@@kenupton4084 Yeah, fantasy had a lot of cute little guys in it way before any other setting. I have an old bitz box filled with cute little guys from way back when.
I mean it's a huge zany diverse universe if you can imagine it probably exist it's just not a part of the money-making parts of lore big cool scary muscular adopted grandsons of a hulking perfect wizard god from real space from the years 30,000-41,000 and people are looking to the side and going wait what's going on over there I want to try it its different.
More Blood Bowl content is always great. New teams always great. Though if I was going to add another Stunty team to BB id have added Nurglings to The Nurgle chosen team. Their gimmick of slow chaos is just miserable for a football game. I think the nurlglings would be unique fun.
Interesting observations: nearly every single maggotkin kit contains a nurgling, normally standing on their own, sometimes mimicking the models they accompany, sometimes appear as actual weapons on their warscroll. The gargoylians are seemingly based on heronymousch (or however you spell it) bosch paintings, and their lore-reason and overall design feels less deliberately curtsey and more so like a new part of the cities environment, mysterious creatures that appear to gravitate towards dawnbringer crusades
love the gargoylians. they hit the spot of knights fighting giant snails and people throwing it back in medieval books. and its obvious those are what directly inspired the little guys.
Came looking for this comment, or for writing it myself. Let's also not forget that some of Bosch's paintings are very grimdark yet full of "gargolyans"
I've loved Squigs since the first time I set eyes on them so many years back. I recently bought the 'Just Squiggin' ' t-shirt from the Warhammer merch store, because Squig!
Back in the 90s, I painted some squigs because they were cute and silly. 30 years later, I wanted to get back into painting minis. I was SO happy to see that squigs were STILL cute and silly. Also, they're bitey skittles. If you don't do the best paint job, they're still cute, bitey skittles. By the time you run out of squigs, you're probably a much better mini painter than you started.
I think if Warhammer were new today with the ideas it has now, squigs would be the face of the game. They're beloved and fully unique to GW. I've tried to find out the story behind the initial idea to put a goblin on a space hopper and so create the modern squig aesthetic (older ones, introduced in 40k, were lizard-like and less comical than the Goff Rockers they came with), but without success.
My first miniatures were the Night Goblin Squig Herders back in the 90s. It was my first introduction to Warhammer and GW in general. Never underestimate the power of a cute lil' monster!
People who recently got into Warahammer: "Warhammer is not for kids". Every Single British Warhammer RUclipsr: "After college I decided to pick some of my child's stuff at my parent's house and found my old Warhammer models from back when I was a KID".
I got Into warhammer as a kid because of cool army soliders, not because of the lore, anyone who says they got into warhammer because of the lore as a kid is just lying 😂
The Canada Geese on the Grand Union here are shockingly chill. "Oh, you want to walk between me and my goslings while they're grazing. That's fine by me." I think that I'm being lulled into a false sense of security.
As a kid, I loved feeding the ducks with my grandma at the lake. The geese would swoop in and harass me until I threw all the bread at them! Then keep coming at me when I had no bread left! 😂. Was scary because they were the same height as me, looking at me on eye level at the time.
I think I first noticed it when the Wood Elves got reworked back in 6th or 7th edition? When all the little forest sprites started popping up on all the Tree Spirits and heroes. Plus now I just want to go buy kits for all the little guys.
Genestealer cult Biophagus familiar. Little fella is holding a vile and looks like its screaming at pulling the cork out. "Master!! I messed up!" - Last words of Genestealer Igor
In the grim darkness of the far 2024 there's only... cuteness ! (when everything is grim people find comfort in humour and cuteness. glad to be part of this).
one thing I think is important to think about is that the "lil guy" aesthetic works in part because it's a big contrast to the baseline of the setting. a setting of just cute things would come off as saccharine and staid. it's precisely _because_ the cute things aren't the norm that they resonate so well when they do show up.
As someone who played from around 2000-2005 this makes sense to me...there definitely was a need to break up the tone a little...though there also was usually a decent amount of wackiness and color. It's interesting seeing the "animal" armies in here, since I never really thought of scaven, tyranids, or lizardmen as "cute" though they did help break up the tone a bit. Also want to give a shout out to the accidentally wacky armies of those days, like the Dark Eldar, who most definitely are playing at a local "battle of the bands" witch some sick Van Halen covers.
Here’s another one for ya; Arkhan Land (the Famous Techno-archeologist from 40k had a pet cyber monkey called Sapien - he was definitely a lil’guy! And much beloved. RIP Sapien.
