dude thank you!! my daughter wants one for her birthday BUT i told her she needs to do some research (we've had gargoyle geckos and crested geckos before so thankfully we have had reptiles before, although i understand the care is completely different!) ANYWAY, your videos are awesome. I've had her watch a bunch of them (and take notes). You're a lifesaver! :)
So a family member just surprised me with a baby veil, I've had a chameleon before, I don't really support suprise chameleons, ots best to let someone choose the one they like or want and the sex, but im excited regardless. Its about 2 months old. And a female from what I can tell. Her name shall be Reptar Jr 😊
I just picked up a T Rex 18x18x24 terrarium with glass and screen sides to retain some heat and humidity for the hatchlings I will be getting. Also picked up an eco terra pebble waterfall for a water source. I will keep some stones in the collection well until he is older to keep him from drowning
I'm planning on getting a veiled baby chameleon for my very first pet. And i'm doing a lot of research so I make sure it stays healthy and doesn't die on me. I'm kinda worried and excited. In a few weeks i'll be starting to work on its cage so it'll be ready when I get one. Thank you for this video, it helped a lot.
Kylie Kendall No problem! sounds like you are doing right thing in researching a ton and having everything ready before you get the animal :) Good luck! Let me know how it goes :)
Hey, I'm thinking of getting a chameleon soon and setting up an enclosure. How old/big are the chameleons that they usually sell at pet stores? I'd like to get one young like the ones you have. Also, should I have an enclosure for when he's little and then move him to a bigger one when he gets bigger? Or can I have him in a bigger one with small branches and put bigger branches in later?
Yey Great video! How do you feed them fruit flys with out getting fruit flys all over lol maybe Im not grasping the concept of how you get them in and keep them in the cage instead of half in and half flying around the room lol, also I'm sure it would be tricky but could you some time do a feeding video? Would be cute to see them eat!
I have a "baby" veiled. Her body is about 3 maybe 4 inches. I've had her for about a week now. And she hasn't eaten yet. I place meal worms in her dish but she doesn't seem to move toward them. They just sit there for days. Right now I have a humidifier aimed at her tank keeping everything at 70 and the temp is high 80
Awesome I'll get right on that. I also have one more question her right eye is a little puffier than her left eye and I'm worried this could be a sign of an infection what should I do to help her get through that?
I am new to chameleons, but I have been doing my research for months now. Glass cages are not good for chameleons at all because they need a fresh breeze (probably not what you wanted to hear lol) a screen cage is the best, plus it allows them to climb. Always one of the best floorings is Eco-Earth.
Hey your video was great just have a quick question I noticed that you have a small paint look like a small bowl in the corner of his cage something that you do is put meal worms something in there? Also how do u feed a 3month old chameleon his crickets ? And how many\often.? Thanks so much
First I’d like to say that I’m so glad I found your channel! So here it goes. I need some advice. I recently bought a 2 month old male veiled chameleon. He arrived four days ago on April 6th. When I got him I offered him a cricket and he snatched it up super quick and ate it. But that’s the only cricket he ate. After three days of him not eating any of the crickets I offered, no matter the size, I started really freaking out. I ordered him some baby hornworms off eBay yesterday but of course they’re not going to arrive for a few more days. I was getting desperate so I went to PetSmart and bought a tub of 100 mealworms. Came home and found a little cup thing and put 4 mealworms in it and low and behold, he ate 3!!! So I put 5 more (total of 6 since there was still one left) and again he ate 3 more. Offered him a cricket and he basically said f**k you lady, I want no part of that hopping thing. This is kind of worrying me because I know they need those gut loaded crickets. I’m thinking that I’ll hold off on trying to feed him crickets for a couple of weeks or maybe a month then try again. My concern is what if he gets malnourished because of this? Is there some sort of danger for him only eating mealworms at such a young age? What do you suggest I do? Please help. I don’t want my little dude to die on me. I tried talking to someone from Underground Reptiles, which is where I ordered him from, and he was telling me that I shouldn’t have him in a screen cage, he needs to be in a glass tank because the mesh ones don’t hold humidity and they thrive off of humidity. After all the research I’ve done I know that the info he gave me about the type of home he is supposed to be in is inaccurate. They need the airflow. Glass enclosures hold stagnant air, which will more than likely cause respiratory disease. The humidity in his cage is absolutely fine. It stays between 60-90, 60 being the lowest and so far it’s only dropped that low one time. Usually it’s around 80. So then he told me the heat wasn’t right. He said the ambient temp should be no lower than 90F and the basking should be even higher. I don’t remember what he said the the basking temp should be. From the research I’ve read and watched the recommended temps should be basking: 90-95F and the ambient should be anywhere from 72-mid 80’s during the day and low to mid 70’s during the night. My point is, I feel that he is giving inaccurate information which blows my mind. I bought from that site because I thought that it would be much better than buying from somewhere like PetSmart or Petco. Their animals usually are sick and aren’t taken care of properly. And PetSmart keeps their chameleons in an all glass enclosure from what I saw when I went there to buy supplies for my Bling baby. Now I’m thinking that that site is probably the equivalent of buying a cham from PetSmart. Anyway, please please please give me some advice. You seem to know what you’re talking about. How can I get my Bling baby to start eating crickets again?
Not sure why you comments similar but not exactly the same thing on two different videos haha. But please do not make your tank look like the one in this video, they need a dense forest of plants for them to escape our line of sight. I would recommend absolutely no less than a 36x18x36 exo terra for him if you decide to go the glass route. I will leave a link at the end of this comment for you to check out. Wouldn't hurt to look through the rest of the website either. UGR get WC animals allll the time and are notorious for their average to below average care of their animals. I have never personally been there so I can't speak from experience. chameleonacademy.com/selecting-a-chameleon-cage/ www.chameleonbreeder.com/podcast/ep-53-keeping-chameleon-in-glass-terrariums-with-dr-chris-anderson/
Mike Tytula it’s probably because I was desperately trying to find answers. I swear I was asking advice from EVERYONE. Haha! Anyway, WOW! No wonder they have lower prices than everyone else. I did see that some of their Chams said wild caught in the description and some said that they were captive bred. I chose captive bred. Hopefully they aren’t labeling them wrong just to get sales. I’m really against buying wild caught animals. I understand why someone would get wild caught Chams to breed IF they’re very experienced and can provide a happy life for the lizard. But to sell WC Chams to just anyone?! Not cool. And there’s the fact that yeah, ok, you get a wild caught animal. Chams don’t live long but you can breed them. So why KEEP getting wild caught? You know what I mean? Why not breed them, then keep what you want out of the hatchlings and breed those? People irk the mess out of me with that. I don’t think I’ll get him a glass enclosure ever. There’s no since for it where I live. I believe glass enclosures are best suited for those that live in the north. I’m personally sticking with mesh enclosures. Also, since I’ve watched one guy on here that I really liked, I decided to use his method. It’s really awesome. So, for his Cham he has a “safe place” for him to run to where the care taker won’t mess with him if he runs to that spot. I believe that might lessen the stress and gives the animal a since of security. Absolutely love that! Thank you for the links! I’ll be sure to check them out as I will be getting Bling a bigger enclosure when he grows up a little more. Right now he’s in a 16x16x30 ZooMed screen enclosure. I’m just going to go ahead and get him an XL enclosure next. Right now he is fine in the smaller one because he is still really small. He seems to be happy now, and is definitely starting to come around as far as handling goes. Not always though. He just don’t seem as terrified and stressed anymore when I hold him. He don’t run out of his enclosure to greet me like some people’s Chams on here do. I don’t think he ever will, with his cute little grumpy looking face. BUT! I knew that was a possibility when I got him and I’m fine with that. I noticed that he hates it if we look at him while he is trying to hunt. He don’t mind if we are in the room with him but as soon as he notices me or one of the kids looking over at him he stops and runs to his safe place. It’s too cute. Anyway, ty Mike!
