Peugeot 207 GTI - Depollution System Faulty [Part 1]

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 153

  • @VuckoHD
    @VuckoHD  3 года назад +2

    Part 2 is up!
    Watch it here >>>видео.html

  • @joelparas2508
    @joelparas2508 2 года назад +4

    Thanks for a very informative video. I had a similar problem with my 2007 207GT. The Depoluttion error is like a generic message for the Peugeot to say something is wrong with a car, which means could be anything when an OBD2 sensor is attached for diagnosis.
    In my case after replacing the ignition coils, spark plugs, temp sensors, etc, it was ultimately the high pressure fuel pump that fixed the limp mode. Oh by the way don’t use an OEM diverted/blow off valve as they are made of plastic. I replaced that with an aftermarket metal alloy one and works great.
    I’ll be watching your part 2 to find out the solution for your case. Good luck.

  • @hulzi
    @hulzi 4 года назад +21

    Hey, unfortunately I know this too well. Check the timing chain and replace your spark plugs, the original ones are too weak. You may need to adjust your maps on the ECU. On my car, the last error wos finde on piston 4. Hope the best of part 2, keep on going 👍

    • @SpringWaterPaul
      @SpringWaterPaul 4 года назад

      I just had same problem as he had I replaced turbo because it was "loose" and then replaced timinign chain because it loose too. But still it didint solve problem.. But after remowing catalytic converter.. It got that boost back

  • @JustMyFish
    @JustMyFish 3 года назад +5

    Air sensor over heating at high revs and high speed it was the last thing we checked but it is very common fault on this Engine. It was a £93 fix

  • @chrism3403
    @chrism3403 4 года назад +4

    1. To take off the panel for the obd port, just pull towards you from the left side (left from the light beam controller). It is very easy to pop it off from there.
    2. You should have put in the updated version of the diverter valve (commonly known as the mini cooper jc works dv) which uses a plasic piston instead of a membrane.
    3. Check out your timing and carbon build up on the intake valves

  • @blueshrimp6716
    @blueshrimp6716 3 года назад +2

    My Peugeot 207 Depollution story so far. Light came on. Added a bottle of cataclean. Went away for a few months. Came back. Diagnostic said was O2 fault. had the sensor replaced but came back days later. They advised is cat converter and if I use premium fuel it should go away. Mot due in October and it's still there so bit worried what to do nearer the time

    • @teddyQuake
      @teddyQuake 3 года назад +1

      you want to be looking at the fuel filter , also the boost pressure solenoid 'that would be for over boost ' that will flag anti pollution to ,

  • @drnh4444
    @drnh4444 3 года назад +2

    Such a nice guy 👍 I feel the stress for you.

  • @HoppaCheese
    @HoppaCheese 4 года назад +3

    I have had nearly exactly the the same issues with my 207gt. I have replaced everything you have apart from the turbo. Just recently I had the depollution light again and it was related to the the turbo auxillary water cooling pump. It was was causing similar fault codes to what a faulty cat and or cat sensors show. The part is about £120 but 2-3 hours labour to fit. I had it replaced and the car drive noticably better. My light came on again and I was hearing relay switching noises from the engine bay fuse box. My garage diagnosed that the water pump that they fitted was faulty and they are changing it for another new one foc. This is happening on Monday so hopefull it will fix the problem.One thing to note aswell is that i have the same code reader as you with the same app. This reader does not give all the codes that the ecu has recorded. Also the codes that it shows differ from the Peugeot equivelent codes. That code reader does not give you a full picture of the problem. The best thing about that reader is that it does turn off the depolution light reliably. Good luck, i hope you get it fixed.

