+FunkyRL i played beta its way better then destiny beta with the little they showed in division beta the full game will be alot better the destiny tho ill say this now the dark zone (pvp) can kiss my ass
+masseffectkid Why don't you like the Dark Zone? It's probably the most interesting mechanic in the game. Shit, you don't even have to load into it, it just turns the game into DayZ.
+Robert Anderson Destiny: FPS-RPG hybrid set in a very far future Sci fi setting with aliens, robots and (magic?). Has a few small free roam areas and pvp matchmaking. The division: third person shooter- RPG set in a post crisis manhattan with Sci fi elements, a big free roam area, and seamless pvp/pve transitions. You do the math.
+TheTacoManZ yea and destiny wasnt any fun, all it did was shoot this guy with one entire magazine in the head and do the same to the next guy. not very fun
So far it's good I believe, I have been playing the beta on my PC I was skeptical like you but after lots of play it looks good needs a little work before March but it's honestly not destiny 2.0
+Click Silver it isn't even Destiny 1... dull enemies, weapons & missions. Even the dark zones get boring quick, theres just no edge or risk factor with pvp. They should have either introduced factions, or made the dz rank perma-death.
update :).. on release of the game you are able to trade with people in the group you are with when the item drops...so if you are running with a DPS guy and a sweet marksman rifle drops.. you can give it to him. and they did say they have fixed up some effects that will help with window reflection as well as global illumination.
I'm 80% sure it will end up like either Watch Dogs, or Destiny. The problem with Watch Frogs was the graphics, the problem with Destiny was the TERRIBLE DLC.
+TheInvinsible Gamer24 Not exactly. I gave up on playing Destiny BEFORE purchasing any DLC. Why purchase more maps and additional zones that should have been included from the beginning?? Game was trash after doing everything in 10 hours......... DLC for Destiny made that game terrible for you? Sorry you went that far into that trash.
+Gilberto Ortiz he puts about 40 minutes of his heart and soul into his reviews to explain every detail about a game. I am going to love him ripping this game apart in March.
Destiny has more varieties of characters to battle common to battling common thugs on The Division. Already seeing people say they are getting bored of BETA just hours into it..
I'm so scared this game is going to be trash. I'm really looking forward to it and Ubisoft always has interesting looking games, but Ubisoft are fucking plebs and their can be as slimy as Politicians.
i just wish that they wouldve kept the layout of the option screen when you look at your skills and inventory. i liked when you looked at the watch and chose instead of now when you just look at your character
A few more things to know about this is that there isn't a stealth system, headshots don't really matter because every character has a set amount of health, and you can't reopen the car doors and use them as potential cover... but that door closing animation is cool right?
if you people dont want games downgraded. then stop supporting those shitty consoles. they hold the gaming industry back by alot. just like what happened with watchdogs
+Yuk Foo thats the dumbest thing. today theres so much detail in the games and the world sizes are too big for the crappy hardware that the consoles have. kust look at tomb raider. xbox version is ok at best. but the new pc port coming out is looking way better. its not the devs fault its the hardwares fault.
+Yuk Foo thats the dumbest thing. today theres so much detail in the games and the world sizes are too big for the crappy hardware that the consoles have. kust look at tomb raider. xbox version is ok at best. but the new pc port coming out is looking way better. its not the devs fault its the hardwares fault.
+Taylor Williams you can get better performance with $400-$500. and 30 fps on shooters because if you want smooth 60 fps you're gonna get a horribly downgraded game like halo 5. that game run smoothly on 60fps but its graphic details are disgusting. just look at the shadows on that game and youll see how limited the devs are. and its not even 1080p
+FrankTheArmyTank Fallout 4: "graphics don't matter! It's all about the gampeplay and story" The Division " This is fucking bullshit! They downgraded the graphics"....hypocrites i swear
+witchhunt301 No but everyone knows that fall out has bad graphics but they don't promise to put all these things in a game and then on the beta only use 2 out of 5 things they said they'd put in.