How do you keep them warm at night? I have a really cold room in the winter.. Id don't think I'm suppose to keep the uv light on all night.. Idk what to do help please .
hello, I'm thinking of getting a veiled chameleon. I know about the cages and as far as feeding. but I was wondering if I could feed a 2 month old crickets to start out? specifically, what kind of lighting to get? how often do I feed the chameleon? do I need to set the room I'm putting the chameleon in to a certain temperature? what kind of wattage do I need for the lights? could I get a basking light with the uvb with it or should they be separated? how do I maintain temperature inside the cage? where should I put a heating pad? and what do I do at night, do I turn off the lamps or just keep them going?
+Janice Mendoza I recommend doing plenty more research, light you need heat and UVB 5.0. Feed it once or twice a day. As for temps no you just need the wattage that will give the right basking temp for your cage. There should be no heating pad as it's a screen cage. At night you turn it off
When they're babies they should change from pastel green to a darker green yellow and brown when they become juveniles they'll start to grow their patters on the sides etc and the colors can go from blue green yellow pastel green yellow brown then they'll learn to blend in with the habitat vs chancing colors based on their emotions
Do you feed the fruitflies in that screen enclosure or out of the cage? How many should a newborn eat and once or twice a day? TY I have 5 eggs I've been incubating for months now!
I would suggest a t5 ho uvb for chameleon also your over misting the cage, it’s okay for it to dry out a little bit and have humity spikes too much water isn’t good on their lungs honestly
Please help I just got a translucent veiled chameleon 2 days ago, he's 2 months old. He is constantly hiding and I spotted him hanging from the top of his cage just underneath his UVB and heating lights. The lights do touch the cage top surface, I don't want him to get burned what do I do? I can't seem to get sticks to stay put up top to create. Basking spot, he has a vine going up to the very top though. Also he was on the ground floor of his cage today walking around, is that a bad sign? His unrated were a little yellow so I started a drip system and am spraying him with the bottle more often, 4-5 times a day, please help
Mike, I noticed you had three different kinds of bulbs. You mentioned one only heats and the other provides something else. I'm just starting out with a baby chameleon the only light I have is. 75 watt bulb that I keep at least 6 inches above the cage? I feed him crickets and he eats quite often lol. Any tips you can offer or any other advice you'd recommend? Thanks, Saul
Hey I've had a baby chameleon for about a few weeks now and he has been eating small gutloaded crickets sprinkled with calcium powder and D3 vitamin. It (too young to gender yet but so far doesn't have the bump on the back of the foot) seems to be fine but I'm just not sure how many crickets it should be eating a day and I'm having trouble keeping it hydrated. The chameleon doesn't respond to drip systems and licks the cage and leaves when I mist but still has yellow in the poop. Any suggestions or advice helps!
i was going to get a 18lx18wx24h cage, but the top would be the metal mesh, and the sides would be glass, there would also be a front panel with a vent. I plan to put climbing fabric on the glass, but my concern is will the glass maintain too much moisture and create too much humidity? what would be advised, i don't like the flimsiness of plastic/mesh cages.
Is it okay to have a chameleon outside in its cage for the summer? Average temps where I live are upper 80's low 90's during the day and 65- 75 at night with humidity well above 50 percent all day.
What’s the thing u put in the back of the cage I want a chameleon but my parents afraid of mold on my walls I want a chameleon soo bad and if I know a tip of what to put beh8nd cage so it won’t get on my walls it would be a LIFESAVER
Mike Tytula i dont usually say where I live but it’s states boro Georgia still thank you 🙏 I’ll tell my parents that and I’ll look more stuff up about what you said thank you!
Hey great video by the way... ummm what dose it means when a baby chameleon drinks the water from the sink and then starts ro slobber it.... and how shoul i feed them water
I would definitely consider a lot of other things first, like where you are going to sell the offspring before breeding. Once you have that ironed out, then introductions are pretty easy.
We just got our 6 week old baby chameleon and we had purchased a zoo med chameleon kit for the cage. They all told us that we really need at least 3 sides covered with glass or plexiglass...but I see your is all mesh. Do you think we’re okay using the lights and misting regularly?
This is an old video, and I don't really recommend the way I was caring for them at the time to others. Honestly I probably would have bought the largest exoterra and made a setup in there. Where are you located?
Hello Mike. I have never owned a reptile before. I am thinking about a Chameleon or a bearded dragon. Which one would be easier and less expensive to take care of for a first time reptile pet.
Hey im new to the whole reptile thing and i bought a small chameleon. Its not a baby or an adult its small and i set up his cage with a good amount of sticks i cleaned his sticks and bought fake plastic leaves and i bought it large crickets cause thats what the petstore told me to get it. Im just confused about spraying his cage. He doesnt like when i spray him with water but i dont want his skin to dry. I just got him today so ive only sprayed him once. Should i just spray his cage and not him? Or should i just continue spraying him lightly with water?
Where I live they don’t sell fruit flies will pin head crickets works? My chameleons are 1 day old and I honestly have no idea how to take care of them
Well it's definitely worth the shot, I'm sure you can order some cultures, there are plenty of places in the states that will ship fruit flies. If you live in the states of course.