    • @bonez8002
      @bonez8002 3 года назад +1

      I just bought the same car as yours 65000ks and the same check engine light came up for the same problem

  • @marcbirchley2418
    @marcbirchley2418 3 года назад +2

    You'll probably find either the timing chain has slipped and its causing a fault or the intake valves are fully coked up and it can't breathe... these engines are direct injection so there's no fuel to wash them

  • @novakn85
    @novakn85 4 года назад +3

    Nesto slicno sam ja imao na opel corsi. Auto je takodje ulaziou limp mode kad se malo stisne. U pitanju je dizel od 75 ks. Auto se nije duze vreme vozio zbog toga sto se prodavao. Kod mene je bio problem taj waste gate koji je bio zaglavljen zbog dugog stajanja auta. Mehanicar je to bio sredio tako sto je naprskao wd40 i srafcigerom prodrmao staj deo koji otvara za taj visak pritiska u turbini. Realno nema nista gore nego traziti kvara i menjati redom sve delove dok se ne popravi.

  • @reinislacis5892
    @reinislacis5892 4 года назад +5

    The second part will be soon? I have the same problem with the same car. I have tried several times to fix it, but at the end always appears check engine light, and appears depollution system error. Sometimes, when I drive, the car shuts down.... :(

    • @SpringWaterPaul
      @SpringWaterPaul 4 года назад +2

      just had same problem as you had I replaced turbo because it was "loose" and then replaced timinign chain because it loose too. But still it didint solve problem.. But after remowing catalytic converter.. It got that boost back

    • @jillking4751
      @jillking4751 3 года назад

      Meanwhile, back in Australia I have spent thousands of dollars trying to fix my 207CC petrol turbo with same issues over ten years. In the beginning while the car was still under warranty the Peugeot Dealership tightened timing chain several times before finally replacing it. Then had to have the turbo replaced, then a few years later another turbo, then a new petrol pump. Constant problems which still haven't been resolved. I drive around with the engine light on and constant error code of "depollution system faulty" . I've just gotten used to the in and out of limp mode, power, then no power. I'm retired now and hardly drive it. There's oil leaking from the turbo again 😭 Oh, up until 12 months ago I only put premium petrol in, but reading the manual it's says ordinary unleaded, so that's what I've been using, and honestly no difference to using the more expensive premium. The last mechanic that serviced my car changed one exhaust sensor, but said another further back could be the issue but will wait till it's due for another service and I'll have that seen to, plus the oil leaking from the turbo 😭

    • @jillking4751
      @jillking4751 3 года назад +3

      The makers of these Peugeot cars should be ashamed as there are so many people experiencing the same issues and even the Peugeot Dealerships don't know how to fix them.

    • @julesg1014
      @julesg1014 3 года назад +1

      Where is part 2?

  • @cromvivigti1159
    @cromvivigti1159 3 года назад +1 español...tengo 207rc..n ahi manera de solucionar el problema de podeis darme algun consejo lo agradeceria..en español xfavor

  • @bonez8002
    @bonez8002 3 года назад +1

    Dont know if anyone has said this yet but thank you for doing the videos in english

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  3 года назад

      No problem! Stay tuned for Part 2 of my 207 GTI problem

  • @grastmast
    @grastmast 23 часа назад

    Please advice with my Peugeot 207 1.6 VTi. The engine was running on 3 cylinders, I changed the coil and the next day it only runs on 3 cylinders... Then the fan turns on and doesn't want to turn off until I disconnect the battery.

  • @Muceru
    @Muceru 4 года назад +1

    I've also had a persistent Depollution System Fault. So annoying.

  • @surfkos
    @surfkos 4 года назад +1

    i have worst problem than yours. mine after some depollution system errors started to shut down while driving and then didnt start again for many hours. the problem started i think after changing temperature sensor. when it stopped the diagnostic shows that it was rpm sensor that i changed 3 times. i have changed so far high pressure valve, fuel pump, checked turbo seemed ok. sometimes fixes by itself and 3 technician didnt find any problems..... i just want to fix it, so that i sell it
    ps i notice in your video that your temp sensor goes up and down like mine at 9:30. (when i changed this mine was going up and down like crazy from 60 to 90 and back while starting intercooler even with cold engine)

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  4 года назад +1

      Did you change the thermostat? Because I had the same experience like you and it was a thermostat that got faulty

    • @kostasn3176
      @kostasn3176 4 года назад +1

      @@VuckoHD yes and i think thats where the problems started. a techninian now says me he thinks its a chain timing problem and not the thermostat. i'll inform if he fixes it...

