Hi everyone, we posted a new video on our Korean RUclips channel. Be sure to check it out with the English subtitles? ruclips.net/video/U6GGe9AT7R8/видео.html We worked hard on it for the New year!
Summary: 1. You stay flexible and open-minded 0:49 2. You practice patience and kindness 1:12 3. You're generally optimistic 1:30 4. You live in the present 1:56 5. You value and build good relationships 2:18 6. You know and consider your limits 2:43 7. You know how to handle rejection 3:05 8. You like spending time alone 3:40
And life does get easier when you are strong and resilient... part of being resilient is learning how to move through the problems in ways that you are not affected as much as you used to.❤️❤️❤️
Resilience is made up of five pillars: self awareness, mindfulness, self care, positive relationships & purpose. By strengthening these pillars, we in turn, become more resilient.👍
@@Psych2go yeah. This has been a hard year for me. My mental health has been affected a lot from staying home and my parents stupid divorce during all of that. I think I am doing better though now that it's 2021 and I can let go of it all and try to make this year good and healthy❤
ha shit, I just broke an important tool at my work. "Boss ! I have a problem, the tool broke" *Boss come to see the damage* ouf yeah, hold on a second I'm gonna replace it. *Boss replace the tool* here you go. *continue working like nothing happened, but slightly more carefully.* literally what happened at my first internship (I was 16), to this day, I still work has a full time permanent contract for him. The level of not giving a f*ck I had this day was unbelievably high, and I haven't change that much since then, except now I don't have to call my boss if something broke, I just replace the tool myself and report it later.
Thy savior summarizer is here: Definition of resilience:- being able to recover from difficult situations 8 things resilient people do - you stay flexible and open minded - you practice patience and kindness - you are generally optimistic - you live in the present - you value and build good relationships - you know and consider your limits - you know how to handle rejection - you like spending time alone Byeeee 🏃
My therapist told me that I show a lot of perseverance and resilience. I saw all of these signs in myself except for the 4th and 7th. Thanks for making this video.
Last year i developed this. I called it the “fuck it” method. I needed to do that since I had to adopt to the situation of fighting anxiety and the anxiety trying to counter attack. I’m known to be adaptive and adopted a resilient live style to adapt to the situation, which really helped in the fight. Looking back at before I did it, I feel ashamed for me acting like that, so panicking etc. But I understand it. When you get as far as almost committing suicide “to give my head finally some rest and peace”. Then I saw how bad i was, that really saw what anxiety pushed me to. Then I started world war 1. For 3 months lots of my dreams mainly took in my head, the world I also visit when meditating since it is a planet divided by my personality. But it was not me visiting rainbowfalls or sunny Fields, no it was a literal war. Parts of my personality armed their lands, and started attacks on the enemy. Then overthinking switched sides and joined the good side. Anxiety to forced back to their respective land, the scar, a really deep and dark canyon somewhere in the thought valley (overthinking his lands). There is a massive containment facility built around it, and occasionally they drop smile nukes and firework down there. It is home to at least 5 fears
Resilient people can see the big picture. ... Resilient people remain open. ... Resilient people know their blind spots. ... Resilient people seek help. ... Resilient people enjoy spending time alone. ... Resilient people value and build relationships. ... Resilient people develop multiple plans. ... Resilient people practice self-care.
When something difficult happens it can be good to see how you’ve become more confident in dealing with the issue compared to how you’ve done in the past. It reinforces how you have grown and learned and leads to more confidence in facing hardship and uncertainty. The story you tell yourself about what has happened is everything. If it is a story about how well you are coping, that leads to more confidence and moving forward. If it is a story of hopelessness and loss that leads down a different path to making moving forward harder and scarier....
Tenacious altruistic perseverance honest introspective kind and empathetic are some words worth thinking about when I reflex on the topic of resilience. Have an amazing day and thanks for sharing your thoughts. Cheers
English isn't my mother tongue. And I was also very weak in this subject at school. But I really love this language. I feel very passionate while learning it. Today was my college board English test, even after preparing my best, I couldn't make it satisfying. I felt so devastated. Earlier for a moment, I felt like, all of my efforts that I made for it went to vain. I know, life will keep going on. So I'll also try to continue my efforts to make my English better.
