Basic survival skills when you got tumors all over your body and maybe your skin melted off depending how far away you are o and maybe just vaporize instantly
The “thermal radiation” area is hot enough to set anything flammable on fire (trees, cars, telephone poles) and to cause 3rd degree burns through all layers of your skin. It also hits first, before the blast wave.
Yea. Saw this old guy interviewed that was involved with testing in the late 50’s and he said, “Even from several miles away your brain can not imagine the intense heat radiating from it.” Saying when you feel that heat you know you never want to see them used. He emphasized the wicked heat far more than the blast.
ladies and gentlemen, I am from Russia. I hope it doesn’t come to the real use of nuclear bombs; let’s not test this infographic in practice. peace for everyone 🇷🇺🇺🇸
For those who don't know, blast radius of nuclear bombs grows by a factor of cube root. And so to make a bomb with 10 times larger radius, you'd need a 1000 times larger bomb (Radius ~ Energy^(1/3) in other words). That's why it seems like larger bombs are "somewhat" bigger but not exactly as expected by us when looking at the animation. There are some dimminishing returns when building bigger nukes, first of all, it's not totally linear where you add 2x energy, and get 2x more destruction of the city, ground zero could be worse, but then again ground zero is always bad, unless detonated at an altitude. Detonating a bomb at an altitude causes a larger destruction radius, yet less actual destruction in ground zero, and so bunkers would survive, maybe even good concrete buildings. The biggest plus to above ground detonations is that it doesn't cause a nuclear fallout. And if we speak about buildings, lets look at Hiroshima, where most were wooden, they all burnt to ash and many people died, yet the concrete buildings around ground zero survived! Now if we would drop such a bomb in a modern concrete city, the death tall would be significantly lower than that of Hiroshima. Then we have the limitation of about 10MT for a single bomb, anything above it should escape into space since the energy would expand so high, that it would puncture a hole in the atmosphere. Tsar Bomba was disappointing to the Russians, it did indeed puncture a hole, and much escaped into space. While the bomb was detonated at an altitude of 13,000ft which was perfect for that size of 50 Megatons, there was still snow left at ground zero! What's really scary are MIRVs, or in other words, a warhead with multiple smaller nukes, especially if they don't overlap each other much. Hopefully there won't be a nuclear war ever, maybe only against Godzilla.
wayyyy off. Just via the .... Air-blast or land blast.. Atomic-vs-Hydrogen. AND 10X.. So that we are on same page. A 10FOLD increase is not an "Only". That is like saying a Grenade is only 10x a Firecracker. For instance.. The FIRST One.. 15kt=15,000 1x 1000lb JDAMS going off at the exact same time, in the exact same space. THEN we go against the USA 1.2MT== 1,200,000 x 1000lb JDAMS going off at the etc..... THAT is not a 10x Difference. on paper it doesn't looks like much. In reality, that is beyond comprehension. AND Btw.. when and if it happens.. IT will be 2-3 hitting within 20miles of each other. LOTS of canceling out, and funneling of that Thermal energy. 1x USA sub= 1x Missile with 12MIRVS.. IE 12x 1.2 MT warheads landing within 40-50 Miles of each other. ONE big circle.. And each sub has 24 Missiles.. Start doing some math.
@@rippleyaliens8275 I don't understand your comment :/ Anyways, in the video the guy is showing the destructive power of single bombs. Talking about MIRVs, obviously they cause significantly more damage exactly because of what I said above! By the principle I wrote, it's largely better to use 10x100KT bombs, than a 1x1MT bomb, because the destructive power per a single explosion is always under the factor of cube root, and anything above 10MT escapes into space. Did you know that when Russia detonated Tsar Bomba at an altitude of 4km if I remember correctly, there was still snow left on the mountain top right below it!
@@probro6722 The TSAR exploded 13,000 ft in the air.. 2 miles.. the FatMan @ 1650 ft Little boy @1900 ft... IE Airburst vs land burst. (none have been at ground level). WHICH Effects the overall blast area. The 10x is reference to the power density. Again. What type of explosion, and what type of nuke. CASE in point. IF you Detonate a 1000 lb bomb, in the middle of nowhere, and measure the blast you get 1x type of blast. IF you detonate that exact same charge, within a building. You will have less of a blast yet higher amount of fragmentation. (blast vs fragmentation)are radically different. WITH A NUKE. 12,000 TONS of explosives is Alot. 1,200,000 Tons.. (Within the exact same diamiater\weight), is again, a Radical EXPOTENTIAL of power. When you say only a 10X.. I take it you do not understand.. When that is compacted into the same density (same size bomb).. That is much more than a 10x in power. IT is hard to comprehend.
@@probro6722 Actually, it is still unproven.. The TSAR @ 13,000 ft.. And we got what we got. BUT if it went FULL power (100M).. A doubling of explosive power, what would it have been? YET What would that same TSAR do, at @500ft.. or better.. Below ground 50ft..(bunker buster style.).. WE WONT KNOW. So when you are attempting to compare blasts.. IT is all about, High high\low it is detonated. And how much extra debree will be added to the blast, which will determine its damage capabilities. And since only 2 have been detonated, for that data.. We are just imagining the damage.
Einstein was right! Only the most terrible thing is that after the third world War, humanity will still arrange the fourth, even with stones and sticks!
Timestamps for anyone who needs them 0:00 - 15KT - Little Boy (Hiroshima Bomb) 0:37 - 20KT - Fat Man (Nagasaki Bomb) 1:13 - 45KT - Largest Pakistani Bomb Tested 1:42 - 60KT - Largest Indian Bomb Tested 2:12 - 150KT - 2017 North Korean Weapon Test 2:42 - 800KT - Topol SS25 - Russian ICBM 3:07 - 1.2MT - B-83 - Largest Active US Bomb 3:32 - 5MT - Dong Feng-5 - China's Current ICBM 3:57 - 10.4MT - Ivy Mike - First Hydrogen Bomb 4:32 - 15MT - Castle Bravo - 5th (Actually the 6th) Largest Nuclear Explosion in History 5:03 - 50MT - Tsar Bomba - Largest Nuclear Explosion in History 5:32 - 100MT - How Tsar Bomba Was Originally Designed To Be
@@ArthurTrader так то взрывная волна пару раз вокруг Земли обошла, ну может в финке кого от нее и пронесло, но Мурманск к Новой Земле гораздо ближе, мурманчане не жаловались, ах да Кей-Джи-Би же
@@achertaurus И что? Скорее всего, это были сейсмические волны, а не ударные. Чего мелочиться? Скажи сразу, что стекла выбило на всей планете от ударной волны. По нескольку раз.
50MT is the equivalent of 3.800 Hiroshima bombs detonated simultaneously. It was a one-off propaganda weapon. The U.S. possessed city killers as well. These weapons would kill approximately a population of 7 million people. Today Russia and the U.S. are the only 2 countries with large yield nukes...
@@develynseether4426 well the Tsar Bomb was a failure in the fact that it would never work in a battle. Even when they decided to downsize it (yes, it was supposed to be bigger), the Tsar Bomb was still too massive, and too heavy to be used in a real warfare situation. But if you were to take the Tsar Bomb into warfare, a sneak attack would be basically impossible with it, as it was too big to put on a missile, and it had to be carried by aircraft, meaning it could easily be intercepted before reaching it’s target.
@@Howlingburd19 I'm aware. That's why I say it's irrelevant these days. The mainstay arsenal are the SLBM's and they are much smaller payload but they don't need to be bigger as city population density is much greater nowadays and the death toll with a smaller warhead is greater than 50 years ago with a much larger one.
USSR was considering making Tsar Bomba 100MT, but they were afraid that the fallout would spread all over whole USSR, so they only made it 50MT. It is too big to be used in war, there are no logistical means to transport it. The exposion was so big that it shattered windows in Finland and Norway, over 900 km away from blast site. It destroyed everything within 55 km and caused radio communications to be down for an hour. One observer felt the thermal pulse 270 km away
Взрывная волна от взрыва обошла планету 5 раз. На самом деле тогда и надо было закончить гонку вооружений, а не стравливать жителей запада против жителей СССР, которые и так к моменту 1965 года прошли через чудовищные потери и испытания…россиянам было плевать на запад
There were no sanctions, nor for all the cluster bombs that were left in Vietnam, or all the destruction caused in the Middle East... They say that there is no worse than the devil, but what happens when the gringos are worse than the devil himself? not even the devil would be capable of generating so much destruction and suffering
Более корректно говорить, что это сделела *правящая элита Америки* , а не вся страна с простыми американцами, которые об этом ни чего не знали. А те, кто знал о планах - не все были в восторге, и пытались это не допустить - смотрим истоию Оппенгеймера.
дата ядерного апокалипсиса запланирована 06 июня 2026 года. Некие военные спецслужбы взорвут ядерную бомбу в Украине около города Киева и от этого пострадают российские войска, которые к этому моменту будут штурмовать Киев, столицу Украины. Россия воспримет это как нападение со стороны НАТО и атакует в ответ военную инфраструктуру в странах НАТО - и это приведет в итоге к ядерной войне и уничтожению Человечества. Это будет организовано как бы в форме массового ритуального жертвоприношения людей - организовано той сектой, которая сейчас провоцирует запад против Путина
дата ядерного апокалипсиса запланирована 06 июня 2026 года. Некие военные спецслужбы взорвут ядерную бомбу в Украине около города Киева и от этого пострадают российские войска, которые к этому моменту будут штурмовать Киев, столицу Украины. Россия воспримет это как нападение со стороны НАТО и атакует в ответ военную инфраструктуру в странах НАТО - и это приведет в итоге к ядерной войне и уничтожению Человечества. Это будет организовано как бы в форме массового ритуального жертвоприношения людей - организовано той сектой, которая сейчас провоцирует запад против Путина
@Solomaha утрируешь) просто дед наш сказал что все серьезно, такие заявления делают периодически все политики - очерчивают красные линии для оппонентов.
