Alina, I am an Art teacher and I've just used this video in classroom for a class about Art production in quarantine. And I'll tell you this: the students absolutely loved it, just like I loved it when I watched your cover for the first time. You are really amazing. Thank you for making our lives more artistic and beautiful.
@Nocti Nox Yeah. The internet has it's ups and downs, but chatting with people the world over is awesome. That said, I go for more "For a foreigner, you have good English. Is it better than some people I have had the misfortune of knowing? Yes. But those people have shit English. As I said in a comment earlier today I think, I'm a stickler.
I love the detail of the different eye colors for different characters. Great attention to detail. Great song cover! We, the listeners, are glad to be here.
I'm sure many of you know about the "Wellerman", but for those who don't this might help. In the old sailing ship days of whaling there was a ship supply company called "Weller Brothers' shipping company". Their agents would periodically visit the docks in their wagons and carts to sell supplies to the ships and crews that they would need for their long sea voyages. Things like sugar, tea, tobacco, rum, etc. The individual agents became known simply as "The Wellerman", and was eagerly awaited by the crews. Hope that helps some to enjoy the song a little more.
Некоторое количество лет назад, 17 марта, случился внеочередной парад всех небесных тел. Разверзлись небеса и родилась Алина, ныне известная как Рыжехвост. Так поздравим же её с праздником, пожелаем ей счастья и здоровья. И пусть её никогда не покидает вдохновение.
The funny thing is: she makes this look so easy. I mean she plays a bunch of instruments, sings in a few tunes, and it looks like it's just afternoon fun for her. I can't help but to love it :)
Soon may the gingertail come To bring us beautiful vid and song she will win Queen of our hearts One day the haters will join the subscribers and gingertail will keep onnnn singinggg.
This woman is a musical mastermind. I do not know how many instruments she plays or how many languages she sings in. And still the videos are true poetry. First time i watched this i thought is was made by triplets.
@@louisrobitaille5810: Except that she’s much nicer to look at, lol. Btw, don’t know if you noticed but much of Gavin’s production techniques sound quite Alan Parsons-ish to me.
@@rayray8687 🤯 *can only dream of being like that one day* I can play fiddle, mandolin, guitar, and a little of upright bass and dulcimer. So I’m on my way🤪
@@sillygoosetaur And have enought money to learn it. Btw not saying she isnt talented but if you dont have money for at least the instruments you may never discover if you have also been blessed by the gods like her.
I'm a seaman and we're currently anchored at somewhere near to St Petersburg. This is the version of this song that I keep listening to every now and then. Alina is the queen. \m/
Алина чокается бокалами на дне рождения, понимает, что стиральная доска, не единственный неординарный предмет для извлечения звука. Здоровья и продуктивности! 🎉
Господи, какая красота! Голос, внешность, умение играть на различных инструментах... А эти глаза..... Красавица! Любви, счастья и успехов в жизни! Браво!
My daughter is six months old and absolutely adores you. She literally will start smiling and kicking her feet in excitement when I put this song on for her ❤😂
True, but on the flipside it doesn't fit the song at all. It's a rather depressing song which is lost due to her cheerful singing and grinning all the time. She did not understand the song also on another level - it is not a pirate song, it is a whaling song. Still, love her interpretation anyway! :D
@@Sanderus There's literally compilations of songs that have depressing lyrics but happy melodies. Doesn't mean she didn't understand it because let's be honest, it's no complex poem. There was also no pirate symbolism in the video, so I'm not sure where you're taking that from. Is it the hat? Granted it's not very appropriate to the time period, but it does give that nautical feeling.
@@Triattt There's a chest of treasure and a skull in the background. Also, the cat's hat shows the Jolly Roger. That said I love this version, the arrangement even sounds Celtic to me. Although, it might just be the tin whistle XD
@@agustin.santiago.gutierrez its probaply not the jolly roger but a totenkopf, prussian hussar symbol commonly found on hussar headgear and then a ripoff version on the nazi headgear in ww2. the totenkopf lasted from the rise of the prussian hussars until anton von mackensen died.
текст на русском: "Однажды по морям ходил корабль, Имя ей было Котелок с Чаем Задували ветра, её нос опускался Наддайте, мои задиры, наддайте!
Скоро придёт Веллерман** Принесёт нам сахару, чая и рома Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку Мы соберёмся и уйдём
И двух недель не прошло, как она была в море Когда прямо на неё вышел могучий кит Капитан весь экипаж созвал и клялся, Что возьмёт этого кита на буксир
Скоро придёт Веллерман Принесёт нам сахару, чай и ром Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку Мы соберёмся и уйдём
Ещё до того, как лодки спустить, Поднялся хвост кита и зацепил их Весь экипаж ринулся к борту, загарпунил кита и боролся Но кит вглубь далеко ушёл
Скоро придёт Веллерман Принесёт нам сахару, чай и ром Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку Мы соберёмся и уйдём
Ни троса не срубили, кита не упустили, Не жадность была на уме у Капитана; Он верен был китобойской чести А корабль за собой тащил кит
Скоро придёт Веллерман Принесёт нам сахару, чай и ром Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку Мы соберёмся и уйдём
Все сорок дней, а может больше Трос то ослабевал, то натягивался снова Все лодки потеряли - их всего четыре было Но тот кит всё плыл и плыл
Скоро придёт Веллерман Принесёт нам сахару, чай и ром Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку Мы соберёмся и уйдём
Я слышал, что битва всё ещё идёт Трос не рублен, кит не отпущен И Веллерман отпускает свой клич Чтобы ободрить капитана, команду и всех
Скоро придёт Веллерман Принесёт нам сахару, чай и ром Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку Мы соберёмся и уйдём
Скоро придёт Веллерман Принесёт нам сахару, чай и ром Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку Мы соберёмся и уйдём"
Немножко похоже на "Старик и море" Хемингуэя. Там он тоже долго боролся с марлином. Привязал его к судну. Но марлина по ходу сожрали акулы. Старик им тогда крикнул: "Ешьте, галанос, давитесь ! И пусть вам приснится, что вы убили человека!"
Довольно романтично описывается промысел китобоя)) Вот здесь кажется поближе к реальности. Дуй ветер попутный (перевод американского фольклера) Пустили объявленье на севере страны; "Лихие китобои Америке нужны". Припев: Дуй, ветер попутный, Вой-завывай! Дружно за дело, ребята, Наддай, наддай! И если вы в Нью-Бедфорд пришли в недобрый час, То мигом проходимцы экипируют вас. Там скажут, что к отходу любой корабль готов И мы через полгода забьем пятьсот китов. Вот в море мы выходим, а ветер зол и лют, Матросы все на палубе и в кубрике блюют. А уж насчет питанья, так разносолов нет: Вонючая говядина да горсть гнилых галет. Полезли мы на ванты, и слышен голос нам, "Посматривай на реи, не то пойдешь к чертям!" Наш капитан на мостике, мы забрались на ют, Орет впередсмотрящий: "Китов фонтаны бьют!" "Спускай, ребята, шлюпки, за ними вслед пойдем, Да будьте осторожней: перешибут хвостом!" Забили, потащили, пришел разделки час, Для отдыха минутки нет никому из нас. Когда все в трюм запхали - расчету череда: Полдоллара на рыло, шесть месяцев труда. Когда сойдем на берег в каком-то из портов, Надрызгаемся вдосталь да бросим бить китов!