Well,you dint give up on the dream to pursue learning the language,so its all good 🙂.You were able to convey what you feel and I think thats the central idea of any language,isnt it? However ,ofcourse as a college subject you will have to get the syntax, the grammar right,I agree. Keep at it.Good luck 👍🏽 . Since you mentioned you are still learning the language, I am pointing this out : The word you were looking for is ' vain' 🙂 .Also the word 'better' is already comparative.No need to use 'more' with it.
Consider everything in this world doesn't matter. It won't cause you your life once you fail. Keep thinking about what's going on now, rather than yesterday or tomorrow. You don't need to think about who you are in the past or who you will be in the future, because it demotivates you to solve your problems or doing your tasks. When you just messed up in the past, it doesn't define you. You are what you are now. Don't consider failure is the end of the world, it is the part of growth. The more you fail, the more you learn and grow. Many people who are successful were the "fools" that people knew of, the real fool is the one who is doing what the fear told them to do, worry, run away, give up, don't believe themselves. If you don't do something that should have been done, you got nothing. But, don't think that fear is unacceptable, it is okay to be afraid. Just do what you desire, nothing will stop you, not even the possibilities of failure.
this video is almost the opposite of me i am full of anxiety, stress and have low self-esteem and insult myself when i mess up, like being alone to avoid annoying anyone and i do not really have friends irl and pretty sure i might be a little depressed and do not have motivation most of the time however when playing games i kind of have motivation most of the time but ..... not always
Hi the video I linked is my teams performance at BUTBT if you don’t mind tell us your thoughts negative or positive. ruclips.net/video/D60rGrZWUYA/видео.html
Experience (aka the greatest teacher) is directly related to the amount of stuff broken, burnt, scrapped, wasted, lost, or otherwise rendered irretrievable or irredeemable. ;o)
I really enjoyed this video and took some personal notes for myself! I just found out about mental and emotional resilience, but many resources I looked up made it really seem unobtainable. This video really managed to break down resilience in a simpler and easy to understand way, to the point where it actually does feel possible.
I find that,one of the most impotant things you can do,is not lose hope,if you lose hope,in whatever, your facing,you will be defeated,dont give up,things will change,be patient. Things will turn about,that helps me.
Flexible and open minded sounds about right. I can be patient too. I know my limits and try not to overdo it. Rejection doesn't really get to me. Time alone? I'm already introverted as is and processing and reflecting is all part of it for me.
Though it’s hard to forget a traumatic past, I try to live in the present and future. It’s like the saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Also, I try to learn from my mistakes.
Most people want to feel strong, be respected and feel safe. Some people think that in order to be resilient and confident one needs to be strong externally. Try to impress others, be arrogant, tough etc. This is why some people go to the gym, get big muscles etc. So that no one will dare to attack them or mess with them. But when someone wants to have real resilience, they also must have internal strength. Internal strength will give a person the ability to make it through the challenges of this human journey without being knocked out, without feeling hopeless. A person with internal strength will not lose purpose or direction in this human journey.
Being Resilient not only helps you build your ENTHUSIASM and your CONFIDENCE but it will also help strengthen relationship but also affluent your life as well
“When you get rejected at a job do you think you’re not good enough or do you consider other factors” Also this channel” like other more qualified applicants”.
8 Traits That All Emotionally Resilient People Share Emotional awareness. If you're aware of how you're feeling and why, then you are emotionally aware. ... Perseverance. Perseverance is never giving up in pursuit of your goals. ... Independence. ... Optimism. ... Support. ... Sense of humour. ... Perspective. ... Initiative.
