As a Catholic with a home altar, I love your message! Having a home altar focuses our domestic life on Christ, where it should be focused. It is a tremendous aid to growing our devotion.
My wife and I grew up Pentecostal. After getting married we became more aligned with Reformed Baptist theology but we started going to an Anglican Church. 😱 Of course everything was “too catholic”, especially for my wife. But slowly things came around for both of us. A few years later we are now baptized and confirmed members of our local confessional LCMS church. I watched my wife and children make the sign of the cross after absolution and after receiving the Eucharist. My heart was so full. ❤️ Now here we are… looking for ideas for a home altar. 😁
As a former Catholic moving into the Anglican Church I would personally consider it a huge compliment if someone said that my altar was “too Catholic”. Catholics and Eastern Orthodox: you keep doing you. You’re all awesome. Know this Protestant supports you in your journey.
Confessional Lutheran here ❤ Building our home altar this weekend in the living room. I have a small one in my prayer closet but I want one for the whole family ❤️
How nice for our Lord to have His own special place in our homes! He IS our dear Heavenly Father! It’s nice not to wait till something happens to remember aw let’s pray! What more logical than having a special place at home, for the very whole of our souls! Given whatever the denomination of your personal devotion is, let Him know that you do have a place for Him in your Heart and life and let the world know it! That’s what I do, and whomever that chooses to get nearby should know me! ...and be respectful!
Thank you for this video. I left mainstream evangelical Christianity 3 years ago. I was sick to death of the commercialized irreverent self-centered worship. I have been worshiping alone at home on the Sabbath ever sense. Slowly, I added candles, then I started covering my head and taking off my shoes. Today I added some incense. I began to realize that setting the candles and bible and incense on my table helped me focus my attention and transport me to a place where I felt I was in the presence of God. But I was concerned that this might be considered New Age or witchcraft or something. I would like to set up a permanent sacred spot in my home but I want to make sure that it is okay for a Christian to do so.
Don't be worshipping by yourself. The Bible commands that we worship together on the Sabbath. Find a good Lutheran or Anglican church where you can be with other believers and enjoy reverent worship. Even an Orthodox or Catholic church would also be a great option.
@@brendonpremkumar8207 Thank you for the advice. My husband I have started to attend the local catholic church on Sundays. We find it much more reverent than than evangelical protestant churches.
There are many things that can be considered in a negative light. However, one could argue that Christmas itself was a Pagan holiday that the Catholic Church turned into Jesus’s birthday. I think anything you do… you know your intentions and so does God. As long as you are doing it because you love him and it gives you a stronger relationship then I don’t think God would be displeased with you. Also, don’t worship alone? Yes, you can worship alone… but it doesn’t replace worshiping with community on the Sabbath. Some people are so literal with the Bible. It’s been translated to how many languages? It is truth but everything that exists in the world is not in the Bible. Also, science coincides with the Bible. The creation story just sounds like a simplified version of the Big Bang Theory… which was developed by a Catholic priest. And evolution… Adam could have been much hairier and walked differently. The point being we evolved and to a much greater extent than any other creature. Doesn’t that also prove the Bible’s point that humans are his most extraordinary creation that he made in his image?
Question: Why do Catholic use incense and candles? Answer: Anything you may find used in worship in the New Testament, especially in the book of Revelation, is used in Catholic worship: vestments, lights, incense, chants, processions, and so on. Candles have the specific symbolism of shedding light, which is both practical and mystical in its meaning. The burning of costly beeswax is also a kind of small sacrifice, and the beautiful Easter proclamation sung over the Paschal candle at the Vigil of Easter expounds. Incense represents the sweet fragrance of prayer and of right teaching, and it also symbolizes purity of heart, since it cleanses the air of any foul odors. Those Protestants who use none of these things in their worship tend to associate the style of worship depicted in the New and Old Testaments as pagan. This is a strange attitude, but one comes across it. I remember a Protestant pastor’s wife who described the Catholic use of incense as “heathen.” When I mentioned that it is used in the book of Revelation, she did not know what to say.
I was taught that incense is an outward sign of prayer, that the image of the smoke rising into the air is the prayer of the people going up to the heavens. In addition, the smoke gives us the visuals of clouds appearing, which represent God as he appeared veiled in the clouds in the old testament. Lastly, the scent touches on our sense of smell, as prayer is supposed to involve all the senses and the whole body in a liturgical context. Also, I am a protestant, we still do all of this. My episcopal church lights so much incense that I have even had catholics tell me we overdo it. (I usually respond it's impossible to overdo)
Hello, protestant here. Not far into the video but I am interested in making a small portable one out of an altoids tin and came here for ideas. I grew up Episcopalian, in middle school I was into witchcraft but I came back to the Lord in High School and came to an Assemblies of God church. Now is a college student I am a Christian fellowship with all sorts of Christians. I hope when I have a family to have one of these and wanted to know the history behind one. Thanks.