My hatchlings keep dying cant figure out why basking is 90 they have a dripper feeding d3 dusted fruit flys 10.0 uv in a reptibreeze 18" wide 24" tall humidity is 50%
Just saw your video and was just wondering how many crickets do I give my chameleon each day. She's about the size of the bigger one that was hiding by the basking light in the top left corner. Hope to hear from you. And thanks ahead of time
Veiled are dry species they don't need that much misting. Daytime humidity shouldn't be higher than 40% nighttime around 50-60% at max. This is an old video, just posting this comment for people who stumble upon this video. I'm sure this guy improved since
I just got a chameleon hes veiled and he looks around a month old. How often do i feed them and how many crickets. Also i have the little dripper how often do i need to turn it on and for how many seconds
I love ur channel I'm getting a like babyish veiled and I have been doing toons of research and ur channel has helped me out so much thank u for all u hav done for me and ur videos are so good
Hey I've owned a Female Veiled chameleon and she lived for about 4 years. I'm thinking about buying a baby panther Abanja Chameleon. How difficult is it to care for hatchlings?
Firstly this video is old as hell at its 3am so clearly im in a youtube hole. But your chameleons are beautiful. Dumb question.. How do you get the fruit flies in the enclosure?
So I picked up my first veiled cham on sunday and before purchasing I was suggested to a red buld for night time. Everyone I know has told me to scrap the bulb. Do you use a night light for them at all? With as much as you have going on in your room it is quite obvious that your room stays a great temp but my apartment goes fairly low at night. Would you suggest using it?
+Mike Tytula They do fine with a night time temp drop and dont need any source of heat at night as long as it doesnt go below 40-45 degrees. i can post source if you want.
Hi Mike thank you for the video, I’m afraid because I didn’t expect to find seven baby chameleons this morning in my chameleon’s cage, I went to buy the chameleons started kit , the babies are inside now, I put a lot of fruit flies but they don’t want to eat, what do I’m going to do? I’m so worried , they just want to be close to the light, the temperature inside is 80 degrees . Could you please help me?
I would make sure that the temperatures are all still good, and cover three, or even all four sides of the enclosure to allow them to settle in (it'll also retain more humidity with the sides covered). What species of chameleon are the babies?
Jay, adult chams need a 2'x2'x4' (that's feet) screen cage. You can learn much more at chameleonforums-dot-com There are lots of helpful blogs and people that will answer every question you could ever ask!
i play trumpet, and its a pretty loud instrument when played inside a house. i also have a chihuaha that literally barks for everything. Would that be a problem for the baby chameleon ?
I just got a veiled chameleon yesterday and I have him in a zoomed cage and I was wondering if they need a night light even tho my house stays at about 65-70F
im getting a chameleon and i dont know what type on tank i need to get cause i watch one of ur other vids and u said dont get a glass tank where could i get one that is not glass online that could ship to my house
+Connb57 ! Check on Amazon for Zoo Med ReptiBreeze Open Air Screen Cage, Extra Large, 24" x 24" x 48" if you're getting an adult male. If you're getting an adult female, I would go with an 18" x 18" x 36". If it's a Juvenile (Under 10 months) I would get a 16" x 16" x 30", or like he said in his previous video, you could section off a part of your enclosure until they are 8-10 months old. The cages are a bit pricey, but if you have the time and money, you could build one yourself :)
You don't want a full screened terrarium Bc it can't hold hear or humidity in unless you just have all the time in the world to sit there an most it all day you need one that is glass wit maybe the top or a little peice of the side screen to hold the humidity and heat in. For the size if it's a baby baby then small baby up to 5 months old medium then juvenile large. Bc you don't want to have a cage that's to big it'll stress them
Hey, I just received a 1month old veiled and I was wondering if you had any tips, like should I try and feed him from my hand or do I leave his bugs in his terrarium? He ate those I left him so far
I was at the store to get insects for my chameleon and they had no crickets. Needless to say they had a tiny baby they were trying to feed mealworms. I felt bad and brought him home and he hasn't eaten anything in 4 days that I've seen. He has everything needed I even found fruit flies for him but he is looking weak. Any ideas on how I can help him
Hi! thanks for the informative video. I just got 2 female veiled chameleons from the pet expo here in california. I have always wanted a chameleon, and i finally got 2 and i have no idea how to care for them. i bought a zoomed reptibreeze 16x16x20 with a combo deep dome lamp fixture from amazon. I'm hoping that i won't have to buy anymore cages. is this okay until they are full grown?? as of now i am putting them in a small aquarium until they're cage arrives.
scar tina Firstly, you should never take on an animal that you aren't fully prepared for and have researched... especially something like a chameleon that isn't that easy to care for. I know I sound like an ass but it's true. For two you will need two separate cages, depending on the sexe it it should be 2feet by 2 feet by 4 feet tall. You really need to do some research
i understand. sorry, it was a spur of the moment thing. and we were at a pet expo so thats why we got some. i am doing a lot of research hence me asking you these questions. sorry to have bothered you. you did say leave a comment or a questions. again sorry to have bother you.
scar tina oh no I'm glad you asked, because I want to help but it's just irresponsible to take on the life of an animal without knowing how to provide the best life possible. I'm glad you are doing the research let me know if you have any other questions I would be happy to answer them for you :) Sorry if I sounded like an ass.
Hey Mike I got my veiled chameleon and I was wondering how much I should mist them and how many times a day and how much time should be inbetween misting? The guys at my reptile shop said I could just use a spray bottle and I read that you should use warm water instead of room temp; is this true? Also my baby crickets seem to always gp under the coco husk bedding will this be a problem for his feeding?
Marco Lucero I would either feed them in a cup or remove the coco husk because the babies can eat it and become impacted and die... As for misting I would mist room temp water, as many times a day as possible, you just need for the humidity to reach a good level in the cage between mistings
I have some more questions! Is it better to feed crickets or mealworms when they are babies andy chameleon is really shy and i think it is getting stessed because it turns a blackish color or green with black spots. Is that a sign of stress? How can i stop it? The temp is at 95f during the day and at night should it be a high temp also? Ive read that it can be above 50.
hey, my Jackson just gave birth yesterday to a baby chameleon how can I get fruit flies ? btw where I live they don't sell them can I give to him little dubia roaches ? when do they start to eat and drink water?
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. I got a 2 month old male panther cham on Fri about 2pm. He ate a few crickets that afternoon. We left the basking and uvb light on until about 8pm then turned them off for the night. The next morning he was like a totally different cham. He was sleepy and he wouldn't eat. I contacted the breeder but he really only went back over basic stuff that we are already doing. The cham still hasn't eaten and I know he can't last much longer. We have a zoomed mesh kit, we're misting, dripping, the crickets came from petsmart. I just don't know what happened. Any thoughts?
