The Hidden Struggles of INFPs: A Peak Behind the Curtain

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 55

  • @stephanielandis6178
    @stephanielandis6178 Год назад +27

    I'm an INFP female and was brought up with all the necessary social skills to navigate the big bad world and "get out there", as you say, but why would I want to? It goes totally against my nature and having spent decades figuring myself out, I'm happy as I am. At times you seem to say being an introvert is a negative and needs to be changed. It seems as if you're saying we should be like everyone else and trust me, that's the road to a shrink's couch. Rather, we should embrace our introversion and differences and enjoy trips to the outside world for the amusement park it is. If you could, would you address a video to the older INFPs who have grown up without the helpful labels we know have. Signed, Seventy two and still dreaming.

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  Год назад +15

      No, not saying that introversion is a good or bad thing. Just that a loop can be formed through Fi Si, and that integration of worldly experience is crucial for personal growth.
      Thankyou for your feedback though!

    • @cmc7507
      @cmc7507 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@Nathanelder.expressthisYes…I can get caught in a loop if I don’t move out in a new direction, new experience, movement exploration. So thankful for these videos to excite a sense of exploration and variety and interacting with the world and people. I do have to put myself out there and meet new people. I love new experiences but I can be so entertained just with my thoughts and dreams to the point that I don’t live my dreams. And I definitely want to experience some of my dreams 🎉

  • @outoforbit-
    @outoforbit- 10 месяцев назад +6

    I think when infps go out into the world, what is difficult for them is what level do they pitch themselves at when they are asking for something, as they dont impose themselves on people.
    Here's an example, you go on holiday, have an accident and then have to claim on your holiday insurance. It doesnt occur to the infp that they can keep questioning the claim to get a higher payout. In this situation, they are unsure what is reasonable to expect or ask for. I wonder would an infp have difficulty asking for a raise at work?
    I have just came across your channel and i have to say for a young man you are very insightful and a pretty good communicator, you pitch your content to people at all levels in the mbti simultaneously.
    Great Channel, i look forward to seeing more content.

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  10 месяцев назад +2

      Appreciate that, glad to have you onboard!
      Yeah, that example makes sense to me. Often I’ll prefer not to engage, even if, like you said, the potential payoff could be good. I’ve taught myself to be more direct with that sort of thing. But naturally there’s a comfort in just letting other people do stuff and watch haha.

  • @omarvanderloo7270
    @omarvanderloo7270 Год назад +8

    what you said about difficulties communicating emotions a lot of times even when I know the words to communicate my feelings the words are to complex or to deep for people to understand most of the time and this struggle keeps unfolding even with my parents.

  • @marleenstukkien5384
    @marleenstukkien5384 11 месяцев назад +5

    "We don't want to admit defeat to them" (meaning INFP weaknesses): you got yourself a like there! Bravo!

  • @cmc7507
    @cmc7507 7 месяцев назад +1

    As an INFP communicating my feeling’s is difficult because there are so many colors and hues like abstract art. You have a great way of expressing it in a beautiful way.

  • @vondelpete
    @vondelpete 11 месяцев назад +5

    Another great video and yeah, it's quite irritating how much fast-food MBTI content and generalisations about INFPs which are nearly basically the opposite to how most INFPs really are, or come across. (Same goes for nearly every type actually.) Love your videos, your way of speaking is really in-depth and calming at the same time, it will be great to watch this channel grow!

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  11 месяцев назад +1

      Happy to have you hear with me! I’d love to hear what you think about the INFJ video I’ll be releasing later today!

  • @nashira_incognito
    @nashira_incognito Год назад +7

    I'm so glad I found your channel. Nearly everything you say about INFPs is spot-on in my experience. Also, thank you for addressing the misuse of MBTI! I see this all the time and it feels so gross and inauthentic to me! I'm actually hesitant to tell others that I'm an INFP because of the stereotypes and misrepresentations, then there are so many "being" a certain way according to those exact stereotypes perpetuating the problem. As a 47-year-old INFP, I don't come across as the stereotypical INFP AT ALL. I'm not shy, I'm very outgoing and will talk to anyone, I'm not outwardly emotional, I'm not overly sentimental. I was many of these things in my younger years, but not anymore. This leads a lot of people to make assumptions about me since I don't fit the stereotype. It's quite frustrating, really. Anyway, thank you for the awesome content you create and share with us!

