YAAAAAS! This is another amazing setup for a low-level insanity caster build! This is the most fun type of meta Sentinel EVER! Really turns him into the Combo Master he was born to be. Loved this!
I’m a level 28 now and for a while I’ve been using incinerate with 2 balls of fire charge with recharge speed and flamethrower up to rank 5, explorer class, and I mainly use an assault rifle. I throw some shots down range then hit them with an incinerate then charge in to detonate the combo then when I’m in the middle of the shit I flame throw which is great at close range and also sets up another combo for charge but by the time your flamethrower is out the other two abilities have already cooled down and I do it again. It’s a great build and definitely the most fun I’ve found. I play on hardcore but it works for insanity too. Try it out you won’t regret it
I prefer a straight tech setup with Incinerate, Overload, & Energy Drain. While I like the Double Incinerate skill, I go with the Detonator skill with Energy Drain with Extended Drain & Overload with Damage, Anti-Shield, & EMP. While Overload doesn't say that it primes a target for a combo, it does prime a target. First shot is always a charged Overload, then an Energy Drain (which should effectively destroy almost any shield), then finish off with Incinerate. If Overload recharged quickly enough, rinse & repeat.
TheNightOwl11683 i also got one on my channel its a sentinel build using cryo because it have awsome range energy drain and incinerate search kehmis tv
The problem I run into using insanity from the start is that builds like this work up to about level 16 or 17, getting all the vaults fixed on the first three planets and running a few side missions like Resilience. But then you run out of things to do, and you wind up having to do some really tough missions on Voeld at levels less than 20 to move on. Rescue the Moshae is first. And that is done in tight quarters against a lot of enemies that have both shields and armor, so builds around combo damage are really tough. You need a lot of gun damage, grenades are good. And you need survivability. I'm still looking for a good kit. Problem is you will have at most 70 or 75 points, so you will have only a few skills/powers, and not many at six ranks. The next mission, Remove the Heart on Voeld, I would recommend delaying until you are leveled up some more. Do Not go to Hjara until you are ready for Remove the Heart. I spent two days trying to get through that one with a level 16 character, and I don't think it can be done on insanity. Maybe by a really good player. Insanity at levels below 20 is really tough after easy start missions are over. For me, anyway.
Nice build. I use the same one, except I use Charge instead of throw because I love Charge. My next playthrough I think I'll definitely use this one for the female Ryder because Charge got me killed a lot early in Insanity before I leveled up enough to max the skills. This looks much safer. Thanks for all your hard work researching these builds and making these vids!
It's not that I doubt your builds, I borrowed a lot of info from your videos, thanks for them, but.. Question is how all of it will work inside the base, when tons of kett are spawned all around? You have zero survival skills, zero guns skills.. from that position in video you can simply kill everything with guns and investing much smaller amount of perks.. but when you'll need to defend position when hacking door, it'll be a whole another story. It'll be fun if you show actual tough battles when testing your builds, and not positions where you can win simply by hit-and-run or sitting behind cover.
Not trying to defend KhrazeGaming or anything. But I used one of his builds and helped me through all insanity playthrough. However the one I used was one build he showed up once you hit high level. Haven't try the low level build, though.
Please do us all a favor and shut the fuck up AJ. You was wrong. You got called out for your bullshit and put in your place and put down. Now get on with your sorry ass life.
Thing is - his skills are seeking, meaning you can spam them from afar and from the cover staying hidden while your guided bombs obliterate the enemies. You don't need that much of defense if you're staying in cover all the time.