God I hate gamers... seriously I do. The game isn't even out yet, and in the past virtually every TC game has at least been passable, if not great. But no, because its Ubisoft (a company with a pretty good track record, actually) everyone hates it... seriously, this is the kind of jump to conclusions stupidity Id reserve for children. Adults typically don't judge before trying. At this point, even if the game is good, you fuckers wont say so because you don't want to seem wrong. And worse still, this shit is constant these days with every major release. According to the people, the only good games these days are old/indie... the dawn of the fucking video game hipster age... fucking hell.
Epic Walrus I'm just tired of the bullshit. It's ridiculous. Whats worse, these days we also have to deal with the "bandwagon" effect, where games come out that are objectively good (some aren't great, but they are good), and yet people hate them for whatever reason, despite a real reason not existing. Sure you can dislike the game, say it's not for you, but to say it's a bad game is blatantly false, as it does what it intended... and it entertained others. Whats worse, this causes more and more people to hate the game in turn for no reason. Do the games meet every expectation that we have? Of course not, the hype machine is responsible for that though. Whats worse, people will complain about features they *expected* but were never actually touched on or even promised. Further... people are beginning to complain about DLC packs. While yes, bare bones games do come out, and are then filled in with DLC (Here's looking at you Battlefront), other's are doing what developers have been doing for decades. People keep pointing to the xbox and ps2 era as the model for games that came complete, but last I checked, there were still expansions being released... (Morrowind, Halo 2, Ghost Recon 2)... all of those games had expansions, but of course, you won't hear people bitching about those, but were they any different? Of course not, we just live in the age of bitchiness and brats. There are legitimate reasons to be angry with companies (Pay-to-win, pre-orders, Early access, bare bones content, etc), but those are, in many cases, glossed over due to peoples unusually high marks for quality, and their insatiable need to hate everything that comes out these days...
Why do people dislike Ubisoft so much? I mean I stopped playing console games a while back, but all my friends seemed to like the Assassins Creed series that went on for many years.
+Joshua Page dude Bethesda is way different from ubisoft in terms of everything and about the bugs yes true but did they show us a really cool graphics in e3 then downgrade to look like shit at realse like ubisoft always do??!!
I was worried bout the appearance customization thingy, Thought they wont have it, thought they gonna make you walk around with the main characters from story like uncharted, Thanks to you, i now know they have it
Eleventh thing to know about this game: damage is handled by RPG standards, not shooter standards. Meaning an enemy can take several headshots and not die, even though your shooter reflexes say they should have. Not necessarily good or bad, but definitely something to know. (Thanks, TotalBiscuit)
it's probably gonna be one of _those_ games where it looks great in all the trailers and E3 demos but then when it comes out it's going to fucking bomb
Excited for PC Beta tomorrow! Also, as for graphics, I'd imagine the PC version may come at least somewhat close to the E3 reveal in terms of how much debris is all over the ground. The PC is supposed to have a pretty robust amount of options.
I really like this game, mostly because I've been out of the game circuit for about 10 years. However, coming back to something fresh, with awesome graphics and easy to play is fun. I'm glad I can't see what some of the long-term players see, I'm able to give a non bias opinion.
i"ve played the beta a bit, initially i wasnt very impressed. But the more i played it, the more i started to love it. And it's a lot like bethesda rpgs in the sense that it really makes me want to explore, not only can you go on rooftops, and inside buildings, but you can also go into subways and sewer systems and you are rewarded for messing around by finding a lot of cool gear and loot (at least, i found some cool stuff), but i still wouldnt go as far as recommending this game for a buy yet, i would wait until the game releases and people can give some reviews on it.
