Neighbor Demands that I Build a wall on My Private Property! I Am the Owner of Land r/EntitledPeople

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 104

  • @fhuber7507
    @fhuber7507 2 года назад +15

    I had an argument with an ISP not providing service.
    I told them I'd park my truck in front of their strip mall office with window paint telling about their lack of service and hand out flyers if it wasn't fixed.
    They fixed it the next day.

  • @mkvv5687
    @mkvv5687 2 года назад +15

    It was subtle at first, but I finally dialed into the OP's sense of humor at the "since Internet is a basic human right" bit. Well-written.

  • @elizabethcox5911
    @elizabethcox5911 2 года назад +14

    Internet is not a basic human right, however it's become a need in today's climate of remote schooling and work from home. My grandkids recently were told that they've had so many snow days that for the rest of the year, they'll have Zoom days instead.

  • @whidbeyrules5566
    @whidbeyrules5566 2 года назад +18

    If it's not an HOA rule you have to follow, people can go pound sand about a yard.

    • @joeschmo622
      @joeschmo622 2 года назад +4

      Some cities/towns have bylaws like that, though. My cousin's town has that. His riding-mower busted, he's got back problems, and some ratfink reported him to the town. Townies came, mowed, sent him the bill. Only happened once before he got his own mower fixed, but still...

  • @judymetzger3253
    @judymetzger3253 2 года назад +13

    Okay the kids are illegally trespassing on your property and parents are saying no you need to make your property that our kids are illegally playing on safe. I would say hell to the no and next time your kids are there I'm dialing 911 and they're going to be arrested for trespassing. Wow that's entitlement to a whole new level. No you don't have to comply to somebody illegally trespassing on your property..

  • @mommared4456
    @mommared4456 2 года назад +4

    Yes it is extremely hard maintaining the lawn in summer months, sometimes 2x a week it needs to be mowed. I totally agree that the neighbors should mind their own business, however all that time money and energy to plant the garden of Babylon and the maintenance…… just mow the lawn. Owning a home isn’t cheap, is very time consuming and that lounge chair you would love to relax in, very rarely get used. Alway too much to.

  • @3horsesrunning199
    @3horsesrunning199 2 года назад +14

    In that first story plant some "Voodoo Lily". The bloom itself looks like a calla lilly & is a beautiful deep purple. However it smells like rotting meat & will draw flies,gnats etc....The stench is super powerful & the more of them it is positively vomit inducing. It will self seed & propagate by bulbs & it is a hardly perennial. I had an old b**** neighbor who constantly complained about everything anyone did in their yard. Cue me planting that stuff along the strip of grass on my side of the fence. Also my property sat way higher than hers. When that stuff bloomed & the slightest breeze blew, it would go directly to her place. Also her HVAC also sat on that side on her house & guess who got a nice dose of "parfum 'd'death" indoors. Petty? You bet but she deserved it😁 Once the old bat moved I did dig up the plants & saved the bulbs & seeds. I still have one left that I let bloom. Just seeing that sucker bloom every year still gives me the giggles 🤣

    • @sebastianshaw5534
      @sebastianshaw5534 2 года назад +3

      That's too 🤣😂 funny...

    • @sherylcascadden4988
      @sherylcascadden4988 2 года назад +2

      I have winds that reverse at sunset, one way sunshine, opposite at night. I can endure society garlic, but not cadaver - smell plants. Congratulations on your revenge.