Energy Drain is a great survival skill. Used with good timing, it will keep you alive, and I don't see why you couldn't take on massive numbers with the Incinerate/Energy Drain/Throw build, which is a good balance of distance fighting with good crowd control. You'll never get swarmed because you can take out two dudes at once with Throw and swarming enemies are usually not shielded. The only thing that will trouble you is one of those big shielded dudes like a Destroyer, but you don't really see them at low level. For a more of a hybrid caster/combat build with greater survivability, try using Incinerate + Tactical Cloak + Energy Drain instead, with an Infiltrator profile, then level up Sniper Rifle and get yourself a nice and slow powerful sniper rifle. You can still do Tech Combos, but now you can do massive damage cloaked. Plus, you can use Tactical Cloak just to get out of OH $@%& situations, then use Energy Drain to replenish your shields after you reestablish cover, and Tactical Cloak is useful no matter what kind of enemy you're facing. My favorite build for Insanity is the high-risk high-reward Vanguard build with Pull/Charge/Energy Drain which really shortens battles, but that shouldn't really be your low level build because you need to establish distance fighting because you need to be able to fight from a distance now and then, even if the Vanguard/Charge build works great for 95% of the game. In the other 5%, you'll be completely useless. So it's only useful as your second or third build.
At level 18 Energy drain has too long cooldown to be reliable survival skill. Of course if you add Tactical cloak it will be whole another build, but it won't have "endless" chain detonations .. and if we talk about high-risk high-reward - it is bioisharay with headshots. By the way you can have 2 shots in isharay with soldier profile (and 3 while turbo is active)..
I know this video is old but i always build energy drain with incinerate both built into prime snd detonation and do the same with my remnant vi buddy so he can prime and detonate with me,then my companions i focus FIRST their primers and detonators then i focus their specialty and survivability ie,vetra i make into a mini garrus building into gun damage cora into cooldown and shield strength liam into tankyness and cc.
Well with many hours in this game......I use a similar build as it is lots of fun....but I love the skill called charge.......that is just so much fun and it keeps your shield up........so hit them with incinerate........then energy drain and stay your distance........for a bit then hit charge and instantly jump up on their level and kill what remains with the N7 Valkerie.......yep.....the automatic fire system is now available for the Valkerie and it is OP. With the auto fire system on the Valk.......it eats enemies for lunch......keep that Piranha handy for some enemies like Fiends and variety. Put a Bio Converter on your weapons as soon as you can as if you are using Tech skills......you gain your health back almost instantly. And you can really hip fire that Valk............you can put so much lead out there nothing can withstand it. And never run out of ammo and quickly gain your health back using Tech skills. As for armor.......lets fact it folks.....the Heleus Defender is a very poor choice........and us ordinary single player player that do not play multiplayer will never gain the research points for a high level end game set as it takes right at 4800 research points to finally build that end game set......and it also takes a great many Remnant Cores........of which this is still bugged and when you destroy your old set the Remnant Cores......vanish.......forever gone, yep so now you have no armor at all as the game does not return your remnant cores so you can build the next set of armor. So...........do not waste time on Heleus Defender especially if you want a Dhan shotgun as it will eat up all your research points and leave you stranded when it also eats up your Remnant cores. Want high Tech damage.....use the Angarian set.......yea I know it is kinda not the best looking is it?? But it does give you great tech damage . Personally I love to play as a Sentinel.......I use the N7 chest......and all other peices of armor are the Remnant.......I get fantastic shield and health regeneration..........and early game I use the Fusion Shielding Mod......late game I use the Fusion Tech Mod. Kinda hard to pick between a high level Sentinel and a high level Bionic build.....so i have two characters one of each....... Yep stay away from Heleus Defender if you are single player........and beware of the bug that eats your Remnant Cores.......so much time and effort invested and then the game will really mess you up. There are plenty of research points for the N7 chest.......the Valk........then instead of using the Defender armor......make a Dahn shotgun and there are plenty of Remnant points for many things. Unlike the lack of Heleus points for single player. And Remnant does not require cores or eat them. It is all personal choice......but I can tell you from experience.......avoid the Heleus Defender......it takes too many research points.....a bug eats your Remnant cores and does not return them.......and you lose too many armor slots as you lose the arms and leg slots using this armor. Any other armor with all slots filled with either Tech damage or the reaction optimizers will exceed the damage of this one. Cheers!! Kit
I would, but unfortunately I cleared that base already on this save-game. So nobody spawns except at the entrance :(. I'll see if I can do the one on the ice planet.
