Wolverine, the character whose power is to heal, needs a strong healing passive to be good. Something similar to what iron fist has. I would even advocate for iron fist to lose some of that healing. Bottom line, wolverine won’t feel like wolverine until he can heal himself, at the very least outside of the fight
He needs a damage buff, speed buff, needs an upgrade to his lunge like better aiming, wider grab range since it's so inconsistent, give him two charges or atleast a shorter cooldown, if they dont want to give him passive healing then allow heal on kill or heal on attack with berserker at 70% and up or some shit. Another thing that I HATE about him is how his melee string is 5 slashes before you need to press down again, this would be ok if he had the damage to back it up. But he doesn't, other melee characters can just hold down the button and melee for as long as they press it. They screwed this character so bad.
My main issue is that he has a hard time chasing characters after landing the leap and honestly, 90 out of 100 times, I would have to expend a dash to catch up to them and that in my opinion just feels terrible to play around with. Speaking of the leap, his leap is on a 12 second or something cooldown, which again, feels crappy and very clunky. Personally, I’d be fine if he was high risk high reward and just give him a movement speed boost during enhanced primary fire duration after using leap and just make leap 9 seconds instead of 12 for buffs, that’s all he needs in my opinion. His whole shtick is to go backline, grab an enemy and tackle them to your team and blow them up and that is just boring.
Everyone is sleeping on Penni Parker simply because she doesn't give good feedback. It's difficult to properly see how much damage your mines and slows do but she is BROKEN.
literally only good on push the pay load maps on defense and only in the beginning before capturing the payload other then that she’s pretty useless and hard to use most people in ranked play her on those modes on defense and swap once the pay load gets captured
One thing all these "professional" opinion tiers lists today has taught me: until the tournament meta shows people what's real, nobody really knows wtf they're talking about. There is no consensus on anything what so ever
@@olofacosta3192I don’t think Wolverine is that bad, he’s just widely inconsistent. He’s absolutely horrible in high elo though because Hela is legitimately broken
Penny is great for protecting supports against dive, C tier for her is crazy, also she has a 4 second stun ability that cancels numerous ults. She's better than Hulk, Cap and Thor imo.
@@4twenny biotic nest and arachno mines, i assume. arachno mines deal 100 damage, spider bots do 40. If she's allowed to set up, she's pretty tough to remove, as most dive characters approach the nest and stumble into a literal minefield and die almost instantly (In theory).
@@castlecrashed7700 wouldnt a good player just break the nest, without that nest she wouldnt have much sustain in frontline no? i find it pretty easy to kill a penny. and if the tank is dead then the backline will soon to follow? someone like spidey, psylocke could just flank from behind to where her nest is located at?
A good Spider-Man is damn near impossible to kill and absolutely INFURIATING to fight. I've seen high level players basically never die because they're too damn fast. He's a very good "hit and run" character. Edit: I know Necros is the best Spider-Man, I was just making an observation. Jeez.
I’m not even high level, and I have plenty of no-death games where I pick up 10-20 kills by swinging in on the squishies and swinging right out afterwards. Then again, I don’t play much comp, so I might be high level in that sense.
@FFF13_ Yeah this is silly. In high ranks he's barely able to do anything unless mantis boosted. Good players will be aware enough and heal whoever's being attacked, and in high ranks most people play the strongest characters like mantis and hela and can just left click him a couple times. If he had shorter cooldowns he would probably be a lot better.
Iron Man gets way too much hate. His usual flight is slow but the continuous flying still gives him the best potential positioning and angles out of every hero and has some great damage output, and his boost lets him exit easily if you don't let yourself get dived. Easily the best ultimate in the game too
I like how everyone defends their list and says its the definitive list, but they're coming from a pure fps viewpoint. This game is so diverse that anyone can find a character that fits their play style.
Nah facts cause as iron man when I have the counters like hela, widow, Hawkeye and the rest, I then play him as a flanker and top frag pretty efficiently, I think pretty much everyone in the game can be played to success. However if there is a good spider man with the venom team up I actually can't play iron man
Another point of note about lists is that I feel like the difference between console and PC is important when it comes to Black Panther. A console player cannot 180 fast enough on BP to be effective most of the time.
I main Squirrel Girl and am shocked to hear not many people play her higher up. She requires little effort to get kills with and playing her smart gives even higher reward.
@@phantomberzerk9486 her basic attack is 90% of what she does. She has one damage ability and its mostly just cc. Her attack is an aeo no damage falloff long rage nuke that can 3 shot. Are we even playing the same game?
1.He can be killed very easy by AoE spammers 2.He is Hawkeyes favorite Target 3. Dagger Heals better 4. Rocket is harder to hit 5.That Area lockdown can also cost you the game if your the last person alive and you use it in some situations.
Racoon smallest hit box, Jeff’s entire hit box is his head. Makes mantis dmg boost hawkeye quite annoying. I agree with everything else you said. S tier. Doesn’t need nerf though, maybe 2 less bubbles and that’s it.
@@pegeta 1. Anyone can, moot point. 2. The best player is Hawkeye’s favorite. 3. Ok. 4. No he’s not; Jeff can practically make himself invisible when underground. 5. Don’t play bad.
I’m gonna be honest, i’m in diamond and Im a peni main, and damn she is good. I feel like people dont know how to use her kit to her full potential. Shes a character used to set up sites and literally insta kill enemies that step on her traps, imo shes amazing and deserves A tier
I think she is ABSOLUTELY INSANE at defending points, her mines make it so much easier, but i think attacking a point or pushing convoy is hard to master on her and there are better characters that can attack and defend that require less skill, i think thats why she is lower. But her web is very underated and i dont know why people dont abuse that more actually.
@@heldidoddind how long does it take to reach diamond lol. i have unlocked ranked but never really bothered with it. the MK skin looks great tho so maybe imma try pushing to gold
I love that you put cloak & dagger at a tier cause they are strong af, ppl don’t realize that her dome healing is so good that when flanks such as Spider-Man, magik, wolverine, or iron fist push her it becomes so hard to kill her cause she keeps healing and she can switch to cloak to do a lot of damage or stay ass dagger to do damage and heal 10 hp per shot hit
0:20 as a Adam main (who usually has to solo support cause my team doesn’t pick 2 for some reason) I have to majorly agree here on his pick rate. In my around 20 ish hours on the game so far I’ve only seen one Adam in a game (I’ve easily played like 50+ games I think). While playing him I realized how strong he is, however I still think Luna and Jeff are much more FUN to play. I actually like being a support main in this game cause the characters are FUN (looking at you overwatch).
@ I’d say he’s maybe A, yes he can do a ton of healing but I find it hard to consistently do a ton of healing. Always feel like I have ALMOST enough healing to keep my team alive, might just a solo support issue.
We all know Necros is gonna rank the counters to Spiderman as top tier so they get nerfed, and rates Spiderman lower than he should be so he gets buffed. Come on bro Necros, GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF. haha
@@SLEEPINGz2Z it isn't that much of a joke. Dude can pretend spiderman is bad, but he can fly across the map in a second and one shot a squisy, then fly across the map in a second again
@@wooaahh23 every support in the game can easily avoid a spider man one shot if they are paying attention and holding their cc abilities. Spider-Man is a noob stomper, group as a team and keep track of him and he's useless. Even necros struggles in the high skill lobbies.