  • @VroomBox42
    @VroomBox42 2 года назад +1

    Many many moons ago I was renting a house in a small town. I had a retired neighbor that did nothing but maintenance on his yard, garden & flower beds. I’m talking about 6 days a week, trimming, weeding, watering, fertilizing & mowing. I’d also see him out with scissors sculpting the edges of his lawn where it met his sidewalk.
    His other hobby was bullying the other neighbors about their yards but I wasn’t the type to tolerate his crap & told him to f-k off more than once. I worked 45-55 hours a week & had better things to do that be a full time domestic horticulturist. Now I did keep my yard mowed but I mowed it a little taller than the anal retentive jackass next door liked. So, he would call the city, police, mayor, etc. to make endless complaints about my house & others in the neighborhood.
    More than once I’d gotten home at 4am after working a long hot shift & at 9am there would be a knock on my door from some city or county official having to make a required investigation. He’d also made noise complaints about my sometimes coming home at 3 or 4am. My car wasn’t loud but just the sound of my pulling in & closing the door would set him off.
    They were sick of it and so was I & the entire neighborhood.
    Everything came to a head one Friday morning. There had been a staffing problem at the restaurant I worked for that caused most of the management and part of the staff getting fired for theft & misuse of company property (stolen money, food & equipment) which left me as the acting manager working from 11am-2 or 3am while we found & trained new staff. This had gone on for 3 weeks, I was exhausted, burned out & in no mood for any more BS. I’d only been able to mow once in that time & I’ll admit that my yard was a little shaggy but not really overgrown.
    On Thursday I had gone in at 9am to do interviews and then worked until 4am doing my usual duties plus end of month inventory & paperwork, drove the 30 minutes home & passed out in bed for a few hours. I’d scheduled myself a few extra hours off to get some rest before the weekend. Planning to sleep until noon & go back in at 2pm.
    At 7am I woke up to someone hammering the hell out of my front door, I was the a-hole next door. His bitching started before I even got the door open. That morning I was having none of it. I cut him off, told him to to leave or I’d have him arrested for trespassing. After a minute or so of him ranting and raving and making threats about calling the police, etc. I told him he needed to fuck off right now he was going to jail. He left. He also went home and called the local police, the sheriffs department & told them I’d gone to his house & threatened to kill him. Just as I dozed off again there was loud banging on my door, ‘sheriff’s department, open the door’. I was pulled outside, cuffed and questioned. Everything was sorted out with myself and the police, I was uncuffed & we were discussing the situation when a-hole comes stomping over to yell at me, the deputies and the city police because I wasn’t being executed for treason for having my grass too tall or something like that.
    Just as the cops shut him up & I was about to try to salvage my last few hours of rest time up rolls a state EPA hazmat team and the fire department. Turns out he not only called the cops but he’d also called the EPA & reported a serious hazmat (hazards materials) situation.
    Another hour of bullshit ensued, a-hole was ticked for the false emergency calls and I’m finally going to get some rest.
    A-hole comes tearing ass back across the yard, yelling and cussing at me, police, fired dept. & the EPA. He sidesteps an officer & shoved me. Without thinking I hit the SOB hard enough to drop him.
    A-hole starts screaming ’arrest him, arrest him, he just tried to kill me’. The only person arrested was a-hole, for assault. I was defending myself.
    Eventually the place cleared out, I made many many apologies to everyone for what was going on, they all left & I managed to get about an hours sleep.
    Even after tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees, court costs, fines, restitution and 90 days of home confinement his crap didn’t stop. He’d still make noise complaints, bitch & yell about my yard & every yard In The neighborhood.
    Once things settled down at work & I was back to a 45-50hour week I began the long game revenge. I’d bought some grass killer, a bag of water softener salt and a few other chemicals. I ground the salt, grass and weed killer & a few other things together into a fine powder.
    One day while a-hole was away I went into his garden shed & added a small amount of my concoction to his fertilizer and another liquid mix to his sprayer.
    In a few days his yard was looking a bit sickly but not dead.
    A week later I added a stronger dose of the mixture which made it even worse. Apparently he tossed out all of his lawn chemicals and fertilizers thinking he’d gotten a bad batch of something. I waited a couple of weeks, his lawn was starting to recover. That’s when I went all in with the yard killer mixture. I mixed it about 80% with all of his stuff, sat back & waited. In about a week his yard, garden, flower beds, shrubs & trees were dead or dying. In a month his entire property was a wasteland. Had his yard sodded & as soon as he watered & fertilized it was dead too. Nothing and I mean NOTHING would grow in his yard & garden for at least a year.
    That’s when I moved away so I don’t know how long he dealt with a dead yard but I do know that he got some revenge bullying from the neighbors he’d been such a prick to for so long.

  • @mikkelnpetersen
    @mikkelnpetersen 2 года назад +1

    Over TWO MONTHS to fix it? They better make those 2 months free and not try to charge him for any "repairs".

  • @rondanakamura2655
    @rondanakamura2655 2 года назад +10

    Oh, you BRILLIANT gardener!

