This Grip Change FINALLY got me over 500ft | The Data Series Begins

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 511

  • @brannnnnnn
    @brannnnnnn Год назад +44

    What is mashed potato grip?

  • @BillFromAZ
    @BillFromAZ Год назад +87

    Mikey, next time you are doing a distance test....start by putting a cone out at a set distance. It not only shows how far the disc went without constantly measuring, but it also gives an aiming point.

  • @hop_addict
    @hop_addict Год назад +37

    As a disc golfing engineer who loves data, this is freaking amazing!!! I immediately bought a techdisc after watching this. This is some of the best disc golf content I have ever seen!

    • @HyzerFlip
      @HyzerFlip Год назад +4

      So bummed to see that these are $300 after looking it up.

    • @Morgnon
      @Morgnon 3 месяца назад

      @@HyzerFlip Agreed, but its early tech so hopefully it will go down in price as competition enters the market.

  • @hubterk
    @hubterk Год назад +115

    With a mashed grip, the throw was consistently nose down 3 degrees. Loose, he was nose up on 4 of 5 throws.

    • @5stringaustin
      @5stringaustin Год назад +16

      That was the biggest difference I noticed as well!

    • @timeandspacevintage3380
      @timeandspacevintage3380 Год назад +3

      Came to say the exact same thing

    • @WillEnj0y
      @WillEnj0y Год назад +3

      This was my experience as well. I did this at the field last night. Did manage to break my previous distance record but not by much. 405 feet. My drives did feel like they were going 5-15 feet further on average but nothing significant enough for me to say conclusively that the grip is better.

    • @arrowhead9027
      @arrowhead9027 11 дней назад

      One thing I notice is when your mashed potatoes you are too tense and are unable be a whip in other portions. I think this comes down to each individual person and where your at in your game

  • @pixrguy
    @pixrguy Год назад +22

    I can’t even imagine 500. I’m still hopeful for consistently hitting over 400 in the next few months.

    • @seancarver7905
      @seancarver7905 Год назад +2

      Same. I’m stuck at like 340 max.

    • @krummyskill8202
      @krummyskill8202 Год назад +1

      Yeah. I don't think i even consistently hit 300 lol.

    • @WillEnj0y
      @WillEnj0y Год назад

      Same. I can hit 400 maybe 1/20 drives and I wish I could do it more consistently. My form must just be bad.

  • @rustystrings0908
    @rustystrings0908 Год назад +30

    How do I go from 5'6 to 6'5 in height? Does Mikey have that tip?

  • @rridorswiftblade6494
    @rridorswiftblade6494 Год назад +17

    Congrats on 500!! And I have noticed similar I moved me thumb down alittle more to the center of the disc and focused on grip pressure about a week ago and now throwing an easy 50 to 75 feet farther

  • @rodfondriest6059
    @rodfondriest6059 Год назад +10

    Love the content in this video and what is to come. For me, I'm 56 and trying to get to 400'. Best is 386. I have noticed that the tighter grip works better for me. My issue is that I cant fully back load as I have an issue with my hand that doesnt allow me to power grip. I can and will start ensuring that my little finger is at least tucked in a far as I can as I feel that I too am front loading the disc. Thanks Josh and Mikey!

  • @zackp6794
    @zackp6794 Год назад +12

    This is super interesting. This is exactly the kind of stuff I thought techdisc would be super useful for when I first heard about it.

  • @carlrathburn8722
    @carlrathburn8722 Год назад +5

    This is so freaking awesome! CONGRATS MIKEY AND TO THE ENTIRE OVERTHROW CREW FOR THE NEW BUILDING! I absolutely love the use of the tech and how it was used to disect each part of this and am very excited to see how this can help all of us going forward!

  • @LT_Darwin
    @LT_Darwin Год назад +3

    As a science type guy I really appreciate you guys breaking these details down with actual data and being cautious on the findings. Awesome to see and you may unlock some excellent confidences for your coaching I would think.

