beautiful ending. actually couldn't have been better. It's like clockwork. Put in all the effort you can into supporting a dump truck team, only for the game to be decided by one trivial grievance. How fucking self-important do you have to be to fucking do that lol. If they were actually men, they'd just leave the game, but no, the children just sit there cuz they know they can evade suspensions/bans that way. You're no better if you spend over 10% of game-time typing at people liek the yowe you something. Luckily it ain't as common as it could be, but...they are still children that should grow up before queuing up.
@@seksizivotinja1152 With jg its so much easier, talk from experience, after all you are not so behind with gold and exp, you can always pick carry jgler like kha, karthus, eve and more
@@KoloMolo146 karthus won’t work on low elo mate, you will get at least 3 mad man afk in base waiting for ff cause you get out ganked by lee or other early game champ.
In my experience it is about 50% effective stupidity. Sometimes even stupidity wins. Edit: Last game, their Ashe was walking into our turrets, inted like 30 times, but even then we manage to lose.
@@xlexed2583 the qualifier here is "eventually". as support you might take literally months of ranked grinding and basically becoming emotionless to get out of low elo. also note that hector was in PLAT... there are 3 entire ranks below that. if you start out in iron or bronze... good luck playing an engage support. imo, it's just far more efficient to go a carry style support and crush lane + setup free vision around drake early. if your adc is ass, a carry support can still farm after they die and bring damage to a fight when they're too weak to do jack. just gotta be clean enough that you don't die as well.
As a main support in gold, the amount of time I try to explain to my team to just give up drake (especially cloud drakes) when they know they can't contest it, and then being flamed for not being with my team and essentially dying with them is too damn high
that's not just a support problem. Definitly had situations like that happen as adc aswell. Was pushing out bot wave to set up for the dragon, enemy team starts dragon, I walk up after pushing the wave into turret as my team takes a bad engage, only able to land a couple autos and abilities I am pushed away from drake by their top while my team dies. Team asks me why I wasn't there fighting, because apparently not running in and dying is the same as not fighting at all...
just got plat as a support main and my GOD was it hard... my last game my adc told me to afk and said i was useless.. i muted her and played and we won
@@fruitystudios6372 I so envy you! I can't get past silver as pure support. I can't seem to impact my team in anyway, I recall first, path towards mid gank/counter or just leave a ward, back to lane, push, deep ward to track their jg, tactical wards for my adc while wander, reserve my first pink for dragon vision denial... 50% winrate.
@@BBBrasil I would like to just ask, what are your main champs you take as a support? I used to be in silver for some time and have gotten into gold, also as a support main so if theres any way i could help you out I would be happy to share
Stay top, hone your macro game. During lane phase, the worst that can happen is to 1v3 (both your jg and theirs against you), and you can do some damage. In bot it can be 1v5 and as support you will only do damage if you build it.
@@BBBrasil agreed. if ranking up efficiently is your aim, just play a solo lane and be good at it. you aren't choked out of resources and a non-inting top laner is so much more valuable than a non-inting support, almost 100% of the time. if anything, this video is a good parable for NOT picking an engage support in low elo. that bit about "composition" is kinda bleh... why pick leona vs assassins/divers? sure leona is good vs cait+lulu -- iff your adc is non-braindead, a dangerous assumption in "low elo" (really, this shit still happens in plat eh). it would be far safer to play braum/rell if you wanted to keep your adc alive; or just straight up pick a carry sp.
@@SmallPotato2313 a ranked I played, we were 8/0 in the bot and then the adc starts throwing in the /all "are you going to FF right ?" And started inting and losing the advantage, game extended to half hour and lost :D
Dude this Leo could literally be me. I am a Yuumi main too so i even got more time to ping what to do and what NOT to do. As soon as i teaches my toplane duo the macro he skyrocketed up to d3 in 1 week and before he was gold 1
@@user-mf7li2eb1o as a supp main low elo player whose max rank ever was plat 4, I wanna ask, how? Yuumi appears to me as the worst supp to carry a game when ALL your team suck.
@@SpookyTree255 Well yuumi is a champ that can't really mess up. I had a game with all lanes doing pretty bad and my adc was braindead I believe since she went all in everytime leaving me alone after 20s on lane. I got many kills because their botlane were greedy too and since I believed it was nice for them to be together I went to other lanes and carried there. Your ult is op, the e can make your othr guy survive or take more risky fights. It's not one champ that can carry games from unwinnable to win but it can change some things in it as helping one to feed himself (basically what I did with jgler and mid ) so we won because my midlaner couldn't die anymore when he was behind at 1st. I hope you can understand. And yes if my adc is a d**k I'll leave him to find the rest of my team which is often not that bad.
quite easy to fix by banning such people. Once people know it's gonna get you banned, most will stop, the ones who won't will get their deserved ban. And I'm not talking about a 24h ban, perma them right away
i think that zac went in at drake at 4:25 because leona was there. If she had backed off then he wouldn't have gone solo, his positioning of leona made zac think that she would be going in too
A few years ago I funded an Elo Boosting team with a couple of friends (all of us diamond players). I was the only one who smurfed as support, and believe or not, I had the highest win/rate among all my smurf friends who played mid, top or jg. Supports are "plays enablers" but also "plays disablers". With this I mean that players will most likely follow your calls and follow up in your plays if they see you are a competent player, but also retreat or cancel bad calls if you are not present or tell them to retreat. I always attributed my high winrate to the ability of boosting my teammate's confidence. Winners mindset does wonders in all ranked levels.
this was the funniest video of skill capped. the cursing and the cow jokes really made me giggle. this type of content and banter like that was lovely.
yeah tbh, any one who ever complains about their teammates should probably try queuing up for support and see how that works out for them. The reality is that you are pigeon-holed into giving up farm for someone else, so it makes it infinitely harder to carry, regardless of what champion you're on.
OMG... that was an unexpected (and infuriating) ending, that's the exact reason why I have anger issues. How in the heavens can you play another game after that and not be utterly tilted?
ppl man i swear they ruin so many online games instead of the actual gameplay its sad, but i guess what is there to expect when this is more of a kids game so decent chance its just some immature child throwing a fit behind his screen.
probably, but that doesn't mean that support can't carry being like p1 level in p3 game is way different from being challenger in platinum elo if you know you can hard stomp lane almost every single game (challenger smurf) then it is obviously better to smurf this way but if you are not challenger smurf, it is still viable way to climb by playing role that enables your team/disables enemy team but the thing is, one game doesn't mean anything, your rank isn't decided by one game, in hector game all lanes were just garbage with anivia hard inting, if you were platinum player playing this game, you wouldn't be able to win this game (most likely), but you don't get game like this too often (it might look like your teammates are always trolling, but keep in mind that enemy team is trolling just as much, you just don't see it and don't abuse it)
@@petrboril4589 speak on your behalf, matches like this happen to me every time i play rank, i have to do the engage as an adc and give my life for Pakistan in order for my team to take a no risk 100% won fight that gives us objectives as Baron or open up the map by taking a tower, low elo is full of idiots and matches like this are very common
@@davidtv2224 if you get people like this every time in your team then you can expect enemy team will have those idiots as well, simple as that the other thing is that you might be forcing fights that you don't have to, which is sooooooo common in low elo
@@petrboril4589 wenever i force a fight we win the game based on the objective that we get after, it's just boring because i never get to have fun since i have to basically kill myself in order to win =)
I am really thankfull to you skill capped for so much great videos, that helped me to grove as a person in this game and in skill. Most thanks for vision stuff videos, because I main support, but League mostly is coinflip. I think that in this video you showed real nature of ranked games, because people just dont try in games and dont try to think. Thats where all tilting stuff and bad experience happens. I had worst experiance in high gold with platinum 4 players in last couple of weeks, that I now prefer to play even with lower skilled player who are worst, but atliest they try more even with first time champs. Attitude towards ranked games will be the reason for me to play this season the last one and switch to sont play station games.