  • @OynxWolf11
    @OynxWolf11 2 года назад +5

    "You've got to stop making Tickets!!"
    Are you going to give me an ETA on the fix?
    "It's of Unknown Origin"
    *shrug* Then I'll just keep on opening Tickets until you finally decide that THIS is the hill you do not want die on and fix the "Unknown Origin" which we both know that you DO know what the problem.
    "........... It'll be fix the next day"
    *^^* Good boy.

  • @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901
    @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901 2 года назад +9

    The saying goes "If someone is turning a blind eye to your Deeds, do not blacken the one that STILL CAN SEE"

  • @blue-dragon31652
    @blue-dragon31652 2 года назад +2

    When my kids were young my husband worked out of don during the week. I left then 2 year old and 5 year in the house supposedly takin a nap, while I mowed the lawn. My son 5 came running out saying that sister cut her lip. We figured out later she bite into an electrical cord. She lost the third of her bottom lip. That was 40 years ago. I still won’t mow the lawn

  • @sickofsnow1506
    @sickofsnow1506 2 года назад +15

    I had a problem with grass mowing. My neighbors stopped complaining about it when I started yard work at midnight.

  • @redneckbarbie
    @redneckbarbie Год назад

    Several problems with the last story, you have to get a permit from the city to demolish a house which the city comes out and does inspections, if you're outside city limits it's the county. This is not a state law this is a federal law. Also, the utilities and the water will come Out and do safety checks and make sure utilities are properly stopped and disconnected. If a house is demolished without any utilities being shut off, there's water spout in everywhere and the electricity will cause an instant fire. So if this really happened, there would be a lake where the house used to be or a raging fire. For argument sake let's say it did, the amount of money that would be awarded to the renter would be astounding! Not only the cost of all her belongings at the price it cost her to get them, but also any and all living expenses and arrangements for at least 3 weeks. In order to demolish a home you have to give the renters at least 90 days to vacate! Not saying that op is lying, but if what she said really happened, the aunt and the guy that tore down the house would be in jail instantly!

  • @Juggzy
    @Juggzy 2 года назад +30

    The last one….it’s called parenting and watching your kids when they’re outside. That’s how they don’t get hurt when throwing their ball into the road. And it’s also called parenting by telling them it’s not ok to go play in someone else’s property because they aren’t liable and you are for any injuries because you aren’t watching your kids.

    • @mospeada1152
      @mospeada1152 2 года назад +2

      I agree. Even the comment at the end is not entirely correct, for if someone was to get injured, the property owner would still be held liable!

    • @Juggzy
      @Juggzy 2 года назад +2

      @@mospeada1152 not always. I’ve seen where the parent was still held responsible and the owner of the property was cleared since this had been goin on for a while and the owner tried everything to keep them out.

    • @mospeada1152
      @mospeada1152 2 года назад

      @Terry That is a good outcome and taking steps was likely the saving grace, but not all jurisdictions operate on that principle with an actual barrier being the only option!

    • @Juggzy
      @Juggzy 2 года назад +1

      Yea that’s what I mean lol.

  • @welshdragonfunhunter3461
    @welshdragonfunhunter3461 2 года назад +7

    Hi RedWheel hope you are well. Please stay safe.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😁😷👍. Thanks for sharing your stories everyday. Hi everyone hope you are all well and safe and are having a great day and will have a wonderful week ahead

  • @valzeppelin5153
    @valzeppelin5153 2 года назад +1

    🤣 Lmao
    Internet is not a basic human right. This person is dramatic, I like it. 👍

  • @sebastianshaw5534
    @sebastianshaw5534 2 года назад +7

    The Internet story was crazy lol. Op should've asked for credit for the amount of days he was out of service.

    • @carljacobs1837
      @carljacobs1837 2 года назад +3

      Went a little over two weeks with mine not working. New modem, installed by their tech. Nobody could figure out why it wasn't working. I gave up, called one night and told them cancel all of it. Done. Guy said wait. Looked into it, came back and said something that p*ssed me off. "Unplug it, wait ten seconds, plug it back in. It should work." It did. The problem nobody could find? It just wasn't activated in their system. Took another dozen calls to get credit for those two weeks.