Informative video HOWEVER, they have already said some of the things you mentioned in this video that WON'T be in the launch. Little misleading because people hear you say these options will be present and they will not. (at least not at launch)
+gameranx You didn't miss anything, I should have been more clear. People hear you say something like a ton of graphics options and no frame rate limit and assume it will be awesome (at least I did) when the dev team has already stated there will be frame rate drops etc. Or mentioning there will be proximity chat and great character select options but not mentioning there are issues with these can be misleading. Proximity Voice Chat - Players may experience problems when communicating with Proximity Voice Chat in the Dark Zone such as poor audio quality or temporary interruptions [Workaround]: Proximity chat is currently limited to 8 players at a timeWindowed/Borderless modes - FPS mays drop below 20 when the game is played in windowed or borderless mode [Workaround]: Use fullscreen to maximize FPSCharacter selection - Players may experience graphical corruption around their character model in the character selection screen on resolutions higher than 1080p
+Travis In Canada It's a beta, Ubisoft was just letting us know what to expect as far as bugs. If you find other bugs you are supposed to report them, it is your job as a beta tester.
this game is amazing have played alpha and the beta and was blown away can't wait for release finally a good game me and buddies have been able to enjoy
there is one more thing to add to the list and that is, the division is actually good. I've been playing the beta since 9:20 am GMT and have really enjoyed it. be carefull as you enter the the pvp zone because players sometimes wait for you at the entrance. little tip there for you.
Love your vids gameranx and I liked the whole concept of the division I feel like it will be a decent game almost like Destiny but with more realism :)
Been playing the Beta today on Xbox and let me tell you something...... It's pretty awesome so far :D My only complaint is in the PvP section you'll have large groups of players running around killing everyone else and there is no real penalty for doing this. If you die as a Rogue then sure you lose all your items and have to wait 30 seconds before spawning again but after that.... Well, there is no deterrent to going Rogue.... People can and will steal your Epic Loot Drops over and over and over again. Maybe Ubisoft should put in like enemies that specifically hunt Rogue Agents. THAT would make the Dark Zone truly intense!
Saw some gameplay on twitch. Im not sure if I love the Titanium head perk, people got two shots to the face from a rifle and still running around with 60% hp.
Can't believe you didn't mention the tablet controlled UAV drone thing. Although, it's ubisoft so it might not be worth mentioning... Great video though!
The first one is wrong. Brooklyn WILL be in the game. On the PC, you can see two folders with two maps. NYC_Brooklyn and NYC_Manhattan. In the BETA people are spawned in at lvl 4. Meaning that 1-4, you will most likely be in the tutorial area or "Brooklyn".
Really enjoyed taking down rogues in the beta,The city/world from what we got was built very well IMO. Not hyping the game up but I look forward to release.
***** I have a friend who's gonna buy the game and he can borrow me it at any times. Hell if he dosent like it he'll even give it to me. Win: me loose: ubisoft not getting my money.
Really good game played the Alpha and Beta ordered the collectors edition back in september is a beautiful looking game and sounds good and plays well im very excited
I can imagine one person meeting one enemy in a hallway or something. Both just stand there and maybe strafe a bit while emtying their magazines, hoping that it will take 25 bullets to kill your enemy and that it will take 26 bullets to kill you...
Wow, people are really salty about this game.
at least we can all trust ubisoft on making this the best game they can possibly make
Based on how Destiny turned out I have similar fears and disappointments. I had imagined this turning out as more of an upgraded Day Z
+gameranx Bro
+gameranx Brah
Watches video about The Division, gets a The Division ad.
+Jacob Jock Hahaha
+Fabnazidoge 9gag but a youtubers worst enemy.... it's a shame that you are not supporting your youtubers...
I've had em all day
+Fabnazidoge 9gag k then sry bro
+Fabnazidoge 9gag can I have some money please
like destiny....like destiny....like destiny....
+FunkyRL That being said...
+FunkyRL lol
+FunkyRL i played beta its way better then destiny beta with the little they showed in division beta the full game will be alot better the destiny tho ill say this now the dark zone (pvp) can kiss my ass
+masseffectkid Why don't you like the Dark Zone? It's probably the most interesting mechanic in the game. Shit, you don't even have to load into it, it just turns the game into DayZ.
+FunkyRL it's like destiny if it didn't suck.
Tom Clancy's Destiny, thanks but no thanks.
+Aj Koorstra Actually, The Division is what Destiny SHOULD have been in the first place.
+Aj Koorstra Lol no this game is nothing like Destiny.