I wanna supplement that modern ICBMs can bear many (China 10/USA 12/Russia 16) warheads in one missile. So it is not one large mega-ton class bombs but a multi-warhead missile containing many warheads with relatively minor power. Such a missile can scatter minor nuke bombs onto a vast area in one shot and destruct it more efficiently and evenly. This means the actual destruction area will be by far larger than depicted in this video...
@@jaypee389 Not really, a single ICBM like the UGM-133 Trident II contains 14 warheads, which allows the attack selection to be more precise and increases the total maximum damage radius. A single attack of this type would be capable of rendering New York completely ineffective, even devastated. As a matter of fact, bombs such as Castle Bravo and Tsar are considered to be ineffective for actual war scenarios, due to their extremely bulky size and slow speed. Bravo was detonated statically and Tsar needed a modified Tupolev bomber for transport, and the bomb still needed a parachute to slow down it's fall. It would be very easy to detect and destroy it with current air defense systems, which is why, ultimately, ICBMs are far more deadly and effective, as you can't defend multiple targets from intercontinental missiles.
@jamesquinney6686..... I tell people this all the time and just get blank stares... Nuclear energy is the cleanest and most efficient energy resource on the planet!
Беседовал с профессором-планетологом, спросил где лучше всего скрыться от ядерного пиздеца? Он ответил - в центре Москвы. Типа, там ты точно сгоришь не успев осознать что произошло. А вот в горах Алтая или Тибета ты тоже гарантировано умрешь, только через месяц и в муках ))))
The reality is multiple bombs/multiple warheads would be detonated on one city. Detonating 5x1 megaton bombs would do more damage than a single 5 megaton bomb.
@@smcc839 Most ICBM's are MIRV's (Multiple independent re-entry vehicle), which consist of multiple warheads that can either be used to spread over a wide area, or on a single target. The amount of warheads per single MIRV is dependant on the yield. The US Mk-5 RV/W88 can hold 12 475 kt warheads.
@@ohgoditsjames94 _"The US Mk-5 RV/W88 can hold 12 475 kt warheads"_ that's not possible considering there's a signed treaty limiting the ICBM warhead number to 10, so IDK where you got 12x457 from
Castle Bravo I think is particularly terrifying. Its not the biggest in terms of blast radius or even the height of the mushroom cloud, but was unique in its chemical make-up as a multi stage thermonuclear bomb ignited by lithium. Unlike Russian equivalents that sort of took a more conventionally accepted hydrogen-based approach to multi stage ignition, the Americans big one detonated in a very different way. Instead of a huge upward-travelling flash and debris cloud, Castle Bravo at first detonated with what was in essence the birth of a small but unimaginably powerful star. It was literally hotter than the core of our own sun. It reached higher than the cruising altitude of an airliner in under a split second. It was so hot and so bright that in broad daylight it shed all else around it in pitch darkness momentarily. It released such energy that the ocean beneath it formed what looked like a kind of physics-defying bowl. It created a 5 foot tsunami in all directions outward. It was so violently, aggressively powerful. It wasn't as big as Tsar, but the brutal nature and effect of it to me showcased an even more terrifying, cruel and sinister technology. Castle Bravo was intended to be no more than 5-6mt. It was closer to 16. This is because it was thought that the Lithium 6 that made up 40% of the mixture would be the sole ignition element. The Lithium 7 that was used for the other 60% was believed to be inert upon ignition, this was reasoned because the Lithium 6 would react so rapidly, however inside the magma-hellscape that is a thermonuclear reaction, even a fraction of a second is an eternity, and thus the Lithium 7 did indeed react, creating an explosion far exceeding anything expected. If you watch footage of Castle Bravo from the many angles it was captured, you may feel alarmed by how close the cameras seem to be... almost as if they were too close; they literally were. There is just something so wildly, disturbingly destructive about the castle bomb tests... these nuclear weapons are all awful inventions that should be done away with.
@@angrydragon4574 Ironically I actually think nations like Russia and China are more likely to use nuclear-tipped warheads in a modern setting. However (famous last words...), I do not believe that they would lightly employ the use of some of the more powerful hydrogen bombs and missiles available to them. Those types of cold-war level weapons are tools of mutually-assured devastation. Weapons that frankly, are way oversized for a comparatively small planet. For a quick example, Tsar Bomba was originally planned to be 100mt, because this was seen to be a nice big round number for the sake of propaganda (bare in mind Castle Bravo was 15mt) but physicists and environmentalists freaked tf out (rightly so) and appealed that this at least be halved, for the simple sake of the planet (still just... so so sooo overkill but okay...). There's a great deal of fear around the idea of these city-vaporizing superweapons, but really I think it's more likely that multiple, smaller warheads would be used, if nuclear weapons were to be used in a modern-day conflict, though let's seriously hope even that never happens.
@@F4GRAPHICS there's very few multimegaton nukes nowadays total waste, overkill, the energy mostly gets wasted up into space and they produce WAY too much long lived global fallout So with today's enormously better accuracy and reliability most nukes run from 5 to 250kilotons, though larger ones do exist
Видео несколько не верное. Если по городу будет нанесён ядерный удар, то боеголовка будет детонировать на высоте до километра и выше. Таким образом будет повышение поражение ударной волной. К тому же учитывая, что поражение радиацией будет не центрицеское, а зависеть от розы ветров.
дата ядерного апокалипсиса запланирована 06 июня 2026 года. Некие военные спецслужбы взорвут ядерную бомбу в Украине около города Киева и от этого пострадают российские войска, которые к этому моменту будут штурмовать Киев, столицу Украины. Россия воспримет это как нападение со стороны НАТО и атакует в ответ военную инфраструктуру в странах НАТО - и это приведет в итоге к ядерной войне и уничтожению Человечества. Это будет организовано как бы в форме массового ритуального жертвоприношения людей - организовано той сектой, которая сейчас провоцирует запад против Путина
You do know that the actual one is 100mt. Which means twice as strong. And the zelensky guy want us to perish for him because he can't make a peace deal. No way. Some grown up in the room needs to give zelensky a lesson in reality for real
I like to watch nuclear explosions just before bedtime. Five or so megatons is usually enough to put me to sleep, but sometimes it takes a 50 megaton dose.
I didn't get your question. To place a paper bag over your head for what purpose exactly? To protect your head from injury in the event that a nuclear bomb explodes down the street? I mean, I guess it's better than nothing. Lol
@@Technotrad3r read, watch or listen to the original Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series. The pub scene when Ford Prefect informs the publican that the Earth is going to be demolished to make way for a hyperspace express route.
The issue isn't the individual explosion - it's the cumulative effect of all the explosions. Every major military installation, every city in the USA, Europe and Russia with additional cities in China and Southern hemisphere countries. All of this will lead to a decade(s) long nuclear winter that will destroy global food production. Plus world wide radioactive fall out. A population of 7 billion will be reduced to a few hundred thousand within 10 years due to starvation. Modern civilisation and technology will also be history - there will be an almost medieval level of technology. Would you WANT to survive a full scale nuclear war? Probably not.
That's sort of an extrapolation (widewise) of what happened to millions in '40s Europe. Perhaps they died with sorrow of abandoning their land, their families, their friends (many of them dead because of war), but letting their offspring have a better life. That's the reality of second or third generation fellow countrymen here in Argentina. So... Perhaps those few who will survive, will have harsh and ugly times, probably their kids too, but after a couple of generations, humanity will rise again, and perhaps that's why it will be worth it...
@Grave Digger the problem is you have a billion people to compete with good luck going to any store good luck walking around the block without getting shot and looted
Interesting fact: luminosity of Tsar Bomba had two peaks with a minimum at 7 seconds after explosion. That little star was shining for more than a minute.
You went through that whole presentation.. QC`d it, and gave it the go to upload and nobody said, "hey, maybe put some distance rings in there so people can see the distance of things". Heavy damage, moderate and radiation zones coverage would have made it VERY informative. Still very good. Thanks
I remember saying to a friend leaders of works powers with nuclear bombs have to know that it will only lead to the destruction of nearly everyone. So they have to know it's pretty much pointless to cause basically Species suicide.
Нагнетают страх у населения,чтоб опять какую нибудь хуйню противо правную провернуть,то террористами пугали,то потеплением,то вирусами . «Все ради нашей безопасности»любят нас очень, просто мы не понимаем😂
Key difference between this and what would actually happen is these are ground based detonations. More than likely it would be an airburst detonation, leaving less things in the way of the initial blast
дата ядерного апокалипсиса запланирована 06 июня 2026 года. Некие военные спецслужбы взорвут ядерную бомбу в Украине около города Киева и от этого пострадают российские войска, которые к этому моменту будут штурмовать Киев, столицу Украины. Россия воспримет это как нападение со стороны НАТО и атакует в ответ военную инфраструктуру в странах НАТО - и это приведет в итоге к ядерной войне и уничтожению Человечества. Это будет организовано как бы в форме массового ритуального жертвоприношения людей - организовано той сектой, которая сейчас провоцирует запад против Путина
@@Rhaegal-d5e байден - дед-маразматик, от него все что угодно ожидать можно. А Владимир Путин всего лишь сказал, что если драка неизбежна - нужно бить первыми
@@ii-cu9ms У Пукина риторика схожа с той, которую мне затирал бомж-быдлан у подъезда. И ещё раз пишу тебе, мне неинтересна информация про Бидона, почему ты продолжаешь мне про него писать? Ты влюблён?
