Im 63 and was taught when you are sworn an oath to tell the truth in court ,you are going to tell the truth. As I aged I found out no one tells the truth in court. Judge, police, no one does. With that why can't a citizen elect to do away with government sponsored police and answer to a citizens sponsored police force? This would seem logical to stop these gang of thugs. If they answer to a citizen board instead of a chief this would solve a lot of problems.
Something. Citizens oversight has to be implemented, with some controls in place to prevent cronyism like what forms in groups like city councils, but it's worth striving for. I'm glad that "Rights education" is becoming a thing. It should always have been so.
The Sheriff of a county is elected and answers to the people. A Chief of Police is appointed by the mayor or city council. Police Chiefs & their officers are accountable to the people only by pressure on the mayor or town council.
Thank you so much this really helps me if the police try to horas me my dad got brutally beaten up but the police in Compton LA and I am terrified of the police from anywhere so I want to thank you from making this video and helping out people from around the United States and god bless 🙂
Although I'm a law abiding citizen its sad that many people fear the police and retribution. The reason so many people abandon their rights and submit to tyranny is because of fear and I'm not sure why... Know your rights and there is no need to fear.. Ty for videos!
IFilmAlways the reason is most Americans have been conditioned to believe and obey that which looks like a law when in fact its Color Of Law. The other is that Americans have been dumbed down in Public Schools. Heck they do not even teach Civic Classes in High School anymore.
what's also gotten progressively worse, along with all the dumbing down & conditioning to "respect" "authority", etc. is the fact that these days most high schools now employ (or maybe "contract" is the right term) a police officer who is the same as any other cop in that one DOES NOT HAVE TO and should NEVER talk to one. Especially as juveniles are afforded more "protection"(?) than adults, in that they are fundamentally considered the wards of their parents, which, technically, if they're under 18, they are, though, the things that would go along with that mode of operating has not really been extant since the 19th century or maybe the early 20th century, before the explosion of higher courts setting precedents that affirm and remind us of the rights we've had all along via the US constitution. Cops in schools = BAD IDEA!! Maybe good intentions are behind it, but, then again, the "road to hell" is paved with "good intentions"!
Try being an inner city youth and just being assaulted and made to feel like a pos for nothing more than growing up in a place you had no choice to grow up in!
As the police say "There is no such thing as a normal traffic stop" You should have that mentality too. I HIGHLY recommend getting 2 dash cams. 1 for the front and 1 for the back as well as a phone app that can record live so if they try to break the phone OOPS too late it's live (to Facebook or ) and can not be deleted!! Also really helps to tell them that they are live on twitter or facebook etc. Don't stop with police, do it with CPS (DHS if they call themselves that there). You have a first amendment right to record public officials. Cite cases such as Glik V Cunniffe 1st circuit!!
School is heavily watered down and controlled by the puppet masters. All the history books are tweaked in a certain way and doesn't tell you a lot of things that happened in the world.
Putting people in jail and collecting fines makes money. They often put prisoners to work like in California where they put prisoners to fight fires for pennies for the dollar.
@@christopherwolf2157 The USA has roughly 25% of all prisoners in the world. They turned it into a money racket. The incentive is to collect fines and throw people in jail, not to serve and protect. They concentrate on poor neighborhoods because they dont have the as much resources to protect themselves.
Thank you for making these videos with simple phrases that I can use to protect myself. I have ptsd and being able to articulate my thoughts is usually not possible in a stressful situation. By having these simple phrases that I CAN COMMIT TO MEMORY I FEEL MUCH MORE CONFIDENT IN MY ABILITY TO ASSERT MY rights without getting tongue tied and even more frustrated and stressed. Sorry for the capital letters, I accidently hit caps lock lol
That's great! 😀👍 I'm glad to see that you are interested in protecting our rights! Please share what you are learning with all of your friends at school! You are the future!
I've been very sick for many years. I look a lot older than 50. I get strange look's because my music is so loud while I drive. This Lawyer has to be ok because he likes Ozzy. Thanks again for helping me learn the laws!
Thank you Jay Ramey Law. Very simple information, but I think most of us don't or didn't know these basic Constitutional Rights. I'm 54 years and when I was younger I fell right into their traps and didn't even know it..If I have any problems in the future I will definitely remember these basic principles. Myself I just wrote them down..Thank you sir for uploading this information..
I printed up the three Rights on my computer and I put a line for the officer's signature showing that he received them. The officer can always refuse to sign but I can also make note of that. I'll just keep it with my registration and insurance above in my visor.
