Susan Blackmore - Arguments Against God?

  • Опубликовано: 6 окт 2024
  • Theists must consider arguments against God. They should assess both the strong attacks of atheists and the counterattacks of scholarly believers who try to rebut non-believers. Belief in God is too important to be determined by default cultural circumstances. Arguments are a hedge against naive assumptions about reality.
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    Susan Jane Blackmore is an English freelance writer, lecturer, and broadcaster on psychology and the paranormal, perhaps best known for her book The Meme Machine.
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Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @peled1000
    @peled1000 3 года назад +5

    God did not create man. It is man who created God.

    • @peled1000
      @peled1000 3 года назад

      @Peace and Love There is no God. Period.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      The atheist rarely contemplates the following five uncomfortable truths. But they need to. There are consequences to the atheistic mindset. And they are all horrific.
      1. Atheism is responsible for more deaths than Judaism or Christianity
      Fascism and communism - both of which were atheist ideologies - murdered more than 150 million people in the 20th Century alone.
      Communist and other godless regimes have continued to kill hundreds of thousands since. Add the millions of rapes, tortures and enslavements by these same godless regimes, and you’ve got yourself a pretty ugly picture.
      The atheist’s favorite ‘go to’ accusation against Christianity includes the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials and the church paedophilia scandal. However, even assuming that all such wrongs occurred as a direct result of church doctrine (they did not, but let’s assume so), the numbers dwarf in comparison to what atheism has wrought.
      The Crusades involved the deaths of approximately 1.5 million people. Most of them were soldiers on both sides, as well as people who died of disease and other peripheral causes. The Inquisition resulted in less than 5,000 deaths over a span of approximately 300 years. The Salem Witch Trials spanned just four months, resulting in a total of 19 killed.
      There are other so-called ‘killings’ that occurred as a result of religious fervor (the French Religious Wars, the 30 Years War, and so forth), but even adding all those up, you could not even reach ten per cent of the numbers of deaths that godless regimes have caused.
      To argue that “religion has caused more death than anything else” is a quip that has no basis in fact.
      2. Hitler was not a Christian
      Atheists routinely urge that the Nazis were Christian, invoking Christianity to justify their horrors. This is false.
      Nazism and fascism never held themselves out as Christian enterprises. More particularly, Hitler himself despised Christianity. He saw Christianity as “meek” and “flabby” and sought to destroy it “root and branch”. He bemoaned why Germany was “stuck” with “feeble minded” Christianity and preferred other “strong-arm” systems.
      Hitler’s writings and speeches are so full of passages dripping with contempt for Christianity that to argue he was Christian is like arguing George Washington fought for the British during the Revolutionary War.
      3. Atheism is an ideology - whether you realise it or not
      The most common argument is that atheism is not an ideology; it merely reflects the absence of faith in religion. They just don’t believe in God. Why can’t we please leave them alone?
      But it turns out they don’t want to leave you alone. On social media most atheists are bizarrely vocal about their contempt for Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Judaism, for their beliefs. They believe these religions frustrate progress. They argue with great passion that we’d be better off if we just eradicated God once and for all. Godless regimes have always sought the eradication of God with passionate zeal, deadly efficiency on a mass scale, and unspeakable cruelty.
      Such thinking is an ideology. Such “non-belief” has devastating consequences. Not believing in God is like not believing in seat belts. Or better yet: it’s like not believing in the police, the judiciary, medicine or fire stations. You don’t have to believe in them, but living in a world without them has consequences.
      4. People of faith are responsible for a huge amount of good in our society
      Atheists don’t give credit for what the Church and Judaism have done for civilisation: the creation of our notions of justice, the hospital system, the university, public schools, charity, progress, truth and freedom itself.
      Who fought against and ultimately destroyed the evils of slavery? The Christians and Jews. Who were the only ones who fought against the horrors of eugenics (forced sterilisation of those the state deemed inferior), and China’s horrific “one child” policy? The Christians and Jews.
      5. Judaism and Christianity created civilisation
      A world centered around God has allowed us to pursue the great blessings of God: beauty, justice, truth and freedom itself. Such things mean nothing without God’s presence.
      Atheists may enjoy such values, and even benefit from them, but they are only living off of what others have created. There is no real reason to pursue any of these values without a sense of purpose. Purpose itself is meaningless without God.
      Without God, there is no reason to have children, or to hope for the continuation of our family name or our values. There is no reason to die for our country, or for freedom. After all, what’s the point? In a world without God, we need only do what the animals do: mate, eat, and make sure not to be eaten. We need only live for today.
      This is contrary to the notion of “civilisation”. By definition, civilisation contemplates a future that is better than our present, and we derive lessons from the past to do so. Civilisation does not mean we just have a good time on the planet while we are here; civilisation means we seek a better vision for our collective future. We know this instinctively, but many never quite incorporate it into their worldview.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      If we take Atheism from Nietzsche’s declaration God is dead onward, we have the Belgian genocide of Congolese and other African destructions (30m), WWI (30m), Soviet Union (20m), WWII and Hitler (50m), Mao (60m), Pol Pot and other communists (10m) and Kalashnikov civil wars (50m). Add to that man made disasters since 1878 such as Irish Potato Famine, Balkan and Caucasus massacres, pogroms, genocide, ethnic cleansing and destruction in all parts of the world. Approximately 250m dead during the reign of the Beast, so to speak. I am not adding the Atheist gang or drug cartel fighting.
      Let us go back and add the foreign campaigns of Genghis Khan, who was not a believer of any religion and “did it his way”, and we get a cumulative Atheist atrocities causing 300,000,000 deaths in 156 years. That is almost 2 million murders per year.
      The first Atheist state was the First French Republic which lasted 12 years, exactly as long as the Reich of Hitler (1793 - 1805). Most people think this is a coincidence.
      Atheism arrived late on the party of human follies. But what Atheists lacked in tradition, they compensated with fury and relentlessness. They quickly caught up with the Ancien Régime and overtook her in no time in terms of atrocities .
      The reign of terror that followed the French Revolution killed 40.000 people in one year. That's more than were executed in 300 years of witch trials. Add to this the cruel crushing of the Catholic uprising in La Vendée which killed 120.000 men, women and children in the name of Liberté, Fraternité , Égalité and Athéisme. Some French historians say this was the first ideological genocide in world history.
      One should also mention that the French Atheists invented conscription which was another catastrophe for humanity . Before that, all those famous wars were affairs of professional warriors, and casualties were in the range of single digit thousands . In Atheist France, the whole nation became one gigantic garrison. The path was clear now for le Holocaust, total war and battles that claimed millions of lives. Thanks Atheists.
      The colossal orgy of destruction that was the Atheist French Revolution costed France dearly. She lost hegemony in Europe forever.
      Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao were Atheists. (So was Hitler but he concealed it) Atheism was integral to Communism. Even before WW2 started, Lenin and Stalin had already killed more Soviets than Hitler could ever dream of.
      Of all the counties the Nazis invaded, the Atheist Soviet Union was the only nation where nearly one million citizens joined the enemy army.
      But even these atrocities somehow pale when compared to Mao's big leap forward which cost 40-70 million lives.
      They were killed by Atheists to advance and consolidate Communism, which was and is an Atheist philosophy. Compared to this, all those crusaders and jihadists are amateurs.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      Much has been reported about internment camps for Uyghur Muslims in Northeast China. However, Christians, Buddhists, Kazakh people, and other perceived threats to the communist government are also imprisoned in the camps.
      A Han Chinese Christian couple who left their home to plant churches among Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region were imprisoned for two years for their Christian work.
      The couple, who led an unregistered house church, were arrested and pressured to sign statements rejecting their Christian faith.
      When they refused, they were imprisoned in a re-education camp. The couple spent most of each day sitting rigidly on stools in a large room as government propaganda droned from loudspeakers. They were finally released and warned to keep quiet about their experience in the re-education camp. Although they remain under heavy surveillance, they are still committed to serving the Lord in China.
      This is a common practice throughout China: Christians being subjected to communist indoctrination. This can occur not only in the re-education camps but also in prison, in government schools and in society at large. One goal of Chinese prisons is to reform a prisoner into a ‘new man’ who fully subscribes to communist ideology.
      Based on more than 800 documented arrests of Christians in 2017 and 2018, it is fair to estimate that several thousand Christians are currently imprisoned in China where they are subjected to daily indoctrination in communist values.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назадвидео.html

  • @chrisc1257
    @chrisc1257 3 года назад +12

    When the stomachs empty, the mind is open for suggestions.

    • @jaredtweed7826
      @jaredtweed7826 3 года назад

      An empty stomach does imply the existence of food

    • @chrisc1257
      @chrisc1257 3 года назад +1

      @@jaredtweed7826 Existentialism isn't so atheistic that it wears itself out showing that God doesn't exist. Rather, it declares that even if God did exist, that would change nothing.
      Fyodor Dostoevsky

    • @remi3822
      @remi3822 2 года назад

      Or digestion.

  • @TheBruces56
    @TheBruces56 3 года назад +5

    The different and flawed religions that man has formed through his interpretation of God has little to do with the question of whether there is a God.

  • @lcfdasoares
    @lcfdasoares 3 года назад +12

    great title, “arguments against god?” nope! just the opinions of someone, who according to her, is meaningless...

    • @roybecker492
      @roybecker492 2 года назад

      Lol. Do you have any strong arguments to prove your specific god exists.. or are you just being cocky without anything to back it up?

  • @MrSanford65
    @MrSanford65 3 года назад +7

    This is more like an argument against religion then an argument against God . And to assume there is no God is to assume that Man knows 100% of all reality and it’s causes from the very first beginning. Granted some people may believe in God because it was passed down through music but so called science still cannot tell us the origin of any subjective experience , so how can you make any conclusions on the validity of someone’s subjective beliefs ? People trust too much on labels and language as the definition of a thing in and of itself . If we were just flesh and bone -natural beings, we would not be able to tell the difference between us and other inanimate objects. And there would be no death because there would be nothing as abstract as life to contrast it with

    • @dukenails7745
      @dukenails7745 3 года назад +2

      All she says really is she doesn't like religion. And she obviously enjoys that empty nihilistic belief that we are not important. So it has nothing to do with truth or the search for truth. It is just her ego enjoying belittling the traditional religions and nothingness. Not new. Not original and certainly very religious in itself.

    • @MrSanford65
      @MrSanford65 3 года назад

      @@dukenails7745 you know the interesting thing Is that people who are atheist are not only pathologically sure of the origin of all a reality but they criticize the idea of God in the vein of an absent caretaker, as if a caretaker is something they’re desperately looking for.....

    • @dukenails7745
      @dukenails7745 3 года назад +2

      @@MrSanford65 most atheists including Dawkins have far more attachment to belief than they do to the scientific method.
      Atheists see themselves as thought shepherds over those people they believe are inferior because they follow a religion.
      True scientific study should be devoid of ego or belief. Unfortunately many scientists who proudly proclaim to be atheists are thus incapable of this. Unless they really truly are agnostic.

    • @MrSanford65
      @MrSanford65 3 года назад +2

      @@dukenails7745 yeah you would have to be because it takes a strong sense of Belief for the sake of belief To be certain what is not , in an eternal universe

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      @@dukenails7745 Follow The Atheist scientists money Trail all the way to the Dragon's Lair. They are atheist for political purposes. They siphon money from the atheist Communist Party of China. Even dr. Robert Lawrence Kuhn is a propagandist for the propaganda arm of China. Look it up.

  • @TheBoscho
    @TheBoscho 3 года назад +6

    being created at God's image does not mean that God is a humanoid, but that we as God have unlimited power of will and urge to create. diference is Gods powers are unlimited while ours are very limited...

  • @leonoradompor8706
    @leonoradompor8706 3 года назад +4

    Knowledge with humility and wisdom is Heavenly***

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      Robert Lawrence Kuhn is a member of the propaganda arm of the atheist communist party of China.
      Much has been reported about internment camps for Uyghur Muslims in Northeast China. However, Christians, Buddhists, Kazakh people, and other perceived threats to the communist government are also imprisoned in the camps.
      A Han Chinese Christian couple who left their home to plant churches among Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region were imprisoned for two years for their Christian work.
      The couple, who led an unregistered house church, were arrested and pressured to sign statements rejecting their Christian faith.
      When they refused, they were imprisoned in a re-education camp. The couple spent most of each day sitting rigidly on stools in a large room as government propaganda droned from loudspeakers. They were finally released and warned to keep quiet about their experience in the re-education camp. Although they remain under heavy surveillance, they are still committed to serving the Lord in China.
      This is a common practice throughout China: Christians being subjected to communist indoctrination. This can occur not only in the re-education camps but also in prison, in government schools and in society at large. One goal of Chinese prisons is to reform a prisoner into a ‘new man’ who fully subscribes to communist ideology.
      Based on more than 800 documented arrests of Christians in 2017 and 2018, it is fair to estimate that several thousand Christians are currently imprisoned in China where they are subjected to daily indoctrination in communist values.

