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The whole premise of the Flash is dumb. It's an attempt to force the status quo, but there are undoubtedly ways that Barry could save his mother without breaking the universe. If he cared he'd figure out a way, but of course he doesn't. The most obvious being to "abduct" his mother, and bring her back after he gets his Flash powers.
The reason why MK Batman knew how superman looks like is that he knew about multiverse thanks to the money he donated to quantum science research which they didn't address to the public!
Barry gives up on saving billions of lives after coming to the conclusion that Zod winning is an inevitable intersection in all realities despite coming from a reality where Zod was defeated and Earth was saved. What a hero.
I absolutely DESPISE the trope in time travel stories where "certain" events can't be changed. It makes time travel itself feel pointless if you can't change certain things because of some uncontrollable reason.
@@bluefield086yeah, but in contrast time travel can be STUPID OP without limitations, and having major event blocks is usually needed. I personally prefer the Modern Doctor Who method, where a fixed event can be changed but it gets VERY messy and should only be a last resort.
@@notdemomantf2294 Doctor Who is one of the very few instances that, well, not actually getting time travel right, but having found ways to deal with the inevitable mess time travel will _always_ create in a somewhat sensible way. I can absolutely live with 'a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff'. Most time travel movies are a complete mess that in the end makes not even a jot of sense, with the worst culprit being 'Looper'. I hate this movie with a passion, nothing, really absolutely _nothing_ in this movie makes sense.
1:00:34 "Remember when you were infiltrating into Superman's fortress and a shovel fell doing ton shit of noise? It was me, Barry. I pushed the shovel so it seemed like you were stupid at just a shovel's drop!" Thawne, 2023, probably.
He was also the one who emptied Barry's refrigerator of beers, forcing him to steal some from his neighbor when Iris asked for one. Thawne: "Now who's the villian Flash?!"
Props to the director for defending, in all likelihood, an overworked, underpaid army of vfx people on a severe time crunch. And putting the blame on himself.
Two things you missed 1. They have discovered the formula for giving people super speed and might possibly be able to give anyone super speed 2. If Barry really did wanted to help his dad and not change anything else, he could have just gone to his home in super speed and saw who killed his mother. Simply observing the event, while not changing it
@@toymaster4041You could argue that last one still involves fucking with the past in any capacity, but if there’s somehow a time paradox from Barry doing that over and over again so that he could save his dad in the future, he should _mostly_ be fine.
How would he prove it? Even if he recorded it, he'd still have to explain _how_ he recorded it. The only way I can see that working is if he recorded it and sent it to the authorities in the same time period--but then that would still be changing past.
Why? Just one shot isn't gonna kill anyone because there's just one instance where it looks like shit, that instance lasts for 143 minutes and 55 seconds
On the Lasso of Truth, you are right and have a very good point. Only time we've had anyone talk unprompted was when Aquaman sat on it, but during this he was having a speech going before he sat down. This means we can infer that touching the lasso not only compels the person to speak when ordered to but also any speech that the person willingly makes has to be true. That still doesn't explain why everyone went on ranting unprompted. When Aquaman realized he said things he normally wouldn't, he even shut up and had a look around for the lasso.
I genuinely cannot comprehend James Gunn, the director of the Guardians of the Galaxy films, saying The Flash was good, let alone "one of the best superhero movies he's ever seen". It's like a complete juxtaposition as if from an alternate reality where James Gunn in fact doesn't have the talent he has and has no idea about anything related to his career.
He’s probably compelled by financial reasons and alignment with international markets like China. Maybe he’s practically a puppet director. Hollywood has become beholden to influences like that
@tubbyconnorapparatus9764to that I say He is having the same director and same writer of this movie to write Batman brave and the bold Tho that could be cause he maybe dose see potential in thoses writers because he liked how they did batman
I'm almost positive that people were paid to praise it. James Gunn, Hideo Kojima, and many others said that it was "the best superhero movie ever made". DC was trying to market it by bribery because no one in their right mind would praise this film, especially because that freak Ezra Miller is the main actor in it.
What I love is how in that hospital rescue scene with all the babies I was fully expecting him to run up the line of babies as if they’re a staircase in order to reach the dog. With how weirdly comedic that scene was my guess wasn’t that outside the realm of possibilities!
They literally ended the movie with the one bad solution(altering the past again) instead of having Barry try to figure out the real murderer. What a joke.
@@daniquemaxwell5070 The impression I got was that it was Reverse Flash that killed her, and they planned to reveal that in a sequel that won't happen. I don't know why they didn't just use Reverse Flash. I guess they just thought that was too basic and made the plot more meta because that was the style of the time, like how Multiverse Of Madness and Wandavision were so totally meta and were amazing and loved by everyone.
@@ashblossomandjoyoussprung.9917 Multiverse of madness and wandvision were awful and right now they made reverse flash an idiot for not using superspeed to kill Barry's mom while his father was at home
You know what's crazy about the entire film's premise? What happened if the Flash just looked through time, you know, like they demonstrated, to the moment of his mother's death to find the killer's exact identity this way? Then it would just be a matter of working out how he's going to prove the killer was the one who truly did it now that he has the identity
The whole premise makes no sense anyway. Assuming it was 1.) just a common burglar who broke in, happened to come across Barrys mom and kill her. Why'd anyone suspect Barry's father? He was buying the tomatoes, didn't he have a receipt to prove that he wasn't at home during that time? Couldn't he just tell the police to go to the store and have the cashier give him an alibi? What about the cloth he was wearing? They were identical to the cam footage. There was absolutely nothing that indicated that he murdered his wife. What about finger prints? So many plot holes and unanswered questions. And even IF he had been at home during that time. Did Barrys father actually fuck the killer up when he came? Why does Barry's father being there change anything? Nothing is ever explained. Assuming it was 2.) Eobard Thawne like it was hinted at... Why would he not kill Barry's mother even when the father is at home? There's is literally nothing Henry could do, nothing, he would literally have to fight against an unhinged, evil speedster. So why does Eobard spare Barry's mother in case the farther never leaves the house to get tomatoes? Why in the hell would Barry put the tomatoes in the shopping cart in the first place? He doesn't know how his mom died, what if several criminals broke in, then his mother and his father would have been killed. Why endanger not just his mom but his father, too? Why does Barry not go to the moment his mom dies, just like you said to find out what actually happened, just wait on the perpetrator... He is a freaking speedster. No one except for Thawne would stand a chance against him. The killer turns up and Barrys incapacitates him in an attosecond without his parents noticing anything. The whole thing with the tomato can is so random and makes absolutely no sense.
That would have led to a way better premise if they'd gone down that route. I'd be down for Barry doing some actual crime investigation shenanigans with Batman to track down the killer.
@@Mullenmeister1510 Because the police don't care if he's guilty or innocent. Their job is to put someone in jail, he's someone, so putting him in jail is their job. That takes them five minutes of work, while investigating and finding the real killer would take them months of effort. Like, the opening scene where everyone makes fun of Barry for actually caring establishes this. As for Thawne, the reason why he doesn't kill Barry's mother in the revised timeline is that he was never born. Eobard Thawne is a time traveler from the 25th Century. In the revised timeline, Zod exterminates the entire human race in 2013. This is what actually saved Barry's mother's life. The father's presence didn't actually matter, but because moving the tomato can also killed Superman, Barry's mother was saved. This is also why the Barrys cannot defeat Zod no matter how hard they try, because if they do so then Thawne will be born and will kill Barry's mother. As for why Barry didn't confront the killer directly instead of doing the convoluted thing and hoping that it worked out, I don't know, I guess because that with so many different characters to juggle already they didn't have time to properly use Thawne but also didn't want to rule him out as being the killer.
@@Mullenmeister1510 He was charged & convicted SOLELY on the grounds that he happened to be the first person to find the body. There wasn't even circumstantial evidence of his guilt (i.e.: an argument between them where he threatened her shortly before she was found dead).
Yea but having him speed around was more entertaining for the audience. I'll never understand the hate for this movie yet the love for Marvel movies. This movie tries so hard and copies most of what makes marvel movies 'good' and 'fun', brings back beloved characters and their actors, and yet, hated.@@hypersonic4562
It's so daft how there's lightening bolts visible to everyone when he uses his powers, even just slightly. It makes his power seem redundant. You can't go superfast for even a few seconds without causing a mini-lightning storm
They also aren’t consistent with it, when he was in the grocery store doing the can thing (both times) you can clearly see a lightning storm when time is slowed down, but when it goes back to normal literally no one reacts
I noticed one more inconsistentcy. The beginning shows that energy meter on Barry's arm to show he's running low on calories, but Edgy Terry has apparently been running for decades and presumably hasn't stopped to eat or go to the bathroom. Otherwise he would've been force to stop for a moment and think about what he's the possibility of going back a full day rather than only a few minutes to save Batman and Supergirl.
Here's one more: Barry and Terry going back in time every single time would make more duplicates of them, because Barry was always separate from his previous self whenever he went back using the Chronobowl.
Here's another : why aren't there multiple edgy Terrys ..since he kept going back and mostly kept duplicating himself wouldn't there be multiple edge terrys 🤔
Here's another one that YMS Adum pointed out. Since Scary Terry killed Terry, wouldn't Barry also die to the paradox? Since the reason given as to why there are 2 Barry's is that Terry will eventually "fade into" Barry when they reach the same age or when Barry goes forward in time to when Terry is his age because they're the same person, so Terry is just young Barry meaning Barry should also die when Terry dies. And another one for you. If Scary Terry has been trying again and again, why wasn't he there when Terry and Barry were trying the first time? Why did he wait until Barry "gave up" to come back and kill Barry, which would have still killed him with the time paradox because he's an older version of Terry who is also the younger version of Barry. Oh I thought of another one. When Terry fails to phase earlier, like with falling down the manhole, he gets his head caught in the manhole. Then he phases again and falls through without the manhole permanently affixed to his throat. When Terry and Scary Terry get metal phased into their flesh and then phase again they just keep the pieces of metal in their body. Like Kryptonian metal is somehow a speedforce-altering material.
@@Success-rebirth Maybe the original scary/edgy Terry just kept eating his other selves so it removed the double trouble problem and the low energy problem?
Imagine if the movie started with him having to constantly be saving people, just a ridiculous amount of running and trying to run faster, until eventually he breaks into the time bubble thingy. He then decides with all his stress to go back and see his mom. Not talk to her, he wouldn't actually go interact with that time, just look at it. And he goes back more and more often to visit and talk at her from the bubble until eventually he breaks down from all the stress of being a hero andtries to save her. It would be such a better character moment and would explain some of the dumb decisions he makes
That's a fascinating idea to treat time travel with a degree of error. So long as Barry doesn't step out the bubble, time is otherwise safe, but the stress and addiction to being able to see his mother again building into him taking the risk would be more reflective of Barry. That and could say Barry interfering with timeline there, being there with his mother or asking her for some other food, so instead of making it all about some canned food, just have Barry being with his mom ruin the timeline.