Mike Tytula the kit came with a 60watt basking bulb and a 5 uvb. I have ordered a 75 watt because the hottest area was only upper 70's. The humidity stay around 63%. It was in my daughter's bedroom, there was no vent close by. I sent him back to the seller yesterday hoping he could make it there alive but we will be getting another one so if there is anything I'm doing wrong I'd love to get it fixed before then. The seller said something may have happened in shipping or its possible the chameleon just wasn't adapting to the new environment so I'm not sure where the problem was. Thanks.
I'm planning on getting a baby veiled chameleon for my birthday, and I was wondering; how soon can they start to feed on crickets? As well as this; does a big enclosure make it hard for babies to find food?
when ur female is laying unfertile eggs,do u put her in a bucket? some ppl say that helps them better in the process, plus less stressful for them? is that true??..... Im learning some info on them and what to be ahead on learning important stuff before i get one... and what is too small of a cage is it for a setup for one chameleon? i just see alot of deals on cages right now .. lol thanks
Hey I was thinkng about getting a veiled chameleon and I was wondering how much will everything cost for a baby female? Also why is handling them not good?
I'm thinking about getting a chameleon soon, but I'm not sure what kinda bulb I should get my cage is 18 x 18 x 36" So what's a good wattage should I get?
I would strongly recommend not using this as a guide! Setup the full setup for your adult chameleon right off the rip, all you need to really change is the diameter of the branches as they grow
bro i got a juvenile veiled chameleon from petland yesterday and he has not eaten or drinken since. he also has trouble holding onto anything and falls off of branches often. should i be worried? should i return him? or is this just how they are?
Mike Tytula i was thinking about force feeding him in the morning; just hope he makes it thru the night. ive been spraying him with water frequently and i heard they absorb water like that as well so hopefully he is doing better
Just got my first baby Veiled. He is so awesome and really friendly :)
me too!
Where did you get your chameleon?
dude thank you!! my daughter wants one for her birthday BUT i told her she needs to do some research (we've had gargoyle geckos and crested geckos before so thankfully we have had reptiles before, although i understand the care is completely different!) ANYWAY, your videos are awesome. I've had her watch a bunch of them (and take notes). You're a lifesaver! :)
hahah thanks they are a ton of fun!
So a family member just surprised me with a baby veil, I've had a chameleon before, I don't really support suprise chameleons, ots best to let someone choose the one they like or want and the sex, but im excited regardless. Its about 2 months old. And a female from what I can tell. Her name shall be Reptar Jr 😊
Good luck! I definitely don't recommend chameleons as surprises or gifts haha
😂 lol when you said " oh what if my baby chameleon gets stressed "
OMG dude your videos are awesome! I have an adult male veiled and if i ever decide to get a baby, Ill be sure to come back to this video!!!
I just picked up a T Rex 18x18x24 terrarium with glass and screen sides to retain some heat and humidity for the hatchlings I will be getting. Also picked up an eco terra pebble waterfall for a water source. I will keep some stones in the collection well until he is older to keep him from drowning
Do NOT USE THE WATERFALL, they are a marketing ploy and complete scam
Hiii.. can you make a video about the laying bin or can you explain how your female chameleon lay eggs .
Can you make a video of how you clean everything in the vivarium
@Olivia Soczynski get either an infared bulb or a ceramic heat emiter
Do u have any for sale and what is the brand of cage
U are my favourite reptile youtuber!!!!! Ill keep these tips in mind cause im getting a baby soon!!!
THanks man that means a lot to me!
Mike Tytula u r MOST welcome! !
The KameleonKid THanks man!
Mike Tytula hi im the guy that on instagram showed u a pic of my new baby chameleon. ....if u want to see it check out my videos
I will for sure!
Very nice video!
Thanks for showing your setup and fot the usefull informations. I have one that is 8 months old.
I'm planning on getting a veiled baby chameleon for my very first pet. And i'm doing a lot of research so I make sure it stays healthy and doesn't die on me. I'm kinda worried and excited. In a few weeks i'll be starting to work on its cage so it'll be ready when I get one. Thank you for this video, it helped a lot.
Kylie Kendall No problem! sounds like you are doing right thing in researching a ton and having everything ready before you get the animal :) Good luck! Let me know how it goes :)
What kind of dog is that? I want one🦎
A scaled one
Hey, I'm thinking of getting a chameleon soon and setting up an enclosure. How old/big are the chameleons that they usually sell at pet stores? I'd like to get one young like the ones you have. Also, should I have an enclosure for when he's little and then move him to a bigger one when he gets bigger? Or can I have him in a bigger one with small branches and put bigger branches in later?
Chef Vortivask Up to you which cage method you want to use and it depends where you go.
If you are, I would buy from LLLReptiles. That's where I'm getting mine.
Jaedia LLL is a good place to buy from for sure
Just about to get mine! Gotta get his habitat set up and tested to make sure it's all set
Oscar'sBrainteasers nice :)
Yey Great video! How do you feed them fruit flys with out getting fruit flys all over lol maybe Im not grasping the concept of how you get them in and keep them in the cage instead of half in and half flying around the room lol, also I'm sure it would be tricky but could you some time do a feeding video? Would be cute to see them eat!
Seriously can't wrap my head around it either
I have a "baby" veiled. Her body is about 3 maybe 4 inches. I've had her for about a week now. And she hasn't eaten yet. I place meal worms in her dish but she doesn't seem to move toward them. They just sit there for days. Right now I have a humidifier aimed at her tank keeping everything at 70 and the temp is high 80
well the overall temp seems a little high and they tend to like crickets way more than worms
Awesome I'll get right on that. I also have one more question her right eye is a little puffier than her left eye and I'm worried this could be a sign of an infection what should I do to help her get through that?
ricardo gonzalez you can't really do much just try and keep it clean
I'm getting a veiled chameleon and I was wondering if mealworms were good to feed them at 1 month
You can give it a shot
yes!! buy a worm feeder! mine is a newborn and loves them!
I have a really big glass cage. Will that work? And what kind of flooring should it have? First chameleon! So excited. It had a lot of leapord geckos.
