''Good'' means to do no harm to others nor to oneself. To the ego centric, 'good' means to fulfil one's personal desires with little to no regard for the welfare of others. To those who feel alignment with their heart, 'good' means to treat others as you, yourself, would wish to be treated. In other words, following the ''Golden Rule''. The former path (ego centricity) leads to a gnawing sense of bondage. The latter (alignment with one's heart) leads to liberation from bondage and eventual union with the supreme Reality (the Infinite Ocean of Unconditional Love, the origin of all life, e.g. God) one's own true nature. Neither path is easy, but the latter proves to be the best of all possible choices. 😶
If only. The more educated you are, the more entitled you can be to your snobbish tendencies in front of other people. And not actually becoming more self-aware. - A guy who's dropped the Medical University
Thank you for this reminder. It's reinforcing to the journey and the life I'm trying to change right now. I interpret this to be true in the hope or action of being kind to yourself, you'll have good boundaries and make good decisions. The people around you will not take advantage, because you will attract like minded people to your circle where there is healthy communication, and strong support amongst one another. That's just my thought on that. Nothing is perfect, but it can be resolved.
I’m in my midlife now. I grew up around a lot of elderly people, across the street from a cemetery. It doesn’t matter what society, or anyone around you thinks, what matters are the regrets you have as you take your last breath. Mine will be I wished I had loved and helped more. I waste time in ego, which is what this existence rewards, but it doesn’t fulfill and detracts from feeling alive and in moment.
I’m not worried about my regrets as I take my last breath. That will just be a moment in time. I’m more worried about making the correct decisions every hour of every day. I don’t care about my deathbed….but I hope I’m not in pain. Don’t dwell on the future, especially your own demise, rather use your inevitable end to live more fully each moment. And learn from, then dismiss the past (ie, don’t regret).
good take but this mindset also sounds like the mindset of a man who will allow a woman to use and abuse him to its absolute limit for his entire life just because all he wants is to have children, thus setting an unrealistic grossly iniquit standard for men from women as they are are heavily influenced by collectivism, propaganda and common behavioural patterns
Yup those people who preach karma wants others to do good so they benefit from others' kindness but they cunning and selfish to do the goodness themselves.
That may be their advice, and their motivation. But if that is your motivation, you really cannot claim to be good at all. Back in the day, the purest form of 'good' was to turn a stranger's headlights off in the grocery store parking lot to keep their battery from running down. It had all the elements necessary to qualify as good. There is risk, because opening a stranger's car door when they are not there could be easily misconstrued by witnesses as evil. It is a little invasive and may at first make you uncomfortable. After all it is not your problem. Why risk it? It is just asking for trouble and confrontation. If successful it is anonymous. You will never know the stranger and they will never know the good you did. They will just get into their car, start it up and drive away completely oblivious to what was done for them. They will never know you at all. To be able to do this, they have to have left their car door unlocked, an irresponsible act on their part that only you can use to their advantage. You have to be willing to do that. And of course you have to leave their possessions in the car unmolested. You cannot lock the car. They may not have their keys. The good you can do is therefore limited, and you have to accept that limitation. If you ever wonder if you are doing any good in the world, think about how your actions stack up against this simple act.
I have been # an idiot, I can't stop seeing........this person in pain could be me in pain without others to help me . I have failed mostly 🙃 because I didn't understand the importance of having limitations to protect ourselves from sadness 😔
By always giving people infinite chances to change, putting others wants or desires above one’s own, and forgiving all wrongs without judgment ultimately leaves that individual in a position of a victim or martyr because it actually allows all of those same people’s lives to continue without learning because they can continue to take advantage the “good” person. And this is what causes him to go insane, it is like as “if I’m good enough others will appreciate me, change, and we will all prosper.” Yet when this never happens no matter how hard one tries, then they are unable to cope with reality.
forgiving is different from being a victim.Cuz it's about accepting the fact that you also hurt people in your past and knowing that we all have bad sides and freeing yourself from the heaviness and it doesn't mean tolerating what they did.I can forgive and still not tolerate their bullsh*
the heck now i finally get it but its kinda late not gonna lie, well, the best time was the first time, the second best time to do something about it is after realizing, but the real best time is when you fully understand it, and how to counter the situation you are in, the only problem is that people do not see other paths due to many having the same perspective, and due to that he will probably go insane or hate everyone while trying everything to change his situation (im speaking about me)
@@G5trance well,it is..I don't force u to forgive,but just don't expect others to forgive you either if ever there comes a time that you will sometimes hurt others.no one's perfect
@ I would say that the contemporary means of establishing social status are stupid. Status based on character or something aside from “charisma” might not be as stupid…then again humans would just twist the meaning of whatever quality equates to status and make it stupid so, I guess status is stupid 😝 or maybe humans are just not smart? Idk
@@godwantsplastic for real though, I hate that redpill nonsense. None of those dudes are happy because all they do is chase status and date "hypergamus" women. Like seriously, not all women are hypergamus, just the ones redpillers go for. Like those women are just as unhappy...idk seems to me like money doesn't buy happiness. Coming from someone who grew up poor and has made money before, that shit changes people.
Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot” powerfully illustrates the struggles of being morally good in a flawed society, through the character of Prince Myshkin. His unwavering kindness highlights both the beauty and the burden of purity in a world driven by greed and selfishness.
Is it actually a "kindness" not to set boundaries on bad people though?? And is it a kindness to yourself to be used? A lot depends on how one defines the "self".
I tried to watch that movie but couldn’t tolerate how people treated that guy. Thank you for the video. I’ll read the book since my “MR Nice guy” era is over and it’s good to see how dangerous it is to be weak these days.. always has been.
That sounds brutal. I feel like the good guy sometimes, and it is true, when you are too nice you get made a doormat and walked over. Good analysis, enjoyed it. Kudos.
@@bigheadrhino I think being nice is a consequence of being good, or vice versa. Fighting, figuratively or literally, may make you the hero in a novel, but in reality you can really only fight someone in court or fistfight or war. If you're going to engage in an emotional fight over something, where you try and revolutionise somebody's opinion into getting something you are "fighting" for off them, they aren't really going to change because it is "right". Being "good", sometimes may resort in dirty tactics. I think in today's world that is why manipulation is so prevalent. Most people think they are doing what is good, even if it is subjectively evil in the minds of others, so when they use those sort of techniques of manipulation and others they might be doing what they believe is good, or right, but it is not necessarily nice. Good point though, it made me think about how I have used the two words interchangeably there. Ultimately, they should be used in conjunction in the way I described to make the point. The character in the novel was nice and was good and most subjective analyses of him would describe him as such.
@ I would say being nice is more about being polite out of a desire to avoid conflict. I think being good is to behave with good intentions based on moral principles, so I would still see them as seperate. I can see your point though so it kind of depends on your values. If you believe that infringing on other people’s values through what you maybconsider anform of manipulation is morally wrong then a non confrontational approach can have good intentions. I personally don’t believe that and I think some degree of manipulation is unavoidable when any kind of communication between people is involved, and even passivity is a form of manipulation because you are often being outwardly dishonest about your inward feelings to effect an outcome of not allowing the opposite person to potentially change based on your input. But from my perspective there is nothing wrong with that as long as your intentions are for the greater good. If being nice means being so polite that you knowingly allow a person to make a horrible mistake when you could have told them a painful truth, is that really being good? Also, you have to remember that you are also a person, so if you allow yourself to take harm by being too nice, would that not be just as bad as allowing another person to recieve harm by being too nice?
