The problem is that the government doesn't want to build more schools, they want to take from functioning schools which happen to be established as afrikaans schools. If people want to be taught in their mother tounge, without fear of being discriminated against, more schools should be built and systems should be put in place so that kids can learn in their mother tounge. The main issue here is that there aren't enough schools to cater for the growing population demand and now people are hiding behind inclusivity and discrimination to take from afrikaans schools. The solution is to build more schools instead of taking all the time.
I agree with you government should build more schools, the question is why is a problem to add more languages to accommodate more people? Do you honestly believe that if resource limitations were not an issue and there were enough schools for everyone to have the ability to learn in their mother tongue and the government still mandated schools to be multi lingual to be more inclusive people wouldn't be protesting about that?
@@SibuAndSpheAfrikaans teachers cannot teach science and math in IsiZulu it is an impossible imposition and a waste of resources for specific communities in SA to do that! I would argue that it is inclusive to allow the Afrikaaners to teach in their own mother tongue and it is exclusive to impose another language onto them! If you want to get teachers to teach in IsiZulu then this is going to take a massive impractical amount of resources to do this. 10s of thousands of teachers would need retraining to do this! Where we struggle as is just to put food on the table we have MUCH bigger problems to solve! The cost will be immense and who is going to pay for all of this? It’s a stupid idea it’s undoable in a practical sense! We are a nation of multiple cultures and languages and we need to let each other thrive. One cultures failings does not mean that culture gets to go and steal from the successful one this is evil. Reflect and copy the success it’s much better and you will thank yourselves for this and hold your heads high.
11:33 I feel it’s because Afrikaners feel deeply African, at the same time they fear what would happen to them and their culture if they left the reigns of the institutions they’ve built (unis, hoerskools etc) to the government and the people who they repressed for so long. I understand it as a white person because I know I will never love any other place or people as much as South Africa, but yea kinda feel threatened just for existing as a white person, even though my ancestors were kicked out of Europe and came here to make a life for themselves in our beautiful land Or my immigrant grandparents who got off the boat with R20 in their pockets Now Ive been told before by others that im a coloniser and I dont belong here and that i should go back??? Where should the Afrikaners go? Like yea i dont ever wanna leave I just hope we all get along better and stop being so fearful and doubting of each other
Apartheid has done more damage than people realise, there is fear all around, it's why we won't have a white president anytime soon and there is fear on the other side as well of being ostracised from society and racists are fuelling those fears from both sides. It will take time but I'm still optimistic the country will heal and move on from all of that.
@ yea racist people are crazy in our beautiful country 🤣🤣🤣 But I plan on giving everything I am and have to this land And my ashes will flow in the African wind just like ancestors before me
Yeah man white people fear what would happen if they let go of their economic and institutional power. Black people fear what would happen if they allowed white people to continue to hold power or even gave more power. But look think about it this way the romans feared what would happen if they let the Germanic people who they called barbarians into their empire and indeed the Germanic tribes came in and destroyed Rome. Centuries later those people’s decedents essentially built the modern world Moral of the story is not everything you fear is worth being afraid of.
Its not against inclusion, its against Afrikaans schools turning into the next Eskom, Transnet, Denel, Post office, state hospitals and everything else the ANC touches.
But that prediction does not guarantee that this policy will be a failure regarding how those involved will be affected, because it was never procured making your prediction hard to justify since there is no evidence. It gets more complex when some interpret that prediction as an excuse used to hinder inclusive public services.
@@menzipercy8638 The past 30 years is an absolute indicator of where it is headed bro. You can polish a turd as much as you want, it will only be able to be a turd.
6:44 this not fair, I was in a dual medium school and it was packed to the brim. What about those fully Afrikaans schools that are already fully packed with people, now they must make space and pay for more teachers who can teach in another language? Who’s paying?
Thank you for the video, it provides an interesting take on things but I think I could point out a few possible errors in the discussion: A major issue being overlooked is the current poor state of the vast majority of schools and the education system in SA. The reason is not necessarily racist in nature but the disparity definitely runs along racial lines with most Afrikaans schools functioning pretty well while the majority of pupils who suffer at poorly run government schools are unfortunately black. I think Afrikaans schools don't fear other languages being introduced but rather their level of education and language being forced to the lowest common denominator which we can all agree is the fault of the current government, not race or language. Another issue is the symbolism in the video. Orange happens to be the colour of Afriforum and several political parties. Blue is the DA's colour. Also the flag you show clearly states "vierkleur vlag" or four-colour flag which pre-dates the union and apartheid system by about half a century. I think the reason behind it being show is as a symbol of independence when the English invaded the first republic under which many black soldiers fought just as under the imperial union jack flag. Its symbolism now is the stand against another ruler trying force an unpopular law which not all agree with. Afrikaans people have a pride in them which is based on building on each other, their community, religion and culture. The more you stand together with another who is your brother or ally, the stronger you are and this is true for every culture and race in the world. Orania is a place with exclusively white people and the politicians jump up and shout racism but how many white people complain about a lack of Afrikaans in Botshabelo, Thembisa or Katlehong? Remember that Mandela, Zuma, Malema and most recently Penuel Black pen went to Orania and not only were they allowed in but they were invited for coffee and koeksisters. It is important to sit and think. Who is really for you and who is really against you, regardless of what language you speak or the colour of your skin.
The poor state of schools is not being over looked or part of this discussion because that was not the point of the strike. They weren't protesting resource limitations, they were protesting language policies and admissions policies. The rhetoric used was that of protecting the Afrikaans language and it's culture not that of a decline in the quality of the education because of the bill. In fact they were okay with all the other clauses which would put a strain on schooling resources such as making compulsory for learners to attend school and now grade R being compulsory and protested against the amendments to the language and admissions policies. Now you can look at it 2 ways, it's either they want to keep a high standard of education for the learners by discriminating against other learners based of off language and culture by only allowing learners in that culture to attend those schools, or they want to preserve their culture and language in Afrikaans schools by refusing to introduce other languages into the schools to prevent learners from other cultures to attend their schools. Either way you look at it, it's still discriminatory in some way. Which shouldn't be acceptable in South Africa. I agree with you that Afrikaaners are proud which is admirable of them but the main difference between them and any other culture or tribe in SA is that others don't discriminate in the way that some Afrikaaners do. The example you used of some areas being predominately black or from a certain tribe is that people choose to live in those areas or don't choose to live in them. Nobody is stopping Afrikaaners or any other culture or tribe from living with them in those areas they just choose not. In Orania people can't choose to stay there only a certain group is allowed to stay which is discriminatory, so that is the reason why don't complain about those areas you referring to unlike Orania, one is discriminatory and one is not.
