Atheist Historian Converts to Christianity After Discovering THIS

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • Former atheist historian Sarah Iriving-Stonebreaker: “How does a Historian, who defined herself as an atheist and for whom questions of reliable evidence are the touchstone of her profession, come to faith in Jesus Christ? My story unsettles a number of popular but misguided assumptions about people who convert from atheism to Christianity, not least because I came to faith at a high point in my life when, far from needing a “crutch”, I had everything I had always wanted. Moreover, far from being led blind into faith, my conversion to Christianity emerged from an explicit engagement with atheist philosophy. “
    Coming to Faith Through Dawkins, 12 Essays On The Pathway From New Atheism to Christianity
    Book via the publisher:
    Editors Denis Alexander and Alister McGrath gather other intelligent minds from around the world to share their startling commonality: Richard Dawkins and his fellow New Atheists were instrumental in their conversions to Christianity.
    Despite a wide range of backgrounds and cultures, all are united in the fact that they were first enthusiasts for the claims and writings of the New Atheists. But each became disillusioned by the arguments and conclusions of Dawkins, causing them to look deeper and with more objectivity at religious faith. The fallacies of Christianity Dawkins warns of simply don't exist.
    Bole quotes Psam 8 and then proceeds to explore its significance for his systemic study of nature: thou has made him a little lower than the Angels, and hast crow’d him with Glory & Honour. Thou mad’st him to have dominion over the works of thine hands, and has put all things under his feet. Boyle was very interested in the question of why mankind out to study the natural world, and it was a topic he discusses in multiple works.
    At first, I missed Boyle’s frequent references to the Bible and to figures like Adam and Eve as intellectual window dressing. But it became increasinbly obvious that Boyle’s entire epistemology, that is, his understanding of knowledge, its character, methodologies, and purposes - was shaped by his Christian faith. One of Boyle’s chief interests was how to develop a method of establishing reliable and verifiable knowledge about the natural world. How do we minimize the error that arises from human fallibility. Can we rely upon our sense to gain knowledge of nature, and if we can, to what extent and under what conditions?
    The Epistemology and methodology of the experiment, it turned out, were in fact made possible by a Christian view of knowledge. The historian peter Harrison has shown this in great depth. It was actually a distrust of human sensory and cognitive capabilities, rooted in the idea of original sin - that was vital for the foundation of the modern scientific experimental method.
    **Human value - Toward the end of my doctoral studies at Cambridge, I was elected to a Junior Research Fellowship at the University of Oxford. A few months into my fellowship, my friends and I learned that one of the most famous atheist philogophers, Peter Singer, was visiting Oxford to give a series of Lectures.
    I reflected upon my own struggle with finding my meaning and satisfaction in my life’s work and how it could never bear the burden of giving my life ultimate meaning. Only Jesus, who is God himself, can bear the weight of giving my life ultimate meaning. This is because Jesus is life itself “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.
    I'm most active here. I also have an accounts on:

Комментарии • 35

  • @AspiringChristian
    @AspiringChristian  3 месяца назад +13

    Atheist to Christianity Testimony #31!!!
    Welcome, this testimony included portions of Chapter 2 of Coming To Faith Through Dawkins: 12 Essays On The Pathway From New Atheism to Christianity.
    Dr. Sarah Irving-Stonebreaker's testimony may also be viewed in other videos on youtube. You'll likely see those just be searching her name, but there's a recent Premier Unbelievable episode with Sarah.
    My channel features approximately 30 atheism to Christianity testimonies. These have a combined 1.4 Million views(approx). All glory & honor to Jesus!
    I proofread the AI text for approx the first 5 minutes. It goes downhill from there 😂

  • @voiceofreason162
    @voiceofreason162 3 месяца назад +32

    Finding evidence isn’t hard. Going where the evidence leads.... like teaching a fish how to juggle.

    • @AspiringChristian
      @AspiringChristian  3 месяца назад +8

      It is my view that our moral reasoning is evidence! Certainly evidence that we are more than evolved pond scum living in a deterministic universe. Determinism is the logical end point for scientific materialism according to Hawking. And if we aren’t just flesh bots and if we have passion for justice that’s evidence that we do not live in a purely naturalistic deterministic universe. That doesn’t get one to Christianity, but the historical case would lead one there!

    • @UniteAgainstEvil
      @UniteAgainstEvil 3 месяца назад +8

      ​@AspiringChristian it gets even more simple than that. The body in which the mind inhabits is itself beyond miraculous (the human body is the most complex thing in the known universe). Carefully considering this and understanding it, is more than enough proof. Then we can talk about how this mind we have can reason ❤

    • @AspiringChristian
      @AspiringChristian  3 месяца назад +8

      Even the simplest of microorganisms have a miraculous code of DNA. Creation screams of the glory of God.
      Then there’s Romans 1 19For what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse

  • @jsardi56
    @jsardi56 3 месяца назад +24

    Every academic who is honest with himself will come to the same conclusion. Advances in cosmology and abiogenesis. The withering complexity of the human cell. How it manufactures proteins. It's no longer a matter of irreducible complexity, or mathematical improbability. The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.

