Well, Martial arts were developed to protect you or maybe people around you. Fighting someone will only result in you being hurt no matter what, choosing to run away is a smart choice.
I remember reading a book by Bruce Lee on self defense.... where he mentioned "If I want to kick a man in the face, I will make sure to throw him on the ground before the kick" His point was... high and flashy kicks were mainly for movies... but oftentimes just sacrificed your balance... and footing.
It's worth pointing out that Bruce Lee got a very quick and useful education on the set of one of his movies. "Judo" Gene LeBell was an absolute master of judo and at the time was working as a stunt and fight coordinator on movies, and was employed on the set of one of Bruce Lee's movies. Lee and LeBell got into a spat over something that Lee wanted done but LeBelle vetoed for some reason or another and the spat turned into a physical challenge. LeBell destroyed Lee in about fifteen seconds, choking him unconscious. Which is not a mystery as a choke-out is a legit way to win a match in judo and believe me, a good judoka can put you to sleep in ten seconds or less. It's pretty frightening the first few times it happens but it's extremely effective and one reason judo is so useful in real-world fighting unlike most martial arts which are useless garbage. Anyway, Lee was extremely impressed with what LeBell did to him and from that point on he incorporated extensive grappling into his own personal fighting style. He even immortalized the event by using that exact same choke on one of the villains in the movie as a tribute to LeBell. Bruce Lee was all about what was practical. In that sense he could be considered a pioneer of comprehensive MMA fighting. He's one of the few star martial artists in history that was the real thing and could use his skills effectively in genuine combat. Someone asked him once how many boards he could break with a punch. Lee replied "Boards don't punch back." His way of saying how useless board-breaking is if you truly want to be able to defend yourself.
@@justiceforall6412 if you are a boxer yes, if you practiced any body contact sport which involves high kicks and use them comfortably, to stop the force delivered by that kind of kick to the head you have to be wearing a fucking motorbike helmet
I asked my father how to fight. All he said was "fight dirty". I asked if that was unfair. He said there is nothing unfair about doing whatever it takes to save your own life. Run if you can. If you are attacked, fight dirty. There are no rules, there is no "honour". Surviving is all that matters.
Exactly, My dad always told me to run becuase "if the other guy has a gun, you're dead." This is also why I think jujitsu, Wrestling, MMA ect are also as fake as any other. In real fights there is no judge, no ref, no paramedics, no rule and a lot of times weapons. Kahbib is no match for a handgun, Silva could'nt win against 5 guys let alone 5 guys with knives.
@@yutulib7585 That guy is luckly to be alive a few cm up and his bracial artery would have been severed and he would have bled out. It's not a good example.
@@yutulib7585 Even then there is a lot of risks and variables involved when it is a fight for survival. But, i agree if it is a fist fight on the streets.
@@genmaicha.lapsang At least if you have basic knowledge of self defense your chances of survival are higher, so knowing a certain fighting style aint bad at all.
@@Retromaster364 It's not bad at all. When I say "fake" in this context I don't mean useless. What I mean is that after 1000 years of explosive poweder weapons and 200,000 years of knives, swords, clubs ect that hand to hand combat doesn't really have a purpose beyoned sports or art. Your best chance for survival in any stiutation is run, or give the the theves what they want. Like i said the guyin the link was maybe 2cm from dying.
I Studied Aikido for a little while as a kid. The thing that I realised later in life is that all the wristlocks and armlocks I was tought ended up being worthless for self defence. The thing that was unexpectedly valuable was how in Aikido you will spend the first 3 months of training just learning how to fall down and spring back up without sustaining any injury. 35 years later if I trip or fall I still instincively go into a roll and pop back up to my feet unharmed no matter what direction I might be falling. Aikido has saved my life repeatedly in the least badass way possible, lol. Aikido should translate to, "The art of avoiding hip replacement surgery".
Or the art of don’t getting hurt in any situation. Ipractice aikido since 2017, after 3 lessons I fell in the bath of the dojo and I broke 2 ribs (only when I recovered I learned how to fell). This monday I fell off the bike while I was running very fast (I think near 12-15 mph), I made an perfect ukemi no scars or bones broken. Also one time I get surrended thanks to Aikido I’ve learned How to evade from the strike line and so I run away as fast as I can (good for me I’ve practiced athletics for ten years). I think that if I’ve never practiced Aikido in these two case I would been very hurted (excuse me for the eventual grammatical error I’m italian with a very basic english formation)
I got the same from some judo I did as a kid. Can't remember any of the fighting stuff but knowing how to fall has saved me from hospital far too many times.
I trained aikido for a few years...then I trained aikijujutsu. Same techniques with different intent. Aikijujutsu does not "care" about the opponent. The techniques are done fast and hard, and are VERY effective. Most Aikido is flowery, watered down, large circle aikijujutsu, and very different from the original 1200 year old battle field art it descended from. It's all in how you train the techniques.
I remember to have a good kung fo teacher when young. I would never forget the 3 steps to survive a figth. 1. Ignore the provocations. 2. If that fails, run 3. If hes faster than you fight until hes disoriented or uncontious enough for you to run again.
In these sorts of things, this is where Krav Maga excels, with rather lengthy teachings on situational awareness. Sometimes the best answer might not even be fight to run, as @Late to the Game pointed out. Rather, a whole slew of lessons after lessons on how to avoid situations, but also, when confronted, by the life that isn't fair, multiple attackers, different angles, weapons, etc, to simply be ready to finish the fight, in the quickest most efficient manner, even if that is lethal, and you won't be able to run from it. Granted, this video was true that to properly master the Krav Maga techniques (which do work in principle), you would have to be willing hundreds of people in practice to truly get the instincts down to a brutal level of efficiency and counters. So in that, yeah, maybe the other MMAs might be good to train you to actually fight. But take the real world practice of extra dangers and situational thinking at least from Krav, I think it does wonders the others don't properly address as well. So, making that a Mixed Martial Art as you will :)
Reminds me a guy I know. He said that his martial arts allows him to disarm anyone and anytime. I was given a loaded nerf gun. After me shooting him between the eyes with a nerf dart 4 times he lost his temper and yelled “You’re not doing it right!!”
I did that lol. My buddy was like "I don't even care if you move, I'll still get it away". So I pointed it, dropped and rolled onto my back, put a foot in his gut to keep him away and just dumped the magazine into him. He was mad
My friend a 6"4 boxer who had won multiple tourney's , and I a Tae Kwon Do practitioner with a black belt. Got into a street fight once. The opponents took out a knife. We both ran so far, and so fast, and got away. Proving, that our training had paid off.
Yeah, best block? No be there. First lesson; cardio. Human beings are tool users, unlike anime there is no strengthening your muscles until you can resist knives or bounce tire irons off your pecs
My martial arts teacher is actually very reputable and extremely skilled... but refuses to teach us how to defend against a knife. He said if someone took out a knife against him, he would run, so we should too
when i started practicing taekwondo, one of the newbies asked the coach when we will learn how to defend against an armed opponent while barehanded, or how to fight a one vs many fight. the coach laughed a bit and said "you don't need me to teach anything since it's actually quite easy. all you need to do is run in the opposite direction as fast as you can"
Lot's of respect for Taekwondo. I was in a national competition in my first time coming up against Taekwondo and was shocked to find a foot planted in the back of my head while I was still looking at my opponent face to face!
@@KfcOwner yeah, once the opponent has a weapon, they win. the only way to even the odds is to have a weapon of your own, and use the inherent threat carrying a weapon brings to force your opponent to stand down. if you have no weapon, then they just need to rush you, and you will have no way of defending against it. there was a video made by several professional fighters about this situation, using a red pen instead of a knife. and no matter how good they were, the assailant still ended up scoring several fatal wounds on all of them in 1v1 before they could subdue him or take away the weapon
@@houjisaifeddine5524 Your comment is wrong. I know lots of people who could easily win against m even if I had a weapon and they were unarmed. Those videos with the pro fighters you mentioned are a load of crap. Frankly if I tried to attack any of them with nothing more than a knife I would be defeated in seconds and the fighter would walk away unharmed every single time.. Frankly if I was ever attacked by someone who is used to being violent and I had a knife I would make no attempt to use it as a weapon because I know I have absolutely no chance at all - instead but would dispose of it
@@mrx2586 and that's the kind of comment that led a lot of people to their untimely deaths, that is made by a couch warrior who has never been in a fight and thinks they can pull off action film stunts irl. actual professional MMA fighters, who compete on an international level, and who could easily beat both of us in seconds in a fight, still couldn't win a barehanded vs knife combat, even when the guy holding a knife wasn't a trained fighter. all the knife fighter has to do is rush you and score a hit. that's how easy it is to take a life. you have to take control of the knife asap, which is near impossible against a resisting opponent who is intent on harming you, and who has nothing stopping them since the unarmed person has nothing to threaten them with. even the MMA fighters in the experiment expresed how hard it was, and they all ended up taking several hits, including fatal ones, before they managed to fully subdue the assailant. again, those are world class professional fighters who can kill a person with a single punch. an unarmed vs armed fight is unwinnable. don't bother arguing because it has been proven through actual experiments, not a thought exercice like you suggested
Mike Myers, in So I Married an Axe Murderer. I always loved that line. Coming from a Scottish Canadian background myself, I can assure you it's accurate.
@@daverobson3084 when I first read your comment I read it with a perfect Sco’ish accent lol it sounded exactly like what some of my sco’ish friends sound like.
@@geetee2694 No, that would've been unauthorized, so he had to get a discharge from the Marines, get the proper reenlistment code on his DD-214, switch to Army, then go CIA. This guy is clearly a badass. I knew SF guys, and they couldn't just work with CIA. In fact, most hated CIA, so you know this guy obviously was legit because, you know, karate. And reasons. Clearly not stolen valor 80's edition.
After competing in a number of traditional martial arts competitions the main thing I found was that once fighting actually began nearly all of them looked the same. Gone were all the fancy movie type moves. The only movements that worked had to require little motion and able to be executed quickly. Probably the most important part was actually the footwork, primarily being able to sidestep lunges and aggressive forward closing steps.
fully agree. In my dojo where I practiced karate, we were also taught aiki-jujutsu techniques and did a lot of combat type training, to keep the focus. I think of traditional karate as a textbook: many moves your body learns and may produce quickly if needed, but a real fight will not look like a kata.
I done Shotokan Karate (i know its YMCA level stuff) but when it came to sparring, the stance was immediately changed to the "on guard" stance - something similar to boxing All the Kata had nothing to do with real life (where your feet was in a triangle or one fist was kept beside your waist etc)
@@halflucan This. It goes down to how the style is handed down, how it is taught. We were taught Kata for strength, coordination, and for tactics/fighting ideas. But when we applied those ideas, they looked completely different than the way they were presented in the Kata. It's an interesting study.
A friend of mine studied martial arts from a young age hoping that someone would attack him so that he could try it out in the street. Well, his chance came in an attempted mugging in the streets of Kampala. After fending of two of the trio of attackers he was stabbed by the third with a hidden blade and barely managed to escape alive. Needless to say it is good to know how to defend oneself but avoid conflict because fights are unpredictable.
Let's say that fighting even 2 trained and motivated opponents is a huge challenge. If even one of them is armed with a knife then it is almost impossible to win.
@@dmitriikurilov3662 the issue is it is impossible to know whether someone is armed especially on the street. Running away or de-escalating confrontations is always the safest bet. The problem is most martial arts teachers brag about the impregnability of their styles(to gain more students) and mislead their students into believing that they can win against guns, knives and multiple opponents.
@@kabohakevin4103 You are very true. The real conflict situation is much more complicated than just the kicking and boxing part: - How can you be sure that this little scrawny shit is not going to draw a knife and stab you in your liver when you are occupied boxing the ears of his mate? - How far are you going to go in this fight? Are you ready to break the temple bone of the guy, make him a cripple, get yourself into a jail for years and even after release pay for the crippled guy's support?
I was always taught "if you willingly choose to fight, you will always be wrong." Whether trained or not, fighting should only be a forced hand and should never even be considered.
I remember an article in Mad Magazine that promoted a martial arts move called ghun. Pronounced as "gun." It was purported to be effective at long ranges when used by a skilled practitioner.
Old history channel bit I half remember from the good old days. " A man tried to mug me saying he was a master of Kung Fu, I responded I was a Master of Ca-Choock, He asked what that was so I pulled out my shotgun and pumped it, He ran off."
@@MrShysterme Explain! If you are some newb or don't fight, than you may need an explanation. Which would then be "start fighting" and you will lean the explanation. NOTHING preforms "consistently" against a completely uncooperative, fully-resisting, aggressive opponent. That is why its BS. I got my life of street fighting and 10 yrs of bouncing rank bars when younger for the proof, regardless of anyone's spewage.
@@sword-and-shield Dude, you're just making it worse. You make a claim without any support. I point this out. And now you've turned into I need to explain why I think your claim was not supported. I did not state that I agree with the original comment, therefore I do not have to defend it in order to point out that you did not support your point. The way to address my concern is to actually support your original assertion. This is just basic burden of proof stuff that they should teach in high schools if they were interested in anything but drones.
@@MrShysterme Dude, I didn't make no claim. I stated a fact, maybe you go and re read those simple words in my first post. They mean exactly what the definitions are. Worse, then you were answered in my second post, if it wasn't to your liking, I could care less, it was answered with simple fact. You want PROOF, get busy kid, years of real street fighting is the only thing giving that.
My father is a retired SWAT instructor and he got to meet Frank Dux and train with him. I will never forget my dad's description of him "Guys been kicked in the head way too many times"
@@johngault7329 he (Dux)told a lot of CIA stories. Talked about guns that were designed to fire underwater. It was a long time ago but those were the two things I remember. That he “has been kicked in the head too many times” and the guns that fire underwater and all the weapons that the CIA keeps hidden from regular law enforcement.
@@Squidaniel the guns designed for underwater use is definitely real, I believe it was originally designed in th3 cold war days, but was mainly used for "frogmen" type units, so the guns real but his conspiracy is bs lol. Wouldn't be useful for local police to have anyways lol
He'd been proving how useless many martial arts are and have beaten up supposed masters without a problem. He's basically said, the best martial arts is the one you fight in the streets with.
The irony being that this quote is so overused that people forget the last part. Oh and stop attributing this quote to Bruce Lee. As a JKD instructor, at least a legit one, we don't like it that much. It was Sun Tzu who said it, Bruce Lee adapted this principle to his training and then, the marketing people attributed it to him.
Someone’s probably already pointed this out but I think it’s important to mention that Sumo is not meant to be used in self defense and no one would claim so. Sumo is not simply an art that can be taught. Sumo is a sport that kids start training for from a young age in order to compete later in life.
Another thing someone also probably mentioned is that capoeira wasnt made for fighting it was to be able to fight, since in brazilian prisons you werent allowed to fight so they acted like they were dancing
Yeah but this is the internet, where people are only interested in being able to judge other people based on the most shallow understanding of the topic. In other comments people are trying to say there is no effective Chinese martial art despite China being a military power for literally thousands of years.
@@cautemoc4624 I think that’s because people only think of martial arts as hand-to-hand combat, usually from Asia. This isn’t the case, martial arts encompasses all forms of combat. Learning how to fight in CQC with firearms is a martial art. As is learning how to fight with a sword, bow, spear, and so on. So is learning to fight as part of a unit, be it with firearms or with spears. Jousting is a historical European martial art, so are archery, fencing, and wrestling. It’s not just Kung Fu and Karate, you’re right.
I trained in Karate. I was also a Karate instructor. My most valuable advise to my students had been show everyone respect, so you never get into a fight. If you had to fight, then run away. If you cannot get away, then pray that you have a good lawyer if you win or hospital cover if you don't.
this is the dumbest advice ever. in real life running has a 20 percent chance of working. carry a pistol and shoot first. sometimes youre slowr, sometimes youll tire first, sometimes you have a DUTY to hold your ground. "just run" is an idiotic platitude that only people who have no combat experience repeat
bullets of anything less than an ar-15 will not kill me. anything less than that will just piss me off. I can take a 9mm or .22 to the forehead/ face and survive it easy, i'll prove it to anybody, just give me some gold for the ordeal of pain and a few xanax and a mid strength beer to remain calm and focused and not give fuks
Throughout martial arts career I was taught how to avoid conflict. Like non threatening behaviour towards an aggressor, being aware of surroundings, and how important it was to have a clear mind (not drunk). We were also trained on strength, speed, agility and wits. This was to give us an advantage to MOST people. But we were always told... There will always be someone bigger, stronger, faster and better.
@Mr BuzzKill look up video's of trained fighters beating the shit out of body builders it is quite easy to find a lot of great examples where this isn't true
Mine said de escalate. Use dirty tricks. Learn first aids.Use anything to hide or attack. Remember it's life and death. Better run,hide or use dirty tricks to survive. If You get injured use the first aids. If the other guy is a Nice guy honorable. Then fight honorable accept your defeat.
this is the dumbest advice ever. in real life running has a 20 percent chance of working. carry a pistol and shoot first. sometimes youre slowr, sometimes youll tire first, sometimes you have a DUTY to hold your ground. "just run" is an idiotic platitude that only people who have no combat experience repeat
"You claim to be the master of fists... this disturbs me... the road to true mastery is much harder. Let us travel it now..." -Oro to Akuma in Street Fighter III: Third Strike
The key word people take for granted is "based." All that means is that the framework of the idea originated from a true story. Technically, everything fiction is "based on a true story" because the idea has to have originated from a real source.
