Why we should ban homework

  • Опубликовано: 2 май 2016
  • Homework. Whatever age you are, I bet that word's just created a sense of horrible dread. A Sunday evening panic in the pit of your stomach (whether current or remembered). If you're a kid, if you're a parent - hell, if you're a teacher - homework is universally loathed.
    Here's my Moranifesto for why this LIFE VAMPIRE should be banned - and why ALL our lives would be more creative, more healthy, possibly more loving and certainly a lot happier, if we did.
    The idea of both the Moranifesto, and my RUclips channel is that it’s not just me talking about politics in an amusing and relaxed - although still revolutionary - manner. It’s all of us. I firmly believe that everyone has at least one idea that would make the world a better place and I want to hear those ideas, and get them out into the wider world. Together, we can upgrade this planet, in an organised and polite fashion. So - watch my vlogs, then email me your One Minute Manifesto to Moranifesto@eburypublishing.co.uk - and the best ones will be featured on the channel.
    We would like a revolution! Please.
    Order your copy of Moranifesto today.
    -Waterstones: bit.ly/1NBxu1x
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Комментарии • 88

  • @danielepiccatman8998
    @danielepiccatman8998 7 лет назад +10

    homework is so stressful that sometimes id rather get the detension for not doing it.

  • @oliviaellen97
    @oliviaellen97 8 лет назад +10

    YES! I can't count how many times I've cried because of stress that homework has caused when in the long run it counts for nothing . I could have spent time doing things that enriched my life and opened my mind to new things that I was interested in rather than going over the same work that has no relevance to me

  • @magnablocker
    @magnablocker 7 лет назад +9

    I think homework should be optional personally, not college optional, but you can do it if you feel like you haven't quite mastered the subject optional.

  • @SallySussex
    @SallySussex 8 лет назад +3

    Love it - absolutely support banning homework for all the reasons you have so eloquently elucidated!

  • @princessgold1997
    @princessgold1997 8 лет назад +6

    I love how you put this. I didn't mind homework in my latter years of primary school, it was fun extra learning, I believe I asked for it. But secondary was so stressful. For the first 3 years you learn things you will just never use again. I couldn't tell you what I did during that time. Then for the final 5 (6th form too) my mental health drastically changed (as is the same for far too many teenagers nowadays) and homework become an issue so big in my head I felt like a failure for not having it done. I had a war going on in my head with everyone in my life nagging me to get it done. It only ever made me worse.
    Having homework in the form of fun extra learning - if thats what the kids want to do then thats fine. If my homework was optional I may have done it quicker because the pressure to get it done wasn't there. I often read up for hours on historical figures, or current events, or politics, but as soon as I had to write an essay on it I crumbled.
    Thankfully I am out of that now and am back to self educating, I just learned I had to pay £2k in taxes on my £16,500 wage. That's not fun. Not fun at all. Fuck you George.

  • @rosageorgiou9631
    @rosageorgiou9631 8 лет назад +1

    Agree. Agree. Agree. Having said that, i'm off to do my chemistry to avoid the inevitable detention if i don't.

  • @capybara6997
    @capybara6997 7 лет назад +5

    Homework needs to be banned my school still has homework and I'm pissed

  • @amyrandles390
    @amyrandles390 8 лет назад

    I totally agree that it's too pressurised and lots of children struggle with homework, myself included. However, with my GCSE exams coming up in 2 weeks, I can see the importance of putting a bit of extra work in. I suffer from anxiety which isn't always helped by homework, but homework does have its uses. Although, I do agree that the amount of work we get is far too big, even as quite an academic person I do struggle to keep up with my deadlines and stuff like that. I do wish I had more free time, but I feel like my opinion is probably heavily influenced by my school and how ingrained it is in me that it is vital to my success! It is a very very valid point that those who dont have lots of support at home do not need this extra worry and stress to deal with on top of everything else xx

  • @Shindai
    @Shindai 8 лет назад +8

    It's always been homework that cropped me up. In school, especially in religious studies and science, I was always one of the first to finish and with some of the highest marks, I loved school (until the bullying started, but that's another story.) But at home I just couldn't get in the mindset, I couldn't concentrate with life going on around me, even in the library I was distracted by all the books and the whispering of other people. And is it technically still HOME work if it's done in the library? So many questions! But the marks were never up to scratch, in primary school I did the wrong half of the page (half was boxed off and the rest wasn't, so I did the box's sums, I was meant to do the rest) and the teacher gave me such a bollocking I'm still afraid of saying the wrong thing to anyone. So yeah homework really messed me up :/