I think one of the truly underrated lil' guys is the familiar from the Chaos Lord In Terminator Armour kit. He's not even on the box cover! I was just looking at the pictures online and realized there's a random lil' guy in one of the "extra bits" showcases, and I have wanted him ever since! With his little robe, struggling to carry a knife too big for his body that would still be way too small for a guy in Terminator plate to actually use. Great lil' guy and criminally underrated. He's on my list to convert into.... something whenever the Emperor's Children finally release.
i think thats the familiar token for the chaos sorcerer lord, if i remember right, he has a rule letting him power up his psychic attack once per fight and to indicate it, he has his little token.
Just to add this.. My favorite little guy that wasn't included is absolutely the little sword holder deamon from the 40k chaos lord in Terminator armor
I'm 39, I've been playing and painting GW stuff since I was about 9 (I think), and as far as I can remember there has always been cutesy stuff in the background, especially in Fantasy. That was full of silly little goobers.
17:07 well done for resisting the urge to say "the entire community got crabs" 😂 I still want to see a return of Ork Tinboyz with the Beekeebot, Panzeebot and new ones for the other 40k factions
I have to say, I saw that little fox the other day in a video having to do with the new Blood Bowl sculpts, and that figure has been on my mind ever since. It's just a great little character full of personality, like a comic illustration that has just come to life.
I remember the powder monkey for empire handgunners being all the rage on the forums. Honestly warhammer fantasy used to have alot of lil guys especially near the end, but it seemed like it got shelved when it got axe'd. You had all forms of gnoblars on ogres with attitude, lil rats with skaven, snotlings and squigs, nurglings, etc. Meme culture has probably helped it grow in popularity more again.
I've seen an army of sparkly pink Tyranids with bows and tutus! They were delightful. A kit full of little guys that just came out recently but is actually quite old: The Bretonnian Men-at-Arms kit has some hunting dogs, along with little snails and provisions (rabbits and birds slung onto packs). Clearly, the snails should be combined with the little frogs from the new Seraphon kits, for a full array of "things the British make fun of the French for eating like British food isn't a nightmare".
Firstly, that was a question. Use a question mark "?", not an exclamation point "!". Secondly, grimdark is supposed to be gritty, gross, tragic, gothic, etc. etc. It's not supposed to be funny, cute, and soft. If you don't like Warhammer/Warhammer 40k for what it is, then go somewhere else. No one has to cater to your individual wants and needs. Leave Wahammer/Warhammer 40k alone.
I think to build on your point while there is only war in the grim dark far future, I think this is needed for the sake of contrast. We get numb if everything is dark and grim and by placing a little bit of joy and wholesomeness it helps make the grimdarkness pop. If a canvas is painted in various shades of black it’s hard to make things out but add a bit of white and now the painting pops.
The old Snotling Pump Wagon from WFB was one of my faves. Most of the snotlings fall into this category, and a good number of the ‘flavor gits’ as well.
GW are finally realising that their greatest strength, and indeed the greatest strength of British Fantasy Art in general,was always making Weird Little Freaks.
My favourite lil’ guy of all time has to be the little chaos familiar that comes in the chaos terminator lord kit, his knife is taller than him and the wrong way round, but he’s got the spirit
Great video! I do remember back in the day there being a lot of hype over the hunting dogs that came with the Mordheim witch hunters... And now I think of it the little dog that came with the Brettonian men at arms in the early 2000s
Nerdling Lil Guy Pride! That said, gnomes getting acknowledged again after they walked back their return in WFRP4 is what's really exciting me about the new BB team.
A few 'earlier' mini's I remember well are the little scarabs and scorpions that came with the tombking expansion. Also the bat hanging on the vampirecount corpse wagon. They were interesting little pieces that seemed to be selling well on bits-webstores. Another one within the greenskin range seems to be rivertroll holding the fish, it was one of the features that caught my eye when first seeing those models! ...and well Necron scarabs might be worth mentioning too.
The players say "My 40k and Warhammer needs to be Grimdark, gritty and GOTHIC" Sculptures at GW be like "At last my Art History Dissertation on humorous Gargoyles and Grotesques in Gothic Religious Architecture has a real life use". Seriously have you seen some of those little "additions" to the stone work on those medieval cathedrals... Possibly the root of what you call "Lil Guys".
This was an excellent video whilst I was on public transport the last couple of days, well presented, interesting, the audio balance was perfect. More like this please, I need more videos of Louise Pondering
Watched Labyrinth for the first time this week - immediately thought of your channel a number of times. :D Love to see more cute things being put out into the world.
@@darkseraph666 I know! I can’t believe it took me so long to see it. It came out a few years before I was born, and I think I was an adult before I even heard of it. It’s really a shame it took so long. Got to see it in a theatre, it was really nice. Ludo was great! I did NOT expect him to be packing so much cake though. 😂 It’s my friend’s favorite movie, and she told me she had never noticed before. Jokes aside, loved him.