If you would care to comment, I’ve always wondered about this. It’s 1974. A fifteen year old kid, product of a broken home, living with an abusive alcoholic stepfather. After months of being punished for “smoking marijuana”, which he had never actually done, he gave in and starting smoking cheap, $20 an ounce Mexican weed. Finding it a way to gain popularity, especially with the girls in high school, he works after school, has a bit of spending money, and so is generous with the other kids, especially a few of the girls. Never selling anything, just sharing a bit with the other kids at school. Eventually he is identified by a “snitch”. One day he is picked up at 10:30 am as he is returning to class from break and carried to the principals office. He is held there for 30 minutes while another 15 or 20 kids are rounded up. All had been identified by the snitch as part of a “drug ring”. They are all told that they have been turned in by the kid, although no one has even spoke to him yet. The cops come, search him and find less than an ounce of cheap weed. They berate him for over an hour wanting information on his “sources” and such. He admits he bought the weed through a classmate, and since the snitch had seen the transaction and already had the other kids name, he admitted to getting it from him But never mentioned another person at all. Finally, after a couple of hours his mother is called and comes to the school to get him. She is married to an abusive alcoholic, her second marriage of this type, she has only a 5th grade education and is unable to confront or challenge either the school authorities or police. The kid is permanently expelled from the school. Further, when he tried to get back into another school he had previously attended, he is rejected and told he would not be accepted at any other school in his state. So: A. He was picked up, searched, and questioned by the police for hours, and his mother only called when it was time to be released. She was not present during any of the questioning. B. He was never charged with any crime at all. C. He was presented to the other kids as the one who turned on them in order to protect the true snitch. D. Although he was never in any type of trouble prior to this, had a superior IQ (about 133), and was being groomed for college prep by a couple of his teachers even though his family had no money for college, he was deprived of the opportunity to complete even his high school education. It has bothered me for 45 years. Did the authorities behave properly? Did they follow the law? Was the school board correct in refusing him an education, given the fact that he was never charged, and only possessed a few dollars worth of drugs? If you care to comment, I’d just like to get an opinion by someone with a bit of experience. Good, bad, or ugly. As I say, I have always wondered about this situation. Thanks for reading, and should you respond, thanks for that too.
Hello friend. What I can say is that all those things are wrong. we all know that it's wrong. One of many things that people do to others because they can. Why? No love in their life. It's hard for a young person to understand when the people they trust have flaws. This moment is the key. Every moment From now on. without those thoughts. It happened 45 years ago. You are in control now friend if you believe it. Only in the last 6 months have I been able to stop the bad thoughts. The therapeutic way is to find the positive things. Talk about anything good. How nice your mom was maybe? Not her lack of education and it being part of the reason for why you were treated a certain way. I Do not like the law and people who think they have a right to tell others how to live. I had to step away from this stuff cuz I lost my love of life. Now that I'm thinking about what I think about law and how it effects my whole. Not a church or religion fan but Jesus was an activist for the people. People are a product of training. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Find your love again and bring it back to you. Shower your enemy with wisdom and love.
It depends on the stop. I was pulled over in Houma LA for wrong way on a one way. I was completely lost going in circles. I told the officer I was lost and kept going in a circle. He told me how to get to the address I was going to. He was helpful.
Thanks Mr.Cool Ass Lawyer, You information is so detailed Any child can understand it.. I wish lawyers in my county had your eagerness to educate the public instead of kissing the judges ass. I was found not guilty in a case the the judge started chewing my ass about violence doesn't have a place in America, this less than a minute after he found me not guilty and my lawyer still at my side shaking his head in agreement. I'm thinking he should have appoligised for the inconvience have a good day. I told the judge of that was true we wouldn't have a military. He wanted to lock me up for contempt. My lawyer said he didn't want to piss him off because he had to work with him on other cases. So thanks again I've subscribed to get all you classes
You are a badass, I wish i would have used your services. I used Edge law firm. Although i got cased dismissed, they just bow down to the court and i paid my way out.
If the cop asks if he may search, or if you mind if he searches, or any other form of a request to search: If you say "yes" then in court he will testify that he asked if he could search. If you say "no" then in court he will testify that he asked if you objected to any search. This is why your answer must always be a complete sentence: "I do not consent to any search."