Dagger has some amazing tracking on her knives. I've seen them do a straight-up u-turn to hit spidermen, which swung behind my team after I had just thrown the knife
Good bc I’ve been doing great with him and he just wrote him off as barely not bottom tier was very confused, glad to see there’s support via this comment and its likes thanks
@josephmartin9737 to be fair, what level are you, he's probably in gold or plat already, and like he said, tier list only "matter" for the best players, where every little bit counts.
I’ve being going crazy with Loki he’s a very underrated pick. Just have to play him right and copy the right heroes at the right time. I copy a Star Lord and usually wipe the whole team lmao
Loki is S tier. His clones allow for insane damage and heals because it triples both, he counters iron fist and pretty much all the dps soloists if you play smart, he has insane mobility and survivability with his clone switch to escape if you're cornered from diving, can shred through tanks with his clones, can steal any ult, bro can self heal(a little underwhelming but still insane if stacked with clones) he just has mid cooldowns
I’d actually like to argue for Peni Parker- Sure, the mines are kinda useless at times- but her CC is very consistent, even if it doesn’t last very long. Her mines mostly help keep the team and herself safe from dive- at least a little, but I don’t think it’s the main draw. As for the ult, it works better defensively tbh. Granted, since it’s a solo queue list, people won’t always capitalize on it, but there’s probably some team compositions where she works.
“Kinda useless” is a HUGE undersell. It’s 100 damage per mine and that’s an assured punish with two mines and likely kill with 3. They’re also invisible and invincible when covered by a web!!!
@ that’s true, but people who are smart will kill your nest first, likely revealing most of your mines, specifically so they don’t step on them or they can destroy them.
I'm still shook that they made him dps instead of tank. Wolverine is the perfect character for tank since his whole identity is "keep slashing, keep living"
They tried to make him an inbetween and it just turns out hes bad at both. Just commit to making him an aggressive vanguard like thor or venom netease. Give him passive regen.
Namor is hilariously OP with Luna snow. Idk why no one plays him but I switched to him as a meme and ended up murdering like 5 games in a row with my buddy who ran Luna
I love Spiderman but in this game I feel like hulk is my favorite to play. The only thing I hate about hulk is his world breaker slam doesn’t kill a player and doesn’t so little damage
Too late. The meta is already evident, and even in solo queues, you definitely see these S tiers and A tiers a lot. Luna Snow is in every game, and, as an original character, she looks like she was made for a mobile game (not a coincidence, considering the studio has history with mobile games). Do you think she's actually anyone's favourite character?
@@emirlerdtm6774 I'm talking about actually liking the character, not so much enjoying to play the character. Most people probably pick her because she's fun/good.
groot is one of those characters that i think has a very large skill gap between ok and amazing play. first off, m1 melee is the highest non-ability dps of all the tanks. second, the walls having secondary effects really is a gamechanger. placing thorn walls behind enemies is usually going to result in them dying if you can pull off your m1 melee combo. the degree to which groot can just dictate the direction of any engagement is unparalled across tanks, essentially. oh also groot can crank 90s with thorn wall... unironically really useful.
I think groot has a high skill ceiling. Putting walls on the floor to have them not be killed as easily to give him insane dps, walling off their front line to limit their heals, some objs are just completely blocked off, and an ult that forces out the support ults or their team dies. Love me some groot. Also a lot of people dont even know that groots 3rd melee is a combo that knocks up enemies
Love how this tier list can basically be summarized as “the character you think is OP is actually not and you only think they are cause you are trash”.
Agreed, however, he is countered really easily. Hard countered by Namor, Hela, and Hawkeye, soft countered by Bucky, can get drilled by Mantis... Scarlet Witch's left click is more consistent (and boring) than his and Iron Fist can be super hard for Starlord to get around, able to stay on top of Starlord with his little hops and stuff. Starlord's ult, while super strong, is hard countered by Mantis, Luna Snow, and Cloak & Dagger. I've seen so many Starlord ults turned into nothing because the supports just hold ult until Starlord does his. I think there are DPS heroes that just do what he does but better at the moment and don't get countered so hard.
The thing is when playing star lord you should be annoying the back line. Not flying down the middle being a target for ranged players. U should be using your flight zigzagging to the back and get in their face.
@@strictlypineapple9308 The problem with that is their carries will catch on, pick something that hard counters you, and you just DIE. Starlord is just too easy to counter.
@@pegeta Assuming that clunky ass grab even works. Its functions so poorly you'll end up just phasing through enemies half the time. Yeah you can get lucky and grab someone here and there, but it functions so poorly its a lucky clip here and there and never a common occurence.
The problem isnt that wolverine isnt a tank(which would make zero sense). The problem is that he has awful survivability, low damage and wonky mobility. Realistically wolverine should be like reaper, a chunky self sufficient hero who deals plenty of damage@tradingtitan9586
I have solo healed as Loki in a plat lobby. Grinded to plat almost exclusively on Loki. Hardly a throw pick. I’d argue he’s very much slept on but I’m fine with that.
Beyond what people are saying this list was done pretty well, itll change as its not even been a week yet but its from a solo que for high rank view point which is optimal.
I find it so easy to melt tank healtbars as rocket racoon... You just get up in their face and the hitbox is pretty big, dashing in n out helps a lot with your tiny frame. Literally all red hitmarkers
@@scotttimbrell8632 Rocket main here and they do not let u slide if they see you. Good thing is since ur so small sometimes hes unnoticable until he starts shooting or healing. There have been times where im hiding behind a wall or payload and im just melting dps or supports bcuz they just dont see me lol
@@scotttimbrell8632 I dont think hell ever be used in Plat games or higher but im gonna be a Rocket main until the end. one day i might hit plat or higher with him
Thank you for recognizing how weak Wolverine is in his current state. I hate seeing all these click bait videos "Wolverine is busted OP" and then proceed to get 1 kill the whole video.
Yeah that was completely wrong. None of you understand how he works. I'm able to play him at GM level with literally no experience, just need the knowledge that he's a tank buster with HP% based damage.
As a squirrel girl main, your placement is pretty much spot on, I'd put her above Nemore though. She has insane survivability and is one of the best counters against dive heroes. But needs a big front line to take attention off of her.
Something I'll never understand is that a new game with a competitive aspect comes out, and all people talk about is "high elo," "pro play," The game is still VERY much ever-changing. You do NOT have an understanding of what "high elo" is
17:30 thats what happens to me on Venom. I get netted Sleep Frozen feared and dead all in that order. 10 secs of not playing the game and back to spawn.
@@JoshThompson25 As a mantis main , ( Centurion + 2.1k+ assists ) I love Rocket because he can revive the team alongside Warlock + heals more than I do as mantis + Can eliminate people. So thank you Rocket mains!
I'm taking advantage of how new the game is to abuse Peni's kit. People know to shoot the nests, but no one does anything about the mines. If my team is even a little competent I can just fully lock down a position a little bit off of the objective, harass the enemy team, murder anyone that comes close, never die, etc. It's been an mvp/svp farm, though I guess it would be better to actually win games more consistently. She felt really weird to play at first, but thinking of her more as a weird long-range disruptor who focuses on her own survivability helped put things in perspective. I only play chokes/point at very particular, easy-to-defend positions, and otherwise just build a fort on an isolated high ground, off-angle, far-away corner, etc.
@@al_m8 You actually sound 12 and I highly doubt you play against any decent players, try an actual argument and/or counter to what dude is saying. Instead of just crying.