What, you mean write a character like a human being and not an action figure? That can't be right! What, do you want the movie to be good or something?!
A detail that most probably was missed by non-spanish speaking audiences. The "wholesome" song Barry's mom is singing/cooking to tell the story of a low life thug who kills a prostitute while trying to rob her. Song's name: Pedro Navaja (Switchblade Pedro, I guess, if you want a translation)
It's the writers/directors trying to be clever since the song's message is that the world is filled with countless tragedies you're just supposed to accept. But yeah, the way it gets the point across by having a prostitute and thug kill each other is pretty disgusting. This whole film has some nihilist vibes to it, in spite of the whole "build your own future" spiel from the previous film that almost spits in the face of nihilism. But then again most film makers in general now a days are in love with making subversive deconstructionist material, so it's probably very blatant. Will elaborate that yes, deconstructionist art and philosophy used to be celebration of old tropes, while trying to put them into modern contexts that refute modernist culture and polity. Hence why I decided to say subversive deconstructionism, because they lambast and explore, but they never build upon it.
Killed a prostitute "by mistake"? He went in purposely to stab her and rob her money and he was laughing while doing it ("mientras reía, el puñal le hundía sin compasión"). He just got shot for it and they both died on the street.
i genuinely will never understand why when they have these MASSIVE life changing budgets for movies they cant pay to have a half decent script for it, its not that hard to just follow your own established rules but they seem to take sadistic pleasure in breaking their own rules just a scene or two after establishing it
Because paying a decent writer in time is unfortunately lost as a concept on 95% of Hollywood, and _literally all of cast and crew apart from the screenwriter_ have to take these crazy productions faster than they can be conceived for a quick paycheck. They treat filmmaking less like art or storytelling and more like building contracts. But hey, when a writer has too much free time on their hands, you will eventually get something like _Godzilla: Minus One._
@@ethribin4188 for 250 mil dollars they definitely are money laundering lol i am sure that every other services rented by wb in this movie was owned by themselves so either they hyper inflated the price that goes into their own pockets because corporates becuase they can write it off as a business expense and to artificially decrease the value of WB so that the company can show growth again in the next 20 years because the stock market is a fuckin scam and "people" more like hedge funds are only chasing growth these days. let me put down my tin foil hat
1:02:45 - Stargate SG-1 did this perfectly. In one episode, all of SG-1 gets superspeed, and Carter tries to write a book on astrophysics but she types so fast that the computer can't keep up, and she has to take several breaks of several minutes in order for the word program to fill with the several paragraphs she just wrote. She complains about it to her team members. It's hilarious!
And in Stargate Atlantis they continue with this continuity! When McKay get's superpowers, he uses multiple laptops to type and complains that they can't keep up and he has to keep stopping to wait for them, and even something about how he figured out a work around for it but hadn't had time to stop and make the new machine. God, I love that franchise
Regarding Henry, it's even worse. The movie is playing a simple trick on you. Nora was stabbed right around time Henry got back from the shop. His only witness is young Barry, who saw him OUTSIDE the house at the time of murder. Movie sells you on the premise, that recording somehow proofs his innocence, but does not tell you how. What happened: Henry went to the shop -> got back (witnessed by Barry) -> heard the scream -> rushed to the house What movie sells: Nora was murdered when Henry was in the shop
@@delta9685 Neither story can be used to prove that he is innocent. Barry's testimony is problematic, as he is very young and the suspect is his father. Having recording from the shop will only show, that he was there at the time and that might have worked, if Nora died when he was off. But we hear her scream right when Henry gets out of the car, so how recording from the shop gives him any kind of alibi?
@@dazeith4023 oh I see. Lol I thought something didn't add up. Either Barry sees his father outside when his mother screams and therefore is a witness that he didn't kill her, because what? She screamed as he was getting out of the car? What about the murder weapon? And if he is supposed to be at the shop, making the camera feed his alibi then like in the video there are about a dozen ways that give him the alibi without him looking up at that one camera. Either way its stupid if you ask me
@@delta9685 That it is. Maybe at some point there was a part for Thawne to play a role in all that, maybe in that version it made any kind of sense and it was lost in the rewrites. Right now you have a scenario, where Henry got back home, found his wife dying/dead and decided to touch the bloodied knife. The thing is, he got back home to hear her scream, so at that point she was still alive. So, he was there at the time of murder. How did the actual killer get out and supposedly, left no trace of getting in or killing Nora? Who knows, but somehow the fact that Henry was out, doing shopping some time BEFORE her death means that he couldn't do that by the logic of the movie.
Honestly, the flash was a refreshing superhero movie to watch. Not cause it was good or anything, but it was so fun bad that it temporarily cured me of superhero fatigue.
You gotta love how the guy with tech that seems almost like magic, is chasing some bad guys While the guy with superspeed is trying to stop a building from collapsing
Right? But I guess it was inevitable since this is the kill-happy Batman of the Snyderverse who would instantly choose the option that lets him deliberately break some necks.
@@CalvinChikelue this should be ironically the reformed version So perhaps he just didn't want to go around saving people Hell, his Lasso-induced verbal diarrhea practically confirms that he doesn't want to help people but be a vigilante
I used to work as a chashier for a year. Only people I could ever recall at the end of the day were people either doing something stupid, interacting while I did something stupid or that I previously knew. I'm not saying this is true for all cashiers, but it is highly possible police did ask the cashier and he just didn't remember because Dad Barry simply didn't do anything noteworthy. I was actually asked to testify in regards to some shoplifting once but I had no memories of said teenagers ever being in the store. What was more embarrassing was that there was camera footage of me greeting them when they entered and waving goodbye as they left, as I did with all customers.
Dude, I promise you that there is someone out there waiting for you. Things get better, trust me. There'll be weeks if not months on end where you'll think of your partner everyday, but things do get better. Don't spiral because you're better than that, and never trust how you feel after 9:00 in the night. You got this, and I believe in you.
So what? Maybe you were too good for her, love yourself, she's the one who's going to lose and be alone not you bro. Plus if she might ever come back to you as soon she notices you're doing well, tell her to get lost or just ignore her and go forward with your life finding better people.
I think this movie would be amazing if the script was actually Barry going back in time to find out who killed his mom, so he could collect evidence to put this person in jail in the present. Then, he would cross Reverse Flash's way and he would be the villain for the movie.
@@milhousevanhoutan9235 well, It's just about not destroying the villain in a movie, have no fear of bringing them back just like the comics do. Marvel has the same issue: They are not "wasting" their villains on solo movies, the problem is that they get a big villain or a memorable one and never bring them back because the guy died in the end. That's why Thanos "Arc" was memorable and why everyone liked Loki. Villains can't just show up in movies and dissapear, they need development as well. Marvel had 10 years to start an arc and finish it with Thanos, DC is rushing It so much that It's not even a big deal when you see their heroes joining another one's movie. While this Marvel's Avengers was a movie that I saw no other like, because they made us want to desire and eager their union. I really like DC movie just like I enjoy Marvel's but both are quite trying to rush and do another 10 years arc in 5 or less
40:10 Barry could've literally said that a new friend will come, and if "Terry" asks who it is, Barry could've just said: "A really cool guy is going to land *right here,* you two will become friends and he's gonna be the one who gives you your superpowers." *And technically, Barry wouldn't be lying.*
18:25 actually there used to be a show on i think discovery, where a career burglar changed his ways and now would test home security with mock burglaries. and in one episode, he said it's pretty often that burglars will strike in the daytime, because people dont expect it. so they will monitor a target and try to find a point where they vacate the house in the daytime.
As a cashier, I remember seeing every person that came through my line for 3 days max. Outside from that I have never seen you before even if we had a serious heart felt conversation 4 days ago (with one person as an exception)
When I was a cashier the exact millisecond they left my lane they simply ceased to exist. Sometimes they'd come back and be like "Hey, I was just in your line and..." and I'm like "ma'am I have literally never met you in my life."
That point about BvS scene too, even more, for anyone who’s seen the storyboard for JL2, we know, in order for Barry to even come to Bruce in that “wrong” moment in batcave, cyborg HAD TO BUILD HIM THE COSMIC TREADMILL😂, and Barry was ON IT in future in that moment, he couldn’t just travel thru time that far and specifically WITHOUT the cosmic treadmill lol, AND they could only try it ONCE a year, when earths rotation was in same spot, or he could end up in space or middle of mountain or something lol, that was whole reason they had to survive in the “knightmare future” where darkseid won for a year, waiting for that moment to send Barry back to warn batman, so literally this whole movie’s existence is one GIANT contradiction to both Snyder’s pre established lore, AND comics lore, cause zacks was basically same, like in comics by the time “flashpoint” happens, he is “older” seasoned flash, and it was rare moment for him, and also “accident”, they need to stop acting like flash time traveling and opening multiverse is equal to Superman’s laser vision lol ITS NOT, it’s like “big moment, last resort” kind of thing
8:23 For some reason, no one notices that the two people seen behind the doors where the nurse is would be killed since Flash didn't save them. We also don't see them falling from the building.
This movie doesn’t care about saving people. The end fight with the army is so laughably embarrassing, the Flashes are just standing there talking while soldiers are getting slaughtered all around them. Not to mention the chase at the beginning when Batman is ramming into cars that still have people inside them. Or when Terry causes the blackout and explosion or whatever, no one cares about who may have been hurt. In the DCEU, superheroes don’t actually care about saving people unless said people are personal friends to the hero involved
something about the time-travel explanations reminded me of a novel, "the Gordian Protocol", by David Weber and Jacob Holo. they initially thought that there were NO repercussions from time travel, that any changes they made would simply fade away. some VERY nasty people were sort of exploiting that, doing lots of VERY nasty things. for example, when told to go to the Library of Alexandria and "preserve" the books, they slaughtered EVERYONE THEY SAW and LAUGHED! the protagonist had put a stop to most of that, by putting recordings of it on the public internet. BUT, then he and his AI partner get caught up in a strange phenomenon they come to call "The Knot", where at least a dozen timelines are all tangled up in an unnatural way! the AI says, "i've been analyzing the data, and i've just realized, we were wrong. about EVERYTHING." the protagonist says, "you alternate timeline where that slaughter at Alexandria happened still EXISTS?" so then they try to go home, only to find that THEY are stuck in the WRONG timeline... and it gets MORE complicated from there!
