one thing I hate the most as a support in low ELO is that when you hover and your ADC immediately goes rambo against 2 enemies and you try to make it in time and then he dies and blame you with question marks
It has happened to me, not that they ping me, but they just jump into a 1v2 that they are not going to win. Tell me, is really doing a 1v2 against an ADC and a Support who both have level 6 being a Tristana level 5?
I got my miss fortune adc fed asf and went to help mid, 2 seconds later shes up their turret and dies 1v2 and spam pings me mid 🤣 "usless support" what a joke
As an adc and support main I can honestly say I rather have an auto fill adc over support. The crap you deal with as both roles is insane. Adc that never ward, supports that afk and steal farm. Watching your support viegar ult into a yas windfall. Watching ashe waste her ult for no reason. If you want to climb, go top.
So my problem as support isn't in lane. I win lane in about 75-80% of my games. I also roam a lot to get mid ahead. It doesn't always work but I try whenever I can. The problem is that AFTER lane the ability to convert those leads I built up is out of my hands. Now more than ever, in the preseason, I feel like I have little way to impact the game in the Mid game and even less late game. I fight for vision but my team doesn't look at the map. I peel and pray my carries will actually, ya know, carry but it's a coin flip and I don't feel I have any agency.
what champ are you using? because as support ive found im much more useful, if ive got the gold lead from winning lane, in team fights. Champs like Renata, Nami, Sona all have really big team fight presence
Me when I'm adc because I don't do that to adcs in my elo. I do it when I'm pre with the adc and I know they can handle it and also can communicate with them
Yeah but I also had this lux one game that would last hit minions and use abilities to last hit basically stealing farm, they had 60 farm by 10 mins as sup
If they do that just mute them and carry support is so easy man. All my games In the early game always lead with lots of kills since most supports just afk click around doing nothing while I play peakaboo autoing and hitting abilities with lulu. After like 6 minutes they usually calm down if your playing decent
I was a mid otp but then realised that supports are op and can affect the same amount of ppl as a mid laner but white half as much skill. Brand, taric and nautilus are easy af and can hard carry and now I am a supp otp lmao
They have a whole series about this on their website. Only $60 for the whole year is a pretty decent deal, especially with the Rank Up Guarantee :) But There is advice for free :) Mute the enemy team for sure is a good way to help out. Their flaming can screw your mental if you don't. Ranked Anxiety I find is pretty easy to over come by playing a few normals with the champ you are about to ranked with. Just remember that everyone you're playing against is here to win and play hard. Many will be playing champs they are very familiar with so mistakes will be punished a lot more than normals. Play safe and remember your basics RE Wave control, warding etc. And you'll do fine :) Have great Game :) See you on the rift :)
Im happy I was being a good support following therse rules already !! especially wave managment, drives me insane when the adc pushes when i have a freeze and a support that can simply zone them out
If u want to carry games as supp u need to: space properly, trade properly, track jngl, dodge enemy skillshots, hit your skillshots when enemy AD is going for a last hit, manage wave, track CDs, recognize when u can win a 2v2 and make a plan how to do it, execute that plan when u spot the opportunity and when u are 100% sure jngl won't come, ward where and when u need to, roam when u need to, leave your AD when u need to, look at the map every few seconds, bait when your jngl/mid is close, play teamfights properly, u need to stop throwing everything you have at once, u have to recognize enemy threats and come up with a way to deal with them through itemization/gameplay, find your win condition a play for it, peel for your carries if u have to, be the engage when u have to, communicate with your team, and don't get one shot by those silver/gold zed players who think they are good. GL
@@owa1985 Support is easy because you don't have any mechanical intensity, so you don't need "hands". As a support, you just have to have a brain to win games, while on other roles you require brain + "hands". Low elo players believe that all you need in LoL is fast hands, so they gravitate towards roles where you can show off your mechanics. However, the funniest part is that they still can't climb on these roles because they don't realize that you need to have a brain at any role.
3:18 but gold elo adc need those babysitting , they dont know how to kite until support arrive, they cant look at minimap, and they will start a fight 1 vs 2 and die and blame support.
You need to trust your teammates a little more. I am pretty sure challanger players would hover in gold too. Just check everyones posture, and lane state.
@@thijsbrundel6102 Okay so, I used to roam in bronze after a substential lead, just to make sure that my ADC overextends even if I write ping or send pigeons. I now a days roam only to mid if I know the enemy is dead, or I come from fountain with speedy boots
To be fair laning is more mechanically challenging so as a jungler this is why I am able to read the map so much since I dont need to manage a wave or hit every creep
reality: if nautilus leaves lane his adc will die to enemy bot despite being 4/0 and 1 item ahead, or enemy jungler will lane gank or some shit and adc will die as well
Maybe you should say something about the people who buy the minion executing support items and not bothering to use it on cannons. Or randomly spending them on casters. This used to tilt me quite a bit as adc.
It's so satisfying to see my adc follow up as I engage as support. Super frustrating to see my adc auto push the wave mindlessly and doesn't follow up. "omg I have a brain dead adc this game..."
I duo w a friend but he's often overly aggresive w risky engages and I play the lane like a bitch (super cautiously). More often than not he engages and dies and we both blame each other
I play Shen support as a full tank for the late game. Even if my adc is a friend i look at all lanes to ULT TOP or MID and turn around a fight or a gank preventing snowballs across the map. If the bot lane isn't doing great i just ULT and try to make other lanes win the matchup in order to carry later while the ADC farms behind turret and gets competitive. In mid and late game i just focus on controlling the team fight so people don't die and can easily kill their carry.
5:23 fizz literally just pinged yasuo missing, he was probably coming bot while their Yi was top. Of course you don't just go in even if blitz doesn't have hook(?)
It depends on how you are doing it also...In the described situatuion the enemies are away and you got to push quicker. Not when the minions are fighting in the middle and you are all around them. You are not looking to push then.
As a Support(Yuumi) main... Just buy one - two potion reserve it and when my adc recalls....just freeze the wave before it crashes the turret and use the potion to keep my health a little up while keeping the minions for my adc :3
This reminds me of a time where i pinged need help on the wave and my support kept taunting and spam recalling. Then i recall get a huge item spike and my support and jungler die at dragon and start complaining why i recalled and i should have helped. If my support helped me push i would be at drake 2 minutes ago.