@@al_m8 Bro the game hasn't even been out for a week, unless you played in the beta, you're also just a low elo player, cause literally everyone is starting in "low elo" There's literally no way to tell who's actually 'low elo' until ranks have actually started to sort themselves out.
I just recently started the game, and im so happy to have OG OW feeling again. No role locks and all that crap, just chaotic fun. Psylocke seems to be hard to play, by her rating, but damn is she insane if you have a good healer with you. Youll deal damage like a monster and basically can not die.
Namor is so sleeper cause no one feels like learning his shitty primary mechanics. Once you figure out how to land headshots he’s so good. And he anti-dives hard
I have 10 hours and they are all on Wolverine. He’s definitely difficult but once you get him going he’s a menace. If you start hit confirming your leap with his dash attack it makes picking targets out of the sky pretty easy. He has hard counters (specifically Jeff) He definitely needs buffs but nothing crazy. His Passive needs a major cooldown reduction because engaging without it is a death sentence. I think he could benefit from some sort of health steal. His leap needs work also. It feels very clunky right now even though I’m averaging %70 accuracy with it, it’s so crucial to his kit you really don’t want to miss it. He’s also extremely reliant on Hulk being able to throw you in, it also give you the primary attack speed boost you get from activating your own leap meaning you can save your leap for more damage or to disengage. His ultimate is really where he shines for me. If you can catch a team stacked up it is almost always an immediate fight winner.
Cap feels freaking ROUGH. Like, I’m a Rein main in Overwatch, and upon first glance, he’s got a lot of similar effects to Rein. He’s got the shield, a dash ability, decent bulk and damage. But when you control him, he just feels clunky, like why do I have to press the shield button again to put it down? Why can’t I just hold down the button to use it and then release it to put it away? Why does it have a cool down? Why is his jump not very fluid, he feels like a rock thrown into the air. Why does he feel like he was made to be a dive duelist but they quit halfway through? Hope he gets buffed
Not to mention the melee range in this game is AWFUL! Frankly, I think his primary shield toss melee should just be infinite ammo. It's not powerful enough for me to have to run up and whiff a 100 punches for subpar shield throw damage. His cooldowns are also way too long considering that he again doesn't do a lot of damage
The shield thing had me confused cause I play Star Wars Battlefront 2 and you can block by holding trigger down and you just let go to stop blocking. So I’m still in that habit.
Loki was a staple pick for tournaments because of how disruptive the shift is and ultimate. Not picking loki was troll before but now it seems like people forgot about him lol
So with Groot, I agree with what he said, but his team-up with Jeff or Rocket, is SO MUCH FUN. My friends and I have a blast with that. I do think his walls should have a little bigger damage range, because right now the walls have to be like right on an enemy to hurt them, and they don't do much damage anyways.
Loki is good but you have to be really good at him, it’s like spider man (but less difficult) like he offers so much more than just raw heals. Yes he can heal quite a bit, but his ult can be completely game changing, and so can his immortality circles. Those things can keep the whole team alive during an ult. Like an ult like Wanda’s can kill the whole team and if he pops that he will just get healed instead lol.
Probably the most accurate tier list for this game I've seen so far. This list (as Necros states) does shift quite a bit if it was based on the average low ELO casual player.
Just play her if you like playing her man. No issue with playing who you want, tier lists only really matter at the top tiers of ranked anyways. Don't worry about it.
Nah, she's good if you can set up correctly, you just have to play her as an off-tank, not some damage-soaker. I've also been farming mvp/svp with her, she's just got a very unique style of play.
Yeah, Spider-Man shouldn't even be in C. He's legitimately bottom 5. He has almost 0 damage, he's squishy as hell and realistically half the roster counters him due to having healing/shields in their kit. He's overestimating Spider-Man like crazy, especially since after this season ends Peter is gonna do even less damage because hsi seasonal boost is falling off.
Panther in S tier is criminal. Against bad players sure he can feel really bad to play against. But bro's damage isn't even impressive, anyone can heal through him, he's really problematic kit wise too. P.S you cannot dmg boost Widow
Man Loki can counter so many ults it’s actually hilarious and his healing output is top notch it may be since I’m in quick play and main him but I feel like you sleep on him
I want to hope that Peni ends up more like tf2 engineer instead of symmetry, and that when we learn what the good spots are for biotic nest and arachno mines are, she jumps up a few tiers. That could be cope tho.
I think she'll be fine. If anything, she'll get a buff because people don't know how to play her, then she'll seem way overturned once more people catch on. She just has a more off-tank style, and people keep trying to play her as too much of a main tank or brawler, so the gameplay loop just isn't there for them.
Hela main here, honestly love deleting most dps'es with 2 hitscan headshots. Her right click ability feels entirely useless. Hopefully buff her rightclick and nerf her SOMEHOW. Till then, playing with mantis and luna snow with hela is just so satisfying
I feel Cap is lowkey very good. Dive and distract and his survivability is absurd. Shield (reflects) bash, dive and his sprint with boosted jump is crazy running around the place.
your Venom argument can be said about ANY character in the game, hell any character in any game for that matter. Sounds like you got bodied one too many times.
While other tanks usually get their defensive abilities destroyed BEFORE being injured, Venom needs to use his shield as late as possibile to maximize his effectivness, if he gets stunned After the shield Is popped he Will probably die since he cannot escape with the swing anymore. Capitan america for example can run away in a more consistent way ( Venom with no swing Is slow as shit) and other tanks dont dive so they can be peeled far Better.
@@Andrea-dw1ps yeah but necros argument is that venom just gets stunned by supports abilities after his shield is done, what is venoms team doing while he's diving? staying afk watching him? he's strong af with divers
I would argue that a dive tank shouldn't have to die in order to be balanced. Him running off and being distracting is his only value, but people calling venom "busted" because he has a guardian angel shield for a few seconds is mad. He does fuck all now BUT live and people want to get rid of it.
I dont even play Loki but I gotta say being able to basically swap to any character you look at on the spot and having their ultimate immediately ready sounds kinda broken af
In high elo If you use your ultimate, you will be immediately focused even before you reach the enemies. Or they will simply leave the radius of the ult. Even Iron man ult better cuz u can throw it in enemy's from behind.
Even though Thor can pop off in low elo I’d like to see his lightning bubble become a shield so he can become a bit survivable and maybe work like Winston.
That and you should be able combo. What's the point of making a dive tank, where when you dive in, you can't use do any real damage except his shitty, no range melee? Remove those stupid 2 seconds cooldown and he'd be way better
@@olofacosta3192 Thor isn't a dive tank tho? He has a slow, wind up forward attack but that's not dive in the slightest. He is slow and methodical, basically do nothing but press F and dish out damage while your other abilities feed you shield
Can confirm, my friend has pretty much mained Peni in quickplay and he does really well with her there, to the point he thinks she's broken. He gets so many team wipes with her ult, esp. with me pocketing him on Luna. But it could definitely be the quickplay effect.
Wolverine is to be played like an assassin character. Go from the back leap someone into your team and kill one by one till you have ult and demolish. Rinse repeat
You get in their back line by using your cool downs and hope that they don’t see you from the far left or far right side. I’ve done this many matches and have found success. However occasionally you’ll have a dps and support and you have to retreat.