+Wolfyee ya nah bro this is destiny: NYC edition bro
+Robert Anderson Destiny: FPS-RPG hybrid set in a very far future Sci fi setting with aliens, robots and (magic?). Has a few small free roam areas and pvp matchmaking.
The division: third person shooter- RPG set in a post crisis manhattan with Sci fi elements, a big free roam area, and seamless pvp/pve transitions.
You do the math.
***** By that logic, practically every RPG is the same.
You win the internet today.
great recap looking forward to jumping into the beta this weekend
You watch him :0
Haha I love that Elmo being arrested was the picture picked for Times Square XD Gameranx just got best funniest video of 2016 right there XD
People complaining about the graphics...
my problem is that enemies need like 20 shots to die i thought this game keeps it realistic....
It's an MMO, that is the point. This isn't COD
+TheTacoManZ lmao it was probably a typo ( though I hope not ) I will forever use the word " enermies" from now on :')
+TheTacoManZ Wow dude, it's a Tom Clancy title. That used to mean 'realistic'
+Jack Bauer used to is right
+TheTacoManZ yea and destiny wasnt any fun, all it did was shoot this guy with one entire magazine in the head and do the same to the next guy. not very fun
i loved the elmo being arrested in time square :D
The Division is basically if Destiny and Borderlands had a baby.. Which sounds great! Still hyped for this game no matter what, cmon Ubi, you got this
EDIT: Destiny isn't that great, but still
+Thetruegamer They will fuck it up and you know it. Need i point to siege to make my point clearer
+Thetruegamer did you just reply to yourself xD
Uhhh.. No..
it was an edit
I got stunned when i saw the light reacting to the smoke.
So beautiful.
this game is going to bomb so hard
+Ben Hopton I hope UBI loose their shirt on it
+Ben Hopton, i said the same thing when i saw the Watch Dogs promos. Never again, Ubisoft. Never. Again.
So far it's good I believe, I have been playing the beta on my PC I was skeptical like you but after lots of play it looks good needs a little work before March but it's honestly not destiny 2.0
+Click Silver it isn't even Destiny 1... dull enemies, weapons & missions. Even the dark zones get boring quick, theres just no edge or risk factor with pvp. They should have either introduced factions, or made the dz rank perma-death.
+lulubeloo but watchdogs didn't have a beta
been here since 80k man did this channel grow!!!
The new watchdogs i'm calling it
update :).. on release of the game you are able to trade with people in the group you are with when the item drops...so if you are running with a DPS guy and a sweet marksman rifle drops.. you can give it to him.
and they did say they have fixed up some effects that will help with window reflection as well as global illumination.
Great. A map dlc. Brooklyn for only $25.99
You don't know that though.
+Zack Tyler its been confirmed as dlc
+Zack Tyler It's gonna be added as dlc
+Joshua Garcia that is even more than what the american settlers payed the native americans for the entire real island of Manhattan (24$) ^^
+Joshua Garcia if it is worth it I will pay $25.99 no problem.
loving the straight forward video with good info! keep up the good work guys
the new watchdogs
+gac3la yikes.....lol
I hope not
that game was kewl.
I'm 80% sure it will end up like either Watch Dogs, or Destiny. The problem with Watch Frogs was the graphics, the problem with Destiny was the TERRIBLE DLC.
+TheInvinsible Gamer24 Not exactly. I gave up on playing Destiny BEFORE purchasing any DLC. Why purchase more maps and additional zones that should have been included from the beginning?? Game was trash after doing everything in 10 hours......... DLC for Destiny made that game terrible for you? Sorry you went that far into that trash.
Holy shit, you guys are almost at 1.5m subs, insanity! This channel is growing insanely fast!
This game looks awesome, but so did destiny, titanfall, MCC, etc. Going to wait until the before you buy
+Gilberto Ortiz he puts about 40 minutes of his heart and soul into his reviews to explain every detail about a game. I am going to love him ripping this game apart in March.
I don't think so. Look at how shit the gameplay and plot is. People will get bored within weeks.
ubisoft is such an amazing company.