I am new to chameleons, but I have been doing my research for months now. Glass cages are not good for chameleons at all because they need a fresh breeze (probably not what you wanted to hear lol) a screen cage is the best, plus it allows them to climb. Always one of the best floorings is Eco-Earth.
i use eco earth. thanks for the tip
Hey your video was great just have a quick question I noticed that you have a small paint look like a small bowl in the corner of his cage something that you do is put meal worms something in there? Also how do u feed a 3month old chameleon his crickets ? And how many\often.? Thanks so much
You could put worms in there mine was for catching water! and everyday 10-15 3 week crickets
First I’d like to say that I’m so glad I found your channel! So here it goes. I need some advice. I recently bought a 2 month old male veiled chameleon. He arrived four days ago on April 6th. When I got him I offered him a cricket and he snatched it up super quick and ate it. But that’s the only cricket he ate. After three days of him not eating any of the crickets I offered, no matter the size, I started really freaking out. I ordered him some baby hornworms off eBay yesterday but of course they’re not going to arrive for a few more days. I was getting desperate so I went to PetSmart and bought a tub of 100 mealworms. Came home and found a little cup thing and put 4 mealworms in it and low and behold, he ate 3!!! So I put 5 more (total of 6 since there was still one left) and again he ate 3 more. Offered him a cricket and he basically said f**k you lady, I want no part of that hopping thing. This is kind of worrying me because I know they need those gut loaded crickets. I’m thinking that I’ll hold off on trying to feed him crickets for a couple of weeks or maybe a month then try again. My concern is what if he gets malnourished because of this? Is there some sort of danger for him only eating mealworms at such a young age? What do you suggest I do? Please help. I don’t want my little dude to die on me. I tried talking to someone from Underground Reptiles, which is where I ordered him from, and he was telling me that I shouldn’t have him in a screen cage, he needs to be in a glass tank because the mesh ones don’t hold humidity and they thrive off of humidity. After all the research I’ve done I know that the info he gave me about the type of home he is supposed to be in is inaccurate. They need the airflow. Glass enclosures hold stagnant air, which will more than likely cause respiratory disease. The humidity in his cage is absolutely fine. It stays between 60-90, 60 being the lowest and so far it’s only dropped that low one time. Usually it’s around 80. So then he told me the heat wasn’t right. He said the ambient temp should be no lower than 90F and the basking should be even higher. I don’t remember what he said the the basking temp should be. From the research I’ve read and watched the recommended temps should be basking: 90-95F and the ambient should be anywhere from 72-mid 80’s during the day and low to mid 70’s during the night. My point is, I feel that he is giving inaccurate information which blows my mind. I bought from that site because I thought that it would be much better than buying from somewhere like PetSmart or Petco. Their animals usually are sick and aren’t taken care of properly. And PetSmart keeps their chameleons in an all glass enclosure from what I saw when I went there to buy supplies for my Bling baby. Now I’m thinking that that site is probably the equivalent of buying a cham from PetSmart. Anyway, please please please give me some advice. You seem to know what you’re talking about. How can I get my Bling baby to start eating crickets again?
Not sure why you comments similar but not exactly the same thing on two different videos haha. But please do not make your tank look like the one in this video, they need a dense forest of plants for them to escape our line of sight. I would recommend absolutely no less than a 36x18x36 exo terra for him if you decide to go the glass route. I will leave a link at the end of this comment for you to check out. Wouldn't hurt to look through the rest of the website either. UGR get WC animals allll the time and are notorious for their average to below average care of their animals. I have never personally been there so I can't speak from experience.
Mike Tytula it’s probably because I was desperately trying to find answers. I swear I was asking advice from EVERYONE. Haha! Anyway, WOW! No wonder they have lower prices than everyone else. I did see that some of their Chams said wild caught in the description and some said that they were captive bred. I chose captive bred. Hopefully they aren’t labeling them wrong just to get sales. I’m really against buying wild caught animals. I understand why someone would get wild caught Chams to breed IF they’re very experienced and can provide a happy life for the lizard. But to sell WC Chams to just anyone?! Not cool. And there’s the fact that yeah, ok, you get a wild caught animal. Chams don’t live long but you can breed them. So why KEEP getting wild caught? You know what I mean? Why not breed them, then keep what you want out of the hatchlings and breed those? People irk the mess out of me with that. I don’t think I’ll get him a glass enclosure ever. There’s no since for it where I live. I believe glass enclosures are best suited for those that live in the north. I’m personally sticking with mesh enclosures. Also, since I’ve watched one guy on here that I really liked, I decided to use his method. It’s really awesome. So, for his Cham he has a “safe place” for him to run to where the care taker won’t mess with him if he runs to that spot. I believe that might lessen the stress and gives the animal a since of security. Absolutely love that! Thank you for the links! I’ll be sure to check them out as I will be getting Bling a bigger enclosure when he grows up a little more. Right now he’s in a 16x16x30 ZooMed screen enclosure. I’m just going to go ahead and get him an XL enclosure next. Right now he is fine in the smaller one because he is still really small. He seems to be happy now, and is definitely starting to come around as far as handling goes. Not always though. He just don’t seem as terrified and stressed anymore when I hold him. He don’t run out of his enclosure to greet me like some people’s Chams on here do. I don’t think he ever will, with his cute little grumpy looking face. BUT! I knew that was a possibility when I got him and I’m fine with that. I noticed that he hates it if we look at him while he is trying to hunt. He don’t mind if we are in the room with him but as soon as he notices me or one of the kids looking over at him he stops and runs to his safe place. It’s too cute. Anyway, ty Mike!
I just had my first veiled Chameleon pass away because he was not a strong hunter so this video helped.
This video isn't how I would keep them anymore
How do you keep them warm at night? I have a really cold room in the winter.. Id don't think I'm suppose to keep the uv light on all night.. Idk what to do help please .
You can use an infrared light for night time. The uvb light should only be on for 12-14 hours per day
@@angelalawson7009 yeah use a red night lamp
hello, I'm thinking of getting a veiled chameleon. I know about the cages and as far as feeding. but I was wondering if I could feed a 2 month old crickets to start out? specifically, what kind of lighting to get? how often do I feed the chameleon? do I need to set the room I'm putting the chameleon in to a certain temperature? what kind of wattage do I need for the lights? could I get a basking light with the uvb with it or should they be separated? how do I maintain temperature inside the cage? where should I put a heating pad? and what do I do at night, do I turn off the lamps or just keep them going?
+Janice Mendoza I recommend doing plenty more research, light you need heat and UVB 5.0. Feed it once or twice a day. As for temps no you just need the wattage that will give the right basking temp for your cage. There should be no heating pad as it's a screen cage. At night you turn it off
+Mike Tytula thank you ssooooooo much!!!
wen do baby veiled chameleon's start to change colors
When they're babies they should change from pastel green to a darker green yellow and brown when they become juveniles they'll start to grow their patters on the sides etc and the colors can go from blue green yellow pastel green yellow brown then they'll learn to blend in with the habitat vs chancing colors based on their emotions
Do you feed the fruitflies in that screen enclosure or out of the cage? How many should a newborn eat and once or twice a day? TY I have 5 eggs I've been incubating for months now!
