That gives me an idea! Just mount a light like that on a battery adapter like you made and you will have a stand alone flashlight that you just snap on a battery. Great!
Yes, the bulb is 110V AC. That inverter produces 110V AC so all you have to do is to modify the plug to make it flat so you can just plug it straight in the 110V output from the inverter.
Thanks another interesting Video from Mr. Vu.(?) I am curious, how long do you expect the light to last on a full charge. Guess I could do the math....12V or 24VDC 2.0Ahr? at 24V. Nice! Not only great for a handy round the house flashlight, but perhaps ample for emergency or even camping. Again, well done, and I enjoy (as always) THE SHOW! Did you specify the wattage of the bulb? Guessed I missed it. Worth watching one more time...
That gives me an idea! Just mount a light like that on a battery adapter like you made and you will have a stand alone flashlight that you just snap on a battery. Great!
Great combo worked out for you.
Fantastic work, as always!
You are a very smart, man I love your videos, keep up the great work
Thanks Peter :)
Cool idea dude
This 94V is not about voltage, I thought that too, but it must be something about the version of the board or build or some serial number
hi do you have a link to the ebay seller of the switches thanks
Cool video
nice work
can you make this with a battery pack Energizer EN180 12V 180W Cup Inverter
Yes, the bulb is 110V AC. That inverter produces 110V AC so all you have to do is to modify the plug to make it flat so you can just plug it straight in the 110V output from the inverter.
Nice one mate. How long do you think it would last on full charge?
94V is printed on all circuit boards. Doesn't mean voltage
Thanks another interesting Video from Mr. Vu.(?) I am curious, how long do you expect the light to last on a full charge. Guess I could do the math....12V or 24VDC 2.0Ahr? at 24V. Nice! Not only great for a handy round the house flashlight, but perhaps ample for emergency or even camping. Again, well done, and I enjoy (as always) THE SHOW! Did you specify the wattage of the bulb? Guessed I missed it. Worth watching one more time...
The LED is rated at 6W. The battery is (24V x 2Ah) = 48Wh. So if you do the math, it would last about 8 hours.
Now I want to do the same except I never use power tools, nor am I an out doors person lol
Nice! but I think it would look better if you painted the white parts black to match the casing :)
Look my buddy back on. Maybe I'm not to him of course.