I have had so many adcs flame me the entire game if I attack one minion (not killing it)! It is not hard to see why so many supports don’t push with the adc
Quick question, why is it a Gold 2 start and a Plat 4 start both end up at Plat 1 for your five divisions guarantee? Shouldn't the Plat 4 get to Diamond with your 5 divisions guarantee?
You can easily climb ranks until Platinum 1 by having excellent macro (decision making) in game with only a decent level of micro (mechanical skill). Anything beyond Platinum 1 like Diamond, is exponentially harder to climb therefore harder for just following simple tips for you to make it.
@@michaelchua2859 That would be fair, except they guarantee that you'll hit D4 if you start as a G1, but only P1 if you start at P4. G1 -> D4 P4 -> P1 Like what?
as a lux support main... im not even the one doing the flaming my adc flames me LMFAO. i swear to god though who teaches them to just walk up to turret and then just complain that i didnt defend them when they tried to start tanking turret shots...
Let me save you time. Play Brand. Not nomi, BRAND. B R A N D Make the game easier for yourself and your teammates, pick Brand. No one wants to be nomi. nomi is bad. brand is good.
Well, even if you play Brand you still have to play him like support and do things that support is required to do. Otherwise, you will be just as hard stuck as any other Nami player. However, I agree that if you can handle the mechanical intensity of Brand and think about the game as much as "normal" support needs to do - then you will climb incredibly fast.
so if you're hovering in river aren't you losing exp? what is the timing for roam for sup? is it only fully shoved only? you say when vayne is not strong then you hover? but wouldn't they shove her in, and out poke her since she's shorter range and 1v2 and probably can't 1v2 since she can't even 2v2 and that's why she's behind. and in those situations, the lane is being shoved, sup would be losing so much exp if you're hovering?
i love when plat and up says u can carry 4 players,while me in silver just learning how to use runes and having hard time to win my lane or good work as jungle,just look and bot and see combined 0-9 score in 10 min
and some go like "bruuu support is so easy man, I could get some easy LP if I played supp" ~Every mid/top laner well if it's (apparently) the easiest lane, why isn't everyone playing support and hitting high elo? why is mid lane the most requested role? why is it "jungle diff" every game, if support is SOOOOO broken? **chuckles**
Do it only, if the enemy bot wave is pushing towards you (or is under their tower)! So mostly only your own minions die while you are away. And since you shouldn't fight into a bigger minion wave anyways, if you are not far ahead. On the other hand, you soak XP from mid too, if you decide to help there. But after all, on most supports, lvl doesn´t matter as much on you anyways (post-6), since you got the most impact with CC in fights that´s not rly lvl dependant - and it is even more benificial to get your adc further ahead with solo-XP.
Engage supports doesnt really need lvls as they just engage, land cc and usually dies, its better for your carry to get soloxp, every pro game and high elo game the supports will be underleveld compared to the enemies
as long as you are not dying or missing xp while you are doing it you are being extremely valuable to your team by doing it consistently, even if nothing doesn't come of it. The point is that you are READY when something CAN come of it; if you are not LOSING anything by hovering then when those rare occasions come where you get something crazy from it you are creating huge profit you wouldn't otherwise have.
This guide suggests that your teammates are competent at which point you sure as fuck can carry hard as support, the thing is, this vayne will roll into jana's tornado the second blitz reaches mid lane, then will spam ping him for leaving her 2 v 1 and run it down as a punishment.
The one thing I noticed here as a jungler is that their prying absolutely no attention to what the enemy jg is doing. I could have river bush warded, scutt could b taken. I could see support go missing and immediately run down and burst you into oblivion. So many dangers to hovering like this when you factor in this role. They should be including jungle tracking as well....
exactly lmao if you don't babysit the fed adc they'll just start inting cause they forgot the reason they were winning in the first place was because YOU HELPED THEM
the thing they don't like to say is that playing peel in low elo is a lot harder cause you're relying on a bad player to carry you, I played zilean and soraka and it was the most frustrating thing ever even after winning a lot of games on them... then I switch to aggressive engagers like pantheon or alistar and sudenly games get a lot easier, even if your adc is terrible just help another lane during mid/late game and you'll have high chances to win and if all lanes are losing/feeding then it'd be probably a loss anyways regardless
When I see someones match history and suddenly they are using flash on d instead of f, going top instead of mid and winning every game with 300 cs you kmow they are boosting
@@ID_Kevin kind of but then it's not fair. maybe in norms when I play with my high elo friends and they boost the norms mmr. But this is ranked where I'm trying my best to win and my team or myself gets shit on by the elo booster
Isn't the Nautilus staying around kinda good because they can completely deny farm and exp by zoning? I mean, a bait into a 2v2 can have more payoff but is far from guaranteed, right
I agree, if my adc is decent I'll rarely ever leave lane if we're winning, except to ward drake or something I focus on taking tower ASAP before trying anything else
Well each time i attack minions as support, they ping me to stop and start trolling if i keep doing it. At this point i just dont bother with wave management sadly
No, its most of the time that you adc sets up a perfect freeze and you start randomly auto attcking and break it, or use random morgana W's so its close to impossible to farm. When the adc wants to push, i highly doubt there is a problem for him if u help him.
That's very rare. In my last 30 games that only happened once, and he just flamed, didn't flash or afk. I'd say if it happens it's because you yourself are trolling and actually ruining waves with your own mismanagement.