In the first example with the Kaisa getting chunked out at level 1, which happens a lot to most of the ADCs that I support, the vast majority of them tilt off that. They start blaming you as the support for letting that happen. As if any support a level 1 could have prevented them from being dumb enough to walk forward and be chunked out of lane or even killed. Most of the ADCs I support that have that happen start flaming in all chat about support gap and a good half of them sit in the base after that or run it down completely. In this example the Leona player got lucky their ADC didn't flame, AFK, or run it down. They also got lucky their other lanes were winning and their jungle came over first to help. From my experience, the other lanes start losing and their jungle hard camps bot at that point. Sometimes even their mid or top comes because they can. Then its just 4 or 5 man dives constantly bot to the point I can't play the game. The rest of my team doesn't do anything to punish it either. Wish this was a one off thing, but it isn't. Support in low elo has no agency. When I duo with a friend who is decent enough I can climb very easily even if the person is lesser skilled than me. I prefer soloing because I think duo in soloq shouldn't ever be a thing. Lastly, what the Anivia did by going AFK during that game, that is literally 60%+ of every game I play in soloQ on my support account. Certain times of the day and certain times of the year have that happen more often than not. I literally tallied up thousands of my games for a couple of years to see the pattern so I am not speaking of anecdotes here. I don't know why Riot match making is so piss poor to some accounts. When I do a new account, so long as I don't "smurf" the early games I don't get low quality match ups from the system. My support account hovers from gold to plat most seasons where I have taken many an account playing mid or jungle to diamond to sell those accounts off for profit. I keep the support account as a personal challenge to myself. I can make a new account from level 30 that I bought for cheap to a diamond rank in about a month of playing about 20-30 games a week with a duo partner. It isn't that hard. I sell it for far more than I pay for it. Oh for those out there wondering, I am in my mid 40s, I do that as side cash for fun. I have 3 kids and I am not your typical player of this game. Or maybe I am. Point I am making is support has far less agency in lower elos for carrying and far more agency in higher elos. Jungle and mid have far more agency with mid having the most agency in low elo for carrying. Seriously it is stupid easy to get to at least plat playing mid. Just coordinate with your jungler for ganks, and roam bot for ganks and you win games easy. Jungle at lower elos is harder to carry if every lane is inting from level 1. I've been in games where every lane is literally 0/6 before 7 minutes. There is no helping any lane at that point.
This game perfectly sums up why I HAD a negative win rate in platinum, people like anivia held me down no matter how well I played 😂 ay but jokes on then I'm Masters now
I was playing a game in diamond 2 and I accidentally took my junglers gromp (it was very late in the game) I was playing nasus and using e to help him clear it faster but he smited and my E burn took it at 1Hp then he proceeded to run it down. Went from an easy win to a loss lol. Some people just have the weakest mental.
I think that's why I like support, it's more than just heals and shields and all in. At its core...I'm HELPING my team do better at all stages of the game (I really hate when my team doesn't give/trade objectives we just rather give the enemy team more of a gold lead with forced fights) 💙 POG !!
2:58 "You are playing an engage support with no one to engage with." (Yeah but instead the chunked adc will blame you for being useless lv 1 while he goes for the trades.) And this is also why enchanters live easier in low elo. They have multiple "modes" as a support and can be a heal and shield bot if needed. They are not on a timer to do anything but as leona, if you have played her, it feels SH*T to fight a teamfight when you are not ahead.
4:17 Hector enabled his team to make a bad decision : notice how he walks into the river in front of his jungler , giving the impression that he would go in : no warning sign saying do not go , and if he thought they can't contest this he could have gone to the lane and kept farming instead of tiptoeing around the dragon pit which is a very bronze move. "Hey jungler we want you to take this drake , we might even help you crash that party , oh wait, we are actually hanging out lane for fun hahaha"
Ofc it’s always someone else’s fault. At that moment both have all the feedback to know the whole enemy team is there. You must be specially dumb to think you can win that with just a Leona. That “very bronze move” was just the Leona chilling why’d you throw yourself away like the zac did?
people like that anivia are the reason why i dont play ranked anymore, why do they have to go afk for the dumbest things, the moment i reach plat elo, i had to endure an avalanche of afk/inters until i just stop having fun with the game, now i only play flex with my bros and do stupid shit
yes well try to win with 4/20 yone jungle which goes on lvl 1 gank mid starting E, dies diving enemy mid, then cant kill red buff alone bcs of the starting ability so dies again, then when whole team is lvl 3 he goes 1v1 with red again now he wins but he uses flash to kite him :DD i was dying when i saw this
@@David-vz4yk that happend to my friend, it was something like low silver, the point is you cant carry this as a support and its really not a good role to climb in low elo, but you already saw this in the video, he would definitely carry them more if he had those 5 kills by himself
Reminds me of one time I went Ranked, like one of the only 2 times I tried it solo, I was support Ashe, and we were losing pretty badly except our mid Zed who was carrying like a god, and after a failed surrender, I decided to just support Zed with his kills and objectives, and in the end we won. When one champ carry, you go help them carry as best as you can. It helps that Ashe's attack could slow everyone and I would just spam arrows for extra damage to help Zed. I don't even remember who my adc was but I still remember that Zed, and it was a Bronze game.
Support and adc are like food and the seasoning. The support carries, but without the adc, they aren't nearly as useful. Steak without seasoning is just bland meat, but add some spice to it and it is amazing.
No. Supports can be useful to the team without adc, due to their kits. An adc without a support is just a glorified minion. Adc sucks? No problem, here's what you do: 1. Look at the scoreboard. 2. Determine who has the best chance to carry. 3. Abandon the adc like a deadbeat dad going out for smokes. 4. Feed the carry.