Then the tyrants bring a k9, do a fake hit on your car, then they're searching. And lie on they're police report, they had probably to search. Happens all the time.. Great Videos Man! 👊😎
Your videos are perfect..i have always told the police I dont consent to searches and they get so mad. Police know me around here for what I USED to be involved in so they still give me a hard time years later today and i have always made out using my 4th amendment. I realize now that i need to use my 5th admendment and tell them number 2 when questioning me bc it is my right and also nunber 3 is awesome i have never used this before and was hit by drug dogs bc i didnt use it..they would say ok sit tight while we call the k9 and i could have easily used that fraze and probably left the scene and did not voice my right ..i do not agree to stay here with you for any reason am i detained or free to go and i wish i have..but i know now. Please keep making these videos on basic rights..i did have a question though..say i get pulled over and iam on probation and they ask to search my car do i still have the right to say no you may not? Please let me know
"Even if" Darth Vader comes down from Planet Vulcan and tells me he'll melt my brain if I don't take Lorraine out? High fives to you at 7:27..."Let me make this perfectly clear".
I have question. What practical recourse do you have if you do not concent and they search anyway and they DON'T find anything? There's no day in court to challenge evidence, but now your car had been torn apart, your privacy violated and right trampled. Is it practical to sue? When I say practical I mean weighing the cost of a lawyer against chances of winning. Is that something done on contingency or is the amount of damages not high enough for that?
jgallantyt that sucks you haven't gotten a response but I would hope that during this encounter one would be able to keep it together enough and I know some people will get rattled but keep it together enough to get badge numbers and names and file police reports against them for violations of your civil rights and then go to your local ACLU and try to exert your rights through their platform unless you're white like me and the issue of white privilege May preclude you from their Legal Services
So what you can do is file a formal complaint against the officer(s) and file a civil Right case against them in civil court.. you can also remove qualified immunity of officer(s)..
Even a search warrant has limits. A search occurred to me regarding a stolen bicycle. They can't look in my briefcase or underwear drawer for a bicycle. They found no bicycle but wanted to extend it into small cavities where a bicycle cannot fit.
This is only my second video, but I completely see that we don't give consent to search, but when being stopped in a vehicle, saying I don't consent to searches as the first statement made, seems out of step. I think the cop is first going to ask for license, registration, and proof of insurance. Would you start the confrontation from there, but saying I don't consent to searches seems like it would be somewhere in step 2 and will probably trigger the cop. Thank you for the videos.
This is amazing info thank you. I have a question if you have not given consent to search a house and the cops bring a drug dog can they enter the house or like a car only the outside of the house and where outside can they go
I got and a really bad car wreck 2 days ago and the officer that was Supposed to be helping ended up cuffing me and throwing me in the back of his car because I was acting nervous and told him he wasn't allowed to search my car....(my car had just been airborne after spinning in circles and all the airbags deployed so it wasn't the search I was nervous about) he told me he waz "processing the scene" I told him to get out of my car and to hand me the things he was grabbing out of it and then he told me that I was detained until he was done. He tore my car apart searching it. That was traumatic AF
It is NOT illegal to physically resist an assault. If police are illegally arresting you or searching you by force, it is an assault and you have the right to defend yourself with equal force or that force it takes to stop the assault.
Regarding your purse, backpack or suitcases, keep them zipped up and close so that the prying cop eyes cant "accidentally" see into it and give them probable cause
The ones that keep running away from the law, they don’t stand up for their responsibilities, they will throw others under the bus and cause darkness in their lives. I’ve met a few, unfortunately, we need to check our own family members out that if the story isn’t balanced out, there’s a problem. Anyone can put anything anywhere, that is truly messed up. Even family. All because they didn’t pay fines, weren’t responsible at all, it’ll put anyone in harms way, I trust rarely no one !!
I think it's great that Yosemite Sam stopped trying to kill the wabbit, or play the piannah, and instead, found his true calling in life - so let's this be a lesson to us all! If he can do it, damn near anybody can! ;) ( kidding aside, thanks for the insight Jay! )
These videos are great and informative, but on more than one occasion, I ended up in the can for obstruction of justice. (B.S.) using my civil rights. Always for minor infractions. Just a nuesanse. I wish the cops would watch your videos. Thanks for the info.
As a hypothetical example: suppose I'm driving down the road and I'm pulled over for some reason and asked to get out of the car to talk to the officer. Assume that I've initially greeted the officer in a courteous manner and then I ask some thing to the effect "what's the problem officer?". If, after getting out of the car, I lock the door and pocket the keys and he demands my car keys to search the car do I have to give him the keys or should I let him break the window to get in. Thank you for your advice and insight in these matters of law.
+Jim Nesta well personally, and keep in mind I'm not a lawyer... but if he demands access he needs probably cause without your consent... with your consent he cannot search your car. never willingly hand over your possessions. if he breaks your window take that officer to small claims court.