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  Год назад +1

      Appreciate that! And yeah, couldn’t resonate more. Soon as the idea of some test comes into conversation I facepalm internally LOL

  • @riversong_
    @riversong_ 11 месяцев назад +3

    Hi. INFP here. I love your description of the Hinterland. I feel like that has been my constant state of being my whole adult life. It's only in my 40s that I'm feeling able to transition to actually completing things. I started a Uni degree at 40 and finished this year at 47. It feels like a massive achievement. I started a small business but lost the passion once I launched, I enjoyed the planning and buying and setting up phase. I have had a lot of time to think this year, I haven't worked since Feb as I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I spend a lot of time sitting in my very underplanned back garden (we've been here ten years and only planted some fruit trees last year) just thinking and imagining my life once I'm recovered from treatment. I visualise my garden but when my Mum says well lets buy a feature tree so it gets growing, I get frustrated because I haven't planned the whole garden yet so how do I know where that first tree will go. As I understand myself more I can see that while I love to share my plans, I get frustrated when other people want to join in, like its kind of polluting my dreams. It's something to work on because I need all the help I can get lol. One great thing about the INFP mindset, for me at least, is that I am pretty optimistic. I always think that things can and will get better, because I imagine it so. EDIT: just watched more of the video, yes, I had a nervous breakdown in my early 20s, as I was confused about where my life was going. I'm glad it happened though, I learned a lot about myself. I also quit my job and travelled through Europe for a year. Didn't even realise it was an INFP thing to do. I can see know why I have made a lot of the decisions I have in my life.

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  11 месяцев назад +2

      I have to say I really enjoyed reading this. I like how you’ve managed to weave so much emotion and experience into a single passage.
      That optimism is at the heart of humanity! Happy to have you on the journey with me ~

  • @newkath7235
    @newkath7235 Год назад +2

    A very fitting quotation in the end!! One of my favorite... and.. as an INFP... the most challenging one 😅
    Thanks for the insight!!!

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  Год назад

      Thanks for tuning in. Always like seeing your comments! I know that you’ve been here since the start!

  • @omarvanderloo7270
    @omarvanderloo7270 Год назад +4

    really love your calm voice as a infp I love to look at your personality videos you really go in depth into this love it, thank you for raising awareness about our personality type and clarify things

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  Год назад +1

      Appreciate you saying that. I feel like I’m really finding the right community here, lots more to come!

  • @caetec_1754
    @caetec_1754 11 месяцев назад +3

    I am so thankful that I stumbled across your channel! I love the way you explain the infp experience it's been so refreshing to listen to someone who articulates the complexities so well. helps me feel less alone in this thank you :)

  • @lightloveandawake3114
    @lightloveandawake3114 7 месяцев назад

    INFP here, I’m just watching a bunch of videos about the INFP. I’m confused about all the MBTI lingo. It’s like speaking a foreign language. I’m trying to make sense of it all. Thanks for making your video. I like your calmness, I enjoyed watching, listening and learning.

  • @percubit10
    @percubit10 11 месяцев назад +3

    I am an infp and I am a dreamer and they make me feel like I am worthless. I like concrete things that make sense. And yes I am overly emotional and being a Sagittarius and I like to travel and explore, This is how I roll. and I have a hard time explaining myself

  • @natedelaunay
    @natedelaunay 11 месяцев назад +2

    I think an important point is Younger INFPs will try to understand and explain the feeling spectrum but it really is too hard and no one requires you to explain why you feel a certain way. Sometimes feelings can be counter intuitive and people will not understand. Let them.

