VOTE LIFE: Fennie Yap Speaking at her Local Hustings, Sunday 16th June

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 8

  • @ianfletcher3278
    @ianfletcher3278 2 месяца назад +1

    Well said, Fennie Yap!

  • @Eddie-pf1dw
    @Eddie-pf1dw 2 месяца назад

    Those folk who do not value the life of the unborn child forget that once they too were in their mother's womb and if she had the same response they wouldn't be here now on this earth to espouse such shocking beliefs! There is a day of Judgment coming!

  • @soton5teve
    @soton5teve 2 месяца назад +1

    Learn humanism instead, then work out why women have rights and fetuses don't. and learn freedom, and learn choice

  • @Lyndon2
    @Lyndon2 2 месяца назад +1

    Let's hope she doesn't win her deposit back. The UK is no place for people with her sort of views. Freedom of and from religion is an important part of our democracy.

    • @marvinc9994
      @marvinc9994 2 месяца назад

      "The UK is no place for people with her sort of views"
      So, you're perfectly content to see 250,000 unborn children slaughtered in their mothers' wombs every year in the UK - in the name of ('erewego) a 'woman's right to choose' - ie 'choose' to have SOMEONE ELSE destroy her foetus? What has 'religion' got to do with it? I'm sure you don't support the murder of grown-up human beings - and that YOUR position has nothing to do with the Ten Commandments. Am I right? So, please drop that absurd Straw Man argument and ask yourself WHY a Woman - the Guardian of the unborn life within her womb - has the MORAL 'right' to have that life terminated (EXCEPT in cases of medical emergency or - arguably - rape). Is Life SO cheap to you? Is it nothing but a COMMODITY, to be disposed of at will by its 'owner'? Please THINK about what you're saying; you don't have to be 'religious' (as I am not) to recognise that SOME things are SACRED and should not be violated - such as (pissing on) the Cenotaph, or (spitting on) the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. Most atheists would feel the same. I respectfully suggest that the wanton destruction of a foetus merits a FAR greater sense of Moral Outrage! Please feel free to tell me why I'm wrong. I am NO evangelist, believe me - just someone who is increasingly concerned about the decline of Moral Values in the West since the end of the War - across the board - and I suggest that our (fashionably) casual attitude towards abortion is but ONE symptom of that decline.

    • @marvinc9994
      @marvinc9994 2 месяца назад

      "The UK is no place for people with her sort of views"
      So, you're perfectly content to see 250,000 unborn children slaughtered in their mothers' wombs every year in the UK - in the name of ('erewego) a 'woman's right to choose' - ie 'choose' to have SOMEONE ELSE destroy her foetus? What has 'religion' got to do with it? I'm sure you don't support the murder of grown-up human beings - and that YOUR position has nothing to do with the Ten Commandments. Am I right? So, please drop that absurd Straw Man argument and ask yourself WHY a Woman - the Guardian of the unborn life within her womb - has the MORAL 'right' to have that life terminated (EXCEPT in cases of medical emergency or - arguably - rape). Is Life SO cheap to you? Is it nothing but a COMMODITY, to be disposed of at will by its 'owner'? Please THINK about what you're saying; you don't have to be 'religious' (as I am not) to recognise that SOME things are SACRED and should not be violated - such as (pissing on) the Cenotaph, or (spitting on) the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. Most atheists would feel the same. I respectfully suggest that the wanton destruction of a foetus merits a FAR greater sense of Moral Outrage! Please feel free to tell me why I'm wrong. I am NO evangelist, believe me - just someone who is increasingly concerned about the decline of Moral Values in the West since the end of the War - across the board - and I suggest that our (fashionably) casual attitude towards abortion is but ONE symptom of that decline.

    • @marvinc9994
      @marvinc9994 2 месяца назад

      "I don't have to value human life for the same silly reasons you do"
      (Quite the little moral philosopher aren't you? I shall proceed, however, under the assumption that you are older than you _sound_ .)
      In which case you'd have no objection to the baby's being killed AFTER it was born (thereby avoiding any possible trauma to the mother's internal anatomy)? But _who_ should do it, do you think, and by what method (drowning, lethal injection, baseball bat etc)? Do let me know.
      Kindly explain, however, why you consider my reasons 'silly' - if you can.
      "Your moral outrage isn't my problem"
      Nor did I seek to make it one: who are YOU that I should seek to convince you of ANY Moral Truth, anyway - given that you think yourself ABOVE anything as 'silly' as an ethical obligation to regard Life as in some sense 'sacred'?
      Make no mistake - you WILL learn the error inherent in your thinking: but not yet, it would seem, and not from people like me.
      You'd have made an excellent _Kommandant_ in one of the German death camps. Such a shame that you were born too late!

    • @marvinc9994
      @marvinc9994 2 месяца назад

      "The UK is no place for people with her sort of views"
      So, you're perfectly content to see 250,000 unborn children slaughtered in their mothers' wombs every year in the UK - in the name of ('erewego) a 'woman's right to choose' - ie 'choose' to have SOMEONE ELSE destroy her foetus? What has 'religion' got to do with it? I'm sure you don't support the murder of grown-up human beings - and that YOUR position has nothing to do with the Ten Commandments. Am I right? So, please drop that absurd Straw Man argument and ask yourself WHY a Woman - the Guardian of the unborn life within her womb - has the MORAL 'right' to have that life terminated (EXCEPT in cases of medical emergency or - arguably - rape). Is Life SO cheap to you? Is it nothing but a COMMODITY, to be disposed of at will by its 'owner'? Please THINK about what you're saying; you don't have to be 'religious' (as I am not) to recognise that SOME things are SACRED and should not be violated - such as (pissing on) the Cenotaph, or (spitting on) the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior. Most atheists would feel the same. I respectfully suggest that the wanton destruction of a foetus merits a FAR greater sense of Moral Outrage! Please feel free to tell me why I'm wrong. I am NO evangelist, believe me - just someone who is increasingly concerned about the decline of Moral Values in the West since the end of the War - across the board - and I suggest that our (fashionably) casual attitude towards abortion is but ONE symptom of that decline.