8 things resilient people do What is resilience? You're able to withstand or recover from difficult situation 1. You stay flexible and open-minded 2. You practice patience and kindness 3. You're generally optimistic 4. You live in the present 5. You value and build good relationships 6. You know and consider your limits 7. You know how to handle rejection 8. You like spending time to alone
2020 wasn't good. A lot of bad things happened. Even without corona it was the nastiest year in my life. Now I feel like I can stand up against everything
What is interesting, if whether we born with high level of resilience or not, or we all differ. Many say ability to be resilient lowers with age, according to some supposed professionals in the field of psychology. Later in life, I could relay your resilience level to something you have built up. Using experience and knowledge, mixed with general positive outlook on things despite how they have turned out. But if life throws serious curve balls at you from younger years, and some fail to recover while others recover and become stronger building up knowledge then experience, to rely on later. Are we genetically coded to fail or succeed, if life puts different people through per say same challenges. In my life, I had to bounce over some serious challenges, and I did it without thought about resilience, strength, will or other things. Thoughts on those came much later to me in my life, it's when I looked back at my life and realize I had ferocious level of resilience without even initially ever thinking on the subject. If you read this, REMEMBER God put you on this earth for a reason, do all you can to stick around, you won a one in the billions lottery ticket to enjoy and suffer beauties and pains life has been giving us. And it's alright to come out little fucking crazy out of the other end. Stay cool.
The real fact of resilience in children is that it is the ability to bounce back from adversity, adapt to change, and effectively cope with challenges by developing emotional, cognitive, and behavioral skills, often fostered through supportive relationships and a nurturing environment. Resilience enables children to maintain positive well-being and thrive despite difficult circumstances.
(not stealing comment, just reposting so people don't waste time scrolling/searching) Definition of resilience:- being able to recover from difficult situations 8 things resilient people do - you stay flexible and open minded - you practice patience and kindness - you are generally optimistic - you live in the present - you value and build good relationships - you know and consider your limits - you know how to handle rejection - you like spending time alone
So u told a few people that this year iim going to take care of my mental health more and this and that and by taking care of my mental health I watch this channel it calms me down and helps make me aware of life. And I'm glad I started watching them daily a while ago so I don't just do it all at once so now it's a digestible amount daily
I actually read an book named "un merveilleux malheur/ a wonderful misfortune" who talk about resilient peoples and"survivors" a cathegory of people more impressive and important who are amazing
The most important point in resilience is : break the problem down, focus on the positives, build your support network, look after yourself, know your limits.
Aces and resilience considering how many aces I have which is basically all 10 I'm very resilient but then again I don't really think I'm resilient at all my severe depression and suicidal and self harm thoughts come and go all the time it's a never ending cycle and a never ending battle with issues health problems and life😔
Great job, Lily!!! Love your voice and the content!!! A few videos ago, I thought you were new to the channel!! But you’ve been around longer than Amanda!! Haven’t yet, but will look for your earlier works! I think I have a few of these qualities and need to work on some of them!! I LOVE living in the present!! I joke that God gave me forgetfulness so that I don’t dwell on the past!! I do have a hard time with rejection. So hard not to want everybody to like me. Hmmm there was one or three more that I really liked!!! Now I need to go back and rewatch! :)
8 ствари које карактеристишу отпорне људе: Шта значи бити отпоран? Отпорност се односи на способност и начин на који се човек односи према лошим и непријатним ситуацијама/приликама/људима у свом животу. 1. Бити отворен 2. Бити стрпљив, пријатан и саосећати се са другима 3. Бити присутан 4. Бити захвалан и градити квалитетне односе 5. Познавати сопствене границе 6. Бити оптимистичан 7. Знати како се опходити ако нас неко одбије 8. Проводити време сам Човек треба остати отворен према новим идејама и мишљењу других људи. Треба бити стрпљив и пријатан према другима како не би доспео у непријатну ситуацију. Треба бити присутан како би био свестан себе, свог понашања, као и особе са којом комуницира. Човек може да буде захвалан и срећан због онога што има, или да буде незахвалан и да очајава због онога што нема. Избор је наш. Треба ценити и градити квалитетне односе са квалитетним људима. Треба познавати себе како би човек био свестан сопствених граница, и самим тим би у некој ближој будућности, омогућио себи да их превазиђе. Треба сагледати и добро и лоше у свакој ситуацији, свесни оног што је лоше, ми га избегавамо, и пажњу усмеравамо на оно што је добро. Када нас неко одбије у било чему, треба схватити да је то саставни део живота, и да нам то пружа прилику да будемо бољи и да радимо на себи. Човек треба проводити неко време сам са собом како би спознао себе, и како би себе боље разумео. Не само себе већ и све остало.
