Only Doom. The new Wolfenstein are not that great either. I think Bethesda really surprised people this time making the game the way it's supposed to be, with a balance of nostalgic gameplay and modern elements.
Entropy3ko Compared to DNF, new Wolfenstein is still a good game, that reminded you those good old times of Wolfenstein 3D and was fun to play. Duke haven't do either.
Doom 2016: example of a sequel that is treated with care from the original. Duke Nukem Forever: example of a sequel that abuses the franchise put together.
+That Guy Doom 4 was set to become even worse than Duke Nukem Forever since the original version looked like some boring rebellion war shooter. Thankfully, they learned from that and scrapped it, resulting in something that truly feels like Doom. It wasn't perfect, the arena shooting got repetitive after a while, but it was still high octane action, something DNF lacks a lot of the time.
+TheDreReichDude after 3D SACKED IT why does every autistic faggot forget this ???? its like the makers of cod say fuck it we give up... a new non dev company takes over and people go : 3 YEARS AND WE GET THIS SHIT>?????? what did you expect >.> seriously fucking tell me....
If they want to make a good Duke Nukem game, go the Doom 2016 route. The whole premise is cheesy so why try to play it up as being any kind of serious? Just go with high octane action and make it as cheesy as possible, Duke Nukem was a parody of action movies, just make it as ridiculous as humanly possible. DNF seemed like it was trying to take a somewhat serious route as well as trying to do several things at once. Some say Duke's personality just isn't funny anymore but that's not it at all, you can still make Duke hilarious, just give him the right direction and play up the hamminess.
Dan Root 3d realms should have released it the way it was. They were the best in making shooter games. I'm really broken to see that we never received the Duke Nukem Forever from 2001. Did 3d realms got bankrupt or were they too obsessed to make it too good to milk out more money?
@@colinj5291 maybe it wasn't the greatest year for games, but there were still good ones. I thought rage was really good, Deus ex human revolution was one of the best games of last gen, dark souls came out which is a masterpiece, Skyrim came out which is ok but barely an rpg, portal 2 is amazing, and saints row 3 is dumb fun. Those are just the games off the top of my head so there could be others.
I came back to rewatch this review for a laugh. That line from Joe really jumped out at me. He wants Randy Pitchford to bail out this franchise? Yeah, good luck with that.
Honestly I remember constantly playing the demo to this game back in the day on my PS3. IDK why but for some reason this game was just fun to play and the little RC racing subsection of the demo level was interesting and unique. I never played the old Nukem games tho so maybe that affected my opinion .
@@AnthonyDoesRUclips you're not wrong for enjoying the game but the game does have some glaring problems which is what angry Joe was trying to point out. But like I said, if you like the game, that's perfectly fine
+Yo BoyBHD Its not wellmade, at all. Not one thing besides duke's voice feels like DukeNukem. The 1 way to go thru a level is bs, i miss the mazes and finding keycards, and having to blow up walls to make a way thru secret stuff, i cant go the wrong way, its impossible. Yay for drone games =/ Also why is it beer and not steroids, people are soft
@@Pcgamingfixes I dont think is happening. From what I heard, the Duke Nukem IP is under a hostile hostage by Gearbox. Now why they want it despite not doing anything in 9 years, as of 2020, is beyond me.
+Good'ol Gaming Sorry for the late reply. All main Serious Sam games are good (yes, even Serious Sam 2). Though the first 2 levels are kind of a letdown in Serious Sam 3, it picks the pace right after that and never slows down. Serious Sam The Second Encounter will always be my favorite Serious Sam game, with Serious Sam 2 right behind it, then Serious Sam 3, then Serious Sam The First Encounter.
***** Okay there buddy, lay off the caps and chill, alright. I'm not comparing Serious Sam to Duke Nukem. I'm just saying Duke Nukem Forever could've been a better game.
Doom Slayer doesn't need to boast like Duke, he lets his actions do all the talking. I know Duke 3D Duke had some cheese but I feel he didn't kiss his own ass anywhere near as much as he does in Forever. Gearbox should tone it down a bit, make him less ego stroking and more badass.
Which demonstrates a good point. Some things DNF did that was shit on..yet the widely acclaimed Doom 2016 does some of the exact same stuff and people are like: celebrations!!!
@@supermariofan03 It's greedy and disgusting, hand the IP over to 3D Realms because the franchise is already forgotten except by fans and it needs an awesome reboot.
What Happen to all the badass FPS character's? Duke Nukem got lazy & gets drunk with 1 can of beer. Master Chief now only cares about money. Serious Sam disappeared all the sudden. & B.J. Blazkowicz died which is Bullshit! This is when Doomguy said "......." & brought all of this back!
I just played this not to long ago on the ps3 bought it for a dollar and my gosh!!! This game aged terribly!!!! I'm not a huge graphics type guess I'm a hypocrite when it comes to this game but the gameplay is just so bland like it's trying to be like cod and halo, I mean it quite obvious that what they were trying to do. I should of played it on pc maybe that would enhance the graphics but in the end it's bleh.
7 years later, and not a sign of another Duke game in sight. I pre-ordered this game for 50€ back then, and it quickly dropped to 5€ in various bargain bins. It's downright shameful to see Duke end up this way.
Duke, by today's standards, is unacceptable in the eyes of the public. The concepts of Duke would cause public outcry about misogyny and female objectification. So really, even if they WANTED to bring Duke back, they COULDN'T. No matter what they did, it would be received poorly. If they changed Duke to be in-line with today's standards, hardcore fans would be like, "That's not Duke". But if they kept the Duke we know from the past, they would get BASHED by the public and face legal trouble up the ass. Duke sadly has no place in today's day and age.
Late Game Reviewer Nah, man. On DIG (damn im good difficulty) the game will just be even more new school since then you have to hide from the fight even more because you die from just few shots. That is just dull imo because moving while dealing with the situation (kicking alien ass) is the most fun thing to do. I don't ever think it's a good idea to have duke freakin nukem hiding behind cover waiting for health to magically reappear. Weapon limit to 4 weapons is not enough. This is DUKE NUKEM we're talking about, not cod or halo and thus you have to have 10 weapons at your disposal..
Yeah and I remember in the old duke nukem you could go around the mission and do stupid stuff like take a piss or admire yourself in the mirror, or drink water from a water fountain, or drink a beer to raise your health bar, that's why I say the whole recharging health bar was a bad idea because now I have no motive to search throughout the map for health packs and secret things anymore like the Real duke nukem would
Jeremy Lebron These two facts make me believe that I will actually love this game. Because that is the reason why I loved Bioshock Infinite over the original.
I have never once, in my entire life playing games, thought to myself; "Hey! This turret section is reeeally fun!" No, every time i am playing a game and one comes up, I groan in frustration.
Asskickingman TCBY Spec Ops; The Line, it had a good turret section, but it was a very strange feeling you got during it and I'm not talking about the one that starts the game this was quite far in. It wasn't bad it was horrible but not in a broken game mechanic way it was ... horrifying would perhaps be the right word. Anyway if you get the chance play the game, it is ... fantastic is the wrong word. Well lets just say its fantasticly horrifying.
I recently went back and started watching old Joe reviews. Sound cutting off has happened to at least 3 of them. So I think you are right about the copyright claim.
