Giuseppe Paglialunga | diese Unruhe aber ist das Selbst: Spinoza and Hegel between Time and Eternity

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • "diese Unruhe aber ist das Selbst": Spinoza and Hegel between Time and Eternity
    The path traced by Spinoza in his Ethics culminates in the amor Dei intellectualis, i.e. in the acquiescentia in se ipso, the participation of the human mind in the infinite intellect of God. Love, therefore, is an indispensable component in the conatus through which humanity seeks to tune in with the universal order and infinity of nature (sive Deus). In the Preface to the Phenomenology, for his part, Hegel states that philosophy must “lay aside the title 'love of knowing' and be actual knowing”, so that for the Stuttgart thinker, far from being the supreme condition, love is rather the premise (we could say, in a Stendhalian way, the promise) of the truth. But one may ask, that being the case: if philosophy can no longer be the “love of knowing”, does this imply that there can be no room for love in Absolute Knowing? And if not, what kind of love would it be? Moreover, the concept of love allows us to highlight a possible chiasmus between Spinoza’s and Hegel’s thought. In fact, if for Spinoza, although he insists on the cruciality of the desiring trail of the human being, this constitutive tension must ultimately be satisfied in God (in a Dantesque “fine di tutt’i disii”), as precisely suggested by the idea of beatitudo or acquiescientia; Hegel, on the other hand, although starting from the necessity to build a knowledge that is no longer just a yearning, nonetheless arrives at a conception of the Absolute which is not sub specie aeternitatis, but rather sub specie temporis, i.e. historic. In the light of this, therefore, using the concept of love as an interpretative filter, since it puts us in a very special relationship with what is other than us, we can ask ourselves how Spinoza differs from Hegel in relating to the negative.
    Giuseppe Paglialunga is currently a high school teacher at a music institute in Val Camonica. After his philosophical studies at the University of Padua, he obtained a PhD in Human Sciences at the Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome. His thesis was focused on the thought of Schelling.
    The international philosophical conference Between Substance & Subject. The Presence of Spinoza in Hegel (26-28 October 2023, AGRFT, Ljubljana) was organized by the University of Padua and the University of Ljubljana - Faculty of Arts & Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television. The conference was carried out as part of the project Hegel's Political Metaphysics (J6-2590), which is financed by the Slovenian Research Agency and will continue within the framework of the Hegel Congress 2024.
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