WHAT IS AN ADVENTIST? | ft. Tim Gillespie

  • Опубликовано: 4 окт 2024

Комментарии • 86

  • @RickBibleStudy
    @RickBibleStudy Год назад +13

    I work as the lead Bible Worker for Living Manna SDA Online Church with Ivor Myers. You guys need to get Ivor on your show. It would be an interesting discussion.

    • @peterbamford2811
      @peterbamford2811 Год назад

      Why do sda bother with the bible as they are under full control of the writings and doctrinal beliefs of the false prophet and plagiarist Ellen white who copied from sunday keeping Christian authors claiming that God gave her the inspiration to write,answer this simple question, why would GOD give her the inspiration to copy from the very people who in her bookTHE GREAT CONTROVERSY claim that they will have the mark of the beast if they don't keep the sat Sabbath holy?

    • @dustinmackbee
      @dustinmackbee 9 месяцев назад +2

      Randy Skeete would be good as well.

  • @masz10676
    @masz10676 4 месяца назад

    ❤ ur pods. I'm a lifelong SDA. Adopted by SDA missionary couple. Married to a pastor who became a DDS (now retired). Brought up in SDA education. Worked in SDA Healthcare. After all that had a life crisis and found the grace and mercy of God. I've been asked to write a testimony for a non SDA church paper. Very well known church in NYC. We need to b inclusive, not exclusive. There r so many souls who r searching for peace right now. Also, I'm disabled (in bed 24/7, except for medical). But God is using me and I think, "Wow!" Please continue this ministry. I'm praying for this ministry. God uses ANYONE that wants to share Jesus. God bless...

  • @nixluvsjesus
    @nixluvsjesus 10 месяцев назад +3

    I'm not an Adventist (I am married to a former) but have to say I enjoy your open and honest conversations.
    In all the times that I attended the SDA church, I hardly ever heard the preacher speak about Jesus or the Cross in this way, and this was one of the many reasons that we left the church.
    I have to say it's been refreshing to hear Tim Gillespie speak about Jesus the way that he does.
    1 Corinthians 2:2
    Great episode ❤️

  • @IrmaHartley
    @IrmaHartley 2 месяца назад

    Thank you, so refreshing

  • @CaptMoo
    @CaptMoo Год назад +2

    For some reason many think that after Ellen died, the truth was settled. Sad.

  • @ghponygirl
    @ghponygirl Месяц назад

    My question about church plants like Crosswalk is why don't they have Adventist in their name? Is it meant to communicate a distancing from the church?

  • @bop-ya-good
    @bop-ya-good Год назад +2

    Ellen white Stated that Adventists should never claim to be saved.
    Of course she was right.
    She did not know the gospel that saves!
    "As long as man is full of weakness--for of himself he cannot save his soul--he should never dare to say, 'I am saved" (1SM 314.2).

  • @Dana-vq1tk
    @Dana-vq1tk 9 месяцев назад

    Anthony, my man, we are head nodding twins!!

  • @jonirogers214
    @jonirogers214 3 месяца назад

    I live in Michigan with camp meeting outside my back door. Let me tell you about getting weird…

  • @bop-ya-good
    @bop-ya-good Год назад +3

    Have an unconfessed sin?
    That would be a real problem for an Adventist.
    Their Prophet Ellen White died on July 16, 1915 but she has full prophetic Authority over the church today!
    Ellen claims…………..
    "Sins that have not been repented of and forsaken WILL NOT BE PARDONED AND BLOTTED OUT of the books of record, but will stand to witness against the sinner in the day of God".
    The Great Controversy, p. 486
    There must be some real nervous Sevies out there!

    • @kevinekvall4081
      @kevinekvall4081 3 месяца назад

      As in scripture (as well as all fields of study), Ellen White has other statements that clarify this idea. Often times in life there are seemingly conflicting statements that must be wrestled with to understand a truth that is layered. There are scared sevies which is too bad. There are also scared Baptists and Anglicans and Catholics and on and on... Hopefully all grow to understand that God's love is wide and deep and His grace is sufficient.

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good 3 месяца назад

      @@kevinekvall4081 Gee mate, Ellen shouldnt be put in the same sentence as the Bible. She was Taught a litany of errors and cover ups.
      eg. Ellen G. White's views on the Trinity evolved over her lifetime. Initially, early Seventh-day Adventists, including White, held views that were different from the traditional Christian understanding of the Trinity. They were influenced by anti-Trinitarian sentiments prevalent among some Protestant groups in the 19th century.