Ох.. до чего же вы очаровательны. Рыжие волосы и зелёные глаза меня завораживают. Словно красавица из ирландских сказок явившаяся в наш мир. Истинная ведьма.
Me: wow, you can play the banjo, mandolin, balalajka, flute, accordion and sing like an angel. Can you play the guitar? Alina: sure, gimme that boom boom wood.
Я врач хирург и мы твои песни, Алина, слушаем во время операций😁 И всё у нас получается с твой помощью 😁😁👍👍 Продолжай нас радовать своими песнями, удачи тебе в твоём творчестве!!!
Wow! The young Lady is a multi-talented musician. She has a lovely voice and I can't recall how many instruments she plays. Very, very well done, Miss.
This cover is amazing ! She's ridiculously talented : her voice, the instrument arrangements, the costumes.... She smiles while singing, the subtle display of fun she's having while performing this is perfect. And her slight accent is fitting. Cheers me every time I listen to this. Thank you so much for sharing your beauty with the world.
Pleased you're keeping this old New Zealand folk song alive and kicking, Gingertail. May you always keep your heading sound, and the wind forever fill your sails.
I am sure that most people have no idea about the meaning of this song. Nor do they know that it relates to New Zealand (south Island) and that the Wellerman is a chandlers ship from Sydney.
Из всех английских исполнений этой песни ваша мне нравится больше всего. Тут интонация, мотив, музыкальное сопровождение и паузы прям так, как я бы хотел слышать эту песню.❤ Подписываюсь.
Вообще это sea shanty, жанр в котором музыкального сопровождения не должно быть. И исполнялись они, понятное дело, только мужчинами. С музыкой и женским вокалом получилось неплохо, но совсем не аутентично.
Слушая эту песню, спетую таким чарующим голосом и смотря в эти, наполненные некой неотразимой красотой глаза, я просто уверен, что любой новозеландский китобой забросил бы своё ремесло и вернулся на берег увидев и услышав это чудо.
"что любой новозеландский китобой забросил бы своё ремесло и вернулся на берег" And a good thing too; leave those poor, intelligent, caring whales alone.
Ho sentito moltissime versioni di questa canzone, ma la sua è la più bella in assoluto, sia per la sua voce bellissima, sia per i costumi, sia per la sua capacità di suonare diversi strumenti e altri complimenti per chi ha montato il video. Lei è sia una ragazza che un'artista meravigliosa
She is truely talented. A Diamond in the rough, hidden amongst sea of mediocrity. She puts a lot of effort into her music and passion and It shows brighter than any star
Whatever you do... Do NOT try to count how many instruments she knows... It will only drive you to some very dark depths of utter madness! Otherwise welcome to the brotherhood of simps! 😅😅😅
@@aragorn1780 you speak the truth, we are simps here, more than we like to admit. Likewise I've tried to count the instruments once... I've lost count... So many times... I think I have a better chance at counting the amount of times I lost count.
Wow love this version. What can't she play? Prince played a lot of instruments and there are few musicians out there that can do the same and I admire all of them. She is just one beautiful package physically and musically.
@@igorbelov6417 Покрасить волосы и хоть зелёной будет,то что у неё от природы тёмные волосы только имибицил не увидит.На отросшие корни посмотри.Слепошары мля
To jest coś cudownego nie tylko ty jako przepiękna przeurocza kobieta ze wspaniałym głosem ale z nieodgadnioną dla mnie chyba czarną lub mroczną ale dającą się pokochać i umiłować duszyczkę ☯️💌♥️⏳❣️🔥🖤💓💓🔥💓❣️🔥❣️💓🔥❣️🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️☯️💌
Алинка, спасибо тебе огромное за все твои, не побоюсь этого слова, шедевры! Слушаю тебя постоянно: дома, на улице, во время работы, учёбы, когда отдыхаю, в онлайне, офлайне и всё никак не могу наслушаться))) Хотелось бы ещё увидеть разговорные видосики по типу "Что случилось с каналом?" и "Ответы на вопросы", уверен что вопросов накопилось достаточно)))
@@fireknight3701 далеко не на все, плюс в видеоформате смотреть приятнее. Я уверен, очень многим зрителям интересно и заманчиво посмотреть на Алину лишний раз вне образа, принимаемого для отдельного видео. Такие видео есть, но их немного и редко, и давно не было..
@@fireknight3701 @Молчаливый Зритель я говорил о тех видосах просто как о примерах разговорных видео у неё на канале. Тот же Дрианте помимо того, что делал на каждую круглую дату такие видео с ответами на вопросы, новостями и т.д., делал ещё обзор на свой основной инструмент Лоу вистлы, а Алина говорила что может сделает обзор на свои инструменты) Ну и полностью согласен с комментарием Владимира)))
@@fireknight3701 "А вы спросили, ей это интересно и заманчиво?" а её разве кто то принуждает?))) Алина сама решает, что записывать, а что нет, а говорить, что хотелось бы от неё увидеть пока никто не запрещал))) Я думаю, тема исчерпана.
Где-то в Хабаровске: - Ало, это магазин оптики? - Да, мне надо вся ваша партия линз для глаз со всеми существующими цветами. - Да, карие тоже нужны. - И что с того что у меня они и так карие? - А для котов у вас варианты имеются? - А для плюшевых акул? - Эй, почему вы не отвечаете? - Ало? Ало!
No doubt about it, lady. This whole video, performance, and musical concept naturally "knocks it right out of the park!" 3:22 min of pure visual and musical beauty. Bravo Bravissimo!
Ура, товарищи! За четыре дня до своего... эээм... очередного Дня Рождения, Алина сделала тааакой офигенный подарок своим почитателям... что просто - 50 оттенков зелёного... ан нет. на 50 оттенков зеленее! )) Весна же! В общем: ЙО-ХО-ХО, господа! То есть, конечно же - УРА!!! )
Brother she's a great for music class. She cover's many songs from video games your student's have probably played which means they will recognize and relate to immediately. Gingertail rules.
"...when the tongueing is done...." refers to cutting out the whale's tongue - a bit gory for teaching to kids...... But I'm pleased to see that no-one here is calling this a "shanty" - the rest of the world seems to, but it's not a shanty (it's a "forebitter").
@@theladthattakescontent2650 Yes, wrong. A shanty was specifically a work song, sung to keep the work rhythm, only ever sung onboard ship while at sea, or on embarking/disembarking port. There were hauling (halyard) shanties, pump shanties, capstan (winding) shanties, etc. A forebitter was a sea song or ballad sung when NOT working, for entertainment purposes, while relaxing, very often on shore. Shanties, by superstition, were NEVER sung on shore. Forebitters, although originally onboard songs, were most often sung while on shore. "Wellerman" is not a shanty, it's a shore-based forebitter, a maritime song. I sing in a shanty group, so I know of what I speak.
I really like all the different accent in this video. Sometimes you sound like a fine lady of the Sea who enjoy life. The kind of lady everyone would like as a family friend. The kind that you would raise your glass to. (Positive gesture of approval and respect) Sometimes(rare) you revert back to your Russian accent. Which sound really nice. No one can completely remove her accent but you do a great job at hiding it. But, when your accent appear it's always pleasant to hear 😊 You made a beautiful video. I'm going to Pour a little bit of rum after work tonight. Not enough to be drunk but enough to feel like a sailor :P. I'm French Canadian (Québecois). Sorry if some of my sentence are a little bit weird. I really hope you keep on making theses video. Google translate : Хорошего дня и уважения к вам
I like this version of the song. You really do it justice Alina. You're one of only a very few who pronounce the name of the ship correctly. It's "The Billy'o Tea" in reference to the transport of sugar, tea and rum to the on-shore whaling camps in New Zealand's early history, by the Weller Brother's shipping line that was based in Sydney Australia. A billy is a tin can (usually a re-purposed, powdered milk can) used to boil water and tea over a campfire in remote regions of Australia and to a lesser extent in New Zealand. Yes, these "billies" are still in use today (2023).
