That’s a hefty chunk of plastic and metal! I had a similar dilemma recently when I was moving house. Honestly, you’ve got to be really ruthless with what you choose to keep and get rid of. What I found helpful was to put it in three piles. “Definitely keep”, “projects I can see myself doing this year”, “honestly, I’m not getting round to this”. It was a good way to clear out kits which I kept saying I’d do soon but kept getting superseded by other projects. Next, look at splitting the pile into manageable chunks: 30 Guardsmen, a Leman Russ, a squad of Bretonnians, etc. That way you can start planning out your projects. Also, utilise what you learnt from the Great Mordian Restoration Project. Yes you can paint 90 Guardsmen in a week, but it burnt you out and you didn’t want to paint anything for a month. Finally, keep the projects varied. Maybe start with 30 Guardsmen, then move on to a Leman Russ, then a Warband of LOTR Dwarves, then a squad of Crisis Suits. By changing the colours you’re painting every couple of months, it should keep your brain stimulated and stop burnout. Best of luck 👍
I would suggest whatever isn't painted after the deadline gets sold. Send them to a good home that can appreciate them and give them the paint and attention they deserve.
No misses mordian you cant get another box until you finish this one *buys 3 boxes of gaurd troops that will sit in the pile for the next half a decade*
Didn’t miss a beat explaining that arrangement whilst staring at a few grands worth of unpainted plastic. The sharp steel of irony wasn’t enough to pierce the armour of faith in the Emperor.
If you finish I want to see the ultimate kitbash of your favorite vehicle model, making a completely unique model with things like extra guns, drums of fuel, guardsman riding on top, a mordian flag, etc. just something completely wild and out there. And if we fail I would do a 36 hour assemble and paint stream to polish off the last models. You’re motivating me to finish my own pile of shame. O7 to you my good sir and good luck.
As someone who buys plenty of ork things, the best thing I've found is to take it in steps. I start by having one day of assembly and priming. Then I paint everyone's pants and belts another day. Shirts if they got them and so on. It helps prevent burnouts and gives me something to look forward to for the weekends and vacation. 🐺
The old Blood Thirsters are made out of the old GW Fine Cast resin. They were metal first, and then they released it in fine cast prior to the new sculpt.
German longbeard here. Nice pile of shame. Subscribed. I would suggest implementing once or twice per month a painting streaming session to combat the pile. Judging from the mass of models it would take multiple years to paint them all and then the question remains, if you have enough display glass cabinets for the horde as putting painted models in boxes is only the last option. Edit: I won´t advice to sell the models as you might want to explore one game system or another in a few years from now only to find out that reacquiring the minis is more expensive than in the past. In addition I strongly recommend to focus on one faction and paint them completely. It´s hard but manageable. If you suffer from burnout by just using one paint scheme have an alternative faction to paint until you feel compelled to go back to the main project. This works for me fine as my vintage Space Marines in Iron Hands colours are almost finished and as a relaxation project there are Iron Empire Raging Heroes minis on the painting desk.
8:10 just because it isn't done doesn't mean it wasn't appreciated! I work about that too, but my gf told me that she's happy she gets to see my reaction when I get it, when I start it, and when I finish it. So that's encouraging!
A few years ago, I recognized that I have more than I could ever paint in a lifetime if I won't use my vacation of several years to paint day and night. I came to the conclusion that I could either put it on eBay OR just stop to call that mountain of plastic, resin and metal pile of shame and start calling it "my massive bitz box". It's just a psychological trick, but it lifts the pressure and gives you a positive feeling. If I now build models I possess for over a decade mainly untouched, I don't work through my pile of shame to get something finally done, no, I use my magic bitz box to create minis out of thin air or I take the soulless characterless shell of a Primaris, dip it into my firstborn bitz and boom, coolest looking Marine ever and it's mine and no-one else has it, but me. It is of course exactly what "work through your pile of shame" means, but by giving it that positive twist, you learn to cherish your collections, whether it's finished or not... because, hey, it's a HOBBY, don't push yourself beyond the point you stop having fun.