@@odie85 due to the youtube change with music he took them out or take the entire video the lion sleeps tonight song ruined it oohweemuemway as joe calls it
My instant reaction to your comment was 'Wait, THERE'S A SPACE ODYSSEY GAME?!?!' I'm an idiot. But yes, I would rather play the 2001 version than go through what we actually got.
My first day of work, money I earned for the first time that wasn't chores or delivering newspapers. Sure it was just a corner shop, but money I earned. I came hope at just after 10pm and Steam was turnednon and I saw this was released at midnight. Armed with a case of beer I spent my first days work on beer and this. I regret nothing.
Watching this episode again in late 2020, and noticed that the music during the intro was muted. Props to AJ for taking their time to do this do prevent getting copyright strike, and big F U to does corporate A-holes
I was kinda sad it failed. Duke Nukem is fkn hilarious and his deal is a cliche self-aware hyper masculine alpha soldier. He's a god fearing christian but he has Major vices (which he indulges in regularly) but he also protects innocence like an uber white-knight on crack. Going on rampages regularly for revenge. There was a lot of sexy and gorey and glorious things and avenues they could've gone, but it was more a pre-teen style game in the end. "What the _fuuuck_ is this." as the Duke would say.
Even IF the company was to sell the rights to Duke, the very concept of Duke is too outdated for the 2020s. PC culture has thoroughly permeated (though I prefer the word "infested") society, and Duke's views on women are simply no longer acceptable.
12:09 I'm so glad I'm not a feminist, or else my rage levels would be off the chart. I think Ride to Hell: Retribution had more respect for women than this game appears to, at least going by this review. It's pretty hard to get over the wall boobs and the raped, impregnated screeching damsels crying for their daddy and exploding as aliens burst out of them. That is some serious nightmare fuel...
Karpov Liam of course not That's not violence! I mean if she was being brutally murdered then that's gaming fun Jk but in all seriousness that's how people be like in gaming
***** Yeah, why would we need to play the game when this review clearly shows the nonsensical bullshit the game has and thus makes people realize it's not worth anything.
***** No, the reviews that people like Joe do show off a lot of the gameplay. And in this game's case, the gameplay was completely and utterly terrible. Reviews are there for people to decide the worth of the game. They can listen to the reviewer and their opinions, or decide from what is presented whether it is worth their time.
***** True, just like this game doesn't meet today's standards. Most FPS games have a much more in depth story and better graphics, like Crysis. This game, as best said by joe, is "a generic FPS game with a Duke Nukem paint job". A great example of an old shooter being remade is Shadow Warrior. The game, while being extremely more different and advanced than the original, still keeps root to some of the originality. You still play Lou Wang, just younger and more dialogue is there. That game is an example of what Duke Nukem Forever should have been. But, it is in the past. And the best way for us to go is to learn the mistakes from this game so they won't be made again.
***** Also, I noticed you play this game a lot on your channel, especially on your first angry rant video. Well said on the video. So it seems you do have a bias towards this game clearly seen in this comment section and the videos.
Joe was spot on in the beginning of Duke fans buying Balls of Steel edition....god-damn Gearbox really twisted a knife in my ribs, can't believe I defended those Gearbox jerk-dicks on the Aliens: Colonial Marines fiasco.
I think it is a good amount of horror movie pop figures that have used the same as a vinyl display for the late response to a collection that's not 6I for a while and I still want to do it up there for like a few weeks ago
Yeah it's called getting older, as you age your metabolism slows down and just due to certain lifestyle or whatever, especially his type of work where he's always on his computer editing and reviewing games it's pretty much inevitable that you will gain a little bit of weight.
Gearbox sucks. They're a one trick pony. They make Borderlands and tons of spin offs of it. But Duke and Aliens blew hardcore. Everything else they touch sucks.
Serious Sam is not Old School FPS. It's parody of Old School FPS because it makes over the top DOOM game due to enemy amount and focus being killing only instead of exploring non-linear levels and stuff.
Serious Sam was a great game but it was totally made as an obvious parody of Duke3D. If there was a "king" of old school fps games it would have to be Quake. There are games still being played today that use the Quake engine. Best example would be the original Counter-Strike.
I remember playing Duke Nukem Side Scroller on MS DOS. Now that is a bad ass game. I was actually surprised I finished this one. It drug me kicking and screaming to its painful conclusion.
Game is a complete and blatant rip off of Halo... and then makes a jab at the Halo games. Real classy of whoever put that in. They wish they had even the smallest fragment of the Halo teams talent.
Ethan Hollen I wasn't talking about the series I was talking about the game. Forever came out after Halo and copied its formula instead of following the classic Duke formula. So don't assume I am talking about the whole series.
Mr./ Dr./ Professer Beef Montgomery Considering they made one of the most famous FPS series of all time that is spanning 3 console generations and actually has a good story and lore I would say yes, they do.
Love these old reviews with Joe and his slightly higher pitched voice and skinnier body.. It''s like watching a little brother grow up or something... Damn the time flies. Now he's gained a few pounds and changed quite a bit.
when Duke said power armor is for p***ies I can hear the clunk of the Master Chief armor hitting the ground Duke Nukem is going to get his ass kicked by the master chief no armor so that's why he taking off his armor in Halo 4
Yes because ripping the eye out of something, and then having a boring last stand against a wave of enemies, multiple times throughout the game is soooo cool, damn Doom 2016 soooo nailed it
I’ll be honest. I’m 35 now but back then obviously I was younger. But…. I grew up with the ORIGINAL Duke. And I liked this game. Haha. I let my expectations level and went in not knowing anything. Yes there was some crap in it. But for the most part, I liked this game.
There were completely different builds and versions of this game that were created over the years after 1996's Duke Nukem 3D, but they all got scrapped. This final version's campaign was pretty much started in 2007 and finished in 2009, so technically it was only two years instead of fourteen.
You know, IMO 5 years later it's worth playing, it's been patched and fps issues are no longer there and weapon limit is now 4 instead of 2. Sure, it's not the best duke nukem game, but certainly not the worst, I say it's worth a play.
12 years later 'I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I've got plenty of gum' is one of Joe's best analogies he's ever used, as far as explaining a game. Such a great way to show just how off character from what Duke should have been this game was.
Duke Nukem Forever is Brooks' Law personified: adding programmers late in a software project makes it later. If George Broussard had not been a perfectionist and stuck with either the Quake II or Unreal engine, DNF may have been a fun game. Good gameplay can forgive bad graphics, but good graphics can never forgive bad gameplay.
"Good gameplay can forgive bad graphics, but good graphics can never forgive bad gameplay." This is well beyond true, just take in the fact the boomer shooters are still being made! 3D Realms recently made Ion Fury, Dusk was recently released, Nightmare reaper, Prodeus, Amid Evil, Doom Eternal, and even more are being made and you know what? These games are awesome and at least most of them don't have eye stunning graphics.
You know, I went back to my old N64 just recently to check out something to see if I just dreamed it or not, Joe. And I was not. In the old Duke Nukem game when you came across a girl in an alien pod, you had the chance to either kill or free her from the pod. And at the end of the level you have a counter of how many girls you saved on that level. I am wondering where in the world happened to that ability or choice?? I played many Duke Nukem games and in most you had this choice of saving the girls but in the last few ones that I played, that option or choice was removed. I don't get it, for now all they want to do is make Duke look more of an ass than the savior of the girls.
