absolutely stunning. Amount of work done to make this video is insane. I haven't thought that information about all these exclaves is possible to find anywhere, yet you did it.
What is funny is, Maribor (ger. Marburg) was later germanic colony, but is now in Slovenia, and Gratz (slo. Gradec) was a slavic settlement, but is now in Austria. Both towns are still in the same region of Styria (ger. Steiermark)
I am really glad to see that people don't forget about such small and seemingly insignificant countries that have their very rich and interesting history! Love to Slovenia🇸🇮 from Russia⬜🟦⬜
@@jan-yj5yl Yes, I am from Russia. I have always found the history of Slovenia very interesting as you are very far away and also very close to non-Slavic countries. I like the fact that South Slavs were able to populate eastern Italy and Austria.
It is a miracle that Slovenia still exists. Because of conscious Slovenians who insisted on living Slovenian and did not get in to cultural imperialism. Today, people do not realize how much effort it took to be able to live in this country.
Very nice video especialy the early middle ages part. But you did miss some really massive peasant rebelions of 15. 16. and 17. century. Especially the 1515 rebellion in wich predominantly Slovenian peasants in Kranjska Štajerska and Koroška rose up and took most cities and castles. Rebellion lasted four months. At its maximium the peasant militias had somewhere between 80.000 and 100.000 men and held most of modern Slovenian land.
@@TsarGopnikTV Nope. Started as Slavic (Slovenian) country but then slowly Germanized over many century. You must know that in 7th century Alpine Slavs live all the way north to the Danube river.
I really appreciate this video as a Slovene since my country is so rarely talked about online, I would like to maybe point out some entities like the Illyrian kingdom, Austrian litoral, Carniola, Styria and Carinthia. All of these existed under the Austrian empire but Slovenes had a lot of influence in those regions, I found it weird that all the land under the Celje dynasty was shown but not what I mentioned but none the less great video!!
@@masterofnordinbad8914 dude, napoleon in avstrijsko cesartsvo?! Kot da bi dal skupaj Hitlerja in Veliko Britanijo... In kaj je tu tako slovenskega, to da smo dobili za kratek čas več pravic do šolanja v lastnem jeziku je čista dobra volja francozov, zato da so ustvarjali občutek, da so nas osvobodili... kar nas seveda niso. Kako to tolmačite zgodovino?
This has a lot of things missing. Medieval uprinsings/revolts, the fact that dukes of Carinthia took an oath in Slovene during coronation up until early 15th century is completely omitted, no mention of Illyrian provinces, the period after WWI when a State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs existed and also the war between Austrians and Slovenes (later joined by the Serbian army) that broke out over territory in southern Carinthia and Styria etc.
On this map I've never seen Trieste being Slovenian, or Koroška ( Carinthia ) with Beljak ( Celovec ) was under Slovenia for a long time and went to Austria after a referendum by the people. Before WW1 Slovenia was 1/2 larger, some of the land took Italians on the west ( given by allies after WW2 ) and before that we lost big chunk to Austria after WW1. Around year 800-1000 Carantania ( Karantanija in Slovenian langue ) was not presented as it should be. At that Time Veneti were part of Carantania ( Veronska Krajina ) on the west, North were Swabia and Bavaria all Part of East Frankia. On the east we had Istra, who we lost it to Croatia. North East Carantania was attacked by Hungarians constantly. And on the north-east we border on Moravia. This was the big Karantanija created and forged by Alpic Slavs with King Samo, Duke Valuk or Duke Borut who should be never forgotten by our Slovenian people today.
Where would one find the best historical border maps ? and which countries had control over Slavenian areas? I am interested in particularly špeharji slovenia, (especially during 1880-1920 seems Austria control was in question, though I do not know why) which sits now right next to Croatia with the Kupa river dividing it
On behalf of the Indonesian govt, we've successfully recognized Slovenia as an independent country from Yugoslavia during the presidency of Suharto in 1991.
Most of their history was spent under foreign Germanic rule yet they never lost their Slavic identity. How did Carantanians aka Slovenians achieve this?
well most of them were farmers, that had little connection to the outside world so the only option would be to just slowly brought in more settlers, and in the 1000 years they managed to Germanise more than 2 thirds of Slovene territory.
It is a much longer history of "survival". Only a small part of nowadays Slovenian ancestors came to this place in the 6th century...it was actually over 4000 years of gap reunion. Ancestors of Slovenes lived here before Kelts, Romans, e.t.c. but were always to survive, keeping the identity but always adopted: Romanized, Germanized,,, nowadays you can hear more English in the capital downtown than Slovene. It is interesting to read new discoveries and research from 2013 "The Origin of Slovenes and other Europeans". The other example is Irish people who lost their language, nowadays recovering more or less as the folklore, but ket their identity... speaking English but not English.
@@OutOffMedia Kako to misliš, da so predniki Slovencev živeli tu že pred Kelti, Rimljani in ostalimi ilirskimi plemeni? Predniki Slovencev so sem migrirali v sredini 6. stoletja. Pika. Takrat se začne razvoj t. i. slovenskega naroda oz. bolj točno Slovanov na slovenskem ozemlju, čeprav Slovenci kot narod obstajamo šele od preloma iz 18. v 19. stoletje. Samo zato, ker je nek narod živel na slovenskem ozemlju, jih to še ne naredi Slovencev. Res je sicer, da smo Slovenci mešanica različnih ljudstev, ki so tu živela, ampak to ni dovolj dober razlog za enačenje teh ljudstev s Slovenci.