But when I try to hit the minions to push the adc wants to freeze even tho we just killed them and sometimes adc players get mad for even hitting the wave it messes them up
o man i get stressed at the start when my ward is on cd, i mostly ping my adc to use his ward or we keep the wave near tower till my cd is gone on it. when there is no ward i will mostly be standing at the spot myself so my adc can back in time 😂 don’t want my ultimate weapon to die
Someone else posted this in response to another question; The key is to roam/hover when the wave is 1. pushing towards you OR 2. under the enemy tower. Being away from wave does not mean you miss xp, only being away from the wave WHILE THE ENEMY MINIONS ARE DYING. When wave is pushing towards you, the enemy wave is overwhelming your minions and not dying, and if you return on time you'll collect all the xp from them. When the enemy wave is under the enemy tower, your minions will mostly be targeting the tower and not the enemy minions, also resulting in them not dying and no missed xp. If you "hover" in these circumstances then you won't lose xp, because you will either return to lane on time to pick up xp or soak xp from mid in the play you help them with. In addition to this, as mentioned by @neowin above, the xp problem becomes even less problematic after you hit lvl 6; pre-6 xp is extremely important, but after 6 most support champion's power levels are (mostly) independent of level. Think of champs like leona and naut; yes, if they are behind in xp they might die when they dive, but no matter how behind they are and no matter how fed the enemy team is they can ALWAYS get their cc chains off, which is the whole point of those champs anyways. Champions like soraka/yuumi/janna can always heal and sustain regardless of level too. This is not to say that you should just ignore xp, just saying if you mess up and miss some waves post 6 its not nearly as big of a deal, especially if you're getting something meaningful for it (deep vision or a gank)
What I found personally worked for me was to stop playing support in low elo ranked. I'm not saying it's impossible to carry but your impact on the game doesn't make that much of a difference if I'm honest. You've improved your warding and now you can see where your enemies are? Your team still get caught trying to collapse on them. You win your laning phase and get your ADC fed? Well unfortunately he's not used to being in this position and loses his 6/0 lead within the mid-game. Playing damage supports can counter this but if you're doing this why don't you just go mid or top instead? I hadn't played anywhere but support but within a couple of normals I got a grasp on basic champions like Annie and learned to, if not carry myself, atleast go even and prevent one of their lanes from making an impact. Not only do you potentially put yourself into a place to carry but if you can consistently, at the least, not feed your lane and learn when to play safe you'll prevent somebody on the enemy team from being able to carry which is HUGE. Doing this I turned games where I played great as support but still lost into games where I'd only have to go even in mid or top and get the win by playing smarter. Keep playing support in normals, keep enjoy playing support but wait until a higher elo where you really can make a difference to try and climb consistently. Plus learning another role will really help your support play and understanding of the game in the long run. This advice for ME atleast, got me from playing my ass off but still going on 4 loss streaks to 6-8 win streaks instead.
I've got to diamond in 3 accounts playing support in s8 but I feel you, most games you have to not only do damage and babysit your ad (winning laning phase), but transfer your advantage to other lanes. When I did climb, I was playing with thresh/ali/lux, it's hard but doable. PS: Sometimes the best thing to do is to find which player is stronger/smarter in your team and peel for them, it doesn't have to be your adc.
yeah i need to ping more when my support be fucking greeding for the relic proc gold. and messing up my attempt to keep the wave in a good position. On a related but different note, they used to also often have multiple relic procs and not use any of them to heal me because they were saving if for the cannon minion -- never mind i'm missing 30% hp.
I've been considering switching to maining support because it's a lot easier than ADC and you actually get to have an impact on the game before 20 minutes.
The video is actually very helpfull but the problem is that the ADC's in the low elo don't understand bunch of thing and even if you try to improve your macro and gameplay this won't change much on line because your ADC is doing something wrong wich causes you to lose lane.
bro some of them will literally CANCEL their recall to grab another wave and die cause they were low hp and had no mana, and there's nothing you can do cause you already went base and thought the idiot would go base as well to spend his gold...
hi, I'm currently silver 2 and I only play adc but my gamesense is way above silver players (highest rank is gold 2). I often play with supports that just don't know anything about wavemanagement or tracking the enemy jungler. I often get into situations that my support doesn't know the scaling or powerspikes of champions and because of this I'm often hardfeeding because my support doesn't know what I'm looking for. I would love to know how to counter this as it gets more and more obvious that my positioning is miles above the other silvers yet I'm not able to be useful until I get to teamfights. Any advice on how I should change my playstyle?
play independant carries like vayne, twitch, draven... they usually just need to get a small lead and then they can snowball that by themselves vayne is my favorite cause she can literally 1v1 most top and mid laners unlike other adcs that just get destroyed
i do try telling my ADC What to do with the wave and recall timers when im auto filled supp but theu just dont listen to me i treid using the cheater recall the freeze but they didnt listen to either
Perhaps you could try a "show, don't tell" type of approach. e.g. if you want to push aa the wave and hopefully the adc catches on and does we well. If you wish to cheater recall, start to recall and only cancel it the last moment if you realize the adc will not recall with you. Like shown in the video, pinging can also help. Sometimes they won't listen though, and you should just accept those situations for what they are (e.g. don't actually finish your cheater recall if the adc makes it clear he won't join you)
hello please respond me i had a problem i am so good at warwick but in there is a problem with that legend page so i dont khow the best jungler ww build can you make a video of that
I'm just so confused xd, First you say that always freeze the lane by last hitting minions and then you say supports should hit the minions too so they go faster whhaaat
Here is food for thought. I like soraka. No i love soraka. With me duo partner we have 75% winrate (from bronze to silver). Previous season we both were s1(me)-gold5. when i try to soraka / support support for others i can't. In iron / low bronze, when people get cc-d they forget to auto attack, and flash heal toward tower. Unless i play brand or something similiar i can't carry with a healer. If i play lux i'll go over 17/1/10(or something) in the game, but that's not i want to play. I want to fucking heal. Not every support capable of carying a game in its back. edit: when i played leona and engaged, they forgot to auto attack.
"when people get cc-d they forget to auto attack, and flash heal toward tower" bro, this is true up to around gold 3 this is why playing high cc supports like nautilus/leona can literally boost you because enemies will simply turn their brain off if you manage to hit them with cc consistently, they just literally give up
absolutely not unless you know you're invading for sure. You should only change to sweeper when you get your quest complete (and you can ward using the item)
@@fliqpythekiller9950 if ur duo with ur jungler and you are sure of enemy jungler pathing then sure. but in general, person asking these kinds of questions is probably not familiar with ideas like that, better to answer simply yellow trinket is better to defend your lane.