While you might be right about those facts, it would then beg the question why would you call your ship basically 'a cup of tea'? That is a silly name for a ship, esp a whaling vessel!
Hellli Greetings an very big respect from Germany. I am a musician too and know you doin Hard work. I only Play 4 Instruments ( great highland bagpipe, smallpipe in d, Sheppered pipe ( a german/ dutch bagpipe ), next year cornermuse in low d( french bagpipe), all this with teachers, an i taught by mysel tin whistle, and this is a lot of work. Respect, respect....
чем мне нравится видео с алинкой, она старатеся полностью вжиться в роль персонажа, которого исполняет и по максимому передать энергию и атмосферу трэка, ну и точ, что она играет на всём чем только можно🤩
(lyrics) There once was a ship that put to sea The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea The winds blew up, her bow dipped down Oh blow, my bully boys, blow Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day, when the tonguing is done We'll take our leave and go She'd not been two weeks from shore When down on her a right whale bore The captain called all hands and swore He'd take that whale in tow Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day, when the tonguing is done We'll take our leave and go Before the boat had hit the water The whale's tail came up and caught her All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her When she dived down low Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day, when the tonguing is done We'll take our leave and go No line was cut, no whale was freed The captain's mind was not of greed And he belonged to the Whaleman's creed She took that ship in tow Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day, when the tonguing is done We'll take our leave and go For forty days or even more The line went slack then tight once more All boats were lost, there were only four But still that whale did go Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day, when the tonguing is done We'll take our leave and go As far as I've heard, the fight's still on The line's not cut, and the whale's not gone The Wellerman makes his regular call To encourage the captain, crew and all Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day, when the tonguing is done We'll take our leave and go Soon may the Wellerman come To bring us sugar and tea and rum One day, when the tonguing is done We'll take our leave and go
You think i need to remember the original song's lyrics amd the covers? Only weaklings need lyrics for this song! Like literally, You can memorize singing "sugar, tea and Rum."
@@gaychainsaw646 What the fuck bro what sewer did you come out of? That comment with lyrics is for me, not for you, don't think so important if no one knows you even at home, (okay, it was a little joke, I'll stop hahaha) in my country this song is not so well known and I discovered it ago a few years, I would just like to learn it
So the russian siren sings the currently most well known sea shanty, and also changed her eye colour with magic i guess, i already knew you couldn't be human since how can someone play so many instruments? Huehue amazing job as always Alina, cheers from Brazil ! :)
@@edi9892 So you do remember a lil while ago when sea shanties got a lil bit famous and everyone was listening to them? So this song was the one people heard around ((mostly because of tiktok, yeah i know crazy that such an app could actually do any good in the end)). The version people knew the most was the one made by "The Longest Johns", wich is a band of friends that sing many different shanties ((real shanties that were sung at the time or shanties that they wrote themselves)), it's really good and i would recommend you to check them out, just like The Dreadnaughts.
I listen to you all the day and night these days. Witcher, world of tanks, skyrim, elden ring... Your talent is just amazing Alina ❤️👏 I search for Slavic lyrics. You perform so nice in all languages. What a chance to discover an artist like you for us 👏❤️💃🕺Love from Turkey...
While other people complain in these days that they cannot meet their friends (or band members) due to Covid 19 restrictions, you simply played 8 different musical instruments (if I counted right) all by yourself. What a great performance, what a mastery over so many different instruments, what a voice! You brightened my day. Greetings from Germany. Алина, Большое спасибо :-)
Alberto Carrilho Big talk coming from someone who can't even do a third of what she's doing (let alone the singing). Being jealous won't get you far in life.
@@albertocarrilho5839 maybe not a master, but very good by any stretch (and better than many people I've played with). And then there's arranging the music so the parts sound good together - can you do that as well as this? Shush your sour grapes.
@@albertocarrilho5839 Mastery relative to one who's only decent at one or no instruments. I who can't play any instruments well can't tell how good she is. All I know is it sounds good and I'm not hearing any mistakes.
This is by far my favorite version of this shanty. With all respect to Nathan, his version will forever be in my heart, but this is just another level.
Ok that's it I'm hypnotized. I put it on loop and I can't stop it anymore. Both Alina (well, Alinas technically) and her voice are beautiful, my brain is dopamining non stop !
Итак, после тысячного просмотра, я наконец понял, в чем притягательность именно этого видео! Алина везде божественно поет и играет на всех существующих инструментах, но здесь ее одновременно три или четыре штуки! И все смотрят прямо в душу, и невозможно отвести глаза от их взглядов. Зациклю видео и уйду в астрал на неделю!
Скорее всего ещё не время, но всё же с днём рождения, Алина! Пусть вдохновение и удача всегда будут с тобой. Надеюсь, ты и на далее будешь радовать нас своими невероятными каверами. Спасибо тебе... за всё
Alina is the best performer (not only singer) particularly of this song. A lot of work has been done ! Nice voice, engaging smile, stylish clothes, professional playing and of course the gingertail....! In my opinion the style of performance is exactly for this song ! What color of her eyes, green or brown ?!
Всем привет из 2021, кавер супер посмотрел первый раз неделю назад, эта песня паразит, играет в голове как только вспомнишь про море, Алина спасибо большое тебе за отличное исполнение, настроение плюс 100))))
I was here about a year ago when this video reached 10 million views. Now that I've found out it's 20 million, I'm so happy, I love this song. I admire your energy, your videos are beautiful. I will always support you, beautiful-hearted girl ♥.
Великолепное исполнение и потрясающий голос! Видно, как много сил было вложено в это исполнение! Честно говоря, первоначально была на 100% уверена, что это иностранный исполнитель, пока не прогуглила) Просто супер!
Искал эту песню с большим количесвом инструментов (чем бочка) и оба-на! Кого я вижу!! Алиночка утерла нос старым пиратам!!!! Холодные скандинавские напевы разбавила славянской теплотой!!! Это не иначе как коктейль всех богов!!! Алиночка!!! Што ж ты с нами вытворяешь тоооо!!! Давай не останавливайся!!!! Топи на всех парусах!!!!! Умничка!!!!
This song always makes me smile. With all the wonderful talents Alina has, using that to spread happiness and cheer around the world is her greatest gift. She really puts some good into the world, the power of pleasant songs combined with a friendly face can't be underestimated.
im honestly more impressed by how well she is playing each different well as being able to sing the song in many different lines harmonically.
@@leafshepherd8503, it is lovely, but to me it sounded like the Wellerman is bringing her a *_drum_* (presumably so she won't have to thump the back of her guitar).
She is an very good singer, musician and a cat holder She can put a pirate hat on her cat with no problem while i cant even hold mine One of the best wellerman covers i have ever heard
Wow, RUclips makes wonders. Never heard of this young lady before - black metal guy here - but it suddenly popped up. And I love it :) Greetings from Hungary.
