+Di General I was thinking I was the only one here doing that haha. Honestly this game looks really fun, but I remember hearing, could be wrong, it's multiplayer only. So not my type of game for that one aspect...
+BigManEDog It is not multi player only, Ive been playing single player since I got it. The only multi player is in the drak zone which you have to actively enter into it so if you dont want to go there you dont have to but the best loot is in there.
One big tip when it comes to getting money. Make sure that you unlock Counseling in the Medical Wing so that you earn 10% income that you get per mission. Rule 1 of the Dark Zone, be sure to have a team with good gear and be the highest level in the range that you are put in. It's always fun to see lower levels say RUN.
+Martin robo It's an enjoyable game, really simple but just fun to play. A lot of the people are just haters that rip on any game without much in dept knowledge about the game. For fun or just because they hate a similar game. But really the game can get pretty repetitive if you're not into games like this, the game is very unpolished with invisible walls and annoying glitches. and the graphic downgrade got some people pissed. Imo it's looks great not close to being gamebreaking something you can easily look past. Thing about the division is that if you don't like playing co-op or don't like the dark zone you really miss out of a big part of the game. Doesn't make it a bad game, just not meeting your (high) expectations.
Personally I dislike the game because I don't see what is so entertaining about shooting endless mobs of NPC enemies with what feel like Nerf bullets on a game that is full of glitches. For me personally it gets very repetitive very easily, but saying that I am the only person in history to dislike COD BO2 zombies because it get's too repetitive.
reading tips from other people is hilarious, one tip that i have, that actually made me start over, is that weapon containers don't respawn, and also they level up to you. so if you find a weapons chest during a level 4 mission, you can come back at level 30 and get level 30 gear.
I have a very useful tip. ALWAYS carry all types of guns. Meaning, a shotgun, an assualt rifle, a LMG, a sniper, etc. this way if you run out of ammo in one gun, you can switch to another and keep on playing. You'll be needing this for the Darkzone, or high level missions. (Played during beta release and have played since official release. :) I'm among the most experienced)
+RyderGuyGaming because its just shooty shooty bang bang all the way through doing the same fetch mission and picking up a gun every now and again... for a few hours that would be fun... but after boring as shit
Here are two tips, Unlock ALL the Safe Houses because 1) when leaving the DZ you don't have to go to the BoO to reup or access your extracted stash... you can do that at a Safe House that is MUCH closer to a DZ entrance to run back to. That's two tips that will really help cut down time from the DZ when farming.
You mentioned going into the DZ at 29, you should know the tiers are 1-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29 and 30. So if you want to be as strong as possible in the DZ go in at the highest level for that tier. Also, Exp on Kills will give you bonus DZ exp, so equip armor to help raise your rank higher, scavenging is also great for better loot drops.
Love this game so much play this everyday since day 1 I do recommend this game i love this game it is just brilliant and amazing must buy best game ever
If you are all alone in the darkzone, try to invite people to your group. It is an obvious one but it makes encounters easier and it makes you a less desirable target to a rouge agent.
I have really been enjoying playing this game, although I was a little confused about the first point, me and my mate went into the dark zone for the first time when he was level 9/10 ish and i was like level 7. It was kind of hard but we got some decent loot out, obviously we couldn't go really far in but was fine. But some of these tips were actually really cool, so thanks.
i feel like the darkzone is too challenging for solo players. Especially when you're the lowest level in a bracket. All the enemies and players are a lot better than you and snipers and chargers often one shot you every time.
You know that thats because you arent a high level i say go there at level 15 because the enemies lowest is level 15 ( Well thats for me if not sorry :) )
When sprinting, on the console, quickly turn around by pressing back on the joystick then spin the camera 360 by pressing in the joystick. Double tap the "cover" button, again on console, to dodge roll. Press up on the console D-pad to mark a target for countdown. Helps organize the first shot of the encounter. Hold the ISAC menu button to quickly access your inventory.
The only mistake you can make in regards to crafting is crafting gear you will replace...I have to completely disagree with the last tip in this vid. Save ALL you mats for endgame and crafting golds, which means step up your greens to blues, then blues to gold. Same goes for buying gear/weapons...don't do it.. you will get full Superior after a few extracts, daily missions. Save that money for skins and 'recalibration'. Cheers!
+Label07 So true. Let me tell you guys what happened to me, I got to lvl 30 before I even finished all the quests so at the time I got to lvl 30 I went to the BoP and crafted the hell out of my gear, when I was done I wanted to see how good it all was so I went to finish the quests I left undone (the ones in the last area) and in that place even the drops from the npcs I killed were better than the gear I just crafted. My advice is: finish all the quests even if you are already lvl 30 and then use your crafting mats only on the high end blueprints, you can also fill the weak spots in your gear with the items the DZ vendors sell. Hope this helps
I have a tip. When you ADS, and have a Red Dot or similar optics (such as the Improved Iron Sights) click in the RIGHT STICK to decrease the spread of your weapon. *This is not shoulder switching, that is the left stick, I just say this to players and they didn't know that was a thing like Sniper and ACOG Scopes*
My best tip is to look for items with Scavenging stat. I've only seen it on knee pads, but the stat increases the drops from enemies, and the ammo drop amount. You also get a 15% boost to this stat when you fully upgrade the tech wing. Mine is currently at 128% and now I am able to loot high end crafting materials from the loot areas pretty regularly.