Oh absolutely! Speak with an attorney IMMEDIATELY!!! You are entitled to compensation for the violation of your Constitutional rights and lost wages since you lost your job as a direct result of police misconduct! DON'T WAIT, GET STARTED ON THIS ASAP!!!
So can I say "I do not consent to searches" when I'm trying to cross the border when they are scanning baggages and stuff like they do on "border security" when traveling from Canada to the United States or vise versa or do I "have" to let them search 🤔
From my experience, and from what I've researched, the only reason they ask you to step out of your car is for safety. So once you're out of you car, they can see you don't have anything to harm them and that's why you don't have to let them search. Is that correct?
I was also told to just roll my window down a crack lock all the doors and don't look directly at him before he can say he didn't smell anything on you are breath
So given I invoked “I do not consent to a search” while in my car and they go ahead with the search anyway but my car is locked. Should I unlock it or keep it locked? Thanks for responding sir you’re awesome.
What if your coming off a cruise, and they want to go through your bags on the way out? That's happened to me. Do they have the right in that case? Thanks!
I don't know if you would agree with me or not but one of the things I might add is be polite firm but polite it cost you a little or is this a bad assumption
In Latvia, prison guard, right before your first step to cell, will give you badly printed A4 brief description of rights you had before (arrest, interrogation, etc). As arrested before, without any questions, entered USA and lived ilegally in NJ, USA.
I have a van. Do I have to unlock my back and side doors for them after I told them that I do not consent to a search? My doors are modified. Only I can open them. Pseudo bio metrics. What if they cause damage by forcing the search? Thank you, Sir.
2 Narcotics officers came to my house saying they had reason to believe that marijuana was growing on our property and wanted to search it. I told them NO they couldn't search my property. They left. Hours later (we were guilty) we went to the 2 plants to destroy them. The same 2 officers came running out guns drawn and arrested us. Even though we were guilty, was that legal for them to trespass ( yes well posted) and get us like that?
Question. Im REALLY confused. Under what circumstances am I REQUIRED to show Identification. Might be easier to tell me when I ABSOLUTELY do NOT have to show my I.D. ? Or is there a video that you have done that you explained in great detail on that subject. Highly interested! Thank you!
You are doing a real service for the American people. Hope you keep making these videos
We appreciate you may GOD continue to Bless you for All your Hardwork...
I feel like I'm in class right now with the coolest teacher ever! Love this. Thank you for making this series!
You're doing a great service here while making it fun, im 17 trying to learn the law so I don't get pushed around by people who do, keep going.
Im 63 and was taught when you are sworn an oath to tell the truth in court ,you are going to tell the truth. As I aged I found out no one tells the truth in court. Judge, police, no one does. With that why can't a citizen elect to do away with government sponsored police and answer to a citizens sponsored police force? This would seem logical to stop these gang of thugs. If they answer to a citizen board instead of a chief this would solve a lot of problems.
Citizens oversight has to be implemented, with some controls in place to prevent cronyism like what forms in groups like city councils, but it's worth striving for.
I'm glad that "Rights education" is becoming a thing. It should always have been so.
The Sheriff of a county is elected and answers to the people. A Chief of Police is appointed by the mayor or city council. Police Chiefs & their officers are accountable to the people only by pressure on the mayor or town council.
GOD YAHWEH is going to judge the wicked they do read the book of revelation were liers cowards ECT go
All evil dores will have there part in the lake of 🔥 book of revelation
Thank you so much this really helps me if the police try to horas me my dad got brutally beaten up but the police in Compton LA and I am terrified of the police from anywhere so I want to thank you from making this video and helping out people from around the United States and god bless 🙂
I'm sorry to hear that... 😥 Did he recieve any compensation for the violation of his rights?
What a beautiful helping soul. Thank you Jay. Part 1 was very refreshing to rehear.
Although I'm a law abiding citizen its sad that many people fear the police and retribution. The reason so many people abandon their rights and submit to tyranny is because of fear and I'm not sure why... Know your rights and there is no need to fear.. Ty for videos!
IFilmAlways the reason is most Americans have been conditioned to believe and obey that which looks like a law when in fact its Color Of Law. The other is that Americans have been dumbed down in Public Schools. Heck they do not even teach Civic Classes in High School anymore.
what's also gotten progressively worse, along with all the dumbing down & conditioning to "respect" "authority", etc. is the fact that these days most high schools now employ (or maybe "contract" is the right term) a police officer who is the same as any other cop in that one DOES NOT HAVE TO and should NEVER talk to one. Especially as juveniles are afforded more "protection"(?) than adults, in that they are fundamentally considered the wards of their parents, which, technically, if they're under 18, they are, though, the things that would go along with that mode of operating has not really been extant since the 19th century or maybe the early 20th century, before the explosion of higher courts setting precedents that affirm and remind us of the rights we've had all along via the US constitution. Cops in schools = BAD IDEA!! Maybe good intentions are behind it, but, then again, the "road to hell" is paved with "good intentions"!
