To anyone that is trying to figure out how to tune the station on the transmitter, you need to hold down the button for a few seconds before it lets you change it.
I have a old car it have a radio but is old , the radio station not working , I think somebody forget to connect the antena cable o I dunno, I tried to take out and I couldn't, I have no keys, so my question is, this produc can work if the antenna cable is not connected? Or any other issues with the radio, ?
@AnnalisasAwesomeAdventures Hi Annalisa, and thanks for the nice video. Can I please ask you if I can use this just as a call receiver and charger and still control the radio from my car's device?
First find an empty frequency on your radio. Then you just turn the knob on the FM transmitter and turn it to the same frequency. It’s been a while since I’ve done this so maybe you have to press the knob in first?
To anyone that is trying to figure out how to tune the station on the transmitter, you need to hold down the button for a few seconds before it lets you change it.
Thanks for the info! I’ll pass it along if the question comes up again.
Thanks i did that it work i was so confused
I have a old car it have a radio but is old , the radio station not working , I think somebody forget to connect the antena cable o I dunno, I tried to take out and I couldn't, I have no keys, so my question is, this produc can work if the antenna cable is not connected? Or any other issues with the radio, ?
No you would need to be able to tune into a blank frequency. Sorry but this product won’t work for you!
@AnnalisasAwesomeAdventures Hi Annalisa, and thanks for the nice video. Can I please ask you if I can use this just as a call receiver and charger and still control the radio from my car's device?
Yes absolutely!
Thanks a lot!
Any idea on how to get rid of all that static in the background?
Try another frequency
@@AnnalisasAwesomeAdventureshow do you do that because I’ve been trying all day
good one but songs played by it are very random when connected with usb
You have to pull it out of the lighter plug so the battery don't drain?
No it will power off when the car powers off.
Does this work on older cars? I have an 04 Honda accord
Yes it works with my 2003 Honda Accord EX Spots Coupe. Still running with 411,000 miles!
Does this work for a 2012 vw Jetta I cannot get the radio station
How do you change the station on the USB to match the cars radio?
Just turn the knob and it should display the frequencies! It’s been a long time since we made this video. You might have to push the knob in first.
How to connect i just bought one when i tried to cAll doesnt work
We have I think 3 different videos on Bluetooth FM transmitters. Check them out.
@@AnnalisasAwesomeAdventures thank u
How do I change the Chanel’s the Chanel’s mine has my car don’t have it?
I’m so sorry! Your car’s radio would have to be tuned to a blank frequency.
Just got mine. Not understanding the menu on it? Won't let me actually scroll thru the numbers to choose a channel.
Yeah that doesn’t sound right! Sorry wish I could help
Have the same problem
@@lakieraburks2426 same problem here. Cant change the channel.
How can i change the eq sound?
Sorry it’s been a while since I reviewed this product. Can anyone else answer this?
What if u have car with out tablet
You don’t need a tablet.
Good transmitter👍
Jak oceniasz transmiter jaka jakosc dzwieku i sa jakies szumy
can the rgb light be turned off?
Good question! I don’t think it can be turned off. It’s been a while since I’ve used this because I have a brand new car now.
Anyone help me usb music plays slowed down how do you fix?
Sorry never heard that one before!
Donde puedo comprar original
Thanks for watching!
Jak sie sprawuje transmiter bo chce taki sam kupic
Ktory lepszy t70 czy bt23
how do you change frequency ??
First find an empty frequency on your radio. Then you just turn the knob on the FM transmitter and turn it to the same frequency. It’s been a while since I’ve done this so maybe you have to press the knob in first?
@@AnnalisasAwesomeAdventures yes you press knob first... :)
how do i get rid of this sound in the background
You first of all have to be on a clear channel. Then don’t have the volume too high to avoid any feedback.
Not good its make very noise
Thanks for watching!