However don’t underestimate his ultimate (x although I agree he isn’t as strong as he should or could be I’d rank him at least a mid C. Current tier gold 1
Very interesting to hear your takes, I made a tier list as well - I think Peni deserves a bit more credit especially when she is allowed to setup prior to a push - Jeff should be an S and I’d say Peni is a solid A but an S on defense sometimes depending on maps. Don’t know if hela deserves S but can see where you are coming from - good video none the less - you are the goat
Honestly if Spiderman's ult was less punishable he'd probably be ridiculous. Go in, get damage to farm ult, win fight with ult, repeat. Could be wrong about this. That, OR make him do slightly more damage... Or make his tracers wear off slower? Last one is probably a skill issue.
Spiderman's ult is pretty fine. You use when you dive for example a black widow and Hawkeye at the same time and then when the strategist comes in to heal them, you pop the ult and kill either 2 of them or all of them
His ult is amazing. Personally i think his tracers reload WAY too slow. After your combo you kinda just go afk for a while for your shit to recharge. Just a really underwhelming char vs good players.
@@olofacosta3192 No. Because if they're good you'll die in about half a second. Maybe less. If they aren't good then Spiderman's ult is broken as fuck.
Lowkey, loving how diverse everyones tier lists are right now
Goes to show that all the characters are good in there own rights so it is really skill that makes the characters good or not.
thats only because the games been out for 3 days
It's only because the game is less than a week old.... give it a month or two and all the tier lists will be the same.
@@MrGrreatness You mean when the hive mind mentality kicks in
it just means the game is too new yet
Wolverine, the character whose power is to heal, needs a strong healing passive to be good. Something similar to what iron fist has. I would even advocate for iron fist to lose some of that healing. Bottom line, wolverine won’t feel like wolverine until he can heal himself, at the very least outside of the fight
He needs a buff to damage and more hp
He needs a damage buff, speed buff, needs an upgrade to his lunge like better aiming, wider grab range since it's so inconsistent, give him two charges or atleast a shorter cooldown, if they dont want to give him passive healing then allow heal on kill or heal on attack with berserker at 70% and up or some shit. Another thing that I HATE about him is how his melee string is 5 slashes before you need to press down again, this would be ok if he had the damage to back it up. But he doesn't, other melee characters can just hold down the button and melee for as long as they press it. They screwed this character so bad.
@@HodokenFireball nah he doesn't need damage or more health, he needs a way to heal outside of a fat cooldown
He needed to be balanced as a tank not a duelist. There’s simply duelists that do his job better and tanks that eat more damage consistently.
My main issue is that he has a hard time chasing characters after landing the leap and honestly, 90 out of 100 times, I would have to expend a dash to catch up to them and that in my opinion just feels terrible to play around with. Speaking of the leap, his leap is on a 12 second or something cooldown, which again, feels crappy and very clunky.
Personally, I’d be fine if he was high risk high reward and just give him a movement speed boost during enhanced primary fire duration after using leap and just make leap 9 seconds instead of 12 for buffs, that’s all he needs in my opinion. His whole shtick is to go backline, grab an enemy and tackle them to your team and blow them up and that is just boring.
Everyone is sleeping on Penni Parker simply because she doesn't give good feedback. It's difficult to properly see how much damage your mines and slows do but she is BROKEN.
I haven’t seen a lot of people say this but I agree with you. I’ve gotten stomped against a team with Penni, but have also swept with her on my team.
literally only good on push the pay load maps on defense and only in the beginning before capturing the payload other then that she’s pretty useless and hard to use most people in ranked play her on those modes on defense and swap once the pay load gets captured
Tiers are going to Shift based on map and game mode I say.
She’s really fucking unfair I hate fighting her
One thing all these "professional" opinion tiers lists today has taught me: until the tournament meta shows people what's real, nobody really knows wtf they're talking about. There is no consensus on anything what so ever
Even though he has some pretty takes, this tier list is pretty accurate. Luna and Mantis being op is pretty much fact. As is Wolverine being garbage.
look at leaderboard and you'll see similar tier list
@@olofacosta3192I don’t think Wolverine is that bad, he’s just widely inconsistent. He’s absolutely horrible in high elo though because Hela is legitimately broken
It's like fighting games when one player shows the true potential of a character at a pro event people will realize.
Exactly, Loki being so down low is horrible. I’ve done massive things with him and so have others. If we have a Luna or Jeff I’ll typically pick him
the wolverine meme just goes to show there aren't bad characters.. just bad players
Btw, I've died as Cloak&Dagger WHILE ULTING, to Peni Parker's mines from full health to zero.
her mines do 100 damage a pop. 3 of those things will kill most dps and supports even with a support pocket. 4 I'm pretty sure kills all but tanks.
nice clonex
Bro I think I was that Peni 😂
He just said the low ELO ppl will eat the mines and die to them.
I've had that happen a few times, learned to be careful with the ult when she's in game (and pretty much no other time, hahaha)
Penny is great for protecting supports against dive, C tier for her is crazy, also she has a 4 second stun ability that cancels numerous ults. She's better than Hulk, Cap and Thor imo.
what does she have for protecting dive?
@@4twennyShield Gen and Web CC
@@4twennyI assume the mines? If the support is in an area with a lot of mines then melee characters can't get close to her.
@@4twenny biotic nest and arachno mines, i assume. arachno mines deal 100 damage, spider bots do 40. If she's allowed to set up, she's pretty tough to remove, as most dive characters approach the nest and stumble into a literal minefield and die almost instantly (In theory).
@@castlecrashed7700 wouldnt a good player just break the nest, without that nest she wouldnt have much sustain in frontline no? i find it pretty easy to kill a penny. and if the tank is dead then the backline will soon to follow?
someone like spidey, psylocke could just flank from behind to where her nest is located at?
A good Spider-Man is damn near impossible to kill and absolutely INFURIATING to fight. I've seen high level players basically never die because they're too damn fast. He's a very good "hit and run" character.
Edit: I know Necros is the best Spider-Man, I was just making an observation. Jeez.
Namor. That's a solution to this problem.
I’m not even high level, and I have plenty of no-death games where I pick up 10-20 kills by swinging in on the squishies and swinging right out afterwards. Then again, I don’t play much comp, so I might be high level in that sense.
You do know the guy that made the tierlist is THE spiderman
@FFF13_ Yeah this is silly. In high ranks he's barely able to do anything unless mantis boosted. Good players will be aware enough and heal whoever's being attacked, and in high ranks most people play the strongest characters like mantis and hela and can just left click him a couple times. If he had shorter cooldowns he would probably be a lot better.
But THIS IS THE best spiderman
I know not everyone agree on the tier list, but Wolverine in the deepdown tierlist is what no one can disagree
I wanna play him so badly but hes just so ass
He’s pretty good if he has the right teammates
@@ProbablyAdsonsame and hulk 😢
Man I just seen Wolverine on S tier a couple days ago and when I played him I shit on the other team. Once he’s fully powered up I couldn’t be stopped
I’m ngl I been cooking with him of course having a good supports helps but it’s not hard to take out most tanks n dps with him
Iron Man gets way too much hate. His usual flight is slow but the continuous flying still gives him the best potential positioning and angles out of every hero and has some great damage output, and his boost lets him exit easily if you don't let yourself get dived. Easily the best ultimate in the game too
The Wolverine tier is excellent. I hope he gets buffed soon so he's at least playable
He just needs more health man. And if you have overdrive u should be able to boost ur speed normally and in flight mode
The fact that his boost doesn't have a cool down and instead just relies on fuel.
He needs to move a lot more than most of them do
His hp holds him back alot, when people know his on the field and you have someone like black widow or even spiderman his ez pick.