Props on acquiring such an impressive collection. I agree with the commenter who said its not a pile of shame, it's a pile of opportunity. I have something similar with Guard and Eldar. Guard infantry I can clear pretty quickly. Guard armor and artillery get basecoated, post-shaded, sealed, oil pinwashes, some freehand unit insignia (no decals for the Krieg 26th Combined Army Group, consisting of the 248th Line Korps, the 313rd Seige Regiment, and the 586th Assault Korps), chipping, weathering, more sealing, and then some mud. Yeah, it will take me forever to clear my Krieg armor backlog...
i'd seperate it into stuff thats still in its box and opened stuff, then work your way through the stuff you want to do the most first and anything you cant be bothered with at the end you can resell.
They switched most of the old metal sculpts to resin when they came out with "Finecast" back in 2011. The current model came out in 2015 if I recall, so that was about 4 years of those old sculpts being printed in resin. I bet there are plenty of Keepers, that one still had a full 10 years to get a plastic release, and people were tired of waiting back in 2011....
Forfeit: Buy a share in Games Workshop, attend their AGM (probably sometime in September 2024) dressed as a Commissar/Mordian officer, and ask the Board some questions, as suggested by us, your audience.
Thats not a Pile of SHAME! THAT IS A TO DO LIST of GLOOOORY! 9:00 The Old Hormagaunts and Guardsmen look better than the new ones. 10:00 What a great Artwork on the Box. 28:40 for Tha Lady. Horses only.
old sentinel kits jumped out right away; i say, add them to the traitor guard! on a more practical note, everything still in plastic can find a new home, which means spare change, for more paint ... to finish yon pile o'shame. win-win.
Just remember it's not a bargain if you never build them. 😂 I bought some Thunderworlf cavalry in 2016 and finished them... this week. All been there. I think you need a video project on tearing through these.
oh. thats quite the right setup for several 24 hours building streams. several 24 hour priming streams and, of course, several 24 hour painting streams. followed by 24 hours therapy streams, probably
Ive only been collecting since early 2022 and have equally (if not more) of a pile already. I started off ONLY buying new stuff when i finished a kit, this last the first two months. Then new box sets and kit releases came out and were hard to aquire so I would begin buying asap (as is why GW pull that shit). Its got to the point I have box set upon box set for just about every GW game, for dozen+ armys stacked up waiting to be started, majority still sealed and collecting dust outside my main Blood Angels and Necron 40k armys. Thousands of bucks worth of single unit kits to fill out those box set armies still waiting to be started on top of the other 4 separate 5k point Space Marine armys, a 10k Necrons, 5k Tyranids..., 2k Orks..., 2k Ad Mech..., and thats just 40k.... Then I have a Shit ton of Stormcast, Kruleboyz and Nighthaunt, as well as a bunch of various others factions/armies like chaos dark eldar, and so on. Basically I have at a minimum 500 points of every 40k or AOS army possible, on top of tons of killteams and warbands, and multiple armys for many other game systems like star wars legion, fallout wasteland warfare, and so on... If I buckle down HARD every day I MIGHT just build them all, but I have no chance in hell to paint them all in y lifetime. Simply not possible for one human, even painting 8 hours a day till I die. So much sealed plastic crack one would honestly think I was opening a shop. I definitely have a problem too, especially when I check my bank statement since finding this addiction, err i mean "hobby". I am proud of how much I have done already at least, but yea I bit off WAY MORE than one man can chew.
I think I've got you beat mate. I've got a completely unbuilt, still in box 2000+ point Thousand Sons army. I've got about 4000 points of built and unpainted Ultramarines, and around 2500 point of built and unpainted Death Watch and Ravenguard. I also have about 2300 points worth of Imperial Knights still in boxes. I have a handful of unpainted Grey Knights, Ad Mech, Necrons, Death and Sisters models. I've got around 3000 points of some built, some painted, some still in box Drukharii models. I still have an unopened Shadowvaults Kill Team box as well as well as a handfull of unpainted minis from Blackstone Fortress and Ashes of Faith boxes(most of those are painted though). And finally I have yet to crack open my Leviathan Box. I paint a lot, but unfortunately I buy more. As much of a backlog as I have I have painted 11 Kill Teams and I have 9 fully paint 2000+ point armies. As long as you are making progress and enjoying the hobby, who cares? Have fun, the new guard range looks awesome!
