George Burns on Johnny Carson at age 93: Burns: "I smoke 15 to 20 cigars a day." Carson asks, "what does your doctor say?" Burns replies, "my doctor is dead."
As an ex-smoker, I am well aware of the positive effects, i.e. on focus and weight. But this sword is not only sharp but also double-edged. Rare use quickly becomes an illusion.
The benifits definitely don’t outweigh the drawbacks. I was a nicotine user for 30 years, it was the hardest addiction to kick. I could make a pack of cigs last for 3 or four days, but even then it impacted my respiratory capacity. Chewing Tabasco gives you lip and stomach cancer, and although I used Zynn to quit, we really don’t know the long term effects of nicotine salt. Nicotine in any form is like Lay’s potato chips “Bet you can’t have just one”.
I had out of control ulcerative colitis and even had a temporary colostomy. I read about nicotine studies showing that nicotine blocked intestinal inflammation. I wear a nicotine patch and eat carnivore. I have completely eliminated ALL colitis symptoms and had the added effect of eliminating anxiety.
@lauralittle6899 I started using a product made in the UK sold on Amazon. I cut it into four and used that for 2 weeks. I kept on into I use the whole patch. Sometimes, I would get feeling warm. That was about it.
that cigarettes are bad for you? well, youre an idiot if you think cigarettes are suddenly good for you just because a rodent study shows that nicotine(!) may have some benefits
For anyone reading (chronic vape addict): probably not worth starting. The tricky thing is that all administration methods (possibly with the exception of skin patches) have associated health risks separate from nicotine, and once the addictive cycle starts, **there is a treadmill effect over time pushing you to shorter-acting and faster spiking routes** (various types of smoking and vaping). Also-- theoretically possible to vape safely (more or less) but once you're addicted you care much more about getting your intake quickly and conveniently... or at least that is going to win out over waiting and doing it safely unless you have a lot of willpower reserves. Having a carefully vetted setup, mixing your own juice, changing coils regularly devolves into hitting up the gas station for a disposable in a pinch turns into doing that every week as it becomes a normalized part of your life. Yes, technically this is a form of laziness, but you'd be surprised how your priorities suddenly move around in the face of having to wait to get the next dose once the addiction really kicks in. Eating healthy is kind of a pain in the ass, right? You have to really care consistently for a long time to stick to it. This is the same thing, but the urge for nicotine NOW can be much stronger than hunger or even a craving for sugar. I wouldn't even call it a concrete urge at this point, my priorities suddenly shift and I feel like absolute shit until I ingest nic in some form. And like I said, the dependence cycle from the little dopamine spikes when it enters your bloodstream WILL make faster acting ingestion methods seem more and more appealing over time. Like I said, a good heuristic is your relationship to food. Is it difficult for you to count calories, stick to a plan/meal prep and avoid eating out? Can you maintain that without it being a struggle? If so, you might be able to just stick to patches or what have you. If not? It's gonna be hard to impossible. I really couldn't imagine when I started chewing 2mg gum once or twice a week that I would end up where I ended up or that it would ever be difficult not to make stupid decisions but here I am. Make this decision at your own risk, and never forget that the addiction has a tendency to be subtle/not take the form you expect and sneak up on you over time. Make whatever decision you feel is right for you. Peace out, everyone.
You are so correct on the vaping. I smoked cigs for 25 years and then found ecigs in 2009. Glory to China for such a revolution....for a while. I was that guy mixing my own flavors and titrating nicotine solutions for the perfect blend.... For the last three years or so...GEEK BARS. FLUMS and goddam ELF BARS!! I just quit all that shit very recently - what a nightmare nic fit withdrawal from Satan's asshole but it will pass and you will feel awesome about it. Any benefit I got from using nicotine for most of my life will remain with me forever.
It's amazing to actually hear someone acknowledge what has been known through many studies for decades. A study done in Denmark a couple of decades ago found that smokers were 63% less likely to develop Alzheimer's at any age.
Separating smoking and nicotine is important. I find that nicotine allows me to focus and concentrate for long periods, maybe self medication for ADHD. It curbs appetite and also significantly reduces any urges for sweets. When I smoked, it impacted my lungs pretty badly (I smoked for 30 years). Switching to vaping resulted in massive improvements in my lung function. I then quit vaping for 18 months. The addiction is very real. However, I gained weight, have been unable to lose weight, even with regular exercise and strict diet management (not dieting, but healthy protein/vegetable diet with reasonable calorie control). I picked back up on vaping and nicotine pouches recently and am seeing good improvement in my mental acuity and body composition. Do I care that it is addictive? No, just like I don't care that caffeine is addictive, because I have no intention of removing it from my life.
Nicotine gum for me. I smoked for 25 years, vaped for 3 years. But the vape is what got to my lungs. I also started suffering from heart palpitations and the skin on my face started to turn red. (Like an alcoholic) but I don't drink. Anyway, gum has sorted that out.
Nicotine Causes Mitochondrial Dynamics Imbalance and Apoptosis Through ROS Mediated Mitophagy Impairment in Cardiomyocytes. Nicotine contained in traditional cigarettes, hookahs, and e-cigarettes is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease.r
Yeah I was going to say that. Vaping almost definitely contributes to CVD. I used to vape but I gave it up due to very convincing observational data showing increased rates of cardiovascular disease. People who vaped and smoked are significantly more likely to get cardiovascular disease than those who only smoke.
Would strongly suggest not even starting. Following a car accident in 2016 and having suffered a concussion (no MRI findings) I investigated nicotine as a nutropic. Tried over the counter chewing gum and seemed to help with focus and memory issues, however, caused gastrointestinal distress. Moved to lozenges at 4mg but at $13 per container, they became prohibitively expensive so I tried Zyn. Big mistake. Within months, I was consuming close to 90mg of nicotine daily and noticed significant gum line reduction. I've tried reducing, consumption and failed miserably. Do yourself a favor, and don't start.
Lozenges at 4 grams per lozenge then i broke in 1/2s & then into 1/4s. That’s how I quit smoking and chewing tobacco relatively quickly. Coffee addiction is my current battle im trying to wean off
I’ve started questioning everything, especially government health advice! After reading "Health and Beauty Mastery", I completely changed my approach. This book reveals so many shocking truths about the health industry!
Here’s my take, if you’re not addicted to nicotine don’t start obviously. However some of us made poor decisions in our youth and got hooked on cigarettes or chewing tobacco/dip and I believe nicotine pouches, patches, gums, etc… can be a great form of harm reduction the delivery method is what matters most. Smoking cigarettes is the hardest on your health, vaping comes in second, dip/moist snuff comes in 3d not as bad as smoking but still significant risks, snus probably being the safest form of tobacco use but still again risk, nicotine pouches such as Zyn and then gums and patches that you place on your skin are the safest form of nicotine delivery tobacco free, the only risks you get is from the risks of nicotine itself which basically has stimulant like affects vasodilation, increased heart rate, slight increases in blood pressure, but still addictive. As someone that used to smoke in high school then switched to dipping tobacco because I worked out and cigs destroyed my cardio and health while using them I dipped for several years before switch to snus and then finally switched to pouches and then I quit. I found it was easier to quit pouches than it was to quit tobacco itself though I have no studies to support this claim. I quit for 3 years and then started back on pouches just because I simply enjoy the cognitive affects I get from nicotine I typically use Zyn and I’m aware of the slight risks but I workout and eat healthy, I sleep just fine I avoid nicotine 3-4 hours before bed I also think anything above 8-9mg of nicotine is insane and feel like dosage plays a roll. My problem is the war on pouches is crazy when you have alcohol that you can argue is in colorful type cans that can appeal to children yet it is never discussed, and they try to do everything to rid safer alternatives to tobacco instead of going after tobacco itself. Leave the pouches alone, keep the age restrictions in place and call it that. As adults we are free to choose our vices. People will lecture my pouch use (about 5 pouches a day sometimes less) while they stop at McDonald’s daily and are on 3-6 different meds. I also believe that happiness plays a roll in longevity and like caffeine, nicotine makes me happy. Sweden does it best.
@@gudshjrehand3739 gum recession happens naturally as you age anyways dude, if you put them in your top left or right you won’t get any recession I can speak from use. Can’t reverse severe lung damage either, which one is worse? I’m not glorifying anything the fact is these save smokers lives period. If you’re not addicted to nicotine then obviously don’t start.
@@jakobhudnall3416 Not true. Everyone puts them in top left or top right and people still get gum recession. I assume nicotine pouches haven't been as popular as for long time in your country, since you dont know this fact. And I haven't said anything about smoking. Smoking is way worse than nicotine pouches, you are right about that. I had to stop with nicotine pouches because my gum recession got so bad that i started experiencing physical discomfort. (I'm still in my 20s btw). And for anyone who might want to jump on nicotine pouches, don't, because your gum does not grow back.
@@gudshjrehand3739 I dipped chewing tobacco for years, switched to pouches for harm reduction been using pouches for 2 years I’m 25, started my addiction stupidly in high school around 15-16years old. No gum recession but everyone is different I take good care of my oral health and eat an animal based diet with fruit, exercise/workout regularly. I also theorize that flavorings in pouches are a big culprit on recession (mint, wintergreen, all that) tends to be hard on the gums especially with heavy use. I opt for original flavors of snus or smooth/unflavored pouches and I only use like 5-6 pouches per day some days I go as long as I can without nicotine 3 pouches give or take and have yet to have any oral issues. I do my regular dental visits every 6 months (cleanings and checks) and for a long time my dentist didn’t know I used oral nicotine products I had to tell him. So I’m not glorifying its use but I am confident in its place as a harm reduction product and think the US government in particular should leave these alone and target the bigger issues like alcohol, cigarettes, and the drug pandemic. Nicotine pouches, snus is the least problematic.
There was a study awhile back with positive results that smokers where many times less likely to get Covid than non smokers! I’m a smoker,very small and lean,no extra fat anywhere! My doctor was concerned about the health of my lungs and ordered a CT scan,came back my lungs were completely clear! I really don’t inhale the smoke,just puff . More of a pacifier than anything😂. My Indian Grandmother smoked and or chewed tobacco all her adult life,she lived to be 105. Super sharp mind an memory! Thank you for the lecture and research sir!
Interesting also to note that there is a clear inverse relationship between nicotine and Parkinson’s Disease. There seems to be a protective effect. Naturally, there is not much publicity about this.
It also helps with ADHD and both have Dopamine shortage as a cause meaning there isn't enough neurotransmitter to allow the person to do things. In Parkinson's it is just focused in one area, in ADHD it's more gloabl.
It might be because ppl smoke instead of doing something else. Like ppl smoke instead of eating sweeds, so it doesnt have to be the smoking itself so much rather the thing they didnt do because they smoked instead...
I'm a weirdo here where, for years, I have smoked 2 organic American Spirit cigarettes a day, and that's all I want. I don't drink alcohol and do not crave it. But my 2 cigs cap off my night, and I have only half at a time. I'm super pleased about this finding.
@@Big.GunDonn Sure, I don't have the balls to fill my lungs with smoke and ash. In fact it sounded like a dumb idea even when I was 12 and my friends tried to corrupt me to smoke.
Smokeless tobacco (dip) addict for 20 yrs…. Quit cold turkey upon birth of my first child… stayed off for 3 years… January of this year started nicotine pouches which I like way better than dip…. And I feel I’m closer to my best self WITH nicotine. Mood, focus, lots of benefits for me. But I would like to see ingredient list for nicotine pouches and know for sure there’s not hidden chemicals. Bc I have trust issues for good reasons.
I also am more productive and functional using nicotine, and skinnier. I tried almost all nicotine products but eventually quit using patches. Every now and than I miss the dopamine rush
Go to addiction mindset and he'll tell you the junk that's in zyn. It's just a drug addiction. Nothing more. It's not doing anything for you, just hazing your perception.
Niacin. The word is made of NIcotinic ACid vitamIN. Essential to mental sanity and health. Millions of poor people died or nearly died in the early 1900's USA due to niacin defiency.....but men who smoked did much better than women and's because the men were supplementing with nicotine which converts to niacin when smoked.
how are your gems? stopped after tins a day after quitting cigarettes and vapes then going back to dip. been months now def have a cavity but thats gerd and the hole oil pan leak from the mechanic routine. gums somewhat recovered, bleeding when flossing recently but also like i said gerd
@@xXx_pq snus seems to be safer than dip for a variety of reasons, but what I remember off the top of my head is that it's pasteurized whereas dip is fermented. It seems to have much lower oral cancer rates than dip and chew (both fermented), and in general less health consequences (but not none).