@@keithharrissuwignjo2460 Well to be more precise Wally was used because... well, at the time he _was_ the default Flash and had been so for over a decade by that point. Heck, for the longest time no one really expected Barry to ever come back and let's just say there was quite a bit of grumbling when he effectively took over the book from Wally even though it had been Wally's for over two decades by that point.
That reminds me of an old comic book: Luthor hired someone to use a supercomputer to "discover the connection between Superman and Clark Kent". The computer actually responded "Superman IS Clark Kent"! Luthor stares at the screen for a few seconds, then says, "that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. scrap the entire project." PS: that image of the screen was also on the front cover!
@@ericb3157 it does fit if nothing else though. Luthor’s so up his ass that he refuses to believe that Superman, basically a God among men, is some weirdo from Smallville who keeps missing his deadlines.
I still can’t comprehend WHY zod was even ON earth in first place🤦🏻♂️🤣, like they just completely overlook fact that I’m MoS, the whole reason zod FINDS earth, and Clark, is BECAUSE Clark activates the scout ship in the ice, and the ship sends beacon to zod’s ship, otherwise zod was literally light years, and galaxies away lol, so if Clark never existed, and none of that happen, how does zod just randomly stumble on earth😂, and using the “they followed, or found destination out on krypton” argument dosent work either, cause if that’s case, why’d they wait 30 years🤦🏻♂️🤣 it just makes no sense they re create MoS ending, WITHOUT the story leading up to it EXISTING 🤣🤣🤣
Wait. Here's a detail that Madvocate missed. If Batman expected to find Super-Man (so a male) when he found Kara, it means that he didn't watch Zod's threat. The world's best detective spent a whole night finding out where an Alien is being detained, but did not spend a minute to listen to Zod's threat once? That's probably the first thing to do. Of course there must be thousands of footage that recorded Zod's threat, with his face and voice. It's so important, how could he not have watched it?
They clearly took aspects from the animated flashpoint movie. Yet they look out some of the coolest aspects. In the flashpoint animated movie timeline Bruce was the one who died in the alleyway that night, turning his father into Batman and his mom became the joker. Or how both wonder woman and Aquaman existed but were actively trying to take over the world. Superman was captured and imprisoned similar to this movie.
"If the timeline is erased after it's fixed, there'd be no point in saving it." Funnily enough, Flashpoint, the comic this movie is based upon, had Barry and Thomas Batman heavily discuss this exact point. Barry starts off wanting to save the timeline, both because he wants his mom alive and because, if he's not able to undo this, this will be the timeline they're stuck with.
Even funnier, this exact point is brought up in Guilty Gear of all things. Axl, a man flung into another time by a freak accident, torn away from his home and the love of his life, consistently struggles because while he could go back, doing so would erase the timeline as it is right now. He can't bring himself to sacrifice a future people fought tooth and nail for for his own happiness. To quote the man himself, "If my eyes are so clouded and I let that happen, how am I supposed to see that beautiful smile of hers".
He actually does flash everyone in this. Barry 2 gets powers and runs and burns all his clothes off in the middle of the street. Your joke is funny and genuinely applies nice
I always hated the "The VFX is bad on purpose because this is what the Flash is seeing" excuse. There is a clear difference with purposefully "Bad" vissual effects to convey something compared to just outright bad VFX because they couldn't be bothered to really try and this movie's VFX is clearly the case with the latter.
That would have probably made a more interesting movie. Like imagine the killer was actually someone he knew present day, maybe someone he trusted and looked up to (which they'd establish early on), and they were keeping it secret this whole time that "It was me, Barry". Going a little further, what if the killer was actually someone who later becomes Reverse Flash (the DCEU version, perhaps with a different identity than the one we know) in the same movie, thus bringing usual Flash lore full circle in a unique twist.
@@santosic "Have be someone who isn't the reverse flash yet" That was something I was thinking about after watching the film. This would have been a better angle in my opinion.
23:20 The thing is, the flash in the comics is a pretty popular public figure/celebrity, even up to the point where he gets his own museum. So the ring that he wears can just be written off as flash "merch", as someone wearing merchandise of their favourite superhero isn't that much of a strange thing to do.
okay first off, your using the comics too defend the flash being an idiot, that is a no go here. secondly there is no evidence of a flash museum existing so we can no assume that there is one based off of a out of universe context. and third, if he wants to conceal his identity in the slightest he should not associate with the flash in any way possible other wise randoms on the street might assume some shit and his identity is blown.
Reminds me of that scene in Young Justice. Where Superboy is told not to wear his symbol at school to "keep his cover" But when he gets there almost every student is wearing superhero merchandise, lol.
@@tevenpowell8023 Conner's whole superhero suit is literally just his casual outfit with a Superman merch shirt, he has simultaneously the best and the worst cover of all the team.
Man we really completely skipped over the fact that kryptonians, f**king kryptonians, are reverse flashable. I know this movie has far more glaring flaws but this means that Flash is now the most powerful justice leaguer (faster than anyone else and an instant kill move more lethal than anyone else and time travel abilities) and even more egregious than this, his powers are far from exclusive to him. Batman, green lantern or even Steve from HR could get these f**king powers of Barry was willing to share them. When Darkseid shows up he should get absolutely EVISCERATED. Even the CW made sure that reverse flash couldn’t phase through Kara’s chest because they knew that it would break EVERYTHING.
We have to write the movie for them. Since they were brand new to Earth, they weren't tough enough yet, so the vibrating hand could work on those kryptonians as they were half power. But yes, you're correct 💯
@@malikpierre-louis3343 Because Darkseid is a higher dimensional new god and is tough to kill. Although I don’t want to say it would have zero effect but It would be harder to kill his avatar with those moves.
@@Ghostface833 We've seen Darkseid bleed which means he can be killed. And regardless his 'toughness', we're talking about vibrating between the molecules that make up his body. No amount of 'toughness' is gonna help prevent that.
Where's Madvocatar, who travels back in time to stop him from reviewing the first season of CW's The Flash and ruining his life, but then realizes that would erase himself from existence, so he instead tries to kill the original Madvocate to stop him from needing to finish the series and review every season, thus sparing him great suffering?
You're telling me Zod's victory was in evitable against Supergirl, a very experienced Batman, and two Flashes, but against Superman alone we see him fail?
How come Barry in this version CANNOT move someone while using super speed, but he can vibrate someone so fast their atoms slip past the atoms of other solid objects and they're fine? Why didn't they just say Barry phased through the wall alone and unlocks the door? It makes sense he can do this in other versions, cause he can extend the speed force to other people temporarily, kinda like physics armor so they don't just atomize when he moves them. But in this they establish relocation is fatal, so come on DC, get your shit toge-Oh...... It's dead.
@@autobotproductions1244 It all makes a LOT more sense when you realize everyone who actually knows how to write worth a damn was fired for not being diverse toadies enough and all they have left is talentless hacks that never should've been given jobs to begin with, but suck the racially diverse dicks and promote the message well enough that they just get a pass. Again. And again. And again.
@@autobotproductions1244This is too wild. Like there was multiple screenwriters and they are constantly bickering with each other and Frankenstein monsters this movie from their Mish mashed ideas.
And funny enough that's one of the most realistic uses of his powers in real life,say a battle or crisis he can relocate civilians with super speed reducing casualties but in this version he is basically useless,see the speedster in the first episode of invisible for example
it's a minor thing but at 44:00 it's truly incredible how much worse zod's transmission to earth looks in the flash vs man of steel, like would it not have been simpler to just reuse the same footage from man of steel rather than attempting to recreate it and ending up with,,, that???
This movie fundamentally doesn’t understand the Flash’s powers or how basic momentum works. He doesn’t slow down time, he moves super fast, there’s a very big difference
well no, he's moving super fast, but to him he's perceiving that speed normally so what's super fast is just an average speed, meaning things are moving slower appear even slower
@@kuirivito that’s not what I’m talking about, I’m talking about how he has no momentum, how he’s able to swing off a broom in mid air like the broom is frozen in place when he should just push it and how he falls to the ground super quickly despite the fact that just because he’s moving fast it doesn’t mean gravity should affect him more. Watch the fight with thr Kryptonians again and you’ll see what I mean.
Just one example: a time manipulator should be able to make a perfect right turn, just like you can pivot on your heel while taking a stroll, whereas a speedster should have enough momentum that they turn in a big arc, like a racecar drifting when they suddenly spin the wheel.
There is actually nothing in BvS about Batman deciding not to kill people anymore. That idea was entirely made up by fans of the movie as a cope. Batman's arc in BvS is just about deciding not to kill Superman specifically.
Isn't his decision not to use the BatBrand on Luthor supposed to represent him setpping away from that farker path? It's not an explicit renunciation of killing, but that was certainly my interpretation.
@@Oneforgettable It does mean that he is moving away from the darker path, but the movie doesn't establish that killing bad guys is part of the "darker path". Bruce gets called out for branding people, and for wanting to kill Superman, but never for killing random bad guys. Action heroes often kill bad guys without it being considered morally wrong, so if a movie wants us to consider killing bad guys wrong it needs to establish that.
@@iamcitizen38Plus we're not given any reasons to care about the bad guys. They intended to cause great harm, they've been dealt with, so that's a win.
1:23:28 I may also note that the whole "The family gave us permission to use the actors again" was a lie by Warner Brothers so even if that excuse wasn't terrible (which it is terrible) it still wouldn't work because it's untrue.
I got a DUI because the police arrested a dude saying he was me and he had a record. He got arrested and had a mug shot under my name but no fingerprints were ever ran. I can completely believe a police force failed their job getting a man arrested for murder lol
The true reason why the VFX are bad/average is because they sold the vfx contract to the lowest bidder. The result being scenes where you can tell the care is there but the budget and time was not. It is unacceptable from DC and Warner Brothers and they should be ashamed to dip this low.
6:50 this is why makkari, running scene in the eternals is actually a lot better than the flash.makkari does big leaps but also her feet runs and not slides
The technology on his wrist working at super speed actually does make sense (probably) because the Speed Force would need to accelerate everything Barry is touching to allow it to move in sync with him, otherwise he'd tear his own clothes off his body. But also these movies both do and don't allow Speed Force to make conveniences pretty inconsistently, because friction from the air will still damage normal clothing, and also touching objects and people at high speed switches from being safe or dangerous as the scene demands.
I really appreciate your videos, Madvocate! As a writer, they've really helped me think about the staging of scenes as well as abilities and powers the characters have at their disposal! Please keep up the great work, even if it's degrading the mind and soul!
I thought the whole point of speed force was preventing the Flash's powers from being a destructive force. Kinda obviously important part of his powers as you can see how hard they struggled to make him save people without it.