  • @Godlovesyouunconditionally
    @Godlovesyouunconditionally 2 года назад +2

    I love you Susan I’m a Christian myself but I respect your view. You have a purpose some people are really hurt by Religion and if God exists I’m sure he put you here to help those people ❤

  • @markpatel
    @markpatel 3 года назад +6

    How is it that everytime they talk about God, it's always talking about God from Christiannity perspective. Atheist, academics need to expand their knowledge to other religions - start and end with Hinduism, which believes in God has always been there, we (consciousness, atman) has always been there and last thing that we believe in is Karma - try proving this wrong. If you really are an atheist, please explain abiogensis - how did combination of two chemicals create a living organism. Doesn't science already believe in multiple universe, then how did Hawkins say that since time didn't exist before big bang God couldn't have "created" universe, well what if God was outside this "universe" to create this universe, just like God maybe created other multiple universe. This scientist/academics view is soo limited, when she tries to explain God doesn't exist because we know evolution is true, again please explain abiogensis - please explain consciousness (atma).

    • @swaminathansundaram427
      @swaminathansundaram427 3 года назад

      In my humble opinion the following doubts should be clarified what was the necessity for Gods to create micro organisms plants animals and finally human beings with different religions Costs speaking different languages what is that Gods gain by that could there be so many Gods I think creation is accidental so also birth of every humans we are all unnecessarily debating on a subject for which none can find out a correct answer so we follow the traditions laid down by our ancestors and lead a happy and peaceful life The quntam physics have changed the concept which we all thought to be correct but no harm in continuing our beliefs which we have been following all these years

    • @superbadsam23
      @superbadsam23 3 года назад

      athiests dont have to explain anything to anyone!! , atheist never made claims that everything has an explanation....Atheist is about, not believing that there is a god....just because atheist cant answer your questions doesnt make you right,

    • @hinteregions
      @hinteregions 3 года назад +1

      It might be because Hindus don't come after atheists hounding them with armies of strawmen. Generally in these discussions the God in question is a generalised supernatural power and I myself see no great reason to distinguish: the issue is just as to whether the supernatural has been proven or not, and it has not. On that basis I myself have no interest in reading the bible, or a bible, or your bible, because its details are not in any way relevant; how could they possibly be? Apologetics is quintessentially redundant and a waste of time by the very word of every single religion's teaching. The only thing I am interested in is any argument that might even so much as tend to support the idea that we are presided over or caused by some sentient superpower quite outside our understanding (unless you are a Christian in which case the mysteries of the universe hold no mystery for you). I, not cursed and blighted by religion, have no problem at all saying 'I don't know.' I have a bit of humility to go with my small portion of self-respect.

  • @GungaLaGunga
    @GungaLaGunga Год назад +1

    "Religion poisons everything." - Christopher Hitchens

  • @lindal.7242
    @lindal.7242 3 года назад +9

    I wonder if Susan realizes just how judgmental and condescending her attitude is. And most importantly how close minded it is.

  • @GrubKiller436
    @GrubKiller436 2 года назад +1

    The only way you can be religious and be tolerable in the modern era, is if you filter your religion so much to the point where you don't disagree with science but have become so far removed from what your religion believed that you are fundamentally not a member of that religion.

  • @mateoreyes4689
    @mateoreyes4689 3 года назад +10

    If any of you supported this, you weren't listening to what she was saying. The whole point of him interviewing her was for her, (atheists) to prove a point and present an argument that objectively shows there is no God. Everything she said was either speculation, or opinionated alongside snarky remarks to demean any faith. Not needing a god has nothing to do with there not being a god. And although I'm sorry she feels "God is nasty" it doesn't weaken anything. As well as her being extremely uneducated in the teaching of any faith, her rhetoric is misleading but if you follow it, it again is just arguing with her disagreement and disbelief in the Christian God specifically (her numerous remarks to the one God). Not a single argument presented.

    • @willp9226
      @willp9226 3 года назад

      Her thoughts and comments were scattered. She could've made more constructive statements for her case. In a roundabout way, it seems she was saying that a God, as per the bible, is not realistic. That a God would instruct the mass rape of a daughter is not in the image of a loving God. Nor is the idea that humans are created in the image of God a good one, as we are very problematic physically, but also psychologically. Which means the same of God.
      It is possible, though not proven, that God or Gods exist. Especially that the science of physics (and likely others) have theoretically determined alternate realms may well exist. And beings that may exist in those realms would abide by the laws of physics in those realms. It may be, that bibles and scripture of the various religions just haven't done the best job of explaining this.

    • @rotorblade9508
      @rotorblade9508 3 года назад +1

      That is ridiculous. She just presented some of the best arguments in a way easy to understand.
      But I perfectly understand you. Your beliefs are the result of your analysis,you can’t be guilty for what you consider to be correct

    • @willp9226
      @willp9226 3 года назад

      @@rotorblade9508 I too, see her arguments and don't disagree with them, in that traditional beliefs are obviously human derived. But her presentation skills, even in a short, informal chat, could be better. The reason why, is that like mateo reyes shows, it is difficult for people to move beyond their bias. Therefore, clear, concise explanations penetrate that bias best. Not always but sometimes it at least brings about the possibility.

  • @cps_Zen_Run
    @cps_Zen_Run 3 года назад +11

    As a talking ape, I can think of a better world than ours. Many people try to make the world better. Why? Because it needs improving.

    • @jourmungandr309
      @jourmungandr309 3 года назад

      @@williamesselman3102 well Switzerland has one of the lowest crime rates and one of the highest percentages if athiests...on the other hand studies show that the more religious a country the higer the percentage of crime

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад +5

      Don't you wish things were always that easy? Switzerland is one of the most homogeneous places on the planet Earth. They share one culture and there is one people. Have you ever looked at how many hours of indoctrination are required for immigrants?

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад +7

      The atheist rarely contemplates the following five uncomfortable truths. But they need to. There are consequences to the atheistic mindset. And they are all horrific.
      1. Atheism is responsible for more deaths than Judaism or Christianity
      Fascism and communism - both of which were atheist ideologies - murdered more than 150 million people in the 20th Century alone.
      Communist and other godless regimes have continued to kill hundreds of thousands since. Add the millions of rapes, tortures and enslavements by these same godless regimes, and you’ve got yourself a pretty ugly picture.
      The atheist’s favorite ‘go to’ accusation against Christianity includes the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials and the church paedophilia scandal. However, even assuming that all such wrongs occurred as a direct result of church doctrine (they did not, but let’s assume so), the numbers dwarf in comparison to what atheism has wrought.
      The Crusades involved the deaths of approximately 1.5 million people. Most of them were soldiers on both sides, as well as people who died of disease and other peripheral causes. The Inquisition resulted in less than 5,000 deaths over a span of approximately 300 years. The Salem Witch Trials spanned just four months, resulting in a total of 19 killed.
      There are other so-called ‘killings’ that occurred as a result of religious fervor (the French Religious Wars, the 30 Years War, and so forth), but even adding all those up, you could not even reach ten per cent of the numbers of deaths that godless regimes have caused.
      To argue that “religion has caused more death than anything else” is a quip that has no basis in fact.
      2. Hitler was not a Christian
      Atheists routinely urge that the Nazis were Christian, invoking Christianity to justify their horrors. This is false.
      Nazism and fascism never held themselves out as Christian enterprises. More particularly, Hitler himself despised Christianity. He saw Christianity as “meek” and “flabby” and sought to destroy it “root and branch”. He bemoaned why Germany was “stuck” with “feeble minded” Christianity and preferred other “strong-arm” systems.
      Hitler’s writings and speeches are so full of passages dripping with contempt for Christianity that to argue he was Christian is like arguing George Washington fought for the British during the Revolutionary War.
      3. Atheism is an ideology - whether you realise it or not
      The most common argument is that atheism is not an ideology; it merely reflects the absence of faith in religion. They just don’t believe in God. Why can’t we please leave them alone?
      But it turns out they don’t want to leave you alone. On social media most atheists are bizarrely vocal about their contempt for Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Judaism, for their beliefs. They believe these religions frustrate progress. They argue with great passion that we’d be better off if we just eradicated God once and for all. Godless regimes have always sought the eradication of God with passionate zeal, deadly efficiency on a mass scale, and unspeakable cruelty.
      Such thinking is an ideology. Such “non-belief” has devastating consequences. Not believing in God is like not believing in seat belts. Or better yet: it’s like not believing in the police, the judiciary, medicine or fire stations. You don’t have to believe in them, but living in a world without them has consequences.
      4. People of faith are responsible for a huge amount of good in our society
      Atheists don’t give credit for what the Church and Judaism have done for civilisation: the creation of our notions of justice, the hospital system, the university, public schools, charity, progress, truth and freedom itself.
      Who fought against and ultimately destroyed the evils of slavery? The Christians and Jews. Who were the only ones who fought against the horrors of eugenics (forced sterilisation of those the state deemed inferior), and China’s horrific “one child” policy? The Christians and Jews.
      5. Judaism and Christianity created civilisation
      A world centered around God has allowed us to pursue the great blessings of God: beauty, justice, truth and freedom itself. Such things mean nothing without God’s presence.
      Atheists may enjoy such values, and even benefit from them, but they are only living off of what others have created. There is no real reason to pursue any of these values without a sense of purpose. Purpose itself is meaningless without God.
      Without God, there is no reason to have children, or to hope for the continuation of our family name or our values. There is no reason to die for our country, or for freedom. After all, what’s the point? In a world without God, we need only do what the animals do: mate, eat, and make sure not to be eaten. We need only live for today.
      This is contrary to the notion of “civilisation”. By definition, civilisation contemplates a future that is better than our present, and we derive lessons from the past to do so. Civilisation does not mean we just have a good time on the planet while we are here; civilisation means we seek a better vision for our collective future. We know this instinctively, but many never quite incorporate it into their worldview.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад +5

      If we take Atheism from Nietzsche’s declaration God is dead onward, we have the Belgian genocide of Congolese and other African destructions (30m), WWI (30m), Soviet Union (20m), WWII and Hitler (50m), Mao (60m), Pol Pot and other communists (10m) and Kalashnikov civil wars (50m). Add to that man made disasters since 1878 such as Irish Potato Famine, Balkan and Caucasus massacres, pogroms, genocide, ethnic cleansing and destruction in all parts of the world. Approximately 250m dead during the reign of the Beast, so to speak. I am not adding the Atheist gang or drug cartel fighting.
      Let us go back and add the foreign campaigns of Genghis Khan, who was not a believer of any religion and “did it his way”, and we get a cumulative Atheist atrocities causing 300,000,000 deaths in 156 years. That is almost 2 million murders per year.
      The first Atheist state was the First French Republic which lasted 12 years, exactly as long as the Reich of Hitler (1793 - 1805). Most people think this is a coincidence.
      Atheism arrived late on the party of human follies. But what Atheists lacked in tradition, they compensated with fury and relentlessness. They quickly caught up with the Ancien Régime and overtook her in no time in terms of atrocities .
      The reign of terror that followed the French Revolution killed 40.000 people in one year. That's more than were executed in 300 years of witch trials. Add to this the cruel crushing of the Catholic uprising in La Vendée which killed 120.000 men, women and children in the name of Liberté, Fraternité , Égalité and Athéisme. Some French historians say this was the first ideological genocide in world history.
      One should also mention that the French Atheists invented conscription which was another catastrophe for humanity . Before that, all those famous wars were affairs of professional warriors, and casualties were in the range of single digit thousands . In Atheist France, the whole nation became one gigantic garrison. The path was clear now for le Holocaust, total war and battles that claimed millions of lives. Thanks Atheists.
      The colossal orgy of destruction that was the Atheist French Revolution costed France dearly. She lost hegemony in Europe forever.
      Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao were Atheists. (So was Hitler but he concealed it) Atheism was integral to Communism. Even before WW2 started, Lenin and Stalin had already killed more Soviets than Hitler could ever dream of.
      Of all the counties the Nazis invaded, the Atheist Soviet Union was the only nation where nearly one million citizens joined the enemy army.
      But even these atrocities somehow pale when compared to Mao's big leap forward which cost 40-70 million lives.
      They were killed by Atheists to advance and consolidate Communism, which was and is an Atheist philosophy. Compared to this, all those crusaders and jihadists are amateurs.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад +5

      In the United States of America God was removed as a concept from education in 1962. If there is no God in reality, then it would only stand to reason that when God as a concept is removed we should maintain a status quo. But look.
      A. Young People
      1. For 15 years before 1963 pregnancies in girls ages 15 through 19 years had been no more than 15 per thousand After 1963 pregnancies increased 187% in the next 15 years.
      2. For younger girls, ages 10 to 14 years, pregnancies since 1963 are up 553%.
      3. Before 1963 sexually transmitted diseases among students were 400 per 100,000. Since 1963, they were up 226% in the next 12 years.
      B. The Family
      1. Before 1963 divorce rates had been declining for 15 years. After 1963 divorces increased 300% each year for the next 15 years.
      2. Since 1963 unmarried people living together is up 353%
      3. Since 1963 single parent families are up 140%.
      4. Since 1963 single parent families with children are up 160%.
      C. Education
      1. The educational standard of measure has been the SAT scores. SAT scores had been steady for many years before 1963. From 1963 they rapidly declined for 18 consecutive years, even though the same test has been used since 1941.
      2. In 1974-75 the rate of decline of the SAT scores decreased, even though they continued to decline. That was when there was an explosion of private religious schools. There were only 1000 Christian schools in 1965. Between 1974 to 1984 they increased to 32,000.
      a. That could have an impact if the private schools had higher SAT scores. In checking with the SAT Board it was found that indeed the SAT scores for private schools were nearly 100 points higher than public schools.
      b. In fact the scores were at the point where the public schools had been before their decline started in 1963 when prayer and Bible reading/ instruction was removed from the schools.
      c. The scores in the public schools were still declining.
      3. Of the nation's top academic scholars, three times as many come from private religious schools, which operate on one-third the funds as do the public schools.
      D. The Nation
      1. Since 1963 violent crime has increased 544%.
      2. Illegal drugs have become an enormous & uncontrollable problem.
      3. The nation has been deprived of an estimated 50 million citizens through legal abortions just since 1973, with 1 million additional yearly.

