@@erichfiedler1481 They set out to explain the demonic significance of prenatal infanticide to unsettle the audience and Dr. James Martin, and they succeeded. If you want a cinematic exploration of "The Procedure", I recommend _Nymphomaniac Vol. II._ The producers cannot clairvoyantly intuit every whim of movie goers like yourself and provide something short and concise enough to be entertaining. Curb your entitlement.
Such a great movie. Rotten tomatoes critics vs audience review made me curious. Audience was right. Don’t like when people tells me what to think. So I took it upon myself to watch it and think for myself.
If you’re a believer it pours concrete into your believes. The non believers will do what they do. In the end it’s choice….as in another movie the left is hating on “ The Sound of Freedom” line. When God tells you to do something you do it.
@@hellsonly8908 I am an athiest, and I thought it was fucking phenomenal. Some of the most intense acting I've seen in a decade. Director is obviously VERY talented as well.
@@gbloodsawbloodsaw3497 Professional exorcist. Catholics only have this market cornered in the movies. Exorcisms have been recorded all the way back to the dawn of civilization in ancient Sumer and Ur. Every religion in the world has exorcism rituals. Even the stone age tribes in the Amazon.
I watched a video of a Catholic priest who is an exorcist give his opinion on Nefarious and his take was that it's the most realistic movie on demonic possession he's ever seen. Other movies about demonic possession focus on things like coarse language, the occult and whatnot but the priest, Father Martins, said Nefarious gets it right by focusing on the demon itself and it's rage and very clear intellectual superiority over humanity.
Still the better version, actually... if you remember, the Fallen Angel in that film is Azazel, which is different that this one Nefariaus -- although both are loosely attributed to be part of Legion, actually, technically not. Those with names are part of the original Shem-Hamephorash, but have since broken off, and now the Shem-HaMephorash - 72 Angels are now considered the opposite against these 75 Chief Fallen mentioned in the Ars Goetia and the Book of Solomon text. they are effectively a binary balance that are wholly divine, but a teetering struggle between the positive divine vs the darkly divine -- both forces that can do very harsh deeds. modern occult practitioners have since allegorize the process and called it both sides of the human psyche, and so does current popular religious outlook that sees it more as a morality struggle within man. philosophers in the past have used this Judaic Belief of the Shem-Hamephorash as a way to argue against the hypocrisy of human society, and to interrogate the full extend of human free-will even though either extremes will harshly damage or even destroy what it mean to be considered humans used. As for artists? well ... artists dramatizes it, bringing this message out to all who would listen, adding it to the repertoire of biblical stories, fairy tales, strange regional accounts and weird histories ... to entertain, to scare, to remind all of us -- what a terrible thing it is to be in the plight of humans.... and also how wondrous beautiful it can be.
The reality is that this Earth is not our eternal "home." Our brief physical life will -- unquestionably -- end. But you BEGAN your ETERNAL life when you were conceived. Your mind, soul and identity will exist forever. God has shown mankind since our beginning how to live here in peace with our brothers and sisters. We, beginning with the first humans, REJECTED God's Instructions; we were driven by ego and hubris, "How DARE You tell me how to live. I have FREE WILL!" You have free will to jump off a building, but your intelligence tells you that would be disastrous. There is a "God-shaped hole in your heart." He ASKS to enter, every day. He LOVES you, as the Psalmist writes:"You are merciful to all O Lord. You despize NOTHING you have made. You overlook people's sins to bring them to repentance. And You SPARE them, for You are The Lord Our God." Now, read the passage of The Prodigal Son in The Gospel of Luke (Luke 15: 11-32). That's the Truth about how God LOVES ALL things He has created. And that means YOU. He loves You.
@@silenthammer2900god said “life begins at first breath,” you’re looking way to deep into everything else and avoiding the obvious evidence that if god were real he wouldn’t care about abortion
@@TheJShowTM I wrestle with that idea quite a bit. I believe that God wants us to choose "good" at all times. To freely choose good. All behavior and thought should be weighed against and compared to "good." (Hence the name "God.) Thereis no "bad" that is accidental. We are informed that there are seven "deadly" sins. I believe that all intended actions against "good" are contained in those. God cares that we "do good and avoid evil." Of course, this all makes sense if there IS "God," a force of incomprehensible energy and intention that is capable of fashioning an immense "engine" from essentially and entirely nothing. This engine, which has to be by definition, less than the fashioner, has a purpose, or it would not have been intended. And God is not "proud," since "He" has no equal and is no jeopardy. So WHY create this engine? To shorten the story: to make "us." Rational, intentional, intelligent, reactive, aware and FREE. That last word is crucial, for it means we are "allowed" to act FOR good or against it. Pregnancy is not an accident. The good intention is to bring about another human life. There is no "bad" intention in the process. You see, the "sin" or anti-good is in the intention to STOP this goodness. So there are two tragedies here: one, the stopping of the good of creating new human life, and two, the intentional anti-good on the part of the one or ones who are doing, instigating or proposing the naturally good intention of producing more human life with the same freedom and intentionality as everyone else. So God CARES about both the loss of the baby, its pain and unimaginable suffering, and loss of the parent who freely intends to oppose good in FINALITY. STOP. PERIOD. The "evaporation" of this potential life. So, God intends and man opposes or embraces. Which is "abortion," btw a weak and abstract expression for "Murder."