Since the vast overwhelming majority of games use the PC version of Duke Nukem 3D as their basis... That's why. You couldn't free the girls in that game, or really any of it's expansions. Duke Nukem 3D was a massive departure for the franchise too, since it started as a pretty bland pair of PC-DOS side scrolling shooters. So the reason you can't save the Girls in DNF is because you couldn't save them in Duke Nukem 3D. None of the console games were developed by 3D Realms, neither were most of the Duke Nukem 3D expansions, so they never implemented a "save the chicks" mechanic to start with.
Natsume-Hime It is a shame that option is no longer a factor within DN anymore. For that fact, a few games with a save option in the past is no longer there in their newer releases.
Personally, I prefer being able to save them. It has more of a heroic feeling to it, which isn't that what Duke is? Duke Nukem Zero Hour integrated it in fairly well with the captured babes even talking about how they'll repay you as you save them.
@@natsume-hime2473 The reason why you couldn't save the babes at the time was because of the era of tech, when duke 3d was ported to the n64 that feature was implemented which even included a counter of how many babes you saved. DNF portrayed Duke in the worst way possible and completely switch the tone of the charming badass action hero to the ego stroking sociopath, when you kill a babe in duke 3d Duke will say something like "dam" in a really bummed out tone, when you kill a babe in dnf Duke doesn't say a word.
My husband loves this game. I've had to listen to hours and hours of this shit in the other room. Ugh. I played Duke Nukem 3d as a kid. But seriously, fuck this shit. The sex jokes aren't funny, there are no easter eggs (Edit, ok there are no GOOD easter eggs. TECHNICALLY there are, but they're not really secret). That's basically all there is to Duke, and they FUCKED IT UP.
Charles Davis I wouldn't give me much credit for like, picking a good game or anything, I was 8 when Duke Nukem 3d came out, at that age you're really just gravitating towards glowing colors. I also played some awful shit. Plus he really doesn't care about games (not like I do), he's very (ugh) casual. So the gamer thing isn't a big attraction for him, more a source of conflict than anything else ; P But sure, I'll take a compliment : )
Katy Wiggins I know the feeling. I can list off a fair number of old NES games I got solely from the cover art, thinking tey'd be cool, but only to find they SUCKED.
JLConawayII Why can't people go beyond this black and white idea of a game is either excellent or it's piss awful. DNF to me was an above average game, no more but also no less
Oh please don't start this fucking thing when you start saying " OHHH, I MISS IT WHEN HE WAS LIKE THIS" guess what buddy he's still like this, so get your head screwed on right.
Ego system could have been easily implemented without regen. Just use New Wolfenstein's system of overheals (ex. by killing enemies with fatalities you get ego back) and use them for temporary abilities like damage reduction, special moves, chain kills etc. Or combo kills to get ego overheal. An enemies would be much ore dangerous to offset this. So many options to be badass. But nope. Gotta use cover.
I really liked this game... in fact hearing about it again makes me want to go back and play it! But i REALLY hope ID software gets the IP and makes a new Duke Nukem, because with Wolfenstein and Doom, they look to be the best developers to do it.
JustDSBM Yes... i said ID software because they did a fantastic job on Wolfenstein and Doom looks great, all modernised aspects to old school formulas.
@@chainingsparks7655 I'm pretty sure he does, doesn't change the fact that Mirror's Edge already DID exist as a First Person Platformer before this video came out.
+Karl Schultz Yes because of how hyped the game was, because even if it could not live up to it the game should have been much better, and because of the controversy where Duke was so offensive even for him that fans and reviewers were sickened, it will take twelve or thirteen years to get over it.
update: The 2001 build has been leaked! If you want to experience what could've been good were it not for Broussard's out-of-control perfectionism, now's the time! You can find it on Internet Archive, and you'd better do it fast!
If 3D Realms had that project looking like that in 2001, I don't think you can blame them Joe. They probably left & another team changed it from what they had in '01. Then it just kept changing with each team.
I think the main problem wasn't team swapping, but 3D Realms scrapping the game and starting over again 3 or 4 times with a brand new engine each time.
You're wrong... 3d realms are the only who kept scrapping the game they scrapped it several times then they went bankrupt. Other teams then tried to salvage what they left. 3d realms are the idiots
The problem with this game is that it does not know what it wants to be...half of the game is occupied by mediocre puzzle sections, and shootouts are relatively short.
DooM Eternal: Godlike gameplay, badass character, and one excessively memorable line. Duke Nukem Forever: Shit gameplay, a chimpanzee of a man, and endless excessively overdone jokes of lines.
You know when a game is bad, when even a mod of duke3d called duke nukem forever that recreates the moments from the 2001 trailer awesome is a pretty good game, a mod! And also I recommend you check it out, look up "duke nukem forever 2013", you won't regret playing it!
Nope, Randy just let this series die. 2016, following on fron the successful revivals of Doom and Wolfenstein, would have been the perfect time to go for another try, but... nope. He's just happy to let it rot with this last, unsatisfying entry.
The first angry review I ever saw. I hated this game and this review was spot on. Years and years later... Still a fan. I'm glad you're still rockin Joe.
Out of the legendary trio, only Wolfenstein and Doom made it through. Damn it Duke.
it's hilarious how serious sam is better then duke nukem.
TheKeilanm Only better than last Duke tho. Nothing equals the good old Duke 3D.
Only Doom. The new Wolfenstein are not that great either.
I think Bethesda really surprised people this time making the game the way it's supposed to be, with a balance of nostalgic gameplay and modern elements.
Compared to DNF, new Wolfenstein is still a good game, that reminded you those good old times of Wolfenstein 3D and was fun to play. Duke haven't do either.
Dont forget Quake.
Doom 2016: example of a sequel that is treated with care from the original.
Duke Nukem Forever: example of a sequel that abuses the franchise put together.
or an example of what happens when you take more than 12 years worth of development only to realise that you wasted all that time for nothing
Punished Shia I agree
in all fairness it was in development hell for 12 years... Doom was not, and handled by professionals
+That Guy
Doom 4 was set to become even worse than Duke Nukem Forever since the original version looked like some boring rebellion war shooter. Thankfully, they learned from that and scrapped it, resulting in something that truly feels like Doom. It wasn't perfect, the arena shooting got repetitive after a while, but it was still high octane action, something DNF lacks a lot of the time.
i like it i was fucking hyped when it came out
still am playoing the game today
Duke Nukem 'Took' Forever.
+TheDreReichDude after 3D SACKED IT why does every autistic faggot forget this ???? its like the makers of cod say fuck it we give up... a new non dev company takes over and people go : 3 YEARS AND WE GET THIS SHIT>?????? what did you expect >.> seriously fucking tell me....
I hope they give Duke another chance. He deserves it. Make Duke Nukem 5, but this time do it right.
If they want to make a good Duke Nukem game, go the Doom 2016 route. The whole premise is cheesy so why try to play it up as being any kind of serious? Just go with high octane action and make it as cheesy as possible, Duke Nukem was a parody of action movies, just make it as ridiculous as humanly possible. DNF seemed like it was trying to take a somewhat serious route as well as trying to do several things at once. Some say Duke's personality just isn't funny anymore but that's not it at all, you can still make Duke hilarious, just give him the right direction and play up the hamminess.