I would suggest a t5 ho uvb for chameleon also your over misting the cage, it’s okay for it to dry out a little bit and have humity spikes too much water isn’t good on their lungs honestly
Ya this is a super old video and my views on care have changed drastically
I wanted to know how you put your fake plants on?and how you put the sticks in and what type they are?
i used twist ties haha
Does the misting system wet the bottom of the cage? Do you drain it or something? Thinking about getting one, help!
It felt like I was watching a documentary on puppy mills narrated by baby chameleon nightmare fuel
Clever, I'll give you that
Please help I just got a translucent veiled chameleon 2 days ago, he's 2 months old. He is constantly hiding and I spotted him hanging from the top of his cage just underneath his UVB and heating lights. The lights do touch the cage top surface, I don't want him to get burned what do I do? I can't seem to get sticks to stay put up top to create. Basking spot, he has a vine going up to the very top though. Also he was on the ground floor of his cage today walking around, is that a bad sign? His unrated were a little yellow so I started a drip system and am spraying him with the bottle more often, 4-5 times a day, please help
Mike, I noticed you had three different kinds of bulbs. You mentioned one only heats and the other provides something else. I'm just starting out with a baby chameleon the only light I have is. 75 watt bulb that I keep at least 6 inches above the cage? I feed him crickets and he eats quite often lol. Any tips you can offer or any other advice you'd recommend? Thanks,
For what? I would just recommend that you check temps in the cage and make sure they are good, make sure you have UVB light as well!
Hey I've had a baby chameleon for about a few weeks now and he has been eating small gutloaded crickets sprinkled with calcium powder and D3 vitamin. It (too young to gender yet but so far doesn't have the bump on the back of the foot) seems to be fine but I'm just not sure how many crickets it should be eating a day and I'm having trouble keeping it hydrated. The chameleon doesn't respond to drip systems and licks the cage and leaves when I mist but still has yellow in the poop. Any suggestions or advice helps!
i was going to get a 18lx18wx24h cage, but the top would be the metal mesh, and the sides would be glass, there would also be a front panel with a vent. I plan to put climbing fabric on the glass, but my concern is will the glass maintain too much moisture and create too much humidity? what would be advised, i don't like the flimsiness of plastic/mesh cages.
+Riad Yes but that is to small for most chameleons especially the more common chameleons
well it would be a temporary stay for a baby veiled, unless that's still too small?
Riad For a baby it's fine but they don't really make glass cages suitable for an adult male at least
Is it okay to have a chameleon outside in its cage for the summer? Average temps where I live are upper 80's low 90's during the day and 65- 75 at night with humidity well above 50 percent all day.
rduke Im assuming somewhere like florida, and yes so long there is a misting system that provides water you should be fine
If I want a screen/mesh terrarium for my Chameleon is it ok if the the terrarium is the right temperature but the fan is always on in my room?
depends if the fan is cold or not
What’s the thing u put in the back of the cage I want a chameleon but my parents afraid of mold on my walls I want a chameleon soo bad and if I know a tip of what to put beh8nd cage so it won’t get on my walls it would be a LIFESAVER
Depends where you live, climate dictates what enclosure is suitable for your chameleon.
Mike Tytula i dont usually say where I live but it’s states boro Georgia still thank you 🙏 I’ll tell my parents that and I’ll look more stuff up about what you said thank you!
Hey great video by the way... ummm what dose it means when a baby chameleon drinks the water from the sink and then starts ro slobber it.... and how shoul i feed them water
KING FMS However they will drink it haha, from a mister or dripping system
ya i have that lol but then he starts to slobber well he stopped lol but i was like oh hell no please dont tell me i got a sick one lol
How many eggs did your chameleon laid and how many hatched so far ?
I have a monsoon 400 and the bottom of my terrarium keeps flooding. And suggestions?
I’d love to know how you introduced your chameleons I have a regular veiled female and a piedball veiled male and they are both ready to breed
I would definitely consider a lot of other things first, like where you are going to sell the offspring before breeding. Once you have that ironed out, then introductions are pretty easy.
@@MikeTytula I planned on selling them on Facebook marketplace, morph market, and possibly a local reptile show.
We just got our 6 week old baby chameleon and we had purchased a zoo med chameleon kit for the cage. They all told us that we really need at least 3 sides covered with glass or plexiglass...but I see your is all mesh. Do you think we’re okay using the lights and misting regularly?
This is an old video, and I don't really recommend the way I was caring for them at the time to others. Honestly I probably would have bought the largest exoterra and made a setup in there. Where are you located?
Hello Mike. I have never owned a reptile before. I am thinking about a Chameleon or a bearded dragon. Which one would be easier and less expensive to take care of for a first time reptile pet.
For sure the Bearded dragon.
why do you have screens on all sides of the tank? doesn't it not hold in the heat and humidity?
Glass tanks are supposedly bad for them and if the chameleon wants to he can crawl on the screens
Caleb's Room you could also put a towel on the sides of the cage to keep in humidity. Chams like the mesh cages because of the air flow though
is taking care of a chameleon easier or harder than a bearded dragon
+Mike Tytula do you recommend getting one after taking care of a bearded dragon
Hayden Underwood Just do your research a beardie won't really teach you much about keeping a veiled
do you have trim their nails? when/how should you start applying the "dust"?
The chameleons are looking great.
Hey mike where did you get your female chameleon and how much
Hey im new to the whole reptile thing and i bought a small chameleon. Its not a baby or an adult its small and i set up his cage with a good amount of sticks i cleaned his sticks and bought fake plastic leaves and i bought it large crickets cause thats what the petstore told me to get it. Im just confused about spraying his cage. He doesnt like when i spray him with water but i dont want his skin to dry. I just got him today so ive only sprayed him once. Should i just spray his cage and not him? Or should i just continue spraying him lightly with water?
It doesn't matter if he doens't like it, the humidity must be kept at a certain level...
Hi! I was wondering, what do you put on the bottom of their enclosure?
Corrugated plastic with paper towels
I am about to get a veiled chameleon and was wondering what is the best way to tame them? And also would a glass cage due for about 6 months?
Not likely to small
Where I live they don’t sell fruit flies will pin head crickets works? My chameleons are 1 day old and I honestly have no idea how to take care of them
Well it's definitely worth the shot, I'm sure you can order some cultures, there are plenty of places in the states that will ship fruit flies. If you live in the states of course.
Mike Tytula ok thanks
My hatchlings keep dying cant figure out why basking is 90 they have a dripper feeding d3 dusted fruit flys 10.0 uv in a reptibreeze 18" wide 24" tall humidity is 50%
How much are you misting? How many are you keeping in cages? Are the parents healthy? What kind of bulb are you using?