+Final Cam the only solution is to have guys die in 1 to 3 shots, and then they'd have to have hordes of enemies attack you, and that would be a lag fest. in nearly any encounter, if the enemy just rushed they'd win every time cause they have so much health and do good damage. the game makes the enemy sit back and give you a chance to kill them.
+Final Cam you should join the army if you want to shoot real people. Anyone who ins't insane will play a video game and realize its still a video game. They're bullet sponges because ITS NOT REAL, its rpg with the intent of getting better and stronger loot. Do you know what a game mechanic is?
matt1523 I just like a modern realistic shooter to be more realistic. In a fantasy game with space and magic and mystical beings and radiation mutations, it feels ok for them to take lots of shots to the face. But in a modern shooter it is just weird FOR ME PERSONALLY. No need to attack me on very mild oppinion. I never said anything bad about people who like any game they enjoy, that is the purpose. Please enjoy it all you want it looks like a fine game. Juts not for me.
I want to start a new run, being a level 18 on my first save. I always do this to have a more efficient safe in a game. Some other examples of me doing this are Destiny, Fallout 4, and Skyrim.
Most of the haters are just well-informed people who did a lengthy amount of research and came to the conclusion that this game is stupid and not worth their time and money. Psh. I hate people like that. I prefer people to just hate something for the sake of hating because then it's easier for me to justify my purchase. I'm part of something bigger, you know? I spent money to be a part of this...thing. [swigs Clorox]
Some people are like that, but a lot (such as myself) have played the game and simply don't like it... I don't like the repetitiveness, don't like the bugs (apparently I'm the only one to experience falling through the map or glutting into a wall but oh well) and the amount of bullets you need to put into people just to kill them is annoying. It's these types of games that don't appeal to people... It's ironic that you say you hate people that don't do any research and hate on them, when people such as myself who dislike the game, who have played it and watched a lot of game plays and watched my friends play it then get pushed into the same net as the people who think that the only FPS shooter that should be made is COD and everything is isn't worth looking at...
+Taru That should say don't pick the UBISOFT soap up... Cause that's all they do is wait for you to drop it and reach down for it... But hey i guess its cool to tell people its releasing with 3 major cities and then only release with one, not like they will charge you for the other two in the future or nothing... >.>
one thing i learned from the beta is to control your guns recoil. burst fire your weapon from a distance and you will land all your shots. i recommend unlocking the talent in the security wing where you get 25% less recoil for 10 seconds everytime you enter cover.
if you got the season pass or got the agent origin gear, you can equip the police back pack and get a bonus ammo supply. then the paramedic one to get 2 extra medkits. then equip what ever backpack you want and you keep the bonus stuff.
i've noticed that, this might be kinda obvious, but getting high ground is a strategy that has given me a much easier time taking out enemies that are a higher level then me
Random tips. 1.Throw a grenade at a suppressed target or flank them. 2. Use incendiary or explosive bullets if you see 2 to 3 or more enemies with purple health bars or a yellow health bar.
+gameranx don't collect the collectibles until you're level 30, the exp given changes as you level, and when you hit 30 and can earn caches, you can pick up 4 and get a cache. you can also recalibrate down in the terminal without having to unlock it.
Invest in the Security unlocks for your Riot Shield. Having increased damage and reload on your sidearm while slowly creeping towards an enemy is a rare and satisfying experience. Also, if you've rant out of tear-gas grenades, shoot a fire extinguisher. It has the same effect.
A tip is to go in to the darkzone at level 15-19 and grind to level 30 in dz level. Because when you hit LV 30 in the dz, the dz vendors will sell you awesome gear and weapons for a kind of cheap price. Most weps and gear costs around 1000-2000 dz funds and that amount of funds is really easy to get.
If you're going into a hard mission or the dark zone, carry extra guns of different ammo types (DMR, LMG, SMG, etc.) so if you can't get to a restock, you can swap weapons out and still have ammo to last a bit.
after unlocking the security wing, do what he said buy canine unit and upgrade for ex boost. after start to upgrade medical wing as fast as you can. That way you can get to higher contaminated areas. also u get a medkit that can revive u when ur down if in area. also dark zone has high contaminated areas. with that in mind, ubisoft put lots of good loot in those areas. like.... the subway stations
a thing that really helped me level up fast is that i joined sum friendly dudes that were level20 an up to help me complete my game and get me to level 30 as quick as possible. i am level 26 now and did it this past weekend only.
