitive (and thankfully because of your previous videos I was already sensing their motive:) and I said: “I like my sensitivity, if more people were as sensitive I personally don’t think we’d have so many Human caused problems like wars, abuse or Animal mistreatments.” Parent changed subject real quick! And I do, I like it (now that I know how lovely it is in others:)
"Oh, so you hate me." Or "Sorry I'm so (lazy, mean, ugly,etc)". These usually get pulled when criticizing the narcissist over something that was done to you. Because you start things off as the injured party, trying to reach reconciliation or mutual understanding... When suddenly you're backpedaling under a barrage of accusations of hating said person. Like record-scratching violently rewriting the focus of the conversation line by line to exploit your guilt. And the scary thing is you will most likely be the one apologizing by the end of that conversation EVERY TIME.
When trying to explain how they hurt you and the response is “you can’t even imagine how I felt when you…” as if they have been hurt so much more by you than you could ever dream of.
My narc's emotionally scarring backstory is getting called mean names and getting pranked via kick-me sign *by someone other than me,* and getting called out for using these as excuses. My backstory is the aforementioned nutjob treating me like dirt and beating the hell out of me, being "forced" to do so by the bully who made her "suffer" so much. When I point out how this all sounds, she acts like my reaction came out of nowhere and treats me like a second villain. Between that and her lying; saying that her best friend participated in the kick-me sign prank, I'm not even sure how honest she was about the initial bully.
@@micheles8796 … it’s not about them… it’s about you having the mental capacity to understand what is actually going on so you can make healthy decisions in your relationship (whatever the relationship) to that narcissistic person.
@@garrimic3 yes I agree. I’m no contact now. But this would have been helpful some time ago. Writing things down didn’t seem to matter, he managed to manipulate me somehow anyway.
When I confronted my wife about how she always invalidated my feelings, she said, "I had to do that. I was doing that to help you because you were only talking about your feelings because you were always looking for sympathy." When I then told her that that was untrue and hurtful, she told me I was "just too sensitive."
Always hear I'm too sensitive or just imagining things or it's all in your head or you need counseling or you're delusional or crazy or you're being paranoid or you're making accusations. My father and his flying monkeys love gaslighting, bullying, belittling, talking crap behind my back, false accusations, playing mind games.
This is so sad and very common I think! I know my key family members use these unhealthy tactics and many others. As an elementary age child I realized my temperament and personality were a mismatch with many of my family members! I decided to give them much less influence, and access. That has worked well into adulthood! Whatever the influences of the behavior cultural or trauma or many other things, that does not justify being unwilling or unable to recognize the negative effects and cannot be overlooked!
He assured me he would stop this married coworker from hitting on him and I was clear that I wanted that crap to stop now. He said he would talk to her and "set her straight" . I was a fool and trusted him. She was half my age, redhead(his type), big boobs and I knew he thought she was hot. I was going thru menopause and was sick with heart issues and feeling very intimidated. He had an affair behind my back and lied and started the "disgust" with me and I was the last to know. That's ok...I've learned so much! It was hard coz we were together 23 years and it was shocking when I knew what he was doing. Rocked my world and then dismissed me, raging and I became nonexistent. He was already done and I didn't even get a chance to say ANYTHING AT ALL. He raged, ran away, kicked me out if I said anything about what was going on. Later he pretended nothing was discussed except, "well, I know you told me not to talk to her." WHAAAAAAAT?
True i am being mobbed and gaslighting at my job and when i called out their behaviour they always said i am too sensitive. For those who pass through the same thing please be strong and if its possible change job. The good thing is that i start to read more psihologie so i can recognize their tactics.
Me "I just want us to be close", them "I thought we were close". Also them "you're too sensitive, no no no it wasn't like that (when mentioning ahuse), you think too much, you can't make decisions, nobody talks like that, why would anyone want to talk about their childhood, you're weak, and on and on", wow yeah, we are really close! SO long as I deny who I am, how I think feel and speak and do and act exactly how you want me to. I was so protective of them but enmeshed and trauma bonded. Then they act like they're the sweetest person on the planet and constantly offer 'help'.
