The Workers: Let's Work Together music video

  • Опубликовано: 17 ноя 2011
  • Video for the single "Let's Work Together" by The Workers, a group of public service workers coming together to raise awareness and solidarity ahead of the TUC day of action on pensions justice on 30 November 2011. Download it via

Комментарии • 52

  • @richardoswaldazak8532
    @richardoswaldazak8532 4 года назад

    this song is about working together not politics or unions or money .... talking about Harmony in working together in this world

  • @jackiegeritz5345
    @jackiegeritz5345 9 месяцев назад

    Together we'll stand, divided we'll fall
    Come on now people, let's get on the ball and work together
    Come on, come on let's work together, now, now people
    Because together we will stand, every boy, every girl, and a man
    Before when things go wrong, as they sometimes will
    And the road you travel, it stays all uphill
    Let's work together, come on, come on, let's work together, ah
    You know together we will stand, every boy, girl, woman, and a man
    Oh well now, two or three minutes, two or three hours
    What does it matter now, in this life of ours
    Let's work together, come on, come on
    Let's work together, now, now people
    Because together we will stand, every boy, every woman, and a man
    Oh, come on
    Oh come on, let's work together
    Oh well now, make someone happy, make someone smile
    Let's all work together and make life worthwhile
    Let's work together, come on, come on
    Let's work together, now, now people
    Because together we will stand, every boy, girl, woman, and a man
    Ah, yeah
    Well now, together we will stand, every boy, girl, woman, and a man
    Ah, yeah
    Source: LyricFind
    Songwriters: Wilbert Harrison

  • @jopaleco
    @jopaleco 12 лет назад

    Absolutely fantastic! I'm a teacher and a union man, myself in Portugal and I totally support your struggle in Britain. It's no news that the same is happening here. Our general strike last Thursday was quite relevant but we're only starting...all the best for you.

  • @noprofitmaximierung
    @noprofitmaximierung 12 лет назад +1

    Workers of the World, Unite!

  • @philward53
    @philward53 12 лет назад

    @usainlightning UNISON's Public-Private Sector Pay Myths Factsheet points out that in the year of the supposed changeover to "higher" public sector pay, employees of Northern Rock, RBS and Lloyds were moved into the public sector (from Dec 2008). This also affected calculations of pay rises in public vs. private sector.

  • @charmaine725
    @charmaine725 12 лет назад

    @usainlightning Anyone can join the GMB and be represented regardless of who they work for. ALL workers have rights but it is up to them to chose whether to work and live at the behest of their employer or have the backing of thousands of others behind them. I used to work for a small businessman who paid far below the minimum wage (until it came in) and treated his staff like dirt. He spent more on his childs trainers than his managers weekly salary. As soon as I could I joined a union.

  • @philward53
    @philward53 12 лет назад

    @usainlightning Bringing Northern Rock, Lloyds and RBS into the public sector was presumably enough to bring public sector "average pay" from just below that of the private sector to just above it. That's all I'm saying. What is true is that private sector workers lost a lot of rights and benefits in their terms and conditions from the 1980's onwards. That doesn't mean that public sector workers should lose them now. We are fighting for all working people.

  • @goggleboxy
    @goggleboxy 12 лет назад

    @carpet691 totally agree...I work in the public sector and am in the pension scheme but it seems to me that people who are on the highest salaries are the greediest...they should be thankful that they have good "fairly secure jobs" and should count their blessings. I am not in any union and am expecting some hassle when I go in work on 30th November...

  • @thebridgeuk1
    @thebridgeuk1 12 лет назад

    Love the song and the great video!

  • @charmaine725
    @charmaine725 12 лет назад

    Everything you have you owe to people who faught for you.
    Your freedom.
    Did you go to school? They faught for yourfree education?
    Had ANY medical treatment? They faught for your free care.
    Ever voted? They faught for your right to vote.
    A minimum wage? Faught for that too.
    Easy to take it all for granted - isn't it. Public sector workers work for everyone. ALL workers are important. Be united and defeat this Government or fall into their trap - bicker and watch them destroy us all.