It was a kaviat that just didnt need to be there considering he did that anyways on more than one occasion. In the Snyderverse Barry litterally full charges a store robber which is canon. That guy is logically very very very very dead. He moved those babies granted as little as possible but if Terry moving Barry not even a couple feet made him regurgatate his insides moving babies in any sort of fashion wouldve killed them. That one in the microwave surely wouldve splattered inside it considering it was moving at superspeed. And all in all this makes Barry's power a pretty humungous glass cannon. If Barry is incapable of moving people that would make him utterly useless in a large amount of situations unless they specifically required lethal force and if superspeed messes up humans moving any sort of inanimate object at superspeed with highly volatile lightning around him would immediately cause it to disentegrate
Maybe but has Madvocate pointed out the ring could lead to people conencting the dots with his very similar looking face tp the flash and very similar sounding voice to the flash.
36:24 Why didn't they make Barry lose his powers once he exited the sphere? Like whatshisface could've hit him with a science beam and he stopped time traveling, but due to the beam he couldn't use his superspeed?
I feel this barry has an excuse to not always use super speed seeing how he needs to actually worry about conserving energy instead of eating a magical energy bar that gives him the energy he needs to run
For some reason he needs a special watch to tell him when he's hungry instead of just being able to figure it out on his own. The lighting strike that gave him his super powers had the unfortunate side-effect of also giving him a neurological disorder that makes him incapable of recognizing the sensation of hunger.
Why not just keep a shitload of protein shakes and MRE’s with him at all times. Store them in the titty padding the way Terry stored that stuffed monkey.
@@TerrenceNowicki I think Barry knows when he's hungry or not but maybe a superspecific number of calories is needed to maintain certain levels of speed which is why he needs to monitor it. But even so its still wack considering Barry shatters lightspeed on a consistent basis and would basically need to cause world hunger to do half the things he does
Honestly I think S5 was the most sensible season. (Still Ridiculous mind you) but at least for Cicada there was clear and direct reasoning why Barry wasnt insta KO-ing him
People actually getting mad at this guy reviewing CW and talking about it’s inconsistency’s???? Why!?! He’s literally a massive fan of super speed done right, just accept criticism, realise the faults, raise awareness of it and then boom. More movies/TV-shows with marginally or majorly better writing. It’s a win-win. Also that avatar guy that messaged you on discord is just a troll.
51:52 In fact, this is the best time travel mechanics, as it allows you not to violate Novikov self-consistency principle. If the Flash changes time, then it should change, which means there will be no reason for its time travel, which means it should not travel in time. If you change something in another universe, then you don't change yourself and your universe is preserved. This is represented in Marvel's time travel. Novikov's principle of self-consistency is also well shown in the film "12 Monkeys" when you travel through time in your universe, but you cannot influence the situation in any way, since your intervention has already been taken into account. Perhaps I misunderstood something or wrote it wrong, since English is not my native language. Thanks for your videos, I'm a big fan.
Foreigners always hit us with the perfect university level English, and then apologize in advance for possible grammar mistakes 💀 Are you European by chance? I feel like you might be German
@@fabooshka You could say I'm European. I'm from Russia. But I type the basis of the text through a translator, and then I correct it, so I cheat a little.
I felt the same but the movie somehow forgot this idea during that final battle. If he is time travelling so many times how the fuck it's even the same battle. Where were those world's original flashes? Who the fuck rescued Supergirl if they both weren't there?
First, I’m only 20 minutes in to the video but I love your video bro. Second, in those 20 minutes I’ve learned more about the psychopath flash fans online and I kind of love it😂. Third, I subbed cuz ur funny
i always wondered why they made superheroes like Superman or Flash who have been shown to travel faster than the speed of light need to have their costumes on them underneath their clothes or somewhere very near. They could keep them in the north pole and get them and put them on in a ... flash? And when absolutely necessary they can move so fast to hide their identity even when they don't have their costumes.
Because Barry in the comics gradually increases his speed to get more powerful and use more abilities. He’s not moving at the speed of light all the time. And comic Superman cannot move at the speed of light. If anything the fastest he can move is sound speed. Christopher Reeve’s Superman moving fast enough to reverse the earth’s rotation was a design choice for that version and hasn’t carried over to the comic version. The movie and even the live action tv versions of these characters are a bit inconsistent because the writers don’t understand their power sets. If you want a close to faithful portrayal of Flash and Superman outside the comics that have a consistent power set I recommend the DCAU versions as well as the DC Animated movie versions
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pls do flash inconsistent season 5🥺
Bro he already said he'd do it. And is his sponsor comment the best place to put this?
Frankly the most bizzare thing about this video is the boring AI generated voice of Madvocate😂😂
The whole premise of the Flash is dumb.
It's an attempt to force the status quo, but there are undoubtedly ways that Barry could save his mother without breaking the universe.
If he cared he'd figure out a way, but of course he doesn't.
The most obvious being to "abduct" his mother, and bring her back after he gets his Flash powers.
The reason why MK Batman knew how superman looks like is that he knew about multiverse thanks to the money he donated to quantum science research which they didn't address to the public!
Wow, I thought Madvocate finally escaped Flash content, but I guess “There’s nowhere to run!”
This made me chuckle
This made me giggle
*run’s around corner*
bruh 💀💀💀💀
“There’s nowhere to run!”
-Barry Allen (The Fastest Man Alive)
“It was me Barry!
-Eobard Thawne (A Man from the Future)
"You wanna fight?"
-Ezra Miller (Reverse Flash)
@@badman_iiixiii What? Do I know you?
-A Hawaiian dude
*Cue Smash Bros Brawl Theme*
@@ScoutBostonAnonStuds 😅 yup
Barry gives up on saving billions of lives after coming to the conclusion that Zod winning is an inevitable intersection in all realities despite coming from a reality where Zod was defeated and Earth was saved. What a hero.
I absolutely DESPISE the trope in time travel stories where "certain" events can't be changed. It makes time travel itself feel pointless if you can't change certain things because of some uncontrollable reason.
@@bluefield086yeah, unless there’s literal divine intervention I ain’t buying it
@@bluefield086yeah, but in contrast time travel can be STUPID OP without limitations, and having major event blocks is usually needed.
I personally prefer the Modern Doctor Who method, where a fixed event can be changed but it gets VERY messy and should only be a last resort.
@@notdemomantf2294I mean that's why you don't write a god only to nerf it for the plot. Also, just make evil flash just like reverse flash, op vs op.
@@notdemomantf2294 Doctor Who is one of the very few instances that, well, not actually getting time travel right, but having found ways to deal with the inevitable mess time travel will _always_ create in a somewhat sensible way. I can absolutely live with 'a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff'.
Most time travel movies are a complete mess that in the end makes not even a jot of sense, with the worst culprit being 'Looper'. I hate this movie with a passion, nothing, really absolutely _nothing_ in this movie makes sense.
It would've been infinitely more funny if Batman just went "I had everything under control" when the lasso of truth was on him.
It would be funny, that's why they didn't write that.
@@benlefebvre6012 You're the one here having a b1tch fit.
@@benlefebvre6012 I have so many problems with this comment.
@@PowerKnowing I’m sure a lot of pissants do
"Remember when you were infiltrating into Superman's fortress and a shovel fell doing ton shit of noise? It was me, Barry. I pushed the shovel so it seemed like you were stupid at just a shovel's drop!"
Thawne, 2023, probably.
@@DNephilim stupid autocorrect...
@@MarshallLeeFlames Its all good ^^
He was also the one who emptied Barry's refrigerator of beers, forcing him to steal some from his neighbor when Iris asked for one.
Thawne: "Now who's the villian Flash?!"
@@nick0875 lol
Props to the director for defending, in all likelihood, an overworked, underpaid army of vfx people on a severe time crunch. And putting the blame on himself.
I feel bad for ChatGPT too
@AnotherAustin-zwhy 😂😂😂😂😂7b
@@fofao681 Maybe because people blame the technology instead of the shitbags in charge of it?
Two things you missed
1. They have discovered the formula for giving people super speed and might possibly be able to give anyone super speed
2. If Barry really did wanted to help his dad and not change anything else, he could have just gone to his home in super speed and saw who killed his mother. Simply observing the event, while not changing it
And it's not like recording it from another angle would count as interacting with any physical object or changing anything.
@@toymaster4041You could argue that last one still involves fucking with the past in any capacity, but if there’s somehow a time paradox from Barry doing that over and over again so that he could save his dad in the future, he should _mostly_ be fine.
Seeing does nothing 😂😂😂😂
How would he prove it? Even if he recorded it, he'd still have to explain _how_ he recorded it.
The only way I can see that working is if he recorded it and sent it to the authorities in the same time period--but then that would still be changing past.
Flash stopping to talk/watch is an inevitable intersection in every universe/timeline XD
There's nowhere to run (from his incompetence)
@tubbyconnorapparatus9764 indeed
Now that one i believe
Yep ! Without a shadow of a doubt ! All he needs to do is "Run, Barry! Run !"
The "it is of no concern" of palpatine never fails to make me laugh cause they really dont think about shit at all lmao
Well we just have to stop thinking about things brought up in previosu sceens because they are now irevlevant to the the story they share.😂
Can't believe Madvocate of all people is the one to point out that cameos from the CW show would've made sense and been infinitely more respectful.
That's what I'm saying
I don’t think madvocate hates cw flash as a character he definently hates the writing but I think he likes the character just not the writing
@@jackson-brown-056 he literally said that in the video
@@jackson-brown-056/videos "He hates the writing but he likes the character"
What does that mean!?
@@Lemon_Inspector You can have good characters but a shit plot, and viceversa.
"Take a shot everytime the CGI looks like shit"
Everyone dies of alcohol poisoning
Take a shot every time "There's nowhere to run."
Nobody ever drinks alcohol again.
Why? Just one shot isn't gonna kill anyone because there's just one instance where it looks like shit, that instance lasts for 143 minutes and 55 seconds
@@Backfisch5927he got us in the first half, ngl
The alcohol is to power the generator that runs the projector (that's playing the show).
here's a good one
take a piss whenever there's good CGI
On the Lasso of Truth, you are right and have a very good point. Only time we've had anyone talk unprompted was when Aquaman sat on it, but during this he was having a speech going before he sat down. This means we can infer that touching the lasso not only compels the person to speak when ordered to but also any speech that the person willingly makes has to be true.
That still doesn't explain why everyone went on ranting unprompted. When Aquaman realized he said things he normally wouldn't, he even shut up and had a look around for the lasso.
It was also Josstice League
Because that's just one of the billions of plot holes this movie has
Dark Flash just regularly stopped at the McDrive 😂
@@gwaredric2502 Thank you. This comment gave me life.