Alina, I am an Art teacher and I've just used this video in classroom for a class about Art production in quarantine. And I'll tell you this: the students absolutely loved it, just like I loved it when I watched your cover for the first time. You are really amazing. Thank you for making our lives more artistic and beautiful.
I can only imagine how difficult it must be to teach art in quarantine. All of you teachers are heroes for working through this.
Now, if you brought this to class, you are a good teacher. 😁👍🏻
Sounds like a fun class
esse nome me cheira brasileiro. éis br?
@@tucan9111 The song is from New Zealand. See Wikipedia for more details.
I am from Afghanistan that speaks Persian and listening to English song from a Russian musician. I believe music has no boundaries. Absolutely love it
You've got decent English too. Its not perfect, but you speak English better than some people in the States I know lol.
@Nocti Nox yeah this is true. I'm a bit of a stickler for grammer so I tend to notice. And it's cool talking to people in other countries.
@Nocti Nox Yeah. The internet has it's ups and downs, but chatting with people the world over is awesome.
That said, I go for more "For a foreigner, you have good English. Is it better than some people I have had the misfortune of knowing? Yes. But those people have shit English. As I said in a comment earlier today I think, I'm a stickler.
@@jamarinflanigan You are a bit of a stickler for "grammAr"? (just not spelling?)
@@paulmartin2348 Both, just more grammar. Spelling sucks, and is really easy to mess up. Grammar is less so.
it's like she's struggling to keep herself from grinning the entire time. it's contagious. i love it.
Man I swear, sing this in front of a mirror, it makes you smile automaticaly !
Singing this song without smiling is impossible
I love the detail of the different eye colors for different characters. Great attention to detail. Great song cover! We, the listeners, are glad to be here.
И вновь капитан Алина известная, как Рыжий Хвост, гроза ютубовских морей, взяла наше сердечко на абордаж)
Лучше и не скажешь.
Красиво сказано, добавить нечего, ах
лучший комент!
Приготовить лайки!Поднять репосты!Зарядить комментарии позитивом!Мы идем прямым кусом в тренды!
I'm sure many of you know about the "Wellerman", but for those who don't this might help. In the old sailing ship days of whaling there was a ship supply company called "Weller Brothers' shipping company". Their agents would periodically visit the docks in their wagons and carts to sell supplies to the ships and crews that they would need for their long sea voyages. Things like sugar, tea, tobacco, rum, etc. The individual agents became known simply as "The Wellerman", and was eagerly awaited by the crews. Hope that helps some to enjoy the song a little more.
Thanks for the effort of adding more meaning to this song 😁
I could use a wellerman for my various adventures.
Thanks for explaining!
Thanks a lot for the historical accurated information 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻
My understanding of the context was a bit wrong. Thank you for clarifying!
Некоторое количество лет назад, 17 марта, случился внеочередной парад всех небесных тел. Разверзлись небеса и родилась Алина, ныне известная как Рыжехвост. Так поздравим же её с праздником, пожелаем ей счастья и здоровья. И пусть её никогда не покидает вдохновение.
Вот это я вовремя заглянул песню заслушать))) С Днем Рождения, Рыжее Чудо)))
Усиливаю! =)
Ответственно и комплиментарно подтверждаю
the number of instrument this wonderfully talented woman can play in performance is stunning! what a talent!!!
The funny thing is: she makes this look so easy. I mean she plays a bunch of instruments, sings in a few tunes, and it looks like it's just afternoon fun for her. I can't help but to love it :)
Totally. To much work behind the scenes
She changes a couple of outfits too!
@@wjollo a lot of it, I'm really sure.
Does holding a stuffed shark count as playing an instrament?
Soon may the Gingertail come
To bring us beautiful vid and song
One day Alina will come
To put a like and go
Soon may the gingertail come
To bring us beautiful vid and song
she will win Queen of our hearts One day the haters will join the subscribers and gingertail will keep onnnn singinggg.
Indeed :)
Это НАШ Слоняра!!!
Господи! Алина, кто ТЫ!? Кладезь таланта, голоса, обаяния и простой женской красоты. Чудо чудное, да диво дивное. Добра тебе и процветания, спасибо!
Классный комент друг! Присоединяюсь🤝🏼
I'm a British musician who plays in an Alternative Rock band. My favourite cover version
The amount of variety you put into the instruments, outfits and even eye-contacts are impressive!
This woman is a musical mastermind. I do not know how many instruments she plays or how many languages she sings in. And still the videos are true poetry. First time i watched this i thought is was made by triplets.
@@rayray8687 She's the female version of Miracle of Sound (except she does tons of covers and he only does original work).
@@louisrobitaille5810: Except that she’s much nicer to look at, lol. Btw, don’t know if you noticed but much of Gavin’s production techniques sound quite Alan Parsons-ish to me.
@@rayray8687 🤯 *can only dream of being like that one day* I can play fiddle, mandolin, guitar, and a little of upright bass and dulcimer. So I’m on my way🤪
@@abigailwintersinkdrinker4097: I currently play 3 instruments but they’re all guitars, lol. I truly admire multi-instrumentalists.
@@rayray8687 guitars are cool through. You can do almost ANYTHING with them if you’re good enough.
It's amazing how one person can be so good at so many instruments
I'm in awe
It’s not that hard
If you’ve been gifted by the gods like her
@@sillygoosetaur And have enought money to learn it.
Btw not saying she isnt talented but if you dont have money for at least the instruments you may never discover if you have also been blessed by the gods like her.
Prostitution really has many different faces
These are three different girls.
@@madoqen nah just different contacts and props
I'm a seaman and we're currently anchored at somewhere near to St Petersburg. This is the version of this song that I keep listening to every now and then. Alina is the queen. \m/
Я бывший военный моряк..тоже слушаю Алину.
St. Petersburg, Florida? ;-)
I think she's like 12 time zones away from there haha in Khabarovsk
@@poiuyt975 Actually, Russia, St Petersburg. =)
2:05 ❤
Her eyes change color with the costumes. That’s dedication.
Are we sure she doesn´t have like four twin sisters? Clones? ;)
@@johnyshadow contact lens
@@mr.mystery9338 Not quite as fun...
Prostitution really has many different faces
@@mr.mystery9338 Thanks captain obvious
Алина чокается бокалами на дне рождения, понимает, что стиральная доска, не единственный неординарный предмет для извлечения звука. Здоровья и продуктивности! 🎉
А где это Дно рождения?))
Господи, какая красота! Голос, внешность, умение играть на различных инструментах... А эти глаза..... Красавица! Любви, счастья и успехов в жизни! Браво!
My daughter is six months old and absolutely adores you. She literally will start smiling and kicking her feet in excitement when I put this song on for her ❤😂
That's adorable! This might be her fascination for life.
sounds adorable
Awwww how adorable
That's cute for the sounds of it
Easily the best version of this and sung by a real-life siren, no less. What a beautiful masterpiece...the music is really amazing too!
Can we talk about how happy she looks? It's honestly so wholesome
True, but on the flipside it doesn't fit the song at all. It's a rather depressing song which is lost due to her cheerful singing and grinning all the time. She did not understand the song also on another level - it is not a pirate song, it is a whaling song. Still, love her interpretation anyway! :D
@@Sanderus There's literally compilations of songs that have depressing lyrics but happy melodies. Doesn't mean she didn't understand it because let's be honest, it's no complex poem. There was also no pirate symbolism in the video, so I'm not sure where you're taking that from. Is it the hat? Granted it's not very appropriate to the time period, but it does give that nautical feeling.