  • @williamt906
    @williamt906 Год назад +2

    Great video! What I liked most is the genuine excitement you can see in Mikey AND Josh's eyes... legit in the final scene Josh is just beaming when talking about future testing and tinkering!

  • @paytondrake5375
    @paytondrake5375 Год назад +1

    To be honest, I believe that "grip misalignment" is one of the biggest impacts to newer disc golfers. I battled with this for a while and only realized recently that it takes significantly more pressure on distance throws than it does for controlled golf shots being a mid-to-high speed arm, just as Mikey found out. I would love to see data correlating how the grip needs to adjust to maximize disc speed and rotation for different arm speeds. In addition, if the data you guys get over the next few weeks shows that the "gradual grip" is better than "mashed potatoes", that'll be beneficial as it would allow distance throws to be more sustainable during a round. Great job, and congrats Mikey!!!

  • @bjorn8977
    @bjorn8977 Год назад +4

    An interview with someone from TechDisc would be awesome. Maybe as crossover between this data series and your new podcast. Keep up the good work👍

  • @griplocked2986
    @griplocked2986 Год назад +3

    Based on the numbers alone, it looked pretty obvious that with a firmer grip, he was throwing nose down. Looser grip was slightly nose up. That alone explains the difference in distance.

  • @kevinmoehring8259
    @kevinmoehring8259 Год назад +1

    Something worth noting is that in his 4 throws where he gripped hard, his release angle was nose down all 4 times, while his second 4 throws were all nose up. That translates to distance 100%

  • @adamlawrence3213
    @adamlawrence3213 Год назад +2

    Yes! This is the type of disc golf content I’ve been waiting for. Data vs. Anecdotes is awesome. Also I have been struggling with this exact same grip question for like 3 years… thank you for putting this out. I will subscribe so I can see more data based experiments.
    Thank you for being as crazy about the details of disc golf as I am. I can tell you all lie awake at night thinking about this stuff just like me.

  • @FizzyP
    @FizzyP Год назад +1

    I wrote a disc physics simulator. It handles hyzer angle, nose angle, spin speed ratio, disc wear... the results are spooky realistic. The conclusion after lots of tinkering with virtual experiments was that 2-3 degrees of nose down is ideal for distance. The shots looked very much like Ricky's juiced Felon shots from the back in the day that start with a stupid amount of nose down, pop up, and then penetrate forward despite being an overstable mold. Ricky has more nose down power than anyone else I can think of. I read somewhere that people did real world research confirming this but I haven't seen it.

  • @BillFromAZ
    @BillFromAZ Год назад +1

    Well, dang...who knew? I'm not a great backhand thrower and rely more on my forehand. I never know where a backhand throw is going. That was....until I watched this video. I went and played league after watching the video and did some field practice before hand. Mashing the flight plate with my thumb felt weird, but I did get better flights. Then on to the real test, league play. People who knew my backhand struggles were surprised with how clean I was throwing and how much better my backhand throws were. Not a lot of distance more, but less grip lock and less not knowing where my disc would be going when it was released. I did also focus on 'front loading', but the grip pressure seemed to be the biggest really changed the nose angle and kept it more consistently nose-down. Thanks for the video and insight.

  • @KennethIngalls-l8l
    @KennethIngalls-l8l 5 месяцев назад

    Hey Mike smile ! I am 56 and haven’t broke 325 ‘ I must admit these videos are helping my overall form ☮️

  • @cedrominiatures9170
    @cedrominiatures9170 Год назад +1

    I’m stoked for you, and hopeful for more growth! Just started truly implementing the out in out swing and added 30-40 feet average on my drives. I’m finally able to consistently break 350! Once I’ve mastered that more consistently with the timing I’ll start working on the grip, and who knows! Thanks for all the content, it’s made a huge difference for me in the year I’ve been playing. You’re appreciated!