Dan Root 3d realms should have released it the way it was. They were the best in making shooter games. I'm really broken to see that we never received the Duke Nukem Forever from 2001. Did 3d realms got bankrupt or were they too obsessed to make it too good to milk out more money?
"THIS IS 2011!"....... *Internally Cries*
9 whole years ago, fuckkk
I miss it so much...
2011 was a shitty year for games. Rage wasn't that good, either.
@@colinj5291 maybe it wasn't the greatest year for games, but there were still good ones. I thought rage was really good, Deus ex human revolution was one of the best games of last gen, dark souls came out which is a masterpiece, Skyrim came out which is ok but barely an rpg, portal 2 is amazing, and saints row 3 is dumb fun. Those are just the games off the top of my head so there could be others.
@@colinj5291 also gears of war 3 and bulletstorm came out which are both fantastic
This game is the reason Doom guy is speechless.
i legit laughed when i read that
I spit my soda when I saw this.....I was of course drinking mountain dew.....code red....
+Bull 1128 Pretty tasty
Silence is wise...much more than talker bullshit...
Dan Cortes, dude, Doom Guy can crush a demon's skull with just one hand!!!
"I hope Randy Pitchford moves right on forward"
Two years later....Aliens: Colonial Marines
HajimeKarakuriStudios I
Then Battleborn 🤣🤣🤣
+Lusty Argonian Maid yeah fuck that guy
I came back to rewatch this review for a laugh. That line from Joe really jumped out at me. He wants Randy Pitchford to bail out this franchise? Yeah, good luck with that.
Ya know whats sad? If this game came out today it would be praised for no lootboxes or predatory content.
Our standards are fucked up
it would but the gameplay issues would still be a problem.
Honestly I remember constantly playing the demo to this game back in the day on my PS3. IDK why but for some reason this game was just fun to play and the little RC racing subsection of the demo level was interesting and unique. I never played the old Nukem games tho so maybe that affected my opinion .
No it wouldnt
@@AnthonyDoesRUclips you're not wrong for enjoying the game but the game does have some glaring problems which is what angry Joe was trying to point out. But like I said, if you like the game, that's perfectly fine
"This is 2011! Show us that you care!"
Me in 2021: Haha, oh that's adorable.
It's funny that the abbreviation for Duke Nukem Forever is the same as Did Not Finish.
Hahaha true.
It's funny how you hate such a well made game.
+Yo BoyBHD
I have buyers remorse. It's terrible.
+Yo BoyBHD Its not wellmade, at all. Not one thing besides duke's voice feels like DukeNukem. The 1 way to go thru a level is bs, i miss the mazes and finding keycards, and having to blow up walls to make a way thru secret stuff, i cant go the wrong way, its impossible. Yay for drone games =/ Also why is it beer and not steroids, people are soft
Rawsawn Well if you wanted that then play the old one, quit complaining.
The 2001 trailer looks kinda Half-Life esc.
+EdwardOfTheAwesome If I remember correctly, it was built on based of Quake 2's engine. Maybe I'm wrong.
Unreal engine, quake 2 engine got scrapped in 1998 due to failure of the quake 2 engine to render more open spaces such as the hoover dam.
EdwardOfTheAwesome yeh, kinda does ;) (Love the Gordon Freeman Pip Boy profile pic by the way :D)
EdwardOfTheAwesome that’s what they were going for
Well my career is fucked.
Way to rip me off Duke! Not cool!
Give me twenty bucks and I'll cast Erase on this son bitch.
Chaos inc.
Chaos inc.
I'll cast Restore from the power of my Mac to restore this sonovabitch.
Hit by a Parked Car
Money well spent.
After DOOM gets justice, i would like to see duke nukem gets justice on his own
Oyama Toayei just hand off duke to the makers of doom
@@Pcgamingfixes I dont think is happening. From what I heard, the Duke Nukem IP is under a hostile hostage by Gearbox. Now why they want it despite not doing anything in 9 years, as of 2020, is beyond me.
Quake reboot
At least we have Serious Sam 3 guys. That game did not disappoint, unlike Duke Nukem: Forever in development hell.
+Marius Urucu
SS3 is amazing. Croteam should really help make the next Duke Nukem game.
+Marius Urucu people say ss3 is slightly above average but i strongly disagree its that old ss games!
+Good'ol Gaming Sorry for the late reply. All main Serious Sam games are good (yes, even Serious Sam 2). Though the first 2 levels are kind of a letdown in Serious Sam 3, it picks the pace right after that and never slows down.
Serious Sam The Second Encounter will always be my favorite Serious Sam game, with Serious Sam 2 right behind it, then Serious Sam 3, then Serious Sam The First Encounter.
***** Okay there buddy, lay off the caps and chill, alright. I'm not comparing Serious Sam to Duke Nukem. I'm just saying Duke Nukem Forever could've been a better game.
Serious Sam 3 has a jetpack
Duke Nukem Forever Doesn't
I feel like DOOM 2016's DOOM GUY is more Duke-Nukem than Duke-Nukem
Which is sad because the Doomslayer is a retcon of the Doom Marine. We went from having an improbable badass to a McGuffin living religious artifact.
Doom Slayer doesn't need to boast like Duke, he lets his actions do all the talking. I know Duke 3D Duke had some cheese but I feel he didn't kiss his own ass anywhere near as much as he does in Forever. Gearbox should tone it down a bit, make him less ego stroking and more badass.
Which demonstrates a good point. Some things DNF did that was shit on..yet the widely acclaimed Doom 2016 does some of the exact same stuff and people are like: celebrations!!!
Duke Nukem is a DOOM clone since 1993
running and destroying/killing/shooting was for the DOOM SLAYER since 1993
DOOM fan forever babyyyyyyy
+Kevin De Smet DN is a DOOM clone since 1993
admit that
Wtf? I remember watching this like 5 months ago. Now all of a sudden there are all these audio cuts. RUclips is fucking despicable i swear.
"I hope Duke gets another chance"
As a matter of fact, Gearbox stated that they don’t have any plans for the Duke. It’s so sad.
@@supermariofan03 It's greedy and disgusting, hand the IP over to 3D Realms because the franchise is already forgotten except by fans and it needs an awesome reboot.
10 years Later... and the DNF build from 2001 leaked.
Makes me sad! :(
@@solidsnake8008 At least Embracer group now owns both 3D Realms and Gearbox, hopefully they wake the f up and do something good with Duke.
The new Doom, (2016) would seem to be the Duke Nukem we never received.
Without the one-liners and the babes.
No, no it isnt
wolfenstein had a sick reboot too
Typanoid but without any boring parts, just shooting monsters.
I loved doom 2016. I thought doom 3 was good but it wasn't doom for me
Damn this game is ugly
DUKE NUKEM Thank you. Now waiting for a real fps to come from you once again :p
ssbj144 I feel like that's never going to happen.
DUKE NUKEM damn right me
Thus game was made by a bunch of pussys. Duke deserves better than this bullshit.
This game was made by a bunch of pussys. They did Duke way to wrong; their asses need to have a meeting with our foots.