Tip: When approaching a battle pay attention to the type of enemy present and the role they play in the upcoming fight. Enemies are identified as rushers, support, marksman, grenadiers and tanks (my own names). Rushers and grenadiers are used to take you out of cover, so stay low and keep moving. Marksman can deal some heavy damage if you're taking too long out of cover. The rest of the guys are just there to distract you from the specialized enemies. Tanks just give no f*cks, lol! Whether you're playing as a team or alone if you prioritize your targets and continue moving cover to cover you can easily win a battle and get some dope loot.
From 4 to 8 -- all that stuff / trick / info I got from other games like: Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, Hitman etc. ;) Thanks for remanding. About 1 and 2 - well, didn't paid attention enough to get really "jack-ass" (like BFG) guns, but maybe now is good moment (lvl: 12) to upgrade weapons to be ready for "unknown suprises" :D
Take advantage of the ubisoft club link in the start menu (the same menu with abilities and inventory). You can use points earned from playing the game to buy darkzone keys and pheonix credits.
Tip: When calling in the hell for gear pickup in the dark zone. You don't have to stay in the zone while it comes. You can wait away which will help with players hunting others for gear
When it comes to what abilities your squad has, variety is the spice of life so when matchmaking with randoms, observe what abilities they have and change yours depending on what is needed. If your teammates are running sentry turrets and cover buffs, switch your abilities to first aid or the healing station. The whole game will become a lot easier if your team is covering everything. Offensive, defensive and support.
If you tend to buy your weapons I think it's good to unlock all of the safe houses. It also makes it easier when you need to go there later for any missions. Just have to be carful about running into harder mobs.
I'd say instead of going into the division off the bat at 29. Go in every now and then as you level up mostly because you get a feel for it throughout the levels, and you can get some pretty great loot. Also, I recommend for those gamers who REALLY want to enjoy the game not leveling up so fast between levels 19 and 29 mostly because these levels are the points in the game, PvE and PvP, that are those most lucrative in loot and gameplay in my opinion. But both of these little things are just based on how you play this game, so it's really based on your style.
although not too amazing, me and my cousin are playing the game together and weve been going district to district doing all the missions and encounters and moving to the next district. what we do about half way through the missions and encounters is, one of us will fast travel to the nearest safe house, sell our useless items, restock, while the other one walks closer to the next objective, and when we fast travel back, the other fast travels to the safe house to do the same thing, and fast travel back to the objectives. saves alot of time! lol
My tip for people just starting is to save up all your supply point from all your main mission and buy your 1000 point wing as soon as possible! Get it out of the way, because when you finish all the main mission and you've spent them on all the wing that cost 200, 400 and 500 you'll have to go around and do all the encounter that only give you 60 points in order to buy you 1000 point wing.... It's a pain!! So yea :) hope it helps!
Also, if you're on PC at least, hit Shift + F2 to bring up the Ubisoft overlay, hit the rewards tab in the top left, and use your Ubisoft credits, you should already have some from buying the game and you get more from achievements, to unlock some of the stuff. The Go-Bag is useful for the beginning game, and if you rack up 40 Ubisoft credits, not hard don't worry, you get 30 free Phoenix Credits, which is amazing. You can buy a 40k DPS gun with that in the DZ. You're welcome.
I advise you to learn how boss's fight, wait until they finished shooting off all their ammo, and reload, then hit them. The canine unit within the security sector is good, for finding remaining intelligence gathering, once you have finished all the missions in a sector.. Last Chelsea Echo, you have to finish the story before accessing it.
for most of the enemy types such as the grenaders and the lmg guys there are insta kill spots on them so shooting those spots will either do massive explosive damage killing a group of foes or heavily damaging surrounding people around the grenader or lmg guy. also the cleaners have the gas tanks that cant be missed so shoot thost if you are having trouble with high level cleaners or just a bunch of cleaners in general
Another tip in for the newbies in the division , Collect all the Intel , listen and watch every last one of them , they all give you some understanding about the factions and what happened in Ny so if you don't think that the game is not telling the story then your wrong you just have to pay attention to detail
in the dark zone there are different base level brackets 1-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29 and 30. so in sted of going in at 29 and grinding, i went in at the top of each bracket and leveled my dark zone level, at level 14 and dark zone lvl 30... you can buy all the high end gear through the dark zone vender, making you life much better in the dark zone
hey boss man! probly the best tip in the game is to format your weapon mods to be accurate. For this reason alone head shots. the fastest way to take down npc/pc's alike is by doing this. second tip and also really good to know. Grenadier, any cleaner with a napalm tank or boss with bag/tank on his back or side..... SHOOT IT! You can kill a npc in as little as 1-5 shots. Depending on it's lvl and armor, and it's AOE dmg so you could kill and hurt the other guys around it. Try it out tell me what you think.
