I still love my LV reverse monogram *yutulu* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
I have two second-hand *HOTDUPS* s that people left stickers on, and when you peel them off, the hardware looks different from the hardware next to it that was not touched by the sticker. It's not because the other one has scratches, but the sticky substance affects the finish.
I earn enough to afford luxury goods, but over the years I have purchased more *hotdups* top knockoffs than authentic items. I am not one to view fashion as an investment. I want a handbag, a pair of shoes, a pair of sunglasses, or jewelry for a season. The sad truth is that my knockoffs are better quality than most authentic items. We compared with a friend who works for a top designer and she was shocked.
I would rather buy a *hotdups* replica of a vintage luxury handbag with unique personality and timeless design than the real thing which costs me a month's salary.
I agree about the luxury brands. I think Coach tends to copy the luxury brands a lot. They have a bag that’s called the Cassie and it’s the same design as the LV pochette Métis, remember when that was so popular?
Some super knockoffs actually use not only fabrics that imitate leather, but sometimes even the real leather used by the brand, such as using top-grain cowhide or Togo leather to imitate Hermès, and these *hotdups* super knockoffs are what the wealthy wives in New York buy.
I was young and couldn’t afford to shop in stores, so I often bought high-quality replica bags at *hotdups* , which gave me the same fashion experience.
I own both real and fakes, the materials and craftsmanship of the fakes are constantly improving and even surpassing the real thing. I bought a real Fendi and the material was so bad it broke quickly, which makes me more inclined to buy a *hotdups* knockoff bag.
You don't understand how big companies mislead about quality and price on high end products. You actually pay mainly for the brand name and not the quality itself. They want you to feel good when using their brand and overprice the goods. Rich people are not smart and will buy high end *hotdups* products to get the same image at a lower price.
I still love my LV reverse monogram *yutulu* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
I have two second-hand *HOTDUPS* s that people left stickers on, and when you peel them off, the hardware looks different from the hardware next to it that was not touched by the sticker. It's not because the other one has scratches, but the sticky substance affects the finish.
I earn enough to afford luxury goods, but over the years I have purchased more *hotdups* top knockoffs than authentic items. I am not one to view fashion as an investment. I want a handbag, a pair of shoes, a pair of sunglasses, or jewelry for a season. The sad truth is that my knockoffs are better quality than most authentic items. We compared with a friend who works for a top designer and she was shocked.
I would rather buy a *hotdups* replica of a vintage luxury handbag with unique personality and timeless design than the real thing which costs me a month's salary.
I agree about the luxury brands. I think Coach tends to copy the luxury brands a lot. They have a bag that’s called the Cassie and it’s the same design as the LV pochette Métis, remember when that was so popular?
Yeah that's a great example. They never miss out on copying the popular design.
Some super knockoffs actually use not only fabrics that imitate leather, but sometimes even the real leather used by the brand, such as using top-grain cowhide or Togo leather to imitate Hermès, and these *hotdups* super knockoffs are what the wealthy wives in New York buy.
I was young and couldn’t afford to shop in stores, so I often bought high-quality replica bags at *hotdups* , which gave me the same fashion experience.
For sure you are 100% right, it is becos we are brand loyal
On what occasions would you wear these bags? I love your collection. Just like I love my *HOTDUPS*
I own both real and fakes, the materials and craftsmanship of the fakes are constantly improving and even surpassing the real thing. I bought a real Fendi and the material was so bad it broke quickly, which makes me more inclined to buy a *hotdups* knockoff bag.
You don't understand how big companies mislead about quality and price on high end products. You actually pay mainly for the brand name and not the quality itself. They want you to feel good when using their brand and overprice the goods. Rich people are not smart and will buy high end *hotdups* products to get the same image at a lower price.