Thanks for giving an honest review of the research. We clearly need more human research. We are studying low-dose nicotine patches for LongCovid and MECFS. It is not a complete cure, but it is one of the most effective treatments out there and it is cheap. I would be happy to share more about our patient-led research if you think your public would be interested. BTW, oral nicotine like pouches have some of the downsides like addiction and other additives. We suggest patches for the slow constant dosing which should not lead to addiction.
I use patches for long covid. Seems to have helped a bunch. I stopped because I started to get an allergic reaction to the sticky stuff on the patch. Maybe if I get a different brand, I won't have a reaction.
Some researchers also saying "nicotine users" had far less effects from the -19. Hmm...I grew up in the 90s. Nobody was obese. Then they told us to be healthy you had to avoid all fats and only eat carbs! Bacon and eggs were off the menu! Now u needed a bagel for breakfast and spaghetti "no meatballs" for dinner. Then, everybody just stopped cooking and it was Mcdonalds for B-fst and pizza pockets for dinner. And.... Don't forget to cover your entire body with sun-screen every time its a beautiful day!!! Hmm... Wonder what's in sun screen? Don't remember farmers in the 20s' or from the Roman empire dropping dead from skin cancer. Hmm.. Maybe the Indians were on to something with nicotine....Btw, did the Indians have sun-screen??? IDK, just curious........
The lighter your skin the more important it is to use sunscreen. Use a non toxic one that contains zinc or titanium and is non nano. Take vitamin D supplements. I’m a Dermatologist who made a living removing skin cancer from mostly white men and an occasional deadly melanoma…
You are understating the benefits of Nicotine. We find Nicotine in most of the vegetables we eat. Potatoes, tomatoes, celeries, etc. We don't become addicted to vegetables. Dr. Ardis is the expert on the topic.
That's right, any green plant has to have nicotine in it to synthesize sun, for the photosynthesis. Nicotine is toxic unless converted into nicotinic acid via an acid or heat, such as when corn has lime added, or one drinks coffee. This is why we don't eat green potatoes, too much nicotine. We are addicted to nicotinic acid whether we smoke or not, all life is, and we are addicted to water. Nicotine increases sobriety and sanity, it doesn't cause anyone to get drunk or beat anyone up, or lay on the street in a doped up stupor....yet it's a drug? Something that enables sober sociability is a drug and addiction?
@V14-h3y I just started Dr Ardid's nicotine regimin. Slightly over.2 now. I can already feel the difference, clearer mind and more energy. He has a lot of detailed info on his website and in his videos.
I thought the thinness of smokers was always related to craving cigarettes every time they got hungry instead of food and possibly like consumption of a few calories to keep their metabolas up multiple times throughout the day between meals.
@@Dexian-j9m im sure there is something with that as well. But i was getting in shape and went ont vacation and the weight stayed off. Before its like if i had more than 1 cheat day my weight would be back.
All depends on how you use tobacco. I smoke tobacco pipes mainly and an occasional cigar. No additives like you get with cigarette tobacco. I've been smoking a pipe every day just about for 4 years now and haven't had an addiction or without problems whatsoever like I did back when I smoked cigarettes. That's one of the best parts about it for me. I can enjoy the tobacco and the benefits and not have to worry about addiction. You're not getting a lot of nicotine since you do not inhale.
Everything it does flows from addressing an age related imbalance between NAD+ to NADh. A normalisation of the electron transport chain and mitochondrial membrane complexes. It does everything they claim NMN is supposed to do, but it actually works.
@aydnofastro-action1788 The chlorinated derivatives of nicotine in industrially processed cigarettes ages you. It's, essentially, a pesticide. Normal nicotine doesn't. Look up a study called. Nicotine rebalances NAD+ homeostasis and improves aging-related symptoms in male mice by enhancing NAMPT activity
I’ve never smoked or vaped and i started using patches for potential cognitive benefits. Have felt significant improvements in mood, memory, mental sharpness. Use patches roughly every 2-3 days (when i don’t forget) over the last year havent experienced any addictive tendencies.
@@Ricky-oi3wv I mean, yeah, that's accurate. There isn't a drug habit in existence where you dose once every 2-3 days. Your implied sarcasm makes it seem like you have no clue how habits or addictions work. And it comes across as douchey to boot.
I used nicotine gum for a period of about 4 years to overcome a massive Adderall addiction (100% prescribed and filled by doctors and pharmacists) that left me so dopamine damaged that I couldn't get out of bed. The downside is that it (possibly) killed the tooth where I would park the gum (you aren't supposed to use it for 4 years). This necessitated a root canal. I kept the tooth and it did not change color. The net result is that I no longer use any type of drugs and manage my neurology 100% with diet, supplements, and exercise. Don't think I could have functioned in the early recovery without nicotine, probably should have quit it a lot sooner though. I do think a niacin / niacinamide / NMN stack is better than nicotine, although it acts more slowly.
I had quit smoking for several years when an incident occurred that involved our son stationed in the Middle East. He was in terrible danger and I was totally stressed. I went to work and the foreman, lit a cigarette and I just asked if I could have one. Sure, he gave me a cigarette my first one for years, as soon as I took a drag from the cigarette I could feel my body relax from my head down to my feet. That’s when I realized that tobacco is good when used in a controlled environment. I’m a chain smoker so I quit as soon as he came home, but for the time I was stressed it was the only thing that helped me.
Nicotine creates the problem it solves. Issue is, the problem it creates is bigger than the one it solves. My grandmother was a smoker. She dies in her 60's. I'm now in my 50's and could not even comprehend dying in 10 years. I can deadlift 200kg and sprint race teenage athletes. When people have unhealthy lifestyles they don't realize just how crippled they are because they are often surrounded by other crippled people.
I had an acquaintance that could smoke 3-5 cigarettes a day. I envied him, I smoked two and a half packs a day. If I could smoke one every so often I’d never have quit.
@@bananaeggerNot entirely true although you can get a tobacco that's processed more naturally than your typical mainstream ones. When you release trauma from your body it doesn't stay there, it's released. Smoking is definitely a way to do this.
Actually, Thomas, though I haven’t started, yet, I am going to start using nicotine patches (Rugby brand has been suggested to me as the “cleanest” or Lucy gum). I will cut the 7 mg patches into 4 pieces, so that I can start at a lower dose, in the beginning. From what I’ve learned from professionals I follow, it can have a detoxifying effect that may cause me to feel sick (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, etc).
I’ve never touched any nicotine products, tobacco or anything my entire life. I’m 43. I recently started smoking cigars. I absolutely love it; totally relaxing, curbs the appetite and gives you a gnarly mellow buzz. If you find the right cigars the taste is quite enjoyable. I wish I would’ve started smoking years ago 😂😂😂
I has to smoke smoking due to erectile dysfunction at 26. Syarted vaping now. All I can say is that quitting now is very easy, but quitting one year from now will be almost impossible. Just likfe coffee.
Thomas is far too young to remember this but when almost all adults smoked, and I mean over 50%, people were poorer and much thinner. People did not keep their refrigerators stocked full constantly and there were not as many processed food items to order from so many places. But you could always buy cigarettes from every store and cigarettes machine, and they were cheap. Fat people were rare and rarely seen.
I used to be a heavy smoker but quit about 18 months ago. Now, I only smoke occasionally- a 20-pack can easily last me a month, and I don't really miss it unless I'm drinking. One thing I do miss, though, is how nicotine would give me a quick boost in the morning. There’s really nothing quite like a smoke and a coffee to kickstart your day. Quitting was surprisingly easy for me. After the first three or four days, the cravings were gone. I think it would be interesting to see a study comparing the lung health of very light smokers (say, those who smoke a 20-pack or less per week) with people living in urban environments exposed to high levels of air pollution. I know the health insurance industry uses a measure called pack years to gauge smoking-related health risks and they also have data on air pollution health risks but the NHS have take the very daft position of "Any amount of smoking will give you cancer immediately" which is obviously bogus.
This guy never brags about his formal training, so I have no idea if he has any, but it's clear he's brilliant. Unlike most on youtube, he can go deep on esoteric knowledge with no teleprompter.
I started chewing out my senior year of high school. Did that for 16 years and quit for those 16 years i could eat anything i wanted and as much never gained a pound above high school weight. I gained 30 lbs when quit. 5 years latter i started smoking and lost 20 lbs with in months. I quit smoking and my lungs feel better but I’m up 50lbs since. I cant seem to loose any weight despite trying intermittent fasting and watching my diet and cutting out sodas and sweets breads. One thing I noticed when I smoked, if i was doing physical activity where my breathing became labored and I couldn’t catch my breath then i would light up my breathing regulated and I had a boost of energy.
Recently seen some vids of people living over 100 many being cigar smokers and still driving themselves around. This really makes sense as nicotine having some effect to prevent or slow arthritis inflamation or at least correlates in a way.
True 👍 George Burns smoked 15 cigars a day and lived to 99. Richard Overton, war veteran lived to 112 years old and also smoked 15 cigars a day all his life and 2 glasses of whiskey on top of that. He had clear mind and relatively good health all his life. Jeanne Calmant of France oldest living person died at 121 years of age. Smoke cigars and had Bourbon up to 115 years of age. 😊🤷👍
Someone who has been addicted for years: Disclaimer: most people might not feel this, but for the few that do Nicotine has had insane negative impacts on my health and blood flow. After using a 6mg zyn, which I switched to from snuff, my hands would become cold, my feet would become cold, my whole body would sweat (hands,feet,pits,ass), and I would feel so shaky I couldn’t hold my hand out or my muscles would like physically shake as I would do an exercise. I work out everyday stay, stay under 12% bf, eat Whole Foods, and do a lot more than 150 minutes of moderate cardio a week. When using nicotine my blood pressure is in the 150s consistently and skyrockets when I’m anxious. My resting bpm off of nicotine is in the low 40s, when I’m on it’s literally in the 70-90s. Cardio became worse, running was more difficult, skin issues, gum recession, full on addiction, and irritability. I have never seen anyone, in real life, not anecdotal “trust me”comments on the internet, whose life has been impacted positively from nicotine. I don’t care what you do, but if you’re watching this video thinking nicotine is your answer, it’s not. It’s going to become the major source of a lot more problems. Thomas’s opinions literally change every month, this is not the dude to trust. It’s interesting information, but there’s a reason that smoking, dipping, vaping, and snus are all major problems that develop through the ages.
Let’s bounce this off the idea that many people who try to quit smoking pack on weight in a way that doesn’t seem to make sense to them. I.E. ‘’I’m eating the same as before…” could make a lot of sense.
I can honestly tell you when I had allergies and asthma for many years as a child, I would have an asthma attack every year ! Till I started smoking in my teens, and I never had an asthma attack again, then I quit smoking in my 40s with in 3 years I was having breathing problems again! Now I chew nicotine gum and dont have breathing problems! Go figure!
For me it worked more on my gastrointestinal tract. As a kid I struggled with many undiagnosed autoimmune diseases and most likely since smoking decrease your eating behaviour, It helped me a lot and as It said on the video, the acetylcholine receptor is located in the stomach. I quit cigarette now but I use other form.
I also had asthma as a kid, never smoked, grew out of it but now it's back. Your comment holds some validity because when I was in the military and doing PT daily, I could never understand how the smokers were faster and would light up a cigarette after a run. I think I'm going to experiment with some nicotine gum.
So true me too, diagnose with asthma. Inhaler made it worse, hacking a butt was so soothing. Tossed that Inhaler and grabbed a pack of darts the rest is history!
@@graciegjj I've since learned that some synthetic nicotine is derived from vitamin B3. It also contains a nicotine analogue chemical that isn't yet regulated so they can sell it as non-nicotine product. It still activates the nicotine receptors however. Loon pouches for example.
Isn’t flush niacin oxidized nicotine?why would people not just take flush niacin-also known as nicotinic acid. Must take the flush version true nicotinic acid, not the tweaked version of B3(Niacinamide or nicotinimide are big no’s due to liver issues). People should research the myriad studies about true B3- flush niacin aka nicotinic acid. Do not take anything that says it has NE, meaning “niacin equivalent”in its product.