@@Triattt There's a chest of treasure and a skull in the background. Also, the cat's hat shows the Jolly Roger. That said I love this version, the arrangement even sounds Celtic to me. Although, it might just be the tin whistle XD
@@agustin.santiago.gutierrez its probaply not the jolly roger but a totenkopf, prussian hussar symbol commonly found on hussar headgear and then a ripoff version on the nazi headgear in ww2.
the totenkopf lasted from the rise of the prussian hussars until anton von mackensen died.
That woman found her passion for sure!
текст на русском:
"Однажды по морям ходил корабль,
Имя ей было Котелок с Чаем
Задували ветра, её нос опускался
Наддайте, мои задиры, наддайте!
Скоро придёт Веллерман**
Принесёт нам сахару, чая и рома
Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку
Мы соберёмся и уйдём
И двух недель не прошло, как она была в море
Когда прямо на неё вышел могучий кит
Капитан весь экипаж созвал и клялся,
Что возьмёт этого кита на буксир
Скоро придёт Веллерман
Принесёт нам сахару, чай и ром
Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку
Мы соберёмся и уйдём
Ещё до того, как лодки спустить,
Поднялся хвост кита и зацепил их
Весь экипаж ринулся к борту, загарпунил кита и боролся
Но кит вглубь далеко ушёл
Скоро придёт Веллерман
Принесёт нам сахару, чай и ром
Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку
Мы соберёмся и уйдём
Ни троса не срубили, кита не упустили,
Не жадность была на уме у Капитана;
Он верен был китобойской чести
А корабль за собой тащил кит
Скоро придёт Веллерман
Принесёт нам сахару, чай и ром
Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку
Мы соберёмся и уйдём
Все сорок дней, а может больше
Трос то ослабевал, то натягивался снова
Все лодки потеряли - их всего четыре было
Но тот кит всё плыл и плыл
Скоро придёт Веллерман
Принесёт нам сахару, чай и ром
Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку
Мы соберёмся и уйдём
Я слышал, что битва всё ещё идёт
Трос не рублен, кит не отпущен
И Веллерман отпускает свой клич
Чтобы ободрить капитана, команду и всех
Скоро придёт Веллерман
Принесёт нам сахару, чай и ром
Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку
Мы соберёмся и уйдём
Скоро придёт Веллерман
Принесёт нам сахару, чай и ром
Когда-нибудь, когда кончим разделку
Мы соберёмся и уйдём"
Спс тебе , мил человек за инфу ! ))
Немножко похоже на "Старик и море" Хемингуэя. Там он тоже долго боролся с марлином. Привязал его к судну. Но марлина по ходу сожрали акулы. Старик им тогда крикнул: "Ешьте, галанос, давитесь ! И пусть вам приснится, что вы убили человека!"
Довольно романтично описывается промысел китобоя)) Вот здесь кажется поближе к реальности.
Дуй ветер попутный
(перевод американского фольклера)
Пустили объявленье на севере страны;
"Лихие китобои Америке нужны".
Припев: Дуй, ветер попутный,
Дружно за дело, ребята,
Наддай, наддай!
И если вы в Нью-Бедфорд пришли в недобрый час,
То мигом проходимцы экипируют вас.
Там скажут, что к отходу любой корабль готов
И мы через полгода забьем пятьсот китов.
Вот в море мы выходим, а ветер зол и лют,
Матросы все на палубе и в кубрике блюют.
А уж насчет питанья, так разносолов нет:
Вонючая говядина да горсть гнилых галет.
Полезли мы на ванты, и слышен голос нам,
"Посматривай на реи, не то пойдешь к чертям!"
Наш капитан на мостике, мы забрались на ют,
Орет впередсмотрящий: "Китов фонтаны бьют!"
"Спускай, ребята, шлюпки, за ними вслед пойдем,
Да будьте осторожней: перешибут хвостом!"
Забили, потащили, пришел разделки час,
Для отдыха минутки нет никому из нас.
Когда все в трюм запхали - расчету череда:
Полдоллара на рыло, шесть месяцев труда.
Когда сойдем на берег в каком-то из портов,
Надрызгаемся вдосталь да бросим бить китов!
А песня откуда?
This sound is so wonderful. The person who is reading this comment, I wish you great success, health, love and happiness!
Gracias Amigo
- Hey look! That's a new awsome cover from Alina Gingertail!
- CAPTAIN Alina Gingertail!
She's also the pilot, the bosun, the lookout, the cabin boy... with a different costume and eye color for each!
@@SamBrownBaudot Are you sure she's not like Captain Jack Sparrow in Davy Jones locker when all the crew is him but none of them are really here?
@@Eselfar I wouldn't rule anything out.
Ох.. до чего же вы очаровательны. Рыжие волосы и зелёные глаза меня завораживают. Словно красавица из ирландских сказок явившаяся в наш мир. Истинная ведьма.
The instrumentation is so on-point!! The flute was the perfect touch!
She's so good. I love her arrangements.
I believe that the "flute" was a tin whistle. Very talented artist AND editor to put this together.
Какая красивая и талантливая девушка!!! Я столько инструментов и не знаю, которыми она овладела на таком высоком уровне❤
Me: wow, you can play the banjo, mandolin, balalajka, flute, accordion and sing like an angel. Can you play the guitar?
Alina: sure, gimme that boom boom wood.
Underrated as shit, this chick and that joke
And the plush shark, not to forget.
don't worry she plays balalaika too... and also dombra xD
@@aragorn1780 and harp
@@finzl And the cat, pretty sure she plays the cat at some point too.
Я врач хирург и мы твои песни, Алина, слушаем во время операций😁 И всё у нас получается с твой помощью 😁😁👍👍
Продолжай нас радовать своими песнями, удачи тебе в твоём творчестве!!!
Ого. Веселые операции у вас.
@@Umnyi8Khey well that's okay with me
@@eiaoi под "Союз нерушимый республик свободных" зарезали нороду больше чем хитлер..
@@frtp3691 толсто и не к месту)
Слесарь-сантехник седьмого разряда. Мне тоже помогает. Наверное много общего в работе.🙂
You're an absolute wonder. I love love love your version of this!
I absolutely love your version of "Somebody that I used to know", Hildegard! And I'm very happy to see your comment here!
Thank you :3
A wild Hildegard Von Blingin has appeared!
OMG Hildegard!!! :O! your here!
Wow! The young Lady is a multi-talented musician. She has a lovely voice and I can't recall how many instruments she plays. Very, very well done, Miss.
The fact that this was recorded on a COUCH decorated like a pirate cove during a global pandemic is... quite an amazing display of human creativity
@@СтальныеКрабы Yea sounds Rusky
I bet she keeps it that way🙃🏴☠️
This cover is amazing ! She's ridiculously talented : her voice, the instrument arrangements, the costumes.... She smiles while singing, the subtle display of fun she's having while performing this is perfect. And her slight accent is fitting. Cheers me every time I listen to this. Thank you so much for sharing your beauty with the world.
And the enchanting eyes.
She's a true artist and I fell for her the first I heard her!
Dude. Just say what we're all thinking... she's freakin' hawt! :)
@@SlimThrull different color eyes for different outfits even
This song is from the 1900 or 1800 it's not a cover.
It's from 1860-1870
Pleased you're keeping this old New Zealand folk song alive and kicking, Gingertail.
May you always keep your heading sound, and the wind forever fill your sails.