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  11 месяцев назад +2

      Reminds me of one of the Laws of power: always say less than necessary

  • @Daeva83B
    @Daeva83B 11 месяцев назад +2

    emotions.. i get them.. i understand it.. I can so easily help and assist people who are emotionally worn down...
    But as soon i want to communicate my own emotions.. omg... it's so hard to be understood, i lack the words, i stutter, i feel ashamed...
    The contrast is just hilarious, because i do understand it all, i get it.. And i can fix myself (i know i can and i know what to do... it's so clear to me. Not that i always do, but i do know.) But expressing how i feel.. that's.. difficult for me. I need a 'good' person for that, who is patient enough to try and understand what i'm trying to say. And not everybody is like that.
    Edit: Typing my comment as you speak.
    yeah.. i was stuck in my loop.. big time... Became single, covid came.. and now it's 4 years later. I think i have been stuck in my loop for that last 4 years if it's not more, probably longer. My fix, get up.. that's literally it. Just get up, get out of your comfort zone..
    For example, i just did a dance a lesson.. amongst girls (which is nice) and i am so out of my element, came from a fighting background always did fight sports, thai-boxing, judo, kungfu i've done a lot. So dancing doesn't feel natural for me, i can dance, i move on music but i look horrible doing it! ;) hahaha. But it was fun, met some nice people today.. and i even fancied a girl i met there.. who knows? I hope so..
    I do notice, that i immediately feel alive again, life is fun again, you know? And that's what i have to 'chase'. Because when i am feeling okay, i am somebody, i can help, i can assist, i am there for you. I'm a happy fun guy...
    But if i'm down.. i'm not even there for myself. Let alone for others. I guess i always have to recharge in a way... To feel good, to be good. Doing the right thing. And it's adventures, new things, that recharges me, i get energie from that and hope (oh man, hope is important...)

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  11 месяцев назад +1

      It’s interesting, I actually get an image in mind reading this: like a Timelapse of the sun slowly rising and giving a new day.
      I resonate with just ‘getting up’. I think that’s a huge secret to growth… just try some new stuff and keep going! Appreciate you tuning in!

    • @Daeva83B
      @Daeva83B 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@Nathanelder.expressthisInteresting i never saw it like that. Always thought it's something i need to maintain, like blood sugar
      Never thought about it as periodical. A day/night cycle.
      hmm.. Guess today i'm sleeping, Been way to social this last week, haha.
      Thx for you video, you were for me quite spot on.

  • @arlettasloan6453
    @arlettasloan6453 4 месяца назад

    Now that I have looked into it, I am pretty sure I am an INFP. When I joined an INFP FB group I really enjoyed my time there. But, everything I heard /read about INFP at that time sounded so absolutely not like me. I think, now, it is because people confuse deep inward pain, love, sorrow, etc. which sometimes comes out for public viewing- which is what I have- with the outward dramatic displays of "I'm being triggered" which I almost never get close to being a part of my reality. I mean, in my entire life, I had maybe 5 dramatic outbursts and you would not believe the amount of crap I took befor that ever happened. But, I digress ...
    I trend toward the logical, rational, facts don't care about your feelings side of life. Only, I do care about the feelings, too. I just know that falling into a fit of them is not the way to actualy accomplish anything. The INFP display, in the MBTI community, is always illogical, irrational, soft, non-threatening, cloying and /or manic-depressive. Generally, actually, very extraverted emotionally. Which is weird, since it starts with I.

  • @BeeKaye
    @BeeKaye 9 месяцев назад

    Excellent video. You’re a very good communicator. In my experience, it’s so important to wait for emotional clarity for INFP’s. We can be very good at communicating when we’re neutral and clear about what we’re thinking and feeling.

  • @deborahgregg7455
    @deborahgregg7455 Год назад +2

    Thank you for another excellent video. I've never really understood this properly before and it is beginning to make more sense. I particularly appreciated what you said about the Fi Si Loop, and also about how it is challenging to name our feelings and emotions - all very helpful!
    More please!

  • @dennisshaw5454
    @dennisshaw5454 Год назад +2

    I'm very introverted, however being around people or in large groups does not bother me at all. My introverted state comes from getting lost in thought and forgetting about the outside world.
    My biggest obstacle is my dislike for confrontation we INFP must overcome this so we can be the person God made us to be "hope for the future" our ability to see the other side of any issue is our super powers. The problem we INFP face is the lack of natural allies to hand off our insights to and then they take it to the next level unfortunately we now must also become the delivery driver on top of the cook and we suck at that. Ive been training myself to be a delivery driver and it's starting to get easier to have conversations with people I don't know.

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  Год назад +1

      Yeah, it’s sort of a superpower with a curse (at least in the apparent sense of navigating a very sensor world). Appreciate the feedback and your sharing!