It is of no concern
I love him casually taking lunch breaks while he is constantly running lol
I genuinely cannot comprehend James Gunn, the director of the Guardians of the Galaxy films, saying The Flash was good, let alone "one of the best superhero movies he's ever seen". It's like a complete juxtaposition as if from an alternate reality where James Gunn in fact doesn't have the talent he has and has no idea about anything related to his career.
He’s probably compelled by financial reasons and alignment with international markets like China. Maybe he’s practically a puppet director. Hollywood has become beholden to influences like that
@tubbyconnorapparatus9764to that I say
He is having the same director and same writer of this movie to write Batman brave and the bold
Tho that could be cause he maybe dose see potential in thoses writers because he liked how they did batman
Or he was forced to? Theres a rumor that jobs were threatened unless it was unanimously praised.
He probably had to promote it since he’s involved with the company now.
I'm almost positive that people were paid to praise it. James Gunn, Hideo Kojima, and many others said that it was "the best superhero movie ever made".
DC was trying to market it by bribery because no one in their right mind would praise this film, especially because that freak Ezra Miller is the main actor in it.
What I love is how in that hospital rescue scene with all the babies I was fully expecting him to run up the line of babies as if they’re a staircase in order to reach the dog. With how weirdly comedic that scene was my guess wasn’t that outside the realm of possibilities!
They literally ended the movie with the one bad solution(altering the past again) instead of having Barry try to figure out the real murderer. What a joke.
They pretty much made the entire movie pointless
I hope it was just bad writing and not a sequel cliffhanger
@@matheuskirisame It definitely looks like a sequel cliffhanger (hope I'm wrong)
@@daniquemaxwell5070 The impression I got was that it was Reverse Flash that killed her, and they planned to reveal that in a sequel that won't happen.
I don't know why they didn't just use Reverse Flash. I guess they just thought that was too basic and made the plot more meta because that was the style of the time, like how Multiverse Of Madness and Wandavision were so totally meta and were amazing and loved by everyone.
@@ashblossomandjoyoussprung.9917 Multiverse of madness and wandvision were awful and right now they made reverse flash an idiot for not using superspeed to kill Barry's mom while his father was at home
You know what's crazy about the entire film's premise?
What happened if the Flash just looked through time, you know, like they demonstrated, to the moment of his mother's death to find the killer's exact identity this way?
Then it would just be a matter of working out how he's going to prove the killer was the one who truly did it now that he has the identity
The whole premise makes no sense anyway.
Assuming it was 1.) just a common burglar who broke in, happened to come across Barrys mom and kill her. Why'd anyone suspect Barry's father? He was buying the tomatoes, didn't he have a receipt to prove that he wasn't at home during that time? Couldn't he just tell the police to go to the store and have the cashier give him an alibi? What about the cloth he was wearing? They were identical to the cam footage. There was absolutely nothing that indicated that he murdered his wife. What about finger prints? So many plot holes and unanswered questions.
And even IF he had been at home during that time. Did Barrys father actually fuck the killer up when he came? Why does Barry's father being there change anything? Nothing is ever explained.
Assuming it was 2.) Eobard Thawne like it was hinted at... Why would he not kill Barry's mother even when the father is at home? There's is literally nothing Henry could do, nothing, he would literally have to fight against an unhinged, evil speedster. So why does Eobard spare Barry's mother in case the farther never leaves the house to get tomatoes?
Why in the hell would Barry put the tomatoes in the shopping cart in the first place? He doesn't know how his mom died, what if several criminals broke in, then his mother and his father would have been killed. Why endanger not just his mom but his father, too? Why does Barry not go to the moment his mom dies, just like you said to find out what actually happened, just wait on the perpetrator... He is a freaking speedster. No one except for Thawne would stand a chance against him. The killer turns up and Barrys incapacitates him in an attosecond without his parents noticing anything. The whole thing with the tomato can is so random and makes absolutely no sense.
That would have led to a way better premise if they'd gone down that route. I'd be down for Barry doing some actual crime investigation shenanigans with Batman to track down the killer.
@@Mullenmeister1510 Because the police don't care if he's guilty or innocent. Their job is to put someone in jail, he's someone, so putting him in jail is their job. That takes them five minutes of work, while investigating and finding the real killer would take them months of effort. Like, the opening scene where everyone makes fun of Barry for actually caring establishes this.
As for Thawne, the reason why he doesn't kill Barry's mother in the revised timeline is that he was never born. Eobard Thawne is a time traveler from the 25th Century. In the revised timeline, Zod exterminates the entire human race in 2013. This is what actually saved Barry's mother's life. The father's presence didn't actually matter, but because moving the tomato can also killed Superman, Barry's mother was saved. This is also why the Barrys cannot defeat Zod no matter how hard they try, because if they do so then Thawne will be born and will kill Barry's mother.
As for why Barry didn't confront the killer directly instead of doing the convoluted thing and hoping that it worked out, I don't know, I guess because that with so many different characters to juggle already they didn't have time to properly use Thawne but also didn't want to rule him out as being the killer.
@@Mullenmeister1510 He was charged & convicted SOLELY on the grounds that he happened to be the first person to find the body. There wasn't even circumstantial evidence of his guilt (i.e.: an argument between them where he threatened her shortly before she was found dead).
@@hyzmarca2737 Cops are fucking lazy, but when it comes to murder there's investigations that happen this is just not realistic dude.
The Palpatine "it is of no concern" joke is comedic gold looooollllll
10:26 not gonna lie, I was expecting Barry to start using the babies as stepping stones
Me too
Ezra Miller*
same but he’ll be doing those mothers favors if he did because those are after abortions
by the way, the wicromave beeting implies he turned it on with the baby insida
"You left that door open? No wonder you were killed." -- Oh man you got me with that one.
So wait instead of moving a can of tomatoes he could've just locked the door?
Yea but having him speed around was more entertaining for the audience. I'll never understand the hate for this movie yet the love for Marvel movies. This movie tries so hard and copies most of what makes marvel movies 'good' and 'fun', brings back beloved characters and their actors, and yet, hated.@@hypersonic4562
Reverse-Flash: “Locked? You win this round, Flash”
@@Marvelfanatic3658 Don't be hating.
It's so daft how there's lightening bolts visible to everyone when he uses his powers, even just slightly. It makes his power seem redundant. You can't go superfast for even a few seconds without causing a mini-lightning storm
Exactly, visually it looks cool, but logically it makes him stand out too much
They also aren’t consistent with it, when he was in the grocery store doing the can thing (both times) you can clearly see a lightning storm when time is slowed down, but when it goes back to normal literally no one reacts
I noticed one more inconsistentcy. The beginning shows that energy meter on Barry's arm to show he's running low on calories, but Edgy Terry has apparently been running for decades and presumably hasn't stopped to eat or go to the bathroom. Otherwise he would've been force to stop for a moment and think about what he's the possibility of going back a full day rather than only a few minutes to save Batman and Supergirl.
Here's one more: Barry and Terry going back in time every single time would make more duplicates of them, because Barry was always separate from his previous self whenever he went back using the Chronobowl.
Here's another : why aren't there multiple edgy Terrys ..since he kept going back and mostly kept duplicating himself wouldn't there be multiple edge terrys 🤔
Here's another one that YMS Adum pointed out. Since Scary Terry killed Terry, wouldn't Barry also die to the paradox? Since the reason given as to why there are 2 Barry's is that Terry will eventually "fade into" Barry when they reach the same age or when Barry goes forward in time to when Terry is his age because they're the same person, so Terry is just young Barry meaning Barry should also die when Terry dies.
And another one for you. If Scary Terry has been trying again and again, why wasn't he there when Terry and Barry were trying the first time? Why did he wait until Barry "gave up" to come back and kill Barry, which would have still killed him with the time paradox because he's an older version of Terry who is also the younger version of Barry.
Oh I thought of another one. When Terry fails to phase earlier, like with falling down the manhole, he gets his head caught in the manhole. Then he phases again and falls through without the manhole permanently affixed to his throat. When Terry and Scary Terry get metal phased into their flesh and then phase again they just keep the pieces of metal in their body. Like Kryptonian metal is somehow a speedforce-altering material.
@@Success-rebirth Maybe the original scary/edgy Terry just kept eating his other selves so it removed the double trouble problem and the low energy problem?
What's incredible is that he needs a watch to tell him his running low when his stomach could have tell the same
Imagine if the movie started with him having to constantly be saving people, just a ridiculous amount of running and trying to run faster, until eventually he breaks into the time bubble thingy. He then decides with all his stress to go back and see his mom. Not talk to her, he wouldn't actually go interact with that time, just look at it. And he goes back more and more often to visit and talk at her from the bubble until eventually he breaks down from all the stress of being a hero andtries to save her. It would be such a better character moment and would explain some of the dumb decisions he makes
get this man a job at WB
@@fabooshka bro singlehandedly wrote a script for a movie 20x better than the actual flash one in a RUclips comment
Bro this is clever af.. well done✊
That's a fascinating idea to treat time travel with a degree of error. So long as Barry doesn't step out the bubble, time is otherwise safe, but the stress and addiction to being able to see his mother again building into him taking the risk would be more reflective of Barry.
That and could say Barry interfering with timeline there, being there with his mother or asking her for some other food, so instead of making it all about some canned food, just have Barry being with his mom ruin the timeline.
What, you mean write a character like a human being and not an action figure? That can't be right! What, do you want the movie to be good or something?!
Barry with his mask on always looks like that one top angle on a character's face you get in anime when they're about to go insane
A detail that most probably was missed by non-spanish speaking audiences. The "wholesome" song Barry's mom is singing/cooking to tell the story of a low life thug who kills a prostitute while trying to rob her. Song's name: Pedro Navaja (Switchblade Pedro, I guess, if you want a translation)
Easter egg for Spanish speakers?
It's the writers/directors trying to be clever since the song's message is that the world is filled with countless tragedies you're just supposed to accept. But yeah, the way it gets the point across by having a prostitute and thug kill each other is pretty disgusting. This whole film has some nihilist vibes to it, in spite of the whole "build your own future" spiel from the previous film that almost spits in the face of nihilism. But then again most film makers in general now a days are in love with making subversive deconstructionist material, so it's probably very blatant. Will elaborate that yes, deconstructionist art and philosophy used to be celebration of old tropes, while trying to put them into modern contexts that refute modernist culture and polity. Hence why I decided to say subversive deconstructionism, because they lambast and explore, but they never build upon it.
Dios Mio, that's kinda dark.
Killed a prostitute "by mistake"? He went in purposely to stab her and rob her money and he was laughing while doing it ("mientras reía, el puñal le hundía sin compasión"). He just got shot for it and they both died on the street.