Traditions of man, in order to help maintain faith at home, is perfectly fine. Many protestants have christian memorabelia at home, why not bring it all together for a home altar? I like the idea of having a sacred part of my home, to have that sense of comfort and formality to keep me on my best Christian behavior :)
At home alter, I have no problem. It's statues and images that go against the Bible. It says in the book of Exodus chapter 20 that though shall not make grieving images. My altar just has stacks of bibles and the cross without the body of Christ. On it
I was protestant but became Catholic after doing a degree in Biblical studies. I realised that we often read a few lines, and base a belief on that, but we fail to understand the context or the meaning behind what God was saying. It is wrong to worship an image, which is what God was talking about. But God is amazing He gave us different senses in order that we may experience Him through touch, sight, smell hearing ect, so while some create beautiful worship music, others produce art that can inspire us to think about God, this is evident in the many pasages in the Bibe where God instructs the making of so many beautiful pieces of artwork to inspire those who come to the temple to worship Him. Truly God is good and cares that we understand Him and connect with Him, he made provisions therefore through music and art to help us. I ensure I take as much time for a crusifix that has Jesus on the cross as a crusifix without, He died for us, sacrificing Himself on the cross therefore we should never forget that or belittle that by only looking at the empty cross Many Blessings to you x
Not catholic. But building one. I'm handy and crafty. Repurposed old door. Plained it. Routed Mark 11:24 in it. Just wing in it for the lord. My prayer closet. Garage. I believe the Bible CLEARLY says call NO MAN your father! I just wanna press in, build a relationship.
This is very interesting. I wrote a paper about this subject at a Lutheran University 20 years ago. My inspiration for the paper was two things: my mother’s dressing table where I loved to play as a little girl and my father’s dresser top where he carefully arranged his prized/daily belongings around their ornately-framed wedding photo; AND the little ‘alters’ we always see in offices. They are so captivating! Have you ever gone to the bank and at the teller’s window sits a little framed picture of her daughter, a mini vase with a flower, a plastic dog replicating her beloved pet, etc.? I worked in a hospital Administration office for many years. Every desk and nurses station had an ‘alter’.... A little collection. Pictures. Cat icons. LOL 🥰 The things of importance to the persons are represented in these amazing and tenderly displayed scenes. I don’t think they reflect formal religious beliefs, but they sure reflect the things that are most important to these people’s hearts. XOjennyinseattle
I think you're talking about the poster with the chalice watermark in the corner? If so, it's one of a 2 poster set of Martin Luther's Small Catechism. If you'd like one you can find it at:
Thank you for distinguishing this type of 'this at home altar' maybe it's more of a shrine? Either way, I really appreciated this additional explanation, as we know that Jesus Christ is the Priest, victim, and altar for the Eucharistic Liturgy in the Mass. Thank you!
It’s a matter of conscience. If it doesn’t bother you, by all means go to a Catholic Supply Store. I get a lot of my stuff from, which is Eastern Orthodox
im catholic i dont have an at home altar i have religious stuff spread out in my home. but now hearing from an orthodox im having second thoughts......
Great question! This is an authentic, hand-crafted (in Bethlehem) with real fired clay, reproduction of the oil lamps in common use in biblical times. It is available from for $14.95 +S&H. Here's the link:
Ultimately, I just find the icon beautiful. No other reason. & while I don’t ask for her intercession, I still make sure to render her the honor she rightly deserves as the Mother of my Lord.
@@1517FILMS that's good. For me personally, Mary has always held a special place in my heart as the one who bore my Savior. I feel like Protestants often downplay her role, insisting she was just like us and shouldn't be given a place of honor.
If it's in the only room you have where it's most appropriate then it's okay. I have mine in my bedroom and it was just blessed by a priest, he said it was perfectly fine there.
Because an altar is meant to inspire reflection on God and what He has done for us, it should be placed wherever it best suits your life, whether that be in a bedroom, living-room, or what-have-you. There are no hard-and-fast rules about where it should be or how it should look. There are obvious places in which it would be disrespectful to place an altar (i.e. the washroom), but otherwise, even on a bookshelf or dresser is perfectly-fine.
I have "altars" (icon walls for us Eastern Orthodox) in each room, but the bathroom. God is welcomed everywhere in my house, He's actually the King of this house so there's no room where He can't be. Even if I don't have icons in the bathrooms, I do have Bible verses.
Love the idea of home altars, I have one. But I could have went without the underhanded remarks toward Charismatics. Love you though in Christ Jesus, God bless.
I believe you are talking about the poster behind me? It’s one of two posters in a set. The posters contain Luther’s Small Catechism, & are available for purchase from Ad Crucem. Here is the link;
I'm a Baptist. I use the KJV we sing the old hymns and piano. I wanna have a little bit of incense and a icon of the catacomb cross icon. I don't think it will make my prayer any better I just would like to set a nicer mood while I pray . I don't mind a crucifix but nothing that is a statue or figure of Jesus nailed to a cross
💐💐I'm not Catholic but I'm looking into the home altar idea making a mass kit and I love reading my 🐈 Catholic youth bible 📙 who else likes reading their bible in McDonald's 🍔🍟🥤💐💐
LSB, Concordia - Reader's Edition, THE Lutheran Study Bible: CPH publications. Smells LCMS. What he says in this video is vitally important. St. Paul mentioned "Christ Crucified" twice within a few verses at the beginning of 1 Corinthian, specifically, τὸν ἑσταυρωμένον in the original Greek, "The Crucified." Being rendered in the perfect passive participle, it is (grammatically speaking) "durative,' meaning continuing, not "once and done." That means Christ's crucifixion is an enduring reality, and consequently, the crucifix ought to be present--front and center in Christian life. That's why there were five crucifixes present in the sanctuary when I was in active pulpit ministry.