  • @dicepls1869
    @dicepls1869 4 года назад +2

    Had the same problem I brought it to an official peugeot dealer. They replaced the boost pressure control valve and updated the software. Runs smoothly since then.

    • @anon7661
      @anon7661 4 года назад

      exactly the same with this issue. all that time money and effort for this kid and its probs the boost control solenoid below the inlet valve.. just a small amount of research..

    • @elvinawilliams9360
      @elvinawilliams9360 3 года назад

      Hi how much did it cost from the Peugeot dealer?

  • @christophermyers4422
    @christophermyers4422 3 года назад

    have same issue think find not - solenoid value - it the electric water pump to the turbo.

  • @williamanderson6142
    @williamanderson6142 4 года назад +1

    When cold starting my 08 peugeot 308 after sitting overnight,it sometimes give abit of a hiccup and starts "hunting" then usually settles down,but on the odd occasion goes into what i think is a "limp" mode,where it gas massive power loss with black smoke and also the radiator fans kick on.Disconnecting the -battery terminal resets the cpu and all is good,it also shows codes p0087 and p0172 so i presume it fuel "leakback"during the night.It only ever happens when sitting for long periods

  • @faziletdursun2583
    @faziletdursun2583 2 года назад

    Hi, I set out with my 207 1.6 HDi vehicle. On the way, the depollution system faulty letter burned and the engine pain relief lamp turned on, my vehicle fell out of traction, but I arrived at my destination.

  • @silencioseu
    @silencioseu 4 года назад +2

    Depollution System Faulty might either mean your engine is about to blow up or you've put 95 instead of 98 petrol. My modified GTi never had any issues (more than 4 years now), although I got a couple of times dsf it got away immediately after i put 98 octane.

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  4 года назад +1

      I know, just like what I said Depollution System Faulty can be minor problem or major problem. Nice to hear yours is running great! Also I put 100 octane in my 207 GTI.

    • @renatomartins1939
      @renatomartins1939 3 года назад

      Interesting you have mentioned about 95 petrol, I have one GTI and I am in Australia , here we have 91,95 and 98, I have filling my tank with 91 and it was all fine, since I have put 95 not long time afterwards the depollution faulty light came on. Maybe it is the petrol that has caused the issue as nothing different has happened. I will fill the tank with 98 and see what happens.

    • @malokojoao318
      @malokojoao318 2 года назад

      Is it true?
      So i must not driver the car when is writing deppollution system fault ?

  • @johnbutler3654
    @johnbutler3654 2 года назад

    it is the dpf filter blocked and them garages should have known this put some stp fluid in the gas tank to regenerate the dpf

  • @hellengabs2859
    @hellengabs2859 2 года назад

    This problem lead to or caused engine to misfire,Caused ignition plugs to burn ,replaced them, the problem remained but once I put fuel cleaner in the tank and drove at high speed for 20km stopping the car twice and idling for a few minutes,the problem is gone

  • @longhuynh5249
    @longhuynh5249 2 года назад +1

    Wow wow wow, amazing story and quite sweaty from watching how much trouble you went through. Practically replacing almost everything. Are you able to conclude what caused depollution light?

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  2 года назад +1

      There is a Part 2 where I showed what was causing it, watch here:видео.html
      In short it was the turbo wastegate being stuck and couldn't open enough so my turbo was getting too much boost

    • @longhuynh5249
      @longhuynh5249 2 года назад

      @@VuckoHD is the west gate in the hot section?