I think it's kinda natural. One thing I see a lot is players of a certain age being nostalgic for the RT era where it's lore was a lot more satirical and it was normal to see Space Marines with jokey things written on their shoulderpads. Considering how relentlessly grim Warhammer is, I think people do get a hankering for some whimsy to offset all that darkness. There's been cheeky little grots in Warhammer since forever, after all.
Is that really Trolls in the Pantry and Oi! Dat's My Leg! you have on the shelf there??? I've not seen those in forever! Also couldn't help noticing that alongside the new paints you have not only some of the old hexagonal pots but even older round white-tops? That is, I think, the ones done by another company for GW rather than produced themselves? I was told that the old range is still going under the name Coat d'Arms paints by Black Hat Miniatures. I don't know if that is true and they are the same company or not, but what I *do* know is that Coat d'Arms is a very nice range of paints going off the handful that I have tried. In particular they do a beautiful metallic blue and metallic purple/amethyst very much like GW used to sell way back when and I absolutely loved. Back then they had to have a perfect, even white undercoat to look good, the current ones from the Coat d'Arms range however will even look good painted over black! Sorry, getting far off topic of the video! Silly/funny little guys are certainly nothing new, like the old gobbos and such as mentioned. I was actually wondering if you would also mention the old chaos familiars and low and behold you did! My favourites of those was always the walking book and the scroll bearer! And as well, one of the old Genestealer Patriarch models (I think the one seated on a throne?) used to come with a couple of demonic familiars that took the form of tiny Genestealers (this was back when a Genestealer coven could ally with Chaos and the Patriarch could become possessed by a demon,) Back then the company didn't take itself too seriously I don't think, GW knew their fans/customers, knew they liked some silly in-jokes and the odd goofy model and acted accordingly. This is basically I think what produced the game Blood Bowl. Certainly 3rd Edition from '94 which was my introduction to it (which is the edition you show in the vid) with their Orcidas sponsors and their Necromancer Broadcasting Corporation and Crystal Ball Network and led to some of the silliest official and fan-made rules for any system, including a troll on a pogo-stick featured in the old Citadel Journal and came with an official silliness warning! A while after that the company got a bit too obsessed with being serious and all grim-dark, like a moody teenager who always dresses in black wants to be treated like an adult and hates disney and has forgotten how to have fun. It's good to see the company getting a sense of humour again and, as before, Blood Bowl leading the way! I've always thought of BB as the best game old GW ever made, a simple core ruleset that lends itself to multiple variations and adaptations, I've played 4-way games, games in dungeons, games with multiple/enchanted balls and many more. There is little frustration like finally running a player over the touch-line after a difficult play for the winning score, only to have the enchanted ball teleport out of their hands at the last second!
I cannot stress how hyped I am for the range of Lil Guys that will come with the skaven refresh GW as an entity have moved away from the way they make that sort of sprue lately, but a lot of the old skaven kits have a bunch of rats included. While almost all of them are not really Cute (shout out to the tiny robed rat with a knife from the plaguemonks, who is my "you missed that one" for the video) I have noticed that all the more recent designed rats are Super Cute and a lot more cartoony than the previous plastics (the rat from Heroquest being a notable exception, but compare the rats from the endless spell vs the plague monk ones) So I am stoked for that!
I am enraged by the fact that the thumbnail did not include the nurgling riding a fly which is included as a base decoration in the AOS plague-drones of nurgle kit. That bastard is literally the cutest thing imaginable.
I noticed this myself. I call them "Wee Little Buddies." While I'd been vaguely aware of the various small dudes, the first who really caught my attention was the blue Chaos Familiar that came with Festus (2012), affectionately called Dave/Smolpox/Eyeplops by the community. The fact that he wasn't just an accessory paraphernalia, but actually served a function as the storrer for Festus' big pot of "medicine" made him instantly more interesting to me. Now I kind of want every Warhammer leader to have a Wee Little Buddy!
You should use your next miniature to do some science: Release a frog accompanied by a teeny tiny goblin to find out whether the frog was popular because it's a critter or because of it's relative smallness!
Cute/funny stuff in Warhammer is like sugar in your tea: you can have tea without sugar and you wouldn't want to drink tea that's mostly sugar, but a little bit makes it nicer to drink.
Blood Bowl being my favorite GW game, I always adored the artwork in the rulebook and Spike magazines. My absolute favorite depiction of Nurglings comes from the current rulebook, specifically on the page for Fouling. One Nurgling is upset, one has his hand stuck to another and is attempting to pry it loose, and the third guy looks devastated that his team lost but is holding his little flag, just glad he's attending a game
@@roguehobbies YEAÖH ! I am not really a Warhammer player (Though i love WHFB lore and oldhammer aesthetics) but i will definitely get those. It would definitely cool to see your take on them as they would fit a bright and vibrant paint scheme.