I met a women, I met a narcissist. She invited me inside, she put me in the oven. She took away my pain, she carved me up. She helped me heal, she ate me alive.
That's absolutely awesome! You nailed the feeling of being in a narcissistic relationship in a few simple sentences. You should consider songwriting as a career.
I unknowingly had people speaking very badly about me to a mutual friend. Saying that I didn’t like her and just other negative gossip. She then started taking everything I said or did in a negative light until one day, she exploded on me. I tried to tell her I meant nothing by what I said but she was convinced. These people even tried to rewrite history and claim events happened that I KNOW didn’t. I didn’t have proof to defend myself. It got so bad that I started saving screenshots, recording conversations and eventually withdrew from everyone around me because I couldn’t trust anyone. With therapy I got the help I needed and feel much better.
Although, they are the type of person who will take things out of context if it benefits them at the time... (So when they use the phrase, its somewhere between them gaslighting and projecting)
I caught my fiance texting both her previous ex's. When I asked her why she didn't tell me, she just said, "I forgot." She has an amazing memory, until she doesn't. 😅
4 years ago I had to kick my aunt out of my life because she was a narcissist and constantly treated me miserable.. by sending me away constantly to placements for doing stuff she disagreed with her .. I'm in PTSD and Anxiety tharpy nowadays ...but she did a lot of this stuff and made me feel miserable.. so thanks for making this video it really helps..
Another one: I am old. I can't deal with this now. Whenever you tell them your truth and try to get them to accept their responsibility. Otherwise, they are as fit as a fiddle and having fun in life. No health issues. No problems at all.
I refuse to communicate with the narcissists in my life except via email or text so that there's a record of everything. They always try to change the story but I never do, so I have no problem with a record of communications. In the rare case where email/text isn't possible, I insist on recording conversations in video or audio. Same reason - I want that record.
Alternative of "that's not how it happened" When they are arguing they will cherry pick/omitt/distort to create a narrative. When you reply with a historical instance for reference. They either outright say that never happened, or some variations "why do you always have to bring up the past you said you were over it. I said I was sorry" Annnnnd were fighting about something else now
The first line has been used on me to gaslight, but some people really are too sensitive. I have used it on my son because he is hypersensitive and uses narcissistic tactics to justify his reactions like insulting or hitting his siblings and kids on the playground. We point it out to him to help him spot the moment a situation gets out of hand. All the kids already know how to get a rise out of him and he always delivers them a show. We acknowledge his feelings of hurt, but he still needs to learn not display it to mean spirited people nor retaliate in the same or worse way. The world won’t be nice to him always and in order to preserve his sensitivity he first needs to learn to protect it by not giving it away as a flaw. Just mentioning it because I know it’s gaslighting in most context, but there are exceptions.
Being with a narcissist is extremely dangerous I almost died. I don’t need to tell what he did because all of those videos explains that. I confronted him and said he needed to stop holy shit he manipulated everyone against me and still do. I lost all my friends in one day. These people are the ones that let you bleed to death while they walk away without looking back….
What does it mean when they use their sensitivity to explain their inability to accept criticism, or being defensive about anything they perceive as criticism?
And any time I’d bring up how they hurt me it always turned into “Why am I always wrong?”, or “I can never do anything right.” It often had to do with disrespect and ignoring boundaries that she was well aware of. At one point, she had asked me to compromise boundaries with her which would only hurt me, in the end. There was always a pattern with her too. She’d cross a line, egregiously lie about something, etc., and hurt me deeply. I’d address the issue and explain what she did and how it made me feel. She’d get defensive, and come up with a reason for doing what she did. She’d then apologize, and want me to forgive her immediately. If I didn’t do so, she’d get upset with me, and tell me that I need to be more kind and have more empathy for her. She’d also want me to consider how much it hurt her for me to let her know how much she had hurt me. She’d often use my “lack of empathy” to turn people against me, and somehow get them to focus on my response and dismiss the hurtful actions that caused me to approach her in the first place. It was such a frustrating, confusing, toxic environment to be in. Unfortunately, I let it continue for far too long, and it’s continuing to affect me.