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  2 года назад

      @@longhuynh5249 Yes

    • @malokojoao318
      @malokojoao318 2 года назад

      How can i fix my deppollution system fault citroen c5 exclusive 2007 3.0 petrol

  • @jandvorak5574
    @jandvorak5574 3 года назад +1

    Hi, In Peugeot 207 cc 110kw I replaced the spark plugs. Instead of NGK PLZKBR7A-G, which were there, I gave Bosch BO 0242135518. It seems to me that the engine jerks a bit when accelerating. What spark plugs are original there and which ones do you recommend? Thank you

  • @rondhole
    @rondhole 4 года назад

    Thanks to share the headaches you have with this diesel car. The diesel engine is great until 2008 when the government required manufacturers with tons of emission limiter. Practically emission regulation chock Diesel engines to death in any small cars and truck. There is no logic at all owning newer Diesel cars, all the money from MPG is flush to the toilet with constant problems and repair. At the end, the MPG in most diesel cars is much lower than Gasoline when we include the repair bills.

  • @evil20ab
    @evil20ab 4 года назад +1

    I had same error message on my citroen c4 coupe, code showed that its high pressure pump, changed that, everything was good for about 3 weeks, and today got that same damn depolution system shit again... Engine cuts out, and i can only drive with low rpms. Back to service... 😀 Searching and reading all possible problems gives me headaches 😀 I will also give an update of the repairing, but offcorse it will take a while. Was looking forward to see pt. 2. Good luck! 😀

    • @technoplanet1016
      @technoplanet1016 3 года назад

      Did you find the issue?

    • @jillking4751
      @jillking4751 3 года назад

      Same with my 207CC, so many parts replaced including 2 X new turbos, new fuel pump, one exhaust sensor closest to the engine and many other things, so the next thing is to pay to get the CO2 sensor further down in the exhaust changed.

    • @jj-jv6ss
      @jj-jv6ss 3 года назад

      @@jillking4751 did you fix it completly now

    • @jillking4751
      @jillking4751 3 года назад +1

      @@jj-jv6ss no not completely fixed. It was costing me too much money so I just keep driving it regardless of the 'depollution fault code' but at least it doesn't completely 'die' in limp mode anymore. It's worth nothing so just not prepared to spend more money on it, and I hardly drive it. Gets me around to do my shopping. I still do regular oil changes, and recently I started adding Liqui-Moly's Fuel System Cleaner and Conditioner. It is designed to deeply clean stubborn carbon deposits and contaminants from the fuel system, injectors and valves, and restores horsepower and reliability. I definitely feel it is working.

  • @VespaRider93
    @VespaRider93 3 года назад +3

    Also i have a lack of boost from time to time,i hope it will be the BOV the problem,because my car doesn't have message of depolution system faulty. I hope you will solve the issue and enjoy the car as much as you can :)

    • @marcbirchley2418
      @marcbirchley2418 3 года назад

      Remove the Forge Motorsport atmospheric valve spacer and fit a GFB recirculation valve, these cars depend on a fully closed system

  • @jonnyb4271
    @jonnyb4271 2 года назад

    I have just brought a thp 150 I hope I don't get these problems.

  • @Shexpir_Mk
    @Shexpir_Mk 2 года назад


  • @YogaAndTravel
    @YogaAndTravel Год назад

    What is the thing bluetooth to check the computer of Peugeot?

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  Год назад

      Here is the Ebay link:

  • @julesg1014
    @julesg1014 3 года назад

    Where is part 2 please 🤔

  • @djbaiamusic
    @djbaiamusic 3 года назад

    Thanks for the video, got the same problem with my 207 GT HDI

  • @LrdKGB
    @LrdKGB 4 года назад +1

    Hi, i'm in a similar situation with my Peugeot and I was wondering what obd2 reader you are using? Thanks

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  4 года назад

      This one:

  • @souksoumouksou6489
    @souksoumouksou6489 3 года назад

    hey, are these 225/45/17 tires on that 207? i have the same car and was thinking of buying a set of those dimentions. also, best of luck with it's issues.

