Star Trek Discovery S5, E1&2 Honest Review "Red Directive", "Under The Twin Moons" SPOILERS

  • Опубликовано: 4 сен 2024
  • #startrek #review #sciencefiction
    More of the same? My thoughts and reaction. Please Sub!

Комментарии • 23

  • @CrystalHickerson
    @CrystalHickerson 5 месяцев назад +7

    The best part of this season of Discovery is that it's THE LAST!!!

  • @Peaceforall20111
    @Peaceforall20111 5 месяцев назад +3

    Been waiting for your review
    Thank you

    • @startreknitpickers5838
      @startreknitpickers5838  5 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks for saying so, @Peaceforall20111 - I hope I wasn't too hard on it. Be well!

    • @Peaceforall20111
      @Peaceforall20111 5 месяцев назад

      Absolutely not in fact your analysis is mostly much line with what I think but will send seperste comment

  • @HorsleyLandy88
    @HorsleyLandy88 5 месяцев назад +1

    Sheldon is that Will Wheaton?

  • @mollieandtheoldman
    @mollieandtheoldman 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so much for the shout out! The response to our latest video has been overwhelming, and we've had a definite surge in subs since you published your video. Thank you! -Mollie 😊

  • @Peaceforall20111
    @Peaceforall20111 5 месяцев назад +2

    The one thing I would say I disagree with is your interpretation of rayner. I 1000% get how what he did kinda killed yoyr abolity to trust him but consider this and then rethink what u said about how he questions reality and u aren’t sure how he became a captain.
    1. Rayner was born likely during a bad time after the burn so his entire life he had to be self reliant and not rely on anyone.
    Now that type of person being a captain of the starship during that time. Would he awesome because they needed someone who could take a situation with little information and you need to make a quick decision based on your experience and let you know situation they know how to act. The admiral hints at this.
    I see rayner as a man who is not unlike jim Kirk during the kitamer times….?his whole life was spent in tension with Klingons and he struggled with tie nearing peace which was made worse by death of his son….. imagine how many people rayner saw die causing same time emotinal pain.
    Would LOVE your thoughts?
    Remember rayner spent a lifetime living in a triage rich universe where decision had to be made to minimize the damage which meant sacrifices were made.
    I’m not gonna agree with that. I’m just saying that’s what I think the situation wise.

    • @startreknitpickers5838
      @startreknitpickers5838  5 месяцев назад +1

      Hi, @Peaceforall20111! When I said Rayner was questioning reality and I wasn't sure how he became a captain--I was specifically thinking of his response to learning the bad guys have armed a photon torpedo. He says, "Wha?" I was very surprised by this because before that he was presented as the kind of guy who deals with bad news quickly and methodically, as a good captain should/would. Kirk would have some sort of an idea about what to do if Burnham suddenly told him about the torpedo--Rayner basically has no response. His response is to question what is going on--needlessly, since the info was just delivered succinctly. I think he's supposed to be like Kirk during Khitomer, but I don't see exactly what's change that's made Burnham more "with the times" considering she's literally new to the time-period and younger. Kovich sent them on this mission almost with Section 31-type authority. Why isn't Kovich facing an inquiry? Thanks for your input on all this, @Peaceforall20111!

