Love Ankh Sligh and have been brewing a version of it since I discovered premodern last summer. Our lists are pretty similar but my take on it uses Kris Mage to help fill the yard for the Lavamancers and to render useful late-game Ankhs and extra copies of Scroll beyond workable reason. (Late game mountains, too.) I just haven't settled on the right number of Mages yet, or what to cut out to put them in, and the deck hasn't seen enough play to fully compare all my options.
Love Ankh Sligh and have been brewing a version of it since I discovered premodern last summer. Our lists are pretty similar but my take on it uses Kris Mage to help fill the yard for the Lavamancers and to render useful late-game Ankhs and extra copies of Scroll beyond workable reason. (Late game mountains, too.)
I just haven't settled on the right number of Mages yet, or what to cut out to put them in, and the deck hasn't seen enough play to fully compare all my options.
Kinda like that tbh. Seems not too bad IMHO.
You could always go with the Mt. Fuji Mountain for the based and redpilled homogeneous ethnostate look. 🐸
Read the name of this as "Ankh Slag" and I refuse to acknowledge that's not the name of the deck
OK I will re-record this video and do it this way!
Blood moon and price of progress dont match i think
hi mountain