I kind of like the flush. You feel so warm and it's kind of like a high. But you get really itchy which is kind of annoying. You shouldn't go out before you take it hahaha.
You are a bridge that keep us masses informed while being transparent about it and sourcing your research about topics many would not think of and if they do it would be to validate their own. However you are not being biased if anything just factually stating what you read. I saw many videos about nicotine, specially regarding vaping and its hard to get out of my own cognitive dissonance when I see a content creator that is actively vaping and advocating for its health benefits. I'll just take this information with a grain of salt and make my own conclusions. However as some have stated here, this video is too short and I'd appreciate it more if you also addressed about the potential risks of nicotine as well to keep it more balanced as it may give the wrong impression (not for me tho, I get you are just pointing out the potential pros of a controversial and stigmatized topic that is nicotine) Keep being a nerd and sharing your findings. Talking about the benefits of nicotine was a ballsy move. Much love.
@@ggtae_ i frequently follow up new information with my own research. not only to back it up but also to learn more and answer any further questions. we should all be fully utilizing our easily accessible source of vast information.
Been using nicotine for all of these reasons for about a year now and can confirm that I have lost weight and generally feel better and healthier when I'm using it. As for the addictive side for anyone worried about becoming addicted, about 4 months into using it I had a late shipment of pouches and rather than running down to the store for a can to hold me over I decided to just spend about a week without using it and see how I felt. I can tell you that there was a craving and I did feel a bit worse for the first 3-4 days and then I went back to my old "normal." I have gone through worse withdrawal symptoms from quitting caffeine. So if you're like me, someone who has never smoked, and you want to try it I would say that it is incredibly hard to get addicted to just nicotine to the point where you can't stop easily. For anyone wanting to start, I would say start at 3mg pouches at most. I started with 8mg and that was a mistake, you'll get "nic sick" when you first try it either way, assuming you're not a smoker and you'll probably get a bit dizzy the first few times, but for me I did that for about a month straight before I adjusted and got used to them. Now when i take them I get a bit of a head rush and I just feel good because they are stimulants. Just wanted to leave this here for all of the non-smokers who are considering taking it for the health benefits.
I get sick with anything over 2mg. Using Lucy brand nic gum. I doubt I could get addicted as I'm quite sensitive to it and can only handle about 2-3 doses per day of 1-2 mg. I do like that it is a short-acting stimulant (clears in a few hours) so I can use it in the afternoon or early evening without hurting my ability to fall asleep. With any other stimulant (caffeine, modafinil, etc.) the time to clear my system is all day.
I had no smell or taste for over 2 years due to long COV Id and within 3 days of wearing a 7mg patch I had my full smell and taste back. So did my daughter, so did my niece etc etc.
From a smoker perspective with many smokers relatives I can assure you this is 100% true. My grandparents smoked and lived until their 70's and they looked like 60 (granma even younger). Fatloss aswell, me and my sisters were fatty in our teens until smoking, and yea it pretty much replaces the urge to eat sugary foods. Even so I eat a lot of junk and have like 5% fat cuz I smoke a pack of cigars daily since like 5 years now. The downside is addiction ofc I actually wanna quit and it feels like a thirst. And my grandparents had cardiovascular issues prolly cuz of smoking so Im heading there :p
Some of the PT studs in the Army were always the chain smokers. Those guys could run like it was no one’s business. The moment they got off the field they were lighting up cigarettes. Now all the Soldiers vape and I don’t see the same result. Someone once told me it was because they were used to restricted cardio-pulmonary function. So they had to rely more on anaerobic endurance regularly because of smoking. I think of Grandpa storming the beaches or climbing a hill to fight the enemy. Sure he had adrenaline but he also was smoking unfiltered lucky strikes and ate 800 calories a day. He was probably running on super fuel. He was in a form of fasting because of the tiny rations they had to eat. He was living on coffee and nicotine and adrenaline. Plus he didn’t have the microplastics decreases his testosterone. He didn’t eat the ultra processed foods we eat today either.
Vapes are fine but there might be something to the cigarette smoke... Then again some people are just built different.... Take a group of smokers and some are going to be able to outrun the others...
It's an appetite suppressant as well. I smoked a pack a day for 35 years. I switched to vaping 10 years ago and successfully. quit smoking. I've been making my own vape "juice" for 9 years. I ingest approximately 15 mg of nicotine in total per day. I consume about 15 ml of vape juice daily with a nic concentration of 1 mg/ml. No flavors or colors. It's 90% food grade vegetable glycerin thinned with 10% water. A gallon of vape juice at 1 mg/ml only has about 4 grams of nicotine in it. Nicotine is ADDICTIVE. THE BENEFITS FROM IT THAT YOU MIGHT DERIVE ARE NOT WORTH THE RISK OF AQUIRING A LIFELONG ADDICTION. IMO.
i dont like how random it is. sometimes i get a full body sensation, sometimes i feel focused, sometimes i feel kind of sick to my stomach. same dose everytime
I am a life long lean woman who’s exercised most of my life. Was a smoker for teen years, quit and used nicotine gum, quit that completely had a healthy baby and was desperate to lose weight. I started using nicotine gum again, was able to lose the baby weight. I swear nothing else helped. Eventually transitioned to the patches and quit completely again and yes gained a little bit of weight back but no where near postpartum weight. Nicotine was also super helpful when studying especially with a cup of coffee. It kept me mentally very sharp. Not saying people should start nicotine consumption but it has its benefits and side effects like any other chemical out there. Would not recommend smoking or vaping both have too many other chemicals I can’t account for. Also glycerin placed in vapes, had a pulmonologist tell me was super unhealthy for lungs despite it being used in skincare and some used in oral consumption.
Agree 100% with the positive effects of nicotine. The downside is addiction. I wasn't just a little addicted to gum and pouches. I was ALOT addicted. 4-8 mg pouches in my mouth from 7am to 10pm 7days a week. Every 30 minutes, I had a new one in. I'm 2 months clean. 4 weeks of anxiety attacks and minor heart palpitations from withdrawals. If I could stick to 1 pouches every 4 hours I'd be getting the benefits.😢
This is extremely interesting!! I just started using a glucose monitoring patch, for personal accountability. I'm finding out that when I smoke cigarettes my blood sugar goes down between 10-20 points...
Yes, it drops blood sugar. If I smoke a really strong cigar, it'll drop it to the point where I feel sick and need something sweet to make the nausea go away
I grew tobacco this year, beautiful plant, I plan to make chewing tobacco without all the additives the commercial products contain. Growing went so well I will grow more next year..
Consider that many people likely have suboptimal levels of Acetylcholine, I wonder if increasing choline intake considerably would have many of these same effects.
Lozenges seem to absorb different and nic nac discloses ingredients. It also allows splitting, I can use a piece less than 1/4 of the 3mg and get the benefits I take it for.
Don't quit life just yet... You're still going to crave food and water and will be hangry if you don't get it on time what's one more thing to crave? 😉
@@ginkgodog2you didn't have to press play. If you are quitting anything, make better choices around it. This includes not clicking on video links with a thumbnail that points to pro use of it.Dont Doom scroll, use the search tab for new things to learn and do such as a ham license, exercise or anything or else to self improve to keep you from thinking about that thing while also becoming better.
There are good reasons every doctor smoked in the 70's. Seems filtering cigarettes removes the large particles which induce coughing/cleansing. Dangerous to not let the lungs know smoking is happening. Factory cigarettes, even the "reduced ignition propensity" ones have lots of oxidant, most likely potassium nitrate, to make them burn fast. NOx is involved in all smoking, but this pushes it to insane levels. Hence the intense addiction of factory cigarettes, on the "walk a mile for a camel" level. Something hand-rollers, pipe and cigar smokers don't suffer to anything like the same extent. There is an issue with putting cillia to sleep, but there is a well known (and, where I live, legal) additive, an occasional little pinch of which activates the cillia and lungs' cleansing mechanisms very effectively.
Hey, long time nicotine pouch user here! also indulged in some years of smoking. I quit Nicotine because of negative effects on me and the downside of it being very expensive. i Would not recommend starting with it, but if you can micro dose and don't get addicted easy it might prove beneficial!
When I quit smoking I used the gum, after I weaned myself off gum my weight went up and my DMII got worse. I’m now using Ozempic, my weight improved along with my A1c. When I was unable to obtain Ozempic because of the shortage, I regained weight along with raising my A1c. I’m now wondering if going back to chewing a low dose of the gum might help my situation.
You have to do intermittent and prolonged water fasts with small portions of animal product like meat and eggs if you want to lose weight. Ozempic lowers insulin without a diet change. Ozempic will also leave you with loose skin. Water fasting will cause autophagy which will repair your cells and skin as well as ketosis. It is very challenging but after a few days it gets much easier because the hormone that causes the hungry feeling lowers. Just do some research about the things I said. I gained a lot of weight after I quit smoking and started eating like crap. Bunch of high carb high fat foods. I was 255 last week. Now I am 239. First few days were hard but now I barely eat and I’m not hungry. I ate 2 hard boiled eggs today and like a small cup of chicken broth with chicken which I couldn’t finish because the chicken was too tough but I am still not hungry. Planning on sticking to 1-2 eggs per day plus water until I get back down to 170.
@@Maniac_987 I hear you, but be careful with that diet plan. Adding in green veggies, celery and ginger, spinach juices (low carb) can assist in stimulating the metabolism as well as exercise etc. - thanks for sharing your journey and plans. I was able to resume the O, and it works for me right now. I’m always curious and open to learning about various paths for better health in these times.
Back when I still did C I was a much better dancer, all the girls would look at me and tell me how amazing I looked. Why did I ever let go of that stuff?
Thomas I quit smoking I think 8 years ago. I just watched a quick video yesterday that people need nicotine, because it raises insulin. Doesn’t insulin cause weight gain? Rush Limbaugh used to say nicotine isn’t bad, but the chemicals are. I want to know does nicotine cause increase in insulin or is this ok to take as a patch?
I stopped smoking and started using Hapé (technically Rapé I believe) which is essentially snuff but more ritualistic. It definitely helped curbed my urge to smoke and it seemed to level me. I don’t use it daily, but I may start after this video.
@@thomashennessey6695 you are lol, most people seem to just be mad that they thought Thomas was “recommending nicotine” like what? Grow up. That’s the equivalent of your mom thinking creatine was steriods back in high school 🤣🤣
Nicotine is helping me cope with the sleepless nights having 2 young children. Long work hours. Life is brutal right now. Unnaturally so. Nicotine gives me a calming energy and this sounds ridiculous but I think it helps me be a better dad. As soon as night feeds are gone I'm kicking the habit.
Been using 2mg lozenges (I half them, so 1mg per dose) for a while as a nootropic, neuro boost. Great in afternoons to bump focus for the last stretch of the day... Productivity is up because of Nicotine. Good to know that it has other benefits
All encouraging things, but I'm still mostly concerned with its effects on BP. Everything else I've heard confirms that it raises BP. I'm also concerned about the dosage: 6mg for a rodent must translate into a grotesque amount for an adult human. I'd like to see a study using very low doses, let's say 1mg total, for non-smoking adults. I'd like that study to explore the cellular effects as well as the perceived effects. Moreover, I'd like to understand the effects of stopping usage altogether after consistent usage over a long period of time. Just a wish list. I know something like this wouldn't be possible within even 10 years, unless it's been secretly ongoing for a while now.
Does it raise BP chronically or do heavy nic users have higher BP because they're using all day? I think the difference is important, genuinely curious to know.
It's 6 mg per kg (not per rodent) and I don't think it translates directly to human dosage. I am not sure if there is an approximate conversion but the medical studies I've seen compare vastly different mg per kg for rodents and humans. What is also interesting is that these studies seem to indicate that a low dose is equally as effective as a high dose. They have not explored the minimum threshold. Also the dose given to rats could not be too high because nicotine at higher doses has some nasty side effects like nausea, vomiting, etc. and it would completely ruin the results.
I don’t see how nicotine can provide “cardio protective effects” when it is a known vasoconstrictor, it increases blood pressure, and elevates your heart rate…all things that are terrible for your cardiovascular health.
@@KBoss302 The fancy word for it is hormesis. The difference beetween terrible and therarpeutic is duration of effects and what responses it stimulates in the body. Acutely, exercise does absolutely horrible things for your health, including what you just mentioned wrt nicotine. However, since it is a temporary state and the body's response is salutary (does a bunch of things that are long term great for your health) we know exercise is the single biggest benefit to your health that you can control. Chronically elevating heart rate, blood pressure, vasoconstriction, etc. will definitely hurt your health. Short bouts of it can be beneficial provided the body can respond and recover in a healthy way.
