Seventh Day Adventism: at the Crossroads, Desmond Ford

  • Опубликовано: 4 апр 2013
  • Thanks and by permission from: The John Ankerberg Show. Desmond Ford was given no other choice but to turn in his credentials by SDA Administrators, That is the Sanctuary Review Committee, headed by Conference President Neil Wilson. Desmond Ford's lost to the members of the SDA lay people is one that can never be recovered. But it is the whole Christian World's gain.
    This is what Desmond Ford had to say about his position in the SDA Church. I believe in a pre-Advent Judgment, with every man's destiny settled before the coming of Christ. I believe the Day of Atonement has a special application to Christ's last work, as prefigured by the work in the second apartment. I believe the Seventh-day Adventist Movement was raised up in 1844 by God to do a special work and that to it was restored the gift of prophecy in the person of Ellen G. White. There, for the record, they are my true convictions.
    The Investigative Judgment: Theological Milestone or Historical Necessity?

Комментарии • 2,2 тыс.

  • @turtleinashirt
    @turtleinashirt 5 лет назад +16

    That woman in the live studio audience just sitting there knitting while this very serious discussion is going on cracks me up. Ahhh the late 70s and early 80s. Fun times. You’d never see that today.

    • @turtleinashirt
      @turtleinashirt 3 года назад

      @Abdullah Kenzo bots talking to bots is so sad. So is me talking to a bot

  • @titusmutea2206
    @titusmutea2206 9 лет назад +26

    Everything finally has to be tested by fire! The final ones to stand must look beyond denominations traditions and mere human's influence.Thank you for this mind opening presentation!!

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 5 лет назад +2

      We see throughout the course of history what is of GOD (ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH) versus what is of "man" or NOT OF GOD (35,000 and growing Protestant divisions all stemming from a 1500's "man" Martin Luther).
      Who absolutely loves division???
      Satan just laughs and laughs as Protestants continue to divide over the self contradictory false teaching "Bible Alone" found absolutely no where in the Bible. Satan becomes gleeful when a self righteous Protestant either ignorantly or purposely attacks the ONE and ONLY established Church of Jesus Christ being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH.
      Who absolutely loves unity and died for it???
      John 17:21-23. Jesus Christ established ONE CHURCH, prayed and died for what???
      Which ONE CHURCH that can "prove it" historically and Biblically???

    • @reyr9571
      @reyr9571 5 лет назад +5

      @@onetruefaith5750 you said the Catholic church love unity the Catholic Church have killed millions of people because it didn't want to submit to that Catholic Church check the history of the Catholic Church before you talk read the book The Great controversy

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 5 лет назад

      @@reyr9571 ,
      Protestant teachings are FULL OF CONTRADICTION.
      For example???
      1. Protestants preach an "invisible" and "Spiritual" Church, while they hypocritically reach deep down into gullible people's pockets for money in a very "visible" place. Why do Protestants preach an "invisible" or "Spiritual" Church??? To hide the fact and truth they have absolutely no history back to Jesus Christ or beyond a 1500'S "man" Martin Luther.
      2. Protestants teach a self contradictory false teaching "Bible Alone", which ironically is found absolutely no where in the Bible.
      3. Protestants say "everything has to be in the Bible to be believed". Where is that statement even in Sacred Scriptures??? Instead, what do Sacred Scriptures say??? John 21:25, 2 Thessalonians 2:15 or especially Acts 1:3. Which ONE CHURCH has these "40 days" of Jesus Christ's teachings that are not in the Bible per the Bible???
      4. Protestants say "ORAL TRADITION" is to be rejected. Why??? Because, not one "man made" Protestant denomination has history back to Jesus Christ, so they have to reject it - despite what 2 Thessalonians 2:15 clearly says.
      5. Protestants say the "pillar and bulwark of TRUTH" is the Bible. 1 Timothy 3:15 clearly states "the Church" singular - meaning the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH - is the "pillar and bulwark of TRUTH", who was the Church that ultimately put the Bible together in the first place.
      6. Protestants say "the Bible" is the final authority. As a result, it has led to 35,000 and growing "divisions" - as they each become their own "Pope" deciding what is correct or not. Conversely, we see Jesus Christ giving His final "authority" to resolve faith and moral disputes to His ONE and ONLY established Church being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH per Matthew 18:17.
      7. Protestants preach "Faith Alone". The Bible clearly rebukes this specific false teaching by stating in James 2:24 "NOT BY FAITH ALONE". In John 13:34, Jesus Christ commands us in the NEW COVENANT to "love", which clearly is an action or work that is needed (John 5:29, 15:12, 17, Romans 2:6, Philippians 2:12, Colossians 1:10, Acts 26:20, etc.) for salvation.
      8. Protestants say the Holy Eucharist is just "symbolism", which ironically is another word not found in the Bible just like "Bible Alone". However, Jesus Christ Himself (WHO CANNOT LIE) repeats over and over in the Bible "THIS IS MY BODY....THIS IS MY BLOOD" (Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:22, Luke 22:19, John 6:51, 54-58) and is needed for salvation (John 6:54-55) or for "Death to Passover" in the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19). Jesus Christ, the "Lamb of God" (John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Peter 1:19), is the true fulfilled "forever" GOD liturgically commanded "Bread of the PRESENCE" (Leviticus 24:5-9).
      9. Protestants say Matthew 23:9 "call no man father" is an indictment against the Catholic Church priests being called "Father", while they hypocritically call their own biological father's "father".
      In that Matthew 23:9 statement of Jesus Christ's, Protestants don't understand Jesus was using a hyperbole teaching emphasizing not to get caught up in honors or titles that can detract from proper worship due to our Heavenly "Father". Proof??? Judges 17:10, 18:19. What did GOD allow His old covenant priesthood to be called??? Philem 10 and especially 1 Corinthians 4:15. What did Catholic St. Paul consider himself in the New Covenant???
      10. Protestants say "no statues" or "pictures" as they do not understand we have moved from an old covenant "invisible" GOD to a New Covenant "visible" GOD (Colossians 1:15-23) whom "adopted" us into His Family (Galatians 4:4-7) through "water (Baptism) and Spirit(Laying of Hands)" (John 3:5).
      If GOD is now our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ our King Brother, then who logically would be our Queen Mother??? John 19:27 and Revelation 12:1-6, 17. Per Revelation 12:17, whose children are we really??? Got any statues or pictures of your family???
      11. Protestants say "no man" can forgive sins. However, in the old covenant GOD clearly used ordained "men", the Leviticus Priesthood, to forgive sins (Leviticus 5:5-6, Numbers 5:5-9). In Matthew 16:19, 18:18, and specifically explained in John 20:21-23 what same "power" did Jesus Christ give to His ONE and ONLY established Church being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH or to the NEW COVENANT ordained "men" of GOD???
      12. Protestants say the Biblical "Harlot" is the Catholic Church. But, GOD calls who the harlot to the nations in Ezekiel 23:30: "you have played the harlot with the nations and have polluted yourself with their idols". GOD and the prophets repeatedly called the old covenant Jews the harlot for committing adultery and idolatry in GOD'S eyes.
      13. Protestants accuse the Catholic Church as "man made" or "pagan". But, what does clear history and the Bible (Matthew 16:19) say???
      The irony and contradiction here is each and every single Protestant denomination (35,000 and growing divisions) is truly "man made" all stemming from a 1500's "man" Martin Luther. For instance, Protestant history can easily be revealed like the Seventh Day Adventist denomination was established by a "man" in Battle Creek, MI in 1863AD.
      14. Catholics persecuted and killed millions??? What is the TRUTH???
      Protestants even persecuted and killed Catholic women, and one simply for harboring Catholic priests !!!
      So yes, there are many contradictions and outright lies in "man made" Protestantism.

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 5 лет назад

      @aurelio milaor cabal ,
      SDA Protestant pastors don't want you to know this:
      1. The Seventh Day Adventist Protestant denomination was not even thought of by a "man" in Battle Creek, MI until 1863AD, so how can there remotely be any claim back to Jesus Christ or outrageously "Genesis"??? The truth is the SDA Protestant denomination is just another "man made" division of 35,000 and growing divisions stemming from a 1500's "man" Martin Luther.
      2. SDA's don't want you to understand in the Book of Daniel it was referencing the Antiochus persecution of the Jews that is thoroughly corroborated in history and the Book of Maccabees.
      3. SDA's don't want you to understand in the Book of Revelation the "Beast" (Roman Empire) and the "Harlot" (Jews) have already teamed up to not only kill our Lord (John 19:15), but all the early Church Saints. And yes, the "Beast" (Roman Empire) did in fact "devour" the "Harlot" (Revelation 17:16) with utter destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD as Jesus Christ accurately predicted in Matthew 24:34 or within one "generation" (40 years) of His prophecy.
      4. SDA's don't want you to understand the old covenant Jews never ever separated the 10 Commandments from all 613 Commandments:
      Per Jewish law and the Word of GOD
      Galatians 5:3-4 ***"I testify again to every man who receives circumcision that he is bound to keep the whole law. You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace."***
      5. SDA don't want you to understand we get "born again" (John 3:5) through the NEW ADAM OF OBEDIENCE Jesus Christ (Romans 5:12-21, 6:3-13, 7:6, 8:2, 10:4, Galatians 2:19-20, 3:19-25, 4:19-31, 5:18) to live in the "Spirit of the Law" being the NEW COVENANT COMMANDMENT of "LOVE" (John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17, Romans 7:6, 8:2) or "Law of Christ" (1 Corinthians 9:21, Galatians 6:2) that fulfills ALL the old covenant laws (Romans 13:8, 10, Galatians 5:14) and we actually become part of the NEW CREATION (2 Corinthians 5:17, Hebrews 8:13, Galatians 6:15).
      6. SDA'S don't want you to know about GOD'S promise to "end" all the old Jewish covenant "Harlot Sabbaths" per Hosea 2:11, Lamentations 2:6, 2:9, Luke 16:16, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 3:19-25, Hebrews 8:13.
      And, what day all the Leviticus Chapter 23 "forever" feasts point to - being "the day after Sabbath" as the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19) fulfills all these old covenant "shadow" feasts (Hebrews 10:1) .
      7. SDA'S don't want you to know about the NEW COVENANT PRIESTHOOD or Levi covenant promise (Jeremiah 33:14-22, Malachi 2:4-7, 3:3) where GOD said He would take in "some" Gentile "priests" fulfilling Isaiah 66:18-21 prophecy - necessitating a "change" in the law to allow "some" Gentile priests:
      Hebrews 7:12 "For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well."
      8. SDA's don't want you to know the power of being baptized through the NEW ADAM (Romans 5:12-21) Jesus Christ and how we are no longer "under" old covenant worship laws (Romans 6:14-15, 7:6, 7:10-11, 8:2, 10:4, 1 Corinthians 9:20-21, 2 Corinthians 3:3-11, 5:17, Galatians 3:19-25, 4:21-31, Hebrews 7:12, 8:13) and instead in a state of "GRACE" as long as we remain Holy.
      9. SDA's don't want you to know that you can actually "FALL FROM GRACE" when you deliberately sin (Hebrews 10:26-27, 29).
      How you will need the "power" the ONE MEDIATOR Jesus Christ gave to His ONE and ONLY established Church being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH per John 20:23 and Matthew 16:18 to be reconciled with GOD again - in order to be back in a state of "GRACE" or "SAVED" through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
      10. SDA's don't want you to understand there is a NEW COMMAND in the NEW COVENANT (John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17) of "GRACE" (Romans 6:14-15, Galatians 5:18).
      What does LOVE do??? (Romans 13:8, 10, Galatians 5:14). Ever wonder why the Ten Commandments were written on "two" tablets of stone??? 1. LOVE of GOD fulfills the first three commandments 2. LOVE of NEIGHBOR fulfills the remaining seven commandments. LOVE FULFILLS THE LAW and elevates the old covenant laws to perfection and serve as a reminder of what will happen if we are unloving and "FALL FROM GRACE" (Hebrews 10:29).
      11. SDA's want you to believe "breaking bread" is just another Jewish meal instead of the transformation of the old covenant "forever" GOD commanded Passover (Exodus 12:14) into the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19). How we must eat the "Lamb of GOD" for "death to truly Passover" (John 6:4, 54-58).
      1 Corinthians 10:16-17. All Catholics "participate in" the ONE SACRIFICE of Jesus Christ the "Lamb of God" and in consuming His ONE BODY (John 6:55) in the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb" we truly "BECOME HIS ONE BODY", "the Church" a "Temple" holding the fulfilled forever liturgically commanded "Bread of the Presence" (Levicticus 24:5-9, Matthew 24:20):
      May GOD open your eyes to these Biblical and historical truths that the ONE and ONLY established Church of Jesus Christ is and forever will be the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH (Matthew 16:18).

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 5 лет назад

      @aurelio milaor cabal
      I will gladly now walk you through the Book of Revelation to show how False Teachers spread “outrightlies” to get you to hate the ONE TRUE FAITH or the only Church established by Jesus Christ: the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. The Book of Revelation was placed in the back of the Bible for a reason by the “authority” that put the Bible together. The assumption is that you read ALL the preceding Books, so a PROPER INTERPRETATION can be madein a very complex and multilayered book.
      Are you aware that BOTH Jerusalem and Rome have “7 Hills” ??? Google Jerusalem and “7 Hills”.
      Are you aware “666” was NERO’s name spelled out in Hebrew ??? Are you aware NERO was the one who killed St. Peter and St. Paul along with many other saints ??? Are you aware the Roman Empire Caesars wanted and demanded to be viewed as “GODS” otherwise face death ??? Are you aware the Roman coins were referenced as the “mark of the Beast” because the graven images of the Caesars and were required to be worshipped as GODs ???
      Are you aware from the Jewish understanding anything coming “out of the sea” represented pagan Gentiles??? Are you aware anything that came out of “the land” was referring to the Jewish Faith ???
      ***Are you aware in the OT repeatedly the Jewish Faith is called a “harlot” (Exodus ****34:16****, Leviticus 20:5-6, Numbers 25:1, **Deuteronomy ****31:16****, **Judges ****2:17****, **Judges ****8:27****, 33, 1 Chronicles ****5:25**** and I could go on and on) because of repeatedly accepting and worshipping pagan GODs and how they did commit idolatry and adultery in GOD’s eyes as the prophets repeatedly toldthe Jewish leaders over the centuries ???***
      What old covenant “harlot” wore “fine linen” of “gold, blue, and purple and scarlet” Exodus 28:5-6, 8,39:8 ???
      In the Book of Revelations what “same colors” are part of the description of the “harlot” in Revelation17:4, 18:12, 18:16???
      ***Now, are you aware that it is a HISTORICAL FACT the “harlot” (Jewish Faith) rode the “beast”(Roman Empire) teaming up to kill not only our Lord (John ****19:15****), but the saints of the Early Church ??? Further in Matthew ****24:34****, Jesus Christ correctly predicted within one generation (40 years) JUDGMENT upon Israel would happen - foretold the destruction of the Temple in CONTEXT (Matthew 24:2) - where the “beast” (Roman Empire) would end up devouring the “harlot”(Jewish Faith) in 70AD by destroying the Jewish Temple and over a million of Jews killed.****
      How about Revelation 17:13-14 where "THE LAMB WILL CONQUER THEM"??? Where the "beast" Roman Empire leadership was located in Rome, now where is Jesus Christ's throne and "descendants on a throne" fulfilling Jeremiah 33:21-22 NEW COVENANT PROPHECY heading His church located at showing the "Lamb did CONQUER"???
      Now, let’s finish using a little logic and Bible sense. Does it make any sense St. John would prophecy AGAINST the ONE and ONLY Church created by Jesus Christ at the time of his writing the Book of Revelation???
      Second, would St. John prophesy against the ONE and ONLY FAITH that can give out Jesus’s Body and Blood for ETERNALLIFE that he wrote about in John 6:54 and instead encourage people to walk away from Jesus’s Body and Blood becoming like those in John 6:53 ???
      Makes absolutely no logical or Biblical sense whatsoever. My brother orsister, you have been repeatedly “lied” to in order to blind you from TRUTH and to get you to hate what is the ONE and ONLY TRUE FAITH. I pray for your eyes to become open to this FACT and TRUTH. We know false teachers are known by their “fruit” and in this case it is “out right lies”.