Very nice pile of shame, rivals my own. As far as you're Marder III goes, it was a battlefield product by German troops, you take the turret of of you're 38t tank and replace it with a russian 7.62cm antitank gun minus the carriage, slap some armour plating around and ready. It worked so well they later made official types, the H and M with Pak 40 guns.
I love seeing Piles of Potential! If you fail, every model not finished goes with you to a paintball session, and you spend the whole time painting them.
If you should fail the vow anything from the pile not completed will have to be sold. To the community is option. That money then has to go toward bills or savings.
Strange question, but i want to make a bridge layer upgrade for one of my white scars rhinos... do you have any scale model suggestions to take the bridge from?
I went game and got some cheap old sentinels and old cadians, the ones that only have flamer and gl, no plasma or power swords here . So cheap though I'd buy them again in a heartbeat. Got 10 inf and a sentinel for 27 quid
My pile of shame is rather shameful. out of my 5105 points of space marines about 600 points are fully painted. ive got 2000 points of guard to paint, 1000 of custodes, 1000 of sisters, 2000 of CSM and a knight all to paint, and i want to start grabbing chaos demons, a chaos knight, world eaters and orks. I always build my models tho as building is my favourite part of the hobby.
On the swooped vs. swept bit at 2:30, it goes like this: You SWOOPED into the store and SWEPT through the 40k section! Now if you'll excuse me, I have my own squadrons of Sentinels to build.
If you pass, your reward is building an AoS Soulblight Gravelords skeleton army where they are Bretonnia's fallen heroes. If you fail, same thing as if you passed 😂
We all have this problem. Except me, ha-ha! Miniatures are addiction. They are so neat, so beautiful! I do not need it, I will never paint it but I MUST own it. It MUST be mine!
@28:30 did anyone else lose a bit of respect for MG when they found out he plays Bretonnia?! Keep up the good work can't wait till Morty and Mondays makes his triumphant comeback. Your videos is part of the reason why my fairly stitch together 2kish guard Army has now ballooned into a 10k+ behemoth 🤣
When Charlie Murphy said "You've gone too far" to Rick James. He replied, "There's no such place". I believe he was describing an empty pool full of naked women, but a pile of opportunity is a pile of opportunity.
I was making good progress on my pile of shame, recently, but then they annouced Epic. Already have a number of titanicus titans, so i think i am compelled to do a full armored company to support them. Compelled, i say.
Anyone remember when GW offered an entire space marine chapter for sale for 10k sterling? I wonder how many of them now constitute an enormous pile of shame for someone with more money than sense :D. For my own part, I was never too bad with this, but I had multiple boxes of WFB models from failed army attempts when I was about 22 or 23. I eventually sold them, but with the return of the said game, I almost wish that I'd kept them.
Im looking forward to the traitor guard stuff since im redoing my old traitor ig. More kean on the vraks style, still kinda bummed i never ordered any of the old conversion kits.
Punishment: every week for 6 months, upload a commissar cooking/householding short video. Where a friend/mrs mordian lambasts you into labor. "if you will not serve in contrast, you will serve on the ironing line!"
forfeit should be to donate everything remaining to your subscribers/members/patrons, so it scales with your accomplishment. Alternatively you must pay to have everything remaining commissioned to various community artists to finish it off
12:37 he says as he’s surrounded by his colossal pile of shame lmfao.
What... you never seen a hypocrite before?
just means he can paint in all the direction.
Wish they would bring back old guard armies. I wish I could finish my Valhallans and Steel Legion 😭
Double standards right?
Mordian: I’m never buying from GW again
Also Mordian: So I have a shame pile that will take a decade to complete
Why wouldn´t GW abuse its customers if they´ll show this degree of self-control.
Hahahaha my comment exactly!
Guy sold his soul but atleast he kept his underpqnts😂
Yesterday: I refuse to buy from GW!
Today: I have a pile of shame that means I will never have to buy from GW!
This guy gets it xD
That’s a hefty chunk of plastic and metal! I had a similar dilemma recently when I was moving house. Honestly, you’ve got to be really ruthless with what you choose to keep and get rid of. What I found helpful was to put it in three piles. “Definitely keep”, “projects I can see myself doing this year”, “honestly, I’m not getting round to this”. It was a good way to clear out kits which I kept saying I’d do soon but kept getting superseded by other projects.
