Great question! In the future, longevity clinics will benefit from a multi-agent self-critiquing AI that could address challenges like optimizing treatment protocols, improving diagnostic accuracy, and personalizing care plans based on real-time patient data. This would, however, be categorized as a medical device - so it's a big task and we're only aware of AI systems that support clinicians in optimizing workflows and assisting in decisions: the clinician will have the final say/responsibility.
Надо больше науки и меньше бизнеса. Вложения людей в долголетие и бессмертие сейчас ограниченны из-за бизнесменов шарлатанов, которые обманывали людей всю историю человечества.
Thanks for your support, @lookup9078!
Are there any specific pain points in Longevity clinic, which multi-agent self-critiquing and custom knowledge trained AI ststem can address today?
Great question! In the future, longevity clinics will benefit from a multi-agent self-critiquing AI that could address challenges like optimizing treatment protocols, improving diagnostic accuracy, and personalizing care plans based on real-time patient data. This would, however, be categorized as a medical device - so it's a big task and we're only aware of AI systems that support clinicians in optimizing workflows and assisting in decisions: the clinician will have the final say/responsibility.
Надо больше науки и меньше бизнеса.
Вложения людей в долголетие и бессмертие сейчас ограниченны из-за бизнесменов шарлатанов, которые обманывали людей всю историю человечества.