I am sure that most people have no idea about the meaning of this song. Nor do they know that it relates to New Zealand (south Island) and that the Wellerman is a chandlers ship from Sydney.
Из всех английских исполнений этой песни ваша мне нравится больше всего. Тут интонация, мотив, музыкальное сопровождение и паузы прям так, как я бы хотел слышать эту песню.❤
Вообще это sea shanty, жанр в котором музыкального сопровождения не должно быть. И исполнялись они, понятное дело, только мужчинами. С музыкой и женским вокалом получилось неплохо, но совсем не аутентично.
@@willbedeadsoon не знал этого. А на аутентичность мне всё равно в данном случае.
I had a horrible day today, but this, This puts a smile on my face, thanks
Those banjo trills are so goddamn clean I love it.
Слушая эту песню, спетую таким чарующим голосом и смотря в эти, наполненные некой неотразимой красотой глаза, я просто уверен, что любой новозеландский китобой забросил бы своё ремесло и вернулся на берег увидев и услышав это чудо.
Хех, китобоя голос сирены не обманет!
"что любой новозеландский китобой забросил бы своё ремесло и вернулся на берег"
And a good thing too; leave those poor, intelligent, caring whales alone.
Красотой линз.
@@serhiidiatlov3433 херня. фанера говно полнейшее. липсинк на уровне bioware
@@mikhailsergejev2504 я бачив як вона в живу співає і це точно не ліпсінг. Вона виступала на комікконі 4 вересня.
Ho sentito moltissime versioni di questa canzone, ma la sua è la più bella in assoluto, sia per la sua voce bellissima, sia per i costumi, sia per la sua capacità di suonare diversi strumenti e altri complimenti per chi ha montato il video. Lei è sia una ragazza che un'artista meravigliosa
So hyped ! Discovered Alina's channel a week ago, and can't stop listening !! Continue like this, you rock !
She is truely talented. A Diamond in the rough, hidden amongst sea of mediocrity. She puts a lot of effort into her music and passion and It shows brighter than any star
Whatever you do... Do NOT try to count how many instruments she knows... It will only drive you to some very dark depths of utter madness! Otherwise welcome to the brotherhood of simps! 😅😅😅
@@aragorn1780 you speak the truth, we are simps here, more than we like to admit. Likewise I've tried to count the instruments once... I've lost count... So many times...
I think I have a better chance at counting the amount of times I lost count.
Lo mismo me pasó a mi.
Yes she is truly great from her amazing voice to her beauty.😃
She deserves every cent she makes from this video - well done!
And more. A lot more.
Ru - Прекрасная барышня с ангельским голосом
En - Gorgeous woman with angelic voice
CZ - nádherná dívka s andělským hlasem :-)
nelze jinak než souhlasit
I don't speak czech, but tbh "nádherná dívka" might sound questionable in some other slavic languages xD
Wow love this version. What can't she play? Prince played a lot of instruments and there are few musicians out there that can do the same and I admire all of them. She is just one beautiful package physically and musically.
Дочка 6-ти лет слушает и поёт каждый день не по разу. Спасибо, Алина, Вы лучшая.
Ах ты ж рыжеволосая бестия. Снова покорила мое сердце! Лучшая
она Брюнетка , но самая лучшая из них!!
@@Dietrich1981 Капитан Брюнетка, так-то
@@Dietrich1981 На видео рыжая-красивая, брюнеткой и не пахнет
@@igorbelov6417 ты или тупой или слепой , у неё даже линзы зелёные!!
@@igorbelov6417 Покрасить волосы и хоть зелёной будет,то что у неё от природы тёмные волосы только имибицил не увидит.На отросшие корни посмотри.Слепошары мля
Gingertail even changes her eye colour for each part she plays...that is next level effort. #muchrespect Brilliant work, love it!
Zawsze słucham tego utworu gdy mam gorszy dzień i od razu humor mi się poprawia. Dziękuję Ci Alina za muzykę i twórczość.
To jest coś cudownego nie tylko ty jako przepiękna przeurocza kobieta ze wspaniałym głosem ale z nieodgadnioną dla mnie chyba czarną lub mroczną ale dającą się pokochać i umiłować duszyczkę ☯️💌♥️⏳❣️🔥🖤💓💓🔥💓❣️🔥❣️💓🔥❣️🌹❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️☯️💌
The Russian "flavor" to this interpretation of the song is... Hard to describe. But it's quite beautiful. Bravo!!
Алинка, спасибо тебе огромное за все твои, не побоюсь этого слова, шедевры! Слушаю тебя постоянно: дома, на улице, во время работы, учёбы, когда отдыхаю, в онлайне, офлайне и всё никак не могу наслушаться))) Хотелось бы ещё увидеть разговорные видосики по типу "Что случилось с каналом?" и "Ответы на вопросы", уверен что вопросов накопилось достаточно)))
Вот это надо в топы, чтобы точно заметила.
@@fireknight3701 далеко не на все, плюс в видеоформате смотреть приятнее. Я уверен, очень многим зрителям интересно и заманчиво посмотреть на Алину лишний раз вне образа, принимаемого для отдельного видео. Такие видео есть, но их немного и редко, и давно не было..
@@fireknight3701 @Молчаливый Зритель я говорил о тех видосах просто как о примерах разговорных видео у неё на канале. Тот же Дрианте помимо того, что делал на каждую круглую дату такие видео с ответами на вопросы, новостями и т.д., делал ещё обзор на свой основной инструмент Лоу вистлы, а Алина говорила что может сделает обзор на свои инструменты) Ну и полностью согласен с комментарием Владимира)))
@@fireknight3701 а ты готов за неё отвечать или что это за перфоманс
@@fireknight3701 "А вы спросили, ей это интересно и заманчиво?" а её разве кто то принуждает?))) Алина сама решает, что записывать, а что нет, а говорить, что хотелось бы от неё увидеть пока никто не запрещал))) Я думаю, тема исчерпана.
Где-то в Хабаровске:
- Ало, это магазин оптики?
- Да, мне надо вся ваша партия линз для глаз со всеми существующими цветами.
- Да, карие тоже нужны.
- И что с того что у меня они и так карие?
- А для котов у вас варианты имеются?
- А для плюшевых акул?
- Эй, почему вы не отвечаете?
- Ало? Ало!
черт, только после этого коммента я обратил внимание на разный цвет глаз
Почему именно Хабаровск?
Карие, надо сказать, идут больше всех.
@@dorman6195 может потому что она из Хабаровска?
@@dorman6195 Сразу видно,шаришь
No doubt about it, lady. This whole video, performance, and musical concept naturally "knocks it right out of the park!" 3:22 min of pure visual and musical beauty. Bravo Bravissimo!
Ура, товарищи! За четыре дня до своего... эээм... очередного Дня Рождения, Алина сделала тааакой офигенный подарок своим почитателям... что просто - 50 оттенков зелёного... ан нет. на 50 оттенков зеленее! ))
Весна же!
В общем: ЙО-ХО-ХО, господа! То есть, конечно же - УРА!!! )
У вас 18 др?
@@lamidiyakarri нет, День Рожденья у Алины... 17-го. )
А написал я это сообщение 13-го..))
Тоже заметил... цвет глаз удивительно меняется...
Поздравим, не переживайте
@@researcher7536 а так же цвет платья. )
I just taught a music class and used this video as a part of the lesson. The kids loved it and so did I! Great job with the cover, Alina!
Brother she's a great for music class. She cover's many songs from video games your student's have probably played which means they will recognize and relate to immediately. Gingertail rules.