get a high scavenging percentage for finding better loot. your scavanging percentage is in your inventory under the tab character, scroll down to exploration
Always have a gun for all situations like a sniper rifle for long and a shotgun for close range and always have an assault rifle with good mods because if you're like me you use the assault rifle constantly as a primary or secondary weapon it's always good to have one
i absolutely love this game im hooked so much to do i find the only downside is the inability to jump or crouch whenever you want but other than that its amazing on PS4
I see the fun to be had, but I also see the "gun bang shoot shoot" aspect, and have to ask myself if I'll end up really invested, or count the days until its irrelevancy.
as someone who maxed out you should always check your abilities and talents they come in handy abilities are your little gadgets you can throw around but talents are like perks they're one that do things like heal yourself and all allies with 40m with 1 medkit and make sure to read and upgrade abilities and try everything out also get to level 30 to unlock daily missions for high end gear and upgrade your tech and security wing so you can buy high end weapons and spend phoenix credits which are used to buy high end equipment also in security you can upgrade to buy appearance mods for weapons and yourself to make you look cool go around your base of operation and collect everything in chest for some extra loot do every encounter you cone across for more supplies and xp and you'll have a max base and character in no time with some sweet loot it takes a total of about 30-35 hours to fully max out if you are efficient with your time also never go into the dark zone alone you'll run out of ammo quick and no one can revive you other players are easy to find and join and usually are pretty chill and you'll become a master pretty quick
Savior Fact : If you are starting out i would recommend making friends in the Dark Zone as dueling it out can be rough. Plus you can easily level up. Rouge Fact : When you see another player at low health it can be easy to kill him and take his/her stuff. When rouge stay near eneimes so if you are being hunted They will not only have to deal with you but also the enemies in the area.
Xp is given by random npcs when you give them things. As long as you don't rush or bump them that is a yellow line will alert you to who wants things. Plus they also give you paint mods as well as new clothes.
If you're a soloplayer that wants to make missions easier: There's a lot of obvious exploitable bugs. Mainly with enemies being restricted in one way or another. They can't move to specific locations sometimes, or wont shoot you when you are in specific spots. Also, some missions do not close off their previous zones until you go to the next zone. Making enemies glitch out, making it a lot easier to progress.
Watching this video. I don't even on the game. Gameranx vids are just entertaining. The comments are too haha
+Di General ayyyyyy
+Di General Yeah, very true. Don't have also.
+Di General don't have sick game do
+Di General I was thinking I was the only one here doing that haha. Honestly this game looks really fun, but I remember hearing, could be wrong, it's multiplayer only. So not my type of game for that one aspect...
+BigManEDog It is not multi player only, Ive been playing single player since I got it. The only multi player is in the drak zone which you have to actively enter into it so if you dont want to go there you dont have to but the best loot is in there.
Aim at an enemy and then press up on the d-pad (console), you will tag the enemy :) you can then coordinate an attack with your team
+Bsty zed lmao
+Bsty zed and I though PC master race, console peasant was a 2015 thing.
+Myelin Games Thanks! using a controller on pc and this helped me :)
+Myelin Games Lmao people struggle to do that in battlefield.
One big tip when it comes to getting money. Make sure that you unlock Counseling in the Medical Wing so that you earn 10% income that you get per mission. Rule 1 of the Dark Zone, be sure to have a team with good gear and be the highest level in the range that you are put in. It's always fun to see lower levels say RUN.
don't understand the hate. it is a good game. some people just like to hate for the sake of it.
+Martin robo It's an enjoyable game, really simple but just fun to play.
A lot of the people are just haters that rip on any game without much in dept knowledge about the game. For fun or just because they hate a similar game.
But really the game can get pretty repetitive if you're not into games like this, the game is very unpolished with invisible walls and annoying glitches. and the graphic downgrade got some people pissed.
Imo it's looks great not close to being gamebreaking something you can easily look past.
Thing about the division is that if you don't like playing co-op or don't like the dark zone you really miss out of a big part of the game. Doesn't make it a bad game, just not meeting your (high) expectations.
+Martin robo they hate it because many people hate it...just like that, if many people hate that hate becomes popular.
+Martin robo It's because it's not cod and people don't realise its a rpg/mmo type shit and people take more bullets then fucking cod.
+Martin robo I love it, reminds me of Diablo with guns. :D
Personally I dislike the game because I don't see what is so entertaining about shooting endless mobs of NPC enemies with what feel like Nerf bullets on a game that is full of glitches. For me personally it gets very repetitive very easily, but saying that I am the only person in history to dislike COD BO2 zombies because it get's too repetitive.
reading tips from other people is hilarious, one tip that i have, that actually made me start over, is that weapon containers don't respawn, and also they level up to you. so if you find a weapons chest during a level 4 mission, you can come back at level 30 and get level 30 gear.
I have a very useful tip. ALWAYS carry all types of guns. Meaning, a shotgun, an assualt rifle, a LMG, a sniper, etc. this way if you run out of ammo in one gun, you can switch to another and keep on playing. You'll be needing this for the Darkzone, or high level missions. (Played during beta release and have played since official release. :) I'm among the most experienced)
Why is everyone hating on this game? It's really fun and really good, I don't get the h8
RyderGuyGaming They're scared because its a Ubisoft title.