There's no rule in Thembisa that says you have to be of a certain culture to live there. How about the people who were forcefully removed in Orania for the settlement of the Afrikaneers? What kind of religion do they have that teaches them to discriminate other people? How about stopping being control freaks, and let their children choose the kind of lives they want to live, because they are just teaching the hate, just liken they were taught during apartheird. No one is born with hate, It's the parents teaching the children discrimination and bigotry.
@@SibuAndSphe i know a few people who went to the protest. Their main concern being (mine included) that a lot of schools (afrikaans and english) run well because the government is not needlessly intervening with the school policies, as long as they abide by the constitution and law. School functions like the beheer liggaam at my school, is made up of parents and teachers or any vested party of my school, who have a say on the way things should be run and how it is performing. The government already has de facto control over public schools and semi private as it is funding them but is limited to the schools body as they also have a right to say what happens. The bill like Cyril said is not aimed at afrikaners, it is aimed at schools whos body is not functioning adequately especially in poor and rural areas. I dont think anyone has a problem with trying to fix poor performing schools A lot of Afrikaans parents, students and teachers disagree with why a lot of schools are not performing as they should with the ANC. They argue (as do i) that Afrikaans schools perform well precisely because it has independence to make decisions so long as they are not discriminating or performing below standard. There is already legislation to deal with this and we like how it is currently working. The fact the government wants to make hands on decisions on schools is what concerns people. That is the central issue. Then there's the second issue. Afrikaners are afraid that the government is masking their intent by claiming to use the bill as leverage to fix poor schools, while actually using the bill to end Afrikaans schools. You yourself mentioned or seemed to imply that Afrikaans schools are racist and discriminatory by nature, which is a complete lie. If it was discriminatory then it wouldn't be constitutional and the school would've been changed years ago. The fact is all Afrikaans schools have black pupils and English , Zulu , Xhosa, you name it are allowed to attend and did at my school. However the language of instruction is going to be Afrikaans, because it is an Afrikaans school. I dont see the uproar and people claiming racism about german schools just because they are taught in german, Or English schools because they are taught in English. You can just as easily reverse that argument saying im being discriminated against because its harder for me to go and compete in an English school because im Afrikaans. Just because Afrikaans schools exist does not make it inherently racist. Having the lack of choice though, can be seen as such. Because i do not have the opportunity to be taught in my mother tongue. But you can surely understand why Afrikaners are hesitant to believe the governments intentions if arguments like this constantly come up. There are 25000 schools in south africa, of which 2500 are Afrikaans single and parralel medium, of those only 1200 are Afrikaans single medium. less than 5%. Yet somehow people imply that were the reason south african education is poor? Because they keep all the black people from having education? Its scapegoating and a misdirection to explain the true culprit of poor schools, and that is that the government like all its institutions break things more than they fix. And didnt build enough new schools. Most Afrikaans schools have already become english or duel medium since 1995. The Afrikaans schools left are here because there is a demand for them, not because of racism. Again people are creating an issue where there isn't any to begin with. People forget there are at least 3 million Afrikaners in south africa, if you count coloureds you get a further 5.3 million Afrikaans speakers. Such a significant population have a right to be taught in their language. Lastly Afrikaans schools has its own culture which is different from english schools. Again it has nothing to do with discrimination. I have pride in my schools traditions and felt more comfortable there than i would've in an English school. It was also one of few places where i was allowed to learn my own language at an academic level. To say that i am oppressing someone because i had good schooling is ridiculous as i can say that to anyone who had a good education regardless of language. People again to not complain about culture in catholic schools, or girl schools, or boys schools. Because that is what the school is. If you do not like the culture there you are welcome to find another school that you feel you fit into. You dont see me go to an English school and demand they act like an Afrikaans school because i dont feel included. You would laugh at me and tell me to get lost. I know this is long but hopefully it clarifies the reason why people are against the bill. Have a great day
@gerritkruger4014 Thanks for the comment and it's a good read because you make some good points. I agree with you in terms of the whole issue about school performance. Schools do perform better when there is less government interference, in reality our government has been so bad the last 15 to 20 years that anything that didn't have government interference would perform better. The poor performance of public schools is the failure of the government. I can understand not trusting our government in it's current state to touch anything it's already hasn't broken and maybe people wouldn't be protesting so much whenever the government wants more control. I get that I fully understand that part of what you saying. As someone who has had a parent in SGB in the high school that I went to I'm familiar with the dynamics that can go on there. I went to a school with a wide spectrum of learners, we were mixed in with the poor, middle class, and some upper middle class. Some elitism can happen in SGBs the government trying to regulate that to be more inclusive based on the area the school is situated is not a bad idea on paper but of course I understand why it sounds like a bad idea with the current government. The part I struggle with and still struggle with even with your comment even though you articulated it so well is the reluctance to coexist with other cultures it's a foreign concept to me and maybe you can help me understand a bit better. For example my first 2 years I went to an english school with predominately Indian learners because the school was situated in an Indian community, the school had a sizeable black number of students but it was still majority Indian. The school had multiple languages to accommodate as many people in the community as possible. The rest of my primary schooling was at a Afrikaans school which was a Afrikaans only school during apartheid and later added English and Zulu languages to accommodate more students including myself which I probably wouldn't be able to attend if it was an Afrikaans only school, but I learned to read and write Afrikaans quite fluently and grew up with a number of Afrikaans friends. From a cultural perspective Rugby and athletics including swimming were the dominant sports, we sang Afrikaans songs but the coolest thing was that the principle at the time was a hardened Afrikaans man who could speak and read Zulu fluently to such an