"...when the tongueing is done...." refers to cutting out the whale's tongue - a bit gory for teaching to kids......
But I'm pleased to see that no-one here is calling this a "shanty" - the rest of the world seems to, but it's not a shanty (it's a "forebitter").
@@philweight3480 as far as I can find, a forebitter is a sea shanty
Please correct me if I’m wrong
@@theladthattakescontent2650 Yes, wrong. A shanty was specifically a work song, sung to keep the work rhythm, only ever sung onboard ship while at sea, or on embarking/disembarking port. There were hauling (halyard) shanties, pump shanties, capstan (winding) shanties, etc. A forebitter was a sea song or ballad sung when NOT working, for entertainment purposes, while relaxing, very often on shore. Shanties, by superstition, were NEVER sung on shore. Forebitters, although originally onboard songs, were most often sung while on shore. "Wellerman" is not a shanty, it's a shore-based forebitter, a maritime song. I sing in a shanty group, so I know of what I speak.
@@philweight3480 huh, never heard that before. Thanks!
One of the the best Wellerman Interpretations ever heard👌Thanks a lot and best greatings from 🇩🇪
In my humble opinion the best rendition of this old whaler's shanty so far! Lively yet soulful, with appropriate instruments and fantastic vocals.
I think her accent is so adorable 😍
It makes it even more enjoyable to listen to it
Listened to 'Wellerman' a lot. This has to be one of the most original and musical productions yet. Stay safe, Alina, love your work xx
I really like all the different accent in this video.
Sometimes you sound like a fine lady of the Sea who enjoy life. The kind of lady everyone would like as a family friend. The kind that you would raise your glass to. (Positive gesture of approval and respect)
Sometimes(rare) you revert back to your Russian accent. Which sound really nice. No one can completely remove her accent but you do a great job at hiding it. But, when your accent appear it's always pleasant to hear 😊
You made a beautiful video. I'm going to Pour a little bit of rum after work tonight. Not enough to be drunk but enough to feel like a sailor :P.
I'm French Canadian (Québecois). Sorry if some of my sentence are a little bit weird. I really hope you keep on making theses video.
Google translate : Хорошего дня и уважения к вам
Wow, interesting))
@@AlinaGingertail But wow! I had no idea you english was this good Alina! Nice.
She has such a beautiful voice!😊 I would watch this 24/7
I like this version of the song. You really do it justice Alina. You're one of only a very few who pronounce the name of the ship correctly. It's "The Billy'o Tea" in reference to the transport of sugar, tea and rum to the on-shore whaling camps in New Zealand's early history, by the Weller Brother's shipping line that was based in Sydney Australia. A billy is a tin can (usually a re-purposed, powdered milk can) used to boil water and tea over a campfire in remote regions of Australia and to a lesser extent in New Zealand. Yes, these "billies" are still in use today (2023).
While you might be right about those facts, it would then beg the question why would you call your ship basically 'a cup of tea'? That is a silly name for a ship, esp a whaling vessel!
It’s joyful name given. It’s humor. It’s fun. It’s far from silly.
Interesting, I didn’t know that, thank you for the information.
Greetings an very big respect from Germany.
I am a musician too and know you doin Hard work.
I only Play 4 Instruments ( great highland bagpipe, smallpipe in d, Sheppered pipe ( a german/ dutch bagpipe ), next year cornermuse in low d( french bagpipe), all this with teachers, an i taught by mysel tin whistle, and this is a lot of work.
Respect, respect....
чем мне нравится видео с алинкой, она старатеся полностью вжиться в роль персонажа, которого исполняет и по максимому передать энергию и атмосферу трэка, ну и точ, что она играет на всём чем только можно🤩
Eto tochno!
Не забудем про чудесного кота
Jedno z piekniejszych wykonań tej pieśni,masz talent,widac radość i w Twojej muzyce,tak trzymaj.
Z serca pozdrawiam 🌹
There once was a ship that put to sea
The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea
The winds blew up, her bow dipped down
Oh blow, my bully boys, blow
Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go
She'd not been two weeks from shore
When down on her a right whale bore
The captain called all hands and swore
He'd take that whale in tow
Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go
Before the boat had hit the water
The whale's tail came up and caught her
All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her
When she dived down low
Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go
No line was cut, no whale was freed
The captain's mind was not of greed
And he belonged to the Whaleman's creed
She took that ship in tow
Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go
For forty days or even more
The line went slack then tight once more
All boats were lost, there were only four
But still that whale did go
Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go
As far as I've heard, the fight's still on
The line's not cut, and the whale's not gone
The Wellerman makes his regular call
To encourage the captain, crew and all
Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go
Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go
Nice !!!
Ну теперь хоть перевод текста прочитал.
You think i need to remember the original song's lyrics amd the covers? Only weaklings need lyrics for this song! Like literally, You can memorize singing "sugar, tea and Rum."
@@gaychainsaw646 What the fuck bro what sewer did you come out of? That comment with lyrics is for me, not for you, don't think so important if no one knows you even at home, (okay, it was a little joke, I'll stop hahaha) in my country this song is not so well known and I discovered it ago a few years, I would just like to learn it
So the russian siren sings the currently most well known sea shanty, and also changed her eye colour with magic i guess, i already knew you couldn't be human since how can someone play so many instruments? Huehue amazing job as always Alina, cheers from Brazil ! :)
Siren hits the Nail, shes Amazing.
@@wustenfuchsgaming1226 Agreed
I never heard this song before, but I know a few shanties. Where should I know this one from?
@@edi9892 So you do remember a lil while ago when sea shanties got a lil bit famous and everyone was listening to them? So this song was the one people heard around ((mostly because of tiktok, yeah i know crazy that such an app could actually do any good in the end)). The version people knew the most was the one made by "The Longest Johns", wich is a band of friends that sing many different shanties ((real shanties that were sung at the time or shanties that they wrote themselves)), it's really good and i would recommend you to check them out, just like The Dreadnaughts.
@@Voc_spooksauce oh. I see. I don't do Tiktok.
It´s one of the best cover versions i ever heard, I sing with you in karaoke
I listen to you all the day and night these days. Witcher, world of tanks, skyrim, elden ring... Your talent is just amazing Alina ❤️👏 I search for Slavic lyrics. You perform so nice in all languages. What a chance to discover an artist like you for us 👏❤️💃🕺Love from Turkey...
While other people complain in these days that they cannot meet their friends (or band members) due to Covid 19 restrictions, you simply played 8 different musical instruments (if I counted right) all by yourself. What a great performance, what a mastery over so many different instruments, what a voice! You brightened my day. Greetings from Germany. Алина, Большое спасибо :-)
Alberto Carrilho Big talk coming from someone who can't even do a third of what she's doing (let alone the singing). Being jealous won't get you far in life.
@@albertocarrilho5839 maybe not a master, but very good by any stretch (and better than many people I've played with). And then there's arranging the music so the parts sound good together - can you do that as well as this? Shush your sour grapes.
@@albertocarrilho5839 Mastery relative to one who's only decent at one or no instruments. I who can't play any instruments well can't tell how good she is. All I know is it sounds good and I'm not hearing any mistakes.
in some old songs she played with even more instruments :D
@@tomaslacus8086 yeah was going to point out, she's been doing that for years, nothing to do with COVID
This is by far my favorite version of this shanty. With all respect to Nathan, his version will forever be in my heart, but this is just another level.