+Rares Macovei nope
+RyderGuyGaming because its just shooty shooty bang bang all the way through doing the same fetch mission and picking up a gun every now and again... for a few hours that would be fun... but after boring as shit
RyderGuy yeA love it
False advertising and can not go to Manhattan the actual mission after tutorial because it's broken and bugy
Here are two tips, Unlock ALL the Safe Houses because 1) when leaving the DZ you don't have to go to the BoO to reup or access your extracted stash... you can do that at a Safe House that is MUCH closer to a DZ entrance to run back to. That's two tips that will really help cut down time from the DZ when farming.
omg thanks for the tipps :D i wanted to wait until lvl 30 to go in dark zone
+Hexereye I went in at level 7 ish on day one, was good, even though I stuck to the first area, I got some good loot and so did my mate.
You mentioned going into the DZ at 29, you should know the tiers are 1-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29 and 30. So if you want to be as strong as possible in the DZ go in at the highest level for that tier. Also, Exp on Kills will give you bonus DZ exp, so equip armor to help raise your rank higher, scavenging is also great for better loot drops.
Literally got the division an hour before this vid went up! Thank you!
Same and really
+Cornus XBL WHICH PLATFORM I WANT TO KNOW YOUR USER NAME AS WELL THATS ALL so i can go looking for you in the dark zone ;)
+Cornus XBL Really!?
wow I'm early but this is great picking up the division tomorrow
Love this game so much play this everyday since day 1 I do recommend this game i love this game it is just brilliant and amazing must buy best game ever
so excited to get this tomorrow thx gameranx for making this it'll really help out
If you are all alone in the darkzone, try to invite people to your group. It is an obvious one but it makes encounters easier and it makes you a less desirable target to a rouge agent.
I have really been enjoying playing this game, although I was a little confused about the first point, me and my mate went into the dark zone for the first time when he was level 9/10 ish and i was like level 7. It was kind of hard but we got some decent loot out, obviously we couldn't go really far in but was fine. But some of these tips were actually really cool, so thanks.
protip: don't go full auto unless the dude's 5 ft away. How many scrubs do we get to watch hold down the LMB and just miss 28/30 rounds in a magazine?
+vcMalice or use an lmg with its amazing shouldered accuracy
the division story line what do you play first level.? sorry if this doesn't make sense of what i am talking about .?
Tyvm my friends and I are just about to pick this game up after watching your "before you buy" video and this video helps rock on
i feel like the darkzone is too challenging for solo players. Especially when you're the lowest level in a bracket. All the enemies and players are a lot better than you and snipers and chargers often one shot you every time.
You know that thats because you arent a high level i say go there at level 15 because the enemies lowest is level 15 ( Well thats for me if not sorry :) )
When sprinting, on the console, quickly turn around by pressing back on the joystick then spin the camera 360 by pressing in the joystick.
Double tap the "cover" button, again on console, to dodge roll.
Press up on the console D-pad to mark a target for countdown. Helps organize the first shot of the encounter.
Hold the ISAC menu button to quickly access your inventory.
About things we should know: make a video explaining why is it a shitty move running in front of some other player shooting mobs in DZ.
thx for the great tips. just bought the division. currently installing it so the rght time for this video for me :D
The only mistake you can make in regards to crafting is crafting gear you will replace...I have to completely disagree with the last tip in this vid. Save ALL you mats for endgame and crafting golds, which means step up your greens to blues, then blues to gold.
Same goes for buying gear/weapons...don't do it.. you will get full Superior after a few extracts, daily missions. Save that money for skins and 'recalibration'.
+Label07 So true. Let me tell you guys what happened to me, I got to lvl 30 before I even finished all the quests so at the time I got to lvl 30 I went to the BoP and crafted the hell out of my gear, when I was done I wanted to see how good it all was so I went to finish the quests I left undone (the ones in the last area) and in that place even the drops from the npcs I killed were better than the gear I just crafted. My advice is: finish all the quests even if you are already lvl 30 and then use your crafting mats only on the high end blueprints, you can also fill the weak spots in your gear with the items the DZ vendors sell. Hope this helps
THANKS, just started the division and this helped me so much
Last Time I came this early,
I watched gameranx's video
I have a tip. When you ADS, and have a Red Dot or similar optics (such as the Improved Iron Sights) click in the RIGHT STICK to decrease the spread of your weapon. *This is not shoulder switching, that is the left stick, I just say this to players and they didn't know that was a thing like Sniper and ACOG Scopes*
Number 11: You can still get around $50 back if you hurry and sell it on Ebay!
Im so excited to get this game I watched this video to be ready when I finally get it! Your the best Gameranx!
+Leif The Legend Like your life
Because your watching videos about "boring" games and doing a terrible job at trolling in the comments :D
tip: play all the missions on hard. It's a fun challenge.
