We could agree to launch our nukes in the year 2050. That would be extremely fair and I'm not even joking. Enough time for both GTA6 and Elder Scrolls 6.
have you heard of the memecoin $Giga chad on Solana? check it out a bunch of bros and the price keeps doubling every week. Sorry for the shill but you seemed like a gym bro and they are making a decentralized Nike basically and selling athletic gear lmao
Missile launches from continental USA would be detected almost instantly, Russia would have launched its missiles in no more than 7 minutes from detection. I think it should be noted that both Russia and the US both have people living and working near these sites undercover, it's not like they wouldn't notice all these missiles streaking into the sky, it would very likely be that the first alert of a strike would come from an undercover agent on their cell phone! There's no way either side could make strike without also facing a retaliatory strike!
@@angelgarcia82747 That was a completely different scenario. The US sees many hundreds of thousands of airplanes cross the mainland every day. Those planes remained on course as long as they could without being detected. When they were there was no indication that there was ill intent until they made contact with the SECOND WTC tower. That was when it was obvious that an attack was underway.
This sort of thinking is why the US military keeps losing in wargames. They think they will control the tempo and their opponent will be passive because all of they've done for the last 50 years is bully 3rd world countries. A wargame against Iran saw the US fleet in the exercise sunk by the vastly inferior Iranian navy because they did not expect the wargamer controlling Iran to rush them. "No fair, you fought back!"
@@nocommentlivekg9416 It doesn't matter. Everybody on northern hemisphere will be death due to famine thx to nuclear winter. Including China, Japan, both Koreas, Canada and maybe also India etc. etc. Putin is dumb if he is treating by nuclear weapons. He can bring death to many innocent people.
The interesting thing is the after game, once a country looses its nukes then they have no more. And the smaller countries with few ,now have the power. An interesting thought issue.
Yeah.. A massive launch like this in this simulation would be a civilization ending event. If there is a massive launch, everyone including Russia, China, etc.. Everyone will launch and then it's game over man.. "The only way to win is not to play the game".. This is just total nightmare fuel stuff. The end of the world.
@mockingbbirdkilla1771 think about for a second of you can manage. 1 Were the only ones who used them in war. 2. Russian doctrine is never to use unless used upon.3 here our president has the ability to launch. In Russia they need 3. Put that into perspective
Pésima simulación. Entonces ningún país cuenta con sistemas anti aéreos, porq en tu simulación ningún misil fue interceptado y los yanquis cuentan con más arsenal misilistico que Rusia, cuando es todo lo contrario
Cool soundtrack and suspensful animation but this is totally unrealistic. Russia and probably China too, would launch their nukes as soon as the American ICBMs take off.
China wouldn't risk a billion dead in their own country when they can sit back, let the US and Russia destroy each other and come out as the only world power. All they have to do is survive the nuclear winter that would follow and they own the planet. The ultimate "let them fight" meme.
This isn't realistic at all, the launch of the minute man 3s will be detected by Russia easily and they wont sit on there ass to wait for them to hit before launching everything they got
Russia may see the attack, but they will not have nearly as successful of a counterstrike. That said, in Nuclear War, there are no winners, only losers and the survivors.
No, it isn't realistic at all. The first strike will come from Poland and Romania and possibly the Baltic states. The knockout blow will follow behind from SLBMs and minutemen missiles. Time is everything in nuclear war. You would want to wipe out your enemies' political, military, and economic leadership as quickly as possible. With the expansion of NATO, this is now possible. It also makes a Russian first strike more likely.
Yeah, they aren't going to miss seeing 400 thermal blooms from Minutemen missiles launching, and the reaction will be automatic when they do. Then our only hope in the US is that their nuclear arsenal is degraded and will have high rates of failure. But even if it's a 50% failure, it's catastrophic for the US and Europe.
Whoever believes that nations aren’t constantly monitoring each other’s ICBM launch sites and hunting for those they don’t know of is totally ignorant to how this game works. A nuclear power doesn’t hang around for a strike on their soil. Their reply exchange is well into the air and en route before that.
Извините, но американцы не увидят последстивия своей атаки, потому что российский гиперзвук быстрее , и пока американские ракеты летят к цели, все побережье америки нагреется до 3000° цельсия, в результате прилета российских ракет. Плюс крупные города исчезнут через 5 минут, это будет удар с подводных лодок, а они стоят очень близко к штатам. Ну и самое интересное, это русские торпеды Посейдон. Они так же ждут своего часа под водой, так же у берегов америки. Вся прибрежная линия на 30-60 км уйдет под воду... Смотрите дальше свои мультики.
The Poseidon nukes are for attacking NATO subs and aircraft carrier groups. There is no sound reason to nuke cities. The destruction of the power grid and infrastructure along with military targets will see the people eventually die off to small numbers from starvation and exposure. So why bother with anything else. And, the number of hypersonic missiles currently owned by Russia isn't enough to destroy the US. But is good enough to try to remove our command and communication, making it harder to fight effectively. Honestly, whoever attacks 1st probably has the advantage.
Seeing the junk you have built, I have no doubt that one of those pieces of junk will fall in mid-flight, and you say it as if the entire Russian arsenal had that missile. When you don't even have 20 units. Because of the war in Ukraine and the sanctions, You have not been able to modernize your entire nuclear arsenal, There is no doubt that half of those Russian missiles will not even be able to take off because they are so obsolete. The submarines will do more damage. In a nuclear war with the United States we will both burn, neither is superior to the other, at least in nuclear matters, Because in the military you are a joke.
@@alejandrocabrera239 Ignoras que el arsenal nuclear y su modernización es el verdadero fuerte de Putin, es prácticamente en lo que más a invertido, ha descuidado a casi todo el ejercito menos a las fuerzas nucleares, así que por que no pruebas tu si los misiles nucleares rusos funcionan.