  • @you4sure
    @you4sure 11 лет назад +8

    I'm glad that you uploaded this video.

  • @clarkent61
    @clarkent61 3 года назад +9

    God bless the memory of Walter Rae for his honesty and courage 👍👏

    • @rayray4192
      @rayray4192 2 года назад

      Rea is the hero. Walter T had courage. I see Ford as a man of courage who was also addicted to the Adventist demonic cult. The cult had a hold on him. Several months before 90 years of age he was still calling the Adventist cult his church. Amazing, since they kicked him out. I don’t get it. Someday I hope to understand. Humans are complicated. Ford never took the final step of total disassociation with the Adventist cult like Rea. He was still a sabbatarian and an Ellen White cheerleader. Never made the final choice of courage.

    • @clarkent61
      @clarkent61 2 года назад

      @@rayray4192 : This is why he will always be a disappointment in terms of his legacy.

    • @rayray4192
      @rayray4192 2 года назад +2

      @@clarkent61 thank you for your time to respond. I’m fascinated by Desmond Ford. The video of him answering questions about Glacier View is worth watching. His daughter Ellen ( yes, he named his daughter Ellen) is with him helping him hear the questions. The more details revealed about the Glacier View trial the more you understand how unethical the Adventist leadership was, the worst being president Neale Wilson. None of the Adventist bureaucrats read Ford’s 990 page paper and if they had read it they would not have understood it.

    • @clarkent61
      @clarkent61 2 года назад

      @@rayray4192 : The Adventist bureaucracy was and is not interested in truth. They are and were interested in protecting their economic and social relevance by perpetrating the fraud of EGW. Desmond Ford is no DM Canright. Desmond Ford in the final analysis failed to make a clean break with Adventism despite his stellar refutation of that infernal SDA investigative Judgement abomination.

    • @rayray4192
      @rayray4192 2 года назад

      @@clarkent61 thanks for the response. Your posts are insightful. I’ve never heard Desmond Ford leave out his addiction to eating sugar and reading cheap novels. He credited the Adventist sect for saving him from a life of addiction. It’s a terrible reason to join a heretical cult. Information on a healthy diet was available for free at his local library. Most likely he enjoyed the support being in a community gave him. He testified he has issues with the investigative judgement from the start. When people tell you who they are a wise man believes them. Ford never gave up hope his beloved sect would change. It was a futile hope.

  • @18iulie41
    @18iulie41 7 лет назад +6

    Thanks and by permission from: The John Ankerberg Show.

  • @stanleyyurth12
    @stanleyyurth12 5 лет назад +3


  • @missderry2387
    @missderry2387 3 года назад +2

    Love the funky music and the woman sitting knitting during this debate makes me chuckle 🤣

  • @alexanderarangoarroyave3958
    @alexanderarangoarroyave3958 3 года назад

    Alguno conoce un link dónde pueda ver subtítulos en español de esta presentación?

  • @elchavochavodel8553
    @elchavochavodel8553 2 года назад +5

    Awesome way to get the whole issue straight out true and clarify the problem about the Holy sanctuary issue. If you don't get it your really blind spiritually

  • @africanvideochat
    @africanvideochat 5 лет назад +5

    Hahaha! How does 2300 evening and morning became 1150 Day? A day is composed of night darkness and day light. 9:39

    • @herz4326
      @herz4326 3 года назад

      Everything they present is so confusing

    • @MrCalidan69
      @MrCalidan69 2 года назад

      Because it signified the evening & morning oblations

  • @nomepases8823
    @nomepases8823 4 года назад

    ¿Dónde puedo encontrar esto en inglés?

  • @tevitacawanimalolo1793
    @tevitacawanimalolo1793 2 месяца назад +2

    The show has been a blessing, more lights to be revealed as time goes on🙏

  • @ureasmith3049
    @ureasmith3049 10 лет назад +32

    Why are SDA so reluctant to send their leaders and representatives to defend their doctrines?

    • @jpb1231000
      @jpb1231000 9 лет назад +15

      They get Bibled!

    • @MrUther57
      @MrUther57 9 лет назад +3

      Lol... good point

    • @joekittrell2841
      @joekittrell2841 9 лет назад +7

      jpb1231000 just the opposite,the arguments i see on line have never been taught me in the sda church,we teach more full truth than any other church and it ticks off the rest,quit fighting and start teaching the whole bible,the dispensation started at the fall of Lucifer in heaven,he wasn't blotted out,same with Adam and eve,not blotted out ,same with you and i,not blotted out,get a clue,this grace is closing fast,almost no one is on board and think they are the standard,Christ is the standard,follow him simple,mrs white stated we should spend an hour a day if possible contemplating on the life of Christ,especially the closing part of his life. what are we willing to lay down for him,many of his disciples and the apostles went all the way to the grave unwavering faith in the surety of the resurrection that followed Christ and all who follow him. what are we willing to do today fight with those who profess Christ and call them occult because they think different than us?,absurd.,childish,rubbish,know ye not a house divided against itself cannot stand

    • @SolaScriptura21
      @SolaScriptura21 9 лет назад

      jpb1231000 lol

    • @sburnsonmaposa9062
      @sburnsonmaposa9062 8 лет назад +4

      +Joe Kittrell Ever heard the INVESTIGATIVE JUDGEMENT from the BIBLE? Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Can you give a text on people ever going to heaven?

  • @umuhamagaroukomeye575
    @umuhamagaroukomeye575 11 лет назад +20

    Jonathan, please take time to study what Ford has laboured for over 4 decades to write. It takes such a great mind to do what he has done. I admire the man: he never got angry when he was badly treated by our Church. This proves not only his Christian maturity, but the authenticity of his massage. He did not stray, straying only happens when one turns his back on Christ.

    • @carlofanni2224
      @carlofanni2224 5 месяцев назад

      Ford told lots of nonsense. 4 decades of it.

  • @jeff7888
    @jeff7888 4 года назад +2

    Romans 3:21-26. Hebrews 8:12. 10:17. Romans 8:35-39. John 3:16. Eternal life. Praise God for His assurance through His Word.

  • @genewilliams1469
    @genewilliams1469 7 лет назад +1

    the world at the crossroads the church church within the church is getting stronger that's very good

  • @Angelo20262
    @Angelo20262 Месяц назад +3

    This is good. I wish our church had listened to such a Christ centered man.

  • @pauloftarsus8145
    @pauloftarsus8145 5 лет назад +5

    Getting saved and Staying saved are two distinct and separate subjects. Mixing the two is a FOOLS game.

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 5 лет назад

      Paul ofTarsus.
      You are correct.
      Unfortunately Des Ford is too far on the hyper-grace side( sanctification is ignored) and Ellen White is too far on the legalistic side (the end of sanctification is all that is important). Both are wrong, on that critical issue.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 4 года назад +1

      @@thenowchurch6419 Correct?
      How many did the FATHER draw and the SON lose?
      When does the HOLY SPIRIT fail?
      Who kicks GOD out of HIS dwelling place?
      When does GOD put forth and it returns unprofitable?
      When does GOD start a work in a person in vain?
      What is grace?
      When did you become perfect by works?
      You two think yourselves wise and become fools. Ye of little faith.

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 4 года назад

      @@rickhuntling7338 James 2 :21-24
      "21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?
      22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?
      23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.
      24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.
      You seem to be a Calvinist heretic.
      Seek ye the true Lord of Love and work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 4 года назад

      What is your point with James 2:21-24. I asked you some bibical questions you try to ignor. We are Justified unto salvation with the Blood of CHRIST not by works least any man shall boast.
      JESUS loses none the FATHER draws to HIM. You can't even discern the verse you you used. Abraham was afforded all rightesness because of faith, trust and belief not for bring Isaac to the alter. He told the two young men to waite both would return. His faith was justified becaus he believed not that he sacrificed his only son but believed the LORD would provide and he did. LOL you make it about works. If Abraham obeyed Isaac would have died with a GOD who never changes as your satanic always teaches.
      You follow a woman who was commanded to learn in silence and never usurp the authority of a man and I'm the heretic. LOL 1st TIm. 2:11,12. You give thought to drink, meat and raimant because EGW says so which is antichrist to JESUS, Acts 10, Mat. 5:25,33?
      Thenowchurch? LOL, your Free Mason satanic cult out preforms Planed Parenthood with elective abortions done on demand. Your doing satans work for profit. keep the 4th make money butchering the innocent ignoring the 6th "thou shall not kill". Sick hypocrites.

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 4 года назад

      @@rickhuntling7338 You might want to find out what the person you are talking to ascribes to before making false statements.
      I am not an SDA and do not follow Ellen White, the false prophetess.
      If you had good comprehension you would have noticed that in my comment I faulted the SDA for being legalistic.
      You are apparently impatient and looking for a fight without knowing who you are fighting or exactly what about.
      What you quoted from Paul and what I quoted from James can easily be reconciled.
      We are saved by Faith in Christ and empowered to sanctification in good works.

  • @paulineeversley7202
    @paulineeversley7202 2 года назад +2

    That is true I was never afraid to speak up for the word of God I know for sure the SDA church is not a cult .they could not throw me out of the church

    • @July-A7
      @July-A7 2 года назад

      @Pauline , SDA isn't a cult. It is just a man made organisation,just like all other denominations. God's true church isn't any particular denomination but all people who will be saved.

    • @paulineeversley7202
      @paulineeversley7202 2 года назад +2

      @@July-A7 SDA church is a movement not a man made church and it is a commandment keeping church if you can go to Genesis chapter 1 and read it carefully you will discover the 7day is the Sabbath of the Lord God do not change then please check the Catholic Church history and you will discover they have say they change the 7day to the first day of the week man cannot change God word because He is God who created everything there is He even made man and gave him life only He God can do that not no man so you better study the Bible letting the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth the 7 day is God sign the mark of the beast is counterfeit Sunday

    • @July-A7
      @July-A7 2 года назад +1

      @@paulineeversley7202 thanks, but I likely know about SDA much more than the average adventist.
      Your reply is mostly unrelated to my original comment. Saturday/Sunday divide is neither here, nor there.
      SDA is just a man made denomination, one of many.
      You believe what you will. It makes no difference to anyone.

    • @paulineeversley7202
      @paulineeversley7202 2 года назад +2

      @@July-A7 why are you against SDA you better start calling on the Lord and make sure you have fellowship with God and save your soul for you are saying the SDA Church is a man made church what about the Roman Catholic Church ,or all the other churches are they man made

    • @July-A7
      @July-A7 2 года назад +1

      @@paulineeversley7202 I'm not against SDA. Not against anyone. Catholics, protestants, etc. These are all man made organisations, of course.
      God's church is God's true people. Only He knows who they are.
      The pharisees claimed that they were God's people , yet Jesus overlooked them and chose the outcasts, the harlots, the beggars.
      It is likewise today.

  • @3angels.Rev.14
    @3angels.Rev.14 2 года назад +1

    What year was this aired?

  • @starwonder8324
    @starwonder8324 3 года назад +3


    • @amartyrsoath1634
      @amartyrsoath1634 3 года назад +2

      There is no excuse for any one in taking the position that there is no more truth to be revealed, and that all our expositions of Scripture are without an error. The fact that certain doctrines have been held as truth for many years by our people, is not a proof that our ideas are infallible. - RH December 20, 1892. Paragraph 1 (Christ our Hope)

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 месяцев назад

      12 - 21 - 23
      Jehovah's Witnesses
      ALL NEW 19th century FALSE religions with NEW 19th century FALSE prophets such as
      Ellen G White
      William Miller
      Joseph Smith
      Charles Taze Russell
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      ( The CROSS ✝️ )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !

  • @anniekeller1277
    @anniekeller1277 8 лет назад +11

    I'm not SDA although I observe the 7th day Sabbath as Jesus commanded and as the early Church did. The Bible states that if you believe that Jesus is the Son of God who was crucifIed, died, and was buried and was resurrected to glory.... then you are SAVED and belong to Jesus. Since SDA's are believers who have been baptized, we have no right to condemn them simply because they interpret scripture differently on only SOME issues. Jesus is the JUDGE ! Stop condemning other believers because they believe slightly differently than you. Point out the WRONG BELIEF without personal attacks and don't ever get in strife with another believer. Don't EVER criticize God's other children who we must LOVE because they are fellow servants of Jesus. There's a world of difference between pointing out an error and doing it with respect and love as opposed to condemning God's other children just because they interpret scripture in error. If you condemn others, you put yourself in position to then be condemned !

    • @zoniapeinado2837
      @zoniapeinado2837 8 лет назад

      You are not telling the true about Seventh day Adventist, They are not judgmental, they don't condemn any person only because they don't keep the Sabbath holly. If you read your bible carefully you will find the true about the Sabbath.

    • @rayjones9651
      @rayjones9651 8 лет назад

      +Magenta 1611
      Adventists do not condemn all of Christendom to hell if they don't observe the Sabbath. You've been listening to too many non-Adventists describing Adventist beliefs!

    • @rayjones9651
      @rayjones9651 8 лет назад

      +Magenta 1611
      Adventists do like to speak in terms of denominations rather than individuals. But it is those denominations who continue the false teachings of their mother church who **will** become part of Babylon. Adventists in general do not believe that such a time has yet arrived.

    • @rayjones9651
      @rayjones9651 8 лет назад

      Every Protestant denomination came out from Babylon. But more than one ("daughters")will return to the tradition of the Mother church and will eventually commit the atrocities and blasphemies of the Mother.

    • @rayjones9651
      @rayjones9651 8 лет назад

      How did I make your point? I said that Protestant denominations came out of Babylon. Adventists are a Protestant denomination. If they were to return to the Mother church, they too would be a daughter of Babylon.
      And while Adventists do believe that the critical test will revolve around the Sabbath/Sunday question, it is the blasphemies and the martyrdom of Christ's saints that will ultimately identify the daughters of Babylon.

  • @user-od1bh7zn3y
    @user-od1bh7zn3y 5 лет назад

    I need translation in russian. Help please. I don't understand all sings.

  • @gessoart
    @gessoart 8 лет назад

    Watching the Fruits of the Spirit you exhibit to the world and "Poor little heretic was offended" shows us how to abide in Jesus.

  • @craigmeeker3295
    @craigmeeker3295 5 лет назад +11

    We are indeed saved by grace (the undeserved favor and power of God) through faith (Eph.2:8-10), but faith without works is dead being alone (James 2:17). Therefore by grace through faith we are justified looking unto Jesus as our Substitue and Surety, but more than this it enables us to be sanctified by looking unto Jesus as our Example (I Pet.2:21) and thus to live a "righteous and godly life in this present world" (Titus 2:11-12). Sin is the "transgression of the law" (I Jn 3:4). God's Ten Commandments are His law. Jesus came to save us from our sins not in them. Mr. Ford thinks that believing while sinning is the gospel, but he is sadly wrong. John says in I Jn.2:4-5 "He that saith I know Him and keepeth not His commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth His word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in Him. He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk even as He walked." "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Prov.14:12. Jesus said, "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

    • @francoisdebruyn4424
      @francoisdebruyn4424 4 года назад +4

      Works come from the love that you know you were saved by grace, not works then grace, grace then works. All haved sinned, only Jesus can save you, learn your bible

    • @July-A7
      @July-A7 Год назад +2

      Desmond Ford doesn't talk about that at all in this video. He talks about the technicalities of the redemption. Which is, clearly, only by the sacrifice of Christ. Not by works in the slightest.

    • @loren719
      @loren719 Год назад +1

      @@francoisdebruyn4424 "For by Grace are you Saved.. THROUGH FAITH.... " Eph. 2:8
      Faith comes first; when we "open the door" He WILL come in and sup with us (Rev. 3:20)
      He calls us, then we respond by Faith... we are saved by Grace through faith!