I do like the navaja.
Big folding knives are cool.
The Homelander "Fastest Man Alive" clip always gets me.
"Fastest Man Alive what a fucking joke"
Can't stop the Cole train baby!
I cant believe it
CW flash having more logic than multi million dollar movie
i genuinely will never understand why when they have these MASSIVE life changing budgets for movies they cant pay to have a half decent script for it, its not that hard to just follow your own established rules but they seem to take sadistic pleasure in breaking their own rules just a scene or two after establishing it
Because paying a decent writer in time is unfortunately lost as a concept on 95% of Hollywood, and _literally all of cast and crew apart from the screenwriter_ have to take these crazy productions faster than they can be conceived for a quick paycheck.
They treat filmmaking less like art or storytelling and more like building contracts. But hey, when a writer has too much free time on their hands, you will eventually get something like _Godzilla: Minus One._
simply reason.
Writer's strike.
They have to pay more to get good writing.
So we get shitty writing.
@@ethribin4188 for 250 mil dollars they definitely are money laundering lol i am sure that every other services rented by wb in this movie was owned by themselves so either they hyper inflated the price that goes into their own pockets because corporates becuase they can write it off as a business expense and to artificially decrease the value of WB so that the company can show growth again in the next 20 years because the stock market is a fuckin scam and "people" more like hedge funds are only chasing growth these days. let me put down my tin foil hat
@@ethribin4188wasn't this from before the writer's strike?
@@ethribin4188This film was done before the writer strike
i can feel madvocate’s wisdom entering me from all holes
wait what
Might wanna go to a doctor.
Yes sirrrr
1:02:45 - Stargate SG-1 did this perfectly. In one episode, all of SG-1 gets superspeed, and Carter tries to write a book on astrophysics but she types so fast that the computer can't keep up, and she has to take several breaks of several minutes in order for the word program to fill with the several paragraphs she just wrote. She complains about it to her team members. It's hilarious!
And in Stargate Atlantis they continue with this continuity! When McKay get's superpowers, he uses multiple laptops to type and complains that they can't keep up and he has to keep stopping to wait for them, and even something about how he figured out a work around for it but hadn't had time to stop and make the new machine. God, I love that franchise
Regarding Henry, it's even worse. The movie is playing a simple trick on you.
Nora was stabbed right around time Henry got back from the shop. His only witness is young Barry, who saw him OUTSIDE the house at the time of murder.
Movie sells you on the premise, that recording somehow proofs his innocence, but does not tell you how.
What happened:
Henry went to the shop -> got back (witnessed by Barry) -> heard the scream -> rushed to the house
What movie sells:
Nora was murdered when Henry was in the shop
Wait. Im dumb, doesn't that mean that neither story prove he could've killed her?? I mean the movie's dumber so...
@@delta9685 Neither story can be used to prove that he is innocent. Barry's testimony is problematic, as he is very young and the suspect is his father.
Having recording from the shop will only show, that he was there at the time and that might have worked, if Nora died when he was off.
But we hear her scream right when Henry gets out of the car, so how recording from the shop gives him any kind of alibi?
@@dazeith4023 oh I see. Lol I thought something didn't add up. Either Barry sees his father outside when his mother screams and therefore is a witness that he didn't kill her, because what? She screamed as he was getting out of the car? What about the murder weapon? And if he is supposed to be at the shop, making the camera feed his alibi then like in the video there are about a dozen ways that give him the alibi without him looking up at that one camera. Either way its stupid if you ask me
@@delta9685 That it is. Maybe at some point there was a part for Thawne to play a role in all that, maybe in that version it made any kind of sense and it was lost in the rewrites.
Right now you have a scenario, where Henry got back home, found his wife dying/dead and decided to touch the bloodied knife.
The thing is, he got back home to hear her scream, so at that point she was still alive. So, he was there at the time of murder.
How did the actual killer get out and supposedly, left no trace of getting in or killing Nora? Who knows, but somehow the fact that Henry was out, doing shopping some time BEFORE her death means that he couldn't do that by the logic of the movie.
@@dazeith4023 I mean this movie had about dozen of directors who got kicked out for wanting to have their own ideas
Honestly, the flash was a refreshing superhero movie to watch. Not cause it was good or anything, but it was so fun bad that it temporarily cured me of superhero fatigue.
🤔 Is this an insult or a compliment? I am seriously asking
I get it, a movie that is so terribly bad to point and laugh at is a lot more fun than a soulless mediocre mess
@@ayrtonjoga exactly, after the first 5 minutes is thought to myself: just take it in
im glad you could laugh at the shit show that was this movie
Shit was not funny lol I was cringing so bad I was like I just wanna go home
The cut to full metal jacket after the sandwich was enough to make me literally spit my drink rn. Amazing edit
You gotta love how the guy with tech that seems almost like magic, is chasing some bad guys
While the guy with superspeed is trying to stop a building from collapsing
Right? But I guess it was inevitable since this is the kill-happy Batman of the Snyderverse who would instantly choose the option that lets him deliberately break some necks.
@@CalvinChikelue this should be ironically the reformed version
So perhaps he just didn't want to go around saving people
Hell, his Lasso-induced verbal diarrhea practically confirms that he doesn't want to help people but be a vigilante
“Kinda defeats the whole anonymous super hero thing” Best Quote for this whole Movie 😂
Aint that a spiderman now way home line?
@@isabelortiz1230 yes it is i dont know what he is talking about this whole video has to be satire
better than "there's no where to run" ?haha
@tubbyconnorapparatus9764 ooohhhh ok
@@Kerplovlmao I know you got corrected but it took me reading this exchange to realize he typed ‘for’ and not ‘from’ so thanks
I used to work as a chashier for a year. Only people I could ever recall at the end of the day were people either doing something stupid, interacting while I did something stupid or that I previously knew.
I'm not saying this is true for all cashiers, but it is highly possible police did ask the cashier and he just didn't remember because Dad Barry simply didn't do anything noteworthy.
I was actually asked to testify in regards to some shoplifting once but I had no memories of said teenagers ever being in the store. What was more embarrassing was that there was camera footage of me greeting them when they entered and waving goodbye as they left, as I did with all customers.
I got dumped yesterday, didn’t think anything could cheer me up and then Madvocate came down from the skies like an arch angel and posted this heat
I wonder why
Dude, I promise you that there is someone out there waiting for you. Things get better, trust me. There'll be weeks if not months on end where you'll think of your partner everyday, but things do get better. Don't spiral because you're better than that, and never trust how you feel after 9:00 in the night. You got this, and I believe in you.
You're not good cause you get girls, you get girls cause you're good. Just get gooder.
Bummer dude, I bet there’s someone who likes you.
So what? Maybe you were too good for her, love yourself, she's the one who's going to lose and be alone not you bro. Plus if she might ever come back to you as soon she notices you're doing well, tell her to get lost or just ignore her and go forward with your life finding better people.
11:14 Of course she's screaming, her spine is jelly and the pain is catching up to her.
I think this movie would be amazing if the script was actually Barry going back in time to find out who killed his mom, so he could collect evidence to put this person in jail in the present. Then, he would cross Reverse Flash's way and he would be the villain for the movie.
The issue with that is WB realizes they blew their load too early on doomsday. So now they're gunshy about using character's "big" villains.
@@milhousevanhoutan9235 well, It's just about not destroying the villain in a movie, have no fear of bringing them back just like the comics do. Marvel has the same issue: They are not "wasting" their villains on solo movies, the problem is that they get a big villain or a memorable one and never bring them back because the guy died in the end. That's why Thanos "Arc" was memorable and why everyone liked Loki. Villains can't just show up in movies and dissapear, they need development as well. Marvel had 10 years to start an arc and finish it with Thanos, DC is rushing It so much that It's not even a big deal when you see their heroes joining another one's movie. While this Marvel's Avengers was a movie that I saw no other like, because they made us want to desire and eager their union. I really like DC movie just like I enjoy Marvel's but both are quite trying to rush and do another 10 years arc in 5 or less
40:10 Barry could've literally said that a new friend will come, and if "Terry" asks who it is, Barry could've just said: "A really cool guy is going to land *right here,* you two will become friends and he's gonna be the one who gives you your superpowers."
*And technically, Barry wouldn't be lying.*
The Flash has become to Madvocate what Miraculous Ladybug has become to Cyrus.
Nice comparison.
imo Madvocate's videos are much more bearable than Cyrus's videos
actually there used to be a show on i think discovery, where a career burglar changed his ways and now would test home security with mock burglaries.
and in one episode, he said it's pretty often that burglars will strike in the daytime, because people dont expect it. so they will monitor a target and try to find a point where they vacate the house in the daytime.
Sounds like 'It takes a thief'
As a cashier, I remember seeing every person that came through my line for 3 days max. Outside from that I have never seen you before even if we had a serious heart felt conversation 4 days ago (with one person as an exception)
I'm using this!
When I was a cashier the exact millisecond they left my lane they simply ceased to exist. Sometimes they'd come back and be like "Hey, I was just in your line and..." and I'm like "ma'am I have literally never met you in my life."
I see hundreds of people every day. You're lucky if I recognize you even if you come in every day lol
It’s nice to know this flash canonically sees people as Telltale games models
That point about BvS scene too, even more, for anyone who’s seen the storyboard for JL2, we know, in order for Barry to even come to Bruce in that “wrong” moment in batcave, cyborg HAD TO BUILD HIM THE COSMIC TREADMILL😂, and Barry was ON IT in future in that moment, he couldn’t just travel thru time that far and specifically WITHOUT the cosmic treadmill lol, AND they could only try it ONCE a year, when earths rotation was in same spot, or he could end up in space or middle of mountain or something lol, that was whole reason they had to survive in the “knightmare future” where darkseid won for a year, waiting for that moment to send Barry back to warn batman, so literally this whole movie’s existence is one GIANT contradiction to both Snyder’s pre established lore, AND comics lore, cause zacks was basically same, like in comics by the time “flashpoint” happens, he is “older” seasoned flash, and it was rare moment for him, and also “accident”, they need to stop acting like flash time traveling and opening multiverse is equal to Superman’s laser vision lol ITS NOT, it’s like “big moment, last resort” kind of thing
"Lightning gave me abs." stll the best line in the show
For some reason, no one notices that the two people seen behind the doors where the nurse is would be killed since Flash didn't save them.
We also don't see them falling from the building.