Honestly i feel like people who are trying to be resilient struggle with taking their own advice and trying to overly support and put other people first.
It’s hard to be resilient when you have a black and white mentality. I struggle with being in the grey area and not trying to control everything. I’m coooonstantly spiraling
It's never easy...I relate to this quite a bit. Not everything is always black and white and trying to control everything is more so mentally exhausting. What helped me let go of things was not only journaling, therapy, and confiding to those trustworthy, but also take into consideration of what's the bigger picture and the things I can control in the here and now!
Hi everyone, we posted a new video on our Korean RUclips channel.
Be sure to check it out with the English subtitles?
ruclips.net/video/U6GGe9AT7R8/видео.html We worked hard on it for the New year!
Hiiii please notice meee
Wishing everyone a NICE 2021😁
Happy new year everyone!
@@rawlelincoln3329 Hey! How's your new year going?
@SuperSassyCat THank you! Happy New Year everyone!
1. You stay flexible and open-minded 0:49
2. You practice patience and kindness 1:12
3. You're generally optimistic 1:30
4. You live in the present 1:56
5. You value and build good relationships 2:18
6. You know and consider your limits 2:43
7. You know how to handle rejection 3:05
8. You like spending time alone 3:40
Yes, thank you!
Thank you very much!
Wow! Five time travelers in 1 place!
Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.
And life does get easier when you are strong and resilient... part of being resilient is learning how to move through the problems in ways that you are not affected as much as you used to.❤️❤️❤️
said daddy noel deyzel
@@tyrannosaurustits7083 said Dr. Steve Maraboli
@@MakingLifeWork facts
@@Isthatalliyah ❤❤❤
To everyone reading this, I pray that 2021 is a year where you are *resilient* and you smile at the storm. 🙏🏻🧡
This is the plan!
aw thank you, i wish the same for you as well
I could really use serotonin this year
Not again
Agreed!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Resilience is made up of five pillars: self awareness, mindfulness, self care, positive relationships & purpose. By strengthening these pillars, we in turn, become more resilient.👍
Wow, amazing! I'll save your comment if you don't mind, it's just too good💫
@@nessie968 of course
Have you made a video on this? I searched your channel for "resilience" and couldn't find anything.
@@EmInMI80 No, i have not
We made it thru 2020 all, let’s keep the resilience up this year 😊
Good advice
Yes, we did! Let's stick together for 2021!
@@Psych2go yeah. This has been a hard year for me. My mental health has been affected a lot from staying home and my parents stupid divorce during all of that. I think I am doing better though now that it's 2021 and I can let go of it all and try to make this year good and healthy❤
I'm off to a great start! Here's to 2021! Let's do this!
@@Psych2go why did the voice change ?
“The art of not giving a f*ck”
A subtle one
I read a bit of that book
I liked the book
10 out of 10 comment, my thoughts exactly upon watching this video 😂
ha shit, I just broke an important tool at my work.
"Boss ! I have a problem, the tool broke"
*Boss come to see the damage*
ouf yeah, hold on a second I'm gonna replace it.
*Boss replace the tool*
here you go.
*continue working like nothing happened, but slightly more carefully.*
literally what happened at my first internship (I was 16), to this day, I still work has a full time permanent contract for him.
The level of not giving a f*ck I had this day was unbelievably high, and I haven't change that much since then, except now I don't have to call my boss if something broke, I just replace the tool myself and report it later.
Thy savior summarizer is here:
Definition of resilience:- being able to recover from difficult situations
8 things resilient people do
- you stay flexible and open minded
- you practice patience and kindness
- you are generally optimistic
- you live in the present
- you value and build good relationships
- you know and consider your limits
- you know how to handle rejection
- you like spending time alone
Byeeee 🏃
Thank you : ) .
flegmatic people be like
You paid close attention. Good job
My therapist told me that I show a lot of perseverance and resilience. I saw all of these signs in myself except for the 4th and 7th. Thanks for making this video.