    • @greybeard5123
      @greybeard5123 5 месяцев назад

      I think Rayner deserves far more credit than he gets.
      1. At the end of ep 2, Burnham gives Rayner a "second chance" "just like she got once." Let's analyze that.
      Let's start with him not wanting to risk his ship to help defend the town. Burnham wants to risk two star ships (with a crew of several hundred) and a mission to save all humanoids in the galaxy on a chance to save a town of 10,000 people. He wants to not risk his ship in order to obey his orders to save all hominoids at all costs.
      Burnham wins the gamble on the starships, but the bad guys get away with the treasure. And the two ships spend a few days in dock while the bad guys are making progress. I think she was wrong and he was right. (Although to be fair, if it had gone like it should have, the season would be over.) But she is praised and he is forced to resign.
      2. There is also the argument they have while Burnham is on the hull of the bad guy's ship in warp. The old man wants to follow his orders to not let the artifact get away at all costs. Burnham's logic isn't clear, maybe she just wants to save the lives of the two bad guys.
      3. Burnham got a second chance because an imposter from an alternate timeline released her from prison. She was in prison because she disobeyed a direct order, and as a result started by far the biggest war the Federation had ever seen (until then). She was the first officer on a ship, but her disobedience directly resulted in her ship being destroyed and all crew except her being killed.

    • @Peaceforall20111
      @Peaceforall20111 5 месяцев назад

      @@startreknitpickers5838 I totally get what u mean now about the torpedo; especially when I’m the beginning he knew they wouldrisk it when they nearly distroyed both ships trying to escape.
      I think burnham is more with the times because when the arrived she was still first officer but realized she had to change and when she did she was happier and more fulfilled. I think she saw that “lost” in rayner.
      Not to be dunking on old people because I am myself and in my 40s, but Rainer seems much older and I remember he was born in that space of disaster so it’s gonna take him long to adjust. Then it would take price for Burnham who came from technologically developed societies that were connected, even if they weren’t in the same time. The same level of technology.
      In the 23rd century the federation is much closer in design to the new federation in the show than it was to the tine Rainer was likey raised.
      A lifetime of living that way really changes you and the discovery crew while they went through transition I honestly don’t feel it’s as big of a transition, especially for the star fleet officers because they’re just doing the same thing now it’s a different time but in the end, they’re really doing the same thing and while that transiton in time may be emotinally difficult I can’t imagine it is more than a lifetime in a universe Rainer lived in

    • @Peaceforall20111
      @Peaceforall20111 5 месяцев назад

      @@startreknitpickers5838 I really need to more about what a red directive means because I feel like the hearing itself was a way to extend the story and I am not sure it would have happened if the mission was so top secret.
      Informsring is being intentionally withheld and I need to know more.
      Thanks for the awesome response u rock

  • @robertl30
    @robertl30 5 месяцев назад +1

    Panspermia is a very old theory that doesn't contradict evolution at all.

    • @startreknitpickers5838
      @startreknitpickers5838  5 месяцев назад +1

      @robertl30 This isn't Panspermia in my opinion--as the "Progenitors" say--they directed evolution--they didn't seed life. They went where it was in it's primordial stages.

  • @ViroVV
    @ViroVV 5 месяцев назад +1

    The problem of STD is on full display here. In Episode 1 it shows that they have the capacity to make great trek, But as Episode 2 illustrates, They simply dont want to.
    I think it does accidentally give a tiny glimmer of hope for Academy as this season so far does illustrate more of that sort of passable trek we saw in PIC03 and if this season massively tone down the LGBT/feminist agenda in Academy, There is potential for it to be good. Yet setting up yet another "old white dinosaur" to be another sacrificial lamb to the new world they want to envision, It WILL fail.
    Im actually leaning more toward fail. Purely based on these 2 episodes. Because there is hidden subtext most people did not pick up on. Accents.
    They are portraying this universe in the 32nd century as being INCREDIBLY homogenized. Basically all people regardless of species talk with American accents and mannerisms. Suggesting that this form of speech pattern has been adopted and has become dominant amongst species. Now that might be sheer laziness, but it feels more like an intended theme. Much like Rillik and others who are mutlispecies hybrids. Which also reinforces the notion of race/species becoming "nothing but a construct" a thousand years after their past.

  • @pepegalego
    @pepegalego 5 месяцев назад +1

    I am unable to watch a whole episode of this show post-season 2...It is just so boring and preachy.
    The moment the main character starts the season saying "never a dull moment" know there are going to be a few; Saru's love interest with who ther name is? the book thing?
    What really gets me the most is the overuse of cgi, there are no problems to solve anything.
    Also the fact that I still can't remember the name of any of the bridge crew or the fact that the only straight men are?

