Guys don't know what to put but read description

  • Опубликовано: 7 ноя 2023
  • So I've been in my head mistreses office because of a fall out between phoebe me and 3 other girls called Lexi , Ferne and Alayna so on Friday me and phoebe got in a fall out because I was shouting at her so at lunch I went over to Ph and she ran away and rolled her eyes so I thought it was one of those days were she did not want play with me so I carried on walking around the playground, and every time Ph came nere me she rolled her eyes so I sat on a bench next minute Ph is playing with Alayna who is like are main enemy out of nowhere mu eyes filled with tears 😭 so some girls called Isla and Megan come over and ruled my back then were in the lunch hall and Oh and Alayna point and laught at me so after lunch Lexi goes over to Alayna and Phoebe and calles them.....Gay horses . A couple hours later we go in a mend it meating and phoebe said that she got bored of laying horses and I'm like you could of told me . So MONDAY phoebe plays with Emma and Emma told me that Phoebe had called me a b*ch but I did not tell my mom what happened

Комментарии • 5