@@bruceweiner5306 that's sort of how I do it, however I support the person with the most potential at that moment. If our 14/0 fiora is split pushing while we're in a skirmish in river and I'm walking down mid, I'm gonna go help out at the skirmish and pocket the one that will win that fight. If fiora were there, oh man a fiora being pocketed by a soraka is petrifying because she can dive as hard as she wants and still not die. Adc 9/10 will not do anything impactful in the game. Not to mention riot has a bag of rocks as their brain and only buffs the characters, not the role. No matter what character you put in the ADC role, they're going to be weaker than anywhere else you play them because you're levels behind the funny guy mid lane, and it just so happens that they really like to prey on people that are weaker than them. No one really wants to play a marksman ADC anymore because they aren't rewarding, where as you can play a mage or mobile skirmisher (for example both yasuo and ziggz are in the bot selection in champion select) and you will often times find more success because you don't need the intense movement, gameplay and decision making skills to play them, you can just wing it and it will work because the odds of you versing an adc main who is upset like me who just wants to feel impactful like the one game they played today where they hard carried because the other bot lane duo sucked. But it doesn't happen, and you just roll them. why? Because bot lane sucks. Hardest role, least rewarding (it's far more fun to pop off as a reksai, yasuo, or Lee sin than auto attacking everyone to death.) And the easiest to lose (less exp because it is shared with the brick wall of a support who got auto filled instead of waiting for someone who actually cares about the role and winning) It sucks. Started LoL as an adc main, then support, then back to adc, then support for a while. Now I main jungle and top because the roles aren't fun in any way, and it finally clicked that they weren't and I accepted it. Now I am having the most fun I've ever been having playing rek'sai, sion, even rakan in the jungle and slaughtering while if I were stuck bot I'd be playing my favorite boy rakan and still getting and because the mid lane assassin has all AOE attacks and has to graze me to do full damage and instakills me before I can e away. Even if I'm doing good.
@@xaeoxic7328 True. Perhaps I over simplified a bit for the sake of brevity. I gave up on playing bot in ranked, like you I switched to Top/Jungle. I like Galio mid but I'm hesitant to take him into ranked. I think everyone should learn support and jungle no matter their main role. Edit: Also, how do you cook your steak?
"Yes Hector, you're not suppose to be cursing in our commentaries, but that E was (bleeeeeeep)" 😂 If not for Skill Capped I probably wouldn't even bother with League after the first time I realized how bad I am, but you guys make improving so much more enjoyable, cheers.
I feel like the coaches all have the most fun gamer relationship ever, like they're all insane at the game, getting paid to make videos on a videogame they enjoy, it just sounds like so much fun.
0:55 "nobody is doing well on your team." Meanwhile 17/13 kills IN FAVOR OF YOUR TEAM xD (5/6 Noc in the end, who went even without Leona interfering with him much at all 5/3 Zac who was literally doing good 2/3 Anivia with 30 cs lead, also doing good 5/3 bad Kai'sa who played against an evenly bad Caitlyn) Imagine he would actually have to carry a BAD game, where your top lane is 0/8, your jungler afk farms and is still down 40 cs, and your midlaner doesnt roam, goes 0/5 and is 4 lvl down, while your adc refuses to take your engages. THATS WHAT I WANT TO SEE :D
"Oh no. Zac has done the unthinkable" 😂. Do everything right but still lose. This loss was pretty much the auto loss that we occasionally run into as league players. However most times I'm dupet fed in my ranked games and bcoz I'm perma bronze someone is always doing something stupid. But i give it my all regardless and all I'd like to knoe is which one of my losses was salvageable and which ones are auto losses
If you are bronze it's because you're not good enough. I'm struggling to get out of gold because I'm not good enough rn. But I can hard carry through most bronze games just like a diamond player can hard carry through most games in my elo.
@@johnysimps1191 no one is trashing you. The reality is it's tough to know 100% which losses are winnable and which aren't because you make mistakes every single game and they contribute to the loss even if they aren't the primary reasons you lose.
Can YOU Carry BAD Low Elo Teams as Support? If you are high elo player, then the answer is yes, if you are on the same level, then the answer is no, not really.
You just need to improve, become better as a player. In order to become better, you have to play vs people the same caliber as you or better. So being with people the same level is the perfect environment. I get what you mean, but your rank isn't set in stone, it doesn't define you either. Nothing stops a bronze level support player from improving a bit after every game until he's no more bronze level. The main difference is that it will take longer for the lower elo player to climb since he has not reached anywhere near challenger level skills yet.
how does it feel ? its pretty much always me babysitting 4 others coz i m nunu and cant do jack shit but support my team.but when ur babies grow it feels worth it. and i do like to dive 1 v 5 for dragons and most often its worth it
When you got all questions right for all the proper reasons and you're still hardstuck silver because... well... 13:50 explains my life as a support :^)
I am not some kind of challenger support or anything, but I doubt that my ADC running it down, my midlaner going AFK, my jungler inting into a 1v4 over a silly drake and my toplaner basically afk farming are "because I play worse that the supports who are in gold". Yesterday, we had a game where we completely roflstomped the botlane and basically had the entire win in our pocket... Just for our Shaco to get too cocky, give away a 700g shutdown for nothing and then starting to literally run it down mid. All while our toplaner was having some connection issues... Yea... that's *totally* "because I play worse than the supports who are in gold"... And ofc, now you might say: "BuT tHaTs OnLy oNe GaMe"... But no, losing for things that are beyond my control is extremely common in my games... Additionally, when I see how my opponent supports pull off stupid stuff just for their enemy jungler to come in and save the day? I don't think that those supports play better than me :^)
@@FinlayDaG33k send me your ign and i will watch the games. Im sure u make countless mistakes youre not aware of. Btw, you can lose 49 out of 100 games and still climb. So stop the victim mentality, its not gonna help you. In gold people int just as much as in silver. As you saw in this video, plat is the same. So you are just not good enough. Keep working on ur game an ull climb
@@nickeastmusic9930 Yes, I make countless mistakes, never said I don't. My IGN is KaasInEenHoedje (EUW). Ignore the random J4 in my history btw, I misclicked like a dummkopf :^) But I've already had *plenty* of diamond+ players look at my games and conclude that silver isn't where I should be and that I just have ridiculously bad luck. It's been like that for about 8 seasons now :^) I'm not having "the victim mentality", I'm having the "realist mentality" :^) If other people decide to throw away free games, there is little I can do about it, that's not "playing the victim", that's just realizing you're losing for things beyond your control.
@@FinlayDaG33k you literally can lose 49 out if 100 games to climb, if you lose more you dont deserve higher ranks. If you actually think you are silver for 8 years cause of bad luck then i have to tell you that thats not realistic at all. Try making less mistakes. Any gold2+ support that plays 200 games on your account would end up in gold after these 200 games.
My issue is, wirh other roles you still can split push and try to go for a macro play. As a standard support, enchanter and engage specific, you are more of a multiplier, but X times a Zero is still Zero. In the past i liked to go Janna, because her utility kit work even with no levels, build zz'rot and bamner, set up a sidelane, or even both side lanes with her ms tempo and otherwise try to play around my teammates. Disrupting the enemy teams, help with disengage and try to bind the enemy team, while zz'rot and banner can be used either to depush a lane from the base or push a side lane. The items itself also helped me being tanky and Banner even had some ststs Janna was happy to have. It was not a guaranteed win, but often enough it was enough to stabilize the game and work towards some advantages or plays. I didn't feel utter useless and hopeless with a sad Team as a support.
It is pretty hard to carry as support lol, one time me and my ADC both had 10:3:10 KDRS and we were 2 levels ahead of everyone else but still lost because the top lane had a bad mu.
