Thousands celebrate Juneteenth in Houston

  • Опубликовано: 18 июн 2022
  • The celebration at Emancipation Park took place this weekend.

Комментарии • 78

  • @georgesmiley1474
    @georgesmiley1474 2 года назад +16

    Thank you republicans for freeing the slaves and fighting against the democrat kkk.

    • @Tsmith-nd6bl
      @Tsmith-nd6bl 2 года назад

      Yeah like 100 years ago

    • @Danimal4321
      @Danimal4321 2 года назад +1

      @@Tsmith-nd6bl your point?

    • @ligmaballs6491
      @ligmaballs6491 2 года назад +2

      @@Tsmith-nd6bl 157 years ago. Isn’t that awesome

    • @TheNobleBard
      @TheNobleBard 2 года назад

      Lincoln only freed the slaves because he feared their numbers.

    • @ligmaballs6491
      @ligmaballs6491 2 года назад +3

      @@TheNobleBard like when you’re walking down the street and those people are walking on your side towards you

  • @liberalsareidiots7121
    @liberalsareidiots7121 2 года назад +2

    White History Month is July. And Men's History Month is August. Thanks Jesse Lee Peterson.

  • @richyp64
    @richyp64 2 года назад +6

    Unfortunately, one person was murdered and multiple people including a cop were shot at the Juneteenth music festival in DC tonight.

    • @leifjohnson617
      @leifjohnson617 2 года назад +4

      How ironic!

    • @fiyahwayne495
      @fiyahwayne495 2 года назад +6

      It's African Americans wtf did you expect

    • @mikelowry2865
      @mikelowry2865 2 года назад

      Shootings are bound to happen where ever you go, unfortunately. That’s actually a good thing it was just one incident.

    • @fiyahwayne495
      @fiyahwayne495 2 года назад

      @@mikelowry2865 if there's African Americans involve then yea shooting will happen anywhere you go.

  • @mohshuvuu9076
    @mohshuvuu9076 2 года назад +4

    More cringe platitudes to come

  • @luxuriousgreen9714
    @luxuriousgreen9714 2 года назад +5

    “We has the stereotypical food”??? What was she on???

  • @thameekstaninjahman8337
    @thameekstaninjahman8337 2 года назад +3

    Baby black daddy Juneteenth holiday

  • @ligmaballs6491
    @ligmaballs6491 2 года назад +3

    Don’t forget it’s White History Month folks.

    • @liberalsareidiots7121
      @liberalsareidiots7121 2 года назад +2

      White History Month is July. And Men's History Month is August. Thanks Jesse Lee Peterson.

  • @rtfreina9567
    @rtfreina9567 2 года назад +2

    Freedom to do good or freedom to do evil?
    What do freedom have to do with graffiti and the vandalism that they are accustomed to every time they celebrate that date?
    People are closing the places where they work in their businesses, not to celebrate but because they know they are in danger because of the way they are used to celebrating that date in the streets.
    ¿Libertad para hacer el bien o libertad para hacer el mal?
    ¿Qué tiene que ver la libertad con el grafiti y el vandalismo al que están acostumbrados cada vez que celebran esa fecha?
    La gente está cerrando los lugares donde trabajan en sus negocios, no para celebrar sino porque saben que corren peligro por la forma en que acostumbran celebrar esa fecha en las calles.

  • @eugenesant9015
    @eugenesant9015 2 года назад +3

    Happy dinger day.

  • @chijesus1677
    @chijesus1677 2 года назад


  • @wilberalfredo1922
    @wilberalfredo1922 2 года назад +1

    OH no please this worried me

  • @ElverGalarga-tw4cc
    @ElverGalarga-tw4cc 2 года назад +10

    Celebrate the ignorance of people not knowing they were free!!! 🤣🤣🤣

    • @ElverGalarga-tw4cc
      @ElverGalarga-tw4cc 2 года назад

      What ever you replied I can’t see it 😭🤣

    • @pseudoname3159
      @pseudoname3159 2 года назад +5

      @@ElverGalarga-tw4cc That's the purpose. I like how people dance around Juneteenth but with St. Patrick's day Americans of Irish descent have a sense of pride, people wear green. On Cinco de Mayo, it's rock on! But people like you get offended when African Americans want to use the day to celebrate freedom haha

    • @Danimal4321
      @Danimal4321 2 года назад +2

      @@pseudoname3159 one of these things is not like the others. Want to take a wild guess?

    • @pseudoname3159
      @pseudoname3159 2 года назад +3

      @@Danimal4321 The lack of willingness to live and let live?

    • @tc539
      @tc539 2 года назад +1

      they will do anything atall to keep the hate and racism alive as long as possible

  • @christianayahweh7632
    @christianayahweh7632 2 года назад

    Thank you.

  • @Drakeziel
    @Drakeziel 2 года назад +5

    I am a biracial American and I feel as if the “Juneteenth” holiday is a manipulation to the African American people. Give anyone a special day of celebrating their freedom, they get into the mindset that they are free today, but then they don’t celebrate their freedom every other day. Maybe I am just ignorant but it just feels like pandering to the few while getting others to follow the movement blindly. When the slaves were freed in the south, most of them didn’t know where to go or what to do, and some of them would go back to their previous “masters” and work for minimal pay or just to live and eat there. They didn’t know what freedom was! Now look at 2022 where all of these people have been convinced that they need a day to celebrate “their” freedom, WHEN THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN SLAVES! TO BE AN AMERICAN IS TO BE FREE!

    • @tc539
      @tc539 2 года назад +1

      they will do anything atall to keep the hate and racism alive as long as possible

    • @funtogether9580
      @funtogether9580 2 года назад +2

      God yes... your hitting the nail on the head

    • @Drakeziel
      @Drakeziel 2 года назад

      @@Danimal4321 I don't think you read my comment correctly.