5:35 actually,the 100 megaton tzar bomb was constructed,but then was changed to 50 megaton because the fallout and the explosion would easily kill the bomber and may be a danger to URSS
Я служил в РВСН, в одном полку только у нас их было 12 штук, знаю, что одна ракета Тополя на 40 мега тонн, и там разделяющееся боеголовки, и они могут наводится на разные цели, а могут и на одну, не обязательно бить по одному месту в центр, можно по периметру, чтоб больше уничтожить.
@@mehdibellahcene5461 так то да, но время прошло с тех пор 14-15 лет, и это уже не секрет, тем более для разведки, а потом появились их потомки, сейчас уже внуки этих ракет стоят на боевом дежурстве. Вообще то мы хотели партнерства и дружбы с западом, мира и взаимоуважения. У нас даже была гостиница для военнослужащих НАТО на территории части, примерно 3 звезды по вашему, но сауна, бассейн, тренажерный зал, все удобства. Гораздо лучше чем жили мы срочники и прапорщики. Единственное, что мы закрывали, так это системы наведения, и пункты охраны и обороны этих комплексов, и фото и видеосъемку проводить открыто и скрытно было запрещено, а смотреть, глазеть можно было. Помню, что всегда брали с собою офицеры НАТО девушку, которая используя карандаш и бумагу делала очень точные рисунку, прям как будто бы принтер лазерный напечатал. Но запад такие отношения потерял, продолжил расширения военного блока на восток к нашим границам, зачем? Мы могли бы столько всего доброго вместе сделать, для планеты, для лучшей жизни в странах Африки, достижения в науки, в медицине, в космосе...
@@ConstantinPhoenix oui je comprends. Malheureusement les hommes ne veulent pas la paix, la Russie est un grand pays, avec une histoire difficile, mais qui peut donner beaucoup au monde,comme vous le dîtes. Espérons que la paix sera signée entre la Russie et l'Ukraine,.j'espère que la Russie n'est pas tombée dans un piège tendu par l'Occident. Amitiés
@@mehdibellahcene5461 Ума и благоразумия Украине и её народу, силы воли, что следовать своим интересам, своего народа, а не мерзкой части капитализма, который наживается за счет других. Кстати Вы у себя во франции в библиотеке найдите и почитайте, что говорили парижанки про русскую армию, когда в 1814 русские пришли. И вы так сильно не бойтесь, эти вооружения это так сказать средства сдерживания, для эффективного уничтожения военных объектов есть ракеты поменьше, если будет война с НАТО, то будет атака на них в первую очередь, так же как и в специальной военной операции по денацификации и демилитаризации на территории Украины, но так как у нас сделать ракеты термоядерные дешевле, чем с химическими взрывчатыми веществами, скорее всего удары будут именно ядерными, но они в килотоннах, так что ничего страшного, и радиации много не будет, куда опасней в этом плане Ирак и Северная Корея, так что мы этого не боимся, и вы не бойтесь, если сразу ударной и тепловой волной не накроет, будите жить, и дети будут здоровенькими. Ну а после серьезной войны, серьезных лишений будет мир, будут все дружить, чтоб восстанавливать инфраструктуру, вместе выживать, а это сближает.
@@ConstantinPhoenix pensez vous vraiment que le conflit va s'aggraver jusqu'à l'utilisation d'armes atomiques ?moi je pense que les américains préfèrent que la Russie s'enlise dans un long conflit de base ou moyenne intensité
Если на планете земля не тратили деньги на оружие, то мы все жили бы в богатом и добром мире, но политики всех стран хотят больше власти. и нам теперь приходится смотреть вот такие познавательные видео, всем привет из России 🇷🇺
@Alexander, I know that…but it can’t all be lies. A war is not some paperclip you can hide inside your hand. A war is raging and that’s no denying that. Question is, do people know?!!
@Alexander, It is very sad to agree with that last sentence, but I do too. But I also believe that not all can be faked; it’s impossible to do, and if you think like that, you are truly priming yourself for nothing good.
@Alexander, agreed. That’s the best and most reliable source. The foreign journalists that go to report on war have quite a bit of courage in my opinion. They are putting their lives in danger to do their job. I do not want to believe that they are all crazy to that extent as to report for ratings however sensational their reporting may be. But, you never know, there may be people crazy enough to do it, people with no integrity, bold and disinhibited psychopaths that crave thrills at the expense of people’s suffering…sky is the limit really. Anyway, let’s hope for peace for all. Take care of yourself!
@@z00ropa Would you rather lose 876 million people or live under china and or globalist socialism. A random scenario. A hypothetical question, you must pick one or the other.
@@jaypee389 LOL! Okay dude. Sure man. I'd rather live in a world where I don't have think about the fact that some dictator on the other side of the world could wake up one morning a decide to end my life. Also, you'd safe yourself a lot of angst if you got off of FOX news... cheers.
For anyone wondering Tsar Bomba of 100 MT was never built but was theoretical. Why was it never built? It's a simple fact that at a time no bomber could outrun the blast radius so it was scraped.
The plane was only one of the factors, and a minor one that could have been solved if they really wanted to go the full yield. Larger parachutes, retro rockets to slow the bomb down, and a lower detonation height would have allowed the plane to escape but would also have added complexity and cost. The main reason this bomb was detuned from 100MT is because that extra almost 50MT would have come from the uranium tamper surrounding the secondary/tertiary stages capturing their fast neutrons and fissioning. The fissioning of that singular tamper would have created as much fission fallout as nearly every other nuclear bomb up to that point in history combined. And it would have all rained down on the Soviet mainland. In the detuned configuration, the bomb was actually very “clean” with relatively little fallout. The vast majority of the energy was from fusion which is clean. There was still a lot of fission happening inside the bomb from the primary core and 2nd/3rd stage spark plugs, but a drop in the bucket compared to what the 100MT detonation would have been.
@@alstowe6084 In a major exchange, it won't just be major cities. They will hit power plants, military facilities, communications infrastructure, ports, dams, etc, etc.
Ну, ракета её думаю не донесет... Хотя, хз, может уже придумали и более портативную версию... Я по крайней мере надеюсь, что придумали, а не просрали все как обычно
For some reason this comparison alarmed me the most, maybe a cumulative effect, learning from all previous comparisons/damage timelines & the consequences revisited while watching this video. I was flinching halfway through. Creating these weapons requires a "controlled madness", a "rationalized psychopathy"?
дата ядерного апокалипсиса запланирована 06 июня 2026 года. Некие военные спецслужбы взорвут ядерную бомбу в Украине около города Киева и от этого пострадают российские войска, которые к этому моменту будут штурмовать Киев, столицу Украины. Россия воспримет это как нападение со стороны НАТО и атакует в ответ военную инфраструктуру в странах НАТО - и это приведет в итоге к ядерной войне и уничтожению Человечества. Это будет организовано как бы в форме массового ритуального жертвоприношения людей - организовано той сектой, которая сейчас провоцирует запад против Путина
Хочется верить, что капиталисты понимая насколько быстро закончится ядерная война, и что грабить будет некого, откажутся от применения ядерного оружия. Но что-то мне подсказывает, что никто из них не собирается сдавать назад, когда все будут мчать друг другу на встречу. Буть то российские капиталисты, американские, китайские, любые, мы живем в мире, где уже давно в каждом уголке правят капиталисты, и с каждым днем противоречие нарастают, то тут, то там вспыхивает новый очаг войны, и даже без ядерного оружия разрушения и смерти от применения бомб и ракет ужасают.
As much as we worry about the devastating effect and consequences,we should focus more on stopping the one who would give the green light for such launches.
That was Oppenheimer quoting Vishnu from the Bhagavad Gita. It's not his quote. This is the quote of Oppenheimer that day on TV in 1965... *We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, **_'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.'_** I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.*
If Russia deploys nuclear weapons,it will detonate it in the higher space at ca. 100-150km high. In the space would be only less isotopes emitted,a bigger part of it getting into the outer space,but the gamma flash causes a huge EMP in the athmosphere,and kick off every infrastructure of a modern city.
They have a wide range of weapons! Research Status 6 ! The worst weapon ever made so far just come into service! One reasons ,the madman PooTin is throwing his weight around! 100 to possibly 200 mega tons !? Classified then Satan 2 ! missile also just come into service! He ordered the development of these in 2004 !! Megalomaniac!видео.htmlвидео.html
@@saellenx3528 Why? They make good progress considering the war goes for 2 months. The USA couldn’t make any progress within 20 years in a medieval country
дата ядерного апокалипсиса запланирована 06 июня 2026 года. Некие военные спецслужбы взорвут ядерную бомбу в Украине около города Киева и от этого пострадают российские войска, которые к этому моменту будут штурмовать Киев, столицу Украины. Россия воспримет это как нападение со стороны НАТО и атакует в ответ военную инфраструктуру в странах НАТО - и это приведет в итоге к ядерной войне и уничтожению Человечества. Это будет организовано как бы в форме массового ритуального жертвоприношения людей - организовано той сектой, которая сейчас провоцирует запад против Путина
A new interesting theory regarding why potentially advanced alien civilization (if they ever existed) never made contact with us is that they might all have self destruct before achieving warp engine technology. Just the way being displayed here.
Its likely weirder than that though. like transferring your consciousness to an idyllic computer simulation of perceived eternal orgasm (or whatever you want), which would be a far more appealing prospect to literally anyone than even the most ineresting short life
Царь-бомба конечно впечатляет. Если сбросить её на города США, то уже через несколько часов мы увидим потрясающий документальный фильм с миллионом фото и видео материалов. После уничтожения американского правительства, всех сенаторов, всех генералов и оружейных компаний нужда в таком огромном количестве ЯО мгновенно отпадёт и на 50 лет в Мире воцарится спокойствие и процветание.