+Blair I'm sure you said the same about destiny,destiny still somehow has a large community
Destiny has more varieties of characters to battle common to battling common thugs on The Division. Already seeing people say they are getting bored of BETA just hours into it..
wow really good video you did man. ididn't know about division so much
I'm so scared this game is going to be trash. I'm really looking forward to it and Ubisoft always has interesting looking games, but Ubisoft are fucking plebs and their can be as slimy as Politicians.
I played the beta today, its actually really good and i really enjoyed it. And its much better with a friend! :D
***** It's cause of the fucking appeal of their games! The concept is always so fucking dope, then they butcher the game!
I stopped buying assasins creed after black flag
Honestly i dont know how the incomplete game was $60
i just wish that they wouldve kept the layout of the option screen when you look at your skills and inventory. i liked when you looked at the watch and chose instead of now when you just look at your character
How to get the Beta on PS4? Do you need a pre-order?
You missed it I think
No, get one here contests.nvidia.com/en-us/the-division-beta-key-giveaway
+shoxboy I didn't get it
I guess I did miss it... Too bad... Is there gonna be an open beta?
Gameranx are really good at what they do, they deserve more subscribers.
tom Clancy's the destiny... fuck that
+molag bal Actually, The Division is what Destiny SHOULD have been in the first place.
+MrDjBigZ lol no not even close
I'm playing the beta right now it's nothing like Destiny
+cyberpunk2020 what are you talking about
The division is an entirely different game from destiny.
Even though I'm not particularly what would be considered an avid gamer (I only own a ps2) I really like your guys content. Keep it up!
#1. They downgraded
Really? Wow we had no idea
Would you prefer to play a good downgraded game like The Witcher 3, or a beautiful 2 hour game movie like The Order??
I think I can guess..
Let me have some
thanks for the shitty consoles
+Ian Mitchell really? Wow cause people who have played it really enjoyed it js..
A few more things to know about this is that there isn't a stealth system, headshots don't really matter because every character has a set amount of health, and you can't reopen the car doors and use them as potential cover... but that door closing animation is cool right?
So basically it's destiny...
A lot of things has changed from the full game and what they have showed us at e3
+Phantom ubisoft man don't need to say any more
+Sam Balmer No
+Wolfyee ok then 3rd person destiny
Great job and great points guys!
Always love your great work, Keep it up!
*Not at all salty about the game*
MGS 5+Destiny+Fallout 4=The Division
Thank you, this was very helpful.
Welcome if you are here after the free giveaway of THE DIVISION by ubisoft.
So my rig can run this game after all. Yay! Thank you, Gameranx!
No micro transactions? Yeah. And my name is Wilfred, Talking Dog Train Conductor.
+SlamifiedBuddafied yeah. As much as that sounds well and good, we'll believe it when we see it.
+SlamifiedBuddafied Hi Wilfred
right when I watched this video I immediately switched this game from my amazon saved list to my shopping cart
All these die-hard graphical fanboys are crying in the c comments. And I'm just here sippin' tea.
+Jesse K (Jkibbels)
I'm getting tea now. I like tea, thanks for reminding Me of tea.
Before I watched this video, I saw an ad for The Division. Really. I'm not lying.
if you people dont want games downgraded. then stop supporting those shitty consoles. they hold the gaming industry back by alot. just like what happened with watchdogs
Everyone doesn't have 700 bucks to buy a PC. graphics don't bother me.
I'm still wondering why we're still getting 30fps in shooters.
+Yuk Foo thats the dumbest thing. today theres so much detail in the games and the world sizes are too big for the crappy hardware that the consoles have. kust look at tomb raider. xbox version is ok at best. but the new pc port coming out is looking way better. its not the devs fault its the hardwares fault.
+Yuk Foo thats the dumbest thing. today theres so much detail in the games and the world sizes are too big for the crappy hardware that the consoles have. kust look at tomb raider. xbox version is ok at best. but the new pc port coming out is looking way better. its not the devs fault its the hardwares fault.