Can I turn off the lights at night with my baby chameleon
Make sure the ambient temp doesn't drop too low, but yes all lights should be off at night.
Do you need to keep them on fruit flies? Also do you need an automatic mister? And is it better to have a heat lamp or a heat mat
DEfinitely no heat mat! And Fruit flies to start yes, and an automatic mister is strong recommendation!
The cage should be vertical
Not true... there are many issues with this style of cage, but the vertical is completely fine
just hatched our first ones. out of 20 eggs. we had 1survive. just got a culture of flies. do they not eat the first day?
Just saw your video and was just wondering how many crickets do I give my chameleon each day. She's about the size of the bigger one that was hiding by the basking light in the top left corner. Hope to hear from you. And thanks ahead of time
+Franky Vega Around 8 a day is pretty good for them
Veiled are dry species they don't need that much misting. Daytime humidity shouldn't be higher than 40% nighttime around 50-60% at max. This is an old video, just posting this comment for people who stumble upon this video. I'm sure this guy improved since
This comment is so far from the truth... They aren't arid by any stretch of the imagination. They REQUIRE higher humidity than you suggested.
Some of my Calyptratus babies has a eyes problem. Its eyes are closed and with some kind of itch.
can you help me?
I just got a chameleon hes veiled and he looks around a month old. How often do i feed them and how many crickets. Also i have the little dripper how often do i need to turn it on and for how many seconds
+wallclimber13 I would leave it dripping all day, and I would feed 8 crickets twice a day
How many times a day do you feed crickets and how many crickets for one baby chameleon?
I fed two times a day
I love ur channel I'm getting a like babyish veiled and I have been doing toons of research and ur channel has helped me out so much thank u for all u hav done for me and ur videos are so good
Hey I've owned a Female Veiled chameleon and she lived for about 4 years. I'm thinking about buying a baby panther Abanja Chameleon. How difficult is it to care for hatchlings?
I wouldn't recommend using this as a care guide, it's an old outdated video. They really aren't hard to care for if given the right setup
Firstly this video is old as hell at its 3am so clearly im in a youtube hole. But your chameleons are beautiful. Dumb question.. How do you get the fruit flies in the enclosure?
+ShannonHoopla They are flightless fruit flies so I just throw them in haha
I recently got a baby chameleon and she keeps leaning up and making a small screaming noise. What does this mean?
Shoot me a message on instagram @graphicphoenix1 with a video of her doing it
So I picked up my first veiled cham on sunday and before purchasing I was suggested to a red buld for night time. Everyone I know has told me to scrap the bulb. Do you use a night light for them at all? With as much as you have going on in your room it is quite obvious that your room stays a great temp but my apartment goes fairly low at night. Would you suggest using it?
+Ted Aguilar I mean depends how low your room gets. If it's too low then yes get a bulb
+Mike Tytula They do fine with a night time temp drop and dont need any source of heat at night as long as it doesnt go below 40-45 degrees. i can post source if you want.
Hi Mike thank you for the video, I’m afraid because I didn’t expect to find seven baby chameleons this morning in my chameleon’s cage, I went to buy the chameleons started kit , the babies are inside now, I put a lot of fruit flies but they don’t want to eat, what do I’m going to do? I’m so worried , they just want to be close to the light, the temperature inside is 80 degrees . Could you please help me?
I would make sure that the temperatures are all still good, and cover three, or even all four sides of the enclosure to allow them to settle in (it'll also retain more humidity with the sides covered). What species of chameleon are the babies?
How big should the adult cages be and how much do the cages cost
Jay, adult chams need a 2'x2'x4' (that's feet) screen cage. You can learn much more at chameleonforums-dot-com There are lots of helpful blogs and people that will answer every question you could ever ask!
I was wondering if I should purify the water for my veiled chameleon
You can, it will prolong the life of your misters, but other than that you don't have to.
For lighting have you changed anything or are you still running the same setup?
I actually no longer have any chameleons at the current time. But yes I would have changed their lighting a ton, if I was to redo it.
i play trumpet, and its a pretty loud instrument when played inside a house. i also have a chihuaha that literally barks for everything. Would that be a problem for the baby chameleon ?
+Jai Uchiha Yeah that would stress it out a lot.
pretty sure they dont have ears
How do you stop fruit flys getting out of enclosure?
Not easily haha
I have a female veiled chameleon I was wondering what age should I put a egg box in her cage also you should do a female care thanks
Hayden Kearney Around about a year! like 10 months to a year old
I just got a veiled chameleon yesterday and I have him in a zoomed cage and I was wondering if they need a night light even tho my house stays at about 65-70F
YES! Heat and UVB!
Can you keep 2 chameleons together
im getting a chameleon and i dont know what type on tank i need to get cause i watch one of ur other vids and u said dont get a glass tank where could i get one that is not glass online that could ship to my house
+Connb57 ! Check on Amazon for Zoo Med ReptiBreeze Open Air Screen Cage, Extra Large, 24" x 24" x 48" if you're getting an adult male. If you're getting an adult female, I would go with an 18" x 18" x 36". If it's a Juvenile (Under 10 months) I would get a 16" x 16" x 30", or like he said in his previous video, you could section off a part of your enclosure until they are 8-10 months old. The cages are a bit pricey, but if you have the time and money, you could build one yourself :)
You don't want a full screened terrarium Bc it can't hold hear or humidity in unless you just have all the time in the world to sit there an most it all day you need one that is glass wit maybe the top or a little peice of the side screen to hold the humidity and heat in. For the size if it's a baby baby then small baby up to 5 months old medium then juvenile large. Bc you don't want to have a cage that's to big it'll stress them
Hey, I just received a 1month old veiled and I was wondering if you had any tips, like should I try and feed him from my hand or do I leave his bugs in his terrarium? He ate those I left him so far
How many crickets do you feed a 3 month old veiled chameleon
7-10 per day. Make sure they are dusted
Mike Tytula thanks
I was at the store to get insects for my chameleon and they had no crickets. Needless to say they had a tiny baby they were trying to feed mealworms. I felt bad and brought him home and he hasn't eaten anything in 4 days that I've seen. He has everything needed I even found fruit flies for him but he is looking weak. Any ideas on how I can help him
I would need a lot more information to answer this accurate. please message me on instagram if you would an answer
Hi! thanks for the informative video. I just got 2 female veiled chameleons from the pet expo here in california. I have always wanted a chameleon, and i finally got 2 and i have no idea how to care for them. i bought a zoomed reptibreeze 16x16x20 with a combo deep dome lamp fixture from amazon. I'm hoping that i won't have to buy anymore cages. is this okay until they are full grown?? as of now i am putting them in a small aquarium until they're cage arrives.