Terrorífico...tan pequeñas fueron las de Hiroshima y Nagasaki y aún así causaron tremenda devastación. No me quiero imaginar lo que causarían las bombas más poderosas de la actualidad
@@Cristian88. Think about it, ethically, killing random civilians who had nothing to do with the attack on pearl harbor isn't a fair trade or the right thing to do. Japan sirr3nswred so it was the effective thing to do, but in a moral sense it should not have happened and the US and the leader at that time are responsible for senseless deaths as a murderer.
@@joshuajayseph1390 From the NY warheads, 184 miles away? Certainly not. Even 10 miles from the epicenter is enough to save you from the worst effects. But don't worry, Boston will get its own warheads.
I am sure if I look hard enough I can find another comment about this but your video shows ground level bursts whereas air bursts do much more damage because of the overpressure created by a mach stem.
"Don't be panicked by the worlds new normal, learn basic survival skills." 🏜🏝🌋
Правда думаешь что в этом аду что то останется? Ты призываешь не паниковать как будто это норма, скажи мне пожалуйста ты в своём уме?
Basic survival skills when you got tumors all over your body and maybe your skin melted off depending how far away you are o and maybe just vaporize instantly
Yeah, we can just buy the book you're advertising the world will be all okay, 😂
@@EsHTreeY хорошо сказано
Не катит!!! На Нью-Йорк не одна а сразу штук 10 полетит!
Чтобы сразу всё накрыть!
Respect to the construction workers for building the city after each testing.
Maybe they got a backup file ???
Wait i just got the jok-
I'm in Ukraine.
The Russians are now blowing up a nuclear power plant here - they seized it as terrorists.
Zaporozhye NPP
The “thermal radiation” area is hot enough to set anything flammable on fire (trees, cars, telephone poles) and to cause 3rd degree burns through all layers of your skin. It also hits first, before the blast wave.
Yea. Saw this old guy interviewed that was involved with testing in the late 50’s and he said, “Even from several miles away your brain can not imagine the intense heat radiating from it.” Saying when you feel that heat you know you never want to see them used. He emphasized the wicked heat far more than the blast.
Hi Tay. Hope you’re well.
@@techguy3373 yeah say stupid gay from youtube comments
🍫 chocolate thermonuclear rain 🌧
*le me waiting in the thermal radius with my marshmallow*
No humans were harmed in the filming of these explosions, only New Yorkers.
New York leftist wouldn't be so bad if they got hit with a green nuke.
Lol as a New Yorker my self, I’m not offended. This place sucks
@@Blung-ylud lol fr. Especially the bronx (where I currently stay)
😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Got that right!!!
No radiation. Just steam roll the place with Texans and Floridians. 😁
ladies and gentlemen, I am from Russia. I hope it doesn’t come to the real use of nuclear bombs; let’s not test this infographic in practice. peace for everyone 🇷🇺🇺🇸
Da pohyi, paz'ebat pindosov nado
@@Growtolight завали
@@greshnik2705 GOIDA SYKA SMERT TEBE
For those who don't know, blast radius of nuclear bombs grows by a factor of cube root. And so to make a bomb with 10 times larger radius, you'd need a 1000 times larger bomb (Radius ~ Energy^(1/3) in other words). That's why it seems like larger bombs are "somewhat" bigger but not exactly as expected by us when looking at the animation.
There are some dimminishing returns when building bigger nukes, first of all, it's not totally linear where you add 2x energy, and get 2x more destruction of the city, ground zero could be worse, but then again ground zero is always bad, unless detonated at an altitude.
Detonating a bomb at an altitude causes a larger destruction radius, yet less actual destruction in ground zero, and so bunkers would survive, maybe even good concrete buildings. The biggest plus to above ground detonations is that it doesn't cause a nuclear fallout.
And if we speak about buildings, lets look at Hiroshima, where most were wooden, they all burnt to ash and many people died, yet the concrete buildings around ground zero survived! Now if we would drop such a bomb in a modern concrete city, the death tall would be significantly lower than that of Hiroshima.
Then we have the limitation of about 10MT for a single bomb, anything above it should escape into space since the energy would expand so high, that it would puncture a hole in the atmosphere. Tsar Bomba was disappointing to the Russians, it did indeed puncture a hole, and much escaped into space. While the bomb was detonated at an altitude of 13,000ft which was perfect for that size of 50 Megatons, there was still snow left at ground zero!
What's really scary are MIRVs, or in other words, a warhead with multiple smaller nukes, especially if they don't overlap each other much. Hopefully there won't be a nuclear war ever, maybe only against Godzilla.
wayyyy off. Just via the .... Air-blast or land blast.. Atomic-vs-Hydrogen. AND 10X.. So that we are on same page. A 10FOLD increase is not an "Only". That is like saying a Grenade is only 10x a Firecracker. For instance.. The FIRST One.. 15kt=15,000 1x 1000lb JDAMS going off at the exact same time, in the exact same space.
THEN we go against the USA 1.2MT== 1,200,000 x 1000lb JDAMS going off at the etc.....
THAT is not a 10x Difference. on paper it doesn't looks like much. In reality, that is beyond comprehension. AND Btw.. when and if it happens.. IT will be 2-3 hitting within 20miles of each other. LOTS of canceling out, and funneling of that Thermal energy. 1x USA sub= 1x Missile with 12MIRVS.. IE 12x 1.2 MT warheads landing within 40-50 Miles of each other. ONE big circle.. And each sub has 24 Missiles.. Start doing some math.
@@rippleyaliens8275 I don't understand your comment :/
Anyways, in the video the guy is showing the destructive power of single bombs. Talking about MIRVs, obviously they cause significantly more damage exactly because of what I said above! By the principle I wrote, it's largely better to use 10x100KT bombs, than a 1x1MT bomb, because the destructive power per a single explosion is always under the factor of cube root, and anything above 10MT escapes into space.
Did you know that when Russia detonated Tsar Bomba at an altitude of 4km if I remember correctly, there was still snow left on the mountain top right below it!
its 100 mt,not 10
@@probro6722 The TSAR exploded 13,000 ft in the air.. 2 miles.. the FatMan @ 1650 ft Little boy @1900 ft...
IE Airburst vs land burst. (none have been at ground level). WHICH Effects the overall blast area.
The 10x is reference to the power density. Again. What type of explosion, and what type of nuke. CASE in point. IF you Detonate a 1000 lb bomb, in the middle of nowhere, and measure the blast you get 1x type of blast.
IF you detonate that exact same charge, within a building. You will have less of a blast yet higher amount of fragmentation. (blast vs fragmentation)are radically different.
WITH A NUKE. 12,000 TONS of explosives is Alot. 1,200,000 Tons.. (Within the exact same diamiater\weight), is again, a Radical EXPOTENTIAL of power. When you say only a 10X.. I take it you do not understand..
When that is compacted into the same density (same size bomb).. That is much more than a 10x in power. IT is hard to comprehend.
@@probro6722 Actually, it is still unproven..
The TSAR @ 13,000 ft.. And we got what we got. BUT if it went FULL power (100M).. A doubling of explosive power, what would it have been?
YET What would that same TSAR do, at @500ft.. or better.. Below ground 50ft..(bunker buster style.).. WE WONT KNOW.
So when you are attempting to compare blasts.. IT is all about, High high\low it is detonated. And how much extra debree will be added to the blast, which will determine its damage capabilities.
And since only 2 have been detonated, for that data.. We are just imagining the damage.
This was very relaxing and peaceful.
The Dr Strangelove scenarios.
Arousing, actually.
I enjoy seeing this video 🤣
Very romantic. I played the video in the background at the reception hall during the first dance with my new wife.
@@kaqueburlington4278 .....ehh?🤣🤣🤣
Thanks for the positive and uplifting video!
The soundtrack is so chillin🤣
More like the aftermath song
I need to know what the soundtrack is called lol
@@tfmg8223 me too😅
Putin is playing piano while bomb is being dropped on USA. lol
Hahaha so true
“I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
― Albert Einstein
I think he indirectly meant the world will face a Nuclear war in world war 3 & world will go back to the stone age
And world war Z will be a zombie Apocalypse 🙂
Right very good
perhaps after III there is no more IV (the earth would be happy to live without a humanity that gone and goes crazy))
Einstein was right! Only the most terrible thing is that after the third world War, humanity will still arrange the fourth, even with stones and sticks!
TSAR BOMBA would flatten the entire city!
We will
And the whole planet
Обязательно жахнем, весь мир в труху, но потом...
@@khristm бахнем*
@@khristmСоснете вы как всегда
Timestamps for anyone who needs them
0:00 - 15KT - Little Boy (Hiroshima Bomb)
0:37 - 20KT - Fat Man (Nagasaki Bomb)
1:13 - 45KT - Largest Pakistani Bomb Tested
1:42 - 60KT - Largest Indian Bomb Tested
2:12 - 150KT - 2017 North Korean Weapon Test
2:42 - 800KT - Topol SS25 - Russian ICBM
3:07 - 1.2MT - B-83 - Largest Active US Bomb
3:32 - 5MT - Dong Feng-5 - China's Current ICBM
3:57 - 10.4MT - Ivy Mike - First Hydrogen Bomb
4:32 - 15MT - Castle Bravo - 5th (Actually the 6th) Largest Nuclear Explosion in History
5:03 - 50MT - Tsar Bomba - Largest Nuclear Explosion in History
5:32 - 100MT - How Tsar Bomba Was Originally Designed To Be
Thanks man.