+Taylor Williams you can get better performance with $400-$500. and 30 fps on shooters because if you want smooth 60 fps you're gonna get a horribly downgraded game like halo 5. that game run smoothly on 60fps but its graphic details are disgusting. just look at the shadows on that game and youll see how limited the devs are. and its not even 1080p
***** you can pirate games on the ps4.
Item trading IS being added with the first patch.
Number 1 It's a downgraded downgrade
Damn dawg I didn't know that...I mean i've heard that 999 times but I guess this is the 1000
+Zack Tyler Hey you learn something new everyday
+FrankTheArmyTank Fallout 4: "graphics don't matter! It's all about the gampeplay and story" The Division " This is fucking bullshit! They downgraded the graphics"....hypocrites i swear
+witchhunt301 No but everyone knows that fall out has bad graphics but they don't promise to put all these things in a game and then on the beta only use 2 out of 5 things they said they'd put in.
FrankTheArmyTank regardless, my point still stands. Double standards at it's finest
That scratch beat though!
God I hate gamers... seriously I do. The game isn't even out yet, and in the past virtually every TC game has at least been passable, if not great. But no, because its Ubisoft (a company with a pretty good track record, actually) everyone hates it... seriously, this is the kind of jump to conclusions stupidity Id reserve for children. Adults typically don't judge before trying. At this point, even if the game is good, you fuckers wont say so because you don't want to seem wrong. And worse still, this shit is constant these days with every major release. According to the people, the only good games these days are old/indie... the dawn of the fucking video game hipster age... fucking hell.
God have mercy on us all!
+ScorchedCrow95 Preach It!!!!!
Epic Walrus I'm just tired of the bullshit. It's ridiculous. Whats worse, these days we also have to deal with the "bandwagon" effect, where games come out that are objectively good (some aren't great, but they are good), and yet people hate them for whatever reason, despite a real reason not existing. Sure you can dislike the game, say it's not for you, but to say it's a bad game is blatantly false, as it does what it intended... and it entertained others. Whats worse, this causes more and more people to hate the game in turn for no reason. Do the games meet every expectation that we have? Of course not, the hype machine is responsible for that though. Whats worse, people will complain about features they *expected* but were never actually touched on or even promised. Further... people are beginning to complain about DLC packs. While yes, bare bones games do come out, and are then filled in with DLC (Here's looking at you Battlefront), other's are doing what developers have been doing for decades. People keep pointing to the xbox and ps2 era as the model for games that came complete, but last I checked, there were still expansions being released... (Morrowind, Halo 2, Ghost Recon 2)... all of those games had expansions, but of course, you won't hear people bitching about those, but were they any different? Of course not, we just live in the age of bitchiness and brats. There are legitimate reasons to be angry with companies (Pay-to-win, pre-orders, Early access, bare bones content, etc), but those are, in many cases, glossed over due to peoples unusually high marks for quality, and their insatiable need to hate everything that comes out these days...
+ScorchedCrow95 You sir. You are my favorite.
+Kaleb Lawler (Space-Pizza) lol, I'm with you on that.
I played beta on my Xbox One with my friend, and after these 3 days of playing we both agree to preorder.
a Ubisoft game?! lol no thanks.
+azoz Al-Otaibi good choice
fuck off , nerd.
far from it
+Max Alvarez That's true, but he's not the only person that feels that way about Ubisoft, so it's not just losing one player
Why do people dislike Ubisoft so much? I mean I stopped playing console games a while back, but all my friends seemed to like the Assassins Creed series that went on for many years.
He included the famous car door close in cover scene :O
I was really exited but you're making it sound like Destiny... I hate Destiny... Alot
Ya just gotta have friends to play it with. Then it's great.
+Austin Green i found it got old really fast
+Emo Kidd for the love of god. ITS NOT DESTINY
actually ubisoft just said their will be dlcs for basically everything. brooklyn will be in the game sometime after the release for the full game
why this game will suck??....one word UBISOFT....you are welcome xD
Rainbow six siege ..?
watch dogs? assassians creed unity?