What Happen to all the badass FPS character's? Duke Nukem got lazy & gets drunk with 1 can of beer. Master Chief now only cares about money. Serious Sam disappeared all the sudden. & B.J. Blazkowicz died which is Bullshit! This is when Doomguy said "......." & brought all of this back!
Master Chief only cares about money?
Mr Turtlecraft
Yes! Hell, just look at Halo 5. half-ass & has Microtransactions.
+Mr. Atari 2600 i agree
Chief still badass.
Lol, all the BS beforehand left Doomguy speechless.
I'm watching this in 2018 and JOE's opinion still holds up to this day! Duke deserves better treatment next time! This review has became classic BTW!
I liked this game when it was released and even now I liked.
I just played this not to long ago on the ps3 bought it for a dollar and my gosh!!! This game aged terribly!!!! I'm not a huge graphics type guess I'm a hypocrite when it comes to this game but the gameplay is just so bland like it's trying to be like cod and halo, I mean it quite obvious that what they were trying to do. I should of played it on pc maybe that would enhance the graphics but in the end it's bleh.
Awful game. Good thing Duke 3D still exists.
@@areyoujelton pick it up on pc. Wont be better...but less load times
7 years later, and not a sign of another Duke game in sight. I pre-ordered this game for 50€ back then, and it quickly dropped to 5€ in various bargain bins.
It's downright shameful to see Duke end up this way.
Duke, by today's standards, is unacceptable in the eyes of the public. The concepts of Duke would cause public outcry about misogyny and female objectification. So really, even if they WANTED to bring Duke back, they COULDN'T. No matter what they did, it would be received poorly. If they changed Duke to be in-line with today's standards, hardcore fans would be like, "That's not Duke". But if they kept the Duke we know from the past, they would get BASHED by the public and face legal trouble up the ass. Duke sadly has no place in today's day and age.
@@ProfessorGopher2030 yea you're absolutely right....
Why has the society become so soft these days?
Duke nukem forever restoration project
"Needs to be more like Halo" 2.4/10 ~ IGN
+diresnow wha?
Well, it's already trying to be..bringing health regeneration and two weapons limit. Too bad they didn't take the good stuff from Halo
+Spartan Prime (Halo) Halo 3 was bedder 2.5/10 ~ Rex
+Spartan Prime (Halo) stop insulting Halo.
Agent Washington Get a sense of humor.
I was playing the master chief collection and I got a achievement that said "All out of bubblegum"
That didn't come from duke nukem though. It came from the scifi film They live.
"When it's done"
CDPR has left the chat.
Hello there
It's a God damn shame :(
FFS, I swear the only good thing Gearbox ever did was Borderlands..
They did an alright port of Halo CE to PC.
SolarstrikeVG Right, I forgot :)
I also believe they did *something* with Half Life 1.
yeah the ''opposing force''. it was quite ok actually
Arkaadijs Arka yeah, not really.
The regenerating health and only being able to carry 2 weapons are the two main things that mess up the game no jet pack killed it for me
Late Game Reviewer Nah, man. On DIG (damn im good difficulty) the game will just be even more new school since then you have to hide from the fight even more because you die from just few shots. That is just dull imo because moving while dealing with the situation (kicking alien ass) is the most fun thing to do. I don't ever think it's a good idea to have duke freakin nukem hiding behind cover waiting for health to magically reappear.
Weapon limit to 4 weapons is not enough. This is DUKE NUKEM we're talking about, not cod or halo and thus you have to have 10 weapons at your disposal..
Jeremy Lebron whole this game is fucked up .. :(
Yeah and I remember in the old duke nukem you could go around the mission and do stupid stuff like take a piss or admire yourself in the mirror, or drink water from a water fountain, or drink a beer to raise your health bar, that's why I say the whole recharging health bar was a bad idea because now I have no motive to search throughout the map for health packs and secret things anymore like the Real duke nukem would
Jeremy Lebron These two facts make me believe that I will actually love this game. Because that is the reason why I loved Bioshock Infinite over the original.
Freak80MC You like only being able to carry 2 weapons at a time????!!!!?
He was being sarcastic when he said that he loves turret sections, right?
Yes. No one likes fucking turret sections
Asskickingman TCBY turret sections can be fun, they just have to be done right.
I have never once, in my entire life playing games, thought to myself; "Hey! This turret section is reeeally fun!" No, every time i am playing a game and one comes up, I groan in frustration.
Asskickingman TCBY
I know only ONE turret section that is fun. It's in Stranglehold.
Asskickingman TCBY Spec Ops; The Line, it had a good turret section, but it was a very strange feeling you got during it and I'm not talking about the one that starts the game this was quite far in. It wasn't bad it was horrible but not in a broken game mechanic way it was ... horrifying would perhaps be the right word. Anyway if you get the chance play the game, it is ... fantastic is the wrong word. Well lets just say its fantasticly horrifying.
Why does the sound cut off from the sketches? Is it cus of copyright of the music? Just curious
Last time I watched this it didn't. So I'm assuming yes they prolly got a strike and had to edit it
I recently went back and started watching old Joe reviews. Sound cutting off has happened to at least 3 of them. So I think you are right about the copyright claim.
@@odie85 due to the youtube change with music he took them out or take the entire video the lion sleeps tonight song ruined it oohweemuemway as joe calls it
Yeah, Megadeth made this song so probably they demanded it
They should make another Duke Nukem game and have a part where they make fun if this game.
+Mathew Godfrey Postal: Paradise Lost made fun of Postal 3 and it was hilarious. They could give it a go...
+Mathew Godfrey Why its a fun game!
I rather play that 2001 game than this...
so would every orher duke fan it sucks really because what a great franchise
Queen Zelda classic Duke 3D have mod for this;)
to quote stone cold steve austin OH HELL YEAH!!!!
My instant reaction to your comment was 'Wait, THERE'S A SPACE ODYSSEY GAME?!?!'
I'm an idiot. But yes, I would rather play the 2001 version than go through what we actually got.
yeah and do u mean 2001 a space oddesy if so u a badass lol =]
With Doom, Wolfenstein being successful reboots.
Hope Gearbox have the balls to do a another Duke game.
Kinda sad really, since Gearbox both hails from my home state and made a good Halo 1 PC port.
They did make CM and Battleborn though...
No one will unfortunately.
Waaaaay out of their genera but that could be interesting....or a nightmare, I am leaning towards the ladder.
They made Brothers In Arms, that already makes them pretty good
csnation gearbox just needs to give the duke franchise to Bethesda, they could get machine games to make a badass duke game
10:51 to 11:05. The greatest line in any of us Joe's reviews ever.
My first day of work, money I earned for the first time that wasn't chores or delivering newspapers. Sure it was just a corner shop, but money I earned.
I came hope at just after 10pm and Steam was turnednon and I saw this was released at midnight. Armed with a case of beer I spent my first days work on beer and this.
I regret nothing.
Watching this episode again in late 2020, and noticed that the music during the intro was muted. Props to AJ for taking their time to do this do prevent getting copyright strike, and big F U to does corporate A-holes
I noticed this. It’s weird to see how much RUclips has changed in that regard.
‘Tis a shame that he had to, but I understand why this was done nevertheless.
I only wish that it didn’t have to be that way.