Interesting.. I want to try the patches eventually.. sometimes I notice some appetite suppression with nicotine but other times it makes me more ravenous... And definitely have to have fuel before using sometimes otherwise it wipes me out.
Hey Thomas what are your thoughts on micro dosing lsd and or magic mushrooms, also if it can help rebuild or promote brain health. Something to look into
No they had a higher mortality rate. Smoking decreases lung capacity which is ALWAYS dangerous when you catch a lung infection that reduces lung capacity even further!
100% correct. Worked in very large c19 only ICU for a full year and never saw a copd patient die of c19. People may not like to hear it but I'm a very experienced ICU rn and that is exactly what I saw. As a matter of even more fact, I never saw any pts who accepted nicotine patches get intubated. The truth may hurt, but I can't unsee what I actually saw with my own eyes
@@MrBottlecapBill Smokers were under represented in hospital admissions but were expected to be higher. Nicotine competes for the same receptor that the virus used to enter cells blocking it
What makes me cringe is that nicotine was used as a bug killer and plant spray when I was a kid. NGL I was a smoker for a couple of decades but quit years ago and still get cravings 24 years later. My oldest aunt is in her 90s, she works 6-7 days a week and she smokes 2 or 3 unfiltered cigarettes (actual homegrown tobacco) a day and has for about 60 years. She's not unusual in our home area so is it the nicotine? Diet? Ongoing NEAT? Genetics? I'm wondering what the mechanism is as well. Great video Thomas, thank you.
a better analogy for the mitochondria is a diesel engine. it uses a very low of fuel to idle, allowing truckers to keep the cab heated 24/7. a hybrid would start the gas engine at full power once the battery loses some charge, to top off the charge.
0:57 I've always thought this. Have had a theory that nicotine was a scape goat for big tobacco. It was a natural chemical that they could blame for cigarettes being addictive. Although it could be, it was basically assumed that nicotine was the cancer causing part. I've always wondered if one of the additives is responsible. My claim is just an assumption based on common sense logic. I have no direct evidence. Lol
I've been doing Nicotine gum lately while playing Warzone to have better concentration and reflexes.. Joe Rogan recommended 🤣✌🏼 Edit: I think he also promoted Nicotines health benefits for your brain or something 🤷🏼♂️
He essentially had a guest show a study that shows that low dose nicotine can prevent Alzheimer’s. Pretty crazy stuff it’s a new study too so a lot of people will doubt it
I am 48 years old. I started smoking when I was 12 years old. I finally quit in February 2024. I switched to vaping for a few months before realizing how dangerous that was as well. So I switched to pouches. Specifically ON pouches. First 8 mg, then lowered them to 4 mg, now I’m using 2 mg. It feels great to no longer desire cigarettes. The most addictive thing about cigarettes?? The triggers. The hand to mouth. Drinking a beer. Getting up in the morning. Getting into my car. Getting to work and a dozen or more other triggers. Those were the hardest to overcome. The human brain has a nicotine receptor in it. So is plain nicotine really that bad?? Smoking, whether it is via cigarettes, marijuanna, BBQ, camp fires…. Smoke causes cancer. Compounds burning and mixing with the smoke causes cancer. I do not believe that nicotine by itself is that bad, just all the other compounds added
I had a grandmother that dipped snuff and lived a very long time. She was always really thin and had a memory like no other. She could crochet anything you could imagine well into her 90s. It was nasty to watch and she could hit a spit bucket on the floor next to her seat without missing a stitch. She also had a jar of roots always sitting in liquor that she would use for just about any sickness and she made her on cough syrup out of corn liquor, peppermint and honey. My parents would give it to me whenever I had a cough or cold. I don’t think she ever went to the doctor. To this day I still don’t know what those roots were all about but she would walk out into the woods a dig them up. I wished someone would have taken notes on this. It worked great for kidney stones.
I’ve been dipping Copenhagen wintergreen pouches/packs for about 7 years now; around a can a day. I’ve got great teeth genetics, don’t go to the dentist much, no cavities in my adult teeth and never had any mouth issues. Last time I went he said his concern level for my gums/teeth was a 1 out of 10, and that he’d love to have my teeth. Don’t take my blood pressure much, did about a month ago. Nothing to eat yet for the day (around noon), but had 2 low calorie monsters earlier and a dip in my mouth at the time. 107/73, heart rate 59. I’m 46 years old, 6’2”, 175 lbs. Cigarettes are a serious problem, massive amounts of chemicals and additives, which are burned then inhaled. All/most other forms of nicotine usage are orders of magnitude safer than cigarettes, like not even on the same chart. My unscientific list of probably least harmful order: Gum/patches, zyn type products, snus, dip, cigars/pipes, vapes.
Hi Thomas, love your work and really trying to implement many things you talk about for longevity, especially as a 35 year old. I currently use 100mg of modafanil 2-3 times a week when I really need to lock in and make the most out of my focus time. Based on this new data, do you feel nicotine would be a better alternative, such as Zyns or any alternative? I currently don't use any of those and do not want to risk addiction as my modafanil use is very strict and only used as a tool. Not just addiction but also side effects, like high bp and such.
I learned from another channel that nicotine ( not cigarettes) blocks most air borne viruses, including covid. Im curious how mmany smokers had severe covid. I know I had it 4 days in early 2020. But not a sniffle since. Im a hairdressor so i touch people all day. Seriously, i used to catch comkon cold every sept 😒 not since covid. Again, my weight has remained good and eatting habits very good. Ill keep vaping but would love a natural source of nicotine
One of the early surprises during the pandemic was that there were no smokers in the COVID wards. I don't think I ever heard any further examination of this phenomenon.
Heavy vapor user during all of that and never got coof and unjabbed. My jabbed friend got the flu and even tested for it and managed to pass that virus to me.... Taking Dr Berg recommendations first 12 hours 2 tablespoons of black elderberry in hot water (twice a day) spent the next few days just coughing up painless mucus and didn't feel sick. Whatever this is worth there you go
I got a severe case of the first strain of covid before I started smoking. It was due to extremely low vitamin D. After supplementing vitamin D and smoking cigars, I've been relatively healthy
George Burns on Johnny Carson at age 93: Burns: "I smoke 15 to 20 cigars a day." Carson asks, "what does your doctor say?" Burns replies, "my doctor is dead."
Ok that ending part is fun.
They were exceptions. Most get throat cancer, Jack Klugman, COPD and heart disease, etc. It's like a slot machine, a gamble.
@@jmyers6175 get organic cigars, problem solved.
@@jmyers6175 The cancers are from smoking not nicotine.
As an ex-smoker, I am well aware of the positive effects, i.e. on focus and weight. But this sword is not only sharp but also double-edged. Rare use quickly becomes an illusion.
Is the Zynn gum or pouch safer or more effective than wegovy or ozempic tho?
@@ludditynicnac natural mints are the only clean nicotine I’ve found.
The benifits definitely don’t outweigh the drawbacks. I was a nicotine user for 30 years, it was the hardest addiction to kick. I could make a pack of cigs last for 3 or four days, but even then it impacted my respiratory capacity. Chewing Tabasco gives you lip and stomach cancer, and although I used Zynn to quit, we really don’t know the long term effects of nicotine salt. Nicotine in any form is like Lay’s potato chips “Bet you can’t have just one”.
@@Wade970 Sad 😭😭😭. But true 🫤🫤🫤
@@luddityno not for weight loss. Ozempic was the biggest break through for weight loss stuff. But nicotine may be sufficient enough for some people
I had out of control ulcerative colitis and even had a temporary colostomy. I read about nicotine studies showing that nicotine blocked intestinal inflammation. I wear a nicotine patch and eat carnivore. I have completely eliminated ALL colitis symptoms and had the added effect of eliminating anxiety.
did you ever use nicotine before the patches
@jakehays8926 no
How were the side effects with the patch ?
@lauralittle6899 I started using a product made in the UK sold on Amazon. I cut it into four and used that for 2 weeks. I kept on into I use the whole patch. Sometimes, I would get feeling warm. That was about it.
@@striperswiper1interesting May I ask if it helps with appetite suppression or sleep Thankyou for sharing
I can’t shake this sense that so much of what we’ve been told all our lives was BS.
that cigarettes are bad for you? well, youre an idiot if you think cigarettes are suddenly good for you just because a rodent study shows that nicotine(!) may have some benefits
You need to shake any sense that it wasn’t. Asap
"why would they teach you how to overthrow them?"@@coopercooper8406
Almost everything they told is wrong.
99.9% based on corporate greed padding the pockets of those that are supposed to be looking out for us
For anyone reading (chronic vape addict): probably not worth starting. The tricky thing is that all administration methods (possibly with the exception of skin patches) have associated health risks separate from nicotine, and once the addictive cycle starts, **there is a treadmill effect over time pushing you to shorter-acting and faster spiking routes** (various types of smoking and vaping). Also-- theoretically possible to vape safely (more or less) but once you're addicted you care much more about getting your intake quickly and conveniently... or at least that is going to win out over waiting and doing it safely unless you have a lot of willpower reserves. Having a carefully vetted setup, mixing your own juice, changing coils regularly devolves into hitting up the gas station for a disposable in a pinch turns into doing that every week as it becomes a normalized part of your life. Yes, technically this is a form of laziness, but you'd be surprised how your priorities suddenly move around in the face of having to wait to get the next dose once the addiction really kicks in. Eating healthy is kind of a pain in the ass, right? You have to really care consistently for a long time to stick to it. This is the same thing, but the urge for nicotine NOW can be much stronger than hunger or even a craving for sugar. I wouldn't even call it a concrete urge at this point, my priorities suddenly shift and I feel like absolute shit until I ingest nic in some form. And like I said, the dependence cycle from the little dopamine spikes when it enters your bloodstream WILL make faster acting ingestion methods seem more and more appealing over time.
Like I said, a good heuristic is your relationship to food. Is it difficult for you to count calories, stick to a plan/meal prep and avoid eating out? Can you maintain that without it being a struggle? If so, you might be able to just stick to patches or what have you. If not? It's gonna be hard to impossible. I really couldn't imagine when I started chewing 2mg gum once or twice a week that I would end up where I ended up or that it would ever be difficult not to make stupid decisions but here I am. Make this decision at your own risk, and never forget that the addiction has a tendency to be subtle/not take the form you expect and sneak up on you over time. Make whatever decision you feel is right for you. Peace out, everyone.
Vaping is NOT GOOD, DONT VAPE! You could use the patch or cortisol relief it has nutritional yeast helps to calm you down
I was so slim when smoking, gave up at 50 and now am 4 stone heavier which is not good for your health either, very tempted to try spray or patch
You are so correct on the vaping. I smoked cigs for 25 years and then found ecigs in 2009.
Glory to China for such a revolution....for a while.
I was that guy mixing my own flavors and titrating nicotine solutions for the perfect blend....
For the last three years or so...GEEK BARS. FLUMS and goddam ELF BARS!!
I just quit all that shit very recently - what a nightmare nic fit withdrawal from Satan's asshole but it will pass and you will feel awesome about it.
Any benefit I got from using nicotine for most of my life will remain with me forever.
It's amazing to actually hear someone acknowledge what has been known through many studies for decades. A study done in Denmark a couple of decades ago found that smokers were 63% less likely to develop Alzheimer's at any age.
Separating smoking and nicotine is important. I find that nicotine allows me to focus and concentrate for long periods, maybe self medication for ADHD. It curbs appetite and also significantly reduces any urges for sweets. When I smoked, it impacted my lungs pretty badly (I smoked for 30 years). Switching to vaping resulted in massive improvements in my lung function. I then quit vaping for 18 months. The addiction is very real. However, I gained weight, have been unable to lose weight, even with regular exercise and strict diet management (not dieting, but healthy protein/vegetable diet with reasonable calorie control). I picked back up on vaping and nicotine pouches recently and am seeing good improvement in my mental acuity and body composition. Do I care that it is addictive? No, just like I don't care that caffeine is addictive, because I have no intention of removing it from my life.
Just wanted to say to you that I get it
Yes, exact same progression for me though I've now stopped vaping and use snus pouches only now.