    • @bossmaynemarco
      @bossmaynemarco 2 года назад

      @@Drakeziel I'm black and I agree with you, I'll add that don't stop at juneteenth we should get rid of all the pagan holidays. 4th of July should be the first to go, and then the others follow.

  • @liberalsareidiots7121
    @liberalsareidiots7121 2 года назад +2


  • @tc539
    @tc539 2 года назад +6

    its lets keep beating a dead horse otherwise known as keeping racism alive day

    • @Tsmith-nd6bl
      @Tsmith-nd6bl 2 года назад

      Oh cry about it, black people happy make you angry

    • @Danimal4321
      @Danimal4321 2 года назад +1

      Racism wouldn't really exist for blacks if there were more upstanding good hard workers and contributors of society. Instead they're mostly the complete opposite .

    • @TheNobleBard
      @TheNobleBard 2 года назад

      I'm pretty sure white supremacist groups are in charge of that.

    • @tc539
      @tc539 2 года назад +1

      @@TheNobleBard no not anymore. your about 50 years late with that bs.

    • @Danimal4321
      @Danimal4321 2 года назад

      @@TheNobleBard rbecause there totally has never been a black supremacist group through out history right? You're so brainwashed.

  • @brycebrown929
    @brycebrown929 2 года назад


  • @reggiegeorges5850
    @reggiegeorges5850 2 года назад

    🛖💛🖤❤️💚 Have a Great Houston Day 🧡. Turner

  • @garymclaughin
    @garymclaughin 2 года назад

    Father's Day what are you a gentleman or not? Three day weekend cmon

  • @funtogether9580
    @funtogether9580 2 года назад +2

    What a joke... failure

  • @demo__1709
    @demo__1709 2 года назад

    Juneteenth was made in Galveston island legendary holiday

    • @tc539
      @tc539 2 года назад +1

      they will do anything atall to keep the hate and racism alive as long as possible

    • @demo__1709
      @demo__1709 2 года назад

      @@tc539 everyone that was and is racist and eat sh!t & die why hate someone for there culture and they way they live freakin ignorant people

  • @omgfussi6572
    @omgfussi6572 2 года назад


  • @rtfreina9567
    @rtfreina9567 2 года назад

    El uso de drogas, la falta de una buena alimentación, la falta de Dios en la mente y corazón producen ociosidad en las personas.
    El peligro de la ociosidad y la ambición.
    Satanás tiene bastante trabajo para manos y mentes ociosas, es mejor mantenerse en algo productivo.
    Hay muchas cosas buenas para invertir el tiempo en ello y no para invertirlo en ociosidades mentales.
    Empujándose unos a otros para hacer mal al prójimo es uno de los frutos de la ociosidad.
    La ociosidad produce andar de casa en casa chismeando.
    Levítico 19:16 No andarás chismeando entre tu pueblo. No atentarás contra la vida de tu prójimo. Yo Jehová.
    17No aborrecerás a tu hermano en tu corazón; razonarás con tu prójimo, para que no participes de su pecado.
    18No te vengarás, ni guardarás rencor a los hijos de tu pueblo, sino amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. Yo Jehová.
    Jeremías 6:28 Todos ellos son rebeldes, porfiados, andan chismeando; son bronce y hierro; todos ellos son corruptores. RV1960
    Levítico 19:16 No calumniarás a tu prójimo ni buscarás medios legales para hacerlo desaparecer.
    17 No odies en tu corazón a tu hermano; pero corrígelo, no sea que te hagas cómplice de sus faltas.
    18 No te vengarás ni guardarás rencor contra tus paisanos, sino que más bien amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo, pues Yo soy Yavé.
    Jeremías 6: 28 Pues son todos unos rebeldes y calumniadores ( ); todo lo echan a pe`rder. Biblia Latinoamericana
    Santiago 1:4 Mas tenga la paciencia su obra completa, para que seáis perfectos y cabales, sin que os falte cosa alguna.
    5 Y si alguno de vosotros tiene falta de sabiduría, pídala a Dios, el cual da a todos abundantemente y sin reproche, y le será dada.
    Proverbios 16:3 Encomienda a Jehová tus obras, Y tus pensamientos serán afirmados.
    Colosenses 4:5 Andad sabiamente para con los de afuera, redimiendo el tiempo.
    Efesios 5:15 Mirad, pues, con diligencia cómo andéis, no como necios sino como sabios,
    16 aprovechando bien el tiempo, porque los días son malos.
    17 Por tanto, no seáis insensatos, sino entendidos de cuál sea la voluntad del Señor.
    18 No os embriaguéis con vino, en lo cual hay disolución; antes bien sed llenos del Espíritu,
    19 hablando entre vosotros con salmos, con himnos y cánticos espirituales, cantando y alabando al Señor en vuestros corazones;
    20 dando siempre gracias por todo al Dios y Padre, en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
    21 Someteos unos a otros en el temor de Dios.

  • @liberalsareidiots7121
    @liberalsareidiots7121 2 года назад +11


    • @DirtyEdon
      @DirtyEdon 2 года назад +8

      You cared enough to comment

    • @Tsmith-nd6bl
      @Tsmith-nd6bl 2 года назад

      Black people do

    • @peregrinoist
      @peregrinoist 2 года назад +1

      Absolutely. Yo. Care...trae. Toxic. For you Self

    • @liberalsareidiots7121
      @liberalsareidiots7121 2 года назад

      @@DirtyEdon Fake made up holiday.

    • @DirtyEdon
      @DirtyEdon 2 года назад

      @@liberalsareidiots7121 lmfao all holidays are made up😂😂

  • @josephj7908
    @josephj7908 2 года назад

    Thank donald j Trump who popularized it