Caitlin and the EU referendum

  • Опубликовано: 4 апр 2016
  • Hello!
    It’s not usual to find me in a redder shade of mood. I’ve only lost my temper four times in my life, and one of those was a full three decades ago. However, I AM still cross about it shakes fist at Blue Peter competition judges
    BUT - I tell you what’s put me in a total, frothing rage. The EU Referendum. A drama queen hissy fit over a quarter of a pint of f-all. It shouldn’t be our problem. But now we have to care. Because it’s REALLY IMPORTANT. So stop whatever you’re doing (enjoying the sunshine, planning a picnic, Netflix bingeing, googling that rash you’ve got) and witness me in a rare state of utter bloody fury.
    The idea of both the Moranifesto, and my RUclips channel is that it’s not just me talking about politics in an amusing and relaxed - although still revolutionary - manner. It’s all of us. I firmly believe that everyone has at least one idea that would make the world a better place and I want to hear those ideas, and get them out into the wider world. Together, we can upgrade this planet, in an organised and polite fashion. So - watch my vlogs, then email me your One Minute Manifesto to - and the best ones will be featured on the channel.
    We would like a revolution! Please.
    Order your copy of Moranifesto today.

Комментарии • 73

  • @jessisshaw
    @jessisshaw 8 лет назад +8

    Over a quarter of a pint of fuck all. Absolutely love you.

  • @democracyforall
    @democracyforall 8 лет назад +8

    Britian pays £34 million a day to EU since 1997 under a new EU deal. It comes to well over £900 billion so far. Could not that money have been used to build things in UK?? If UK exit EU pound will be twice the amount of EU currency because you will be getting back more than £34 billion a year. In 1997 befor new EU deal income support for unemployed couple together was £208 pound per week. Now 20 years later it is £104 per week together. Pension was £104 perweek for a single person now 20 years later it is £107 pound per week. How much did you loose so far in your benefits and your pension to EU?? That is the money taken from your benefits and pension that goes to EU not from the rich and powerful. If the ordinary Britain think it is a good idea to loose all that money taken from the poor not rich then honestly stay in the EU if not get out and get your money back and your freedom back. As simple as that the rest are all political lies.

  • @sophieammann96
    @sophieammann96 8 лет назад +3

    Thanks for your amazing speech!

  • @tatjanariekel3416
    @tatjanariekel3416 8 лет назад +1

    You are amazing! Already looking forward to next week...

  • @iliveinmyhead
    @iliveinmyhead 8 лет назад

    I kind of suspected the whole thing was bollocks. I just didn't think I was supposed to think that. Thanks Caitlin!

  • @NOAHisEpic1
    @NOAHisEpic1 8 лет назад +2

    We should definitely stay in the EU. Great speech! :3

  • @Abel_Y
    @Abel_Y 8 лет назад +3

    just stop thinking about this and vote LEAVE

  • @Alice-jd4gg
    @Alice-jd4gg 8 лет назад +1

    It felt like Cameron used the proposal of the referendum as a political tool to get support during the general election from potential UKIP voters. He never came across as wanting to leave from the start... Great video though :')

    • @squizza28
      @squizza28 8 лет назад

      Yes, and how all this is spectacularly backfiring on him! He'll have a very red face and squeaky bum on 24.6.16!!

  • @Lookimadeachannel
    @Lookimadeachannel 8 лет назад


  • @hiba_and
    @hiba_and 8 лет назад +1

    As a first year languages student, an exit from the EU would be terrible for all languages students studying in the UK, particularly those studying in Wales or Scotland but are from England. It would be so so so much harder for us to go on our years abroad as easily as we can do now, let alone return to our universities at home if they have their own referenda to leave the UK!!!! please consider this!!!

    • @hiba_and
      @hiba_and 8 лет назад

      +Helena Anderson for example!!

    • @squizza28
      @squizza28 8 лет назад +1

      Harder meaning you'd have to apply for a student visa! Puleeze!! Hardly an issue, is it? But for the majority who work here and pay taxes, the EU is holding us back from running our own country in our interest. We should not be having to pay billions per year to a corrupt, unaccountable organisation all for free trade and co-operation. Plus we'd like to get back control of our borders. When you start work and pay taxes you'll see what I mean

    • @snowstarGurl
      @snowstarGurl 8 лет назад +1

      +squizza28 Uh, excuse you - everyone who works in the UK has to have a National Insurance number (employers get fined otherwise). Tax is paid automatically. As if the government would let anyone other than the richest 1% evade tax. The UK's riddled with corruption as well. Brexit would also mean no more cheap holidays for UK people in EU countries, or free movement in the EU for British people. You'll have to apply for a visa too if you want to travel and work abroad! If UK leaves EU, it'll affect everyone, not just people from the EU.