What are you talking about, his ultimate is trash. Clearly bronze
I like how everyone defends their list and says its the definitive list, but they're coming from a pure fps viewpoint. This game is so diverse that anyone can find a character that fits their play style.
The way how he moved Penni for the lulz made me not take his list serious
Nah facts cause as iron man when I have the counters like hela, widow, Hawkeye and the rest, I then play him as a flanker and top frag pretty efficiently, I think pretty much everyone in the game can be played to success.
However if there is a good spider man with the venom team up I actually can't play iron man
Another point of note about lists is that I feel like the difference between console and PC is important when it comes to Black Panther. A console player cannot 180 fast enough on BP to be effective most of the time.
@@Watermelon_Manturn aim assist off and the sensitivity up and you can
@@christiankelly1040except wolverine. He’s literally only playable with a really good healer
Glad you're not one of those guys who say Squirrel Girl is bottom tier. I saw someone literally put her in a tier below Wolverine.
She has no weaknesses and is piss easy to play
I main Squirrel Girl and am shocked to hear not many people play her higher up. She requires little effort to get kills with and playing her smart gives even higher reward.
her basic attk is what hold her back
@@phantomberzerk9486 Not if you know how to aim with it.
@@phantomberzerk9486 her basic attack is 90% of what she does. She has one damage ability and its mostly just cc. Her attack is an aeo no damage falloff long rage nuke that can 3 shot. Are we even playing the same game?
Jeff is S tier. Unparalleled survivability, best heals, smallest hitbox, AOE basic ranged, area lockdown with ult…don’t sleep.
1.He can be killed very easy by AoE spammers
2.He is Hawkeyes favorite Target
3. Dagger Heals better
4. Rocket is harder to hit
5.That Area lockdown can also cost you the game if your the last person alive and you use it in some situations.
Racoon smallest hit box, Jeff’s entire hit box is his head. Makes mantis dmg boost hawkeye quite annoying. I agree with everything else you said. S tier. Doesn’t need nerf though, maybe 2 less bubbles and that’s it.
@ Jeff has the smallest hitbox when he’s underground, which good Jeff players spend a lot of time under.
@@romance_7777 underground = downtime. Downtime on healer = not good
@@pegeta 1. Anyone can, moot point.
2. The best player is Hawkeye’s favorite.
3. Ok.
4. No he’s not; Jeff can practically make himself invisible when underground.
5. Don’t play bad.
this wolverine meme aged so well
I’m gonna be honest, i’m in diamond and Im a peni main, and damn she is good. I feel like people dont know how to use her kit to her full potential. Shes a character used to set up sites and literally insta kill enemies that step on her traps, imo shes amazing and deserves A tier
I think she is ABSOLUTELY INSANE at defending points, her mines make it so much easier, but i think attacking a point or pushing convoy is hard to master on her and there are better characters that can attack and defend that require less skill, i think thats why she is lower.
But her web is very underated and i dont know why people dont abuse that more actually.
@ Yeah I agree, when i’m attacking I go venom, easy in and out character with SO much health like omg
dude how are you in diamond already lol
@@heldidoddind how long does it take to reach diamond lol. i have unlocked ranked but never really bothered with it. the MK skin looks great tho so maybe imma try pushing to gold
@ uhh not long tbh, if u mvp and are good u can get half a rank in 1 game
so glad to see necros popping off again 😭 bro out here getting 22k views daily on twitch now LOVE TO SEE IT ❤️❤️❤️
I love that you put cloak & dagger at a tier cause they are strong af, ppl don’t realize that her dome healing is so good that when flanks such as Spider-Man, magik, wolverine, or iron fist push her it becomes so hard to kill her cause she keeps healing and she can switch to cloak to do a lot of damage or stay ass dagger to do damage and heal 10 hp per shot hit
He didn't put them at A, he put them at S tier, even higher than panther...
Dagger ass...
Don’t think he realizes how strong Cloak’s E debuff is too. It helped me kill a lotta DPS. Even lets me solo Scarlet Witch if I have Dagger’s RMB up.
@@2slowpoke929 what debuff
@@arabian8873the blind, think it does a lil dmg too
love the rivals videos im actually addicted to this game XD feels like prime overwatch
Foreal! I haven't been hooked onto a game as much as rivals for a long time, it feels so good to grind something new and fresh again
0:20 as a Adam main (who usually has to solo support cause my team doesn’t pick 2 for some reason) I have to majorly agree here on his pick rate. In my around 20 ish hours on the game so far I’ve only seen one Adam in a game (I’ve easily played like 50+ games I think). While playing him I realized how strong he is, however I still think Luna and Jeff are much more FUN to play. I actually like being a support main in this game cause the characters are FUN (looking at you overwatch).
adam is easy S
@ I’d say he’s maybe A, yes he can do a ton of healing but I find it hard to consistently do a ton of healing. Always feel like I have ALMOST enough healing to keep my team alive, might just a solo support issue.
Thank you for your service
We all know Necros is gonna rank the counters to Spiderman as top tier so they get nerfed, and rates Spiderman lower than he should be so he gets buffed.
Come on bro Necros, GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF. haha
Your right about the Spider-Man but the tierlist is pretty solid nothing too biased
@@RedorBlueDailyit's a joke
@@SLEEPINGz2Zyour pfp and stupidity walks the same path
@@SLEEPINGz2Z it isn't that much of a joke. Dude can pretend spiderman is bad, but he can fly across the map in a second and one shot a squisy, then fly across the map in a second again
@@wooaahh23 every support in the game can easily avoid a spider man one shot if they are paying attention and holding their cc abilities. Spider-Man is a noob stomper, group as a team and keep track of him and he's useless. Even necros struggles in the high skill lobbies.
Dagger has some amazing tracking on her knives. I've seen them do a straight-up u-turn to hit spidermen, which swung behind my team after I had just thrown the knife
It’s auto locking
Yea, bc they're a homing shot for a reason
so brainded why idk it isn't a skill
@@phantomberzerk9486Because the damage it deals is ass?
Feel like Loki got done dirty
Good bc I’ve been doing great with him and he just wrote him off as barely not bottom tier was very confused, glad to see there’s support via this comment and its likes thanks
With good clone placement, that triple heal or damage can't be touched.
@@PyroLeo1 when I hear an ult voiceline so I place duplicates and then turn the team kill into healing
@josephmartin9737 to be fair, what level are you, he's probably in gold or plat already, and like he said, tier list only "matter" for the best players, where every little bit counts.
I’ve being going crazy with Loki he’s a very underrated pick. Just have to play him right and copy the right heroes at the right time. I copy a Star Lord and usually wipe the whole team lmao
“You have to get better to understand” best high ranked player explanation for why some characters are just horrible and not worth playing
I just play characters I like without regard to what’s meta created by sweats who don’t do anything else all day.
Loki is S tier. His clones allow for insane damage and heals because it triples both, he counters iron fist and pretty much all the dps soloists if you play smart, he has insane mobility and survivability with his clone switch to escape if you're cornered from diving, can shred through tanks with his clones, can steal any ult, bro can self heal(a little underwhelming but still insane if stacked with clones) he just has mid cooldowns
I’d actually like to argue for Peni Parker- Sure, the mines are kinda useless at times- but her CC is very consistent, even if it doesn’t last very long. Her mines mostly help keep the team and herself safe from dive- at least a little, but I don’t think it’s the main draw. As for the ult, it works better defensively tbh. Granted, since it’s a solo queue list, people won’t always capitalize on it, but there’s probably some team compositions where she works.