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 7 месяцев назад

      11 - 25 -
      RYAN.....YOU SAID
      "" For by grace are you saved
      THROUGH faith ""
      LDS : Does lip service on GRACE
      SAME AS..........
      SDA : Does lip service on GRACE
      A ) Ellen G Whites says otherwise on GRACE
      B ) ": It is the GRACE of God to ALL Seventh day Adventists through OBEDIENCE to the LAW ! ""
      ( Ellen G White
      My life today page # 100. )
      #3 HENCE
      LDS : WORKS based religion
      SDA : WORKS based religion
      Which FAITH are you talking about
      FAITH in the writings of
      Ellen G White ?
      FAITH that the father of LIES the Devil is the SDA HERO SCAPEGOAT of Adventism ?
      FAITH that Angels have
      GOLDEN PLATES GOLDEN CARDS just because Ellen G White and her contemporary Joseph Smith said so
      ( Early writings 39 : 2 ) ?
      Where is your long exhausted list of ALL the GOOD WORKS that Adventism has done that other denominations faith beliefs haven't done since the beginning of Creation
      Jesus Christ
      The Holy Apostles
      The Holy Apostle Paul
      ALL went to the Synagogues on the Sabbath to SPREAD/ PREACH the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      What's your excuse ?
      NOT ONCE have YOU or ANY other Seventh day Adventist on ANY of these Threads/ Comments has even bothered ONCE to mention ANYTHING about SPREADING or PREACHING the GRACE of the
      Good News of the Gospel of
      Jesus Christ
      ( NOT ONE ) ( NOT ONCE )
      Why not ?
      Too busy bestowing accolades to the Investigative Judgment ?
      Too busy WORKING your technology ALL day on Saturday's : LOCKED in your technology posting more on Saturday's than ANY other day of the WEEK on as many SDA channels as possible dealing with Adventism?
      Isn't Adventism SUPPOSED to be the ONLY ONE TRUE REMNANT religion denomination church which is SUPPOSED to SPREAD/ PREACH the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ?
      What are you waiting for ?
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      ( The CROSS ✝️ )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      2 Timothy 1 : 8 - 9
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      ( The CROSS ✝️ )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      Jesus = GOD = YESHUA in the flesh set the PERFECT EXAMPLE of NOT being a vegetarian before and after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY and he ate HONEYCOMB and he ate FLESH EATING BROILED FISH MEAT in front of his Holy Apostles after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      Luke 24 : 39 - 42
      G - Gods
      R - Riches
      A - At
      C - Christs
      E - Expense
      Try it, Jesus = GOD = YESHUA in the flesh loves you and so do I !
      AGAPE !

  • @stanleyyurth12
    @stanleyyurth12 5 лет назад +3


  • @amartyrsoath1634
    @amartyrsoath1634 3 года назад +1

    There is no excuse for any one in taking the position that there is no more truth to be revealed, and that all our expositions of Scripture are without an error. The fact that certain doctrines have been held as truth for many years by our people, is not a proof that our ideas are infallible. - RH December 20, 1892. Paragraph 1 (Christ our Hope)

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 7 месяцев назад

      11 - 27 - 23
      "" I AM the RESURRECTION ! ""
      John 11 : 25

  • @clarkent61
    @clarkent61 2 года назад +2

    Imagine that Ellen White the supposed last day messenger of God and spirit of prophesy, once denied the deity of Christ😳

  • @Ma007rk
    @Ma007rk 6 лет назад +3

    You know that there is a problem with a denomination whenever the leadership will not come on a popular christian TV show regarding their practices. I was once in a sect/denomination like that 30+ years ago. Since their leader has passed away everything is starting to implode, which usually happens when nepotism is involved.

  • @theresaflynn8683
    @theresaflynn8683 5 лет назад +3

    My heart aches for the church, it has clasped hands with the pope in agreement that the protest is over, signing the B.E.M document, being a member of the WCC and the NCC.

    • @honeybadger8942
      @honeybadger8942 5 лет назад +1

      I don't understand your abbreviations.Will you please explain? Thank you.

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@honeybadger8942 quote---I don't understand your abbreviations.Will you please explain?--unquote
      Do you have a computer?? Google?? Why are so lazy that you will not look up those abbreviations??

    • @honeybadger8942
      @honeybadger8942 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@mitchellosmer1293 No need to be so rude ! You are obviously not a christian if you hold this kind of language.

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 10 месяцев назад

      @@honeybadger8942 quote---No need to be so rude ! You are obviously not a christian if you hold this kind of language.--unquote
      Oh, did I offend you with the truth???

    • @honeybadger8942
      @honeybadger8942 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@mitchellosmer1293 You're bored, aren't you ? Well, go look elsewhere for entertainment !

  • @alonsomiguellozanoaumne5668
    @alonsomiguellozanoaumne5668 5 лет назад

    At what point was the death of Jesus set at 31AD? From the sda 70 weeks of Daniel . I found miller believed Jesus died 33AD, using usshers chronology . At what point was 31 AD set ?

    • @brewstercox4714
      @brewstercox4714 7 месяцев назад

      " The Clock of the Heavens" book notes that Christian astronomers & messianic rabbi,s, using a computer that in a stellar- ometer (??) That observes the cycle time of planetary movements, saw that the Revelation 12 sign of the 12 stars in virgo( september) plus comets and Herods death. Converged on September 11th. 3 B.C. , ( 9 months after the Persians Dec.25 dark day of year, sun rebirth??)> note too, that Bush spoke his N.W.O.e speech on 9-11-1991 & Biden had his own harsher version as well. Robert Frosts poem about the Roads, taken or not taken seem appropriate & William Butler Yeats , " The 2nd Coming" are premonitions about our twilight zone as smoke from the abyss seems to intensify.

  • @vacaroiu
    @vacaroiu 6 лет назад +1

    by SDA Administrators, That is the Sanctuary Review Committee, headed by Conference President Neil Wilson. Desm

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 6 лет назад

      If a Methodist Minister states the Methodist are wrong and refuses to follow the Teachings of the Church. Are you saying they should keep him as a Methodist Minister who opposed being a Methodist?

    • @amartyrsoath1634
      @amartyrsoath1634 3 года назад

      There is no excuse for any one in taking the position that there is no more truth to be revealed, and that all our expositions of Scripture are without an error. The fact that certain doctrines have been held as truth for many years by our people, is not a proof that our ideas are infallible. - RH December 20, 1892. Paragraph 1 (Christ our Hope)

  • @faletiute
    @faletiute 7 лет назад +3

    If I just have an idea coming from God and another man on another place already have that same idea in which I didn't know or heard about, can you accuse me of being plagiarism?
    Only God knows weather I got it from man or from Him. We have to be careful on passing judgement based on human perspective.

  • @edwardkithuku5678
    @edwardkithuku5678 5 лет назад +4

    Jesus is God and knows the begining from the end and does not need to investigate to know us now and for evermore. This is to make Jesus a police man a CIA who has investigate us inorder to atone us or judge us.

    • @andalusianguitarist
      @andalusianguitarist 5 лет назад +1

      This is quite true but does not negate the second part of Jesus work from the context of Hebrews 6:20.

    • @TexasGrandma2010
      @TexasGrandma2010 2 месяца назад

      ​@@andalusianguitaristthere is no other work Jesus is doing. He negated it on the cross.

    • @loren719
      @loren719 2 месяца назад

      You said;
      "Jesus is God and knows the begining [sic] from the end and does not need
      to investigate to know us now and for evermore."
      You're right, God knows ALL; But Judgment isn't so He can "find out", it's for us see that He knows everything in Love, Mercy and Justice.
      "Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it,
      and a BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE was written before Him... FOR THEM.... that feared the LORD,
      and that thought upon His Name." Mal. 3:16
      The Books in Heaven used in His Investigative Judgment, are for us who Love and Fear God.
      God is Love!

    • @loren719
      @loren719 2 месяца назад

      @@TexasGrandma2010 Hi, Jesus DID "finish" the Sacrifice on the Cross, providing His Own Blood in the Heavenly Temple (Heb.9:12)
      And when He completes His High Priest Ministry - Cleansing the Heavenly Sanctuary, then... He'll be "finished" again;
      "And a Mighty Shout came from the Throne in the Temple, saying, “It is finished!” " Rev. 16:17 NLT
      So, tell me, if Jesus "negated" or "finished" "all other works" on the Cross (John 19:30), then what does He "finish" in the Temple in Heaven... where the Throne is (Rev. 16:17 NLT) ?
      God is Love!

    • @TexasGrandma2010
      @TexasGrandma2010 2 месяца назад

      @@loren719 No such a skewed meaning. He finished it all on the cross. Nothing left to finish. He said so. Yours all comes from the false writings and teachings of EGW whether want to acknowledge it or not. Nowhere in scripture does it say any of what she wrote in her prophecies. I suggest you take a long hard look at Rev 22: 18-20. All of SDA is added to what Christ said. All of the Investagative Judgment is pure fiction dreamed up by EGW. There is nothing in the Bible about some pre creation nonsense. Nowhere. You don't add anything or take away from God's word. You do. With who Christ is, His fulfilling all the Mosaic law and the prophets. Sabbath keeping needed for salvation. Investigative Judgement. And that SDA is the final remnant. 144000 thousand come from the tribes of Israel. Revelation says so. Mark of the beast is on your forehead or right hand, needed to by or sell. In order to get it, you must call the antichrist god. Once you get it, you can never be saved. All this is in Revelation. Nothing comes from any of EGW or SDA teachings. And because of all those false teachings, SDA teaches a false Gospel. Mark 1:15, Ephesians 2: 8-9. All of Romans, John, Ephesians, Galatians. None say one word about that applies to anything SDA says. Jesus never said one word about anything like Investigative Judgment. Not one. I'll take Jesus words over EGW. Hope Jesus opens your eyes soon, because you have a different Christ and. salvation

  • @lennart2303
    @lennart2303 14 дней назад

    When was this interview originally broadcast? Can someone help me, please.

  • @GlenKimpton
    @GlenKimpton 9 лет назад

    Thanks for posting!
    Even though, it seems, you dont agree with what they are saying?

  • @gerhardpyper370
    @gerhardpyper370 7 лет назад +21

    Thank you Drs. Ford and Rea for standing up for God. The SDA congregation in White Rock, British Columbia had done a series “putting God on trial” I submit that is blasphemy. Your panel discussion is and was long overdue. I am done with the SDA doctrine

    • @thompson29754
      @thompson29754 6 лет назад +2

      Gerhard Pyper I would encourage you to investigate for yourself

    • @mariacarbon3236
      @mariacarbon3236 6 лет назад +2

      You're not alone. . Thank God for these brave men.

    • @shiningstar3312
      @shiningstar3312 6 лет назад +3

      Foolish men.........Thank God for The Word of God and The Testimony of Jesus b/c if we had to depend on these frail and feeble men we would all go to hell!

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 5 лет назад +1

      @@shiningstar3312 ,
      SDA Protestant pastors don't want you to know this:
      1. The Seventh Day Adventist Protestant denomination was not even thought of by a "man" in Battle Creek, MI until 1863AD, so how can there remotely be any claim back to Jesus Christ or outrageously "Genesis"??? The truth is the SDA Protestant denomination is just another "man made" division of 35,000 and growing divisions stemming from a 1500's "man" Martin Luther.
      2. SDA's don't want you to understand the old covenant Jews never ever separated the 10 Commandments from all 613 Commandments:
      Per Jewish law and the Word of GOD
      Galatians 5:3-4 ***"I testify again to every man who receives circumcision that he is bound to keep the whole law. You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace."***
      3. SDA don't want you to understand we get "born again" (John 3:5) through the NEW ADAM OF OBEDIENCE Jesus Christ (Romans 5:12-21, 6:3-13, 7:6, 8:2, 10:4, Galatians 2:19-20, 3:19-25, 4:19-31, 5:18) to live in the "Spirit of the Law" being the NEW COVENANT COMMANDMENT of "LOVE" (John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17, Romans 7:6, 8:2) or "Law of Christ" (1 Corinthians 9:21, Galatians 6:2) that fulfills ALL the old covenant laws (Romans 13:8, 10, Galatians 5:14) and we actually become part of the NEW CREATION (2 Corinthians 5:17, Hebrews 8:13, Galatians 6:15).
      4. SDA'S don't want you to know about GOD'S promise to "end" all the old Jewish covenant "Harlot Sabbaths" per Hosea 2:11, Lamentations 2:6, 2:9, Luke 16:16, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Hebrews 8:13.
      And, what day all the Leviticus Chapter 23 "forever" feasts point to - being "the day after Sabbath" as the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19) fulfills all these old covenant "shadow" feasts (Hebrews 10:1) .
      5. SDA'S don't want you to know about the NEW COVENANT PRIESTHOOD or Levi covenant promise (Jeremiah 33:14-22, Malachi 2:4-7, 3:3) where GOD said He would take in "some" Gentile "priests" fulfilling Isaiah 66:18-21 prophecy - necessitating a "change" in the law to allow "some" Gentile priests:
      Hebrews 7:12 "For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well."
      6. SDA's don't want you to know the power of being baptized through the NEW ADAM (Romans 5:12-21) Jesus Christ and how we are no longer "under" old covenant worship laws (Romans 6:14-15, 7:6, 7:10-11, 8:2, 10:4, 1 Corinthians 9:20-21) and instead in a state of "GRACE" as long as we remain Holy.
      7. SDA's don't want you to know that you can actually "FALL FROM GRACE" when you deliberately sin (Hebrews 10:26-27, 29).
      How you will need the "power" the ONE MEDIATOR Jesus Christ gave to His ONE and ONLY established Church being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH per John 20:23 to be reconciled with GOD again - in order to be back in a state of "GRACE" or "SAVED" through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
      8. SDA's don't want you to understand there is a NEW COMMAND in the NEW COVENANT (John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17) of "GRACE" (Romans 6:14-15, Galatians 5:18).
      What does LOVE do??? (Romans 13:8, 10, Galatians 5:14). Ever wonder why the Ten Commandments were written on "two" tablets of stone??? 1. LOVE of GOD fulfills the first three commandments 2. LOVE of NEIGHBOR fulfills the remaining seven commandments. LOVE FULFILLS THE LAW and elevates the old covenant laws to perfection and serve as a reminder of what will happen if we are unloving and "FALL FROM GRACE" (Hebrews 10:29).
      9. SDA's want you to believe "breaking bread" is just another Jewish meal instead of the transformation of the old covenant "forever" GOD commanded passover (Exodus 12:14) into the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19). How we must eat the "Lamb of GOD" for "death to truly Passover" (John 6:4, 54-58).
      1 Corinthians 10:16-17. All Catholics "participate in" the ONE SACRIFICE of Jesus Christ the "Lamb of God" and in consuming His ONE BODY (John 6:55) in the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb" we truly "BECOME HIS ONE BODY", "the Church" a "Temple" holding the fulfilled forever liturgically commanded "Bread of the Presence" (Levicticus 24:5-9, Matthew 24:20):
      May GOD open your eyes to these Biblical and historical truths that the ONE and ONLY established Church of Jesus Christ is and forever will be the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH (Matthew 16:18).

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 5 лет назад

      @@onetruefaith5750 .
      Good points, but I have to denounce you also.
      Biblical based religionists don't want you to know that the Bible is full of errors, interpolations and contradictions and can be used to support many different positions, which led to over 35 thousand denominations and growing.
      The Catholic church, The L.D.S. church, The S.D.A. and the Watchtower are all guilty of organizational salvation. The shallow and superficial belief that only membership in good standing in their organization guarantees salvation.
      Irrational nonsense.

  • @rodrigoscustodio
    @rodrigoscustodio 7 месяцев назад +5

    The song of this show is just the best!

    • @Dazzwidd
      @Dazzwidd 3 месяца назад +1

      hahaha that's exactly what I thought, the music will catch them if the religion doesn't 😂 As for me I'm a non-denominational born again Christian. I know what seventh day Adventists are about

    • @rodrigoscustodio
      @rodrigoscustodio 3 месяца назад

      @@Dazzwidd after 40 years there I can say: is a cult.