@@silenthammer2900 there's a song in my country let me translate ... Do not commit acts that are not pure That is, do not waste the seed Make a woman pregnant every time you love her So you will be a man of faith Then the desire vanishes and the child remains And hunger kills many I, perhaps, have confused pleasure and love But I have not created pain. Pro lifers are more pro birthers, they rarely care what happens next, nor do they allow any practical way to avoid any of this to begin in the first place...contraceptives are the devil and whatnot... I still remember when people like those of emergency had finally successfully initiated a campaign of coutraception in Africa to stop the exorbitant amount of poor children that are born just to starve to death and when all was going well that old fool the pope, I don't remember who was pope at the times if John Paul or the German Shepherd, blabbered some fire and brimstone nonsense and all failed and again children returned to be born like rabbits and die like flies... But apparently he, the pope, on whose bejewelled hands the blood of countless children born just to die fell, is not a Moloch! No those that try to make do with what they can and alleviate suffering those are! You all should be ashamed if there's a hell I hope it's filled with priests to the brim like Dante imagined it, for there's no worse blasphemy than all of this.
All of society kicks up sh💩t when the true historically supported child sacrifice explanation shows up. The movie obviously touches the nerves of the entitled
@@marcusaurelius3487 sure we can, it's just that you need brain power to figure who is good or evil, in the case of who is evil, might wanna look at the Republican party and how many are trying to take away women's reproduction rights at the federal, that's true evil
@@cathrinewoodbridge1110 you’re right! I’m glad you agree that killing infants is wrong, thankfully to be an infant you have to have been born already.
Latin was spoken from about 700 BC. That's 2700 years, thereabouts. We can assume it didn't spring out of the ground completed, so 3700 years is perfect for the roots of Latin.
If he existed before the language then of course he would have had time to learn it. That's like saying computers didn't exist when I was born, therefore there's no way I would know how to use a computer.
Yeah the whole "evil is winning" arguement is so flawed. Is the world still messed up...sure....but it is way better than it was even 100 years ago. So if the demons win by just making us bad they are losing...but if they win by just making us deny God (like the bible states), and the actual morality of it doesn't matter, then they are winning.
I think it's because in the movie, Nefarious explained about Baptism, most likely Edward wasn't Baptised(which frees you of original sin=the fact that we are born without original holiness and justice)
The whole point of demonic possession is for the demon to corrupt your immortal soul and take you to hell with it . Jesus died as a sacrifice to give us a way to achieve a comfortable eternity. He was the only being who never sinned so his blood wasn't tainted and had to be spilled to make up for all of the horrible acts humanity has done and will do .
@@erichfiedler1481 are you or are you not stopping (ie terminating, killing, murdering) your own child? Or are you suggesting that until the very moment the child gets out of the mother no one knew it was gonna be a human being what was being there all along? Maybe some day a mother will give birth to a potato and then we will have a schrodinger situation. Until then, it's murder allright. Keep lying to yourself all you want. Deep down you know what you are doing, it's just that you don't care.
are you sure that jesus hanging on the lips of people like Tyrannical Abusive Father Gay Children-Hating Billy Graham, or Poor People and Hurricane Victims Ignoring MegaChurch Owner Joel Osteen, or even Vatican supported Child Pedophiles Catholic Priests, is worth knowing? hearing them call upon god and jesus is an ear-rape. no thanks. these are the people least capable to talk about that guy, or his father.
You didn’t know Jesus either. He’s been deceased for a few thousand years. Remember, Jesus was Jewish and it’s highly unlikely he would have approved of Christianity.
@michaelgee683 Sorry, that's just doesn't make any sense. What do you mean he would not approve of Christianity? Is it because it is not unified or it's somhow different now?
Meh. It was lackluster. For a possession movie it tried too hard and the story/dialogue tried too much to be like the Exorcist 3. Nothing new nor original in it at all. Even the director and producer's claims of all the on-set demonic manifestations were the same claims of other movies, an effort to drive up interest and marketing no doubt.
I think the idea of gremlins causing chaos on set is more believable, I've seen the Bugs Bunny cartoon and the two Joe Dante films starring those little bastards to know that's more plausible than demonic forces
@@Ansprechen_und_Aufklären_1 no worries, watch it, it's about the same fallen angel, you'll understand why he doesn't want to give his real name, it's an old gem of a movie. You'll watch it 10 times for sure
Dudes been jail, back before modern tech. So how does he know stuff about a stranger? Its funny to cause all the things the guy said humanity is winning at. Are said to be twisted truths given by fallen angels.
Wtf demonology, go read the Bible, and you will learn what is a legion, how many demons that are, who also posesed one person, and Jesus save the man from that demons
I'm sorry, I am not following. Granted, I haven't seen the movie but didn't he say his name would sound like gibberish and to jsut call him Nefarious but it was the closest thing to what his name meant? Also, when you say "demonology," to what are you referring? Are you talking about the study of theology of the hundreds of religious that exist that refer to something that, may or may not be a demon, based on your interpretation (and because you would have to be ignorant enough to believe a single one of them, but that's up to you)? Or are you referring to the "there is a hell with demons who serve Satan and if you know a demons name you have power over it" bullshit that you watch in movies?