extent he taught Zulu as well which was one of the coolest I've ever seen to date. The rest of my school was similar multi lingual and multi cultural schools and most of the previously Afrikaans only schools in the city I grew up in adopted more languages to accommodate more people without seemingly erasing the language or it's culture. That mini background of the conditions I grew up should give you an idea of why it's such a foreign concept to me when people say their cultures are in danger and the language must be protected if the HOD instructs Afrikaans only schools to add more languages to their language policy. Based on my experience growing up that is simply not true. I'm interested in finding out what are the cultural aspects or traditions you found more comfortable doing in Afrikaans schools as compared to English schools. If you familiar with the Zulus in anyway you would know how proud that tribe is of it's culture and traditions but there was never aspect of pushing culture and traditions in schools so much so that Zulus only want Zulu speaking people in their schools, so again my theory of Afrikaaner self preservation is the driving factor to wanting Afrikaans only schools. I would be interested to know you thoughts on this. lastly my argument as to why monolingual schools shouldn't exist in modern day South Africa. Now that you are aware of how I grew up in terms of schooling I think I've had a pretty diverse schooling experience where Afrikaaners speak Afrikaans, Zulu and English, Zulus speaking Zulu, English and Afrikaans and Indians also being able to speak 3 languages I thought that was coolest aspects of growing up in post 94 South Africa being subjected to different cultures. Being in an Indian community i was exposed to their traditions same as when I went to an Afrikaans school learning different languages and all that coming together to create a society where all these cultures can coexist without the need for places like Orania and the need for monolingual schools especially since most south Africans are multi lingual, I truly feel you not really South African if you not multi lingual because you literally can't get the full South African experience if you only know one language and are not aware of other cultures which cannot be properly achieved in monolingual schools. I'm not sure if you get what I'm saying, but it would be interesting to get your thoughts on it.
@@washa8881 Orania is private property. Do you allow non-Muslims in muslim schools , do you allow non- Christians in a monastery , do you allow whites in the black lawyers association ? I could go on , but we are allowed to decide who to associate with in our private spaces.
The Afrikaans culture is based on conservatives Christian values, respect, dignity, monogamy etc, were African cultures are quite different. To an Afrikaner screaming while walking down the street is rude, having multiple children with multiple woman is wrong. Being loud and having poligomous relationships isn't wrong it is just wrong in the eyes of that Culture, so they accept the right of each culture to grow in the direction they feel is right, but they also want the freedom to grow in their own chosen direction. if you would take the time to consider the stark contrast in the cultures we have in South-Africa you would see why integration is a problem. Let each culture develop on their own sweat and blood, South Africa is South Africa because all our cultures are potent and unique. "If you stand for everything, you stand for Nothing" If we don't each stand for our Cultures, we will lose all culture.
Having different cultural views is one thing but being intolerant of other cultures is another thing and in a multi cultural society that shouldn't be acceptable. I wonder if conservative christian values also advocate for intolerance of others to such a degree that segregation and discrimination is seen as a noble thing. I grew up in a multi cultural neighbourhood where Diwali and Christmas was celebrated on the same street, cultures can be vastly different but most people are fine with tolerating each other and coexisting in a multi cultural society except for a few.
@@SibuAndSphe Strange how intolerance of Afrikaner culture is overlooked. I simply cannot see any other reason than pure hatred and racism, for taking EVERYTHING we have, leaving us with NOTHING we can be proud of and call our own. Even our kids are not spared this wrath of racism. Just answer met this. How is it that we are hated because we do not want black kids in our schools, but yet the black kids that are there are thriving?
I’m gonna speak in defence of the Afrikaans community here maybe giving a different perspective from what you guys suggested could be their primary motivation. Although I don’t agree with being against the BELA Bill on the basis of preserving one culture as I think that such notions are against the formation of a national identity. We should not forget that we didn’t lay down when the apartheid government tried to force Afrikaans into our schools in the 70s. Now even though the BELA bill doesn’t technically force any language into schools considering the fact that Afrikaans speaking people are virtually the minority everywhere across the country, except in coloured communities (who everyone always overlooks despite being the largest population of Afrikaans speakers in the country) it’s pretty obvious that it shouldn’t be long until Afrikaans is out numbered to the point of existing only in a few rural communities. Now that doesn’t seem like a problem for most of us who want integration but when you consider the fact that majority of the best performing schools in the country, purely on the basis of matric results, are consistently Afrikaans schools you realise that the BELA Bill is one step forward and two steps back. Furthermore I grew up in Pretoria north and I vividly remember watching former Afrikaans schools transition to English medium schools and witnessed first hand how the performance of these schools dwindled as a result of this. Now I don’t like the pretext under which this march takes place because it is in the defence of one group in South Africa. But I think we’re making a mistake by telling our best schools how they should be administered. Anyone who isn’t possessed by the bias towards their own group or culture can see that it’s a bad idea. And everyone rambling on about the government needing to build new schools if there’s a shortage has not looked at the data long enough to realise the new schools the government has built simply do not perform. We need to go and do some serious research and this is what the government should be funding. Why is it that these Afrikaans schools do so well? Is it funding? Is it more involvement from parents? Are the teachers paid better? Is it facilities, values, management? What is it? I guarantee you if we have English schools providing better quality education and producing more competent students next to these Afrikaans, you’ll see how quickly native Afrikaans speakers will be lining up to get English as a home language in schools.
We beat around the bush too much, The problem with this is ANC are not building enough Tertiary schools for black people so the established English or Afrikaans schools are attacked, overrun and the community close by don't have anywhere to put their kids because everything else is run poorly or not of a high enough standard. It always starts from the Top and that is the ANC. You can not blame them for anything, afrikaans people are not trying to attack any black culture or force themselves into anywhere, they are purely trying to exist and carry on with there lives.