    • @tcpgblizzard
      @tcpgblizzard 8 лет назад +1

      +Helena Anderson That is not a more important reason to stay, than regain sovereignty and economic power is for leaving... sorry to break it to you.

    • @hiba_and
      @hiba_and 8 лет назад +1

      maybe not, but it's how i'll be making my decision!

  • @lovestruck-dl9kj
    @lovestruck-dl9kj 8 лет назад +2

    whenever i'm feeling shit about the world you make me feel better. and lazy for not doing something about the shitty bit of the world during the lengths of time i'm just glum about it. but, you know, a nice kind of lazy. likeable.

  • @powderandpaint14
    @powderandpaint14 8 лет назад +2

    Cameron has no balls. Yes indeed.

  • @cassia_cries
    @cassia_cries 8 лет назад +1

    I had the same reaction to Scotland referendum

    • @mrsjamescottage
      @mrsjamescottage 8 лет назад +2

      +Cassia Crichton The difference in Scotland was that there was genuine and widespread support across every class and community for a debate around Scotland's place in the union. The SNP, a staunchly pro-independence party, had a majority for the first time and both the political elite and ordinary voters were starting to wake up and think about independence as a real issue, and not just something scrawled on a bumper sticker with a picture of Mel Gibson on it. Everyone had an opinion on the union, whether for or against, and, referendum effect notwithstanding, enough people were already highly engaged BEFORE the campaign that successful and distinct arguments for and against could be healthily debated. The EU referendum, however, is essentially racists and posh twats vs people who know the EU is important but aren't quite sure why. It's utterly ridiculous, and neither side knows what the fuck it's on about. It's a mess and what's more, it's a mess created by a party trying to stop itself from collapsing by shifting the blame to the public. I'm genuinely in favour of referenda as a way of increasing political engagement and staving off the disillusionment that led us in to this mess, but this is a cynical attempt to shift the blame to an ill-informed public. Or you know, whatever. I've had way too much caffeine this morning.

    • @cassia_cries
      @cassia_cries 8 лет назад

      Rose Kirby
      I'd quite agree the EU referendum is utter drivel and driven by idiots and bigots in a way the scottish one wasn't. The scottish one was a farce tho ..there wasn't jack shit interest in it before the snp dumped it on the public and the vast majority of people i knew and met had no interest or thoughts on independence before the snp grabbed a perfect storm moment and still failed to convince half the population -wasting a great deal of time and stoking a lot of anger and resentment instead of using a parlimentary mandate to improve the lot of the scottish people.
      anyway ....I've also had a lot of coffee!

    • @tcpgblizzard
      @tcpgblizzard 8 лет назад +1

      +Rose Kirby And the same is true here. This woman's fallacious argument that "nobody cared before" is blatantly untrue. There has been plenty of anti-EU sentiment here, and it's been here right from the day we joined.
      And you also know that you're creating many strawmen in your comment right? Things like saying "it's essentially just racists and posh people..." are blatantly untrue. Not only because you fail to clarify who we (Eurosceptics) are being racist to, but also because the vast majority of us are not posh. And how can you claim to know the EU's important, but you don't know why? That is just an amazing thing to say...

    • @mrsjamescottage
      @mrsjamescottage 8 лет назад +3

      Oh look! A racist/posh person!

    • @mrsjamescottage
      @mrsjamescottage 8 лет назад

      Just out of interest, do you think full independence from any kind of centralised government would be preferable?

  • @georgiegrrrl
    @georgiegrrrl 8 лет назад

    What I want to know is where the fuck is the shirt with all the David Bowies on it? I was promised Bowie

  • @clecklass
    @clecklass 8 лет назад

    Every British person pays £300 a year to stay in the EU (that's after all the sums are done and we are given back some of the billions we pay in). This will increase once the Ukraine joins.
    [1] Youth unemployment is 48% in Greece, 45% in Spain and 39.3% in Italy. [2] Poland's minimum wage is £1.89 an hour. Cheap labour from 'Europe and elsewhere into catering, hotels and social care jobs has led to an average 2% pay cut'. [3] EU migrants 'have been found guilty of 146,100 crimes' in the UK since 2012. [4] 'Between 1997 and last year, 65% of the country's 2.7 million extra housing units' were taken by non-UK people. [5] 'One hundred thousand children are thought to have missed out on their first choice secondary school today as an escalating places crisis sweeps the country'. [6] The NHS paid almost £6.2 billion for expats but received only £405 million back for EU nationals. [7] EU fishing law says that 'keeping a bass off the British coast is liable to a fine of up to £50,000'. [8] Women had to pay a tax on sanitary pads for decades. New vacuum cleaners will be limited to 900 watts by 2017. Doctors' qualifications cannot be checked if they have an EU Pro Card in 2018.