“Kinda useless” is a HUGE undersell. It’s 100 damage per mine and that’s an assured punish with two mines and likely kill with 3. They’re also invisible and invincible when covered by a web!!!
@ that’s true, but people who are smart will kill your nest first, likely revealing most of your mines, specifically so they don’t step on them or they can destroy them.
@MarauderYT only invisible you can still break them if in a web
I start to target Peni when she is in her ult when i play a healer, i keep her alive and she turns into a freaking bulldozer.
@@LostHytale so far I’ve found that’s not the case
I think wolverine is basically a mini vanguard and he doesn't really do either role well
I'm still shook that they made him dps instead of tank.
Wolverine is the perfect character for tank since his whole identity is "keep slashing, keep living"
They tried to make him an inbetween and it just turns out hes bad at both. Just commit to making him an aggressive vanguard like thor or venom netease. Give him passive regen.
@@316toon Then they can give him more HP too since he has the Adamantium Skeleton and OP Regen health.
Woleverine should have been a regenerating hard to kill vanguard honestly.
@@316toonThe short king failed the hitbox requirement for a tank
Dude Loki is so underrated he has an infinite invis, his shift negates all damage, and he has great burst healing and dmg
He objectively has the best ult in the game
Ive single handedly saved my entire team from multiple ults from just using his SHIFT ability with mutiple clones around. this dudes def wrong
@@MmatriX-no, he has a slower worse version of the best ult in the game
Namor is hilariously OP with Luna snow. Idk why no one plays him but I switched to him as a meme and ended up murdering like 5 games in a row with my buddy who ran Luna
Honestly I think this is a game everyone should play as their favorite character, playing meta just ruins the fun
I love Spiderman but in this game I feel like hulk is my favorite to play. The only thing I hate about hulk is his world breaker slam doesn’t kill a player and doesn’t so little damage
Too late. The meta is already evident, and even in solo queues, you definitely see these S tiers and A tiers a lot. Luna Snow is in every game, and, as an original character, she looks like she was made for a mobile game (not a coincidence, considering the studio has history with mobile games). Do you think she's actually anyone's favourite character?
@@kingofhits6164she is really cool and pretty fun to play
@@kingofhits6164She is certianly my fav healer to play, its pretty fun keeping the hulks and venoms alive when they dive.
@@emirlerdtm6774 I'm talking about actually liking the character, not so much enjoying to play the character. Most people probably pick her because she's fun/good.
After seeing this tierlist , I can't wait to play this game AGAIN.
what do you mean again? you stopped playing? if so, why?
@tristan4386 people have jobs, college or university, other hobbies, and also need to rest. I'm a uni student and this game is hindering my studies
@@EDKuglero If he's able to watch this, then there is a decent chance he is able to play instead of watching
Adam is my favorite strategist, especially in convoy. Throw up his buff, hang back and snipe with his charge, and heal as needed.
His charge is pretty good to fight against a sniper or almost any character, he shreds and never dies bc he can target himself with his heals
@@Sac-chanI keep forgetting he can do that. I would often times call for healing or look for a health pack.
Marvel Rivals turned me into a Winter Soldier stan
Me too, but with Psylocke
Again again again!
Same except with Hela lol
groot is one of those characters that i think has a very large skill gap between ok and amazing play. first off, m1 melee is the highest non-ability dps of all the tanks. second, the walls having secondary effects really is a gamechanger. placing thorn walls behind enemies is usually going to result in them dying if you can pull off your m1 melee combo. the degree to which groot can just dictate the direction of any engagement is unparalled across tanks, essentially.
oh also groot can crank 90s with thorn wall... unironically really useful.
I think groot has a high skill ceiling. Putting walls on the floor to have them not be killed as easily to give him insane dps, walling off their front line to limit their heals, some objs are just completely blocked off, and an ult that forces out the support ults or their team dies. Love me some groot. Also a lot of people dont even know that groots 3rd melee is a combo that knocks up enemies
Love how this tier list can basically be summarized as “the character you think is OP is actually not and you only think they are cause you are trash”.
Putting Starlord at B is insane. Low A tier is understandable. People just need to know how to use his kit right
Agreed, however, he is countered really easily. Hard countered by Namor, Hela, and Hawkeye, soft countered by Bucky, can get drilled by Mantis... Scarlet Witch's left click is more consistent (and boring) than his and Iron Fist can be super hard for Starlord to get around, able to stay on top of Starlord with his little hops and stuff. Starlord's ult, while super strong, is hard countered by Mantis, Luna Snow, and Cloak & Dagger. I've seen so many Starlord ults turned into nothing because the supports just hold ult until Starlord does his.
I think there are DPS heroes that just do what he does but better at the moment and don't get countered so hard.
kinda true although it's rly hard to 1v1 if a diver jumps on u, if u can manage to avoid them then ur gonna do so much damage
The thing is when playing star lord you should be annoying the back line. Not flying down the middle being a target for ranged players. U should be using your flight zigzagging to the back and get in their face.
@@strictlypineapple9308 The problem with that is their carries will catch on, pick something that hard counters you, and you just DIE. Starlord is just too easy to counter.
Wolverine getting his own tier is diabolical
He's really bad. They should've made him a tank with a regen buff and maybe some armor. BP base does more damage than wolverine in rage
Wolverine can catch flyers outthe sky bring them down then 100-0 then upon landing
I feel like nobody knows how to use wolverine
@@pegeta Assuming that clunky ass grab even works. Its functions so poorly you'll end up just phasing through enemies half the time. Yeah you can get lucky and grab someone here and there, but it functions so poorly its a lucky clip here and there and never a common occurence.
The problem isnt that wolverine isnt a tank(which would make zero sense). The problem is that he has awful survivability, low damage and wonky mobility. Realistically wolverine should be like reaper, a chunky self sufficient hero who deals plenty of damage@tradingtitan9586
Groots ability to keep the opponent off of the objective is what he’s really good at along side survivability
And cutting off healing lanes to dive tanks
Groot is very good
I was gonna subscribe but then realized it was gonna get sticky 😂😂😂
the timestamp for magik is named hela
We love Alan Warcock. (but fr, its nice to see him get noticed)
*clicks* noice
32:40 for finished tier list
I have solo healed as Loki in a plat lobby. Grinded to plat almost exclusively on Loki. Hardly a throw pick. I’d argue he’s very much slept on but I’m fine with that.
Beyond what people are saying this list was done pretty well, itll change as its not even been a week yet but its from a solo que for high rank view point which is optimal.
I find it so easy to melt tank healtbars as rocket racoon... You just get up in their face and the hitbox is pretty big, dashing in n out helps a lot with your tiny frame. Literally all red hitmarkers
Do the tanks, DPS and healer's just allow you to run in with your 90% headshot hitbox character to do this orrr?
you gonna be dead in seconds if you do so tho, if players not ass
@@scotttimbrell8632 Rocket main here and they do not let u slide if they see you. Good thing is since ur so small sometimes hes unnoticable until he starts shooting or healing. There have been times where im hiding behind a wall or payload and im just melting dps or supports bcuz they just dont see me lol
@@scotttimbrell8632 I dont think hell ever be used in Plat games or higher but im gonna be a Rocket main until the end. one day i might hit plat or higher with him
Thank you for recognizing how weak Wolverine is in his current state. I hate seeing all these click bait videos "Wolverine is busted OP" and then proceed to get 1 kill the whole video.