Preserving one’s culture is not wrong, a lot of Black elders talk about preserving traditional ways. This isn’t a march to keep non-White kids out, anyone can go to an Afrikaans school, as long as they can speak Afrikaans. There are plenty of kids of English, Scottish, Indian, Coloured, Chinese, Irish heritage who can’t go to Afrikaans schools because they don’t speak Afrikaans. Black people, can we please find better things to be outraged about? The racism card has been overused at this point.
Haibo yall like to protest and toi toi about nothing and everything, listen Zambia national language is English, u go to school its english, u get a job its english then we have 72 native languages, then we have major regional languages in specific areas like bemba tonga nainja. So we have no racism, no basis against any races. U wanna speak ur native toug u got a home, family n friends. Otherwise in public its english
MOUNTAIN OUT OF MOLE HILLS, the Afrikaans people have a culture they want to preserve AND NOW IT IS ISOLATIONIST and that is Racist? THEN THE LESOTHO MUST BE ONE OF THE MOST RACIST COUNTRIES IN THE WOLRD for not just being part of South Africa... . Or the culture that built an infrastructure that withstood in relative terms the abuse of the ANC's negligence for 30 years, ANC has made faucets to help poor people but forgot to build dams to collect and hold the water, this is metaphorical for infrastructure and tax payers. Any other minority that protest is praised but Afrikaans is still being picked on because it makes good racist and political headlines that is easy to distract people from potholes and failing infrastructure
How will the inclusion of other languages at school make them lose their culture , my little brother and sister attended a school that taught Afrikaans and English and they never lost their culture. All these people are advocating for is apartheid ( separate hood ) and they call it preserving their culture. Clearly this unity thing of Nelson Mandela is not working. Am still amazed that there are black people who vote to be governed by these people
@@NtokozaPearlKhaula you'll realise that it's what they are fighting for after they've annexed Capetown and there are about more than 50 orania in South Africa
Afrikaans is a mixture of cultures, it was born from many peoples coming together. The problem isn't integration it is control, the ANC will develop a layer of school managers who's job it will be to make sure other people do their job. It is expanding the bureaucratic class, dead weight. It sounds good on paper like our Constitution but in practice are our schools going to end up like Transnet or Eskom? a cashcow for a few corrupt polies. White Afrikaners are 10% of the population, a small minority, instead of taking those schools why not build schools according to the kids that need them. Every language a school offers doubles the teachers that school must employ, to have a one school does all approach will be extremely inefficient, which is fine because efficiency isn't the goal. If you don't know how to create yourself you must take from someone who has created, instead of seeking to mix our cultures, uplift the cultures. Afrikaans is not a magic culture that was gifted what they have by God they created it, to just take means nothing, if you can't create it you don't know it and even if you have it it won't last. It is a slap in the face of the 90% majority that their only hope is to integrate with a minority. Afrikaans and White are not special things any language or skin tone can create a better future if they so choose. Just taking what has been created doesn't count they must create themselves.
No one is disputing how bad the government we can all agree they are what is holding SA back, if you have seen my other comments I am not in favour of the bill because of the issues it will create in making education worse in this country but that's not the issue being discussed here
Lmao as white English south African i can tell that your viewers are definitely leaning towards one side 90% of them atleast anyway, doesn't surprise me me tho
Mother tongue education is very important, in South Africa we support mother tongue education, learning in English is a crime, mother tongue education is part of decolonisation
What about us "coloured" people who speak afrikaans as a home language ... We should focus on adding languages as an optional like isiZulu or Xhosa ... I mean i would've loved to learn one of those in school but it wasn't an option.
What about coloured people? I agree with you, that was one of the coolest things about my childhood growing up. I could speak read and write in 3 different languages and was involved in multiple cultures growing and I knew Indians, white Afrikaaners, coloureds and black people which is what makes South Africa and South Africans so unique compared to the rest of the world, which is why monolingual schools in modern South Africa is a foreign concept to me which doesn't make sense considering the society we are trying to become.
Suggestion: why don't you guys react to staff like sonwabile girls night out series, it will help you to get more attention on young audience. Plus is Hella fun..
Those who want such videos are welcome to go to those channels. The youth in question need to know about what's happening in their country and this channel does that.
@phindulomashapha3815 I was thinking of doing more traditional reaction videos like the young RUclipsrs are doing, just haven't had the motivation to set it up yet, but it's something I'm considering and thanks for the suggestion I do watch some of Sonwabile's content it's not a bad idea to react to it and put it up on RUclips.
I wonder. Do you guys think its wrong for us to want to preserve our language? Just saying our language has nothing to do with the matter is in fact lazy. This act was specifically written (well the clause regarding language), with an attack on Afrikaans in mind, apartheid style. Our Afrikaans schools are full already you know. The majority of schools built and developed by the previous government is already English and mostly completely run down. You ask "why" do we want to exclude other languages and then presume to know the answer. That's also lazy. You do not even listen to us. You just say we do not want the mixing. I can hear you don't even know how racist your conversation is. You are so disingenuous, a blind person can see it with his stick. Please can you have such a conversation about the other 120 plus racist apartheid style laws currently on our books.
The problem is that the government doesn't want to build more schools, they want to take from functioning schools which happen to be established as afrikaans schools. If people want to be taught in their mother tounge, without fear of being discriminated against, more schools should be built and systems should be put in place so that kids can learn in their mother tounge.
The main issue here is that there aren't enough schools to cater for the growing population demand and now people are hiding behind inclusivity and discrimination to take from afrikaans schools. The solution is to build more schools instead of taking all the time.
I agree with you government should build more schools, the question is why is a problem to add more languages to accommodate more people? Do you honestly believe that if resource limitations were not an issue and there were enough schools for everyone to have the ability to learn in their mother tongue and the government still mandated schools to be multi lingual to be more inclusive people wouldn't be protesting about that?