  • @MasterSpade
    @MasterSpade 3 года назад +3

    If you could reason with religious people, there would no religious people.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      James 1:27

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      Much has been reported about internment camps for Uyghur Muslims in Northeast China. However, Christians, Buddhists, Kazakh people, and other perceived threats to the communist government are also imprisoned in the camps.
      A Han Chinese Christian couple who left their home to plant churches among Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region were imprisoned for two years for their Christian work.
      The couple, who led an unregistered house church, were arrested and pressured to sign statements rejecting their Christian faith.
      When they refused, they were imprisoned in a re-education camp. The couple spent most of each day sitting rigidly on stools in a large room as government propaganda droned from loudspeakers. They were finally released and warned to keep quiet about their experience in the re-education camp. Although they remain under heavy surveillance, they are still committed to serving the Lord in China.
      This is a common practice throughout China: Christians being subjected to communist indoctrination. This can occur not only in the re-education camps but also in prison, in government schools and in society at large. One goal of Chinese prisons is to reform a prisoner into a ‘new man’ who fully subscribes to communist ideology.
      Based on more than 800 documented arrests of Christians in 2017 and 2018, it is fair to estimate that several thousand Christians are currently imprisoned in China where they are subjected to daily indoctrination in communist values.

  • @samuele.marcora
    @samuele.marcora 3 года назад +15

    Susan is great. Love her book on consciousness too

    • @Ken-M
      @Ken-M 3 года назад +1

      Thanks Chris very cool, do you support the slavery outlined in the bible?

    • @Ken-M
      @Ken-M 3 года назад

      @Chris Eggleton
      ^ and don’t try the cop out that Jesus changed things because we all know “I did not come to change or abolish (the Old Testament) I came to fulfil”

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      @@Ken-M you are a fool. Here you are on a state-sponsored China propaganda Channel complaining about a straw man fallacy you have regarding the Bible and your problems with your imagined slavery you find inside of it? Isn't it your claim that all of it is mythology?
      Right now, in one Northeastern Province alone, in China, there are two million Muslims in work and re-education camps, against their will, that is slavery, for thought crimes.
      Much has been reported about internment camps for Uyghur Muslims in Northeast China. However, Christians, Buddhists, Kazakh people, and other perceived threats to the communist government are also imprisoned in the camps.
      A Han Chinese Christian couple who left their home to plant churches among Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region were imprisoned for two years for their Christian work.
      The couple, who led an unregistered house church, were arrested and pressured to sign statements rejecting their Christian faith.
      When they refused, they were imprisoned in a re-education camp. The couple spent most of each day sitting rigidly on stools in a large room as government propaganda droned from loudspeakers. They were finally released and warned to keep quiet about their experience in the re-education camp. Although they remain under heavy surveillance, they are still committed to serving the Lord in China.
      This is a common practice throughout China: Christians being subjected to communist indoctrination. This can occur not only in the re-education camps but also in prison, in government schools and in society at large. One goal of Chinese prisons is to reform a prisoner into a ‘new man’ who fully subscribes to communist ideology.
      Based on more than 800 documented arrests of Christians in 2017 and 2018, it is fair to estimate that several thousand Christians are currently imprisoned in China where they are subjected to daily indoctrination in communist values.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назадвидео.html

  • @Ploskkky
    @Ploskkky 3 года назад +6

    Argument against the existence of gods?
    I will give 3 very convincing ones:
    1. We have not a single proof of the existence of invisible magical daddy-friends at all.
    2. We have not a single proof of the existence of invisible magical daddy-friends at all.
    3. We have not a single proof of the existence of invisible magical daddy-friends at all.

    • @Ploskkky
      @Ploskkky 3 года назад

      @S Gloval "What's the definition of magic?"
      I recommend buying a dictionary.
      "And are you saying absence of evidence is evidence of absence?"
      Did I say that?

    • @PaulHoward108
      @PaulHoward108 3 года назад +1

      The impossibility of making a holistic physical theory, while a holistic theistic theory already exists, is compelling proof of God's existence to any suitably informed person with intellectual integrity.

    • @darkyodd
      @darkyodd 3 года назад +4

      @@PaulHoward108 Exactly, scientific evidence has been mounting for years that the mainstream materialist/physicalist/non-contextual worldviews are reaching the limits of their explanatory powers, and are infact false. The implications of quantum mechanics, NDE’s, the network dynamics of the cosmos, and many more lines of evidence are all pointing toward an idealistic worldview, where mind is the primary ontological primitive (e.g., cosmic consciousness or God). Let’s not even get into the simple fact that anything you’ve ever known, loved, felt, or experienced is a phenomenon embedded within your OWN mind, lending credence to this ontology. To say there is no evidence for “invisible magical daddy-friends” just presents itself to me as simple-minded ignorance.

    • @Ploskkky
      @Ploskkky 3 года назад

      @S Gloval " I want you to give me your definition of magic since your the one using the word. "
      And I recommended a good dictionary. No need for creating nonsensical obstacles by pretending not to grasp common words. You get the gist. I don't play word games.
      "You said we not having any "proof" is evidence God doesn't exist. "
      Nope. Did not say that at all. I would never say that, because it would be an irrational statement. You interpreted it that way, but you are mistaken. Read carefully.
      "So then why are you claiming absence of "proof" is evidence against the existence of God?"
      I am not making that claim. That would be an irrational statement. I rarely make irrational statements anymore after I left theism in the garbage bin.

    • @Ploskkky
      @Ploskkky 3 года назад +1

      @S Gloval "Are you an atheist?"
      I have no problem with being labeled that way, but there is a caveat: It depends very much on what you think an atheist is.
      I have no belief in the existence of god(s) anymore.

  • @robsmith1a
    @robsmith1a 3 года назад +10

    I think for me the biggest argument is the twisted parasitic lives some creatures live. Why would anyone design a creature that has to make other creatures suffer in order to survive? It is still a mystery why anything is here at all and the fact that we are aware of it so I don't think a creator can be ruled out 100%. This still leaves the problem of who or what made the creator.

    • @suatustel746
      @suatustel746 3 года назад +1

      To reinforce your claim if you review ichneumon(parasitic wasp) life phase, you'll find inextricably to paralysing the larva inside out not killing the insect but utilise is a coccon for her offsprings, this is the most hideous way nature reveals itself to us, if it's design l spit on it..

    • @alanbrady420
      @alanbrady420 3 года назад

      Also why would there be so much suffering around the world people born into poverty and scrounging their whole life’s to only just by a fraction stay alive?

    • @suatustel746
      @suatustel746 3 года назад

      Transient beings like us begs the question who designed the designer) :obviously this questions why,how,when only valid for mortal beings, now supposed the hard-core is God like agent(S) more likely the absolute reality belongs to them, and they can exercise their potent for reasons alone (curoicity, fun, experiment, competition,) for lower beings to satisfy their egotistical needs, as we construct automated beings to serve us)

    • @PaulHoward108
      @PaulHoward108 3 года назад

      @@alanbrady420 All suffering is a consequence of choices made by the same soul, often associated with a previous lifetime. It's arguably a perfect design.

    • @suatustel746
      @suatustel746 3 года назад +1

      @@PaulHoward108 your respond is a tall order to absorbed...

  • @enki4589
    @enki4589 3 года назад +5

    Great interview!!! See you soon :P

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      Robert Lawrence Kuhn is a member of the propaganda arm of the atheist communist party of China.
      Much has been reported about internment camps for Uyghur Muslims in Northeast China. However, Christians, Buddhists, Kazakh people, and other perceived threats to the communist government are also imprisoned in the camps.
      A Han Chinese Christian couple who left their home to plant churches among Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region were imprisoned for two years for their Christian work.
      The couple, who led an unregistered house church, were arrested and pressured to sign statements rejecting their Christian faith.
      When they refused, they were imprisoned in a re-education camp. The couple spent most of each day sitting rigidly on stools in a large room as government propaganda droned from loudspeakers. They were finally released and warned to keep quiet about their experience in the re-education camp. Although they remain under heavy surveillance, they are still committed to serving the Lord in China.
      This is a common practice throughout China: Christians being subjected to communist indoctrination. This can occur not only in the re-education camps but also in prison, in government schools and in society at large. One goal of Chinese prisons is to reform a prisoner into a ‘new man’ who fully subscribes to communist ideology.
      Based on more than 800 documented arrests of Christians in 2017 and 2018, it is fair to estimate that several thousand Christians are currently imprisoned in China where they are subjected to daily indoctrination in communist values.

  • @docsoulman9352
    @docsoulman9352 3 года назад +2

    This is more a convincing argument against mainstream religion’s descriptions of God...But not of an infinite consciousness experiencing itself subjectively as all aspects of the physical Universe...of people, dogs, fish, grass, microbes...and everything else in the vast physical this way Everything is created in God’s image....but maybe not his/her ‘s entire image...but a multiplicity of images throughout the Universe/multiverse etc...

  • @quinnmendel449
    @quinnmendel449 3 года назад +7

    So the argument against the existence of God is, "that is not what most people mean by God". She talks about inconsistencies of what people believe. That might be an argument about specific flavors of theology, but it is not an argument concerning God.
    One more thing you can use Darwinism to explain the diversity of life, but you cannot use it to explain the existence of life. Life (or something very much like it) had to already be here for Darwinism to get a foothold.
    Don't even get me started on the multiverse and the anthropic principle.

    • @UTtherapy
      @UTtherapy 3 года назад

      God represents the creation of everything. He is the pinnacle of perfection, all that is good, holy. He is consciousness. Humans try to envision Him simply as a powerful being, when, in fact, He is the Source and Cause for everything. We are fortunate that He made us in that image. We have a hard time realizing that as Living Human Beings He says there is only one step left in our “evolution”. Man is to cross over into a spiritual body in the likeness of God. We do not die and get reborn as another person or creature. We humans are just one step away from our eternal form, and that realization embraces the likeness of Jesus, all good, clean, purée, perfect, and holy. We must find this truth if we are inherit eternal life. The evolution of Humans has come to an end with the last step requiring advancing into Christ-likeness, which Jesus says is God-likeness.
      Aliens are not in His likeness, although they were also created like other creatures. Their evolution led to extreme advancement in physical properties. Almost Angelic properties. But as we know, 1/3 of the angelic realm fell from grace.
      God made each of us uniquely. Being unique, we have free choice. When tempted by an Angel, Eve and Adam exercised it and fell from grace. In our realm,
      This mistaken decision became what we know as being called sin. Sin is thinking, saying, or doing the opposite of Godliness. So for 10,000 years (per recorded history) Humans have been screened to reveal the Next Generation of Humans, whom are spiritual beings in the likeness of God.
      We are very near the end of the era of God-created Humans. We are at the moment in time when God gathers up His Children to be with and enjoy His Glory. In Paradise.

    • @LorenzoDeprado
      @LorenzoDeprado Год назад

      you are literally doing what she alludes to. you are filling the gaps in knowledge with a new god and are removing levers. how does this not strike you as ironic?

  • @callistomoon461
    @callistomoon461 3 года назад +2

    Excellent, thank you!

  • @RolandHuettmann
    @RolandHuettmann 3 года назад +4

    The main problem is not God to us, God might exist or not, also a question of definition or experience, the main problem is religion. It is pure superstition, a powerful tool to make people be dependent and be addicted. Though, we must accept that people want to follow a religion for various reasons -- but all this has nothing to do with any deeper idea about God or any transcendental experience.

  • @johnathanhunter1351
    @johnathanhunter1351 2 года назад +2

    "What is he supposed to do? ONE thing he supposed to do is 'create us in his image'...." She says this while existing in his image, stood by a window in his image, talking in his image.
    His image is reality itself.

  • @Ploskkky
    @Ploskkky 3 года назад +9

    Great talk. Susan Blackmore doesn't beat around the bush. I can recommend her books too.

    • @AndrewHollywood
      @AndrewHollywood 3 года назад +2

      I did not find her argument compelling. Darwin explains how a red bird got a blue beak. If that answers all your questions, then I envy you.

    • @bluelotus542
      @bluelotus542 3 года назад

      Susan Blackhole beats around the fluff in order to avoid the burning issues.