@@bigheadrhino A lot of good points there. This reminds me of a time I went to a new church. The pastor gave the most simple message that only a newcomer to church would understand. I had been going to other churches for years. When I was leaving, he talked to me and asked, "what did you think of that?" I told him, "I thought it was milky." If you know anything about the bible, calling something milky simply means it was for new Christians. He seemed flustered at my response and defensive, to paraphrase because I forget, he basically said that I tried really hard and I don't like your criticism. I responded "You asked me what I thought, so I told you." and then I left. The next week I went to that church again, i was subjected to the hardest message, like strong meat for mature Christians who were fully invested in bible study. The conversation resumed and I told him it wasn't milky. On week three, it was "surprisingly", church anniversary day. He prepared "The meat." It was the most delicious spit roasted roast beef I have probably ever tasted. Yet everybody avoided me and I stood there , the only one eating it. Why this is relevant is being nice and good doesn't mean being a pushover. The pastor was so used to people sucking up to him that the slightest hint of criticism affected his ego. I was still being nice and good and polite and all that at the same time. But honestly, if he is going to ask me what I think, i'm going to tell him. So yes, your point about politeness is true, but sometimes, conflict or offense is unavoidable, even in a church setting. My comments had moral principles, that being honesty, they weren't manipulative, at least I didn't intend them to be. And he wouldn't make a horrible mistake in the future about the depth of his messages because I told him as it is. I think sometimes that honesty is a tool, but also a weapon. I've seen clickbait from Jordan Peterson describe how your enemies will tell you the truth, which are areas in your life, your shortcomings, that need to be improved, which is why you need to love them. Your friends simply won't point it out, for politeness' sake, which is a shame in friendship. Filial relationships are even worse. Most men see women as sex objects. It's unfortunate, but that's the truth. But the men dance around the subject so she won't get offended. it's either lie to her or get dumped. And hormones in men will always kick in and the biology will cause them to pursue intimacy. and the dance continues. This too is a shame. You have a lot of good points and you are right, sometimes it is more complicated based on the situation and circumstances. I feel as though a lot of people are offended these days, so you have to give a persona of non-offense in order to attempt to avoid conflict. As far as the novel goes. the hero of the story is an exaggerated example of what would happen if somebody was too nice. That in itself is foolish, and i think simply the title of the novel and a well written blurb would delineate the inquiry and exploration of niceness and the consequential exploitation from such an attitude. It's sounds like a fable with a moral lesson, no matter how tragic, about that which can occur in real life when somebody's intentions are too pure, expounded from this fictitious example.
@@ay-tj7pj If you make a serious effort to learn and understand new things you can never be an idiot. You may never know everything in your lifetime but at least it prevents your from falling into the pit of stagnant knowledge that defines idiocy.
This may not be the best example and perhaps isn't what the other guy was trying to convey, but this is my interpretation. Imagine a parent bails their cruel kid out of jail, who lets say he punched an innocent old lady and mugged her. Lets also imagine that the father bails out his son knowing full well that he won't be able to have any influence on or control over whether or not his son will punch and mug an innocent old lady again. By showing mercy to the cruel son, the parent has potentially been cruel towards the merciful i.e innocent old lady, if the son decides to do the same thing again. @@khalidcabrero6204
The idea is, if a someone is cruel cruel to others/animals and you still show him mercy, - meaning that you are no better and will be cruel against the weak. Got to do like Geralt did in wither 3 trailer, illing monsters. On the other hand, Geralt was wrong, she was actually a monster who ate kids.
Having character and integrity without being a "pushover" is the path you must try to walk. Indulging in guilt as a result of insecurity will never end will, you'll be taken advantage of and if you're lucky can console yourself as a martyr.
@@PhiloNauticaa Thank you. I'm finding its quite the balancing act for harmony. But living in the sea, what fish have you chosen to be ? There's free will, choose to be part of the bait ball or the gannet spearing from above or the tuna pushing the ball to the surface. Life feeds on life, but the fish doesn't get to choose. You do ? you might ? or is it what your told to be? you may just be the sardine, not your fault, that's just life.
He's behavior is not rooted in kindness but fear, imo. Being kind and honest, doesn't necessitate to bend over for everyone, but it is fear that require such degree of complacency. You can be kind and honest and still disappoint or hurt people who want to take advantage of you. Kindness start with being kind to yourself. There's an old saying that "being kind to the wolf is being cruel to the sheep".
I like your analogies I'm an idiot as well. I'm starting to wear really thin these days.. I can't please the Christians Hindus Muslims Buddhist atheist. Wits end my friend.
I don't recall the author of the quote, but it's pretty accurate. "You can do more harm with an open hand than with the closed fist". You can destroy more lives (including yours) through goodness, charity and compassion than through greed, aggression and toxicity. Does this mean we should abandon goodness? No. It only means that all has its due time, due place, and one should be mindful of the consequences, for good intentions may well pave the road to hell.
@@damnablethiefI'll have to strongly disagree on that. Violence is still the ultimate destroyer. And our dark qualities still hold much more destructive power than the good qualities. This is like those people who say words hurt more than any physical action. Nonsense.
@aidanf7507 It's a quote from Kreia, the mentor/final boss of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. Basically, at one point the protagonist is asked for charity. The dialog choices are either: >"Give him money (-5 credits)" >"Threaten him" If you choose the former, he gets stabbed for the money you gave him by someone more capable. If you choose the latter, he goes and displaces the aggression onto someone else. No matter what you choose, someone gets stabbed. The whole point is to showcase the theme of KOTOR 2: considering nuance rather than uncompromisingly adhering to rigid moral codes. As for what, it has to do with the video, I think you just encountered an example of Dead Internet Theory in action. In case you haven't noticed, this whole comment section is filled with bots.
Very simplified embodiment of good. Are you helping greedy people by giving them what they want? No, you’re perpetuating their vice. Are you helping someone grow by immediately comforting them whenever they do something wrong? No, you’re robbing them of the wisdom that comes from consequence. This is unconscious, exoteric “good”.
I haven't read the idiot I vaguely remember reading The Brothers Karamazov many years ago and bringing impressed with the parts that bought hope in a sometimes hopeless world I can't help but suspect this assessment of The Idiot underestimates the great Dostoevsky
Give without expectation. Do good for love's sake. Do good for the sake of right. Do good but practise detachment from your desire to change someone or a positive lasting outcome. Try, try, try, even if you only achieve this stage for a moment, and summon all your courage and resources. If anything at all positive or loving results, that will be the reward. Steel yourself if there is absence of this. The likelihood is that the scales are perpetually unbalanced in favour of the latter state. So prepare for grief and disappointment when you give to someone. Keep strong, and when you cant be strong, I pray you are allowed rest and that enough courage and strength returns for you to endure again. To all good people, one day there will be happiness again, in another world far from this. I pray for the goodness to return to all, and for the innocents to receive help and be protected from the bad 🙏
In a nutshell, if you don't "get it " here you won't get it anywhere so stop with your spiritual platitudes . The function of life is to help you experience eternity right here and right now. Time must have a stop and and something real big is gonna get you, me and all of us real, real fast. Play Ball!
Being a good person isn’t bad in and of itself. It’s when you’re a good person to your detriment that it becomes bad. The problem and the art of this lies in identifying this situation when it occurs. In the worst case, you’ll diagnose the situation later than you should’ve, but the end result should be the same: it ends.
annnnd....thats where im at in my career right now. i believe its time for a change before im in the sanitarium suffering epilypse. ive been good for narcisstic asshats long enough.One in particular. no more.