Umless you have had experiences with fallen Angels and offspring with him man women who are thr rosming spirits wr now call demons your understanding is baded on fear and will push the average petson cooser to their teligious beliefs. Sadly great receptions and alterations efits have been conducted on purpose to control by fear my words may seem as haerisee or defamation of the faith. Well those who ho have accepted things to untrue, the realitybwe like ve in my s far more complex I cannot be shared in a few words. Be humble and teachable twce your fesrs with a neutral heart opinions are lioe a wholes everyone has one, thats all
My only problem with the film was its optimistic ending. You have this atheistic intellectual who, the film establishes, was willing to euthanize a parent to inherit her millions, his own, unborn son, then someone _he BELIEVES_ to be mentally unfit for execution; this is a callous, murderous individual motivated by fame, profit, and self-indulgence. He's arguably a LOT closer to Hell than Heaven, probably suspects he's Hellbound if he humors the Christian narrative, and is being offered everything he's ever wanted, perhaps even less or no suffering in Hell upon death. He doesn't seem to have any Biblical scholarship (like knowing Satan is the Prince of Lies), given his superficial characterizations of Demons and sin--such as how he believes that literacy and hate-speech legislation are virtues--but _HAS_ seen the demonic power of Nefariamous. All of this suggests to me that he'd be more inclined to "go with the Devil he knows" and cut a deal with the demon for a life of luxury and prominence in the only plane of existence he evidently believes in (after all, what does he really have to lose beyond a few thousand if publishing flops?), than suddenly do a complete 180 and believe in the Christian God, which'd require ACTUAL MORAL SELF-IMPROVEMENT whereas he could do whatever he wanted having sided with the demons and be RICH while doing it. I think it should've ended with him publishing, making many millions, having as many females of whatever age as he wanted, becoming friends with a lot of influential people who the movie implied are equally enthralled to unseen demonic forces, maybe even getting into elite circles like the Bohemian Grove, and living a long life full of unending excitement and pleasure...only to end up an old man in his 80's or 90's that's estranged from his children (who never found him to love them as much as himself), his eventual 30-something trophy wife who's just waiting for him to croak so she can get _his_ fortune like he got his mother's, and without his Elitist "friends" who only really cared about him while he was relevant and advantageous for them to know. Then, as this old, unloved POS man is mulling around his mansion, ignorant of his wife in the upstairs bedroom getting plowed by the ripped 20-something pool boy, eating fine food made by a personal chef who just had to leave abruptly due to a family emergency (which leaves James angered and jealous, given _his_ family has already abandoned him), drinking fine wine bought by a demon's gift, when the music tone shifts sinister and he clutches his heart. In his head, he hears the mocking voice of Nefariamous, reminding him, *_"You never did rescind that invitation to inhabit you, you know?"_* Camera zooms in on old man James' anguished face, _"What do you want?" _*_"To be with you in your final anguish, of course. You know the most delicious moment of a wicked man's life?"_* James stares into the camera, eyes wide in horror and flicking about ever so subtly to highlight his terror and desperate contemplation. *_"It wasn't your ecstasy as you enjoyed hundreds of women over the years nor was it the people you crushed with your money and power, though I was there for all of those moments and oh, how I savored them along with your deepening loneliness...no, James...the most satisfying instance of possession is the death throes!"_* At this, James topples over out of his luxurious chair, the hand not gripping his chest grasping the ornate tablecloth and bringing his opulent meal for one down with him as he slams into the gold-trimmed granite tiles of his dinning room floor. He spasms in seizure for a bit before his wife, hair messy and hurriedly-dressed in a scarlet robe, comes down and finds him helpless and dying. She instinctively grabs a wall phone and dials 9 then 1 before catching herself, her annoyed grimace growing into a devilish grin. _"Everything alright?"_ the pool boy bellows from upstairs, more annoyed himself than worried. _"Yeah! Stay hard and hop back in bed, stud; I'll be up in a sec! I just gotta finish something..."_ she trails off at the end, casually skipping over to James with that crap-eating grin and spring in her step. He reaches up for her, looking almost hopeful for a moment, as thought she'll lift him up but, instead, she swats his arm away and grabs the open wine bottle whose crimson contents stain the floor under him. Some liquid still left, she downs the last of it and tosses the at him, where it lands on his groin before rolling onto the tile. *_"Ouch, James,"_* the demons chuckles, as the soon-to-be-wealthy-window jogs upstairs, not even bothering to look back, *_"at least your mommy went out thinking you loved her. Did you know she's down here with us, by the way? Turns out feigning love and loyalty then biding one's time is a long family tradition; I'm eager to see if YOUR children will carry the custom. We'll do everything we can to see them follow in daddy's footsteps."_* In shaking panic, James tries to scream "HELP!" but it leaves his lips a whisper. The demon laughs heartily as a faint echo of countless wails starts to rise, *_"Do you hear that? The Infernal Chorus? Time to add another voice, James."_* James mouth fumbles for words, his shaking fading with his life and his final words fainter still, _"I...helped...you........the...Dark...Gospel."_ All is quiet moment before an even greater bought of laughter peels through his mind, *_"And we gave you the world for it, James! As promised! 'The Devil takes care of his own,' after all! You forget though, we never said anything about the world that comes after!"_*_ "But...I-" _*_"-served your purpose! Like a poacher's projectiles! You've helped us make a marvelous work and've culled the Shepherd's flock. For that, we're grateful."_* James looks unsure, but a hopeful smile starts to form before Nefariamous interjects, *_"But bent and bloodied bullets aren't given seats at my master's banquet,"_* the smile evaporates and terror sets in, *_"...no, son of Man, we've no chairs in Pandaemonium for tools but, we DO have endless foundries where they're melted down..."_* The old man's limbs fall limp and the camera pans down to peer into his life eyes as his final breath gasps into oblivion, *_"Time to go where time's forever, Jimmy."_*_ "NOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!"_ The Infernal Chorus rises, James' voice distinct before being drowned out. FADE TO BLACK!