    • @Ploskkky
      @Ploskkky 3 года назад

      @@AndrewHollywood "Darwin explains how a red bird got a blue beak."
      You seem to have a very limited and misguided understanding of biological evolution, so I will not even try to enlighten you about this topic. It would be a waste of my time.
      "If that answers all your questions, then I envy you."
      All my questions? If you think that biological evolution should answer all questions, then you are truly misguided. I would recommend studying this topic a bit more.
      If you want me to recommend some wonderful books, just ask.

    • @ezbody
      @ezbody 3 года назад +1

      A supposedly intelligent being created the humans, and while they are still like little children, completely ignorant of their world, not understanding their reality or how everything works, this God rages at them for BEING IGNORANT, while not bothering to teach them anything they didn't figure out by themselves, commanding them to kill each other, finding anger and violence as being completely rational ways of dealing with problems, with their ignorance being normal and acceptable to Him.
      This is equal to an adult raging at a child for spilling milk, or making any other, fully expected childhood blunders due to its innocent ignorance and not yet fully developed brain.
      There are many adults who behave in such manner today, who behaved even worse 2000+ years ago due to their ignorance, that's why their God is just like they are -- because they are the ones who created Him, in their own image.
      I don't know what is so compelling about this picture of a God. SMH

    • @Ploskkky
      @Ploskkky 3 года назад

      @@bluelotus542 "Susan Blackhole beats around the fluff in order to avoid the burning issues."
      That is a nonsensical statement considering the fact that this is just a fragment of a longer conversation. Who knows what she addressed in the rest of it.
      And on top of that your burning issues, might not be Blackwood's.
      If you want your burning issues addressed, you should interview her. Robert seems perfectly contend with the answers to his questions.

  • @MandolinKasi
    @MandolinKasi 8 месяцев назад +1

    Theists don't have any proof to show the presence of God. And Atheists don't have any proof to prove that God doesn't exist. To prove or to dis prove God is beyond human cognition and cannot be debated. Only possibility is self realization. One can choose whatever they want to be and just move on. We should start to worry only when government decide to put different laws for both 😀

  • @johnbuckner2828
    @johnbuckner2828 3 года назад +4

    Science of the gaps versus God of the gaps. Got to love it.
    What if the cosmic nous collapses the entire wave function, giving form & defeating mereological nihilism via Logos? That seems pretty useful.
    I always find it interesting that “God” went from that which no greater can there be to transcendent dictator within the context of a specific religion.

  • @adamspears3819
    @adamspears3819 3 года назад +1

    Here are just 2 conundrums in Christianity:
    Christianity either directly teaches, or implies that GOD created Lucifer as perfect.
    But Christianity also teaches, or implies that Lucifer, without any external influence, committed the 1st sin.
    -Now how can a perfect being, on its own, sin? ....Let alone, embrace the 1st sin in GOD's Creation?
    Ok. So that's conundrum #1.
    Conundrum #2:
    In The New Testament of The Bible, Jesus Christ, Only Begotten & The Living Son of GOD, said a few things that GOD doesn't follow.
    Here are some of them:
    "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
    -Didn't GOD create hell?
    So, I guess GOD is ok with us, or satan creating hell for THEM (GOD)??....
    "Love thy neighbor as thyself."
    -Didn't GOD create hell?
    Just my opinion, but creating an eternal place of torment, is not exactly what I would consider to be an act of love.
    "....forgive those who tresspass against us..."
    -Why?....I mean, if GOD created hell.....what difference does it make if I forgive those that have wronged me?!...
    If I forgive them, does my forgiveness toward them guarantee I, or them, an escape from eternal hell??
    According to Christianity, no.
    According to Christianity, you can be on your death-bed & can forgive everyone who has wronged you throughout your life....but if you & them do *not* accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord & Savior.....GOD doesn't forgive *YOU* or *THEM* & you go to hell forever.
    So what's the incentive for you & I to forgive each other; or to walk in love toward each other; or to show mercy upon each other; or to even help each other?......If GOD is a "Do As I Say, Not As I Do" God??
    What Jesus Christ taught, *only* holds true if His Everlasting Father in The Heavens did *not* create a hell that contains those that THEY have created in THEIR image.
    Because a "Do As I Say, Not As I Do" GOD cannot set before us the example of what Love, Forgiveness, Grace, Mercy & Righteousness is.....which was the point of GOD sacrificing THEIR Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ for us.
    IF there is a hell....not 1 Member of The Human Race spends even a micro-second there!
    Because Christ really did conquer sin & The 2nd Death (aka, The Lake of Fire).
    BUT modern Christianity would have the world believing otherwise.
    & *THAT* angers GOD.

  • @Greatbritain08
    @Greatbritain08 3 года назад +4

    Am going to watch (tom and Jerry)😁.

  • @yeolee2703
    @yeolee2703 3 года назад

    Susan is blessed with...
    1) Mystical experience
    2) Self dissolving into the universe
    3) Not separated from the universe
    She has not know the word of God, not the religion, but life's truth.
    1) His peace that transcends all understandings
    2) One who gives up his life, finds life
    3) Such a one is in Him, and Him in one

  • @leonoradompor8706
    @leonoradompor8706 3 года назад +3

    I am infinitely very simple***

  • @michaelljubsa8210
    @michaelljubsa8210 3 года назад +2

    I liked how she at least brought mystical experience into it...I think if atheists are going to argue against God, it's easy to focus on worldly religion because it's obvious those only go so far. But try to argue deeper against the more abstract ideas about what God might be. In a mystical experience, when no self remains, what is behind the awareness? Explain the entities experienced when breaking through on DMT. Explain the source of the Universe. It's not some lone man, the Universe is likely a relatively unspectacular creation from somewhere else. I've yet to come across atheists that can go far enough into disputing ideas of creation rather than just this lazy image of a God revolving around humans.

  • @arnevajsing7120
    @arnevajsing7120 3 года назад +5

    The is being made great progress in the NDE research atleast.

    • @flickedbic
      @flickedbic 3 года назад

      Yes! As an interested agnostic, I'd absolutely love an episode on all the veridical NDE/OBE in the scientific journals such as the Lancet.

    • @heavymeddle28
      @heavymeddle28 3 года назад

      I have been dead. 2 times. I can't remember experiencing anything. Absolutely nothing. No pain. No joy. No darkness or light. Nada. Didn't bother me one iota

    • @dongshengdi773
      @dongshengdi773 3 года назад +1

      @@heavymeddle28 That's not dead. just like going to surgery .
      it felt like.5minutes went by but actually 3 hours . just like sleeping , also feels like a few minutes to me every night.
      But real dead is different, experience is very clear ,..not like Dreaming which is very blurry all the time

    • @flickedbic
      @flickedbic 3 года назад

      @@dongshengdi773 Thank you!

    • @heavymeddle28
      @heavymeddle28 3 года назад

      @@dongshengdi773 what do you mean surgery? I have been dead

  • @dongshengdi773
    @dongshengdi773 3 года назад +3

    The arguments against God are all assumptions About who and what God is. Nobody knows.
    We just know there is a God as opposed to No God.
    Alexander Pruss formulates the argument as follows:
    1. Every contingent fact has an explanation.
    2. There is a contingent fact that includes all other contingent facts.
    3. Therefore, there is an explanation of this fact.
    4. This explanation must involve a necessary being.
    5. This necessary being is God. (Creator, Designer, Programmer, Initiator, First Cause, Unmoved Mover)
    … … … …
    William Lane Craig gives this argument in the following general form:
    1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
    2. The Universe began to exist.
    3. Therefore, the Universe has a cause.

    Dons Scotus's explanation for God's existence is long, and can be summarised as follows:
    1. Something can be produced.
    2. It is produced by itself, something or another.
    3. Not by nothing, because nothing causes nothing.
    4. Not by itself, because an effect never causes itself.
    5. Therefore, by another A.
    6. If A is first then we have reached the conclusion.
    7. If A is not first, then we return to 2).
    8. From 3) and 4), we produce another- B. The ascending series is either infinite or finite.
    9. An infinite series is not possible.
    10. Therefore, God exists.

  • @EazerEbonezer
    @EazerEbonezer 3 года назад +2

    Maybe she isn't the best person for this question...

  • @leonoradompor8706
    @leonoradompor8706 3 года назад +3

    I am Goddess of Nature***

  • @plnthn
    @plnthn 3 года назад +3

    She has not present an argument against the existence of a god. She has not present an argument for Atheism that refutes the theistic belief

    • @fr3d42
      @fr3d42 3 года назад

      I think she did present of few

  • @briendoyle4680
    @briendoyle4680 3 года назад +2

    There NO attacks by atheists! We just insist that you Prove your claims of your gods...

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад +1видео.html

    • @michaelljubsa8210
      @michaelljubsa8210 3 года назад

      How did the Universe come into creation? What initiated the Big Bang? What put the required materials/laws for the Big Bang in place? There. Atheism done.
      Trying to argue against worldly religion Gods as an atheist isn't hard work. You're arguing against watered down ideology. Argue against the deeper mysteries of creation, consciousness, DMT, quantum physics.
      This place is a lot weirder than you can imagine.

  • @briendoyle4680
    @briendoyle4680 3 года назад +3

    there are no arguments for any gods - show the evidence!!

    • @heavymeddle28
      @heavymeddle28 3 года назад +2

      True. Theists have had thousands of years to find a way to prove their god. But they can't. For me... That's proof enough that there are none

    • @natashapotatau4314
      @natashapotatau4314 3 года назад

      Evidence for jesus - mark, matthew, luke and john are eye witness testomonies then we have Isaiahs prophesy before jesus lived and we have the tulmud which is a judaism book not christian and we have the dead sea scrolls which was written before jesus lived prophesying that there was a messiah to come and die on the cross then we have the man who sentenced jesus to crucifixion pontious pilate who is in the roman records and we have the fact that if jews made jesus up about being god wow that wouldnt make much sense because that would be blasphemy against the judaism faith so why would the deciples of jesus do that when they were god fearing people also the fact that the woman are the first witnesses of the ressurection why would jews make that up and why would the authors make the new testament so embarrassing for themselves also jesus appeared 9 times after he ressurected and on 1 of those occasions it was to over 500 people.

    • @briendoyle4680
      @briendoyle4680 3 года назад +1

      @@natashapotatau4314 Hahaha - that is xtian 'evidence' for believing lies!

    • @briendoyle4680
      @briendoyle4680 3 года назад

      @@natashapotatau4314 Dead sea scrolls prove scrolls exist - like a bable book proves the fables exist! Now !! Here...! Try to prove a god without the fables...

    • @briendoyle4680
      @briendoyle4680 3 года назад +1

      @@natashapotatau4314 those gay followers ranted hearsay gossip - and since there are no gods ... hahaha . who cares about your jesus...?!

  • @wayneasiam65
    @wayneasiam65 3 года назад +1

    The late philosopher Paul Brunton suggested that religion was created for the Masses. Those unwilling to think for themselves.

  • @margrietoregan828
    @margrietoregan828 3 года назад +2

    One of your best ever, Robert ...... thank you

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      Robert Lawrence Kuhn is a member of the propaganda arm of the atheistic Communist Party of China.
      Much has been reported about internment camps for Uyghur Muslims in Northeast China. However, Christians, Buddhists, Kazakh people, and other perceived threats to the communist government are also imprisoned in the camps.
      A Han Chinese Christian couple who left their home to plant churches among Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region were imprisoned for two years for their Christian work.
      The couple, who led an unregistered house church, were arrested and pressured to sign statements rejecting their Christian faith.
      When they refused, they were imprisoned in a re-education camp. The couple spent most of each day sitting rigidly on stools in a large room as government propaganda droned from loudspeakers. They were finally released and warned to keep quiet about their experience in the re-education camp. Although they remain under heavy surveillance, they are still committed to serving the Lord in China.
      This is a common practice throughout China: Christians being subjected to communist indoctrination. This can occur not only in the re-education camps but also in prison, in government schools and in society at large. One goal of Chinese prisons is to reform a prisoner into a ‘new man’ who fully subscribes to communist ideology.
      Based on more than 800 documented arrests of Christians in 2017 and 2018, it is fair to estimate that several thousand Christians are currently imprisoned in China where they are subjected to daily indoctrination in communist values.

    • @margrietoregan828
      @margrietoregan828 3 года назад +1

      I’m extremely grateful for your advice on Robert’s situation .... although I’m not a Christian I’m vehemently against the attempted destruction of the world by the Khazarian banking cabal ....
      I’m hoping Trump gets back into the White House & defeats them ....
      I’m instantly no longer a Kuhn fan as there are no few number of other clues concerning his loyalties ....

    • @meldj9352
      @meldj9352 3 года назад

      @@margrietoregan828 Sorry but you should form your own opinion and not read other people comments and than say you are no longer a fan of Kuhn.
      He is genuinely looking for answers to our deepest concern which is : where do we come from and were we created by a god or not....ECT
      I am sending you peace and love.