  • @04324794a
    @04324794a 4 года назад

    Na c4 1.6 vts 150ks imam isti problem nema snaga signal antipollution system malku i cadi na auspuh...... Deneska najdov primer na peugeot 3008 isti motor go najde problemot kaj pumpata za ladenje na turboto.. Moze da se proveri. Pozz

  • @milanrajkovic4085
    @milanrajkovic4085 2 года назад

    Sta znaci ta greska depollution system faulty? Imam c4 picasso? Hvalaa

  • @samerodeh3627
    @samerodeh3627 3 года назад

    Hi... Can you tell me the name of the OBD Stick? I want to bay the same what you have... Thanx

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  3 года назад

      Sure, here's the link:

  • @denniswalker9219
    @denniswalker9219 2 года назад

    Good video ! and helpful . cheers

  • @teddyQuake
    @teddyQuake 3 года назад

    boost pressure solenoid , that sorted my anti pollution

  • @mohamedelrefa3y650
    @mohamedelrefa3y650 3 года назад

    What oil type do u use ?

  • @tnsgcl
    @tnsgcl 3 года назад

    i have the 207 1.6l 120hp and the antipollution check is on ... the car is stalling and the gas consumption is more than ever. i've read that solenoids must be causing this but im not sure p0013 and p0010 are the obd codes any ideas anyone? thanks

  • @Filippetreski
    @Filippetreski 4 года назад +1

    Promeni benzisku pumpu ja imam peugeot 207 1.6 HDI imao sam isti problem kad sam sipao naftu na makpetrol idi u lukoil ako imate u SRB i neces imati problema pozz

    • @galambosviktor
      @galambosviktor 3 года назад

      Jesi nešto i menjao od delova ili si samo sipao na drugoj pumpi?

    • @Filippetreski
      @Filippetreski 3 года назад

      @@galambosviktor prvo sam sipao naftu samo na Lukoil a posle nekoliko meseca morao sam da vadim DPF filter.

  • @ganesvaran3512
    @ganesvaran3512 2 года назад

    Hai brother I also got Peugeot 207 gti the screen show up the depollution system fault and then I put the scanner to show up on scanner p0088 fuel pressure too high can I get any idea from you how to fix that

  • @daveterra4778
    @daveterra4778 4 года назад +8

    The good news should be " I fininally got rid of my car"

    • @jillking4751
      @jillking4751 3 года назад +1

      @wise guy depollution faulty could mean lots of different things that why they hook the car up to a computer to check the car's fault codes and even then the codes don't exactly tell you which part is faulty.

  • @howtoplayy
    @howtoplayy 3 года назад

    Good video. So informative. I owned a Peugeot 408 1.6T as well, hopefully doesn’t hv these issue 🙏🏻🙏🏻😖

  • @lavkos76
    @lavkos76 Год назад

    Gde si sredio pumpu visokog pritiska ?

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  Год назад

      Autocentar Savin

  • @hmmmtietmetmosterd
    @hmmmtietmetmosterd Год назад

    Yup premium fuel every now and then, did wonders for me

  • @sssalexsss07
    @sssalexsss07 3 года назад

    So I am guessing it was the turbo?
    Better to replace the whole thing with a new one?

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  3 года назад

      I actually did buy a completely new turbo few days ago, will arrive these days

    • @sssalexsss07
      @sssalexsss07 3 года назад

      @@VuckoHD but did you solve the depollution fault?

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  3 года назад

      @@sssalexsss07 No I will make part 2, in this first part i fixed every problem except the turbo overboosting

  • @germancarfan360
    @germancarfan360 4 года назад

    Where is part 2?? did you ever resolve this?

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  4 года назад +1

      Not yet, but I will make a Part 2 as soon as my car ia fixed

  • @DanialGordi-ir
    @DanialGordi-ir 4 года назад

    Good luck man, I hope it's getting fixed soon.

  • @Thobane
    @Thobane 2 года назад

    My GF Bought 207 2006 Module Diesel.. its give the same problem and it has just faild to be fixed .. losing my mind over this :( we actually endup just parking it )

  • @dejan1558
    @dejan1558 4 года назад

    Jel se secas koju si gresku imao kada si menjao blow off?
    Imam ds3 sa tim motorom, baca mi check engine preko 4000 obrtaja posebno kad je malo uzbrdo.
    Kod greske je p0299 underboost..

    • @labteklab7935
      @labteklab7935 4 года назад

      isti problem na thp motoru peugeot 308.Jesi li resio?