Try being an inner city youth and just being assaulted and made to feel like a pos for nothing more than growing up in a place you had no choice to grow up in!
F. E. A. R. =False Evidence Appearing Real. Real eyes realize real lies.
As the police say "There is no such thing as a normal traffic stop" You should have that mentality too. I HIGHLY recommend getting 2 dash cams. 1 for the front and 1 for the back as well as a phone app that can record live so if they try to break the phone OOPS too late it's live (to Facebook or ) and can not be deleted!! Also really helps to tell them that they are live on twitter or facebook etc. Don't stop with police, do it with CPS (DHS if they call themselves that there). You have a first amendment right to record public officials. Cite cases such as Glik V Cunniffe 1st circuit!!
Love the intro music.
Why don’t they teach us this in school?.. It’s honestly so important for everyone to know about the law, and our rights!
School is heavily watered down and controlled by the puppet masters. All the history books are tweaked in a certain way and doesn't tell you a lot of things that happened in the world.
They used to in civics class in highschool but conveniently the funding is just not available anymore.
Putting people in jail and collecting fines makes money. They often put prisoners to work like in California where they put prisoners to fight fires for pennies for the dollar.
@@jenniferw9196 sounds like one big concentration camp is forming called north America
@@christopherwolf2157 The USA has roughly 25% of all prisoners in the world. They turned it into a money racket. The incentive is to collect fines and throw people in jail, not to serve and protect. They concentrate on poor neighborhoods because they dont have the as much resources to protect themselves.
a big mistake most people make is when a leo knocks on your door step out and talk to them never invite them inside regardless.
I would say don't even step outside.
This Guy Gets It! "Our Constitutional Rights" Are Just That, "OUR RIGHTS"!!!
Thank you for making these videos with simple phrases that I can use to protect myself. I have ptsd and being able to articulate my thoughts is usually not possible in a stressful situation. By having these simple phrases that I CAN COMMIT TO MEMORY I FEEL MUCH MORE CONFIDENT IN MY ABILITY TO ASSERT MY rights without getting tongue tied and even more frustrated and stressed. Sorry for the capital letters, I accidently hit caps lock lol
I just stumbled onto this man's channel. I love it. People get themselves in more trouble by not just shutting up.
Very clear, interesting and informative. Thank you.
I’m 14 and these r helping me out so much
You cant even drive lol
That's great! 😀👍 I'm glad to see that you are interested in protecting our rights! Please share what you are learning with all of your friends at school! You are the future!
Rose Madder the police will pull up on you while your walking down the street to
@@rosemadder5547 lmao... youre a fool
@@Nettie-jt1nv Facts. They'll just run you over and brag about it.
Your a real damn American god bless you for your excellent work n dedication for this the dog always hits but every time they find nothing
I've been very sick for many years. I look a lot older than 50. I get strange look's because my music is so loud while I drive. This Lawyer has to be ok because he likes Ozzy. Thanks again for helping me learn the laws!
I love you for helping people and your passion. Thank you!
Love your bumper sticker- "ABOLISH THE TSA!"
OgMandin0 p
Thank you good sir...
God bless you and your family
Thank you very much sir you are what will make America great again
Thank you Jay Ramey Law. Very simple information, but I think most of us don't or didn't know these basic Constitutional Rights. I'm 54 years and when I was younger I fell right into their traps and didn't even know it..If I have any problems in the future I will definitely remember these basic principles. Myself I just wrote them down..Thank you sir for uploading this information..
This guy is awesome. Just bumped on him. HE IS NOW MY BEST BUDDY.
Great job we all need to start using our Rights will be watching
Love that Iron Maiden
I printed up the three Rights on my computer and I put a line for the officer's signature showing that he received them. The officer can always refuse to sign but I can also make note of that. I'll just keep it with my registration and insurance above in my visor.
From one army vet to another, you sir are a hero! Keep it up brother. Your doing a good thing. Forget the nay sayers and haters.
If you would care to comment, I’ve always wondered about this.
It’s 1974. A fifteen year old kid, product of a broken home, living with an abusive alcoholic stepfather. After months of being punished for “smoking marijuana”, which he had never actually done, he gave in and starting smoking cheap, $20 an ounce Mexican weed.