This captures my sentiment perfectly. We can practice empathy for all in order to seek understanding and resolution, but this doesn't require us to take abuse ourselves or to enable perpetrators. This is important to me because victims of abuse are at a high risk of becoming abusers themselves, this makes empathy a powerful tool to break this tragic cycle if used properly. Jesus was kind of ahead of his time.
I have to say; ive been having a really bad day today with the outside world. Its genuinely one of them days where i could pull the trigger But having listened to this, ive realised that the bad ones always want all the attention, and it can make u feel like its the whole world But really theres plenty of other good ones around you but they are usually silent trying to ignore all the toxic people
Don't pull the trigger on yourself or anyone else Your life is a gift and it's an incredible universe we live in and sanity is when you're glad and grateful to be alive. It's not so much what happens to us that destroys us but rather how we react to life Two men in a prison looking through the small window. One saw bars the other saw stars
You are either good or bad. Don't confuse the weak and degenerate with the good, because without the good we would give way to people who only seek their own benefit without seeing the harm they cause to others. You who promote these things on RUclips are a danger to young people.@@PhiloNauticaa
There are many people in this world who devote their lives to caring for others. These are nearly always women who have been good wives and mothers and have shouldered the burden of caring for aged parents without getting anything in return. They more often than not get no reward and many become sick and die young because of all the stress.
So all the men who devoted their life to support and protect their family's are nothing? 😂 who fought wars? It's terrible to read comments like this as any1 with a brain can see it's hogwash bias usually from hate.
Great review, I read Dostoevsky when I was a teen and it impressed me so much I still somewhat fear to read it again, even if I wish to. There's true horror in those pages, at least for me.
Well stated. But many among us will shame you for thinking this. I lost a friend many years ago for several reasons, but one of the memorable foul-ups he committed was to say the "thought-terminating slogan" of "No Man is an Island" when discussing a political issue. If no man is an island, then that also means that every man is a slave to others.
One can be a good football player or a good salesman or a good musician or a good talker.That doesn't make them good ..my definition of a good person is one who gives from the heart without any expectations of recognition or reimbursement.
I learnt such valuable warnings from this book, because I deeply care about my fellow inner experiencers. Which has inspired so many people around me, but I've seen the cynical reactions too. The key lesson to *implement* is _Love from your strength, not from your weakness_ and fully embrace volatile Reality, not your (own/cultural) idealizations. We're all in this boat together for the Whole, not to live in unhealth-inducing pity for an ensemble of individuals. Analogy: Let a cell in your body live in service of the body, not devoted to feeding cancer. Kindness is better than goodness; grow genuine relaxed inner strength to do it wholesomely🍀
Thank you, that was amazing. So much food for thought. It has been a long time since I found anything so engaging. How often do you post your video’s? I’m just going to look at some of your older ones right now.
@@PhiloNauticaa I hope you continue, as I am hungry for much more of your content. I love how you take a book and take each character apart. There are so many ways to view life and the easy way you bring light to each character and their reasoning throws opinions wide open for the listener to take in to themselves. Thanks again.
"Good people" are only idiots when they forget who they are and get dissuaded by the lower energies of this so-called "real world." Even then, occasionally going through the school of hard knocks doesn't necessarily constitute an idiot the way I see it. Not perfect by any means and often times considered naive by the worldly wise but doing their best to stay true to themselves and continue evolving.
"Treat yourself as you would your own best friend " You can still be kind and good and have a good life Narcissists and malevolent people aren't helped by being allowed to play out their agendas "The glory of God is a human being fully alive." Somebody famous somewhere sometime said that😃
I can promise you 100%, you are much more likely to be valued, appreciated and respected if you're compltely selfish rather than selfless. Believe me, I've been on both spectrums and I've been taken for granted everytime I've been selfless compared to being selfish. I agree, that you should have some balance and focus on giving and taking (you can't receive without giving first either way usually) but you should ALWAYS put your own needs and interests FIRST. If you don't, you WILL be taken for granted and much less respected. It doesn't matter how far we have progressed in modern society, it's still a dog eat dog world like it has always been. We have just become much more clever in disgusing who we truly are and cover our tracks.
0:24 "I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law." - Rust Cohle
I think Fyodor Dostoevsky was a depressed idiot. A sad man indeed. I have lived 10 years longer than him and I have never been more happier in my life now despite suffering a major tragedy in my life 2 years ago and being a victim of horrendous physical and sexual abuse in my childhood years. I have always looked forward to every day of my life and I don't dwell on the negatives of life. You only live once.
Outstanding analysis. "Good" for one person is not the same as the "good" for another person. There is a Russian movie of the same name, on Star Media, on RUclips, in Russian with English subtitles. You can slow it down to play at 75% speed makes it much easier to read the subtitles. By the way, the Russian pronunciation is "Müshkin". The biggest problem I have with Dostoevsky is his pedaling of Christianity, in this case where he says that "without god, all things are possible", inferring that someone who does not have god can do whatever evil they care to do, but I find that contrary to reality, because when people think that they can be forgiven for the evil they do, or they believe that god commanded them to do evil, they are more likely to do evil. That is just my Agnostic POV, because I see people supporting some of the biggest war criminals on the planet simply because of their belief system. So, while I like Dostoevsky's work, I do not consider him to be as outstanding as other authors I have read, but noteworthy.
I been both super nice and a complete asshole to people, and everytime i was an asshole to people they either hated me or respected me. I take hate any day of the week as opposed to pity. At least I know they know, you can't fuck around with this guy
It is in my interests to be good if I can. I know it is in my interests, because I alone define my interests, and I so define them. But being good is not to my advantage. Advantage and interests are not the same thing at all. The curse is the ability to see beyond advantage to where true interests lie.
We are only briefly here, happiness is a treasure, That treasure won't be found from greed, selfishness, hate etc, Truth happiness is found in selfless service in this impermanent life,
Dostoevsky goes even further with his dichotomy of good being idiocy in the diatribe from his novel , The Brothers Karamazov, titled, "The Grand Inquisitor." We can easily see similarities between the Brothers Karamazov and the three main male characters from the Idiot.
Be kind,not stupid. Im not greedy but i wont let you steal from me. Im honest but i will lie if i have to. Im not violent but i will retaliate. Dont mistake my kindness for weakness.
I think you may have missed the point. This is satire. His contempt for modern (19th C. Russian aristocratic) society is dripping. We pay lip-service to Christian symbols & teachings, but how would we have actually treated a real Christ-like figure? (one of the Karamazov questions). Dostoyevsky is skewering the shallow, self-centered denizens who interpret Myshkin's goodness as idiocy. They are the real idiots. Or maybe you're actually making his point inadvertently?
Pretty true, i have never felt that Dostoevsky even relatively hinted at Myshkin being an actual idiot for being good. As you point out the name idiot comes from other people calling him that for being too good. I never viewed this book as for example notes from the underground where you can resonate with most of it into your own life etc Its more philosophical, like you said i think its its appearent that Myshkin's downfall is more like the consequence of the fallen world and maybe questions what is really acting good in this fallen world I feel most people who comment never even read the book just think they are overly kind probably did some favours didnt get the gratitude they felt like they deserved now they rant lol
Thanks for a thoughtful video. the person being depicted is more servile than good. But i feel one can be good and smart too. surely we can come across someone who is not fitting the extreme stereotypes made up in a story. Atleast i know quite a few who are both good and intelligent and definitely not crushed by life. "too good" sounds too good to be true anyway !😅 i agree that being good to evil or being good indiscriminately is no way to lead life safely.
The internal peace and better DNA will keep you in good health. If you are kind, many women get attracted you. Always set your boundaries, and have "good" friends.