@@gaspermilost2723 Preberi "Izvor Slovencev in drugih Evropejcev, 2013", ter muzejsko arheološko razstavo Gorenjskega muzeja "Slovani, kakšni slovani?". Slovenec je moderen pojem nastal v 18. stoletju, podobno kot npr. Italijani. Sodobna spoznanja v znanosti/arheologiji močno spodkopavajo mite pisane iz časopisov, ki so jih povzemali zgodovinarji. Znanost uničuje temelje nacionalizmov in rasizma.
We know though, that after the last count of Celje died, the land was transferred to the Habsburg dynasty, thus ending any kind of self-governance for centuries.
that surname was given to people who came from the balkans escaping from the ottoman empire, were actually turk (rare), or have just beaten some turkish invaders up in the time of turkish invasions
Other than Janez Dernovšek all of our presidents were non-partisan. Some just temporarily suspended their party membership (e.g. the last one) and Danilo Türk actually never was a member of any party, so I'm not sure why it says SD under his name
My dad had a friend growing up with the last name Turk. It was in a Slovenian Neiborhood on the East side of Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. A place that was inhabited almost exclusively by the families of Slovenian immigrants and his family was like influential in the ethnic scene. I always wondered why Turk was his name because it sounds so, well, Turkish. Now it makes sense.
Awesome! The name POGKPP and the word Quality should be synonymous with each other. One question if you don't mind, but was Lake Balaton itself actually bigger in the past, or are you including areas surrounding the lake that were generally submerged before the Danube flood regulations were implemented as being extensions of the lake in the map? Additionally, if you do know any sources regarding the hydrographical history of the Pannonian Basin, then could you please direct me to some material? Thanks!
There may be an low chance for you to see this but, Could you try doing the History of Croatia? Because it would really help me studiying more about my own country.
Great job! I never knew that Carantania and Celje vas that big. One small detail though as of 2023 our new president is Nataša Pirc Musar not Borut Pahor. Keep up the good work.
Because Slovenes are peaceful nation, mostly surrounded by the Nazi, Fascist and right wing nationalistic countries till this day. Some even use the same flag from WW2.
I like that you matched the accelerated tribal music to the accelerating elapsed years since Celje was occupied by presumably the Ottomans yet actually the Austriansssz
@@woopro1234 Well, their empire never did, but their soldiers were there trying very hard. The Slovenes actually fought them until their very numbers were becoming small. Slovenians fought very hard and that's why they were never under Ottomans.
Po mestu Kranj (Carnium, Creina, Chreina, Krainbourg, Krainburg), ki je bilo sprva njeno središče, je poimenovana tudi zgodovinska pokrajina Kranjska. Kranj je bila prva prestolnica Slovencev, saj je bil od 8. stoletja dalje center Slovanske kneževine Karniole, ki jo langobardski kronist Pavel Diakon označuje z besedami »Carniola, patria Sclavorum« (Karniola, domovina Slovanov). Mesto je dobilo ime po keltskem ljudstvu imenovanem Karni, o katerih poročajo že antični pisni viri (Livij, Plinij, Strabon).
@@krancan123 Zanimivo, v madžarskem jeziku se reče Kranjski Krajna in njihovi viri navajajo, da ime izhaja iz slovankega poimenovanja za (obmejno) deželo - krajina. Čeprav je toponim fonetično podoben z latinskim Carnia ni nujno, da eden izhaja iz drugega. Logično se vsekakor bolj zdi: Krajina->Krain->Krain+ska->Kranjska. Nemška in slovenska beseda po verjetnosti nima antične kontiounitete.
very good video, but you should mabye have included austria aswell, since its not like slovenes just dissapeard for a couple of hundred years. I believe that up to 1414 king of austria had to be sworn in in slovenian language, and for a long part of austrian history a big part if not the majority spoke slovenian for hundreds of years in austria.
Historically a Balkan country is a country ruled by Ottomans - named Turkiye Europe in French and the term Balkan started to be used by German geographers in mid. 18th century due to the lack of knowledge of the geography of the area occupied by Ottomans. Term Balkan became popular after WW1 by Serbian geographers as a tool to expand Serbia to the northwest, but not being aware that Balkan is a Turkish name for Stara Gora in nowadays Bulgaria. there is also no Balkan Peninsula which is just a construct based on understanding the geography of Southeast Europe. Slovenia newer was a Balkan country not historically nor geographically. The only Balkan country nowadays is the European part of nowadays Turkiye. Just my professional remark...
@@theuknowngdplayer2348 There is another missleading of some geographers who are not familliar with the physical geography... there is no Balkan penincula... just a "play" term with never defined borders. Asxa professional geografer I am aware that even geographers use (wrongly) name Balkan penincula... wikipedia, even serious literature as Britannica, but the area doesn't fit with physical geography to be penincula. Black sea is not Mediterranean and is acctually land locked sea as Kaspian Sea, tiny Bosphor channel doesn't count...
Disclaimer i am not a Slovak. I never knew Slovenia had a lot of history! Now i am curious about Slovakia but i know you know focus on Balkans! Ps whats the next video is going to be? I hope its my country! (Greece).