(Insert Andrés Muschietti Quote about how he has no idea how to write a script here)
I remember watching it and my dad going "wait, what about the other people?" and I just had to sit there like "oh yeah that totally slipped my mind"
This movie doesn’t care about saving people. The end fight with the army is so laughably embarrassing, the Flashes are just standing there talking while soldiers are getting slaughtered all around them. Not to mention the chase at the beginning when Batman is ramming into cars that still have people inside them. Or when Terry causes the blackout and explosion or whatever, no one cares about who may have been hurt. In the DCEU, superheroes don’t actually care about saving people unless said people are personal friends to the hero involved
Also it’s surprising that Zod didn’t kill off that whole US Base in five minutes, long before the Batwing and Supergirl and Flashes even get there.
something about the time-travel explanations reminded me of a novel, "the Gordian Protocol", by David Weber and Jacob Holo.
they initially thought that there were NO repercussions from time travel, that any changes they made would simply fade away.
some VERY nasty people were sort of exploiting that, doing lots of VERY nasty things.
for example, when told to go to the Library of Alexandria and "preserve" the books, they slaughtered EVERYONE THEY SAW and LAUGHED!
the protagonist had put a stop to most of that, by putting recordings of it on the public internet.
BUT, then he and his AI partner get caught up in a strange phenomenon they come to call "The Knot", where at least a dozen timelines are all tangled up in an unnatural way!
the AI says, "i've been analyzing the data, and i've just realized, we were wrong. about EVERYTHING."
the protagonist says, "you alternate timeline where that slaughter at Alexandria happened still EXISTS?"
so then they try to go home, only to find that THEY are stuck in the WRONG timeline...
and it gets MORE complicated from there!
Crazy with how fast and loose Barry plays with 'hiding' his secret identity, Lex STILL has no idea who he is (Justice League Animated)
It was Wally who was the Flash in the DCAU since Barry died during crisis in the comics
@@keithharrissuwignjo2460 uh apparently pulling the information from the comics can help lol
@@keithharrissuwignjo2460 Well to be more precise Wally was used because... well, at the time he _was_ the default Flash and had been so for over a decade by that point. Heck, for the longest time no one really expected Barry to ever come back and let's just say there was quite a bit of grumbling when he effectively took over the book from Wally even though it had been Wally's for over two decades by that point.
That reminds me of an old comic book:
Luthor hired someone to use a supercomputer to "discover the connection between Superman and Clark Kent".
The computer actually responded "Superman IS Clark Kent"!
Luthor stares at the screen for a few seconds, then says, "that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. scrap the entire project."
PS: that image of the screen was also on the front cover!
@@ericb3157 it does fit if nothing else though. Luthor’s so up his ass that he refuses to believe that Superman, basically a God among men, is some weirdo from Smallville who keeps missing his deadlines.
I can't wait for him to do 4 videos about how inconsistent the spin off show of this movie is!
He only did up to season 4. Aren't there 9 seasons?
What spin off show
@user-vi4xy1jw7e, he means the CW show
@@user-vi4xy1jw7e The Flash
What spin off?
I still can’t comprehend WHY zod was even ON earth in first place🤦🏻♂️🤣, like they just completely overlook fact that I’m MoS, the whole reason zod FINDS earth, and Clark, is BECAUSE Clark activates the scout ship in the ice, and the ship sends beacon to zod’s ship, otherwise zod was literally light years, and galaxies away lol, so if Clark never existed, and none of that happen, how does zod just randomly stumble on earth😂, and using the “they followed, or found destination out on krypton” argument dosent work either, cause if that’s case, why’d they wait 30 years🤦🏻♂️🤣 it just makes no sense they re create MoS ending, WITHOUT the story leading up to it EXISTING 🤣🤣🤣
Wait. Here's a detail that Madvocate missed.
If Batman expected to find Super-Man (so a male) when he found Kara, it means that he didn't watch Zod's threat.
The world's best detective spent a whole night finding out where an Alien is being detained, but did not spend a minute to listen to Zod's threat once? That's probably the first thing to do. Of course there must be thousands of footage that recorded Zod's threat, with his face and voice. It's so important, how could he not have watched it?
it is of no concern
Because movie has to happened
I swear the Boys creator made this scene JUST for you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
They clearly took aspects from the animated flashpoint movie. Yet they look out some of the coolest aspects. In the flashpoint animated movie timeline Bruce was the one who died in the alleyway that night, turning his father into Batman and his mom became the joker. Or how both wonder woman and Aquaman existed but were actively trying to take over the world. Superman was captured and imprisoned similar to this movie.
The 2013 "Flashpoint" animated movie was based on a limited comics series by the same name piblished in 2011.
Or both movies are an adaptation of a subpar comic that came out a couple years before the animated movie.
"If the timeline is erased after it's fixed, there'd be no point in saving it."
Funnily enough, Flashpoint, the comic this movie is based upon, had Barry and Thomas Batman heavily discuss this exact point. Barry starts off wanting to save the timeline, both because he wants his mom alive and because, if he's not able to undo this, this will be the timeline they're stuck with.
Even funnier, this exact point is brought up in Guilty Gear of all things. Axl, a man flung into another time by a freak accident, torn away from his home and the love of his life, consistently struggles because while he could go back, doing so would erase the timeline as it is right now. He can't bring himself to sacrifice a future people fought tooth and nail for for his own happiness. To quote the man himself, "If my eyes are so clouded and I let that happen, how am I supposed to see that beautiful smile of hers".
I love it when Flash said it was flashing time and flashed everyone
Sounds like something Ezra Miller would do.
He actually does flash everyone in this. Barry 2 gets powers and runs and burns all his clothes off in the middle of the street. Your joke is funny and genuinely applies nice
Truly one of the sex offenders of all time
This time it isn't click bait
Actually funny.
I always hated the "The VFX is bad on purpose because this is what the Flash is seeing" excuse. There is a clear difference with purposefully "Bad" vissual effects to convey something compared to just outright bad VFX because they couldn't be bothered to really try and this movie's VFX is clearly the case with the latter.
I can’t believe Bruce left Flash a… FLASH-drive!
Hearing madvocate call out all the reasons why speedsters are never properly written is comedy gold
The biggest thing that pisses me off about this movie is that barry makes no attempt at finding the killer.
That would have probably made a more interesting movie. Like imagine the killer was actually someone he knew present day, maybe someone he trusted and looked up to (which they'd establish early on), and they were keeping it secret this whole time that "It was me, Barry". Going a little further, what if the killer was actually someone who later becomes Reverse Flash (the DCEU version, perhaps with a different identity than the one we know) in the same movie, thus bringing usual Flash lore full circle in a unique twist.
"Have be someone who isn't the reverse flash yet"
That was something I was thinking about after watching the film. This would have been a better angle in my opinion.
23:20 The thing is, the flash in the comics is a pretty popular public figure/celebrity, even up to the point where he gets his own museum. So the ring that he wears can just be written off as flash "merch", as someone wearing merchandise of their favourite superhero isn't that much of a strange thing to do.
okay first off, your using the comics too defend the flash being an idiot, that is a no go here. secondly there is no evidence of a flash museum existing so we can no assume that there is one based off of a out of universe context. and third, if he wants to conceal his identity in the slightest he should not associate with the flash in any way possible other wise randoms on the street might assume some shit and his identity is blown.
@@crounos The point still stands that it could be seen as merchandise. Though I can understand where you're coming from.
I guess that is a valid excuse that they did not use...
Reminds me of that scene in Young Justice. Where Superboy is told not to wear his symbol at school to "keep his cover"
But when he gets there almost every student is wearing superhero merchandise, lol.
@@tevenpowell8023 Conner's whole superhero suit is literally just his casual outfit with a Superman merch shirt, he has simultaneously the best and the worst cover of all the team.
i like the small clips from other movies and shows. this video was fun as hell
Man we really completely skipped over the fact that kryptonians, f**king kryptonians, are reverse flashable. I know this movie has far more glaring flaws but this means that Flash is now the most powerful justice leaguer (faster than anyone else and an instant kill move more lethal than anyone else and time travel abilities) and even more egregious than this, his powers are far from exclusive to him. Batman, green lantern or even Steve from HR could get these f**king powers of Barry was willing to share them. When Darkseid shows up he should get absolutely EVISCERATED. Even the CW made sure that reverse flash couldn’t phase through Kara’s chest because they knew that it would break EVERYTHING.
We have to write the movie for them. Since they were brand new to Earth, they weren't tough enough yet, so the vibrating hand could work on those kryptonians as they were half power.
But yes, you're correct 💯
That wouldn’t do anything to Darkseid.
@@Ghostface833How do you know that ?
@@malikpierre-louis3343 Because Darkseid is a higher dimensional new god and is tough to kill. Although I don’t want to say it would have zero effect but It would be harder to kill his avatar with those moves.
@@Ghostface833 We've seen Darkseid bleed which means he can be killed. And regardless his 'toughness', we're talking about vibrating between the molecules that make up his body. No amount of 'toughness' is gonna help prevent that.
They call him Madvocate because he went insane after experiencing all the Flash content. Godspeed you madlad.
Where's Madvocatar, who travels back in time to stop him from reviewing the first season of CW's The Flash and ruining his life, but then realizes that would erase himself from existence, so he instead tries to kill the original Madvocate to stop him from needing to finish the series and review every season, thus sparing him great suffering?
You're telling me Zod's victory was in evitable against Supergirl, a very experienced Batman, and two Flashes, but against Superman alone we see him fail?
How come Barry in this version CANNOT move someone while using super speed, but he can vibrate someone so fast their atoms slip past the atoms of other solid objects and they're fine?
Why didn't they just say Barry phased through the wall alone and unlocks the door?
It makes sense he can do this in other versions, cause he can extend the speed force to other people temporarily, kinda like physics armor so they don't just atomize when he moves them. But in this they establish relocation is fatal, so come on DC, get your shit toge-Oh...... It's dead.
which is why the limitation of him not moving people directly makes no sense to me
@@autobotproductions1244 It all makes a LOT more sense when you realize everyone who actually knows how to write worth a damn was fired for not being diverse toadies enough and all they have left is talentless hacks that never should've been given jobs to begin with, but suck the racially diverse dicks and promote the message well enough that they just get a pass. Again. And again. And again.
@@autobotproductions1244This is too wild. Like there was multiple screenwriters and they are constantly bickering with each other and Frankenstein monsters this movie from their Mish mashed ideas.
And funny enough that's one of the most realistic uses of his powers in real life,say a battle or crisis he can relocate civilians with super speed reducing casualties but in this version he is basically useless,see the speedster in the first episode of invisible for example
@@reddittron9622 useless is the word for it. makes me think that time travel scene in the Snyder Cut was added just to give him something to do.
it's a minor thing but at 44:00 it's truly incredible how much worse zod's transmission to earth looks in the flash vs man of steel, like would it not have been simpler to just reuse the same footage from man of steel rather than attempting to recreate it and ending up with,,, that???