The alien rape thing could either make guys shocked as you mentioned or aroused like Hentai and Rule 34. One way or another, it is disturbing.
that picture lol
What picture?
yours obviously :p
Kuroneko Bonbon kuroneko is best gril
He he! I know a lot based on common knowledge.
Just watched an 8 year old review on a game that I've never heard about and enjoyed how much it failed. Quarantine man.
I was kinda sad it failed. Duke Nukem is fkn hilarious and his deal is a cliche self-aware hyper masculine alpha soldier. He's a god fearing christian but he has Major vices (which he indulges in regularly) but he also protects innocence like an uber white-knight on crack. Going on rampages regularly for revenge.
There was a lot of sexy and gorey and glorious things and avenues they could've gone, but it was more a pre-teen style game in the end.
"What the _fuuuck_ is this." as the Duke would say.
@@dm3402 Serious Sam is a better man than Duke.
It ended up being a better game than cyberpunk lol
And Duke was never heard from ever again. And never will since the company has no interest in returning to the series.
Even IF the company was to sell the rights to Duke, the very concept of Duke is too outdated for the 2020s. PC culture has thoroughly permeated (though I prefer the word "infested") society, and Duke's views on women are simply no longer acceptable.
people can fly wuth bulletstorm is another one i can think off
...Anybody else thing the 2001 Duke Nukem Forever looks very similar to Half-Life 1?...
I thought I was the only one!
Aldebaran I know this is an old comment but gearbox did help develop both games
Or Red Faction
Half life nukem 3 CONFIRMED forever !
SaysRobert and blue shift
"this is 2011! show us that you care!"
me: boi
feels like...not that long ago that this train reck came out
Red Dead Redemption came out the year before and it looked fantastic, but 10 years of development hell for this? Ouch
Did Megadeth get hurt over Duke Nukem being used in this video? the music was a nice touch rather than silence.
I don't know if Duke's "Power Armor" is supposed too be an easter egg for Halo. Or they were just being cheap and copied the armor designs..
Easter egg or a obvious reference since its not hidden
Alright then.
You can find the Dead Space armor too.
majorblood87 "That's one dead space marine!" I love how this is a reference to a reference ("that's one *doom*-ed space marine!").
Insane Flash-bang
I wonder if Duke will still be saying "Power armor is for pussies" if Tony Stark, Samus Aran and a Blood Raven are in the same room?
He would its Duke
No I'd like to see iron man, master chief, and doom guy beat this dudes ass just for saying that
+Ian Carter wh40k
Don't forget the DOOM Marine
I'm pretty sure she would get the first hit.
I'm so glad I'm not a feminist, or else my rage levels would be off the chart. I think Ride to Hell: Retribution had more respect for women than this game appears to, at least going by this review. It's pretty hard to get over the wall boobs and the raped, impregnated screeching damsels crying for their daddy and exploding as aliens burst out of them. That is some serious nightmare fuel...
Who cares about how women are treated in games? Its a fucking video game, its fiction for crying out loud.
Karpov Liam the line varies. It changes from time to time
Karpov Liam of course not That's not violence! I mean if she was being brutally murdered then that's gaming fun
Jk but in all seriousness that's how people be like in gaming
It's not pleasant to watch, to say the least.
Sadly Duke went from Naughty to Nice by today's standards anyway. Sucks ass. Perhaps Duke is better off with the Zombies on Dead Island 2?!
Duke Nukem Forever --> DNF = Did Not Finish
Well said!
Duke Nukem For Never.
DNF= Do Not Fucking (purchase)
Saw the game at gamestop for 3 dollars its not even worth 3 dollars
***** Yeah, why would we need to play the game when this review clearly shows the nonsensical bullshit the game has and thus makes people realize it's not worth anything.
***** No, the reviews that people like Joe do show off a lot of the gameplay. And in this game's case, the gameplay was completely and utterly terrible. Reviews are there for people to decide the worth of the game. They can listen to the reviewer and their opinions, or decide from what is presented whether it is worth their time.
***** True, just like this game doesn't meet today's standards. Most FPS games have a much more in depth story and better graphics, like Crysis. This game, as best said by joe, is "a generic FPS game with a Duke Nukem paint job". A great example of an old shooter being remade is Shadow Warrior. The game, while being extremely more different and advanced than the original, still keeps root to some of the originality. You still play Lou Wang, just younger and more dialogue is there. That game is an example of what Duke Nukem Forever should have been. But, it is in the past. And the best way for us to go is to learn the mistakes from this game so they won't be made again.
***** Also, I noticed you play this game a lot on your channel, especially on your first angry rant video. Well said on the video. So it seems you do have a bias towards this game clearly seen in this comment section and the videos.
***** It's ok.
Joe was spot on in the beginning of Duke fans buying Balls of Steel edition....god-damn Gearbox really twisted a knife in my ribs, can't believe I defended those Gearbox jerk-dicks on the Aliens: Colonial Marines fiasco.
I lost all respect for gearbox when I found out they used money Sega gave them for ACM and used it for Borderlands 2.
Mamaspeeder Borderlands 2 was fun tough.
lazorize Yes, but that doesn't make it any less wrong that they basically stole money.
its funny too because Gearbox was also involvevd in the classic half life franchise and man, we all know how much that kicked's too bad
Gearbox are great. They created half life blueshift and opposing force, ported all the hl1 games on ps2, and gave us borderlands
Damm ... AJ was skinny here xD
yea he got fat.
I think it is a good amount of horror movie pop figures that have used the same as a vinyl display for the late response to a collection that's not 6I for a while and I still want to do it up there for like a few weeks ago
@@TexasReppin210 don't insult the guy's weight come on
Yeah it's called getting older, as you age your metabolism slows down and just due to certain lifestyle or whatever, especially his type of work where he's always on his computer editing and reviewing games it's pretty much inevitable that you will gain a little bit of weight.
This was his nerfed state
Gearbox sucks. They're a one trick pony. They make Borderlands and tons of spin offs of it. But Duke and Aliens blew hardcore. Everything else they touch sucks.
Except Half Life :/
Gearbox doesnt make Half Life..... Valve makes Half Life...
Gearbox helped valve make Half Life 1 and Opposing force
With the lack of talent at gearbox i'd like to think thats all mostly valve.
Mild Monster
Gearbox merely ported the game to the PS2, they had no hand in the actual development of Half-Life.
Serious Sam the king of old school FPS.
Serious Sam is not Old School FPS. It's parody of Old School FPS because it makes over the top DOOM game due to enemy amount and focus being killing only instead of exploring non-linear levels and stuff.
ssbj144 ive only just got into Serious Sam, its amazing, got 1 and 2 (hd versions), 3 plus dlc and DDXL, so fun
Serious Sam was a great game but it was totally made as an obvious parody of Duke3D. If there was a "king" of old school fps games it would have to be Quake. There are games still being played today that use the Quake engine. Best example would be the original Counter-Strike.
tarrker Counter Strike 1.6 is on the GoldSource engine. Not the Quake engine,
Rach Dodo What the crap is "GoldSource"? Half-Life is a heavily modified Quake 2 engine and Counter-Strike is just a mod of that.