Nicotine gum for me. I smoked for 25 years, vaped for 3 years. But the vape is what got to my lungs. I also started suffering from heart palpitations and the skin on my face started to turn red. (Like an alcoholic) but I don't drink.
Anyway, gum has sorted that out.
Nicotine Causes Mitochondrial Dynamics Imbalance and Apoptosis Through ROS Mediated Mitophagy Impairment in Cardiomyocytes. Nicotine contained in traditional cigarettes, hookahs, and e-cigarettes is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease.r
Yeah I was going to say that. Vaping almost definitely contributes to CVD. I used to vape but I gave it up due to very convincing observational data showing increased rates of cardiovascular disease.
People who vaped and smoked are significantly more likely to get cardiovascular disease than those who only smoke.
Would strongly suggest not even starting. Following a car accident in 2016 and having suffered a concussion (no MRI findings) I investigated nicotine as a nutropic. Tried over the counter chewing gum and seemed to help with focus and memory issues, however, caused gastrointestinal distress. Moved to lozenges at 4mg but at $13 per container, they became prohibitively expensive so I tried Zyn. Big mistake. Within months, I was consuming close to 90mg of nicotine daily and noticed significant gum line reduction. I've tried reducing, consumption and failed miserably. Do yourself a favor, and don't start.
Good advice. And I'm someone who worked in a vape shop. He doesn't mention how it destroys your Skin. ages you like helll. See my comments above.
Yeah, ok. So you have addictive genetics.
Sorry to hear that.
@@anon_laughing_man Thanks dungeon master, your sympathies mean a lot to me.
Wise admissions
Lozenges at 4 grams per lozenge then i broke in 1/2s & then into 1/4s. That’s how I quit smoking and chewing tobacco relatively quickly. Coffee addiction is my current battle im trying to wean off
I’ve started questioning everything, especially government health advice! After reading "Health and Beauty Mastery", I completely changed my approach. This book reveals so many shocking truths about the health industry!
I got it, one of the best books ive read
I heard about that
@@jamesmcluvlee why are you saying that
I couldn't find any such book
Here’s my take, if you’re not addicted to nicotine don’t start obviously. However some of us made poor decisions in our youth and got hooked on cigarettes or chewing tobacco/dip and I believe nicotine pouches, patches, gums, etc… can be a great form of harm reduction the delivery method is what matters most. Smoking cigarettes is the hardest on your health, vaping comes in second, dip/moist snuff comes in 3d not as bad as smoking but still significant risks, snus probably being the safest form of tobacco use but still again risk, nicotine pouches such as Zyn and then gums and patches that you place on your skin are the safest form of nicotine delivery tobacco free, the only risks you get is from the risks of nicotine itself which basically has stimulant like affects vasodilation, increased heart rate, slight increases in blood pressure, but still addictive. As someone that used to smoke in high school then switched to dipping tobacco because I worked out and cigs destroyed my cardio and health while using them I dipped for several years before switch to snus and then finally switched to pouches and then I quit. I found it was easier to quit pouches than it was to quit tobacco itself though I have no studies to support this claim. I quit for 3 years and then started back on pouches just because I simply enjoy the cognitive affects I get from nicotine I typically use Zyn and I’m aware of the slight risks but I workout and eat healthy, I sleep just fine I avoid nicotine 3-4 hours before bed I also think anything above 8-9mg of nicotine is insane and feel like dosage plays a roll. My problem is the war on pouches is crazy when you have alcohol that you can argue is in colorful type cans that can appeal to children yet it is never discussed, and they try to do everything to rid safer alternatives to tobacco instead of going after tobacco itself. Leave the pouches alone, keep the age restrictions in place and call it that. As adults we are free to choose our vices. People will lecture my pouch use (about 5 pouches a day sometimes less) while they stop at McDonald’s daily and are on 3-6 different meds. I also believe that happiness plays a roll in longevity and like caffeine, nicotine makes me happy. Sweden does it best.
@jakobhudnall you said nicotine causes vasodilation. Don't you mean vasoconstriction? You may want to edit your comment. Just trying to help.
Dont glorify nicotine pouches... you cannot reverse gum recession.
@@gudshjrehand3739 gum recession happens naturally as you age anyways dude, if you put them in your top left or right you won’t get any recession I can speak from use. Can’t reverse severe lung damage either, which one is worse? I’m not glorifying anything the fact is these save smokers lives period. If you’re not addicted to nicotine then obviously don’t start.
@@jakobhudnall3416 Not true. Everyone puts them in top left or top right and people still get gum recession. I assume nicotine pouches haven't been as popular as for long time in your country, since you dont know this fact. And I haven't said anything about smoking. Smoking is way worse than nicotine pouches, you are right about that. I had to stop with nicotine pouches because my gum recession got so bad that i started experiencing physical discomfort. (I'm still in my 20s btw). And for anyone who might want to jump on nicotine pouches, don't, because your gum does not grow back.
@@gudshjrehand3739 I dipped chewing tobacco for years, switched to pouches for harm reduction been using pouches for 2 years I’m 25, started my addiction stupidly in high school around 15-16years old. No gum recession but everyone is different I take good care of my oral health and eat an animal based diet with fruit, exercise/workout regularly. I also theorize that flavorings in pouches are a big culprit on recession (mint, wintergreen, all that) tends to be hard on the gums especially with heavy use. I opt for original flavors of snus or smooth/unflavored pouches and I only use like 5-6 pouches per day some days I go as long as I can without nicotine 3 pouches give or take and have yet to have any oral issues. I do my regular dental visits every 6 months (cleanings and checks) and for a long time my dentist didn’t know I used oral nicotine products I had to tell him. So I’m not glorifying its use but I am confident in its place as a harm reduction product and think the US government in particular should leave these alone and target the bigger issues like alcohol, cigarettes, and the drug pandemic. Nicotine pouches, snus is the least problematic.
There was a study awhile back with positive results that smokers where many times less likely to get Covid than non smokers! I’m a smoker,very small and lean,no extra fat anywhere! My doctor was concerned about the health of my lungs and ordered a CT scan,came back my lungs were completely clear! I really don’t inhale the smoke,just puff . More of a pacifier than anything😂. My Indian Grandmother smoked and or chewed tobacco all her adult life,she lived to be 105. Super sharp mind an memory! Thank you for the lecture and research sir!
Wow I have been watching him for a long time he has gotten better at explaining all science in his video. Keep up the good work.
Interesting also to note that there is a clear inverse relationship between nicotine and Parkinson’s Disease. There seems to be a protective effect. Naturally, there is not much publicity about this.
It also helps with ADHD and both have Dopamine shortage as a cause meaning there isn't enough neurotransmitter to allow the person to do things. In Parkinson's it is just focused in one area, in ADHD it's more gloabl.
Smoking tobacco, not nicotine.
Look up CYP21 as a mechanism.
But Michael j fox smoked liked crazy...
It might be because ppl smoke instead of doing something else. Like ppl smoke instead of eating sweeds, so it doesnt have to be the smoking itself so much rather the thing they didnt do because they smoked instead...
@@bobdillen5641But Nicotine has absolute proven brain health benefits.
I'm a weirdo here where, for years, I have smoked 2 organic American Spirit cigarettes a day, and that's all I want. I don't drink alcohol and do not crave it. But my 2 cigs cap off my night, and I have only half at a time. I'm super pleased about this finding.
You’re lucky ,,, and very unusual!
@@AmyTee12 American spirit is the Goat 🔥
Organic...right, that surely make the smoke so much better 😂
Get the nicotine that requires no smoke, like patches.
@@Leonhart_93 0 balls😂😂
@@Big.GunDonn Sure, I don't have the balls to fill my lungs with smoke and ash.
In fact it sounded like a dumb idea even when I was 12 and my friends tried to corrupt me to smoke.
Smokeless tobacco (dip) addict for 20 yrs…. Quit cold turkey upon birth of my first child… stayed off for 3 years… January of this year started nicotine pouches which I like way better than dip…. And I feel I’m closer to my best self WITH nicotine. Mood, focus, lots of benefits for me. But I would like to see ingredient list for nicotine pouches and know for sure there’s not hidden chemicals. Bc I have trust issues for good reasons.
I also am more productive and functional using nicotine, and skinnier. I tried almost all nicotine products but eventually quit using patches. Every now and than I miss the dopamine rush
Go to addiction mindset and he'll tell you the junk that's in zyn. It's just a drug addiction. Nothing more. It's not doing anything for you, just hazing your perception.
Niacin. The word is made of NIcotinic ACid vitamIN. Essential to mental sanity and health. Millions of poor people died or nearly died in the early 1900's USA due to niacin defiency.....but men who smoked did much better than women and's because the men were supplementing with nicotine which converts to niacin when smoked.
how are your gems? stopped after tins a day after quitting cigarettes and vapes then going back to dip. been months now def have a cavity but thats gerd and the hole oil pan leak from the mechanic routine. gums somewhat recovered, bleeding when flossing recently but also like i said gerd
@@xXx_pq snus seems to be safer than dip for a variety of reasons, but what I remember off the top of my head is that it's pasteurized whereas dip is fermented.
It seems to have much lower oral cancer rates than dip and chew (both fermented), and in general less health consequences (but not none).
Thanks for giving an honest review of the research. We clearly need more human research. We are studying low-dose nicotine patches for LongCovid and MECFS. It is not a complete cure, but it is one of the most effective treatments out there and it is cheap.
I would be happy to share more about our patient-led research if you think your public would be interested.
BTW, oral nicotine like pouches have some of the downsides like addiction and other additives. We suggest patches for the slow constant dosing which should not lead to addiction.
I was actually just going to post a question about hearing smokers seem less affected by it.
I use patches for long covid. Seems to have helped a bunch. I stopped because I started to get an allergic reaction to the sticky stuff on the patch. Maybe if I get a different brand, I won't have a reaction.
@@winniecash1654 Hello, sorry to hear that. Yes a different brand might help. We have a long list of suggestions on this topic in your FAQ document.
@@TheNicotineTest thank you. I'll check it out!
It's funny how they coined the phrase "Long Covid" about 3 months into the pandemic. Does that not make you question things?
It does seem to me very convincing that moderate use is very healthy, thing is that moderation seems to be tricky for most people.
There’s a reason why they used to suggest smoking as a diet aid ..
smoke enough, and you definitely don’t feel like eating ..
Keep it coming Thomas, you da MAN
Some researchers also saying "nicotine users" had far less effects from the -19. Hmm...I grew up in the 90s. Nobody was obese. Then they told us to be healthy you had to avoid all fats and only eat carbs! Bacon and eggs were off the menu! Now u needed a bagel for breakfast and spaghetti "no meatballs" for dinner. Then, everybody just stopped cooking and it was Mcdonalds for B-fst and pizza pockets for dinner. And.... Don't forget to cover your entire body with sun-screen every time its a beautiful day!!! Hmm... Wonder what's in sun screen? Don't remember farmers in the 20s' or from the Roman empire dropping dead from skin cancer. Hmm.. Maybe the Indians were on to something with nicotine....Btw, did the Indians have sun-screen??? IDK, just curious........
Stay up with your boosters and vaccines comrade! It’s for the greater good of the state!
True true true Texasparky! All of it. And we all smoked in the 90’s, even if we ate properly, steamed, juiced, and worked out.
Over use of sunscreen led to an epidemic of vitamin-D deficiency.
The lighter your skin the more important it is to use sunscreen. Use a non toxic one that contains zinc or titanium and is non nano. Take vitamin D supplements.
I’m a Dermatologist who made a living removing skin cancer from mostly white men and an occasional deadly melanoma…
The Indians had bad immune systems to be fair
You are understating the benefits of Nicotine. We find Nicotine in most of the vegetables we eat. Potatoes, tomatoes, celeries, etc. We don't become addicted to vegetables. Dr. Ardis is the expert on the topic.
That's right, any green plant has to have nicotine in it to synthesize sun, for the photosynthesis. Nicotine is toxic unless converted into nicotinic acid via an acid or heat, such as when corn has lime added, or one drinks coffee. This is why we don't eat green potatoes, too much nicotine. We are addicted to nicotinic acid whether we smoke or not, all life is, and we are addicted to water. Nicotine increases sobriety and sanity, it doesn't cause anyone to get drunk or beat anyone up, or lay on the street in a doped up stupor....yet it's a drug? Something that enables sober sociability is a drug and addiction?
I just started Dr Ardid's nicotine regimin.