"What is the greatest lie every created? What is the most vicious obscenity ever perpetrated on mankind? Slavery? The Holocaust? Dictatorship? No. It's the tool with which all that wickedness is built: altruism. Whenever anyone wants others to do their work, they call upon their altruism. Never mind your own needs, they say, think of the needs of... of whoever. The state. The poor. Of the army, of the king, of God! The list goes on and on. How many catastrophes were launched with the words "think of yourself"? It's the "king and country" crowd who light the torch of destruction. It is this great inversion, this ancient lie, which has chained humanity to an endless cycle of guilt and failure." - Andrew Ryan
No man is good. Only God is good. People are slaves to their ego, doing fake-good, fluffing up their own ego while in reality not truly caring about the other person. Only God is truly good and only through Him, some people will find and radiate His goodness, which is perfect Love and Truth.
Madness is trying to control that which you yourself cannot control and insanity is repeating these steps expecting a different outcome. The mad house can make you mad or it can make you curious. - The Fool
I just finished "Notes from Underground". The book has several other shorts also. I've read "White Nights", "Baklushkin's Story" and "Akulka's Husband". This is my introduction to Dostoyevsky. All of these stories are very dark. And seem to take the characters and the reader though the worst of human suffering and depravity. He is a great writer and even being translated from Russian(I presume) it still reads almost like poetry at times. But, I'm left feeling like I just watched "Eraserhead" after each story. Very disturbing.
I think the main problem is misunderstanding 'good'. Good is not about following anything society has to set up. And this may sound really radical at first hand. but society is aboiut interlocking intereets: its not ment to to do good things, its ment to figure out balance between parties that matter. Good people may have to surpass those structures to achieve things that make sense. Even topple them. However its good to note that its always better to have slow progress than revolution: sudden change also poses risks like you can see in French or Russian revolutions. Its more important to have some controlled change, than to have something that really takes everything to new level immediately: as much it appeals to everyone.
Core good is intelligent, ie when we deeply listen and understand the need without loss of self…external good develops out of fear and thus is loss of self, promoting bad harms us all, and allows dictators to take advantage of weak, lost and bad people and make them into evil people. That is the real idiot.
what you need to do is learn and accept what you are so you can become the who in society that you strive to be and not what others make it thus you have to know yourself to truly know the beast and once you do you will have a certain insight to the nature of the beast. and everybody's that beast. hey you have to learn to recognize the things you need to two have a good intuition on things that you need to be very aware obnoxious things around you but yourself and most people lacking the awareness
I grew up in the church, I was taught to be a good person, I did my very best to be do, I ended up the idiot that could be dependent on and my mother always begging to send her more, at the end of the day, nobody in my family respected me.
Being good is a decision after all the bad things you went through. I've been there, I could turn into a beast, but I refuse to do so, because I know just how fragile life really is and how quickly can end. When you reach that, you have evolved into a being that shows respect towards other living beings. Maybe this is a completely wrong mentality from nature's perspective, but then I ask myself, why was I created?
That's because no truly good person has the need to tell everyone that they're "good", just like no intelligent man or woman brags about their intellect. They just are and you never ever choose who you truly are in this world. That's why we all wear a mask in society to hide our true colors and it's inescapable. We all live a lie whether we like it or not and just have to make the best out of it.
@@True38 Can't say I agree with the latter part. That's not a lie. Our true colors are either good or evil depending on the person and how they develop.
define “good” in this upside down society
@@jaysantos11 I would love my viewers to share their thoughts on this.
''Good'' means to do no harm to others nor to oneself. To the ego centric, 'good' means to fulfil one's personal desires with little to no regard for the welfare of others. To those who feel alignment with their heart, 'good' means to treat others as you, yourself, would wish to be treated. In other words, following the ''Golden Rule''. The former path (ego centricity) leads to a gnawing sense of bondage. The latter (alignment with one's heart) leads to liberation
from bondage and eventual union with the supreme Reality (the Infinite Ocean of Unconditional Love, the origin of all life, e.g. God) one's own true nature. Neither path is easy, but the latter proves to be the best of all possible choices. 😶
The best anyone can do is learn the truth and teach it to others. That's basically what the Buddha said and I agree.
Virtue by nature is pure. You are looking for a definition of what makes human natrure good or not. What a pragmatic person chooses is the tell.
GOD. A hero, an angel. A person or group who watches over and protects the "idiots".
“Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty.”
― Mark Twain
That’s quite a brilliant quote,
Or to brilliant clarity
If only. The more educated you are, the more entitled you can be to your snobbish tendencies in front of other people. And not actually becoming more self-aware. - A guy who's dropped the Medical University
I think that once educated you become more self-aware.
But then less educated people around you drag your own self-development.
You're describing education without wisdom, purely information acquisition, aka indoctrination
@@friedyzostas9998that's not education. the only kind of real education is self learning
Be harsh when the situation demands it.
A sane man in a insane world. Kindness and patience is it's own reward.
No one man is that good. So, may as well grow some teeth
The person you need to be kind to is yourself.
No, being kind to people is good as long as you don't become a doormat.
@ how kind, lol
Thank you for this reminder. It's reinforcing to the journey and the life I'm trying to change right now. I interpret this to be true in the hope or action of being kind to yourself, you'll have good boundaries and make good decisions. The people around you will not take advantage, because you will attract like minded people to your circle where there is healthy communication, and strong support amongst one another. That's just my thought on that. Nothing is perfect, but it can be resolved.
@@channyh639 Well unpacked and best wishes on your journey.
I’m in my midlife now. I grew up around a lot of elderly people, across the street from a cemetery. It doesn’t matter what society, or anyone around you thinks, what matters are the regrets you have as you take your last breath. Mine will be I wished I had loved and helped more. I waste time in ego, which is what this existence rewards, but it doesn’t fulfill and detracts from feeling alive and in moment.
you are wise for your age. USA is living in the age of the egoist - the sociopathic egoist. It always ends badly and not just for the sociopaths.
I’m not worried about my regrets as I take my last breath. That will just be a moment in time. I’m more worried about making the correct decisions every hour of every day. I don’t care about my deathbed….but I hope I’m not in pain. Don’t dwell on the future, especially your own demise, rather use your inevitable end to live more fully each moment. And learn from, then dismiss the past (ie, don’t regret).
Bro sounds like he just looks at his across the street and puts on his philosopher cap
good take but this mindset also sounds like the mindset of a man who will allow a woman to use and abuse him to its absolute limit for his entire life just because all he wants is to have children, thus setting an unrealistic grossly iniquit standard for men from women as they are are heavily influenced by collectivism, propaganda and common behavioural patterns
Are you 25??
You can be a good person but always stand up for yourself because if you don't people will perceive you as weak .
Some people will advise you to be a "good" person because they want to make sure you do not become a threat to their own position of power.
Yup those people who preach karma wants others to do good so they benefit from others' kindness but they cunning and selfish to do the goodness themselves.
@@GuacamoleyNacho Those bastards.
Tells everyone donuts are bad for you, turns around and eats the donuts because everyone listened to him and now there is no competition 😂
Exactly right.
That may be their advice, and their motivation. But if that is your motivation, you really cannot claim to be good at all. Back in the day, the purest form of 'good' was to turn a stranger's headlights off in the grocery store parking lot to keep their battery from running down. It had all the elements necessary to qualify as good. There is risk, because opening a stranger's car door when they are not there could be easily misconstrued by witnesses as evil. It is a little invasive and may at first make you uncomfortable. After all it is not your problem. Why risk it? It is just asking for trouble and confrontation. If successful it is anonymous. You will never know the stranger and they will never know the good you did. They will just get into their car, start it up and drive away completely oblivious to what was done for them. They will never know you at all. To be able to do this, they have to have left their car door unlocked, an irresponsible act on their part that only you can use to their advantage. You have to be willing to do that. And of course you have to leave their possessions in the car unmolested. You cannot lock the car. They may not have their keys. The good you can do is therefore limited, and you have to accept that limitation. If you ever wonder if you are doing any good in the world, think about how your actions stack up against this simple act.