  • @erikpage
    @erikpage Год назад +3

    YESSS! I've been using TechDisc for a month or so now (there's a lot to that story, but I'll save that for later) and I've had similar breakthroughs. It's truly incredible what instant feedback alone is able to teach you. Mine was less to do with grip strength, but rather wrist strength. A few adjustments to my wrist angle on reach back and pull through combined with keeping my wrist looser pretty much immediately increased my spin from ~875-925 RPM to consistently 1000+ RPM (with one or two over 1100!).
    Can't wait to see what else this series has in store. I happen to know about a putting app that could fit in the series as well...would love to chat sometime!

  • @bsy87
    @bsy87 Год назад +1

    I'd love to see you guys try, what I call the "Split-Grip". Not sure if anyone has named it already or even throws it. But it has helped me get more spin on my drives and in turn a bit more distance. (FYI, I do have large hands, so not sure if it will be viable for everyone)
    1) You start by griping the disc rim with just the tips your index and middle finger and pull the disc into the crease where your finger meets your palm so that the disc edge and your finger crease are perpendicular. It will fill flimsy at first.
    2) Then place your ring and pinky a bit further down on the rim and use those to suck the disc into your palm for a secure grip. There should be about enough space to put your index finger from your left hand between your middle finger and ring finger with no gaps.
    3) Then find a comfortable angle for the disc to sit in your hand. I tend to roll the disc forward, so that the part of your disc touching your palm is in the natural crease in the center of your palm.
    Let me know if you decide to try this though, describing it without pictures is difficult. I'll send some pics or a video if you'd like. :)

  • @AndrewJacksonFitness
    @AndrewJacksonFitness Год назад +2

    11:18 - Tight grip. Loose body. 🙌🙌 The hand must match the power your body is generating throughout the sequence. People with high levels of body connection have easier times managing this. Sensory drills and strength drills are often overlooked. Awesome channel guys. Keep it up 👍

  • @tang3nt
    @tang3nt Год назад +1

    One factor to consider, has got to be, the more you throw, naturally the farther it will go. You work a muscle and it will grow!

  • @thomasahne9857
    @thomasahne9857 11 месяцев назад

    I remember that one day, where I had that insane release out of my hand. It felt like the disc is way more heavy than with my normal throws. It was on an hole with 123m (400 feet). That was my max distance all day. I threw it with 90% power in the disc just got launched! It was so fast and was still turning at basket hight! Bad for me, I hit a tree next to the basket. I would say, if the tree hit didn´t happen, it would be around 150m (500 feet). I never got that feeling again. And i hate that. I was looking for it with so many variations, but i never found it.
    This video has got some really good ideas for me and I will go out to try it by myself! Thank you guys for doing stuff like this! I love your content! Keep doing this!
    Thanks again and greetings from germany!

  • @Svenm650
    @Svenm650 Год назад +2

    Just tested the grip harder when disc is coming across the chest and it got me 20-60ft more. I average about 330 and threw a couple 390 but was consistently hitting 370. It also added some accuracy, I think I was too loose before. I think the distance came from more spin and the pinch helped with my timing. Maybe it's something else but I say to all it's worth a shot.

  • @footfaultdiscgolf
    @footfaultdiscgolf Год назад +4

    lately I have been doing fan grip for all speeds and that has improved my speed and spin drastically. front loaded grip is the #1 tip for adding distance apart from timing

    • @Gh0stz9211
      @Gh0stz9211 Год назад +1

      I just started throwing fan grip for everything as well. I instantly gained distance beating my max and it's more effortless feeling. Still working on proper form

    • @dalereinhold640
      @dalereinhold640 Год назад +1

      *foot fault

    • @footfaultdiscgolf
      @footfaultdiscgolf Год назад

      @@dalereinhold640 second

  • @michael252
    @michael252 Год назад +1

    Guys it’s clear you are happy and healthy and it feels like your passion has been reinvigorated with the new office setup! Keep up the killer work, I’ll be buying my next discs off your shop 🤙🙏🙌💫