Slightly over.2 now.
I can already feel the difference, clearer mind and more energy.
He has a lot of detailed info on his website and in his videos.
I love Dr Ardis!
Lol I'm not getting enough vegetables to get a buzz on
Lots of people are addicted to potatoes.
I knew cigars were good for me
@@KeystoneKeytones412 this is the video I needed to make myself feel better about smoking them lol
Nicotine yes, all the other chemicals unfortunately not. And I'm a smoker
@@evelyngott2056 yeah I guess I was more or less joking but cigars are 100% tobacco. Unlike cigarettes. I only smoke a cigar 2 or 3 times a week.
Im no doctor but in my experience it has increased my metabolism drastically and almost instantly.
I thought the thinness of smokers was always related to craving cigarettes every time they got hungry instead of food and possibly like consumption of a few calories to keep their metabolas up multiple times throughout the day between meals.
@@Dexian-j9m im sure there is something with that as well. But i was getting in shape and went ont vacation and the weight stayed off. Before its like if i had more than 1 cheat day my weight would be back.
i’m a nasal snuff user and casual cigar smoker the mental benefits are awesome wish more people with stress and anxiety knew about it.
All depends on how you use tobacco. I smoke tobacco pipes mainly and an occasional cigar. No additives like you get with cigarette tobacco. I've been smoking a pipe every day just about for 4 years now and haven't had an addiction or without problems whatsoever like I did back when I smoked cigarettes. That's one of the best parts about it for me. I can enjoy the tobacco and the benefits and not have to worry about addiction. You're not getting a lot of nicotine since you do not inhale.
@horse433American Spirit sells loose tobacco. 100% organic tobacco
Smoking a pipe every day for 4 years indicates an addiction lol
@@drivernephi5587 apparently im addicted to water, oxygen, food and sleep
Pipe tobacco has additives. That's where the different flavors come from. Real cigars, not flavored cigars, are your better bet.
@@killedbycoconuts i don't smoke the flavored pipe tobacco. You can't get natural pipe tobacco, same as cigars.
Everything it does flows from addressing an age related imbalance between NAD+ to NADh.
A normalisation of the electron transport chain and mitochondrial membrane complexes.
It does everything they claim NMN is supposed to do, but it actually works.
And yet it ages you severally...
@aydnofastro-action1788 The chlorinated derivatives of nicotine in industrially processed cigarettes ages you. It's, essentially, a pesticide.
Normal nicotine doesn't.
Look up a study called.
Nicotine rebalances NAD+ homeostasis and improves aging-related symptoms in male mice by enhancing NAMPT activity
I’ve never smoked or vaped and i started using patches for potential cognitive benefits. Have felt significant improvements in mood, memory, mental sharpness. Use patches roughly every 2-3 days (when i don’t forget) over the last year havent experienced any addictive tendencies.
"did it every third day for 12 months, and I never picked up the habit"
ok dude.....
@@Ricky-oi3wv terrible take.
Clearly you need to learn the difference between supplementation and addiction 😂
@@Ricky-oi3wv ok potato
NicNac Naturals is a company that makes clean nicotine mints. Been using them for months now, highly recommend looking into it :)
@@Ricky-oi3wv I mean, yeah, that's accurate. There isn't a drug habit in existence where you dose once every 2-3 days. Your implied sarcasm makes it seem like you have no clue how habits or addictions work. And it comes across as douchey to boot.
I used nicotine gum for a period of about 4 years to overcome a massive Adderall addiction (100% prescribed and filled by doctors and pharmacists) that left me so dopamine damaged that I couldn't get out of bed.
The downside is that it (possibly) killed the tooth where I would park the gum (you aren't supposed to use it for 4 years). This necessitated a root canal. I kept the tooth and it did not change color.
The net result is that I no longer use any type of drugs and manage my neurology 100% with diet, supplements, and exercise. Don't think I could have functioned in the early recovery without nicotine, probably should have quit it a lot sooner though.
I do think a niacin / niacinamide / NMN stack is better than nicotine, although it acts more slowly.
Interested, what do you mean by 'stack'? I take Niacinimide and Niacin. Have taken NMN but not regularly.
I had quit smoking for several years when an incident occurred that involved our son stationed in the Middle East. He was in terrible danger and I was totally stressed.
I went to work and the foreman, lit a cigarette and I just asked if I could have one.
Sure, he gave me a cigarette my first one for years, as soon as I took a drag from the cigarette I could feel my body relax from my head down to my feet. That’s when I realized that tobacco is good when used in a controlled environment.
I’m a chain smoker so I quit as soon as he came home, but for the time I was stressed it was the only thing that helped me.
you are relaxed for one hour and after that you are less relaxed than before and you need the next cigarette.
Nicotine creates the problem it solves. Issue is, the problem it creates is bigger than the one it solves. My grandmother was a smoker. She dies in her 60's. I'm now in my 50's and could not even comprehend dying in 10 years. I can deadlift 200kg and sprint race teenage athletes.
When people have unhealthy lifestyles they don't realize just how crippled they are because they are often surrounded by other crippled people.
@@nathanielacton3768 absolute correct
I had an acquaintance that could smoke 3-5 cigarettes a day. I envied him, I smoked two and a half packs a day.
If I could smoke one every so often I’d never have quit.
@@bananaeggerNot entirely true although you can get a tobacco that's processed more naturally than your typical mainstream ones. When you release trauma from your body it doesn't stay there, it's released. Smoking is definitely a way to do this.
Actually, Thomas, though I haven’t started, yet, I am going to start using nicotine patches (Rugby brand has been suggested to me as the “cleanest” or Lucy gum). I will cut the 7 mg patches into 4 pieces, so that I can start at a lower dose, in the beginning. From what I’ve learned from professionals I follow, it can have a detoxifying effect that may cause me to feel sick (nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, etc).
Idk how accurate this info is but I've seen quite a few podcast about it "curing" THAT cold that was going around a few years back
That’s why the stressed to STOP smoking during the coff!🤦♀️
That info also talks about using patches (and I think cut into quarters) rather than other forms.
I’ve never touched any nicotine products, tobacco or anything my entire life. I’m 43. I recently started smoking cigars. I absolutely love it; totally relaxing, curbs the appetite and gives you a gnarly mellow buzz. If you find the right cigars the taste is quite enjoyable. I wish I would’ve started smoking years ago 😂😂😂
Soon that buzz will disappear, I used to smoke cigars myself
But that was not the point. The point was nicotine WITHOUT the smoke.
Have you never eaten tomatoes? Full of nicotine… 😉
I has to smoke smoking due to erectile dysfunction at 26. Syarted vaping now. All I can say is that quitting now is very easy, but quitting one year from now will be almost impossible. Just likfe coffee.
Thomas "The Wild" DeLauer back at it again with the BANGER videos!!!
Thomas is far too young to remember this but when almost all adults smoked, and I mean over 50%, people were poorer and much thinner. People did not keep their refrigerators stocked full constantly and there were not as many processed food items to order from so many places. But you could always buy cigarettes from every store and cigarettes machine, and they were cheap. Fat people were rare and rarely seen.
Population quit smoking, population gained weight.
I used to be a heavy smoker but quit about 18 months ago. Now, I only smoke occasionally- a 20-pack can easily last me a month, and I don't really miss it unless I'm drinking. One thing I do miss, though, is how nicotine would give me a quick boost in the morning. There’s really nothing quite like a smoke and a coffee to kickstart your day.
Quitting was surprisingly easy for me. After the first three or four days, the cravings were gone. I think it would be interesting to see a study comparing the lung health of very light smokers (say, those who smoke a 20-pack or less per week) with people living in urban environments exposed to high levels of air pollution. I know the health insurance industry uses a measure called pack years to gauge smoking-related health risks and they also have data on air pollution health risks but the NHS have take the very daft position of "Any amount of smoking will give you cancer immediately" which is obviously bogus.
Buy organic American Spirits and no need to quit.
Oh ya a cigva coffee in the morning leads to a dump as well keeping you regular 😂
This guy never brags about his formal training, so I have no idea if he has any, but it's clear he's brilliant. Unlike most on youtube, he can go deep on esoteric knowledge with no teleprompter.
My brother in Christ, if im going to have to deal with existence for the rest of my life, I'm going to at least need a little buzz here and there
Amen amen ! 😂😂😂
Amen my friend 🙏🏼
I started chewing out my senior year of high school. Did that for 16 years and quit for those 16 years i could eat anything i wanted and as much never gained a pound above high school weight. I gained 30 lbs when quit. 5 years latter i started smoking and lost 20 lbs with in months. I quit smoking and my lungs feel better but I’m up 50lbs since. I cant seem to loose any weight despite trying intermittent fasting and watching my diet and cutting out sodas and sweets breads.
One thing I noticed when I smoked, if i was doing physical activity where my breathing became labored and I couldn’t catch my breath then i would light up my breathing regulated and I had a boost of energy.
Have you tried the patches?
I’m a former smoker. I can’t have one cigarette or I’ll be addicted again. I don’t want to get addicted to another form of nicotine.
Nicotine probably didnt make you addict
Recently seen some vids of people living over 100 many being cigar smokers and still driving themselves around. This really makes sense as nicotine having some effect to prevent or slow arthritis inflamation or at least correlates in a way.
True 👍 George Burns smoked 15 cigars a day and lived to 99.
Richard Overton, war veteran lived to 112 years old and also smoked 15 cigars a day all his life and 2 glasses of whiskey on top of that. He had clear mind and relatively good health all his life.
Jeanne Calmant of France oldest living person died at 121 years of age. Smoke cigars and had Bourbon up to 115 years of age.
Also some studies say nicotine might help with Dementia and memory disorders.
Also Winston Churchill, live into his 90s
It’s their genes not yours. That’s why Trump can eat fast food and sleep 4 hours and you can not
I knew this was true since the Woody Allen movie “Sleepers” which took place in the future when they knew that smoking was good for your health.
Someone who has been addicted for years:
Disclaimer: most people might not feel this, but for the few that do
Nicotine has had insane negative impacts on my health and blood flow. After using a 6mg zyn, which I switched to from snuff, my hands would become cold, my feet would become cold, my whole body would sweat (hands,feet,pits,ass), and I would feel so shaky I couldn’t hold my hand out or my muscles would like physically shake as I would do an exercise. I work out everyday stay, stay under 12% bf, eat Whole Foods, and do a lot more than 150 minutes of moderate cardio a week. When using nicotine my blood pressure is in the 150s consistently and skyrockets when I’m anxious. My resting bpm off of nicotine is in the low 40s, when I’m on it’s literally in the 70-90s. Cardio became worse, running was more difficult, skin issues, gum recession, full on addiction, and irritability. I have never seen anyone, in real life, not anecdotal “trust me”comments on the internet, whose life has been impacted positively from nicotine. I don’t care what you do, but if you’re watching this video thinking nicotine is your answer, it’s not. It’s going to become the major source of a lot more problems. Thomas’s opinions literally change every month, this is not the dude to trust. It’s interesting information, but there’s a reason that smoking, dipping, vaping, and snus are all major problems that develop through the ages.
Low 40s resting BPM indicates likely hypothyroidism. Notably, nicotine promotes T4 to active T3 thyroid hormone conversion.
Let’s bounce this off the idea that many people who try to quit smoking pack on weight in a way that doesn’t seem to make sense to them. I.E. ‘’I’m eating the same as before…” could make a lot of sense.
I can honestly tell you when I had allergies and asthma for many years as a child, I would have an asthma attack every year ! Till I started smoking in my teens, and I never had an asthma attack again, then I quit smoking in my 40s with in 3 years I was having breathing problems again! Now I chew nicotine gum and dont have breathing problems! Go figure!
Figure what?
For me it worked more on my gastrointestinal tract. As a kid I struggled with many undiagnosed autoimmune diseases and most likely since smoking decrease your eating behaviour, It helped me a lot and as It said on the video, the acetylcholine receptor is located in the stomach. I quit cigarette now but I use other form.
I also had asthma as a kid, never smoked, grew out of it but now it's back. Your comment holds some validity because when I was in the military and doing PT daily, I could never understand how the smokers were faster and would light up a cigarette after a run. I think I'm going to experiment with some nicotine gum.
I thought I was the inly one. The inhalers and the pills. Did nothing started smoking occasionally in middle school and all my asthma went away
So true me too, diagnose with asthma. Inhaler made it worse, hacking a butt was so soothing. Tossed that Inhaler and grabbed a pack of darts the rest is history!