Oh man, I feel your pain, I lived through this exact same thing with my ex fiance. Recovery IS possible. Go no contact, learn as much as you can, write down all of her harmful behaviors and stay FAR away.
If you feel you're taking a loss by leaving, think about this- narcs have their reality and rules. You have yours. Your reality might see leaving as a loss, but their reality sees you leaving as you win. They lose control over you, no more supply, they can't change your mind, they lose everything they need to survive. They crash hard. This will absolutely happen. They now know you're on to them, you're not going to accept them as superior, you basically invalidate every dam thing about how they perceived themselves. They know you accept your reality as the true one, rejecting theirs.And they know at the core, their reality is bullshit. That's all the closure you'll ever need. You win. Period. Even if it doesn't feel like a win.
I wish you can see what this evil people be doing to me ! All they do is play games with people emotions all day long now that I see what they be doing I just watch them it’s evil!
That's the interesting thing about psychology there is always a flip side and an underbelly. Not all NARC's always play the victim card....because there is a type that believes he/she is too great to ever be the victim.
Hi just need help with finding the 5 day free offer you spoke of at the beginning of this video. It was regarding rumination and over thinking. Thank you Christina
Yup, her favorite is; "I never said that", implying that I must be imagining things, as she is never at fault, it is always me and my imagination. Therefore, I am wrong, she is right, always... 😉😆👍 on point with that one. What about the pity party ? oh feel sorry for me, you're an insensitive a--hole, for not letting her get her way.
I remember telling the narc she was hurting my feelings many times. She would respond with, what are you? You sound like a woman, are you a woman...😃❤🙏✌
@295walk it's making you feel that you're not man enough too sensitive that you complain a lot you express a lot etc things that makes you feel less of a man my ex did it to me she always told you're a man you need to do that even if it's her own problems that she couldn't offer any solutions for thing that she was responsible for that she need to fix etc
have question for you. Does this counts as emotional affair? But keep in mind me and Morgan and Stephen have special needs i feel it not cheating we all got special needs i know it will never never having sex in my affair not never never so does sill counts as infidelity but only physical is hugging and holding hands no sex. It non sexual affair just emotional and physical affair without sex . 1 texting Stephen behind Morgan back 2 meeting with stephen behind morgan back 3 laughing with Stephen 4 watching films with stephen behind morgan back 5 specking to Stephen on phone behind morgan back 6 hiding texts and deleting texts behind morgan back 7 telling Stephen i love him and miss him and i can't holding hands with him and watch my and favourite movie dinsey high school musical that got Zac efron and vanessa Hudgens in it.? 8 getting high school musical balloons with stephen? Does this counts as emotional affair. I ask my mum about it she stay it just cheating but what type of cheating would it be?
The I've never said that, it must be you? Reply by saying that selective memory of yours is all out of wack, after hearing enough of you twisting things around, you recorded that conversation and they sounded like they were on crack as they was lying then, and they can't keep up with the lies they told? Show them a phone as if you did record them and walk away and don't say anything else.😅
*Wondering if you had a relationship with a narcissist?* Download the FREE checklist to see how your experience stacks up to the phases of narcissistic abuse: www.commonego.com/checklist
1) You're too sensitive 0:23
2) That's not how it happened. 2:56
3) You overthink everything. 5:03
4) It's all your fault. 8:33
5) I never said that. You must be confused. 10:24
6) I did that for your own good. 12:40
7) You are making a big deal out of nothing. 14:06
My ex would always tell me that's not how it happened. That I'm confused. I have a rare autoimmune disease that is vasculitis of the brain so I do make mistakes and they would use that against me. I left them but I find myself missing and still worrying about them. I know that I was gas lighted alot throughout the relationship. I don't know if I'm scared now from it. I'm afraid that I'm going to fall into another relationship with a narcissist again and I don't know how I can stop it from happening again 😔 because of the autoimmune disease I question myself alot. But I don't want to live in fear. I don't know what to do.