Next, look at splitting the pile into manageable chunks: 30 Guardsmen, a Leman Russ, a squad of Bretonnians, etc. That way you can start planning out your projects. Also, utilise what you learnt from the Great Mordian Restoration Project. Yes you can paint 90 Guardsmen in a week, but it burnt you out and you didn’t want to paint anything for a month.
Finally, keep the projects varied. Maybe start with 30 Guardsmen, then move on to a Leman Russ, then a Warband of LOTR Dwarves, then a squad of Crisis Suits. By changing the colours you’re painting every couple of months, it should keep your brain stimulated and stop burnout.
Best of luck 👍
The forfeit should be the following:
If you fail you must auction off one of your completed armies & donate the money to a charity.
This is the way!
I like this, it feels like a significant but not crushingly overwhelming consequence.
Had the same idea and I love that it's on the first spot
I would suggest whatever isn't painted after the deadline gets sold.
Send them to a good home that can appreciate them and give them the paint and attention they deserve.
No misses mordian you cant get another box until you finish this one *buys 3 boxes of gaurd troops that will sit in the pile for the next half a decade*
Didn’t miss a beat explaining that arrangement whilst staring at a few grands worth of unpainted plastic. The sharp steel of irony wasn’t enough to pierce the armour of faith in the Emperor.
@@banishedpest115 the Emperor Protects.
It is not a pile of shame, it is pile of opportunity
if you wipe the name you may wipe the shame.
Pile of fun and things to do!
I call it a pile of potential or PoP, Pile of Opp is PoO
Yeah, but if it all falls on him like too many old newspapers who could end up trapped for days
It is pile of plastic toys
Should the challenge be failed, you shall start an infantry admech army, natually :D
If you finish I want to see the ultimate kitbash of your favorite vehicle model, making a completely unique model with things like extra guns, drums of fuel, guardsman riding on top, a mordian flag, etc. just something completely wild and out there. And if we fail I would do a 36 hour assemble and paint stream to polish off the last models. You’re motivating me to finish my own pile of shame. O7 to you my good sir and good luck.
*"For the Ladyboys" - Mordian Glory*
"If I complete the pile of shame, I'll reward myself with a new one!" xD
As someone who buys plenty of ork things, the best thing I've found is to take it in steps. I start by having one day of assembly and priming. Then I paint everyone's pants and belts another day. Shirts if they got them and so on. It helps prevent burnouts and gives me something to look forward to for the weekends and vacation. 🐺
Your forfeit should be having to go to a tournament in nothing but a thong and Commissar hat (provided a TO somewhere will allow that ofc)
And a Cape or trench coat to complete the look
The old Blood Thirsters are made out of the old GW Fine Cast resin. They were metal first, and then they released it in fine cast prior to the new sculpt.
German longbeard here. Nice pile of shame. Subscribed.
I would suggest implementing once or twice per month a painting streaming session to combat the pile. Judging from the mass of models it would take multiple years to paint them all and then the question remains, if you have enough display glass cabinets for the horde as putting painted models in boxes is only the last option.
I won´t advice to sell the models as you might want to explore one game system or another in a few years from now only to find out that reacquiring the minis is more expensive than in the past. In addition I strongly recommend to focus on one faction and paint them completely. It´s hard but manageable. If you suffer from burnout by just using one paint scheme have an alternative faction to paint until you feel compelled to go back to the main project. This works for me fine as my vintage Space Marines in Iron Hands colours are almost finished and as a relaxation project there are Iron Empire Raging Heroes minis on the painting desk.
8:10 just because it isn't done doesn't mean it wasn't appreciated! I work about that too, but my gf told me that she's happy she gets to see my reaction when I get it, when I start it, and when I finish it. So that's encouraging!
Thank you for putting my pile into perspective! I feel much better now
I was just coming on here to say the same thing. I feel much better about my own situation now.
So Mordian has come up with a new Bretonnian warcry. "For the Ladyboys!"