Thanks bro
You strike me as one of those reasonably intelligent guys that has no concept of how much time he wastes on silly stuff.
@@tigweldNY it took me like 10 minutes bro lmao
please let what is depicted in this video come true in new york city, with every single one of the bombs.
When the Tsar Bomba blew, it was so powerful, its shockwave went three times around the earth.
It even shattered glasses of some building in Finland.
it was only a 50 megaton test, but what about 101 megatons?
@@forjekol По факту получилось не 50, а больше, чем 50.
Уверен, что история со стеклом в Финляндии - выдумка от и до. В скольких документах это упоминается и откуда изначально информация появилась?
@@ArthurTrader так то взрывная волна пару раз вокруг Земли обошла, ну может в финке кого от нее и пронесло, но Мурманск к Новой Земле гораздо ближе, мурманчане не жаловались, ах да Кей-Джи-Би же
@@achertaurus И что? Скорее всего, это были сейсмические волны, а не ударные. Чего мелочиться? Скажи сразу, что стекла выбило на всей планете от ударной волны. По нескольку раз.
The Tsar Bomba makes the Little Boy look like enhanced landscaping for Central Park.
It certainly cuts down on the crime.
50MT is the equivalent of 3.800 Hiroshima bombs detonated simultaneously. It was a one-off propaganda weapon. The U.S. possessed city killers as well. These weapons would kill approximately a population of 7 million people. Today Russia and the U.S. are the only 2 countries with large yield nukes...
Tsar is irrelevant these days.
@@develynseether4426 well the Tsar Bomb was a failure in the fact that it would never work in a battle. Even when they decided to downsize it (yes, it was supposed to be bigger), the Tsar Bomb was still too massive, and too heavy to be used in a real warfare situation. But if you were to take the Tsar Bomb into warfare, a sneak attack would be basically impossible with it, as it was too big to put on a missile, and it had to be carried by aircraft, meaning it could easily be intercepted before reaching it’s target.
@@Howlingburd19 I'm aware. That's why I say it's irrelevant these days. The mainstay arsenal are the SLBM's and they are much smaller payload but they don't need to be bigger as city population density is much greater nowadays and the death toll with a smaller warhead is greater than 50 years ago with a much larger one.
USSR was considering making Tsar Bomba 100MT, but they were afraid that the fallout would spread all over whole USSR, so they only made it 50MT. It is too big to be used in war, there are no logistical means to transport it. The exposion was so big that it shattered windows in Finland and Norway, over 900 km away from blast site. It destroyed everything within 55 km and caused radio communications to be down for an hour. One observer felt the thermal pulse 270 km away
Взрывная волна от взрыва обошла планету 5 раз. На самом деле тогда и надо было закончить гонку вооружений, а не стравливать жителей запада против жителей СССР, которые и так к моменту 1965 года прошли через чудовищные потери и испытания…россиянам было плевать на запад
То чувство, когда её даже испытать нельзя😮
Posideon is 200MT, it’s a literal underwater ICBM where throw weight doesn’t matter. Russia has plans for 30 of them.
мрак. Остановите шарик, я сойду.@@MelThorburn
and of this they made on their own turf, imagine what they will do in ...?
Nobody’s wins in a nuclear war.
Funeral owners do.
They won't exist
@@mussicanttakegreece7296 wrong. They are dead
roaches will Inherit the earth
@@jasonrist6582 That's ok w/me. If they really do survive after we finish anhilating ourselves and our world, they can have what's left.
What a great timeline to be living in
Америка страна которая применила ядерное оружие! Уничтожила города с мирными жителями . Интересно какими были санкции в отношении Америки ?
There were no sanctions, nor for all the cluster bombs that were left in Vietnam, or all the destruction caused in the Middle East... They say that there is no worse than the devil, but what happens when the gringos are worse than the devil himself? not even the devil would be capable of generating so much destruction and suffering
Более корректно говорить, что это сделела *правящая элита Америки* , а не вся страна с простыми американцами, которые об этом ни чего не знали. А те, кто знал о планах - не все были в восторге, и пытались это не допустить - смотрим истоию Оппенгеймера.
@@DSAtka да, но сейчас для всего мира каждый русский враг, хотя не каждый русский хочет войны
Им пох. Они гегемоны и рулят... пока
@@DSAtkaвы фильм посмотрели, и сделали выводы?
I've never felt so much depression and sadness all at once while listening to relaxing piano music. We are doomed.
дата ядерного апокалипсиса запланирована 06 июня 2026 года. Некие военные спецслужбы взорвут ядерную бомбу в Украине около города Киева и от этого пострадают российские войска, которые к этому моменту будут штурмовать Киев, столицу Украины. Россия воспримет это как нападение со стороны НАТО и атакует в ответ военную инфраструктуру в странах НАТО - и это приведет в итоге к ядерной войне и уничтожению Человечества.
Это будет организовано как бы в форме массового ритуального жертвоприношения людей - организовано той сектой, которая сейчас провоцирует запад против Путина
When you first see the explosion you're like: "that's not to bad."
Then you see the after effects...
Скоро увидим, как Царь бомбы упадут на Америку, если США не прекратит накачивать вооружениями Украину.
You don't see the aftereffects
дата ядерного апокалипсиса запланирована 06 июня 2026 года. Некие военные спецслужбы взорвут ядерную бомбу в Украине около города Киева и от этого пострадают российские войска, которые к этому моменту будут штурмовать Киев, столицу Украины. Россия воспримет это как нападение со стороны НАТО и атакует в ответ военную инфраструктуру в странах НАТО - и это приведет в итоге к ядерной войне и уничтожению Человечества.
Это будет организовано как бы в форме массового ритуального жертвоприношения людей - организовано той сектой, которая сейчас провоцирует запад против Путина
Я искренне верю и надеюсь что человечество никогда не увидит этого «в живую», но на видео это потрясающе, отличное видео. Из России с любовью!
ещё в 45 увидели
Ну просто больного карлика у руля держать 20+ лет не нужно и не увидит этого мир.
@Solomaha утрируешь) просто дед наш сказал что все серьезно, такие заявления делают периодически все политики - очерчивают красные линии для оппонентов.
@Solomaha Меньшая вероятность когда говорят и использую.Большая вероятность когда умалчивает пример тому Хиросима и Нагасаки.
@@pooq6611 Сейчас уже ни в чём нельзя быть уверенным :/ и больше всего удивляет, как спокойно тут обсуждают конец света
I wanna supplement that modern ICBMs can bear many (China 10/USA 12/Russia 16) warheads in one missile. So it is not one large mega-ton class bombs but a multi-warhead missile containing many warheads with relatively minor power. Such a missile can scatter minor nuke bombs onto a vast area in one shot and destruct it more efficiently and evenly. This means the actual destruction area will be by far larger than depicted in this video...
False. Depends on the scenario.
@@jaypee389 Not really, a single ICBM like the UGM-133 Trident II contains 14 warheads, which allows the attack selection to be more precise and increases the total maximum damage radius. A single attack of this type would be capable of rendering New York completely ineffective, even devastated. As a matter of fact, bombs such as Castle Bravo and Tsar are considered to be ineffective for actual war scenarios, due to their extremely bulky size and slow speed. Bravo was detonated statically and Tsar needed a modified Tupolev bomber for transport, and the bomb still needed a parachute to slow down it's fall. It would be very easy to detect and destroy it with current air defense systems, which is why, ultimately, ICBMs are far more deadly and effective, as you can't defend multiple targets from intercontinental missiles.
@@christianblair8663 Yes I know.
If you hit the mirv with 50,000 iron dome nukes. U r good.
That is a scenario.
Even if they r hypersonic
The fact that we humans, as small as we are, could possibly create something so devastating and destructive is almost unthinkable
the "humans" that cause these types of artifacts should not be considered humans.
I know right but it can have better uses than bombs
nothing to be proud of. So stupid waste of gift of life...((
Because we are shitty people that fucks others over - Louis CK
@jamesquinney6686..... I tell people this all the time and just get blank stares...
Nuclear energy is the cleanest and most efficient energy resource on the planet!
This is good, that you show it on New-York) From Russia with love
Недвижимость в центре потому и такая дорогая, что в эпицентре ядерного взрыва даже не чувствуешь боли, насколько быстро сгораешь.
Хахахахаха дадададад
Беседовал с профессором-планетологом, спросил где лучше всего скрыться от ядерного пиздеца? Он ответил - в центре Москвы. Типа, там ты точно сгоришь не успев осознать что произошло. А вот в горах Алтая или Тибета ты тоже гарантировано умрешь, только через месяц и в муках ))))
это заблужение, что бьют в центр города, посмотрите рассекреченную карту ударов сша по СССР
бомб не хватит на все города да и смысл бить по городу?
@@idinahujsuka смысл в том, что это шутка
-А может бахнем?
-Обязательно бахнем. Весь мир в труху. Но потом.
Походу "потом" уже наступает...
А может сейчас?
this is the best use of informative graphics i’ve ever seen, thank you so much for the time put into this
The reality is multiple bombs/multiple warheads would be detonated on one city. Detonating 5x1 megaton bombs would do more damage than a single 5 megaton bomb.
I think Russia has a missile that releases 10 warheads spread over a target of about 200 kt yield.
@@smcc839 Most ICBM's are MIRV's (Multiple independent re-entry vehicle), which consist of multiple warheads that can either be used to spread over a wide area, or on a single target. The amount of warheads per single MIRV is dependant on the yield. The US Mk-5 RV/W88 can hold 12 475 kt warheads.