    • @margrietoregan828
      @margrietoregan828 3 года назад

      @@meldj9352 thank you

  • @roybecker492
    @roybecker492 2 года назад +1

    Susan has so much love

  • @philjamieson5572
    @philjamieson5572 3 года назад +6

    I think the epitome of irony is when an atheist is asked to formulate an articulate argument against something they don't believe in. Nevertheless, you've presented a coherent and well explained one. Thanks.

    • @joekey8464
      @joekey8464 3 года назад +1

      They need to justify their un belief. There is a tinge of something amiss. - that longing is inherent, 90% of all people who ever lived in the world believe in a god.

    • @superbadsam23
      @superbadsam23 3 года назад

      @@joekey8464 "90%"....what about all the cavemen and uncontacted tribes?

    • @joekey8464
      @joekey8464 3 года назад +1

      @Vlasko60 Evidences abound, May God open your eyes. Faith is a gift of grace.

  • @dg5028
    @dg5028 3 года назад +1

    God created and is responsible for everything. Including Satan that is blamed for everything evil. So technically God created evil unless you want to admit that God didn’t create everything….

    • @stansolo4138
      @stansolo4138 3 года назад

      I think theists are claiming that Satan went rogue

  • @leonoradompor8706
    @leonoradompor8706 3 года назад +3

    Simplicity is Beauty***

  • @mr.cosmos5199
    @mr.cosmos5199 3 года назад +1

    Yes, it’s just that God is not the type of god human made him to be.

    • @garychartrand7378
      @garychartrand7378 3 года назад

      ALL religions have warped and outright lie about their Scriptures so that they can instill the "Fear of God" into their followers. Fear makes it easy to control others. They can take in the cash and have an obedient army - let's KILL in the name of God. Jesus said " Woe unto ye Pharisees. You are supposed to lead the people to God"
      In January 2008 God gave me a written job description. It says " I am sending you out by the Power of my Spirit to Release those bound by Fear, to Proclaim Forgiveness, and to Show Love to ALL men". I don't have to like you, but it is necessary that I love you. Fear is the greatest enemy of mankind - along with Guilt. Love and Awareness are our only 2 friends.
      The ONLY way to know what God is REALLY like is to develop a one on one personal relationship with Him/Her/It with no person or religion between you and the Father. Don't listen to their lying interpretations. Get the Truth right from the horse's mouth.

  • @williamesselman3102
    @williamesselman3102 3 года назад +4

    They are all political in nature.

  • @johnjacobs3365
    @johnjacobs3365 Год назад

    People's got the ability to be 100% sure and be 100% wrong. If you can't proof your faith to yourself you are there. If you can say I am in a relationship with God He will hear and He will answer. The person next to you will hear nothing and it all started at, seek Him and you will find Him. Don't be lost as a person that did not check the schedule of the bus, check the schedule, simple as that.

  • @leonoradompor8706
    @leonoradompor8706 3 года назад +3

    Purification from suffering, wisdom from suffering, growth from suffering,humility from sufferings***

    • @Greatbritain08
      @Greatbritain08 3 года назад

      Sometimes the only way around (suffering ) is to go straight (through it)🙂.

    • @marlonbryanmunoznunez3179
      @marlonbryanmunoznunez3179 3 года назад

      Using suffering as a didactic material is monstrous.
      A deity that does that deserves no respect.

    • @rotorblade9508
      @rotorblade9508 3 года назад

      We can all see wild natural things happen in nature. But just to support a silly doctrine you deny that suffering needs to be avoided. In fact everyone deserves a perfect life with no suffering but nature doesn’t care about it, it’s just the way it is

  • @mikeroos52
    @mikeroos52 3 года назад +1

    Susan would be a lot of fun to hang out with, I think.

  • @ingenuity168
    @ingenuity168 3 года назад +3

    This is a repeat.

    • @b.g.5869
      @b.g.5869 3 года назад +1

      All of these are repeats. Most of them are well over ten years old.
      These are clips from a long running television show. They're posted on RUclips but they weren't made for RUclips.
      Google some of his guests sometime. You'll see that a lot of them died years ago, and the ones that are still alive look 10 to 20 years older.
      Look how dark and full Robert's hair is here, and compare it to one of the recent Zoom chats.
      The only new ones made for RUclips are the Zoom chats.

    • @AtheistCook
      @AtheistCook 3 года назад

      yes, its is .but, one if the best arguments against gods

    • @b.g.5869
      @b.g.5869 3 года назад +1

      @@AtheistCook I don't mind the fact that they're repeats.
      What is weird however (and this doesn't apply to the OP) is how so many people that comment on these are oblivious to how old most of these are, and how a lot of them actually think Robert Kuhn is just a dude with a personal RUclips channel, and his guests are his friends.
      "Keep it up Robert! You're my favorite RUclipsr! You and your friends are so smart! Can we Facebook?" etc
      Or stuff like "The video quality is getting better and better! Did you get a new camera?" etc.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      @@AtheistCook The atheist rarely contemplates the following five uncomfortable truths. But they need to. There are consequences to the atheistic mindset. And they are all horrific.
      1. Atheism is responsible for more deaths than Judaism or Christianity
      Fascism and communism - both of which were atheist ideologies - murdered more than 150 million people in the 20th Century alone.
      Communist and other godless regimes have continued to kill hundreds of thousands since. Add the millions of rapes, tortures and enslavements by these same godless regimes, and you’ve got yourself a pretty ugly picture.
      The atheist’s favorite ‘go to’ accusation against Christianity includes the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials and the church paedophilia scandal. However, even assuming that all such wrongs occurred as a direct result of church doctrine (they did not, but let’s assume so), the numbers dwarf in comparison to what atheism has wrought.
      The Crusades involved the deaths of approximately 1.5 million people. Most of them were soldiers on both sides, as well as people who died of disease and other peripheral causes. The Inquisition resulted in less than 5,000 deaths over a span of approximately 300 years. The Salem Witch Trials spanned just four months, resulting in a total of 19 killed.
      There are other so-called ‘killings’ that occurred as a result of religious fervor (the French Religious Wars, the 30 Years War, and so forth), but even adding all those up, you could not even reach ten per cent of the numbers of deaths that godless regimes have caused.
      To argue that “religion has caused more death than anything else” is a quip that has no basis in fact.
      2. Hitler was not a Christian
      Atheists routinely urge that the Nazis were Christian, invoking Christianity to justify their horrors. This is false.
      Nazism and fascism never held themselves out as Christian enterprises. More particularly, Hitler himself despised Christianity. He saw Christianity as “meek” and “flabby” and sought to destroy it “root and branch”. He bemoaned why Germany was “stuck” with “feeble minded” Christianity and preferred other “strong-arm” systems.
      Hitler’s writings and speeches are so full of passages dripping with contempt for Christianity that to argue he was Christian is like arguing George Washington fought for the British during the Revolutionary War.
      3. Atheism is an ideology - whether you realise it or not
      The most common argument is that atheism is not an ideology; it merely reflects the absence of faith in religion. They just don’t believe in God. Why can’t we please leave them alone?
      But it turns out they don’t want to leave you alone. On social media most atheists are bizarrely vocal about their contempt for Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Judaism, for their beliefs. They believe these religions frustrate progress. They argue with great passion that we’d be better off if we just eradicated God once and for all. Godless regimes have always sought the eradication of God with passionate zeal, deadly efficiency on a mass scale, and unspeakable cruelty.
      Such thinking is an ideology. Such “non-belief” has devastating consequences. Not believing in God is like not believing in seat belts. Or better yet: it’s like not believing in the police, the judiciary, medicine or fire stations. You don’t have to believe in them, but living in a world without them has consequences.
      4. People of faith are responsible for a huge amount of good in our society
      Atheists don’t give credit for what the Church and Judaism have done for civilisation: the creation of our notions of justice, the hospital system, the university, public schools, charity, progress, truth and freedom itself.
      Who fought against and ultimately destroyed the evils of slavery? The Christians and Jews. Who were the only ones who fought against the horrors of eugenics (forced sterilisation of those the state deemed inferior), and China’s horrific “one child” policy? The Christians and Jews.
      5. Judaism and Christianity created civilisation
      A world centered around God has allowed us to pursue the great blessings of God: beauty, justice, truth and freedom itself. Such things mean nothing without God’s presence.
      Atheists may enjoy such values, and even benefit from them, but they are only living off of what others have created. There is no real reason to pursue any of these values without a sense of purpose. Purpose itself is meaningless without God.
      Without God, there is no reason to have children, or to hope for the continuation of our family name or our values. There is no reason to die for our country, or for freedom. After all, what’s the point? In a world without God, we need only do what the animals do: mate, eat, and make sure not to be eaten. We need only live for today.
      This is contrary to the notion of “civilisation”. By definition, civilisation contemplates a future that is better than our present, and we derive lessons from the past to do so. Civilisation does not mean we just have a good time on the planet while we are here; civilisation means we seek a better vision for our collective future. We know this instinctively, but many never quite incorporate it into their worldview.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад +1

      If we take Atheism from Nietzsche’s declaration God is dead onward, we have the Belgian genocide of Congolese and other African destructions (30m), WWI (30m), Soviet Union (20m), WWII and Hitler (50m), Mao (60m), Pol Pot and other communists (10m) and Kalashnikov civil wars (50m). Add to that man made disasters since 1878 such as Irish Potato Famine, Balkan and Caucasus massacres, pogroms, genocide, ethnic cleansing and destruction in all parts of the world. Approximately 250m dead during the reign of the Beast, so to speak. I am not adding the Atheist gang or drug cartel fighting.
      Let us go back and add the foreign campaigns of Genghis Khan, who was not a believer of any religion and “did it his way”, and we get a cumulative Atheist atrocities causing 300,000,000 deaths in 156 years. That is almost 2 million murders per year.
      The first Atheist state was the First French Republic which lasted 12 years, exactly as long as the Reich of Hitler (1793 - 1805). Most people think this is a coincidence.
      Atheism arrived late on the party of human follies. But what Atheists lacked in tradition, they compensated with fury and relentlessness. They quickly caught up with the Ancien Régime and overtook her in no time in terms of atrocities .
      The reign of terror that followed the French Revolution killed 40.000 people in one year. That's more than were executed in 300 years of witch trials. Add to this the cruel crushing of the Catholic uprising in La Vendée which killed 120.000 men, women and children in the name of Liberté, Fraternité , Égalité and Athéisme. Some French historians say this was the first ideological genocide in world history.
      One should also mention that the French Atheists invented conscription which was another catastrophe for humanity . Before that, all those famous wars were affairs of professional warriors, and casualties were in the range of single digit thousands . In Atheist France, the whole nation became one gigantic garrison. The path was clear now for le Holocaust, total war and battles that claimed millions of lives. Thanks Atheists.
      The colossal orgy of destruction that was the Atheist French Revolution costed France dearly. She lost hegemony in Europe forever.
      Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao were Atheists. (So was Hitler but he concealed it) Atheism was integral to Communism. Even before WW2 started, Lenin and Stalin had already killed more Soviets than Hitler could ever dream of.
      Of all the counties the Nazis invaded, the Atheist Soviet Union was the only nation where nearly one million citizens joined the enemy army.
      But even these atrocities somehow pale when compared to Mao's big leap forward which cost 40-70 million lives.
      They were killed by Atheists to advance and consolidate Communism, which was and is an Atheist philosophy. Compared to this, all those crusaders and jihadists are amateurs.

  • @heresa_notion_6831
    @heresa_notion_6831 5 месяцев назад

    How is having the position, that the fine-tuned constants just equals God, "cheating"? It's just a more parsimonious (as in one less explanation) theory for what the necessary/eternal being may be. I would think one should consider that position just "scientific" progress in the discussion/operationalization of God, within a naturalistic theory.

  • @soubhikmukherjee6871
    @soubhikmukherjee6871 3 года назад +3

    Study the model of spiral dynamics Robert.

  • @arthurwieczorek4894
    @arthurwieczorek4894 3 года назад +2

    Apparently there is no talking about God without reference to a holy book, usually without acknowledging it.

    • @UTtherapy
      @UTtherapy 3 года назад

      There was no book until modern man. Before that knowing God was an experience, like looking up at the stars and saying to yourself, there is
      One who is greater than anything I can imagine. He provides life, the seasons, this earth for us.