  • @Rabbitburnx
    @Rabbitburnx Год назад +2

    Faith is a work of obedience. Faith without works is dead. Saved by Grace through Faith my Bible says. Not Faith alone.

    • @rayray4192
      @rayray4192 Год назад

      You are Bible illiterate and a biblical fool. Disgusting sinners are saved by grace. Drop mic, end of story. Hod commands all sinners to obey the gospel message. “ For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures, and that he appeared to Cep-has, then to the twelve. First Corinthians 15 describes the gospel message. Believe it and you are instantly born again apart from law or any good works of personal righteousness. At that point in time a life long process of sanctification begins, and is never finished. Humans are messed up. Christian humans are messed up. You are a sinner. If you do not begin to grow in the sanctification process and bear fruit of God the Holy Spirit then it’s proof you haven’t been born again, but fruit doesn’t save you. The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ saves you. You are simply posting a linguistic gymnastics game to support the Adventist heresy that salvation is maintained by being a good boy. It’s not Christianity. Your good boy acts are disgusting filthy rags to Holy God.

    • @jeanneprusak1031
      @jeanneprusak1031 21 день назад

      Saved by Grace….through Faith.

  • @BeulahLips
    @BeulahLips 10 лет назад +2

    I also heard them say they believe in many other worlds beyond this (habituated physical planets), but they didn't say if they thought Christ and the God of the bible were also the God of those planets or not. Has anyone heard this or know what they believe about other planets?

    • @missderry2387
      @missderry2387 3 года назад +1

      The Scripture Hebrews 1:2
      (he made the worlds)

  • @pauloftarsus8145
    @pauloftarsus8145 5 лет назад +3

    Opinions can be wrong but not love. Amen.

  • @vacaroiu
    @vacaroiu 6 лет назад +23

    Doctor Desmond Ford and Walter Rea are absolutly right in this presentation and all adventist must listen carefully to his presentations if they want for their eyes to be open and if they trully want to understand the true gospel and not the deceiving heresy of Ellen White, thank you God for saving me from my darkness and ignorence through Desmond Ford and Walter

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 6 лет назад +1

      Mister Green I have watched this carefully. Which is why I reject their false points. They ignore many parts of the Bible and History.
      To give the Seventh day Adventist point of view. But not by based on my word, instead of telling you what we believe. I am going to give the website of our 28 fundamental beliefs.
      1. The law is not done away with it is established. Romans 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.
      2. The law does not save. Its job is to define sin. Romans 3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
      Read Romans 6
      3. Love leads us to follow the law. Jesus and Paul list’s directly six of the Ten Commandments.
      Romans 13:8,9 Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
      Ephesians 6:2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;)
      Matthew 19:17 -19 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
      4. Of the other four all will admit that it is a sin to have other gods, bow down and worship idols and to take the name of GOD in vain. Protestant Ministers have stated the Ten Commandments are for Christians. Great Preachers on the Ten Commandments.
      John Calvin taught extensively on the Ten Commandments In this way it will be made more clear, that the worship which God originally prescribed is still in force,…
      John Calvin: Here I think it will not be out of place to introduce the Ten Commandments of the law with a short explanation of them. Thus, the point I have touched upon will also be made clearer: that the public worship that God once prescribed is still in force. Wikipedia
      5. In the book of Hebrews the New Covenant states the laws are to be written into our hearts not done away with. The New Testament directly quotes from the Old Testament Jeremiah 31.
      Hebrews 8:8,10 For finding fault with the saith Behold the days com saith the Lord which I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts: and I will be to their GOD AND THEY SHALL BE TO ME A PEOPLE.

    • @pauloftarsus8145
      @pauloftarsus8145 5 лет назад +1

      I haven't watched this whole show. Im at 6:54 and the case is presented. As far as I'm concerned everything else is semantics. The core of the issue is presented as Faith plus nothing equals salvation OR faith plus Works equals salvation. To boil it down one step further you COULD say do you believe in once saved always saved or not? I believe their is a very fundamental problem in Christianity as a whole, both with SDA's AND the rest of Christendom and that is this. THEY do NOT separate GETTING saved and STAYING saved. Getting saved seems to me very obvious. Faith plus NOTHING = salvation. No work I can do can earn jack NOTHING from God, Salvation is Completely and utterly categorically of God and God ALONE! However, I can remember like it was yesterday when God saved me for no apparent reason :) I asked myself this question. "WHAT NOW?" What now? WORKS, thats whats now! Faith without works is no faith at all. Its a FALSE deception, the said person has a MENTAL assent that he believes but his works show otherwise therefore he isn't saved at all. If said person IS genuinely saved than NATURALLY works will follow. these works KEEP us saved as if we could LOSE our salvation? OR can I just do any old DAMNABLE thing and Im secure in Christ? After all He died for ALL my sins, past present and future? That IS the question. Its not an easy question. I know what the Baptists say and the SDA's definately say NO! Once saved always saved is false doctrine. MOST of Christianity agrees. MOST do NOT believe in "once saved always saved." Why get LOST in the semantics of salvation by faith alone when their is a MORE IMPORTANT question of STAYING saved? Investigative judgement? Maybe, or maybe not, does it matter? Am I committed to Christ, and do my WORKS PROVE it? Or am I just a talking head? This is lip service to God. Our works PROVE whether we are genuinely saved or not. This cannot be denied. Can anyone snatch me from the Fathers hand? Obviously not, but I sure can jump out of the Fathers hand of my own volition. I find Christians cant get their itsy bitsy brains past the fact that their are TWO aspects to salvation, Before...and after. Before is a no brainer. After is not a no brainer at all, its a MAJOR problem, do NOT mix the two together. Getting saved is easy, its nothing.GOD did that part. STAYING saved will cost you EVERYTHING!!!! Getting saved has NOTHING on earth to do with Staying saved. Thoughts?

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 5 лет назад +1

      @@pauloftarsus8145 Paul sorry for just now reading this. Once saved always involves that once you say some words you are saved no matter how you live. So those who live in sin feel it is okay for them.
      The opposite doctrine is not works saves. But that the saved work. Those who say they are saved and don't love others are just fooling themselves. The once saved always use either TULIP directly or part of it. So when you say our works prove we are genuinely saved or not. You are agreeing with Seventh day Adventist.

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 5 лет назад

      @@samuelwilliams1559 ,
      SDA Protestant pastors don't want you to know this:
      1. The Seventh Day Adventist Protestant denomination was not even thought of by a "man" in Battle Creek, MI until 1863AD, so how can there remotely be any claim back to Jesus Christ or outrageously "Genesis"??? The truth is the SDA Protestant denomination is just another "man made" division of 35,000 and growing divisions stemming from a 1500's "man" Martin Luther.
      2. SDA's don't want you to understand the old covenant Jews never ever separated the 10 Commandments from all 613 Commandments:
      Per Jewish law and the Word of GOD
      Galatians 5:3-4 ***"I testify again to every man who receives circumcision that he is bound to keep the whole law. You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace."***
      3. SDA don't want you to understand we get "born again" (John 3:5) through the NEW ADAM OF OBEDIENCE Jesus Christ (Romans 5:12-21, 6:3-13, 7:6, 8:2, 10:4, Galatians 2:19-20, 3:19-25, 4:19-31, 5:18) to live in the "Spirit of the Law" being the NEW COVENANT COMMANDMENT of "LOVE" (John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17, Romans 7:6, 8:2) or "Law of Christ" (1 Corinthians 9:21, Galatians 6:2) that fulfills ALL the old covenant laws (Romans 13:8, 10, Galatians 5:14) and we actually become part of the NEW CREATION (2 Corinthians 5:17, Hebrews 8:13, Galatians 6:15).
      4. SDA'S don't want you to know about GOD'S promise to "end" all the old Jewish covenant "Harlot Sabbaths" per Hosea 2:11, Lamentations 2:6, 2:9, Luke 16:16, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Hebrews 8:13.
      And, what day all the Leviticus Chapter 23 "forever" feasts point to - being "the day after Sabbath" as the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19) fulfills all these old covenant "shadow" feasts (Hebrews 10:1) .
      5. SDA'S don't want you to know about the NEW COVENANT PRIESTHOOD or Levi covenant promise (Jeremiah 33:14-22, Malachi 2:4-7, 3:3) where GOD said He would take in "some" Gentile "priests" fulfilling Isaiah 66:18-21 prophecy - necessitating a "change" in the law to allow "some" Gentile priests:
      Hebrews 7:12 "For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well."
      6. SDA's don't want you to know the power of being baptized through the NEW ADAM (Romans 5:12-21) Jesus Christ and how we are no longer "under" old covenant worship laws (Romans 6:14-15, 7:6, 7:10-11, 8:2, 10:4, 1 Corinthians 9:20-21) and instead in a state of "GRACE" as long as we remain Holy.
      7. SDA's don't want you to know that you can actually "FALL FROM GRACE" when you deliberately sin (Hebrews 10:26-27, 29).
      How you will need the "power" the ONE MEDIATOR Jesus Christ gave to His ONE and ONLY established Church being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH per John 20:23 to be reconciled with GOD again - in order to be back in a state of "GRACE" or "SAVED" through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
      8. SDA's don't want you to understand there is a NEW COMMAND in the NEW COVENANT (John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17) of "GRACE" (Romans 6:14-15, Galatians 5:18).
      What does LOVE do??? (Romans 13:8, 10, Galatians 5:14). Ever wonder why the Ten Commandments were written on "two" tablets of stone??? 1. LOVE of GOD fulfills the first three commandments 2. LOVE of NEIGHBOR fulfills the remaining seven commandments. LOVE FULFILLS THE LAW and elevates the old covenant laws to perfection and serve as a reminder of what will happen if we are unloving and "FALL FROM GRACE" (Hebrews 10:29).
      9. SDA's want you to believe "breaking bread" is just another Jewish meal instead of the transformation of the old covenant "forever" GOD commanded passover (Exodus 12:14) into the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19). How we must eat the "Lamb of GOD" for "death to truly Passover" (John 6:4, 54-58).
      1 Corinthians 10:16-17. All Catholics "participate in" the ONE SACRIFICE of Jesus Christ the "Lamb of God" and in consuming His ONE BODY (John 6:55) in the "Marriage Supper of the Lamb" we truly "BECOME HIS ONE BODY", "the Church" a "Temple" holding the fulfilled forever liturgically commanded "Bread of the Presence" (Levicticus 24:5-9, Matthew 24:20):
      May GOD open your eyes to these Biblical and historical truths that the ONE and ONLY established Church of Jesus Christ is and forever will be the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH (Matthew 16:18).

    • @samuelwilliams1559
      @samuelwilliams1559 5 лет назад

      @@onetruefaith5750 1. True the Protestants denominations started from the RCC who had fallen and their leaders choose to follow the laws of men instead of the laws of GOD. Just as the Jews had done. So why follow man made traditions of a human being? Instead of following the word of GOD the Bible?
      2. The RCC teaches correctly that Christians are to keep the Ten Commandments because they are for Christians. Look it up in the Catechism. So why do you think the RCC is lying about the Ten Commandments. Also many Jewish scholars place the Ten on a separate level since they are the words written down by GOD.
      3. In fact we want you to know that SDA teach we must be "born again" (John 3:5) through the NEW ADAM OF OBEDIENCE Jesus Christ (Romans 5:12-21, 6:3-13, 7:6, 8:2, 10:4, Galatians 2:19-20, 3:19-25, 4:19-31, 5:18) to live in the "Spirit of the Law" being the NEW COVENANT COMMANDMENT of "LOVE" (John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17, Romans 7:6, 8:2) or "Law of Christ" (1 Corinthians 9:21, Galatians 6:2) that fulfills all laws are to be obeyed in love (Romans 13:8, 10, Galatians 5:14) and we actually become part of the NEW CREATION (2 Corinthians 5:17, Hebrews 8:13, Galatians 6:15). This is what Seventh day Adventist teach.
      4. None of those say the Seventh day Sabbath is gone. Since none of those verses say the Seventh day Sabbath is gone. You are incorrect. Read them again.
      5. Yes Gentiles are not Israel and all followers of Jesus are priests.
      6. Amen we are in grace through faith not of works. Ephesians 2.
      7. True you can fall from Grace when you sin. Thank you for agreeing with us.
      8. Amen and Amen. Love obeys GOD Thank you for agreeing with us.
      9. We do accept the new Passover. But Transubstantiation is not a true doctrine.
      SDA are part of the true catholic church. Not the one that presides in Rome.

  • @dawnsmith5283
    @dawnsmith5283 10 лет назад +1

    It talks in the bible about at the end time the "books are opened"and those whose names are not in the book .which face damnation ( or words to that affect).

  • @innocentmukora6149
    @innocentmukora6149 Год назад

    Which church is Walter Rea going to now?

  • @eugenebell83
    @eugenebell83 9 лет назад +6

    The commandment says "Six days you will labor and do all your work, but on the seventh day you will rest...." OK, doesn't the commandment demand that we work six days a week just as much as it demands that we take one day off and keep it holy?

    • @francoisdebruyn4424
      @francoisdebruyn4424 4 года назад +2

      If you new your bible and the answer to that by Jesus Himself you would have had another view. READ YOUR BIBLE, you only know it partially

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 4 года назад +7

      @@francoisdebruyn4424do you stay home behind your own gates on sabbath's 7th day? Light no fires? Do no work? Gather twice as much manna on the 6th day? Do you put to death the people who break the sabbath? If you live by the law do it perfect or you transgress the whole law. You obviously know nothing of the bible or you wouldn't make such false accusations and false witness. You think yourself wise and you became the fool.

    • @motley331
      @motley331 3 года назад +2

      @@rickhuntling7338 Yikes. I think you nailed it.

    • @chef_downunder
      @chef_downunder 3 года назад +1

      @@rickhuntling7338 You are assuming the Ten Commandments are linked with the Law of the land that was given to Israelites

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 3 года назад +3

      @@chef_downunder It says a covenant made with the children of iseral all ten and they agreed to the ten. The Egyptians had no offer.

  • @guerlinemilfort9069
    @guerlinemilfort9069 5 лет назад +5

    I've been an SDA all my life, my last church had over 300 members, and honestly i only knew one sda lady who was a follower of EGW, and i think she mentioned that name more than any other mame and she was probably upset at the church for not embracing the teaching of EGW. As for me for about 40 years i barely heard that name, even in the church.

    • @TheAusJT
      @TheAusJT 4 года назад

      Whether that lady was the only EGW follower in your church is irrelevant, when Ellen is clearly an "continuing and authoritative source of truth", as penned by the General Conference
      Don't be fooled by the double-speak from SDAs (which I've heard a lot of over the years) that will try to tell you that "the Bible is their sole authority",
      Ellen White isn't on par with the Bible" etc.
      These videos show otherwise:видео.htmlвидео.htmlвидео.html

    • @michaelreyes8182
      @michaelreyes8182 3 года назад +2

      I've been one just as long and you're wrong. How about naming the church you belong to? They shouldn't mind unless you're distorting truth. There are pockets of those who don't follow her openly because they care what others think. I mean the babylonian evangelicals. EGW is the messenger..the spirit of prophecy for the SDA church period!

    • @July-A7
      @July-A7 2 года назад +2

      @Whats Next, I'll tell you what's next.
      The investigative judgment theory isn't Biblical.
      Christ was raised from the dead and entered in the Father's presence in fulfilment of the sanctuary services at the Day of Atonement.
      Read the Book of Hebrews, from end of chapter 4 to 10, especially chapter 9.
      EGW was a mere religious writer. She wasn't a prophet. Neither good nor false prophet as she wasn't a prophet. People were simple and stupid and made her to be e prophet. Sadly,this continues today.