Goodbye Julia!
Oh shit, wrong channel...
The crafting and saving your old weapons is a useful tip 👌🏼
Wish I could play the Division right now but I got to study instead... :(
+Proxy Violet Everybody knows that, thats not how it works: First you play than you study. DUH!
My best tip is to look for items with Scavenging stat. I've only seen it on knee pads, but the stat increases the drops from enemies, and the ammo drop amount. You also get a 15% boost to this stat when you fully upgrade the tech wing. Mine is currently at 128% and now I am able to loot high end crafting materials from the loot areas pretty regularly.
I'll wait till its 5 bucks, might still pass. I like my modern shooter less bullet spongey, fantasy shooter is fine to have bullet sponges.
+Final Cam the only solution is to have guys die in 1 to 3 shots, and then they'd have to have hordes of enemies attack you, and that would be a lag fest.
in nearly any encounter, if the enemy just rushed they'd win every time cause they have so much health and do good damage. the game makes the enemy sit back and give you a chance to kill them.
+Final Cam
you should join the army if you want to shoot real people. Anyone who ins't insane will play a video game and realize its still a video game. They're bullet sponges because ITS NOT REAL, its rpg with the intent of getting better and stronger loot. Do you know what a game mechanic is?
+Final Cam What would be the point in even having different guns then if enemies died in a couple of shots? You do realize this a an ARPG
+matt1523 he's speaking in terms of games like ArmA or Red Orchestra that behave realistically, which would ruin a game like this
matt1523 I just like a modern realistic shooter to be more realistic. In a fantasy game with space and magic and mystical beings and radiation mutations, it feels ok for them to take lots of shots to the face. But in a modern shooter it is just weird FOR ME PERSONALLY. No need to attack me on very mild oppinion.
I never said anything bad about people who like any game they enjoy, that is the purpose. Please enjoy it all you want it looks like a fine game. Juts not for me.
I want to start a new run, being a level 18 on my first save. I always do this to have a more efficient safe in a game. Some other examples of me doing this are Destiny, Fallout 4, and Skyrim.
Add to the title "if you didn't play the beta"
last year I had no clue on what he was talking about this year I thank you very much
The name is The Division because the game is split into parts
Love the vids guys keep up the good work 😀
Fuck me
+Little Ron Gaming dude not cool
Most of the haters are just well-informed people who did a lengthy amount of research and came to the conclusion that this game is stupid and not worth their time and money. Psh. I hate people like that. I prefer people to just hate something for the sake of hating because then it's easier for me to justify my purchase. I'm part of something bigger, you know? I spent money to be a part of this...thing. [swigs Clorox]
+SlyRy Solid kek
Some people are like that, but a lot (such as myself) have played the game and simply don't like it... I don't like the repetitiveness, don't like the bugs (apparently I'm the only one to experience falling through the map or glutting into a wall but oh well) and the amount of bullets you need to put into people just to kill them is annoying. It's these types of games that don't appeal to people... It's ironic that you say you hate people that don't do any research and hate on them, when people such as myself who dislike the game, who have played it and watched a lot of game plays and watched my friends play it then get pushed into the same net as the people who think that the only FPS shooter that should be made is COD and everything is isn't worth looking at...
Super freaking helpful!!! def. changed the way I was playing
Tip 11 : Don't pick the soap up.
+Taru That should say don't pick the UBISOFT soap up... Cause that's all they do is wait for you to drop it and reach down for it... But hey i guess its cool to tell people its releasing with 3 major cities and then only release with one, not like they will charge you for the other two in the future or nothing... >.>
I didn't think I'd like this game, but it's now one of my new favorite games!
Number 0, don't buy The Division
- Destiny player.
+FLLN it's kinda repetitive
+SungLung Destiny player? You're talking about the guy with a gta v profile pic?
+GamerGuy "gamerguy" only plays cod games... you failed me
Don't buy it if you're not into cover shooters. Fixed :)
one thing i learned from the beta is to control your guns recoil. burst fire your weapon from a distance and you will land all your shots. i recommend unlocking the talent in the security wing where you get 25% less recoil for 10 seconds everytime you enter cover.
You forgot the most important fact, don't buy the Division.
+TenZEDin Edgy alert
Especially if you are a broke ass rachet thug
I'm loving this game just hit level 30 and now gearing up :)
Thank you so much!!
I'm starting the game in the summer so this is helpful
Great video thanks for the tips I can't wait to own the division,4 more days to go!
Thanks for this guys, I really want to play the division and I could use a few pointers
if you got the season pass or got the agent origin gear, you can equip the police back pack and get a bonus ammo supply. then the paramedic one to get 2 extra medkits. then equip what ever backpack you want and you keep the bonus stuff.
i've noticed that, this might be kinda obvious, but getting high ground is a strategy that has given me a much easier time taking out enemies that are a higher level then me
awesome vid...very informative. I just got the game...so this really helps.