Yo I don't wanna be that guy but you forgot about the Illirian Provinces and later the Illirian Kingdom, which was a part of Austria but had some sort of self control. But great video tho
Balaton je prepisal Nitri, Notranjo Avstrijo je prepisal Habsburžanom, upore pa sploh upošteval kot državno ustanovo Video je faking najs nevem ke vidš težave
Slovenia in 1930s was not named Slovenia but if I am not mistaken Dravska Banovina which is important as in Kingdom of Yugoslavia they avoided using national names for parts of the country
Nie widzę najmniejszego sensu w nie-uwzględnianiu Karyntii, Krainy i Styrii pod panowaniem np. Habsburgów A poza tym spoko wideo, można się czegoś nowego dowiedzieć
Te księstwa były tylko tytularne plus trudno je nazwać słoweńskimi, tam już za czasów karantanii doszło do germanizacji, tylko właśnie w rejonach Słowenii się uchowali potomkowie karantan czyli słoweńcy.
@@POGKPP A co to jest nie-tylko tytularne księstwo? Do germanizacji doszło tylko na północy, południowe regiony wszystkich trzech zawsze pozostały słowiańskie, a co do potomków to współcześni austriacy również są w dużej mierze potomkami karantan. Myślę, że taki format jak w wideo o Śląsku albo Pomorzu, pokazujący jakiś region i wszystko co na nim było ma dużo więcej sensu niż takie subiektywne wybieranie sobie co zalicza się do dziedzictwa np. Słowenii a co nie wg. jakichś dziwnych kryteriów. Moim zdaniem wszystko co istniało w granicach obecnego państwa Słowenia to część jej historii.
@@Meow-ml5hv Jandáčkov (2002) uvid je bil kasneje dodelan (Jandáček in Perdih 2008) in ga pokažem samo v dveh alineih: - Od zunaj prišle elite (nemška, madžarska, italijanska, francoska in druge) so raznarodovale in še raznarodujejo govorce slovanskih jezikov oz. narečij. Pa tudi standardizirane slovanske »knjižne« jezike države vsiljujejo govorcem narečij in jih uničujejo. Nekdanji mozaik slovanske (v resnici slovenske) podlage po Evropi je najbolj ohranjena na tistih območjih, ki jim nacionalne države niso uspele vsiliti standardiziranega jezika širjenega iz prestolnic. Slovanska narečja so najbolj ohranjena v Sloveniji in okoliških slovensko govorečih predelih v Italiji, Avstriji, na Madžarskem in Hrvaškem. Prav tako tudi med ostanki polabskih Slovanov, med lužiškimi Sorbi in na Moravskem. - Zanimivo je, da najdemo slovanske značilnosti v anglosaški stari angleščini izpred tisoč let. Na primer v staroangleškem očenašu »Fader Ure« najdemo za kruh besedo »hlaf« kot v slovanskih besedah chleb, hleb, chlieb, chlib itd. (Jandaček 2007). Podobno, če beremo Psalm 23 v stari angleščini (Diamond 1993/2006: Old English Anglo-Saxon Psalm # 23; Jandašček 2007) zveni kot kak slovanski jezik. V tem pogledu je stara angleščina bolj podobna slovanščini, kot sedanja angleščina. Podobno najdemo tudi po priimkih (Rant 2007). Da je starejša oblika nekega jezika bližja slovenskim kot kasnejša ali sedanja oblika so opazili tudi pri sansktu (vedski > klasični > sedanji indijski jeziki (Skulj) in Sharda 2002), etruščanščini (Bor v: Šavli in sod. 1996: 344) ter grščini (Homerjeva > klasična) ( Belčevski 2005a,b). To kaže ob poznavanju »genetskih« podatkov na to, da je bila praslovenščina marsikje po Evropi substratni jezik, v Indiji pa abstraktni.
I find it strange how Slovenians have ABSOLUTELY NO GRUDGE towards their invaders, under whom they were for like a millennium. Instead they even go and claim how they're "best friends" and talk about how close they are. Very strange people...
It's more like what people can remember... Slovenia is kinda spli with people who hate communism and balkan people, people who want Yugoslavia back, and people who do not care.
@@davidmikek1713 I think he means Germans/Austrians. It is a strange phenomenon, we Slovenians actually hold the German people in high regards (they're organized, developed, smart). In a way they actually contributed to the development of our lands and our infrastructure
@@theyeening The Polish do still hold a grudge for the mere 123 years, Slovenia meanwhile had its' whole history taken away and still forces itself into the "west" where nobody wants to take it
@@POGKPP Is disputed. Slovenians say it was a Carantanian state, but Slovaks says it was like you say. I would say that Slovenians and Slovaks back then were pretty much the same.
Greating from Bulgaria Slovenia.❤,1 Question pleas i no bad emocional for us.What Slivenia in 7 century ? Literaly 4-5 Countries in europe.Bizantine empire, Franks empire , Avar kaganat, Bulgaria and slavs but no country.I ,m confused budy .
Just like the story of an millionaire who had lost all of his money then he was fighting a couple of years to stay alive and now even if he earn a small income he is happy for what he's got. Dream big its not in our culture
From Slovenia, I salute you for explaining our history in such detail❤️🇸🇮
yo i didnt know that
me too
Hi Alias why are you here?