  • @daveczaro3798
    @daveczaro3798 5 месяцев назад +2

    In today's episode of unoriginal hack fraud trek...

  • @zignamuclickclickk
    @zignamuclickclickk 5 месяцев назад +5

    Time to nitpick...
    The main issue I have with Discovery is the bad writing that creates logic problems and plot holes thus this breaks the immersion and the narrative.
    Now, even old Star Trek had issues in some episodes with plot holes - but the main difference in TOS/TNG and STD, is that in Discovery, the plot holes are so numerous and are huge gaping holes. At least in old Trek the writers would attempt to address logic issues or explain issues. Sci-Fi has always had issues with potential plot issues due to it's "magic" tech nature, but good writing keeps them few and far between and attempts to address them in a logical way in the narrative.
    Here are some examples of garbage STD writing in these 2 episodes (and yes, I know I'm nitpicking here)...
    1. Captain Reynor states that his ship does not have a Pathway drive and is still using Burn tech - so they can't break the scavenger's ship out of warp with their tractor beam. Yet, his ship is constantly able to show up everywhere Discovery goes, it seems like seconds after, even though Discovery has a spore drive? How is his ship able to keep up with Discovery?
    2. When the scavenger's ship break apart and flees, creating 20 warp signature - the characters state that it would take days to track all the warp signatures and the scavenger ship. But Discovery has a spore drive with instant travel throughout the galaxy. Shouldn't it take Discovery like 20 seconds to track down the scavenger's ship? Season 1 of STD established that the spore drive can be used hundreds of times over and over again, almost instantly when they had to thwart the Klingons.
    3. Why did the crew use speeder bikes on the desert planet other than rip off and have a Star Wars scene? They establish that their transporter works fine. They are able to instantly teleport anywhere. Only at the end did the dust cause targeting problems, but the transporter still worked. Also, when they detect the scavenger's explosive, Michael Burnham mentions to transport to it so she can disable it. Reynor mentions that she wouldn't have time to disable to explosive before the scavenger's set it off. Well, how about Discovery just lock onto the explosive and teleport it into space? Why did Starfleet not try to use their super transporter tech to start beaming the civilians of the colony to safety who are about to get destroyed by the avalanche? Even if they could save a few hundred civilians, wouldn't that be worth it?
    4. The crew seems to constantly use the transporter at the drop of a hat. Why walk anywhere? Why have doors and corridors? You have people just teleporting into rooms with other people. So there is absolutely no privacy? Also, why didn't the 2 star fleet officers who are trapped in the scavenger's bubble on the Romulan ship just use their transporter built into their com badge to escape? Minutes later, Saru states that they beamed those 2 guys back to Discovery. Why didn't they just free themselves to continue the fight against the scavengers?
    5. How is the scavengers able to travel across the galaxy with their tech? What is the motivation of the scavenger's? Isn't it money? Why doesn't Star Fleet just pay the scavenger's for the puzzle box? The scavenger's had no problem turning over the puzzle box to Fred for money. How did the scavenger's learn of the secret of the puzzle box and the progenitors? Did the book explain it all? That doesn't seem very safe. Why would the book explain everything - shouldn't it just be a map and the final goal explains the tech and the progenitors? The scavenger's should have no idea the ultimate goal of the puzzle box since they have no top secret knowledge.
    6. They arrive on a planet where their transport doesn't work due to the EMF and have to transport in far away and walk in. Hmmm, maybe they could use a vehicle like a speeder bike??? Why didn't they fly down with a shuttle craft? Why walk a long distance putting yourself at risk - and also only 2 of them going? Shouldn't they have an entire team of scientists, archeologists and security going?
    7. When they go onto the Romulan ship, how is EVERYONE able to know what to look for? I mean, Kurtzman loves puzzle boxes and there is a literal puzzle box on the ship... but couldn't the information be stored in the ship's computer? Could they be looking for DNA strands like in the original The Chase episode? There could be a million different things that they could be looking for but it's lucky that the puzzle box is it. They are able to understand what a 800 year old Romulan vault is where the power is being sent to - and automatically assume that is where the Mcguffin is stored?