KhrazeGaming - Do you have any ideas how to bring down bosses much faster? couldn't care less about their minions and mini bosses, easy kills to actually bother with combos. I tried many ideas but still soldier profile is the fastest to bring down bosses especially the architect on insanity.
Thx man, really appreciate it if could help, on my 2nd play through, fem char, emotional and casual, really can't afford to spend a lot of time in the game, reasons, so it will help me big time. Thanks.
Hey I replied to someone else regarding the same question. In a previous video of mine I said why Heleus is the best for caster-builds. But I'll tell you now. It's because it gives you the most amount of power damage bonus out of any other armor set combined. Remnant is a defensive armor. Not sure why you'd want that on this build unless you really want tanking (which is quite bad in this game given the scaling on insanity)
subbed. Thanks for putting this together. I had run your biotic God build for a bit but it got kind of boring as it was so completely OP even on insanity. I'm going to try this build, I like more of a mid range caster.
lv18 kek, like seriously goto Ice planet and do the exp glitch to 30-50. An base example for build. You can even make a new save if you want to "no glitch" play and use the glitch save to showcase the build.
I've tried this build it's great if you wanna snipe ppl from afar, and in open area but sucks in tight area and indoor bcz both or 1 of your projectiles are gonna hit the ceiling or stuff also the dmg per detonation is not that great
Heleus provides the best power damage bonus out of all the armor sets (even more than N7). That is the reason I picked it. Remnant is a defensive-type of armor set. I never found myself using it in my day-to-day gameplay.
Instead of throw, try out lance. Higher DPS/clearing time + takes care of remainder shields that energy drain detonations didn't catch. It also allows continuous casting without breaks (except for breaks you might need to regenerate, but that isn't often). Life support, coupled with other shield and health regen specs/mods, with the sentinel profile will make you invincible all at the same time. Using the combo mods in anywhere applicable will allow for combo damage that specs pretty well as you level up too. If you're feeling brave, replace incinerate with flame thrower for quicker cooldown, and for multiple fire detonations/combos in groups of unshielded enemies...clears them really fast, even if there's a couple shielded enemies grouped in. Works quite well on insanity and ng+ insanity because of how the combo damage levels up to enemy health
At higher levels, yea you can do that.But this is still a low level build. I'll have to test it at lvl 60 to see how it behaves there (I know scaling really screws combo detonations quite a bit )
You lost me at 7:33. This build really shouldnt exist without the fusion mod of adrenaline. Start the game, get to Havarl as fast as you can and get that mod, then respec. Power recharge speed is -50%, but all powers recharge when you kill something. Basically you blow through things unless they happened to be armored, then you might shoot them a bit. But for shielded(overload) and non-shielded you can bulldoze spamming powers. Use only powers that double as both primers and detonators.
YAAAAAS! This is another amazing setup for a low-level insanity caster build! This is the most fun type of meta Sentinel EVER! Really turns him into the Combo Master he was born to be. Loved this!
I’m a level 28 now and for a while I’ve been using incinerate with 2 balls of fire charge with recharge speed and flamethrower up to rank 5, explorer class, and I mainly use an assault rifle. I throw some shots down range then hit them with an incinerate then charge in to detonate the combo then when I’m in the middle of the shit I flame throw which is great at close range and also sets up another combo for charge but by the time your flamethrower is out the other two abilities have already cooled down and I do it again. It’s a great build and definitely the most fun I’ve found. I play on hardcore but it works for insanity too. Try it out you won’t regret it
I prefer a straight tech setup with Incinerate, Overload, & Energy Drain. While I like the Double Incinerate skill, I go with the Detonator skill with Energy Drain with Extended Drain & Overload with Damage, Anti-Shield, & EMP. While Overload doesn't say that it primes a target for a combo, it does prime a target. First shot is always a charged Overload, then an Energy Drain (which should effectively destroy almost any shield), then finish off with Incinerate. If Overload recharged quickly enough, rinse & repeat.