@JR-gp2zk Bro, even if Russia didn't launch a singular nuclear bomb back at us, imagine the environmental damage that would be caused if we used hundreds of nuclear bombs on a country of that size that borders Europe. Europe alone would have millions dead from nuclear winter famines, radiation sickness, increased crime rates, and the economic decline that typically comes when wiping out a global trading super power. We'd also be making 1/4 of the Earth absolutely uninhabitable for decades. All of that IF Russia doesn't launch nukes back at us, which would be 10x worse.
@JR-gp2zkРусские изобрели мёртвую руку и постоянно её модернизировали. при уничтожении России весь ядерный арсенал включая поссейдоны полетят в нужном направлении. Человечество будет уничтожено. Как сказал Путин - Я не вижу этот мир без России.
With these rapidly changing world dynamics, I would not be surprised, but it’s better to just not rely on these measures and stick to ol’ reliable, conventional warfare. At least those shots don’t kill entire cities.
I assume 100% of Russians from top to bottom were so drunk that they didn't know the ICBM and SLBM were coming and didn't respond, and I also assume that their dead hand system was drunk too if there was no response after the impact occurred.
The assumption was that President Putin was a senile, mumbling & fumbling foxl who couldn't even find his way to a photo shoot, instead was eating cho.. cho..chocolate.. chip ice cream ...
did you somehow miss the big fat US in the tutle? chek out the full series and you see that he has "only" covered tge us side of things (yet) and that in high quality and detail.
@@TheRezrohabía escuchado de un sistema automático que lanza todos los misiles rusos en caso de que se detecten altos niveles de radiación, por ello los rusos intentan tener la máxima precaución con las centrales nucleares ya que algo como lo de Chernóbil podría causar un error en el sistema creyendo que es un ataque y causar la extinción de la humanidad, no se si sea cierto pero ahí está el dato
Ты ничего не пропустил. Пока ракеты сша будут лететь к цели , больше половины сша будет уже уничтожено ракетами РФ. Но вам этого разумеется не покажут. Пентагону за это стыдно😏
Russian missiles, like the rest of the Russian military, would almost completely fail in the field. The few that made it to the US would be shot down easily.
@@2138Dude мыкола, а ты ещё не в окопе и имел наглость остаться в живых?? Нет желания сдохнуть за печеньки белого господина? а как же свобода и демократия )))
Now make a simulation with a retaliatory strike taking into account the perimeter missiles and underwater stationary silos of Russia I think it will be even more fun
In these simulations, mayi. In reality, China is on the target list along with N. Korea, Pakistan, India, etc. Can't leave a potential for standing, you know.
Its not possible to shoot them down but the simulation ignores counter attacks anyway. Basically you got MIRV icbms. Effectively apocalyptical bomblet missile.
Самое страшное что люди на территориях США, Европы, России никто никто не хочет, чтобы применялось этоторужие. Кто действует и в чьих амбициях, хотят применить это оружие? Ни один бункер не спасёт, даже если этот бункер находится 10км под землёй, когда будет применено столько оружия и на этом виде, хоть оно показано абсолютно неверно, симуляция не логичная. Просто наша планета земля самоуничтожится! Даже космонавты в космосе просто умрут немного погодя. А луна будет дрейфовать пока не столкнётся с какой нибудь планетой. Ах да абсолютно всё человечество, при таком шаге будет уничтожено, ещё ни один фильм не был снят, правду полную не показывают, просто не будет существовать планета земля.
This only proves the insanity of a first strike scenario, there is no limited Global nuclear strike. It's all or nothing, the end of the world is a multi-national event.
Actually it isn't like that at all. It's also not the only thing he gets on. More recent looks into nuclear winter suggests he heavily overstated that also.
@@Lizzbird_ and wtf did China do 💀💀💀you realise the second a nuclear war happens between 🇷🇺🇺🇸🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ China will declare neutrality bc they dont want to be destroyed
If it were to be the real thing, the sub launch missliles would go first with a priority to target command and control and early warning systems then the opposing ground-based missiles. The ICBMS would go after hardened structures and air defense installations to clear a way for the bombers which would come in and mop up several hours later.
I disagree: In a ramped-up nuke war, we'd probably send out our bombers in first as a pseudo-warning. Then, if all else fails, we would decimate the enemy with ICBMs. That would pretty much be "the end". SLBMs only mop up for good measure, and they know that. Check out the current SIOP plan. But if I were president, I'd agree with you.
If we are going to simulate something like this. There needs to be more factors at play. Otherwise this isnt a simulation. But a sceneroo where the US has undetectable nukes or Russia is afraid to launch nukes because almighty US is too great to touch.
The subs were on the Atlantic coast, and were in the middle of the Atlantic in 5 minutes! Subs go 30 knots max. It would take 2 days to get out that far.
Actually there is a rocket that goes off on one side of Russia and travels the entire length of the Russian triggering to launch all of the missiles at one time. Human intervention is not even needed. Russia has a doomsday switch.
I am concerned that an unknown space rock will explode over Russia triggering their Doomsday Device that launches all their nukes autonomously with no human in the loop. Skynet.
😅Очнись,Советского Союза больше нет,есть Российская Федерация,которая скоро станет Российской Империей а вы колонией,а по вашим же правилам никто вас слушать не станет. У нас в России есть поговорка: проблеммы индейцев( тоесть вас) шерифа не ебут(тоесть нас)😅
Documents from the Carter Presidential Library indicate Potus would have at most 7-10 minutes to run from the White House residence to a chopper before detonations. Potus would have to make a retaliatory decision as soon as in the chopper. 5 mins. is more realistic than 7. A presidential live EAS broadcast is unlikely IMHO, but he/she can broadcast via AF1 once safely airborne, except most broadcast circuits would be gone by then.