Yeah that was completely wrong. None of you understand how he works. I'm able to play him at GM level with literally no experience, just need the knowledge that he's a tank buster with HP% based damage.
As a squirrel girl main, your placement is pretty much spot on, I'd put her above Nemore though. She has insane survivability and is one of the best counters against dive heroes. But needs a big front line to take attention off of her.
Something I'll never understand is that a new game with a competitive aspect comes out, and all people talk about is "high elo," "pro play,"
The game is still VERY much ever-changing. You do NOT have an understanding of what "high elo" is
“Gonna get sticky!” Lol great vid
17:30 thats what happens to me on Venom. I get netted Sleep Frozen feared and dead all in that order. 10 secs of not playing the game and back to spawn.
Wolverine tier is so valid. I hope he gets buffed soon so he's at least playable
Do not sleep on Rocket Raccoon 🗣️🗣️ I love using him
All these people making these tier list all hate on rocket. I mean Jeff is better healer no doubt but rocket + punisher team up is super strong
@ rocket is fun to me because of how annoying he can be while healing lol.
@@JoshThompson25 As a mantis main , ( Centurion + 2.1k+ assists ) I love Rocket because he can revive the team alongside Warlock + heals more than I do as mantis + Can eliminate people. So thank you Rocket mains!
He changing the list atm haha
Thrwoing by playing Loki?
I’ve single handly made my team win and gotten the most KOS numerous times as Loki 😭
25:52 Lore accurate squirrel girl description
I'm taking advantage of how new the game is to abuse Peni's kit. People know to shoot the nests, but no one does anything about the mines. If my team is even a little competent I can just fully lock down a position a little bit off of the objective, harass the enemy team, murder anyone that comes close, never die, etc.
It's been an mvp/svp farm, though I guess it would be better to actually win games more consistently.
She felt really weird to play at first, but thinking of her more as a weird long-range disruptor who focuses on her own survivability helped put things in perspective. I only play chokes/point at very particular, easy-to-defend positions, and otherwise just build a fort on an isolated high ground, off-angle, far-away corner, etc.
yeah cos you play low elo, try good players
If you play a comp the right way, peni is Fckn headache@@al_m8
@@al_m8 You actually sound 12 and I highly doubt you play against any decent players, try an actual argument and/or counter to what dude is saying. Instead of just crying.
@@al_m8 Bro the game hasn't even been out for a week, unless you played in the beta, you're also just a low elo player, cause literally everyone is starting in "low elo"
There's literally no way to tell who's actually 'low elo' until ranks have actually started to sort themselves out.
She's not meta when Groot, Strange and Magneto are so good
1:26 Made a business decision for the community 😂
I just recently started the game, and im so happy to have OG OW feeling again. No role locks and all that crap, just chaotic fun. Psylocke seems to be hard to play, by her rating, but damn is she insane if you have a good healer with you. Youll deal damage like a monster and basically can not die.
I honestly one of the more accurate tier list ive seen so far in my opinion
Loki is so strong, chat he doesn't know
Mantis, Luna, Spiderman, Magik, Venom, Psy, Bucky and Steve are my s tier heroes
I agree but I haven’t used cap enough to see his potential
@LorenzoC2314 hes insane if you don't get immediately focused by a good team. He's the why are u running meme
Namor is so sleeper cause no one feels like learning his shitty primary mechanics. Once you figure out how to land headshots he’s so good. And he anti-dives hard
I love spidey so much. I watch your gameplay to learn and the gameplay change is amazing
I have 10 hours and they are all on Wolverine. He’s definitely difficult but once you get him going he’s a menace. If you start hit confirming your leap with his dash attack it makes picking targets out of the sky pretty easy. He has hard counters (specifically Jeff) He definitely needs buffs but nothing crazy. His Passive needs a major cooldown reduction because engaging without it is a death sentence. I think he could benefit from some sort of health steal. His leap needs work also. It feels very clunky right now even though I’m averaging %70 accuracy with it, it’s so crucial to his kit you really don’t want to miss it. He’s also extremely reliant on Hulk being able to throw you in, it also give you the primary attack speed boost you get from activating your own leap meaning you can save your leap for more damage or to disengage. His ultimate is really where he shines for me. If you can catch a team stacked up it is almost always an immediate fight winner.
Cap feels freaking ROUGH. Like, I’m a Rein main in Overwatch, and upon first glance, he’s got a lot of similar effects to Rein. He’s got the shield, a dash ability, decent bulk and damage. But when you control him, he just feels clunky, like why do I have to press the shield button again to put it down? Why can’t I just hold down the button to use it and then release it to put it away? Why does it have a cool down? Why is his jump not very fluid, he feels like a rock thrown into the air. Why does he feel like he was made to be a dive duelist but they quit halfway through?
Hope he gets buffed
Not to mention the melee range in this game is AWFUL! Frankly, I think his primary shield toss melee should just be infinite ammo. It's not powerful enough for me to have to run up and whiff a 100 punches for subpar shield throw damage. His cooldowns are also way too long considering that he again doesn't do a lot of damage
Fairly certain you can change his control settings regarding hold/toggle the shield button
Check settings for the shield hold
You need to change your settings, trust me allowing you to hold the button feels way better
The shield thing had me confused cause I play Star Wars Battlefront 2 and you can block by holding trigger down and you just let go to stop blocking. So I’m still in that habit.
putting Hawkeye and Magik in the same teir is insane
In the right hands, Black Panther is a menace. (I've only played BP since release)
I just started him and once u get a rhythm going he's legit. Wall climbing on certain maps is pretty annoying tho
Ghost regs and wall climbing make me question why i play him sometimes
Loki was a staple pick for tournaments because of how disruptive the shift is and ultimate. Not picking loki was troll before but now it seems like people forgot about him lol
So with Groot, I agree with what he said, but his team-up with Jeff or Rocket, is SO MUCH FUN. My friends and I have a blast with that. I do think his walls should have a little bigger damage range, because right now the walls have to be like right on an enemy to hurt them, and they don't do much damage anyways.
Jeff should be S tier, because he is cute and adorable.
Almost agreed, tier list is real and good. Finally find a RUclipsr who is deal really comments each class. Ty bro😘
Jeff’s hitbox is 90% head and splash can hit you while diving. I love playing him and think he’s strong but he dies so suddenly
hi me
I literally never die unless I’m getting targeted by a sniper
his passive reduces headshot damage by 50%
@@Notllamalord Makes sense, his head is very big
Panther tutorial when? still amazing video though, love your content
Loki is good but you have to be really good at him, it’s like spider man (but less difficult) like he offers so much more than just raw heals. Yes he can heal quite a bit, but his ult can be completely game changing, and so can his immortality circles. Those things can keep the whole team alive during an ult. Like an ult like Wanda’s can kill the whole team and if he pops that he will just get healed instead lol.
Probably the most accurate tier list for this game I've seen so far. This list (as Necros states) does shift quite a bit if it was based on the average low ELO casual player.
I was getting consistent MVP and got 42 kills in one game with penny parker but now I’m scared to play her cause of this list
Just play her if you like playing her man. No issue with playing who you want, tier lists only really matter at the top tiers of ranked anyways. Don't worry about it.
You do realize other tier lists rank her higher, right? This is just an opinion from a popular content creator. Don't let people think for you, lol.