    • @teasedtalons2959
      @teasedtalons2959 8 лет назад

      I'm the same way. I'm fine with school (even though mine is getting worse) and I do great... in school. I'm the same way that I can't concentrate when I'm at home, especially since I have a phone, computer, tablet, books. I wanna do anything but homework. I can't say I can relate to things after that point though (I'm in America)

    • @Phantom_Kraken
      @Phantom_Kraken 6 лет назад

      Daniel Gould I know how you feel I did a speech on this for my exam yesterday and everyone thinks I got a distinction honestly It controls your life btw don’t let the bullies get you down who cares about them there not your friends
      Also go to Finland they have no homework and have the 5th highest education system while England’s no6

  • @mamalina
    @mamalina 8 лет назад

    YES!! So on this. The primary school I am hoping to send my kid to (North West London) has a no homework policy :)) Loved this, thank you.x

  • @abydavies
    @abydavies 8 лет назад +1

    Yes yes a thousand yes's!!! Could not agree more!

  • @nxtxlieclaire
    @nxtxlieclaire 8 лет назад +1

    This is a great response to homework, and I love how expressive your face is as you speak. Also your hair is good short xx

  • @SarahJane-lx4fz
    @SarahJane-lx4fz 8 лет назад

    I could not agree more with this. My 9 year old daughter has had to do it since she was 5. I've been waiting for her to tell me she doesn't want to do it anymore so I can explain to the school that she's made that choice. Unfortunately she's too scared of getting into trouble or not getting a classroom award. I'm going to send a link to this video to the headteacher. Thank you! Xx

  • @elodiemcminn3777
    @elodiemcminn3777 8 лет назад

    Thank you so much for saying this! The education system is getting worse, in the sense that creative subjects are being murdered like wasps and maths and science get praised every second of each day. If I was born a few years earlier, I would have been able to take film, media and creative writing as a subject, but now I can't. Hours of my life are wasted on homework about trigonometry and algebra, when I could have been researching something i'm genuinely interested in. I agree 100% with you!

  • @pinkunicornglitter
    @pinkunicornglitter 8 лет назад

    I completely agree. Homework was the bane of my life because I could never relax without having some kind of deadline looming over me. Most of the time it was going over things I had already learnt, or learning things that were of no relevance or importance, or even worse preventing me from doing important revision. At one point, I just stopped doing it and ,strangely, teachers stopped asking for it.

  • @kawaiidere1023
    @kawaiidere1023 6 лет назад

    I really agree with video and everything said in it. (Also school doesn't teach negotiation but it teaches in depth history and grammar, both easily forgotten and not practical)

  • @RavenRachelSteele
    @RavenRachelSteele 8 лет назад +1

    Totally agree! I've always thought homework did more harm than good.

  • @caroldraper5017
    @caroldraper5017 9 месяцев назад

    I didn’t have home work until 7th grade and now as a retired educator looking back I sincerely believe that homework should be bannec.

    @MADZisTHEQUEEN 8 лет назад

    I went to a specialist dyslexia school when I was 10 and we got barely any homework, in that one year my school ability improved drastically. We don't need more homework we need more accessible teaching.

  • @ady6016
    @ady6016 8 лет назад +1

    if a child said they decided to spend an entire sunny Saturday indoors on facebook and playing on their xbox it would be seen as terrible, if a child said they spend the Saturday doing homework it would be accepted (by the few people the support it)

  • @liz_alva
    @liz_alva 8 лет назад

    I think we could really learn from the Finnish educational system. I did some research a few years ago when I was considering raising a child there. I don't know if it has changed in the meantime. But from what I remember: school starts at 7 years old, 5-hour school days, little to no homework, all teachers have a masters degree, no tuition fees, students often get to choose to do what they’re good at, equal opportunities for learning, attention for individual needs, much less testing in comparison to other countries, and the list goes on. On top of this, they have one of the best results in the world (reading, math and science). Worth to look into! If someone here is from Finland and knows more about it, feel free to add to this or correct me if things have changed. X

  • @BelladonnaRLGK
    @BelladonnaRLGK 8 лет назад

    For all the failings my (admittedly posh, private and much better than a lot of schools) school had, it did at least call homework 'evening school'. So at least they knew that it was a load of shit.