These vids are great. I'd like to see one where the RF and/or CCP launched first and we (US, GB, France, et al) had to launch under fire. India, Pakistan, & Israel probably wouldn't be sitting on their hand either.
Once the first one goes up everyone with nukes is gonna launch because no one wants to be caught with their nukes still on the ground and risk losing them.
India and Pakistan keep theirs aimed at each other. They don't want any part of jumping into a conflict with countries that can end civilizations. They'd just figure out how to survive the nuclear winter.
If nukes are indeed real, even though they theoretically could not exist, it sure is "good" that the most chewish country in the world has this kind of arsenal.
@@TheA8lee I wouldn't know what the money would be spent on or what money that would be but I do know some physics you could say and the idea that capitalizing on the interactions of protons and neutrons to create an explosive chain reaction of that magnitude is as belieavble as UFO:s. 0.000000% that is.
Хера се Размечтались😂😂😂.У нас ракет в Разы больше .Как только первая ваша пойдёт,ваши прибрежные города будут смыты.Помните господа на вашу ракету у нас есть пять😊😊😊.Наши ракеты нацелены на еллоустон и на разлом в Калифорнии.Плюс по десятку штук на все крупные города.😊Я простым людям Америки зла не желаю.Но по моему мнению лучше до такого не доводить😢😢😢.Всем Мира и Добра.Любите ваших детей,как мы любим своих.
Ну да. Только вы забыли о Российских подводных лодках Посейдон находящихся вокруг США). Ракеты ещё не успеют отлететь, а США уже получит контр удар. В этой войне победителей не будет.
4 месяца назад
американцам не составит никакого труда уничтожить эти подлодки до того, как они успеют что-то запустить. а вот русские с американскими подлодками ничего сделать не смогут. слишком большой разрыв в технологиях и возможностях
Sorry, but the Americans will not see the consequences of their attack, because Russian hypersound is faster, and while American missiles fly to the target, the entire American coast will heat up to 3000° Celsius as a result of the arrival of Russian missiles. Plus, large cities will disappear in 5 minutes, it will be an attack from submarines, and they are very close to the states. Well, the most interesting thing is the Russian Poseidon torpedoes. They are also waiting in the wings under water, also off the coast of America. The entire coastline for 30-60 km will go under water... Watch your cartoons further.
@@Sixfigas You are right, I knew there were empty silos for sale, didn't realize they all were. Not sure I like them all so concentrated in one area, but oh well.
@@joshhopper9307 I knew the answer, just wanted to be entertained. I served in the Air Force as a Nuclear Emergency Actions Controller so it was my job to execute the Nuclear orders of the President. I served at the STRATCOM Command Center and a few bases in Europe. It was my job for about 10 years of my career.
Все гораздо страшнее! Как только кто либо решится применить ябп, ответ полетит в течении не более 6 минут,вторая волна через 10минут .Через 40минут автоматизированная система Мервой Руки уничтожит все что осталось.
Ню конечно) Утешай себя секундомер путинский. Может раша и ответит, но все рос. субмарины потонут от глубинных бомб с американских самолëтов и авианосцев, а все МБР сами взорвуться в шахтах, как сармат. Самолёты просто будут сбиты, как только взлетят. То что взлетит полетит в другое место и не долетит. Москва будет за пять минут ударом из прибалтики уничтожена. Периметр, если сработает, то стрелять будет не чем и наводить не чем. ЭМ импульс от взрыва оборвëт всю военную связь и похерит всë пво и радары. Землетрясения от взрывов уничтожат все бункеры и обвалят тот, где есть сам периметр, и тот где сидит диктатор. США потеряет от силы 70 млн населения, что меньше трети. Россия минимум 140 млн., а те кто останется в отдалëнныз НП могут быть уничтожены прилитевшими в самом конце стратегическими бомбардироващиками с яо и прочеми самолëтами с тяо. Так что лучше сто раз подумайте прежде чем войну начинать с западом или применять яо по другим странам.
Вы можете рисовать себе любые мультфильмы! Как только откроются люки шахт ваших ракет, через несколько минут от вашей Америки останется только радиоактивным пепел! Хотите попробывать?!
Через 6 минут пойдёт ответный пуск со стороны России
4 месяца назад
скорее пойдет тотальный ядерный самоподрыв рф, который устроит русским армагеддон еще до прилета американских ракет)) сегодня уже четвертый сармат в шахте взорвался. могучее российское яо это такой же миф, как "фтарая армия мира". так что ты не слишком надейся на взаимное уничтожение со штатами. в такой войне будет полностью уничтожена рф, а штаты нет. живи с этим 😆
There are automated countermeasures that trigger if inbound nuclear missiles are detected that launch retaliating nuclear missiles. Remember what happend in 1983 with Stanislav Petrov? You can imagine now in 2024 with the current technology what would happen.
I read somewhere that if you wanted to stop a nuclear missile, you had to be close at its launching pad and tey to intercept it the nuke within 30 seconds before the IBM get to maximal speed, because then it would be to late to do anything.
One thing Id like to add is I dont know why we should or would go ground burst as the technology now exists and we can use GEP warheads with a much lower yield 50KT roughly with almost no fallout except the immediate area around the target. A GEP strike of 50KT given accuracy of 90M CEP is equvilent to a 700KT ground burst which is larger then anything we have outside of gravity bomb dial a yields which still have 1MT Ability.
Can we make a UN meeting where we agree on not doing this untill GTA6 is out?