Finding it a way to gain popularity, especially with the girls in high school, he works after school, has a bit of spending money, and so is generous with the other kids, especially a few of the girls. Never selling anything, just sharing a bit with the other kids at school.
Eventually he is identified by a “snitch”. One day he is picked up at 10:30 am as he is returning to class from break and carried to the principals office. He is held there for 30 minutes while another 15 or 20 kids are rounded up. All had been identified by the snitch as part of a “drug ring”. They are all told that they have been turned in by the kid, although no one has even spoke to him yet.
The cops come, search him and find less than an ounce of cheap weed. They berate him for over an hour wanting information on his “sources” and such. He admits he bought the weed through a classmate, and since the snitch had seen the transaction and already had the other kids name, he admitted to getting it from him But never mentioned another person at all.
Finally, after a couple of hours his mother is called and comes to the school to get him. She is married to an abusive alcoholic, her second marriage of this type, she has only a 5th grade education and is unable to confront or challenge either the school authorities or police. The kid is permanently expelled from the school. Further, when he tried to get back into another school he had previously attended, he is rejected and told he would not be accepted at any other school in his state.
A. He was picked up, searched, and questioned by the police for hours, and his mother only called when it was time to be released. She was not present during any of the questioning.
B. He was never charged with any crime at all.
C. He was presented to the other kids as the one who turned on them in order to protect the true snitch.
D. Although he was never in any type of trouble prior to this, had a superior IQ (about 133), and was being groomed for college prep by a couple of his teachers even though his family had no money for college, he was deprived of the opportunity to complete even his high school education.
It has bothered me for 45 years. Did the authorities behave properly? Did they follow the law? Was the school board correct in refusing him an education, given the fact that he was never charged, and only possessed a few dollars worth of drugs?
If you care to comment, I’d just like to get an opinion by someone with a bit of experience. Good, bad, or ugly. As I say, I have always wondered about this situation.
Thanks for reading, and should you respond, thanks for that too.
Hello friend. What I can say is that all those things are wrong. we all know that it's wrong. One of many things that people do to others because they can. Why? No love in their life. It's hard for a young person to understand when the people they trust have flaws. This moment is the key. Every moment From now on. without those thoughts. It happened 45 years ago. You are in control now friend if you believe it. Only in the last 6 months have I been able to stop the bad thoughts. The therapeutic way is to find the positive things. Talk about anything good. How nice your mom was maybe? Not her lack of education and it being part of the reason for why you were treated a certain way. I Do not like the law and people who think they have a right to tell others how to live. I had to step away from this stuff cuz I lost my love of life. Now that I'm thinking about what I think about law and how it effects my whole. Not a church or religion fan but Jesus was an activist for the people.
People are a product of training. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Find your love again and bring it back to you. Shower your enemy with wisdom and love.
Is that a short sword ? Love it !
It is a bayonet. The hole in the hand guard is for mounting it on the end of a rifle.
It depends on the stop. I was pulled over in Houma LA for wrong way on a one way. I was completely lost going in circles. I told the officer I was lost and kept going in a circle. He told me how to get to the address I was going to. He was helpful.
Thank you buddy you make me so happy I can almost taste it
I genuinely love how you impersonate the cop to sound like Pete the fox from Mickey Mouse & Friends.
Thank you mucho, for taking the time to share your knowledge. So that we can learn how not to be stupid (and get arrested).
God bless this man.
Thanks Mr.Cool Ass Lawyer,
You information is so detailed
Any child can understand it.. I wish lawyers in my county had your eagerness to educate the public instead of kissing the judges ass.
I was found not guilty in a case the the judge started chewing my ass about violence doesn't have a place in America, this less than a minute after he found me not guilty and my lawyer still at my side shaking his head in agreement. I'm thinking he should have appoligised for the inconvience have a good day. I told the judge of that was true we wouldn't have a military. He wanted to lock me up for contempt.
My lawyer said he didn't want to piss him off because he had to work with him on other cases.
So thanks again I've subscribed to get all you classes
Love the bayonet. Ww2 .great videos bud and thank you
Thank you for knowledge sir...
Thank you 💯🇺🇸🙏
Thanks Pal, You helped so much.
Thanks again, great tunes too!🔴⚪🔵✌❤👍😎
I like this guy like he said just sayyyy noooooo .he cant put it any clearer.
You are a badass, I wish i would have used your services. I used Edge law firm. Although i got cased dismissed, they just bow down to the court and i paid my way out.
another great video, and awesome beard
tubester92 lol...I thought the same thing...Just like mine, but I have more gray....
And I'll add that is a bit like the Crocodile Dundee knife. "That isn't a knife. This is a knife!"