I tried doing wave management as support with jhin vs cait morg and I was like, push the wave and don't let them crash the wave under tower, I don't want to get poked down by them when i'm under tower and my jhin was like, hur, lets freeze... anyways, that's why i don't play support anymore
Yea m2 had a game today with a stupid ashe we had the perfec opportunity to freeze i said it in chat but she just kept auto-ing Btw i really think these guids work if u have a team that wantsto listen
@@jianvandepol3651 botlane is the worst role in lowelo doesn't matter sup or adc since u will be playing with giga bad players and can't solo lane, u ll be punished for other ppls mistake much more then in any other role, there is a reason my adc smurf is chatbanned :D
@@supremebohnenstange4102 support is the the 2nd best role to carry games (jungle 1st) if ur adc is good u just babysit them the entire game and if they're aren't u just get lvl6 and gank mid and top. Support basically another jg in the team, u can get so many free picks and carry fights permastunning someone. But i do agree ADC is really bad in S10 lol
@@pedrohenrique-db3xd sure, I was talking about why a duolane is tilting in general! Adc is not bad it's just tilting, i still had an avarage of 67 wr on twitch and 65 on ashe
@@pedrohenrique-db3xd yeah support and jungle are so broken that mid lane is the most requested/played role I guess people love to suffer by not playing the top 2 "best roles" **chuckles**
@@potatocorns3717 if you reach higher rank in preseason that will affect your placements games, idk where you will be placed but it will affect. Let say if u g2,, after ur 10 games going 10w0L u get s1 for example. But if you reach p4 in preseason and go 10w0L at the placement games you will get g3. thats only examples but it affects the higher the better :)
The thing about wave management in low elo: *I aa the full health cannon once* My ADC: "stupid bitch stop stealing my farm useless support go play fortnite report support pls" Never SoloQ again.
they sometimes find a way to die even while 2v2, like they'll randomly flash towards enemy tower as nilah and get destroyed by enemy cc and tower, they start playing bad all of a sudden (maybe confidence boost?) and getting hit by skillshots, dying with flash up and etc., also they start completely disrespecting enemy jungle presence just cause they got 3 kills in lane
more support guide ideas? :D
Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides Counter picks and drafting according to your adc?
How to mow the lawn while playing yuumi
one for adc's please
maybe some counterpicks ?
How to roam properly (not only for support)
one thing I hate the most as a support in low ELO is that when you hover and your ADC immediately goes rambo against 2 enemies and you try to make it in time and then he dies and blame you with question marks
bro i knew this .... its horrible
It has happened to me, not that they ping me, but they just jump into a 1v2 that they are not going to win. Tell me, is really doing a 1v2 against an ADC and a Support who both have level 6 being a Tristana level 5?
Dude...I just wanted to ward the tri. I didn't expect you to int so fast. My bad.
I got my miss fortune adc fed asf and went to help mid, 2 seconds later shes up their turret and dies 1v2 and spam pings me mid 🤣 "usless support" what a joke
I’ve played ADC but a handful of times and always compliment or at least ‘gj’ my supp
no cap, i should be certified in child care with these adc's
for real 😭
dude, my ADC pings me everytime when he dies, ım the only one whos making pressure on enemy team! duh, we are more like caretakers
Lmao as a support Main i wish my adc would understand wave Management
As an ADC main I wish my supports would understand wave management 😂
Wanna push? Ally adc/sup: proceeds to stand still
Wanna freeze? Ally adc/sup: proceeds to attack minions
As an adc main, I wish support mains would just STFU and just play.
Lmao I tell my adc to freeze and he proceeds to ult the whole wave causing the wave to be frozen for 8 mins and he throws his 4/0 lead
As an adc and support main I can honestly say I rather have an auto fill adc over support.
The crap you deal with as both roles is insane. Adc that never ward, supports that afk and steal farm. Watching your support viegar ult into a yas windfall. Watching ashe waste her ult for no reason. If you want to climb, go top.
So my problem as support isn't in lane. I win lane in about 75-80% of my games. I also roam a lot to get mid ahead. It doesn't always work but I try whenever I can. The problem is that AFTER lane the ability to convert those leads I built up is out of my hands. Now more than ever, in the preseason, I feel like I have little way to impact the game in the Mid game and even less late game. I fight for vision but my team doesn't look at the map. I peel and pray my carries will actually, ya know, carry but it's a coin flip and I don't feel I have any agency.
what champ are you using? because as support ive found im much more useful, if ive got the gold lead from winning lane, in team fights. Champs like Renata, Nami, Sona all have really big team fight presence
I just wanted to skillcapped that i have reached plat as of today and their guides helped me climb for sure. Keep it up.
If ur plat what u doing on this vid then💀
8:50 u got to understand that most adcs in low elo doesn t understand this and they ll only flame u for hitting minions cuz they can t farm
that's what im going through rn
Me when I'm adc because I don't do that to adcs in my elo.
I do it when I'm pre with the adc and I know they can handle it and also can communicate with them
That moment when your adc tells you not to hit the minions
And tell me never try to control minions as you are just support
@@rdarkis9885 exactly, and when you start roaming to have an impact your add yells at you and dies constantly
Had a mf once that told me to not last hit the minions even tho I was playing leona with the standard support item for her
Yeah but I also had this lux one game that would last hit minions and use abilities to last hit basically stealing farm, they had 60 farm by 10 mins as sup
If they do that just mute them and carry support is so easy man. All my games In the early game always lead with lots of kills since most supports just afk click around doing nothing while I play peakaboo autoing and hitting abilities with lulu. After like 6 minutes they usually calm down if your playing decent
I was a mid otp but then realised that supports are op and can affect the same amount of ppl as a mid laner but white half as much skill. Brand, taric and nautilus are easy af and can hard carry and now I am a supp otp lmao
what i love is people thinking soraka doesn't do damage. :) athenes and ardent is enough for a burst combo
@@findout-YGO bro why tf did you reply to my 2 year old comment with a whole novel lmao
I wish you would make some videos about the mentality in league. ranked anxiety and stuff like that.
its on there website behind the paywall.
Just play more. That is all the advice I can give. If you performance better than your counterpart majority of the time, you are bound to climb
Mute all :)
They have a whole series about this on their website. Only $60 for the whole year is a pretty decent deal, especially with the Rank Up Guarantee :)
But There is advice for free :)
Mute the enemy team for sure is a good way to help out. Their flaming can screw your mental if you don't.
Ranked Anxiety I find is pretty easy to over come by playing a few normals with the champ you are about to ranked with.