Wait, it says this comment was made 2 months ago but I only got the notification for this video a few minutes ago?
Time Traveler Spotted
@@randomstuff_723 because some people get access to the videos before ( when private ) cuz they have membership.
Congrats to you for achieving such mind. Go on!
Same with me! Only, I have a hard time with 8 & 5.
Last year i developed this. I called it the “fuck it” method.
I needed to do that since I had to adopt to the situation of fighting anxiety and the anxiety trying to counter attack. I’m known to be adaptive and adopted a resilient live style to adapt to the situation, which really helped in the fight.
Looking back at before I did it, I feel ashamed for me acting like that, so panicking etc. But I understand it. When you get as far as almost committing suicide “to give my head finally some rest and peace”. Then I saw how bad i was, that really saw what anxiety pushed me to. Then I started world war 1. For 3 months lots of my dreams mainly took in my head, the world I also visit when meditating since it is a planet divided by my personality. But it was not me visiting rainbowfalls or sunny Fields, no it was a literal war. Parts of my personality armed their lands, and started attacks on the enemy. Then overthinking switched sides and joined the good side. Anxiety to forced back to their respective land, the scar, a really deep and dark canyon somewhere in the thought valley (overthinking his lands). There is a massive containment facility built around it, and occasionally they drop smile nukes and firework down there. It is home to at least 5 fears
I'm so proud of myself... Alhamdulillah
I actually have been thinking I was weird and emotionally numb. So grateful I came across this
Resilient people can see the big picture. ...
Resilient people remain open. ...
Resilient people know their blind spots. ...
Resilient people seek help. ...
Resilient people enjoy spending time alone. ...
Resilient people value and build relationships. ...
Resilient people develop multiple plans. ...
Resilient people practice self-care.
Great video. Love this Resilience quote,; "I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” - Maya Angelou
When something difficult happens it can be good to see how you’ve become more confident in dealing with the issue compared to how you’ve done in the past. It reinforces how you have grown and learned and leads to more confidence in facing hardship and uncertainty. The story you tell yourself about what has happened is everything. If it is a story about how well you are coping, that leads to more confidence and moving forward. If it is a story of hopelessness and loss that leads down a different path to making moving forward harder and scarier....
Happy New Year everyone! Remember YOU are so loved and important to this world ❤
I was like this before quarantine but now I am not very resilient and I wanna be like that more often again...
Tenacious altruistic perseverance honest introspective kind and empathetic are some words worth thinking about when I reflex on the topic of resilience. Have an amazing day and thanks for sharing your thoughts. Cheers
English isn't my mother tongue. And I was also very weak in this subject at school. But I really love this language. I feel very passionate while learning it. Today was my college board English test, even after preparing my best, I couldn't make it satisfying. I felt so devastated. Earlier for a moment, I felt like, all of my efforts that I made for it went to vain.
I know, life will keep going on. So I'll also try to continue my efforts to make my English better.
Well,you dint give up on the dream to pursue learning the language,so its all good 🙂.You were able to convey what you feel and I think thats the central idea of any language,isnt it? However ,ofcourse as a college subject you will have to get the syntax, the grammar right,I agree. Keep at it.Good luck 👍🏽 .
Since you mentioned you are still learning the language, I am pointing this out : The word you were looking for is ' vain' 🙂 .Also the word 'better' is already comparative.No need to use 'more' with it.
@@sadia2395 Thanks a lot for helping me grow 🌻
So many different art styles, I love it!
1 month ago?
@@rawlelincoln3329 patreons
@@rawlelincoln3329 they get early access
1 month ago???
People have to learn to cope with and work through very challenging life experiences. Resilience is SO important.