TheNightOwl11683 i also got one on my channel its a sentinel build using cryo because it have awsome range energy drain and incinerate search kehmis tv
The problem I run into using insanity from the start is that builds like this work up to about level 16 or 17, getting all the vaults fixed on the first three planets and running a few side missions like Resilience. But then you run out of things to do, and you wind up having to do some really tough missions on Voeld at levels less than 20 to move on. Rescue the Moshae is first. And that is done in tight quarters against a lot of enemies that have both shields and armor, so builds around combo damage are really tough. You need a lot of gun damage, grenades are good. And you need survivability. I'm still looking for a good kit.
Problem is you will have at most 70 or 75 points, so you will have only a few skills/powers, and not many at six ranks. The next mission, Remove the Heart on Voeld, I would recommend delaying until you are leveled up some more. Do Not go to Hjara until you are ready for Remove the Heart. I spent two days trying to get through that one with a level 16 character, and I don't think it can be done on insanity. Maybe by a really good player.
Insanity at levels below 20 is really tough after easy start missions are over. For me, anyway.
So, if you spec ED as a primer, you can prime shielded enemies and tech-detonate them. that will strip the enemies right away.
yo im living the build. and with a shield asculator for tight situations its an amazing build.
Nice build. I use the same one, except I use Charge instead of throw because I love Charge. My next playthrough I think I'll definitely use this one for the female Ryder because Charge got me killed a lot early in Insanity before I leveled up enough to max the skills. This looks much safer. Thanks for all your hard work researching these builds and making these vids!
It's not that I doubt your builds, I borrowed a lot of info from your videos, thanks for them, but..
Question is how all of it will work inside the base, when tons of kett are spawned all around? You have zero survival skills, zero guns skills.. from that position in video you can simply kill everything with guns and investing much smaller amount of perks.. but when you'll need to defend position when hacking door, it'll be a whole another story. It'll be fun if you show actual tough battles when testing your builds, and not positions where you can win simply by hit-and-run or sitting behind cover.
Not trying to defend KhrazeGaming or anything. But I used one of his builds and helped me through all insanity playthrough. However the one I used was one build he showed up once you hit high level. Haven't try the low level build, though.
Please do us all a favor and shut the fuck up AJ. You was wrong. You got called out for your bullshit and put in your place and put down. Now get on with your sorry ass life.
Thing is - his skills are seeking, meaning you can spam them from afar and from the cover staying hidden while your guided bombs obliterate the enemies. You don't need that much of defense if you're staying in cover all the time.
Energy Drain is a great survival skill. Used with good timing, it will keep you alive, and I don't see why you couldn't take on massive numbers with the Incinerate/Energy Drain/Throw build, which is a good balance of distance fighting with good crowd control. You'll never get swarmed because you can take out two dudes at once with Throw and swarming enemies are usually not shielded. The only thing that will trouble you is one of those big shielded dudes like a Destroyer, but you don't really see them at low level. For a more of a hybrid caster/combat build with greater survivability, try using Incinerate + Tactical Cloak + Energy Drain instead, with an Infiltrator profile, then level up Sniper Rifle and get yourself a nice and slow powerful sniper rifle. You can still do Tech Combos, but now you can do massive damage cloaked. Plus, you can use Tactical Cloak just to get out of OH $@%& situations, then use Energy Drain to replenish your shields after you reestablish cover, and Tactical Cloak is useful no matter what kind of enemy you're facing. My favorite build for Insanity is the high-risk high-reward Vanguard build with Pull/Charge/Energy Drain which really shortens battles, but that shouldn't really be your low level build because you need to establish distance fighting because you need to be able to fight from a distance now and then, even if the Vanguard/Charge build works great for 95% of the game. In the other 5%, you'll be completely useless. So it's only useful as your second or third build.
At level 18 Energy drain has too long cooldown to be reliable survival skill. Of course if you add Tactical cloak it will be whole another build, but it won't have "endless" chain detonations .. and if we talk about high-risk high-reward - it is bioisharay with headshots. By the way you can have 2 shots in isharay with soldier profile (and 3 while turbo is active)..