    • @davidharshman7645
      @davidharshman7645 2 года назад +3

      Kinda gotta wonder why the ISP didn't just put a note in the customer's file to no longer open tickets for that seems way easier than to call the customer and complain about their calling in.

    • @sebastianshaw5534
      @sebastianshaw5534 2 года назад +1

      @@carljacobs1837 Smh.. that's not surprising. Im glad at least you got your credit though.

  • @sonyahannah
    @sonyahannah 2 года назад +6

    Today's collection was delightful, and Red Wheel's narration adds to the pleasure.

  • @pjross4109
    @pjross4109 Год назад

    Loved the last one!!!

  • @Maninawig
    @Maninawig Год назад

    I was raised in a small town and if I got injured playing on someone else's property, my parents would simply tell me that I should smarten up....

  • @commknightj
    @commknightj 2 года назад +1

    If you pay for it, it's not a human right🙄

  • @sandracloke6268
    @sandracloke6268 2 года назад

    I live in a retirement community where we are required to keep our homes and lawns in respectable shape. Those who cannot do it themselves because of illnesses or disabilities hire someone and it only costs $30 to $35 depending on how big the lawn is. So have little sympathy for the first persons in this video.

  • @ninaappelt9001
    @ninaappelt9001 Год назад

    If internet is a basic human right, it shouldn't be.

  • @cynthiajordan8751
    @cynthiajordan8751 2 года назад +2

    Fantastic as always RedWheel thanks for sharing the stories. Have a goodnight

  • @i8allthepies2
    @i8allthepies2 2 года назад

    Internet is a luxury not a basic human right 😂

  • @o.c.kiddkidd5163
    @o.c.kiddkidd5163 Год назад +1

    I will never understand "taking pride in your lawn..." being a thing.
    Yeah, noy dangerously overgrown(hate snakes!) but manicured, weeded, and fertilized swathes of useless ornamental blades is silly!
    But try to grow useful vegetables or beautiful flowers in its place and watch the neighbors die of heart failure!

  • @Buck_Fiden658
    @Buck_Fiden658 2 года назад

    I thought rslash had the only good reddit read videos! Its so nice to have more stories by someone who can read and make a story easily understood just by listening. Finally another literate reddit reader channel that doesn't use a bot!

  • @wfcoaker1398
    @wfcoaker1398 2 года назад +1

    That first story is proof that lawns are a total waste of time and energy. No easier to look after than a flower bed and ugly as homemade sin.

  • @140kittykat
    @140kittykat 2 года назад +6

    Cleome (cley-oh-me) has the benefit of having leaves that look like pot. Really pretty blooms though

  • @patricialadd520
    @patricialadd520 2 года назад +1


  • @Zuraspl
    @Zuraspl 2 года назад +3

    perfect time to listen

  • @bigredracer7848
    @bigredracer7848 2 года назад

    all you do is your victim with a trespass notice and if they come back they get arrested they're minors so the parents get arrested easy fix so they can shot throw rocks at them do whatever you want use loud noise or whistles but just chase them off your yard easy then go over there and slap the dude decided ahead and say hey your kids don't play in my yard no more easy done either way it works first way you don't go to jail second way you have fun and sit in jail

  • @chaspring1924
    @chaspring1924 2 года назад +1

    You went for a month without the internet? Do you still pay for it? Gosh...

  • @AlexandriPatris
    @AlexandriPatris 2 года назад +1

    Internet access is not a basic human right. Nothing that requires the labor of others is a basic human right.
    If you are in the middle of nowhere with no access to a computer with an internet connection, your human rights are not being violated. Your human rights were not being violated before the internet was invented.

  • @dorothylloyd1804
    @dorothylloyd1804 2 года назад +2

    Good afternoon Redwheel. Thanks for the stories. Have a great day

  • @32valkyrie32
    @32valkyrie32 2 года назад +1

    Wtf is with garden shit in usa, here in NL its your propperty and as long its not complete neglet and full run over not 1 government can say any thing about it.

  • @creadgrey4089
    @creadgrey4089 2 года назад +1

    Internet is a privilege not a right

  • @garyostenfoltz6870
    @garyostenfoltz6870 2 года назад +8

    Internet is a “right”. More like someone was throwing a temper tantrum and the company ignored them out of irritation.