I know this is off topic but o u have problem with ur oil lamp leaking oil all over your wooden table as I bought two of those oil lamps but every time I fill it within a few minus I would have olive oil leaking through the clay all over my prayer altar I had to place it on a plate to catch the oil.
@@mckhael5378 yes but they have a bishops and a head bishop just like peter as head of the apostles. The pope is the bishop of rome. Pope is just a title. In spanish its called papa or padre or in other words Father.
@@mckhael5378 lol. Are you putting down Peter? He was the first Pope, steward, ordained by Christ. You do realize that Paul bowed to Peter's authority? That John the Beloved lived to 100ad, and he and Polycarp would have had to acknowledge Peter's successors? It's called the Apostolic Succession. History. Peter was know as the Bishop of Rome, same title that Francis carries today.
@@loshuesoslocos of course, Peter isn't God, and therefore not perfect, like Jesus Christ, who is the Son of the Living God and perfect. The rebuke really shows Peter's authority and power as the Steward of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace. "His conduct made a great impression on the other Jewish Christians at Antioch, so that even Barnabas, St. Paul's companion, now avoided eating with the Christianized pagans. As this action was entirely opposed to the principles and practice of Paul, and might lead to confusion among the converted pagans, this Apostle addressed a public reproach to St. Peter, because his conduct seemed to indicate a wish to compel the pagan converts to become Jews and accept circumcision and the Jewish law. The whole incident is another proof of the authoritative position of St. Peter in the early Church, since his example and conduct was regarded as decisive. But Paul, who rightly saw the inconsistency in the conduct of Peter and the Jewish Christians, did not hesitate to defend the immunity of converted pagans from the Jewish Law. Concerning Peter's subsequent attitude on this question St. Paul gives us no explicit information. But it is highly probable that Peter ratified the contention of the Apostle of the Gentiles, and thenceforth conducted himself towards the Christianized pagans as at first. As the principal opponents of his views in this connexion, Paul names and combats in all his writings only the extreme Jewish Christians coming "from James" (i.e., from Jerusalem). While the date of this occurrence, whether before or after the Council of the Apostles, cannot be determined, it probably took place after the council (see below)." New Advent
You can buy them from Amazon or Ebay. If by chance you're in the UK then I'd recommend the Pilgrim Shop in Walsingham, Norfolk ( I do believe actually that they ship world wide.
Enjoyed the majority. I'm sadden about your statement of sarcasm. Perhaps it may not be a sin. Still replying to sarcasm with sarcasm doesn't spread the Good Word of the New Testament.
I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic Grammar and High School. My Aunt was a Felician Nun, so our home was filled with statues, which I thought were so beautiful. I was married in a Lutheran Church because our Catholic Church wanted money to marry us (my husband had been married before). Now, I feel confused since I have a KJV friend who is totally into being "born again" and "saved", which are two phrases they seem obsessed with (while I feel my infant baptism was good). I appreciate the KJV people being so much into the bible (although only theirs), which is something I never learned in Catholic school (only Catechism class). Can I still be a good Christian if I embrace some of each of the religions? I don't want to get caught up in the minutia.
Spiritual infancy… please learn to worship god in spirit and truth! U don’t need tangible things to connect to the divine, it’s all spiritual not physical!
Huh… & people say Gnosticism is dead in the Church! I’ll grant you these things aren’t necessary. But your insistence that it’s, “all spiritual,” is a blatant denial of the promises of God concerning: forgiveness, life, & salvation which He attached to water, bread, & wine! Which, if memory serves, are physical things!
@@valentineeyumsama2520: Yes, as a matter of fact He did. He commanded the church to baptize with water, and He gives us His very body and blood for the forgiveness of sins in the bread and the wine. These are physical, not spiritual things: water, bread, wine. So you should abandon your Gnostic interpretation of Christianity, and repent of your arrogance for accusing me of spiritual infancy! I know all to well what THE faith, ONCE for all delivered to the saints is. You're the one thats in a state of spiritual infancy, because you don't even know the words of Jesus well enough to know the promises He's made. If you did, you wouldn't have been so arrogant to say "it's all spiritual."
@@1517FILMS the bread and the wine r consumed in “memory” of what he did for our salvation not for the forgiveness of our sins… The baptismal ritual or what u call the waters of baptism r of no essence on the outside without true repentance on the inside. They don’t take away sin. What takes away sin is belief in Christ and repentance! Any physical object used in liturgical worship is idolatrous!