Lol, jst sm tut Slovenc pa tut igram gd XD
Respect and Greetings to you neighbours from Hungary✌🏽🤝
veš kaj je čudno o Sloveniji da je naša drževa v obliki kokoši
I love how detailed Karantanija is, good job!
Pardon,Stara Koroška
@@Motofanable ja pač po angleško Karantanija a veš
Im very into ancient history yet i didnt know Slovenia is that old
absolutely stunning. Amount of work done to make this video is insane. I haven't thought that information about all these exclaves is possible to find anywhere, yet you did it.
What is funny is, Maribor (ger. Marburg) was later germanic colony, but is now in Slovenia, and Gratz (slo. Gradec) was a slavic settlement, but is now in Austria. Both towns are still in the same region of Styria (ger. Steiermark)
Karantanija je bila prej. Avstrijcev še ni bilo. Avstrijci so mešanica Slovencev in Bavarcev DNA vse pove.
Kranjska, Štajerska, Koruška, Prekmurje, Primorska, Dolenjska, Gorenjska, Notranjska, Haloze, Istra (Koper, Portorož, Izola, Piran, Ilirska Bistrica, Kozina).
@@mihamkg3519Stanovnici današnje Kranjske su uglavnom Hrvati, Poglavito u Beloj krajini i Prekmurju!!!
Hrvati nkol niso bli u sloveniji, tko skoz celo zgodovino je bla med slovenijo pa hrvaško enaka meja 💀
And the name of the German capital Berlin derives from Slavic...Slavic people inhabited the area first.
I am really glad to see that people don't forget about such small and seemingly insignificant countries that have their very rich and interesting history!
Love to Slovenia🇸🇮 from Russia⬜🟦⬜
You are serb
Your from russia? I'm from slovenia:)
@@jan-yj5yl Yes, I am from Russia. I have always found the history of Slovenia very interesting as you are very far away and also very close to non-Slavic countries. I like the fact that South Slavs were able to populate eastern Italy and Austria.
@snefi Denmark has long been the dominant Scandinavian country. It controlled most of the northern sea.Denmark also had colonies in India and Africa.
I'm from croatia
It is a miracle that Slovenia still exists. Because of conscious Slovenians who insisted on living Slovenian and did not get in to cultural imperialism. Today, people do not realize how much effort it took to be able to live in this country.
Nigdy nie wiedziałem że Słowenia ma taką długą historię 😳
Slovenia as a country is young thing, but not as a nation.
me too
@Vlačko lol
Literally every European country has a deep and rich history
Jeszcze raz gratuluję dobrej roboty, sporo się dowiedziałem o Karantanii.
Very nice video especialy the early middle ages part. But you did miss some really massive peasant rebelions of 15. 16. and 17. century. Especially the 1515 rebellion in wich predominantly Slovenian peasants in Kranjska Štajerska and Koroška rose up and took most cities and castles. Rebellion lasted four months. At its maximium the peasant militias had somewhere between 80.000 and 100.000 men and held most of modern Slovenian land.
That's a shame Carantania and Alpine Slavs perished in history. Unique and second oldest slavic country.
Wasn’t Carantania more Germanic?
@smidi perceft there was Antae confederacy
@@TsarGopnikTV later only, thanks for prices inviting german settlers
@@TsarGopnikTV Nope. Started as Slavic (Slovenian) country but then slowly Germanized over many century.
You must know that in 7th century Alpine Slavs live all the way north to the Danube river.
@@TsarGopnikTV nope, german imigration and germanisation hapened later.
Great video! I’m so happy you included their pre history as well
I really appreciate this video as a Slovene since my country is so rarely talked about online, I would like to maybe point out some entities like the Illyrian kingdom, Austrian litoral, Carniola, Styria and Carinthia. All of these existed under the Austrian empire but Slovenes had a lot of influence in those regions, I found it weird that all the land under the Celje dynasty was shown but not what I mentioned but none the less great video!!
Tovariš, počutim se enako
@@jozkotomsic2487 Jst sm biu ful zmeden ko sm vidu thumnbail od tega videa sm rabu neki časa da sm registrirau haha
Iliri so obstajali pod Avstrijskim cesarstvom... Piješ ti? :)
@@StoparLuka poglej ilirske province pod napoleonom. Piješ ti?
@@masterofnordinbad8914 dude, napoleon in avstrijsko cesartsvo?! Kot da bi dal skupaj Hitlerja in Veliko Britanijo... In kaj je tu tako slovenskega, to da smo dobili za kratek čas več pravic do šolanja v lastnem jeziku je čista dobra volja francozov, zato da so ustvarjali občutek, da so nas osvobodili... kar nas seveda niso. Kako to tolmačite zgodovino?
When i'm in the most shitty border competition and my opponent is Early 15th century Celje:
Xd that’s medieval exclaves for ya like Austrian exclaves in the middle of nowhere
never existed
@@CroatianUltraNationalist What do you mean? It clearly did exist, and it's part of Slovenian history
@@4dam-jurk "Slovenian history"🤣🤣
@@CroatianUltraNationalistnigga youre talking to a slovak not a slovene stupid
long live our wonderful neighbor SLOVENIA, many greetings from Croatia. 🇭🇷❤️🇸🇮
thank you brother
Bog živi in blagoslovi našo sosedno državo Hrvaško in hrvaški narod! 🇸🇮❤️🇭🇷🙏
Neka vrate Sv. Geru pod vlast Republike Hrvatske.