  • @Irvine_Diaries
    @Irvine_Diaries 3 года назад +3

    from her arguments, it seems that she has hardly touched any religious text to learn

    • @fr3d42
      @fr3d42 3 года назад +2

      I would say the opposite actually

    • @iachtulhu1420
      @iachtulhu1420 11 месяцев назад +2

      She's very versed in religions and even specific spiritual systems. I read her works. She really did try to ingest those systems at face value but when she applied real curiosity and skepticism - realist arguments for god broke down for her. I also do think mystical experience by its very nature isn't a proof of design or creation of any kind or even as a proof of supernatural of any kind. It's just an experience to which we assign meaning post-hoc, given our motivations, language games we engage in and culture we're brought into.
      Mystical or religious experience isn't uncommon but it depends both on intentionality and conditioning and interpretation, pretty much. Different people can have very similar experiences, put them into identical words, but the coating, the interpretation of them can drastically wary from person to person, given the conditioning and previous experience. This doesn't diminish these experience in the least, I would say. They just are. Humans are capable of endless variety of experiences. Some are immediately transformative, some aren't, some after they accumulate shape our understanding and way we live our lives, but after a longer period of time. The feeling of oneness she described I something I often had during my life, outside of meditation/prayer/ritual sessions and within those contexts. I value them for their experiential, emotional and esthetical richness and also some can influence action and personal ethics for the better, but I don't need to introduce personal god into this picture. This is a big leap of faith, not warranted by anything other then inheritance of previous religious experience, culture and certain expectations. This mystical reality could be completely boring and impersonal like she says or not. But there is no direct line of reasoning post-hoc, deriving metaphysical truths from personal experience as a matter of fact. We can deduce possibly something universal about the nature of these experiences and how they influence us and our culture but these is no direct correlation between intense experiences and otherworldly realities. For something to have definite metaphysical answer one must know literally everything to assume such position. Mystical experiences are inherently subjective and intersubjective in a group setting and are no candidate for definite metaphysical answers.

  • @dukenails7745
    @dukenails7745 3 года назад

    Knowledge evolves through free thinking not bound by nihilism.

  • @leonoradompor8706
    @leonoradompor8706 3 года назад +3

    Mere knowledge, mere genius without humility and without wisdom and with Pride is Hellish Luciferic and Satanic***

  • @kallianpublico7517
    @kallianpublico7517 3 года назад +1

    You started with Darwin but you didn't take the argument to where it should go: if evolution is purely biological then what is eating? In other words why would evolution develop in a mixer called survival if survival is inimical to eating? Your survival means I can't eat, how is that good for my survival?

  • @stansolo4138
    @stansolo4138 3 года назад +17

    A lot of people need this imaginary super being .... in this harsh reality it's something to cling too

    • @PaulHoward108
      @PaulHoward108 3 года назад +2

      God is a necessary postulate for a holistic theory.

    • @gergelybodi3728
      @gergelybodi3728 3 года назад +10

      @S Gloval Which God? Please specify.

    • @stansolo4138
      @stansolo4138 3 года назад +9

      @S Gloval lol.. theists are the one's claiming and when asked to provide evidence they fail miserably .
      God (s) are man made constructs to explain natural occurring events in ancient times . Greek, Roman, Egyptian,and Norse Gods etc etc.
      My evidence is I've never seen,heard or felt his presence and never will . Man created God not the other way round .

    • @b.g.5869
      @b.g.5869 3 года назад +1

      @@PaulHoward108 No it isn't.

    • @b.g.5869
      @b.g.5869 3 года назад +4

      @@stansolo4138 It depends on the type of atheism.
      The burden of proof is on the party making a positive claim to knowledge.
      So if you say god exists, you need to back it up with compelling evidence or sound arguments.
      Atheists, in the broadest sense of the term, aren't making a claim, and therefore aren't obligated to prove anything. They simply don't believe a god exists; they don't necessarily believe god doesn't exist.
      Positive atheism however, which is a subset of atheism which holds that no god's exist, _does_ make a claim, and therefore positive atheism does have a burden of proof as well.

  • @enki4589
    @enki4589 3 года назад +1

    Faith becomes politized and its called religion.

  • @leonoradompor8706
    @leonoradompor8706 3 года назад +3

    Knowledge without humility and meeknes and without wisdom is Satanic,Knowledge with Pride is Satanic***

  • @jayjay-gl4fj
    @jayjay-gl4fj 11 месяцев назад

    Good video

  • @francesco5581
    @francesco5581 3 года назад +4

    This is the classic shallow atheist view in which the clearly ego driven atheist put up an "almost comedy" show.

    • @stansolo4138
      @stansolo4138 3 года назад

      yet God is the biggest hoax ever and people are still falling for it

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 3 года назад

      @@HoneybunMegapack so much that 80%+ of Nobel prize winners were to various degrees religious people.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 3 года назад

      @@stansolo4138 So there must be some truth behind it ...

    • @PaulHoward108
      @PaulHoward108 3 года назад +1

      @@HoneybunMegapack What about the unavoidable contradictions in materialistic scientific theories? The inability to make a holistic theory is a devastating problem for materialism.

    • @PaulHoward108
      @PaulHoward108 3 года назад

      @@HoneybunMegapack Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems show its not possible to make a holistic theory that uses mathematics. Reality is inconsistent without God.

  • @christianswhoquestion2676
    @christianswhoquestion2676 3 года назад

    A simple study to see the differences between all 41,000 Christian denominations will show ONLY MINOR differences BUT a close look at the CORE BELIEFS know as "The profession of Faith" of each of the 41,000 denominations will show they are EXACTLY THE SAME......
    Protestant also includes ALL of the 41,000 denominations baptists , SDA, Pentecostal , Methodist, Assemblies of God and on and on AND ALL of the 41,000 ..
    In the 4th century of the Roman Empire Constantine who himself thought he was a god, was frustrated at all the pagan religions springing up in Rome that caused bloodshed and division and knew he could not just kill and continue to persecute all the Christians SO HE decided to bring them all together in ONE UNIFIED "UNIVERSAL" ROMAN CHURCH....
    The word "catholic" literally means "universal" .. The Latin word is catholicus, and in Greek it is katholikos.. The word in English can mean "including a wide variety of things"= universal , all-embracing= universal .
    The Cult of Isis, an Egyptian mother-goddess religion, was absorbed into Christianity by replacing Isis with Mary. MARY was then given the titles that were used for Isis, such as “Queen of Heaven,” “Mother of God,” and theotokos(“God-bearer”) were given to Mary.... The "SUN" worshippers were included and became "SON" worshipers OF THE GOD MARY BORE !
    Constantine absorbed all the gods of love, the god of peace, and the gods of joy into ONE GOD CALLED "THE FATHER" and consolidated the gods of war, the gods of strength and the gods of wisdom INTO ONE god called "THE SPIRIT"...
    The pagan Jewish belief of "ABRAHAMS BOSOM" became "PURGATORY" and "ETERNAL TORMENT" was added to fill people with fear and fully obedient to Rome and its increasing demands for" MONEY and Power.....
    In AD 313 Constantine lifted the ban or Christianity and in AD 325 Constantine called the Council of Nicea and formally launched "THE ROMAN UNIVERSAL CHURCH" made up of the bastardisation of Christianity and the demonic pagan cults of early Rome. Constantine made an EDICT (an official order or proclamation) THAT ALL future doctrine MUST REFLECT THE TEACHING OF ROME... ..
    Today THE CORE BELIEFS of early Rome are STILL TAUGHT in every single one of the worlds 41,000 denominations ...
    THERE ARE 3 gods The Father is a god the son Jesus is a god the spirit is a god and Mary is the mother of ALL THE gods......
    1/The Father god of love
    2/ The spirit god of wisdom
    3/ the "SUN" god now called "THE SON" CHANGED FROM ZEUS TO JESUS......
    4/ ALL the gods have a mother called "MARY" Jesus the SON god is born of Mary...
    5/ The Father god (OF LOVE) will torment you forever IF YOU DO NOT OBEY HIM......
    The Bible speaks of a "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS" or "whore" church has many daughters. The Protestant and her 41,000 denominations are the harlots daughters as she has 3 gods and the 41,000 protestant denominations are "the many daughters" of the "harlot and whore church system" of Revelation 17.
    The mother of Revelation 17 is the Roman Catholic church and her harlot daughters are ALL the 41,000 Protestant denominations..
    The Creators word the bible also warns us that the "harlot and her daughters" will be dressed in "purple and scarlet" the exact colours that bishops and cardinals wear in both the catholic and protestant church ..!!!
    HOW TO BE TRULY SAVED 1/ Keep the first Commandment NO OTHER gods Except the Creator of all flesh Yahweh
    2/ Believe in the second Adam the Saviour THE MAN Yeshua / Jesus who was born of a women A FLESH AND BLOOD MAN NOT A god and that he lived on earth and died sinless for your sins and was RAISED FROM THE DEAD BY THE CREATOR YAHWEH The Creator of all flesh (Romans 10:9)
    The fact that all the worlds Christian denominations are now pagan backs up the teaching of Jesus Christ that "THE END TIMES" would be the same as "IN THE DAYS OF NOAH" WHEN THE WHOLE WORLD WAS ALSO PAGAN except for "a few" .........
    Time to wake up Church ...THERE WILL NOT BE A NEXT TIME !!!
    Taken from the FREE book “What every person should consider now”. A fully interactive and simple to read book that is not part of any church or any denomination allowing the writer to tell the absolute truth and shame the devil. Get your FREE copy at

  • @markshipley6119
    @markshipley6119 2 года назад

    Not fine tuned, but rather self tuned.

  • @aunri
    @aunri 2 года назад

    Sounds more like arguments against characteristics/roles that humans have been attributed to god as opposed to arguments against God. If God can be thought of as the unmoved mover that set all into motion and gave life the divine spark (consciousness and free will - the image of him he created us with) and with whom we connect through what Christianity has called the holy spirit and what I can imagine as the mechanism through which we have transcendent experiences and possibly even influence our conscience to act in accordance with "the will of God" or "dao", which has traditionally been seen as the most moral way to act, then these arguments start to hold little water. Atheists seem to be throwing the baby out with the bath water, we can get rid of many of the religious views of God and try to find the quintessential spiritual aspects. I am glad that Susan does acknowledge these quintessential spiritual aspects, but I do not know why she insists on throwing God out with religion. Naturalism and Materialism will never be able to answer questions like "why is there something instead of nothing" and how does subjective expereince/consciousness arise from physical matter and it is questions like these that keep God alive in a sceptic like myself.

  • @browngreen933
    @browngreen933 3 года назад

    If God exists, what does his/her/its existence consist of? Atoms, elements or something else? If something else, what is God made of?

    • @anteodedi8937
      @anteodedi8937 2 года назад

      It is funny how they always say that god is not tangible in any way but yet god is something.

    • @browngreen933
      @browngreen933 2 года назад

      Yes, they always insist that God "exists," then say he's intangible. That seems contradictory af. If he exists, then what kind of existence is he?

    • @anteodedi8937
      @anteodedi8937 2 года назад

      @@browngreen933 I have never heard anyone describing it in a coherent way. Intangible something, atemporal mind causing things into existence out of nothing. Not only they can't prove in any way such a thing but they can't even suggest a coherent option of it.

  • @tonydg6086
    @tonydg6086 Год назад

    Look at why humans created mythology and god? To explain what is not understood and to provide a framework for living a moral life.

  • @robertjkuklajr3175
    @robertjkuklajr3175 3 года назад +1

    Religion is false. Contiousness is GOD. HE lives in you, with you, and is part of you!

  • @louisbrassard9565
    @louisbrassard9565 Год назад

    We do not have a theory of biological evolution explaining the emergence of life from non life nor any theory explaining evolution of the species. This is'nt a reason to beleive in God either, since religious beliefs existed to guide us morally and socially, not to fill our mind with theoretical constructs. Filling our mind with them is usefull technically but it is'nt going to help guide us morally , nor socially since science and morality do not even intersect. Susan is right that in thinking that a God associated with the initial fine tuning of the Universe for life is'nt the type of God ,religious people, are interested in. Actually there is no need to explain the fine tuning of the Law of Nature since this is perfectly logical since we did the fine tuning of our current law to fit Nature and keep changing this laws and keep fine tuning them. It is not the Universe, nor God doing the fine tuning but us since this is our laws of Nature, not the Universe's law of Nature. The sacred books are not filled with inconsistencies since these are not intended to be consistent stories in the first place otherwise they would avoid these inconsistencies. They are not treatise of logic or science but set of stories about all sort of contexts and situations and demand to be interpreted appropriatly. Strictly speaking our civil laws at the first degree, at the litteral level are filled with first degree inconsistencies; it is part of the art of law to interpret these human laws contectually in the light of tradition. The meaning of the sacred texts do not have to be litteraly first degree consistent. It is obvious and cannot be used as an argument against their moral sacred value for the society. These texts are inspired revelations by God about how we should behave; they are not about describing God; in fact they keep telling us that God is beyound our understanding; the Bible do not describes the so called mystical experience Susan is talking about. Many other religious tradition, especially in Asia, does described so mystical experience but it consistent with their religious tradition and not our religious tradition. Susan is confortable with the Buddhist tradition of mystical experience; good for her but it is inconsistent with their own ancestral tradition onto which our western societies have built and thus destructive for us since inconsistent with our tradition.

  • @alkintugsal7563
    @alkintugsal7563 Месяц назад

    She may be right but don’t like her delivery too intense.

  • @leonoradompor8706
    @leonoradompor8706 3 года назад +2

    I am the Goddess of Beauty and Love, Supreme Beauty and Harmony***

    • @Greatbritain08
      @Greatbritain08 3 года назад

      Do what make you happy 😉.and you are very good at it 👍😀.

  • @darkyodd
    @darkyodd 3 года назад +2

    I didn’t find this too compelling of a case against the existence of God 🤔

    • @danielltorres5895
      @danielltorres5895 3 года назад +1

      These arguments “against god” are merely subjective in nature and do not present an objective reason why god’s existence cant be real.