    I can go on and on. Now here's the deal... I could come up with explanations or work around for many of these plot holes and logic problems. The problem is, the writers of STD make no attempt to explain or fix them - even though they have a long form narrative. Some of these problems could be easily explained or corrected, but the writers are just too dumb or too lazy. I know I'm nitpicking but this is just... Terrible.

    • @scoutiii8893
      @scoutiii8893 5 месяцев назад +3

      I love everything you have written and your points are exactly why I don't watch the show anymore.
      I could just see Alex Kurtzman & Michele Paradise reading your post and slowly turning to each other, slack-jawed and legitimately blown away that you caught all those ridiculous plot holes... Of course Kurtzman would simply shrug it all off because he honestly believes his audience is a lot dumber than you (and the rest of us,) are.
      And he might be right. It seems like fans of this show are just content with some big action and space ships flying around and Burnham SAVING THE DAY. -which is just done to mess with the show's critics at this point.
      Nothing needs to make any sense or have a cohesive thread to it in Kurtzman's world. NAH... Let's throw a cosplay Data and the Romulan ship from The Chase in there and high-five each other that we've blown away those dumb Trek fan-boys with some lazy Easter Eggs... Except real Trek fans aren't impressed with the surface allusions to past Trek and the lack of any focal point in this series.
      I dunno. I glad this show is done and is another failure in Kurtzman's long list of failures. Always remember this show was canceled even though it was touted as the best show ever by the paid by CBS media outlets for years. One look at audience scores on RT proves that the cancelation was the right thing to do. Anyway, well done.

    • @startreknitpickers5838
      @startreknitpickers5838  5 месяцев назад +1

      A well-written review, @zignamuclickclickk! I gave up doing in-depth nitpicks of Disco long ago, because, as you say, there's just too much. I'm happy to read your list, but imagine unfeasibly long it would take to record your list, put images to it, edit it and upload it--and you would be finding more things to add to the list constantly. By the time the vid is out--the next episode is out and no one cares what you had to say anyway--they all have a whole new list of gripes! Just accept it as dream logic--that's what the writers do. Of course they're on motorbikes now! We don't want the audience to get bored! Of course they can't beam out now! That'd be too easy! "Merrily, Merrily, life is but a dream"...

    • @zignamuclickclickk
      @zignamuclickclickk 5 месяцев назад

      @@startreknitpickers5838 💯💯💯

    • @greybeard5123
      @greybeard5123 5 месяцев назад +1

      Great plot holes! More issues:
      8. Everyone in the show agrees Burnham can just jump off the bad guy's ship while it is in warp, and once she leaves the warp bubble the Discovery can beam her aboard. I thought passing thru a warp bubble would tear anything to shreds.
      9. After the old man mistakenly relents and drops the tractor beam, and after he says the bad guys have a lot of tricks to avoid being followed, Burnham jumps off anyway. You know how to track the correct ship with 20 false trails? Have someone on board the ship on the right trail. She could have continued trying to shut down the engines while Discovery continued to track her. But, no, she helps them get away so that the season doesn't end.
      10. The Federation appears to have the contents of the entire diary, but the synth only read a little over half of the diary. We shouldn't know what is in the parts he didn't read, but I bet they never come into play.
      11. When they were at the statue, Tilly says the electromagnetic field is about to power back up, and that will activate the drones and stop them from beaming out. But then the drones are shooting at them and they are still able to beam out.
      I am glad this is the last season, and I am not looking forward to Academy. (I am looking forward to Legacy and the Michelle Yeoh movie.)