@@JerdGuillaumeSam At this point, whenever someone uses the word "propaganda"(left or right) It insinuates lies or distortion of facts to fit a narrative(half-lie) and I don't see that here, what I see is a mental gymnast crash into a wall. Hope that clarifies. If you agree with the demon in the movie, call It a propaganda I guess🤷♂
.... he sounds like a Liberal. Republicans are normally pro-life not pro-choice. He told the guy that it wasn't wrong in his eyes but was wrong in God's eyes. That is liberalism. Not republicanism. Even though I typically don't agree with republicans' behavior, I certainly do not agree with liberal behavior.
@@PrincessSerenenah, Republicans are pro-forced birth, not "pro-life", if they were the latter, they would be for regulating guns instead of controlling women's bodily autonomy
When I saw the scene about abortion, I knew there would be backlash. Great movie!
That was the most realistic explanation of a practice that I've ever heard.
You mean conservative bullshit, then congratulations, you're the target demographic
And I thought the way it was explained in Unplanned was bad, this is equally bad
abortion is modern day satanic sacrifice
They set out to explain the demonic significance of prenatal infanticide to unsettle the audience and Dr. James Martin, and they succeeded. If you want a cinematic exploration of "The Procedure", I recommend _Nymphomaniac Vol. II._ The producers cannot clairvoyantly intuit every whim of movie goers like yourself and provide something short and concise enough to be entertaining. Curb your entitlement.
This movie was intense and it didn’t even have stunts, brutal fight scenes. It was as all psychological.
a intense movie completely filmed in one room, thats outstanding, thats talent ,those green screen goofies need to take notes
Not completely, but mostly.@@rezphilosophy
Such a great movie. Rotten tomatoes critics vs audience review made me curious. Audience was right. Don’t like when people tells me what to think. So I took it upon myself to watch it and think for myself.
Never believe the critics. They are always bribed nowadays.
An audience of the already converted .
If you’re a believer it pours concrete into your believes. The non believers will do what they do. In the end it’s choice….as in another movie the left is hating on “ The Sound of Freedom” line. When God tells you to do something you do it.
@@hellsonly8908 I am an athiest, and I thought it was fucking phenomenal. Some of the most intense acting I've seen in a decade. Director is obviously VERY talented as well.
This movie is closest to real possession than any movie..
A real catholic exorist said the same thing
Only to an inexperienced exorcist.
How in the world would you know 😂
@@gbloodsawbloodsaw3497 Professional exorcist. Catholics only have this market cornered in the movies. Exorcisms have been recorded all the way back to the dawn of civilization in ancient Sumer and Ur. Every religion in the world has exorcism rituals. Even the stone age tribes in the Amazon.
LMAOOOO the way you said "Moments later, he's falling from the roof" 😂 didn't give AF
I watched a video of a Catholic priest who is an exorcist give his opinion on Nefarious and his take was that it's the most realistic movie on demonic possession he's ever seen. Other movies about demonic possession focus on things like coarse language, the occult and whatnot but the priest, Father Martins, said Nefarious gets it right by focusing on the demon itself and it's rage and very clear intellectual superiority over humanity.
I was reminded of the movie "FALLEN" with Denzel Washington...
Getting Fallen (Denzel Washington, John Goodman) vibes!
Still the better version, actually... if you remember, the Fallen Angel in that film is Azazel, which is different that this one Nefariaus -- although both are loosely attributed to be part of Legion, actually, technically not.
Those with names are part of the original Shem-Hamephorash, but have since broken off, and now the Shem-HaMephorash - 72 Angels are now considered the opposite against these 75 Chief Fallen mentioned in the Ars Goetia and the Book of Solomon text.
they are effectively a binary balance that are wholly divine, but a teetering struggle between the positive divine vs the darkly divine -- both forces that can do very harsh deeds.
modern occult practitioners have since allegorize the process and called it both sides of the human psyche, and so does current popular religious outlook that sees it more as a morality struggle within man.
philosophers in the past have used this Judaic Belief of the Shem-Hamephorash as a way to argue against the hypocrisy of human society, and to interrogate the full extend of human free-will even though either extremes will harshly damage or even destroy what it mean to be considered humans used.
As for artists? well ... artists dramatizes it, bringing this message out to all who would listen, adding it to the repertoire of biblical stories, fairy tales, strange regional accounts and weird histories ...
to entertain, to scare, to remind all of us -- what a terrible thing it is to be in the plight of humans.... and also how wondrous beautiful it can be.