@@rossanderson1989 my wife always tells me that I "don't listen" but in reality she changes what she claims she said vs what she actually said. Only recently have I started to see this and wonder how often she has been doing this. I have been diagnosed with moderate depression and severe anxiety. Wonder how much is due to this sick relationship.
@@teachertimm best advice I can give is leave. My ex wife caused me to get an autoimmune disease from all of the arguments.
@@rossanderson1989 Problem solved...she already discarded me. The fact that I will not miss her company speaks volumes. I am deeply sad for my son who will now have a broken home.
@@teachertimm it will just be up to you to make the best of it. I wish I had the answer to alot of problems. Just show your son that you love him and maybe become his best friend.
When you set boundaries, they say you are not a good friend by making all these rules.
Which is why I keep my distance from anyone who tries to manipulate me like this.
I’ve been told every one of those things, and let me tell you something about a person that’s too sensitive, that is a person that is empathetic. A person that knows how to treat people with kindness and love. Sensitive people are the best at creative writing, art, and they’re also the best at being fun to be around.
The other day a parent told me I was too sensitive (and thankfully because of your previous videos I was already sensing their motive:) and I said: “I like my sensitivity, if more people were as sensitive I personally don’t think we’d have so many Human caused problems like wars, abuse or Animal mistreatments.” Parent changed subject real quick! And I do, I like it (now that I know how lovely it is in others:)
"Oh, so you hate me." Or "Sorry I'm so (lazy, mean, ugly,etc)".
These usually get pulled when criticizing the narcissist over something that was done to you. Because you start things off as the injured party, trying to reach reconciliation or mutual understanding... When suddenly you're backpedaling under a barrage of accusations of hating said person. Like record-scratching violently rewriting the focus of the conversation line by line to exploit your guilt. And the scary thing is you will most likely be the one apologizing by the end of that conversation EVERY TIME.
You disagree with me, therefore you hate me. So manipulative 🙏❤️
YES! They ALWAYS play the victim!!! Even when they are the ones causing the harm.
When trying to explain how they hurt you and the response is “you can’t even imagine how I felt when you…” as if they have been hurt so much more by you than you could ever dream of.
My narc's emotionally scarring backstory is getting called mean names and getting pranked via kick-me sign *by someone other than me,* and getting called out for using these as excuses.
My backstory is the aforementioned nutjob treating me like dirt and beating the hell out of me, being "forced" to do so by the bully who made her "suffer" so much.
When I point out how this all sounds, she acts like my reaction came out of nowhere and treats me like a second villain. Between that and her lying; saying that her best friend participated in the kick-me sign prank, I'm not even sure how honest she was about the initial bully.
It’s a must for anyone to keep a diary or journal in their life.
The greatest enemy to a narcissist is someone with a great memory.
Truth!!! But even when we exert our great memory skills, they still try to twist it!
@@micheles8796 … it’s not about them… it’s about you having the mental capacity to understand what is actually going on so you can make healthy decisions in your relationship (whatever the relationship) to that narcissistic person.
@@garrimic3 yes I agree. I’m no contact now. But this would have been helpful some time ago. Writing things down didn’t seem to matter, he managed to manipulate me somehow anyway.
@@micheles8796 … well I hope the best for you. I’m sorry you had to experience the destructive experience
@@garrimic3 me too, by far the worst and most traumatic experience of my life. But I’m healing and helping others heal. God will deal with him.
When I confronted my wife about how she always invalidated my feelings, she said, "I had to do that. I was doing that to help you because you were only talking about your feelings because you were always looking for sympathy." When I then told her that that was untrue and hurtful, she told me I was "just too sensitive."