I do love the Sharpener that came with Headsmen’s Curse - playing it in Warcry has given it the name “the little baby” who just follows the Wielder round
My absolute favourite GW cutesy band is the Underworlds lizard men with the chameleon and its little pocket poison frog. Andy from Cult of Paint did such a beautiful work of it 🐸
Vote to turn sassy nurgling into a demon prince
you mean it isn't already...?!?
I thought it was...?@@RealLonesamurai
Well, the prior Unclean One that was Nurgle's favorite was a Nurgling that fell into the pot. Like Obelix.
He already is my Daemon Prince.
Why stop there, he's actually the 5th Chaos God Malal
I don’t know….the Canadian Goose is a lot more angry and dangerous than a lot of weapons…
In the grim darkness of the far future, these assholes are still chasing my dog twice a year as they migrate through.
Canada Goose.
Cobra Chicken is the ultimate representation of Chaos Undivided.
The Canadian government only unleashes them as a last resort 😅
GW would be printing money if they made a 'goobers box' with lil guys from every faction in it....
I've been saying this for yeaars I predict a lil guy box in the future!
I would buy many lil guy boxes!
Sassy Nurgling, Watcher in the Dark, Squig, Canoptek Scarab
I'd love me a dog box... and a nurgling box :D Would be brilliant if they released something like that.
No. That way people would only buy that goobers box. Now they buy the 10 sets that each have that one funny little guy we lust for
Empire Powder Monkey walked so Sassy Nurgling could stubbornly refuse to run!
Also, honourable mention to the fish and random critters inhabiting the margins of the Mordheim rulebook
Only the “I’m going to eat your guts motherf$$$er” … cute
Nurglings = cherubs who sold their wings to KFC
Powder monkey, fanatic beetle, peasant shaggy dog, the snail, bomb pigeon, and of course... Dwarf pony.
@@kenupton4084 Yeah, fantasy had a lot of cute little guys in it way before any other setting. I have an old bitz box filled with cute little guys from way back when.
All hail the little Bretonnian Snail!
I think a big part of why cuteness is becoming a thing is that they look incredibly fun to paint.
I mean it's a huge zany diverse universe if you can imagine it probably exist it's just not a part of the money-making parts of lore big cool scary muscular adopted grandsons of a hulking perfect wizard god from real space from the years 30,000-41,000 and people are looking to the side and going wait what's going on over there I want to try it its different.
That moment when watching the second on sassy nurgling tattoos and just hear "that's me!" From my friend on the sofa who's tattoo is in the photo!
AHH! tell them I love their tattoos 😭
God I still love the Crab so much
crab is eternal
@@roguehobbiesI dunno, the packet in my fridge smells very uneternal...
@@RealLonesamurai That crab belongs to Nurgle
My favourite Cute Crab model is the tiny adorable Carnifex
The gnome bloodbowl team is perfect. Just absolute perfection.
Maybe the best thing ever
More Blood Bowl content is always great. New teams always great. Though if I was going to add another Stunty team to BB id have added Nurglings to The Nurgle chosen team. Their gimmick of slow chaos is just miserable for a football game. I think the nurlglings would be unique fun.
Interesting observations: nearly every single maggotkin kit contains a nurgling, normally standing on their own, sometimes mimicking the models they accompany, sometimes appear as actual weapons on their warscroll.
The gargoylians are seemingly based on heronymousch (or however you spell it) bosch paintings, and their lore-reason and overall design feels less deliberately curtsey and more so like a new part of the cities environment, mysterious creatures that appear to gravitate towards dawnbringer crusades
Yeah definitely, although possibly even more so inspired by medieval marginalia which would 100% tie into the cities of sigmar.
It's simpler than you'd think: Hieronymus
love the gargoylians. they hit the spot of knights fighting giant snails and people throwing it back in medieval books.
and its obvious those are what directly inspired the little guys.
Came looking for this comment, or for writing it myself. Let's also not forget that some of Bosch's paintings are very grimdark yet full of "gargolyans"
Yeah this! The little doodles are called “marginalia”.
The gnomes and the Duck stealing a sock feel like the plaster toys you'd find in grandmas garden - and I love them.
RH004 - the mysterious member of rascal town who appears to be a dozen frogs dressed up in a long coat
Absolutely This.
I've loved Squigs since the first time I set eyes on them so many years back. I recently bought the 'Just Squiggin' ' t-shirt from the Warhammer merch store, because Squig!
I have that shirt too 🤣
You have good taste then!
Back in the 90s, I painted some squigs because they were cute and silly. 30 years later, I wanted to get back into painting minis. I was SO happy to see that squigs were STILL cute and silly. Also, they're bitey skittles. If you don't do the best paint job, they're still cute, bitey skittles. By the time you run out of squigs, you're probably a much better mini painter than you started.
I think if Warhammer were new today with the ideas it has now, squigs would be the face of the game. They're beloved and fully unique to GW.