@@SibuAndSpheAfrikaans teachers cannot teach science and math in IsiZulu it is an impossible imposition and a waste of resources for specific communities in SA to do that! I would argue that it is inclusive to allow the Afrikaaners to teach in their own mother tongue and it is exclusive to impose another language onto them! If you want to get teachers to teach in IsiZulu then this is going to take a massive impractical amount of resources to do this. 10s of thousands of teachers would need retraining to do this! Where we struggle as is just to put food on the table we have MUCH bigger problems to solve! The cost will be immense and who is going to pay for all of this? It’s a stupid idea it’s undoable in a practical sense! We are a nation of multiple cultures and languages and we need to let each other thrive. One cultures failings does not mean that culture gets to go and steal from the successful one this is evil. Reflect and copy the success it’s much better and you will thank yourselves for this and hold your heads high.
The God i serve will protect my language as he will protect all Christians of all cultures. God bless South Africa. He will defeat all evil. Amen
11:33 I feel it’s because Afrikaners feel deeply African, at the same time they fear what would happen to them and their culture if they left the reigns of the institutions they’ve built (unis, hoerskools etc) to the government and the people who they repressed for so long.
I understand it as a white person because I know I will never love any other place or people as much as South Africa, but yea kinda feel threatened just for existing as a white person, even though my ancestors were kicked out of Europe and came here to make a life for themselves in our beautiful land
Or my immigrant grandparents who got off the boat with R20 in their pockets
Now Ive been told before by others that im a coloniser and I dont belong here and that i should go back???
Where should the Afrikaners go?
Like yea i dont ever wanna leave
I just hope we all get along better and stop being so fearful and doubting of each other
Apartheid has done more damage than people realise, there is fear all around, it's why we won't have a white president anytime soon and there is fear on the other side as well of being ostracised from society and racists are fuelling those fears from both sides. It will take time but I'm still optimistic the country will heal and move on from all of that.
@ yea racist people are crazy in our beautiful country 🤣🤣🤣
But I plan on giving everything I am and have to this land
And my ashes will flow in the African wind just like ancestors before me
Yeah man white people fear what would happen if they let go of their economic and institutional power. Black people fear what would happen if they allowed white people to continue to hold power or even gave more power.
But look think about it this way the romans feared what would happen if they let the Germanic people who they called barbarians into their empire and indeed the Germanic tribes came in and destroyed Rome. Centuries later those people’s decedents essentially built the modern world
Moral of the story is not everything you fear is worth being afraid of.
Its not against inclusion, its against Afrikaans schools turning into the next Eskom, Transnet, Denel, Post office, state hospitals and everything else the ANC touches.
But that prediction does not guarantee that this policy will be a failure regarding how those involved will be affected, because it was never procured making your prediction hard to justify since there is no evidence. It gets more complex when some interpret that prediction as an excuse used to hinder inclusive public services.
@@menzipercy8638 The past 30 years is an absolute indicator of where it is headed bro. You can polish a turd as much as you want, it will only be able to be a turd.
6:44 this not fair, I was in a dual medium school and it was packed to the brim. What about those fully Afrikaans schools that are already fully packed with people, now they must make space and pay for more teachers who can teach in another language?
Who’s paying?
Thank you for the video, it provides an interesting take on things but I think I could point out a few possible errors in the discussion:
A major issue being overlooked is the current poor state of the vast majority of schools and the education system in SA. The reason is not necessarily racist in nature but the disparity definitely runs along racial lines with most Afrikaans schools functioning pretty well while the majority of pupils who suffer at poorly run government schools are unfortunately black. I think Afrikaans schools don't fear other languages being introduced but rather their level of education and language being forced to the lowest common denominator which we can all agree is the fault of the current government, not race or language.
Another issue is the symbolism in the video. Orange happens to be the colour of Afriforum and several political parties. Blue is the DA's colour. Also the flag you show clearly states "vierkleur vlag" or four-colour flag which pre-dates the union and apartheid system by about half a century. I think the reason behind it being show is as a symbol of independence when the English invaded the first republic under which many black soldiers fought just as under the imperial union jack flag. Its symbolism now is the stand against another ruler trying force an unpopular law which not all agree with.
Afrikaans people have a pride in them which is based on building on each other, their community, religion and culture. The more you stand together with another who is your brother or ally, the stronger you are and this is true for every culture and race in the world. Orania is a place with exclusively white people and the politicians jump up and shout racism but how many white people complain about a lack of Afrikaans in Botshabelo, Thembisa or Katlehong? Remember that Mandela, Zuma, Malema and most recently Penuel Black pen went to Orania and not only were they allowed in but they were invited for coffee and koeksisters. It is important to sit and think. Who is really for you and who is really against you, regardless of what language you speak or the colour of your skin.
The poor state of schools is not being over looked or part of this discussion because that was not the point of the strike. They weren't protesting resource limitations, they were protesting language policies and admissions policies. The rhetoric used was that of protecting the Afrikaans language and it's culture not that of a decline in the quality of the education because of the bill. In fact they were okay with all the other clauses which would put a strain on schooling resources such as making compulsory for learners to attend school and now grade R being compulsory and protested against the amendments to the language and admissions policies.
Now you can look at it 2 ways, it's either they want to keep a high standard of education for the learners by discriminating against other learners based of off language and culture by only allowing learners in that culture to attend those schools, or they want to preserve their culture and language in Afrikaans schools by refusing to introduce other languages into the schools to prevent learners from other cultures to attend their schools. Either way you look at it, it's still discriminatory in some way. Which shouldn't be acceptable in South Africa.
I agree with you that Afrikaaners are proud which is admirable of them but the main difference between them and any other culture or tribe in SA is that others don't discriminate in the way that some Afrikaaners do. The example you used of some areas being predominately black or from a certain tribe is that people choose to live in those areas or don't choose to live in them. Nobody is stopping Afrikaaners or any other culture or tribe from living with them in those areas they just choose not. In Orania people can't choose to stay there only a certain group is allowed to stay which is discriminatory, so that is the reason why don't complain about those areas you referring to unlike Orania, one is discriminatory and one is not.