A few years ago, I recognized that I have more than I could ever paint in a lifetime if I won't use my vacation of several years to paint day and night. I came to the conclusion that I could either put it on eBay OR just stop to call that mountain of plastic, resin and metal pile of shame and start calling it "my massive bitz box". It's just a psychological trick, but it lifts the pressure and gives you a positive feeling. If I now build models I possess for over a decade mainly untouched, I don't work through my pile of shame to get something finally done, no, I use my magic bitz box to create minis out of thin air or I take the soulless characterless shell of a Primaris, dip it into my firstborn bitz and boom, coolest looking Marine ever and it's mine and no-one else has it, but me.
It is of course exactly what "work through your pile of shame" means, but by giving it that positive twist, you learn to cherish your collections, whether it's finished or not... because, hey, it's a HOBBY, don't push yourself beyond the point you stop having fun.
Forfeit: all 160 Orks painted to a parade ready standard
@@MordianGlory Specifically, Bad Moons
Props on acquiring such an impressive collection. I agree with the commenter who said its not a pile of shame, it's a pile of opportunity. I have something similar with Guard and Eldar. Guard infantry I can clear pretty quickly. Guard armor and artillery get basecoated, post-shaded, sealed, oil pinwashes, some freehand unit insignia (no decals for the Krieg 26th Combined Army Group, consisting of the 248th Line Korps, the 313rd Seige Regiment, and the 586th Assault Korps), chipping, weathering, more sealing, and then some mud. Yeah, it will take me forever to clear my Krieg armor backlog...
@Mortian Glory - I also have an assembled Helldrake that has no paint. :D
i'd seperate it into stuff thats still in its box and opened stuff, then work your way through the stuff you want to do the most first and anything you cant be bothered with at the end you can resell.
Gamestore: we need to clear our inventory
Mordian with wallet held high: My time have come
They switched most of the old metal sculpts to resin when they came out with "Finecast" back in 2011. The current model came out in 2015 if I recall, so that was about 4 years of those old sculpts being printed in resin. I bet there are plenty of Keepers, that one still had a full 10 years to get a plastic release, and people were tired of waiting back in 2011....
Can you do the opposite of this video where you show off everything you have done
Suddenly my own pile of shame doesn't seem quite so bad 🤣
Love to see a video of your complete collection.
Forfeit: Buy a share in Games Workshop, attend their AGM (probably sometime in September 2024) dressed as a Commissar/Mordian officer, and ask the Board some questions, as suggested by us, your audience.
Thats not a Pile of SHAME! THAT IS A TO DO LIST of GLOOOORY!
9:00 The Old Hormagaunts and Guardsmen look better than the new ones.
10:00 What a great Artwork on the Box.
28:40 for Tha Lady. Horses only.
You could make a giveaway with the stuff you really don’t want anymore.
But your solution sounds good.
Would love to see that Chaos army on the field.
The way old kits go up in percieved value has me not worried about all my old unbuilt kits.
old sentinel kits jumped out right away; i say, add them to the traitor guard! on a more practical note, everything still in plastic can find a new home, which means spare change, for more paint ... to finish yon pile o'shame. win-win.
The first step is acknowledging the problem
12:36 The irony of this statement as you show off your table of unfinished boxes 🤣
I'm fairly jealous of the Tectonic Fragdrill. I'd love to paint it.
I too have a similar sized pile...I try to assemble as much as I can, base them, and prime...ready to paint....then they wait. and wait. and wait.
Just remember it's not a bargain if you never build them. 😂
I bought some Thunderworlf cavalry in 2016 and finished them... this week. All been there.
I think you need a video project on tearing through these.
Why do i get a burning desire to send him a full unpainted harquin army i have in the loft to make his life more difficult 😂
I'll take it! 😮
@@markdorn8873 sorry only available to those that don't want it
I can only WISH I had enough money to have a pile of shame at all.
Wait, you fit All of it on ONLY ONE table!?
oh. thats quite the right setup for several 24 hours building streams.
several 24 hour priming streams and, of course, several 24 hour painting streams.
followed by 24 hours therapy streams, probably
Idea for a forfeight: Go to a tournament with a complete meme list. Bad units only
But I do that already...