Wow... this great videogame (Mass Effect ANDROMEDA) was released in 2017 (Starfield-Trash in 2023) the differences are clearer than water.
I know this video is old but i always build energy drain with incinerate both built into prime snd detonation and do the same with my remnant vi buddy so he can prime and detonate with me,then my companions i focus FIRST their primers and detonators then i focus their specialty and survivability ie,vetra i make into a mini garrus building into gun damage cora into cooldown and shield strength liam into tankyness and cc.
Use the heleus helmet with the n7 gear it gives you better stats
That was fun
nice build, I use Charge or Lance instead of throw but ill check out throw for sure.
do you like throw better or shockwave when combined with incinerate and energy drain?
hey dude, what's the song you got playing in the background? I really really like it. solid build too.
Can you do this with ME 2 and ME 3?
Lvl 6 throw, swift det is better for combos - plus 50% recharge doesnt hurt either.
Interesting build! How does it compare to your other builds on higher levels?
Didn't get to test it on high lvl yet. Was too busy testing weapons.
Throw and incinerate is my fave to
Well with many hours in this game......I use a similar build as it is lots of fun....but I love the skill called charge.......that is just so much fun and it keeps your shield up........so hit them with incinerate........then energy drain and stay your distance........for a bit then hit charge and instantly jump up on their level and kill what remains with the N7 Valkerie.......yep.....the automatic fire system is now available for the Valkerie and it is OP. With the auto fire system on the Valk.......it eats enemies for lunch......keep that Piranha handy for some enemies like Fiends and variety. Put a Bio Converter on your weapons as soon as you can as if you are using Tech skills......you gain your health back almost instantly. And you can really hip fire that Valk............you can put so much lead out there nothing can withstand it. And never run out of ammo and quickly gain your health back using Tech skills.
As for armor.......lets fact it folks.....the Heleus Defender is a very poor choice........and us ordinary single player player that do not play multiplayer will never gain the research points for a high level end game set as it takes right at 4800 research points to finally build that end game set......and it also takes a great many Remnant Cores........of which this is still bugged and when you destroy your old set the Remnant Cores......vanish.......forever gone, yep so now you have no armor at all as the game does not return your remnant cores so you can build the next set of armor. So...........do not waste time on Heleus Defender especially if you want a Dhan shotgun as it will eat up all your research points and leave you stranded when it also eats up your Remnant cores.
Want high Tech damage.....use the Angarian set.......yea I know it is kinda not the best looking is it?? But it does give you great tech damage .
Personally I love to play as a Sentinel.......I use the N7 chest......and all other peices of armor are the Remnant.......I get fantastic shield and health regeneration..........and early game I use the Fusion Shielding Mod......late game I use the Fusion Tech Mod.
Kinda hard to pick between a high level Sentinel and a high level Bionic build.....so i have two characters one of each.......
Yep stay away from Heleus Defender if you are single player........and beware of the bug that eats your Remnant Cores.......so much time and effort invested and then the game will really mess you up.
There are plenty of research points for the N7 chest.......the Valk........then instead of using the Defender armor......make a Dahn shotgun and there are plenty of Remnant points for many things. Unlike the lack of Heleus points for single player. And Remnant does not require cores or eat them.
It is all personal choice......but I can tell you from experience.......avoid the Heleus Defender......it takes too many research points.....a bug eats your Remnant cores and does not return them.......and you lose too many armor slots as you lose the arms and leg slots using this armor. Any other armor with all slots filled with either Tech damage or the reaction optimizers will exceed the damage of this one.
Can you put 2 or more primers on an enemy and then detonate plenty of combos at the same time?
Unfortunately no. Only one primer can be active on an enemy at any given time. They would just overlap each other.
Could you do a best kett and a remnant build based of powers close to what they use, the armor and the weapons and profile.
just use combat and tech, soldier fits kett eq much better than any other.
I would, but unfortunately I cleared that base already on this save-game. So nobody spawns except at the entrance :(.