scar tina Firstly, you should never take on an animal that you aren't fully prepared for and have researched... especially something like a chameleon that isn't that easy to care for. I know I sound like an ass but it's true. For two you will need two separate cages, depending on the sexe it it should be 2feet by 2 feet by 4 feet tall. You really need to do some research
i understand. sorry, it was a spur of the moment thing. and we were at a pet expo so thats why we got some. i am doing a lot of research hence me asking you these questions. sorry to have bothered you. you did say leave a comment or a questions. again sorry to have bother you.
scar tina oh no I'm glad you asked, because I want to help but it's just irresponsible to take on the life of an animal without knowing how to provide the best life possible. I'm glad you are doing the research let me know if you have any other questions I would be happy to answer them for you :) Sorry if I sounded like an ass.
thanks but no thanks. ill just ask other people who are really willing help without the insults.. thank you!
scar tina There was no insults but alright
should i get for a biger cage for a baby veiled chameleon so i do not have to buy a biger cage in 6 months ?
As long as you have a properly setup enclosure you can have them in a full size tank but 3 months of ago or so
How do you keep the flies from crawling out of the mesh cage
Because most of them are eaten before they get the chance to figure out where they are haha
Hey Mike I got my veiled chameleon and I was wondering how much I should mist them and how many times a day and how much time should be inbetween misting? The guys at my reptile shop said I could just use a spray bottle and I read that you should use warm water instead of room temp; is this true? Also my baby crickets seem to always gp under the coco husk bedding will this be a problem for his feeding?
Marco Lucero I would either feed them in a cup or remove the coco husk because the babies can eat it and become impacted and die... As for misting I would mist room temp water, as many times a day as possible, you just need for the humidity to reach a good level in the cage between mistings
What can i use for the ground instead of the coco husks? The people at my local reptile shop never warned me about this.
Marco Lucero nothing just paper towel or something
I have some more questions! Is it better to feed crickets or mealworms when they are babies andy chameleon is really shy and i think it is getting stessed because it turns a blackish color or green with black spots. Is that a sign of stress? How can i stop it? The temp is at 95f during the day and at night should it be a high temp also? Ive read that it can be above 50.
hey, my Jackson just gave birth yesterday to a baby chameleon
how can I get fruit flies ? btw where I live they don't sell them
can I give to him little dubia roaches ?
when do they start to eat and drink water?
+Christopher rosado Local reptile stores or see on facebook groups to see if someone can give you one
+Mike Tytula I have check and nobody has
when do they start eating?
mine has been sleeping all day
Christopher rosado I would increase humidity, and they should start feeding in a couple days
+Mike Tytula thank you he's just a day old
thank you
my chameleon is so freaking mean when i first got him i handled him a lot not knowing that was bad and now he's angry all the time
Chameleons really aren't handling pets
Mike Tytula yeah ik that now
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. I got a 2 month old male panther cham on Fri about 2pm. He ate a few crickets that afternoon. We left the basking and uvb light on until about 8pm then turned them off for the night. The next morning he was like a totally different cham. He was sleepy and he wouldn't eat. I contacted the breeder but he really only went back over basic stuff that we are already doing. The cham still hasn't eaten and I know he can't last much longer. We have a zoomed mesh kit, we're misting, dripping, the crickets came from petsmart. I just don't know what happened. Any thoughts?
what are the temps, the humidity, where is it placed in the house? Near a door? Or AC vent? Is there UVB? What are the basking temps?
Mike Tytula
the kit came with a 60watt basking bulb and a 5 uvb. I have ordered a 75 watt because the hottest area was only upper 70's. The humidity stay around 63%. It was in my daughter's bedroom, there was no vent close by. I sent him back to the seller yesterday hoping he could make it there alive but we will be getting another one so if there is anything I'm doing wrong I'd love to get it fixed before then. The seller said something may have happened in shipping or its possible the chameleon just wasn't adapting to the new environment so I'm not sure where the problem was. Thanks.
it was right inside the door in my daughter's room.
Rachel Crews Ya definitely make sure that temp gets up much higher!
When do you sell the babies?
I'm planning on getting a baby veiled chameleon for my birthday, and I was wondering; how soon can they start to feed on crickets? As well as this; does a big enclosure make it hard for babies to find food?
No I actually recommend you put a baby chameleon in it's full size enclosure right away. Thing is it has to be a great setup to facilitate this.
when ur female is laying unfertile eggs,do u put her in a bucket? some ppl say that helps them better in the process, plus less stressful for them? is that true??..... Im learning some info on them and what to be ahead on learning important stuff before i get one... and what is too small of a cage is it for a setup for one chameleon? i just see alot of deals on cages right now .. lol thanks
It does help but it needs to have the proper laying material in it. and it should be 18x18x36
Mike Tytula thanks mike... love ur videos :)
simpleash21 no problem and thanks :0
and i also want to know what type of bulbs should i get
+Connb57 ! Do some research man. You gotta put in some effort of your own as well.
i know i have but your the only person with good advise and most of the websites have useless stuff
Connb57 ! You just need a bulb the will achieve the desired temps and another that emits UV.
k thanks
Hey I was thinkng about getting a veiled chameleon and I was wondering how much will everything cost for a baby female? Also why is handling them not good?
Marco Lucero Handling them is fine, to much handling of a new one can stress them though. And It depends where you live probably something around 300$
Can you keep a Chamaeleon in a glass terainium
I'm thinking about getting a chameleon soon, but I'm not sure what kinda bulb I should get my cage is 18 x 18 x 36" So what's a good wattage should I get?
You just have to see where the basking spot is, and see what the temp is at that point.
How high of a wattage bulb should I go? I was thinking about getting a 50 watt but wasn't sure if that wouldn't be enough heat for the middle area.
it's all depending on the temp of the basking spot
This is very helpful I’m looking in to getting a baby veiled chameleon
I would strongly recommend not using this as a guide! Setup the full setup for your adult chameleon right off the rip, all you need to really change is the diameter of the branches as they grow
bro i got a juvenile veiled chameleon from petland yesterday and he has not eaten or drinken since. he also has trouble holding onto anything and falls off of branches often. should i be worried? should i return him? or is this just how they are?
You should be very worried! I would call them and see if they will pay for the vet bills he will need....
Mike Tytula i was thinking about force feeding him in the morning; just hope he makes it thru the night. ive been spraying him with water frequently and i heard they absorb water like that as well so hopefully he is doing better
What would you do for calcium and supplements? As well as light fixtures, with a baby would you do the medium or large reptibreeze cage?
T5HO 5.0 UVB
we just hatched our first ones. how many days til they eat