    • @loren719
      @loren719 Год назад +2

      @@July-A7 Ellen White said: "... I have made no claim to this title [ prophet].... " , and also, she said: "My Savior declared me to be His messenger... "
      RH, July 26, 1906, par. 5 (EGW)
      So Ellen White said that Jesus declared her to be His messenger.
      Her purpose and mission through: "pointed Testimonies", was to bring people, " back to the Word" of God (5T 663)
      Notice her work: "“Your work,” He instructed me, “is to BEAR MY WORD. Strange things will arise, and in your youth I set you apart
      to bear the message to the erring ones, to CARRY THE WORD before UNBELIEVERS , and with pen and voice
      to REPROVE FROM THE WORD actions that are not right. EXHORT FROM THE WORD. I will make MY WORD
      OPEN TO YOU. It shall not be as a strange language. In the true eloquence of simplicity, with voice and pen, the
      messages that I give shall be heard from one who has never learned in the schools. My Spirit and My Power
      shall be with you. " RH July 26, 1906, par. 5
      Her work was to: - Bear His Word
      - Carry the Word
      - Reprove from the Word
      - Exhort from the Word
      - His Word was Open to her
      - By the Spirit of God and His Power... she would do this work
      According to Ellen White, it's all about His Word.
      The Truth? Ellen White was filled with the Spirit of God and loved His Word and was an ardent student of It!
      Blessings to you July-Lian... and ... Happy Sabbath!

    • @July-A7
      @July-A7 Год назад +1

      @@loren719 we are all messengers of God. We all are to carry the Word and admonish from the Word. We are all filled with the Holy Spirit to minister in this world.
      EGW wasn't any different.
      Happy Sabbath to you too!

  • @alonsomiguellozanoaumne5668
    @alonsomiguellozanoaumne5668 6 лет назад

    What do they mean @22:44 sin is not an act, it’s an attitude ? And that it is an Old Testament concept

    • @michaelreyes8182
      @michaelreyes8182 3 года назад

      If Des said it worked. Create confusion.

  • @marcosalvez3497
    @marcosalvez3497 6 лет назад

    Interessante de acordo com o tal princípio apotelesmático do Dr. Ford o santuário pode ser a Terra, o Templo no tempo de Antíoco IV, menos o Santuário Celestial

  • @garytraversy5231
    @garytraversy5231 8 лет назад +5

    Beginning @ the 4:40 mark of the video, a quote from Ellen White's writings was presented as follows:
    "Attended by heavenly angels, our great High Priest enters the holy of holies, and there appears in the presence of God to ...perform the work of investigative judgment, and to make an atonement for all who are shown to be entitled to its benefits." {GC 479.3}
    Note: This quote from Ellen White's writings was EDITED and extracted out of context with Scriptural references provided previously in the body of her commentary which is based on the judgment scene presented to Daniel (Daniel 7:9,10) in time sequence BEFORE Christ receives His everlasting kingdom from the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7: 13,14)]
    Note that the UNedited version reads as follows
    "Attended by heavenly angels, our great High Priest enters the holy of holies, and there appears in the presence of God, to engage in the last acts of his ministration in behalf of man,-to perform the work of investigative Judgment, and to make an atonement for all who are shown to be entitled to its benefits." {GC88 479.3}
    Note that the phrase: "to engage in the last acts of his ministration in behalf of man" is missing entirely". It was stripped from the excerpt. "The last acts of his ministration"" would refer to "the last acts" of the high priest in the typical service on the day of Atonement...which occurred at the "end" of every complete the full cycle of cleansing God's people from their sins...the full plan of salvation...not just part of it.
    However, Regarding this statement, the commentator goes on to say:
    "But a number of seventh day Adventists like Dr. Ford are questioning this. They believe the Bible teaches that atonement was completed at the cross through the shed blood of Christ and that believers' sins are forgiven once and for all at the moment of salvation. However Ellen White has written:
    "The blood of Christ, while it was to release the repentant sinner from the condemnation of the law, was not to cancel the sin! It would stand on record in the sanctuary until the final atonement;...""{PP 357.5}
    Again, the commentator provides a quote from Ellen White's writings, EDITED and stripped from its Biblical context and meaning, to purposefully misrepresent the Biblical truth of the matter.
    The full quote segment from Ellen White's writings should honestly have been presented as follows:
    "The blood of Christ, while it was to release the repentant sinner from the condemnation of the law, was not to cancel the sin; it would stand on record in the sanctuary until the final atonement; so in the type the blood of the sin offering removed the sin from the penitent, but it rested in the sanctuary until the Day of Atonement. {PP 357.5}
    She says it another way as follows:
    "The blood of Christ, while it was to release the repentant sinner from the condemnation of the law, was not to conceal the sin; it would stand on record in the sanctuary until the final atonement. So in the type the blood of the sin offering removed the sin from the penitent, but it rested in the sanctuary until the Day of Atonement." {EP 249.4}
    Note that the phrase:
    "so in the type the blood of the sin offering removed the sin from the penitent, but it rested in the sanctuary until the Day of Atonement" which of course references the Bible where the "type" would be explained. [See Leviticus 16]
    Ellen White's understanding is in complete harmony with Scripture which states:
    "For on that day shall the priest make an atonement for you, to cleanse you, that ye may be clean from all your sins before the LORD." [Leviticus 16:30] This cleansing did NOT happen in the outer court of the temple where the sacrificial offering was slain...just as with Christ our Sacrifice.
    Read entire chapter of Leviticus 16 for context. The BIBLE says that the Day of Atonement was necessary "to cleanse" "from all your sins before the LORD"...
    "forgiveness" or "release...from the condemnation of the law" or "removal/transfer of sin from the believer" via the Sacrifice is not the same thing as "cleansing" sin or to "cancel/conceal" sin...according to the Old Testament TYPES which testify to this very plainly.
    Complete salvation from sin requires a complete cleansing according to how God has decreed it should the Scriptures of truth
    Who is out of harmony with Scripture...really? Ellen White or Desmond Ford?

    • @sburnsonmaposa9062
      @sburnsonmaposa9062 8 лет назад +1

      +Gary Traversy There is NOTHING biblical from/about anything written by a FALSE prophet.You cannot edit a biblical error. Both ELLEN WHITE and Dr FORD are IN ERROR. THERE IS NO BLOOD in heaven. 1 Corinthians 15 :15 and John 3 : 5-6.

    • @garytraversy5231
      @garytraversy5231 8 лет назад +2

      I'm afraid the "proof" texts that you offer to support your declaration that "THERE IS NO BLOOD in heaven", capital letters notwithstanding, are not even germane to the topic.
      From your comment, it is clear that you do not understand type and anti-type...
      The burden of proof still rests with you to substantiate your fervent declarations that ELLEN WHITE is in ERROR...even if you do so in nice capital letters.
      Is Leviticus 16 part of the Word of God?
      Is Hebrews Chapters 8,9,10 part of the Word of God?
      Do you not believe from Hebrews 8-10 that there is a heavenly sanctuary?
      Do you really believe the word of God?
      Do you not believe the Word of God that tells us that the Day of Atonement was necessary "to cleanse" "from all your sins before the LORD"...[Leviticus 16:30]?
      The system of types carried out in the earthly sanctuary pointed to the activities that would be carried out in the heavenly sanctuary in fulfillment of those types. The Lamb of God was slain in the outer court of the temple according to the have not gone deeper into the sanctuary, and I pray that you will for:
      If you stop in the outer court, and proceed no further, you cannot avail yourself of partaking of the full plan of redemption that our Saviour has set in revealed in His Word.
      Do you believe that the "life of the flesh is in the blood"? [Leviticus 17:11]
      Do you believe Scripture when it states that "the blood is the life"? [Deuteronomy 12:23]
      This "life" is the "blood" that is being ministered by our High Priest Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary to our cases "to cleanse" "from all your sins before the Lord" [His Father]
      Sorry...didn't mean for this to be a book
      Christian regards....

    • @danilierr
      @danilierr 7 лет назад

      +Gary Traversy
      Loved your comment. When someone pays attention to the details, the truth arises for itself.

    • @nilsencortez6482
      @nilsencortez6482 6 лет назад

      Gary Traversy, thank you for quoting. I'm spanish speaking and dont have the english quotations. This claerly is a manipulated interview as TV shows are all around the world. It's not Ellen, could be any other person God could choose to give the message

    • @exwhyz9367
      @exwhyz9367 6 лет назад

      Marcos Ortiz -rubbish!

  • @paulrajisaiah3430
    @paulrajisaiah3430 5 лет назад +4

    We adventists believe salvation by faith that works. We believe the day a man believes and accept Christ as his saviour he is saved from the penalty of sin which is death, and is being saved from the power of sin which is trying to dominate us. Finally we will be saved from the very presence of sin in us. It is never once saved always saved. He that endures till the end the same shall be saved. We have never equated EGW to Bible.

    • @fayelewis5476
      @fayelewis5476 5 лет назад +1

      I know for sure that when I die I will be with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
      "Absent from the body, present with the Lord."
      John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all. No one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.

    • @July-A7
      @July-A7 2 года назад +5

      @Paulraj, Ellen White is effectively higher than the Bible for every Adventist who believes her to be a prophet.
      SDA has got some wrong doctrines,just like all other denominations.
      In any event, God's true church isn't any particular denomination.

    • @loren719
      @loren719 Год назад

      @@July-A7 ... actually, Ellen White never claimed the title of Prophet... and... any SDA who believes she's a prophet is compelled to do so because of Bible Testimony concerning prophets.
      ie... Ellen White fits all the Bible criteria.... and yet, she made NO CLAIM to the title of prophet....
      "Early in my youth I was asked several times, Are you a prophet? I have ever responded,
      I am the Lord's messenger. I know that many have called me a prophet, but I have made
      NO CLAIM to this title. " RH July 26, 1906, par. 5 (Ellen White)
      So yes, many SDA's, including myself, see Ellen White as a prophet solely based on Bible criteria for a prophet, not on her words; For, she has never made that claim.
      I'll share just one Bible criteria for a prophet here, but there are more:
      " To the LAW and to the TESTIMONY , if they speak not according to this WORD
      it is because there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:20
      Ellen White speaks to all three.
      Peace, July-Lian!

    • @loren719
      @loren719 Год назад

      @@July-A7 Also note, that the official SDA stand on Ellen White, does NOT call her a prophet. ( see: 28 Fundamental Beliefs, #18, The Gift of Prophecy)

    • @July-A7
      @July-A7 Год назад +1

      @@loren719 regardless what EGW claimed to be or not. She was followed like a cult leader during her time as well as today. Not everyone in the SDA church esteems her that way, yet the Bible is interpreted pretty much through the prism of EGW.
      I don't need her writings. My Bible is clear to me.

  • @LEGASItv
    @LEGASItv 3 года назад +1

    The woman knitting behind John knows that she is on the winning side.

  • @mjreyno
    @mjreyno 7 лет назад +1

    Is Ellen G. White talking about the Investigative Judgment as Jesus will look if you sinned or as Jesus will see if you are one of those who believes in Him?

  • @brianhyde5900
    @brianhyde5900 8 лет назад +3

    Many are fixated on law so much so that they seem to want law for the sake of law. This shows they have a wrong understanding of the role and purpose of law, period.
    So let's take a closer look at law.
    Law is connected with deterring wrong behaviour. ... Right behaviour is the result of right thinking.
    Wrong behaviour is the result of wrong thinking.
    Right thinking and right behaviour cannot be legislated.
    Wrong thinking and wrong behaviour cannot be prevented by legislation.
    So then what is the purpose of law? It's purpose is to DETER wrong behaviour. But IT CANNOT STOP IT.
    Wrong behaviour can only be DETERRED by legislation that outlaws specific acts which are counted as "wrong behaviour".
    The deterrent is in the POTENTIAL PUNISHMENT for the specific wrong act involved. If you want to take drugs you don't take drugs because you don't want to end up in the slammer!
    Law is put in place by secular authority to DETER wrong behaviour from taking place and to punish the offender when he (or she) commits an ACT of wrong behaviour.
    What, however, decides "wrong" behaviour?
    The answer is societal morality.
    So now let's take a look at "morality"
    Morality is based on moral principles, Morals are ethical principles.
    Society has its ethics. But the believer has his. too. The believer's ethic is LOVE.
    Love is generic for an endless list of expressed virtues (patience, goodness, gentleness, kindness, compassion, tolerance, etc.).
    These "virtues" are taught principles.
    The believer, however, exists in God's Love; God IS Love. God is Spirit hence, love is a spiritual ethic. Since we exist in Love, we exist in the spiritual moral ethic of love.
    Now when your thinking is right then it follows that your behaviour is right, automatically, spontaneously. Therefore, when your thinking is love then it follows that your behaviour will be love, naturally, spontaneously.
    Your behaviour will be love in action.
    Christ who is Love, taught and exemplified Love in action.
    Now, let's bring law and love together -- in association.
    As already stated, if you have love in your heart you are naturally doing right and not doing wrong. Thus for you, personally, law serves NO PURPOSE, whether to deter you or to punish you.
    1. You are deterred by love; not fear of punishment.
    2. You are not doing anything wrong so as to come under its authority -- there is nothing you are doing wrong for law to find fault with you so that you must be shut up inside a cage.
    True believers make the best citizens.
    That's why love has always been the "fulfilment of law". How so, "fulfilment"? In the sense that by doing right you are obviously not doing wrong.
    Friends, that's not rocket science. Even a child can understand it.
    In outward expressions of love there is no breaking of law involved; there is no wrong being committed which law itself forbids and which law punishes. (Galatians 5:23).

    • @rayjones9651
      @rayjones9651 8 лет назад

      +Brian Hyde
      Oh I love the way you put it - you hit the nail on the head!
      Love *is* the fulfilment of the law. But do we believers get to pick and choose which behaviors constitute love and which ones don't? Your partial list of virtues (patience, goodness, gentleness, kindness, compassion, tolerance, etc.) is good, and it very nicely addresses how our actions should play out toward each other. But how do we demonstrate our love to God? Is it sufficient simply to "play nice" with each other? Or are there demonstrable behaviors that can be directed specifically to God?

    • @brianhyde5900
      @brianhyde5900 8 лет назад

      Ray Jones
      With the greatest resepct, to talk in terms of "picking and choosing and "playing nice" seems to me to betray a rather shallow understanding of what love is about otherwise you would not argue thus.
      Its often the habit of teachers of law to denigrate love as some kind of cheap wishy-washy sentimental stuff like so that they can exalt their coveted old covenant law of sin and death which they see as the answer to sins problem. .
      If a person cannot understand that love is a state of being then clearly he cannot understand what it means to be converted where you love as God loves and you love as Christ loved. Moreover, if a person does not understand what love is, then he or she does not understand the basics of who God is, because God IS love by nature.
      Love is not a flight of feeling. any more han God is a flight of feeling. Love is not an abstraction any more than God is an abstraction. Love is dynamic; it is change and the power to change. God is love and God is dymamic and God is power to change the hardest heart.
      When that happens you have a new heart and a new mind that operates by the power of unselfish love. Love is a state of being that is NATURALLY manifest in bearing fruit unto God. Its a natural fruit wrought by the SpIrit
      Love is not something you DO in order to BE love; on the contrary you have to BE love TO love. Love is not something God does it is something that He IS. God IS love by very nature and God works in us by His grace to BE love by very nature.
      Love dissolves enmity toward God.
      Thus when you ARE love by very nature it is plain your behaviour will be love by very nature.
      Love is an eternal principle manifest in infinite ways -- some of which are already expressed in 1 Corinthians 13 and Galatains 5:22-23. Being active in love's virtue is of the utmost importance for living in balance.