@@patrikcargaOni su odmetnuta braća.
thanks for doing this of my home country many people don t even know slovenia exists
This has a lot of things missing. Medieval uprinsings/revolts, the fact that dukes of Carinthia took an oath in Slovene during coronation up until early 15th century is completely omitted, no mention of Illyrian provinces, the period after WWI when a State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs existed and also the war between Austrians and Slovenes (later joined by the Serbian army) that broke out over territory in southern Carinthia and Styria etc.
the illyrian provinces were a french region with a french leader, not a slovenian state.
@@No-ch6fp noone said it was, reread the comment
I never knew anything about slovenian history but now I know you guys have some pretty nice history
Love Slovenia from Serbia🇷🇸♥️🇸🇮
On this map I've never seen Trieste being Slovenian, or Koroška ( Carinthia ) with Beljak ( Celovec ) was under Slovenia for a long time and went to Austria after a referendum by the people. Before WW1 Slovenia was 1/2 larger, some of the land took Italians on the west ( given by allies after WW2 ) and before that we lost big chunk to Austria after WW1.
Around year 800-1000 Carantania ( Karantanija in Slovenian langue ) was not presented as it should be. At that Time Veneti were part of Carantania ( Veronska Krajina ) on the west, North were Swabia and Bavaria all Part of East Frankia. On the east we had Istra, who we lost it to Croatia. North East Carantania was attacked by Hungarians constantly. And on the north-east we border on Moravia. This was the big Karantanija created and forged by Alpic Slavs with King Samo, Duke Valuk or Duke Borut who should be never forgotten by our Slovenian people today.
Where would one find the best historical border maps ? and which countries had control over Slavenian areas? I am interested in particularly špeharji slovenia, (especially during 1880-1920 seems Austria control was in question, though I do not know why) which sits now right next to Croatia with the Kupa river dividing it
On behalf of the Indonesian govt, we've successfully recognized Slovenia as an independent country from Yugoslavia during the presidency of Suharto in 1991.
Zapowiada się kozacko.Już oglądam
I love Slovenia from Hungary
i love your videos, its amazing, god bless poland from a descendant of polishes in saint paul brazil
You've got to be one of the most talented mappers on RUclips.
Most of their history was spent under foreign Germanic rule yet they never lost their Slavic identity.
How did Carantanians aka Slovenians achieve this?
well most of them were farmers, that had little connection to the outside world so the only option would be to just slowly brought in more settlers, and in the 1000 years they managed to Germanise more than 2 thirds of Slovene territory.
It is a much longer history of "survival". Only a small part of nowadays Slovenian ancestors came to this place in the 6th century...it was actually over 4000 years of gap reunion. Ancestors of Slovenes lived here before Kelts, Romans, e.t.c. but were always to survive, keeping the identity but always adopted: Romanized, Germanized,,, nowadays you can hear more English in the capital downtown than Slovene. It is interesting to read new discoveries and research from 2013 "The Origin of Slovenes and other Europeans". The other example is Irish people who lost their language, nowadays recovering more or less as the folklore, but ket their identity... speaking English but not English.
@@OutOffMediadumb autochthonist
@@OutOffMedia Kako to misliš, da so predniki Slovencev živeli tu že pred Kelti, Rimljani in ostalimi ilirskimi plemeni? Predniki Slovencev so sem migrirali v sredini 6. stoletja. Pika. Takrat se začne razvoj t. i. slovenskega naroda oz. bolj točno Slovanov na slovenskem ozemlju, čeprav Slovenci kot narod obstajamo šele od preloma iz 18. v 19. stoletje. Samo zato, ker je nek narod živel na slovenskem ozemlju, jih to še ne naredi Slovencev. Res je sicer, da smo Slovenci mešanica različnih ljudstev, ki so tu živela, ampak to ni dovolj dober razlog za enačenje teh ljudstev s Slovenci.
@@gaspermilost2723 Preberi "Izvor Slovencev in drugih Evropejcev, 2013", ter muzejsko arheološko razstavo Gorenjskega muzeja "Slovani, kakšni slovani?". Slovenec je moderen pojem nastal v 18. stoletju, podobno kot npr. Italijani. Sodobna spoznanja v znanosti/arheologiji močno spodkopavajo mite pisane iz časopisov, ki so jih povzemali zgodovinarji. Znanost uničuje temelje nacionalizmov in rasizma.
We know though, that after the last count of Celje died, the land was transferred to the Habsburg dynasty, thus ending any kind of self-governance for centuries.
I didn't know Slovenia 🇸🇮 from this side.
7:43 Strange surname of this former Slovenian president "Türk".
that surname was given to people who came from the balkans escaping from the ottoman empire, were actually turk (rare), or have just beaten some turkish invaders up in the time of turkish invasions
I heard somewhere about that but I am not sure
Other than Janez Dernovšek all of our presidents were non-partisan. Some just temporarily suspended their party membership (e.g. the last one) and Danilo Türk actually never was a member of any party, so I'm not sure why it says SD under his name
My dad had a friend growing up with the last name Turk. It was in a Slovenian Neiborhood on the East side of Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. A place that was inhabited almost exclusively by the families of Slovenian immigrants and his family was like influential in the ethnic scene. I always wondered why Turk was his name because it sounds so, well, Turkish. Now it makes sense.