+seafa frage couple of shitty games doesn't mean every single game ever..I don't trust them either but have an open mind dude,you never know.
+GetThatPUHH if you say so then this mean we don't have to blame EA for battlefront and WB for the shitty version of batman arkahm knight on pc??
+Joshua Page dude Bethesda is way different from ubisoft in terms of everything and about the bugs yes true but did they show us a really cool graphics in e3 then downgrade to look like shit at realse like ubisoft always do??!!
pre-ordered, played the beta, still hyped :D
I was worried bout the appearance customization thingy, Thought they wont have it, thought they gonna make you walk around with the main characters from story like uncharted, Thanks to you, i now know they have it
Item Trading will be released in April (1 month after release)
Eleventh thing to know about this game: damage is handled by RPG standards, not shooter standards. Meaning an enemy can take several headshots and not die, even though your shooter reflexes say they should have.
Not necessarily good or bad, but definitely something to know. (Thanks, TotalBiscuit)
it's probably gonna be one of _those_ games where it looks great in all the trailers and E3 demos but then when it comes out it's going to fucking bomb
Informative video sir 👍
i will wait for reviews, but liking the look of this so far.
after playing the beta for 24 hours straight , I'm hooked , can not wait until March 8th I need it now lol
the character creating joke made my day.. thanks :D
Im getting soo hyped and i cant wait
Great vid tho keep it up guys
Excited for PC Beta tomorrow! Also, as for graphics, I'd imagine the PC version may come at least somewhat close to the E3 reveal in terms of how much debris is all over the ground. The PC is supposed to have a pretty robust amount of options.
I want to know where that drone you see people use in the trailer and old game play
I can't wait till the division comes out I love role play type games
I really like this game, mostly because I've been out of the game circuit for about 10 years. However, coming back to something fresh, with awesome graphics and easy to play is fun. I'm glad I can't see what some of the long-term players see, I'm able to give a non bias opinion.
i"ve played the beta a bit, initially i wasnt very impressed. But the more i played it, the more i started to love it. And it's a lot like bethesda rpgs in the sense that it really makes me want to explore, not only can you go on rooftops, and inside buildings, but you can also go into subways and sewer systems and you are rewarded for messing around by finding a lot of cool gear and loot (at least, i found some cool stuff), but i still wouldnt go as far as recommending this game for a buy yet, i would wait until the game releases and people can give some reviews on it.
I love this game I'm at 36 hr in the beta and still want to play more can't wait for release
Informative video HOWEVER, they have already said some of the things you mentioned in this video that WON'T be in the launch. Little misleading because people hear you say these options will be present and they will not. (at least not at launch)
+Travis In Canada could you tell us what we missed? thanks
+gameranx You didn't miss anything, I should have been more clear. People hear you say something like a ton of graphics options and no frame rate limit and assume it will be awesome (at least I did) when the dev team has already stated there will be frame rate drops etc. Or mentioning there will be proximity chat and great character select options but not mentioning there are issues with these can be misleading.
Proximity Voice Chat - Players may experience problems when communicating with Proximity Voice Chat in the Dark Zone such as poor audio quality or temporary interruptions [Workaround]: Proximity chat is currently limited to 8 players at a timeWindowed/Borderless modes - FPS mays drop below 20 when the game is played in windowed or borderless mode [Workaround]: Use fullscreen to maximize FPSCharacter selection - Players may experience graphical corruption around their character model in the character selection screen on resolutions higher than 1080p
+gameranx apparently Brooklyn (not sure of spelling) will be in the game after the launch...
+Travis In Canada It's a beta, Ubisoft was just letting us know what to expect as far as bugs. If you find other bugs you are supposed to report them, it is your job as a beta tester.
+Sam Ruffles It will for sure be in the game eventually (dlc)
this game is amazing have played alpha and the beta and was blown away can't wait for release finally a good game me and buddies have been able to enjoy
there is one more thing to add to the list and that is, the division is actually good. I've been playing the beta since 9:20 am GMT and have really enjoyed it. be carefull as you enter the the pvp zone because players sometimes wait for you at the entrance. little tip there for you.