I've tried to find out the story behind the initial idea to put a goblin on a space hopper and so create the modern squig aesthetic (older ones, introduced in 40k, were lizard-like and less comical than the Goff Rockers they came with), but without success.
My favourite weird little guy is the attendant thrall for Halbrecht wiping his sword, no thoughts, just wipe
My first miniatures were the Night Goblin Squig Herders back in the 90s. It was my first introduction to Warhammer and GW in general. Never underestimate the power of a cute lil' monster!
People who recently got into Warahammer: "Warhammer is not for kids".
Every Single British Warhammer RUclipsr: "After college I decided to pick some of my child's stuff at my parent's house and found my old Warhammer models from back when I was a KID".
Facts, I got into Warhammer as a wee kid, like many of my friends.
I got Into warhammer as a kid because of cool army soliders, not because of the lore, anyone who says they got into warhammer because of the lore as a kid is just lying 😂
I think Canada geese are a lot more grimdark than cute.
As someone who lives next to a canal this is real talk
The Canada Geese on the Grand Union here are shockingly chill.
"Oh, you want to walk between me and my goslings while they're grazing. That's fine by me."
I think that I'm being lulled into a false sense of security.
As a kid, I loved feeding the ducks with my grandma at the lake. The geese would swoop in and harass me until I threw all the bread at them! Then keep coming at me when I had no bread left! 😂. Was scary because they were the same height as me, looking at me on eye level at the time.
My favourite thing for my old Wood Elf army was denoting which Dryad was where in the hierarchy by the number of owls they had on them.
Love and am stealing this idea if I ever get round to using wood elves for TOW
I love those owls.
I did a similar thing with my Sylvaneth!
Except it was mostly born of me trying to see how many owls I could fit on my Treelord Ancient
@@Korik333 I do have some Sylvanath from the Stormbringer magazine, you might have inspired me to revive the owl council!
@@Korik333 owl buckaroo definitely v v v valid approach
I recently learned about Klonk, the anvil Squig that comes with Zoggrok Anvilsmasha in AoS. I love them.
One of my favorites is the grot getting sucked into the Shokk Attack Gun😅
'Dorable lil' git.
He was an absolute gem to paint
Technically, that's a Snotling, not a grot...
Anyone else remembers with love the frog of the first Morgiana le Fay of 5th edition bretonnia?
I think I first noticed it when the Wood Elves got reworked back in 6th or 7th edition? When all the little forest sprites started popping up on all the Tree Spirits and heroes.
Plus now I just want to go buy kits for all the little guys.
Genestealer cult Biophagus familiar.
Little fella is holding a vile and looks like its screaming at pulling the cork out.
"Master!! I messed up!" - Last words of Genestealer Igor
In the grim darkness of the far 2024 there's only... cuteness ! (when everything is grim people find comfort in humour and cuteness. glad to be part of this).
One of my favorite lil guys is the little halfling stuffed in a bag from the giant kit
Or the lil crushed goblin in the giant kit 😭
unloose the goose!
Unleese the geese
one thing I think is important to think about is that the "lil guy" aesthetic works in part because it's a big contrast to the baseline of the setting. a setting of just cute things would come off as saccharine and staid. it's precisely _because_ the cute things aren't the norm that they resonate so well when they do show up.
As someone who played from around 2000-2005 this makes sense to me...there definitely was a need to break up the tone a little...though there also was usually a decent amount of wackiness and color. It's interesting seeing the "animal" armies in here, since I never really thought of scaven, tyranids, or lizardmen as "cute" though they did help break up the tone a bit. Also want to give a shout out to the accidentally wacky armies of those days, like the Dark Eldar, who most definitely are playing at a local "battle of the bands" witch some sick Van Halen covers.
Here’s another one for ya; Arkhan Land (the Famous Techno-archeologist from 40k had a pet cyber monkey called Sapien - he was definitely a lil’guy! And much beloved. RIP Sapien.
Huh. Knowing that Arkhan Land was deliberately a little silly actually makes me appreciate the "Land Raider" retcon a lot more. 😅
The 'they killed my monkey line' left me sobbing!
I think one of the truly underrated lil' guys is the familiar from the Chaos Lord In Terminator Armour kit. He's not even on the box cover! I was just looking at the pictures online and realized there's a random lil' guy in one of the "extra bits" showcases, and I have wanted him ever since! With his little robe, struggling to carry a knife too big for his body that would still be way too small for a guy in Terminator plate to actually use. Great lil' guy and criminally underrated.
He's on my list to convert into.... something whenever the Emperor's Children finally release.
i think thats the familiar token for the chaos sorcerer lord, if i remember right, he has a rule letting him power up his psychic attack once per fight and to indicate it, he has his little token.