  • @lukasostring
    @lukasostring Год назад +1

    Hey , let's dive into an intriguing idea - what if we introduced a touch of stickiness to our discs, taking inspiration from how handballs are treated? 🤔
    Imagine this: the added stickiness could make the disc snap off your hand with more force, resulting in an intense spin when thrown. It's like the grip handball players get from a tacky ball, leading to powerful throws and dynamic shots.
    Think about the impact - the enhanced spin could completely transform the way our discs fly. They might cover more distance and follow exciting paths through the air. Just like handball players adjust their techniques to master the tacky ball, we'd have a new challenge of harnessing the power of adhesive-enhanced discs.
    Of course, we'd need to navigate some challenges, like fine-tuning the level of stickiness to keep things fair. But the potential is mind-boggling! Our discs could become spin wizards, adding a fresh twist to the game.
    What's your take on this concept? Could sticky discs be the innovation our sport needs, drawing inspiration from the handball playbook? Share your thoughts!

    • @OverthrowDiscGolf
      @OverthrowDiscGolf  Год назад

      It’s legal and Paul McBeth and Nick Carl did a video with it on Paul’s channel!

  • @Tornado_Alley
    @Tornado_Alley Год назад +6

    Congrats Mikey! Also, the simulator is an awesome tool!

  • @PastHisPrime336
    @PastHisPrime336 Год назад +2

    It looked like the mash grip was giving him more rotations and a down nose angle. I believe all the loose throws shown on the video had less rotations and positive nose angles. Your synopsis at the end could support that as well with the front loaded mash grip helping to keep the nose down and the back loaded loose grip letting the nose tilt up on release.

  • @chrisunderwood_dg
    @chrisunderwood_dg Год назад +2

    This series is gonna be a game changer!

  • @Joeaxtell
    @Joeaxtell Год назад +57

    Congrats Mikey! And this series may be the best thing to happen to disc golf education for years to come!

  • @Boltzi
    @Boltzi Год назад +1

    It's also interesting that if you have short fingers in relation to your palm size, dropping little finger off the rim allows to turn wrist angle even more down. I have this exact short finger problem and have been experimenting a bit and it's pretty obvious how much more nose down the disc travels but for some reason it's hard to not throw the disc to the right.

  • @joking78
    @joking78 Год назад

    Congrats!!! That's awesome. I'll have to say, your video on staying loose and letting your hand naturally grip as needed was the one that helped me break some PRs. It mainly helped me keep the nose down.

  • @albertoquagliaroli4230
    @albertoquagliaroli4230 Год назад +1

    I was one of those who appreciated very much the 'famous' suggestion about the hardest grip. I found that this method gave me some advantages also in precision (thinking especially to let go the disc and not to release it) (anyway, not like the majority of the players who go towards 120-150 m... because I throw around 80 metres ordinarily with 'maximum' power🙁), and excitement in that moment; I made also great throws (in precision, also, relatively to my possibilities); but then I remained at that +10 m than before the adoption of the strongest grip. Now I don't think to tighten the grip, but I somewhat I use it without thinking. Anyway the precision has diminished, or, better, remains not constant. I'm trying to understand if I lost the technical mechanics associated with the firm grip, or I'm not using anymore that grip for other subconscious mechanisms... Perhaps, for Mikey who has all that support for analyzing the thrower and the throws will be easier to understand better the whole thing, and I'm sure that you will give to us very interesting suggestion for we to make better and better 👍