If youre having really bad teams often you should pick champ that are not support but something that can carry like midlaner with lvls behind or items. Something like zoe which deals alot damage even as support
Don't lose it on champ select. If you've got caitlyn + any mage on the other team you want to be able to have the range to poke back with. So Senna and Lux do that while offering some heal/shield, Vel'koz has some range/CC and it allows you to keep the enemy laners distracted and punish their CS last hitting rather than taking hits trying to gap close. Thats my thoughts anyway, from silver
@@quinzou29f95 if your ADC has highlighted their choice, pick something that synergizes well with them. Overall I like Senna as a first/blind pick because she has range/heals (Q)/some CC and movement speed (E) to get you in or out of the action quickly...and isn't too mana dependent vs some of the mages if you get pressured early. (she can be countered of course, but I prefer my chances with Senna than seeing the enemy team fill up with assassins to come and dive me on a champ like Brand with no easy CC/getaway mechanics)
4:15 is actually the most amazing part of this video, the fact that everyone actually stood there and didn’t engage with zac and die is honestly the most mind boggling thing I have ever seen in these low elo surf videos.
Just a few hours ago I had a game where my Yasuo got mad at me (jungle) for not ganking his lane after he, willingly and on his own, dove the tower on a 2v1 situation in which both enemies were seriously fed (because of him). So he starts “jungle diff, gg”, then goes commit suicide again by entering the drake on a 4v2 situation and again goes “jungle diff”. Anyways, he got really mad at me for his errors, so he decided to punish me by following me around the camp, stealing my farm and last hitting my buffs for the rest of the game. I hate childish people like that.
Worst part is, he was actually a really good player, and he could’ve carried the game if he wanted to. First few minutes of the game he scored a seriously clean 1v4 on his own and kept bullying his opponent like he had a his own personal lane bitch. The thing is, he got way too cocky and confident in his abilities, and started making dumb choices because he was sure he was able to outplay everyone, not even realizing some enemies were fed.
You can 2v1 if you play adc right. Just take a champ that scales so hard into late game, farm, kite, and you are done! Its way more simple than support.
I hate what Hector does at 4:42. I am fine with a player deciding not to help me, and Hector is right, there wasn't much to be done there. However, Hector does not ACT on that decision, so what's happening is his teammates are getting mixed signals. When he scouted dragon then started pathing towards it, it gives the impression that he wants to go in and fight which is probably why Zac went in too, thinking "Oh, my support is right behind me so she'll help secure dragon", which was not the case. The moment Hector determined it was a lost cause, he should've starting walking back to bot lane so he could get exp. Instead, he chose to stand there and watch Zac die while doing absolutely nothing while a wave is crashing into his turret. I get so tilted when players do this. If you're not going to help me, if you think an engage is bad, then GO SOMEWHERE ELSE, do not just stand there wasting time staring at me as I get killed.
Morgana could be a good carry support option. I bet she could help someone climb faster in rank while still remaining in the support role if that's what they preferred.
For Leo, I go mobis or merc treads boots, Solaris full item, bramble vest if they have healing, into redemption. Keeps your team alive, especially against assassins. I then finish bramble vest into Thornmails, by then my games are finished, and I don't build another item. I'm only plat 3 atm tho xd
@@Chepa1 his logic prob was that he didnt trust his team to do the damage so he built FG to do dmg himself. That led him to get the kill on Kaisa at the fight vs Caitlyn and Lulu where Anivia just got turned egg
If you want to save your hypercarry go Solaris/Knights Vow Combo. Frozen Heart is also strong against AD Hitters. With a good attackspeed Carry in your team you can also buff him with Zeke's. It is all about keeping your carry alive, and peel for him.
Blue buff lol
On a yuumi i rly like it
The worst thing is that anivia was full mana lol
can we get one for mage supports too pls
@@Tee_Dawg ikr lmao
beautiful ending. actually couldn't have been better. It's like clockwork. Put in all the effort you can into supporting a dump truck team, only for the game to be decided by one trivial grievance. How fucking self-important do you have to be to fucking do that lol. If they were actually men, they'd just leave the game, but no, the children just sit there cuz they know they can evade suspensions/bans that way. You're no better if you spend over 10% of game-time typing at people liek the yowe you something. Luckily it ain't as common as it could be, but...they are still children that should grow up before queuing up.
challenger support can't handle the power of a trolling team
Aaaaand chall jg too
@@seksizivotinja1152 With jg its so much easier, talk from experience, after all you are not so behind with gold and exp, you can always pick carry jgler like kha, karthus, eve and more
exactly XDD
@@KoloMolo146 karthus won’t work on low elo mate, you will get at least 3 mad man afk in base waiting for ff cause you get out ganked by lee or other early game champ.
There’s a reason this role is called support
"Can you carry bad low elo teams as support?"
Yes, but 70% of the time they will stil throw the game by going afk or just inting
In my experience it is about 50% effective stupidity. Sometimes even stupidity wins.
Edit: Last game, their Ashe was walking into our turrets, inted like 30 times, but even then we manage to lose.
And you still get out of low elo if u play well
Yeah every time when i told my team to back off, they answer STFU
@@xlexed2583 the qualifier here is "eventually". as support you might take literally months of ranked grinding and basically becoming emotionless to get out of low elo. also note that hector was in PLAT... there are 3 entire ranks below that. if you start out in iron or bronze... good luck playing an engage support.
imo, it's just far more efficient to go a carry style support and crush lane + setup free vision around drake early. if your adc is ass, a carry support can still farm after they die and bring damage to a fight when they're too weak to do jack. just gotta be clean enough that you don't die as well.
The answer is "NO, not even hector could... "
"They can't hurt your team if they're all dead." - ancient support adage
Always works never has been wrong
“The best CC is death”
pyke mains in their head
@@ethandehoff3517 from 10 Seconds tô 40 of no action
Death is the best form of CC.
As a main support in gold, the amount of time I try to explain to my team to just give up drake (especially cloud drakes) when they know they can't contest it, and then being flamed for not being with my team and essentially dying with them is too damn high
that's not just a support problem. Definitly had situations like that happen as adc aswell. Was pushing out bot wave to set up for the dragon, enemy team starts dragon, I walk up after pushing the wave into turret as my team takes a bad engage, only able to land a couple autos and abilities I am pushed away from drake by their top while my team dies. Team asks me why I wasn't there fighting, because apparently not running in and dying is the same as not fighting at all...
just got plat as a support main and my GOD was it hard... my last game my adc told me to afk and said i was useless.. i muted her and played and we won
@@Slash-XVI I feel you.
@@fruitystudios6372 I so envy you! I can't get past silver as pure support. I can't seem to impact my team in anyway, I recall first, path towards mid gank/counter or just leave a ward, back to lane, push, deep ward to track their jg, tactical wards for my adc while wander, reserve my first pink for dragon vision denial... 50% winrate.
@@BBBrasil I would like to just ask, what are your main champs you take as a support? I used to be in silver for some time and have gotten into gold, also as a support main so if theres any way i could help you out I would be happy to share
Finally a support focused vid, I can finally stop playing top now
If you don't mind depending on your whole team not being inting idiots and/or depending on silly stuff like a Zac stealing an Anivia's blue buff.
Stay top, hone your macro game.
During lane phase, the worst that can happen is to 1v3 (both your jg and theirs against you), and you can do some damage. In bot it can be 1v5 and as support you will only do damage if you build it.