Rotton tomato review can be bought or cancelled. I actually liked the movie I would think it was crazy I still get goosebumps
The reality is that this Earth is not our eternal "home." Our brief physical life will -- unquestionably -- end. But you BEGAN your ETERNAL life when you were conceived. Your mind, soul and identity will exist forever. God has shown mankind since our beginning how to live here in peace with our brothers and sisters. We, beginning with the first humans, REJECTED God's Instructions; we were driven by ego and hubris, "How DARE You tell me how to live. I have FREE WILL!" You have free will to jump off a building, but your intelligence tells you that would be disastrous. There is a "God-shaped hole in your heart." He ASKS to enter, every day. He LOVES you, as the Psalmist writes:"You are merciful to all O Lord. You despize NOTHING you have made. You overlook people's sins to bring them to repentance. And You SPARE them, for You are The Lord Our God." Now, read the passage of The Prodigal Son in The Gospel of Luke (Luke 15: 11-32). That's the Truth about how God LOVES ALL things He has created. And that means YOU. He loves You.
@@silenthammer2900god said “life begins at first breath,” you’re looking way to deep into everything else and avoiding the obvious evidence that if god were real he wouldn’t care about abortion
@@TheJShowTM I wrestle with that idea quite a bit. I believe that God wants us to choose "good" at all times. To freely choose good. All behavior and thought should be weighed against and compared to "good." (Hence the name "God.) Thereis no "bad" that is accidental. We are informed that there are seven "deadly" sins. I believe that all intended actions against "good" are contained in those. God cares that we "do good and avoid evil." Of course, this all makes sense if there IS "God," a force of incomprehensible energy and intention that is capable of fashioning an immense "engine" from essentially and entirely nothing. This engine, which has to be by definition, less than the fashioner, has a purpose, or it would not have been intended. And God is not "proud," since "He" has no equal and is no jeopardy. So WHY create this engine? To shorten the story: to make "us." Rational, intentional, intelligent, reactive, aware and FREE. That last word is crucial, for it means we are "allowed" to act FOR good or against it. Pregnancy is not an accident. The good intention is to bring about another human life. There is no "bad" intention in the process. You see, the "sin" or anti-good is in the intention to STOP this goodness. So there are two tragedies here: one, the stopping of the good of creating new human life, and two, the intentional anti-good on the part of the one or ones who are doing, instigating or proposing the naturally good intention of producing more human life with the same freedom and intentionality as everyone else. So God CARES about both the loss of the baby, its pain and unimaginable suffering, and loss of the parent who freely intends to oppose good in FINALITY. STOP. PERIOD. The "evaporation" of this potential life. So, God intends and man opposes or embraces. Which is "abortion," btw a weak and abstract expression for "Murder."
@@silenthammer2900 there's a song in my country let me translate
... Do not commit acts that are not pure
That is, do not waste the seed
Make a woman pregnant every time you love her
So you will be a man of faith
Then the desire vanishes and the child remains
And hunger kills many
I, perhaps, have confused pleasure and love
But I have not created pain.
Pro lifers are more pro birthers, they rarely care what happens next, nor do they allow any practical way to avoid any of this to begin in the first place...contraceptives are the devil and whatnot... I still remember when people like those of emergency had finally successfully initiated a campaign of coutraception in Africa to stop the exorbitant amount of poor children that are born just to starve to death and when all was going well that old fool the pope, I don't remember who was pope at the times if John Paul or the German Shepherd, blabbered some fire and brimstone nonsense and all failed and again children returned to be born like rabbits and die like flies...
But apparently he, the pope, on whose bejewelled hands the blood of countless children born just to die fell, is not a Moloch!
No those that try to make do with what they can and alleviate suffering those are! You all should be ashamed if there's a hell I hope it's filled with priests to the brim like Dante imagined it, for there's no worse blasphemy than all of this.
It is so good to listen to something without awful music sounds on the background. Thumbs up!
Never been this early to your movie Recaps! Thank you for this channel. 🌻
This was better than the movie. Tried watching on line it kept hanging up.
I couldn't stop laughing either, movie itself was a slog to get through
so stwupid mate
I didn't see the title, could anybody help me? Thx
Nefarious (2023)
Narrator voice is excellent 👍👌😂
It’s ok lol. It sounds a bit comedic lol.
What's the name of this movie? So I can watch it first. Thank you!!!
Wow I want to watch the actual movie
It's pretty good. Alot of the implications bothered me more than anything we see in the movie
Don't bother, not worth it
Name of the movie please?
The psychological illnesses are symptoms of possessions
How about schizotypal?
@@michaelwilson2867do you mean schizophrenia? Could be illness, could be devil, it's up to an exorcist to decide.
No they are not.
@@hellsonly8908yes they are.
What is the title?
Devil May Cry
@@erichfiedler1481Doom Slayer: Devil Will Cry
movie is a polished masterpiece
Outwitting the devil from Napoleon Hill very similiar thoughts
He doesn't get enough flowers and credit for his acting ability. And he was amazing in this movie.
I liked his role in boondocks saint
@muhacnt7988 ditto and powder
All of society kicks up sh💩t when the true historically supported child sacrifice explanation shows up. The movie obviously touches the nerves of the entitled
No, that's when the movie failed to be any good or relevant, also comparing abortion to child sacrifice is completely bullshit
Killing an infant is killing an infant.
Doesn't matter how its done.
@@erichfiedler1481 We have over-rationalized to the point where we no longer can draw a line between good and evil, right and wrong.