@@ohgoditsjames94 _"The US Mk-5 RV/W88 can hold 12 475 kt warheads"_
that's not possible considering there's a signed treaty limiting the ICBM warhead number to 10, so IDK where you got 12x457 from
Don't forget the decoys.
@@smcc839 W H A T ? I thought I was safe from the initial attacks but I guess not.
Castle Bravo I think is particularly terrifying.
Its not the biggest in terms of blast radius or even the height of the mushroom cloud, but was unique in its chemical make-up as a multi stage thermonuclear bomb ignited by lithium.
Unlike Russian equivalents that sort of took a more conventionally accepted hydrogen-based approach to multi stage ignition, the Americans big one detonated in a very different way.
Instead of a huge upward-travelling flash and debris cloud, Castle Bravo at first detonated with what was in essence the birth of a small but unimaginably powerful star. It was literally hotter than the core of our own sun. It reached higher than the cruising altitude of an airliner in under a split second. It was so hot and so bright that in broad daylight it shed all else around it in pitch darkness momentarily. It released such energy that the ocean beneath it formed what looked like a kind of physics-defying bowl. It created a 5 foot tsunami in all directions outward.
It was so violently, aggressively powerful. It wasn't as big as Tsar, but the brutal nature and effect of it to me showcased an even more terrifying, cruel and sinister technology.
Castle Bravo was intended to be no more than 5-6mt. It was closer to 16. This is because it was thought that the Lithium 6 that made up 40% of the mixture would be the sole ignition element. The Lithium 7 that was used for the other 60% was believed to be inert upon ignition, this was reasoned because the Lithium 6 would react so rapidly, however inside the magma-hellscape that is a thermonuclear reaction, even a fraction of a second is an eternity, and thus the Lithium 7 did indeed react, creating an explosion far exceeding anything expected.
If you watch footage of Castle Bravo from the many angles it was captured, you may feel alarmed by how close the cameras seem to be... almost as if they were too close; they literally were.
There is just something so wildly, disturbingly destructive about the castle bomb tests... these nuclear weapons are all awful inventions that should be done away with.
You and I both know that dictatorships like China, North Korea and Russia won't do that. Pandora's box has been opened.
@@angrydragon4574 Ironically I actually think nations like Russia and China are more likely to use nuclear-tipped warheads in a modern setting.
However (famous last words...), I do not believe that they would lightly employ the use of some of the more powerful hydrogen bombs and missiles available to them.
Those types of cold-war level weapons are tools of mutually-assured devastation. Weapons that frankly, are way oversized for a comparatively small planet.
For a quick example, Tsar Bomba was originally planned to be 100mt, because this was seen to be a nice big round number for the sake of propaganda (bare in mind Castle Bravo was 15mt) but physicists and environmentalists freaked tf out (rightly so) and appealed that this at least be halved, for the simple sake of the planet (still just... so so sooo overkill but okay...).
There's a great deal of fear around the idea of these city-vaporizing superweapons, but really I think it's more likely that multiple, smaller warheads would be used, if nuclear weapons were to be used in a modern-day conflict, though let's seriously hope even that never happens.
@@F4GRAPHICS americans do propaganda also so stop being a western shill
These weapons arrle the only thing keeping ww3 at bay. The ONLY thing.
@@F4GRAPHICS there's very few multimegaton nukes nowadays
total waste, overkill, the energy mostly gets wasted up into space
and they produce WAY too much long lived global fallout
So with today's enormously better accuracy and reliability most nukes run from 5 to 250kilotons, though larger ones do exist
Видео несколько не верное. Если по городу будет нанесён ядерный удар, то боеголовка будет детонировать на высоте до километра и выше. Таким образом будет повышение поражение ударной волной.
К тому же учитывая, что поражение радиацией будет не центрицеское, а зависеть от розы ветров.
Что боеголовка будет демонтировать на высоте 1 км?
@@mauer_rus4344 лол 😂 нашел до чего докбаться. себя будет демонтировать... 😂😂😂
@@JR-yp1hf 😁😁😁✌
@@mauer_rus4344 детонировать
@@mauer_rus4344 он наверное имел ввиду детонировать
As a New Yorker I resent the fact that nyc is always the testing site for animated nukings 🤧
well i mean you are the biggest city in the world in land area some city in china takes the biggest in population
As a New Yorker, I'm more afraid of the tsunami. If the bomb hits not Central Park, but Hudson Bay.
well... the same must be felt by those in the middle east for every Hollywood war movie
No one else does. lol
дата ядерного апокалипсиса запланирована 06 июня 2026 года. Некие военные спецслужбы взорвут ядерную бомбу в Украине около города Киева и от этого пострадают российские войска, которые к этому моменту будут штурмовать Киев, столицу Украины. Россия воспримет это как нападение со стороны НАТО и атакует в ответ военную инфраструктуру в странах НАТО - и это приведет в итоге к ядерной войне и уничтожению Человечества.
Это будет организовано как бы в форме массового ритуального жертвоприношения людей - организовано той сектой, которая сейчас провоцирует запад против Путина
Tsar Bomba one is incorrect. When it blew up it shattered windows here in Finland and we were over 400 kilometers away from the blast.
You do know that the actual one is 100mt. Which means twice as strong. And the zelensky guy want us to perish for him because he can't make a peace deal. No way. Some grown up in the room needs to give zelensky a lesson in reality for real
@@EBZ-bx7zc Oops guess you were wrong Ivan.
I like to watch nuclear explosions just before bedtime. Five or so megatons is usually enough to put me to sleep, but sometimes it takes a 50 megaton dose.
The explosions I made in the toilet after my Taco Bell should have been included here..
The Tsar Bomb „only“ had 50MT but it was designed to have 100MT
Как никогда актуальное видео, не так ли?)))
Brazers and Sisters, hello from Russia,peace need all, whe no danger, love all world. My frend we must stop 3war.
"should we put a paper bag over our heads or something?"
"If you like, yes"
"Would it help"
@Al McGee I'm glad you got it, and yes, most in the UK would have read, watched and or listened to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
I didn't get your question. To place a paper bag over your head for what purpose exactly?
To protect your head from injury in the event that a nuclear bomb explodes down the street? I mean, I guess it's better than nothing. Lol
@@Technotrad3r read, watch or listen to the original Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series. The pub scene when Ford Prefect informs the publican that the Earth is going to be demolished to make way for a hyperspace express route.
Just be sure to wear your mask so as not to spread Covid while the skin falls off your body. 🙄
Don't panic! Always make sure you have your towel, so long & thanks for all the fish
Who thought this wholesome piano music would be perfect for a demonstration of nuclear explosions? 😂
This really helped put the damage into perspective. Questioning the accuracy, but overall great video!
"questioning the accuracy" lol you must be an expert so I challenge you to make a video of atom bombs and how they can be accurate
@@isaacclarke7532 correct, the accuracy has gained sentience
Russian MI 24 helicopter🇷🇺 strikes a column of the Armed Forces of Ukraine...
Its very innacurate
The issue isn't the individual explosion - it's the cumulative effect of all the explosions. Every major military installation, every city in the USA, Europe and Russia with additional cities in China and Southern hemisphere countries. All of this will lead to a decade(s) long nuclear winter that will destroy global food production. Plus world wide radioactive fall out.
A population of 7 billion will be reduced to a few hundred thousand within 10 years due to starvation. Modern civilisation and technology will also be history - there will be an almost medieval level of technology. Would you WANT to survive a full scale nuclear war? Probably not.
That's sort of an extrapolation (widewise) of what happened to millions in '40s Europe. Perhaps they died with sorrow of abandoning their land, their families, their friends (many of them dead because of war), but letting their offspring have a better life. That's the reality of second or third generation fellow countrymen here in Argentina.
So... Perhaps those few who will survive, will have harsh and ugly times, probably their kids too, but after a couple of generations, humanity will rise again, and perhaps that's why it will be worth it...
madagascar always survives they even survived the comet that took out the dinosaurs
@Grave Digger the problem is you have a billion people to compete with good luck going to any store good luck walking around the block without getting shot and looted
@Grave Digger tell me... How will you do it if outside there is -20ºC (in the best case) and no food?
Yeah, it’s really crazy that a few people on this Earth have the power to reset human civilization.
Now I feel ready for my first nuclear war
Only billionaires and rich politicians are ready for that.
@@dynamicsofJellal says who ?
@@francois4390 open-minded education and appropriate conclusion
@pmWell, money still runs the world right now.
Interesting fact: luminosity of Tsar Bomba had two peaks with a minimum at 7 seconds after explosion. That little star was shining for more than a minute.
Such relaxing music to a such deadly demonstration of destruction. 💣🤯
You went through that whole presentation.. QC`d it, and gave it the go to upload and nobody said, "hey, maybe put some distance rings in there so people can see the distance of things". Heavy damage, moderate and radiation zones coverage would have made it VERY informative. Still very good. Thanks
Midtown Manhattan is 6 miles across. The length is 13 miles.
Not all of us live in Manhattan. Actual distances would have been helpful.
"Thermal radiation" refers to temperatures that make people basically evaporate. Just to add some horrifying context
Not exactly evaporate just a 3rd degree burn.
@@johnpaulvillarin7905 Not if you are out of sight or covered or say in a garage working on your car.
Exposed only.
@@jaypee389 Even then, the radius shown is simply the maximum radius of a 100% chance of third degree burns, not evaporating.
Do you get sunburn in your moms basement?
Will you get it if you go outside to try and have sex?
After a night of dark beer and chili I can wipe out all of these bombs after a trip to the poor toilet.
Whew! It's a good thing we're not trying to provoke Russia into a nuclear exchange or anything.
I remember saying to a friend leaders of works powers with nuclear bombs have to know that it will only lead to the destruction of nearly everyone. So they have to know it's pretty much pointless to cause basically Species suicide.