Wow, this is the most beautiful version of this song I’ve ever heard. ❤
The fact that all eye colors suit you, is the biggest beauty flex ever
a ginger singing sea shantys?
feels like a home here
Well Sea Shanties are the best thing to graced our planet in the first place.
@@livedandletdie replace shanties with ginger and we got a deal
Fake ginger doesn’t count
she has no soul
@@theforeskincollector4603 she's got black roots.. her soul is intact
блин пришлось переслушивать восемь раз, что б рассмотреть каждого морячка и инструмент... С днем рождения Вас - оркеструшечка :)
Ok that's it I'm hypnotized. I put it on loop and I can't stop it anymore. Both Alina (well, Alinas technically) and her voice are beautiful, my brain is dopamining non stop !
Did the internet really need another version of The Wellerman? It absolutely did. Bravo.
This version? Definitly!
Итак, после тысячного просмотра, я наконец понял, в чем притягательность именно этого видео! Алина везде божественно поет и играет на всех существующих инструментах, но здесь ее одновременно три или четыре штуки! И все смотрят прямо в душу, и невозможно отвести глаза от их взглядов. Зациклю видео и уйду в астрал на неделю!
Кроме того дух средневековья веет)
@@Русь-и2е эмн, дух средневековья? Это не тот, который "Сжечь ведьму!", случайно?
@@dreinakh Ваше высказывание всего лишь стереотип
@@dreinakh 😆😆🤣 "... -Но она такая красивая!"
@@Русь-и2е Ну какое еще средневековье? Новозеландские китобои пели ее в 1870, ну
Скорее всего ещё не время, но всё же с днём рождения, Алина! Пусть вдохновение и удача всегда будут с тобой. Надеюсь, ты и на далее будешь радовать нас своими невероятными каверами. Спасибо тебе... за всё
Спасибушки :3
Алина, Вы сверхчеловек!
Восхищаюсь Вашим талантом!
Утро начинается с трека в Вашем исполнении!
Большое спасибо!
It's like trademark right now, "Gingertail Cover". You feel the quality before.
Алина держит планку, в прошлый раз на бревне, сегодня играет на стиральной доске, браво!!!
осталось на пиле сыграть)
И настукивает по корпусу гитары ещë
Лучше держать планку, чем ходить по ней! Ярррррр!
My dad's been weirdly obsessed with this song for the past few months. I'm debating over showing this to him
He's probably already found it
tell us about his reaction after watching
I mean Sea Shanties are the best...
His dad after seeing this: "Say hello to your new step-mom"
The thing is, the bass in the first one is so good. This is really good but it doesn't have that super satisfying rumble.
Великолепная аранжировка. Просто и благозвучно.
There's something about a Russian lady singing sea shanties that I love.
Ikr love it 💗👍.
That little bit of accent shining through when she sings gives it so much flavour, I love it :D
I knew a few Russian sailors when I was one. As long as there's a drink in their hand, they're the jolliest people you can meet.
I agree, I can't stop watching it.
Ikr tbh I think it’s her Russian accent that just adds to the charm of the song
Alina is the best performer (not only singer) particularly of this song. A lot of work has been done ! Nice voice, engaging smile, stylish clothes, professional playing and of course the gingertail....! In my opinion the style of performance is exactly for this song ! What color of her eyes, green or brown ?!
Green. And dont forget her cat!
Всем привет из 2021, кавер супер посмотрел первый раз неделю назад, эта песня паразит, играет в голове как только вспомнишь про море, Алина спасибо большое тебе за отличное исполнение, настроение плюс 100))))
I was here about a year ago when this video reached 10 million views. Now that I've found out it's 20 million, I'm so happy, I love this song. I admire your energy, your videos are beautiful. I will always support you, beautiful-hearted girl ♥.
Великолепное исполнение и потрясающий голос! Видно, как много сил было вложено в это исполнение! Честно говоря, первоначально была на 100% уверена, что это иностранный исполнитель, пока не прогуглила) Просто супер!
вы правы
Искал эту песню с большим количесвом инструментов (чем бочка) и оба-на! Кого я вижу!! Алиночка утерла нос старым пиратам!!!! Холодные скандинавские напевы разбавила славянской теплотой!!! Это не иначе как коктейль всех богов!!!
Алиночка!!! Што ж ты с нами вытворяешь тоооо!!! Давай не останавливайся!!!! Топи на всех парусах!!!!! Умничка!!!!
Не хочу быть душнилой, но это песенка новозеландских китобоев, а не скандинавов)
где ты нашел скандинавские и тем более славянские мотивы?
видно ему везде мерещатся славяне
@@user_magelan да тут куча недо националистов патриотов музыкантов
Чет прям Карпатское такое
Круто, что образы отличаются не только цветом глаз, но и поведением при пении
Да, я тоже заметил
Круто, что образы отличаются не только поведением при пении, но и цветом глаз )))
Блин, а я по стартовой картинке решил, что тут три разных девушки играют... А ведь это действительно всё одна! :)
eso mismo quería decir yo, me robaste las palabras...
@@andresoto8123 lo siento hermano, acabo de decir eso un poco antes. No quise ofenderte ni robarte.
В моей вселенной это лучшее исполнение❤Господь, как же это прекрасно!!!
This song always makes me smile. With all the wonderful talents Alina has, using that to spread happiness and cheer around the world is her greatest gift. She really puts some good into the world, the power of pleasant songs combined with a friendly face can't be underestimated.
im honestly more impressed by how well she is playing each different well as being able to sing the song in many different lines harmonically.
I know Paul Skelton from Ireland 🇮🇪 good musician
County Offaly,originally from county. down his father played soccer with Bobby sands ☘️🇮🇪👍
Остановите её! Этот рыжий пират украл моё сердечко! С Днём рождения, Алина!)
Great version of this old shanty! Greetings from the city that was the home of the Weller Brothers' whaling station, Dunedin, New Zealand!
Now, where is my sugar and tea and rum?
@@klaxoncowвам же поют тут. Скоро виллермен придет, и привезет. Ожидайте. 😂
It's something about the way you say "and rum" it's just a perfect sound
Just thinking that myself.........oh "and rum"
@@leafshepherd8503, it is lovely, but to me it sounded like the Wellerman is bringing her a *_drum_* (presumably so she won't have to thump the back of her guitar).
Yes someone said it so I don't have to. I agree.
Is it just me, or does her accent make things that little bit better
I don't hear an accent 😮🤔
@@seele3631 I kinda do, when she sings certain words. An example is Rum.
@@seele3631 The accent is quite obvious. Certain words make it quite obvious.
She's Russian?
@@fresh_jesu8938 Yeah
She is an very good singer, musician and a cat holder
She can put a pirate hat on her cat with no problem while i cant even hold mine
One of the best wellerman covers i have ever heard
Wow, RUclips makes wonders. Never heard of this young lady before - black metal guy here - but it suddenly popped up. And I love it :) Greetings from Hungary.
Can we all take a moment to appreciate that she managed to get a pirate hat on a cat?
The cat is blind. Pirates were sometimes left without eyes
Bruh how hard can it be to put a hat on a cat
@@daryus9064 Easy to put it on, definitely not easy to keep it on. Very easy to find cat poop in your shoes afterwards. :D
Ikr! It's easy to dress up your cat with clothes, but not shoes or Hats. Trust me, I've tried
Just because you can doesn't mean that you should.
I'm against dressing up cats and dogs (but if you've got a crocodile, then it's fine).