An Aikido master and friend of mine once taught me that the best defence against robbery was always carrying _some_ money, not a large amount but something meaningful enough to make the assaulter think for a moment and give you an opportunity to run away The idea is founded on two main principles: 1st - resisting is more dangerous than running 2nd - most assaulters will attack in frustration if given _nothing,_ and carrying a meaningful yet not massive lump of cash can be way cheaper than replacing a phone, a broken leg or a gunshot.. nevermind said gunshot hitting a loved one
I want to see two "non-touch masters" fighting against each other Imagine how they'll circle each other while throwing invisible ki balls at one another
rofl i thought it was the fake masters with a docked credit score. How are you going to have your life ruined due to challenging and winning against these so called "experts?!!?" SHOULDN'T IT BE IN REVERSE? Holy crap.
that's CCP for ya, why would they support a cause that literally destroys a part of their culture? well at least we know the truth now. that those "Experts" are wackjobs.
I have a no-touch technique that is quite deadly which I've been studying for a few years which involves the combustion of a material which produces gases that are directed down a narrow, confined channel in which a small object is placed. As the object is propelled forward by the rapidly expanding gases, grooves in the channel cause the object to spin, which allows the object to move forward along a trajectory with high accuracy and speed.
Ok but I gotta say. If he had said "I can physically alter the environment and knockout people without touching them" and then just.... picks up chairs and hits people with the chairs. I'd give him props for that. Its technically true.
reminds me of that one bar fighter in Ong Bak with Tony Yaa: I think his name was Mad Dog and he just started to throw all of the furniture at Tony. Even a frickin' fridge xD
@Anonymous Anonymous I agree, he adapted what was useful and disregarded all the BS. He always looked for what was useful in any style, east or west, and how it could be made useful in real fighting. I recently read something that quotes some of Mr Lee's thoughts on traditional martial arts. Here's the link if you like to read. www.scmp.com/sport/martial-arts/kung-fu/article/3038740/bruce-lees-disgust-fake-martial-arts-cowards-revealed
He called the kind of sport karate that was around at the time, that wasn't full contact "dry land swimming". It would have been funny if he had called it "dancing", as he was a Hong Kong Cha-Cha champion. He was particularly interested in the evasive techniques of western fencing.
@@florianm.h.muller6181 Yip Man's myth has overtaken his reality. People think thise films are goddamn documentaries lol. Anyone who wrestles would smash someone who had zero ground game or sprawling skill, even Yip Man. Double leg takedown and mount = all wing chun obsolete
That depends. Some styles simply aren't meant for competition while others are actually "designed" with competetive regulated sport in mind. But basically you're right - if that statement is actually used, thats likely bullshit.
@@dcjxd i.e. the military styles he was talking about. Chances are if you rip out a mma fighter eye you'll go on to win the fight, but not the court charges.
@@dcjxd just to tack this on. It's very very unlikely any style like that survived without being in military use. Pretty much every old martial art had moves that aimed to maim or kill, but once martial arts became an exhibition/competition/"self defense" most were removed from even practice, much less use. It's why submission arts and sporting arts stayed affective enough, while martial arts faded, the original style wasn't meant to just beat an opponent, and when you remove those fangs it becomes a half-assed shell of what it once was. Hell look at kendo. It'll get your ass kicked against anyone who has a weapon and half the people that don't, and meanwhile it was something soldiers once used to defend their lives with before it got turned into a sport(name also changed for this one tho). The old-school martial arts were once meant to give you a fighting chance at survival against armed opponents after you lost your weapons, they typically didnt have a lot of rules to follow
@@Syllaren Exactly. I train Bujinkan Ninjutsu, and my trainer is, luckily, rather progressive. We acknowledge the very stylized Kata as a form of art and oral tradition, but they are not meant for actual fighting. And even though we have a repertoire of potentially lethal techniques derived from traditional warfare and personal protection duties, the basic rule is still: Run, if you can. Nobody is fighting for a shogun anymore and disarming an opponent with a knive may be possible for a seasoned fighter, the risk is realistically too high to get hurt. Anyone stating otherwise is a show off trying to get quick money by selling off worthless black belts for a cheap ego rush.
I watched a street fight way back in 8th grade where one guy was obviously very well trained in MA and the other was just a big bully. I thought the trained guy was going to win until the other guy just tackled him and proceeded to beat the trained guy. It was the longest fight I've ever watched. I still give the trained guy respect though. He stood up for himself and lost honorably.
He wasn’t trained well then. I mean dude, someone knowing martial arts will absolutely beat someone who doesn’t know. Martial arts is just knowing how to fight. I think you misunderstood the video
I did Wing Chun for a while, and while I can agree it's probably not good in MMA, there was one thing my trainer would always say: You block the first attack then you run. That's all the self defense I will teach you. Simply put, he didn't try to oversell what we were taught. All the while trying his best at teaching us useful techniques.
many martial arts are just that, arts. whish is perfectly fine, dance isn't gonna help you in combat, it was never meant for that, the issue arises if someone tries to sell dance lessons claiming that it helps in self defense. many ineffective martial arts are in my opinion, more like dance styles, were superior dance technics can defeat there dancing partners. they look cool, can make the body healthier and physically stronger, as well as give self motivation and improve mental health, but there not gonna do shit against two dudes with sticks.
I! am 70 next birthday and still practice martial arts. I started training at 16yrs old doing 15 yrs of Wing Chun, since then I have done TKD to 3rd dan, Boxing having 15 amateur fights winning 10m and currently Tai Chi as it is great exercise for someone of my age. I have only had to defend myself once being attacked in the street by a large drunk. I floored him very quickly and broke his cheekbone using a Wing Chun block and punch at the same time (Left armTan Sau against his right-hand haymaker and right-hand punch twisting my fist upwards when making contact as our style taught) So Wing Chun does work but I have to say and do when asked that boxing is the best art to learn for self-defence
I don’t watch mma but I’ve seen videos about it where they claimed Kung Fu was virtually useless in the cage. I had about a year’s worth of training in Kung fu and I can tell you that if you actually used it in the ring, you would end up either maiming or killing someone. The things you learn in Kung fu are against the mma rules so of course someone trained only in Kung fu will not fare as well as a different martial art that is more in line with mma rules. Kung fu is meant more for life or death situations in real life; it’s not a sport.
If you learn a martial art, the biggest thing I've seen is to try them out on someone who has absolutely no idea whatvmartial art you're using, but is fully capable of defending themselves. I can't tell you how many times I've been put on my ass trying out "techniques" on someone only for them to easily resist mindlessly. It's a fun way to humble yourself. Also, remember, it doesn't matter how fast your fists are, a bullet flies faster. Know when to yield and when to run.
I see you've watched Indiana Jones before! Despite that scene being a total goof, there was infinite amounts of wisdom in it... AKA don't show off and don't be an idiot.
The best thing to learn is to read a room and to read people if you see before hand if shits going to go down then leave if you know some one is going to attack ATTACK FIRST Thats one of the many problems i have with "self defiance " classes they say dont start the fight not dont instigate it A fight is won most times in the first 3 seconds thats what they dont understand is that no amount of practice is going to save you when you get knocked down to the ground and been kicked in the liver 3 times
@J Calhoun yea but in my eyes if you do have to fight then stay as long as your safe and make sure you have witness as walking away make it much more likely to have charges pressed If its a a he sayed this and i say this you might at worst get a small fine but if its one sided your at least spending a night in jail
@J Calhoun What was he training? You can consider China and Japan, of course, the two main countries for far eastern martial arts. For China it was mainly Buddhist and Daoist monks who developed techniques. In Japan, which was at war for vast periods of time, it was also a common part of the warriors repertoire. These techniques are no longer taught in the traditional lethal way. Only Ninjutsu, to which today Samurai techniques had been added and is now Bujinkan, is still as dangerous as it was designed.
My Karate Teacher literally said if we would ever be attacked we should run and only if we couldnt run away we should fight, but not even with the techniques he taught us, but with your bag, phone or keys, anything. If we dont have anything like that we should try the techniques. But I didnt go to karate to learn something like that. I went to karate to get physically and mentally stronger. I went there for about ten years now and i didnt gain any crazy muscles buuut I can strech, run, fight, analyse situations, better than anyone in my school, and I of all my classmates actually know how a fight would be in real life. Also its just nice to do something with your friends after school or just to let of some steam and beat the sh*t out of somebody.
That’s odd because martial artist definitely work. It’s just knowing how to fight. Boxing is martial arts. Muay Thai. Karate. Wing Chun. All got useful applications
this is the dumbest advice ever. in real life running has a 20 percent chance of working. carry a pistol and shoot first. sometimes youre slowr, sometimes youll tire first, sometimes you have a DUTY to hold your ground. "just run" is an idiotic platitude that only people who have no combat experience repeat
I studied a rare form of Gung Fu, known as "Drunken Asshole" style. Our weapons kata include broken beer bottle and barstool fighting techniques. Tequila provides an indomitable martial spirit!
Reminds me of the legend of the Ogre-Thief who specked all into str and intimidation, and when it would fail a stealth check, which it always would, it would just scream "YOU DO NOT SEE ME!" and continue sneaking while the NPCs are petrified with fear. -E The difference is the legend of this ogre is true.
I studied with Wutan International for about 10 years and we did everything from Tai Chi and a variety of "Kung Fu" styles as well as Chinese kickboxing and ground fighting. After watching this video, I now realise we were actually doing MMA.
@@calciumclansoldier1351 My experience as well. I did it for over 8 years and was always told that. Kids and adults were told the same thing. Fighting is always your last option.
I agree but the decision to run is not always an easy one to make. For example, if you run and can't outrun your opponent(s), or find shelter from them/him then you may end up expending the energy needed to fight him/them.
@@taylorhall9509 In my opinion the overwhelming majority of street fights are avoidable in the first place. It is rare when someone has absolutely no choice but to fight someone else.
@@hanoc101 you have to take calculated risks. It's just like we are told when learning self defense to use our environment to our advantage. So yes of course running in some case may not be the best option. But it should be your first thought before having to stand your ground. I grew up taking tkd and I have never once had to use it and I'm a female. My brother has never had to use it either. My dad on the other had is 3rd degree black belt and has had to use some form of self defense on at least two circumstances in the last 10-15 years. In both cases he was able to avoid an all out fight by knowing how to subdue someone who was trying to harm him... and his line of work at the time was working at a cable company. Martial arts does work with years and years of training and repetition. But the majority will never have to utilize it. Or in a worse case scenario with a gun involved will never truly have a chance
The truth about effectiveness of a fighting style. You must fight and have hard sparring in your training or you'll never have effective application of the art. You must fight to learn how to fight, otherwise you're dancing.
@frankos rooni Completely agree. If I had to bet on a rugby player in serious combat with someone from most martial arts my money would be on the rugby guy. It's the reaction to truma. Rugby guy get hit heavily often but have keep going. You can get a black belt and never know the shock of a sweaty 15 stoner smacking you in the gob with all his might. No comparison.
@@TheAndybow1964 I think the problem are these little dojos parents send their kids to. I was in one. It was low to non-contact. You get belt promotions for memorizing sequences and paying more money to enter tournaments. Doesn’t matter if you win or lose you’ll eventually get promoted for going through the motions. I saw a black belt kid in my first month who’s kicking form was dogshit. Dude kicked like a grandma. People just monetized off the martial arts popularity from the 80s or whatever. Real martial arts were actually practiced with real fighting back when you needed to in times of war, whether it was the most effective form or not it was something which was better than nothing. Karate was used in real combat... Mcdojo karate was not. MMA has made a joke out of some disciplines because we have all evolved to figure out which forms are the best, it’s not the fault of the discipline being “fake” but that’s just the natural progression of figuring out what’s most effective with the introduction of mixed martial arts. It’s kind of disrespectful to the old ways tbh. Now we have figured out that western boxing, jiu jitsu, wrestling and Muay Thai are the most effective, we go clown on less effective forms. You don’t see anyone else going around using modern High Jump techniques in the olympics and clowning on the old ways and calling it fake. People need to realize we’ve just progressed with combat knowledge, no need to talk shit about the old ways. It actually was useful fighting knowledge against someone who wasn’t or less trained.
In the early 90s I started Taekwondo. Our instructor/Sensei was of the "old school" form of striking and not the "points system" Taekwondo that became popular in the 80s tournaments... People put petitions against us, because we fought at the tournaments and not simply get points.
I really question how martial arts has evolved to point where survival in the street with no rules is not emphasized any longer. I spar in a school presently where groin strikes are not permitted and students typically don’t wear cups. In a prior school I was in, wearing cups was essential since we targeted the groin readily while sparring. You can guess which better served to train me for street fighting. I must admit when sparring I have residual instincts to strike the groin when I didn’t mean to do so. Even when pulling the strike it still gets noticed by my opponent. I am 70 yrs old and have intentions to preserve skills for street fighting. When I hit my heavy bag I still throw in groin strikes with boxing combos so maybe my effort to preserve street techniques will preserve my readiness to strike the groin in the street and unfortunately when sparring where groin strikes are not permissible.
As someone who has actively used this to escape a gang fight (me just being random bystander who got cornered), yes parkour is a lifesaver. Would trust it any day over even the most potent combination of mma. After all, all forms of properly trained martial arts only let you spar versus one opponent at a time, in a fair fight. In reality, you almost never find yourself in a fair fight, nor against just a single opponent.
The very first rule of any practical martial art, is to de-escalate. AKA "run away" or avoid putting yourself into a position that may result in a fight... Don't get in one, lol. In my experience, that's always the very first thing taught.
@no name Not true at all. And even if it was, what power does the word 'natural' give it? lol. If it was 'natural' in the way I think you're projecting it, you'd expect to walk outside and see people on the floor wrestling in every street. Most fights are when people are drunk or high, when people are more stupid and have poor judgement. There's nothing natural about that.
Too many 'Martial Art' schools are social clubs that teach some fighting skills. Difference between fencing & sword fighting is the difference in many 'Martial Arts' schools/clubs.
@Heragoth ^^ This. If you want to protect yourself on the street, Muay Thai or traditional boxing is much better for self defence. Jiu Jitsu is a hell of a lot of fun though.
Jup, when i was a kid i was in a karate class for like 5 years. Was pretty dumb. Most of the time they put me up against a type of "stonewall" guy that was 2 heads bigger and double my weight. Couldn't move him with anything. Was kind of retarded cause how the hell will you learn anything there.
I remember when I took some martial arts classes when I was in junior high school, it was drilled into us that using them to actually defend ourselves was always a last resort, after evasion was deemed impossible or impractical. The fact that weapons are both extremely common and so dramatically sway the odds in and consequences of a fight were also lessons heavily expounded on. I used my skills to deal with bullies that kept instigating fights, and eventually they stopped coming after I stopped losing, and I haven't had to truly fight since...the closest I ever got was scrapping with my bro over something I can't even remember, and when we fought each other we fought honorably and avoided causing true injury, so I knew there was no danger and I didn't have to fight 'dirty'.
this is the dumbest advice ever. in real life running has a 20 percent chance of working. carry a pistol and shoot first. sometimes youre slowr, sometimes youll tire first, sometimes you have a DUTY to hold your ground. "just run" is an idiotic platitude that only people who have no combat experience repeat.
@@notrolling-er1wq If you HAPPEN to have a gun on you, live in an area where carrying one is legal, and can trust your justice system to uphold self defense, then sure: fire away. Otherwise, evasion is preferable to confrontation unless you have a DAMN GOOD REASON to stand your ground such as protecting someone more vulnerable, especially against armed or potentially armed opponents, just like animals in nature avoid avoidable battles or confrontations that have an unacceptable risk of injury/death and generally fight only when given no viable alternatives. By running, you increase their risk of discovery and your own chances of recieving aid, as well as potentially escaping outright. Trying to fight an assailent on their terms, at the location of their choosing is almost certainly the WORST set of circumstances available, and potentially opens up new and exciting options like 'kidnapping'. And if they have a gun, you're fucked regardless, *especially* if you fight. So following your advice you will end up hurt or dead in very short order, assuming you actually expirience danger semi-regularly and don't live in a gated community or other such 'protected' space. Your critisism screams of extreme ignorance and/or privilege, you provided no evidence for the statistic you pulled from nowhere, and you endorse (in my opinion) a truly moronic idea that, were it shared broadly would lead to many stupid avoidable injuries and/or deaths. Also, remember the classes were taken as a teenager, in other words, a minor. No one is going to give a minor a gun, nor are they likely to hold a duty to fight. Your ideas fail on TWO counts.
@@OriginalUnjustifier second amendment says carrying one is legal everywhere. its your life, be a coward or dont. but reality doesnt change based on your choice bro. also what country are you from that you just said "trust your legal system" thats not a thing on this planet. maybe elsewhere.
@@notrolling-er1wq 1) Again, not everyone carries firearms everywhere, nor is it generally legal to do so in many countries. America =/= The World. 2)The legal system in America has been watched by the entire world as the establishment commits unprecidented lawfare on its opposition, calling the impartiality and security of the whole system into question, with knock-on effects spreading across the globe as fears of domestic conflict in America and elsewhere grow stronger with every passing day. 3) People get charged for 'excessive force' all the time, 'self-defense' as a defense has never been weaker than it is now, especially since being a criminal in a Blue city means you're part of an effectively protected class, not to mention the fact that the idea of who is 'allowed' to defend themselves has been heavily politicized. Look at how the media treated Rittenhouse for defending his life against multiple armed assailents.
@@natereynolds2783 Agreed. Considering his sheer strength level? Pulling... What was it, 3-5 busses? Tearing a phone book in half? That doesn't sound so ridiculous in DBZ, but in Dragonball, and especially in reality, that's... Rather impressive. Especially the entire phone book, considering how difficult those things are to tear in half.
I studied Krav Maga, and my instructor was former military. He emphasized the defensive stuff, breaking out of chokes and what to do if you ended up on the ground. He also emphasized creating space and getting away if you could. All this to say, I think as long as your instructors actually have experience using the stuff you can learn practical lessons
Yeah, but at the same time a truly good instructor would still focus on how if you can avoid the fight, that's 100% the best path to take. Beyond the viability of what you learn, the average dude simply won't apply lessons well enough, and fighting is a chaotic thing. This isn't about the morality of punching another person, it's about how avoiding the fight is the best way to protect your health and well-being. A wallet and a phone aren't worth risking a stab or being hit and falling head first into the ground.