Yes, he is Turkish!
great video man
Awesome! The name POGKPP and the word Quality should be synonymous with each other. One question if you don't mind, but was Lake Balaton itself actually bigger in the past, or are you including areas surrounding the lake that were generally submerged before the Danube flood regulations were implemented as being extensions of the lake in the map? Additionally, if you do know any sources regarding the hydrographical history of the Pannonian Basin, then could you please direct me to some material? Thanks!
i dont have any good sources for hydrology
@@POGKPP I see, well thanks for the response anyways.
Za dobre susjede Slovence, pozdrav iz Hrvatske 👍
There may be an low chance for you to see this but, Could you try doing the History of Croatia? Because it would really help me studiying more about my own country.
My collab mate (idk if collabolator is a right word) made that already.
@@POGKPP А Словения и Словакия🇸🇰 входили в Аварский Каганат
Great job! I never knew that Carantania and Celje vas that big. One small detail though as of 2023 our new president is Nataša Pirc Musar not Borut Pahor. Keep up the good work.
Slovenia just awakes every few hundred years and becomes a big kingdom and then out of the blue loses everything it carefully builded up.
well they made a mistake by being pagan, germans used this as an exuse to start a civil war to weaken them and then conquer them 💀
Because Slovenes are peaceful nation, mostly surrounded by the Nazi, Fascist and right wing nationalistic countries till this day.
Some even use the same flag from WW2.
@@makavelimaka8035 pretty sure u dont need all those fancy words when you can just say austrians xd
big? these kingdom were smaller than belgium
@@No-ch6fp he meant carantania
Dübrĕ film!👌
is this in Polabian?
@@shpho jo
Don't forget, there were many Vends (ancestors of Slovenes) in Hungary before the Ottomans.
Fun little tidbit: Carantania comes from the Carni tribe that used to live in the area (same with Carniola and another one i forgot)
The name “ Carni “ comes out from the Latin word “ carne “…….means meat…..because of the reddish face and body…….
and carnten (german) you mean? or the city kranj?
@@brankoknap4438carne means meat in portuguese too.
I like that you matched the accelerated tribal music to the accelerating elapsed years since Celje was occupied by presumably the Ottomans yet actually the Austriansssz
austrians, ottomans never reached slovenia
@@woopro1234 Well, their empire never did, but their soldiers were there trying very hard. The Slovenes actually fought them until their very numbers were becoming small. Slovenians fought very hard and that's why they were never under Ottomans.
@@mitchymasar9549 yes i know, i am from slovenia
@@woopro1234 Yeah sorry should have guessed. I'm just a history nerd who can't help but ramble history to everyone. Apologies. Is disrespectful of me.
@@mitchymasar9549 I'm a history nerd myself and you don't need to be sorry.
i love Slovenia
hello from Russia
Po mestu Kranj (Carnium, Creina, Chreina, Krainbourg, Krainburg), ki je bilo sprva njeno središče, je poimenovana tudi zgodovinska pokrajina Kranjska. Kranj je bila prva prestolnica Slovencev, saj je bil od 8. stoletja dalje center Slovanske kneževine Karniole, ki jo langobardski kronist Pavel Diakon označuje z besedami »Carniola, patria Sclavorum« (Karniola, domovina Slovanov). Mesto je dobilo ime po keltskem ljudstvu imenovanem Karni, o katerih poročajo že antični pisni viri (Livij, Plinij, Strabon).
Kaj neki, Kranj je balkaniziran zapis lokalnega Kran, katerega ime izhaja iz Krajn, ta pa iz Kraj'na - Krajina kakšni kelti neki
@@koalabear1984 Če ne veš, ne komentiraj. Lp
@@krancan123 Zanimivo, v madžarskem jeziku se reče Kranjski Krajna in njihovi viri navajajo, da ime izhaja iz slovankega poimenovanja za (obmejno) deželo - krajina. Čeprav je toponim fonetično podoben z latinskim Carnia ni nujno, da eden izhaja iz drugega. Logično se vsekakor bolj zdi: Krajina->Krain->Krain+ska->Kranjska. Nemška in slovenska beseda po verjetnosti nima antične kontiounitete.
Povprečen nealbanski prebivalec kranja (še 12 jih je ostalo)
@@woopro1234 Povprečen internet huligan, vsaj slovensko se nauči.
great quality video, I apriciate it
If only Carantania managed to last longer...
No, potem bi se imenovali Korošci.
Good video, but it's a shame how after 1456 it's skips to after WW1, where the borders inside Yugoslavia aren't shown and also 1931 isn't correct.
very good video, but you should mabye have included austria aswell, since its not like slovenes just dissapeard for a couple of hundred years. I believe that up to 1414 king of austria had to be sworn in in slovenian language, and for a long part of austrian history a big part if not the majority spoke slovenian for hundreds of years in austria.
Roots of Austria are actually in nowadays Switzerland.
@@OutOffMedia no they are not, perhaps you mean the roots of hasbourg family.
@@figaroo4816 yes hasbourgs
That's not true at all
Словения прекрасная. Сохранили славянство. Мы русские вас любим братья. 💕Камчатка ⛰️🏔🗻🌋💯🇷🇺🙏
Bold of you to assume that Slovenia won't massively expand in 2023 🇸🇮👌
I really love Slovenia and Slovenians! If it weren't for them, Serbia wouldn't have such a beautiful anthem!