@@valentineeyumsama2520: wow… every word of what you just said is wrong. Jesus said of the bread “this IS my body,” & of the cup “this IS my blood… shed for you FOR the forgiveness of sins.” Are you calling Jesus a liar? & I’d seriously give Romans 6, & 1 Peter 3:21 a quick read again before telling me salvation isn’t tied to baptism. Do you seriously not know these things? Like, this is Christianity 101 level stuff that even my 5yr old understands! Spiritual infancy at its finest… you are! LOL
I’m going to pray for your conversion to the Holy Roman Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation. Research sedevacantism, there is much at stake. May God bless and Mary keep you, in Christ, Jesus+
Православна Maxboy50 just because you think that the Supreme Pontiff has “too much … power” does not make it so; your failure to understand Truths-of-Faith do not refute them.
Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis during the entire early church the bishop of Rome was the head of The church but had as much power as the patriarch of Constantinople has today (only positional and mainly symbolic earthy authority). The could (and still can in orthodoxy) canonize saints and have church authority. The papal position was created in 1054 by the west for political power only.
Ahh you are so smart and amazing! Why don't you become orthodox? You must know it is the early church. You do know what Luther wrote about Jews right? Not very nice, like an ancient Hitler. He edited the Bible and only separated from catholicism for political reasons. If he was interested in the benefit of the people, he would have turned his people orthodox, he was only politically interested. And worship was always in the home in orthodoxy, Luther did nothing. You can't trust someone who wanted to remove 2 books. The orthodox church was established by Christ and founded by st paul in Antioch. The Protestant church was founded by a weird man with some orthodox ideas. The Lutheran Church sadly is not apostolic, which as you must know, is a core part of the church. This proves it false. And the best part! There is a western orthodox church so you don't have to change your western traditions lol. If you have any question, I am here.
I became a Lutheran in my mid-20s, after years of investigating other denominations. There's a lot about Catholicism that I find a bit "cringeworthy," but Orthodoxy also seems to have its idolatrous tendencies, from the footage I've seen of some practices.
@@barefootanimist only if you consider your family albums to be your people. 🤦🏼♀️ Icons made for the majority of people, who couldn't read nor had access to a Bible. Icons are full of symbology and understanding one is as good as reading its book in the Bible. Therefore we kiss the icons, just as we kiss the Bible.
Not to condone Luther’s comments on the Jews but to give context; Luther was frustrated with the stubbornness of the Jews who did not accept Christ and how they were bringing people away from Christ. His comments were certainly extreme in his later age but there was a reason for it.видео.html here's a video that can explain it way better than I if you're interested
Good. Maybe actually show shots of the altar etc etc instead of just jabbering on and on about unrelated crap? Use a bit of showmanship instead of just jabbering on and on
As a Catholic with a home altar, I love your message! Having a home altar focuses our domestic life on Christ, where it should be focused. It is a tremendous aid to growing our devotion.
My wife and I grew up Pentecostal. After getting married we became more aligned with Reformed Baptist theology but we started going to an Anglican Church. 😱
Of course everything was “too catholic”, especially for my wife. But slowly things came around for both of us.
A few years later we are now baptized and confirmed members of our local confessional LCMS church. I watched my wife and children make the sign of the cross after absolution and after receiving the Eucharist. My heart was so full. ❤️
Now here we are… looking for ideas for a home altar. 😁
We are like exactly the same!!! My husband was raised pentacostle, we became reformed baptists for years, then at last anglican :)
As a former Catholic moving into the Anglican Church I would personally consider it a huge compliment if someone said that my altar was “too Catholic”.
Catholics and Eastern Orthodox: you keep doing you. You’re all awesome. Know this Protestant supports you in your journey.
Confessional Lutheran here ❤ Building our home altar this weekend in the living room. I have a small one in my prayer closet but I want one for the whole family ❤️
How nice for our Lord to have His own special place in our homes! He IS our dear Heavenly Father! It’s nice not to wait till something happens to remember aw let’s pray! What more logical than having a special place at home, for the very whole of our souls! Given whatever the denomination of your personal devotion is, let Him know that you do have a place for Him in your Heart and life and let the world know it! That’s what I do, and whomever that chooses to get nearby should know me! ...and be respectful!
From a Presbyterian to a Lutheran, you rock. Love this, brother.
I’m Latin-Rite Catholic and I lost it at 01:16 HAHAHAHA
I'm anglican but that also made me laugh as I'm anglo-catholic so heared it all before lol
Only Jesus ✝️👑❤️
First time on your minute in. . ... subscribed! Confessional Lutheran for the win 1517 VDMA !!!
Thank you for this video. I left mainstream evangelical Christianity 3 years ago. I was sick to death of the commercialized irreverent self-centered worship. I have been worshiping alone at home on the Sabbath ever sense. Slowly, I added candles, then I started covering my head and taking off my shoes. Today I added some incense. I began to realize that setting the candles and bible and incense on my table helped me focus my attention and transport me to a place where I felt I was in the presence of God. But I was concerned that this might be considered New Age or witchcraft or something. I would like to set up a permanent sacred spot in my home but I want to make sure that it is okay for a Christian to do so.
Don't be worshipping by yourself. The Bible commands that we worship together on the Sabbath. Find a good Lutheran or Anglican church where you can be with other believers and enjoy reverent worship. Even an Orthodox or Catholic church would also be a great option.
@@brendonpremkumar8207 Thank you for the advice. My husband I have started to attend the local catholic church on Sundays. We find it much more reverent than than evangelical protestant churches.