  • @ianhaines8007
    @ianhaines8007 Год назад

    My very rough educated guess as a physicist is that the "mash grip" allows you to transfer more of the kinetic energy, both translational and rotational, of the swing to the disc by allowing you to hold onto the disc until the "peak" of the throw. We can understand this from a simple rope swing example. In the analysis of a person hanging on to a rope swing, a person feels their weight, which pulls towards the surface of the earth, and the tension from the rope, which pulls towards the pivot point of the swing. At the bottom of the swing, the tightest grip is required because the tension of the rope is exactly equal and opposite in magnitude to their weight. Accordingly, the kinetic energy of the person is at a maximum at the bottom of the swing, and thus, their velocity is the greatest. This sort of analysis can be applied to throwing a disc as well. First, however, the mechanics of disc throwing has to be understood.
    When throwing a disc, you are (i) imparting a force upon the disc over the time of your swing and (ii) applying a torque over the time of your wrist's flick. The Impulse-Momentum theorem tells us that the product of the magnitude of the force (torque) and the swing time (wrist flick time) gives the change in the linear momentum (angular momentum). This is how the swing generates the translational velocity or linear momentum. As the linear momentum is transferred from the torso through the arm and eventually the wrist and disc, the wrist can only keep tense for so long before being unable to remain tense. Once this point of exhaustion is reached, the wrist snaps and carries the momentum thus transferring whatever remaining momentum it can transfer into rotational motion on the disc. Now, why does the "mash grip" work so well?
    Depending on the arm speed, the optimal grip strength will vary. Just like the rope swing, at the peak of the throw the disc will have the greatest kinetic energy. So, if the disc is released or slips out of the hand at the correct time, then it will result in it having the maximum kinetic energy. Thus, "mashing" on the disc results in farther throws. However, this is only true at higher speeds. If you cannot generate enough linear momentum in your swing, then you won't release the disc at the proper time, thus resulting in worse disc speed and rotation. This is why the loose grip works so well for people will lower arm speeds. They can release the disc at a better time for transferring the energy.
    With all of this said, it's only a rough analysis. The biomechanics of throwing a disc is more complicated than what I have said. In fact, it's very much so just my own hypothesis and should be tested rigorously to see where it fails and where it holds to be true (if it holds true at all). It would be interesting to see further experiments on the subject. I imagine that disc manufacturers know things that many of us average folk don't about the mechanics and flight of discs, as they are the ones that design them. Either way, I enjoyed the video and found it thought-provoking.

  • @Joah1990
    @Joah1990 Год назад +1

    I started focusing all my grip in my pointer finger, or the first two, or just the middle. Still trying to decide whats best for me. And im way more consistent now at getting my max distance. I tried all oose. I tried all tight... but for me it seems to be in the first two fingers. I heard my first snap today. Ad began beating my personal best by 10 ft consistently. 🤷‍♂️ im a pretty new player.

  • @gBaBeS7
    @gBaBeS7 Год назад

    Your content has improved my game by leaps and bounds. I'm constantly referring back to your videos for key tips. Keep it up guys.

  • @KyleJohns
    @KyleJohns Год назад +1

    this really scratched my nerd side. immediately bought a techdisc >.< lol. all for this type of content, very excited to see this journey

  • @ericfleet9602
    @ericfleet9602 Год назад +1

    Wait, disc golf, computers and math? I'm so excited...

  • @lexas1234
    @lexas1234 Год назад +1

    I threw longer when I increased pressure. Really helped me 🎉

  • @brianlmoon
    @brianlmoon Год назад +1

    I have large hands with a short pinky finger. So, a four finger power grip has never felt right. For years, I used a two finger grip for distance shots. With just two fingers, it can’t help but be front loaded. Last year, I felt I was losing a lot of accuracy with that grip. So I forced myself to use three fingers for any front loaded grip. Recently, after hearing that Aaron Gossage uses a two finger lower grip, I have gone back to the two finger for pure distance shots where accuracy is not as important, like a wide open field par 4 for example. I do really focus on a very tight grip. There are only two fingers and my thumb holding the disc. It has to be tight. This video would seem to be somewhat in line with my own experience.