@@BBBrasil agreed. if ranking up efficiently is your aim, just play a solo lane and be good at it. you aren't choked out of resources and a non-inting top laner is so much more valuable than a non-inting support, almost 100% of the time.
if anything, this video is a good parable for NOT picking an engage support in low elo. that bit about "composition" is kinda bleh... why pick leona vs assassins/divers? sure leona is good vs cait+lulu -- iff your adc is non-braindead, a dangerous assumption in "low elo" (really, this shit still happens in plat eh). it would be far safer to play braum/rell if you wanted to keep your adc alive; or just straight up pick a carry sp.
That's why you need the BBQ Leona skin, to feed your adc as much as possible!
Adc in low elo will still find some way to throw a lead xd
lol I love this 😂
@@SmallPotato2313 a ranked I played, we were 8/0 in the bot and then the adc starts throwing in the /all "are you going to FF right ?" And started inting and losing the advantage, game extended to half hour and lost :D
Best ending ever. Also shows how some games you just can't win even when doing everything right. Better to just relax and move on.
Players like that Anivia need to be banned
Banning trolls doesn't make the game any money
@@SomeGuyXD65 yeah it does, they make a new account and buy all the champs and skins again
@@nts4906 You must be new
@@SomeGuyXD65 ?????? what are you on about lmao. You sound like a guy who's been playing league since 1998
well zac was stupid there too, not to excuse afknivia but zac was stupid too
this video is for people with the strongest of minds to win as a support in ranked with a bad team and still lose lmao
Dude this Leo could literally be me.
I am a Yuumi main too so i even got more time to ping what to do and what NOT to do.
As soon as i teaches my toplane duo the macro he skyrocketed up to d3 in 1 week and before he was gold 1
@@user-mf7li2eb1o wanna be my ADC?
@@BBBrasil i am supp main dude read
@@user-mf7li2eb1o as a supp main low elo player whose max rank ever was plat 4, I wanna ask, how? Yuumi appears to me as the worst supp to carry a game when ALL your team suck.
@@SpookyTree255 Well yuumi is a champ that can't really mess up. I had a game with all lanes doing pretty bad
and my adc was braindead I believe since she went all in everytime leaving me alone after 20s on lane. I got many kills because their botlane were greedy too and since I believed it was nice for them to be together I went to other lanes and carried there. Your ult is op, the e can make your othr guy survive or take more risky fights. It's not one champ that can carry games from unwinnable to win but it can change some things in it as helping one to feed himself (basically what I did with jgler and mid ) so we won because my midlaner couldn't die anymore when he was behind at 1st. I hope you can understand. And yes if my adc is a d**k I'll leave him to find the rest of my team which is often not that bad.
I started laughing hysterically at the anivia zac blue buff situation. It's so absurd but the sad part is things like this happen too often in LoL. XD
quite easy to fix by banning such people. Once people know it's gonna get you banned, most will stop, the ones who won't will get their deserved ban. And I'm not talking about a 24h ban, perma them right away
What makes me a good demoman?
Yes Hector u was not suposed to curse in our commentary but that e was ***** 😂
I died lmaoo
dogshit, it was dogshit
The realest representation of solo queue I’ve seen on this channel lol
*Put that bad boi to play unranked to challenger as support, the only rule is no duo allowed*
Poor Hector will get a mental breakdown :(
YES plz! I am a subscriber and that's exactly what I want to see.
as an enchanter support which is not lulu. or youll see zyra swain or brand to get him out of low elo. tell us how to carry games with soraka pliz
give him a break monster ! :(
Not unranked but iron
i think that zac went in at drake at 4:25 because leona was there. If she had backed off then he wouldn't have gone solo, his positioning of leona made zac think that she would be going in too
When I want my team to not engage I just walk away to make it very clear I'm not joining the bullshitery
Does hector have a channel or something? he seems so chill
Yeah its a team channel he has with his crew. Its called KillZapped or something
@@AF-oh2ql lmao
@@AF-oh2ql i actually looked it up...
nah, hes not chill, hes monotone, jaded and completely desensitized to leagues bullsh*t LMAO
@@GreyGrim he’s challenger what did you expect?
A few years ago I funded an Elo Boosting team with a couple of friends (all of us diamond players). I was the only one who smurfed as support, and believe or not, I had the highest win/rate among all my smurf friends who played mid, top or jg. Supports are "plays enablers" but also "plays disablers". With this I mean that players will most likely follow your calls and follow up in your plays if they see you are a competent player, but also retreat or cancel bad calls if you are not present or tell them to retreat. I always attributed my high winrate to the ability of boosting my teammate's confidence. Winners mindset does wonders in all ranked levels.
this was the funniest video of skill capped. the cursing and the cow jokes really made me giggle. this type of content and banter like that was lovely.
yeah tbh, any one who ever complains about their teammates should probably try queuing up for support and see how that works out for them. The reality is that you are pigeon-holed into giving up farm for someone else, so it makes it infinitely harder to carry, regardless of what champion you're on.
As a support main, I climb in EUW as Enchanters like Lulu, Janna, Nami. In VCS however, I have to resort to Zyra and Brand. That says a lot =)))
Senna, Swain, and Brand have entered the chat...
Still less bad than ADC tho
@@TurbinationE lets suppose it is
OMG... that was an unexpected (and infuriating) ending, that's the exact reason why I have anger issues. How in the heavens can you play another game after that and not be utterly tilted?
ppl man i swear they ruin so many online games instead of the actual gameplay its sad, but i guess what is there to expect when this is more of a kids game so decent chance its just some immature child throwing a fit behind his screen.
I am actually loving hector he seems so humble and such a relatable person! so close to signing up to skillcap
Just to clear this up, if Hector would have played any other role, he would have carried, right? :-)
probably, but that doesn't mean that support can't carry
being like p1 level in p3 game is way different from being challenger in platinum elo
if you know you can hard stomp lane almost every single game (challenger smurf) then it is obviously better to smurf this way
but if you are not challenger smurf, it is still viable way to climb by playing role that enables your team/disables enemy team
but the thing is, one game doesn't mean anything, your rank isn't decided by one game, in hector game all lanes were just garbage with anivia hard inting, if you were platinum player playing this game, you wouldn't be able to win this game (most likely), but you don't get game like this too often (it might look like your teammates are always trolling, but keep in mind that enemy team is trolling just as much, you just don't see it and don't abuse it)
@@petrboril4589 speak on your behalf, matches like this happen to me every time i play rank, i have to do the engage as an adc and give my life for Pakistan in order for my team to take a no risk 100% won fight that gives us objectives as Baron or open up the map by taking a tower, low elo is full of idiots and matches like this are very common
@@davidtv2224 if you get people like this every time in your team then you can expect enemy team will have those idiots as well, simple as that
the other thing is that you might be forcing fights that you don't have to, which is sooooooo common in low elo
@@petrboril4589 wenever i force a fight we win the game based on the objective that we get after, it's just boring because i never get to have fun since i have to basically kill myself in order to win =)
the point is, you can't win every game in any role, unless you are a challenger smurf like hector
Haha, the absolute hilarity of the blue buff steal int. Love it. 😂
I appreciate seeing the loss. It's not about the individual wins and losses it's the consistent decision making that will lead to climbing
A lot of support videos are with engage supports. Could you do more with enchanters like Soraka who everyone always call useless in low elo?
soraka is the most annoying champ against one trick velkoz players like me the healing counters my 1 shot spam ;(
I am really thankfull to you skill capped for so much great videos, that helped me to grove as a person in this game and in skill. Most thanks for vision stuff videos, because I main support, but League mostly is coinflip. I think that in this video you showed real nature of ranked games, because people just dont try in games and dont try to think. Thats where all tilting stuff and bad experience happens. I had worst experiance in high gold with platinum 4 players in last couple of weeks, that I now prefer to play even with lower skilled player who are worst, but atliest they try more even with first time champs. Attitude towards ranked games will be the reason for me to play this season the last one and switch to sont play station games.