    • @kevinekvall4081
      @kevinekvall4081 3 месяца назад

      @@bop-ya-good Oh really, mate? You just included her in the same sentence as the Bible ;-) I wasn't elevating her authority to the level of the Bible any more than you were. My view is that she does not have the authority of scripture but she had a gift. Similar to other people like Luther, Bonhoeffer, Joan of Arc, Harriet Tubman, etc. I think that background on her trinitarian views captures the progressive understanding all Christians go through to some extent. The people I distrust the most are the ones that think they know everything. Also, if we put the microscope on Ellen we need to put the microscope on other Christian leaders. I could make Luther or John Calvin sound like monsters for some of the things they said and did. But I don't because I recognize all of us are sinful and they also did so much good. That said, I understand there are challenging things to understanding Ellen. I just think her critics usually don't balance the good/bad. That's lazy and unfair.

  • @healinghumanity1782
    @healinghumanity1782 Год назад

    Tim: It seems to me as a great tragedy that many Christians are at each other due to the commitment to differing spiritual authorities. Why don’t they see the tragedy of such disagreements-how it brings chaos & corruption of the beautiful message of love brought to humanity by Jesus Christ?

  • @janicemorris3444
    @janicemorris3444 Год назад

    The title should have been who is an Adventist what is relegated to an inanimate object

  • @bop-ya-good
    @bop-ya-good Год назад +1

    Are Adventists dead to the law while at the same time claim that the law is binding upon them to do all that is in the law?

    • @jessechurchill7027
      @jessechurchill7027 Год назад

      Still going for it huh

    • @peterbamford2811
      @peterbamford2811 Год назад

      Why does the sda denomination use the clear word bible which has been described as the most corrupted bible ever published by independent reviewers containing thousands of inserted sda denominational beliefs hardly the clear word bible by any standard when you see this happening in a denomination its time to leave or be subjected to careful brainwashing by believing a corrupted version of scripture parading as truth wake up to this cultish programming of your brain!

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good Год назад

      @@jessechurchill7027 do you have a question or just ad hominem slurs.

    • @dustinmackbee
      @dustinmackbee 9 месяцев назад

      The law will never save anyone. Only Jesus saves.

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good 9 месяцев назад

      @dustinmackbee5213 the law is a curse.

  • @nelladewaal1
    @nelladewaal1 10 месяцев назад

    You started a Rock Band after leaving seminary?

  • @icedragon1000
    @icedragon1000 Год назад

    what doctrine do you need to be a little creative with?

  • @thechinag6714
    @thechinag6714 Год назад

    Have you ever read the Testimonies to the Church Vol 1 -9? Just asking

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 11 месяцев назад +2

      I threw mine away ~~~

    • @thechinag6714
      @thechinag6714 11 месяцев назад

      I'll mail you a cookie. You deserve it @@cindiloowhoo1166

    • @dustinmackbee
      @dustinmackbee 9 месяцев назад +1

      Why would you throw a book away? Any book?

  • @bop-ya-good
    @bop-ya-good Год назад

    Seventh-day Adventists believe in a two-part atonement.
    Christs death did not fulfill the legal requirements of the law as they still insist on trying to obey the schoolmaster.
    Faith has come, but not to the adventist, as he still hankers a law, a schoolmaster to lead him!
    He rejects that now faith has come we do not need a law to lead us as we have a seal.
    That seal is NOT the Sabbath!!
    Gal 3:25
    But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
    The first part of the atonement was the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. This was a substitutionary atonement, meaning that Jesus took the punishment that we deserve for our sins. His death satisfied the demands of God's justice and made it possible for us to be reconciled to God.
    The second part of the atonement is the ministry of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary. This ministry is ongoing, and it is through this ministry that our sins are actually forgiven. As Christ ministers in the heavenly sanctuary, He applies the benefits of His death to our behalf. This includes cleansing us from sin, blotting out our transgressions, and making us holy.
    The two parts of the atonement are closely related. The death of Christ on the cross made the atonement possible, and the ministry of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary makes it effective. Together, these two parts of the atonement provide us with the forgiveness of sins and the hope of eternal life.

  • @roshanabbadasari7210
    @roshanabbadasari7210 4 месяца назад

    These guys are pastors and leaders in our church…God help us 😢

  • @Mybrotherskeeper926
    @Mybrotherskeeper926 Год назад +2

    By your logic if truths could be replaced by new truths, then they were not truth in the first place. The very test of truth is it’s ability to stand over time without being proved untrue. This definition of truth that appears to be in a flux is from bowels of the devil.

    • @kevinrumc
      @kevinrumc Год назад +1

      There are different types of "truths", capital 'T' Truths are the ones that stand for all of time and in all places, and lowercase 't' truths are true in a certain context. For example, it was a truth at one point to treat slaves well, Bible give many verses on that. We now know a capital 'T' Truth that owing another person is not how we should live. So lowercase truths will be adapted as history goes on for sure.