  • @bayleylb
    @bayleylb 3 года назад +1

    I liked this totally agree, apart from fish are evil! they're not!

  • @themadclown9129
    @themadclown9129 5 лет назад

    I live in Maine and I have homework in high school and I get alot of work in study hall and finish a rest at home. I definally think a lot countries should reduce the amount of hours of homework including America but i wouldn't say get rid of it altogether there is benefits for homework that I would like to keep

  • @randomyt1002
    @randomyt1002 7 лет назад +3


  • @MrPinguinsocke
    @MrPinguinsocke 8 лет назад +2

    actually my heart broke. i didn't manage to do all the homework or at least parts of it... i got a depression for years and years from the things i learned in scool (and there was nothing i learned more as to be a failure.. ) Now it still takes time to get over the things i learned in scool (that i am a unworthy being, that i wanted to die every single day) and that there are things i love) everything i feel worthy about.. everything i love and i am into.. i learned because i wanted to... i swallowed history dates because i wanted to learn them by myself.. if it was math, or language.. or anything else.. what teachers told me.. i didn't remember a thing at all...just the hate..

  • @malcs0
    @malcs0 8 лет назад

    I totally agree. I have always hated homework, especially for children forced into a Korean-style curriculum (I saw a documentary on this once and it was harrowing). Homework is a Patrician concept that was set-up by bullying huns that wanted to put children and their parents through a mincer just so some inadequate clots can report to their Nazi-trained Heads of Schools (mostly in these damned Academies) that they forced the children in their care to complete just so they can justify their salaries. Thanks Caitlin. Rant over!!!

  • @StephenBoothUK
    @StephenBoothUK 8 лет назад

    When did the school day become 7 hours for the pupils? I do a fair amount of voluntary work with schools and from what I've seen, whilst you could argue the pupils probably spend 6 hours a day in school, once you factor in breaks and time between classes that drops to between 4 and 4.5 actual contact learning time. So that's 20-22.5 hours per week, less than half of what they will do if they are lucky enough to get a job.
    There are strong arguments for an overhaul of home work but a ban doesn't really stack up. From what I've seen we have had things traditionally the wrong way around, learn in school and test through home work. I feel that the few hours a day kids spend in school should, at secondary at least, concentrate on giving therm the study skills they need to be able to learn for themselves, testing and discussions to cement the knowledge, and support for those who have struggled. Education should give them the tool kit they need to be able to learn through out their life.

  • @NOAHisEpic1
    @NOAHisEpic1 8 лет назад +2

    Very interesting analysis. :3

  • @maureenbouey
    @maureenbouey 6 лет назад +1

    This is brilliant! I couldn't agree more and I'm a teacher. XO

  • @iasonaskreontas6688
    @iasonaskreontas6688 8 лет назад +2

    I am about to say I agree and then I am going to go study for my exams. tomorrow I''ll go tutor a child because his family are illiterate and they cannot help him with homework.
    I have to do homework and I am the teacher assigning it. I hate all of it.

  • @jojoba11
    @jojoba11 8 лет назад

    the ending was truly perfect :)

  • @ady6016
    @ady6016 8 лет назад

    one time I remember one time we were visiting family one weekend had no time for homework,

  • @alexhonour7017
    @alexhonour7017 8 лет назад

    I've finally had my English Language exam today after starting preparation for it 6 months ago. Now, my teacher is fantastic, easily one of my favourite teachers at school, but she expected to do SO MUCH HOMEWORK FOR THIS EXAM. She expected us to do Past Papers, each taking at least 2 hours each, several times a week as well as doing Past Papers in lesson as well and it go so fucking mind-numbingly repetitive. For 6 months, why were we pressured to do so much work at home to perfect a 3 question exam? Surely that work was done in lesson, was it not?
    Anyway, thank god that's out of the way, only have Physics, Chemistry, Biology, RE and Maths Calc and Non Calc now...

  • @jessisshaw
    @jessisshaw 8 лет назад +1

    This was a great message until it turned into a class war.

  • @vinari385
    @vinari385 7 лет назад


  • @caitlincatchat8286
    @caitlincatchat8286 7 лет назад

    I don't mind art homework cos I love art but I attend 9 hours of clubs outside of school in a week and get given a lot of homework. I hate when people say homework will help you, sometimes it does, but I had maths homework the other day and it was just questions and I really did not understand and the teacher was not their to help me and it made me feel annoyed cos I didn't get it.