There's no rule in Thembisa that says you have to be of a certain culture to live there. How about the people who were forcefully removed in Orania for the settlement of the Afrikaneers? What kind of religion do they have that teaches them to discriminate other people? How about stopping being control freaks, and let their children choose the kind of lives they want to live, because they are just teaching the hate, just liken they were taught during apartheird. No one is born with hate, It's the parents teaching the children discrimination and bigotry.
@@SibuAndSphe i know a few people who went to the protest. Their main concern being (mine included) that a lot of schools (afrikaans and english) run well because the government is not needlessly intervening with the school policies, as long as they abide by the constitution and law. School functions like the beheer liggaam at my school, is made up of parents and teachers or any vested party of my school, who have a say on the way things should be run and how it is performing. The government already has de facto control over public schools and semi private as it is funding them but is limited to the schools body as they also have a right to say what happens. The bill like Cyril said is not aimed at afrikaners, it is aimed at schools whos body is not functioning adequately especially in poor and rural areas. I dont think anyone has a problem with trying to fix poor performing schools
A lot of Afrikaans parents, students and teachers disagree with why a lot of schools are not performing as they should with the ANC. They argue (as do i) that Afrikaans schools perform well precisely because it has independence to make decisions so long as they are not discriminating or performing below standard. There is already legislation to deal with this and we like how it is currently working. The fact the government wants to make hands on decisions on schools is what concerns people. That is the central issue.
Then there's the second issue. Afrikaners are afraid that the government is masking their intent by claiming to use the bill as leverage to fix poor schools, while actually using the bill to end Afrikaans schools. You yourself mentioned or seemed to imply that Afrikaans schools are racist and discriminatory by nature, which is a complete lie. If it was discriminatory then it wouldn't be constitutional and the school would've been changed years ago. The fact is all Afrikaans schools have black pupils and English , Zulu , Xhosa, you name it are allowed to attend and did at my school. However the language of instruction is going to be Afrikaans, because it is an Afrikaans school. I dont see the uproar and people claiming racism about german schools just because they are taught in german, Or English schools because they are taught in English. You can just as easily reverse that argument saying im being discriminated against because its harder for me to go and compete in an English school because im Afrikaans. Just because Afrikaans schools exist does not make it inherently racist. Having the lack of choice though, can be seen as such. Because i do not have the opportunity to be taught in my mother tongue. But you can surely understand why Afrikaners are hesitant to believe the governments intentions if arguments like this constantly come up.
There are 25000 schools in south africa, of which 2500 are Afrikaans single and parralel medium, of those only 1200 are Afrikaans single medium. less than 5%. Yet somehow people imply that were the reason south african education is poor? Because they keep all the black people from having education? Its scapegoating and a misdirection to explain the true culprit of poor schools, and that is that the government like all its institutions break things more than they fix. And didnt build enough new schools. Most Afrikaans schools have already become english or duel medium since 1995. The Afrikaans schools left are here because there is a demand for them, not because of racism. Again people are creating an issue where there isn't any to begin with. People forget there are at least 3 million Afrikaners in south africa, if you count coloureds you get a further 5.3 million Afrikaans speakers. Such a significant population have a right to be taught in their language.
Lastly Afrikaans schools has its own culture which is different from english schools. Again it has nothing to do with discrimination. I have pride in my schools traditions and felt more comfortable there than i would've in an English school. It was also one of few places where i was allowed to learn my own language at an academic level. To say that i am oppressing someone because i had good schooling is ridiculous as i can say that to anyone who had a good education regardless of language. People again to not complain about culture in catholic schools, or girl schools, or boys schools. Because that is what the school is. If you do not like the culture there you are welcome to find another school that you feel you fit into. You dont see me go to an English school and demand they act like an Afrikaans school because i dont feel included. You would laugh at me and tell me to get lost.
I know this is long but hopefully it clarifies the reason why people are against the bill. Have a great day
@gerritkruger4014 Thanks for the comment and it's a good read because you make some good points.
I agree with you in terms of the whole issue about school performance. Schools do perform better when there is less government interference, in reality our government has been so bad the last 15 to 20 years that anything that didn't have government interference would perform better. The poor performance of public schools is the failure of the government. I can understand not trusting our government in it's current state to touch anything it's already hasn't broken and maybe people wouldn't be protesting so much whenever the government wants more control. I get that I fully understand that part of what you saying. As someone who has had a parent in SGB in the high school that I went to I'm familiar with the dynamics that can go on there. I went to a school with a wide spectrum of learners, we were mixed in with the poor, middle class, and some upper middle class. Some elitism can happen in SGBs the government trying to regulate that to be more inclusive based on the area the school is situated is not a bad idea on paper but of course I understand why it sounds like a bad idea with the current government.
The part I struggle with and still struggle with even with your comment even though you articulated it so well is the reluctance to coexist with other cultures it's a foreign concept to me and maybe you can help me understand a bit better. For example my first 2 years I went to an english school with predominately Indian learners because the school was situated in an Indian community, the school had a sizeable black number of students but it was still majority Indian. The school had multiple languages to accommodate as many people in the community as possible. The rest of my primary schooling was at a Afrikaans school which was a Afrikaans only school during apartheid and later added English and Zulu languages to accommodate more students including myself which I probably wouldn't be able to attend if it was an Afrikaans only school, but I learned to read and write Afrikaans quite fluently and grew up with a number of Afrikaans friends. From a cultural perspective Rugby and athletics including swimming were the dominant sports, we sang Afrikaans songs but the coolest thing was that the principle at the time was a hardened Afrikaans man who could speak and read Zulu fluently to such an extent he taught Zulu as well which was one of the coolest I've ever seen to date. The rest of my school was similar multi lingual and multi cultural schools and most of the previously Afrikaans only schools in the city I grew up in adopted more languages to accommodate more people without seemingly erasing the language or it's culture. That mini background of the conditions I grew up should give you an idea of why it's such a foreign concept to me when people say their cultures are in danger and the language must be protected if the HOD instructs Afrikaans only schools to add more languages to their language policy. Based on my experience growing up that is simply not true.