Love this video.
Vitamin B3 is called nicotinic acid because it was first discovered in tobacco. Could there be a link to B3?
It's interesting that's for sure
@@graciegjj I've since learned that some synthetic nicotine is derived from vitamin B3. It also contains a nicotine analogue chemical that isn't yet regulated so they can sell it as non-nicotine product. It still activates the nicotine receptors however. Loon pouches for example.
It’s definitely a safer option for anxiety than THC & benzodiazepines
Awesome video with great breakdowns of the studies Thomas, greetings from Sweden!
Isn’t flush niacin oxidized nicotine?why would people not just take flush niacin-also known as nicotinic acid. Must take the flush version true nicotinic acid, not the tweaked version of B3(Niacinamide or nicotinimide are big no’s due to liver issues). People should research the myriad studies about true B3- flush niacin aka nicotinic acid. Do not take anything that says it has NE, meaning “niacin equivalent”in its product.
Hey could you point me towards some of the info on non-flush + liver issues please? 😱
Maybe the whole key here is having things in your life that you enjoy in moderation.
@@JohnDoeMSis that related to the NMN studies 🤔
I kind of like the flush. You feel so warm and it's kind of like a high. But you get really itchy which is kind of annoying. You shouldn't go out before you take it hahaha.
no 2 completely different molecules. do not confuse them.
You are a bridge that keep us masses informed while being transparent about it and sourcing your research about topics many would not think of and if they do it would be to validate their own. However you are not being biased if anything just factually stating what you read. I saw many videos about nicotine, specially regarding vaping and its hard to get out of my own cognitive dissonance when I see a content creator that is actively vaping and advocating for its health benefits.
I'll just take this information with a grain of salt and make my own conclusions. However as some have stated here, this video is too short and I'd appreciate it more if you also addressed about the potential risks of nicotine as well to keep it more balanced as it may give the wrong impression (not for me tho, I get you are just pointing out the potential pros of a controversial and stigmatized topic that is nicotine)
Keep being a nerd and sharing your findings. Talking about the benefits of nicotine was a ballsy move. Much love.
@@ggtae_ i frequently follow up new information with my own research. not only to back it up but also to learn more and answer any further questions. we should all be fully utilizing our easily accessible source of vast information.
Been using nicotine for all of these reasons for about a year now and can confirm that I have lost weight and generally feel better and healthier when I'm using it. As for the addictive side for anyone worried about becoming addicted, about 4 months into using it I had a late shipment of pouches and rather than running down to the store for a can to hold me over I decided to just spend about a week without using it and see how I felt. I can tell you that there was a craving and I did feel a bit worse for the first 3-4 days and then I went back to my old "normal." I have gone through worse withdrawal symptoms from quitting caffeine. So if you're like me, someone who has never smoked, and you want to try it I would say that it is incredibly hard to get addicted to just nicotine to the point where you can't stop easily.
For anyone wanting to start, I would say start at 3mg pouches at most. I started with 8mg and that was a mistake, you'll get "nic sick" when you first try it either way, assuming you're not a smoker and you'll probably get a bit dizzy the first few times, but for me I did that for about a month straight before I adjusted and got used to them. Now when i take them I get a bit of a head rush and I just feel good because they are stimulants.
Just wanted to leave this here for all of the non-smokers who are considering taking it for the health benefits.
Thank you. Great information. I appreciate this comment.
Pouches have those "extra" ingridients that they don't even list.
So you're a addicted drug user
I get sick with anything over 2mg. Using Lucy brand nic gum. I doubt I could get addicted as I'm quite sensitive to it and can only handle about 2-3 doses per day of 1-2 mg. I do like that it is a short-acting stimulant (clears in a few hours) so I can use it in the afternoon or early evening without hurting my ability to fall asleep. With any other stimulant (caffeine, modafinil, etc.) the time to clear my system is all day.
@@paweka9149 Wood pulp, sweetener, mint oil. There's a video on YT somewhere about it.
I had no smell or taste for over 2 years due to long COV Id and within 3 days of wearing a 7mg patch I had my full smell and taste back. So did my daughter, so did my niece etc etc.
Nicotine good, delivery mechanisms bad.
Try NicNac mints.
Best on the market.
From a smoker perspective with many smokers relatives I can assure you this is 100% true. My grandparents smoked and lived until their 70's and they looked like 60 (granma even younger). Fatloss aswell, me and my sisters were fatty in our teens until smoking, and yea it pretty much replaces the urge to eat sugary foods. Even so I eat a lot of junk and have like 5% fat cuz I smoke a pack of cigars daily since like 5 years now. The downside is addiction ofc I actually wanna quit and it feels like a thirst. And my grandparents had cardiovascular issues prolly cuz of smoking so Im heading there :p
Switch to vaping. Simple
Some of the PT studs in the Army were always the chain smokers. Those guys could run like it was no one’s business. The moment they got off the field they were lighting up cigarettes. Now all the Soldiers vape and I don’t see the same result. Someone once told me it was because they were used to restricted cardio-pulmonary function. So they had to rely more on anaerobic endurance regularly because of smoking. I think of Grandpa storming the beaches or climbing a hill to fight the enemy. Sure he had adrenaline but he also was smoking unfiltered lucky strikes and ate 800 calories a day. He was probably running on super fuel. He was in a form of fasting because of the tiny rations they had to eat. He was living on coffee and nicotine and adrenaline. Plus he didn’t have the microplastics decreases his testosterone. He didn’t eat the ultra processed foods we eat today either.
Vapes are fine but there might be something to the cigarette smoke... Then again some people are just built different.... Take a group of smokers and some are going to be able to outrun the others...
It's an appetite suppressant as well. I smoked a pack a day for 35 years. I switched to vaping 10 years ago and successfully. quit smoking. I've been making my own vape "juice" for 9 years. I ingest approximately 15 mg of nicotine in total per day. I consume about 15 ml of vape juice daily with a nic concentration of 1 mg/ml. No flavors or colors. It's 90% food grade vegetable glycerin thinned with 10% water. A gallon of vape juice at 1 mg/ml only has about 4 grams of nicotine in it. Nicotine is ADDICTIVE. THE BENEFITS FROM IT THAT YOU MIGHT DERIVE ARE NOT WORTH THE RISK OF AQUIRING A LIFELONG ADDICTION. IMO.
Sounds like I should get started with this stuff just now
@@dickschwanzstein1789 the nicotine gum would be the safest way to ingest it if you choose to do so.
@@dickschwanzstein1789 Don't do it. When you are hooked the cravings will make you regret it.
@@cajampa Haha I was just being sarcastic
@@cajampa 📠
i dont like how random it is. sometimes i get a full body sensation, sometimes i feel focused, sometimes i feel kind of sick to my stomach. same dose everytime
Nicotine drops your blood sugar, so when you get that feeling in your stomach, have something sweet and it will go away fast.
@@NikoBellaKhouf2does seem like something sweet helps
I am a life long lean woman who’s exercised most of my life. Was a smoker for teen years, quit and used nicotine gum, quit that completely had a healthy baby and was desperate to lose weight. I started using nicotine gum again, was able to lose the baby weight. I swear nothing else helped. Eventually transitioned to the patches and quit completely again and yes gained a little bit of weight back but no where near postpartum weight. Nicotine was also super helpful when studying especially with a cup of coffee. It kept me mentally very sharp. Not saying people should start nicotine consumption but it has its benefits and side effects like any other chemical out there. Would not recommend smoking or vaping both have too many other chemicals I can’t account for. Also glycerin placed in vapes, had a pulmonologist tell me was super unhealthy for lungs despite it being used in skincare and some used in oral consumption.
Agree 100% with the positive effects of nicotine. The downside is addiction. I wasn't just a little addicted to gum and pouches. I was ALOT addicted. 4-8 mg pouches in my mouth from 7am to 10pm 7days a week. Every 30 minutes, I had a new one in. I'm 2 months clean. 4 weeks of anxiety attacks and minor heart palpitations from withdrawals. If I could stick to 1 pouches every 4 hours I'd be getting the benefits.😢
Many are using nicotine patches for long covid with great success. Could you discuss that?
This is extremely interesting!! I just started using a glucose monitoring patch, for personal accountability. I'm finding out that when I smoke cigarettes my blood sugar goes down between 10-20 points...
Yes, it drops blood sugar. If I smoke a really strong cigar, it'll drop it to the point where I feel sick and need something sweet to make the nausea go away
I grew tobacco this year, beautiful plant, I plan to make chewing tobacco without all the additives the commercial products contain. Growing went so well I will grow more next year..
Consider that many people likely have suboptimal levels of Acetylcholine, I wonder if increasing choline intake considerably would have many of these same effects.
~4+ eggs (yolks) per day should be enough to jack your choline levels and see.
Yes! Eggs and liver are high in choline. Nicotine mimics acetyl Choline. People need to fix their diet first and see they don't need these crutches.
Or compare the two and see what gives the better results...
Dude. I just quit doing Zyn a few weeks ago and now I'm getting tempted. Thanks.
Lozenges seem to absorb different and nic nac discloses ingredients. It also allows splitting, I can use a piece less than 1/4 of the 3mg and get the benefits I take it for.
Don't quit life just yet... You're still going to crave food and water and will be hangry if you don't get it on time what's one more thing to crave? 😉
My 3rd day trying to quit cigars and have to hear this deception
@@ginkgodog2you didn't have to press play. If you are quitting anything, make better choices around it. This includes not clicking on video links with a thumbnail that points to pro use of it.Dont Doom scroll, use the search tab for new things to learn and do such as a ham license, exercise or anything or else to self improve to keep you from thinking about that thing while also becoming better.
There are good reasons every doctor smoked in the 70's.
Seems filtering cigarettes removes the large particles which induce coughing/cleansing. Dangerous to not let the lungs know smoking is happening.
Factory cigarettes, even the "reduced ignition propensity" ones have lots of oxidant, most likely potassium nitrate, to make them burn fast. NOx is involved in all smoking, but this pushes it to insane levels.
Hence the intense addiction of factory cigarettes, on the "walk a mile for a camel" level. Something hand-rollers, pipe and cigar smokers don't suffer to anything like the same extent.
There is an issue with putting cillia to sleep, but there is a well known (and, where I live, legal) additive, an occasional little pinch of which activates the cillia and lungs' cleansing mechanisms very effectively.
Hey, long time nicotine pouch user here! also indulged in some years of smoking. I quit Nicotine because of negative effects on me and the downside of it being very expensive. i Would not recommend starting with it, but if you can micro dose and don't get addicted easy it might prove beneficial!
Back in the 90s when my granny got Alzheimer’s the doctor actually told her to start smoking
Wonderful presentation of honest to goodness fact based facts.
Thank you!
Started zyn. Less sugar cravings. I've lost 27lbs in 2 months. I lift and eat a lot of protein per day, 200 grams per day.
Same. My only concern is skin and aging?
I wish it suppressed my appetite a bit more but it doesn't seem to do it that much that often... Oh well.
@@MarkusSteiner-h1qThat's with smoke, not nicotine
Is there a healthy way to consume nictone?
When I quit smoking I used the gum, after I weaned myself off gum my weight went up and my DMII got worse. I’m now using Ozempic, my weight improved along with my A1c. When I was unable to obtain Ozempic because of the shortage, I regained weight along with raising my A1c. I’m now wondering if going back to chewing a low dose of the gum might help my situation.
You have to do intermittent and prolonged water fasts with small portions of animal product like meat and eggs if you want to lose weight. Ozempic lowers insulin without a diet change. Ozempic will also leave you with loose skin. Water fasting will cause autophagy which will repair your cells and skin as well as ketosis. It is very challenging but after a few days it gets much easier because the hormone that causes the hungry feeling lowers. Just do some research about the things I said. I gained a lot of weight after I quit smoking and started eating like crap. Bunch of high carb high fat foods. I was 255 last week. Now I am 239. First few days were hard but now I barely eat and I’m not hungry. I ate 2 hard boiled eggs today and like a small cup of chicken broth with chicken which I couldn’t finish because the chicken was too tough but I am still not hungry. Planning on sticking to 1-2 eggs per day plus water until I get back down to 170.