Ну ахуеть как вовремя это попалось в рекомендациях
Вообще пиздец
Сам в ахуе
Нагнетают страх у населения,чтоб опять какую нибудь хуйню противо правную провернуть,то террористами пугали,то потеплением,то вирусами . «Все ради нашей безопасности»любят нас очень, просто мы не понимаем😂
думаешь просто так?
Спешу расстроить, гугл вражеская контора работающая всеми силами на госпропаганду США.
Great video, the one thing I would have added was a line from the center of the blast showing the distance in meters/kilometers.
they use yards/miles in NYC ;-)
Thank you. This is an excellent Video made with obvious great dedication!!!!
Key difference between this and what would actually happen is these are ground based detonations. More than likely it would be an airburst detonation, leaving less things in the way of the initial blast
дата ядерного апокалипсиса запланирована 06 июня 2026 года. Некие военные спецслужбы взорвут ядерную бомбу в Украине около города Киева и от этого пострадают российские войска, которые к этому моменту будут штурмовать Киев, столицу Украины. Россия воспримет это как нападение со стороны НАТО и атакует в ответ военную инфраструктуру в странах НАТО - и это приведет в итоге к ядерной войне и уничтожению Человечества.
Это будет организовано как бы в форме массового ритуального жертвоприношения людей - организовано той сектой, которая сейчас провоцирует запад против Путина
Чтоб никогда этого не случилось!
Согласен бро 🙏
@@Rhaegal-d5e байден так не думает, бро
@@Rhaegal-d5e байден - дед-маразматик, от него все что угодно ожидать можно.
А Владимир Путин всего лишь сказал, что если драка неизбежна - нужно бить первыми
@@ii-cu9ms У Пукина риторика схожа с той, которую мне затирал бомж-быдлан у подъезда. И ещё раз пишу тебе, мне неинтересна информация про Бидона, почему ты продолжаешь мне про него писать? Ты влюблён?
@@Rhaegal-d5e мне неинтересна информация про Владимира Путина? Зачем ты не про него пишешь? Ты влюблен?
5:35 actually,the 100 megaton tzar bomb was constructed,but then was changed to 50 megaton because the fallout and the explosion would easily kill the bomber and may be a danger to URSS
Now there is the Nuclear pwered Poseidon drones
Oppenheimer gets in the cinema. Nuke bombing RUclips videos: 🤑🤑🤑
Я служил в РВСН, в одном полку только у нас их было 12 штук, знаю, что одна ракета Тополя на 40 мега тонн, и там разделяющееся боеголовки, и они могут наводится на разные цели, а могут и на одну, не обязательно бить по одному месту в центр, можно по периметру, чтоб больше уничтожить.
Vous devez garder le secret
@@mehdibellahcene5461 так то да, но время прошло с тех пор 14-15 лет, и это уже не секрет, тем более для разведки, а потом появились их потомки, сейчас уже внуки этих ракет стоят на боевом дежурстве. Вообще то мы хотели партнерства и дружбы с западом, мира и взаимоуважения. У нас даже была гостиница для военнослужащих НАТО на территории части, примерно 3 звезды по вашему, но сауна, бассейн, тренажерный зал, все удобства. Гораздо лучше чем жили мы срочники и прапорщики. Единственное, что мы закрывали, так это системы наведения, и пункты охраны и обороны этих комплексов, и фото и видеосъемку проводить открыто и скрытно было запрещено, а смотреть, глазеть можно было. Помню, что всегда брали с собою офицеры НАТО девушку, которая используя карандаш и бумагу делала очень точные рисунку, прям как будто бы принтер лазерный напечатал. Но запад такие отношения потерял, продолжил расширения военного блока на восток к нашим границам, зачем? Мы могли бы столько всего доброго вместе сделать, для планеты, для лучшей жизни в странах Африки, достижения в науки, в медицине, в космосе...
@@ConstantinPhoenix oui je comprends. Malheureusement les hommes ne veulent pas la paix, la Russie est un grand pays, avec une histoire difficile, mais qui peut donner beaucoup au monde,comme vous le dîtes. Espérons que la paix sera signée entre la Russie et l'Ukraine,.j'espère que la Russie n'est pas tombée dans un piège tendu par l'Occident. Amitiés
@@mehdibellahcene5461 Ума и благоразумия Украине и её народу, силы воли, что следовать своим интересам, своего народа, а не мерзкой части капитализма, который наживается за счет других. Кстати Вы у себя во франции в библиотеке найдите и почитайте, что говорили парижанки про русскую армию, когда в 1814 русские пришли. И вы так сильно не бойтесь, эти вооружения это так сказать средства сдерживания, для эффективного уничтожения военных объектов есть ракеты поменьше, если будет война с НАТО, то будет атака на них в первую очередь, так же как и в специальной военной операции по денацификации и демилитаризации на территории Украины, но так как у нас сделать ракеты термоядерные дешевле, чем с химическими взрывчатыми веществами, скорее всего удары будут именно ядерными, но они в килотоннах, так что ничего страшного, и радиации много не будет, куда опасней в этом плане Ирак и Северная Корея, так что мы этого не боимся, и вы не бойтесь, если сразу ударной и тепловой волной не накроет, будите жить, и дети будут здоровенькими. Ну а после серьезной войны, серьезных лишений будет мир, будут все дружить, чтоб восстанавливать инфраструктуру, вместе выживать, а это сближает.
@@ConstantinPhoenix pensez vous vraiment que le conflit va s'aggraver jusqu'à l'utilisation d'armes atomiques ?moi je pense que les américains préfèrent que la Russie s'enlise dans un long conflit de base ou moyenne intensité
Если на планете земля не тратили деньги на оружие, то мы все жили бы в богатом и добром мире, но политики всех стран хотят больше власти. и нам теперь приходится смотреть вот такие познавательные видео, всем привет из России 🇷🇺
I hope you realize what’s happening in Ukraine. Sign up for vpn and access real reporting as opposed to what the official channels feed you.
@Alexander, I know that…but it can’t all be lies. A war is not some paperclip you can hide inside your hand. A war is raging and that’s no denying that. Question is, do people know?!!
@Alexander, It is very sad to agree with that last sentence, but I do too. But I also believe that not all can be faked; it’s impossible to do, and if you think like that, you are truly priming yourself for nothing good.
@Alexander, agreed. That’s the best and most reliable source. The foreign journalists that go to report on war have quite a bit of courage in my opinion. They are putting their lives in danger to do their job. I do not want to believe that they are all
crazy to that extent as to report for ratings however sensational their reporting may be. But, you never know, there may be people crazy enough to do it, people with no integrity, bold and disinhibited psychopaths that crave thrills at the expense of people’s suffering…sky is the limit really.
Anyway, let’s hope for peace for all. Take care of yourself!
@Alexander, You did. Your English is impeccable. Thanks for the good wishes and the same to you and your family!
it's really scary to think how many of these weapons we have as the human race
And Biden's got the launch codes 😳 dude can't even form a sentence
about 11,000-15,000 currently, enough to hit every major city everywhere, 100 times lol.
@@williestarke 🤪
@@BidensTaint You should be more concerned that Putin does.
@@BidensTaint You clearly don't know how launch codes work. . .
Today I came out in recommendations. Probably the RUclips administration feels the challenges ahead.
Надеюсь , что когда-нибудь людям хватит ума избавится от этих чудовищных изобретений …….
Очень не скоро(
То есть когда угроза захвата от другой страны исчезнет? Эмм. Никогда?
Захват или уничтожения? Хм, что же выбрать?
@@SuperSlant Уничтожение конечно. Следствие захвата. Ну если конечно тебя не русские захватывают. Тогда не переживай. Жив будешь)
На оба аргумента возникает один вопрос - так боженька повелел, что ли?
We all know why we’re watching this.
See you
World war 3
Nah the Germans didn't start it so I think everyone is safe.
Govt algorithm steering the sheep to be fearful and scared
yeah, we know ;) if something happens - it was a nice life - have a nice trip to all of us and see you on the other side....
Crazy to think every window in a state could be shattered by a single weapon
That would have to be a very small state.
@@jshepard152 like Ukraine
you showed mirrors of the same bomb that didnt correlate to the bombs in question at 6:00 in the video
This is the most relaxing music for a nuclear Holocaust scenario.
We don't want any war
But Russia and North Korea wants a War
I can't believe we are force live under this threat.
This threat is a reality check to behave peacefully
Grow a pair.
@@jaypee389 lol......
@@z00ropa Would you rather lose 876 million people or live under china and or globalist socialism. A random scenario. A hypothetical question, you must pick one or the other.
@@jaypee389 LOL! Okay dude. Sure man. I'd rather live in a world where I don't have think about the fact that some dictator on the other side of the world could wake up one morning a decide to end my life. Also, you'd safe yourself a lot of angst if you got off of FOX news... cheers.
The soundtrack was well-chosen. No sarcasm. A spoon full of sugar helps with swallowing the medicine of nuclear war.
For anyone wondering Tsar Bomba of 100 MT was never built but was theoretical. Why was it never built? It's a simple fact that at a time no bomber could outrun the blast radius so it was scraped.
Wasn't scrapped the bomb itself was "detuned" to produce a lower yield
The plane was only one of the factors, and a minor one that could have been solved if they really wanted to go the full yield. Larger parachutes, retro rockets to slow the bomb down, and a lower detonation height would have allowed the plane to escape but would also have added complexity and cost. The main reason this bomb was detuned from 100MT is because that extra almost 50MT would have come from the uranium tamper surrounding the secondary/tertiary stages capturing their fast neutrons and fissioning. The fissioning of that singular tamper would have created as much fission fallout as nearly every other nuclear bomb up to that point in history combined. And it would have all rained down on the Soviet mainland. In the detuned configuration, the bomb was actually very “clean” with relatively little fallout. The vast majority of the energy was from fusion which is clean. There was still a lot of fission happening inside the bomb from the primary core and 2nd/3rd stage spark plugs, but a drop in the bucket compared to what the 100MT detonation would have been.