    • @rayjones9651
      @rayjones9651 8 лет назад

      Brian Hyde
      Oh, Brian. I do not consider love to be some cheap wishy-washy thing that I simply aspire to _doing_. But my question was meant to set up the next question: How can Man know what sin (the absence of love) looks like?
      Can I steal from my neighbor while still loving him? Not according to the law. Can I love my fellow man so much that I would kill him or spend a few night with his wife? Not according to the law. I do not strive to keep the law so that I will be loving - but if love is the fulfilment of the law, then the fruit growing from my life will never contradict the law!
      But how does one love God - by not murdering Him? No. Jesus gave *two* great commandments in Matthew 22:38, 39. Love God supremely *and* love your fellow man. He said these were the two great commandments. Since being saved I have found that sports are not the primary love of my life. God now takes precedence (first commandment). I have never been one to swear a lot, but I now find myself using God's name in reference to holy things rather just than any old common usage (third commandment).
      In Mark 10:17-21 Jesus makes it clear that "keeping the commandments" is not just a surface endeavor - it requires a commitment of the entire life.
      John is very pointed on this topic. in 1 John 2:3, 4, he says that we know that we know Him if we keep His commandments. And if we don't keep His commandments and say we know Him, we are liars!
      And who does Revelation say is going to have right to the tree of life and enter in to the New Jerusalem? Revelation 22:14 says it is those who do His commandments.
      So to recap, keeping the law does not necessarily equate to love. But love will never abrogate the law because love fulfils the law - every last jot and tittle of it.

    • @brianhyde5900
      @brianhyde5900 8 лет назад +1

      Ray Jones
      You just don't get it do you my friend? Once again, the "commandments" ment9ioned in the NT are NOT the ten commandments but the general instructions of God through Christ to believers..Those who already love him will carry out his will. I have already explained this to you so why do you persisting in claiming to the contrary. If you don't agree then leave it alone. I am not prepared to keep going over the same ground.
      And do you honestly think that God is dependent on an ancient criminal code written on paper and stone WHICH HAD TO BE READ, to convict people today of wrong thinking. But you really do, don't you?
      Oh, please, spare me this embarrassment
      Ok, one more time. The gospel is very simple. It is the ministry of the Holy Spirit to "convict" man "in the inner man" of all WRONG-DOING of all RIGHT DOING (cp Jn 16:8)..Wrong-doing has its source in wrong thinking and wrong thinking has its source in selfish thinking and selfish thinking leads to selfish motives and selfish motives lead to selfish attitudes and behaviour which are harmful to oneself and to others. Selfishness snuffs out spiritual life. God in Christ has set men FREE sin and the law of sin and spiritual death and has given man FREEDOM to LIVE -- eternal quality life --- which is manifest in "the fruits of the SpIrit" (Jn 6:47; 1Cor 13: Gal 5:22-23) i.e. righteousness against which there is no law to find fault (Gal 5:23). .
      The Lord, JESUS CHRIST, "the Head of every man", and the Head of the Body of believers, "is that Spirit" (2Cor 3:17). .
      His standard, our standard, is the nature of God and God is LOVE.

    • @rayjones9651
      @rayjones9651 8 лет назад +1

      Brian Hyde
      No, Brian - I guess I just don't get it. You say that love is the NT law? Love was the OT law also.
      Deut 10:12:
      “And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the LORD and His statutes which I command you today for your good?"
      Love is not a NT concept that isn't found in the OT law. Time and time again in Deuteronomy, God equates obedience to the commandments as *love* toward Him.
      And Leviticus does not ignore loving one's neighbor either:
      Lev 19:18:
      ‘You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD."
      Jesus was very clear on this subject. The law of the OT was not simply some legal code book - it *outlined* love!
      Matt 12:36-40:
      “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ *On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.*” (emphasis mine)
      Paul says the same thing:
      Rom 13:9:
      For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
      The 10 commandments have *always* been about love. With the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we can love more perfectly than the basic love required by the 10 commandments. But love will *never* go afoul of the 10 commandments.

  • @karlos6628
    @karlos6628 9 лет назад +13

    30 years ago I was not a sda- had no contact with sda teachings etc-someone share a EGW book-then another-as a outsider I knew that she had to be right-stil going strong here.
    sda members who have never read her books(they don't have to-they are not forced to) have been found that are easily fooled by people like Walter Rea and ford.

    • @joekittrell2841
      @joekittrell2841 9 лет назад +3

      C 19 thank you,for your faith,it is a great truth in the sda church,it is Christ that we teach,fault finders are tearing down the work of Christ and furthering the purpose of satan.

    • @karlos6628
      @karlos6628 9 лет назад +2

      Joe Kittrell-and you are right also.

    • @joekittrell2841
      @joekittrell2841 9 лет назад +1

      it was grace that keeps any sinner alive,and that is all of us,its dispensation started in heaven and goes till now and to the end of time,its door is fast closing and time of grace shall be no more for sin, all who fight with Christians will soon be herded into the group that will follow the beast and his mark it will prevent you from buying and selling making it inconvenient for one to follow Christ ,who then will take up their cross and follow Christ

    • @emmanuelboniventure7909
      @emmanuelboniventure7909 7 лет назад

      C 19 vx

    • @exwhyz9367
      @exwhyz9367 6 лет назад

      Strict & Particular Baptist Radio - That's your opinion and experience..C-19 is giving a personal testimony based on their experience...

  • @stanleyyurth12
    @stanleyyurth12 5 лет назад +1


  • @lilliandusablon7263
    @lilliandusablon7263 6 лет назад +2

    Alot of Adventist Churches have capitulated into the Emergent Apostate Church

    • @mandolinJo
      @mandolinJo 3 года назад

      Hi pls tell me how that You arrived at this >>> inJesus name Ray💕✝💖🙏🔥

  • @edinho123333
    @edinho123333 9 лет назад +8

    "The very last deception of Satan will be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God. "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18). Satan will work ingeniously, in different ways and through different agencies, to unsettle the confidence of God's remnant people in the true testimony. He will bring in spurious visions to mislead, and will mingle the false with the true, and so disgust people that they will regard everything that bears the name of visions as a species of fanaticism; but honest souls, by contrasting false and true, will be enabled to distinguish between them." --Selected Messages, Book 2, 78.2

    • @sburnsonmaposa9062
      @sburnsonmaposa9062 8 лет назад +3

      +Eddie Hernandez I am praying for you my brother. The book you are quoting was written by false 'prophet' who had never gone beyond Grade 3!!!! Her writings are a disgrace to any FAITH, including SDA's.

    • @Jane20121985
      @Jane20121985 7 лет назад

      SDA's are correct--the SABBATH is Biblical, The SANCTUARY DOCTRINE is Biblical, The Spirit Of Prophecy is predicted in scripture within it's midst, the dead are dead until the resurrection & the mark of the beast is a counterfeit Sabbath mandated worldwide...

    • @tirouspsss
      @tirouspsss 6 лет назад +1

      you have shot yourself in the foot: if a third grader can write like that, then it must be from some power outside herself.

    • @miladato519
      @miladato519 5 лет назад

      S Burnson Maposa ,

    • @andalusianguitarist
      @andalusianguitarist 5 лет назад +2

      The problem with your premise is the fact that a certain messenger stated that God would have a people on earth who would use the Bible as their sole authority and not her writings. The testimony of the Spirit of God is in the Bible and cannot be delegated to just one person.

  • @danward4170
    @danward4170 10 лет назад +5

    There are several glaring issues with SDA doctrine. Desmond Ford raised legitimate questions about issues that needed questioning. At the time, I thought that his questions were reasonable. It's now apparent that Ford's questions were more than pertinent.
    History records many heresies that, given time, became doctrine.
    I'm SDA, and I approved this message

    • @jpb1231000
      @jpb1231000 9 лет назад +1

      You my friend are a CHRISTIAN who tests the spirits!

    • @jolenedelilys2589
      @jolenedelilys2589 9 лет назад +1

      But the SDA church did not change then and is not changing now. They are stuck on some old, untrue doctrine. It is a twisted church in so many ways I can't name here, and dead. I never felt the Holy Spirit in their old, and dry pseudo celebrations. I got out of there and back into the nondenominational church. The day is right, but the rest is a mess.

    • @johncolage1651
      @johncolage1651 7 лет назад


    • @Isaiah54V7
      @Isaiah54V7 7 лет назад

      Ford simply exploited a lack of knowledge of righteousness by faith. Adventists were given the true definition by Jones, Waggoner and Ellen white. This was rejected and again rejected in the 50's thus opening the door to receive fords false Christ, which was built upon the false doctrines of the 50's. his version of the gospel is now unfortunately the default position

    • @loren719
      @loren719 Год назад

      @@Isaiah54V7 Finally.... a decent perspective. The acceptance of Jones and Wagganer's and EGW's views on Biblical Righteousness by Faith would've guarded the SDA Church from further temptations. I agree... Desmond Ford did exploit this rejection of their message.
      He also exploited William Miller's "mistake" ( see: SDA 25 Fundamental Principles #9, 1872) that Christ would "come" in 1844 and trashed the 2300 Day Prophecy...
      SDA Church caught Miller's "mistake" of the "nature of the event" and kept the Prophetical date, giving by Daniel the Prophet... aided by Gabriel... leading us to Christ's Ministry in the Most Holy Compartment to Cleanse it and our hearts with His Own Precious Blood!
      Showing us that Christ's 2nd Coming is Imminent.
      Peace to you, Buchor!

  • @clarkent61
    @clarkent61 2 года назад +1

    So according to Desmond Ford, Questions on Doctrine represented the thinking of the scholars in Adventism, it means that the so called scholars in Adventism believed one doctrine and the rest of the church believed another😳😳😳 So the SDA is not even consistent doctrinally wishing the organization🤣🤣

  • @Dpwilson420
    @Dpwilson420 11 лет назад +1

    I am confused on why this video uploaded? What is the purpose of it?

  • @josel.martinez8649
    @josel.martinez8649 4 года назад +8

    Desmond Ford conserved a lot of Adventism til his final years of his life. March 2019!
    I agree with him in saying "there's doctrinal error in every church"
    After watching several of his videos I conclude he never wanted to leave the sda church but just wanted to reform it.
    Desmond Ford by heart remained an Adventist as Martin Luther (reformer) loved his church (Catholic.)
    1980 was a crucial year for the sda church. It was the year they officially accepted the trinity doctrine by using egw quotes to endorse this erroneous belief but I don't doubt Desmond was a sincere Christian.
    God bless all my brothers in faith!

    • @shiningstar3312
      @shiningstar3312 4 года назад +2

      Desmond Ford upheld ecumenical beliefs yet he remained a SDA? confused he was.....may GOD have mercy on his soul....he is now a mess of dry bones and dust in his grave awaiting the result of the investigative judgment he dumb is that.

    • @josel.martinez8649
      @josel.martinez8649 4 года назад +1

      @@shiningstar3312 Desmond Ford quoted from Desire of Ages and kept the Sabbath and belived in Trinity he just didnt agree with all of Egw writings and the 29th chapter of Great Controversy.
      It is a mistake to link him to Walter Rea "The White Lie" book.Desmond is on record in saying he distanted himself from him.
      The "investigative Judgement" doctrine was made by Hiram Edson(1857) and later officially presented to SDA chruch by Crossier(1911 edition GC)
      Chapter 8 of Daniel has nothing to do with the day of Antonement.
      The word "days" in Daniel 8:14 isnt in the original Hebrew verse 13 is asking about the daily sacrifices (evenings and mornings) or 3 1/2 years .compare to new american standarn bible and other bible versions.
      I hope you can study this with an open mind and without preconceived ideas and opinions.
      Compare 1 and 2 books of Maccabees with Daniel chapter 8 .
      Please take a closer look brother.
      God bless you! 😊

    • @josel.martinez8649
      @josel.martinez8649 3 года назад

      Michael Heathman Re: [if you dont endorse the Trinity you are not a Cristian”]. I don’t agree with the Athanasian Creed! Eternal life depends on knowing the only true God John 17:3 ,our Heavenly Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ!John 20:17.Desmond F. Didn’t wanna be labeled as a "cult" so he went along with this erroneous idea!may I politely ask that you come at me with the Bible instead of personal attacks please?im willing to share my thoughts with you .

    • @clarkent61
      @clarkent61 3 года назад

      Desmond Ford is no DM Canright.

    • @michaelreyes8182
      @michaelreyes8182 3 года назад

      @@shiningstar3312 True..very sad

  • @medusa210562
    @medusa210562 10 лет назад +5

    I believe that the Adventist church has a lot to offer. As Desmond says

    • @amartyrsoath1634
      @amartyrsoath1634 3 года назад

      There is no excuse for any one in taking the position that there is no more truth to be revealed, and that all our expositions of Scripture are without an error. The fact that certain doctrines have been held as truth for many years by our people, is not a proof that our ideas are infallible. - RH December 20, 1892. Paragraph 1 (Christ our Hope)

    • @amartyrsoath1634
      @amartyrsoath1634 3 года назад +1

      @Black Bear Acts 2.17
      And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams...
      What would they need to tell humanity?
      Matthew 28.19-20
      Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
      Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
      I am not arguing for or against any human teacher in modern history at all.
      1 Cor. 3.4-6
      For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?
      Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?
      I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
      As for "Ellen G. White"... there are several things I disagree with her on and I too am tired of hearing her placed above the Bible. We have failed to do the very thing 1 Cor. warns. We instead claim to be Baptists, Lutherans, Calvinists, etc... It's sad really.

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 11 месяцев назад +1

      quote--I believe that the Adventist church has a lot to offer. As Desmond says--unquote
      Like what?

    • @medusa210562
      @medusa210562 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@mitchellosmer1293 like the Sabbath. If the Sabbath was blessed at creation as genesis says and as the 4th commandant says isn't it immoral to forfeit that blessing?

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@medusa210562 quote---like the Sabbath. If the Sabbath was blessed at creation as genesis says and as the 4th commandant says isn't it immoral to forfeit that blessing?--unquote
      I'll tell you a true story.
      Was looking for a job long ago. Was called in for an interview. Boss told me I had to work Saturdays. I said, sorry, I do not work on the Sabbath. He quickly pointed me to the door. Two days later I got as BETTER jod, better benefits, more pay.---With Sabbath OFF!!!

  • @wintersoldier4238
    @wintersoldier4238 4 года назад +2

    Why is the sanctuary under fire and that's exactly where Jesus Christ is?
    Hebrews 8:1,2

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 4 года назад

      The sanctury is in the hearts of believers not a day or a building in heaven. The ark of the covenant is HIS testimony when HE entered once with HIS own blood for the redemption of us all. Nothing happened in 1844 but a great disappointment for a group of disobedient bunch of date setters.

    • @wintersoldier4238
      @wintersoldier4238 4 года назад

      Prophecy is based on time, see Mark 1:15. And the earthly sanctuary which the Almighty told Moses to build was based on a blueprint in heavenly places, see Hebrews 8:5

  • @borcapetru4458
    @borcapetru4458 7 лет назад +1

    unul dintre cei mai mari spioni

    • @Jane20121985
      @Jane20121985 7 лет назад

      eenie meenie miny moe...catch Romania by the toe....if ceausecu hollars let him go....

  • @verdadabsoluta9756
    @verdadabsoluta9756 7 лет назад +6

    Wow! Jesuits are doing a great job deceiving people who do not acept what the plain bible says. We are supose to walk like Christ, in the Spirit not in the flesh and to make it clear: without sinning.

    • @jofo817
      @jofo817 5 лет назад +2

      Edgar Milan
      Not possible to do that (not sinning) The Apostle John said : If any man says he has no sin he is a liar, and does not have truth" < 1 John 1:8
      That's why GOD (Jesus Christ) was manifest in the flesh.

    • @clarkent61
      @clarkent61 5 лет назад +1

      @Edgar Milan: Is this really all the argument you have? It is sad that you appear to have even lost the ability to make obvious rational connections.

  • @thirdelijah
    @thirdelijah 5 лет назад +3

    17:55 the correct Greek translation would be Christ entered into the holy place. It is not most holy place as Desmond Ford quotes. This destroys his theological error.

    • @andalusianguitarist
      @andalusianguitarist 5 лет назад +1

      The question for you is the following, what was the agenda of the Holy Place in the Old Testament?

    • @andalusianguitarist
      @andalusianguitarist 5 лет назад

      This question is for both the SDAs as well as the Evangelicals. Why hasn't it been answered?