Sometimes I want to say "That's not how it happened" when a narc is actively re-writing history.
I not only heard every one of these growing up.
But I heard every one of these and much more for 2yrs from the therapist I hired to find healing.
"THAT was in the past"
Then they do the same things again and again.
Oh yes and that means it's OVER and may never ever be put on the table again.If you do either, they'll punish you in any way
Oh that probably should have been on the list too! Stop drudging up the past (when the past just was yesterday) 🙏❤️
And yet, if you did 1 marginally imperfect thing... 30 years ago, they will hold it against you and remind you of it constantly as a currency.
Classic line...and also "you aren't seeing the GOOD in me!!"
" No one is wrong all the time" I needed to hear this today ❤
Gratitude 🤲 Your Way.
I'm so tired of being told I'm too sensitive ❤
It’s always gaslighting 🙏❤️
Spot on. Thank you for great examples and advice.
The "You're too sensitive" is PROJECTION!
Always hear I'm too sensitive or just imagining things or it's all in your head or you need counseling or you're delusional or crazy or you're being paranoid or you're making accusations. My father and his flying monkeys love gaslighting, bullying, belittling, talking crap behind my back, false accusations, playing mind games.
Those are so common because it’s extremely convenient for a narcissist if you’re questioning your own memory or sanity 🙏❤️
Yes that's their problem not yours. Yes learning how to deal with it. That's the key.
Indeed 🙏❤️
This is so sad and very common I think! I know my key family members use these unhealthy tactics and many others. As an elementary age child I realized my temperament and personality were a mismatch with many of my family members! I decided to give them much less influence, and access. That has worked well into adulthood! Whatever the influences of the behavior cultural or trauma or many other things, that does not justify being unwilling or unable to recognize the negative effects and cannot be overlooked!
He assured me he would stop this married coworker from hitting on him and I was clear that I wanted that crap to stop now. He said he would talk to her and "set her straight" . I was a fool and trusted him. She was half my age, redhead(his type), big boobs and I knew he thought she was hot. I was going thru menopause and was sick with heart issues and feeling very intimidated. He had an affair behind my back and lied and started the "disgust" with me and I was the last to know. That's ok...I've learned so much! It was hard coz we were together 23 years and it was shocking when I knew what he was doing. Rocked my world and then dismissed me, raging and I became nonexistent. He was already done and I didn't even get a chance to say ANYTHING AT ALL. He raged, ran away, kicked me out if I said anything about what was going on. Later he pretended nothing was discussed except, "well, I know you told me not to talk to her." WHAAAAAAAT?
True i am being mobbed and gaslighting at my job and when i called out their behaviour they always said i am too sensitive. For those who pass through the same thing please be strong and if its possible change job. The good thing is that i start to read more psihologie so i can recognize their tactics.
Me "I just want us to be close", them "I thought we were close". Also them "you're too sensitive, no no no it wasn't like that (when mentioning ahuse), you think too much, you can't make decisions, nobody talks like that, why would anyone want to talk about their childhood, you're weak, and on and on", wow yeah, we are really close! SO long as I deny who I am, how I think feel and speak and do and act exactly how you want me to. I was so protective of them but enmeshed and trauma bonded. Then they act like they're the sweetest person on the planet and constantly offer 'help'.
I met a women, I met a narcissist.
She invited me inside, she put me in the oven.
She took away my pain, she carved me up.
She helped me heal, she ate me alive.
That's absolutely awesome! You nailed the feeling of being in a narcissistic relationship in a few simple sentences. You should consider songwriting as a career.
I unknowingly had people speaking very badly about me to a mutual friend. Saying that I didn’t like her and just other negative gossip. She then started taking everything I said or did in a negative light until one day, she exploded on me. I tried to tell her I meant nothing by what I said but she was convinced. These people even tried to rewrite history and claim events happened that I KNOW didn’t. I didn’t have proof to defend myself. It got so bad that I started saving screenshots, recording conversations and eventually withdrew from everyone around me because I couldn’t trust anyone. With therapy I got the help I needed and feel much better.