  • @jameshillukka5375
    @jameshillukka5375 Год назад +1

    Overthrow X Slingshot would be the best thing for disc golf!

  • @joem8496
    @joem8496 Год назад +1

    This has been my dream. To get this info

    • @joem8496
      @joem8496 Год назад +1

      I tried using a video editing software but it was crazy inaccurate

  • @Travishayes91
    @Travishayes91 Год назад

    more data and science in disc golf is needed like this! bring it on

  • @chrisrhome6638
    @chrisrhome6638 Год назад +2

    Dude you're about to be the best player of all-time, after this nobody will ever get in your way. All you gotta do is not tell everyone else how to do it.

  • @ianirvingthorsonc
    @ianirvingthorsonc Год назад

    It's like the best documentary in years ❤❤❤

  • @ericfleet9602
    @ericfleet9602 Год назад

    520 is amazing! Congrats, Mike!

  • @ianirvingthorsonc
    @ianirvingthorsonc Год назад +1

    I might be wrong or wrongish...i like to focus on spin revolutions....i tell my guys that in theory, a 5 speed disc has to go at 50 revs/second (made up number but there should probably be something proportional if actually tested)...and a 12 speed disc at 120 revs/second...if i can make something spin like a drone, it would spin and float in front of me...then with a simple breath i could direct it towards tha basket....maybe im love for a BBQ between you, discgolf strong, stokely, spin Dr, and myself(and others i probably dont know)... I'd learn so much and the conversations would go on for days🤯🙈🤞🏽🥏🥏🥏some day🌞🔥🌈🌝

  • @rood5681
    @rood5681 Год назад

    YESSSS A VIDEO ON DATA. I love this shit. Keep em coming and congrats on the absolute bomb.

  • @nothingnamed9815
    @nothingnamed9815 Год назад

    V excited for this series! Keep all all the fantastic work folks! Wonderfully edited, informative, and entertaining!

  • @add1cted2l3arning
    @add1cted2l3arning Год назад

    I haven’t been to your channel in a while. Love the weight loss transformation. Keep it up!

  • @OBWanLasTrueDon
    @OBWanLasTrueDon Год назад

    congrats mikey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooooooooooooooooo get it boiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @jjw6961
    @jjw6961 Год назад

    Very excited for this series. I feel like good data is what the sport needs to help demystify form.

  • @Lankybrit52
    @Lankybrit52 Год назад

    That was great. I always grip front loaded because that’s what I’ve seen in other videos. I’ll have to give tight gripping with all the fingers to see what happens.

  • @pisteville7797
    @pisteville7797 Год назад

    So much potential with that data. So many myths need to be busted. For example if ulnar deviation actually affects nose angle.

  • @dylanandrich1949
    @dylanandrich1949 Год назад

    Heck yeah cant wait for the grip vid... Congrats Mickey... Theres not many things that feel better than accomplishing a goal in disc golf.

  • @outer1m
    @outer1m Год назад

    Key part is that he had been out to the field 60 plus times since moving there, if you wanna throw far you have to put in the work

    @ERICWAGNERSLUCID Год назад +1

    Persistence is a factor you are overlooking. It took Mike “years.”, 498 is huge D.

  • @haroldandedg531
    @haroldandedg531 Год назад +1

    I don't use my pinky on the rim when I power grip, so it's three on the rim, wondering if it makes a difference in spin rate because I can hit 500 on a full power throw

  • @DnBGolf
    @DnBGolf Год назад +2

    I pre-ordered the Tosy discs hoping they'd be the new disc golf "launch monitor", but Tech Disc beat them to it, it seems. Awesome vid

  • @MrSTAYUP33
    @MrSTAYUP33 Год назад +1

    I've have been getting better distance in my 3rd full year with tighter grips, but its not just the grip, as much as me setting the disc either flat or slight hyzer, so the nose doesnt get up at all. When i loosen things up, it seems like i have a tendency to end up with the nose angle up. Even slightly up, as we know, is clearly bad for distance. Having that grip set and firm grip is very key for my turnover shots as well. I do think it could be a bit tough on the elbow but i think if the overall form, footwork, follow thru, etc is good, its not quite as tough. Ive put on 30-50 ft on my average throw this year

  • @thejasonblackburn
    @thejasonblackburn Год назад

    I really enjoyed this video. I love statistics and it's awesome to finally see some disc golf related nerdiness.