Just remember that everyone you're playing against is here to win and play hard. Many will be playing champs they are very familiar with so mistakes will be punished a lot more than normals. Play safe and remember your basics RE Wave control, warding etc. And you'll do fine :)
Have great Game :) See you on the rift :)
they have actually made it:видео.html
Im happy I was being a good support following therse rules already !! especially wave managment, drives me insane when the adc pushes when i have a freeze and a support that can simply zone them out
5:18 *I see what you did there*
If u want to carry games as supp u need to: space properly, trade properly, track jngl, dodge enemy skillshots, hit your skillshots when enemy AD is going for a last hit, manage wave, track CDs, recognize when u can win a 2v2 and make a plan how to do it, execute that plan when u spot the opportunity and when u are 100% sure jngl won't come, ward where and when u need to, roam when u need to, leave your AD when u need to, look at the map every few seconds, bait when your jngl/mid is close, play teamfights properly, u need to stop throwing everything you have at once, u have to recognize enemy threats and come up with a way to deal with them through itemization/gameplay, find your win condition a play for it, peel for your carries if u have to, be the engage when u have to, communicate with your team, and don't get one shot by those silver/gold zed players who think they are good. GL
It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it. As a support main, I literally queue any other role to give myself a break.
To think non support players say: The sup role is so easy just put down wards XP
If it were that easy, everyone would do it.
I think "support" is a poor label for the role. We need a new one.
@@owa1985 Support is easy because you don't have any mechanical intensity, so you don't need "hands". As a support, you just have to have a brain to win games, while on other roles you require brain + "hands". Low elo players believe that all you need in LoL is fast hands, so they gravitate towards roles where you can show off your mechanics. However, the funniest part is that they still can't climb on these roles because they don't realize that you need to have a brain at any role.
3:18 but gold elo adc need those babysitting , they dont know how to kite until support arrive, they cant look at minimap, and they will start a fight 1 vs 2 and die and blame support.
You need to trust your teammates a little more. I am pretty sure challanger players would hover in gold too. Just check everyones posture, and lane state.
@@thijsbrundel6102 Okay so, I used to roam in bronze after a substential lead, just to make sure that my ADC overextends even if I write ping or send pigeons.
I now a days roam only to mid if I know the enemy is dead, or I come from fountain with speedy boots
To be fair laning is more mechanically challenging so as a jungler this is why I am able to read the map so much since I dont need to manage a wave or hit every creep
@@thijsbrundel6102 yes i trust them when they pass plat elo, when they actully understand the bsic of macro
put subtitles can be automatic so that deaf people can access your content, put subtitles in the course too please
6:11 Blitzcrank Syndrome: you never hook a stationary target where it is, you must always hook them where they'll flash.
"nautilius not doing anything except allowing his adc to farm cs while they are already ahead"
reality: if nautilus leaves lane his adc will die to enemy bot despite being 4/0 and 1 item ahead, or enemy jungler will lane gank or some shit and adc will die as well
Maybe you should say something about the people who buy the minion executing support items and not bothering to use it on cannons. Or randomly spending them on casters. This used to tilt me quite a bit as adc.
It's so satisfying to see my adc follow up as I engage as support. Super frustrating to see my adc auto push the wave mindlessly and doesn't follow up. "omg I have a brain dead adc this game..."
I duo w a friend but he's often overly aggresive w risky engages and I play the lane like a bitch (super cautiously). More often than not he engages and dies and we both blame each other
Pls do a guide on what the "wiered thing" in the lower right corner is. And what information you can get from it ^^
I play Shen support as a full tank for the late game. Even if my adc is a friend i look at all lanes to ULT TOP or MID and turn around a fight or a gank preventing snowballs across the map. If the bot lane isn't doing great i just ULT and try to make other lanes win the matchup in order to carry later while the ADC farms behind turret and gets competitive. In mid and late game i just focus on controlling the team fight so people don't die and can easily kill their carry.
I'd love to but imagine an adc that actually listen when you ask to freeze lane. def couldn't happen to me
at 2:20 wouldn't that make you just miss a lot of exp?
5:23 fizz literally just pinged yasuo missing, he was probably coming bot while their Yi was top. Of course you don't just go in even if blitz doesn't have hook(?)
yep yassuo appears on the map too right bf the clip ends
Very interesting content for my friend who's main support and is still beginning, these are all mistakes he actualy makes in game. Superb insight !
I hear you about the janna not auto attacking the waves but I can't count how many times my adc will complain to not auto attack the wave
It depends on how you are doing it also...In the described situatuion the enemies are away and you got to push quicker. Not when the minions are fighting in the middle and you are all around them. You are not looking to push then.
No no it's more like trying to get lvl2 before your enemy crashing the wave to recall
As a Support(Yuumi) main... Just buy one - two potion reserve it and when my adc recalls....just freeze the wave before it crashes the turret and use the potion to keep my health a little up while keeping the minions for my adc :3
This reminds me of a time where i pinged need help on the wave and my support kept taunting and spam recalling. Then i recall get a huge item spike and my support and jungler die at dragon and start complaining why i recalled and i should have helped. If my support helped me push i would be at drake 2 minutes ago.
Plot twist : the enemy support also watches your videos and now we're in a loop.
I have had so many adcs flame me the entire game if I attack one minion (not killing it)! It is not hard to see why so many supports don’t push with the adc
Players with high skills are easily tilted when they're at a corner(Low Elo of course), they tend to overestimate themselves and blame their teammates
The supports not helping wave management happens in low elo because the ADC goes off the handle if you so much as look at one of THEIR minions.
Quick question, why is it a Gold 2 start and a Plat 4 start both end up at Plat 1 for your five divisions guarantee?
Shouldn't the Plat 4 get to Diamond with your 5 divisions guarantee?
You can easily climb ranks until Platinum 1 by having excellent macro (decision making) in game with only a decent level of micro (mechanical skill). Anything beyond Platinum 1 like Diamond, is exponentially harder to climb therefore harder for just following simple tips for you to make it.
@@michaelchua2859 That would be fair, except they guarantee that you'll hit D4 if you start as a G1, but only P1 if you start at P4.