Random tips. 1.Throw a grenade at a suppressed target or flank them. 2. Use incendiary or explosive bullets if you see 2 to 3 or more enemies with purple health bars or a yellow health bar.
I love you Gameranx you're awesome!
I'm about to get the division so this is helpful :)
+gameranx don't collect the collectibles until you're level 30, the exp given changes as you level, and when you hit 30 and can earn caches, you can pick up 4 and get a cache. you can also recalibrate down in the terminal without having to unlock it.
Invest in the Security unlocks for your Riot Shield. Having increased damage and reload on your sidearm while slowly creeping towards an enemy is a rare and satisfying experience.
Also, if you've rant out of tear-gas grenades, shoot a fire extinguisher. It has the same effect.
good video. can't wait to get started
I actually did not know about the recalibration. Learning something new everyday.
I just bought this game. Going to try your suggested tips.
Thanks im get the game ASAP, I wanted the game ever sense I saw the first trailer of the game
A tip is to go in to the darkzone at level 15-19 and grind to level 30 in dz level. Because when you hit LV 30 in the dz, the dz vendors will sell you awesome gear and weapons for a kind of cheap price. Most weps and gear costs around 1000-2000 dz funds and that amount of funds is really easy to get.
great video,please do more when other games come out
If you're going into a hard mission or the dark zone, carry extra guns of different ammo types (DMR, LMG, SMG, etc.) so if you can't get to a restock, you can swap weapons out and still have ammo to last a bit.
after unlocking the security wing, do what he said buy canine unit and upgrade for ex boost. after start to upgrade medical wing as fast as you can. That way you can get to higher contaminated areas. also u get a medkit that can revive u when ur down if in area. also dark zone has high contaminated areas. with that in mind, ubisoft put lots of good loot in those areas. like.... the subway stations
a thing that really helped me level up fast is that i joined sum friendly dudes that were level20 an up to help me complete my game and get me to level 30 as quick as possible. i am level 26 now and did it this past weekend only.
Tip: When approaching a battle pay attention to the type of enemy present and the role they play in the upcoming fight. Enemies are identified as rushers, support, marksman, grenadiers and tanks (my own names). Rushers and grenadiers are used to take you out of cover, so stay low and keep moving. Marksman can deal some heavy damage if you're taking too long out of cover. The rest of the guys are just there to distract you from the specialized enemies. Tanks just give no f*cks, lol! Whether you're playing as a team or alone if you prioritize your targets and continue moving cover to cover you can easily win a battle and get some dope loot.
Like the videos Jake keep them up
From 4 to 8 -- all that stuff / trick / info I got from other games like: Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, Hitman etc. ;) Thanks for remanding. About 1 and 2 - well, didn't paid attention enough to get really "jack-ass" (like BFG) guns, but maybe now is good moment (lvl: 12) to upgrade weapons to be ready for "unknown suprises" :D
Thanks so much, Very helpful video !
Take advantage of the ubisoft club link in the start menu (the same menu with abilities and inventory). You can use points earned from playing the game to buy darkzone keys and pheonix credits.
Tip: When calling in the hell for gear pickup in the dark zone. You don't have to stay in the zone while it comes. You can wait away which will help with players hunting others for gear
When it comes to what abilities your squad has, variety is the spice of life so when matchmaking with randoms, observe what abilities they have and change yours depending on what is needed. If your teammates are running sentry turrets and cover buffs, switch your abilities to first aid or the healing station. The whole game will become a lot easier if your team is covering everything. Offensive, defensive and support.
Those tips really do sounds helpful
Now I know for when I get this game, to upgrade the security wing first for the extra 10% exp. Thanks for that
If you tend to buy your weapons I think it's good to unlock all of the safe houses. It also makes it easier when you need to go there later for any missions. Just have to be carful about running into harder mobs.
I'd say instead of going into the division off the bat at 29. Go in every now and then as you level up mostly because you get a feel for it throughout the levels, and you can get some pretty great loot. Also, I recommend for those gamers who REALLY want to enjoy the game not leveling up so fast between levels 19 and 29 mostly because these levels are the points in the game, PvE and PvP, that are those most lucrative in loot and gameplay in my opinion. But both of these little things are just based on how you play this game, so it's really based on your style.
although not too amazing, me and my cousin are playing the game together and weve been going district to district doing all the missions and encounters and moving to the next district. what we do about half way through the missions and encounters is, one of us will fast travel to the nearest safe house, sell our useless items, restock, while the other one walks closer to the next objective, and when we fast travel back, the other fast travels to the safe house to do the same thing, and fast travel back to the objectives. saves alot of time! lol
You should do a video explaining in detail the crafting process.
some good tips there, thanks!
My tip for people just starting is to save up all your supply point from all your main mission and buy your 1000 point wing as soon as possible! Get it out of the way, because when you finish all the main mission and you've spent them on all the wing that cost 200, 400 and 500 you'll have to go around and do all the encounter that only give you 60 points in order to buy you 1000 point wing.... It's a pain!! So yea :) hope it helps!