Sometimes we cannot help but be idiots for the sake of helping others less fortunate than ourselves.
I have been # an idiot, I can't stop seeing........this person in pain could be me in pain without others to help me .
I have failed mostly 🙃 because I didn't understand the importance of having limitations to protect ourselves from sadness 😔
And on occasions also helping those more fortunate.
@@kimsherlock8969I know.😢
I agree.
By always giving people infinite chances to change, putting others wants or desires above one’s own, and forgiving all wrongs without judgment ultimately leaves that individual in a position of a victim or martyr because it actually allows all of those same people’s lives to continue without learning because they can continue to take advantage the “good” person. And this is what causes him to go insane, it is like as “if I’m good enough others will appreciate me, change, and we will all prosper.” Yet when this never happens no matter how hard one tries, then they are unable to cope with reality.
forgiving is different from being a victim.Cuz it's about accepting the fact that you also hurt people in your past and knowing that we all have bad sides and freeing yourself from the heaviness and it doesn't mean tolerating what they did.I can forgive and still not tolerate their bullsh*
the heck now i finally get it but its kinda late not gonna lie, well, the best time was the first time, the second best time to do something about it is after realizing, but the real best time is when you fully understand it, and how to counter the situation you are in, the only problem is that people do not see other paths due to many having the same perspective, and due to that he will probably go insane or hate everyone while trying everything to change his situation (im speaking about me)
@@Amber-yu2ph No
Hell is our reality
@@G5trance well,it is..I don't force u to forgive,but just don't expect others to forgive you either if ever there comes a time that you will sometimes hurt others.no one's perfect
My take away from the book was that everyone engaged in the status game are the idiots.
Or, they are so pessimistic to realize the status/power game is the only game left that is worth playing.
Social status is stupid
@ I would say that the contemporary means of establishing social status are stupid. Status based on character or something aside from “charisma” might not be as stupid…then again humans would just twist the meaning of whatever quality equates to status and make it stupid so, I guess status is stupid 😝 or maybe humans are just not smart? Idk
@@godwantsplastic for real though, I hate that redpill nonsense. None of those dudes are happy because all they do is chase status and date "hypergamus" women. Like seriously, not all women are hypergamus, just the ones redpillers go for. Like those women are just as unhappy...idk seems to me like money doesn't buy happiness. Coming from someone who grew up poor and has made money before, that shit changes people.
Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot” powerfully illustrates the struggles of being morally good in a flawed society, through the character of Prince Myshkin. His unwavering kindness highlights both the beauty and the burden of purity in a world driven by greed and selfishness.
Is it actually a "kindness" not to set boundaries on bad people though?? And is it a kindness to yourself to be used? A lot depends on how one defines the "self".
@nsbd90now hence the struggle.
I tried to watch that movie but couldn’t tolerate how people treated that guy. Thank you for the video. I’ll read the book since my “MR Nice guy” era is over and it’s good to see how dangerous it is to be weak these days.. always has been.
a good person is not like Mishkin, is like Marcus Aurelius that is the ispiration for a good person, aware of evil and capable of good.
Capable of evil as well but chosing not to
Life is just absurd.
You are a Camus fan?
@@rickjones1277 Indeed
@@rickjones1277He makes eminent sense though, doesn't he?
Or we are not enough educated to understand it
"There is no way out of here. It will be dark soon. There is no way out of here."
Art work is fantastic. Thanks.
Thank you! Cheers!
Theres nothing wrong with being a good person. As long as you are assertive with it and not a doormat.
That sounds brutal. I feel like the good guy sometimes, and it is true, when you are too nice you get made a doormat and walked over. Good analysis, enjoyed it. Kudos.
Keep supporting jimmy!
Being good and being the “nice guy” are two different things though. Sometimes being good means putting your foot down or fighting for what’s right.
@@bigheadrhino I think being nice is a consequence of being good, or vice versa. Fighting, figuratively or literally, may make you the hero in a novel, but in reality you can really only fight someone in court or fistfight or war. If you're going to engage in an emotional fight over something, where you try and revolutionise somebody's opinion into getting something you are "fighting" for off them, they aren't really going to change because it is "right". Being "good", sometimes may resort in dirty tactics. I think in today's world that is why manipulation is so prevalent. Most people think they are doing what is good, even if it is subjectively evil in the minds of others, so when they use those sort of techniques of manipulation and others they might be doing what they believe is good, or right, but it is not necessarily nice. Good point though, it made me think about how I have used the two words interchangeably there. Ultimately, they should be used in conjunction in the way I described to make the point. The character in the novel was nice and was good and most subjective analyses of him would describe him as such.
@ I would say being nice is more about being polite out of a desire to avoid conflict. I think being good is to behave with good intentions based on moral principles, so I would still see them as seperate. I can see your point though so it kind of depends on your values. If you believe that infringing on other people’s values through what you maybconsider anform of manipulation is morally wrong then a non confrontational approach can have good intentions. I personally don’t believe that and I think some degree of manipulation is unavoidable when any kind of communication between people is involved, and even passivity is a form of manipulation because you are often being outwardly dishonest about your inward feelings to effect an outcome of not allowing the opposite person to potentially change based on your input. But from my perspective there is nothing wrong with that as long as your intentions are for the greater good.
If being nice means being so polite that you knowingly allow a person to make a horrible mistake when you could have told them a painful truth, is that really being good?
Also, you have to remember that you are also a person, so if you allow yourself to take harm by being too nice, would that not be just as bad as allowing another person to recieve harm by being too nice?
@@bigheadrhino A lot of good points there. This reminds me of a time I went to a new church. The pastor gave the most simple message that only a newcomer to church would understand. I had been going to other churches for years. When I was leaving, he talked to me and asked, "what did you think of that?" I told him, "I thought it was milky." If you know anything about the bible, calling something milky simply means it was for new Christians. He seemed flustered at my response and defensive, to paraphrase because I forget, he basically said that I tried really hard and I don't like your criticism. I responded "You asked me what I thought, so I told you." and then I left. The next week I went to that church again, i was subjected to the hardest message, like strong meat for mature Christians who were fully invested in bible study. The conversation resumed and I told him it wasn't milky. On week three, it was "surprisingly", church anniversary day. He prepared "The meat." It was the most delicious spit roasted roast beef I have probably ever tasted. Yet everybody avoided me and I stood there , the only one eating it.
Why this is relevant is being nice and good doesn't mean being a pushover. The pastor was so used to people sucking up to him that the slightest hint of criticism affected his ego. I was still being nice and good and polite and all that at the same time. But honestly, if he is going to ask me what I think, i'm going to tell him. So yes, your point about politeness is true, but sometimes, conflict or offense is unavoidable, even in a church setting. My comments had moral principles, that being honesty, they weren't manipulative, at least I didn't intend them to be. And he wouldn't make a horrible mistake in the future about the depth of his messages because I told him as it is.
I think sometimes that honesty is a tool, but also a weapon. I've seen clickbait from Jordan Peterson describe how your enemies will tell you the truth, which are areas in your life, your shortcomings, that need to be improved, which is why you need to love them. Your friends simply won't point it out, for politeness' sake, which is a shame in friendship.