Just to add this.. My favorite little guy that wasn't included is absolutely the little sword holder deamon from the 40k chaos lord in Terminator armor
This will be so good
Awesome, and also extra likes for the perfectly pitched "not for you" bit - very nicely put
There is a ‘big guy’ model in the Amazon Blood Bowl team which is covered in frogs. That is my favourite GW little guy
Love it! Also, Trolls in the Pantry, Boss Monster and the Undertaker - awesome shelf in the background!
If you were wearing Grogu's ears after saying 'Psychic Goblin" I'd have died a good death
I am not immune to cute propaganda
I'm 39, I've been playing and painting GW stuff since I was about 9 (I think), and as far as I can remember there has always been cutesy stuff in the background, especially in Fantasy. That was full of silly little goobers.
17:07 well done for resisting the urge to say "the entire community got crabs" 😂
I still want to see a return of Ork Tinboyz with the Beekeebot, Panzeebot and new ones for the other 40k factions
Thus is rapidly becoming my favorite miniature channel. :)
Perry Halflings are an even older example.
I have to say, I saw that little fox the other day in a video having to do with the new Blood Bowl sculpts, and that figure has been on my mind ever since. It's just a great little character full of personality, like a comic illustration that has just come to life.
I remember the powder monkey for empire handgunners being all the rage on the forums. Honestly warhammer fantasy used to have alot of lil guys especially near the end, but it seemed like it got shelved when it got axe'd. You had all forms of gnoblars on ogres with attitude, lil rats with skaven, snotlings and squigs, nurglings, etc. Meme culture has probably helped it grow in popularity more again.
I loved those gnoblars on Ogre Kingdoms - I remember the one that lit the fuse of the Leadbelcher 😂
The old Dogs of War sets! Halflings with pots of soup, or the Birdmen of Catrazza! They were super fun.
I've seen an army of sparkly pink Tyranids with bows and tutus! They were delightful.
A kit full of little guys that just came out recently but is actually quite old: The Bretonnian Men-at-Arms kit has some hunting dogs, along with little snails and provisions (rabbits and birds slung onto packs).
Clearly, the snails should be combined with the little frogs from the new Seraphon kits, for a full array of "things the British make fun of the French for eating like British food isn't a nightmare".
If you're going to have gross grimdark, why not cute grimdark?
Why not both with the sassy nurgling
Why not sassy ALL THE THINGS @@AriSolMorningstar
the holy trinity of gross dark and cute
Firstly, that was a question. Use a question mark "?", not an exclamation point "!".
Secondly, grimdark is supposed to be gritty, gross, tragic, gothic, etc. etc. It's not supposed to be funny, cute, and soft.
If you don't like Warhammer/Warhammer 40k for what it is, then go somewhere else. No one has to cater to your individual wants and needs.
Leave Wahammer/Warhammer 40k alone.
@@jeremyhess7977 Imagine taking toy soldier game seriously
I think to build on your point while there is only war in the grim dark far future, I think this is needed for the sake of contrast. We get numb if everything is dark and grim and by placing a little bit of joy and wholesomeness it helps make the grimdarkness pop. If a canvas is painted in various shades of black it’s hard to make things out but add a bit of white and now the painting pops.
That bit about the cute puppy... with guns had me in stitches 😆 🤣
I can already tell that certain (large) sections of the 40k fandom are gonna have, shall we say, problems with this information
The best lil guy has to be the zombie cat from Cursed City. The treasure imp and key crow are also pretty great.
The old Snotling Pump Wagon from WFB was one of my faves. Most of the snotlings fall into this category, and a good number of the ‘flavor gits’ as well.
My normal fave is the Sassy Nurgling, but I also have a soft spot for the snotling making a snow angel in the Grotmas Gitz base
GW are finally realising that their greatest strength, and indeed the greatest strength of British Fantasy Art in general,was always making Weird Little Freaks.
Squigs have always been cute.
And nice an silly lol
The bitting is just how they show love
It has always been cute. Case and point : the Skaven.
Love the angle of your videos, always such an original way to look at the hobby. Very refreshing. 😄
Thanks buddy 😁
I’m pretty certain the gargoylians are meant to be a direct reference to medieval marginalia and possibly art from Hieronymus Bosch
They are! Still cute tho
I stumbled across a very small frog squig, I don't know where he came frome but I could die for him and I keep him safe
My favourite lil’ guy of all time has to be the little chaos familiar that comes in the chaos terminator lord kit, his knife is taller than him and the wrong way round, but he’s got the spirit
5th edition Warhammer fantasy Brettonian Knights of the Realm have a cute lil’ snail and the men at arms sprues had dogs on them.
I just discovered that in The Old World Bretonnia Box Set 😂 Loved it!
Great video! I do remember back in the day there being a lot of hype over the hunting dogs that came with the Mordheim witch hunters... And now I think of it the little dog that came with the Brettonian men at arms in the early 2000s
Nerdling Lil Guy Pride!