Nah, she's good if you can set up correctly, you just have to play her as an off-tank, not some damage-soaker.
I've also been farming mvp/svp with her, she's just got a very unique style of play.
This is just his list. Doesn't make it factual
that just means you are dumb
Bro puts his favorite character at B because he doesn't want people thinking he needs a nerf lol
Yeah, Spider-Man shouldn't even be in C. He's legitimately bottom 5. He has almost 0 damage, he's squishy as hell and realistically half the roster counters him due to having healing/shields in their kit. He's overestimating Spider-Man like crazy, especially since after this season ends Peter is gonna do even less damage because hsi seasonal boost is falling off.
Panther in S tier is criminal. Against bad players sure he can feel really bad to play against. But bro's damage isn't even impressive, anyone can heal through him, he's really problematic kit wise too.
P.S you cannot dmg boost Widow
I agree, he is A tier max
Man Loki can counter so many ults it’s actually hilarious and his healing output is top notch it may be since I’m in quick play and main him but I feel like you sleep on him
As an Iron Man main, if you’re smart, you can wipe the entire team by yourself. Iron Man gets a lot of hate for no reason and I can’t understand why.
in my experience any team that runs luna+mantis just beats a team not running them every time.
I want to hope that Peni ends up more like tf2 engineer instead of symmetry, and that when we learn what the good spots are for biotic nest and arachno mines are, she jumps up a few tiers. That could be cope tho.
I think she'll be fine. If anything, she'll get a buff because people don't know how to play her, then she'll seem way overturned once more people catch on.
She just has a more off-tank style, and people keep trying to play her as too much of a main tank or brawler, so the gameplay loop just isn't there for them.
25:05 skill issue
the nasty combo ive seen so far is jeff the shark and the scarlet witch 😂 that one clip on twitter was crazy
Hela main here, honestly love deleting most dps'es with 2 hitscan headshots. Her right click ability feels entirely useless. Hopefully buff her rightclick and nerf her SOMEHOW. Till then, playing with mantis and luna snow with hela is just so satisfying
I feel Cap is lowkey very good. Dive and distract and his survivability is absurd. Shield (reflects) bash, dive and his sprint with boosted jump is crazy running around the place.
His problem is he’s very dependent on his team comp
He has no real damage and he requires a brawl comp to make it work
@@neoramaredzone8544 every character is
I agree completely i love playing Cap and i get top 2 on my team almost every time
Just a distraction you will never see him carry
Got Loganged bruh
your Venom argument can be said about ANY character in the game, hell any character in any game for that matter. Sounds like you got bodied one too many times.
While other tanks usually get their defensive abilities destroyed BEFORE being injured, Venom needs to use his shield as late as possibile to maximize his effectivness, if he gets stunned After the shield Is popped he Will probably die since he cannot escape with the swing anymore. Capitan america for example can run away in a more consistent way ( Venom with no swing Is slow as shit) and other tanks dont dive so they can be peeled far Better.
@@Andrea-dw1ps yeah but necros argument is that venom just gets stunned by supports abilities after his shield is done, what is venoms team doing while he's diving? staying afk watching him? he's strong af with divers
@@maelis9573 with divers he Is no doubt strong as shit but in non organized comms he Will probably not get the necessary support from his team
I would argue that a dive tank shouldn't have to die in order to be balanced. Him running off and being distracting is his only value, but people calling venom "busted" because he has a guardian angel shield for a few seconds is mad. He does fuck all now BUT live and people want to get rid of it.
@@Andrea-dw1psyes he will. U act as if he wont get any healing lol
Dropped 40 kills and 26 assists in comp with Loki, Loki is the best
I dont even play Loki but I gotta say being able to basically swap to any character you look at on the spot and having their ultimate immediately ready sounds kinda broken af
Putting scarlet in D tier is actually insane, her ult is a one shot to everything it just takes forever and only sucks if you go by urself
In high elo If you use your ultimate, you will be immediately focused even before you reach the enemies. Or they will simply leave the radius of the ult. Even Iron man ult better cuz u can throw it in enemy's from behind.
@@bit-sb5bv That's why you have a fucking team with you bruh, it's not like Scarlet Witch is ever gonna be alone in high elo.
Its the dva bomb of the game,once everyone figures out how to counter the ult she will fall off hard
@@badasscrusader This is not a solo game. With correct team support an instakill ult will always be a threat.
Even though Thor can pop off in low elo I’d like to see his lightning bubble become a shield so he can become a bit survivable and maybe work like Winston.
It’s really bizarre it’s not a shield or at least some kind of damage reduction
That and you should be able combo. What's the point of making a dive tank, where when you dive in, you can't use do any real damage except his shitty, no range melee? Remove those stupid 2 seconds cooldown and he'd be way better
@@olofacosta3192 Thor isn't a dive tank tho? He has a slow, wind up forward attack but that's not dive in the slightest. He is slow and methodical, basically do nothing but press F and dish out damage while your other abilities feed you shield
Bro is nuts, scarlet witch and penny parker are s tier
Yeah idk what he is smoking
Yes, he explained that they are much better in low elo, this is a high elo tier list.
He said this was a high tier list, unlike low elo auto aim damage ain’t that good
@@TristanSGSwhat does elo mean
@@Drod11z It's basically a synonym for rank, so high rank or low rank games.
Propably the best tier list. Pretty accurate
Can confirm, my friend has pretty much mained Peni in quickplay and he does really well with her there, to the point he thinks she's broken. He gets so many team wipes with her ult, esp. with me pocketing him on Luna. But it could definitely be the quickplay effect.
Loki’s Lowkey a sleeperpick, he has crazy healing and insane choke AOE dps as well as being super slippery. Flexible ult as well.
Wolverine is to be played like an assassin character. Go from the back leap someone into your team and kill one by one till you have ult and demolish. Rinse repeat
I hope i never get you in my ranked game
How are you going to get to their backline ?
You get in their back line by using your cool downs and hope that they don’t see you from the far left or far right side. I’ve done this many matches and have found success. However occasionally you’ll have a dps and support and you have to retreat.
However don’t underestimate his ultimate (x although I agree he isn’t as strong as he should or could be I’d rank him at least a mid C. Current tier gold 1
Also he’s a good tank deleter
26:25 chi chi chain
Very interesting to hear your takes, I made a tier list as well - I think Peni deserves a bit more credit especially when she is allowed to setup prior to a push - Jeff should be an S and I’d say Peni is a solid A but an S on defense sometimes depending on maps. Don’t know if hela deserves S but can see where you are coming from - good video none the less - you are the goat
Brand new player here, this was soo amazingly helpful you dont even know
Honestly if Spiderman's ult was less punishable he'd probably be ridiculous. Go in, get damage to farm ult, win fight with ult, repeat. Could be wrong about this.
That, OR make him do slightly more damage... Or make his tracers wear off slower? Last one is probably a skill issue.
Spiderman's ult is pretty fine. You use when you dive for example a black widow and Hawkeye at the same time and then when the strategist comes in to heal them, you pop the ult and kill either 2 of them or all of them
His ult is amazing. Personally i think his tracers reload WAY too slow. After your combo you kinda just go afk for a while for your shit to recharge. Just a really underwhelming char vs good players.
Everything is a skill issue if someone disagrees with you. Get gud and you'd agree. Me saying this is a skill issue btw
@@olofacosta3192 No. Because if they're good you'll die in about half a second. Maybe less. If they aren't good then Spiderman's ult is broken as fuck.