@@baralar57 Great to hear that! 😃 But be wary of some of the false teachings of Catholics churches.
There are many things that can be considered in a negative light. However, one could argue that Christmas itself was a Pagan holiday that the Catholic Church turned into Jesus’s birthday. I think anything you do… you know your intentions and so does God. As long as you are doing it because you love him and it gives you a stronger relationship then I don’t think God would be displeased with you. Also, don’t worship alone? Yes, you can worship alone… but it doesn’t replace worshiping with community on the Sabbath.
Some people are so literal with the Bible. It’s been translated to how many languages? It is truth but everything that exists in the world is not in the Bible. Also, science coincides with the Bible. The creation story just sounds like a simplified version of the Big Bang Theory… which was developed by a Catholic priest. And evolution… Adam could have been much hairier and walked differently. The point being we evolved and to a much greater extent than any other creature. Doesn’t that also prove the Bible’s point that humans are his most extraordinary creation that he made in his image?
Why do Catholic use incense and candles?
Anything you may find used in worship in the New Testament, especially in the book of Revelation, is used in Catholic worship: vestments, lights, incense, chants, processions, and so on.
Candles have the specific symbolism of shedding light, which is both practical and mystical in its meaning. The burning of costly beeswax is also a kind of small sacrifice, and the beautiful Easter proclamation sung over the Paschal candle at the Vigil of Easter expounds. Incense represents the sweet fragrance of prayer and of right teaching, and it also symbolizes purity of heart, since it cleanses the air of any foul odors.
Those Protestants who use none of these things in their worship tend to associate the style of worship depicted in the New and Old Testaments as pagan. This is a strange attitude, but one comes across it. I remember a Protestant pastor’s wife who described the Catholic use of incense as “heathen.” When I mentioned that it is used in the book of Revelation, she did not know what to say.
I was taught that incense is an outward sign of prayer, that the image of the smoke rising into the air is the prayer of the people going up to the heavens. In addition, the smoke gives us the visuals of clouds appearing, which represent God as he appeared veiled in the clouds in the old testament. Lastly, the scent touches on our sense of smell, as prayer is supposed to involve all the senses and the whole body in a liturgical context.
Also, I am a protestant, we still do all of this. My episcopal church lights so much incense that I have even had catholics tell me we overdo it. (I usually respond it's impossible to overdo)
i am german protestant but i have a beautiful home altar with beautiful icons from my good shepherd and a beautiful otzhodox kruzifix
Hi, wo kommst du her? Ich bin ein 20 jähriger Protestant der in letzter Zeit viel Kirchengeschichte liest :)
Hello, protestant here. Not far into the video but I am interested in making a small portable one out of an altoids tin and came here for ideas. I grew up Episcopalian, in middle school I was into witchcraft but I came back to the Lord in High School and came to an Assemblies of God church. Now is a college student I am a Christian fellowship with all sorts of Christians. I hope when I have a family to have one of these and wanted to know the history behind one. Thanks.
Traditions of man, in order to help maintain faith at home, is perfectly fine. Many protestants have christian memorabelia at home, why not bring it all together for a home altar? I like the idea of having a sacred part of my home, to have that sense of comfort and formality to keep me on my best Christian behavior :)
Encouraging video! So freeing to know it is our own tradition! I will set mine up.
At home alter, I have no problem. It's statues and images that go against the Bible. It says in the book of Exodus chapter 20 that though shall not make grieving images.
My altar just has stacks of bibles and the cross without the body of Christ. On it
I was protestant but became Catholic after doing a degree in Biblical studies. I realised that we often read a few lines, and base a belief on that, but we fail to understand the context or the meaning behind what God was saying. It is wrong to worship an image, which is what God was talking about. But God is amazing He gave us different senses in order that we may experience Him through touch, sight, smell hearing ect, so while some create beautiful worship music, others produce art that can inspire us to think about God, this is evident in the many pasages in the Bibe where God instructs the making of so many beautiful pieces of artwork to inspire those who come to the temple to worship Him. Truly God is good and cares that we understand Him and connect with Him, he made provisions therefore through music and art to help us.
I ensure I take as much time for a crusifix that has Jesus on the cross as a crusifix without, He died for us, sacrificing Himself on the cross therefore we should never forget that or belittle that by only looking at the empty cross
Many Blessings to you x
0:43 "tradition of men" but it is totally Biblical and following of the teachings of Jesus, Matthew 6:6
Not catholic. But building one. I'm handy and crafty. Repurposed old door. Plained it. Routed Mark 11:24 in it. Just wing in it for the lord. My prayer closet. Garage. I believe the Bible CLEARLY says call NO MAN your father! I just wanna press in, build a relationship.
Protestants always take the “call no man your Father” way out of context
This is very interesting. I wrote a paper about this subject at a Lutheran University 20 years ago. My inspiration for the paper was two things: my mother’s dressing table where I loved to play as a little girl and my father’s dresser top where he carefully arranged his prized/daily belongings around their ornately-framed wedding photo; AND the little ‘alters’ we always see in offices. They are so captivating! Have you ever gone to the bank and at the teller’s window sits a little framed picture of her daughter, a mini vase with a flower, a plastic dog replicating her beloved pet, etc.?