    • @eshaa8192
      @eshaa8192 7 лет назад

      That's the whole point of homework - to find out whether or not you truly understand the lesson and which parts you're still unclear on. How is you're teacher supposed to know that you don't understand something if you don't tell her during the lesson and there's no homework to act as an indicator?

  • @indiarosecampbell3284
    @indiarosecampbell3284 8 лет назад


  • @FluffythePuff
    @FluffythePuff 6 лет назад +1

    Homework is not important because there r the kids that dont do it and i dont blame them for not wanting to do it

  • @jolteonlovesu9137
    @jolteonlovesu9137 2 года назад

    School teachers and principals:*pathetic* students:YESS HOMEWERK SHOULD BE BANNED me:the thing why I hate hw is bc homework is boring and it makes us sad because we don't have unlimited time to have fun btw the dislikes are from school teachers and principals

  • @EmilyCooper-cf1qj
    @EmilyCooper-cf1qj 8 лет назад

    Ketchup should NOT be kept in the fridge

  • @SinisterNight96
    @SinisterNight96 8 лет назад

    Yes! I do understand the benefits of homework as course work and practice course work, being brought in gradually from around year 9, as there is no real way of getting around this when important exams are being taken and i feel it does help children understand the importance of putting in extra effort, something we will all have to do if we want successful careers. But any home work before half way through year 9, i cannot understand. I am also dyslexic and can say pretty much all of the homework i did before my GCSEs was just copying crap off the internet or text books and having not a single original thought in my brain, or getting my brother to tell me how to do it with a calculator. Not exactly learning really...anything.
    Edit: Just want to add that homework for all school students could really be aborted if school kids had revision sessions where they do homework like things for an hour, actually in their timetables not at home at all.

    • @StephenBoothUK
      @StephenBoothUK 8 лет назад

      +Bethany May At the school I attended 'Homework' was called 'Prep' and we had a 2.5 hour, 18:00 to 20:30 supervised period 5 evenings a week to do it in. You learned to pace yourself as if you regularly finished early you would be given extra work.
      The regular school day was 08:30 to 17:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and 08:30 to 15:30 on Wednesday and Saturday. That did include 6 hours of general games, 4 hours of team practice (those not on the teams got roped in as tackle dummies or coolie labour as appropriate) and 4 hours of CCF and Vocational training each week.

    • @SinisterNight96
      @SinisterNight96 8 лет назад

      +Stephen Booth im not sure if you were trying to make a point, but that sounds horrible anyway.

    • @StephenBoothUK
      @StephenBoothUK 8 лет назад

      +Bethany May The point is that compared with the 1980s, based on the work I've done with secondary schools (I volunteer through Inspiring the Future), kids seem to have much less time in education and much more free time. The example above is from when I was a scholarship pupil at an independent school so may be an outlier, but even when I went back into the state sector we did a lot more hours (including homework) than the kids do now.
      I do feel, as I indicated in another comment, that we do have school work and home work very much the wrong way around. Time in school should be more about learning study skills and the most efficient and effective way for each child to gain knowledge and understanding; home work should guide and implement those skills so the kid can gain knowledge and understanding of the subject; then back in school test, reinforce and share that knowledge, with extra assistance for those who are struggling to develop the skills.
      I think that schools should not just teach but also inculcate a drive to life long learning. We no longer have an economy built on people leaving school then staying in pretty much the same job (or at least type of job) until they retire. We've gone, in the 46 years since I was born, from a job for life to a career for life to multiple careers over your life. You've got to keep learning to survive under that regime. The most important thing a school can teach is how to learn for your self, which is what home work should be. I would also like to see more work on practical and vocational skills. Certainly post-14 there need to be more choices of practical and vocational subjects and qualifications, but making sure that they are not an 'easy option', so the kids who maybe aren't as academic can learn about things they are good at.
      I don't see that happening under this government. They are also destroying the other key plank to teaching self learning, high quality public libraries with knowledgeable staff who can help kids (and adults) implement their study skills and provide a space for those kids who don't have a calm home to study safely.
      Another advantage of keeping the testing of learning in school is that you make sure that the results reflect the kid's learning and not that of the parent who did the homework for them.