Consider everything in this world doesn't matter. It won't cause you your life once you fail. Keep thinking about what's going on now, rather than yesterday or tomorrow. You don't need to think about who you are in the past or who you will be in the future, because it demotivates you to solve your problems or doing your tasks. When you just messed up in the past, it doesn't define you. You are what you are now. Don't consider failure is the end of the world, it is the part of growth. The more you fail, the more you learn and grow. Many people who are successful were the "fools" that people knew of, the real fool is the one who is doing what the fear told them to do, worry, run away, give up, don't believe themselves. If you don't do something that should have been done, you got nothing. But, don't think that fear is unacceptable, it is okay to be afraid. Just do what you desire, nothing will stop you, not even the possibilities of failure.
this video is almost the opposite of me
i am full of anxiety, stress and have low self-esteem and insult myself when i mess up, like being alone to avoid annoying anyone and i do not really have friends irl and pretty sure i might be a little depressed and do not have motivation most of the time
however when playing games i kind of have motivation most of the time but ..... not always
You are in the majority. Very human.
Flexibility and open-mindedness is so important for resilience. The ability to see opportunity is a must
Ummm... Is it just me who is missing those cute tiny characters with most circular face ever??
Hi the video I linked is my teams performance at BUTBT if you don’t mind tell us your thoughts negative or positive.
Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions🔥
Experience (aka the greatest teacher) is directly related to the amount of stuff broken, burnt, scrapped, wasted, lost, or otherwise rendered irretrievable or irredeemable. ;o)
I really enjoyed this video and took some personal notes for myself! I just found out about mental and emotional resilience, but many resources I looked up made it really seem unobtainable. This video really managed to break down resilience in a simpler and easy to understand way, to the point where it actually does feel possible.
I find that,one of the most impotant things you can do,is not lose hope,if you lose hope,in whatever, your facing,you will be defeated,dont give up,things will change,be patient.
Things will turn about,that helps me.
Flexible and open minded sounds about right. I can be patient too. I know my limits and try not to overdo it. Rejection doesn't really get to me. Time alone? I'm already introverted as is and processing and reflecting is all part of it for me.
Resilience is one I practiced heavily on in 2020. Now that were in 2021, time to apply all I've learned
Though it’s hard to forget a traumatic past, I try to live in the present and future. It’s like the saying, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Also, I try to learn from my mistakes.
Most people want to feel strong, be respected and feel safe. Some people think that in order to be resilient and confident one needs to be strong externally. Try to impress others, be arrogant, tough etc. This is why some people go to the gym, get big muscles etc. So that no one will dare to attack them or mess with them. But when someone wants to have real resilience, they also must have internal strength.
Internal strength will give a person the ability to make it through the challenges of this human journey without being knocked out, without feeling hopeless. A person with internal strength will not lose purpose or direction in this human journey.
Resilience is very crucial for your mental health! Great video👏🏾
Happy New Year!!
We are going to make our 2021 year very positive and successful, currently and beyond.
Peace and Love!!
Thanks! Same to you❤
i loved this video ! i used it in a presentation for my leadership class and it was well liked :)
thank u for ur tips :D i always admire resilient ppl n am trying hard to gradually build towards becoming one!!
Happy new year to everyone! Happy new year Psych2go fam!!
Happy New Year Miss!💜
I expect this video will be published next to the one titled “4 Unexpected Signs You Are Still Grieving"
Time traveler
Hopefully, it's still helpful! We published it now :)
Being Resilient not only helps you build your ENTHUSIASM and your CONFIDENCE but it will also help strengthen relationship but also affluent your life as well
“When you get rejected at a job do you think you’re not good enough or do you consider other factors”
Also this channel” like other more qualified applicants”.
😂😂😂 I see how that sounds but they’re right though
I always need to remind myself that it's ok to take some time out to take care of myself. Xxx
2:27 that should be changed to friends and\OR family given that many times families are impossible to get along with, bc they are toxic
8 Traits That All Emotionally Resilient People Share
Emotional awareness. If you're aware of how you're feeling and why, then you are emotionally aware. ...
Perseverance. Perseverance is never giving up in pursuit of your goals. ...
Independence. ...
Optimism. ...