@@marcusaurelius3487 sure we can, it's just that you need brain power to figure who is good or evil, in the case of who is evil, might wanna look at the Republican party and how many are trying to take away women's reproduction rights at the federal, that's true evil
@@cathrinewoodbridge1110 you’re right! I’m glad you agree that killing infants is wrong, thankfully to be an infant you have to have been born already.
A 6th grade reading level is a lot better than it was 3000 years ago, when the Latin he speaks didn't exist yet.
Latin was spoken from about 700 BC. That's 2700 years, thereabouts. We can assume it didn't spring out of the ground completed, so 3700 years is perfect for the roots of Latin.
If he existed before the language then of course he would have had time to learn it. That's like saying computers didn't exist when I was born, therefore there's no way I would know how to use a computer.
@@crono35😂 yep ☝️☝️☝️
Yeah the whole "evil is winning" arguement is so flawed. Is the world still messed up...sure....but it is way better than it was even 100 years ago. So if the demons win by just making us bad they are losing...but if they win by just making us deny God (like the bible states), and the actual morality of it doesn't matter, then they are winning.
What's the movie title 😅
Point is who ever is smarter is in control of talk.That is how i played my court appointed shrink.
You know, of course, there is no hell or heaven. No demons, either.
Lol 😂 is this a sequel of God Is Not Dead?
It is by the same writer so might as well be.
It's like how machete is the uncle of the kids from spy kids and so takes place in the same world.
No, but the writers of that film DID direct this boring mess
Why would Brady go to Hell if Nefarious possessed him and made him commit the murders?
Because Brady was a bad person to begin with. As explained in this video
A demon can't possesse you if you haven't sinned
I think it's because in the movie, Nefarious explained about Baptism, most likely Edward wasn't Baptised(which frees you of original sin=the fact that we are born without original holiness and justice)
The whole point of demonic possession is for the demon to corrupt your immortal soul and take you to hell with it . Jesus died as a sacrifice to give us a way to achieve a comfortable eternity. He was the only being who never sinned so his blood wasn't tainted and had to be spilled to make up for all of the horrible acts humanity has done and will do .
The sad part is that we don't see anyone telling him that Jesus could forgive him.
Please do Evil tv series ..
Agreed! that show is amazing!!!
He was speaking facts
Was he really? Because I'm pretty sure demons lie constantly
@@erichfiedler1481 he was talking about how abortion is murder that's a fact
@@THEBLACKRIGHTWINGER no, it isn't, abortion isn't murder, and that's a scientific fact
@@erichfiedler1481 abortion is murder because you are killing a child
@@erichfiedler1481 are you or are you not stopping (ie terminating, killing, murdering) your own child? Or are you suggesting that until the very moment the child gets out of the mother no one knew it was gonna be a human being what was being there all along? Maybe some day a mother will give birth to a potato and then we will have a schrodinger situation. Until then, it's murder allright.
Keep lying to yourself all you want. Deep down you know what you are doing, it's just that you don't care.
Too bad Brady didn't know Jesus
are you sure that jesus hanging on the lips of people like Tyrannical Abusive Father Gay Children-Hating Billy Graham, or Poor People and Hurricane Victims Ignoring MegaChurch Owner Joel Osteen, or even Vatican supported Child Pedophiles Catholic Priests, is worth knowing?
hearing them call upon god and jesus is an ear-rape.
no thanks.
these are the people least capable to talk about that guy, or his father.
You didn’t know Jesus either. He’s been deceased for a few thousand years. Remember, Jesus was Jewish and it’s highly unlikely he would have approved of Christianity.
Sorry, that's just doesn't make any sense.
What do you mean he would not approve of Christianity?
Is it because it is not unified or it's somhow different now?
So “good men” are defined as slaves to god and “bad men” are people with free will?
Its young indiana jones
So much is true and everyone still....
Wayne Brandy is on Demon Time
WTF is name of the movie?!?
Wanna know the name? Devil May Cry!
Nefarious (2023)
2:47 perfect lip sync
Great actor. Been great in everything he's ever been in
This movie kinda proves otherwise, that and his leading role in Saw 3D
Movie name
nice job
am i the onlly one feeling sad for Edward?
we all sad for him :(
Nope, I was just thinking of the Cheeseburger song from Veggietales by the time Edward asked for last meal
@@erichfiedler1481 Damn, you're angry. You're in every thread. Do you have cognitive dissonance, perhaps?
ever read the Screw-Tape letters by C.S. Lewis ( author of the Narnia - The Lion, The Witch And the Wardrobe - Series)?
Ain't that right... Mr. Beast!
Great plot
Wow, what a seriously irritating narrative voice.
Loved it and i will always choose to be a good man regardless of how many temptations i am offered
Meh. It was lackluster. For a possession movie it tried too hard and the story/dialogue tried too much to be like the Exorcist 3. Nothing new nor original in it at all. Even the director and producer's claims of all the on-set demonic manifestations were the same claims of other movies, an effort to drive up interest and marketing no doubt.
I think the idea of gremlins causing chaos on set is more believable, I've seen the Bugs Bunny cartoon and the two Joe Dante films starring those little bastards to know that's more plausible than demonic forces
I guess I'll be having nightmares tonight.
Suggest me some similar movies
Danzel Washington forgot the name, basically a rip off of that movie, The Fallen, sth like that
Demon with Denzel Washington
@@Ansprechen_und_Aufklären_1 yes, awesome movie, The Fallen 1997-1998
@@osmankovacevic6135 aah, I didnt know the original title. Thanks for that.