    • @SinisterNight96
      @SinisterNight96 8 лет назад

      +Stephen Booth I agree if I'm honest, the only thing I will add is you can't compare independent schools with comprehensive on this matter. The background of the pupils are so different to so many without a financial advantage. The entire structure of the school would be different so it's unlikely you saw a school where at a time pupils worked harder, as if you went to an independent school now the structure would be very similar to the one you describe.

  • @indrabhatta1380
    @indrabhatta1380 5 лет назад

    On my view homework is backbone of education which makes wisher and active. Practice makes man perfect so it keeps continue to student to be success and get good achievement from study. When a person don't do anything at house at time he can't do anything. Practice makes man perfect so it is good for everything. Wealth makes people happy, educstion makes man wisdom but practice makes man capabla for any thing so it is good.

  • @awebsiteofbritishrubbish9519
    @awebsiteofbritishrubbish9519 8 лет назад

    No, no Caitlin wasn't raised by wolves, she was raised IN Wolves

  • @emmafrost13333
    @emmafrost13333 8 лет назад

    I understand you argument, but don't entirely agree. I believe that homework is essential, and that the more learning children do the better and it is a good opportunity for a child to study on his own. Coming from a different background, I've felt that the education system in the UK is rather poor, and children have rather too little homework, too few courses, and not enough testing. I wouldn't be where I am today without having had a 'stressful' education. But in reality, at the time, it wasn't that stressful, as all children in my school were in the same situation. It was normal. Only once I came to university in the UK, and suddenly had free time from 3pm onward I've started thinking it was stressful in comparison.
    Yes, learning is frustrating and everyone hates most of the time. But if you want a better future for your children, rather than a fun present, homework, tutoring and a sense of continuous strive towards achievement are key.

  • @Mrmayhembsc
    @Mrmayhembsc 8 лет назад +3

    Raised by wolves topic :P

  • @anoshya
    @anoshya 8 лет назад +1

    Alan Whicker has returned from the dead

  • @judystevens2077
    @judystevens2077 8 лет назад

    1000000000% agree!

  • @xandercave8021
    @xandercave8021 6 лет назад +1

    u should make a diss track

  • @xandercave8021
    @xandercave8021 6 лет назад

    im astounded

  • @SugaLiyan
    @SugaLiyan 8 лет назад +1

    homework really should be banned but sometimes i think its can't

    • @xandercave8021
      @xandercave8021 6 лет назад

      you need homework to work on your spelling

  • @annamcguirk4479
    @annamcguirk4479 8 лет назад +2

    YES! Im an ex secondary school teacher... this is bang on the money

    • @xandercave8021
      @xandercave8021 6 лет назад

      are you an ex teacher cause they fired you for saying this

    • @xandercave8021
      @xandercave8021 6 лет назад

      or banged students

  • @xandercave8021
    @xandercave8021 6 лет назад +1

    what are you?

  • @dinodude1100
    @dinodude1100 8 лет назад

    yes yes yes yes yes yes yes and i am bankrupted but tutor's fees to help mine cope with the evil stuff

  • @jurassicworldfam6650
    @jurassicworldfam6650 5 лет назад


  • @nuriallosasjuanola9607
    @nuriallosasjuanola9607 8 лет назад

    I think I've never loved you more.

  • @Iron2Man911
    @Iron2Man911 8 лет назад

    Blue eyes........

  • @xandercave8021
    @xandercave8021 6 лет назад +1

    @KSI. possible fighter

  • @robloxgamerafrocup2971
    @robloxgamerafrocup2971 5 лет назад


  • @xandercave8021
    @xandercave8021 6 лет назад

    Is this because u failed at school?

  • @elchefe7701
    @elchefe7701 7 лет назад +2

    ? It's not about WHAT you learn with your homework, it's about self discipline and effort, both things you need later in life.

    • @elchefe7701
      @elchefe7701 7 лет назад +2

      Well, suit yourself. I personally think that I myself should never stop learning these things, but the cornerstone is the education while we are young.

    • @xandercave8021
      @xandercave8021 6 лет назад

      shut up

  • @megan4024
    @megan4024 8 лет назад


  • @ericbrown997
    @ericbrown997 7 лет назад

    i hate homework it is stupid real dumb

  • @capybara6997
    @capybara6997 7 лет назад +3

    Homework needs to be banned my school still has homework and I'm pissed