  • @JohnThornley
    @JohnThornley 8 лет назад +2

    Part of being a grown up is taking responsibility. You don't.

    • @Kyle-mo7bd
      @Kyle-mo7bd 8 лет назад +5

      Explain how she does not take responsibility. If your opinion is justifiable, then you should be able to respond with great ease.

  • @squizza28
    @squizza28 8 лет назад +3

    Hears a lot of F words, not much else so dunno what you're on about really.

  • @elchefe7701
    @elchefe7701 7 лет назад

    At 1:30min If you dont't care, why do you care soooo much?

  • @orangeedo
    @orangeedo 8 лет назад

    vote leave. being democracy back.

    • @georgecampbell8310
      @georgecampbell8310 8 лет назад

      don't u get the point of this video?
      Cameron should strap on a pair and take things into his own hands and backing out of one of the most important points in British politics!

  • @hollyintervener510
    @hollyintervener510 8 лет назад +2

    Well written and delivered.
    But good political commentary and humour HAS to show some semblance of familiarity with the topic being discussed.You, clearly, have absolutely no idea what the EU is, how it works, and where it is taking us.
    That reduces your material to the regurgitation and predictable mocking of factually incorrect headlines, which, frankly, is uninspiring to anyone who actually appreciates the kind of commentary that you're trying to produce and who follows this issue closely. You need to work harder on your research as a mark of respect for your audience, and you need to bring us something new.
    You fail badly in that respect.
    some e.g.s
    You don't even seem to know that Cameron called for a referendum based on the assumption that the Tories wouldn't win a majority in the last GE. He was as surprised as anyone else when they did and he had to deliver on the referendum promise.
    Nor do you seem to know that nearly 150 Tory MPs and several cabinet members back a Brexit. (Not "21", as you state.)
    Nor do you seem to know that both Scotland and Wales consistently poll the same as the rest of the UK in EU disapproval. (The argument that they are pro-EU is SNP propaganda.) And, constitutionally, they both would have to ask permission from Cameron if they wanted to call a referendum on EU membership. This means that they can't just call one. Also, since they joined the EU as part of the UK, it's unlikely that they could separate themselves from the UK per EU membership should any such referendums call for them to do so.
    You also don't seem to know the difference between the EU and Europe, which is such a fundamental distinction and basic piece of information that lack of this knowledge undermines fatally your credibility as a political commentator on this issue, and, most likely, all issues.
    And why you think that 40+ years of the UK being gradually and deliberately subsumed into an EU super state would just "go away" if we simply looked the other way, needs a little more explanation. There were a lot of people in pre-war Germany who thought the fascist problem in their country would just go away, and, like you, they ignored it. How did that work out for them. Do you recall?
    Twice you have attacked old people in a bigoted way, particularly "old white men". Why do you think this demographic cohort warrants such blanket attacks? Do you believe they are an inferior breed?
    Overall, I likely would have been inspired to watch your other videos -- you come across as lively, intelligent and fun -- were this not the first one I watched.
    Sadly, though, this video seems to have exposed an inherent and natural (to you) appeal to bigotry, and is premised on such profound ignorance of the topic you examine, that it leaves a bad taste.
    I'm sure you'll come up with all kinds of ways to defend yourself, including denial, but, based on this video, which you have volitionally disseminated for comment, this is my honest opinion. Take it or leave it for what it's worth.

  • @mandamcmoo
    @mandamcmoo 8 лет назад

    I usually agree with you Caitlin, but the truth is that older people in the countryside have hated the EU for years. Get a Devon grandmother drunk and they'll talk about very little else.

    • @petrospetrosghali
      @petrospetrosghali 8 лет назад

      +Amanda McGrath Could you elaborate on why Devon grandmothers hate the EU so much?

    • @mandamcmoo
      @mandamcmoo 8 лет назад

      +petrospetrosghali I would say largely due to ignorance. Having spoken to one again recently she was convinced that she was protecting my generation's future and that my wish to remain in was a product of my liberal education. People in the countryside feel attacked by central govt in all its forms, but also abandoned in times of crisis such as foot and mouth.

    • @petrospetrosghali
      @petrospetrosghali 8 лет назад

      +Amanda McGrath thanks, very interesting. Were you able to to point to how the countryside benefits from large EU Common Agricultural Policy subsidies? And how neighbouring Cornwall still receives EU Structural Funds (financial assistance)? Interesting to hear that people in the countryside feel attacked by central govt though. Why is that?

    • @georgecampbell8310
      @georgecampbell8310 8 лет назад

      don't know why u would want to get a Devon grandmother drunk but i hope they don't go to the polls that way because if so we are royally F****d