    • @rotorblade9508
      @rotorblade9508 3 года назад

      Maybe you should watch the video again

    • @darkyodd
      @darkyodd 3 года назад

      @@rotorblade9508 What was her best argument?

  • @TVadicto100
    @TVadicto100 3 года назад

    Atheist or not, she knows nothing about philosophy and it shows. No mention of fundamental questions like : what is happiness?, what is good, what is moral? , free will, etc. No mention of any philosopher or school of thought. She offered uneducated opinions on the subject of God so the interview was mildly entertaining, yes, but we didn’t move a millimeter closer to truth. It was like asking a random person on the street his/her opinion on black holes

  • @leonoradompor8706
    @leonoradompor8706 3 года назад +2

    I am very natural***

  • @MrRamon2004
    @MrRamon2004 3 года назад +1

    The creator is there if you think you need it or not, how you so sure god is not there wen you don't even no what is life, In this life and the next one stay in the light.

  • @UTtherapy
    @UTtherapy 3 года назад +1

    God is the highest good of all. Isn’t that worth at least acknowledging Him?

    • @AtheistCook
      @AtheistCook 3 года назад +1

      why does your god have to be good? can your god be evil or bipolar?

    • @UTtherapy
      @UTtherapy 3 года назад

      @@AtheistCook The Son of God showed us how good God is. If that doesn’t draw us to our loving God, we do not get eternal life in Paradise.
      Instead, we die in sin. Finis, kaput, no hope, no salvation. Is that what you want?

  • @khursheedahmadmalla4502
    @khursheedahmadmalla4502 3 года назад +1

    She is comming close to God by proving that there is no god the first part of His (Allah's) devine saying .

  • @dennisrydgren
    @dennisrydgren 3 года назад +2

    I can do much better. She ends most centenary with “this is not a argument against…”

    • @synchronium24
      @synchronium24 3 года назад +1

      When I Google "centenary", I get "100 year anniversary". Did you mean something else?

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      Makes you wonder why everyone on social media uses English. Oh yeah, that's how you trick everyone into thinking you are western.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      I mean, after all, nothing convinces us how much we like open borders like millions of bogus social media accounts that tell us we like open borders.

    • @Bo-tz4nw
      @Bo-tz4nw 3 года назад

      @@synchronium24 Not that hard to understand, is it? "sentences"

    • @johncronin7875
      @johncronin7875 3 года назад

      Of course you can....Dennis

  • @saliksayyar9793
    @saliksayyar9793 Год назад

    How arrogant! She obviously does not understand or know the Islamic concept of qada and qadar. She does not know that God has over 99 attributes, foremost is mercy and forgiveness, but also qahar. She also does not know the Islamic concept of fitra and the same message given to all nations, but changes were made by humans.
    Biologically, based on limit of conceptual ability of each species, she seems to know it all. The complexity of the created universe is unfathomable to humans , yet she claims to know it all, or ability to know it all.

  • @starfishsystems
    @starfishsystems 3 года назад

    No, we don't START with laws of physics and then create a universe which obeys those laws. They're not prescriptive, they're DESCRIPTIVE.
    At least, this is the case for observers of the universe, within the universe, such as us. It's necessarily the case, given that we don't have any evidence to draw upon other than the universe itself.
    It's delightful that we can nevertheless imagine a set of preconditions that gave rise to the universe, and we can imagine a different set of preconditions giving rise to a different universe, but these ideas exist only in our imaginations, as far as we know. In a formal sense they're not rigorous nor complete, and so the best that can be said is not that they're inherently valid in some way but only that they're not falsifiable.
    There's also an infinite regress problem in positing a set of prescriptive rules under which universes are created, in that those rules have to be encoded somehow, separate from the universes and whatever resources constitute their raw materials. Again, we can conceive of the possibility even if we have no means of investigation, but now we have to account for how such an encoding can come into existence. If we say, it's good enough to assume that it always existed, then it would be equally valid (and conceptually less of an overreach) to assume that the universe always existed but that it can undergo transformations that occasionally give rise to features such as spacetime. That makes the laws of physics intrinsic to the universe, in other words descriptive, not prescriptive.

  • @syedhasan8181
    @syedhasan8181 3 года назад

    There was only one thing she had to say in answer to the first question: I have tried my best to at least arrive at the possibility that God exists, but these are reasons I could not arrive at that conclusion. Instead, she basically said: I have tried my best to arrive at the conclusion that God does not exist, and these are my findings. It is basically the way they prefer things to be, and that leads them astray. Why they do it? The reason is sheer arrogance.

    • @eventhisidistaken
      @eventhisidistaken 3 года назад +1

      Generally, it is the religious who think they are special and chosen, and for what? For merely believing what can not be shown to be true, as if that were some kind of virtue. Then these same people go around calling nonbelievers arrogant, and starting wars to kill those who believe in a different set of fables.

    • @syedhasan8181
      @syedhasan8181 3 года назад

      @@eventhisidistaken You are talking about a question of science that involves what you know, and not what you believe. Religion on the other hand is a question of faith, whether you believe or not believe, it is not a question of knowing anything. Religion can never be a question of knowing because our brain surely has a limit on how much it can know and comprehend. But nevertheless, we can proceed on the basis of our meta-level thinking ability and pattern recognition ability. We can make a leap of faith, which is used even in science when formulating a hypothesis. Many atheists have said that God is a hypothesis, but not proven the way a scientific one is proven. And on that basis, they reject it. It is simply a question of whether you want to believe or not. In the end, it is a preference. We know so little about everything in our daily life about non-religious matters and we depend on faith in those matters. Then why not in religion as well. But not believing in a God is a choice and it has to be respected by everybody :)

    • @eventhisidistaken
      @eventhisidistaken 3 года назад

      @@syedhasan8181 Beliefs are not preferences, they are shaped by experience, and we are not in direct control of them. That experience can come from the world itself, or informed in some way. I can ask almost any believer why they believe, and the answer is never "because I want it to be true" - yet that's the paraphrased answer of what faith is as provided by the Apostle Paul himself. No, the answer is always something like "someone had to create the universe", or "eyeballs are too complex to have evolved" or some other fallacious thinking. Everything that we know, we know or induce from experience, including belief in deities, even though, I argue, that particular conclusion does not follow.

    • @syedhasan8181
      @syedhasan8181 3 года назад

      @@eventhisidistaken We know something when we directly observe or experience it, like when we do a science experiment. On the other hand, belief is always biased because the believer is not obliged in one way or other due to lack of direct experience, so he believes what he wants to believe, although he may not realize this. We experience very little through direct observation in this complex world. So, we have to believe in what others tell us, be it a priest or a science journal, or we may disbelieve to our own peril. Only time will tell :)

    • @eventhisidistaken
      @eventhisidistaken 3 года назад

      @@syedhasan8181 I would (and do) argue that there is no sense in which we choose our beliefs. They choose us. Knowledge comes from experience, but that experience need not be *direct*. I can learn about history without having to have been around for all of it.

  • @truebomba
    @truebomba 3 года назад

    Let us hear her about the meaning of what she says, all that she says is either nonsensical gibberish or point to signifiers that are built on these symbolic structures that she calls nonsensical. I wonder such pretentious women have ever tried to communicate with an intelligent religious or even an atheist philosopher. I understand she is an Athiest but never understand why she doesn't show a bit of doubt on something she apparently totally ignores, isn't this being open-minded and tolerant. Or should only religion and god in its broad symbolism take responsibility for the foolishness of humans who happened to claim it?

  • @thekingscotustheredstar2136
    @thekingscotustheredstar2136 2 года назад

    Everybody connected too the universe

  • @geralldus
    @geralldus 3 года назад +1

    The notion of ‘god’ is based upon a need for the provision of an external structure for the security of the human psyche. It appeals to the childhood need for security that was vital to our early development and engenders a sense of acceptance and unconditional love. Having said that what may exist is totally unconscious connectedness which could engender an idea of ‘god’. Our development as a species is based upon the idea of the individual and their mortality as this is a great driver of reproduction, constructive action and development.

  • @bluelotus542
    @bluelotus542 3 года назад

    This zen-oriented lady wishes to merge into the existence itself (the word zen derives from the sanskrit word sandini, which means 'existence'), but this can't be the final core of everything, because existence itself does not explain the quests for knowledge and bliss. Beyond pure, eternal existence there are two more features of reality: cognition and pleasure (their sanskrit definitions are samvit and hladini), and in order to feel complete in ourselves, we need to fulfill all these three goals.

  • @Duske3000
    @Duske3000 3 года назад +1

    Robert you should inquire further, why are some thoughts stickier than others? What makes it sticky in the first place.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад +1

      Robert is a member of the propaganda arm of China.
      Much has been reported about internment camps for Uyghur Muslims in Northeast China. However, Christians, Buddhists, Kazakh people, and other perceived threats to the communist government are also imprisoned in the camps.
      A Han Chinese Christian couple who left their home to plant churches among Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region were imprisoned for two years for their Christian work.
      The couple, who led an unregistered house church, were arrested and pressured to sign statements rejecting their Christian faith.
      When they refused, they were imprisoned in a re-education camp. The couple spent most of each day sitting rigidly on stools in a large room as government propaganda droned from loudspeakers. They were finally released and warned to keep quiet about their experience in the re-education camp. Although they remain under heavy surveillance, they are still committed to serving the Lord in China.
      This is a common practice throughout China: Christians being subjected to communist indoctrination. This can occur not only in the re-education camps but also in prison, in government schools and in society at large. One goal of Chinese prisons is to reform a prisoner into a ‘new man’ who fully subscribes to communist ideology.
      Based on more than 800 documented arrests of Christians in 2017 and 2018, it is fair to estimate that several thousand Christians are currently imprisoned in China where they are subjected to daily indoctrination in communist values.

  • @festeradams3972
    @festeradams3972 3 года назад

    Can't say it better than Carlin did...."Religion, the greatest bullshit story ever told."