    • @dejan1558
      @dejan1558 4 года назад

      @@labteklab7935 resio.. Remontovao sam turbo.. Ali pre zamene pogledati creva i blow off ventil u 80% slucajeva je to problem, pa tek onda sve ostalo. Blow off mozes i sam skinuti gore je kod turba, lako dostupan i pogledati dal je sve na mestu, obicno se guma raspadne i plastike istope.
      Ako si iz Bg zakazi servis kod Savina, posle lutanja od mesec dana, oni su se pokazali kao najbolji za THP motore, a verovatno I dizele.

    • @labteklab7935
      @labteklab7935 4 года назад +1

      @@dejan1558 Hvala druze, poslucacu te

    • @dejan1558
      @dejan1558 4 года назад

      @@labteklab7935 javi sta si uradio.

  • @SpringWaterPaul
    @SpringWaterPaul 4 года назад +1

    I just had same problem as you had I replaced turbo because it was "loose" and then replaced timinign chain because it loose too. But still it didint solve problem.. But after remowing catalytic converter.. It got that boost back

    • @JustMyFish
      @JustMyFish 3 года назад

      Air sensor I think. We had this problem new air sensor £93 that fixed the problem 👍🏻

  • @galambosviktor
    @galambosviktor 3 года назад

    Pozdrav.imam isti problem sa pežoom!možeš li mi reći šta je u stvari ovde bio problem.hvala

    • @filip6007
      @filip6007 3 года назад

      Ja sam imao isti problem. Zamenio sam senzor temperature dpf/katalizatora i relej grejača i sad je sve okej. Nov senzor košta 100e, ja sam našao polovan senzor i relej za 35e. Inače motor je 1.6hdi 66kw 90ks. Pozz

  • @petarbosnjak6983
    @petarbosnjak6983 3 года назад

    Vučko brate pomagaj, imam isti problem na Citroenu C4 1.6 dizel.Ako imas neki servis koji bi moga da mi resi to a da je u Beogradu, bio bih ti jako zahvalan. Pozz!

    • @yudritewak9188
      @yudritewak9188 3 года назад +1

      Idi kod Neše. Vidska 39. To ti je kod autoputa. Radi Pežoe, ali pretpostavljam i Citroene pošto su slični.

  • @nikolainikolov6790
    @nikolainikolov6790 3 года назад

    Thank you - this video made me give up buying a Peugeot 207 GTI FOREVER ! Better to buy an Opel Corsa OPC or Polo GTI .The corsa opc looks amazing :)

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  3 года назад +1

      No problem, although I bought a cheap one. Even with all the problems I had and still have I'm amazed of the 207 GTI and always am looking forward to drive again, engine when it works its amazing with low rpm torque and almost no turbo lag. Opel Corsa OPC has fewer problems but it still have problems, main one is 4th piston failure. Good luck in your purchase!

  • @bogdanradivojevic4687
    @bogdanradivojevic4687 3 года назад

    Isti problem imam na istom pezou,auto normalno ide samo stoji ta greska.

  • @neilmurphy845
    @neilmurphy845 4 года назад

    Wouldn't it be easier to just get it tuned to except the bigger boost and it would give her more power

    • @mylesjoshuamelia4396
      @mylesjoshuamelia4396 4 года назад +1

      A lot easier, turbos pushing more power so get a map? Easiest thing to do

    • @neilmurphy845
      @neilmurphy845 4 года назад

      @@mylesjoshuamelia4396 ya and he Mays well upgrade it to

  • @bmb3333
    @bmb3333 3 года назад

    I have Peugeot 207 2007 non Turbo Automatic,the vacuum pump or brake pump was leaking I changed the vacuum pump with new seal, now stopped working
    Airconditioner stopped working
    Crank but not working..It's been setting in my garage .
    I changed spark plugs
    Don't know why not working
    I called 3 mobile mechanics they didn't fix it ,they said you need Europe car Profesional 🙄 😑
    I spent allot no fix...