    • @Ackattack100
      @Ackattack100 2 года назад +3

      If I'm paying for internet, then the service they provide IS a right. Failure to provide said service is indeed cause for concern, and it's theft of my money.

    • @eliahr11
      @eliahr11 2 года назад +3

      @@Ackattack100 exactly what i was thinking, if i pay someone for a service and they fail to give me the service *that I'm paying* with my hard earned money they essentially are thieving me the amount that I'm paying them for the inexistent service

    • @garyostenfoltz6870
      @garyostenfoltz6870 2 года назад +4

      If it’s a service provided for compensation it’s not a right. It’s a service

    • @Ackattack100
      @Ackattack100 2 года назад +2

      @@garyostenfoltz6870 A person who has paid for a service has a right to said service. Any other behavior by the provider is theft. There's no other reasonable way to think of it.

    • @sherylcascadden4988
      @sherylcascadden4988 2 года назад

      How much are you willing to pay for service you don't get?

  • @joeschmo622
    @joeschmo622 2 года назад +4

    That's soooooooooooooo funny. Not gonna get into details, but someone I knew who was pist at a neighbor (about yards/lawns and lots of spiteful back'n'forth) got fed up to the point of getting industrial-strength no-gro, loaded it into a power-sprayer, and in the middle of the night arced a stream of Plant-B-Ded into the neighbor's yard/lawn in the design of a certain 1930s German political-group's logo. Took some time for the affected areas to wither and die, but it was later quite unmistakable! Nothing showed up on cameras, either.

  • @golab41
    @golab41 2 года назад +3

    Hello from Poland Redwheel and everyone!!!

  • @cheryljohnson127
    @cheryljohnson127 2 года назад

    Story two is a repeated story.

  • @lewischase
    @lewischase 2 года назад +2

    Good afternoon RedWheel

  • @Ackattack100
    @Ackattack100 2 года назад +2

    I've heard the second story on this video before. Are we re-hashing stories now?

    • @Blitzwaffen
      @Blitzwaffen 2 года назад +2

      More than likely someone reposted the story on the reddit itself. You often see old stories reappear with slightly different retellings every so often.
      Par for the course.

    • @sebastianshaw5534
      @sebastianshaw5534 2 года назад

      @@Blitzwaffen Some stories are added in because depending on length of story to fit the time frame.

  • @stoopingfalcon891
    @stoopingfalcon891 2 года назад +1

    There are no city ordinances... well, so much for the land of the free, home of the brave, Gods above.

  • @xcergy9482
    @xcergy9482 2 года назад +1

    Do you think I would pay an ISP for 2 months of no service? No way which is why I'm calling out the op of that story. It's as fake as the claim of a human right.

  • @treverobrien5578
    @treverobrien5578 2 года назад +1


  • @markreid6816
    @markreid6816 2 года назад +1

    An internet connection is a basic human right?... WTF?!

    • @ranwolf7650
      @ranwolf7650 2 года назад +1

      In 2016 the UN General Assembly passed a non-binding Resolution that “declared internet access a human right.

    • @markreid6816
      @markreid6816 2 года назад

      @@ranwolf7650 well I learned something. Thanks

  • @stoopingfalcon891
    @stoopingfalcon891 2 года назад +2

    (2:00) What the fuck is it about grass height?

  • @standandknowgod
    @standandknowgod 2 года назад +1

    Hello friends

  • @darkchia00
    @darkchia00 2 года назад +1


  • @josephhurst4902
    @josephhurst4902 2 года назад +1

    6:13, Internet access IS NOT A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT. If it was you wouldn't be required to PAY FOR IT. Basic Human Rights include Food Water and a place to Stay. Stupid Teenagers keep thinking that TV, Internet, and CELLPHONE are also Basic Requirements but those are NOT REQUIRED TO LIVE
    Where it is a DENAIL OF A PAID SERVICE since you are paying them to have FUNCTIONAL SERVICE. and Suable.

  • @LonelyWolfe42
    @LonelyWolfe42 2 года назад +5

    The second story, internet is not and never will be a human right. Also if someone did that, all they have to do is put a not on the account saying close all tickets. Only open tickets get flagged, not all tickets, so no matter how many tickets he's opened, they will be closed with the next few days.