In the first example with the Kaisa getting chunked out at level 1, which happens a lot to most of the ADCs that I support, the vast majority of them tilt off that. They start blaming you as the support for letting that happen. As if any support a level 1 could have prevented them from being dumb enough to walk forward and be chunked out of lane or even killed. Most of the ADCs I support that have that happen start flaming in all chat about support gap and a good half of them sit in the base after that or run it down completely. In this example the Leona player got lucky their ADC didn't flame, AFK, or run it down. They also got lucky their other lanes were winning and their jungle came over first to help. From my experience, the other lanes start losing and their jungle hard camps bot at that point. Sometimes even their mid or top comes because they can. Then its just 4 or 5 man dives constantly bot to the point I can't play the game. The rest of my team doesn't do anything to punish it either. Wish this was a one off thing, but it isn't. Support in low elo has no agency. When I duo with a friend who is decent enough I can climb very easily even if the person is lesser skilled than me. I prefer soloing because I think duo in soloq shouldn't ever be a thing.
Lastly, what the Anivia did by going AFK during that game, that is literally 60%+ of every game I play in soloQ on my support account. Certain times of the day and certain times of the year have that happen more often than not. I literally tallied up thousands of my games for a couple of years to see the pattern so I am not speaking of anecdotes here. I don't know why Riot match making is so piss poor to some accounts. When I do a new account, so long as I don't "smurf" the early games I don't get low quality match ups from the system. My support account hovers from gold to plat most seasons where I have taken many an account playing mid or jungle to diamond to sell those accounts off for profit. I keep the support account as a personal challenge to myself. I can make a new account from level 30 that I bought for cheap to a diamond rank in about a month of playing about 20-30 games a week with a duo partner. It isn't that hard. I sell it for far more than I pay for it. Oh for those out there wondering, I am in my mid 40s, I do that as side cash for fun. I have 3 kids and I am not your typical player of this game. Or maybe I am.
Point I am making is support has far less agency in lower elos for carrying and far more agency in higher elos. Jungle and mid have far more agency with mid having the most agency in low elo for carrying. Seriously it is stupid easy to get to at least plat playing mid. Just coordinate with your jungler for ganks, and roam bot for ganks and you win games easy. Jungle at lower elos is harder to carry if every lane is inting from level 1. I've been in games where every lane is literally 0/6 before 7 minutes. There is no helping any lane at that point.
I'm happy that i'm doing half of the things on the vid. Not perfectly but, I try me best.
This game perfectly sums up why I HAD a negative win rate in platinum, people like anivia held me down no matter how well I played 😂 ay but jokes on then I'm Masters now
I was playing a game in diamond 2 and I accidentally took my junglers gromp (it was very late in the game) I was playing nasus and using e to help him clear it faster but he smited and my E burn took it at 1Hp then he proceeded to run it down. Went from an easy win to a loss lol. Some people just have the weakest mental.
As a support main I can't even count the amount of times teammates get made when I don't dive in with them for a 2v4 or 2v5 lmao it's insane
Not being able to carry as support made me change to jungle main, but now I’m just going 14/4 as jungle and still losing
Lulu tried to pull the "naut in the bush with jg back" trick
I think that's why I like support, it's more than just heals and shields and all in. At its core...I'm HELPING my team do better at all stages of the game (I really hate when my team doesn't give/trade objectives we just rather give the enemy team more of a gold lead with forced fights) 💙 POG !!
2:58 "You are playing an engage support with no one to engage with." (Yeah but instead the chunked adc will blame you for being useless lv 1 while he goes for the trades.) And this is also why enchanters live easier in low elo. They have multiple "modes" as a support and can be a heal and shield bot if needed. They are not on a timer to do anything but as leona, if you have played her, it feels SH*T to fight a teamfight when you are not ahead.
4:17 Hector enabled his team to make a bad decision : notice how he walks into the river in front of his jungler , giving the impression that he would go in : no warning sign saying do not go , and if he thought they can't contest this he could have gone to the lane and kept farming instead of tiptoeing around the dragon pit which is a very bronze move. "Hey jungler we want you to take this drake , we might even help you crash that party , oh wait, we are actually hanging out lane for fun hahaha"
Ofc it’s always someone else’s fault. At that moment both have all the feedback to know the whole enemy team is there. You must be specially dumb to think you can win that with just a Leona. That “very bronze move” was just the Leona chilling why’d you throw yourself away like the zac did?
people like that anivia are the reason why i dont play ranked anymore, why do they have to go afk for the dumbest things, the moment i reach plat elo, i had to endure an avalanche of afk/inters until i just stop having fun with the game, now i only play flex with my bros and do stupid shit
Play wildrift its a bit better there
yes well try to win with 4/20 yone jungle which goes on lvl 1 gank mid starting E, dies diving enemy mid, then cant kill red buff alone bcs of the starting ability so dies again, then when whole team is lvl 3 he goes 1v1 with red again now he wins but he uses flash to kite him :DD i was dying when i saw this
I doubt that would happen above iron, and if your that low elo that your teammates suck that much, you must suck too
@@David-vz4yk that happend to my friend, it was something like low silver, the point is you cant carry this as a support and its really not a good role to climb in low elo, but you already saw this in the video, he would definitely carry them more if he had those 5 kills by himself
Finally someone that shares the pain of a support player.
Reminds me of one time I went Ranked, like one of the only 2 times I tried it solo, I was support Ashe, and we were losing pretty badly except our mid Zed who was carrying like a god, and after a failed surrender, I decided to just support Zed with his kills and objectives, and in the end we won. When one champ carry, you go help them carry as best as you can. It helps that Ashe's attack could slow everyone and I would just spam arrows for extra damage to help Zed. I don't even remember who my adc was but I still remember that Zed, and it was a Bronze game.
wow, please make more videos like this informative, funny, asking questions that was great. really good video.
As a support main in low elo , I gotta say, ive got the decision making of a challenger and the skills of a bronze v
no you don't
Support and adc are like food and the seasoning. The support carries, but without the adc, they aren't nearly as useful. Steak without seasoning is just bland meat, but add some spice to it and it is amazing.
They are food for the 10-0 enemy nasus top with 800 stacks in 15 minutes
No. Supports can be useful to the team without adc, due to their kits. An adc without a support is just a glorified minion.
Adc sucks? No problem, here's what you do:
1. Look at the scoreboard.
2. Determine who has the best chance to carry.
3. Abandon the adc like a deadbeat dad going out for smokes.
4. Feed the carry.
@@bruceweiner5306 that's sort of how I do it, however I support the person with the most potential at that moment. If our 14/0 fiora is split pushing while we're in a skirmish in river and I'm walking down mid, I'm gonna go help out at the skirmish and pocket the one that will win that fight. If fiora were there, oh man a fiora being pocketed by a soraka is petrifying because she can dive as hard as she wants and still not die.