  • @jclark6153
    @jclark6153 Год назад

    You guys should do an all things equal comparison test with the data or throwing in doors into the net vs throwing out in the field. I’m curious if The differences in setting subconsciously changes how you throw

  • @swimmyJones
    @swimmyJones Год назад

    That 80's outro is sick. Now you just need like a street fighter style animation of someone throwing a disc 520ft

  • @miestrog.967
    @miestrog.967 Месяц назад

    That's awesome man! Congrats on over 500. I'm curious does the tech disc rolling around after bouncing out the net, does it effect numbers at all?

    • @OverthrowDiscGolf
      @OverthrowDiscGolf  Месяц назад

      They have updated it so much that any little bugs like that they got rid of. TechDisc is awesome

  • @osoblnco
    @osoblnco Год назад

    yall oughta take that wall down! sweet vid

  • @TheQuicksilver115
    @TheQuicksilver115 Год назад

    HYYYYPE LET'S GO! Love this for you, and for us 😁😁😁 can't wait for the next one!

  • @drkevns
    @drkevns Год назад +1

    Oh, THIS is bro science.

  • @cakenes
    @cakenes Год назад +1

    Could you please create a table for speed/distance with fixed rpm ?

  • @Ansachu
    @Ansachu Год назад

    You see.. that's why need to use the metric system. 498 human body parts is over 150 meters! That IS a nice round goal number.

  • @gilliamm.5732
    @gilliamm.5732 Год назад

    Go Mikey! Congrats and nice work on digging into the analytics. This approach has changed/improved all sports. DG is overdue for this analysis.

  • @crabbyjimmy1
    @crabbyjimmy1 Год назад

    So now Josh needs lower floor cams with ultra slow shutter speeds to see different angle forms and what they produced with the PC disc.

  • @OBWanLasTrueDon
    @OBWanLasTrueDon Год назад

    add slot!!!! we love you guys ... ty ty mikey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @miniknast
    @miniknast 5 месяцев назад

    More data series !

  • @markhumphrey8894
    @markhumphrey8894 Год назад +1

    So funny how anhyzer Mikey's throw is. To me that would not be a very useful shot. You'd need a football or soccer field for a disc golf hole. I wouldn't care if I threw 600ft the way you do. It just would not be that accurate or useful on course I play. Gonna try to grip harder though. So thanks for that advice.
    Love the discoveries you guys make. Big fan of you guys. Keep it up!!

  • @allenhammitt5092
    @allenhammitt5092 Год назад

    This is exactly what i need to see. Great content

  • @joeillingworth1141
    @joeillingworth1141 Год назад

    It's about dimensionally locking while being loose. Strong pour but loose on the pads

  • @dalgrim
    @dalgrim Год назад +1

    Congrats on 500! I’m still trying to get 300 consistently…

  • @BIGBRY4
    @BIGBRY4 Год назад

    Well done Mikey!

  • @kelleyogletree3416
    @kelleyogletree3416 Год назад

    If Chris Pratt played disk golf!😂

  • @GaryBabcock
    @GaryBabcock Год назад

    I love how people are still working on the biomechanics of a proper throw.