@@lorenzomeulli750 which he did say. But it was a Krav Maga class, not a "You're paying me monthly in order to teach you common sense" class. If he hadn't been teaching Krav Maga, he wouldn't have been a Krav Maga instructor. Like I get what you're saying, but it honestly comes across as contrarion given the context.
I absolutely agree with your instructor's training and I would like to add to the theme of "practical." In my training, it took getting to the rank of third degree brown belt, which was preliminary to the black belt, to start training in the "combat" version of martial arts. While all the precursor experiences involved a lot of sparring and grappling, practicing escapes from holds, etc., the combat version did not. At least with us, what is "practical" is to never, and I emphasize "never" ... get into a circumstance where you can get injured, where you actually have to trade blows or grapple. But for those occasions you couldn't avoid it the philosophy was to quickly immobilize the opponent by removing his ability to breathe, to see, and to physically move such as shocking him with blows to neural and vascular points (i.e., the classic liver punch). Secondly, avoid using your body parts to deliver the blow if you can. Striking someone with your hands, knees, elbows, and feet can be effective, or using his body to leverage a fall is also good ... but you can only do so much of this before exposing your own body to damage plus exhausting yourself. For this reason we also trained with concealable weapons, my favorite being the yawara stick, a five inch cylinder of wood or metal with a ball bearing at one end and a retractable spike on the other. It is easily concealed and at the time of my training not considered a "weapon" in most of the USA. A blow to the throat, temple, solar plexus or an organ connected with the vagus nerve with concentrated force can be pretty disabling. Even blows to peripheral areas such as an axillary plexus can be a good start to a more disabling strike. I recognize that this method of training is counter to the heroic physical engagements in martial art movies and supervised competitions but combat is about the survival and sustenance of you and your team and the destruction and removal of sustenance of another. It should never be confused with the beauty and inspiration offered by the many versions of martial arts in existence today, including MMA.
I studied Krav Maga too. My instructor would emphasize attack just enough to get out of the situation and then run for it. Don't make it fancy, don't make it complicated, and don't stay in a fight if you can run. It actually helped me on a couple of occasions in real life, and turned out very effective in the situations I found myself in. But both times the person I ended up defending against didn't expect me to fight back. I don't think I could have held my ground if they were more prepared.
As someone who spent some time learning about different martial arts. Not all martial arts are combat sports. Some are arts. And some that are combat sports, are inefficient. They are not needlessly "fake".
Very true. I did a bit of the Korean martial art that taekwondo is derived from. It makes a point that it is about self-improvement instead of sport or practical defense. Also fun, the instructor was an engineer at JPL, so none of that chi BS... He'd talk about momentum, moments of inertia, and such ;) One of the senior students was high level in some other martial arts (I don't remember which), and taught everyone some practical defense stuff like basic grappling and breaking holds. That plus the muscle memory to block instinctively have come in handy a few times over the many years since. Often a would be fight/assault just ends if the attackers' initial move doesn't go as they expected... At least in my fortunately extremely limited experience. But really, that's not what most martial arts are, or should be, about.
@@travcollier qi is something only present in internal martial arts whilst taekwondo is external. and its definitely real, theres no debate about it... the idea of it being some mystical energy is the pseudo science part, but its applications are evident, theres no debate on what its done. besides, every ancient myth has truth to it, or else the myth wouldnt have been formed. its not bs, its just an alternate explanation that was made up when they had less theoretical observations to science. you can scientifically break down all the ancient martial arts stances and techniques, how they work and all that stuff, and you can with qi too with stuff like blood circulation, vital flow and stuff like that. you can say 'oh its bs not real i believe in science🤓🤓 ' all you want but the results are there and practitioners have shown just how much it has managed to enhance themselves. any real man of science would understand that the idea of science is literally to be curious and to be open, the concept of narrowmindedly believing in science quite literally contradicts itself. those who disregard things are those who arent curious anymore, thus they feel a sense of pride and scoff at different ideas, they arent open to anything. science isnt to disprove things like religions and myths, its to explain them. also qigong is chinese, not korean. EXTREMELY shameful on your end to talk with such confidence yet you seem to be not only horribly misleaded when it comes to practicality, but also passive agressively ignorant against belief? idk where youre from but youre quite literally being like a level100 professional american rn
It could work as long as the practitioner prioritizes practicality and survival when using it. You can using martial arts to defend against multiple people, and then run. Just don't stand your ground and fight 1v4 like an idiot.
@@upisntdownsilly 🤦♂ I'm fine with talking about chi as a metaphor and conceptualization technique... but it is not even remotely an accurate model of reality. Also, tangsoodo... "Tang" as in dynasty of China. Korea managed to stay independent, but was heavily influenced by China (and pretty much a vassal-state some of the time). Also, apparently I know a hell of a lot more about the philosophy of science than you do, but don't really feel like getting into right now. Let me just point out that it is pretty damn arrogant of you to try and tell me what I believe -_-
- "I want to be good at self-defense, please give an advice which martial art should I learn?" - "You're serious or just for display?" - "Of course, I'm serious! I want to protect myself and not just for show!" - "Running"
serious advise here. i think you should look in to Muay thai very aggressive style. the use of kicks punchs shins elbows. also get fit for this style of course. and krav maga. meant to be the best self defence style for real life encounters quicker to learn then muay thai. but muay thai longer to learn but you will be a better fighter.
Muay Thai will more likely disable you PERMANENTLY than will reach the point where it has real life applications. As for Krav Maga, it's a killing arts and isn't even the best killing art. In fact, most of the time, you'll probably end up killing yourself. Take my advice, forget martial arts, if you have to disable your opponent- go weapon arts, the ones meant to maim and possibly kill your opponent and not the showmanship crap.
@@acevaver5425 My favorite moves involve a group who work together to detain the threat so (s)he can be rehabbed. Too bad when I look around in case I need support all I see is people backing the mindless thug. Just try anything solo vs a crowd.
@@nefelibatacomingthrough2707 that's freerunning what you are talking about. The og parkour has no fancy stuff, just jumping and adapting to enviroment.
our karate teacher had us do incredible amounts of cardio workouts before even beginning the training, and never once taught us how to defend against knives, and there's a reason for that which I think speaks for itself.
this is the dumbest advice ever. in real life running has a 20 percent chance of working. carry a pistol and shoot first. sometimes youre slower, sometimes youll tire first, sometimes you have a DUTY to hold your ground. "just run" is an idiotic platitude that only people who have no combat experience repeat because he was too dumb to realize that many of you may face a knife, regardless of his fantasy platitudes
@@sophisticatedblob3820 Staff martial arts were developed in ancient wartime and rely on the user to carry a staff or spear at all times to be effective. In modern times any effective martial art deals with what you can carry on you. So knife, or gun.
@@sophisticatedblob3820 in your own home where you might not be able to run it might actually help, otherwise it probably won't because of reasons already mentioned. But there you'd have access to blades and you know the place better so you could position yourself to have an advantage, maybe stab them from behind when they enter a room
I think it is extremely important to manage one's expectations. If you believe a martial art should be just about self-defense, you will be terribly disappointed by most of them. They are sports, ways of developing character, discipline, body fitness, and things in which people of the same training background can compete in. They are, effectively, what they are called - arts. And arts were never about being 100% practical in the cynical, real day-to-day world. If you want to learn to fight (not perform/compete), a martial art can help you a lot, but it won't do all the lifting by itself. It was probably never meant to in the first place.
Playing golf with a Korean man who was in special forces: “I have a black belt in three martial arts that took me more than 20 years to get; best form of self defense? NINE MILLIMETER!” *slaps his hip where gun would be* I cried laughing. I can still see this little dude laughing at me lol.
exactly most basic hand to hand the military teaches is all about surviving and holding your opponent till your buddy comes over and shoots him in the head
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It's less comparable to a self-defense technique and more comparable to a football strategy. And then with some martial arts like Tai Chi, they are more a matter of stretching and working out than they are about actually fighting. Tai Chi is common with older people with arthritis because it is good for the joints. Comparable to something like Yoga with flexibility.
I studied American Kenpo Karate for a decade. I was convinced I had developed superior fighting skills compared to most average guys. Then, I became a corrections officer at a maximum security facility. I quickly learned that 90% of everything that was so effective in the dojo was virtually useless against violently psychotic inmates. Moral of the story...what theoretically works in a karate school on fellow students, rarely works in an actual violent altercation against someone whose seriously intent on injuring or killing you.
my plan of action if I ever get myself into a serious fight is to just run, unless I can't or I happened to find a good ol' stick/pipe , then I might consider fighting back depending on the situation. just like in a war, if you are fighting for life or death on fair grounds, you're doing it wrong. you should only ever fight seriously if you know you can win, or have no other choice.
Kenpo works great with someone who knows kenpo. That goes with most of all the eastern martial arts!!!!!! However, I like my 6year old son learning kenpo. Later when he becomes teenager I will recommend him to learn wrestling and boxing.
Our Kempo teacher demonstrated how to deal with a knife attacker. One of the students pulled out a rubber knife to attack. The instructor ran out of the dojo door and came in from the other with a smirk on his face. Lesson learned.
@@edim108 wait in Most fight you have to run like you life depends on it because it does because unless you habe a gun or big knife a robber with a knife mugging you will win
When I took kenpo karate at a young age, we were given self defense drills to do with the instructor as the 'attacker' and he randomly wouldn't cooperate with you while you were doing your moves "because you have to be prepared in case it doesn't work". That stuck with me for many years to come. The guy was a legitimate badass who worked as a bouncer but it also left me horribly paranoid that everyone was out to get me for years. I was too young for that level of intensity. I also appreciated that my second school did not hide the fact it taught sport karate and not self-defense karate. "You're here to practice the art, not become street fighters". I respected the honesty and it helped me be honest with myself in that I just wanted to do moves that looked really cool.
A combat instructor in Russian Army used to tell his cadets: “To fight in a hand-to-hand combat, a special force solder has to squander on the battlefield his guns, knife, belt, shovel, and his armour; manage to find a neat flat ground, with no rock and stick. Find on this ground a similar irresponsible f…foe. And engage in a hand-to-hand combat with him.”
This. There's a reason why a modern army trains with weapons. If your Martial Art trains you to kick and punch, you'll be good against your standard drunk/druggie in the street. Also, you'll notice that most televised fights tend to last a surprisingly long time for people genuinely trying to injure each other...
@Original Video Game Whizzkid Dude, tone it down with all the insults. People who'll attack you unarmed outside of the ring or dojo will be mostly drunk, and then being trained in martial arts makes you able to effectively defend yourself.
@@elvancor If people want to attack you then they jump you in groups. No defense against that except gun or maybe a weapon like a knife if you're scrounging. People don't just attack others when they're drunk.
Training for all forms of combat in the Western world are about, in my opinion, instilling self-confidence. Anyone who attacks you without any consideration of his self-interest will almost always do more damage to you.
Yeah, the 'protecting yourself against a knife' is why I stopped taking karate classes I had started. The instructor said 'no, someone with a knife wouldn't do that' even though what I was doing with the fake knife as the attacker was very effective (literally I was hitting through the block we were being taught every time) and I had no knife training. The instructor clearly did not know what people with a knife and no knife training would do, which would lead to the 'defense' being ineffective against someone desperate with a knife.
I have great respect for the dojo I used to go to, once went to a knife defence class they ran, learnt the techniques for 2 hours. At the end they had the knife person just attack you and you defend yourself, stop then look at your clothes, funnily enough they were covered in the grey of the knife. "if you can run away every time" was the lesson he wanted to impart on us.
@@jackjepus that was like my karate teacher telling us how to defend against 4 people. with the most ridicules techniques, even at such a young age it was so dumb it put me off going back. hopping round in a circle while doing front kicks, like they are going to wait their turn before kicking the crap out of you. my judo teacher on the other hand says you run as fast as you can.
Best defense I ever heard of for defending against a man attacking with a knife, when you have a knife of your own and must win the fight (can't run away): start stabbing the guy as fast as you can in the hope that you will seriously injure him before he does the same to you. Of course running away is a better option for survival if you can and are fast enough. Only effective way to avoid being repeatedly cut or stabbed is to not be there in range of the knife.
@@iansneddon2956 This is why even gangs try to avoid knife fights, as usually both parties are seriously injured or dead after them. There are no winners just two people that both have a ton of stab wounds.
@@ryansatoshi7932 @Kai Ryan De Guzman you don't get. If a Samurai master is waiting for a shot to be fired while having 2 hands prepared to draw the sword, knowing the direction of trajectory, in a isolated clam environment is able to do it once, Implicates that he can do it any time, with any amount of bullets. So your *Flak 41 Anti Air gun with 88mm caliber* wouldn't be able to injure that said person!
There was this Kung fu movie I saw that had a great quote in it. "If you want to beat someone in a fight, you bring a gun. If you want to maximize your own body's potential, you learn martial arts." So I always so martial arts as a discipline and skill, a form of conditioning not unlike weight lifting or cardio intervals.
Yes, I also think of martial arts that way. Most of them are not really useful in actual fights on the street, but they are great for training a good physique, just like a good workout at the gym or on the running track.
I remember when I was doing karate, (mostly for the fitness aspect) and the instructor pulled out a bunch of wooden swords and staves. I asked "What weapon would you choose?" and he said "357 magnum!"
@@vikingsuperpowers945 it is a "chinese vs japanese occupation" movie with Jet Lee. I don't remember the name. He fought with the father of his japanese girlfriend, the father being a karate master and military general iirc. After their fight, father said that line about bringing a gun
You nailed, friend. Great video. I watched a 2+ hour RUclips video from Rokas Leo about a variety of self defense tests, full of great wisdom, action and even humor. In one test scenario, they guys were confronted with a knife wielding robber and had to defend themselves. (They did not know what the scenario was going to be until they walked into the room.) The first guy got out with only a minor injury (denoted by red paint on the rubber knife ending up on the person) and got I think 3 out of 5 points. The second guy, said, "sure, I'll give you everything" and gave him his wallet. He got 5 points. I think that was awesome.
Kumite is actually just a term meaning sparing, Kumite are actually commonly held in most dojos, anyone who knows even basic Japanese martial arts terminology would know that story was BS
Having a critical mind also does help identifying this story as bullshit. You know, in his time in the army, he just casually masters two techniques of martial arts...damn he fast
@@wittlekitty3174 yeah right. What does knowledge gift to you, if you cant even identify such a tournament as bs. Whereas having a grow mind helps with everything even getting a high class job, or whatever. Stay critical and conscious my dudes. Ask questions.
The funniest way to disprove the kumite of Frank was a youtube video that did the math. With the amount of heats, semi finals etc the tournament was to have it was revealed that multiple times the Earth's population would have had to have taken part in it to get the correct number of entrants. Unfortunately the video is not up anymore but I couldn't stop laughing when I heard the result.
How about hands being registered as lethal weapons, my actual grandmother told me that and we laughed for hours. She said I can kill you by making cookies!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You want some more cookies sugar!!!
I remember one of the things my karate sensei always stressed before and after training, the best defense was not even being there. He had 2 classes a week that were basically confrontation avoidance practice, talking, running and just being aware of your surroundings at all times. If you had to fight, you fought to disable your opponent as quickly as possible and then gtfo. I miss training with him but my body and joints are too fucked up to go back to training.
@@StayTooned2C i know sensei had a rough life growing up. we listened because we knew at some point he had been in situations and the fact that he was there to teach probably meant his advice worked. for the most part y'know.
@@whitemoonwolf13 there is no such thing as a "karate sensei". Or doing "karate" which is why I ask. You can do for example shotokan, goju ryu or kenpo, which fall under karate. Karate basically means "martial arts" It's like saying you had a martial arts teacher, and when I ask did he teach you kick boxing or bjj etc? You say: he teached me martial arts. ??
I’ve been training in martial arts for at least 40 years. Trained in quite a few disciplines, the common thread I’ve found is, do what it takes according to your ability. Don’t fight if you can avoid it, but if you do go all out. I think we can avoid most conflicts by not putting yourself in a bad situation in the first place. Ego and pride have caused way too much suffering.
This is what caught my eye as it being fake from the get go. Why would someone go from the Marines to the Army? That’s like being offered steak and saying “Nah, I’ve got a Lunchable here mate.” It doesn’t make sense.
I was a teen in the early 1970s during the big kung fu movie craze with Bruce Lee, the TV show Kung Fu starring David Carradine, and all the rest of that. The Hollywood fighting was so heavily embellished with camera tricks, sound effects and choreography. I had a friend who was totally into the whole scene, he knew all there was to know about Bruce Lee, and he learned all sorts of fighting moves and practice them fanatically. One time he and I were with a couple other guys drinking and getting rowdy. He started throwing snap kicks in my face, pulling up short, trying to blow my hair back, and he could do it. He was fast, and tougher than I was. He was getting fun out of intimidating me. I had seen a collegiate karate tournament on TV recently, the combatants were wearing pads and gloves, and I noticed the fighting was nowhere near as graceful and choreographed as the movies. I noticed a lot of the fighters countering high kicks by grabbing the attacker's foot and taking him backwards to the ground. So with that in mind, I silently told myself if that foot of his comes to my face once more I'm gonna grab it and put his ass on the ground. I did exactly that, and it worked perfectly. I had him hopping helplessly on one foot and I put him flat on his back. Then I ran like hell. L0L
Your friend thought he knew everything. He was learning cinematic martial arts. It is utterly useless and only used to make it look flashy for movies. Bruce Lee uses a cinematic version of JDK/Jun Fan Gung Fu in his movies and is utterly useless. Actual JDK usually uses low kicks below the pelvis because there is a great chance of your opponent catching your foot if you kick higher. The low kick can't do much so it is an entry kick meant to make your opponent flinch/stun or get them off guard and then you finish off with combos, very much like MMA. Although MMA kicks are meant to hurt and if you catch the foot chances are your hand or forearm is going to be damaged. There is rare footage of Bruce Lee sparring and it looks completely different from his movies. His opponent even punches and kicks him a few times. Many movies use cinematic version of martial arts even Rocky movies. If you drop your guard even slightly like in Rocky when in a pro boxing fight then you going to be taking a floor nap.