I'm interested in finding out what are the cultural aspects or traditions you found more comfortable doing in Afrikaans schools as compared to English schools. If you familiar with the Zulus in anyway you would know how proud that tribe is of it's culture and traditions but there was never aspect of pushing culture and traditions in schools so much so that Zulus only want Zulu speaking people in their schools, so again my theory of Afrikaaner self preservation is the driving factor to wanting Afrikaans only schools. I would be interested to know you thoughts on this.
lastly my argument as to why monolingual schools shouldn't exist in modern day South Africa. Now that you are aware of how I grew up in terms of schooling I think I've had a pretty diverse schooling experience where Afrikaaners speak Afrikaans, Zulu and English, Zulus speaking Zulu, English and Afrikaans and Indians also being able to speak 3 languages I thought that was coolest aspects of growing up in post 94 South Africa being subjected to different cultures. Being in an Indian community i was exposed to their traditions same as when I went to an Afrikaans school learning different languages and all that coming together to create a society where all these cultures can coexist without the need for places like Orania and the need for monolingual schools especially since most south Africans are multi lingual, I truly feel you not really South African if you not multi lingual because you literally can't get the full South African experience if you only know one language and are not aware of other cultures which cannot be properly achieved in monolingual schools. I'm not sure if you get what I'm saying, but it would be interesting to get your thoughts on it.
@@washa8881 Orania is private property.
Do you allow non-Muslims in muslim schools , do you allow non- Christians in a monastery , do you allow whites in the black lawyers association ?
I could go on , but we are allowed to decide who to associate with in our private spaces.
The Afrikaans culture is based on conservatives Christian values, respect, dignity, monogamy etc, were African cultures are quite different. To an Afrikaner screaming while walking down the street is rude, having multiple children with multiple woman is wrong. Being loud and having poligomous relationships isn't wrong it is just wrong in the eyes of that Culture, so they accept the right of each culture to grow in the direction they feel is right, but they also want the freedom to grow in their own chosen direction.
if you would take the time to consider the stark contrast in the cultures we have in South-Africa you would see why integration is a problem. Let each culture develop on their own sweat and blood, South Africa is South Africa because all our cultures are potent and unique.
"If you stand for everything, you stand for Nothing"
If we don't each stand for our Cultures, we will lose all culture.
Having different cultural views is one thing but being intolerant of other cultures is another thing and in a multi cultural society that shouldn't be acceptable. I wonder if conservative christian values also advocate for intolerance of others to such a degree that segregation and discrimination is seen as a noble thing. I grew up in a multi cultural neighbourhood where Diwali and Christmas was celebrated on the same street, cultures can be vastly different but most people are fine with tolerating each other and coexisting in a multi cultural society except for a few.
@@SibuAndSphe Strange how intolerance of Afrikaner culture is overlooked. I simply cannot see any other reason than pure hatred and racism, for taking EVERYTHING we have, leaving us with NOTHING we can be proud of and call our own. Even our kids are not spared this wrath of racism. Just answer met this. How is it that we are hated because we do not want black kids in our schools, but yet the black kids that are there are thriving?
I’m gonna speak in defence of the Afrikaans community here maybe giving a different perspective from what you guys suggested could be their primary motivation.
Although I don’t agree with being against the BELA Bill on the basis of preserving one culture as I think that such notions are against the formation of a national identity. We should not forget that we didn’t lay down when the apartheid government tried to force Afrikaans into our schools in the 70s. Now even though the BELA bill doesn’t technically force any language into schools considering the fact that Afrikaans speaking people are virtually the minority everywhere across the country, except in coloured communities (who everyone always overlooks despite being the largest population of Afrikaans speakers in the country) it’s pretty obvious that it shouldn’t be long until Afrikaans is out numbered to the point of existing only in a few rural communities.
Now that doesn’t seem like a problem for most of us who want integration but when you consider the fact that majority of the best performing schools in the country, purely on the basis of matric results, are consistently Afrikaans schools you realise that the BELA Bill is one step forward and two steps back. Furthermore I grew up in Pretoria north and I vividly remember watching former Afrikaans schools transition to English medium schools and witnessed first hand how the performance of these schools dwindled as a result of this.
Now I don’t like the pretext under which this march takes place because it is in the defence of one group in South Africa. But I think we’re making a mistake by telling our best schools how they should be administered. Anyone who isn’t possessed by the bias towards their own group or culture can see that it’s a bad idea.
And everyone rambling on about the government needing to build new schools if there’s a shortage has not looked at the data long enough to realise the new schools the government has built simply do not perform.
We need to go and do some serious research and this is what the government should be funding. Why is it that these Afrikaans schools do so well? Is it funding? Is it more involvement from parents? Are the teachers paid better? Is it facilities, values, management? What is it?
I guarantee you if we have English schools providing better quality education and producing more competent students next to these Afrikaans, you’ll see how quickly native Afrikaans speakers will be lining up to get English as a home language in schools.
Their inclusivity means excluding Afrikaans
Its really shouldn’t be a privilege to be educated in your mother tongue, it should be a basic right
We beat around the bush too much, The problem with this is ANC are not building enough Tertiary schools for black people so the established English or Afrikaans schools are attacked, overrun and the community close by don't have anywhere to put their kids because everything else is run poorly or not of a high enough standard. It always starts from the Top and that is the ANC. You can not blame them for anything, afrikaans people are not trying to attack any black culture or force themselves into anywhere, they are purely trying to exist and carry on with there lives.
Anything that gives the State more power and the people less power is bad.
Preserving one’s culture is not wrong, a lot of Black elders talk about preserving traditional ways. This isn’t a march to keep non-White kids out, anyone can go to an Afrikaans school, as long as they can speak Afrikaans. There are plenty of kids of English, Scottish, Indian, Coloured, Chinese, Irish heritage who can’t go to Afrikaans schools because they don’t speak Afrikaans.
Black people, can we please find better things to be outraged about? The racism card has been overused at this point.