@@MordianGlorydo a sentinel army
@@MordianGlory😂 well seems you are invincible
Ive only been collecting since early 2022 and have equally (if not more) of a pile already. I started off ONLY buying new stuff when i finished a kit, this last the first two months. Then new box sets and kit releases came out and were hard to aquire so I would begin buying asap (as is why GW pull that shit). Its got to the point I have box set upon box set for just about every GW game, for dozen+ armys stacked up waiting to be started, majority still sealed and collecting dust outside my main Blood Angels and Necron 40k armys. Thousands of bucks worth of single unit kits to fill out those box set armies still waiting to be started on top of the other 4 separate 5k point Space Marine armys, a 10k Necrons, 5k Tyranids..., 2k Orks..., 2k Ad Mech..., and thats just 40k.... Then I have a Shit ton of Stormcast, Kruleboyz and Nighthaunt, as well as a bunch of various others factions/armies like chaos dark eldar, and so on. Basically I have at a minimum 500 points of every 40k or AOS army possible, on top of tons of killteams and warbands, and multiple armys for many other game systems like star wars legion, fallout wasteland warfare, and so on... If I buckle down HARD every day I MIGHT just build them all, but I have no chance in hell to paint them all in y lifetime. Simply not possible for one human, even painting 8 hours a day till I die. So much sealed plastic crack one would honestly think I was opening a shop.
I definitely have a problem too, especially when I check my bank statement since finding this addiction, err i mean "hobby".
I am proud of how much I have done already at least, but yea I bit off WAY MORE than one man can chew.
I think I've got you beat mate. I've got a completely unbuilt, still in box 2000+ point Thousand Sons army. I've got about 4000 points of built and unpainted Ultramarines, and around 2500 point of built and unpainted Death Watch and Ravenguard. I also have about 2300 points worth of Imperial Knights still in boxes. I have a handful of unpainted Grey Knights, Ad Mech, Necrons, Death and Sisters models. I've got around 3000 points of some built, some painted, some still in box Drukharii models. I still have an unopened Shadowvaults Kill Team box as well as well as a handfull of unpainted minis from Blackstone Fortress and Ashes of Faith boxes(most of those are painted though). And finally I have yet to crack open my Leviathan Box. I paint a lot, but unfortunately I buy more. As much of a backlog as I have I have painted 11 Kill Teams and I have 9 fully paint 2000+ point armies. As long as you are making progress and enjoying the hobby, who cares? Have fun, the new guard range looks awesome!
5:07 😂😂😂😂
It’s like they go, “lay here and I’ll give you a big surprise!” 💩
Element Games sponsored this video and the pile of shame sponsored Element Games.
We need monthly updates to hold you accountable. For the Guard is built on accountability and discipline
Very nice pile of shame, rivals my own. As far as you're Marder III goes, it was a battlefield product by German troops, you take the turret of of you're 38t tank and replace it with a russian 7.62cm antitank gun minus the carriage, slap some armour plating around and ready. It worked so well they later made official types, the H and M with Pak 40 guns.
Man, seeing that old possessed box makes me wish they added more options to the new kits. I miss my winged power packs.
I love seeing Piles of Potential! If you fail, every model not finished goes with you to a paintball session, and you spend the whole time painting them.
If you should fail the vow anything from the pile not completed will have to be sold. To the community is option. That money then has to go toward bills or savings.
DO A GIVEAWAY! I'd hug a few FOBs to my heart
Strange question, but i want to make a bridge layer upgrade for one of my white scars rhinos... do you have any scale model suggestions to take the bridge from?
18:40 now this is CHAOS :DD
I went game and got some cheap old sentinels and old cadians, the ones that only have flamer and gl, no plasma or power swords here .
So cheap though I'd buy them again in a heartbeat.
Got 10 inf and a sentinel for 27 quid
My pile of shame is rather shameful. out of my 5105 points of space marines about 600 points are fully painted. ive got 2000 points of guard to paint, 1000 of custodes, 1000 of sisters, 2000 of CSM and a knight all to paint, and i want to start grabbing chaos demons, a chaos knight, world eaters and orks. I always build my models tho as building is my favourite part of the hobby.
Love to build myself (especially with magnetizing), the painting is what’s a slog for my armies.
Forfeit: Build an Imperial Leviathan using the unfinished models.
Prize: Start a new army :D
Looks like a food progress pile! Just got mine to the bare bones of my current projects. Now my pile looks a lot more manageable.