I had a similar experience as a young man. I had been training with a Jujitsu club for about five years taught by former servicemen who had backgrounds as military police and special ops. While we treasured the "art" part of the martial art with rewards of belts it was clearly explained to us that this was different from combat training, which, strange to many, consisted of evasion, ambush with weapons, and filthy take downs made to maim and render an opponent unconscious or incapable of pursuit. No sparring, just brutal stuff taking no more than a few seconds and preferably, without the awareness of the opponent knowing we were present. So, similar to your story, my friends and I were at a sports bar drinking when a guy we knew who had advanced belts in a Korean kicking art started taunting us with with impressively fast snap kicks to our faces. He was an excellent leaper as well. I congratulated him for his skill and politely asked him to leave us alone. He replied that none of us would last 2 seconds with him in a ring. He emphasized the remark with a jumping spinning back kick only this time instead of allowing him to complete the rotation I stepped in and embraced his leg at the upper thigh and crotch and then sat down on his stomach as we fell down. His femur dislocated from the socket. Through tears he loudly complained that I had attacked him when he was just fooling around. I replied that the entire event took less than 2 seconds. I helped him return to his friends who took him to an ER. To be honest, I didn't expect nor want to injure him. All I wanted to do was to discourage him by trapping his leg and immobilizing him on the ground with a leg crank. When I reported this to my Sensei, he said, "Well, darn, what happened to just walking away in the first place?" He had a very good point and I learned from this.
@@platoscave99 My friends and I were just foolish teens imitating things we saw, and I have zero fight training or experience. But one thing I figured out on my own is if you have the ability to kick a standing opponent in the head, then you will probably only have one chance to use that shot by surprise and make it count. Landing a kick to his head will be devastating, but at the same time you are highly vulnerable in the moment when you throw the kick. If he gets more than one chance to see you throw that kick, he's probably going to figure out a way to stop you.
@@zeeksthegoblin7564 Back then with no internet there was no way to see Bruce Lee sparring IRL or anything else to debunk Hollywood, fan mags etc. When I saw that tournament on TV, it was by random chance. It was not MMA either, it was some kind of karate student competition with strict rules, lots of pads and mats, and nobody getting hurt, but still it was all out real fighting with the associated chance and chaos. No perfect timing, no perfect blocks for every blow, no superhuman speed with whoosh-whoosh sound FX. And a lot of mistakes. Right away I saw fighters make the mistake of throwing a foot where it could be grabbed easily. The guys throwing high kicks did not have that Hollywood lightning speed. My friend didn't see that tournament.
The foreign exchange student from S. Korea I was learning from taught me the most valuable lesson in martial arts. He told me very specifically, "It's not for fighting. For fitness. For balance. For meditation and spiritual awareness. Never for fighting."
agree I think many martial arts nowadays don't claim to be for real life fighting, at most for athletic fighting with rules and restraints. Many would also stress the philosophy and the training to the mind is more important than the physical aspect.
I'm fairly sure a can of pepper spray is far more effective than most martial arts. I think when it comes to martial arts, It's more a sport than actual combat.
@@ilovebutterstuff I don't have the reference because I absolutely despise people like him, but I'm fairly sure that a blinded fighter won't be a threat to you if you blind him before he catches you. Regardless of both of your fighting skills.
It's important to remember that the vast majority of martial arts are, ultimately, sports. They've developed rules over the century to isolate them from other styles and specifically limit or ban lethal or maiming moves. Even the ones that haven't were almost all developed in an age where pikes and swords were the standard weapons they might be used against, or used with.
I took hapkido for a while with my kids. Probably the most important things the instructor taught us were first run away if you can, second if you can use your training to buy a few seconds, use that time to run away, and third if you're in real danger and you can jam their eye with a pen or something, that's usually more effective than fancy holds and kicks.
@ImplicateOrder It doesn't take all that much pressure to snap it. And people won't look at your feet most of the time. So a stomp kick can easily take them out. And they won't be able to pursue. I have a couple moves I practice for self defense situations. Thats the practical one. The other one, isn't as practical, but I've don't it on a resisting opponent, grab the punch, pull it to your side and nail their nose with a palm. (In the fight I struck his forhead instead because we couldn't hit face) It works well as I can do it very very quickly (under a second, I forget my time) from a hands up position. That's a good technique I learned. When you start getting into an altercation put your hands up and back away. People will be less likely to attack you because your hands are up, palms forward. But he taught alot of techniques from that position. He had alot of emphasis on a sudden burst of movement, surprising and stunning them, and running. I think I've gotten off topic, my point was, ikr? Everyone should know how effective a good knee kick is.
100% of the time, not fighting is the safest option. Back into a corner, there is no such thing as dirty fighting. And any time someone is attacking you, it's fair to assume they might kill you if you don't fight back.
@ImplicateOrder I'm a black belt in kenpo and a kick to the nuts usually just ellicits a chuckle from me lol. I'd rather get hit there than in other spots, like behind the thigh or in the kidney/liver
Worth mentioning, MMA is the perfect proving ground for fighting techniques designed to win in a competition fight. But they're NOT the end-all, be-all of proving what's effective at self-defense because MMA has rules. If someone is trying to kill you, you do what you have to do. Strike the throat. Strike the groin, gouge the eyes, do what it takes to thoroughly incapacitate. You can't do any of those things in MMA. Therefore, if a martial art is focused on lethality or long-term incapacitation, its effectiveness cannot truly be measured by seeing how it fares in a contest that effectively neuters it.
@@UnjustVerdict they spare as well. I don't know of any martial arts that teach nothing but killing blows. Partially because it IS difficult to practice effectively. But that doesn't mean the technique is ineffective. Simple example, teaching practitioners to go for the throat. If you're in a tangled fight with someone, there are often opportunities to strike to the throat. Now, obviously, that's an instant DQ in competition and with good reason. But I'm a life or death fight? You crush that wind pipe, he's going to have a lot less fight in him IF he lives.
What is very bizarre is how Bruce Lee is still widely talked about, I can understand from a movie point of view but he did fight in Real tournaments and he lost most of his matches, even was quickly knocked out with one hit a few times. He is not the guy on the Big screen
I think some people forget that traditional martial arts were invented around 1000 years ago. Rules of war and combat for a specific region were culturally and spirituality enforced and as a result the martial arts were adapted to them. So they probably worked very back then. Cut to the modern world were we have new weapons, protective year and none of the rules all of a sudden martial arts dont work as good.
Xu Xiaosong is a hero man. He's begging harrsed by Chinases government and yet he is still fighting. The man deserves more attention. Thank for putting him in your video.
Martial art is a billion dollars industry in China, Xu was got in the way of it. Parents were paying huge amount of money to send their kids to those schools. This is not your mall-size schools that we are talking about, this is a full-size thousands of students pseudo-military academy that we are talking about here.
And if you would see a true martial artist to use his karate to become a world heavyweight champion in the ufc, you would be salty cuz you would be wrong. Funny thing is, that theory is actually true. Lyoto Machida has been training karate since he was 5 so yea martial arts are and have been effective in combat for years. They were invented by villagers who would get raided so they had to find a system of combat that would protect their women and children Do you really think people back then would rely on a form of combat that that is impractical? No because if they did then their kids would get killed
Jackie Chan was asked how he would react to someone threatening him with a weapon. He said he would run. Almost always the best option.
Man has a weapon, better run then fight
Kroos if he wants my wallet and phone and bag I would give it to him and run
Still making stuff up?
Try to out-run my bullets, muhahahaa...
Well, Martial arts were developed to protect you or maybe people around you. Fighting someone will only result in you being hurt no matter what, choosing to run away is a smart choice.
I remember reading a book by Bruce Lee on self defense.... where he mentioned "If I want to kick a man in the face, I will make sure to throw him on the ground before the kick"
His point was... high and flashy kicks were mainly for movies... but oftentimes just sacrificed your balance... and footing.
It's worth pointing out that Bruce Lee got a very quick and useful education on the set of one of his movies. "Judo" Gene LeBell was an absolute master of judo and at the time was working as a stunt and fight coordinator on movies, and was employed on the set of one of Bruce Lee's movies. Lee and LeBell got into a spat over something that Lee wanted done but LeBelle vetoed for some reason or another and the spat turned into a physical challenge. LeBell destroyed Lee in about fifteen seconds, choking him unconscious. Which is not a mystery as a choke-out is a legit way to win a match in judo and believe me, a good judoka can put you to sleep in ten seconds or less. It's pretty frightening the first few times it happens but it's extremely effective and one reason judo is so useful in real-world fighting unlike most martial arts which are useless garbage.
Anyway, Lee was extremely impressed with what LeBell did to him and from that point on he incorporated extensive grappling into his own personal fighting style. He even immortalized the event by using that exact same choke on one of the villains in the movie as a tribute to LeBell. Bruce Lee was all about what was practical. In that sense he could be considered a pioneer of comprehensive MMA fighting. He's one of the few star martial artists in history that was the real thing and could use his skills effectively in genuine combat.
Someone asked him once how many boards he could break with a punch. Lee replied "Boards don't punch back." His way of saying how useless board-breaking is if you truly want to be able to defend yourself.
Correct. When I was involved I preferred to use my hands, throws. and low kicks. Flash is just that. But its usually not very practicle
Bruce lee was a charlatan like Joseph Smith
@@justiceforall6412 if you are a boxer yes, if you practiced any body contact sport which involves high kicks and use them comfortably, to stop the force delivered by that kind of kick to the head you have to be wearing a fucking motorbike helmet
@@justiceforall6412 plus kicks have an insane range, double that of punches, and they are lateral blows, much harder to stop or dodge or even to react
I asked my father how to fight. All he said was "fight dirty". I asked if that was unfair. He said there is nothing unfair about doing whatever it takes to save your own life. Run if you can. If you are attacked, fight dirty. There are no rules, there is no "honour". Surviving is all that matters.
Exactly, My dad always told me to run becuase "if the other guy has a gun, you're dead."
This is also why I think jujitsu, Wrestling, MMA ect are also as fake as any other. In real fights there is no judge, no ref, no paramedics, no rule and a lot of times weapons.
Kahbib is no match for a handgun, Silva could'nt win against 5 guys let alone 5 guys with knives.
@@yutulib7585 That guy is luckly to be alive a few cm up and his bracial artery would have been severed and he would have bled out.
It's not a good example.
@@yutulib7585 Even then there is a lot of risks and variables involved when it is a fight for survival. But, i agree if it is a fist fight on the streets.
@@genmaicha.lapsang At least if you have basic knowledge of self defense your chances of survival are higher, so knowing a certain fighting style aint bad at all.
It's not bad at all. When I say "fake" in this context I don't mean useless. What I mean is that after 1000 years of explosive poweder weapons and 200,000 years of knives, swords, clubs ect that hand to hand combat doesn't really have a purpose beyoned sports or art.
Your best chance for survival in any stiutation is run, or give the the theves what they want.
Like i said the guyin the link was maybe 2cm from dying.
I Studied Aikido for a little while as a kid. The thing that I realised later in life is that all the wristlocks and armlocks I was tought ended up being worthless for self defence. The thing that was unexpectedly valuable was how in Aikido you will spend the first 3 months of training just learning how to fall down and spring back up without sustaining any injury. 35 years later if I trip or fall I still instincively go into a roll and pop back up to my feet unharmed no matter what direction I might be falling. Aikido has saved my life repeatedly in the least badass way possible, lol. Aikido should translate to, "The art of avoiding hip replacement surgery".
Or the art of don’t getting hurt in any situation. Ipractice aikido since 2017, after 3 lessons I fell in the bath of the dojo and I broke 2 ribs (only when I recovered I learned how to fell). This monday I fell off the bike while I was running very fast (I think near 12-15 mph), I made an perfect ukemi no scars or bones broken. Also one time I get surrended thanks to Aikido I’ve learned How to evade from the strike line and so I run away as fast as I can (good for me I’ve practiced athletics for ten years). I think that if I’ve never practiced Aikido in these two case I would been very hurted (excuse me for the eventual grammatical error I’m italian with a very basic english formation)
I got the same from some judo I did as a kid. Can't remember any of the fighting stuff but knowing how to fall has saved me from hospital far too many times.
Not everyone who takes a few years of Piano lessons, is able to play perfectly under duress!
I trained aikido for a few years...then I trained aikijujutsu. Same techniques with different intent. Aikijujutsu does not "care" about the opponent. The techniques are done fast and hard, and are VERY effective. Most Aikido is flowery, watered down, large circle aikijujutsu, and very different from the original 1200 year old battle field art it descended from. It's all in how you train the techniques.
its cuz aikido has little to do with locks. This realization is the first step into aikido
I remember to have a good kung fo teacher when young. I would never forget the 3 steps to survive a figth.
1. Ignore the provocations.
2. If that fails, run
3. If hes faster than you fight until hes disoriented or uncontious enough for you to run again.
Spot on. Run, or make it possible to run.
there is a rule zero for that: be aware of escape routes.
have rule 2 planned in advance!
Hahaha love it😁😂😂🙂 very wise man😂
In these sorts of things, this is where Krav Maga excels, with rather lengthy teachings on situational awareness. Sometimes the best answer might not even be fight to run, as @Late to the Game pointed out. Rather, a whole slew of lessons after lessons on how to avoid situations, but also, when confronted, by the life that isn't fair, multiple attackers, different angles, weapons, etc, to simply be ready to finish the fight, in the quickest most efficient manner, even if that is lethal, and you won't be able to run from it.
Granted, this video was true that to properly master the Krav Maga techniques (which do work in principle), you would have to be willing hundreds of people in practice to truly get the instincts down to a brutal level of efficiency and counters. So in that, yeah, maybe the other MMAs might be good to train you to actually fight. But take the real world practice of extra dangers and situational thinking at least from Krav, I think it does wonders the others don't properly address as well. So, making that a Mixed Martial Art as you will :)
in other words b bomb site rush
Reminds me a guy I know. He said that his martial arts allows him to disarm anyone and anytime.
I was given a loaded nerf gun. After me shooting him between the eyes with a nerf dart 4 times he lost his temper and yelled “You’re not doing it right!!”
I did that lol. My buddy was like "I don't even care if you move, I'll still get it away". So I pointed it, dropped and rolled onto my back, put a foot in his gut to keep him away and just dumped the magazine into him. He was mad
No you
@no name if the person with the gun is willing to pull the trigger
no name kickback beats gun 50% of the Time
That reminds me of a scene on Andy Griffith when Barney was practicing Judo.
My friend a 6"4 boxer who had won multiple tourney's , and I a Tae Kwon Do practitioner with a black belt. Got into a street fight once. The opponents took out a knife. We both ran so far, and so fast, and got away. Proving, that our training had paid off.
Yeah, best block? No be there. First lesson; cardio. Human beings are tool users, unlike anime there is no strengthening your muscles until you can resist knives or bounce tire irons off your pecs
@@ClevrYogi No amount of training, even from childhood to now, will make you invulnerable to a 4 inch sharpened piece of flat metal.
Every hit to the skull is cumulative damage to your brain. There is no training against it. @@ClevrYogi
@@ClevrYogi if youre trying to tank getting shanked it just shows your brain is not as trained as your body.
My martial arts teacher is actually very reputable and extremely skilled... but refuses to teach us how to defend against a knife. He said if someone took out a knife against him, he would run, so we should too
when i started practicing taekwondo, one of the newbies asked the coach when we will learn how to defend against an armed opponent while barehanded, or how to fight a one vs many fight. the coach laughed a bit and said "you don't need me to teach anything since it's actually quite easy. all you need to do is run in the opposite direction as fast as you can"
Lot's of respect for Taekwondo. I was in a national competition in my first time coming up against Taekwondo and was shocked to find a foot planted in the back of my head while I was still looking at my opponent face to face!
My coach also said if it was a barehand you shouldnt be afraid but the moment a weapon is involved you gotta dip
@@KfcOwner yeah, once the opponent has a weapon, they win. the only way to even the odds is to have a weapon of your own, and use the inherent threat carrying a weapon brings to force your opponent to stand down. if you have no weapon, then they just need to rush you, and you will have no way of defending against it.
there was a video made by several professional fighters about this situation, using a red pen instead of a knife. and no matter how good they were, the assailant still ended up scoring several fatal wounds on all of them in 1v1 before they could subdue him or take away the weapon
Your comment is wrong.
I know lots of people who could easily win against m even if I had a weapon and they were unarmed.
Those videos with the pro fighters you mentioned are a load of crap. Frankly if I tried to attack any of them with nothing more than a knife I would be defeated in seconds and the fighter would walk away unharmed every single time..
Frankly if I was ever attacked by someone who is used to being violent and I had a knife I would make no attempt to use it as a weapon because I know I have absolutely no chance at all - instead but would dispose of it
@@mrx2586 and that's the kind of comment that led a lot of people to their untimely deaths, that is made by a couch warrior who has never been in a fight and thinks they can pull off action film stunts irl.
actual professional MMA fighters, who compete on an international level, and who could easily beat both of us in seconds in a fight, still couldn't win a barehanded vs knife combat, even when the guy holding a knife wasn't a trained fighter.
all the knife fighter has to do is rush you and score a hit. that's how easy it is to take a life. you have to take control of the knife asap, which is near impossible against a resisting opponent who is intent on harming you, and who has nothing stopping them since the unarmed person has nothing to threaten them with.
even the MMA fighters in the experiment expresed how hard it was, and they all ended up taking several hits, including fatal ones, before they managed to fully subdue the assailant.
again, those are world class professional fighters who can kill a person with a single punch. an unarmed vs armed fight is unwinnable. don't bother arguing because it has been proven through actual experiments, not a thought exercice like you suggested
That guys false story literally just sounds like a mortal kombat characters backstory
True. It sounds like it even with the word "kumete" It almost sounds like mortal kombat.
i thought that too
Um, Mortal Kombat was essentially based on Bloodsport. So that bullshit story is MORTAL KOMBAT's backstory.