Filial relationships are even worse. Most men see women as sex objects. It's unfortunate, but that's the truth. But the men dance around the subject so she won't get offended. it's either lie to her or get dumped. And hormones in men will always kick in and the biology will cause them to pursue intimacy. and the dance continues. This too is a shame.
You have a lot of good points and you are right, sometimes it is more complicated based on the situation and circumstances. I feel as though a lot of people are offended these days, so you have to give a persona of non-offense in order to attempt to avoid conflict.
As far as the novel goes. the hero of the story is an exaggerated example of what would happen if somebody was too nice. That in itself is foolish, and i think simply the title of the novel and a well written blurb would delineate the inquiry and exploration of niceness and the consequential exploitation from such an attitude. It's sounds like a fable with a moral lesson, no matter how tragic, about that which can occur in real life when somebody's intentions are too pure, expounded from this fictitious example.
Sadly, when you are TOO pious and upright, it can hurt others.
And, as you state, when you are too nice, you hurt yourself and your family.
Pathological altruism, winning...NOOOOOO!
Pathological altruism is a perfect term for it@@Torgo1969. Bravo. I wish I coined it...
@@AustinB.3322nice isn't necessarily synonymous with good
@@Torgo1969is that a Terrence Pop reference?! 😅
You gotta be good to yourself too. Lots of 'good' people forget that, but man is it important.
Being a sycophants doesn't make you a good person. Pleasing people makes you less of a man.
Note: Often, the arrogance of good people fails them. Good people are idiots, only insofar as they fail to recognize the possibilities of evil.
Plot twist: we're all idiots
Everyone is an idiot. Nobody is perfect in this world.
And whose trying to be right? you'd be an "idiot" if you did
@@ay-tj7pj If you make a serious effort to learn and understand new things you can never be an idiot. You may never know everything in your lifetime but at least it prevents your from falling into the pit of stagnant knowledge that defines idiocy.
He who shows mercy to the cruel will end up being cruel to the merciful
That doesn't make any sense.
This may not be the best example and perhaps isn't what the other guy was trying to convey, but this is my interpretation.
Imagine a parent bails their cruel kid out of jail, who lets say he punched an innocent old lady and mugged her. Lets also imagine that the father bails out his son knowing full well that he won't be able to have any influence on or control over whether or not his son will punch and mug an innocent old lady again. By showing mercy to the cruel son, the parent has potentially been cruel towards the merciful i.e innocent old lady, if the son decides to do the same thing again.
Are u an idiot? It means if u let criminals do what they want the law abiding innocent ones will suffer who cant protect themselves.
@@stephencapellan2312that's perfect explanation ❤
The idea is, if a someone is cruel cruel to others/animals and you still show him mercy, - meaning that you are no better and will be cruel against the weak. Got to do like Geralt did in wither 3 trailer, illing monsters. On the other hand, Geralt was wrong, she was actually a monster who ate kids.
Thank you for your well crafted presentation providing a good introduction to this classic work..
You're very welcome!
Having character and integrity without being a "pushover" is the path you must try to walk. Indulging in guilt as a result of insecurity will never end will, you'll be taken advantage of and if you're lucky can console yourself as a martyr.
I'm that guy, I'm there now, and I get all of them, I am all of them. Thanks for putting that on the table for me, I needed that. 👍
Take care
@@PhiloNauticaa Thank you. I'm finding its quite the balancing act for harmony. But living in the sea, what fish have you chosen to be ? There's free will, choose to be part of the bait ball or the gannet spearing from above or the tuna pushing the ball to the surface. Life feeds on life, but the fish doesn't get to choose. You do ? you might ? or is it what your told to be? you may just be the sardine, not your fault, that's just life.
He's behavior is not rooted in kindness but fear, imo. Being kind and honest, doesn't necessitate to bend over for everyone, but it is fear that require such degree of complacency. You can be kind and honest and still disappoint or hurt people who want to take advantage of you. Kindness start with being kind to yourself. There's an old saying that "being kind to the wolf is being cruel to the sheep".
I like your analogies I'm an idiot as well. I'm starting to wear really thin these days.. I can't please the Christians Hindus Muslims Buddhist atheist. Wits end my friend.
Kindness is a currency that needs to be earned before it can be spent. Handing out kindness before having earned it only leads to moral debt.
It could be said, as well, that you fear kindness and the exposure it implies and that´s why you rationalize the matter the way you do.
Everything has multiple perspectives. Nietzsche would say that one has to choose the perspective that enhances their life.
Wolf has to work for a living. Sheep have their food just growing out of the ground for them. I'm with the Wolf.
I don't recall the author of the quote, but it's pretty accurate.
"You can do more harm with an open hand than with the closed fist".
You can destroy more lives (including yours) through goodness, charity and compassion than through greed, aggression and toxicity.
Does this mean we should abandon goodness? No. It only means that all has its due time, due place, and one should be mindful of the consequences, for good intentions may well pave the road to hell.
True dat
@@damnablethiefI'll have to strongly disagree on that. Violence is still the ultimate destroyer. And our dark qualities still hold much more destructive power than the good qualities. This is like those people who say words hurt more than any physical action. Nonsense.
How is this accurate? I think it's the complete opposite
@aidanf7507 It's a quote from Kreia, the mentor/final boss of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II.
Basically, at one point the protagonist is asked for charity. The dialog choices are either:
>"Give him money (-5 credits)"
>"Threaten him"
If you choose the former, he gets stabbed for the money you gave him by someone more capable.
If you choose the latter, he goes and displaces the aggression onto someone else.
No matter what you choose, someone gets stabbed. The whole point is to showcase the theme of KOTOR 2: considering nuance rather than uncompromisingly adhering to rigid moral codes.
As for what, it has to do with the video, I think you just encountered an example of Dead Internet Theory in action. In case you haven't noticed, this whole comment section is filled with bots.
Not really. True goodness never destroys.
If something is destroyed, is because of the actions of others.
Very simplified embodiment of good. Are you helping greedy people by giving them what they want? No, you’re perpetuating their vice. Are you helping someone grow by immediately comforting them whenever they do something wrong? No, you’re robbing them of the wisdom that comes from consequence.
This is unconscious, exoteric “good”.
Thanks for making a summary so interesting. Nice art!
@@marisamartin3664 you're welcome
I haven't read the idiot
I vaguely remember reading The Brothers Karamazov many years ago and bringing impressed with the parts that bought hope in a sometimes hopeless world
I can't help but suspect this assessment of The Idiot underestimates the great Dostoevsky
This is amazing, thank you. You are awesome at what you do. Kudos.
Thank you, that's so sweet of you!
This classic book appears to show human nature in a highly accurate manner..
Give without expectation. Do good for love's sake. Do good for the sake of right. Do good but practise detachment from your desire to change someone or a positive lasting outcome. Try, try, try, even if you only achieve this stage for a moment, and summon all your courage and resources. If anything at all positive or loving results, that will be the reward. Steel yourself if there is absence of this. The likelihood is that the scales are perpetually unbalanced in favour of the latter state. So prepare for grief and disappointment when you give to someone. Keep strong, and when you cant be strong, I pray you are allowed rest and that enough courage and strength returns for you to endure again.
To all good people, one day there will be happiness again, in another world far from this. I pray for the goodness to return to all, and for the innocents to receive help and be protected from the bad 🙏
Great comment 😊
Well said 🙏
In a nutshell, if you don't "get it " here you won't get it anywhere so stop with your spiritual platitudes . The function of life is to help you experience eternity right here and right now. Time must have a stop and and something real big is gonna get you, me and all of us real, real fast. Play Ball!