If the cop asks if he may search, or if you mind if he searches, or any other form of a request to search:
If you say "yes" then in court he will testify that he asked if he could search.
If you say "no" then in court he will testify that he asked if you objected to any search.
This is why your answer must always be a complete sentence: "I do not consent to any search."
Then the tyrants bring a k9, do a fake hit on your car, then they're searching. And lie on they're police report, they had probably to search. Happens all the time.. Great Videos Man! 👊😎
Your videos are perfect..i have always told the police I dont consent to searches and they get so mad. Police know me around here for what I USED to be involved in so they still give me a hard time years later today and i have always made out using my 4th amendment. I realize now that i need to use my 5th admendment and tell them number 2 when questioning me bc it is my right and also nunber 3 is awesome i have never used this before and was hit by drug dogs bc i didnt use it..they would say ok sit tight while we call the k9 and i could have easily used that fraze and probably left the scene and did not voice my right ..i do not agree to stay here with you for any reason am i detained or free to go and i wish i have..but i know now. Please keep making these videos on basic rights..i did have a question though..say i get pulled over and iam on probation and they ask to search my car do i still have the right to say no you may not? Please let me know
Thanks for the info : )
Thank for taking the time to make this video
"Even if" Darth Vader comes down from Planet Vulcan and tells me he'll melt my brain if I don't take Lorraine out?
High fives to you at 7:27..."Let me make this perfectly clear".
Ty for ur lecture
Great video thank you for sharing. Does this apply for driving a company semi truck?
I have question. What practical recourse do you have if you do not concent and they search anyway and they DON'T find anything? There's no day in court to challenge evidence, but now your car had been torn apart, your privacy violated and right trampled. Is it practical to sue? When I say practical I mean weighing the cost of a lawyer against chances of winning. Is that something done on contingency or is the amount of damages not high enough for that?
jgallantyt that sucks you haven't gotten a response but I would hope that during this encounter one would be able to keep it together enough and I know some people will get rattled but keep it together enough to get badge numbers and names and file police reports against them for violations of your civil rights and then go to your local ACLU and try to exert your rights through their platform unless you're white like me and the issue of white privilege May preclude you from their Legal Services
Always record police encounters. Preferably using a live stream source so the video can not be deleted.
Small claims court.
@@willis305 how do you do live stream? Please
So what you can do is file a formal complaint against the officer(s) and file a civil Right case against them in civil court.. you can also remove qualified immunity of officer(s)..
The first couple notes of Tonight! Great old Ozzy tune! He'll got popped for sure for playing that! That's why he stopped it!
You are awesome
These videos are awesome.
Heard ozzy playing intro
Already thumb up
Most epic pointer ever!
Its not alot of info.. But it helps alot ! Thanks
Nice rifle in the corner. Must be a great second ammendment laywer as well like i said great video
Keep Pressing!!!
Even a search warrant has limits. A search occurred to me regarding a stolen bicycle. They can't look in my briefcase or underwear drawer for a bicycle. They found no bicycle but wanted to extend it into small cavities where a bicycle cannot fit.
This is only my second video, but I completely see that we don't give consent to search, but when being stopped in a vehicle, saying I don't consent to searches as the first statement made, seems out of step. I think the cop is first going to ask for license, registration, and proof of insurance. Would you start the confrontation from there, but saying I don't consent to searches seems like it would be somewhere in step 2 and will probably trigger the cop. Thank you for the videos.
This is amazing info thank you. I have a question if you have not given consent to search a house and the cops bring a drug dog can they enter the house or like a car only the outside of the house and where outside can they go
What about Airports or other checkpoints in buildings and such?
I got and a really bad car wreck 2 days ago and the officer that was Supposed to be helping ended up cuffing me and throwing me in the back of his car because I was acting nervous and told him he wasn't allowed to search my car....(my car had just been airborne after spinning in circles and all the airbags deployed so it wasn't the search I was nervous about) he told me he waz "processing the scene" I told him to get out of my car and to hand me the things he was grabbing out of it and then he told me that I was detained until he was done. He tore my car apart searching it. That was traumatic AF
It is NOT illegal to physically resist an assault. If police are illegally arresting you or searching you by force, it is an assault and you have the right to defend yourself with equal force or that force it takes to stop the assault.
Regarding your purse, backpack or suitcases, keep them zipped up and close so that the prying cop eyes cant "accidentally" see into it and give them probable cause
Awesome content
GREAT VIDEO'S..............