I worked in a hospital Administration office for many years. Every desk and nurses station had an ‘alter’.... A little collection. Pictures. Cat icons. LOL 🥰 The things of importance to the persons are represented in these amazing and tenderly displayed scenes. I don’t think they reflect formal religious beliefs, but they sure reflect the things that are most important to these people’s hearts. XOjennyinseattle
What a wonderful and thought-provoking comment. You don't see a lot of that on the internets. Thank you for sharing.
@@Mari_Oh 🤎
I agree with Marianne... thanks for such a thoughtful comment!
Thank you for the video, it was great😊
I'm not catholic but I am interested in this I also have prayers copied of a catholic school website in my binder 👍❤
Could a pastor hold the service of the sacrament at a home altar (for whatever reason, perhaps a home bound person)? What’s the precedent on that?
What is the framed antique piece in the background - looks like something for communion.
I think you're talking about the poster with the chalice watermark in the corner? If so, it's one of a 2 poster set of Martin Luther's Small Catechism. If you'd like one you can find it at:
Thank you for distinguishing this type of 'this at home altar' maybe it's more of a shrine? Either way, I really appreciated this additional explanation, as we know that Jesus Christ is the Priest, victim, and altar for the Eucharistic Liturgy in the Mass. Thank you!
Where does one get a Lutheran Altar? Or is it fine to get one from a Catholic/Orthodox retailer?
It’s a matter of conscience. If it doesn’t bother you, by all means go to a Catholic Supply Store. I get a lot of my stuff from, which is Eastern Orthodox
Proud to be a Christian
Amazing vedio God bless you bro
Thank you!
May I ask what being R.C. has to do with an alter? I'm not either nor am I wiccanand I use alters
Just curious where'd you find that gold cross at?
Walmart, I believe.
Perhaps I missed it but where does having the rosary on your altar fit in?
a rorary is not necessarily, but it helps many people to focus on God and pray so it can be a helpful adition
im catholic i dont have an at home altar i have religious stuff spread out in my home. but now hearing from an orthodox im having second thoughts......
Like some have commented before me Just look into orthodox Christianity.
Or just become catholic
Where did you get that crucifix?
Sure, Light enhances Faith in any religion...and to have an altar at home means integrity of thoughts and a sense of Peace inside out..
Have you ever attended an Eastern Orthodox Liturgy service? You should try it.
I think he will become orthodox.
Markel Vitale he thinks like one, and acts like one, he just hasn’t looked at apostolic succession yet.
Its beautiful, I recommend it as well. I've been to a Greek Orthodox service, live it.
(And I'm Roman Catholic)
I'm Eastern Orthodox and was about to ask/recommend the same.
Oh my goodness whats that lamp you showed in 4:34?
Great question! This is an authentic, hand-crafted (in Bethlehem) with real fired clay, reproduction of the oil lamps in common use in biblical times. It is available from for $14.95 +S&H.
Here's the link:
Why is there an icon of Mary on the altar? Lutherans don't ask for her intercession, right?
Ultimately, I just find the icon beautiful. No other reason. & while I don’t ask for her intercession, I still make sure to render her the honor she rightly deserves as the Mother of my Lord.
@@1517FILMS that's good. For me personally, Mary has always held a special place in my heart as the one who bore my Savior. I feel like Protestants often downplay her role, insisting she was just like us and shouldn't be given a place of honor.
Lutherans pray an old version of Hail Mary, the Pre-Trent one, and Martin Luther wrote a Marian prayer "Evangelical Praise of the Mother of God"
That looks like an Eastern Orthodox prayer corner, not Roman Catholic.
Is that a tissue box cover
Is it wrong to have an altar in your bedroom ? Where is the best place in the home to have an altar ?
Altar must not put in bedroom,it must be in specific room or sitting room.
If it's in the only room you have where it's most appropriate then it's okay. I have mine in my bedroom and it was just blessed by a priest, he said it was perfectly fine there.
Because an altar is meant to inspire reflection on God and what He has done for us, it should be placed wherever it best suits your life, whether that be in a bedroom, living-room, or what-have-you. There are no hard-and-fast rules about where it should be or how it should look. There are obvious places in which it would be disrespectful to place an altar (i.e. the washroom), but otherwise, even on a bookshelf or dresser is perfectly-fine.
I have "altars" (icon walls for us Eastern Orthodox) in each room, but the bathroom. God is welcomed everywhere in my house, He's actually the King of this house so there's no room where He can't be. Even if I don't have icons in the bathrooms, I do have Bible verses.
@@avrahamrichard1975 No Way!? Why So?
Love the idea of home altars, I have one. But I could have went without the underhanded remarks toward Charismatics. Love you though in Christ Jesus, God bless.
Thank you for the video. Will you say what's the print to the far right on the wall, please?
I believe you are talking about the poster behind me? It’s one of two posters in a set. The posters contain Luther’s Small Catechism, & are available for purchase from Ad Crucem. Here is the link;
@@1517FILMS Thank you, that is what I was wondering about.