Wise words
Being a good person isn’t bad in and of itself. It’s when you’re a good person to your detriment that it becomes bad. The problem and the art of this lies in identifying this situation when it occurs. In the worst case, you’ll diagnose the situation later than you should’ve, but the end result should be the same: it ends.
annnnd....thats where im at in my career right now. i believe its time for a change before im in the sanitarium suffering epilypse. ive been good for narcisstic asshats long enough.One in particular. no more.
Keep up the good work. You are going places
That's so nice of you, thank you!
Jesus said: "Be gentle as Doves & shrewd as serpents"
We all need to study the words of our Christ and drop all man-made doctrines of the modern Churches.
@@EriPagesChrist is a man made doctrine 😂
This captures my sentiment perfectly. We can practice empathy for all in order to seek understanding and resolution, but this doesn't require us to take abuse ourselves or to enable perpetrators. This is important to me because victims of abuse are at a high risk of becoming abusers themselves, this makes empathy a powerful tool to break this tragic cycle if used properly. Jesus was kind of ahead of his time.
Jesus was another problem with his goodness
@@janetwebb1507 Why quote mythology?
I have to say; ive been having a really bad day today with the outside world.
Its genuinely one of them days where i could pull the trigger
But having listened to this, ive realised that the bad ones always want all the attention, and it can make u feel like its the whole world
But really theres plenty of other good ones around you but they are usually silent trying to ignore all the toxic people
Don't pull the trigger on yourself or anyone else
Your life is a gift and it's an incredible universe we live in and sanity is when you're glad and grateful to be alive.
It's not so much what happens to us that destroys us but rather how we react to life
Two men in a prison looking through the small window. One saw bars the other saw stars
Goodness is not a curse. Arrogance and Corruption are evil traits.
Being too good is a curse
Theres no such thing as to good , you either do good or not @@PhiloNauticaa
Being too good = bad
You are either good or bad. Don't confuse the weak and degenerate with the good, because without the good we would give way to people who only seek their own benefit without seeing the harm they cause to others. You who promote these things on RUclips are a danger to young people.@@PhiloNauticaa
@@PhiloNauticaa Only if you don't believe in God!
Great artwork going on here
Thank you
There are many people in this world who devote their lives to caring for others. These are nearly always women who have been good wives and mothers and have shouldered the burden of caring for aged parents without getting anything in return. They more often than not get no reward and many become sick and die young because of all the stress.
So all the men who devoted their life to support and protect their family's are nothing? 😂 who fought wars? It's terrible to read comments like this as any1 with a brain can see it's hogwash bias usually from hate.
Oh man I have seen such a lot. It's really sad
Okay, and?
I'm a male carer. It's definitely not just women.
Great review, I read Dostoevsky when I was a teen and it impressed me so much I still somewhat fear to read it again, even if I wish to. There's true horror in those pages, at least for me.
Good People have boundaries, they don't help everyone nor even care about everyone,.
Well stated. But many among us will shame you for thinking this.
I lost a friend many years ago for several reasons, but one of the memorable foul-ups he committed was to say the "thought-terminating slogan" of "No Man is an Island" when discussing a political issue. If no man is an island, then that also means that every man is a slave to others.
One can be a good football player or a good salesman or a good musician or a good talker.That doesn't make them good ..my definition of a good person is one who gives from the heart without any expectations of recognition or reimbursement.
How is that bad?these RUclipsrs are weird with fake philosophy smh I feel sometimes it's an agenda smh to keep us soulless and stupid
The art is stunning! ❤
Thank you
I learnt such valuable warnings from this book, because I deeply care about my fellow inner experiencers. Which has inspired so many people around me, but I've seen the cynical reactions too. The key lesson to *implement* is _Love from your strength, not from your weakness_ and fully embrace volatile Reality, not your (own/cultural) idealizations.
We're all in this boat together for the Whole, not to live in unhealth-inducing pity for an ensemble of individuals. Analogy: Let a cell in your body live in service of the body, not devoted to feeding cancer. Kindness is better than goodness; grow genuine relaxed inner strength to do it wholesomely🍀
I don't think it is good to just put yourself a lesser than others. It is a good still to know when to say "no".
Thank you....
So nice of you
"kindness and civility should be disregarded as useless". But don't be a jerk or a sucker.
This is an amazing video. I never heard if this guy. I will subscribe. Thanks
Welcome aboard!
Thank you, that was amazing. So much food for thought. It has been a long time since I found anything so engaging. How often do you post your video’s? I’m just going to look at some of your older ones right now.
You're welcome. It's been 2-3 months, I started posting here!
@@PhiloNauticaa I hope you continue, as I am hungry for much more of your content. I love how you take a book and take each character apart. There are so many ways to view life and the easy way you bring light to each character and their reasoning throws opinions wide open for the listener to take in to themselves. Thanks again.
It's the plan, keep posting more!
Amazing illustrations very real 👏 😊
Thank you! Cheers!
People don’t always feel the way you want them to feel. When you want them to feel that way.
"Good people" are only idiots when they forget who they are and get dissuaded by the lower energies of this so-called "real world." Even then, occasionally going through the school of hard knocks doesn't necessarily constitute an idiot the way I see it. Not perfect by any means and often times considered naive by the worldly wise but doing their best to stay true to themselves and continue evolving.
People are mostly not suffering.
The truly conscious are aware of both joy and suffering
Thank You❤
You're welcome 😊
Those paintings are beautiful masterpieces!
Thank you
Being a dumbass who is taken advantage of and being good and kind are not the same thing
That's what I'm saying. Being too good is dumb
Being good is not the same as being stupid. This is just purely dumb😂 not really about being good.
@@girly2go Live and learn, though.
That is how narcissists think about good people
"Treat yourself as you would your own best friend "
You can still be kind and good and have a good life
Narcissists and malevolent people aren't helped by being allowed to play out their agendas
"The glory of God is a human being fully alive."
Somebody famous somewhere sometime said that😃
I can agree to being too nice is a curse. Dam I'm 26 and I thought being selfless was right but everyone needs balance.
I can promise you 100%, you are much more likely to be valued, appreciated and respected if you're compltely selfish rather than selfless. Believe me, I've been on both spectrums and I've been taken for granted everytime I've been selfless compared to being selfish. I agree, that you should have some balance and focus on giving and taking (you can't receive without giving first either way usually) but you should ALWAYS put your own needs and interests FIRST. If you don't, you WILL be taken for granted and much less respected. It doesn't matter how far we have progressed in modern society, it's still a dog eat dog world like it has always been. We have just become much more clever in disgusing who we truly are and cover our tracks.
0:24 "I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law." - Rust Cohle
One of my heros
That's a good thing no? Natural law sucks.
But we do, and there is a reason 😊
There's a Difference between Good and Stupid.
The worst is a stupid and naive person with a good heart.
Boom, someone gets it.
I think Fyodor Dostoevsky was a depressed idiot. A sad man indeed. I have lived 10 years longer than him and I have never been more happier in my life now despite suffering a major tragedy in my life 2 years ago and being a victim of horrendous physical and sexual abuse in my childhood years. I have always looked forward to every day of my life and I don't dwell on the negatives of life. You only live once.