I was thinking you will never do a Balkan country,but you did . Great job!
Historically a Balkan country is a country ruled by Ottomans - named Turkiye Europe in French and the term Balkan started to be used by German geographers in mid. 18th century due to the lack of knowledge of the geography of the area occupied by Ottomans. Term Balkan became popular after WW1 by Serbian geographers as a tool to expand Serbia to the northwest, but not being aware that Balkan is a Turkish name for Stara Gora in nowadays Bulgaria. there is also no Balkan Peninsula which is just a construct based on understanding the geography of Southeast Europe. Slovenia newer was a Balkan country not historically nor geographically. The only Balkan country nowadays is the European part of nowadays Turkiye. Just my professional remark...
@@OutOffMedia ok but I use the Balkan term of the country of this "peninsula"
@@theuknowngdplayer2348 There is another missleading of some geographers who are not familliar with the physical geography... there is no Balkan penincula... just a "play" term with never defined borders. Asxa professional geografer I am aware that even geographers use (wrongly) name Balkan penincula... wikipedia, even serious literature as Britannica, but the area doesn't fit with physical geography to be penincula. Black sea is not Mediterranean and is acctually land locked sea as Kaspian Sea, tiny Bosphor channel doesn't count...
I didn't know Slovenia HAD a history !!! 😁😵
Lets make slovenia big again fellow patriots
What do You mean?
it never was big nor did it exist before
@@CroatianUltraNationalist Vidi ga ustaša anonimnega z oprano glavo! XD
@@CroatianUltraNationalist Did you even watch the video?
@@yazovgaming yeah its full od bs, Slovenia has no history before 1991
Can you please make History of Kazakhstan Every Year? please im begging you 😔
The most unfair part is at 7:13
Great video.
Disclaimer i am not a Slovak.
I never knew Slovenia had a lot of history! Now i am curious about Slovakia but i know you know focus on Balkans!
Ps whats the next video is going to be? I hope its my country! (Greece).
mongol empire probably
@@POGKPP based. Btw the "history of the balkans video." when will it be out? (speculated).
because it does not have a lot of history it had a war that lasted for 10 days the rest is all propaganda
Yo I don't wanna be that guy but you forgot about the Illirian Provinces and later the Illirian Kingdom, which was a part of Austria but had some sort of self control. But great video tho
A na Spodnjo Panonijo ste pa pozabili in na zgodovinske dežele znotraj cesarstva? Video je katastrofalna redukcija zgodovine!
Balaton je prepisal Nitri, Notranjo Avstrijo je prepisal Habsburžanom, upore pa sploh upošteval kot državno ustanovo
Video je faking najs nevem ke vidš težave
7:32 somebody has a country name
🇸🇰🤝🇵🇱Greetings from Slovakia My polish friend!
Slovenia in 1930s was not named Slovenia but if I am not mistaken Dravska Banovina which is important as in Kingdom of Yugoslavia they avoided using national names for parts of the country
Świetny film! Tylko teraz czekać na Serbów, którzy będą pisać, że historia Słowenii zaczęła się w 1991.
do we have any austrians here? care to share an opinion about our mutual history?
austrians are germanized sovens
Nirvana did a concert here and Bassist of Nirvana, Krist Novoseliç did an interview to raise money for Yugoslavia and the war
Good video
Salute from Croatian, Grofovi Celjski 💪🏻❤️🫶🏻
Dobra robota.
Much, much love to my favourite republic 🇲🇪🟦⬜🌟⬜🟥💖🇸🇮
History of Greece please
Comrade as a Slovenian i can say odlično tovariš
I love Slovenia❤️❤️❤️
Time for a re-match.
Next Croatia?
Jakie masz teraz plany na przyszłość?
hate to be a grammar nazi but *leto po letu or better leto za letom
In 1919 there was a Kingdom of Slovenians, Croatians and Serbs.
Looks like I guessed right
History of slovenia 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Nie widzę najmniejszego sensu w nie-uwzględnianiu Karyntii, Krainy i Styrii pod panowaniem np. Habsburgów
A poza tym spoko wideo, można się czegoś nowego dowiedzieć
Te księstwa były tylko tytularne plus trudno je nazwać słoweńskimi, tam już za czasów karantanii doszło do germanizacji, tylko właśnie w rejonach Słowenii się uchowali potomkowie karantan czyli słoweńcy.
@@POGKPP A co to jest nie-tylko tytularne księstwo? Do germanizacji doszło tylko na północy, południowe regiony wszystkich trzech zawsze pozostały słowiańskie, a co do potomków to współcześni austriacy również są w dużej mierze potomkami karantan.
Myślę, że taki format jak w wideo o Śląsku albo Pomorzu, pokazujący jakiś region i wszystko co na nim było ma dużo więcej sensu niż takie subiektywne wybieranie sobie co zalicza się do dziedzictwa np. Słowenii a co nie wg. jakichś dziwnych kryteriów. Moim zdaniem wszystko co istniało w granicach obecnego państwa Słowenia to część jej historii.