More like mortal Kombat copied his story. It was def bullshit but Frank dux tale was well b4 mortal Kombat was a thing
Johnny Cage is literally based on Frank Dux and Jean Claude van damme
I remember a comedian describing Scottish martial arts: "It mostly consists of headbutting and kicking someone when they're down" lol
Mike Myers, in So I Married an Axe Murderer. I always loved that line. Coming from a Scottish Canadian background myself, I can assure you it's accurate.
I think its called " F#ck yu!"
If nobody has guns, you knock them out. If you both have guns, hope that you can shoot the other guy first.
@@daverobson3084 when I first read your comment I read it with a perfect Sco’ish accent lol it sounded exactly like what some of my sco’ish friends sound like.
Being Scottish I can attest to this
That guy's story falls apart when he goes AWOL, wins the tournament, and just goes back to the army like nothing happened with no consequences.
not only not happens, he goes to work with CIA as if the intelligence agency would work easily with an AWOL guy that could have betrayed the country
Well, he did go from Marines to Army, and the Army has always had lower standards for basic enlistment. Don't get mad at me, soldiers, I was Army.
@@ChrisNeilMusic nah nah you right
But his going awol, and going to the kumite, was a Cia operation. So he would have been protected.
@@geetee2694 No, that would've been unauthorized, so he had to get a discharge from the Marines, get the proper reenlistment code on his DD-214, switch to Army, then go CIA. This guy is clearly a badass. I knew SF guys, and they couldn't just work with CIA. In fact, most hated CIA, so you know this guy obviously was legit because, you know, karate. And reasons. Clearly not stolen valor 80's edition.
After competing in a number of traditional martial arts competitions the main thing I found was that once fighting actually began nearly all of them looked the same. Gone were all the fancy movie type moves. The only movements that worked had to require little motion and able to be executed quickly. Probably the most important part was actually the footwork, primarily being able to sidestep lunges and aggressive forward closing steps.
best kind of footwork is running away
fully agree. In my dojo where I practiced karate, we were also taught aiki-jujutsu techniques and did a lot of combat type training, to keep the focus. I think of traditional karate as a textbook: many moves your body learns and may produce quickly if needed, but a real fight will not look like a kata.
I done Shotokan Karate (i know its YMCA level stuff) but when it came to sparring, the stance was immediately changed to the "on guard" stance - something similar to boxing
All the Kata had nothing to do with real life (where your feet was in a triangle or one fist was kept beside your waist etc)
@@halflucan This. It goes down to how the style is handed down, how it is taught. We were taught Kata for strength, coordination, and for tactics/fighting ideas. But when we applied those ideas, they looked completely different than the way they were presented in the Kata. It's an interesting study.
@LibertarianGaltJapanese Jiu jitsu is a lot better than those for most people
A friend of mine studied martial arts from a young age hoping that someone would attack him so that he could try it out in the street. Well, his chance came in an attempted mugging in the streets of Kampala. After fending of two of the trio of attackers he was stabbed by the third with a hidden blade and barely managed to escape alive. Needless to say it is good to know how to defend oneself but avoid conflict because fights are unpredictable.
Let's say that fighting even 2 trained and motivated opponents is a huge challenge. If even one of them is armed with a knife then it is almost impossible to win.
@@dmitriikurilov3662 the issue is it is impossible to know whether someone is armed especially on the street. Running away or de-escalating confrontations is always the safest bet. The problem is most martial arts teachers brag about the impregnability of their styles(to gain more students) and mislead their students into believing that they can win against guns, knives and multiple opponents.
@@kabohakevin4103 You are very true.
The real conflict situation is much more complicated than just the kicking and boxing part:
- How can you be sure that this little scrawny shit is not going to draw a knife and stab you in your liver when you are occupied boxing the ears of his mate?
- How far are you going to go in this fight? Are you ready to break the temple bone of the guy, make him a cripple, get yourself into a jail for years and even after release pay for the crippled guy's support?
Well sht, if he fended off 2 out of 3 attackers martial arts definitely worked. His attitude was wrong but that's no small feat.
As they say, in a knife fight the loser dies on the street, the winner dies in the ambulance
My teacher’s most important lesson was that, while yes, you can win a fight with karate, you can’t beat a bullet. Just run if you can.
"I've yet to meet a man who can outsmart a bullet."
Anime has lied to me once again
I was always taught "if you willingly choose to fight, you will always be wrong." Whether trained or not, fighting should only be a forced hand and should never even be considered.
Even if the person gas terrible aim *im gone*
@@FezFindie Well why dont you ask a bullet what 2+2 is? Bet it cant answer that, then you give the answer and BOOM
You outsmart boolit
I remember an article in Mad Magazine that promoted a martial arts move called ghun. Pronounced as "gun." It was purported to be effective at long ranges when used by a skilled practitioner.
Underrated comment
“For his neutral special, he wields the ghun style”
Old history channel bit I half remember from the good old days.
" A man tried to mug me saying he was a master of Kung Fu, I responded I was a Master of Ca-Choock, He asked what that was so I pulled out my shotgun and pumped it, He ran off."
The precursor to John Wick's gun-fu.
The effectiveness depends on the caliber of the practitioner along with the accuracy of their strikes.
"Does it consistently perform against a completely uncooperative, fully-resisting, aggressive opponent?"
I really like these criteria.
But its BS, at least the "consistently" part.
@@sword-and-shield you can't just call something BS, you have to explain why
i hope your martial arts are better than your debating skills
@@MrShysterme Explain! If you are some newb or don't fight, than you may need an explanation. Which would then be "start fighting" and you will lean the explanation.
NOTHING preforms "consistently" against a completely uncooperative, fully-resisting, aggressive opponent. That is why its BS. I got my life of street fighting and 10 yrs of bouncing rank bars when younger for the proof, regardless of anyone's spewage.
@@sword-and-shield Dude, you're just making it worse. You make a claim without any support. I point this out. And now you've turned into I need to explain why I think your claim was not supported. I did not state that I agree with the original comment, therefore I do not have to defend it in order to point out that you did not support your point.
The way to address my concern is to actually support your original assertion.
This is just basic burden of proof stuff that they should teach in high schools if they were interested in anything but drones.
@@MrShysterme Dude, I didn't make no claim. I stated a fact, maybe you go and re read those simple words in my first post. They mean exactly what the definitions are. Worse, then you were answered in my second post, if it wasn't to your liking, I could care less, it was answered with simple fact. You want PROOF, get busy kid, years of real street fighting is the only thing giving that.
My father is a retired SWAT instructor and he got to meet Frank Dux and train with him. I will never forget my dad's description of him "Guys been kicked in the head way too many times"
I would love to hear more about what your father thought of him.
You have an insight to a controversial figure..
...or not enough.
@@johngault7329 he (Dux)told a lot of CIA stories. Talked about guns that were designed to fire underwater. It was a long time ago but those were the two things I remember. That he “has been kicked in the head too many times” and the guns that fire underwater and all the weapons that the CIA keeps hidden from regular law enforcement.
@@Squidaniel the guns designed for underwater use is definitely real, I believe it was originally designed in th3 cold war days, but was mainly used for "frogmen" type units, so the guns real but his conspiracy is bs lol. Wouldn't be useful for local police to have anyways lol
@@ReaganRuinedEverything as a frog man currently living in Coronado CA I would LOVE to know more about these guns that fire underwater?
“Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”
― Bruce Lee
MMA in a nutshell, if usefulness is beating the crap out of the other guy
Meh Meh Bruce lee basically started mma
That's why I practice Jeet Kune Do free flowing movements with any style you want to adapt any situation
He'd been proving how useless many martial arts are and have beaten up supposed masters without a problem. He's basically said, the best martial arts is the one you fight in the streets with.
The irony being that this quote is so overused that people forget the last part.
Oh and stop attributing this quote to Bruce Lee. As a JKD instructor, at least a legit one, we don't like it that much. It was Sun Tzu who said it, Bruce Lee adapted this principle to his training and then, the marketing people attributed it to him.
Someone’s probably already pointed this out but I think it’s important to mention that Sumo is not meant to be used in self defense and no one would claim so. Sumo is not simply an art that can be taught. Sumo is a sport that kids start training for from a young age in order to compete later in life.
Sumo is LITERALLY a way of life in Japan.
Indeed, still don't pick a fist fight with one. It might not be made for self defense but they ain't no pushovers.
Another thing someone also probably mentioned is that capoeira wasnt made for fighting it was to be able to fight, since in brazilian prisons you werent allowed to fight so they acted like they were dancing
Yeah but this is the internet, where people are only interested in being able to judge other people based on the most shallow understanding of the topic. In other comments people are trying to say there is no effective Chinese martial art despite China being a military power for literally thousands of years.
@@cautemoc4624 I think that’s because people only think of martial arts as hand-to-hand combat, usually from Asia.
This isn’t the case, martial arts encompasses all forms of combat. Learning how to fight in CQC with firearms is a martial art. As is learning how to fight with a sword, bow, spear, and so on. So is learning to fight as part of a unit, be it with firearms or with spears. Jousting is a historical European martial art, so are archery, fencing, and wrestling. It’s not just Kung Fu and Karate, you’re right.
I trained in Karate. I was also a Karate instructor. My most valuable advise to my students had been show everyone respect, so you never get into a fight. If you had to fight, then run away. If you cannot get away, then pray that you have a good lawyer if you win or hospital cover if you don't.
So essentially u conned them
this is the dumbest advice ever. in real life running has a 20 percent chance of working. carry a pistol and shoot first. sometimes youre slowr, sometimes youll tire first, sometimes you have a DUTY to hold your ground. "just run" is an idiotic platitude that only people who have no combat experience repeat
@@notrolling-er1wq site your 20% claim. Otherwise STFU with it because you're full of s***.
My sensei taught me a style literally so deadly I accidentally killed him upon my first lesson, he had called it gun fu.
Have you heard of the version of Gun Fu called Shick Shack Boom?
There was actually a movie based on your sensei's style call Equilibrium staring Christian Bale.
who was he kiano reeves
john wick
bullets of anything less than an ar-15 will not kill me. anything less than that will just piss me off. I can take a 9mm or .22 to the forehead/ face and survive it easy, i'll prove it to anybody, just give me some gold for the ordeal of pain and a few xanax and a mid strength beer to remain calm and focused and not give fuks
Throughout martial arts career I was taught how to avoid conflict. Like non threatening behaviour towards an aggressor, being aware of surroundings, and how important it was to have a clear mind (not drunk). We were also trained on strength, speed, agility and wits. This was to give us an advantage to MOST people. But we were always told... There will always be someone bigger, stronger, faster and better.
I feel real disciplines that teach you how to fight properly always teach you to use their teachings as a last resort
@@OMartinez91 100% we were always taught the best ending to a fight was no fight at all :)
My Pop warned me; "Even Goliath got his ass kicked."
So they taught you basic common sense.......
@@Aladinscave Not something that seems for granted to have or be taught anywhere in the first place.
"So basically martial arts is... A way to move around all cool-like?" - by Saitama
Underated comment 😂😂
nah only the ones that don't work
I'm sure it's decent exercise.
There is actually no big difference to dancing.
@Mr BuzzKill look up video's of trained fighters beating the shit out of body builders it is quite easy to find a lot of great examples where this isn't true
I go to krav maga and my trainers always say run away if possible
1. don't be there
2. don't escalate
3. Deescalate
Mine said de escalate. Use dirty tricks. Learn first aids.Use anything to hide or attack. Remember it's life and death. Better run,hide or use dirty tricks to survive. If You get injured use the first aids. If the other guy is a Nice guy honorable. Then fight honorable accept your defeat.
this is the dumbest advice ever. in real life running has a 20 percent chance of working. carry a pistol and shoot first. sometimes youre slowr, sometimes youll tire first, sometimes you have a DUTY to hold your ground. "just run" is an idiotic platitude that only people who have no combat experience repeat
@@notrolling-er1wq your advice is worse
Also, never trust a martial arts "master" who uses the title "Master." 99 times out of 100, they'll be fake.
Everyone fears the mere touch of Master Bater
Master ken is the exception to this rule
Master splinter, oogway and wu are some of the very few exceptions to the rule
"You claim to be the master of fists... this disturbs me... the road to true mastery is much harder. Let us travel it now..."
-Oro to Akuma in Street Fighter III: Third Strike
Unless they're called Ip Man
Fake martial artist gets offered money to assassinate Steven segal? That needs to be a comedy movie.
I would pay to see lol
Game show
moes80 - that’s like hiring someone to assassinate Alec Baldwin because you hate Trump.
Steven Segal is so fat he is practically bullet-proof.
Netflix would green light that in a heartbeat.
I remember watching Blood Sport as a child, then seeing the "Based on a True Story", text at the end. I never trusted that line again lol.
Every other “based on a true story” movie is probably less accurate to it’s... *ahem* “source material”
To be fair... it WAS a true story until it wasn't. :P
@@TheEDFLegacy it was TRUELY a story.
The key word people take for granted is "based." All that means is that the framework of the idea originated from a true story. Technically, everything fiction is "based on a true story" because the idea has to have originated from a real source.
@@kalsyphr5039 Ah I see so blood sport is "based on a true story". Was that story " Mortal Kombat?"
An Aikido master and friend of mine once taught me that the best defence against robbery was always carrying _some_ money, not a large amount but something meaningful enough to make the assaulter think for a moment and give you an opportunity to run away
The idea is founded on two main principles:
1st - resisting is more dangerous than running
2nd - most assaulters will attack in frustration if given _nothing,_ and carrying a meaningful yet not massive lump of cash can be way cheaper than replacing a phone, a broken leg or a gunshot.. nevermind said gunshot hitting a loved one
Sounds like great advice. You have a single life, don't gamble it away
We call it a muggers wallet . You bollock your cash and have a few notes in an old wallet. Always used this 'travelling' .
Alternatively, a phone made of C4 always works
Xu Xaidong is a sad story. He's such a hero.
Real life martial arts movie protagonist
@anonymous on top of declaring him to have losses and ties to save face when he stomped their weak "masters" and shutting down him gym.
The mad dog is the hero we need
Must feel good going into a fight knowing I'mma spark this fool 🤣 hope he gets out of China and makes a life somewhere is respected like he should be
@@kurumachikuroe442 but the hero we dont deserve.
I want to see two "non-touch masters" fighting against each other
Imagine how they'll circle each other while throwing invisible ki balls at one another
Fun fact. The ki blasts in db are supposed to be invisible
@@masknzgamer not true, they basically shoot plasma, which is why it comes in many colors
Damn it! You again, how do you manage to be in all of my comments sections? God damn it
basically LARPing
that would look like southpark imaginary fight
Xu Xiaodong is a god damned hero.
Even though his life is being destroyed by his own country, he still fights for truth
he deserves a knighthood
He should be given refuge in a civilised country
rofl i thought it was the fake masters with a docked credit score. How are you going to have your life ruined due to challenging and winning against these so called "experts?!!?" SHOULDN'T IT BE IN REVERSE? Holy crap.
@@nukiesduke6868 He made the mistake of thinking that in China you are allowed to tell the truth in public about an accepted culture.
that's CCP for ya, why would they support a cause that literally destroys a part of their culture? well at least we know the truth now. that those "Experts" are wackjobs.
I have a no-touch technique that is quite deadly which I've been studying for a few years which involves the combustion of a material which produces gases that are directed down a narrow, confined channel in which a small object is placed. As the object is propelled forward by the rapidly expanding gases, grooves in the channel cause the object to spin, which allows the object to move forward along a trajectory with high accuracy and speed.
Then what?
@@danroberts9050 Then the bullet kills whoever it hits. But it is no touch lol.
I thought you were talking about a fart haha
@@Zazzi_Merlin Silent but extremely deadly lol?
Ok but I gotta say. If he had said "I can physically alter the environment and knockout people without touching them" and then just.... picks up chairs and hits people with the chairs. I'd give him props for that. Its technically true.
The folding chair...always a classic.
Ah yes the chair technique
This would be a great demonstration. Hilarious so you're unlikely to forget, while imparting knowledge of real value.
That one dude in Montgomery is a master at this technique
reminds me of that one bar fighter in Ong Bak with Tony Yaa: I think his name was Mad Dog and he just started to throw all of the furniture at Tony. Even a frickin' fridge xD
Bruce Lee was calling bullshit on traditional martial arts way back in the 60's. I think he called it dancing.
@Anonymous Anonymous I agree, he adapted what was useful and disregarded all the BS. He always looked for what was useful in any style, east or west, and how it could be made useful in real fighting. I recently read something that quotes some of Mr Lee's thoughts on traditional martial arts. Here's the link if you like to read.
Its just tricking, cool for Powerangers and really fun to do.
He called the kind of sport karate that was around at the time, that wasn't full contact "dry land swimming". It would have been funny if he had called it "dancing", as he was a Hong Kong Cha-Cha champion. He was particularly interested in the evasive techniques of western fencing.
Apperenty he wanted Yip Man to teach him the "rest" of Wing Chun" for the value of a family-house. Yip did not accept his offer.....
@@florianm.h.muller6181 Yip Man's myth has overtaken his reality.
People think thise films are goddamn documentaries lol.
Anyone who wrestles would smash someone who had zero ground game or sprawling skill, even Yip Man.
Double leg takedown and mount = all wing chun obsolete
If your “master” or “sensei” says his art is too deadly to be used in a competition, you’re in a McDojo.