On the swooped vs. swept bit at 2:30, it goes like this: You SWOOPED into the store and SWEPT through the 40k section! Now if you'll excuse me, I have my own squadrons of Sentinels to build.
forfeit : you can only play with your unpainted models until the pile of shame is gone. Everyone else can know your shame.
If you pass, your reward is building an AoS Soulblight Gravelords skeleton army where they are Bretonnia's fallen heroes. If you fail, same thing as if you passed 😂
We all have this problem. Except me, ha-ha! Miniatures are addiction. They are so neat, so beautiful! I do not need it, I will never paint it but I MUST own it. It MUST be mine!
@28:30 did anyone else lose a bit of respect for MG when they found out he plays Bretonnia?!
Keep up the good work can't wait till Morty and Mondays makes his triumphant comeback. Your videos is part of the reason why my fairly stitch together 2kish guard Army has now ballooned into a 10k+ behemoth 🤣
I think the forfeit should be torture by painting 500 ork boyz.
With my own pile, it's mostly models that need stripping and repainting... I just need the motivation to paint... That's an issue
I understand your pain as a white scar player my bikes are no longer valid as well as my scouts and land speeder storm all gone.
This makes me feel better about my pile of shame 😂 thank you kind sir
Goddamn... even Mordian's pile of shame is a horde list.
When Charlie Murphy said "You've gone too far" to Rick James. He replied, "There's no such place". I believe he was describing an empty pool full of naked women, but a pile of opportunity is a pile of opportunity.
Your forfeit - shall be to continue to paint what remains.....then strip the paint of EVERYTHING.
When I audited my pile of shame it was 130 infantry and 11 vehicles. down to 8 vehicles and more infantry.
If Mordian fails in his penitent crusade to clear thy pile of shame, he must share thine noble feet pics . . .
Wow....that makes my pile of shame look like an ant
Been seeing a lot of these videos crop on youtube "look at my BIG pile of shame". My instant thougths: ...hold my beer...
I was making good progress on my pile of shame, recently, but then they annouced Epic. Already have a number of titanicus titans, so i think i am compelled to do a full armored company to support them. Compelled, i say.
I have old lead cadians, valhallens and tallerns from 2nd ed. Didn't realise they were rare.
Anyone remember when GW offered an entire space marine chapter for sale for 10k sterling? I wonder how many of them now constitute an enormous pile of shame for someone with more money than sense :D.
For my own part, I was never too bad with this, but I had multiple boxes of WFB models from failed army attempts when I was about 22 or 23. I eventually sold them, but with the return of the said game, I almost wish that I'd kept them.
The blood thirsters were made in finecast for a bit:) so it's probably legit
We call this sort of stash the SABLE. Stock Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy
One punishment option would be to give away any uncomplicated things.
Im looking forward to the traitor guard stuff since im redoing my old traitor ig. More kean on the vraks style, still kinda bummed i never ordered any of the old conversion kits.
Punishment: every week for 6 months, upload a commissar cooking/householding short video. Where a friend/mrs mordian lambasts you into labor.
"if you will not serve in contrast, you will serve on the ironing line!"
The daddy play with Mrs Mordian 😂
Those deathstrike boxes can build manticores man 😂
forfeit should be to donate everything remaining to your subscribers/members/patrons, so it scales with your accomplishment. Alternatively you must pay to have everything remaining commissioned to various community artists to finish it off
If you want to send one of two of those old school sentinels my way, I would be glad to take them 😂
I bought a bloodthirster 2 weeks ago and he’s still in the box and i been feeling bad about leaving him there. This made me feel a lot better 😂
Almost as much stuff as we had a month or so ago. Got the wife and kids helping whittle it down though.
This is super cool inspired me to finish the bloodbowl teams I have primered but not painted
30:48 Uphold the honor of the Emperor!
That's what fomo do to a person, even if we joke about the pile of shame, this is a serious problem with very real financial consequences.
I made up a rule for myself where if I want to buy something new, i have to paint a full box I already have
if you fail you must give away the entire pile of shame away
If you fail you have to send me all of your pile (or atleast half) 😘
Do not see it as a burden from the past but a future yet to be painted
(Also I think a great prize will be a warhound or a knight.)
Good thing about unpainted models is gives you plenty of stream content
Thumbs up for singing alkaline trio. Favorite band. 🎶I was just a stupid kid back then🎶