I'll see if I can do the one on the ice planet.
woah dude, you are awesome trying to help that far...
Thanks Khraze I'd like to see a sort of remnant armor and remnant vi mix with pure soldier kett build or maybe try ascendent similar with bitotics.
- Do you have any ideas how to bring down bosses much faster? couldn't care less about their minions and mini bosses, easy kills to actually bother with combos. I tried many ideas but still soldier profile is the fastest to bring down bosses especially the architect on insanity.
Builds vs architects is comming soon. I kinda got bored of minions anyway
Thx man, really appreciate it if could help, on my 2nd play through, fem char, emotional and casual, really can't afford to spend a lot of time in the game, reasons, so it will help me big time. Thanks.
This build owns Architects.
yeah~ nope.. my soldier/infiltrator does so much higher damage with less hp reduction.
There's no explanation on why use Helius. Seems like the Remnant armor gives better defenses.
Hey I replied to someone else regarding the same question. In a previous video of mine I said why Heleus is the best for caster-builds. But I'll tell you now. It's because it gives you the most amount of power damage bonus out of any other armor set combined.
Remnant is a defensive armor. Not sure why you'd want that on this build unless you really want tanking (which is quite bad in this game given the scaling on insanity)
subbed. Thanks for putting this together. I had run your biotic God build for a bit but it got kind of boring as it was so completely OP even on insanity. I'm going to try this build, I like more of a mid range caster.
Glad you liked it ;)
lv18 kek, like seriously goto Ice planet and do the exp glitch to 30-50. An base example for build. You can even make a new save if you want to "no glitch" play and use the glitch save to showcase the build.
Also this build will scale badly post 70-100+ due to the massive health of even normal enemies.
Extra side note: Not picking down choice on rank6 throw is retarded
I've tried this build
it's great if you wanna snipe ppl from afar, and in open area
but sucks in tight area and indoor bcz both or 1 of your projectiles are gonna hit the ceiling or stuff
also the dmg per detonation is not that great
Heleus provides the best power damage bonus out of all the armor sets (even more than N7). That is the reason I picked it.
Remnant is a defensive-type of armor set. I never found myself using it in my day-to-day gameplay.
KhrazeGaming where u get augments? I wasted the free ones on shit gun builds
Throw in singularity problum solved
gotta try this, im LV 18 aswell
but yeah, this build is gonna suck at survivability
pinned down by one Annointed and you're dead
Instead of throw, try out lance. Higher DPS/clearing time + takes care of remainder shields that energy drain detonations didn't catch.
It also allows continuous casting without breaks (except for breaks you might need to regenerate, but that isn't often). Life support, coupled with other shield and health regen specs/mods, with the sentinel profile will make you invincible all at the same time. Using the combo mods in anywhere applicable will allow for combo damage that specs pretty well as you level up too.
If you're feeling brave, replace incinerate with flame thrower for quicker cooldown, and for multiple fire detonations/combos in groups of unshielded enemies...clears them really fast, even if there's a couple shielded enemies grouped in. Works quite well on insanity and ng+ insanity because of how the combo damage levels up to enemy health
I use lance and make it shield cost, non stop spam. run out of shield? Energy drain. Rinse and repeat
At higher levels, yea you can do that.But this is still a low level build. I'll have to test it at lvl 60 to see how it behaves there (I know scaling really screws combo detonations quite a bit )
fair point
You lost me at 7:33.
This build really shouldnt exist without the fusion mod of adrenaline. Start the game, get to Havarl as fast as you can and get that mod, then respec. Power recharge speed is -50%, but all powers recharge when you kill something. Basically you blow through things unless they happened to be armored, then you might shoot them a bit. But for shielded(overload) and non-shielded you can bulldoze spamming powers. Use only powers that double as both primers and detonators.
E Hans what if you fight an architect
no team support? you don't like infinite healing? :-)
I said it in the video. I didn't have enough points left, but I was aiming towards that. Ofc team support is on the list :). It always is.