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 11 месяцев назад

      @@kevinrumcJust like the Catholic “T”radition vs “t”radition” ~~~

  • @bop-ya-good
    @bop-ya-good Год назад +4

    No Ellen white no Adventists.
    No investigative judgement, no Adventists.

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good Год назад

      @@putraputrasto8394 ? lost me

    • @j.l.cooper70
      @j.l.cooper70 6 месяцев назад

      I think Adventist are redefining themselves, which is prayerfully being led by the Holy Spirit.

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good 6 месяцев назад

      @j.l.cooper70 hi mate. Can they redefine this 28 fundamental beliefs? Or redefine Ellen. I don't think so!

    • @jonirogers214
      @jonirogers214 3 месяца назад

      It was 27 fundamental beliefs when I was baptized

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good 3 месяца назад

      @@jonirogers214 They evolved. Shame their view on righteousness and the gospel hasnt!

  • @bop-ya-good
    @bop-ya-good Год назад +1

    Ellen white, who has prophetic authority over the adventist church, claims Adventists should never say they are saved.
    On that I can agree, as they have a 2 stage atonement and are presently being judged for their every thought and action.

    • @dustinmackbee
      @dustinmackbee 9 месяцев назад

      Wow, that sounds like a stretch. “Every” thought and action? “Authority over the church”?
      You had a horrible teacher or pastor who was mistaken on the msg. God bless.

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good 9 месяцев назад

      @dustinmackbee5213 no, I am quoting the adventist prophet Ellen. Her words not mine mate

  • @bop-ya-good
    @bop-ya-good Год назад +4

    The Sabbath is not a seal or a sign of salvation.

    • @jessechurchill7027
      @jessechurchill7027 Год назад +1

      You sound fun

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good Год назад

      @jessechurchill7027 I am, you are right. I also like facts. Have I stated an incorrect fact bro?

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good Год назад +1

      @jessechurchill7027 the first biblical record of a Sabbath being kept by man wasn't until moses? Interesting wouldn't you say? The Sabbath is not a seal of anything.
      But we who are saved have the seal of the holy spirit! Now that's a seal I want and have and I hope you share in
      Ephesians 4:30 KJV - And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

    • @jessechurchill7027
      @jessechurchill7027 Год назад +1

      @@bop-ya-good I don’t disagree, just judging by your comments you sound like a lot

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good Год назад

      @@jessechurchill7027 well how about comment on doctrine not how you feel?

  • @delyntadeb3260
    @delyntadeb3260 Год назад +2

    I think this discussion is seeing the Adventist faith as being a church with a culture and burden with works which i totally disagree. We have fundamental beliefs and why we're Adventists is because we follow Christ and the whole Scriptures. It is not only about Jesus death and resurrection but about obedience and love for Christ and doing what He wants of us. That is why we keep the commandments which is going to be the test of time and thats why we have the testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of prophecy. Our fundamental beliefs are there because we love and obey God's doctrines. It is not works if you love and give your best for Christ. Jesus said, if you love me, keep my commandments. Revelation talks about a peculiar people who keeps the commandments of God and has the testimony of Jesus. Who out of the Billions of people in the world who fits this? Im sorry but i dont fully support your idea of being an Adventist here as you are against it

    • @tmalvern
      @tmalvern Год назад +3

      Well said 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. We have a unique message given by God for these last days.

    • @delyntadeb3260
      @delyntadeb3260 Год назад

      @@tmalvern amen and amen 🙏🏽

    • @delyntadeb3260
      @delyntadeb3260 Год назад +1

      @unmistakablymelissa the 10 commandments as you say is the full character and love of God. That is the full 10 commandments. First 4, love to God, next 6 love to fellow men. So I don't see nothing wrong to observing God's commandments which is His divine character. No confusion here. When one is filled with the Holy Spirit, loving and obeying Jesus Christ is a joy and a delight. Not works that sounds like a burden..Just claiming we are saved by God's grace without showing our own love for God is a false grace. We too out of Love for our Christ because He loved us first ought to live like He lived. The fundamentals are all Christ's example and truth for us. Filled with the Holy Spirit, we abide in them in delight and gladly. Without the Holy Spirit, we complain that it is hard work. I pray we ask daily to be filled by the Holy Spirit to help us be more and more like Christ and share His wonderful truth to all His children of the world.