    • @paulmerritt2484
      @paulmerritt2484 3 месяца назад +1

      As long as by firmament you do not mean a flat earth. Please tell me you don't mean that. Sad I have to wonder about this lol. Sorry I am not trolling. To many use the firmament as an argument for flat earth. It means all we can see with our eyes.

    • @ff144k
      @ff144k 2 дня назад

      ​@@paulmerritt2484well you have to first prove that earth is a ball. the earth is measurably flat. nasa is tax scam.

  • @flimsyjimnz
    @flimsyjimnz 3 месяца назад +12

    "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female -for you all are one in Christ Jesus. -What a stark contrast between atheism and these glimpses of a Biblical view of human life"...

    • @micklumsden3956
      @micklumsden3956 3 месяца назад

      It’s a beautiful quote from the Bible.
      Unfortunately I do not think it’s possible to extrapolate from this to a “biblical view of life”.
      The Bible is surely not an instruction book written by God!
      I think that we Christians need to be very careful. We need to follow Jesus.
      The reality is that typical writers often come into conflict with Jesus. This is why he said “it is written …… but I say to you”.

    • @usapatriot444
      @usapatriot444 3 месяца назад

      @@micklumsden3956 And Jesus said that the Law and the Prophets were the ones who spoke about Him. If God did not write it, then how do you explain prophecies that foretold many aspects of Jesus' life?

  • @johncassidy3071
    @johncassidy3071 3 месяца назад +3

    You can't have survival of the fittest unless there is a gradient in fitness, and an unequal distribution.

  • @vebnew
    @vebnew 3 месяца назад +5

    Amen and Amen

  • @eternalinsecurity
    @eternalinsecurity 3 месяца назад

    It was wonderful to hear your testimony. In a day and age where scrolling through the internet can be a total waste of time, this video was a total encouragement. Keep up the work for our Savior!

  • @CynVee
    @CynVee 3 месяца назад

    I always marvel at the way the Lord woos His children to Him. I was raised RC, became an atheist then three years later came to know the reality of the Suffering Savior and what He did for me. I love how He finds us, the most hard hearted atheists where we are, and if we are willing to set aside our blindness restores our sight. Praise my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

  • @eric-vi6gw
    @eric-vi6gw Месяц назад

    Great videos keep up the good work sir

  • @omnivore2220
    @omnivore2220 3 месяца назад +2

    Good one. But I hope you're not one of the increasing number of people that I've seen "come to Jesus" only to adopt Catholicism which denies adherence to the Bible, reduces Jesus, teaches for doctrine the traditions of men, and thinks to change times and laws.

    • @micklumsden3956
      @micklumsden3956 3 месяца назад

      I agree that there are many faults within Catholicism, and those seeking to follow the “catholic faith”.
      But then I look at my own church and my own life. And I see, bigger failings and difficulties!
      Following Jesus can be difficult! We all fail (just like the original disciples).
      I think we should be more concerned about her own failings than pointing out the failings of others.

  • @user-tt9jz5ym8h
    @user-tt9jz5ym8h 2 месяца назад

    Even Dawkins' admission that there is a bottom to be found of understanding is in contrast to his statement that understanding is turtles all the way down.
    Which is it? Is there a final cause or not? For Dawkins, there is a final cause for what he wants to believe, but not when he doesn't.
    This is evidence of faulty axioms.

  • @Marshill1715
    @Marshill1715 3 месяца назад +1

    Read Jesus's words in red in Mat., Mark, Luke, and John.

  • @oceanscaper
    @oceanscaper 3 месяца назад +1

    What happened to the blond?

    • @AspiringChristian
      @AspiringChristian  3 месяца назад

      The thumbnail was featuring the author of the essay read. Dr. Sarah Irving-Stonebreaker, search that name on YT and you’ll see her sharing more on her testimony

  • @micklumsden3956
    @micklumsden3956 3 месяца назад

    While I have been a Christian for many many years, I do think that the honest atheists have much to say that is well worth listening to.
    Christianity, as practised across the world and across time has often been (and often is) very far away from the teaching of Jesus.
    So, much of what the atheists complain about, is simply fair comment. And as such can be helpful to honest, Christians

  • @billysanford2963
    @billysanford2963 3 месяца назад

    Every atheist says, at death I met GOD!

  • @lindseyrae8598
    @lindseyrae8598 Месяц назад

    Why is there a bear though? 😂

  • @user-tb1gf6kn4w
    @user-tb1gf6kn4w 3 месяца назад

    This is a tough way to find God, and not one I would have chosen.

  • @willielee5253
    @willielee5253 3 месяца назад

  • @asliketheson
    @asliketheson 3 месяца назад

    Faith is faith . Without it , is impossible to please God . And your hooped

  • @rw8785
    @rw8785 3 месяца назад

    Meyer's work "Return of the God Hypothesis" has laid the foundation for the existence of a Creator as a logical and MOST probably responsible for the the Universe.
    It's an amazing. very scientific work, that is a real challenge to comprehend.
    Please contact Alex O'Connor, whose atheistic arguments are nothing but repeats of others before him, and now tiresome.
    Game over. And they know it.

  • @robertoliver9669
    @robertoliver9669 3 месяца назад

    In the beginning nothing existed, then it exploded.