Also, if you're on PC at least, hit Shift + F2 to bring up the Ubisoft overlay, hit the rewards tab in the top left, and use your Ubisoft credits, you should already have some from buying the game and you get more from achievements, to unlock some of the stuff. The Go-Bag is useful for the beginning game, and if you rack up 40 Ubisoft credits, not hard don't worry, you get 30 free Phoenix Credits, which is amazing. You can buy a 40k DPS gun with that in the DZ. You're welcome.
Two things that i didn't know. Thanks :)
I advise you to learn how boss's fight, wait until they finished shooting off all their ammo, and reload, then hit them. The canine unit within the security sector is good, for finding remaining intelligence gathering, once you have finished all the missions in a sector.. Last Chelsea Echo, you have to finish the story before accessing it.
for most of the enemy types such as the grenaders and the lmg guys there are insta kill spots on them so shooting those spots will either do massive explosive damage killing a group of foes or heavily damaging surrounding people around the grenader or lmg guy. also the cleaners have the gas tanks that cant be missed so shoot thost if you are having trouble with high level cleaners or just a bunch of cleaners in general
Yeah i already 100% collected everything lol, can't wait for the dlc, i really love this game.
+FrostyFooy life??
+Mystical Cosmic nope, doesnt seem like it, im on my way to getting everything, but i can only get an hour or two in a day, damn work =[
Another tip in for the newbies in the division , Collect all the Intel , listen and watch every last one of them , they all give you some understanding about the factions and what happened in Ny so if you don't think that the game is not telling the story then your wrong you just have to pay attention to detail
I love collecting a new piece of evidence and seeing more about what happened and how things went down
in the dark zone there are different base level brackets 1-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29 and 30. so in sted of going in at 29 and grinding, i went in at the top of each bracket and leveled my dark zone level, at level 14 and dark zone lvl 30... you can buy all the high end gear through the dark zone vender, making you life much better in the dark zone
hey boss man! probly the best tip in the game is to format your weapon mods to be accurate. For this reason alone head shots. the fastest way to take down npc/pc's alike is by doing this. second tip and also really good to know. Grenadier, any cleaner with a napalm tank or boss with bag/tank on his back or side..... SHOOT IT! You can kill a npc in as little as 1-5 shots. Depending on it's lvl and armor, and it's AOE dmg so you could kill and hurt the other guys around it. Try it out tell me what you think.
Would also love to add that you can get 25% bonus XP for accolades earned which in pve pop every few seconds after kills.
get a high scavenging percentage for finding better loot. your scavanging percentage is in your inventory under the tab character, scroll down to exploration
Always have a gun for all situations like a sniper rifle for long and a shotgun for close range and always have an assault rifle with good mods because if you're like me you use the assault rifle constantly as a primary or secondary weapon it's always good to have one
i absolutely love this game im hooked so much to do i find the only downside is the inability to jump or crouch whenever you want but other than that its amazing on PS4
I see the fun to be had, but I also see the "gun bang shoot shoot" aspect, and have to ask myself if I'll end up really invested, or count the days until its irrelevancy.
as someone who maxed out you should always check your abilities and talents they come in handy abilities are your little gadgets you can throw around but talents are like perks they're one that do things like heal yourself and all allies with 40m with 1 medkit and make sure to read and upgrade abilities and try everything out also get to level 30 to unlock daily missions for high end gear and upgrade your tech and security wing so you can buy high end weapons and spend phoenix credits which are used to buy high end equipment also in security you can upgrade to buy appearance mods for weapons and yourself to make you look cool go around your base of operation and collect everything in chest for some extra loot do every encounter you cone across for more supplies and xp and you'll have a max base and character in no time with some sweet loot it takes a total of about 30-35 hours to fully max out if you are efficient with your time also never go into the dark zone alone you'll run out of ammo quick and no one can revive you other players are easy to find and join and usually are pretty chill and you'll become a master pretty quick
Savior Fact : If you are starting out i would recommend making friends
in the Dark Zone as dueling it out can be rough. Plus you can easily
level up.
Rouge Fact : When you see another player at low health it can be easy to kill him and take his/her stuff. When rouge stay near eneimes so if you are being hunted They will not only have to deal with you but also the enemies in the area.
Xp is given by random npcs when you give them things. As long as you don't rush or bump them that is a yellow line will alert you to who wants things. Plus they also give you paint mods as well as new clothes.
god damn i remember when you guys had 250,000 subscribers...
If you're a soloplayer that wants to make missions easier: There's a lot of obvious exploitable bugs.
Mainly with enemies being restricted in one way or another.
They can't move to specific locations sometimes, or wont shoot you when you are in specific spots.
Also, some missions do not close off their previous zones until you go to the next zone. Making enemies glitch out, making it a lot easier to progress.
I found that you should really pay attention to the different abilities and their pros and cons. Just a general tip but really worth knowing.