@@Ansprechen_und_Aufklären_1 no worries, watch it, it's about the same fallen angel, you'll understand why he doesn't want to give his real name, it's an old gem of a movie. You'll watch it 10 times for sure
that movie was the best one I've seen in years. Also, pretty damn accurate by all standards, excepts a few concessions to the movie magic.
Hidden gem of a movie =)
priest role very poorly written; weak representation of true priesthood
When The Pope's Exorcist has a better written priests, you know this film sucks
Really good movie!!
Names do actually have power that's why my name means the Angel of Salvation
this movie is good AS FUCK
OMGSH! The narration is ridiculous 🙄
Dudes been jail, back before modern tech. So how does he know stuff about a stranger?
Its funny to cause all the things the guy said humanity is winning at. Are said to be twisted truths given by fallen angels.
Sean patrick flannery ❤
Terrible film, do not bother with it.
There’s no such name as nefarious in demonology.
Wtf demonology, go read the Bible, and you will learn what is a legion, how many demons that are, who also posesed one person, and Jesus save the man from that demons
I'm sorry, I am not following. Granted, I haven't seen the movie but didn't he say his name would sound like gibberish and to jsut call him Nefarious but it was the closest thing to what his name meant?
Also, when you say "demonology," to what are you referring? Are you talking about the study of theology of the hundreds of religious that exist that refer to something that, may or may not be a demon, based on your interpretation (and because you would have to be ignorant enough to believe a single one of them, but that's up to you)? Or are you referring to the "there is a hell with demons who serve Satan and if you know a demons name you have power over it" bullshit that you watch in movies?
Its just a name:
Nefarious in spanish: vil
Vil is a diminutive of villain
Others meaning of the name: Horrible, mean, despicable, evil
@@DashingSide not demon still
Thats not his name. Just a close modern translation.
Nefarious will get this reviewer
Best movie I have seen in ages.
Every left wing position is exactly what the devil would want it to be.
Annoying voice over.
LMAO the rotten tomatoes proves the whole fucking point lmao
That faith-based films always suck and that Christians should stop making horror films?
@@erichfiedler1481they’ve ruined the horror industry.
Umless you have had experiences with fallen Angels and offspring with him man women who are thr rosming spirits wr now call demons your understanding is baded on fear and will push the average petson cooser to their teligious beliefs. Sadly great receptions and alterations efits have been conducted on purpose to control by fear my words may seem as haerisee or defamation of the faith. Well those who ho have accepted things to untrue, the realitybwe like ve in my s far more complex I cannot be shared in a few words. Be humble and teachable twce your fesrs with a neutral heart opinions are lioe a wholes everyone has one, thats all
Great movie. Shows that the evil side will always hate humans. Must watch if you're a true Yeshua follower. ✝
Satan speaks
I liked this one.
I saw a clip. There is a LOT of theological problems with this movie. Please don't take it as fact.
Such as?
Watched it three times. The next time you watch it, in the begaining you see the diploma watch it.
Superior movie. Inferior opinion video.
I was interested at first, but it's too fundamentalist ritual, but I like that they point out the evil of wokeness and aethism.
Well, they failed on that as wokeness or atheism aren't evil at all
@@erichfiedler1481 then why would you be on here? let alone contending what I wrote, all the validation I need in your actions.
@@UrzuaTroskenia0369 no validation for the fact that this movie sucks and is 100% inaccurate in everything said in it
The evil of wokeness and atheism? Compared to what? The holiness of your god who committed genocide and tortures people for fun?
i ha te ur voice
My only problem with the film was its optimistic ending. You have this atheistic intellectual who, the film establishes, was willing to euthanize a parent to inherit her millions, his own, unborn son, then someone _he BELIEVES_ to be mentally unfit for execution; this is a callous, murderous individual motivated by fame, profit, and self-indulgence. He's arguably a LOT closer to Hell than Heaven, probably suspects he's Hellbound if he humors the Christian narrative, and is being offered everything he's ever wanted, perhaps even less or no suffering in Hell upon death. He doesn't seem to have any Biblical scholarship (like knowing Satan is the Prince of Lies), given his superficial characterizations of Demons and sin--such as how he believes that literacy and hate-speech legislation are virtues--but _HAS_ seen the demonic power of Nefariamous.
All of this suggests to me that he'd be more inclined to "go with the Devil he knows" and cut a deal with the demon for a life of luxury and prominence in the only plane of existence he evidently believes in (after all, what does he really have to lose beyond a few thousand if publishing flops?), than suddenly do a complete 180 and believe in the Christian God, which'd require ACTUAL MORAL SELF-IMPROVEMENT whereas he could do whatever he wanted having sided with the demons and be RICH while doing it.
I think it should've ended with him publishing, making many millions, having as many females of whatever age as he wanted, becoming friends with a lot of influential people who the movie implied are equally enthralled to unseen demonic forces, maybe even getting into elite circles like the Bohemian Grove, and living a long life full of unending excitement and pleasure...only to end up an old man in his 80's or 90's that's estranged from his children (who never found him to love them as much as himself), his eventual 30-something trophy wife who's just waiting for him to croak so she can get _his_ fortune like he got his mother's, and without his Elitist "friends" who only really cared about him while he was relevant and advantageous for them to know.