  • @usainlightning
    @usainlightning 12 лет назад

    @philward53 That's an absoultely tiny proportion of either the public/private sector and would have basically zero affect on the overall average wage.

  • @philward53
    @philward53 12 лет назад

    @usainlightning A lot of low paid public sector jobs have been privatised (often with lowering of their pay and losses in rights, especially if they went onto temporary or part-time contracts) over the last 30 years - cleaners, caterers, refuse collectors and so forth. That is the main reason that (mean? median?) private sector pay may be lower than public sector. Incidentally, I work as a school lab technician and I have a PhD. I earn £14,000 a year and my pay has been frozen for two years.

  • @snowstarswan
    @snowstarswan 12 лет назад

    @usainlightning that's precisely why we have unions - private sector workers need to unionise.

  • @thebridgeuk1
    @thebridgeuk1 12 лет назад

    We just love this video, great message too.

  • @coveredintea
    @coveredintea 12 лет назад

    I love his walk. Let's all do the same! Stride together in solidarity on #nov30 !

  • @thebridgeuk1
    @thebridgeuk1 12 лет назад

    Great feel good video and a positive message about working people.

  • @philward53
    @philward53 12 лет назад

    @usainlightning That's not correct: over 12.5 million people work for firms of 50 and over, while less than 11 million work in firms with 0-49 employees. 3.3 million of the 4.5 million companies have no employees. See table 1 in "Business Population Estimates for the UK and Regions 2011". Also, just because a company is small doesn't mean it can't be unionised: in fact it could be easier to get 100% unionisation in a small business.

  • @rrrrmm1
    @rrrrmm1 12 лет назад

    Local Government funding is 58% from Central Government and only 24% of the cost falls to Council taxpayers. The UK has 25 million households,so the shortfall of £5.9 million works out at £235 per household. 18% of that comes from business rates. So Johnny taxpayer funds just £193 per household,of which 58% is from general taxation and Government borrowing,this leaves £80 from each typical council tac bill.That is 6% of the typical bill.

  • @miguelcasacuberta5700
    @miguelcasacuberta5700 9 лет назад


  • @begent73
    @begent73 12 лет назад

    Power to the people! Especially the mental health nurses! :) See you all on the picket line 30th Nov!

  • @lozsquarepants
    @lozsquarepants 12 лет назад

    sooo cheesey but I love it! No matter how people choose to fight back, this is what it's all about :)

  • @adders45
    @adders45 12 лет назад

    @bfslon they hope so but truth being that things could get soooo bad that we truly will be in it together no matter how powerful or rich you are you can't eat yer money or escape death....

  • @usainlightning
    @usainlightning 12 лет назад

    @MrHodgsont What about carpenters, construction workers, mechanics etc? Why should they pay for guaranteed final salary pensions?, the likes of which they can only dream of.

  • @ChrisSampson87
    @ChrisSampson87 12 лет назад

    Those headphones? On a bus driver's wage?

  • @QEDmofos
    @QEDmofos 12 лет назад

    @jopaleco Because Portugal is a sterling example of a roaring economy...

  • @usainlightning
    @usainlightning 12 лет назад

    @snowstarswan The majority of private sector workers work for small businesses with relatively few employees. Unionising makes no difference there.

  • @Amyphist
    @Amyphist 12 лет назад

    Someone suggested this to me as a candidate for Christmas no.1 this year. Um... it's not exactly "Killing in the Name", is it? There's nothing here that David Cameron would find particularly objectionable: just vague, happy-clappy bromides about how we should all work together and smile. Christ, if this is what a protest song sounds like in the year 2011, no wonder we're fucked.

  • @cobrolchain2
    @cobrolchain2 12 лет назад

    @Terraxos Captain Ska's Liar Liar from last year is still very relevant. watch?v=BQFwxw57NBI

  • @offmains
    @offmains 12 лет назад

    @angloengland I know a lot that spent the day in the pub

  • @usainlightning
    @usainlightning 12 лет назад

    @charmaine725 Switch employers if yours is so bad. Contrary to popular belief the majority of employers realise that motivated staff is beneficial to the company.