  • @radishraven9
    @radishraven9 11 месяцев назад +1

    Great video! I love how you explained the spectrum of infp emotions! You have a very soothing voice and i felt very calm watching this video 😊

  • @midnightsky3782
    @midnightsky3782 7 месяцев назад

    Great video! Could you do an INFJ vs INFP video wherein you tackle the key differences between the types? I was able to relate to both types in this hidden struggles series. The personality tests almost always provide the INFJ result while some of my friends typed me as an INFP. Based on my own research, I could identify with both types as well. I’m aware that MBTI on its own is a theory and it requires a leap of faith to be certain about your type. But I would like to know your insights on the differences of these two types because you seem to have a very precise and nuanced understanding of MBTI. Thank you!

  • @kimayanatekar9336
    @kimayanatekar9336 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this. You have such a beautiful understanding of the types. It's fascinating. Keep up the good work!!

  • @eliaslyman9256
    @eliaslyman9256 11 месяцев назад +1

    Very well said thank you for such an understandable and encompassing approach!

  • @MirandaLemons
    @MirandaLemons Год назад +2

    This is the exact info I've been searching for about INFPs. 🤩
    Also, some sensitive topics on this channel. Is there a place to email for people who want to react or give feedback in private?

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  Год назад +1

      I’m really glad you’re resonating! It’s sometimes hard to find more intuitive and specific stuff.
      Yeah, for sure, you can email me at :)

  • @lukestratford
    @lukestratford 11 месяцев назад +2

    Are you INFP? I’m an INFP male and see a lot of myself in you it’s weird. We even look a bit alike and have the same mannerisms. Anyway, just wanted to say hey from the UK and thank you for the interesting video.

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  11 месяцев назад +1

      I’ve actually always found that some people seem to adopt a similar ‘expression’. It’s as though the body is Mimicking the mind haha!
      I’ve thought so most of the time, but the more I learn cognitive functions INFJ seems more likely

  • @user-bu1lo3ki3p
    @user-bu1lo3ki3p 11 месяцев назад +1

    excellent video

  • @jaredvaughan1665
    @jaredvaughan1665 11 месяцев назад +2

    Great explanation. Are you an mbti-INFP (EII)?

  • @FreedomBreeze24
    @FreedomBreeze24 10 месяцев назад +1

    you are so beautiful ⭐

  • @portialancaster3442
    @portialancaster3442 8 месяцев назад +1

    INFPs have trouble explaining themselves to non-INFPs, I agree with this statement. However, you don't link this to the INFPs disinclination to mingle in society. Why would they want to expose their sensitivities to people who don't and never will understand them? I think the only way INFPs can truly communicate their inner world to others would be with telepathy. Words are inadequate most of the time and few people are telepathic; it's easier and pleasanter for INFPs to stay in their minds. Stop trying to normalize them, it won't work. Signed, a 74-year-old INFP who is still misunderstood even by her children.

    • @calmingbabysleep1256
      @calmingbabysleep1256 2 месяца назад

      " words" by Joe niemand have a listen. Speaks of this exactly🇿🇦

  • @kwikset7905
    @kwikset7905 Год назад +1

    Im an infp or I think I am and If I had a choice i'd reject it. So much of the infp content is people struggling so hard to leverage its features (weaknesses really) so that they can make a living or operate in a world with other humans. Low dating success, lowest income bracket, to be successful or at least self sufficient means overriding it's features. It's joke i have for myself that being an INFP is akin to handicapping yourself by choosing the lowest tier character in a video game

    • @Nathanelder.expressthis
      @Nathanelder.expressthis  Год назад

      It’s funny, I used to play a lot of WoW. I mailed a mage for a while back in Mists of Pandaria. Seemed at the time the only spec viable for PvP was frost and fire. But something appealed to me about playing arcane… I suppose it was just the sense that, despite the seeming handicap, it was a play style that fitted me more.
      Hope this nerd speak made some sense… point is, I get ya haha 😂

  • @neilpiper9889
    @neilpiper9889 11 месяцев назад

    INFP A and INFP T are very different. I don't like them being lumped together.

  • @freelancingbykhaleda7725
    @freelancingbykhaleda7725 Год назад +1

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  • @cacorn982
    @cacorn982 11 месяцев назад

    You're a infj?