Trans Vikings?

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • The Times article "Viking hordes may have been trans" discusses the possibility of genderfluid Vikings.
    Link to original article

Комментарии • 79

  • @dominicconnor3437
    @dominicconnor3437 2 года назад +12

    It's funny how they say you shouldn't label people as they label the people from the Viking age. If anything people back in the Viking age had the same sexual orientations, desires, and leanings that modern people have. I would clarify that in mentioning "desires" it would be in reference to how we as modern people often label such things. As Christopher said and I agree an that is it's hard to label anyone from the past.

    • @AFaragher
      @AFaragher 2 года назад +1

      This topic isn't about sexual desires.

    • @dominicconnor3437
      @dominicconnor3437 2 года назад +4

      @@AFaragher You're correct Just a bad choice of words on my part. This is a good example of confusion that can happen in our modern age let alone applying our understanding of labels to people of the Viking age.

    • @karamelapple8007
      @karamelapple8007 Год назад +1

      ​@@AFaragheryes it is

  • @AFaragher
    @AFaragher 2 года назад +23

    I could see a woman, doing what she needed to do to protect her family and village. It was all about survival and if she needed to dress and fight like a man so be it. I think it's as simple as that.

    • @stowlicters8362
      @stowlicters8362 Год назад +1

      But they wouldn't fight that often.

    • @wormwoodcocktail
      @wormwoodcocktail Год назад

      What??? No way!!!! If a woman dresses up like a man, it’s not to escape sexism and do things like… Iunno… attend medical school… it means that she totally identifies as a man. Any woman who did anything is a man. To be a woman is to be a useless birthing sow and any woman who hid her sex to be other than that clearly had Gender Issues.

    • @candide1065
      @candide1065 4 месяца назад +2

      I could see a horse drinking tea, doing what it needed to replace it's owner in a meeting when he has diarrhea. If horses have to drink tea in other times, so be it. I think it's as simple as that.

  • @raphmaster23
    @raphmaster23 2 года назад +9

    I've heard the suggestion that the Norse woman who were buried with axes and other weapons was because their father never had a son so the daughters were buried with them as inheritance.

  • @dominicconnor3437
    @dominicconnor3437 2 года назад +2

    And I'm totally down with you posting whenever you want!!! And it would be cool if you had a way for people to support your work.

  • @mariaetheridge8343
    @mariaetheridge8343 9 месяцев назад +1

    Oh, I so agree with you about gender identification. How can it possibly matter? There were the Amazons - women who cut off one breast in order to use the boe and arrows better; Joan of Ark, Bodesia, etc. All very strong, fighting women. Why not just leave it at that. (My spelling is probably off...)

  • @Doomfruit
    @Doomfruit 2 года назад +2

    A very understanding and human perspective. I dig it. Thanks for the content!

  • @unofficial_computer
    @unofficial_computer 4 месяца назад

    By far the most neutral take I've seen on this topic so far. Nine times out of ten you'll get an emotive response from one side or the other but you kept a level head and evaluated the evidence and came to a balanced conclusion without blaming anyone, it's a nice change of pace from other videos on the topic.

  • @andreabakarec6607
    @andreabakarec6607 2 года назад +15

    I personally think that trangender is a very very modern mindset, that didnt really exist that long time ago. What I do feel is, today people are very self centered and want to make everything about themselves, or feel like everything is about themselves which is fine for the most part, but when you are projecting it into matters like this, without a single evidence, it becomes ridicolous. That woman, was probably just a warrior or did something honorable to be buried where she was. With the current woke mindset and big feminism movements that people like Sasha, I would guess support, why is it easier to believe that it was a transgender than actually a woman that really deserved the "royal" death?

    • @fourthpanda
      @fourthpanda 2 года назад +16

      You don't need to guess. There's thousands of years of examples of trans and non-binary people existing in cultures way beyond what you might consider "modern era".

    • @kateb351
      @kateb351 2 года назад

      Trust me it's not feminist to say that a woman with a sword must be gender fluid. I don't understand why more feminist movements are not exploding at this!