@@Meow-ml5hv Jandáčkov (2002) uvid je bil kasneje dodelan (Jandáček in Perdih 2008) in ga pokažem samo v dveh alineih:
- Od zunaj prišle elite (nemška, madžarska, italijanska, francoska in druge) so raznarodovale in še raznarodujejo govorce slovanskih jezikov oz. narečij. Pa tudi standardizirane slovanske »knjižne« jezike države vsiljujejo govorcem narečij in jih uničujejo. Nekdanji mozaik slovanske (v resnici slovenske) podlage po Evropi je najbolj ohranjena na tistih območjih, ki jim nacionalne države niso uspele vsiliti standardiziranega jezika širjenega iz prestolnic. Slovanska narečja so najbolj ohranjena v Sloveniji in okoliških slovensko govorečih predelih v Italiji, Avstriji, na Madžarskem in Hrvaškem. Prav tako tudi med ostanki polabskih Slovanov, med lužiškimi Sorbi in na Moravskem.
- Zanimivo je, da najdemo slovanske značilnosti v anglosaški stari angleščini izpred tisoč let. Na primer v staroangleškem očenašu »Fader Ure« najdemo za kruh besedo »hlaf« kot v slovanskih besedah chleb, hleb, chlieb, chlib itd. (Jandaček 2007). Podobno, če beremo Psalm 23 v stari angleščini (Diamond 1993/2006: Old English Anglo-Saxon Psalm # 23; Jandašček 2007) zveni kot kak slovanski jezik. V tem pogledu je stara angleščina bolj podobna slovanščini, kot sedanja angleščina. Podobno najdemo tudi po priimkih (Rant 2007). Da je starejša oblika nekega jezika bližja slovenskim kot kasnejša ali sedanja oblika so opazili tudi pri sansktu (vedski > klasični > sedanji indijski jeziki (Skulj) in Sharda 2002), etruščanščini (Bor v: Šavli in sod. 1996: 344) ter grščini (Homerjeva > klasična) ( Belčevski 2005a,b). To kaže ob poznavanju »genetskih« podatkov na to, da je bila praslovenščina marsikje po Evropi substratni jezik, v Indiji pa abstraktni.
Idk why but velje has so much cursed borders it made my mind explode lmao🇸🇮
Tipične fevdalne meje
Hey, why do I hear, inside of Slovenian traditional music, Roblox "dodgeballs"?
Szacun, że pomimo 1000 lat niewoli dalej nie stracili wiary w państwo🤘
If we would be slaves, Slovenes today would not exist. So no, we weren't slaves.
@@makavelimaka8035if u wanted to succed in medieval slovenia with basicaly anything you had to speak german. But yet we still exist
In the firsr years it was close to the coast but not on it💀for hundreds of years
I find it strange how Slovenians have ABSOLUTELY NO GRUDGE towards their invaders, under whom they were for like a millennium. Instead they even go and claim how they're "best friends" and talk about how close they are. Very strange people...
It's more like what people can remember... Slovenia is kinda spli with people who hate communism and balkan people, people who want Yugoslavia back, and people who do not care.
@@davidmikek1713 I think he means Germans/Austrians. It is a strange phenomenon, we Slovenians actually hold the German people in high regards (they're organized, developed, smart). In a way they actually contributed to the development of our lands and our infrastructure
Some of it probably has to do with the fact that modern Austria (and Italy) aren't a threat to Slovenia anymore.
@@theyeening Who is then?
@@theyeening The Polish do still hold a grudge for the mere 123 years, Slovenia meanwhile had its' whole history taken away and still forces itself into the "west" where nobody wants to take it
What is about Balaton Principality? Was it Carantanian state?
It was created by nitrans
@@POGKPP Is disputed. Slovenians say it was a Carantanian state, but Slovaks says it was like you say. I would say that Slovenians and Slovaks back then were pretty much the same.
@@Kintabl Nitran Duke migrated here and created this Duchy himself, how it can be disputed?
@@POGKPP Even in your video 'Lower Panonnia' or Balaton Principality is part of Karantanija at 3:25 in the year 878. So I don't know.
@@Kintabl And what does it have to the pribina's migration to the Balaton?
this is perfect
1452.Your map is wrong.You put Croatia where was actualy Slavonia
Pozdrav za Karantaniju iz Serbie ! 🇸🇮 🇷🇸
Greetings from bavaria to slovenia i love slovenia
Greating from Bulgaria Slovenia.❤,1 Question pleas i no bad emocional for us.What Slivenia in 7 century ? Literaly 4-5 Countries in europe.Bizantine empire, Franks empire , Avar kaganat, Bulgaria and slavs but no country.I ,m confused budy .
Did they have a strong and big army in the days of karantanija???
1. Mute the video
2. Start watching
gdzie plebiscyt w 1920
Why didn't you include the Illyrian provinces? It's like a big part of our history.
also forgot DSHS (Država Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov) but to be fair it lasted a month
si ti slučajno črnec?
@@kurade1096 manj črn kot jaz ne moreš biti
it's not, they were a french region with a french ruler and had nothing to do with slovenia
idiot reče slovencu da je en izmed najpomembnejših delov zgodovine slovencev in hrvatov neresničen 💀
W Slovenia🇷🇴❤️🇸🇮
Just like the story of an millionaire who had lost all of his money then he was fighting a couple of years to stay alive and now even if he earn a small income he is happy for what he's got.
Dream big its not in our culture
Please make a video about Armenian rulers
As a Slovene connoisseur of Armenian history - yes please!