  • @bozo5632
    @bozo5632 3 года назад

    The best (and only?) argument against the existence of gods is the absolute lack of arguments in favor of it. Case rested.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      The atheist rarely contemplates the following five uncomfortable truths. But they need to. There are consequences to the atheistic mindset. And they are all horrific.
      1. Atheism is responsible for more deaths than Judaism or Christianity
      Fascism and communism - both of which were atheist ideologies - murdered more than 150 million people in the 20th Century alone.
      Communist and other godless regimes have continued to kill hundreds of thousands since. Add the millions of rapes, tortures and enslavements by these same godless regimes, and you’ve got yourself a pretty ugly picture.
      The atheist’s favorite ‘go to’ accusation against Christianity includes the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Salem Witch Trials and the church paedophilia scandal. However, even assuming that all such wrongs occurred as a direct result of church doctrine (they did not, but let’s assume so), the numbers dwarf in comparison to what atheism has wrought.
      The Crusades involved the deaths of approximately 1.5 million people. Most of them were soldiers on both sides, as well as people who died of disease and other peripheral causes. The Inquisition resulted in less than 5,000 deaths over a span of approximately 300 years. The Salem Witch Trials spanned just four months, resulting in a total of 19 killed.
      There are other so-called ‘killings’ that occurred as a result of religious fervor (the French Religious Wars, the 30 Years War, and so forth), but even adding all those up, you could not even reach ten per cent of the numbers of deaths that godless regimes have caused.
      To argue that “religion has caused more death than anything else” is a quip that has no basis in fact.
      2. Hitler was not a Christian
      Atheists routinely urge that the Nazis were Christian, invoking Christianity to justify their horrors. This is false.
      Nazism and fascism never held themselves out as Christian enterprises. More particularly, Hitler himself despised Christianity. He saw Christianity as “meek” and “flabby” and sought to destroy it “root and branch”. He bemoaned why Germany was “stuck” with “feeble minded” Christianity and preferred other “strong-arm” systems.
      Hitler’s writings and speeches are so full of passages dripping with contempt for Christianity that to argue he was Christian is like arguing George Washington fought for the British during the Revolutionary War.
      3. Atheism is an ideology - whether you realise it or not
      The most common argument is that atheism is not an ideology; it merely reflects the absence of faith in religion. They just don’t believe in God. Why can’t we please leave them alone?
      But it turns out they don’t want to leave you alone. On social media most atheists are bizarrely vocal about their contempt for Christianity and, to a lesser extent, Judaism, for their beliefs. They believe these religions frustrate progress. They argue with great passion that we’d be better off if we just eradicated God once and for all. Godless regimes have always sought the eradication of God with passionate zeal, deadly efficiency on a mass scale, and unspeakable cruelty.
      Such thinking is an ideology. Such “non-belief” has devastating consequences. Not believing in God is like not believing in seat belts. Or better yet: it’s like not believing in the police, the judiciary, medicine or fire stations. You don’t have to believe in them, but living in a world without them has consequences.
      4. People of faith are responsible for a huge amount of good in our society
      Atheists don’t give credit for what the Church and Judaism have done for civilisation: the creation of our notions of justice, the hospital system, the university, public schools, charity, progress, truth and freedom itself.
      Who fought against and ultimately destroyed the evils of slavery? The Christians and Jews. Who were the only ones who fought against the horrors of eugenics (forced sterilisation of those the state deemed inferior), and China’s horrific “one child” policy? The Christians and Jews.
      5. Judaism and Christianity created civilisation
      A world centered around God has allowed us to pursue the great blessings of God: beauty, justice, truth and freedom itself. Such things mean nothing without God’s presence.
      Atheists may enjoy such values, and even benefit from them, but they are only living off of what others have created. There is no real reason to pursue any of these values without a sense of purpose. Purpose itself is meaningless without God.
      Without God, there is no reason to have children, or to hope for the continuation of our family name or our values. There is no reason to die for our country, or for freedom. After all, what’s the point? In a world without God, we need only do what the animals do: mate, eat, and make sure not to be eaten. We need only live for today.
      This is contrary to the notion of “civilisation”. By definition, civilisation contemplates a future that is better than our present, and we derive lessons from the past to do so. Civilisation does not mean we just have a good time on the planet while we are here; civilisation means we seek a better vision for our collective future. We know this instinctively, but many never quite incorporate it into their worldview.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      If we take Atheism from Nietzsche’s declaration God is dead onward, we have the Belgian genocide of Congolese and other African destructions (30m), WWI (30m), Soviet Union (20m), WWII and Hitler (50m), Mao (60m), Pol Pot and other communists (10m) and Kalashnikov civil wars (50m). Add to that man made disasters since 1878 such as Irish Potato Famine, Balkan and Caucasus massacres, pogroms, genocide, ethnic cleansing and destruction in all parts of the world. Approximately 250m dead during the reign of the Beast, so to speak. I am not adding the Atheist gang or drug cartel fighting.
      Let us go back and add the foreign campaigns of Genghis Khan, who was not a believer of any religion and “did it his way”, and we get a cumulative Atheist atrocities causing 300,000,000 deaths in 156 years. That is almost 2 million murders per year.
      The first Atheist state was the First French Republic which lasted 12 years, exactly as long as the Reich of Hitler (1793 - 1805). Most people think this is a coincidence.
      Atheism arrived late on the party of human follies. But what Atheists lacked in tradition, they compensated with fury and relentlessness. They quickly caught up with the Ancien Régime and overtook her in no time in terms of atrocities .
      The reign of terror that followed the French Revolution killed 40.000 people in one year. That's more than were executed in 300 years of witch trials. Add to this the cruel crushing of the Catholic uprising in La Vendée which killed 120.000 men, women and children in the name of Liberté, Fraternité , Égalité and Athéisme. Some French historians say this was the first ideological genocide in world history.
      One should also mention that the French Atheists invented conscription which was another catastrophe for humanity . Before that, all those famous wars were affairs of professional warriors, and casualties were in the range of single digit thousands . In Atheist France, the whole nation became one gigantic garrison. The path was clear now for le Holocaust, total war and battles that claimed millions of lives. Thanks Atheists.
      The colossal orgy of destruction that was the Atheist French Revolution costed France dearly. She lost hegemony in Europe forever.
      Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot and Mao were Atheists. (So was Hitler but he concealed it) Atheism was integral to Communism. Even before WW2 started, Lenin and Stalin had already killed more Soviets than Hitler could ever dream of.
      Of all the counties the Nazis invaded, the Atheist Soviet Union was the only nation where nearly one million citizens joined the enemy army.
      But even these atrocities somehow pale when compared to Mao's big leap forward which cost 40-70 million lives.
      They were killed by Atheists to advance and consolidate Communism, which was and is an Atheist philosophy. Compared to this, all those crusaders and jihadists are amateurs.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      Much has been reported about internment camps for Uyghur Muslims in Northeast China. However, Christians, Buddhists, Kazakh people, and other perceived threats to the communist government are also imprisoned in the camps.
      A Han Chinese Christian couple who left their home to plant churches among Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region were imprisoned for two years for their Christian work.
      The couple, who led an unregistered house church, were arrested and pressured to sign statements rejecting their Christian faith.
      When they refused, they were imprisoned in a re-education camp. The couple spent most of each day sitting rigidly on stools in a large room as government propaganda droned from loudspeakers. They were finally released and warned to keep quiet about their experience in the re-education camp. Although they remain under heavy surveillance, they are still committed to serving the Lord in China.
      This is a common practice throughout China: Christians being subjected to communist indoctrination. This can occur not only in the re-education camps but also in prison, in government schools and in society at large. One goal of Chinese prisons is to reform a prisoner into a ‘new man’ who fully subscribes to communist ideology.
      Based on more than 800 documented arrests of Christians in 2017 and 2018, it is fair to estimate that several thousand Christians are currently imprisoned in China where they are subjected to daily indoctrination in communist values.

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      Hitler purposely lied about his religious convictions.
      Strangely, those trumpeting this dumb claim that Hitler was indeed a Christian display the attitude: Hitler said it, I believe it, and that settles it. Never does it seem to cross their minds that Hitler might be - gasp -lying for political advantage.
      He wanted to build a mass movement. As a result, in Mein Kampf he wrote strongly in support of the Catholic Church and its traditions of authority and dogma. This was not out of any love for the content of church doctrine, but because he believed that the Nazis could use such forms to create their own "political confession," moving from "volkisch feeling" to an absolute faith in Nazi racial nationalism.
      Hitler argued that the lack of compromise in Catholic dogma could be used as a model for Nazi Party "dogmas," implying the establishment of a dogmatic ideological faith that would be intolerant of any other such faith. In practice, however, the Nazis played fast and loose with their "party dogmas" in order to achieve political gains.
      Which brings us to tour perspective, was Hitler a Christian?
      Emphatically not, if we consider Christianity in its traditional or orthodox form: Yeshua as the son of God, dying for the redemption of the sins of all humankind.
      It is a nonsense to state that Hitler (or any of the Nazis) adhered to Christianity of this form.
      The idea of universal salvation through Christ dying on the cross, the core concern of the celebration of Easter, was complete anathema to the Nazis, who adhered to salvation by race rather than grace.
      Overall, one could argue that all the leading Nazis measured religion by a series of racial hurdles, meaning that: Yeshua could not be Jewish, he had to be Aryan; a heroic fighter, not a passive sacrifice; the Old Testament had to be rejected, and the New Testament purged.
      In handwritten notes, Hitler also argued for a critical review of the Bible, to discover what sections met an "Aryan" spirit. In these same notes, he took a "biogenetic" history as the main biblical emphasis, arguing that original sin was solely racial degeneration, sin against the blood.
      Some Nazis believed Christianity as a whole was too "judaised" to leap the racial hurdle for a religion appropriate to the German "racial soul" and "Germanic morality." Yet Hitler did voice a great deal of support for an "Aryan" Christ, generally a figure who fitted completely with his own agenda: a violent anti-Semite named 'Jesus'.
      Hitler was Antichrist.
      Hitler told Christa Schroeder, his personal secretary, that the church was an outdated and stifling institution. Hitler also told two of his close and high-ranking associates, Otto Strasser and Walter Schellenberg, that he did not believe in God. It is not at all clear why Hitler would think that these officials 'wanted to hear' that he was a church rejecter and an atheist. If anything, the exact opposite was the case. Note that Otto Strasser broke with Hitler, already in 1930, because Strasser believed that, without Christianity, Europe was lost, and because Hitler was an atheist. Now, if Hitler was indeed consistently telling his close associates ‘what they wanted to hear’, he would have told Strasser that he was a devout Christian, and certainly not that he was an atheist!
      Look it up!

    • @bozo5632
      @bozo5632 3 года назад

      Mass murder is no proof of the existence or non-existence of gods.
      Proving that atheism is terrible in every single way is not an argument for the existence of gods.
      There isn't any. Case rested.

  • @experiencemystique4982
    @experiencemystique4982 3 года назад +2

    Sorry my dear lady, but he made us as his image and likeness. God is consciousness, we, spiritual being can grasp the evolution of spiritual consciousness...and, as I see are still asking about the logical structure of consciousness have a good day.

  • @rotorblade9508
    @rotorblade9508 3 года назад

    What does “non material” mean?

  • @kerryburns6041
    @kerryburns6041 3 года назад

    Which God ? There are thousands. Your arguments are specious if you begin with such a vague approach.
    If, as I suspect, you are talking about Jehovah, a composite of three earlier Canaanite deities, then what arguments do you actually need against a stone--age tribal war--god ?
    Get a grip.

  • @murtu01
    @murtu01 3 года назад +1

    These Atheist always end up on problem of evil 🤦🏻‍♂️🥱 and also very disingenuous .

    • @TheEternalOuroboros
      @TheEternalOuroboros 3 года назад

      What's wrong with the problem of evil?

    • @murtu01
      @murtu01 3 года назад

      @@TheEternalOuroboros it focuses only on Christian concept of God.

    • @TheEternalOuroboros
      @TheEternalOuroboros 3 года назад

      @@murtu01 Why not Islam?

    • @murtu01
      @murtu01 3 года назад

      @@TheEternalOuroboros different religion have different understanding about the attributes of God. Even in the Christian tradition itself the understanding differs between sects. While the argument against God from existence of evil is mainly against the " All good God" which most Christians believe. There are many differences in epistemological and ontological understanding of "good and evil" within the religions (including Islam). That's why I feel its a poor argument. I mean i can write down the whole thing they teach you in philosophy class but I guess you got the point.

  • @TheUltimateSeeds
    @TheUltimateSeeds 3 года назад +2

    Susan Blackmore stated that the most convincing reason for dismissing the existence of God is that *"...we don't need the him, her, or it argument..."* To which I say that that is the equivalent of saying that the rich and vivid, three-dimensional features of a dream do not require the existence of the dreamer of the dream. In other words, God's very being is the living foundation of everything we see throughout the universe. Which means that if God did not exist, then neither would the universe exist.

    • @stansolo4138
      @stansolo4138 3 года назад

      Produce evidence not speculation ...

    • @TheUltimateSeeds
      @TheUltimateSeeds 3 года назад +1

      I suggest that any evidence that would not only irrefutably prove the existence of God, but also the fact that our lives will continue on after death, would completely disrupt the illusion of objective reality. With that being said, what "evidence" would you like to see?

    • @williamesselman3102
      @williamesselman3102 3 года назад

      @@TheUltimateSeeds atheists don't want evidence. They want Marxism.

    • @stansolo4138
      @stansolo4138 3 года назад

      @@TheUltimateSeeds I'm sure you have an abundance of evidence you would like to share with me ... but may I make a suggestion .
      Please present your evidence to the Nobel Prize committee and with your $1,000,000 cheque .. you can donate to charity . Win Win . Good luck ...

  • @AmitRay47
    @AmitRay47 3 года назад

    Not an excellent interview. Not up to par in comparison with your other interviews on Consciousness, Free Will, laws of physics etc.

  • @ChuckBrowntheClown
    @ChuckBrowntheClown 3 года назад +2

    We don't need God? The fact that you can make that choice is proof, that we are made in the likeness and image of a triune God. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

    • @UTtherapy
      @UTtherapy 3 года назад +1

      We do need God. We want to relish with Hime in Paradise. If you choose not Heaven, what have you chosen?

    • @ChuckBrowntheClown
      @ChuckBrowntheClown 3 года назад +1

      @@UTtherapy thank you for bringing my punctuation mark mistake to my attention. It's not evident that I have chosen Lord Jesus Christ?

    • @ChuckBrowntheClown
      @ChuckBrowntheClown 3 года назад

      @Vlasko60 yep. For the fact God who is Jesus Christ is a caring and loving God that he would let you make your own choice and give you over to your own choice. Because he made a choice to create.

    • @ChuckBrowntheClown
      @ChuckBrowntheClown 3 года назад

      @Vlasko60 how else do we get the abilities that we get? Passed on from mother and father where did they come from where did they start?

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 3 года назад

    Maybe from transcendent God to imminent God, the God within everything next.

  • @Proganaut1989
    @Proganaut1989 2 года назад

    Tell me Susan when did the nonliving material make the living

  • @5tyyu
    @5tyyu 3 года назад +2

    Why do Humans go through so much suffering on earth? Why not go thru suffering in Astral form if there is life after death?

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 3 года назад +3

      because otherwise you learn absolutely nothing ? There is no sun without darkness around it.

    • @tanjohnny6511
      @tanjohnny6511 3 года назад

      Because we cling to this world like a permanent country,my reputation,my race and my body.can anybody tell his body please dont die?🙂

    • @PaulHoward108
      @PaulHoward108 3 года назад +1

      What makes you think we aren't currently experiencing a lifetime after having already died?

    • @AtheistCook
      @AtheistCook 3 года назад

      that is the catch with most religions, they no offer benefits while you are alive only after one dies, offering all kinds of ridiculous benefits and there is no money back

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 3 года назад +2

      @@AtheistCook dont watch it as a religious thing, it's about having the perception (And 90% of people on earth have it) that there is something beyond the flesh.

  • @jerrysikora2024
    @jerrysikora2024 Год назад

    She says that live is meaningless and she does not belive in free will. Thats it.
    Only 16 K wiews and compare this to numers of vews of real thinkers !