@@Maniac_987 I hear you, but be careful with that diet plan. Adding in green veggies, celery and ginger, spinach juices (low carb) can assist in stimulating the metabolism as well as exercise etc. - thanks for sharing your journey and plans. I was able to resume the O, and it works for me right now. I’m always curious and open to learning about various paths for better health in these times.
Back when I smoked, I played chess better. I quit 17 years ago which was the best thing I ever did, but that nicotine is no joke
Yeah I hate chess as well, I'm at least 20 years without playing chess.
Back when I still did C I was a much better dancer, all the girls would look at me and tell me how amazing I looked. Why did I ever let go of that stuff?
@@dickschwanzstein1789 You are talking about the smelly green C right?
@@dickschwanzstein1789get back on chess.😉
Thomas I quit smoking I think 8 years ago. I just watched a quick video yesterday that people need nicotine, because it raises insulin. Doesn’t insulin cause weight gain? Rush Limbaugh used to say nicotine isn’t bad, but the chemicals are. I want to know does nicotine cause increase in insulin or is this ok to take as a patch?
No mention of nicotine as a vasoconstrictor?
and nicotine destroys the nano tech in the clot shots
Yah…its not good for boners
@@fractalzoomgogglesdoes it destroy them mate? Heard it was good for C19
@@fractalzoomgogglesoy vey you're not allowed to spread misinformation
My grandmother smoked Lucky Strikes till she was 70. She lived independently for another 30 years. I wonder if this had something to do with it.
Yes. Look up CYP21. It's a liver enzyme functions as a detoxifier that gets upregulated by smoking tobacco and alcohol consumption among other things.
@@iroulis That's interesting
@@Corkfish1 Sorry, it's CYP2E1
I stopped smoking and started using Hapé (technically Rapé I believe) which is essentially snuff but more ritualistic. It definitely helped curbed my urge to smoke and it seemed to level me. I don’t use it daily, but I may start after this video.
Am I the only one who was hoping for a Thomas Approved Nicotine Product plug😂
Have you heard of Nic Nac? They are not filled with a bunch of weird ingredients
@@thomashennessey6695 you are lol, most people seem to just be mad that they thought Thomas was “recommending nicotine” like what? Grow up. That’s the equivalent of your mom thinking creatine was steriods back in high school 🤣🤣
I was hoping he would tell me i could start smoking again. Booooo!!!!
Legit thought the Zyn Ladens were coming out. Kinda disappointed tbh....
Nicotine is helping me cope with the sleepless nights having 2 young children. Long work hours. Life is brutal right now. Unnaturally so. Nicotine gives me a calming energy and this sounds ridiculous but I think it helps me be a better dad. As soon as night feeds are gone I'm kicking the habit.
I like this it resonates.
Been using 2mg lozenges (I half them, so 1mg per dose) for a while as a nootropic, neuro boost. Great in afternoons to bump focus for the last stretch of the day... Productivity is up because of Nicotine. Good to know that it has other benefits
I use 1 mg nicotine spray once a day. Great cognitive booster.
I use 4mg to get going when I wake up with pain.
Thank you, this was great. Helped me to search for more info on nicotine for longevity!
All encouraging things, but I'm still mostly concerned with its effects on BP. Everything else I've heard confirms that it raises BP. I'm also concerned about the dosage: 6mg for a rodent must translate into a grotesque amount for an adult human.
I'd like to see a study using very low doses, let's say 1mg total, for non-smoking adults. I'd like that study to explore the cellular effects as well as the perceived effects. Moreover, I'd like to understand the effects of stopping usage altogether after consistent usage over a long period of time. Just a wish list. I know something like this wouldn't be possible within even 10 years, unless it's been secretly ongoing for a while now.
Does it raise BP chronically or do heavy nic users have higher BP because they're using all day? I think the difference is important, genuinely curious to know.
It's 6 mg per kg (not per rodent) and I don't think it translates directly to human dosage. I am not sure if there is an approximate conversion but the medical studies I've seen compare vastly different mg per kg for rodents and humans. What is also interesting is that these studies seem to indicate that a low dose is equally as effective as a high dose. They have not explored the minimum threshold.
Also the dose given to rats could not be too high because nicotine at higher doses has some nasty side effects like nausea, vomiting, etc. and it would completely ruin the results.
I don’t see how nicotine can provide “cardio protective effects” when it is a known vasoconstrictor, it increases blood pressure, and elevates your heart rate…all things that are terrible for your cardiovascular health.
@@KBoss302 The fancy word for it is hormesis. The difference beetween terrible and therarpeutic is duration of effects and what responses it stimulates in the body. Acutely, exercise does absolutely horrible things for your health, including what you just mentioned wrt nicotine. However, since it is a temporary state and the body's response is salutary (does a bunch of things that are long term great for your health) we know exercise is the single biggest benefit to your health that you can control. Chronically elevating heart rate, blood pressure, vasoconstriction, etc. will definitely hurt your health. Short bouts of it can be beneficial provided the body can respond and recover in a healthy way.
@@kurtniznik8116 Good point, and I'm not sure. What I recall is that nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, which is something that makes me recoil
This is exactly what I wanted to hear!! Can’t call it a bad habit no more 😆
Patches are by far the safest & least addictive delivery method. Spikes appetite for me though.
Interesting.. I want to try the patches eventually.. sometimes I notice some appetite suppression with nicotine but other times it makes me more ravenous... And definitely have to have fuel before using sometimes otherwise it wipes me out.
That's great!
I was thinking about quitting vaping... I'll rethink that now
I wouldn't smoke because smoking anything is bad for you. However, I love my pouches. However, there is a risk of mouth cancers with the pouches.
Hey Thomas what are your thoughts on micro dosing lsd and or magic mushrooms, also if it can help rebuild or promote brain health. Something to look into
During covid people who smoked had a certain immunity.
No they had a higher mortality rate. Smoking decreases lung capacity which is ALWAYS dangerous when you catch a lung infection that reduces lung capacity even further!
@@MrBottlecapBill nicotine may alleviate long co vid symptoms.
100% correct. Worked in very large c19 only ICU for a full year and never saw a copd patient die of
c19. People may not like to hear it but I'm a very experienced ICU rn and that is exactly what I saw.
As a matter of even more fact, I never saw any pts who accepted nicotine patches get intubated. The truth
may hurt, but I can't unsee what I actually saw with my own eyes
@@MrBottlecapBill Smokers were under represented in hospital admissions but were expected to be higher. Nicotine competes for the same receptor that the virus used to enter cells blocking it
@@MrBottlecapBillsomebody lied to you
This is what I'm talking about!! I recently bought nicotine lozenges for times of need for brain and sickness. Great vid Thomas!!
I think the sugar curing is more addictive than nicotine.
And the pyrazines
Thank you for this video!
What makes me cringe is that nicotine was used as a bug killer and plant spray when I was a kid.
NGL I was a smoker for a couple of decades but quit years ago and still get cravings 24 years later.
My oldest aunt is in her 90s, she works 6-7 days a week and she smokes 2 or 3 unfiltered cigarettes (actual homegrown tobacco) a day and has for about 60 years.
She's not unusual in our home area so is it the nicotine? Diet? Ongoing NEAT? Genetics? I'm wondering what the mechanism is as well.
Great video Thomas, thank you.
The usage for bugs is 100 strength. The usage for nic users is something like 1 strength. (100th difference)
a better analogy for the mitochondria is a diesel engine. it uses a very low of fuel to idle, allowing truckers to keep the cab heated 24/7. a hybrid would start the gas engine at full power once the battery loses some charge, to top off the charge.
0:57 I've always thought this. Have had a theory that nicotine was a scape goat for big tobacco. It was a natural chemical that they could blame for cigarettes being addictive. Although it could be, it was basically assumed that nicotine was the cancer causing part. I've always wondered if one of the additives is responsible. My claim is just an assumption based on common sense logic. I have no direct evidence. Lol
Seriously? Nicotine? I’m going to start microdosing ASAP!
Is non-processed organic tobacco a lot better than cigarettes?
I've been doing Nicotine gum lately while playing Warzone to have better concentration and reflexes.. Joe Rogan recommended 🤣✌🏼
Edit: I think he also promoted Nicotines health benefits for your brain or something 🤷🏼♂️
He essentially had a guest show a study that shows that low dose nicotine can prevent Alzheimer’s. Pretty crazy stuff it’s a new study too so a lot of people will doubt it
You got me into intermittent fasting and doing keto.
I think I’ll give smoking a try now!
I wouldn't smoke, I do the pouches. However, there is still a risk of mouth cancer, Smoking anything is bad for you organs and skin.
I am 48 years old. I started smoking when I was 12 years old. I finally quit in February 2024. I switched to vaping for a few months before realizing how dangerous that was as well. So I switched to pouches. Specifically ON pouches. First 8 mg, then lowered them to 4 mg, now I’m using 2 mg. It feels great to no longer desire cigarettes.
The most addictive thing about cigarettes?? The triggers. The hand to mouth. Drinking a beer. Getting up in the morning. Getting into my car. Getting to work and a dozen or more other triggers. Those were the hardest to overcome.
The human brain has a nicotine receptor in it. So is plain nicotine really that bad?? Smoking, whether it is via cigarettes, marijuanna, BBQ, camp fires…. Smoke causes cancer. Compounds burning and mixing with the smoke causes cancer.
I do not believe that nicotine by itself is that bad, just all the other compounds added
Great snswer.
I had a grandmother that dipped snuff and lived a very long time. She was always really thin and had a memory like no other. She could crochet anything you could imagine well into her 90s. It was nasty to watch and she could hit a spit bucket on the floor next to her seat without missing a stitch. She also had a jar of roots always sitting in liquor that she would use for just about any sickness and she made her on cough syrup out of corn liquor, peppermint and honey. My parents would give it to me whenever I had a cough or cold. I don’t think she ever went to the doctor. To this day I still don’t know what those roots were all about but she would walk out into the woods a dig them up. I wished someone would have taken notes on this. It worked great for kidney stones.
I’ve been dipping Copenhagen wintergreen pouches/packs for about 7 years now; around a can a day.
I’ve got great teeth genetics, don’t go to the dentist much, no cavities in my adult teeth and never had any mouth issues.
Last time I went he said his concern level for my gums/teeth was a 1 out of 10, and that he’d love to have my teeth.
Don’t take my blood pressure much, did about a month ago.
Nothing to eat yet for the day (around noon), but had 2 low calorie monsters earlier and a dip in my mouth at the time.
107/73, heart rate 59.
I’m 46 years old, 6’2”, 175 lbs.
Cigarettes are a serious problem, massive amounts of chemicals and additives, which are burned then inhaled.
All/most other forms of nicotine usage are orders of magnitude safer than cigarettes, like not even on the same chart.
My unscientific list of probably least harmful order:
Gum/patches, zyn type products, snus, dip, cigars/pipes, vapes.
Hi Thomas, love your work and really trying to implement many things you talk about for longevity, especially as a 35 year old. I currently use 100mg of modafanil 2-3 times a week when I really need to lock in and make the most out of my focus time. Based on this new data, do you feel nicotine would be a better alternative, such as Zyns or any alternative? I currently don't use any of those and do not want to risk addiction as my modafanil use is very strict and only used as a tool. Not just addiction but also side effects, like high bp and such.
I learned from another channel that nicotine ( not cigarettes) blocks most air borne viruses, including covid. Im curious how mmany smokers had severe covid. I know I had it 4 days in early 2020. But not a sniffle since. Im a hairdressor so i touch people all day. Seriously, i used to catch comkon cold every sept 😒 not since covid. Again, my weight has remained good and eatting habits very good. Ill keep vaping but would love a natural source of nicotine
One of the early surprises during the pandemic was that there were no smokers in the COVID wards. I don't think I ever heard any further examination of this phenomenon.
Heavy vapor user during all of that and never got coof and unjabbed. My jabbed friend got the flu and even tested for it and managed to pass that virus to me.... Taking Dr Berg recommendations first 12 hours 2 tablespoons of black elderberry in hot water (twice a day) spent the next few days just coughing up painless mucus and didn't feel sick. Whatever this is worth there you go
I got a severe case of the first strain of covid before I started smoking. It was due to extremely low vitamin D. After supplementing vitamin D and smoking cigars, I've been relatively healthy
@@grog3514the smokers were socializing in the cigar and hookah lounges during the pandemic. None of them got sick
@@grog3514 when I saw a podcast on it , I was surprised. I had 4 day cough on first strain but nothing after and the light went off in my head.