There's no such thing as being too Catholic.
I'm a Baptist. I use the KJV we sing the old hymns and piano. I wanna have a little bit of incense and a icon of the catacomb cross icon. I don't think it will make my prayer any better I just would like to set a nicer mood while I pray . I don't mind a crucifix but nothing that is a statue or figure of Jesus nailed to a cross
💐💐I'm not Catholic but I'm looking into the home altar idea making a mass kit and I love reading my 🐈 Catholic youth bible 📙 who else likes reading their bible in McDonald's 🍔🍟🥤💐💐
LSB, Concordia - Reader's Edition, THE Lutheran Study Bible: CPH publications. Smells LCMS. What he says in this video is vitally important. St. Paul mentioned "Christ Crucified" twice within a few verses at the beginning of 1 Corinthian, specifically, τὸν ἑσταυρωμένον in the original Greek, "The Crucified." Being rendered in the perfect passive participle, it is (grammatically speaking) "durative,' meaning continuing, not "once and done." That means Christ's crucifixion is an enduring reality, and consequently, the crucifix ought to be present--front and center in Christian life. That's why there were five crucifixes present in the sanctuary when I was in active pulpit ministry.
I know this is off topic but o u have problem with ur oil lamp leaking oil all over your wooden table as I bought two of those oil lamps but every time I fill it within a few minus I would have olive oil leaking through the clay all over my prayer altar I had to place it on a plate to catch the oil.
I think that’s pretty common actually. I just put a small, clear glass dish under mine.
@@1517FILMS ok thax
Our religion is not “Roman Catholicism” it’s Catholicism. Not all Catholics are Latin rite Roman Catholics.
Earlier Catholic dont have a pope brother. Just wanna say.
@@mckhael5378 yes but they have a bishops and a head bishop just like peter as head of the apostles. The pope is the bishop of rome. Pope is just a title. In spanish its called papa or padre or in other words Father.
@@mckhael5378 lol. Are you putting down Peter? He was the first Pope, steward, ordained by Christ. You do realize that Paul bowed to Peter's authority? That John the Beloved lived to 100ad, and he and Polycarp would have had to acknowledge Peter's successors? It's called the Apostolic Succession. History.
Peter was know as the Bishop of Rome, same title that Francis carries today.
@@rebn8346 Paul rebuked Peter to his face for errors of doctrine lmao. Also, Peter was in Antioch before Rome. Rome has primacy, not supremacy.
@@loshuesoslocos of course, Peter isn't God, and therefore not perfect, like Jesus Christ, who is the Son of the Living God and perfect. The rebuke really shows Peter's authority and power as the Steward of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace.
"His conduct made a great impression on the other Jewish Christians at Antioch, so that even Barnabas, St. Paul's companion, now avoided eating with the Christianized pagans. As this action was entirely opposed to the principles and practice of Paul, and might lead to confusion among the converted pagans, this Apostle addressed a public reproach to St. Peter, because his conduct seemed to indicate a wish to compel the pagan converts to become Jews and accept circumcision and the Jewish law. The whole incident is another proof of the authoritative position of St. Peter in the early Church, since his example and conduct was regarded as decisive. But Paul, who rightly saw the inconsistency in the conduct of Peter and the Jewish Christians, did not hesitate to defend the immunity of converted pagans from the Jewish Law. Concerning Peter's subsequent attitude on this question St. Paul gives us no explicit information. But it is highly probable that Peter ratified the contention of the Apostle of the Gentiles, and thenceforth conducted himself towards the Christianized pagans as at first. As the principal opponents of his views in this connexion, Paul names and combats in all his writings only the extreme Jewish Christians coming "from James" (i.e., from Jerusalem). While the date of this occurrence, whether before or after the Council of the Apostles, cannot be determined, it probably took place after the council (see below)."
New Advent
Where did you buy that Chalice Incense thing from?
You can buy them from Amazon or Ebay. If by chance you're in the UK then I'd recommend the Pilgrim Shop in Walsingham, Norfolk ( I do believe actually that they ship world wide.
I buy mine from
I bought mine from the Walmart website.
What about the saint benedict cross and the statues of saints
They are great to use if they help you, but would not be considered necessary
I am catholic thanks a lot bro
Can you make a video regarding an Memorial Altar (for All Saints’ Day/All Souls’ Day)???
Memory alters arent necessaraly considered christian, the aim of an alter is to help you forget everything else and focus only on god
That’s not idolatry Patrick 😉
Awesome video! Do more videos !!!
Enjoyed the majority. I'm sadden about your statement of sarcasm. Perhaps it may not be a sin. Still replying to sarcasm with sarcasm doesn't spread the Good Word of the New Testament.
I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic Grammar and High School. My Aunt was a Felician Nun, so our home was filled with statues, which I thought were so beautiful. I was married in a Lutheran Church because our Catholic Church wanted money to marry us (my husband had been married before). Now, I feel confused since I have a KJV friend who is totally into being "born again" and "saved", which are two phrases they seem obsessed with (while I feel my infant baptism was good). I appreciate the KJV people being so much into the bible (although only theirs), which is something I never learned in Catholic school (only Catechism class). Can I still be a good Christian if I embrace some of each of the religions? I don't want to get caught up in the minutia.