G1 -> D4
P4 -> P1
Like what?
as a lux support main... im not even the one doing the flaming
my adc flames me LMFAO.
i swear to god though who teaches them to just walk up to turret and then just complain that i didnt defend them when they tried to start tanking turret shots...
Let me save you time. Play Brand. Not nomi, BRAND.
Make the game easier for yourself and your teammates, pick Brand. No one wants to be nomi. nomi is bad. brand is good.
brand supports are like lux supports
just a second mid laner
play ashe and you can support your new smoking hot carry.
@@joaopestana1563 that's enough brand shilling you schizo.
Don't Tell then
Well, even if you play Brand you still have to play him like support and do things that support is required to do. Otherwise, you will be just as hard stuck as any other Nami player. However, I agree that if you can handle the mechanical intensity of Brand and think about the game as much as "normal" support needs to do - then you will climb incredibly fast.
This guide applies only when tou have an adc with more than 2 braincells
so if you're hovering in river aren't you losing exp? what is the timing for roam for sup? is it only fully shoved only? you say when vayne is not strong then you hover? but wouldn't they shove her in, and out poke her since she's shorter range and 1v2 and probably can't 1v2 since she can't even 2v2 and that's why she's behind. and in those situations, the lane is being shoved, sup would be losing so much exp if you're hovering?
the real guide:
1) play another lane
2) play adc and hard carry yourself
3) play high damage supports that can shit on enemies (pantheon for example)
i love when plat and up says u can carry 4 players,while me in silver just learning how to use runes and having hard time to win my lane or good work as jungle,just look and bot and see combined 0-9 score in 10 min
and some go like "bruuu support is so easy man, I could get some easy LP if I played supp" ~Every mid/top laner
well if it's (apparently) the easiest lane, why isn't everyone playing support and hitting high elo?
why is mid lane the most requested role?
why is it "jungle diff" every game, if support is SOOOOO broken?
considering hovering: wouldn't that lead to myself being underlvld af?
Do it only, if the enemy bot wave is pushing towards you (or is under their tower)! So mostly only your own minions die while you are away. And since you shouldn't fight into a bigger minion wave anyways, if you are not far ahead.
On the other hand, you soak XP from mid too, if you decide to help there.
But after all, on most supports, lvl doesn´t matter as much on you anyways (post-6), since you got the most impact with CC in fights that´s not rly lvl dependant - and it is even more benificial to get your adc further ahead with solo-XP.
Engage supports doesnt really need lvls as they just engage, land cc and usually dies, its better for your carry to get soloxp, every pro game and high elo game the supports will be underleveld compared to the enemies
ive been following these guides. its just my team keeps fighting over and over and wont listen. i need help. like seriously
2:50 I do that all the time and I always feel like idiot doing it cause often nothing happens.
as long as you are not dying or missing xp while you are doing it you are being extremely valuable to your team by doing it consistently, even if nothing doesn't come of it. The point is that you are READY when something CAN come of it; if you are not LOSING anything by hovering then when those rare occasions come where you get something crazy from it you are creating huge profit you wouldn't otherwise have.
ngl, high ego adc's we meet in low gold would rather insult you and spam ping you when you're helping pushing xd
This guide suggests that your teammates are competent at which point you sure as fuck can carry hard as support, the thing is, this vayne will roll into jana's tornado the second blitz reaches mid lane, then will spam ping him for leaving her 2 v 1 and run it down as a punishment.
The one thing I noticed here as a jungler is that their prying absolutely no attention to what the enemy jg is doing. I could have river bush warded, scutt could b taken. I could see support go missing and immediately run down and burst you into oblivion. So many dangers to hovering like this when you factor in this role. They should be including jungle tracking as well....
exactly lmao
if you don't babysit the fed adc they'll just start inting cause they forgot the reason they were winning in the first place was because YOU HELPED THEM
*reads title*
Me: what is this pain I'm feeling?!
Can you use more enchanters... Not everyone plays engagers :/
the thing they don't like to say is that playing peel in low elo is a lot harder cause you're relying on a bad player to carry you, I played zilean and soraka and it was the most frustrating thing ever even after winning a lot of games on them... then I switch to aggressive engagers like pantheon or alistar and sudenly games get a lot easier, even if your adc is terrible just help another lane during mid/late game and you'll have high chances to win
and if all lanes are losing/feeding then it'd be probably a loss anyways regardless
Now the end of the season is really close, anyone experiencing some huge smurfing/eloboosting in ranked ?
When I see someones match history and suddenly they are using flash on d instead of f, going top instead of mid and winning every game with 300 cs you kmow they are boosting
idk if im an asshole but i been sending in a lot of elo boosting tickets to riot support. its not fun for me when i have to play with boosters
@@KasaiiruAMV I think it is good practice.
@@ID_Kevin kind of but then it's not fair. maybe in norms when I play with my high elo friends and they boost the norms mmr. But this is ranked where I'm trying my best to win and my team or myself gets shit on by the elo booster
Isn't the Nautilus staying around kinda good because they can completely deny farm and exp by zoning?
I mean, a bait into a 2v2 can have more payoff but is far from guaranteed, right
I agree, if my adc is decent I'll rarely ever leave lane if we're winning, except to ward drake or something
I focus on taking tower ASAP before trying anything else
This is a great video! Thanks for sharing.
In silver we can't touch the wave cuz we are not allowed to. If we start hitting the adc goes afk , so we play it safe
Well each time i attack minions as support, they ping me to stop and start trolling if i keep doing it. At this point i just dont bother with wave management sadly
Touch the wave as an support and your adc goes afk, flashes and reports u :-)
Well I wouldn't do that as an ADC but I do find supports ruin freezes a lot, but if you need to push then it's fine.
No, its most of the time that you adc sets up a perfect freeze and you start randomly auto attcking and break it, or use random morgana W's so its close to impossible to farm. When the adc wants to push, i highly doubt there is a problem for him if u help him.
One of the most common things i tell my support is "when i ping assist me on the wave push as hard as you can plz", doesn't always work though.
That's very rare.
In my last 30 games that only happened once, and he just flamed, didn't flash or afk.
I'd say if it happens it's because you yourself are trolling and actually ruining waves with your own mismanagement.
How many people died to jungle just “hovering” in river? 😂
How many adcs didnt back up once their wave crushed and the enemy botlane arrived back?