Love your vids gameranx and I liked the whole concept of the division I feel like it will be a decent game almost like Destiny but with more realism :)
I've been hyped for this game for so long now
Im really looking forward to this game. I really like MMO RPG style games and this just kinda takes me back. Cant Wait!
the gamer rocks!been playing the bèta for 2 days now...i love it
Good thing I watched this I NEEDED to know.
Been playing the Beta today on Xbox and let me tell you something...... It's pretty awesome so far :D My only complaint is in the PvP section you'll have large groups of players running around killing everyone else and there is no real penalty for doing this. If you die as a Rogue then sure you lose all your items and have to wait 30 seconds before spawning again but after that.... Well, there is no deterrent to going Rogue.... People can and will steal your Epic Loot Drops over and over and over again. Maybe Ubisoft should put in like enemies that specifically hunt Rogue Agents. THAT would make the Dark Zone truly intense!
+Lord McAwesome hooray! Someone likes it. Downloading the beta now. Hoping for the best.
Random fact about the division you can get an achievement for almost anything you can seriously get an achievement for closing a car door
Saw some gameplay on twitch. Im not sure if I love the Titanium head perk, people got two shots to the face from a rifle and still running around with 60% hp.
Got the beta this morning so far it's really cool.
That Oblivion face though.
Can't believe you didn't mention the tablet controlled UAV drone thing. Although, it's ubisoft so it might not be worth mentioning... Great video though!
wow I love the animation. will there be a single player campaign?
After playing the Beta, i can tell that this game is going to be fantastic, and i can't wait ^^
The first one is wrong. Brooklyn WILL be in the game. On the PC, you can see two folders with two maps. NYC_Brooklyn and NYC_Manhattan. In the BETA people are spawned in at lvl 4. Meaning that 1-4, you will most likely be in the tutorial area or "Brooklyn".
Holy shit. I know who's going to turn that voice chat into some sort of role playing thing.
Really enjoyed taking down rogues in the beta,The city/world from what we got was built very well IMO. Not hyping the game up but I look forward to release.
Played Beta on PS4 and love it. Going to be good, look forward to it.
Brooklyn is a possible DLC from what I understand; it is highly likely to be put in later.
I'm so looking forward to this game
Do you have to pre order the game to play the beta
No you don't, but it's the only way to guarantee you get a key. You can join a waiting list for free.
So I was on the fence for this game though I was certainly interested. This actually tipped me further toward buying it when it comes out.
It's funny how Ubisoft can't just come out and say those early "gameplay" videos are just hype videos and aren't intended to show the actual game.
BTW they announced some dlc that will include a different boroughs. I forget which ones atm but I think it may have had brooklyn
I got it for the PS4. I really like the special things. Like seeker mine doo-dads. Personally, I major in Medical and Security since I dont have PS+.
The beta is super fun so far, mild npc glitches, but nothing game breaking. I really recommend it for people new to this genre of games.
Should I save up for this, or Fallout 4 DLC's?
fallout 4 dlc
***** You can get it if you want, but im not.
***** I'll get it for free anyways. So yeah its a win for me. Ubisoft aint getting a cent from me.
***** I have a friend who's gonna buy the game and he can borrow me it at any times. Hell if he dosent like it he'll even give it to me. Win: me loose: ubisoft not getting my money.
Ok fallout 4 dlc WILL most likely be good as Bethesda give great flics
But division has a great idea and if it's done well then this will be awesome
Really good game played the Alpha and Beta ordered the collectors edition back in september is a beautiful looking game and sounds good and plays well im very excited
I can imagine one person meeting one enemy in a hallway or something. Both just stand there and maybe strafe a bit while emtying their magazines, hoping that it will take 25 bullets to kill your enemy and that it will take 26 bullets to kill you...
I'd love to see Brooklyn because I live there lol
i was roaming the Dark Zone with my buddies and thought to myself, "this game could use some zombies."
I'm actually really looking forward to this game. It's gotta be better with friends instead of just going solo