  • @onetruefaith5750
    @onetruefaith5750 6 лет назад

    Hebrews 4:7-9. Can I please get a (1863 AD "man made" Battle Creek, MI) Seventh Day Adventist teacher or follower to tell me how "AGAIN, HE SETS A CERTAIN DAY" and "GOD WOULD NOT SPEAK LATER OF ANOTHER DAY" with the conclusion in verse 9 still somehow means the "same day"???

  • @CervantHrt
    @CervantHrt 10 лет назад +1

    Indeed - they believe in the continuation of the 1Cor 12 gifts and as even Walter Martin in the video "noticed" - they believe in the Gospel and are not a cult. Just because someone does not agree with every doctrine of a given Christian group - does not make that group "a cult".

  • @anniewalker2013
    @anniewalker2013 10 лет назад +14

    We do know that there will be many who was once Seventh-day Adventist will speak against the church. If God be God then worship Him, if its baal, then worship baal. Only those who sincerely and prayerfully study the Bible will be lead to the truth by the Holy Spirit, not man.

    • @TandTfishpro
      @TandTfishpro 10 лет назад +1

      and whos holy spirit is right? this is why he gave us his word to read understand and not make complicated ...every one believes their the special church of God .. this special church of God is not a religious body it is a individual thing

    • @anthonywatts9000
      @anthonywatts9000 10 лет назад +1

      TandTfishpro It is interesting to note that on Aug 14, 1883 Review & Herald made the following statement: "Our position on the Testimonies is like the keystone of the arch. Take that out, and there is no logical stopping place till all the special truths of the message are gone . . . Nothing is surer that this, that this message and the visions belong together and stand and fall together."
      Mrs. White says of her work: "This work is of God, or it is not, God does nothing in partnership with Satan. My work . . . bears the stamp of God or the stamp of the enemy. There is no halfway work in the matter. The testimonies are of the Spirit of God or of the Devil" Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 4, p. 230.

    • @sheilafrank5330
      @sheilafrank5330 7 лет назад +1

      Anthony Watts yes but Ellen is biblicaly. off, not sound doctrine, plus the pophetices. didn't come to pass, bible is truth , says let God be true and every man a liar, we can follow truth but its not man its God,

    • @bertrandfrancis2809
      @bertrandfrancis2809 7 лет назад +1

      Annie Walker (Part 1)
      DID YOU KNOW that 911 was a Fulfilled Prophecy = how could such a world
      changing event of such magnitude,
      NOT BE ??? ((Ellen White)),
      the Prophet to America, and all
      the Protestant Christian world !!!
      (Published in the year 1909)
      Volume 9, Chapter 1
      (Fulfillment #1 = the title of this chapter explains that the fulfillment of this vision
      will usher in the final crisis of this world's history. The Final Great War and inquisitions of the Vatican New World Order ...
      the kingdom of anti-Christ).
      We are living in the time of the end.
      The fast-fulfilling signs of the times (???) declare that the coming of CHRIST is near
      at hand. The days in which we live are
      solemn and important. THE SPIRIT OF GOD
      is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the Earth. Plagues and judgments (???) are already falling upon the despisers of THE GRACE OF GOD. The calamities by land and sea (???), the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the
      greatest magnitude. 9T 11.1
      (Notice the Volume and Page = 911 ???)
      The agencies of evil are combining
      their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis (???). Great changes are soon to take place in our world (Remember... this BOOK was published before World War One ???), and the final movements will be rapid ones. 9T 11.2 The condition of things in the world shows that troublous times are right upon us. The daily papers are full of indications of a terrible conflict in the near future. Bold robberies are of frequent occurrence. Strikes are common. Thefts and murders are committed on every hand. Men possessed of demons are taking the lives of men, women, and little children. Men have become infatuated with vice, and every species of evil prevails. 9T 11.3 (???)
      The enemy has succeeded in perverting justice and in filling men’s hearts with the desire for selfish gain. “Justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” (ISAIAH 59:14). In the great cities there are multitudes living in poverty and wretchedness, well-nigh destitute of food, shelter, and clothing; while in the same cities are those who have more than heart could wish, who live luxuriously, spending their money on richly furnished houses, on personal adornment, or worse still, upon the gratification of sensual appetites, upon liquor, tobacco, and other things that destroy the powers of the brain (???), unbalance the mind, and debase the soul. The cries of starving humanity are coming up before GOD, while by every species of oppression and extortion men are piling up colossal fortunes.
      9T 11.4 (???)
      On one occasion, when in New York City
      (Fulfillment #2 = the correct city is identified ???), I was in the night season (sleeping in Prophetic Dream) called upon
      to behold buildings rising story after story toward heaven (Fulfillment #3
      = the extreme height of the buildings is identified. Take also into consideration,
      that there were NO skyscrapers in
      New York City when this BOOK was published ???). These buildings
      were warranted to be fireproof
      (Fulfillment #4 ???), and they were erected to glorify their owners and builders (Fulfillment #5 ???). Higher and still higher these buildings rose (???), and in them the most costly material was used (Fulfillment #6 ???). Those to whom these buildings belonged were not asking themselves: “How can we best glorify GOD ???” THE LORD was not in their thoughts. 9T 12.1 (Fulfillment #7 ???)
      I thought: “Oh, that those who are thus investing their means could see their
      course as GOD sees it !!! (???)
      They are piling up magnificent buildings
      (Fulfillment #8 ???), but how foolish in the SIGHT OF THE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE
      is their planning and devising. They are not studying with all the powers of heart and mind how they may glorify GOD. They have lost sight of this, the first duty of man.” 9T 12.2 (???) As these lofty buildings (???) went up, the owners rejoiced with ambitious pride that they had money to use in gratifying self and provoking the envy of their neighbors (Fulfillment #9 ???). Much of the money that they thus invested had been obtained through exaction, through grinding down the poor (Fulfillment #10). They forgot that in HEAVEN an account of every business transaction is kept; every unjust deal, every fraudulent act,
      is there recorded. The time is coming when
      in their fraud and insolence men will reach a point that THE LORD will not permit them to pass, and they will learn that there is a limit
      to the forbearance of JEHOVAH.
      9T 12.3 (???)
      The scene that next passed
      before me was an alarm of fire
      (Fulfillment # [vol.9] 11 ???).
      Men looked at the lofty and supposedly
      fire-proof buildings and said: “They are perfectly safe.” (Fulfillment #12) But these buildings were consumed as if made of pitch (Fulfillment #13 ???). The fire engines could do nothing to stay the destruction. The firemen were unable to operate the engines. 9T 13.1 (Fulfillment #14 ???)

    • @joeuzor02
      @joeuzor02 7 лет назад

      Sheila Frank i read about eg white even though i am not fond of him. but 70-80 of her prophecy came to past.

  • @gapfenix
    @gapfenix 6 лет назад +5

    When I arrived to the SDA church back in my native Bolivia, first and foremost, I felt in love with the Bible doctrines which presented me my Savior. Little I did care about EGW and I think that goes for the majority of the regular brethren. The only books that I read were "Steps to Christ," one or two pages, and "The Great Controversy," maybe 25% of it, that's all I know about EGW's books. It even bothered me when the sermons were heavily quoted from her writings, but I guess I would never change denomination or stop being a SDA Christian because the 27 basic Bible doctrines that I learned in the church and by studying myself were like the most refreshing water a thirsty person would ever drink. In fact, I think the SDA is in the right path. Do I consider it to be the true church? no! this is one of the many points that I disagree with the SDA church plus all what it's been said on this program; however, Biblical doctrines like the justification by faith alone in Christ alone, The state of the dead, the obligation of Christians to believe and obey the 10 Commandments including the 4th commandment, the benefits of following a Biblical diet as in Leviticus to the best of our understanding as rational human beings, etc. are invaluable background for Christians. The doctrine of the Sanctuary is Biblical, but for sure it has to be updated, the position of EGW and her writings within the church it must be changed as well. The role of the Popish system in the last days is being uncovered by the day, and this fact should not surprise Protestant Christians for the most respected pioneer reformers they all knew who the pope was. Even today there are many Evangelicals that are seeing the Pope for what he really is. Take a look this video "A Lamp in the Dark" by Chris Pinto and you'll understand Rome with more clarity. The SDA church can easily stand by itself without EGW. Our GC should relegate her as a respectable pioneer of our Church and accentuate the rest of our believes ON THE KJV BIBLE alone. The SDA church in her most beautiful days were preaching the 3Angels messages of Rev.14:6-10 AND the characteristics of the people doing that task was obvious, verse 12. Sadly, today my church has lost its mission and is mellowing with Rome again, as EGW mentioned in the GC, homosexuals are given leadership within our church, and PhD pastors from Andrews U are preaching that Allah is the same god as the God of the Bible. How could this happened? All I can say is It's the signs of the times. Amen Lord, come Lord.

    • @clarkent61
      @clarkent61 4 года назад +3

      Adventism was conceived in error and it has required a monumental effort in artifice and fraud to warrant it's support.

    • @allornothing432
      @allornothing432 2 года назад

      @@clarkent61 What utter rubbish! Got proof? Anything?

    • @clarkent61
      @clarkent61 2 года назад

      @@allornothing432 : I respect the outrage it shows you have an opinion. However, the caliber of fraud that characterizes Adventism is mind blowing.
      So we are careful to observe so form of order, let’s start from the pillars of Adventism namely the sabbath, investigative judgement and the prophetic bonafides of Ellen White…. NON OF THESE HAVE ANY REMOTE AFFINITY WITH BIBLICAL TRUTH OR THE BIBLE.
      Even James White repudiated the investigative judgement and it was Ellen White’s lying prophetic tongue that swayed the the day.
      Joseph Turner a pioneering Adventists and expositor of the investigative judgement, repudiated the investigative judgement and Adventism.
      Where would you like to start?

    • @allornothing432
      @allornothing432 2 года назад


    • @allornothing432
      @allornothing432 2 года назад +1

      ​@@clarkent61 The terminology "investigative judgment" is found WITHIN the 24th Fundamental Belief "Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary"
      It concerns the right and proper understanding of Jesus' role as our high priest and most particularly the proper placement and fulfilment of the day of atonement in the new testament development of God's plan.
      Now you see from this video that Desmond places the fulfilment of this festival at the ascension of Christ. But that is placing the cart before the horse, Christmas before Easter. He has lifted this festival out from its proper context and placement in Gods plan and seen fit to place it where he would like. He effectively places an autumn festival in the spring, taking it from the seventh month and placing it in the second month.
      Of course no one in that audience appreciates this and he wraps it all up as he grows sermonic in the end.
      But you see whether you agree or disagree with this particular teaching concerning the biblical message, YOU DON'T MESS WITH THE SYSTEM TO SUIT YOUR THEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND, and it most certainly is not plucked out of the air and has deep old testament and new testament roots that go way beyond "AFFINITY".
      It is the blood red thread of the GOSPEL.

  • @CervantHrt
    @CervantHrt 10 лет назад

    And when I say "some planets" - I mean that all inhabited worlds are sinless and serve the one true God - but not all planets have life. Just for context - it was not too many decades ago that scientists were admitting that they did not have any evidence of any other planets in the entire universe other than our sola system.

    @KATIELAUGHTON 10 лет назад +2

    Read the archives.. read about what happened at Glacierview!!

    • @andalusianguitarist
      @andalusianguitarist 5 лет назад +1

      Glacierview was in relation to the close of Laodicea probationary time.

    • @July-A7
      @July-A7 Год назад +1

      @@andalusianguitarist not true at all. We will never know when any probation time ends. Let alone linked to insignificant earthly events as what happened within one of the many man made organisations, like SDA.

    • @loren719
      @loren719 Год назад

      You said:
      ".. one of the many man made organisations [sic], like SDA."
      EGW said to SC Stanton: "... why are you trying to tear down that which God has been building up (SDA Church)? " Four men and a woman came together in humility, prayer and Bible harmony led by the Holy Spirit to establish the SDA Church (1963)
      Even SDA's understand that God led Martin Luther to Protest the unbiblical teachings of the Papacy and gave great thrust to the ongoing Protestant Reformation.... many of the Churches coming from that Reformation did not grow in their understanding of the Scriptures and retained much of the RCC teachings, ie: Sunday sacredness, baptism of the dead, infant baptism, and immortality of the soul....
      ... you could rightfully deduct that mostly all Protestant Churches today are "man-made" especially the Non-denominational types.
      When you understand God's Word, then you will know when a Church is led of God, or simply "man-made" like everyone else.
      SDA 28 Fundamental Beliefs are online for anyone, even you, to look over and critique as much as you want.
      You had many opportunities in our discussions to "correct" me on topics like the 2,300 [day] prophecy, but you gave no alternative view; All you could say was: "no, no... you're wrong.. it's all lies... " .... well July, SDA's have done MUCH better than that.... they have studied and prayed and searched it out over the years.
      In fact, you've also showed me, quite extensively, just how nescient of SDA beliefs you truly are.
      So for you to call the SDA Church a "man-made" Church is a little on the fatuous side.

    • @July-A7
      @July-A7 Год назад

      @@loren719 hello my friend. I sincerely hope that you and yours have been well!
      I've had enjoyable time during a busy ski season, other holidays, work and life in general. As well as the trouble with aging and ailing parents in and out of hospital. Sadly, a cousin, 42yo was tragically killed in an accident in Colorado!
      Such is life, no guarantee for anyone at any time...
      Regarding our discussions, I haven't seen anything, whether in your comments or elsewhere that can change my established view that SDA isn't more than a man-made organisation. You say that SDA has done better. I agree to some extend. I see that all churches have succeeded in persuading people in the false proclamation that these churches are God's temples, but SDA has indeed excelled in closing on a small circle of people to brainwash them to the extend to believe that they are the only custodians of God's Gospel, just as the Israelites were in the Old Testament.
      Peace to you!

    • @loren719
      @loren719 Год назад

      @@July-A7 Yes... my family is doing well, we give God Praise! Thank you, and I too hope all is well with you and your family also!
      I know what it is to care for aging parents, both mine who have since, passed, and now my dear wife's mom... it's certainly a great step in self sacrifice and love as you well know, my heart goes out to you!
      I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin in Colorado, what a tragedy... at my age, 65, 42 seems so young. You said: " no guarantee for anyone at any time..." yes, so true!
      You said:
      "SDA has indeed excelled in closing on a small circle of people to brainwash them to the extend
      to believe that they are the only custodians of God's Gospel, just as the Israelites were in the Old Testament."
      Certainly... From Adam and Eve teaching their children of the Promised "seed of the woman - and Noah preserving a small righteous family to repopulate the earth - to Abram being called out of his homeland and go to a land that God promised him to be a Peacemaker and Buffer amongst waring and violent Canaanite nations - to the Children of Israel carrying the legacy of Abraham's Covenant with God and the knowledge of Justification and Sanctification in the Sanctuary model given by God - to Protestants breaking from the Church of Rome which had Apostatized from Bible Truth as Paul warned they were heading for, in Rom. 16 ....
      ... to a final Remnant Church in the Last Days...
      - still holding the knowledge of the Redeemer: both 1st Coming and 2nd Coming...
      - and the Covenant of Circumcision of the HEART - Deut 10:16 / Jer. 4:4 / Rom. 2:29...
      - and God's Holy Law, the Ten Commandments... Written in our hearts - New Covenant - Jer. 31:31-33 / Heb. 8:8-11 ...
      - and the Gift of Prophecy Promised to His New Testament Church - Joel 2:28,29 / 1 Cor. 14:1 (NIV)...
      - and the Faith OF Jesus Christ... Rev. 14:12 (KJV)
      - and to Christ's High Priest Ministry in the "True Tabernacle" in Heaven... Heb. 8:2...
      - and most of all - Loving Obedience to the Word of God - especially His Law ... John 14:15 / 1 John 5:3 / Isa. 8:20...
      etc., etc...
      Many Churches hold to these, or at least, most of these, or various forms of these.... but these Bible Truths identify God's True Church.
      In God's eyes and in His purposes, there has always been a people Faithful to Him ... proclaiming to the world His Truths!
      (consequently, many people in the world WILL have these Truths)
      Can a person find hypocrites and sinners in the SDA Church? Yes... absolutely, but within the grasps of the SDA Church are all these - Last Day, Remnant Church Truths!
      It is these Truths that identify God's True Church in these Last Days...
      It's good to hear from you again, July: In God's Love, my friend, in GOD'S LOVE!