That depends. Some styles simply aren't meant for competition while others are actually "designed" with competetive regulated sport in mind. But basically you're right - if that statement is actually used, thats likely bullshit.
@@dcjxd i.e. the military styles he was talking about. Chances are if you rip out a mma fighter eye you'll go on to win the fight, but not the court charges.
@@dcjxd just to tack this on. It's very very unlikely any style like that survived without being in military use. Pretty much every old martial art had moves that aimed to maim or kill, but once martial arts became an exhibition/competition/"self defense" most were removed from even practice, much less use.
It's why submission arts and sporting arts stayed affective enough, while martial arts faded, the original style wasn't meant to just beat an opponent, and when you remove those fangs it becomes a half-assed shell of what it once was.
Hell look at kendo. It'll get your ass kicked against anyone who has a weapon and half the people that don't, and meanwhile it was something soldiers once used to defend their lives with before it got turned into a sport(name also changed for this one tho).
The old-school martial arts were once meant to give you a fighting chance at survival against armed opponents after you lost your weapons, they typically didnt have a lot of rules to follow
@@Syllaren Exactly. I train Bujinkan Ninjutsu, and my trainer is, luckily, rather progressive. We acknowledge the very stylized Kata as a form of art and oral tradition, but they are not meant for actual fighting. And even though we have a repertoire of potentially lethal techniques derived from traditional warfare and personal protection duties, the basic rule is still: Run, if you can. Nobody is fighting for a shogun anymore and disarming an opponent with a knive may be possible for a seasoned fighter, the risk is realistically too high to get hurt. Anyone stating otherwise is a show off trying to get quick money by selling off worthless black belts for a cheap ego rush.
zeezhz everybody knows you disarm knives and guns by doing a jumping crescent kick with vocalization.
I watched a street fight way back in 8th grade where one guy was obviously very well trained in MA and the other was just a big bully. I thought the trained guy was going to win until the other guy just tackled him and proceeded to beat the trained guy. It was the longest fight I've ever watched. I still give the trained guy respect though. He stood up for himself and lost honorably.
He wasn’t trained well then.
I mean dude, someone knowing martial arts will absolutely beat someone who doesn’t know.
Martial arts is just knowing how to fight. I think you misunderstood the video
@@lightup6751 yeah I'm certain he continued his training... We were only in the eighth grade.
This host looks like he’s about to sell me some tobacco or whiskey in barrels, or something.
The Emperor of Mankind that's really funny.
I think he's trying to sell a tobacco barrel full of whiskey
... Whilst slipping maritime metaphors in to the conversation.
He looks like that Paul guy from the Bohemian Rhapsody
I did Wing Chun for a while, and while I can agree it's probably not good in MMA, there was one thing my trainer would always say: You block the first attack then you run. That's all the self defense I will teach you.
Simply put, he didn't try to oversell what we were taught. All the while trying his best at teaching us useful techniques.
many martial arts are just that, arts. whish is perfectly fine, dance isn't gonna help you in combat, it was never meant for that, the issue arises if someone tries to sell dance lessons claiming that it helps in self defense.
many ineffective martial arts are in my opinion, more like dance styles, were superior dance technics can defeat there dancing partners. they look cool, can make the body healthier and physically stronger, as well as give self motivation and improve mental health, but there not gonna do shit against two dudes with sticks.
I! am 70 next birthday and still practice martial arts. I started training at 16yrs old doing 15 yrs of Wing Chun, since then I have done TKD to 3rd dan, Boxing having 15 amateur fights winning 10m and currently Tai Chi as it is great exercise for someone of my age. I have only had to defend myself once being attacked in the street by a large drunk. I floored him very quickly and broke his cheekbone using a Wing Chun block and punch at the same time (Left armTan Sau against his right-hand haymaker and right-hand punch twisting my fist upwards when making contact as our style taught) So Wing Chun does work but I have to say and do when asked that boxing is the best art to learn for self-defence
I don’t watch mma but I’ve seen videos about it where they claimed Kung Fu was virtually useless in the cage. I had about a year’s worth of training in Kung fu and I can tell you that if you actually used it in the ring, you would end up either maiming or killing someone. The things you learn in Kung fu are against the mma rules so of course someone trained only in Kung fu will not fare as well as a different martial art that is more in line with mma rules. Kung fu is meant more for life or death situations in real life; it’s not a sport.
@@ledocteur7701 are you a parrot
Krav Maga is the most practical form of combat. It's Israeli.
If you learn a martial art, the biggest thing I've seen is to try them out on someone who has absolutely no idea whatvmartial art you're using, but is fully capable of defending themselves. I can't tell you how many times I've been put on my ass trying out "techniques" on someone only for them to easily resist mindlessly. It's a fun way to humble yourself. Also, remember, it doesn't matter how fast your fists are, a bullet flies faster. Know when to yield and when to run.
I see you've watched Indiana Jones before! Despite that scene being a total goof, there was infinite amounts of wisdom in it... AKA don't show off and don't be an idiot.
The best thing to learn is to read a room and to read people if you see before hand if shits going to go down then leave if you know some one is going to attack ATTACK FIRST
Thats one of the many problems i have with "self defiance " classes they say dont start the fight not dont instigate it
A fight is won most times in the first 3 seconds thats what they dont understand is that no amount of practice is going to save you when you get knocked down to the ground and been kicked in the liver 3 times
@J Calhoun yea but in my eyes if you do have to fight then stay as long as your safe and make sure you have witness as walking away make it much more likely to have charges pressed
If its a a he sayed this and i say this you might at worst get a small fine but if its one sided your at least spending a night in jail
The reason for this is that todays martial arts are no longer killing techniques. Try a traditional one and the result will be different.
@J Calhoun What was he training? You can consider China and Japan, of course, the two main countries for far eastern martial arts. For China it was mainly Buddhist and Daoist monks who developed techniques. In Japan, which was at war for vast periods of time, it was also a common part of the warriors repertoire. These techniques are no longer taught in the traditional lethal way. Only Ninjutsu, to which today Samurai techniques had been added and is now Bujinkan, is still as dangerous as it was designed.
My Karate Teacher literally said if we would ever be attacked we should run and only if we couldnt run away we should fight, but not even with the techniques he taught us, but with your bag, phone or keys, anything. If we dont have anything like that we should try the techniques. But I didnt go to karate to learn something like that. I went to karate to get physically and mentally stronger. I went there for about ten years now and i didnt gain any crazy muscles buuut I can strech, run, fight, analyse situations, better than anyone in my school, and I of all my classmates actually know how a fight would be in real life. Also its just nice to do something with your friends after school or just to let of some steam and beat the sh*t out of somebody.
That’s odd because martial artist definitely work.
It’s just knowing how to fight. Boxing is martial arts. Muay Thai. Karate. Wing Chun. All got useful applications
this is the dumbest advice ever. in real life running has a 20 percent chance of working. carry a pistol and shoot first. sometimes youre slowr, sometimes youll tire first, sometimes you have a DUTY to hold your ground. "just run" is an idiotic platitude that only people who have no combat experience repeat
@@notrolling-er1wqdid you miss the part when he said he was in school lol? Also you're so American
@@BEN-ys6gu gay
"You attacked me wrong".
Like all beginners..
Jim Carrey!?!
@@afrikanglory8218 yeah :)
@@RandomlyDrumming "It's in the bone. It's in the boh oh oh oh oooone"
"You can't do that in REAL wrestling/karate/judo, so it doesn't count"
I studied a rare form of Gung Fu, known as "Drunken Asshole" style. Our weapons kata include broken beer bottle and barstool fighting techniques. Tequila provides an indomitable martial spirit!
You forgot the table
Shit buddy, where do I sign up? :)
@@maxgonzalez214 You can sign up at any bar in America, but there may be a cover charge.
And as Peter Kay would say, if you've got a set of car keys stick them in your hand and make em count 👊
I think you'll find that most barflies are skilled in that art.
So he was trying to multi-class as a fighter and a monk... but turns out he was only a bard with high charisma...?
You spoony bard!
Reminds me of the legend of the Ogre-Thief who specked all into str and intimidation, and when it would fail a stealth check, which it always would, it would just scream "YOU DO NOT SEE ME!" and continue sneaking while the NPCs are petrified with fear.
The difference is the legend of this ogre is true.
but he did play an instrument... unfortunately they were people he played.
nah, he probably just hit a nat 1
I studied with Wutan International for about 10 years and we did everything from Tai Chi and a variety of "Kung Fu" styles as well as Chinese kickboxing and ground fighting. After watching this video, I now realise we were actually doing MMA.
Might as well have a crack at that UFC belt then, you should be fine 😂
@@CastorRabbit Maybe if I was 30 again I would.
I do xing yi quan :D
I remember my MA teacher told us that if we could run then run. Now, this is an advice from a fifth-degree black belt Karate master.
I did taekwondo for years and I got my black belt, no matter what rank we were we were told to run if we had a chance.
@@calciumclansoldier1351 My experience as well. I did it for over 8 years and was always told that. Kids and adults were told the same thing. Fighting is always your last option.
I agree but the decision to run is not always an easy one to make. For example, if you run and can't outrun your opponent(s), or find shelter from them/him then you may end up expending the energy needed to fight him/them.
@@taylorhall9509 In my opinion the overwhelming majority of street fights are avoidable in the first place. It is rare when someone has absolutely no choice but to fight someone else.
@@hanoc101 you have to take calculated risks. It's just like we are told when learning self defense to use our environment to our advantage. So yes of course running in some case may not be the best option. But it should be your first thought before having to stand your ground. I grew up taking tkd and I have never once had to use it and I'm a female. My brother has never had to use it either. My dad on the other had is 3rd degree black belt and has had to use some form of self defense on at least two circumstances in the last 10-15 years. In both cases he was able to avoid an all out fight by knowing how to subdue someone who was trying to harm him... and his line of work at the time was working at a cable company. Martial arts does work with years and years of training and repetition. But the majority will never have to utilize it. Or in a worse case scenario with a gun involved will never truly have a chance
He who runs away, lives to run another day.
@Jolly Infidel it means you weren't able to run away so you don't get to live another day
@Jolly Infidel true actually, I didn't think of that. Tbf I don't think too often
Im pretty sure rustman from black ops 2 zombies says this
Rincewind's Art of Self-Defence
The truth about effectiveness of a fighting style. You must fight and have hard sparring in your training or you'll never have effective application of the art. You must fight to learn how to fight, otherwise you're dancing.
It's been said never give a man who can't dance a sword - Confucius
@@khaosknight2010 I think it was Miyamoto Masashi who said that
So true I know black belts who have never taken a hard punch to the face. Total shock to the system when it happens.
@frankos rooni Completely agree. If I had to bet on a rugby player in serious combat with someone from most martial arts my money would be on the rugby guy. It's the reaction to truma. Rugby guy get hit heavily often but have keep going. You can get a black belt and never know the shock of a sweaty 15 stoner smacking you in the gob with all his might. No comparison.
@@TheAndybow1964 I think the problem are these little dojos parents send their kids to. I was in one. It was low to non-contact. You get belt promotions for memorizing sequences and paying more money to enter tournaments. Doesn’t matter if you win or lose you’ll eventually get promoted for going through the motions. I saw a black belt kid in my first month who’s kicking form was dogshit. Dude kicked like a grandma. People just monetized off the martial arts popularity from the 80s or whatever. Real martial arts were actually practiced with real fighting back when you needed to in times of war, whether it was the most effective form or not it was something which was better than nothing. Karate was used in real combat... Mcdojo karate was not. MMA has made a joke out of some disciplines because we have all evolved to figure out which forms are the best, it’s not the fault of the discipline being “fake” but that’s just the natural progression of figuring out what’s most effective with the introduction of mixed martial arts.
It’s kind of disrespectful to the old ways tbh. Now we have figured out that western boxing, jiu jitsu, wrestling and Muay Thai are the most effective, we go clown on less effective forms. You don’t see anyone else going around using modern High Jump techniques in the olympics and clowning on the old ways and calling it fake. People need to realize we’ve just progressed with combat knowledge, no need to talk shit about the old ways. It actually was useful fighting knowledge against someone who wasn’t or less trained.
In the early 90s I started Taekwondo. Our instructor/Sensei was of the "old school" form of striking and not the "points system" Taekwondo that became popular in the 80s tournaments... People put petitions against us, because we fought at the tournaments and not simply get points.
I really question how martial arts has evolved to point where survival in the street with no rules is not emphasized any longer. I spar in a school presently where groin strikes are not permitted and students typically don’t wear cups. In a prior school I was in, wearing cups was essential since we targeted the groin readily while sparring. You can guess which better served to train me for street fighting. I must admit when sparring I have residual instincts to strike the groin when I didn’t mean to do so. Even when pulling the strike it still gets noticed by my opponent. I am 70 yrs old and have intentions to preserve skills for street fighting. When I hit my heavy bag I still throw in groin strikes with boxing combos so maybe my effort to preserve street techniques will preserve my readiness to strike the groin in the street and unfortunately when sparring where groin strikes are not permissible.
my favourite part of this is that kumite literally just means "fight". imagine if there was a football world cup called "ball"
Sounds straight out of a cheesy fighting tournament game
@Red X Team Stanley knives
Someday I'll fight in the kumite and make my father proud
@@Scribe13013 you will always be a mistake.
parkour is the martial art of running away.
That was funny. Parkour is awesome though.
The old joestar technique of running away
@@p3el_ finally a Jojo reference
As someone who has actively used this to escape a gang fight (me just being random bystander who got cornered), yes parkour is a lifesaver. Would trust it any day over even the most potent combination of mma. After all, all forms of properly trained martial arts only let you spar versus one opponent at a time, in a fair fight. In reality, you almost never find yourself in a fair fight, nor against just a single opponent.
This is no time for a jojo reference
The first rule of combat is, "there are no rules."
@IceFairy Fan ask him if he wanna go
@Alex Amaya second rule.....no u
IceFairy Fan The third rule is that ur dad gay
Yeah, I gonna use nuke for a street fight...epic
IceFairy Fan but there is rules in martial arts
"60 round, single elimination tournament"
That would require over an octillion combatants.
"He is an idiot. We purposely trained him wrong... as a joke."
i love you for knowing this quote
I heard this one before. where is it from?
Yes this brings back memories. hwahh.
Kung Pow. One of these days I swear I'll get through the entire movie.
When in doubt, always remember the first rule of fights: don't get in one.
Chris Wuebbolt the golden rule is backstab your opponent.
Yup! I probably fall under a "not practical" martial art, but the best thing I ever learned was to just not fight in the first place.
You definitely lose the kumate with that strategy bro.
The very first rule of any practical martial art, is to de-escalate.
AKA "run away" or avoid putting yourself into a position that may result in a fight... Don't get in one, lol.
In my experience, that's always the very first thing taught.
@no name Not true at all. And even if it was, what power does the word 'natural' give it? lol.
If it was 'natural' in the way I think you're projecting it, you'd expect to walk outside and see people on the floor wrestling in every street.
Most fights are when people are drunk or high, when people are more stupid and have poor judgement. There's nothing natural about that.
Too many 'Martial Art' schools are social clubs that teach some fighting skills.
Difference between fencing & sword fighting is the difference in many 'Martial Arts' schools/clubs.
Be sure to always carry your Zweihänder at your side in case of a fight in the street or at a bar.
Just do jiu jitsu
@Heragoth ^^ This. If you want to protect yourself on the street, Muay Thai or traditional boxing is much better for self defence. Jiu Jitsu is a hell of a lot of fun though.
@Heragoth If there's more than 1 attacker just draw your gun and start firing, oh, and do that if there's only one attacker, too.
Jup, when i was a kid i was in a karate class for like 5 years. Was pretty dumb. Most of the time they put me up against a type of "stonewall" guy that was 2 heads bigger and double my weight. Couldn't move him with anything. Was kind of retarded cause how the hell will you learn anything there.
I remember when I took some martial arts classes when I was in junior high school, it was drilled into us that using them to actually defend ourselves was always a last resort, after evasion was deemed impossible or impractical. The fact that weapons are both extremely common and so dramatically sway the odds in and consequences of a fight were also lessons heavily expounded on.
I used my skills to deal with bullies that kept instigating fights, and eventually they stopped coming after I stopped losing, and I haven't had to truly fight since...the closest I ever got was scrapping with my bro over something I can't even remember, and when we fought each other we fought honorably and avoided causing true injury, so I knew there was no danger and I didn't have to fight 'dirty'.
this is the dumbest advice ever. in real life running has a 20 percent chance of working. carry a pistol and shoot first. sometimes youre slowr, sometimes youll tire first, sometimes you have a DUTY to hold your ground. "just run" is an idiotic platitude that only people who have no combat experience repeat.
@@notrolling-er1wq If you HAPPEN to have a gun on you, live in an area where carrying one is legal, and can trust your justice system to uphold self defense, then sure: fire away. Otherwise, evasion is preferable to confrontation unless you have a DAMN GOOD REASON to stand your ground such as protecting someone more vulnerable, especially against armed or potentially armed opponents, just like animals in nature avoid avoidable battles or confrontations that have an unacceptable risk of injury/death and generally fight only when given no viable alternatives. By running, you increase their risk of discovery and your own chances of recieving aid, as well as potentially escaping outright. Trying to fight an assailent on their terms, at the location of their choosing is almost certainly the WORST set of circumstances available, and potentially opens up new and exciting options like 'kidnapping'. And if they have a gun, you're fucked regardless, *especially* if you fight.
So following your advice you will end up hurt or dead in very short order, assuming you actually expirience danger semi-regularly and don't live in a gated community or other such 'protected' space.
Your critisism screams of extreme ignorance and/or privilege, you provided no evidence for the statistic you pulled from nowhere, and you endorse (in my opinion) a truly moronic idea that, were it shared broadly would lead to many stupid avoidable injuries and/or deaths. Also, remember the classes were taken as a teenager, in other words, a minor. No one is going to give a minor a gun, nor are they likely to hold a duty to fight. Your ideas fail on TWO counts.