We could agree to launch our nukes in the year 2050. That would be extremely fair and I'm not even joking. Enough time for both GTA6 and Elder Scrolls 6.
So… never?
have you heard of the memecoin $Giga chad on Solana? check it out a bunch of bros and the price keeps doubling every week. Sorry for the shill but you seemed like a gym bro and they are making a decentralized Nike basically and selling athletic gear lmao
GTA6 is already cooked. They sold out the content development for shark cards
Missile launches from continental USA would be detected almost instantly, Russia would have launched its missiles in no more than 7 minutes from detection. I think it should be noted that both Russia and the US both have people living and working near these sites undercover, it's not like they wouldn't notice all these missiles streaking into the sky, it would very likely be that the first alert of a strike would come from an undercover agent on their cell phone! There's no way either side could make strike without also facing a retaliatory strike!
Russia couldn't even detect a Cessna flying hundreds of miles into its territory and blowing up an oil refinery..
@@kreb12 That's a bit different to a mass launching😂
The United States failed to detect a huge Boeing passenger plane that flew across its territory and ended up kissing the World Trade Center
@@angelgarcia82747 That was a completely different scenario. The US sees many hundreds of thousands of airplanes cross the mainland every day. Those planes remained on course as long as they could without being detected.
When they were there was no indication that there was ill intent until they made contact with the SECOND WTC tower.
That was when it was obvious that an attack was underway.
Они там все пропили😂
So, Russia will be sitting there, doing nothing, just waiting the US's missiles ? 😂😂😂
This sort of thinking is why the US military keeps losing in wargames. They think they will control the tempo and their opponent will be passive because all of they've done for the last 50 years is bully 3rd world countries. A wargame against Iran saw the US fleet in the exercise sunk by the vastly inferior Iranian navy because they did not expect the wargamer controlling Iran to rush them. "No fair, you fought back!"
Hollywood production 🤣🤣🤣
Yup. Russia would just accept it cause historically they always accept defeat🙄
World population after the war : 100 Milion
@@TheBingLiameven smoll country Vietnam make fun of Hollywood production of usa😂😂😂
Rusiia is king of the world r8 now
It was not nuclear WAR but only nuclear attack. You should show counterattack from Russian side.
And China.... and N-Korea ... and the collapse of the entire North American continent...
@@DerfDerf-n2f Monkey
Контрудар будет куда более страшным
@@nocommentlivekg9416 It doesn't matter. Everybody on northern hemisphere will be death due to famine thx to nuclear winter. Including China, Japan, both Koreas, Canada and maybe also India etc. etc. Putin is dumb if he is treating by nuclear weapons. He can bring death to many innocent people.
@@DerfDerf-n2fдети российских чиновников живут в "загнивающем", они не будут убивать своих детей
The interesting thing is the after game, once a country looses its nukes then they have no more. And the smaller countries with few ,now have the power. An interesting thought issue.
nukes are not the only arsenal for ANY nuclear power
The reality is. The exact moment we launch everyone launches.
Anyone launched, everyone will launch
in other words, the moment you decided to strike, that's the exact moment you lose your sanity.
Yeah.. A massive launch like this in this simulation would be a civilization ending event. If there is a massive launch, everyone including Russia, China, etc.. Everyone will launch and then it's game over man..
"The only way to win is not to play the game".. This is just total nightmare fuel stuff. The end of the world.
They would never launch yk? That's like self sabotaging yourself better to be neutral than dead but only Iran would maybe launch
the most unrealistic projection i have ever scene
??? 😂
Whats a more realistic one?
You mean, “seen?”
No way your this stupid lmao @@gnueshk1344
Dont forget bro , Rússia has 7.000 war heads to send to you .
no yet.
Probably all duds and empty shells provided by n korea.
They did, but they're about 90% soviet era, and probably only 20% of those actually work. Downside of massive corruption.
@@AlexandreOliveiraAlexwhy are you laughing ?
a little disappointed we didn't see the counter strike in real time too!
That's probably because the US would not fire the first salvo.
actually us its the only country that used nukes against someone, rethink your existence
@mockingbbirdkilla1771 think about for a second of you can manage. 1 Were the only ones who used them in war. 2. Russian doctrine is never to use unless used upon.3 here our president has the ability to launch. In Russia they need 3. Put that into perspective
Pésima simulación. Entonces ningún país cuenta con sistemas anti aéreos, porq en tu simulación ningún misil fue interceptado y los yanquis cuentan con más arsenal misilistico que Rusia, cuando es todo lo contrario
Cool soundtrack and suspensful animation but this is totally unrealistic. Russia and probably China too, would launch their nukes as soon as the American ICBMs take off.
Вот адекватно написал!!! 🎉 молодец!
China wouldn't risk a billion dead in their own country when they can sit back, let the US and Russia destroy each other and come out as the only world power. All they have to do is survive the nuclear winter that would follow and they own the planet. The ultimate "let them fight" meme.
Not China buddy
China would launch it nukes on Russia, not on US.
@@lwc4_.69tous les pays avec des bases américaines prendrons des missiles.
Et les pays alliés des usa aussi.
This isn't realistic at all, the launch of the minute man 3s will be detected by Russia easily and they wont sit on there ass to wait for them to hit before launching everything they got
Russia may see the attack, but they will not have nearly as successful of a counterstrike. That said, in Nuclear War, there are no winners, only losers and the survivors.
No, it isn't realistic at all. The first strike will come from Poland and Romania and possibly the Baltic states. The knockout blow will follow behind from SLBMs and minutemen missiles. Time is everything in nuclear war. You would want to wipe out your enemies' political, military, and economic leadership as quickly as possible. With the expansion of NATO, this is now possible. It also makes a Russian first strike more likely.