  • @tylerpohler3271
    @tylerpohler3271 Год назад

    Josh, I think I have a good guess of what happened, when Mikey started gripping it as hard as he could, it translated to less surface area contact area on the disc at release. (I imagine that's probably what you mean by front loading the disc). So Mikey essentially decreased the amount of area of contact on the disc which increased the pressure at release which then translates to more spins or torsional force. So previously to him making this improvement, I feel like it's a good guess that Mikey must have been applying pressure somewhere else besides his thumb and index finger at release, which actually would decrease the pressure and thus the torsional force
    Alternatively, by Mikey, thinking about squeezing the disc as hard as he can, it could be freeing him up from putting his body into fight or flight, when I was working at a ball golf lab a couple years ago and clients wanted more distance we would have them swing close to Max power, the sensors at the lab could somehow detect when they would go into flight or flight during a swing, so after say three or four weeks of trying to swing at 122 mph, the client would very rarely go into fight or flight anymore, it's probably why when drew was asked, how did you learn to throw it so far? And he replied " I just tried to rip putters as hard as I could for years" or something along those lines, I don't know what the metric will indicate the best likeliness for more distance but I can tell you that for ball golf all of the long distance drive champions just go after club head speed day in and day out

  • @Mellowyellow8888
    @Mellowyellow8888 Год назад

    They need to make one of these discs for ultimate frisbee..

  • @BillFromAZ
    @BillFromAZ Год назад +1

    Would be nice to see the difference (mashed grip to loose grip) with a walk-up vice a run-up.

  • @williamcharbonneau7630
    @williamcharbonneau7630 Год назад

    16:29 you can see the sheer excitement on Josh’s face talking about the next steps for the data series.
    I love seeing more science and data being put into the sport because thats how my mind works, and I’m excited to follow along the journey every step of the way.
    This channel has been monumental in helping me fix my years of bad form and I can’t thank you all enough for putting out such amazing videos!

  • @thebr0wnhornet
    @thebr0wnhornet Год назад +1

    This will be an interesting watch. I’ve struggled to get the nose down and I think it’s a grip thing. There was a day I was trying a bunch of things that I finally got that flight where you can only see the rim and I sent a crave 340ft when I normally get 260-280. Tried the same thing next round and I was back to nose up 275😢. Now I think I need to go back to that but experimenting with thumb pressure and which fingers are doing the most squeezing. If this is the fix I will buy one of y’all’s discs as a thank you for sure

  • @ianirvingthorsonc
    @ianirvingthorsonc Год назад

    Enjoy your new perspective of life Mikey❤❤❤

  • @CatchMeOutside361
    @CatchMeOutside361 Год назад

    I’m wanna try this but I’m not sure my wrist is disciplined enough. I know when I used to grip really tight I would always turn the disc over almost immediately or just go into a straight grip lock.
    I’ve only been play 10 months. The technique and discipline are what separate the good players and the great players.

  • @discgolfwes
    @discgolfwes Год назад +1

    This was great!

  • @nyqpi33
    @nyqpi33 Год назад

    Awesome! Congrats mikey! Just love technology!

  • @benharrison5816
    @benharrison5816 Год назад

    That looks like an amazing tool. I got young kids so I have very little time to practice. A home simulator setup would be cool, and fun!

  • @erikdjr
    @erikdjr Год назад

    In the discmania shorts where Eagle briefly explains the backhand he says that he puts about 75% pressure/grip strength.

  • @teenor1823
    @teenor1823 Год назад

    I stopped by the innova pro shop and hit the speed gun for like 20 minutes trying to break 70. I couldn't throw for 3 days afterwards. I was so sore! Everyone should be careful when maxing speed repeatedly...I knew better and still did it 😂

  • @ReeRuns
    @ReeRuns Год назад

    This is great, I'm on board for the series

  • @CharlesJWillard
    @CharlesJWillard Месяц назад

    I'm a retired analytical chemist. What you can't measure, you can't improve.

  • @leosantana311
    @leosantana311 Год назад

    Congrats man! Well done you!!!!

  • @frankcowan6625
    @frankcowan6625 Год назад

    YoU are LEGEND!