Haibo yall like to protest and toi toi about nothing and everything, listen Zambia national language is English, u go to school its english, u get a job its english then we have 72 native languages, then we have major regional languages in specific areas like bemba tonga nainja. So we have no racism, no basis against any races. U wanna speak ur native toug u got a home, family n friends. Otherwise in public its english
If they wanna preserve their roots, they're free to go to Dutch
They don’t see themselves as Dutch
@@vuyanipatekile4605 bruh not even Afrikaners can afford a flight to Europe 😂
Let alone move there
Their ancestors are from the Netherlands chief and their language is called Dutch. There’s no such place as Dutch. 😅
Our roots as Afrikaners are in Southern Africa.
@@mechailreydon3784 typical 76 IQ comment. Fml.
2:15 call a spade a spade
We did
MOUNTAIN OUT OF MOLE HILLS, the Afrikaans people have a culture they want to preserve AND NOW IT IS ISOLATIONIST and that is Racist? THEN THE LESOTHO MUST BE ONE OF THE MOST RACIST COUNTRIES IN THE WOLRD for not just being part of South Africa... . Or the culture that built an infrastructure that withstood in relative terms the abuse of the ANC's negligence for 30 years, ANC has made faucets to help poor people but forgot to build dams to collect and hold the water, this is metaphorical for infrastructure and tax payers. Any other minority that protest is praised but Afrikaans is still being picked on because it makes good racist and political headlines that is easy to distract people from potholes and failing infrastructure
I believe we lost our way due to past atroseties.
How will the inclusion of other languages at school make them lose their culture , my little brother and sister attended a school that taught Afrikaans and English and they never lost their culture. All these people are advocating for is apartheid ( separate hood ) and they call it preserving their culture. Clearly this unity thing of Nelson Mandela is not working. Am still amazed that there are black people who vote to be governed by these people
No it is working dear there is a lot of white who are against this please guys if they desagree, I it doesn't mean we are not getting somewhere.
@Sheshe-l3x the question you asked is one that I am yet to see an answer for
@NtokozaPearlKhaula I love your optimism.
@@NtokozaPearlKhaula you'll realise that it's what they are fighting for after they've annexed Capetown and there are about more than 50 orania in South Africa
Why try to go to their schools instead of building your own?
It should be a right to get education in you mother tongue
another woke account
Afrikaans is a mixture of cultures, it was born from many peoples coming together. The problem isn't integration it is control, the ANC will develop a layer of school managers who's job it will be to make sure other people do their job. It is expanding the bureaucratic class, dead weight. It sounds good on paper like our Constitution but in practice are our schools going to end up like Transnet or Eskom? a cashcow for a few corrupt polies.
White Afrikaners are 10% of the population, a small minority, instead of taking those schools why not build schools according to the kids that need them. Every language a school offers doubles the teachers that school must employ, to have a one school does all approach will be extremely inefficient, which is fine because efficiency isn't the goal.
If you don't know how to create yourself you must take from someone who has created, instead of seeking to mix our cultures, uplift the cultures. Afrikaans is not a magic culture that was gifted what they have by God they created it, to just take means nothing, if you can't create it you don't know it and even if you have it it won't last.
It is a slap in the face of the 90% majority that their only hope is to integrate with a minority. Afrikaans and White are not special things any language or skin tone can create a better future if they so choose. Just taking what has been created doesn't count they must create themselves.
No one is disputing how bad the government we can all agree they are what is holding SA back, if you have seen my other comments I am not in favour of the bill because of the issues it will create in making education worse in this country but that's not the issue being discussed here
@@SibuAndSphecould I then ask you what your thoughts are on BEE? A policy that does discriminate based on colour?
This guy thinks he is clever, but that is all it is.
Lmao as white English south African i can tell that your viewers are definitely leaning towards one side 90% of them atleast anyway, doesn't surprise me me tho
Mother tongue education is very important, in South Africa we support mother tongue education, learning in English is a crime, mother tongue education is part of decolonisation
fk this home language preservation bs stop impressing the dead, English is the only way forward to a true "Rainbow Nation"
You can stop using your phone, showers, internet, cars and suits as part of decolonizing yourself boet !)
fk this home language preservation bs stop impressing the dead, English is the only way forward to a true "Rainbow Nation"
What about us "coloured" people who speak afrikaans as a home language ... We should focus on adding languages as an optional like isiZulu or Xhosa ... I mean i would've loved to learn one of those in school but it wasn't an option.
What about coloured people? I agree with you, that was one of the coolest things about my childhood growing up. I could speak read and write in 3 different languages and was involved in multiple cultures growing and I knew Indians, white Afrikaaners, coloureds and black people which is what makes South Africa and South Africans so unique compared to the rest of the world, which is why monolingual schools in modern South Africa is a foreign concept to me which doesn't make sense considering the society we are trying to become.
I wish u can get someone who is against the Bella bill
what the comment section is there for
Suggestion: why don't you guys react to staff like sonwabile girls night out series, it will help you to get more attention on young audience. Plus is Hella fun..
Those who want such videos are welcome to go to those channels. The youth in question need to know about what's happening in their country and this channel does that.
@phindulomashapha3815 I was thinking of doing more traditional reaction videos like the young RUclipsrs are doing, just haven't had the motivation to set it up yet, but it's something I'm considering and thanks for the suggestion I do watch some of Sonwabile's content it's not a bad idea to react to it and put it up on RUclips.
I wonder. Do you guys think its wrong for us to want to preserve our language? Just saying our language has nothing to do with the matter is in fact lazy. This act was specifically written (well the clause regarding language), with an attack on Afrikaans in mind, apartheid style. Our Afrikaans schools are full already you know. The majority of schools built and developed by the previous government is already English and mostly completely run down. You ask "why" do we want to exclude other languages and then presume to know the answer. That's also lazy. You do not even listen to us. You just say we do not want the mixing. I can hear you don't even know how racist your conversation is. You are so disingenuous, a blind person can see it with his stick. Please can you have such a conversation about the other 120 plus racist apartheid style laws currently on our books.
They must all go to Orania then
if they do you’ll have a problem with that too