Spot on.
Yeah, they aren't going to miss seeing 400 thermal blooms from Minutemen missiles launching, and the reaction will be automatic when they do. Then our only hope in the US is that their nuclear arsenal is degraded and will have high rates of failure. But even if it's a 50% failure, it's catastrophic for the US and Europe.
@@westbounddesign4531 a 50% failure rate is wildly unrealistic too even 20% would be stretching it a bit
Whoever believes that nations aren’t constantly monitoring each other’s ICBM launch sites and hunting for those they don’t know of is totally ignorant to how this game works. A nuclear power doesn’t hang around for a strike on their soil. Their reply exchange is well into the air and en route before that.
Greenland's like "I'm out fr"
i wanna hug a polar bear.
It cold enough up there where nuclear winter would be super easy barley a inconvenience
Free Greenland!
@@natasharufe5180 Actually true lol
Извините, но американцы не увидят последстивия своей атаки, потому что российский гиперзвук быстрее , и пока американские ракеты летят к цели, все побережье америки нагреется до 3000° цельсия, в результате прилета российских ракет. Плюс крупные города исчезнут через 5 минут, это будет удар с подводных лодок, а они стоят очень близко к штатам. Ну и самое интересное, это русские торпеды Посейдон. Они так же ждут своего часа под водой, так же у берегов америки. Вся прибрежная линия на 30-60 км уйдет под воду...
Смотрите дальше свои мультики.
The Poseidon nukes are for attacking NATO subs and aircraft carrier groups.
There is no sound reason to nuke cities. The destruction of the power grid and infrastructure along with military targets will see the people eventually die off to small numbers from starvation and exposure. So why bother with anything else.
And, the number of hypersonic missiles currently owned by Russia isn't enough to destroy the US. But is good enough to try to remove our command and communication, making it harder to fight effectively.
Honestly, whoever attacks 1st probably has the advantage.
Let us not fight. Neither the Russian people nor the American people want war. Only our governments prepare for this.
Seeing the junk you have built, I have no doubt that one of those pieces of junk will fall in mid-flight, and you say it as if the entire Russian arsenal had that missile. When you don't even have 20 units. Because of the war in Ukraine and the sanctions, You have not been able to modernize your entire nuclear arsenal, There is no doubt that half of those Russian missiles will not even be able to take off because they are so obsolete. The submarines will do more damage. In a nuclear war with the United States we will both burn, neither is superior to the other, at least in nuclear matters, Because in the military you are a joke.
@@alejandrocabrera239 Ignoras que el arsenal nuclear y su modernización es el verdadero fuerte de Putin, es prácticamente en lo que más a invertido, ha descuidado a casi todo el ejercito menos a las fuerzas nucleares, así que por que no pruebas tu si los misiles nucleares rusos funcionan.
они так далеко не думают)) главное мультик хороший показать своим шестёркам в европе.А заодно и скачущим папуасам перемогу устроить ))
Would’ve been nice to see russias real time counter offensive.
@JR-gp2zk this the example of fuck around and find out
.... like what you said better keep that mouth shut 👍
@JR-gp2zk that still means the end for us budy😂
They’d still smoke you lil homie
@JR-gp2zk Bro, even if Russia didn't launch a singular nuclear bomb back at us, imagine the environmental damage that would be caused if we used hundreds of nuclear bombs on a country of that size that borders Europe. Europe alone would have millions dead from nuclear winter famines, radiation sickness, increased crime rates, and the economic decline that typically comes when wiping out a global trading super power. We'd also be making 1/4 of the Earth absolutely uninhabitable for decades. All of that IF Russia doesn't launch nukes back at us, which would be 10x worse.
@JR-gp2zkРусские изобрели мёртвую руку и постоянно её модернизировали. при уничтожении России весь ядерный арсенал включая поссейдоны полетят в нужном направлении. Человечество будет уничтожено. Как сказал Путин - Я не вижу этот мир без России.
Только есть одно Но. Россия может остановить чужие ядерные ракеты, а у Америки нет таких возможностей..
Чем она их остановит? Губами?
Так само остановит как и крейсер «москва» остановил украинскую ракету собой 😅
Чем? Сракой?
Честно, максимум москва а дальше.....
With these rapidly changing world dynamics, I would not be surprised, but it’s better to just not rely on these measures and stick to ol’ reliable, conventional warfare. At least those shots don’t kill entire cities.
I don't know what shit they're smoking, like every country other than usa is here to play ping pong... Usa isn't invincible.
No but none of us will survive No one wins absolutely no one
@@christopherbishop5014 Australia
True no one will win if Russia or the USA are in a nuclear war the planet will be destroyed
@@christopherbishop5014 m.a.d. no one wins.absolutley no one.
Умрут все!!!
I assume 100% of Russians from top to bottom were so drunk that they didn't know the ICBM and SLBM were coming and didn't respond, and I also assume that their dead hand system was drunk too if there was no response after the impact occurred.
The assumption was that President Putin was a senile, mumbling & fumbling foxl who couldn't even find his way to a photo shoot, instead was eating cho.. cho..chocolate.. chip ice cream ...
there is a system that louches everything at predetermined targets if something enters the russian airspace at a high speed
@@Mimonbaraka98 What is a myth.
did you somehow miss the big fat US in the tutle? chek out the full series and you see that he has "only" covered tge us side of things (yet) and that in high quality and detail.
@@TheRezrohabía escuchado de un sistema automático que lanza todos los misiles rusos en caso de que se detecten altos niveles de radiación, por ello los rusos intentan tener la máxima precaución con las centrales nucleares ya que algo como lo de Chernóbil podría causar un error en el sistema creyendo que es un ataque y causar la extinción de la humanidad, no se si sea cierto pero ahí está el dato
What about the Russian counter attack? Did I miss something?