Adc 9/10 will not do anything impactful in the game. Not to mention riot has a bag of rocks as their brain and only buffs the characters, not the role. No matter what character you put in the ADC role, they're going to be weaker than anywhere else you play them because you're levels behind the funny guy mid lane, and it just so happens that they really like to prey on people that are weaker than them. No one really wants to play a marksman ADC anymore because they aren't rewarding, where as you can play a mage or mobile skirmisher (for example both yasuo and ziggz are in the bot selection in champion select) and you will often times find more success because you don't need the intense movement, gameplay and decision making skills to play them, you can just wing it and it will work because the odds of you versing an adc main who is upset like me who just wants to feel impactful like the one game they played today where they hard carried because the other bot lane duo sucked. But it doesn't happen, and you just roll them. why? Because bot lane sucks. Hardest role, least rewarding (it's far more fun to pop off as a reksai, yasuo, or Lee sin than auto attacking everyone to death.) And the easiest to lose (less exp because it is shared with the brick wall of a support who got auto filled instead of waiting for someone who actually cares about the role and winning)
It sucks. Started LoL as an adc main, then support, then back to adc, then support for a while. Now I main jungle and top because the roles aren't fun in any way, and it finally clicked that they weren't and I accepted it. Now I am having the most fun I've ever been having playing rek'sai, sion, even rakan in the jungle and slaughtering while if I were stuck bot I'd be playing my favorite boy rakan and still getting and because the mid lane assassin has all AOE attacks and has to graze me to do full damage and instakills me before I can e away. Even if I'm doing good.
@@xaeoxic7328 True. Perhaps I over simplified a bit for the sake of brevity. I gave up on playing bot in ranked, like you I switched to Top/Jungle. I like Galio mid but I'm hesitant to take him into ranked.
I think everyone should learn support and jungle no matter their main role.
Edit: Also, how do you cook your steak?
,,Zac took Anivia's bluebuff and she went afk, all the effort that went into this game was completely wasted."
- bronze summed up in one sentence
the leona guiding kaisa to farm that jungle camp was so funny with the holy music
dude most of my games is won cuz the enemy support and ADC goes to defend dragon for no reason at all
Edits are getting better with each video.
The Zac make the plot twist interesting
"Yes Hector, you're not suppose to be cursing in our commentaries, but that E was (bleeeeeeep)" 😂
If not for Skill Capped I probably wouldn't even bother with League after the first time I realized how bad I am, but you guys make improving so much more enjoyable, cheers.
I feel like the coaches all have the most fun gamer relationship ever, like they're all insane at the game, getting paid to make videos on a videogame they enjoy, it just sounds like so much fun.
As you could see, even an actual challenger support has no agency over the result of a low rank game if the other lanes decide to feed and grief
the ending was so random, funny, and accurate. 1 moment in the game mentally breaks anivia and they lose
"A worthless team not worth supporting" this... This right here rings so much as a support and mid main.
0:57 casually one shoting an adc
I didn't see that
an adc on 20% health?
@@andersmatthias9589 Full HP, he would have died even if Noc didn't show up
Step 1: _Casually approach c̶h̶i̶l̶d̶ marksman_
I like this guy! “Everyone just needs to chill”
I love that this is the reality for support but people still call the role elo inflated...
0:55 "nobody is doing well on your team."
Meanwhile 17/13 kills IN FAVOR OF YOUR TEAM xD
(5/6 Noc in the end, who went even without Leona interfering with him much at all
5/3 Zac who was literally doing good
2/3 Anivia with 30 cs lead, also doing good
5/3 bad Kai'sa who played against an evenly bad Caitlyn)
Imagine he would actually have to carry a BAD game, where your top lane is 0/8, your jungler afk farms and is still down 40 cs, and your midlaner doesnt roam, goes 0/5 and is 4 lvl down, while your adc refuses to take your engages.
"Oh no. Zac has done the unthinkable" 😂. Do everything right but still lose.
This loss was pretty much the auto loss that we occasionally run into as league players. However most times I'm dupet fed in my ranked games and bcoz I'm perma bronze someone is always doing something stupid. But i give it my all regardless and all I'd like to knoe is which one of my losses was salvageable and which ones are auto losses
If you are bronze it's because you're not good enough. I'm struggling to get out of gold because I'm not good enough rn. But I can hard carry through most bronze games just like a diamond player can hard carry through most games in my elo.
@@alexanderhayward8505 As a support champ, you mean? Without piling up kills for yourself or being second in overall damage?
@@alexanderhayward8505 Uuh. I kinda I'm not good enough and that's why I'm asking for help. Git gud isn't or u r trash isn't really doing much for me
@@johnysimps1191 no one is trashing you. The reality is it's tough to know 100% which losses are winnable and which aren't because you make mistakes every single game and they contribute to the loss even if they aren't the primary reasons you lose.
HAHAHHAHA, I was just about to say thank you for a great advice for another PoV for supports until Annivia AFK'd lol.
Can YOU Carry BAD Low Elo Teams as Support? If you are high elo player, then the answer is yes, if you are on the same level, then the answer is no, not really.
imagine this answer, when the enemy team have 2 challanger smurf:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
You just need to improve, become better as a player. In order to become better, you have to play vs people the same caliber as you or better. So being with people the same level is the perfect environment.
I get what you mean, but your rank isn't set in stone, it doesn't define you either. Nothing stops a bronze level support player from improving a bit after every game until he's no more bronze level. The main difference is that it will take longer for the lower elo player to climb since he has not reached anywhere near challenger level skills yet.
how does it feel ? its pretty much always me babysitting 4 others coz i m nunu and cant do jack shit but support my team.but when ur babies grow it feels worth it. and i do like to dive 1 v 5 for dragons and most often its worth it
Props to the thumbnail artist on this one.
If you're a main sp, you should play ap support this patch. They can carry easier than the tank.
I like theese kind of videos! More of these please!
When you got all questions right for all the proper reasons and you're still hardstuck silver because... well... 13:50 explains my life as a support :^)
You are silver because you play worse than the supports who are in gold.
I am not some kind of challenger support or anything, but I doubt that my ADC running it down, my midlaner going AFK, my jungler inting into a 1v4 over a silly drake and my toplaner basically afk farming are "because I play worse that the supports who are in gold".
Yesterday, we had a game where we completely roflstomped the botlane and basically had the entire win in our pocket...
Just for our Shaco to get too cocky, give away a 700g shutdown for nothing and then starting to literally run it down mid.
All while our toplaner was having some connection issues...
Yea... that's *totally* "because I play worse than the supports who are in gold"...
And ofc, now you might say: "BuT tHaTs OnLy oNe GaMe"...
But no, losing for things that are beyond my control is extremely common in my games...
Additionally, when I see how my opponent supports pull off stupid stuff just for their enemy jungler to come in and save the day? I don't think that those supports play better than me :^)
@@FinlayDaG33k send me your ign and i will watch the games. Im sure u make countless mistakes youre not aware of. Btw, you can lose 49 out of 100 games and still climb. So stop the victim mentality, its not gonna help you. In gold people int just as much as in silver. As you saw in this video, plat is the same. So you are just not good enough. Keep working on ur game an ull climb
@@nickeastmusic9930 Yes, I make countless mistakes, never said I don't.