Support. ...
Sense of humour. ...
Perspective. ...
8 things resilient people do
What is resilience?
You're able to withstand or recover from difficult situation
1. You stay flexible and open-minded
2. You practice patience and kindness
3. You're generally optimistic
4. You live in the present
5. You value and build good relationships
6. You know and consider your limits
7. You know how to handle rejection
8. You like spending time to alone
Happy to know that i am resilient
Dang... after all I have been thru'... thank you for acknowledging..ME! Yes!!✌️
How many points did you relate to?
Stay strong and open minded. Find your passion in 2021 and work on it. Happy New Year everyone. 😘
Hi everyone! I’m actually early for once! Have a nice 2021 ❤️
Yaay, I'm early ! What a good way to start the year :) 💕
2020 wasn't good. A lot of bad things happened. Even without corona it was the nastiest year in my life. Now I feel like I can stand up against everything
What is interesting, if whether we born with high level of resilience or not, or we all differ. Many say ability to be resilient lowers with age, according to some supposed professionals in the field of psychology. Later in life, I could relay your resilience level to something you have built up. Using experience and knowledge, mixed with general positive outlook on things despite how they have turned out. But if life throws serious curve balls at you from younger years, and some fail to recover while others recover and become stronger building up knowledge then experience, to rely on later. Are we genetically coded to fail or succeed, if life puts different people through per say same challenges. In my life, I had to bounce over some serious challenges, and I did it without thought about resilience, strength, will or other things. Thoughts on those came much later to me in my life, it's when I looked back at my life and realize I had ferocious level of resilience without even initially ever thinking on the subject. If you read this, REMEMBER God put you on this earth for a reason, do all you can to stick around, you won a one in the billions lottery ticket to enjoy and suffer beauties and pains life has been giving us. And it's alright to come out little fucking crazy out of the other end. Stay cool.
The real fact of resilience in children is that it is the ability to bounce back from adversity, adapt to change, and effectively cope with challenges by developing emotional, cognitive, and behavioral skills, often fostered through supportive relationships and a nurturing environment. Resilience enables children to maintain positive well-being and thrive despite difficult circumstances.
thanks for all of that! wondersful video
(not stealing comment, just reposting so people don't waste time scrolling/searching)
Definition of resilience:- being able to recover from difficult situations
8 things resilient people do
- you stay flexible and open minded
- you practice patience and kindness
- you are generally optimistic
- you live in the present
- you value and build good relationships
- you know and consider your limits
- you know how to handle rejection
- you like spending time alone
So u told a few people that this year iim going to take care of my mental health more and this and that and by taking care of my mental health I watch this channel it calms me down and helps make me aware of life. And I'm glad I started watching them daily a while ago so I don't just do it all at once so now it's a digestible amount daily
I actually read an book named "un merveilleux malheur/ a wonderful misfortune" who talk about resilient peoples and"survivors" a cathegory of people more impressive and important who are amazing
The most important point in resilience is : break the problem down, focus on the positives, build your support network, look after yourself, know your limits.
Their Animation has improved . Keep it up dear pysch2go
Thank you!
Very informative .video Thank you so much . Looking for more video .
This channel is very helpful
Tysm for the info!
Thank you! Glad this helped you
Pov this video was in your assembly
Resilience is all about positive thoughts😊
I love this feeling feeling of being alive
8 is the most relatable.
I definitely relate to #8.
The new style is cute!
Good source...thanks
I came here to learn how to be more resilient and learned I already was for most of the time
Super helpful video thank you
Those animations are really cute!