That would have been of no concern for an imperial japan pilot
And castle bravo was only supposed to be 5mt but through a miscalculation it became 15.
Now that they have supersonic airplane ✈️ they should detonate a 100 megaton nuke on a 4th of July at night
So basically what this video teaches you is to not be in those circles when a bomb drops.
No it's if a bomb is dropped in central park
or just don’t live anywhere near a major city?
@@alstowe6084 In a major exchange, it won't just be major cities. They will hit power plants, military facilities, communications infrastructure, ports, dams, etc, etc.
Я так понял, Царь Бомбой можно не целиться именно в центральный парк!?
Актуальное видео, на сегодняшний день 🧐
Да, её просто куда-то туда можно навести, за Атлантику))
её не существует, поэтому целиться можно прям в висок, не промахнешься
Целиться надо в того психопата, который сейчас может этим распоряжаться
@@dmitryp939 правильно, Байден слишком опасен.
Ну, ракета её думаю не донесет...
Хотя, хз, может уже придумали и более портативную версию...
Я по крайней мере надеюсь, что придумали, а не просрали все как обычно
For some reason this comparison alarmed me the most, maybe a cumulative effect, learning from all previous comparisons/damage timelines & the consequences revisited while watching this video. I was flinching halfway through. Creating these weapons requires a "controlled madness", a "rationalized psychopathy"?
дата ядерного апокалипсиса запланирована 06 июня 2026 года. Некие военные спецслужбы взорвут ядерную бомбу в Украине около города Киева и от этого пострадают российские войска, которые к этому моменту будут штурмовать Киев, столицу Украины. Россия воспримет это как нападение со стороны НАТО и атакует в ответ военную инфраструктуру в странах НАТО - и это приведет в итоге к ядерной войне и уничтожению Человечества.
Это будет организовано как бы в форме массового ритуального жертвоприношения людей - организовано той сектой, которая сейчас провоцирует запад против Путина
Хочется верить, что капиталисты понимая насколько быстро закончится ядерная война, и что грабить будет некого, откажутся от применения ядерного оружия. Но что-то мне подсказывает, что никто из них не собирается сдавать назад, когда все будут мчать друг другу на встречу. Буть то российские капиталисты, американские, китайские, любые, мы живем в мире, где уже давно в каждом уголке правят капиталисты, и с каждым днем противоречие нарастают, то тут, то там вспыхивает новый очаг войны, и даже без ядерного оружия разрушения и смерти от применения бомб и ракет ужасают.
As much as we worry about the devastating effect and consequences,we should focus more on stopping the one who would give the green light for such launches.
The very same people who who seem to very well in capiltalism.
What if to defend his position he goves the green light.
We have, Its called chain of command.
US, Russia, Britain and France have it. I can't say the same for anybody else.
@@thisismyname8627 U Mean Chinee and N Korea?
Mankind was never ready for this and still isn’t.
To see the burn radius extend beyond Westchester and Bergen/Essex Counties is beyond sickening.
Man up.
Yeah man.
@@willburrito9710 Accept hardship and death.
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
- J. Robert Oppenheimer
That was Oppenheimer quoting Vishnu from the Bhagavad Gita. It's not his quote.
This is the quote of Oppenheimer that day on TV in 1965...
*We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, **_'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.'_** I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.*
OMG! The music is so relaxing...Love it. 🖤😎👍
ребята, давайте жить дружно. Привет из Сибири !!!
Русские не любят воевать, но делают это (если придется) умело.
Умело взяты в кольцо в Лимане и бежавшие с Изюма после умелого взятия Киева за 3 дня…
@@_4ema через пару месяцев будет контент, не переживай (:
If Russia deploys nuclear weapons,it will detonate it in the higher space at ca. 100-150km high. In the space would be only less isotopes emitted,a bigger part of it getting into the outer space,but the gamma flash causes a huge EMP in the athmosphere,and kick off every infrastructure of a modern city.
Russia airburst most nuclear weapon aprox 5km no 100/150km.
They have a wide range of weapons! Research Status 6 ! The worst weapon ever made so far just come into service! One reasons ,the madman PooTin is throwing his weight around! 100 to possibly 200 mega tons !? Classified then Satan 2 ! missile also just come into service!
He ordered the development of these in 2004 !! Megalomaniac!видео.htmlвидео.html
Seeing how "competent" their military is, they will blast themselves.
@@Draxindustries1 очень опасные у вас рассуждения, 5км * 10000 бомб, тебе хватит )
@@saellenx3528 Why? They make good progress considering the war goes for 2 months. The USA couldn’t make any progress within 20 years in a medieval country
We’re much closer to this than many believe.
I hope, not. But the thing is, we shouldn´t test it.
дата ядерного апокалипсиса запланирована 06 июня 2026 года. Некие военные спецслужбы взорвут ядерную бомбу в Украине около города Киева и от этого пострадают российские войска, которые к этому моменту будут штурмовать Киев, столицу Украины. Россия воспримет это как нападение со стороны НАТО и атакует в ответ военную инфраструктуру в странах НАТО - и это приведет в итоге к ядерной войне и уничтожению Человечества.
Это будет организовано как бы в форме массового ритуального жертвоприношения людей - организовано той сектой, которая сейчас провоцирует запад против Путина
Cheery video to be watching in the later days of December 😳
“A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.”
Joshua knew (well, learned quickly) what was up. 🤖
A new interesting theory regarding why potentially advanced alien civilization (if they ever existed) never made contact with us is that they might all have self destruct before achieving warp engine technology. Just the way being displayed here.
Its likely weirder than that though. like transferring your consciousness to an idyllic computer simulation of perceived eternal orgasm (or whatever you want), which would be a far more appealing prospect to literally anyone than even the most ineresting short life
Scary how far nuclear weapons have come. The hydrogen bomb makes the old ones look like nothing
Thanks for the recommendation!
Царь-бомба конечно впечатляет. Если сбросить её на города США, то уже через несколько часов мы увидим потрясающий документальный фильм с миллионом фото и видео материалов. После уничтожения американского правительства, всех сенаторов, всех генералов и оружейных компаний нужда в таком огромном количестве ЯО мгновенно отпадёт и на 50 лет в Мире воцарится спокойствие и процветание.
Не хочу тебя расстраивать, но нет)
@@artemmalih5799 но фильм хотя бы будет?
@@RISSSD17 в случае росиси только глупые мелодрамы, какой фильм 😆
@@Линдик-о7б СУГС!
Tsar Bomb is king of all bombs 🔥
Anti matéria...., 200 mega toneladas!!!!
@Gurnoor singh No it's the Wrestling powerbomb
As they know of there's probably bigger ones
@@freedomsports3365 That's an arbitrary yield. Anti-matter explosives could be of any yield.
@@bradygaming5034 No reason for that to be the case.
Interesting how the thermal radiation radius begins to surpass the airblast radius with higher yields
Me too
Hilarious that the site of detonation is where trump tower is 😂😂😂
Supernova: hold my beer
The color for "light blast damage" was chosen very poorly - the gray color is almost always hard to see.
Terrorífico...tan pequeñas fueron las de Hiroshima y Nagasaki y aún así causaron tremenda devastación.
No me quiero imaginar lo que causarían las bombas más poderosas de la actualidad
El satan 2 de putin borra del mapa a 3 paises al mismo tiempo.
Pronto lo sabremos..!!
@@julicool1852 ridículo
Russian MI 24 helicopter🇷🇺 strikes a column of the Armed Forces of Ukraine...
ya lo verás pronto
It's a bird!
No it's a plane!
No it's a cloudy mushro-
The height of the explosion from the 50mt Tsar bomb was 66 km, and the diameter was 90 km.
This should never happen in war wot about the innocent people who have done no wrong
Exactly. Just like all the people in Japan
They get microwaved too. That's how the world works, whether you like it or not.
This is reality WW3 anything goes it's all in
@@joshman844 but it was the right thing
@@Cristian88. Think about it, ethically, killing random civilians who had nothing to do with the attack on pearl harbor isn't a fair trade or the right thing to do. Japan sirr3nswred so it was the effective thing to do, but in a moral sense it should not have happened and the US and the leader at that time are responsible for senseless deaths as a murderer.
Спасибо товарищу Берии за наш ядерный щит !
Why can't we just fight wars with custard pies, fart contests and oil wrestling? Winner takes all. At least we'd all laugh it off.
Now I can see it first hand before actually seeing it first hand. 😬
Not even close likely multiple warheads on one spot nowadays
Weird they are calling areas right next to the blast “moderate” damage. That area would be totally destroyed.
I think "moderate" just means concrete is not pulverised. To you and me, it's heavy damage.
Wouldn’t surrounded states me destroyed from a nuke on nyc ? Pretty sure I’m ash over in Boston as well 😂
@@joshuajayseph1390 From the NY warheads, 184 miles away? Certainly not. Even 10 miles from the epicenter is enough to save you from the worst effects. But don't worry, Boston will get its own warheads.
I am sure if I look hard enough I can find another comment about this but your video shows ground level bursts whereas air bursts do much more damage because of the overpressure created by a mach stem.
there was a comment that ssaid each of these have an optimal ignition height and that these heights will be used
Very nice music to go with the blast and destruction! Peace