  • @disconnected9420
    @disconnected9420 3 года назад

    Part 2?

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  3 года назад

      Coming up in about a month

  • @mgsp5871
    @mgsp5871 3 года назад

    My 207 runs even better with the check engine light on. Just the oil and water temperature is lower than normal. Also the extern temperature sensor shows 5 degree less than it should.
    I look forward what my technician will tell me tomorrow. :-(

  • @neilmurphy845
    @neilmurphy845 4 года назад

    Why does it say depollution system faulty when it's just for a engine light it should say service engine control system

    • @marcosamadop_1
      @marcosamadop_1 4 года назад +5

      It's because is just a default warning, i have the same car and for every failiure that warning appears

  • @CrashedDreams534
    @CrashedDreams534 3 года назад +1

    1st of all you bought it used
    The price was way to low for the car
    You should really tell people that it is not the cars fault
    More like the previous owners

  • @Wasmachineman
    @Wasmachineman 4 года назад

    Don't they check for emissions there in Serbia? I'd imagine no cat would be a MOT failure.

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  4 года назад +1

      They will start testing the emissions but I heard from multiple people who knows 207 gti engines that said even without catalyc converter it will still pass the emission test

    • @Wasmachineman
      @Wasmachineman 4 года назад

      Interesting, thanks.

    • @chrism3403
      @chrism3403 4 года назад

      @@VuckoHD no way it can pass emission test without a cat. You can smell it that it;s very bad without a cat

  • @joeimbesi99
    @joeimbesi99 2 года назад

    You sound and look a bit like Djokovic here in Australia..Ha!

  • @VukLazarevic
    @VukLazarevic 3 года назад +2

    Brate mene je ta greska upropastila hahahahaha

    • @galambosviktor
      @galambosviktor 3 года назад

      Jesi uspeo da rešiš?šta je na kraju bio problem?

    • @VukLazarevic
      @VukLazarevic 3 года назад

      @@galambosviktor ne moze da se sredi, u sustini sam sve moguce popravljao, krenes sa plinskim uredjajem, onda dizne, pumpe, proveris fuse box i gle radi auto perfektno, potrosnja vrh, nigde ne curi, sve tip top ali mo rece majstor da je negde elektronika zabola zbog korodiranja krajeva kablova?!?!?! I tako vozim i dan danas sa lampicom i nista ne fali. Jbg... Bukv elektronika igla u plastu sena

    • @filip6007
      @filip6007 3 года назад +1

      Ja zamenio senzor temperature dpf/katalizatora i relej grejača i ne sija lampica. Ma da depollution system faulty može da bude bilo šta. Sva sreća pa mi drugar ima dijagnostiku za Peugeot/Citroen pa smo probali redom sve sta radi sta ne i na kraju je bio senzor temp. Dpf/katalizatora i relej grejača. Inače motor je 1.6hdi 66kw 90ks.pozz

  • @MultiXANTIA1
    @MultiXANTIA1 4 года назад

    zato sto si icupao katalizator a nisi softwerski premapirao ECU, imaces uvek check engine ili ADSF na ekranu.

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  4 года назад +2

      Nije tačno, vozim ga skoro godinu dana bez katalizatora i u normalnoj voznji ne izbacuje check engine. Samo kad dam pun gas preko 4000rpm onda izbaci gresku da je pritisak u turbini preveliki, ni ne spominje katalizator.

    • @MultiXANTIA1
      @MultiXANTIA1 4 года назад

      @@VuckoHD a kad si iscupao katalizator, dali si preprogramirao ECU? jer lambda senzor ima i pred i pozadi katalizatoru. Meni su rekli da ako ispraznimo katalizator, isto kao kod tebe sto je majstor izvadio.,da ce morati novi remap softweru da urade, jer ce lambda sonda 2 da izbacuje gresku i stavljati auto u Limp mode. Meni je majstor stelovao turbinu i kalibrirao,sada ne ide vise u Limp mode, gura do 6 hiljada obrtaja bez problema.