My IGN is KaasInEenHoedje (EUW).
Ignore the random J4 in my history btw, I misclicked like a dummkopf :^)
But I've already had *plenty* of diamond+ players look at my games and conclude that silver isn't where I should be and that I just have ridiculously bad luck.
It's been like that for about 8 seasons now :^)
I'm not having "the victim mentality", I'm having the "realist mentality" :^)
If other people decide to throw away free games, there is little I can do about it, that's not "playing the victim", that's just realizing you're losing for things beyond your control.
@@FinlayDaG33k you literally can lose 49 out if 100 games to climb, if you lose more you dont deserve higher ranks. If you actually think you are silver for 8 years cause of bad luck then i have to tell you that thats not realistic at all. Try making less mistakes. Any gold2+ support that plays 200 games on your account would end up in gold after these 200 games.
My issue is, wirh other roles you still can split push and try to go for a macro play. As a standard support, enchanter and engage specific, you are more of a multiplier, but X times a Zero is still Zero.
In the past i liked to go Janna, because her utility kit work even with no levels, build zz'rot and bamner, set up a sidelane, or even both side lanes with her ms tempo and otherwise try to play around my teammates. Disrupting the enemy teams, help with disengage and try to bind the enemy team, while zz'rot and banner can be used either to depush a lane from the base or push a side lane.
The items itself also helped me being tanky and Banner even had some ststs Janna was happy to have.
It was not a guaranteed win, but often enough it was enough to stabilize the game and work towards some advantages or plays.
I didn't feel utter useless and hopeless with a sad Team as a support.
It is pretty hard to carry as support lol, one time me and my ADC both had 10:3:10 KDRS and we were 2 levels ahead of everyone else but still lost because the top lane had a bad mu.
13:40 the Noc referencing Skillcapped kekw
finally I have been waiting for tihs
Haha I love the ending. Zac acted like a blob of Shh and Anivia chickened out.
If youre having really bad teams often you should pick champ that are not support but something that can carry like midlaner with lvls behind or items. Something like zoe which deals alot damage even as support
best skillcapped vod ever
Don't lose it on champ select. If you've got caitlyn + any mage on the other team you want to be able to have the range to poke back with. So Senna and Lux do that while offering some heal/shield, Vel'koz has some range/CC and it allows you to keep the enemy laners distracted and punish their CS last hitting rather than taking hits trying to gap close.
Thats my thoughts anyway, from silver
what happens when you are first pick though?
@@quinzou29f95 if your ADC has highlighted their choice, pick something that synergizes well with them.
Overall I like Senna as a first/blind pick because she has range/heals (Q)/some CC and movement speed (E) to get you in or out of the action quickly...and isn't too mana dependent vs some of the mages if you get pressured early.
(she can be countered of course, but I prefer my chances with Senna than seeing the enemy team fill up with assassins to come and dive me on a champ like Brand with no easy CC/getaway mechanics)
She dont wanna be saved, dont save her! She dont wanna be saved 🎶
Best video this year on this channel hahaha
miss these videos
I love the way he says Viego correctly and you can tell it's a v not a w
Its always crazy to see how emotional people are in-game.. so quick to afk or start flaming.
The ending had me ROLLING
4:15 is actually the most amazing part of this video, the fact that everyone actually stood there and didn’t engage with zac and die is honestly the most mind boggling thing I have ever seen in these low elo surf videos.
lmao there’s no way that you are this naïve, look at where Kai’sa and that bird things are, there is no way they would get there in time
I have taken 4 roles to high plat low diamond. And I swear, playing only support was more of a mental challenge than having fun playing the game.
that video is so good im in low elo supp good content
omfg that anivia is legit one of my teammates in every ranked game I play
Hector is like a big bro I never had
from a low elo perspective I still feel like hector kinda baited his zac into going for the drake
Just a few hours ago I had a game where my Yasuo got mad at me (jungle) for not ganking his lane after he, willingly and on his own, dove the tower on a 2v1 situation in which both enemies were seriously fed (because of him).
So he starts “jungle diff, gg”, then goes commit suicide again by entering the drake on a 4v2 situation and again goes “jungle diff”.
Anyways, he got really mad at me for his errors, so he decided to punish me by following me around the camp, stealing my farm and last hitting my buffs for the rest of the game.
I hate childish people like that.
Worst part is, he was actually a really good player, and he could’ve carried the game if he wanted to. First few minutes of the game he scored a seriously clean 1v4 on his own and kept bullying his opponent like he had a his own personal lane bitch. The thing is, he got way too cocky and confident in his abilities, and started making dumb choices because he was sure he was able to outplay everyone, not even realizing some enemies were fed.
"if you answered yes, you probably never queued support before" BAAHAHAHa
7:23 I get that point, but you could burst if everyone is ready. At that point, it is too late, so I wouldn’t engage there.
I love hector amazing video
Welp we learned that u can't carry either as adc or as support, time to change roles.
Top and jgl be looking nice this time of year
@@LetsAMP and mid always has been
You can 2v1 if you play adc right. Just take a champ that scales so hard into late game, farm, kite, and you are done! Its way more simple than support.
I hate what Hector does at 4:42. I am fine with a player deciding not to help me, and Hector is right, there wasn't much to be done there. However, Hector does not ACT on that decision, so what's happening is his teammates are getting mixed signals. When he scouted dragon then started pathing towards it, it gives the impression that he wants to go in and fight which is probably why Zac went in too, thinking "Oh, my support is right behind me so she'll help secure dragon", which was not the case. The moment Hector determined it was a lost cause, he should've starting walking back to bot lane so he could get exp. Instead, he chose to stand there and watch Zac die while doing absolutely nothing while a wave is crashing into his turret. I get so tilted when players do this. If you're not going to help me, if you think an engage is bad, then GO SOMEWHERE ELSE, do not just stand there wasting time staring at me as I get killed.
I did not expect the anivia afk for blue at the end oof
Didn't expect 06:20 to make me laugh that much but it did
Can you guys make a support guide for every support champs
Morgana could be a good carry support option. I bet she could help someone climb faster in rank while still remaining in the support role if that's what they preferred.
"League is so frustrating to the core that is why it is so addicting"
Noice 👍😁
Is there a video about how to build Leona or supports in general? I haven't watch anything that says to build Frozen Gauntlet on Leona :o
For Leo, I go mobis or merc treads boots, Solaris full item, bramble vest if they have healing, into redemption.
Keeps your team alive, especially against assassins.
I then finish bramble vest into Thornmails, by then my games are finished, and I don't build another item.
I'm only plat 3 atm tho xd
@@france69kory yeah, I build her similarly. That's why I want to know about why he built with FG xD
@@Chepa1 his logic prob was that he didnt trust his team to do the damage so he built FG to do dmg himself. That led him to get the kill on Kaisa at the fight vs Caitlyn and Lulu where Anivia just got turned egg
If you want to save your hypercarry go Solaris/Knights Vow Combo. Frozen Heart is also strong against AD Hitters. With a good attackspeed Carry in your team you can also buff him with Zeke's. It is all about keeping your carry alive, and peel for him.