    • @nohooligans888
      @nohooligans888 2 года назад

      They have actually existed for ages, there’s tons of evidence that supports that.

    • @stowlicters8362
      @stowlicters8362 Год назад +3

      @@fourthpanda nonsense

    • @fourthpanda
      @fourthpanda Год назад +2

      @@stowlicters8362 Nope.

  • @Jo_Wardy
    @Jo_Wardy 9 дней назад

    The vikings tv show had this with bjorn and halfdan 😂

  • @simonfreeman148
    @simonfreeman148 2 года назад +2

    Did I see you delivering a note to King Cnut on Vikings Valhalla?...certainly looked and sounded like you...👍

  • @bardika1
    @bardika1 2 года назад +2

    Last year wasn't recent?
    We can absolutely distinguish sex

    • @NorseReign
      @NorseReign  2 года назад +7

      Last year wasn't recent? Not sure what you're referring to.
      Yes, we can distinguish biological sex. I was talking about how we can't gender people of the past, and by that I mean to determine if a person would identify as a male or female. We can only determine their biological sex.

    • @wormwoodcocktail
      @wormwoodcocktail Год назад

      @@NorseReign For most of history, and even today, how women and girls “identify” is irrelevant to how we are treated. Girls in Afghanistan cannot identify out of being married off to some jihadi, but men in the West can identify their way into women’s domestic violence shelters and prisons. It is super disappointing that you’re propagating this sexist modern fiction.

    • @correctpolitically4784
      @correctpolitically4784 Год назад

      ​@@NorseReign throw that garbage out the window. When you were born did your parents not know what or who you were ? And they gave you a name most likely based in some way on who they wanted you to be. And then they tried to raise you to be that person. You would never raise a boy to be a man only to have him be a she. Otherwise you failed incredibly . Everything about your existence has been based on your gender at birth your entire life. There are 2 they do not change . Everything else is confusion and insanity.

  • @pauladee6937
    @pauladee6937 Год назад +2

    Christianity divided us .. thanks Norse Reign.. for speakjng truth

    • @candide1065
      @candide1065 4 месяца назад +1

      Sure, Karen. It's not islam, let alone judaism but solely christianity.

  • @kateb351
    @kateb351 2 года назад +11

    I'm sorry the article is ridiculous and offensive. Has the author heard of Boudiccea? A celebrated Celtic warrior queen who would have had a similar burial. Historians are now reducing individuals to a reductive modern gender ideology which frankly reeks of misogyny . The fact that we can't be excited about this unique individual without trying to reduce them says a lot about where we are now. I read something similar recently about Joan of Arc. Shit times for women.

    • @wormwoodcocktail
      @wormwoodcocktail Год назад +1

      OH MY GOD! THANK YOU. YES. I love this post. Thank you so much. I am sick of this misogynistic gender ideology.

    • @freddiemedley5580
      @freddiemedley5580 11 месяцев назад +1

      Who celebrates Boudicca? She lost when she outnumbered the Romans by around 10-5 times.

  • @TerfBashingMFer8021
    @TerfBashingMFer8021 7 месяцев назад +1

    Cool video!

  • @pauladee6937
    @pauladee6937 Год назад

    Im so shocked Neil said that.

  • @aurealproportions1917
    @aurealproportions1917 Год назад +2

    I don't know: if the corpse had an irregular bone structure (some parts female and other male) I would believe it, but the evidence is vague and the few clear testimonies we have about vikings never mention a part of their society thar recognizes a third gender.
    I'm trans and I'm interested in vikings so personally it would be cool, but I think there isn't enough evidence to claim that, even suggest it.

  • @boxmanatee
    @boxmanatee Год назад

    Ancient religions used to have gods describing just about every modern label/stereotype.

  • @eSporks
    @eSporks Год назад +4

    I have to disagree about gendering people of the past. They may not have had the same social identifications, but the phenomenon is still there. Gendering them as cis, is still gendering them, its still applying your ideology and biases to people of the past. We also have evidence in viking culture of Ergi, which later became a slur for effeminate men. Pre catholiscism, ergi lived as midwives and were accepted members of the community and may have even used herbal forms of HRT. Trans people have had our histories erased by cis bias, there is nothing wrong with us looking back and finding ourselves in ancient cultres and providing a new way of looking at things. We have always been here.