@@Itasa222 region?
@@Itasa222 or they get ganked trying to get a plating that is almost full hp and they literally can't get it alone (but they'll still try to)
8:40 if i help push there's a 75% chance my adc will afk or start trolling/flaming
know the feeling
@@fritz3542 truth
@@fritz3542 the way i think about it is, supp 1st hit only, adc last hit only when pushing lane. what do you think about this?
But when I try to hit the minions to push the adc wants to freeze even tho we just killed them and sometimes adc players get mad for even hitting the wave it messes them up
This is so good, thank you
As soon as I hit high gold and plat I noticed supports coming to gank me mid a lot when before gold two it almost never happened.
1:40 "a specific situation where vayne is able to 2v1" - name one gold adc that wouldn't die the instant i would leave lane there.
I got a proguides ad on skillcapped xd
Being the first to the lane doesn’t matter being the best does.
Same goes to the comment section.
Still being first to lanes means contol untill the wave bounces
Are you ever going to make a guide for carrying bad supports????
Imagine getting a supp who wards in low elo ;_;
Same can be said about any role in low elo, not just support
@@mattoe123 _Mid complaining about being camped with a vision score of 3 at 30 mins and two control wards in his pocket_
Sadly enough Im stuck in Bronze since returning back to League, but I always have wards all over the map.
o man i get stressed at the start when my ward is on cd, i mostly ping my adc to use his ward or we keep the wave near tower till my cd is gone on it. when there is no ward i will mostly be standing at the spot myself so my adc can back in time 😂 don’t want my ultimate weapon to die
@@SlightlyDank I'm usually the one doing that as adc lmao
9:09, I did that too, but the ADC wouldn't listen...
One of my problems is that I try to roam and hover and give my adc some solo xp, but then end up to low level myself to help my team properly
Someone else posted this in response to another question; The key is to roam/hover when the wave is 1. pushing towards you OR 2. under the enemy tower. Being away from wave does not mean you miss xp, only being away from the wave WHILE THE ENEMY MINIONS ARE DYING. When wave is pushing towards you, the enemy wave is overwhelming your minions and not dying, and if you return on time you'll collect all the xp from them. When the enemy wave is under the enemy tower, your minions will mostly be targeting the tower and not the enemy minions, also resulting in them not dying and no missed xp. If you "hover" in these circumstances then you won't lose xp, because you will either return to lane on time to pick up xp or soak xp from mid in the play you help them with. In addition to this, as mentioned by @neowin above, the xp problem becomes even less problematic after you hit lvl 6; pre-6 xp is extremely important, but after 6 most support champion's power levels are (mostly) independent of level. Think of champs like leona and naut; yes, if they are behind in xp they might die when they dive, but no matter how behind they are and no matter how fed the enemy team is they can ALWAYS get their cc chains off, which is the whole point of those champs anyways. Champions like soraka/yuumi/janna can always heal and sustain regardless of level too. This is not to say that you should just ignore xp, just saying if you mess up and miss some waves post 6 its not nearly as big of a deal, especially if you're getting something meaningful for it (deep vision or a gank)
What I found personally worked for me was to stop playing support in low elo ranked. I'm not saying it's impossible to carry but your impact on the game doesn't make that much of a difference if I'm honest. You've improved your warding and now you can see where your enemies are? Your team still get caught trying to collapse on them. You win your laning phase and get your ADC fed? Well unfortunately he's not used to being in this position and loses his 6/0 lead within the mid-game. Playing damage supports can counter this but if you're doing this why don't you just go mid or top instead? I hadn't played anywhere but support but within a couple of normals I got a grasp on basic champions like Annie and learned to, if not carry myself, atleast go even and prevent one of their lanes from making an impact.
Not only do you potentially put yourself into a place to carry but if you can consistently, at the least, not feed your lane and learn when to play safe you'll prevent somebody on the enemy team from being able to carry which is HUGE. Doing this I turned games where I played great as support but still lost into games where I'd only have to go even in mid or top and get the win by playing smarter. Keep playing support in normals, keep enjoy playing support but wait until a higher elo where you really can make a difference to try and climb consistently. Plus learning another role will really help your support play and understanding of the game in the long run.
This advice for ME atleast, got me from playing my ass off but still going on 4 loss streaks to 6-8 win streaks instead.
I've got to diamond in 3 accounts playing support in s8 but I feel you, most games you have to not only do damage and babysit your ad (winning laning phase), but transfer your advantage to other lanes. When I did climb, I was playing with thresh/ali/lux, it's hard but doable.
PS: Sometimes the best thing to do is to find which player is stronger/smarter in your team and peel for them, it doesn't have to be your adc.
yeah i need to ping more when my support be fucking greeding for the relic proc gold. and messing up my attempt to keep the wave in a good position. On a related but different note, they used to also often have multiple relic procs and not use any of them to heal me because they were saving if for the cannon minion -- never mind i'm missing 30% hp.
Since when did relic procs heal?
I dont play support but i learned couple things from this
I've been considering switching to maining support because it's a lot easier than ADC and you actually get to have an impact on the game before 20 minutes.
how about lux that spams abilities but well enough to 80% time hit u and dmg annoy you?
The video is actually very helpfull but the problem is that the ADC's in the low elo don't understand bunch of thing and even if you try to improve your macro and gameplay this won't change much on line because your ADC is doing something wrong wich causes you to lose lane.
Imagine hovering in low Elo and not getting instantly flamed for leaving bot lane.
If every challenger player dominates and wins almost every game, then who is losing every game in challenger? Also challenger players?