Oh goody, someone that cares about MoS on this comments section.
Gotta love that Henry leaves and returns home without the baseball cap on. A+ or consistency.
This movie fundamentally doesn’t understand the Flash’s powers or how basic momentum works. He doesn’t slow down time, he moves super fast, there’s a very big difference
well no, he's moving super fast, but to him he's perceiving that speed normally so what's super fast is just an average speed, meaning things are moving slower appear even slower
@@kuirivito that’s not what I’m talking about, I’m talking about how he has no momentum, how he’s able to swing off a broom in mid air like the broom is frozen in place when he should just push it and how he falls to the ground super quickly despite the fact that just because he’s moving fast it doesn’t mean gravity should affect him more. Watch the fight with thr Kryptonians again and you’ll see what I mean.
Just one example: a time manipulator should be able to make a perfect right turn, just like you can pivot on your heel while taking a stroll, whereas a speedster should have enough momentum that they turn in a big arc, like a racecar drifting when they suddenly spin the wheel.
@@the_well-known_stranger2275No, that's the Speed Force.
@@michaelnettles3059 sigh, that’s NOT how the Speed Force works
There is actually nothing in BvS about Batman deciding not to kill people anymore. That idea was entirely made up by fans of the movie as a cope. Batman's arc in BvS is just about deciding not to kill Superman specifically.
Finally someone said it
Isn't his decision not to use the BatBrand on Luthor supposed to represent him setpping away from that farker path? It's not an explicit renunciation of killing, but that was certainly my interpretation.
@@Oneforgettable It does mean that he is moving away from the darker path, but the movie doesn't establish that killing bad guys is part of the "darker path". Bruce gets called out for branding people, and for wanting to kill Superman, but never for killing random bad guys.
Action heroes often kill bad guys without it being considered morally wrong, so if a movie wants us to consider killing bad guys wrong it needs to establish that.
@@iamcitizen38Thats an excellent argument, actually
@@iamcitizen38Plus we're not given any reasons to care about the bad guys. They intended to cause great harm, they've been dealt with, so that's a win.
26:22 can we just appreciate how absolutley incredible the vfx are in this scene
I love how every shot of a movie you put into your videos perfectly incapsulates the emotion of what you’re saying
That's part of why his videos are so good. The editing is amazing and every clip matches up with the context and what he's saying.
I'm so glad you committed so hard to the Top Gun bit. This video is a masterpiece. We need a CW live action Madvocate show.
1:23:28 I may also note that the whole "The family gave us permission to use the actors again" was a lie by Warner Brothers so even if that excuse wasn't terrible (which it is terrible) it still wouldn't work because it's untrue.
Man these CGI effects are so good and 1990
Too generous. 600 years lower.
90s special effects were way better than this. Alien and The Original Trilogy of Star Wars had better special effects.
The CGI in the 90s Flash show had better CGI than this movie, along with better writing.
Nah the first tron movie had better CGI
It look like movie make for ps3 hardware
I got a DUI because the police arrested a dude saying he was me and he had a record. He got arrested and had a mug shot under my name but no fingerprints were ever ran. I can completely believe a police force failed their job getting a man arrested for murder lol
The true reason why the VFX are bad/average is because they sold the vfx contract to the lowest bidder. The result being scenes where you can tell the care is there but the budget and time was not. It is unacceptable from DC and Warner Brothers and they should be ashamed to dip this low.
6:50 this is why makkari, running scene in the eternals is actually a lot better than the flash.makkari does big leaps but also her feet runs and not slides
The guy from Guardians 3 used as a clip to react to the "because it was made by Batman" was brilliant.
He was the best part in Peacemaker imo
@@badman_iiixiiihe means the alien who looks like Bert from Sesame Street not the villain
4:27 The final CW Flash is sooo much better than the movie suite it’s crazy
The technology on his wrist working at super speed actually does make sense (probably) because the Speed Force would need to accelerate everything Barry is touching to allow it to move in sync with him, otherwise he'd tear his own clothes off his body. But also these movies both do and don't allow Speed Force to make conveniences pretty inconsistently, because friction from the air will still damage normal clothing, and also touching objects and people at high speed switches from being safe or dangerous as the scene demands.
I really appreciate your videos, Madvocate! As a writer, they've really helped me think about the staging of scenes as well as abilities and powers the characters have at their disposal! Please keep up the great work, even if it's degrading the mind and soul!
1:22:31 it feels like your entire channel was leading up to this moment what a masterpiece 😭🤣
The fucking thumbnail got me lmfao
It looks like flash is getting milked
♂gachi noises♂
@@ComicXanzI wish I could get milked ☹️
Finally, someone brought it up.
I thought the whole point of speed force was preventing the Flash's powers from being a destructive force. Kinda obviously important part of his powers as you can see how hard they struggled to make him save people without it.
It was a kaviat that just didnt need to be there considering he did that anyways on more than one occasion. In the Snyderverse Barry litterally full charges a store robber which is canon. That guy is logically very very very very dead. He moved those babies granted as little as possible but if Terry moving Barry not even a couple feet made him regurgatate his insides moving babies in any sort of fashion wouldve killed them. That one in the microwave surely wouldve splattered inside it considering it was moving at superspeed. And all in all this makes Barry's power a pretty humungous glass cannon. If Barry is incapable of moving people that would make him utterly useless in a large amount of situations unless they specifically required lethal force and if superspeed messes up humans moving any sort of inanimate object at superspeed with highly volatile lightning around him would immediately cause it to disentegrate
I think the only argument I could make for Barry having the ring in public is people thinking he’s a flash fanboy rather than the flash.
Maybe but has Madvocate pointed out the ring could lead to people conencting the dots with his very similar looking face tp the flash and very similar sounding voice to the flash.
@@malikpierre-louis3343 yea definitely 😂 you’d think they’d be better at hiding their identity especially with his voice
36:24 Why didn't they make Barry lose his powers once he exited the sphere? Like whatshisface could've hit him with a science beam and he stopped time traveling, but due to the beam he couldn't use his superspeed?
Lol science beam, that's great 😂👍
Clearly, you don't understand science beams...
I feel this barry has an excuse to not always use super speed seeing how he needs to actually worry about conserving energy instead of eating a magical energy bar that gives him the energy he needs to run
For some reason he needs a special watch to tell him when he's hungry instead of just being able to figure it out on his own. The lighting strike that gave him his super powers had the unfortunate side-effect of also giving him a neurological disorder that makes him incapable of recognizing the sensation of hunger.
Except they completely ignored that mechanic and is never brought up again.
@@cronostrife431just like the tv show
Why not just keep a shitload of protein shakes and MRE’s with him at all times. Store them in the titty padding the way Terry stored that stuffed monkey.
@@TerrenceNowicki I think Barry knows when he's hungry or not but maybe a superspecific number of calories is needed to maintain certain levels of speed which is why he needs to monitor it. But even so its still wack considering Barry shatters lightspeed on a consistent basis and would basically need to cause world hunger to do half the things he does
Can't get over the fact how much money they threw out. Why use so many VFX shots? They literally made Flash a floating head on a CGI body.
It can't end. Flash material is as precious as fossil fuels, or diamonds, and just as rare. Please, don't let it end, Air Supply.
I'm honestly so glad Madvocate is doing an S5 video for The Flash. I'm genuinely excited to see him destroy that season's writing lmao.
Honestly I think S5 was the most sensible season. (Still Ridiculous mind you) but at least for Cicada there was clear and direct reasoning why Barry wasnt insta KO-ing him
People actually getting mad at this guy reviewing CW and talking about it’s inconsistency’s????
He’s literally a massive fan of super speed done right, just accept criticism, realise the faults, raise awareness of it and then boom. More movies/TV-shows with marginally or majorly better writing.
It’s a win-win.
Also that avatar guy that messaged you on discord is just a troll.
51:52 In fact, this is the best time travel mechanics, as it allows you not to violate Novikov self-consistency principle. If the Flash changes time, then it should change, which means there will be no reason for its time travel, which means it should not travel in time. If you change something in another universe, then you don't change yourself and your universe is preserved. This is represented in Marvel's time travel. Novikov's principle of self-consistency is also well shown in the film "12 Monkeys" when you travel through time in your universe, but you cannot influence the situation in any way, since your intervention has already been taken into account.
Perhaps I misunderstood something or wrote it wrong, since English is not my native language. Thanks for your videos, I'm a big fan.
Foreigners always hit us with the perfect university level English, and then apologize in advance for possible grammar mistakes 💀
Are you European by chance? I feel like you might be German
@@fabooshka You could say I'm European. I'm from Russia. But I type the basis of the text through a translator, and then I correct it, so I cheat a little.
I felt the same but the movie somehow forgot this idea during that final battle. If he is time travelling so many times how the fuck it's even the same battle. Where were those world's original flashes? Who the fuck rescued Supergirl if they both weren't there?
@@anirudhgambhir1064Yes, but forgetting your rules is generally the standard for superhero movies these days.
You speak(type in this case) better than most native English speakers I've come across.
Flash could have just seen who killed his mum, travelled to back to the future and forced the criminal to confess
First, I’m only 20 minutes in to the video but I love your video bro. Second, in those 20 minutes I’ve learned more about the psychopath flash fans online and I kind of love it😂. Third, I subbed cuz ur funny
i always wondered why they made superheroes like Superman or Flash who have been shown to travel faster than the speed of light need to have their costumes on them underneath their clothes or somewhere very near. They could keep them in the north pole and get them and put them on in a ... flash? And when absolutely necessary they can move so fast to hide their identity even when they don't have their costumes.
If I’m remembering right, comic flash stores his costume in a ring and super speed changes into it
@@johnathonjohnston1598ok? That’s what the person is saying is a bad idea
Because Barry in the comics gradually increases his speed to get more powerful and use more abilities. He’s not moving at the speed of light all the time. And comic Superman cannot move at the speed of light. If anything the fastest he can move is sound speed. Christopher Reeve’s Superman moving fast enough to reverse the earth’s rotation was a design choice for that version and hasn’t carried over to the comic version.
The movie and even the live action tv versions of these characters are a bit inconsistent because the writers don’t understand their power sets. If you want a close to faithful portrayal of Flash and Superman outside the comics that have a consistent power set I recommend the DCAU versions as well as the DC Animated movie versions
Because it would still be a waste of time regardless of how fast they are.
@@wolfshade5020Superman can move at the speed of light lol he’s literally flown across the universe in an instant
I honestly thought Flash not learning his lesson was an integral part of his character
Are you sarchastic ?
Kinda defeats the whole anonymous superhero thing. 23:57
I'm at the scene with Berry carrying Terry up the stairs. I love when you get so mad.