"Shake it baby!" -audio sounds like it got choked out and dies for half a minute-
Copyright i guess
10 years later and Duke Nukem: Forever should’ve still been in development...
whats acceptable in youtube: blood and gore? yes. profanity galore? yes. very suggestive content? yes. boobs? no. theres no logic in this
They don't except butts either. That sucks. Quit taking down male butts!!!
I remember playing Duke Nukem Side Scroller on MS DOS. Now that is a bad ass game. I was actually surprised I finished this one. It drug me kicking and screaming to its painful conclusion.
I played Duke Nukem 3d on the sega saturn it was really fun to play.
Game is a complete and blatant rip off of Halo... and then makes a jab at the Halo games. Real classy of whoever put that in. They wish they had even the smallest fragment of the Halo teams talent.
You Do Realize Duke Is From 1991 And The First Halo Game (For Consoles) Came Out In 2001? Do Some Research
Ethan Hollen
I wasn't talking about the series I was talking about the game. Forever came out after Halo and copied its formula instead of following the classic Duke formula. So don't assume I am talking about the whole series.
Ahhh Sorry About That
Bungie has talent?
Mr./ Dr./ Professer Beef Montgomery
Considering they made one of the most famous FPS series of all time that is spanning 3 console generations and actually has a good story and lore I would say yes, they do.
Love these old reviews with Joe and his slightly higher pitched voice and skinnier body.. It''s like watching a little brother grow up or something... Damn the time flies. Now he's gained a few pounds and changed quite a bit.
Greetings from 2022.
Duke Nukem Forever 2001 is now playable publicly. Enjoy.
when Duke said power armor is for p***ies I can hear the clunk of the Master Chief armor hitting the ground Duke Nukem is going to get his ass kicked by the master chief no armor so that's why he taking off his armor in Halo 4
+Senhor Spinelli ikr
+Senhor Spinelli yeah
+Senhor Spinelli no...not doom pls no, at first i thought they were offending fallout as well since u could use power armor
fallout is life Nope. Can't you see the Halo armor inside the truck?
DEE GAMING He's taking off his armor, because its easier for Duke to slide into him...if you know what I mean.
The new Doom is everything this game should have been =P
imagine how awesome this game would be if they nailed it
Yes because ripping the eye out of something, and then having a boring last stand against a wave of enemies, multiple times throughout the game is soooo cool, damn Doom 2016 soooo nailed it
Kevin De Smet yes it fucking nailed it.nailed it up to dukes ass
MunePin fuck yesss
yeah, except for the boobs and the cool one-liners
that 2001 version looks like it could be a half life game, probably awesome
Hunt Down The Duke
I’ll be honest. I’m 35 now but back then obviously I was younger. But…. I grew up with the ORIGINAL Duke.
And I liked this game. Haha. I let my expectations level and went in not knowing anything. Yes there was some crap in it. But for the most part, I liked this game.
How the hell did they manage to make a game that was over 10 years in the making feel rushed?
***** Ture you make a good point.
*snort snort*
Basically a Frankenstein's monster of many ideas. All sub par.
There were completely different builds and versions of this game that were created over the years after 1996's Duke Nukem 3D, but they all got scrapped. This final version's campaign was pretty much started in 2007 and finished in 2009, so technically it was only two years instead of fourteen.
I'm glad that I didn't buy this game.
Let's hope for a reboot or buy doom
Too bad I did. Waste of my fuckin money!
You know, IMO 5 years later it's worth playing, it's been patched and fps issues are no longer there and weapon limit is now 4 instead of 2.
Sure, it's not the best duke nukem game, but certainly not the worst, I say it's worth a play.
You should torrent it)
12 years later 'I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I've got plenty of gum' is one of Joe's best analogies he's ever used, as far as explaining a game. Such a great way to show just how off character from what Duke should have been this game was.
The effort clearly went into the poo mechanics instead. LOL!
Duke Nukem Forever is Brooks' Law personified: adding programmers late in a software project makes it later.
If George Broussard had not been a perfectionist and stuck with either the Quake II or Unreal engine, DNF may have been a fun game. Good gameplay can forgive bad graphics, but good graphics can never forgive bad gameplay.
"Good gameplay can forgive bad graphics, but good graphics can never forgive bad gameplay." This is well beyond true, just take in the fact the boomer shooters are still being made! 3D Realms recently made Ion Fury, Dusk was recently released, Nightmare reaper, Prodeus, Amid Evil, Doom Eternal, and even more are being made and you know what? These games are awesome and at least most of them don't have eye stunning graphics.
Man imagine this coming out today, how massive the backlash about misogyny and female objectification would be...I wish this game was released today.
I wonder how this character could be brought back without being disgustingly offensive.
Well that hive infestation rape screen was pretty fucking nasty and distasteful
@@joewhitlow5799 If you genuinely find this game "disgustingly offensive," you're a pathetic weakling.
@@PalashaGabarra now I like sexual stuff in games as much as the next guy but this shit was flat out creepy and weird seriously wall boobs
Duke Nukem just wishes he could be as badass as Serious Sam.
Ahem.. Sam "Serious" Stone was born from DOOMGUY and Duke Nukem characters..
I know, I just like him better so I was messing around.
nicobellic987 Douche Nukem is a pansy.
Serious Sam is a parody of Duke Nukem.
Someone should made a rap battle of history... oh wait..
You know, I went back to my old N64 just recently to check out something to see if I just dreamed it or not, Joe. And I was not. In the old Duke Nukem game when you came across a girl in an alien pod, you had the chance to either kill or free her from the pod. And at the end of the level you have a counter of how many girls you saved on that level. I am wondering where in the world happened to that ability or choice?? I played many Duke Nukem games and in most you had this choice of saving the girls but in the last few ones that I played, that option or choice was removed. I don't get it, for now all they want to do is make Duke look more of an ass than the savior of the girls.
Since the vast overwhelming majority of games use the PC version of Duke Nukem 3D as their basis... That's why. You couldn't free the girls in that game, or really any of it's expansions. Duke Nukem 3D was a massive departure for the franchise too, since it started as a pretty bland pair of PC-DOS side scrolling shooters. So the reason you can't save the Girls in DNF is because you couldn't save them in Duke Nukem 3D. None of the console games were developed by 3D Realms, neither were most of the Duke Nukem 3D expansions, so they never implemented a "save the chicks" mechanic to start with.
Natsume-Hime It is a shame that option is no longer a factor within DN anymore. For that fact, a few games with a save option in the past is no longer there in their newer releases.
Personally, I prefer being able to save them. It has more of a heroic feeling to it, which isn't that what Duke is? Duke Nukem Zero Hour integrated it in fairly well with the captured babes even talking about how they'll repay you as you save them.
@@VGamingJunkieVT I can hear the sound we get from saving them just from reading your comment
@@natsume-hime2473 The reason why you couldn't save the babes at the time was because of the era of tech, when duke 3d was ported to the n64 that feature was implemented which even included a counter of how many babes you saved. DNF portrayed Duke in the worst way possible and completely switch the tone of the charming badass action hero to the ego stroking sociopath, when you kill a babe in duke 3d Duke will say something like "dam" in a really bummed out tone, when you kill a babe in dnf Duke doesn't say a word.
My husband loves this game.