Dear anyone who is going to dislike this video,
Dear Trinity Richards, we've been way too out of touch
It’d total to be 666 likes. Wowee.
wow! love it!
i needed to see this 💕
Great and sweet video😊👏
Aces and resilience considering how many aces I have which is basically all 10 I'm very resilient but then again I don't really think I'm resilient at all my severe depression and suicidal and self harm thoughts come and go all the time it's a never ending cycle and a never ending battle with issues health problems and life😔
Practice kindness until it becomes you ❤
Great job, Lily!!! Love your voice and the content!!! A few videos ago, I thought you were new to the channel!! But you’ve been around longer than Amanda!! Haven’t yet, but will look for your earlier works! I think I have a few of these qualities and need to work on some of them!! I LOVE living in the present!! I joke that God gave me forgetfulness so that I don’t dwell on the past!! I do have a hard time with rejection. So hard not to want everybody to like me. Hmmm there was one or three more that I really liked!!! Now I need to go back and rewatch! :)
Thank you for your comment!! Yes, Lily is with us longer than Amanda. Glad you enjoyed the content too
Hi @@Psych2go!! Just speaking the truth!!! Have an amazing day and weekend!!!! Hugs!!! 🙂
Awesome video.
Great very useful video 😊😊😊
It's 7AM. I can't sleep. Good time to watch some psychology.
@Mr. Ping Thanks for a fact.
Okay but this narrorator's voice is adorable.
This just came on time!! Thank you 😊
You're so welcome! We hope this helps
Where is my comment?
U make me feel happy 😍
Me:"getting sad cuz..mom said I was lying and hit meh"
Also me after 5 minutes forgetting what happened and being happy
I just learned something new
Ok gotta get friends cause family is out of the questions
Please a video on overthinking...
8 ствари које карактеристишу отпорне људе:
Шта значи бити отпоран?
Отпорност се односи на способност и начин на који се човек односи према лошим и непријатним ситуацијама/приликама/људима у свом животу.
1. Бити отворен
2. Бити стрпљив, пријатан и саосећати се са другима
3. Бити присутан
4. Бити захвалан и градити квалитетне односе
5. Познавати сопствене границе
6. Бити оптимистичан
7. Знати како се опходити ако нас неко одбије
8. Проводити време сам
Човек треба остати отворен према новим идејама и мишљењу других људи. Треба бити стрпљив и пријатан према другима како не би доспео у непријатну ситуацију. Треба бити присутан како би био свестан себе, свог понашања, као и особе са којом комуницира. Човек може да буде захвалан и срећан због онога што има, или да буде незахвалан и да очајава због онога што нема. Избор је наш. Треба ценити и градити квалитетне односе са квалитетним људима. Треба познавати себе како би човек био свестан сопствених граница, и самим тим би у некој ближој будућности, омогућио себи да их превазиђе. Треба сагледати и добро и лоше у свакој ситуацији, свесни оног што је лоше, ми га избегавамо, и пажњу усмеравамо на оно што је добро. Када нас неко одбије у било чему, треба схватити да је то саставни део живота, и да нам то пружа прилику да будемо бољи и да радимо на себи. Човек треба проводити неко време сам са собом како би спознао себе, и како би себе боље разумео. Не само себе већ и све остало.
I will praise Jehovah, who has given me advice.Even during the night, my innermost thoughts correct me.
I want to know how to tell people not to cross limits or not to make me angry without sounding to harsh or strict especially in the workplace?
I haven’t watched from this channel for a bit
I think devising coping mechanisms is another one that is missing in this video. I think they help, especially in times of acute stress
just a time traveler passing through
ya hi.
Wait what how?? It was just uploaded
@@diamondcookieoftruth898 :)
Honestly i feel like people who are trying to be resilient struggle with taking their own advice and trying to overly support and put other people first.
It’s hard to be resilient when you have a black and white mentality. I struggle with being in the grey area and not trying to control everything. I’m coooonstantly spiraling
It's never easy...I relate to this quite a bit. Not everything is always black and white and trying to control everything is more so mentally exhausting. What helped me let go of things was not only journaling, therapy, and confiding to those trustworthy, but also take into consideration of what's the bigger picture and the things I can control in the here and now!
@@tommygunn6901 yess totaaally agree. I do find my mind slipping back into the black and white mentality more so when I’m stressed!
@@SamElle and how do you bounce back from that, if you do?
good advice!
I would like to exercise more resilient attributes.
Yup, That's me. I show all of those signs
thanks a lots ,,
0 dislikes
it should stay like that
Not for long
it has
its been a week!