@@OriginalUnjustifier second amendment says carrying one is legal everywhere. its your life, be a coward or dont. but reality doesnt change based on your choice bro.
also what country are you from that you just said "trust your legal system" thats not a thing on this planet. maybe elsewhere.
@@notrolling-er1wq 1st: America =/= The world
2nd: Most modeen legal systems are two tiered at best, outright corrupt at worst
@@notrolling-er1wq 1) Again, not everyone carries firearms everywhere, nor is it generally legal to do so in many countries. America =/= The World.
2)The legal system in America has been watched by the entire world as the establishment commits unprecidented lawfare on its opposition, calling the impartiality and security of the whole system into question, with knock-on effects spreading across the globe as fears of domestic conflict in America and elsewhere grow stronger with every passing day.
3) People get charged for 'excessive force' all the time, 'self-defense' as a defense has never been weaker than it is now, especially since being a criminal in a Blue city means you're part of an effectively protected class, not to mention the fact that the idea of who is 'allowed' to defend themselves has been heavily politicized. Look at how the media treated Rittenhouse for defending his life against multiple armed assailents.
"Later claiming his defeat was due to illness"
Hercule Satan: *Sniff* I'm so proud.
To be fair, Hercule was legitimately the strongest Martial artist of his time who didn't use Ki or something.
@@Merilirem yeah, he wasn't Z level, but if he appeared early in dragonball og series, he would actually be somewhat lethal
@@Merilirem He really was the strongest ant in an elephant zoo.
@@natereynolds2783 Agreed. Considering his sheer strength level? Pulling... What was it, 3-5 busses? Tearing a phone book in half? That doesn't sound so ridiculous in DBZ, but in Dragonball, and especially in reality, that's... Rather impressive. Especially the entire phone book, considering how difficult those things are to tear in half.
@@MrJinglejanglejingle Actually it was 3 Phone Books, not 1.
As soon as he said “went AWOL and then came back to the army” ...nah it don’t work like that.
Yeah. I was like, "oh shit this guy is fuuuuuucked, even if he does win."
But wait, somehow it was all okay?
... Doubt.
My first thought , when he said the guy just " went back " to the army / marines whatever .
ikr lol, he supposed to be in jail at that time
Knew it was bullshit as soon as he "won the medal of honor". There are probably 10x more stolen valour frauds than actual MoH recipients.
Bloodsport is a classic
Mike Tyson said "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"
That’s why you never step into the ring with plan. You just punch them in the face. If that doesn’t work. You just hi them harder. Lol
“Everyone gets punched in the face until they have a plan” -Tony Ferguson
@Scyth That's an awful lot of words in comparison, especially for sb they called "the great silent one" ;D
Martial arts without sparring, or actual matches, are kinda like learning to swim but never getting into the water.
“It is important to draw wisdom from different places. If you take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale.”
- Uncle Iroh
Darkman Studios yess a avatar fan
Love that quote
Wait but is the avatar the only person who learns multiple different bendings?
Wario ya
American dad said it best. “First rule of karate. Guns beat karate every time”
Unless they start catching bullets, which only happens in 2D
Or like just kill the opponent it’s that easy
Ya know it, you can't get punched if you're 1.5 miles away laying there with a sniper rifle
Keyboard warriors can destroy you from their couch.
Unless you're to close or slow.
I studied Krav Maga, and my instructor was former military. He emphasized the defensive stuff, breaking out of chokes and what to do if you ended up on the ground. He also emphasized creating space and getting away if you could.
All this to say, I think as long as your instructors actually have experience using the stuff you can learn practical lessons
Yeah, but at the same time a truly good instructor would still focus on how if you can avoid the fight, that's 100% the best path to take.
Beyond the viability of what you learn, the average dude simply won't apply lessons well enough, and fighting is a chaotic thing.
This isn't about the morality of punching another person, it's about how avoiding the fight is the best way to protect your health and well-being.
A wallet and a phone aren't worth risking a stab or being hit and falling head first into the ground.
@@lorenzomeulli750 which he did say. But it was a Krav Maga class, not a "You're paying me monthly in order to teach you common sense" class. If he hadn't been teaching Krav Maga, he wouldn't have been a Krav Maga instructor.
Like I get what you're saying, but it honestly comes across as contrarion given the context.
See I thought this was the whole point of krav maga.
I absolutely agree with your instructor's training and I would like to add to the theme of "practical." In my training, it took getting to the rank of third degree brown belt, which was preliminary to the black belt, to start training in the "combat" version of martial arts. While all the precursor experiences involved a lot of sparring and grappling, practicing escapes from holds, etc., the combat version did not. At least with us, what is "practical" is to never, and I emphasize "never" ... get into a circumstance where you can get injured, where you actually have to trade blows or grapple. But for those occasions you couldn't avoid it the philosophy was to quickly immobilize the opponent by removing his ability to breathe, to see, and to physically move such as shocking him with blows to neural and vascular points (i.e., the classic liver punch). Secondly, avoid using your body parts to deliver the blow if you can. Striking someone with your hands, knees, elbows, and feet can be effective, or using his body to leverage a fall is also good ... but you can only do so much of this before exposing your own body to damage plus exhausting yourself. For this reason we also trained with concealable weapons, my favorite being the yawara stick, a five inch cylinder of wood or metal with a ball bearing at one end and a retractable spike on the other. It is easily concealed and at the time of my training not considered a "weapon" in most of the USA. A blow to the throat, temple, solar plexus or an organ connected with the vagus nerve with concentrated force can be pretty disabling. Even blows to peripheral areas such as an axillary plexus can be a good start to a more disabling strike. I recognize that this method of training is counter to the heroic physical engagements in martial art movies and supervised competitions but combat is about the survival and sustenance of you and your team and the destruction and removal of sustenance of another. It should never be confused with the beauty and inspiration offered by the many versions of martial arts in existence today, including MMA.
I studied Krav Maga too. My instructor would emphasize attack just enough to get out of the situation and then run for it. Don't make it fancy, don't make it complicated, and don't stay in a fight if you can run.
It actually helped me on a couple of occasions in real life, and turned out very effective in the situations I found myself in. But both times the person I ended up defending against didn't expect me to fight back. I don't think I could have held my ground if they were more prepared.
As an old friend famously quoted, "You may know Ka-ra-tay, but I know Ca-ray-zay!!!" 😂 EPIC
As someone who spent some time learning about different martial arts. Not all martial arts are combat sports. Some are arts. And some that are combat sports, are inefficient. They are not needlessly "fake".
I guess they could be considered fake in that they're no longer really for combat as much as they are for self improvement and tournaments.
Very true. I did a bit of the Korean martial art that taekwondo is derived from. It makes a point that it is about self-improvement instead of sport or practical defense. Also fun, the instructor was an engineer at JPL, so none of that chi BS... He'd talk about momentum, moments of inertia, and such ;)
One of the senior students was high level in some other martial arts (I don't remember which), and taught everyone some practical defense stuff like basic grappling and breaking holds. That plus the muscle memory to block instinctively have come in handy a few times over the many years since. Often a would be fight/assault just ends if the attackers' initial move doesn't go as they expected... At least in my fortunately extremely limited experience.
But really, that's not what most martial arts are, or should be, about.
@@travcollier qi is something only present in internal martial arts whilst taekwondo is external. and its definitely real, theres no debate about it... the idea of it being some mystical energy is the pseudo science part, but its applications are evident, theres no debate on what its done. besides, every ancient myth has truth to it, or else the myth wouldnt have been formed. its not bs, its just an alternate explanation that was made up when they had less theoretical observations to science. you can scientifically break down all the ancient martial arts stances and techniques, how they work and all that stuff, and you can with qi too with stuff like blood circulation, vital flow and stuff like that. you can say 'oh its bs not real i believe in science🤓🤓 ' all you want but the results are there and practitioners have shown just how much it has managed to enhance themselves. any real man of science would understand that the idea of science is literally to be curious and to be open, the concept of narrowmindedly believing in science quite literally contradicts itself. those who disregard things are those who arent curious anymore, thus they feel a sense of pride and scoff at different ideas, they arent open to anything. science isnt to disprove things like religions and myths, its to explain them. also qigong is chinese, not korean. EXTREMELY shameful on your end to talk with such confidence yet you seem to be not only horribly misleaded when it comes to practicality, but also passive agressively ignorant against belief? idk where youre from but youre quite literally being like a level100 professional american rn
It could work as long as the practitioner prioritizes practicality and survival when using it. You can using martial arts to defend against multiple people, and then run. Just don't stand your ground and fight 1v4 like an idiot.
@@upisntdownsilly 🤦♂
I'm fine with talking about chi as a metaphor and conceptualization technique... but it is not even remotely an accurate model of reality.
Also, tangsoodo... "Tang" as in dynasty of China. Korea managed to stay independent, but was heavily influenced by China (and pretty much a vassal-state some of the time).
Also, apparently I know a hell of a lot more about the philosophy of science than you do, but don't really feel like getting into right now. Let me just point out that it is pretty damn arrogant of you to try and tell me what I believe -_-
- "I want to be good at self-defense, please give an advice which martial art should I learn?"
- "You're serious or just for display?"
- "Of course, I'm serious! I want to protect myself and not just for show!"
- "Running"
Therefore best self defense teacher is a track running coach.
@@jasonlisonbee parkour dojos...
serious advise here. i think you should look in to Muay thai very aggressive style.
the use of kicks punchs shins elbows. also get fit for this style of course.
and krav maga. meant to be the best self defence style for real life encounters
quicker to learn then muay thai. but muay thai longer to learn but you will be a better fighter.
Muay Thai will more likely disable you PERMANENTLY than will reach the point where it has real life applications. As for Krav Maga, it's a killing arts and isn't even the best killing art. In fact, most of the time, you'll probably end up killing yourself.
Take my advice, forget martial arts, if you have to disable your opponent- go weapon arts, the ones meant to maim and possibly kill your opponent and not the showmanship crap.
@@acevaver5425 My favorite moves involve a group who work together to detain the threat so (s)he can be rehabbed. Too bad when I look around in case I need support all I see is people backing the mindless thug. Just try anything solo vs a crowd.
If ya'll wanna learn self defense, learn parkour, its running, but with *s t y l e*
Its like having fashion in wood cutting. Totally useless and out of its place!
Parkour and Jui Jitsu together is pretty fricking neat
@@nefelibatacomingthrough2707 that's freerunning what you are talking about. The og parkour has no fancy stuff, just jumping and adapting to enviroment.
@@iagree3742 Still less efficient than parkour and practical shooting.
@@alatus7242 you right
our karate teacher had us do incredible amounts of cardio workouts before even beginning the training, and never once taught us how to defend against knives, and there's a reason for that which I think speaks for itself.
this is the dumbest advice ever. in real life running has a 20 percent chance of working. carry a pistol and shoot first. sometimes youre slower, sometimes youll tire first, sometimes you have a DUTY to hold your ground. "just run" is an idiotic platitude that only people who have no combat experience repeat
because he was too dumb to realize that many of you may face a knife, regardless of his fantasy platitudes
How to UNDENIABLY kill people without touching them using only chi:
1. Buy a gun
2, Train in how to shoot properly
3. Name your gun chi
Offend them
Only offence is needed, no need to offend.
@@sophisticatedblob3820 Staff martial arts were developed in ancient wartime and rely on the user to carry a staff or spear at all times to be effective. In modern times any effective martial art deals with what you can carry on you. So knife, or gun.
@@sophisticatedblob3820 in your own home where you might not be able to run it might actually help, otherwise it probably won't because of reasons already mentioned. But there you'd have access to blades and you know the place better so you could position yourself to have an advantage, maybe stab them from behind when they enter a room
Nah gun fu is better
"Joined the Marines"
"Returned to the Army" wtf?
8Flux8 yeah after he went awol...pretty sure they don’t appreciate that
@@sinbad4693 sounds like you don't have enough chi
@@sinbad4693 I think he meant that the US "marines" are part of the navy not the army.....durrrrr
"Rejoined the Coast Guard after a secret Eastern Only Karate Tournament in held in the BAHAMAS"
@@sinbad4693 US marines aren't part of the US Army, they have a different branch called the United States Marine Corps, or USMC.
"Every one has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." - Iron Mike Tyson.
"Everyone hath a plan until they get punthed in the mouth." - Iron Mike Tython
@@breakfaith3031 😂
It's like the one about the plans of mice and men but sounds cooler
It’s “… in the fathe.”
I think it is extremely important to manage one's expectations. If you believe a martial art should be just about self-defense, you will be terribly disappointed by most of them. They are sports, ways of developing character, discipline, body fitness, and things in which people of the same training background can compete in. They are, effectively, what they are called - arts. And arts were never about being 100% practical in the cynical, real day-to-day world. If you want to learn to fight (not perform/compete), a martial art can help you a lot, but it won't do all the lifting by itself. It was probably never meant to in the first place.
Playing golf with a Korean man who was in special forces: “I have a black belt in three martial arts that took me more than 20 years to get; best form of self defense? NINE MILLIMETER!” *slaps his hip where gun would be*
I cried laughing. I can still see this little dude laughing at me lol.
exactly most basic hand to hand the military teaches is all about surviving and holding your opponent till your buddy comes over and shoots him in the head
Totally agree! Just make sure you train with it. otherwise you are a danger to bystanders
nine millametah
Shouldn't brought fists to a gunfight...
Darryl West
Thank you for illustrating that voice better than me. That is exactly how he said it lol
Sumo most certainly is more of a sport than martial art.
It still is a martial art but ineffective on its own, still I see it as a sport.
No one can tell me that a sumo wrestler would be good in a fight
Vilmos Palik they would but only if the opponent tries to sumo wrestle as well or just has no martial arts training
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It's less comparable to a self-defense technique and more comparable to a football strategy.
And then with some martial arts like Tai Chi, they are more a matter of stretching and working out than they are about actually fighting. Tai Chi is common with older people with arthritis because it is good for the joints. Comparable to something like Yoga with flexibility.
Wait he didn’t serve time in hip for Awall
I studied American Kenpo Karate for a decade. I was convinced I had developed superior fighting skills compared to most average guys. Then, I became a corrections officer at a maximum security facility. I quickly learned that 90% of everything that was so effective in the dojo was virtually useless against violently psychotic inmates. Moral of the story...what theoretically works in a karate school on fellow students, rarely works in an actual violent altercation against someone whose seriously intent on injuring or killing you.
my plan of action if I ever get myself into a serious fight is to just run, unless I can't or I happened to find a good ol' stick/pipe , then I might consider fighting back depending on the situation.
just like in a war, if you are fighting for life or death on fair grounds, you're doing it wrong. you should only ever fight seriously if you know you can win, or have no other choice.
Kenpo works great with someone who knows kenpo. That goes with most of all the eastern martial arts!!!!!!
However, I like my 6year old son learning kenpo. Later when he becomes teenager I will recommend him to learn wrestling and boxing.
Thanks for the insight. Any suggestions on actual self defense in those situations
@Rafael 'Fig' Figueiredo if you're living in the U.S. learn how to shoot a gun.
Our Kempo teacher demonstrated how to deal with a knife attacker. One of the students pulled out a rubber knife to attack. The instructor ran out of the dojo door and came in from the other with a smirk on his face. Lesson learned.
“Everyone hath a plan till they get punched in the fathe”
- Mike Tyson
Basically. That's why the best self-defence technique is to run like your life depends on it. Only when you can't run should you actually fight...
@Michael S. You wouldn't get it
@Michael S. Something similar to maff
I actually imagined it in Megamind's Sapce Daddy voice.
@@edim108 wait in Most fight you have to run like you life depends on it because it does because unless you habe a gun or big knife a robber with a knife mugging you will win
When I took kenpo karate at a young age, we were given self defense drills to do with the instructor as the 'attacker' and he randomly wouldn't cooperate with you while you were doing your moves "because you have to be prepared in case it doesn't work". That stuck with me for many years to come. The guy was a legitimate badass who worked as a bouncer but it also left me horribly paranoid that everyone was out to get me for years. I was too young for that level of intensity. I also appreciated that my second school did not hide the fact it taught sport karate and not self-defense karate. "You're here to practice the art, not become street fighters". I respected the honesty and it helped me be honest with myself in that I just wanted to do moves that looked really cool.
Kenpo? Bob Boggs?
Kino Jaggernov 69 likes
Shut up.
@@Lyrics4y0u Kenpo, kempo, they're both correct, apparently. Honestly it's been so long I forgot how it was spelt.
A combat instructor in Russian Army used to tell his cadets: “To fight in a hand-to-hand combat, a special force solder has to squander on the battlefield his guns, knife, belt, shovel, and his armour; manage to find a neat flat ground, with no rock and stick. Find on this ground a similar irresponsible f…foe. And engage in a hand-to-hand combat with him.”
This. There's a reason why a modern army trains with weapons. If your Martial Art trains you to kick and punch, you'll be good against your standard drunk/druggie in the street. Also, you'll notice that most televised fights tend to last a surprisingly long time for people genuinely trying to injure each other...
Because it's drunken boxing and they take a timeout between to get back their energy
@Original Video Game Whizzkid Dude, tone it down with all the insults.
People who'll attack you unarmed outside of the ring or dojo will be mostly drunk, and then being trained in martial arts makes you able to effectively defend yourself.
@@elvancor If people want to attack you then they jump you in groups. No defense against that except gun or maybe a weapon like a knife if you're scrounging. People don't just attack others when they're drunk.
Training for all forms of combat in the Western world are about, in my opinion, instilling self-confidence. Anyone who attacks you without any consideration of his self-interest will almost always do more damage to you.