Ты ничего не пропустил. Пока ракеты сша будут лететь к цели , больше половины сша будет уже уничтожено ракетами РФ. Но вам этого разумеется не покажут. Пентагону за это стыдно😏
Russian missiles, like the rest of the Russian military, would almost completely fail in the field. The few that made it to the US would be shot down easily.
Russian missiles must be tanked before launches. Assuming they work or even exist.
@@MarambaGT Че там с Киевом? Че там с Сирией? А Курском? Стыдно Иван, стыдно.
@@2138Dude мыкола, а ты ещё не в окопе и имел наглость остаться в живых?? Нет желания сдохнуть за печеньки белого господина? а как же свобода и демократия )))
Now make a simulation with a retaliatory strike taking into account the perimeter missiles and underwater stationary silos of Russia I think it will be even more fun
they always forget china
We don’t though and they know it.
China can be handled with a single fraction of the nuclear triad.
In these simulations, mayi. In reality, China is on the target list along with N. Korea, Pakistan, India, etc. Can't leave a potential for standing, you know.
@@starmnsixty1209 wait why India? Are we gonna bring down the whole world with us?
They are going to be the main ones to attack us
Its a one way ticket.
You press the button....it will be pressed on the other side too....
why wouldnt Russia shoot before they are hit?
Not realistic simulation
Por q ese es el sueño americano, q sigan soñando, hasta q los despierte una pesadilla
Its not possible to shoot them down but the simulation ignores counter attacks anyway. Basically you got MIRV icbms. Effectively apocalyptical bomblet missile.
@@Ay-xq7mj The Russian solution to MIRV'S. A nuclear warhead on a S-600 ICBM defense unit.
Хорошая идея)
Самое страшное что люди на территориях США, Европы, России никто никто не хочет, чтобы применялось этоторужие.
Кто действует и в чьих амбициях, хотят применить это оружие?
Ни один бункер не спасёт, даже если этот бункер находится 10км под землёй, когда будет применено столько оружия и на этом виде, хоть оно показано абсолютно неверно, симуляция не логичная.
Просто наша планета земля самоуничтожится!
Даже космонавты в космосе просто умрут немного погодя.
А луна будет дрейфовать пока не столкнётся с какой нибудь планетой.
Ах да абсолютно всё человечество, при таком шаге будет уничтожено, ещё ни один фильм не был снят, правду полную не показывают, просто не будет существовать планета земля.
This only proves the insanity of a first strike scenario, there is no limited Global nuclear strike. It's all or nothing, the end of the world is a multi-national event.
“The nuclear arms race is like two sworn enemies standing waist deep in gasoline, one with three matches, the other with five.”
-Carl Sagan
The thing is both of them gonna be lit up unless one has bad aim😂 if they go to war.
Actually it isn't like that at all. It's also not the only thing he gets on. More recent looks into nuclear winter suggests he heavily overstated that also.
@@khalidmusicshorts Without western technology, you will still be travelling by camels. Your brain isn't getting any bigger.
@@khalidmusicshorts Abdul don't forget who is living in tents begging for food and water.
Ah, just like that, Russia doesn’t engage in a counter strike. 😂
America will NEVER leave out N Korea.
Or China or Iran
India sería otro
And you think they wont respond back and just sit there and watch 😂😂😂
@@Lizzbird_ and wtf did China do 💀💀💀you realise the second a nuclear war happens between 🇷🇺🇺🇸🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ China will declare neutrality bc they dont want to be destroyed
If it were to be the real thing, the sub launch missliles would go first with a priority to target command and control and early warning systems then the opposing ground-based missiles. The ICBMS would go after hardened structures and air defense installations to clear a way for the bombers which would come in and mop up several hours later.
I disagree: In a ramped-up nuke war, we'd probably send out our bombers in first as a pseudo-warning. Then, if all else fails, we would decimate the enemy with ICBMs. That would pretty much be "the end". SLBMs only mop up for good measure, and they know that. Check out the current SIOP plan. But if I were president, I'd agree with you.
If we are going to simulate something like this. There needs to be more factors at play. Otherwise this isnt a simulation. But a sceneroo where the US has undetectable nukes or Russia is afraid to launch nukes because almighty US is too great to touch.
Children of Russian officials live in the USA
I wanna grow up to be an astronaut!!!
It's not REALTIME - it's 3 times faster than real time.
The subs were on the Atlantic coast, and were in the middle of the Atlantic in 5 minutes! Subs go 30 knots max. It would take 2 days to get out that far.
Everyone gansta until the war is measured every second instead of every day or week
Actually there is a rocket that goes off on one side of Russia and travels the entire length of the Russian triggering to launch all of the missiles at one time. Human intervention is not even needed. Russia has a doomsday switch.
From the cold war. Given the state of Russian military equipment in modern times, it is unlikely to still function as intended.
@@Techno_Idioto people like you.. i mean woke people will lead to destruction of humanity.
If you're gonna play russian roulette, do it by yourself.
@@mockingbbirdkilla1771 Jokes on you, I'd do it even if you hadn't told me to.
I am concerned that an unknown space rock will explode over Russia triggering their Doomsday Device that launches all their nukes autonomously with no human in the loop. Skynet.
Minute men three missiles are MIRV missiles meaning they'd have multiple warheads
Flat earth believers are getting a hard on believing this 😅😅😅😅
The moment when map projection...
What's your point. do you mind to elaborate lol
Impressive …
Now let’s see Paul Allen’s launch
imagine if some of those nuclear missiles hit passenger or military planes while flying towards their target
That would hugely reduce human casualties.