I've had to listen to hours and hours of this shit in the other room. Ugh. I played Duke Nukem 3d as a kid. But seriously, fuck this shit. The sex jokes aren't funny, there are no easter eggs (Edit, ok there are no GOOD easter eggs. TECHNICALLY there are, but they're not really secret). That's basically all there is to Duke, and they FUCKED IT UP.
Never fear, he can be cured. I recommend MDK or Serious Sam.
Katy Wiggins you like video games and played duke nukem and you are attractive? no wonder you are married damn
Charles Davis I wouldn't give me much credit for like, picking a good game or anything, I was 8 when Duke Nukem 3d came out, at that age you're really just gravitating towards glowing colors. I also played some awful shit. Plus he really doesn't care about games (not like I do), he's very (ugh) casual. So the gamer thing isn't a big attraction for him, more a source of conflict than anything else ; P
But sure, I'll take a compliment : )
Katy Wiggins I know the feeling. I can list off a fair number of old NES games I got solely from the cover art, thinking tey'd be cool, but only to find they SUCKED.
came back for nostalgia. am upset at the cut off of music. I get why though.
"I only hope that Duke gets another shot"
I doubt it. This abomination ruined Duke Nukem for the rest of time.
JLConawayII Why can't people go beyond this black and white idea of a game is either excellent or it's piss awful. DNF to me was an above average game, no more but also no less
I miss this Joe :(
Same Joe as now isn't he?
Oh please don't start this fucking thing when you start saying " OHHH, I MISS IT WHEN HE WAS LIKE THIS" guess what buddy he's still like this, so get your head screwed on right.
we all do
TheKSH991 How can you tell? We barely see him anymore...
AlexAC Everything was better in the old days, ey? Move to Florida.
Ego system could have been easily implemented without regen. Just use New Wolfenstein's system of overheals (ex. by killing enemies with fatalities you get ego back) and use them for temporary abilities like damage reduction, special moves, chain kills etc. Or combo kills to get ego overheal. An enemies would be much ore dangerous to offset this. So many options to be badass. But nope. Gotta use cover.
I am here years later. The 2001 version that leaked does a similiar thing.
It'd make more sense considering it's and ego bar and not a health bar, it'd fit Duke's character as well
I really liked this game... in fact hearing about it again makes me want to go back and play it! But i REALLY hope ID software gets the IP and makes a new Duke Nukem, because with Wolfenstein and Doom, they look to be the best developers to do it.
***** Soon? More like 3 years at least... :/ Gearbox just said that they're starting on development.
JustDSBM Yes... i said ID software because they did a fantastic job on Wolfenstein and Doom looks great, all modernised aspects to old school formulas.
6:30 Ahh Joe. Just wait for Mirror's Edge and Dying Light to come out.
Mirror's Edge has been out for 3 years before this review.
DeltaJugg I think he means the sequel.
@@chainingsparks7655 I'm pretty sure he does, doesn't change the fact that Mirror's Edge already DID exist as a First Person Platformer before this video came out.
And Doom Eternal.
Anyone else watching in 2016?
+Karl Schultz Yes because of how hyped the game was, because even if it could not live up to it the game should have been much better, and because of the controversy where Duke was so offensive even for him that fans and reviewers were sickened, it will take twelve or thirteen years to get over it.
Party over here
+Karl Schultz No
+Karl Schultz I Watching
update: The 2001 build has been leaked! If you want to experience what could've been good were it not for Broussard's out-of-control perfectionism, now's the time! You can find it on Internet Archive, and you'd better do it fast!
8:43 "Cocka PooPoo Pee Pee, Cocka PooPoo Pee Pee!" Haha. WTF? I literally died laughing.
wow. You have issues.
Insane Flash-bang Cocka Poo Poo Pee Pee!
I guess he short-circuited there!
If 3D Realms had that project looking like that in 2001, I don't think you can blame them Joe. They probably left & another team changed it from what they had in '01. Then it just kept changing with each team.
I think the main problem wasn't team swapping, but 3D Realms scrapping the game and starting over again 3 or 4 times with a brand new engine each time.
You're wrong... 3d realms are the only who kept scrapping the game they scrapped it several times then they went bankrupt. Other teams then tried to salvage what they left. 3d realms are the idiots
Msdfail That sucks. Too bad Rocksteady didn't do this game.
This wasn't definitely not as bad as people made it out to be. It was mediocre, yes, but not terrible.
Better gameplay and variation than Call of Duty Modern Warfare
The problem with this game is that it does not know what it wants to be...half of the game is occupied by mediocre puzzle sections, and shootouts are relatively short.
@@DarkRaptor86 this aged like milk
DarkRaptor86 my ass
DooM Eternal: Godlike gameplay, badass character, and one excessively memorable line.
Duke Nukem Forever: Shit gameplay, a chimpanzee of a man, and endless excessively overdone jokes of lines.
Also disturbing shit...really disturbing than Doom
I actually made money on this game. Bought it for 50 bucks in one store and sold it for 55 bucks at another.
Jan Nissen You have no idea how happy I became when I found out that I could actually make money on this piece of shit, instead of loosing it.
Imagine going back to that store 1 day later: "Hey I've got another 20 copy of the game, wanna buy it?".
Péter Szabó Yeah, I was actually thinking about doing that. Don't think it would have gone too well though.
duke nukem the only game thats worse than twilight
I think you mean "worse"
Maybe they both were so abd that they ended up being in their own new category? :V
i mean worse .-.
twilight the movie the game
What an original comment.
You know when a game is bad, when even a mod of duke3d called duke nukem forever that recreates the moments from the 2001 trailer awesome is a pretty good game, a mod! And also I recommend you check it out, look up "duke nukem forever 2013", you won't regret playing it!
For free too - I'd prefer to give the modders my money than Gearbox for this massive disappointment.
Has an awesome motorcycle level!
This never felt like a Duke Nukem game. This felt like an over budget porno game with the Duke character.
Nope, Randy just let this series die. 2016, following on fron the successful revivals of Doom and Wolfenstein, would have been the perfect time to go for another try, but... nope. He's just happy to let it rot with this last, unsatisfying entry.
let's hope they make another one that's better
The first angry review I ever saw. I hated this game and this review was spot on. Years and years later... Still a fan. I'm glad you're still rockin Joe.
I watched this the day it was uploaded...I do not fear death, but alas...It is approaching faster then one could expect
Don’t y’all love coming back to the old reviews and NOT hearing music kas of RUclips’s copywriting and shit
How come the audio cut out from 0:51-1:11?...
Copy right
I love the goldeneye elevator music you put in there
anyone know where the music during the "technical difficulties"-section (11:05 - 11:23) is from?
I want another Duke sidescroller. Either that or let Flying Wild Hog make a shooter.
I have a friend that prefers this game from skyrim.
I wish I was kiding.
odys mar Why play Skyrim when you can hit wall boobs? :D
maybe he is a huge fan of DUKE "who wouldn't be he is BADASS" but this game wasted him
I once tricked a drunk guy into thinking I was Duke while playing Halo Reach multiplayer.
Does anyone have the audio cut at 0:50 in the video or is it just me?
The copyrighted music is what got muted. You can mute an already posted RUclips video to remove copyrighted material.
the pc version lets you use 4 weapons
so does that make the game better
when you fucked it up you fucked it up and that's it
After this and Aliens Colonial Marines, we can safely say that Gearbox should stay away from half-finished games.