Somehow, "majority rules" only ever applies when it's convenient for my narc. And she says *I'm* the inconsistent one!
"I just want you to stop hating me" is a another one.
Another is: you're taking it out of context. When you know you're feelings are valid and what they said was rude and condescending and insulting etc
Although, they are the type of person who will take things out of context if it benefits them at the time...
(So when they use the phrase, its somewhere between them gaslighting and projecting)
I caught my fiance texting both her previous ex's.
When I asked her why she didn't tell me, she just said, "I forgot."
She has an amazing memory, until she doesn't. 😅
I sometimes get "you're taking that out of context" instead of "i never said that"
4 years ago I had to kick my aunt out of my life because she was a narcissist and constantly treated me miserable.. by sending me away constantly to placements for doing stuff she disagreed with her .. I'm in PTSD and Anxiety tharpy nowadays ...but she did a lot of this stuff and made me feel miserable.. so thanks for making this video it really helps..
6:00 minimize concerns, 13:00
14:09not finishing projects? 😂😂😂
So spot on
Thank you so much ❤
Hey there Christina!! 😉♥️
Hey Pete! ♥️🙏
What about “you care too much what people think about you”?
Another one: I am old. I can't deal with this now.
Whenever you tell them your truth and try to get them to accept their responsibility.
Otherwise, they are as fit as a fiddle and having fun in life. No health issues. No problems at all.
Thank you.💖🙏🏽
I refuse to communicate with the narcissists in my life except via email or text so that there's a record of everything. They always try to change the story but I never do, so I have no problem with a record of communications.
In the rare case where email/text isn't possible, I insist on recording conversations in video or audio. Same reason - I want that record.
Alternative of "that's not how it happened"
When they are arguing they will cherry pick/omitt/distort to create a narrative. When you reply with a historical instance for reference. They either outright say that never happened, or some variations "why do you always have to bring up the past you said you were over it. I said I was sorry" Annnnnd were fighting about something else now
"thats your perception"
How about “I don’t recall that.”
"I'm sorry you feel that way"
The first line has been used on me to gaslight, but some people really are too sensitive. I have used it on my son because he is hypersensitive and uses narcissistic tactics to justify his reactions like insulting or hitting his siblings and kids on the playground. We point it out to him to help him spot the moment a situation gets out of hand. All the kids already know how to get a rise out of him and he always delivers them a show. We acknowledge his feelings of hurt, but he still needs to learn not display it to mean spirited people nor retaliate in the same or worse way. The world won’t be nice to him always and in order to preserve his sensitivity he first needs to learn to protect it by not giving it away as a flaw. Just mentioning it because I know it’s gaslighting in most context, but there are exceptions.
You can tell they are rewriting history because they always end up on top 🙄😩
He would actually insult my weight then tell me he was just joking when I would say it hurt my feelings .
Being with a narcissist is extremely dangerous I almost died. I don’t need to tell what he did because all of those videos explains that.
I confronted him and said he needed to stop holy shit he manipulated everyone against me and still do. I lost all my friends in one day. These people are the ones that let you bleed to death while they walk away without looking back….
What does it mean when they use their sensitivity to explain their inability to accept criticism, or being defensive about anything they perceive as criticism?
And any time I’d bring up how they hurt me it always turned into “Why am I always wrong?”, or “I can never do anything right.” It often had to do with disrespect and ignoring boundaries that she was well aware of. At one point, she had asked me to compromise boundaries with her which would only hurt me, in the end.
There was always a pattern with her too. She’d cross a line, egregiously lie about something, etc., and hurt me deeply. I’d address the issue and explain what she did and how it made me feel. She’d get defensive, and come up with a reason for doing what she did. She’d then apologize, and want me to forgive her immediately. If I didn’t do so, she’d get upset with me, and tell me that I need to be more kind and have more empathy for her. She’d also want me to consider how much it hurt her for me to let her know how much she had hurt me. She’d often use my “lack of empathy” to turn people against me, and somehow get them to focus on my response and dismiss the hurtful actions that caused me to approach her in the first place.