That said, gnomes getting acknowledged again after they walked back their return in WFRP4 is what's really exciting me about the new BB team.
A few 'earlier' mini's I remember well are the little scarabs and scorpions that came with the tombking expansion. Also the bat hanging on the vampirecount corpse wagon.
They were interesting little pieces that seemed to be selling well on bits-webstores.
Another one within the greenskin range seems to be rivertroll holding the fish, it was one of the features that caught my eye when first seeing those models!
...and well Necron scarabs might be worth mentioning too.
The players say "My 40k and Warhammer needs to be Grimdark, gritty and GOTHIC"
Sculptures at GW be like "At last my Art History Dissertation on humorous Gargoyles and Grotesques in Gothic Religious Architecture has a real life use".
Seriously have you seen some of those little "additions" to the stone work on those medieval cathedrals... Possibly the root of what you call "Lil Guys".
I wish I could like the video twice so i could say Hello to Squiggy twice. I love him!
He says hi :3
This was an excellent video whilst I was on public transport the last couple of days, well presented, interesting, the audio balance was perfect.
More like this please, I need more videos of Louise Pondering
Watched Labyrinth for the first time this week - immediately thought of your channel a number of times. :D
Love to see more cute things being put out into the world.
For the first time? Wow, I grew up with that film. I always wanted a real life friend like Ludo 😊
@@darkseraph666 I know! I can’t believe it took me so long to see it.
It came out a few years before I was born, and I think I was an adult before I even heard of it. It’s really a shame it took so long. Got to see it in a theatre, it was really nice.
Ludo was great! I did NOT expect him to be packing so much cake though. 😂 It’s my friend’s favorite movie, and she told me she had never noticed before. Jokes aside, loved him.
Very Terry Pratchett and Discworld, I appreciate that
To be fair, I'd be way more concerned about a badger in a room than an elephant.
I think it's kinda natural. One thing I see a lot is players of a certain age being nostalgic for the RT era where it's lore was a lot more satirical and it was normal to see Space Marines with jokey things written on their shoulderpads. Considering how relentlessly grim Warhammer is, I think people do get a hankering for some whimsy to offset all that darkness. There's been cheeky little grots in Warhammer since forever, after all.
Watchers in the Dark are the best lil guys!!!
Spooky lil guys
@@roguehobbiesdid you see the Adeptus Ridiculous poster?
Is that really Trolls in the Pantry and Oi! Dat's My Leg! you have on the shelf there??? I've not seen those in forever! Also couldn't help noticing that alongside the new paints you have not only some of the old hexagonal pots but even older round white-tops?
That is, I think, the ones done by another company for GW rather than produced themselves? I was told that the old range is still going under the name Coat d'Arms paints by Black Hat Miniatures. I don't know if that is true and they are the same company or not, but what I *do* know is that Coat d'Arms is a very nice range of paints going off the handful that I have tried. In particular they do a beautiful metallic blue and metallic purple/amethyst very much like GW used to sell way back when and I absolutely loved. Back then they had to have a perfect, even white undercoat to look good, the current ones from the Coat d'Arms range however will even look good painted over black!
Sorry, getting far off topic of the video!
Silly/funny little guys are certainly nothing new, like the old gobbos and such as mentioned. I was actually wondering if you would also mention the old chaos familiars and low and behold you did! My favourites of those was always the walking book and the scroll bearer! And as well, one of the old Genestealer Patriarch models (I think the one seated on a throne?) used to come with a couple of demonic familiars that took the form of tiny Genestealers (this was back when a Genestealer coven could ally with Chaos and the Patriarch could become possessed by a demon,) Back then the company didn't take itself too seriously I don't think, GW knew their fans/customers, knew they liked some silly in-jokes and the odd goofy model and acted accordingly.
This is basically I think what produced the game Blood Bowl. Certainly 3rd Edition from '94 which was my introduction to it (which is the edition you show in the vid) with their Orcidas sponsors and their Necromancer Broadcasting Corporation and Crystal Ball Network and led to some of the silliest official and fan-made rules for any system, including a troll on a pogo-stick featured in the old Citadel Journal and came with an official silliness warning!
A while after that the company got a bit too obsessed with being serious and all grim-dark, like a moody teenager who always dresses in black wants to be treated like an adult and hates disney and has forgotten how to have fun. It's good to see the company getting a sense of humour again and, as before, Blood Bowl leading the way! I've always thought of BB as the best game old GW ever made, a simple core ruleset that lends itself to multiple variations and adaptations, I've played 4-way games, games in dungeons, games with multiple/enchanted balls and many more. There is little frustration like finally running a player over the touch-line after a difficult play for the winning score, only to have the enchanted ball teleport out of their hands at the last second!