Once Catholic is always Catholic.
You are sealed with babtism
@@EB-dm9fwwhere did you find that statement as I am a former catholic myself
Spiritual infancy… please learn to worship god in spirit and truth! U don’t need tangible things to connect to the divine, it’s all spiritual not physical!
Huh… & people say Gnosticism is dead in the Church! I’ll grant you these things aren’t necessary. But your insistence that it’s, “all spiritual,” is a blatant denial of the promises of God concerning: forgiveness, life, & salvation which He attached to water, bread, & wine! Which, if memory serves, are physical things!
@@1517FILMS yes… so did Jesus ask us to worship God with water, bread and wine…
What’s ur point??
@@valentineeyumsama2520: Yes, as a matter of fact He did. He commanded the church to baptize with water, and He gives us His very body and blood for the forgiveness of sins in the bread and the wine. These are physical, not spiritual things: water, bread, wine. So you should abandon your Gnostic interpretation of Christianity, and repent of your arrogance for accusing me of spiritual infancy! I know all to well what THE faith, ONCE for all delivered to the saints is. You're the one thats in a state of spiritual infancy, because you don't even know the words of Jesus well enough to know the promises He's made. If you did, you wouldn't have been so arrogant to say "it's all spiritual."
@@1517FILMS the bread and the wine r consumed in “memory” of what he did for our salvation not for the forgiveness of our sins…
The baptismal ritual or what u call the waters of baptism r of no essence on the outside without true repentance on the inside. They don’t take away sin. What takes away sin is belief in Christ and repentance!
Any physical object used in liturgical worship is idolatrous!
@@valentineeyumsama2520: wow… every word of what you just said is wrong. Jesus said of the bread “this IS my body,” & of the cup “this IS my blood… shed for you FOR the forgiveness of sins.” Are you calling Jesus a liar?
& I’d seriously give Romans 6, & 1 Peter 3:21 a quick read again before telling me salvation isn’t tied to baptism.
Do you seriously not know these things? Like, this is Christianity 101 level stuff that even my 5yr old understands! Spiritual infancy at its finest… you are! LOL
Does nothing for cheist jesus...
I don't agree with the kitchen table. The Altar is a sacred object and shouldn't be used for other means..
I think this video series is a good example of what I mean by the kitchen table "being an altar."
Protestants hunger for what they lost when they left the Catholic church
I’m going to pray for your conversion to the Holy Roman Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.
Research sedevacantism, there is much at stake.
May God bless and Mary keep you, in Christ, Jesus+
Pope is a man with too much political power, not religion. Orthodoxy is true.
Православна Maxboy50 just because you think that the Supreme Pontiff has “too much … power” does not make it so; your failure to understand Truths-of-Faith do not refute them.
Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis during the entire early church the bishop of Rome was the head of
The church but had as much power as the patriarch of Constantinople has today (only positional and mainly symbolic earthy authority). The could (and still can in orthodoxy) canonize saints and have church authority. The papal position was created in 1054 by the west for political power only.
Orthodox = schism = heresy
John Mark Montefalcon Catholicism=politics=corruption=pedophilia=novus ordo=theological development=popes has children in the past=heresy...
No Statues are idols
Ahh you are so smart and amazing! Why don't you become orthodox? You must know it is the early church. You do know what Luther wrote about Jews right? Not very nice, like an ancient Hitler. He edited the Bible and only separated from catholicism for political reasons. If he was interested in the benefit of the people, he would have turned his people orthodox, he was only politically interested. And worship was always in the home in orthodoxy, Luther did nothing. You can't trust someone who wanted to remove 2 books. The orthodox church was established by Christ and founded by st paul in Antioch. The Protestant church was founded by a weird man with some orthodox ideas. The Lutheran Church sadly is not apostolic, which as you must know, is a core part of the church. This proves it false. And the best part! There is a western orthodox church so you don't have to change your western traditions lol. If you have any question, I am here.
I became a Lutheran in my mid-20s, after years of investigating other denominations. There's a lot about Catholicism that I find a bit "cringeworthy," but Orthodoxy also seems to have its idolatrous tendencies, from the footage I've seen of some practices.
@@barefootanimist only if you consider your family albums to be your people. 🤦🏼♀️
Icons made for the majority of people, who couldn't read nor had access to a Bible. Icons are full of symbology and understanding one is as good as reading its book in the Bible. Therefore we kiss the icons, just as we kiss the Bible.
Not to condone Luther’s comments on the Jews but to give context; Luther was frustrated with the stubbornness of the Jews who did not accept Christ and how they were bringing people away from Christ. His comments were certainly extreme in his later age but there was a reason for it.видео.html here's a video that can explain it way better than I if you're interested
Eastern Orthodoxy is a heresy
@@cipfernandez5435 I hope you find the truth. A lot of the time converts are the most faithful!
Good argument... I'm totally convinced! LOL
Good. Maybe actually show shots of the altar etc etc instead of just jabbering on and on about unrelated crap? Use a bit of showmanship instead of just jabbering on and on
@@jesselee2549-it was literally in the background-
His nose broken