Or instead of training, just try crystal meth
Yeah, the 'protecting yourself against a knife' is why I stopped taking karate classes I had started. The instructor said 'no, someone with a knife wouldn't do that' even though what I was doing with the fake knife as the attacker was very effective (literally I was hitting through the block we were being taught every time) and I had no knife training. The instructor clearly did not know what people with a knife and no knife training would do, which would lead to the 'defense' being ineffective against someone desperate with a knife.
I have great respect for the dojo I used to go to, once went to a knife defence class they ran, learnt the techniques for 2 hours. At the end they had the knife person just attack you and you defend yourself, stop then look at your clothes, funnily enough they were covered in the grey of the knife. "if you can run away every time" was the lesson he wanted to impart on us.
@@jackjepus that was like my karate teacher telling us how to defend against 4 people. with the most ridicules techniques, even at such a young age it was so dumb it put me off going back. hopping round in a circle while doing front kicks, like they are going to wait their turn before kicking the crap out of you. my judo teacher on the other hand says you run as fast as you can.
Best defense I ever heard of for defending against a man attacking with a knife, when you have a knife of your own and must win the fight (can't run away): start stabbing the guy as fast as you can in the hope that you will seriously injure him before he does the same to you. Of course running away is a better option for survival if you can and are fast enough. Only effective way to avoid being repeatedly cut or stabbed is to not be there in range of the knife.
@@iansneddon2956 This is why even gangs try to avoid knife fights, as usually both parties are seriously injured or dead after them. There are no winners just two people that both have a ton of stab wounds.
@@tankt1ger955 The loser dies on the street, the winner dies on the way to the hospital.
“I have yet to meet person who can outsmart bullet” - The heavy weapons guy
Edit: People are taking this way too seriously
*Gets back stabbed by a spy while saying that*
...Until you see the samurai splitting bullets in half with his sword with perfect precision.
@@RestlessRizz Use either a machine gun, gatling gun or a minigun and see how IRL people fare (well anime defies logic so...)
Jetstream Sam tho
@@ryansatoshi7932 @Kai Ryan De Guzman you don't get.
If a Samurai master is waiting for a shot to be fired while having 2 hands prepared to draw the sword, knowing the direction of trajectory, in a isolated clam environment is able to do it once,
Implicates that he can do it any time, with any amount of bullets. So your *Flak 41 Anti Air gun with 88mm caliber* wouldn't be able to injure that said person!
There was this Kung fu movie I saw that had a great quote in it. "If you want to beat someone in a fight, you bring a gun. If you want to maximize your own body's potential, you learn martial arts." So I always so martial arts as a discipline and skill, a form of conditioning not unlike weight lifting or cardio intervals.
Yes, I also think of martial arts that way. Most of them are not really useful in actual fights on the street, but they are great for training a good physique, just like a good workout at the gym or on the running track.
Yes. There's a reason the gun has long been called "the great equalizer".
I remember when I was doing karate, (mostly for the fitness aspect) and the instructor pulled out a bunch of wooden swords and staves. I asked "What weapon would you choose?" and he said "357 magnum!"
@@vikingsuperpowers945 it is a "chinese vs japanese occupation" movie with Jet Lee. I don't remember the name. He fought with the father of his japanese girlfriend, the father being a karate master and military general iirc. After their fight, father said that line about bringing a gun
@@stadnikds Thanks I remember now, a remake of Fist of Fury. Good movie
You nailed, friend. Great video.
I watched a 2+ hour RUclips video from Rokas Leo about a variety of self defense tests, full of great wisdom, action and even humor. In one test scenario, they guys were confronted with a knife wielding robber and had to defend themselves. (They did not know what the scenario was going to be until they walked into the room.) The first guy got out with only a minor injury (denoted by red paint on the rubber knife ending up on the person) and got I think 3 out of 5 points. The second guy, said, "sure, I'll give you everything" and gave him his wallet. He got 5 points. I think that was awesome.
Kumite is actually just a term meaning sparing, Kumite are actually commonly held in most dojos, anyone who knows even basic Japanese martial arts terminology would know that story was BS
Having a critical mind also does help identifying this story as bullshit. You know, in his time in the army, he just casually masters two techniques of martial arts...damn he fast
especially things like "tournament where you fight to the death" are like, not a thing because nobody in the right mind would participate.
@@wittlekitty3174 yeah right. What does knowledge gift to you, if you cant even identify such a tournament as bs. Whereas having a grow mind helps with everything even getting a high class job, or whatever. Stay critical and conscious my dudes. Ask questions.
The funniest way to disprove the kumite of Frank was a youtube video that did the math.
With the amount of heats, semi finals etc the tournament was to have it was revealed that multiple times the Earth's population would have had to have taken part in it to get the correct number of entrants.
Unfortunately the video is not up anymore but I couldn't stop laughing when I heard the result.
How about hands being registered as lethal weapons, my actual grandmother told me that and we laughed for hours. She said I can kill you by making cookies!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You want some more cookies sugar!!!
I remember one of the things my karate sensei always stressed before and after training, the best defense was not even being there. He had 2 classes a week that were basically confrontation avoidance practice, talking, running and just being aware of your surroundings at all times. If you had to fight, you fought to disable your opponent as quickly as possible and then gtfo. I miss training with him but my body and joints are too fucked up to go back to training.
Which karate?
That sounded like a smart person who was probably going to save a life or two
@@Scorpy666 i can't remember the proper name for it but it translated to something like "open-handed"
@@StayTooned2C i know sensei had a rough life growing up. we listened because we knew at some point he had been in situations and the fact that he was there to teach probably meant his advice worked. for the most part y'know.
@@whitemoonwolf13 there is no such thing as a "karate sensei".
Or doing "karate" which is why I ask.
You can do for example shotokan, goju ryu or kenpo, which fall under karate.
Karate basically means "martial arts"
It's like saying you had a martial arts teacher, and when I ask did he teach you kick boxing or bjj etc?
You say: he teached me martial arts.
Joe Rogan wants to know if Thoughty2 has tried DMT.
been looking for a comment like yours :)))
chris taylor most likely 😅
Did he actually ask???
I have and can confirm it's an amazing experience
Why did I read DMT as CBT...
I’ve been training in martial arts for at least 40 years. Trained in quite a few disciplines, the common thread I’ve found is, do what it takes according to your ability. Don’t fight if you can avoid it, but if you do go all out. I think we can avoid most conflicts by not putting yourself in a bad situation in the first place. Ego and pride have caused way too much suffering.
Amazing. He joined the Marines, went AWOL, then returned to the Army.
Lol he would be kind of person to call a marine a soldier. For those who don't know, they're not.
Dirk Dykstra Marines is called UA.
It’s just such a stupidly obvious fake story from those three statements. What idiot ever believed him?
This is what caught my eye as it being fake from the get go. Why would someone go from the Marines to the Army?
That’s like being offered steak and saying “Nah, I’ve got a Lunchable here mate.”
It doesn’t make sense.
@@TheRealTedNeal Marines join the Amy all the time it's common enough that there's even a conversion program for it.
I was a teen in the early 1970s during the big kung fu movie craze with Bruce Lee, the TV show Kung Fu starring David Carradine, and all the rest of that. The Hollywood fighting was so heavily embellished with camera tricks, sound effects and choreography. I had a friend who was totally into the whole scene, he knew all there was to know about Bruce Lee, and he learned all sorts of fighting moves and practice them fanatically. One time he and I were with a couple other guys drinking and getting rowdy. He started throwing snap kicks in my face, pulling up short, trying to blow my hair back, and he could do it. He was fast, and tougher than I was. He was getting fun out of intimidating me. I had seen a collegiate karate tournament on TV recently, the combatants were wearing pads and gloves, and I noticed the fighting was nowhere near as graceful and choreographed as the movies. I noticed a lot of the fighters countering high kicks by grabbing the attacker's foot and taking him backwards to the ground. So with that in mind, I silently told myself if that foot of his comes to my face once more I'm gonna grab it and put his ass on the ground. I did exactly that, and it worked perfectly. I had him hopping helplessly on one foot and I put him flat on his back. Then I ran like hell. L0L
Your friend thought he knew everything. He was learning cinematic martial arts. It is utterly useless and only used to make it look flashy for movies. Bruce Lee uses a cinematic version of JDK/Jun Fan Gung Fu in his movies and is utterly useless. Actual JDK usually uses low kicks below the pelvis because there is a great chance of your opponent catching your foot if you kick higher. The low kick can't do much so it is an entry kick meant to make your opponent flinch/stun or get them off guard and then you finish off with combos, very much like MMA. Although MMA kicks are meant to hurt and if you catch the foot chances are your hand or forearm is going to be damaged. There is rare footage of Bruce Lee sparring and it looks completely different from his movies. His opponent even punches and kicks him a few times. Many movies use cinematic version of martial arts even Rocky movies. If you drop your guard even slightly like in Rocky when in a pro boxing fight then you going to be taking a floor nap.
@@zeeksthegoblin7564 aim a low kick at the side of the knee ----
I had a similar experience as a young man. I had been training with a Jujitsu club for about five years taught by former servicemen who had backgrounds as military police and special ops. While we treasured the "art" part of the martial art with rewards of belts it was clearly explained to us that this was different from combat training, which, strange to many, consisted of evasion, ambush with weapons, and filthy take downs made to maim and render an opponent unconscious or incapable of pursuit. No sparring, just brutal stuff taking no more than a few seconds and preferably, without the awareness of the opponent knowing we were present. So, similar to your story, my friends and I were at a sports bar drinking when a guy we knew who had advanced belts in a Korean kicking art started taunting us with with impressively fast snap kicks to our faces. He was an excellent leaper as well. I congratulated him for his skill and politely asked him to leave us alone. He replied that none of us would last 2 seconds with him in a ring. He emphasized the remark with a jumping spinning back kick only this time instead of allowing him to complete the rotation I stepped in and embraced his leg at the upper thigh and crotch and then sat down on his stomach as we fell down. His femur dislocated from the socket. Through tears he loudly complained that I had attacked him when he was just fooling around. I replied that the entire event took less than 2 seconds. I helped him return to his friends who took him to an ER. To be honest, I didn't expect nor want to injure him. All I wanted to do was to discourage him by trapping his leg and immobilizing him on the ground with a leg crank. When I reported this to my Sensei, he said, "Well, darn, what happened to just walking away in the first place?" He had a very good point and I learned from this.
@@platoscave99 My friends and I were just foolish teens imitating things we saw, and I have zero fight training or experience. But one thing I figured out on my own is if you have the ability to kick a standing opponent in the head, then you will probably only have one chance to use that shot by surprise and make it count. Landing a kick to his head will be devastating, but at the same time you are highly vulnerable in the moment when you throw the kick. If he gets more than one chance to see you throw that kick, he's probably going to figure out a way to stop you.
@@zeeksthegoblin7564 Back then with no internet there was no way to see Bruce Lee sparring IRL or anything else to debunk Hollywood, fan mags etc. When I saw that tournament on TV, it was by random chance. It was not MMA either, it was some kind of karate student competition with strict rules, lots of pads and mats, and nobody getting hurt, but still it was all out real fighting with the associated chance and chaos. No perfect timing, no perfect blocks for every blow, no superhuman speed with whoosh-whoosh sound FX. And a lot of mistakes. Right away I saw fighters make the mistake of throwing a foot where it could be grabbed easily. The guys throwing high kicks did not have that Hollywood lightning speed. My friend didn't see that tournament.
The foreign exchange student from S. Korea I was learning from taught me the most valuable lesson in martial arts. He told me very specifically, "It's not for fighting. For fitness. For balance. For meditation and spiritual awareness. Never for fighting."
agree I think many martial arts nowadays don't claim to be for real life fighting, at most for athletic fighting with rules and restraints. Many would also stress the philosophy and the training to the mind is more important than the physical aspect.
I'm fairly sure a can of pepper spray is far more effective than most martial arts.
I think when it comes to martial arts, It's more a sport than actual combat.
@@carlangelo653 yeah the same way that an Olympic shooter would not be expected to be an expert in battle, even though both uses rifles.
@@carlangelo653 --- Tell that to Connor McGregor's leg😂
@@ilovebutterstuff I don't have the reference because I absolutely despise people like him, but I'm fairly sure that a blinded fighter won't be a threat to you if you blind him before he catches you.
Regardless of both of your fighting skills.
It's important to remember that the vast majority of martial arts are, ultimately, sports. They've developed rules over the century to isolate them from other styles and specifically limit or ban lethal or maiming moves. Even the ones that haven't were almost all developed in an age where pikes and swords were the standard weapons they might be used against, or used with.
Finally some sense. Its like expecting someone who does fencing to fight with a sword like that in an actual battle.
I took hapkido for a while with my kids. Probably the most important things the instructor taught us were first run away if you can, second if you can use your training to buy a few seconds, use that time to run away, and third if you're in real danger and you can jam their eye with a pen or something, that's usually more effective than fancy holds and kicks.
Knee kick is my favorite as a black belt in hap ki do.
@ImplicateOrder It doesn't take all that much pressure to snap it. And people won't look at your feet most of the time. So a stomp kick can easily take them out. And they won't be able to pursue.
I have a couple moves I practice for self defense situations. Thats the practical one. The other one, isn't as practical, but I've don't it on a resisting opponent, grab the punch, pull it to your side and nail their nose with a palm. (In the fight I struck his forhead instead because we couldn't hit face) It works well as I can do it very very quickly (under a second, I forget my time) from a hands up position. That's a good technique I learned. When you start getting into an altercation put your hands up and back away. People will be less likely to attack you because your hands are up, palms forward. But he taught alot of techniques from that position. He had alot of emphasis on a sudden burst of movement, surprising and stunning them, and running.
I think I've gotten off topic, my point was, ikr? Everyone should know how effective a good knee kick is.
100% of the time, not fighting is the safest option. Back into a corner, there is no such thing as dirty fighting. And any time someone is attacking you, it's fair to assume they might kill you if you don't fight back.
@ImplicateOrder I'm a black belt in kenpo and a kick to the nuts usually just ellicits a chuckle from me lol. I'd rather get hit there than in other spots, like behind the thigh or in the kidney/liver
a calf kick drops people, a pen you dont carry around everywhere, and need percision.
"A true master, is an eternal student" ~Master Yi
Eternally paying that monthly membership
@@Mocha69A lol, just in case this isn't a joke. It means that even a master still has many to learn.
@@Mocha69A league is free to play, wrong game.
Microtransactions on the otherhand... still not a monthly fee.
Words to live by.
A true master, has a reset in his kit :^)
One thing for sure is not fake and that's Thoughty2's mustache.
Thoughty2 sensei. XD
I'm here before this comment blows up.
And how do you know for sure exactly?
Someone call the burn unit
The joys of quarantine 🤣
Worth mentioning, MMA is the perfect proving ground for fighting techniques designed to win in a competition fight. But they're NOT the end-all, be-all of proving what's effective at self-defense because MMA has rules. If someone is trying to kill you, you do what you have to do. Strike the throat. Strike the groin, gouge the eyes, do what it takes to thoroughly incapacitate. You can't do any of those things in MMA. Therefore, if a martial art is focused on lethality or long-term incapacitation, its effectiveness cannot truly be measured by seeing how it fares in a contest that effectively neuters it.
@@UnjustVerdict they spare as well. I don't know of any martial arts that teach nothing but killing blows. Partially because it IS difficult to practice effectively. But that doesn't mean the technique is ineffective.
Simple example, teaching practitioners to go for the throat. If you're in a tangled fight with someone, there are often opportunities to strike to the throat.
Now, obviously, that's an instant DQ in competition and with good reason. But I'm a life or death fight? You crush that wind pipe, he's going to have a lot less fight in him IF he lives.
I recall that Bruce Lee said all this - in his own way - and the traditional Martial Arts world laughed at him.
What is very bizarre is how Bruce Lee is still widely talked about, I can understand from a movie point of view but he did fight in Real tournaments and he lost most of his matches, even was quickly knocked out with one hit a few times. He is not the guy on the Big screen
@@saturnargentavis1901 he has no professional fights recorded.
I think some people forget that traditional martial arts were invented around 1000 years ago. Rules of war and combat for a specific region were culturally and spirituality enforced and as a result the martial arts were adapted to them. So they probably worked very back then.
Cut to the modern world were we have new weapons, protective year and none of the rules all of a sudden martial arts dont work as good.
Bruce Lee was ahead of his Time. A free thinking Man.
Yet, would we have ever heard of Bruce Lee if he hadn't been taught Wing Chun?
Xu Xiaosong is a hero man. He's begging harrsed by Chinases government and yet he is still fighting. The man deserves more attention. Thank for putting him in your video.
Martial art is a billion dollars industry in China, Xu was got in the way of it. Parents were paying huge amount of money to send their kids to those schools. This is not your mall-size schools that we are talking about, this is a full-size thousands of students pseudo-military academy that we are talking about here.
Xiu Xiaodong is the fuckin' man!
yeah and they said that the social credit thing wasn't going to affect pricing or anything other than some trivial coupon shit.
didnt thing anyone else would know about xu xiaosong. happy to know that other people know about the fake chines martial arts
Poor gang. He's in serious danger and he just keeps on going. Brave man....but damn...
Watching fake martial artists getting brutally reunited with reality is one of the best experiences in the world.
Yeah it's comedy gold at this point.
I think it's one of the saddest experiences.
@@MarkusJackDijkgraaf It's tragicomical, indeed
@@MarkusJackDijkgraaf comedy is tragic events happening to other people.
And if you would see a true martial artist to use his karate to become a world heavyweight champion in the ufc, you would be salty cuz you would be wrong. Funny thing is, that theory is actually true. Lyoto Machida has been training karate since he was 5 so yea martial arts are and have been effective in combat for years. They were invented by villagers who would get raided so they had to find a system of combat that would protect their women and children Do you really think people back then would rely on a form of combat that that is impractical? No because if they did then their kids would get killed
Four years ago, martial artists were suddenly exposed.