    • @Sora-yq1td
      @Sora-yq1td Год назад

      ​@@delyntadeb3260So tell me where it says in the Bible that to love your Lord with all your heart, soul and mind = the first four commandments. When you find that then we'll talk. Because according to Jews and early Christians (pre Constantine) they both knew that there were more commandments than just the first 10.
      Also there are more moral laws than contained in the 10.
      Also to love does no harm to a neighbour therefore love fulfils the law. Jesus even lists to love thy neighbour as thyself as another commandment in the law along with adultery, honouring thy mother and father etc (Mathew 19:19).
      If this is the case then probably we need to start seeing the moral law as more than the 10 commandments.
      Sadly when your view of the bible is coloured by other sources (egw) you tend not to hold the principle of sola scriptura

    • @charnelallan7159
      @charnelallan7159 11 месяцев назад

      Just the Mormons and JEHOVAH'S WITNESS

  • @bop-ya-good
    @bop-ya-good Год назад +1

    Adventists claim to be saved by grace initially for past sins only.

    • @delyntadeb3260
      @delyntadeb3260 Год назад +1

      Who said that? This notion is false

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good Год назад +1

      @delyntadeb3260 hello, this is an Ellen g white teaching. So initially saved by grace alone faith alone, then the second part of the atonement conmences as you entered the investigative judgement.
      That is why Ellen claims Adventists should never claim to be saved!

    • @delyntadeb3260
      @delyntadeb3260 Год назад +1

      @@bop-ya-good when did Mrs. White say never to claim to be saved? What she teaches is what the Bible says..Yes, Jesus is currently in Heaven as our High Priest. He atones for our sins. Read the book of Hebrews to get some insight and refer back to your reading of Mrs. White. Nothing wrong with her writings.

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good Год назад

      @delyntadeb3260 hi again, so when I show you that Ellen did in fact say this you will acknowledge not all is right with her prophetic authority over the sda church?

    • @bop-ya-good
      @bop-ya-good Год назад +1

      @delyntadeb3260 so you acknowledge the atonement wasn't finished at the cross and is ongoing, have I got that right?

  • @kingsleyrayshawn8693
    @kingsleyrayshawn8693 Год назад +4

    🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️the church is certainly lost with this liberalism

    • @jessechurchill7027
      @jessechurchill7027 Год назад +5

      The church might be lost in its traditionalism.🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @bop-ya-good
    @bop-ya-good Год назад +2

    Tim is rejecting adventist Doctrine.
    Adventists are saved? This is double speak. The investigative judgement is still happening, as such, your position in the book of life is a pencilled in entry only! One un confessed sin removes the poor sevy!

  • @heichroyalbolly
    @heichroyalbolly 11 месяцев назад

    By the way you are guys sound like devil's agents.

    • @j.l.cooper70
      @j.l.cooper70 6 месяцев назад

      As an Adventist, this was been some of the best content I've seen. The Truth, the Holy Spirit, should never be hidden or silenced. We must test all spirits as the Bible says.

  • @alegitimateonlinebusiness3133
    @alegitimateonlinebusiness3133 11 месяцев назад

    Thanks for opening my eyes to how the devil works to destroy us...can you share your definition of a cult? Simple and un-cut...?

    • @rayray4192
      @rayray4192 11 месяцев назад

      Adventists are demonic cultists. Religious cults have a strong unquestioned leader. Ellen White is the infallible interpreter of scripture and corrector of bad interpretations of scripture got all humans. She is a ongoing and authoritative source of truth for Adventist cultists. Cults create a us vs them mentality. Adventists have circled their wagons and are fighting the entire world. Cults create fear of an enemy. Adventists proclaim the entire world is going to come against them and chase them down and kill them. Religious cults have a doomsday message for the world. If Adventists are not a religious cult then there is no such thing as a religious cult. Adventists are the quintessential example of a religious cult. Adventists shun the 300,000 people who leave Adventism every year. Ellen pontificated those leaving Adventism slam shut the door of salvation upon themselves. Ellen had a thing for doors and gates. Cults often times have a prophet even though Hebrews 1:1 teaches God spoke once and for all through His Son. Cults have exclusive teaching not taught by any other group. Tomorrow is the Adventist demonic cult golden calf idol day. Adventists are idolators. Happy Sabbath village idiots!

  • @LaurenWMcKinney
    @LaurenWMcKinney Год назад +2

    What a great conversation! Makes me miss Loma Linda so much and all the rich discussion that is to be had there. Seriously wondering if Tim is talking about the Investigative Judgement at the end there as the doctrine that requires some stretch because same 🫠 .

    • @jennicajohnsonRDN
      @jennicajohnsonRDN Год назад

      I was there when he pastored at relive in the dental building’s basement! Lol😅

    • @dustinmackbee
      @dustinmackbee 9 месяцев назад

      I came to the comment section because of what he said “at the end there”. I was curious as to what he was alluding to. Maybe I’m missing something, or I had a good teacher (Eld. Moses Mason) because I fully understand the investigative judgment. 🤷🏽‍♂️