It was such a frustrating, confusing, toxic environment to be in. Unfortunately, I let it continue for far too long, and it’s continuing to affect me.
Oh man, I feel your pain, I lived through this exact same thing with my ex fiance. Recovery IS possible. Go no contact, learn as much as you can, write down all of her harmful behaviors and stay FAR away.
If you feel you're taking a loss by leaving, think about this- narcs have their reality and rules. You have yours. Your reality might see leaving as a loss, but their reality sees you leaving as you win. They lose control over you, no more supply, they can't change your mind, they lose everything they need to survive. They crash hard.
This will absolutely happen. They now know you're on to them, you're not going to accept them as superior, you basically invalidate every dam thing about how they perceived themselves. They know you accept your reality as the true one, rejecting theirs.And they know at the core, their reality is bullshit. That's all the closure you'll ever need.
You win. Period. Even if it doesn't feel like a win.
I wish you can see what this evil people be doing to me ! All they do is play games with people emotions all day long now that I see what they be doing I just watch them it’s evil!
That's the interesting thing about psychology there is always a flip side and an underbelly.
Not all NARC's always play the victim card....because there is a type that believes he/she is too great to ever be the victim.
When i fact check, she likes to say “Thats semantics, Anton”
You misunderstood what I said !!!!!
Can’t believe you’re divorcing me over NOTHING!!!
This type of behavior from my "family" is why I recorded them religiously til i proved who they really were. Check your state laws before doing it
Hi just need help with finding the 5 day free offer you spoke of at the beginning of this video. It was regarding rumination and over thinking. Thank you Christina
Sorry, I may have accidentally removed the link. Here it is www.commonego.com/breakthrough-challenge
What if the narcissist is at my job and too coward to present his or herself
Ignoring they don't like it
And it'll put them in their place
Yup, her favorite is; "I never said that", implying that I must be imagining things, as she is never at fault, it is always me and my imagination. Therefore, I am wrong, she is right, always... 😉😆👍 on point with that one. What about the pity party ? oh feel sorry for me, you're an insensitive a--hole, for not letting her get her way.
I remember telling the narc she was hurting my feelings many times. She would respond with, what are you? You sound like a woman, are you a woman...😃❤🙏✌
emasculation is one of the female narcissist's favorite tools 🙏❤
@@CommonEgo What is emasculation? I think maybe this happened to me.
@295walk it's making you feel that you're not man enough too sensitive that you complain a lot you express a lot etc things that makes you feel less of a man my ex did it to me she always told you're a man you need to do that even if it's her own problems that she couldn't offer any solutions for thing that she was responsible for that she need to fix etc
have question for you.
Does this counts as emotional affair? But keep in mind me and Morgan and Stephen have special needs i feel it not cheating we all got special needs i know it will never never having sex in my affair not never never so does sill counts as infidelity but only physical is hugging and holding hands no sex. It non sexual affair just emotional and physical affair without sex .
1 texting Stephen behind Morgan back
2 meeting with stephen behind morgan back
3 laughing with Stephen
4 watching films with stephen behind morgan back
5 specking to Stephen on phone behind morgan back
6 hiding texts and deleting texts behind morgan back
7 telling Stephen i love him and miss him and i can't holding hands with him and watch my and favourite movie dinsey high school musical that got Zac efron and vanessa Hudgens in it.?
8 getting high school musical balloons with stephen?
Does this counts as emotional affair.
I ask my mum about it she stay it just cheating but what type of cheating would it be?
The I've never said that, it must be you? Reply by saying that selective memory of yours is all out of wack, after hearing enough of you twisting things around, you recorded that conversation and they sounded like they were on crack as they was lying then, and they can't keep up with the lies they told? Show them a phone as if you did record them and walk away and don't say anything else.😅