Outstanding analysis. "Good" for one person is not the same as the "good" for another person. There is a Russian movie of the same name, on Star Media, on RUclips, in Russian with English subtitles. You can slow it down to play at 75% speed makes it much easier to read the subtitles. By the way, the Russian pronunciation is "Müshkin". The biggest problem I have with Dostoevsky is his pedaling of Christianity, in this case where he says that "without god, all things are possible", inferring that someone who does not have god can do whatever evil they care to do, but I find that contrary to reality, because when people think that they can be forgiven for the evil they do, or they believe that god commanded them to do evil, they are more likely to do evil. That is just my Agnostic POV, because I see people supporting some of the biggest war criminals on the planet simply because of their belief system. So, while I like Dostoevsky's work, I do not consider him to be as outstanding as other authors I have read, but noteworthy.
I been both super nice and a complete asshole to people, and everytime i was an asshole to people they either hated me or respected me. I take hate any day of the week as opposed to pity. At least I know they know, you can't fuck around with this guy
I had similar experiences
It is in my interests to be good if I can. I know it is in my interests, because I alone define my interests, and I so define them. But being good is not to my advantage. Advantage and interests are not the same thing at all. The curse is the ability to see beyond advantage to where true interests lie.
We are only briefly here,
happiness is a treasure,
That treasure won't be found from greed, selfishness, hate etc,
Truth happiness is found in selfless service in this impermanent life,
“The path to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Dostoevsky goes even further with his dichotomy of good being idiocy in the diatribe from his novel , The Brothers Karamazov, titled, "The Grand Inquisitor." We can easily see similarities between the Brothers Karamazov and the three main male characters from the Idiot.
_This story seems like a huge part of Travis Hunter’s life story._ 😂
Unaliving oneself only causes more pain for those left behind.
Morality starts with self preservation and wellbeing.
Nice story 👌
Thank you so much
Be kind,not stupid. Im not greedy but i wont let you steal from me. Im honest but i will lie if i have to. Im not violent but i will retaliate. Dont mistake my kindness for weakness.
I think you may have missed the point. This is satire. His contempt for modern (19th C. Russian aristocratic) society is dripping. We pay lip-service to Christian symbols & teachings, but how would we have actually treated a real Christ-like figure? (one of the Karamazov questions). Dostoyevsky is skewering the shallow, self-centered denizens who interpret Myshkin's goodness as idiocy. They are the real idiots. Or maybe you're actually making his point inadvertently?
Pretty true, i have never felt that Dostoevsky even relatively hinted at Myshkin being an actual idiot for being good. As you point out the name idiot comes from other people calling him that for being too good. I never viewed this book as for example notes from the underground where you can resonate with most of it into your own life etc Its more philosophical, like you said i think its its appearent that Myshkin's downfall is more like the consequence of the fallen world and maybe questions what is really acting good in this fallen world
I feel most people who comment never even read the book just think they are overly kind probably did some favours didnt get the gratitude they felt like they deserved now they rant lol
Thanks for a thoughtful video. the person being depicted is more servile than good. But i feel one can be good and smart too. surely we can come across someone who is not fitting the extreme stereotypes made up in a story. Atleast i know quite a few who are both good and intelligent and definitely not crushed by life. "too good" sounds too good to be true anyway !😅 i agree that being good to evil or being good indiscriminately is no way to lead life safely.
@@monkmaxims7951 well said!
This totally applies to me. I almost always had to pay a heavy price for being good.
The internal peace and better DNA will keep you in good health. If you are kind, many women get attracted you. Always set your boundaries, and have "good" friends.
'A sucker is born every day.'
Every minute
I am Myshkin...I however, have realised the error of my ways and retreated from society. Wish this book was on my school reading list.😢
Excellent! Thank you
You are welcome!
There is nothing good about putting others well being consistently above your own. That is altruism and evil.
Please don't have have children.
"What is the greatest lie every created? What is the most vicious obscenity ever perpetrated on mankind? Slavery? The Holocaust? Dictatorship? No. It's the tool with which all that wickedness is built: altruism. Whenever anyone wants others to do their work, they call upon their altruism. Never mind your own needs, they say, think of the needs of... of whoever. The state. The poor. Of the army, of the king, of God! The list goes on and on. How many catastrophes were launched with the words "think of yourself"? It's the "king and country" crowd who light the torch of destruction. It is this great inversion, this ancient lie, which has chained humanity to an endless cycle of guilt and failure." - Andrew Ryan
No man is good. Only God is good.
People are slaves to their ego, doing fake-good, fluffing up their own ego while in reality not truly caring about the other person.
Only God is truly good and only through Him, some people will find and radiate His goodness, which is perfect Love and Truth.
Beware of the people who love an abstraction, like a made up god, over the real people round them.
I disagree.
I believe in the goodness of mankind.
Many thanks!
You can be good if you’re also feared.
Madness is trying to control that which you yourself cannot control and insanity is repeating these steps expecting a different outcome. The mad house can make you mad or it can make you curious.
- The Fool
It was the book of his that I was the least looking forward to reading and turned out to be my favorite.
I just finished "Notes from Underground". The book has several other shorts also. I've read "White Nights", "Baklushkin's Story" and "Akulka's Husband". This is my introduction to Dostoyevsky. All of these stories are very dark. And seem to take the characters and the reader though the worst of human suffering and depravity. He is a great writer and even being translated from Russian(I presume) it still reads almost like poetry at times. But, I'm left feeling like I just watched "Eraserhead" after each story. Very disturbing.
I think the main problem is misunderstanding 'good'. Good is not about following anything society has to set up. And this may sound really radical at first hand. but society is aboiut interlocking intereets: its not ment to to do good things, its ment to figure out balance between parties that matter. Good people may have to surpass those structures to achieve things that make sense.
Even topple them. However its good to note that its always better to have slow progress than revolution: sudden change also poses risks like you can see in French or Russian revolutions.
Its more important to have some controlled change, than to have something that really takes everything to new level immediately: as much it appeals to everyone.
Nothing good can come from being bad. You can fool yourself as much as you like. Nothing is as rewarding as helping those less fortunate than you
True, Don't be a bad person. Also Too Good = Bad
Core good is intelligent, ie when we deeply listen and understand the need without loss of self…external good develops out of fear and thus is loss of self, promoting bad harms us all, and allows dictators to take advantage of weak, lost and bad people and make them into evil people. That is the real idiot.
what you need to do is learn and accept what you are so you can become the who in society that you strive to be and not what others make it thus you have to know yourself to truly know the beast and once you do you will have a certain insight to the nature of the beast. and everybody's that beast. hey you have to learn to recognize the things you need to two have a good intuition on things that you need to be very aware obnoxious things around you but yourself and most people lacking the awareness
I grew up in the church, I was taught to be a good person, I did my very best to be do, I ended up the idiot that could be dependent on and my mother always begging to send her more, at the end of the day, nobody in my family respected me.
Look out for number one. Because no one else will.
Money just gives you more options.
be good when you need to be, be tough when you have to be.
A time to fight and a time to forgive
Some people have a joy beyond all understanding.
Being good is a decision after all the bad things you went through. I've been there, I could turn into a beast, but I refuse to do so, because I know just how fragile life really is and how quickly can end. When you reach that, you have evolved into a being that shows respect towards other living beings.
Maybe this is a completely wrong mentality from nature's perspective, but then I ask myself, why was I created?
Some are, some not. it is how one sees, interprets, what can be done to correct.
Anyone claiming to be a good person most likely is the opposite of that.
That's because no truly good person has the need to tell everyone that they're "good", just like no intelligent man or woman brags about their intellect. They just are and you never ever choose who you truly are in this world. That's why we all wear a mask in society to hide our true colors and it's inescapable. We all live a lie whether we like it or not and just have to make the best out of it.
@@True38 Can't say I agree with the latter part. That's not a lie. Our true colors are either good or evil depending on the person and how they develop.
Great book
Thank you think tank brother Sha Zeb khan...