    • @darkozivkovic3113
      @darkozivkovic3113 3 года назад +1

      @@MultiXANTIA1 Jel si ti skinuo katalizator, ako jesi, ko ti je to odradio? Meni izbacuje da je problem lambda sonda, koju sam zamenio a problem i dalje ostao isti. Samo sto kod mene posle nekoliko dana voznje sam izbrise gresku i vrati snagu. Narednih par dana je ok pa opet ukljuci gresku i tako u krug.

    • @MultiXANTIA1
      @MultiXANTIA1 3 года назад

      @@darkozivkovic3113 ne,nisam jos izvadio katalizator.Nemam greske nikakve,jedino sto ima neka knedla kad stisnem gas na otprilike 1500 do 2500 obrtaja,zatim gura domax.obrtaja bez problema.Sumnjam na lambda sondu neku,mada je jos ne izbacuje kao greska.

    • @MultiXANTIA1
      @MultiXANTIA1 3 года назад

      @@darkozivkovic3113 ja sam 100% siguran da trebas isprazniti katalizator,mozda je i poceo da mirise na sulfur🤮

  • @motorxrules1
    @motorxrules1 4 года назад

    Had the same issue, basically it's going to get worse.
    I recently replaced the ECU with a new one incase of water damage.
    But after Months and months of research and replacing parts on the Peugeot 207 i've traced it to a wiring loom fault.

  • @gberidze7
    @gberidze7 4 года назад

    bro this problems is not in TURBO

  • @crazypanda5702
    @crazypanda5702 4 года назад +1

    Im thinking about buying a peugot 207 gti, is it worth it?

    • @mohdalaswad
      @mohdalaswad 4 года назад +5

      😂 Nope

    • @Vortecus
      @Vortecus 4 года назад +4

      My first car, don't. Got this error message and has been in limp mode 50% of the time despite only having 70k miles on the clock and spent over £1000 on repairs.

    • @mohdalaswad
      @mohdalaswad 4 года назад

      @@Vortecus it is a crazy car

    • @rebel099tl
      @rebel099tl 3 года назад +1

      Don’t bother they’re a nightmare unless it’s been well looked after from new

    • @crazypanda5702
      @crazypanda5702 3 года назад +1

      @@rebel099tl i bought a miata 😂

  • @enzoscrimnger3088
    @enzoscrimnger3088 4 года назад +2

    Do yourself a favor and get rid of that car ...its a dream to drive when its working but its poor build quality ....its just not reliable.
    i tried to fix mine for 2 years taking it to many 'specialists' , i spent thousands ...
    Replaced the timing chain, gaskets, turbo, valves , main bearings , boost pipes and so much more....
    And eventually sold it at a loss.
    Rather get a ST150 or ST180 best choice i made after owning my crap 'pug 207' with its depolution fault

    • @Agent.K.
      @Agent.K. 3 года назад

      Yeah I gave up on mine even though it was one of the most fun cars I had. Sad.

  • @stassysm5807
    @stassysm5807 Год назад

    Moj nije turbo, ali se ta greska isto svako malo javlja, vecinom zbog gluposti tipa kad nesto oksidira. -.- Valjda nije katalizator...

  • @uodavid
    @uodavid 2 года назад

    I swear the PSA (Peugeot/Citroen) thp 1.6 engine is a crap, I mean it's a nonsense

  • @andyg817
    @andyg817 Год назад

    Im Amazed how much ££££ spent on this lol... just a peugeot, lol..

  • @kellypocock2896
    @kellypocock2896 2 года назад

    Funking adverts

  • @bouzidmouhmed4345
    @bouzidmouhmed4345 4 года назад

    Niveau carburant faible

  • @ddinterify
    @ddinterify 3 года назад +1

    Svjećice promijeniti, sve ostalo su gluposti i netočnosti.

    • @VuckoHD
      @VuckoHD  3 года назад

      Vec sam bio promenio svećice i opet ista stvar tako da nisu samo svećice

  • @lopezben3023
    @lopezben3023 4 года назад +2

    - NOT, NOT, NOT ... Peuge-NOT.