    • @candide1065
      @candide1065 4 месяца назад +2

      had to stop reading at "cis" in ordeer to save my brain cells and since your comment is a bigger redflag than china. Hope you heal someday.

  • @genebenny7514
    @genebenny7514 Год назад +6

    They are not trans. Vikings had woman fighting. That time men was men and woman was woman. They were not gender confused. It is a time that is long gone.

    • @stowlicters8362
      @stowlicters8362 Год назад +2

      Women hardly fought.

    • @wormwoodcocktail
      @wormwoodcocktail Год назад

      Thank you. I am so angry and frustrated about how women’s history is constantly obscured by this modern gender superstition. Joan of Arc is a man, apparently. If you’re a braindead woke nu-sexist.

    • @wormwoodcocktail
      @wormwoodcocktail Год назад +4

      @@stowlicters8362 Yeah it’s almost as if men by default have a tremendous physical advantage of women in feats of physical strength and combat

  • @wormwoodcocktail
    @wormwoodcocktail Год назад +4

    I hate this blatant misogyny. Men cannot be women. Woman means adult human female.

    • @NorseReign
      @NorseReign  Год назад

      I would argue this theory to be a stretch at best.

    • @wormwoodcocktail
      @wormwoodcocktail Год назад +1

      @@NorseReign Which part do you disagree with? Adult? Human? Female? Because it’s a bit rich to have a man tell me I don’t know what I am.

    • @NorseReign
      @NorseReign  Год назад

      I don't diagree with you. I was referring to the theory in the article, about transgender Vikings.

    • @candide1065
      @candide1065 4 месяца назад

      First of all, Karen, it works vice versa: women can not be men either. Secondly, "misogyny" is the wrongest choise of words you could use, it only shows a pathetic lack of words in order to describe a simple thing: mentally ill people.

  • @kp8339
    @kp8339 9 месяцев назад +1

    Another example of trying to rewrite history to suit extreme modern views. Trans people are so set on 1950s gender stereotypes that they can't see the wood for the trees. Not all women, who identify as women, are fluffy stiletto wearing barbie doll/50s housewives. Not all men are John Wayne. Instead of claiming anyone who doesn't conform to stereotypes must be trans, just accept that there are a wide range of personality types in each gender. It doesn't make people trans or another one of the supposedly 100s of genders. There are men and women, just two. There are however as many personailty types as there are people in the world.

    • @unofficial_computer
      @unofficial_computer 4 месяца назад

      "Trans people are so 1950s!"
      >Proceeds to repeat rhetoric from the 1950s.
      Nobody is claiming the things you claim in your comments, the article was most likely a thought experiment. There is nothing "extremist" about a differing perspective and nothing was "rewritten." The article is from years ago and wasn't taken at face value.

  • @Celephinn
    @Celephinn Год назад +2

    In ancient times, Trans women usually ended up as Priestesses.
    For example; the Hijra of India and the Galli of ancient Greece/Rome.
    I’m sure it was the same for the ancient Scandinavians.

    • @stowlicters8362
      @stowlicters8362 Год назад

      In ancient times, Germanic people put deviant perverts in bogs to kill them

    • @Celephinn
      @Celephinn Год назад

      @@stowlicters8362 Okay, and?
      What does that have to do with this?

    • @stowlicters8362
      @stowlicters8362 Год назад +3

      @@Celephinn You said there were trans priestesses, that's utterly laughable.

    • @Celephinn
      @Celephinn Год назад

      @@stowlicters8362 Prove me wrong.

    • @stowlicters8362
      @stowlicters8362 Год назад

      @@Celephinn I already did with my first reply. Nonconformist deviant perverts were thrown in bogs.

  • @shroomii3414
    @shroomii3414 Год назад

    trans people exist in all cultures, but the idea that vikings were trans in large numbers is absurd.