Then, as this old, unloved POS man is mulling around his mansion, ignorant of his wife in the upstairs bedroom getting plowed by the ripped 20-something pool boy, eating fine food made by a personal chef who just had to leave abruptly due to a family emergency (which leaves James angered and jealous, given _his_ family has already abandoned him), drinking fine wine bought by a demon's gift, when the music tone shifts sinister and he clutches his heart. In his head, he hears the mocking voice of Nefariamous, reminding him, *_"You never did rescind that invitation to inhabit you, you know?"_* Camera zooms in on old man James' anguished face, _"What do you want?" _*_"To be with you in your final anguish, of course. You know the most delicious moment of a wicked man's life?"_* James stares into the camera, eyes wide in horror and flicking about ever so subtly to highlight his terror and desperate contemplation. *_"It wasn't your ecstasy as you enjoyed hundreds of women over the years nor was it the people you crushed with your money and power, though I was there for all of those moments and oh, how I savored them along with your deepening loneliness...no, James...the most satisfying instance of possession is the death throes!"_*
At this, James topples over out of his luxurious chair, the hand not gripping his chest grasping the ornate tablecloth and bringing his opulent meal for one down with him as he slams into the gold-trimmed granite tiles of his dinning room floor. He spasms in seizure for a bit before his wife, hair messy and hurriedly-dressed in a scarlet robe, comes down and finds him helpless and dying. She instinctively grabs a wall phone and dials 9 then 1 before catching herself, her annoyed grimace growing into a devilish grin. _"Everything alright?"_ the pool boy bellows from upstairs, more annoyed himself than worried. _"Yeah! Stay hard and hop back in bed, stud; I'll be up in a sec! I just gotta finish something..."_ she trails off at the end, casually skipping over to James with that crap-eating grin and spring in her step. He reaches up for her, looking almost hopeful for a moment, as thought she'll lift him up but, instead, she swats his arm away and grabs the open wine bottle whose crimson contents stain the floor under him. Some liquid still left, she downs the last of it and tosses the at him, where it lands on his groin before rolling onto the tile.
*_"Ouch, James,"_* the demons chuckles, as the soon-to-be-wealthy-window jogs upstairs, not even bothering to look back, *_"at least your mommy went out thinking you loved her. Did you know she's down here with us, by the way? Turns out feigning love and loyalty then biding one's time is a long family tradition; I'm eager to see if YOUR children will carry the custom. We'll do everything we can to see them follow in daddy's footsteps."_* In shaking panic, James tries to scream "HELP!" but it leaves his lips a whisper. The demon laughs heartily as a faint echo of countless wails starts to rise, *_"Do you hear that? The Infernal Chorus? Time to add another voice, James."_* James mouth fumbles for words, his shaking fading with his life and his final words fainter still, _"I...helped...you........the...Dark...Gospel."_ All is quiet moment before an even greater bought of laughter peels through his mind, *_"And we gave you the world for it, James! As promised! 'The Devil takes care of his own,' after all! You forget though, we never said anything about the world that comes after!"_*_ "But...I-" _*_"-served your purpose! Like a poacher's projectiles! You've helped us make a marvelous work and've culled the Shepherd's flock. For that, we're grateful."_* James looks unsure, but a hopeful smile starts to form before Nefariamous interjects, *_"But bent and bloodied bullets aren't given seats at my master's banquet,"_* the smile evaporates and terror sets in, *_"...no, son of Man, we've no chairs in Pandaemonium for tools but, we DO have endless foundries where they're melted down..."_* The old man's limbs fall limp and the camera pans down to peer into his life eyes as his final breath gasps into oblivion, *_"Time to go where time's forever, Jimmy."_*_ "NOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!"_ The Infernal Chorus rises, James' voice distinct before being drowned out. FADE TO BLACK!
republican propaganda
You do realize the "40 million" and other things said in the movie are factualy true, right?
@@neonkscksc so propaganda doesn’t contain facts?
@@JerdGuillaumeSam At this point, whenever someone uses the word "propaganda"(left or right) It insinuates lies or distortion of facts to fit a narrative(half-lie) and I don't see that here, what I see is a mental gymnast crash into a wall.
Hope that clarifies.
If you agree with the demon in the movie, call It a propaganda I guess🤷♂
You upset by said facts? lol
It's geared towards the American Republican Christian crowd. Hence, it being butchered by critics
Anti racism and literacy are what now? Kkkk Have you been to Africa lol
No need to visit a whole continent. You can go to USA and see all that. Rampant racism and increased illiteracy.
First comment
Great movie but a ridiculous recap with the cartoon voice.
The recap was more entertaining than the movie
Lmao I love how the demon sounds like a typical Republican. Says a lot!
OK groomer.
.... he sounds like a Liberal. Republicans are normally pro-life not pro-choice. He told the guy that it wasn't wrong in his eyes but was wrong in God's eyes. That is liberalism. Not republicanism. Even though I typically don't agree with republicans' behavior, I certainly do not agree with liberal behavior.
@@PrincessSerenenah, Republicans are pro-forced birth, not "pro-life", if they were the latter, they would be for regulating guns instead of controlling women's bodily autonomy
@@hunterbidensaidslesion1356projecting much, groomer?
Well this movie was made by Christian conservatives, is that really surprising?
Nefarious is the name of the movie. Thank you you're welcome. 🫡