I cannot stress how hyped I am for the range of Lil Guys that will come with the skaven refresh GW as an entity have moved away from the way they make that sort of sprue lately, but a lot of the old skaven kits have a bunch of rats included. While almost all of them are not really Cute (shout out to the tiny robed rat with a knife from the plaguemonks, who is my "you missed that one" for the video) I have noticed that all the more recent designed rats are Super Cute and a lot more cartoony than the previous plastics (the rat from Heroquest being a notable exception, but compare the rats from the endless spell vs the plague monk ones)
So I am stoked for that!
I love the birds in the bone reapers and chaos knights.
Even Middle Earth SBG has Farmer Maggots dogs Grip, Fang, and Wolf
How could you forget the absolute champion that is Bill the Pony
@@georgesutherlandhoward4417 I didnt. He is too legendary to be a smol boi. He is a mighty hero.
and Redagast with Sebastian the Hedgehog and his rabbits. pretty sure there's also a little bird in the Radagast kit
I am enraged by the fact that the thumbnail did not include the nurgling riding a fly which is included as a base decoration in the AOS plague-drones of nurgle kit.
That bastard is literally the cutest thing imaginable.
20:37 Next Rascaltown mini release: "Frog Lord"
Make it happen!
Is the frog lord really just twenty small frogs in an overcoat?
I noticed this myself. I call them "Wee Little Buddies."
While I'd been vaguely aware of the various small dudes, the first who really caught my attention was the blue Chaos Familiar that came with Festus (2012), affectionately called Dave/Smolpox/Eyeplops by the community. The fact that he wasn't just an accessory paraphernalia, but actually served a function as the storrer for Festus' big pot of "medicine" made him instantly more interesting to me. Now I kind of want every Warhammer leader to have a Wee Little Buddy!
Secrectly that Canadian Goose is stronger than Abaddon and is the TRUE destroyer of worlds lol
The Goose wouldn't have 13 tries to destroy a world.
Finally GW minis are becoming fun again. Lets hope it doesnt reverse. Noone serious can think that EoM is "morally ambigious"
I want a plushie/cute Canoptek Scarab
You should use your next miniature to do some science: Release a frog accompanied by a teeny tiny goblin to find out whether the frog was popular because it's a critter or because of it's relative smallness!
There used to be a ton of cute and silly stuff in the early days of GW, I just see this as a return to form.
Every faction should have a smol mini that is the epitome of: "if not fren, why fren shaped?"
great... now im in a mood for rascal blood bowl team ....
That Plasmacyte snub cuts real deep 😩💔
And I, for one, welcome our new lil guy overlords.
The little Nurgle cat from the Wurmspat team is my favorite little cutie
Personally I want them to bring back the RT Era 'Romantic Dancing Ultramarines'
Cute/funny stuff in Warhammer is like sugar in your tea: you can have tea without sugar and you wouldn't want to drink tea that's mostly sugar, but a little bit makes it nicer to drink.
Hear me out - WARHAMSTER. Or, failing that, the ongoing adventures of Fabius Bile's uplifted mice.
I read that as warmaster and was very confused for a moment.
@@arkrixWell, Warmaster is WHFB, but small enough for a hamster to play, so...
Blood Bowl being my favorite GW game, I always adored the artwork in the rulebook and Spike magazines. My absolute favorite depiction of Nurglings comes from the current rulebook, specifically on the page for Fouling.
One Nurgling is upset, one has his hand stuck to another and is attempting to pry it loose, and the third guy looks devastated that his team lost but is holding his little flag, just glad he's attending a game
Happy Women's Day.
Will you ever paint those beautiful new Bretonnian Handmaiden/Prophetesses?
I'd love to them and the maiden on the unicorn are so pretty
@@roguehobbies YEAÖH !
I am not really a Warhammer player (Though i love WHFB lore and oldhammer aesthetics) but i will definitely get those.
It would definitely cool to see your take on them as they would fit a bright and vibrant paint scheme.
I do love the Sharpener that came with Headsmen’s Curse - playing it in Warcry has given it the name “the little baby” who just follows the Wielder round
Not me chanting “CRAB CRAB CRAB CRAB CRAB” for most of this video…
Let's not forget this is the same company who gave us wizard with a machine gun, and it was just, Gandalf with a WW2 era machine gun, lol.
Grimdark and cute, you love to see it. I'm really here for the little guy movement!
TUSSLE TRUFFLE?! Best. I'm yoinking that straight for my gitz army.
My absolute favourite GW cutesy band is the Underworlds lizard men with the chameleon and its little pocket poison frog. Andy from Cult of Paint did such a beautiful work of it 🐸
Honestly I hope this pushes GW to give their artists even more freedom when designing kits!
I give this video crab out 10 as a cuteness rating
The little tyranid marker in the leviathan box, love that little dude