  • @saniawatson7586
    @saniawatson7586 7 лет назад +3

    Every person have their work to do and you have done yours Desmond Ford even a chid could explain the 2,300 days prophecies...pity you men cant..

  • @peppernbo
    @peppernbo Год назад +3

    the adventist do have the truth, this is why satan is really attacking them.

    • @dunamis9935
      @dunamis9935 Год назад


    • @rayray4192
      @rayray4192 Год назад

      You are a disgusting liar. Adventists are heretics and blasphemers. Satan is your innocent scapegoat sin bearer. You are not saved

    • @rayray4192
      @rayray4192 Год назад

      I am attacking the disgusting Adventist demonic cult and so are many others. We are determined to see the abomination destroyed

    • @peppernbo
      @peppernbo Год назад

      @@rayray4192 see you proved my point--your attacking. the truth is not in you

    • @peppernbo
      @peppernbo Год назад

      @@rayray4192 its because you dont have love in you just hatred

  • @rujeanromyguisando5282
    @rujeanromyguisando5282 4 года назад +1

    Did the gospel writers plagiarized each other?

  • @PicturesSGC
    @PicturesSGC 6 лет назад +1

    Satan is very clever to come in with all kinds of doubtful idea's. It's just a tiny bit of doubt he needs to put in that is enough to pull people away from the truth. It's a shame and I feel pitty and compassion for people (which is almost all) that are taken in by his (that is the devil's) 'little' sometimes larger 'lies' We all have the same resources but not the same indwelling spirit. It's a shame but it's achoice everyone needs to make for themselves. Not everybody will give people that right to choose their own way, to either salvation or condemnation. God gives people the right to choose Him or not. The devil does not wait until people choose him he invades and takes over without an invitation or permission!

  • @TylerDLR
    @TylerDLR 10 лет назад +3

    You realize the the standards for "copyrighting" material are vastly different from 1800s to 1990s? Did Ellen White "plagiarize"? According to our current standards, yes. According to the standards of her day, no. When people use the word "context" this is an example of context. Walter Rea is taking his argument out of context.

    • @ureasmith3049
      @ureasmith3049 10 лет назад +3

      Puhlease! Lame excuses for false prophetess. She had countless ""I was shown..." statements copied from other authors. She was shown by Satan how to be a liar and false prophetess.

    • @dereknsloan
      @dereknsloan 10 лет назад +1

      UreaSmith Hey Tyler, good to see your comment. About 20 years ago they hired an independent law firm to investigate this - by the way - this guy happened to be a Catholic - and they found that in no way did she plagiarize. I might add that if she's guilty than so is Homer, Sophocles, the Apostle Paul and any other writer from before the 20th Century. She admits herself to using other descriptions of events if they were well suited to the case. Even if she says "I was shown", obviously D'Aubigne, or Wylie, or whoever else described it well enough for her to use. It's not the ingredients, it's the final product that counts. The majority of Kanye West's ingredients for his tracks are borrowed - but he still wins Grammys

    • @ureasmith3049
      @ureasmith3049 10 лет назад +1

      Derek Sloan
      LOL! They paid for /hired a lawyer and he agreed/defended them. That's funny! And Kanye West, that's even funnier. SDA are hysterically funny.

    • @pathfinder5849
      @pathfinder5849 10 лет назад +2

      UreaSmith U know in my village d adventist live d longest cos d are healtheir.While other christian drink n smoke lots of dem died b4 retirement.due 2 liver n lung cancer. In village where der a adventst der is less thievin. People like 2 hire em cos der do honest work. Der don take time off smokin n swearin. Der influence I would welcom anytime.

    • @jpb1231000
      @jpb1231000 10 лет назад +2

      Derek Sloan
      kayne is licensed to use them and is definetly not claiming to be a prophet either

    @KATIELAUGHTON 10 лет назад +4

    Dr.Ford is in great company though.. some of the greatest theologians through out history were rejected!!! Anyone remember Jesus?!?!?

    • @andalusianguitarist
      @andalusianguitarist 5 лет назад +1

      Problem is that he was also wrong.

    • @michaelreyes-er8el
      @michaelreyes-er8el 4 года назад

      I know Jesus...He lives in my heart...DES FORD WAS NO JESUS!! He present a false evangelical Jesus.

    • @jeff7888
      @jeff7888 4 года назад

      God bless you Katie.

    • @michaelreyes8182
      @michaelreyes8182 3 года назад

      It's more like..have you ever heard of Judas.

  • @dark-sayings
    @dark-sayings 5 лет назад +1

    Sadly Dr. Ford presented Hebrews Chapter 9 incorrectly. Where in the Bible does it state that Hebrews 9 illustrates two ages? The two compartments are not two ages - they are literally two compartments. God told Moses, in Exodus 25, to make the tabernacle on earth according to the pattern that he showed him. Hebrews 9 simply solidifies the story. If the Bible is not studied diligently, the truth will seem like a lie. Ellen White is not part of the canon of scripture.

  • @paulineeversley7202
    @paulineeversley7202 2 года назад

    What about Jesus returning for a church without spot or wrinkle .explain that for ,me please what does it mean

  • @enoch1844
    @enoch1844 5 лет назад +7

    So many wrong statements in this video.

    @KATIELAUGHTON 10 лет назад +6

    The church lost its greatest gift when they rejected Dr.Ford

    • @michaelreyes-er8el
      @michaelreyes-er8el 4 года назад +1

      Lol..your kidding right? Des Ford was an apostate in the truest form.

  • @zorabanks5349
    @zorabanks5349 4 года назад +1

    I understand his anger...I was angry too.

  • @hughlinturner5347
    @hughlinturner5347 9 лет назад +2


  • @luxlucent678
    @luxlucent678 11 лет назад +2

    Plagerism in the way she did it, using another person(s) work extensively in the "Great Controversy", then selling it worldwide; makes SDA look bad since they had ample opportunity to add names to the authorship of "Great Controversy". SDA hierarachy comes across as not a creditable source for presenting truth. Sad/

  • @tishbite5656
    @tishbite5656 10 лет назад +3

    As usual, a mix of truth and error.

  • @JohnSmith-tw3rw
    @JohnSmith-tw3rw 5 лет назад

    This question about living perfectly right now only has a focus on being perfect. With this focus people get very legalistic about every aspect of life. How far do we take the law. What is we speed in our cars. It doesn't address the issue of our sinful nature.

  • @genewilliams1469
    @genewilliams1469 7 лет назад +1

    world stands at crossroad live give ourli

    • @genewilliams1469
      @genewilliams1469 7 лет назад

      live give our life to God Creator Jesus honor Creator Jesus Christ let Creator Jesus Christ live in your body take Creator God medicine daily be healed daily

    • @genewilliams1469
      @genewilliams1469 7 лет назад

      let the power of God Creator Jesus live in your body

    • @genewilliams1469
      @genewilliams1469 7 лет назад

      creative power of the holy spirit live your body accept receive live it spirit of mighty Creator Jesus

  • @lovelyeyessee
    @lovelyeyessee 5 лет назад +5

    Interesting how Ford doesn’t conclude that the entire religion is made up..,,just the “investigative judgment “ 😂

    • @clarkent61
      @clarkent61 5 лет назад +1

      The SDA doctrine is fiction and the SDA leadership historically has know it and covered it up. Ellen White is a liar.

    • @Stefan-X24
      @Stefan-X24 5 лет назад

      But he does belief n a Pre- Advent Judgement.

    • @clarkent61
      @clarkent61 5 лет назад +1

      Dr Ford is a confused hack, he goes only so far out of convenience.

    • @michaelreyes8182
      @michaelreyes8182 3 года назад

      @@clarkent61 you're living in evangelical lala land. Perhaps you can show some hard facts. Des Ford is not one!

    • @clarkent61
      @clarkent61 3 года назад

      @@michaelreyes8182 : Show you hard facts concerning what exactly?

  • @Cchelioo
    @Cchelioo 9 лет назад +4

    desmond was so misguided.

  • @Dr.Pepper001
    @Dr.Pepper001 10 лет назад +2

    Why do you, Desmond, teach that the little horn in Daniel is Antiochus Epiphanes when the little horn arises during the 4th kingdom, which is Rome and not Greece? Antiochus Epiphanes arose during the 3rd kingdom which was the Greeks. You can point out the failures of Adventists all you like, but as you point the finger, 3 fingers are pointing back at yourself. I used to correspond with your son Luke. Where is he today? Ask yourself if you are partly responsible for his present situation.

    • @BrObstreperous
      @BrObstreperous 5 лет назад

      Luke Ford has a channel here on RUclips.

  • @epsyuma
    @epsyuma Год назад +1

    The issue I have with the SDA church is that they say you have to keep the commandments, especially the one about the Sabbath day. This is a gospel-plus message. Acts Ch 15. Nothing, not one word, is written in the Jerusalem Decree sent to the churches of Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia about keeping the Sabbath day. Instead, the letter was to warn the Christian churches that certain Judaizers were trying to tell Christians that they had to be circumcised, keep the laws of Moses, and keep the Sabbath day. By trying to add to the gospel of Christ, the SDA pollutes the gospel of Christ and renders it meaningless. Gal 1:6; I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. The SDA perverts the gospel of Christ.

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 7 месяцев назад

      11 - 27 - 23
      AMEN !

    • @7ashoBeam
      @7ashoBeam 6 месяцев назад

      @@porfiriojohn5276 How is that an excellent point when the brother clearly have no idea about the Scriptures he is quoting?

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 6 месяцев назад

      12 - 21 - 23
      Jesus Christ
      The Holy Apostles
      The Holy Apostle Paul
      ALL went to the Synagogues on the Sabbath to SPREAD/ PREACH the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      What's your excuse ?
      NOT ONCE have YOU or ANY other Seventh day Adventist on ANY of these Threads/ Comments on ALL these videos you post on dealing with Adventism : HASN'T even bothered ONCE to mention ANYTHING about SPREADING or PREACHING the GRACE of the
      Good News of the Gospel of
      Jesus Christ
      ( NOT ONE ) ( NOT ONCE )
      Why not ?
      Too busy bestowing accolades to the Investigative Judgment ?
      Too busy WORKING your technology ALL day on Saturday's )
      Isn't Adventism SUPPOSED to be the ONLY ONE TRUE REMNANT religion denomination church which is SUPPOSED to SPREAD/ PREACH the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ ?
      What are you waiting for ?
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      ( The CROSS ✝️ )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      2 Timothy 1 : 8 - 9
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      ( The CROSS ✝️ )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      Jesus = GOD = YESHUA in the flesh set the PERFECT EXAMPLE of NOT being a vegetarian before and after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY and he ate HONEYCOMB and he ate FLESH EATING BROILED FISH MEAT in front of his Holy Apostles after his PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !
      Luke 24 : 39 - 42
      G - Gods
      R - Riches
      A - At
      C - Christs
      E - Expense
      Try it, Jesus = GOD = YESHUA in the flesh loves you and so do I !
      AGAPE my friend !

  • @Cchelioo
    @Cchelioo 9 лет назад +10

    read the writings of ellen white. you will have a better undrstanding of the scriptures.

    • @czarinafaith3917
      @czarinafaith3917 6 лет назад +4

      Cchelioo So Ellen G White makes people understand the Bible way better than the Holy Spirit does? You are absurd.

    • @elijahaywago7274
      @elijahaywago7274 6 лет назад +3

      Ellen White writings are only appealing to people who have not studied the bible.

    • @exwhyz9367
      @exwhyz9367 6 лет назад

      Strict & Particular Baptist Radio - You're right...The scriptures should be read as it says...However as stubborn humanity; we don't... That is why God sent His prophets...
      If the Israelites had obeyed the Torah/penteteuch...then the other prophets would not have had to be raised up to point them back to the Torah.
      If you read the Bible, then you will notice that the prophets are in harmony with Moses...why?...because they all wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. So God does use prophets to expound His word. Also the prophet's writings attest each other...i.e. they agree with and affirm each other.
      Our modern day scenario is no different...why are there so many denominations, when there is one Bible? So many interpretations...yet there must be a right again....the point is proved again that as stubborn humanity we do not read as it is and see what we want to see...God in His compassion and mercy sends 'help' via His prophets, so we have no excuse to misconstrue anything....but only if we take heed.
      How many times did God send warnings to His people in scripture to obey, via His prophets?...many times..
      God still uses prophets today...but as Christ said that there will be many false christs and many false prophets. Therefore all prophets need to pass the test of being a prophet...One main thing is that they agree with the Bible...and point back to the Bible.
      I therefore have no problem with Ellen White being raised up by God as His endtime prophet.. I agree with Cchelioo that you will have a better understanding of the Bible by reading the inspired writings of Ellen White. This is my personal view...what anyone else believes is up to them. 'Time' will tell if she is a true messenger or with all true prophets..did the prophecies come to pass or not?...If it is from God then it will come to pass as He stated via the prophet's writings. Read the Great a start...Lots of 'detail' of future events foretold that are soon to take place.

    • @abelphilosophy4835
      @abelphilosophy4835 6 лет назад +4

      Cchelioo . On the contrary: read the Bible ,and you won't need the writings of Hellen G White

    • @chandranruben2870
      @chandranruben2870 6 лет назад

      she is cheater

  • @thatnicekid04
    @thatnicekid04 6 лет назад +1

    Hebrews 9:26
    For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once 👉in the end of the world👈 hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
    So Jesus entering in heaven 2000 years ago was the end of the world?
    I think he is in error.

    • @jeff7888
      @jeff7888 4 года назад

      The end of the world in that context is the last days which began when Jesus was born. Hebrews 1:1-2.

  • @michaelreyes-er8el
    @michaelreyes-er8el 4 года назад

    He John!!! Thats quit a rug you got on ya brother!!

  • @johngreene8332
    @johngreene8332 2 года назад

    What is remarkable about the 2300 days is that it has nothing to do with the second coming. Daniel chapter 8 is about Antiochus Epiphanes !V who went into the temple and sacrificed a pig on the altar, put a statue of Jupiter with his face on it in the temple, and forbid the Jews from following their religious practices. It is know as the abomination of desolation. Jesus refers to this in Matthew 24. The cleansing is what occurred when the Jews rebelled, and re-dedicated the temple.

  • @paulineeversley7202
    @paulineeversley7202 2 года назад

    Where is Wilson

  • @eugeniamartin712
    @eugeniamartin712 5 лет назад

    Remember the concept of PROGRESSIVE REVELATION of ALL REFORMERS from Martin Luther onward. If Mrs White is seen as a Reformer, of sorts, you can view how her earlier writings are VERY DIFFERENT THAN POST 1888 General Conference on righteousness by faith, when, in my opinion, her writings became vastly different. Its so obvious. We are all admonished to "come and reason" with God, question everything & study for ourselves The Word of God. See Dr Tim Jennings RUclips videos, for example.

    • @porfiriojohn5276
      @porfiriojohn5276 7 месяцев назад

      11 - 26 - 23
      Ellen G White was NOT a Protestant Reformer
      Adventism is NOT the so called Completers of the Protestant Reformation movement
      1st Corinthians 15 : 1 - 4
      ( EUANGELION ) in the GREEK for the GRACE of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
      ( The CROSS ✝️ )
      His PHYSICAL RESURRECTION on a beautiful SUNDAY !

  • @andryranivoarizaka9772
    @andryranivoarizaka9772 3 года назад

    The Bible indicates that there is a sanctuary in heaven where God lives with severals intelligent created beings, and things, historically, takes place there. If one does not believe it, then one can reject the SDA theology. If one believe it, then this opens the door to SDA theology.

  • @vacaroiu
    @vacaroiu 6 лет назад +1

    Publicat pe 5 apr. 2013