American Space Force will be charged with Unprofessionalism by its Air Force or the Aviation Industry.
Average human disagreement 🗿
It's not based it's cringe
Was this posted because NORAD just intercepted two Russian and two Chinese strategic bombers?
He posts these all the time..
@@harrydent98Not all the time
Ah yes russia sat back and watched a haul of missles come to them like 😀
They would never showcase Russia's counter attack because the content owner who posted this is an American the pentagon would be ashamed😃👀
explain to me radiowave than you can talk
@mandexagent236 ceo of frown town over here
@@bloodsmoke7684 are retar*** ?
@mandexagent236 did someone piss in ur oats?
typo at 5:15?
Yes it’s supposed to be tirm
The aliens in space: “What the fuck did those guys do?”
why didn't you show the b2's and b52's dropping nukes also how about a soviet counterstrike?
😅Очнись,Советского Союза больше нет,есть Российская Федерация,которая скоро станет Российской Империей а вы колонией,а по вашим же правилам никто вас слушать не станет. У нас в России есть поговорка: проблеммы индейцев( тоесть вас) шерифа не ебут(тоесть нас)😅
Because it is impossible to drop a nuke by a bomber nowadays. Btw, there are no soviets anymore
Nobody could fire off that many missles in one shot .
I mean… they could
So when ya'll said "In Realtime", it made me think you were filming this live...
Dude same I almost had a heart attack 💀
Bro I was losing my mind
thats scary to think...
I watched the first ones on Russia when the series came out, I want to see the continuation which I is Russia's nuclear war plan
i assume its way more classified
I'm pretty sure seconds don't go by that fast. This isn't real time!
Nuclear Winter!!!
Documents from the Carter Presidential Library indicate Potus would have at most 7-10 minutes to run from the White House residence to a chopper before detonations. Potus would have to make a retaliatory decision as soon as in the chopper. 5 mins. is more realistic than 7. A presidential live EAS broadcast is unlikely IMHO, but he/she can broadcast via AF1 once safely airborne, except most broadcast circuits would be gone by then.
pls do one with china
“We’re not going to make it, people I mean.” John Connor “It’s in your natural to destroy yourselves.” The Terminator
These vids are great. I'd like to see one where the RF and/or CCP launched first and we (US, GB, France, et al) had to launch under fire. India, Pakistan, & Israel probably wouldn't be sitting on their hand either.
Once the first one goes up everyone with nukes is gonna launch because no one wants to be caught with their nukes still on the ground and risk losing them.
India and Pakistan keep theirs aimed at each other. They don't want any part of jumping into a conflict with countries that can end civilizations. They'd just figure out how to survive the nuclear winter.
If nukes are indeed real, even though they theoretically could not exist, it sure is "good" that the most chewish country in the world has this kind of arsenal.
I've heard this theory. So what has that money been spent on, advanced 'UFO' space technology?
@@TheA8lee I wouldn't know what the money would be spent on or what money that would be but I do know some physics you could say and the idea that capitalizing on the interactions of protons and neutrons to create an explosive chain reaction of that magnitude is as belieavble as UFO:s.
0.000000% that is.
Am I missing something here? Russia doesn't fire a single missile from either subs or silos? Not one?
Don’t say this is ‘real time’ when it’s NOT real time.
Que obsesión que tienen con Rusia. Ya es demencial.
What an obsession Russia has with Ukraine. It’s actually insane
You should combine Russia's nuclear war olan to get most accurate scenario
Хера се Размечтались😂😂😂.У нас ракет в Разы больше .Как только первая ваша пойдёт,ваши прибрежные города будут смыты.Помните господа на вашу ракету у нас есть пять😊😊😊.Наши ракеты нацелены на еллоустон и на разлом в Калифорнии.Плюс по десятку штук на все крупные города.😊Я простым людям Америки зла не желаю.Но по моему мнению лучше до такого не доводить😢😢😢.Всем Мира и Добра.Любите ваших детей,как мы любим своих.
Bros thinking he’s invincible in Moscow 🤣🫵
in visurile tale umede numai, rachetele voaste sunt cacat invalit ca si voi toti risuri
чувак думают что если писать точки то станет крутым
I have no word to express how much i despise the people designing, building and operating those weapons. Human madness at its absolute finest.
but there is a problem, the same thing works the other way! the author apparently forgot to show it)))
There's no vodka ivan
“Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious”
― Oscar Wilde
Cómo si Rusia no fuera a responder 😂
How to defeat your enemy: ❌
How to destroy earth’s atmosphere and kill off all life on earth: ✅
Думаете Россия 20 минут будет думать
запускать ракеты или нет ?) 😂 фантазеры )
Амеры хотят получить пиз*+ы.
How does it feel to live in a city that will be wiped off the world maps in minutes comrade? 🤣🫵
Они ночью запускать будут, пока мы спим 😊
@ivanexell-uz4mv bro thinks his NYC is not gonna be nuked
Ну да. Только вы забыли о Российских подводных лодках Посейдон находящихся вокруг США). Ракеты ещё не успеют отлететь, а США уже получит контр удар. В этой войне победителей не будет.
американцам не составит никакого труда уничтожить эти подлодки до того, как они успеют что-то запустить. а вот русские с американскими подлодками ничего сделать не смогут. слишком большой разрыв в технологиях и возможностях
Those subs are HUGE!
Sorry, but the Americans will not see the consequences of their attack, because Russian hypersound is faster, and while American missiles fly to the target, the entire American coast will heat up to 3000° Celsius as a result of the arrival of Russian missiles. Plus, large cities will disappear in 5 minutes, it will be an attack from submarines, and they are very close to the states. Well, the most interesting thing is the Russian Poseidon torpedoes. They are also waiting in the wings under water, also off the coast of America. The entire coastline for 30-60 km will go under water...