The ones that keep running away from the law, they don’t stand up for their responsibilities, they will throw others under the bus and cause darkness in their lives. I’ve met a few, unfortunately, we need to check our own family members out that if the story isn’t balanced out, there’s a problem. Anyone can put anything anywhere, that is truly messed up. Even family. All because they didn’t pay fines, weren’t responsible at all, it’ll put anyone in harms way, I trust rarely no one !!
I think it's great that Yosemite Sam stopped trying to kill the wabbit, or play the piannah, and instead, found his true calling in life - so let's this be a lesson to us all! If he can do it, damn near anybody can! ;) ( kidding aside, thanks for the insight Jay! )
These videos are great and informative, but on more than one occasion, I ended up in the can for obstruction of justice. (B.S.) using my civil rights. Always for minor infractions. Just a nuesanse.
I wish the cops would watch your videos.
Thanks for the info.
These words need to be shared or they will be yours to lose.
Make sure to point out Rodriguez v united States once the ticket is written they cant hold you to wait for a k9 unit
As a hypothetical example: suppose I'm driving down the road and I'm pulled over for some reason and asked to get out of the car to talk to the officer. Assume that I've initially greeted the officer in a courteous manner and then I ask some thing to the effect "what's the problem officer?". If, after getting out of the car, I lock the door and pocket the keys and he demands my car keys to search the car do I have to give him the keys or should I let him break the window to get in. Thank you for your advice and insight in these matters of law.
+Jim Nesta well personally, and keep in mind I'm not a lawyer... but if he demands access he needs probably cause without your consent... with your consent he cannot search your car. never willingly hand over your possessions. if he breaks your window take that officer to small claims court.
Per the Supreme Court, boarder patrol is allowed to search now right.
In the case I do everything right, yet they do what they wanna any way, is there a lawsuit for violated rights? Or if I lost my job do to the arrest?
Oh absolutely! Speak with an attorney IMMEDIATELY!!! You are entitled to compensation for the violation of your Constitutional rights and lost wages since you lost your job as a direct result of police misconduct! DON'T WAIT, GET STARTED ON THIS ASAP!!!
Does this also pertain to commercial vehicles?
So can I say "I do not consent to searches" when I'm trying to cross the border when they are scanning baggages and stuff like they do on "border security" when traveling from Canada to the United States or vise versa or do I "have" to let them search 🤔
Be sure and have a video camera recording when you are exercising these rights. If possible. Might not matter but it might help very much.
i wanna know about driving without plates i ive in ohio i think its bs that i have to renew my plates every damn year
From my experience, and from what I've researched, the only reason they ask you to step out of your car is for safety. So once you're out of you car, they can see you don't have anything to harm them and that's why you don't have to let them search. Is that correct?
I was also told to just roll my window down a crack lock all the doors and don't look directly at him before he can say he didn't smell anything on you are breath
So given I invoked “I do not consent to a search” while in my car and they go ahead with the search anyway but my car is locked. Should I unlock it or keep it locked? Thanks for responding sir you’re awesome.
What if your coming off a cruise, and they want to go through your bags on the way out? That's happened to me. Do they have the right in that case? Thanks!
I don't know if you would agree with me or not but one of the things I might add is be polite firm but polite it cost you a little or is this a bad assumption
So is the point of saying "I do not content to searches" to help nullify any verdict of guilt later (if you are doing something wrong?
In Latvia, prison guard, right before your first step to cell, will give you badly printed A4 brief description of rights you had before (arrest, interrogation, etc). As arrested before, without any questions, entered USA and lived ilegally in NJ, USA.
What book do you recommend on such topics
Would love to see him as an actor lol
I have a van. Do I have to unlock my back and side doors for them after I told them that I do not consent to a search? My doors are modified. Only I can open them. Pseudo bio metrics. What if they cause damage by forcing the search? Thank you, Sir.
Just assert that you are refusing the search and simply don't open anything. If they break it during an unlawful search, they buy it!
Can you ask for a K-9 and handlers certification, How do I even know if it is a trained search dog?
2 Narcotics officers came to my house saying they had reason to believe that marijuana was growing on our property and wanted to search it. I told them NO they couldn't search my property. They left. Hours later (we were guilty) we went to the 2 plants to destroy them. The same 2 officers came running out guns drawn and arrested us. Even though we were guilty, was that legal for them to trespass ( yes well posted) and get us like that?
no one answered in 4yrs? illegal of course just in case ppl wonder they need a warrant
Question. Im REALLY confused. Under what circumstances am I REQUIRED to show Identification. Might be easier to tell me when I ABSOLUTELY do NOT have to show my I.D. ? Or is there a video that you have done that you explained in great detail on that subject. Highly interested! Thank you!
Can i still get them cards?
Will need more sword please this is awesome