    • @sherylcascadden4988
      @sherylcascadden4988 2 года назад +1

      Look at your internet bill.
      How long will you pay for it if you can't connect?

    • @johnschroeder3072
      @johnschroeder3072 2 года назад +1

      @@sherylcascadden4988 The poster is not complaining that it's taking too long or that they should be providing him with a service or an alternative he is complaining that they aren't telling him when it's likely to be fixed which most likely they have no idea or they have just given up at that stage.

    • @sherylcascadden4988
      @sherylcascadden4988 2 года назад +2

      @@johnschroeder3072 and several people posting here are saying "internet is not a right" as if people don't have the right to get what they already paid for.

    • @johnschroeder3072
      @johnschroeder3072 2 года назад

      @@sherylcascadden4988 that is not the definition of a Right or Human Right. Look up the United Nations.
      Also have you read their contract. There would definitely be something in there in regards to outages etc and what they may or may not be entitled to.

    • @LonelyWolfe42
      @LonelyWolfe42 2 года назад

      @@sherylcascadden4988 I used to work for AT&T Broadband in Massachusetts. This was a cable internet. One node, Reading-27, was down for well over 2 years. Before I worked the account a guy calls everyday just to document he doesn't have internet. He's one of the few people that are on that node. We had no eta of when it would be up(this was 2000-2001). The git was never charged for the service and once he never had it. Since the story was from Europe, me idea nor do I care if they bdo the same. If the guy continued to pay his bill for months of no service, he's an idiot to do so. It still doesn't not become a human right, just like electric and water are not a human right, both companies will shut your service down if you fail to pay, plus you don't pay for service for service you aren't getting. The notion that internet is a human right is as absurd as driving a car is a human right.

  • @lindayongue
    @lindayongue 2 года назад +1

    No excuse not to mow your lawn.

  • @vanessasorth4449
    @vanessasorth4449 2 года назад +1

    It is not a human right. You don't need it. A person doesn't need a computer the family does.

    • @sherylcascadden4988
      @sherylcascadden4988 2 года назад

      Do you pay for internet?
      Do you get what you pay for?
      If you get fired from your telecommuting job because you can't connect, who pays your bills?
      Why do you think NO ONE has the right to services they pay for?

    • @johnschroeder3072
      @johnschroeder3072 2 года назад

      @@sherylcascadden4988 Rights, entitlements and services are different things. If you need a internet connection for business you should get a business plan with SLA's. On a consumer plan you don't have the same entitlements as a business. Also payment is irrelevant as in that story there was never anything said about him trying to get his money back for the time of no service.

    • @DeadlyRivfader
      @DeadlyRivfader 2 года назад

      @@sherylcascadden4988 With your logic porn is a human right because I can pay for a subscription to Brazzers

  • @brianhale3678
    @brianhale3678 2 года назад +2

    How do you get to hell?
    Very simple: claim that you're innocent.
    How do you get to heaven?
    Very simple: Admit that you're not Innocent, you're guilty and ask for mercy.
    How to know if you're guilty or not?
    Simply: Compare your life to the Ten Commandments God gave you in the Bible.
    Everyone agrees that if people followed the ten commandments there would be no need for governments or police.
    Do not lie.
    Do not steal.
    Do not commit adultery.
    Do not insult God by using his name as a cuss word.
    There are six more but let's just leave it at that.
    How many lies have you told in your life?
    Have you ever taken anything that didn't belong to you?
    Jesus said, if you look at a women lustfully you've already committed adultery in your heart with that woman.
    How many times a day do you do that?
    Do you use God's name as a cuss word?
    Would you do that with your own mother's name?
    If you answer these questions honestly you know that you're guilty.
    God can justly punish you and send you to hell.
    Ask him for mercy.
    His name is Jesus.
    It's as simple as this, The Ten Commandments are called the moral law. You and I broke God's laws. Jesus paid the fine.
    The fine is death.
    Ezekiel 18:20 -
    "The soul who sins shall die.
    That's why Jesus had to die on the cross for our sins. This is why God is able to give us Mercy.
    Option A.
    You die for your own sins.
    Option B.
    Ask for mercy and accept that Jesus died for you.