Watch your cartoons further.
Lol. You don't even know what word hypersonic mean. Aren't you kid? Also Kindzhal is intercepted by Patriot.
@@TheRezroAnd by a god dame gepard flak lmfao
This is some dangerous propaganda to think russia or china would not launch their nukes 😂
I would say it is preposterous that we wouldn't launch our 15 MTon ICMBS located in Arkansas and other neighboring states.
Are you sure they’re still there? I ask sincerely.
@@Sixfigas not since 1987.
@@Sixfigas You are right, I knew there were empty silos for sale, didn't realize they all were. Not sure I like them all so concentrated in one area, but oh well.
@@joshhopper9307 I knew the answer, just wanted to be entertained. I served in the Air Force as a Nuclear Emergency Actions Controller so it was my job to execute the Nuclear orders of the President. I served at the STRATCOM Command Center and a few bases in Europe. It was my job for about 10 years of my career.
@@DouglasHale-od8ys they aren’t necessarily concentrated, but not as spread out either. Population is largely to blame for that.
Все гораздо страшнее!
Как только кто либо решится применить ябп, ответ полетит в течении не более 6 минут,вторая волна через 10минут .Через 40минут автоматизированная система Мервой Руки уничтожит все что осталось.
Ню конечно) Утешай себя секундомер путинский. Может раша и ответит, но все рос. субмарины потонут от глубинных бомб с американских самолëтов и авианосцев, а все МБР сами взорвуться в шахтах, как сармат. Самолёты просто будут сбиты, как только взлетят. То что взлетит полетит в другое место и не долетит. Москва будет за пять минут ударом из прибалтики уничтожена. Периметр, если сработает, то стрелять будет не чем и наводить не чем. ЭМ импульс от взрыва оборвëт всю военную связь и похерит всë пво и радары. Землетрясения от взрывов уничтожат все бункеры и обвалят тот, где есть сам периметр, и тот где сидит диктатор. США потеряет от силы 70 млн населения, что меньше трети. Россия минимум 140 млн., а те кто останется в отдалëнныз НП могут быть уничтожены прилитевшими в самом конце стратегическими бомбардироващиками с яо и прочеми самолëтами с тяо. Так что лучше сто раз подумайте прежде чем войну начинать с западом или применять яо по другим странам.
Вы можете рисовать себе любые мультфильмы! Как только откроются люки шахт ваших ракет, через несколько минут от вашей Америки останется только радиоактивным пепел! Хотите попробывать?!
"Move to Montana they said...live off the grid and be safe they said" LOL!
russian bots crying real hard rn 😂😂😂
Bro fr. It’s so refreshing to not see someone brainwashed
that's true even if im russian
Seconds after one nation launches the other is just seconds after.
Russia just needs to activate the Satan type 2 in the coastal area, which creates a 200 m high Tsunami!😊
Which doesn't exist
Don't worry guys when that many bombs explode at the same time the server crashes and we get restarted to 1920.
Its not in service
Moscow bout to get flattened
5 minutes is the point when the first hypersonic Russian rocket hit Washington. and it will be most likely a gigaton warhead.
9:58 god bless america 🦅🦅🦅
At 6 30 mark, mute the sound and start playing 28 days later theme in the background while watching this simulation.
Через 6 минут пойдёт ответный пуск со стороны России
скорее пойдет тотальный ядерный самоподрыв рф, который устроит русским армагеддон еще до прилета американских ракет)) сегодня уже четвертый сармат в шахте взорвался. могучее российское яо это такой же миф, как "фтарая армия мира". так что ты не слишком надейся на взаимное уничтожение со штатами. в такой войне будет полностью уничтожена рф, а штаты нет. живи с этим 😆
There are automated countermeasures that trigger if inbound nuclear missiles are detected that launch retaliating nuclear missiles.
Remember what happend in 1983 with Stanislav Petrov? You can imagine now in 2024 with the current technology what would happen.
America only strong in simulation😅😂
Go and try American you will see the raw power
Russia only strong in simulation 😂🤣
@ivanexell-uz4mv America strong in movies..
they lost the battle against Vietnam
@@okpambedavid280 i will
@@bachrul_daily Russia lost battle against Afghanistan 😂
Everybody loses. Mutual Assured Destruction was not long ago, a deterent.
"How about a nice game of chess?" Joshua
And they would launch a full retaliatory strike in the first minute of a launch detection and I'm sure China would also.
I know they are not, but can you imagine if those submarines were actually to scale on the map. That would be hilarious
Don't worry, we have months until that happens. We are fine
Minuteman 3. Emphasis on 3. The number of warheads per missile. 3. It’s even in the name…
I read somewhere that if you wanted to stop a nuclear missile, you had to be close at its launching pad and tey to intercept it the nuke within 30 seconds before the IBM get to maximal speed, because then it would be to late to do anything.
Somehow I find it ironic that modern muscle has posted this as Ukraine /Nato has begun to enter into Russia
“Its just a prank bro”
*The prank:*
you're insane if you think this would all start from the mainland
One thing Id like to add is I dont know why we should or would go ground burst as the technology now exists and we can use GEP warheads with a much lower yield 50KT roughly with almost no fallout except the immediate area around the target. A GEP strike of 50KT given accuracy of 90M CEP is equvilent to a 700KT ground burst which is larger then anything we have outside of gravity bomb dial a yields which still have 1MT Ability.
Bro: I am not competitive
Bro after losing on game:
Is drink expensive in your country?
Guardian angel is always there for you❤