Yeaaa i've seen to many fed adcs instantly dying as soon as they are left alone...
bro some of them will literally CANCEL their recall to grab another wave and die cause they were low hp and had no mana, and there's nothing you can do cause you already went base and thought the idiot would go base as well to spend his gold...
hi, I'm currently silver 2 and I only play adc but my gamesense is way above silver players (highest rank is gold 2). I often play with supports that just don't know anything about wavemanagement or tracking the enemy jungler. I often get into situations that my support doesn't know the scaling or powerspikes of champions and because of this I'm often hardfeeding because my support doesn't know what I'm looking for. I would love to know how to counter this as it gets more and more obvious that my positioning is miles above the other silvers yet I'm not able to be useful until I get to teamfights. Any advice on how I should change my playstyle?
play independant carries like vayne, twitch, draven... they usually just need to get a small lead and then they can snowball that by themselves
vayne is my favorite cause she can literally 1v1 most top and mid laners unlike other adcs that just get destroyed
i do try telling my ADC What to do with the wave and recall timers when im auto filled supp but theu just dont listen to me i treid using the cheater recall the freeze but they didnt listen to either
Perhaps you could try a "show, don't tell" type of approach. e.g. if you want to push aa the wave and hopefully the adc catches on and does we well. If you wish to cheater recall, start to recall and only cancel it the last moment if you realize the adc will not recall with you. Like shown in the video, pinging can also help. Sometimes they won't listen though, and you should just accept those situations for what they are (e.g. don't actually finish your cheater recall if the adc makes it clear he won't join you)
bro I play velkoz and if my adc is trash I'll just W+W+E the wave and push it myself, fuck relying on teammates lol
Great guide but...
Did the Nautilus got to gold?
Every time I roam i get flamed, even as bard LOL
hello please respond me i had a problem i am so good at warwick but in there is a problem with that legend page so i dont khow the best jungler ww build can you make a video of that
And when your adc decides to int the second you leave?
we need a toplane guide !
Yes, but what if my ads just sucks at farming?
I'm just so confused xd, First you say that always freeze the lane by last hitting minions and then you say supports should hit the minions too so they go faster whhaaat
Here is food for thought. I like soraka. No i love soraka. With me duo partner we have 75% winrate (from bronze to silver). Previous season we both were s1(me)-gold5.
when i try to soraka / support support for others i can't. In iron / low bronze, when people get cc-d they forget to auto attack, and flash heal toward tower. Unless i play brand or something similiar i can't carry with a healer. If i play lux i'll go over 17/1/10(or something) in the game, but that's not i want to play. I want to fucking heal. Not every support capable of carying a game in its back.
edit: when i played leona and engaged, they forgot to auto attack.
"when people get cc-d they forget to auto attack, and flash heal toward tower"
bro, this is true up to around gold 3
this is why playing high cc supports like nautilus/leona can literally boost you because enemies will simply turn their brain off if you manage to hit them with cc consistently, they just literally give up
How to get well with fed top mid jungler and enemies come 5v dive in and killed u
How to carry while babysitting only. We need that video.
So no one's gonna talk about the Maokai x Ornn mid lane?
Should supports not get sweeper as soon as the game starts?
absolutely not unless you know you're invading for sure.
You should only change to sweeper when you get your quest complete (and you can ward using the item)
@@miladsammouh4741 if you run ingenious hunter you can get sweeper lvl 1 and take all the enemys early vision away for your jungler to gank
@@fliqpythekiller9950 if ur duo with ur jungler and you are sure of enemy jungler pathing then sure.
but in general, person asking these kinds of questions is probably not familiar with ideas like that, better to answer simply yellow trinket is better to defend your lane.
But my 6/0 adc kill himself like 3 Times and waste adventage. Adc Donald khnow when to be play pasive.
yes I will spam yuumi starting in preseason and see where I land.
I tried to hover between mid and not today... Got killed by by khazix... Who was about to gank mid but killed me instead :( 1 win 2 losses today...
Go to your jungle when is dangerous to Go to the river
I tried doing wave management as support with jhin vs cait morg and I was like, push the wave and don't let them crash the wave under tower, I don't want to get poked down by them when i'm under tower and my jhin was like, hur, lets freeze... anyways, that's why i don't play support anymore
Yea m2 had a game today with a stupid ashe we had the perfec opportunity to freeze i said it in chat but she just kept auto-ing
Btw i really think these guids work if u have a team that wantsto listen
@@jianvandepol3651 botlane is the worst role in lowelo doesn't matter sup or adc since u will be playing with giga bad players and can't solo lane, u ll be punished for other ppls mistake much more then in any other role, there is a reason my adc smurf is chatbanned :D
@@supremebohnenstange4102 support is the the 2nd best role to carry games (jungle 1st) if ur adc is good u just babysit them the entire game and if they're aren't u just get lvl6 and gank mid and top. Support basically another jg in the team, u can get so many free picks and carry fights permastunning someone. But i do agree ADC is really bad in S10 lol
@@pedrohenrique-db3xd sure, I was talking about why a duolane is tilting in general! Adc is not bad it's just tilting, i still had an avarage of 67 wr on twitch and 65 on ashe
@@pedrohenrique-db3xd yeah support and jungle are so broken that mid lane is the most requested/played role
I guess people love to suffer by not playing the top 2 "best roles" **chuckles**
Did Naut win that game?
Did Nautilus get to gold?
Not using spells is actually super op!
its a perfect guide now i am the better sup thanks^^
It's excruciating to watch this knowing not to just throw spells at random, seeing a silver doing it, and still being stuck bronze.
Siii mi vayne tenia 7 kills y si la deje para ir a wardear la jg rival....nose como pero murio en 2 segundos haciendo un all in
Does pre season rank effect real rank mmr?
Yes, it does. If you climb higher in preseason after your 10 games at the start of the new season you can get placed higher :)
@@walyotsonev9883 I finished G2 so if I play pre season and I get higher I will be placed a rank near G2 already?
@@potatocorns3717 if you reach higher rank in preseason that will affect your placements games, idk where you will be placed but it will affect. Let say if u g2,, after ur 10 games going 10w0L u get s1 for example. But if you reach p4 in preseason and go 10w0L at the placement games you will get g3. thats only examples but it affects the higher the better :)
The thing about wave management in low elo:
*I aa the full health cannon once*
My ADC: "stupid bitch stop stealing my farm useless support go play fortnite report support pls"
Never SoloQ again.
Almost no low ello adc is ever strong enough to 1v2 enemy bot lane,if I leave to ward nearest bush they die
they sometimes find a way to die even while 2v2, like they'll randomly flash towards enemy tower as nilah and get destroyed by enemy cc and tower, they start playing bad all of a sudden (maybe confidence boost?) and getting hit by skillshots, dying with flash up and etc., also they start completely disrespecting enemy jungle presence just cause they got 3 kills in lane
Same goes for the adc player who ever has the better supp wins lane atleast.