  • @charmaine725
    @charmaine725 12 лет назад

    @MrHodgsont Many private sector workers get LOWER salaries than public sector workers especially in the care sector where work is subcontracted out. BUT we shouldnt blame public sector workers. We should blame the middle men and Government who have taken the money away from client facing staff to pay new private directors and corporate managers fees.

  • @avinabacca
    @avinabacca 12 лет назад

    @angloengland Like I say - you're just making an arse of yourself. If everyone opposed to the strike is as gormless as you (and indeed, many are), the strikers'll win everything they ask for and more. Solidarity...

  • @rrrrmm1
    @rrrrmm1 12 лет назад

    Remember when Teachers, Civil Servants, Policemen, Ambulance staff, Nurses, Midwives, Doctors and Fireman crashed the stock market, wiped out banks, took billions in bonuses and paid no tax? No, me neither

  • @mkatfield
    @mkatfield 12 лет назад

    You can support our campaign to stop our school being turned into an Academy by signing our petition on my RUclips page.

  • @charmaine725
    @charmaine725 12 лет назад

    @usainlightning You are asking the wrong question. You should be asking why is it my boss can afford a nice fat pay check/share bonus regardless of whether my company is making a profit or not, and refusing to contribute to a pension scheme for me? The Gov.t is pitching private sector workers against public sector workers. I have always been in a union having worked for both and paid into pension scheme all my career but I will be lucky to see any of it due to get out clauses Gov gives employer

  • @rrrrmm1
    @rrrrmm1 12 лет назад

    The public sector pensions are paid by its members. While we fight against each other guess who is laughing all the way to the bank with billions of pounds? It is true what they say Divide and conquer!

  • @rrrrmm1
    @rrrrmm1 12 лет назад

    They are just workers like you and me. Working all of their life, is it too much to expect a pension at the end of a working life? If you think they have it so good, why don't you join the public sector? or why don't you organise yourselves so you can have a decent pension too, instead of begrudging ours. Why do multinational and large companies managed to pay a minimal amount of tax through by locating themselves in tax heavens.especially establish for the rich.

  • @usainlightning
    @usainlightning 12 лет назад

    @MrHodgsont Pribate sector workers being paid more is a total myth. It did used to be the case but recently average public sector salaries have overtaken those in the private sector. Which means that public sector workers get better pensions, salaries and conditions all of which is provided by the private sector.

  • @rrrrmm1
    @rrrrmm1 12 лет назад

    This money is not going to the workers for nothing. Its in return for THEIR LABOUR, which benefits you and me.
    Since when public sector workers are the enemy?

  • @AnonymousVendetta69
    @AnonymousVendetta69 12 лет назад

    @lozabele lol i think you are reading way too much into this video!

  • @avinabacca
    @avinabacca 12 лет назад

    @angloengland What are you on about, mate? Either make a worthwhile comment or knock it on the head and give up - as it is you're just making an arse of yourself.

  • @avinabacca
    @avinabacca 12 лет назад

    @angloengland Low-brow response, especially when you started it with the meaningless BS - very dull, and again, not good enough. Isn't there something you can copy-paste from today's The Sun Says as a "retort"?

  • @AnonymousVendetta69
    @AnonymousVendetta69 12 лет назад

    @lozabele don't know if trolling, or just stupid. what the hell has this got to do with patriarchy?

  • @usainlightning
    @usainlightning 12 лет назад

    What about low-paid private sector workers? Why do they have to contribute more to pensions they themselves could never even dream of?
    The TUC is a disgrace.

  • @stephenhayesuk
    @stephenhayesuk 12 лет назад

    socialists ahve never been very good at sums.
    life expectancy is now around 80.
    our current pension arangements were based on a life expectancy of around 70 years
    do the math

  • @avinabacca
    @avinabacca 12 лет назад

    @angloengland Witty comeback, buddy - no, really. About as good as your trolling. Disappointingly formulaic and almost listless. Why bother?

  • @avinabacca
    @avinabacca 12 лет назад

    @angloengland Crap trolling. Please try harder.